#ChatGPT. Vegan
eretzyisrael · 1 year
Good News From Israel
In the 18th Jun 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An Israeli startup can train the brain to filter out chronic pain.
Children with psychological problems receive therapy from Israeli dolphins.
3 Israeli startups have independently developed solutions to cure insomnia.
It’s official - another major Israeli natural gas discovery.
Israel beat Korea to come 3rd in the Under 20 Soccer World Cup.
An Israeli kidney donor ran a marathon alongside the transplant recipient.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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This week's theme is "together". Having just returned from celebrating together with my family, it was uplifting to read so many news articles of Israelis working together, and also with global partners. Ben Gurion Uni is working together with Israel's OncoHost on a cancer biosensor; Tel Aviv Uni has got together with UCLA to treat memory loss; Israel's BioNanoSim is marketing its eye disease treatments together with a Greek manufacturer; and the world's first AI chatbot for cancer patients is called "Beating Cancer Together" from Israel's Belong.Life. Yad Sarah volunteers have together saved Israel billions by providing ancillary medical services; the International Fellowship of Christians & Jews is celebrating 40 years of uniting Jews together with their homeland; for over 30 years, Israeli children have been receiving emotional therapy by swimming together with dolphins. And recently, a record 1,127 Birthright participants enjoyed Shabbat together at Jerusalem's Western Wall. Rarely publicized examples of "togetherness" include Jewish residents of Judea who frequently save the lives of their Palestinian Arab neighbors; the annual Veteran Games between injured UK and Israeli soldiers; and International legislators coming to Israel to strengthen bilateral ties. Israel and Japan have been connecting together at the Israel-Japan Conference in Tokyo; The latest stage of Israel's National Drone network is testing hundreds of commercial UAVs flying together; and Israel's Steakholder Foods and Singapore's Unami Meats are cultivating no-fish fish together. Finally, Israelis have attained some incredible teamwork achievements. The IDF's Special In Uniform Band just performed their 500th show together; Israel's Under 20 soccer team came 3rd in the World Cup; and two Israelis can be considered "joined at the hip" having just completed a unique marathon race together - one of them was a kidney donor, and the other was the recipient of her kidney. The photo is one single poster on the wall of the arrivals hallway at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International airport. The two images together show two of the multi-faceted sides of little Israel - busy innovating, while conserving and improving the environment.
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meluhha · 2 years
ancient vegetarianism of Egypt - the only evidence of vegetarianism before ~700 BCE
The tomb inscriptions and other sources that mention vegetarianism among Egyptians date from various periods throughout ancient Egyptian history. Old Kingdom’s (c. 2686-2181 BCE) King Weneg venerated Goddess Ma’at and both are associated with vegetarianism. 
One example is the tomb of Hesi, a high-ranking official from the 3rd Dynasty (around 2686-2613 BCE). The inscriptions in his tomb mention that he abstained from meat, stating that he "never ate meat or fish in his life" and that he "did not cause suffering to animals."
Another example is the tomb of Kaaper, a priest from the 5th Dynasty (around 2494-2345 BCE). In his tomb, there is an inscription that says, "I was a vegetarian who did not eat the flesh of animals or birds," suggesting that he abstained from meat.
There are inscriptions and paintings from tombs and temples during Fifth and Sixth Dynasties (c. 2494–2181 BCE) that depict individuals engaging in vegetarianism or avoiding certain types of meat. The Old Kingdom tomb depicts Ti at Saqqara and his family enjoying a vegetarian meal of lotus flowers, which suggests that they may have abstained from meat. Other examples include tomb inscriptions from the Middle Kingdom (circa 2055-1650 BCE), such as the tomb of Ameny at Beni Hasan, which features scenes of vegetarian meals and animal husbandry but no scenes of animal sacrifice. 
In the Coffin Texts, which date back to the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1650 BCE), there are references to a mythical island called "The Field of Offerings," where there is no need for animal sacrifice because the inhabitants subsist on bread, beer, and vegetables. 
Another example comes from the "Satire of the Trades," a text from the Middle Kingdom (2055-1650 BCE) that describes various professions and their shortcomings. In this text, the priests are described as being lazy and gluttonous, but also as avoiding the consumption of certain types of meat, such as pig and fish.
 In the Papyrus Insinger, a text from the 18th dynasty (1550-1295 BCE), there is a story about a group of priests who refuse to eat fish because it was considered to be a sacred animal. 
"Let your Ka (life force) be content with bread, and your heart with beer. Do not eat fish in it (the temple), for it is a sacred animal." - Papyrus Insigner 22.6-7
One of the most famous examples of vegetarianism among Egyptian priests comes from the New Kingdom period (c. 1550-1070 BCE), during which the cult of Ptah became particularly prominent. Several tombs from this period contain inscriptions that suggest that priests of Ptah were required to abstain from certain kinds of meat, such as beef and pork. Some of these inscriptions also suggest that the priests may have been required to fast from meat for extended periods of time. 
Some scholars have suggested that certain religious and cultural practices from ancient Egypt may have had vegetarian or semi-vegetarian components, even if they were not explicitly described as such. One example of this is the role of the goddess Isis in Egyptian mythology. According to some ancient texts, Isis was sometimes referred to as a "vegetarian goddess," and her followers were encouraged to abstain from certain kinds of meat, such as beef and pork. Some scholars have suggested that this practice may have been linked to the belief that consuming certain animals was seen as impure or ritually polluting.
^ did not verify actual references for all this though! #chatgpt
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s-limminggg · 7 months
* Eat Mindfully: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and savor each bite. Avoid distractions like watching TV or scrolling through your phone while eating.
* Portion Control: Use smaller plates, bowls, and utensils to help control portion sizes. Visual cues can trick your brain into feeling satisfied with smaller portions.
* Balance Your Plate: Fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruits, one-quarter with lean protein sources (such as tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils, or legumes), and one-quarter with whole grains (like brown rice, quinoa, barley, or whole wheat pasta).
* Watch Liquid Calories: Be mindful of liquid calories from beverages like soda, fruit juices, energy drinks, and sweetened coffee or tea. Opt for water, herbal tea, or black coffee without added sugar and cream.
* Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods: Focus on foods that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. These include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds.
* Limit Processed Foods: Processed foods often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and high levels of sodium. Choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
* Plan and Prepare Meals: Planning your meals ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and avoid impulse eating. Prep ingredients in advance and have healthy snacks readily available.
* Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking.
* Be Mindful of Portions in Restaurants: Restaurant portions tend to be larger than necessary. Consider sharing a meal with a friend or asking for a to-go box to save half for later before you start eating.
* Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. Choose foods that energize you and make you feel satisfied without overeating.
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
Theories on the Philosophy of Food
The philosophy of food is a multidisciplinary field that explores the various philosophical dimensions related to food, eating, and culinary practices. It delves into questions about the ethical, cultural, environmental, and existential aspects of food production, consumption, and distribution. Philosophers examine topics such as the ethics of food choices, the cultural significance of cuisine, the environmental impact of food systems, the aesthetics of food preparation, and the relationship between food and identity. Additionally, the philosophy of food considers broader issues such as hunger, food justice, food sovereignty, and the role of food in shaping human societies and relationships.
The philosophy of food encompasses various theories and perspectives that explore the ethical, cultural, and existential dimensions of food. Some of the prominent theories in this field include:
Gastronomic Essentialism: This theory posits that certain foods or culinary traditions possess inherent qualities or essences that make them valuable or meaningful. It emphasizes the authenticity and uniqueness of different cuisines and ingredients, highlighting the importance of preserving culinary traditions.
Food Ethics: Food ethics examines the moral principles and values that guide our food-related decisions and behaviors. It addresses questions about the ethical treatment of animals, environmental sustainability, food justice, and fair trade practices. Food ethics theories aim to promote ethical consumption practices and address ethical dilemmas in food production and distribution.
Slow Food Movement: The Slow Food movement advocates for a more mindful and sustainable approach to food consumption. It emphasizes the importance of local and traditional food cultures, promotes biodiversity in agriculture, and encourages people to savor and appreciate the pleasures of eating. Slow Food philosophy emphasizes the connection between food, culture, and the environment.
Veganism and Vegetarianism: Veganism and vegetarianism are dietary practices based on ethical, environmental, or health-related principles. Veganism advocates for the complete avoidance of animal products, while vegetarianism typically involves abstaining from meat but may include other animal products such as dairy and eggs. These dietary philosophies often stem from concerns about animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and personal health.
Commensality: Commensality refers to the social and cultural significance of sharing meals together. This theory explores the rituals, symbols, and meanings associated with communal eating experiences. Commensality emphasizes the role of food in fostering social bonds, strengthening community ties, and promoting cultural identity.
Molecular Gastronomy: Molecular gastronomy is a scientific approach to cooking that explores the physical and chemical processes behind food preparation. This theory investigates the interplay between taste, texture, and aroma, using techniques such as sous vide, foams, and spherification to create innovative culinary experiences. Molecular gastronomy challenges traditional notions of cooking and gastronomic aesthetics, pushing the boundaries of culinary artistry.
Food as Art: The concept of food as art explores the aesthetic dimensions of culinary creation and consumption. This theory considers food preparation and presentation as artistic expressions, akin to painting, sculpture, or music. It highlights the creativity, craftsmanship, and sensory pleasure involved in culinary endeavors, viewing food as a medium for artistic expression and cultural communication.
These are just a few examples of the diverse theories within the philosophy of food, each offering unique perspectives on the cultural, ethical, and existential significance of food in human life.
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jonnyopinion · 9 months
ChatGPT's best go at a delicious bowl of vegan chili
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Do you still use the pronoun “it” to refer to non-human animals?
This article I wrote contains the “Rules of Veganising Language” as I see them, to help AI to correct our texts to make them less speciesist.
If you want the rules only without the introduction or images (more conversational AI-friendly), you can find them here: https://veganfta.com/veganised-language
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chatgptverhaaltjes · 1 year
De Duurzame Avonturen van de Vegan Hipster Kerstman (musical)
Act I
Scene 1: Introductie van de Vegan Hipster Kerstman
(De gordijnen gaan open en de Vegan Hipster Kerstman wordt geïntroduceerd. Hij heeft een man-bun, draagt ​​een rood-zwart geruite flanellen overhemd en een denim broek.)
Kerstman: (zingt) Hallo allemaal, het is Kerstmis!
Ik ben de Vegan Hipster Kerstman, geen enkele dierlijke producten voor mij.
Ik houd van granola en tofu, en een latte met amandelmelk is wat ik graag drink.
Dus laten we allemaal samenwerken om deze kerst duurzaam te maken!
(Scene eindigt)
Act II
Scene 1: De Werkplaats
(De Vegan Hipster Kerstman is in zijn werkplaats, omringd door zijn elfen.)
Kerstman: (zingt) Ik heb een idee, elfen, laten we dit jaar geen cadeaus maken van dierenproducten.
In plaats daarvan maken we duurzame cadeaus, gemaakt van gerecyclede materialen.
Laten we het goede voorbeeld geven en laten zien dat we om de planeet geven.
Elf 1: (zingt) Dat is een geweldig idee, Vegan Hipster Kerstman!
We kunnen speelgoed maken van karton en knuffels maken van gerecyclede stoffen.
Elf 2: (zingt) En we kunnen zelfs biologische lekkernijen maken voor de kinderen!
Kerstman: (zingt) Fantastisch! Laten we aan het werk gaan en ervoor zorgen dat deze kerst de duurzaamste ooit wordt!
(Scene eindigt)
Scene 1: De Kerstnacht
(De Vegan Hipster Kerstman en zijn team zijn op pad om cadeaus af te leveren.)
Kerstman: (zingt) Ho ho ho, hier gaan we dan!
Met onze duurzame cadeaus, verspreiden we kerstvreugde overal waar we gaan.
Onze slee is vegan en we gebruiken gerecyclede verpakkingen.
Dit is de manier waarop we het milieu kunnen helpen redden.
Rudolf: (zingt) En ik ben Rudolf, de veganistische rendier,
Ik drink geen melk en ik eet geen vlees, ik ben volledig plantaardig!
Elf 1: (zingt) En ik ben een eco-elf, ik gebruik alleen gerecyclede materialen,
Ik ben er trots op dat ik bijdraag aan een duurzamere kerst!
(Alle personages zingen samen)
Laten we samenwerken en onze planeet redden,
Zodat we kunnen blijven genieten van kerst voor nog vele jaren!
(Scene eindigt)
(Einde musical)
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meandchatgpt · 2 years
ChatGPT: Special Episode of Can't Cook, Woke Cook Featuring Tech Titans
It was a highly anticipated episode of the TV show, "Can't Cook, Woke Cook", hosted by Lenny Henry. The four tech titans, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, had graced the show with their presence.
As the contestants entered the kitchen, they were greeted with a challenge to cook a vegan meal. The competitive spirit was high as they scrambled to come up with the perfect dish. Elon Musk, known for his bold ideas, decided to create a plant-based burger that was out of this world, complete with a rocket-shaped bun. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, opted for a dish that was literally out of this world, and cooked up a freeze-dried vegan space lasagne.
Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, who were both known for their love of technology, teamed up to create a dish that was both innovative and woke. They cooked up a 3D-printed vegan meal with sustainable ingredients, and even incorporated a blockchain technology to track the carbon footprint of their dish.
Elon Musk was seen proudly wearing a t-shirt that read "Meat is murder" while he cooked his rocket burger.
Meahwhile, Jeff Bezos boasted about the eco-friendly packaging he used for his freeze-dried space lasagne.
Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates engaged in a lively debate on the merits of blockchain technology in tracking carbon emissions.
As they continued to cook their dishes, the contestants couldn't help but throw in jabs at each other, all in the name of friendly competition and the desire to showcase their innovation and environmental consciousness.
Elon Musk: "My plant-based burger is going to change the game! It's cruelty-free and out of this world, just like my rockets!"
Jeff Bezos: "Please, Elon. Your burger may be vegan, but my freeze-dried space lasagne is literally from space! It's a carbon-neutral delicacy that's out of this world."
Mark Zuckerberg: "Well, Jeff, your dish may have come from space, but Bill and I have 3D-printed a vegan meal with locally sourced, sustainable ingredients. Plus, we're using blockchain technology to track its carbon footprint."
Bill Gates: "Exactly. Our dish is not only delicious but also environmentally conscious. We're doing our part to save the planet."
Elon Musk: "Oh, spare me the woke talk, Bill. My rocket-shaped burger is the only innovation in this kitchen."
Jeff Bezos: "Innovation? My freeze-dried space lasagne is the definition of innovation. It's the perfect meal for space travel."
Mark Zuckerberg: "But, Jeff, our dish is the future of food. We're creating a new way of cooking that's good for the planet and for our health."
Bill Gates: "That's right. We need to be mindful of our carbon footprint and the impact of our food choices on the environment."
Lenny Henry, who was trying his best to keep the show on track, found himself caught in the middle of their heated discussion.
Lenny Henry: "Gentlemen, let's keep the competition friendly. The goal here is to cook a delicious vegan meal, not to argue about who's the most woke."
Elon Musk: "Lenny, you just don't understand the importance of innovation!"
Jeff Bezos: "And you don't understand the importance of sustainability, Elon!"
Mark Zuckerberg: "Gentlemen, let's agree to disagree. May the best vegan meal win."
As the cooking drew to a close, disaster struck. Elon Musk's plant-based burger exploded in the microwave, covering the kitchen in an unappetizing mess. Jeff Bezos' freeze-dried space lasagne was deemed inedible, and Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates' 3D-printed dish turned out to be a soggy mess.
In the end, Lenny Henry had to declare the competition a tie, as none of the dishes were fit to be eaten. As the tech titans left the kitchen, they were heard muttering about the need for more innovation in the vegan food industry. The episode of "Can't Cook, Woke Cook" had been a hilarious disaster, but it had also highlighted the importance of environmentally-friendly food.
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learnedbychatgpt · 2 years
lentil soup
Delicious, healthy, and animal-friendly, vegan recipes are a great choice for anyone looking to make a positive impact on their health and the environment. Try this easy and delicious vegan recipe for a tasty and nutritious meal: Vegan Lentil Soup. Simply sauté diced onions, carrots, and celery in olive oil until soft. Then, add minced garlic and cooked lentils to the pot, followed by vegetable broth and spices such as thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves. Let it simmer for 25 minutes and enjoy! Experiment with different spices and veggies to find your perfect lentil soup recipe.
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intellectronica · 2 years
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Thoughts on the twitter clones popping up because El*n is destroying twitter? Hive was hilariously shortlived. But do you think Mastodon, Cohost, or Bluesky have what it takes to replace twitter?
I think a lot of them are dumb and greedy. The way people so willingly flock to anything even remotely promising is depressing, even when it's a pretty much open fact that monsters are behind them.
Like, Threads. Threads sucks! It's by Facebook! You know, Mark Zuckerberg, the dude who literally had to go before congress and explain himself because they were stealing and selling so much of your personal data without your permission? Because, by the way: That's not supposed to happen. You're supposed to care about that. You can't just be like "oh well they have my data already, may as well ignore it". That's a bad thing to just let happen!
This is the guy who invented the "pivot to video" concept that decimated an entire industry of writers who were now expected to produce videos, all because Facebook was dramatically faking viewership numbers in a bid to lure in more advertisers. He runs a site that was proud to accept and promote insane fringe theories and undoubtedly contributed to the attempted coup of the United States Government on January 6th 2020. That Facebook. That Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah. They're behind Threads.
Or what about Bluesky? Everybody hated Jack Dorsey when he was running Twitter, so much so that they basically forced him out of the company. Now he's behind Bluesky, a website that is literally just Twitter 2, which openly admits he's feeding and selling all of your personal data to machine learning databases (like ChatGPT or Midjourney).
They also openly have settings for whether or not you want to see racist and bigoted content, which actually means being a Nazi on Bluesky is totally okay! They're going to welcome those people with open arms! They're just going to give you a setting to hide them instead of, you know, eradicating them off the platform like cockroaches. But it means Bluesky allows them, marks them, and lets them freely indoctrinate more people into becoming literal murderers.
Remember Hive? Remember how many people FLOODED to Hive and it was discovered they had an eensy weensy teeny tiny security flaw that allowed anyone to both edit and delete any post on the entire platform? Hive said they were going down "for a couple days" to fix it and ended up being down for six months. Also, the developers behind Hive actively hid their identities this entire time! Even before they were popular! There was no way to be sure who was EVER running that service! People were joking that it was a CIA operation! Who knows!
People are trading one dumpster fire for another with these places. You might be escaping the stupidity of Elon Musk but you're still digging deeper, not out of the hole. Every single option is going to lead to more regret and misery eventually.
Even Cohost isn't perfect! And I like Cohost! It's a lot more like Tumblr used to be in the early days. And Cohost is a lot more grassroots than any of these other services, they're a lot more open with whether or not the service is going to survive, but that's also because they respect the poster, respect their data, and just want to make a cool place to hang out at. Out of all the places to spring up during Twitter's death march, Cohost is where I've been posting.
But I heard someone say that Cohost is a very "holistic" approach to posting, and that's true. It's the social media website version being a vegan. It's all kale and chia seeds.
Cohost has no recommendation algorithm. It does not tell you who is following who. It does not offer numbers to tell you how many likes or shares a post has, or who liked or shared it. Everything you do on that site exists in a near-total vacuum unless you specifically put in the work and go looking for it. On some level it's admirable, because they don't want people developing the same competitive, toxic habits of only posting to "do numbers."
But also it sucks because, like, there's no way to identify and reference notable posts, nor see who your mutuals are. The only way to find friends through other friends is if they share one of their posts. And once a post falls out of favor, it's basically lost in the void to all those except a chosen few who remember how to speak its name.
But the vibes at Cohost are... good. I guess. It feels much more like everybody knows everybody. One good post will come across the feed and it feels like the whole dang website shares it that day.
But I would like a little bit of numbers. As a treat. Just because we can subsist on tofu does not mean we do not also deserve a nice, juicy hamburger too.
There's also Mastodon, and I have a friend who really liked Mastodon and wanted it to succeed, but I also heard it described as "the linux of social media" and that's exactly why I'd never use it as my primary platform. It's supposed to be decentralized, making it more diverse and easier for sub-communities to exist within the network, but last I checked, it just made it a pain in the ass to actually follow people that were on different networks than you.
Each one had a different compatibility song and dance you had to do in order for you to follow them from your network. Didn't like it. The whole federated platform feels like slightly too much work to use.
I will probably keep posting on Twitter until the last ember burns out. But I am believing more and more that what Elon is doing to Twitter is deliberate murder in order to deplatform his enemies. He's an idiot, don't get me wrong, but he's also doing things that are deliberately malicious "for the lulz." I'm sure he thinks he can rebuild Twitter into whatever he wants because he's just that rich and smart so he's willing to gut it from the inside out first.
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 19th May 24
In the 19th May 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
New Israeli treatments for Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.
Israel is developing non-surgical ultrasonic bioprinting of disease cures.
At least two European countries show passionate support for Israel.
Israel is naming a satellite in memory of Oct 7 victims.
The city of Modi’in is to get a billion-shekel technology park.
Israel’s Eurovision singer is a true star.
104-year-old survivor brings 400 of her descendants to the Western Wall.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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There were so many positive Israeli news articles for public consumption last week, but you had to look beyond the negative front page headlines.  Which is why you read this newsletter, of course. Israelis savored the atmosphere that accompanied Yom Ha'Atzmaut - Independence Day, when the nation truly understands what it is fighting for.  Last week's positive news included a "feast" of medical breakthroughs, sweet news of diplomatic support from two European countries, healthy economic and investment progress to digest, scientific developments to combat world hunger, a succulent result in the Eurovision song contest, a rich supply of medals in sport, and a prolific survivor who demonstrated that the Jewish people will never be defeated. The photo is of one of the tasty dishes enjoyed at our synagogue's breakfast  to celebrate Israel's 76th birthday.
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thedunesea · 1 year
Hi. How’s your day?
I just want to say I mostly agree with your post about AI writing. I am a student from science background but is enthusiastic about fictions. Also my native tongue is NOT English.
Because of my……rather unique background knowledge, I feel like I have a “weird” stand about AI writing. I feel like 99% people I know use AI writing tools wrong, either they don’t know how to structure their story, how to create conflicts, or how to communicate with AI writing tools.
In summary, they’re either bad at storytelling or bad at using AI tools.
In fact, I use AI writing tools just like your post suggested—I mainly tell them what sentences I would use to describe the scenery, and see if they have better wording than mine. Or I would ask them which adjectives to use here, as google translate is dumb. Or I would ask if a scene which is not from my own culture make sense, as I don’t want to bother any online folks on this matter.
Your post made me feel less guilty about using the tools. I am not sure whether or not it’s a good thing tbh but thank you. I wanted to have some research about this topic, but I got yelled by people’s angry anti-AI writing posts in my face on tumblr most of the time. Like—I get it, but I wonder am I the only one who has the similar idea on this topic? Then I found your post.
I feel like my main concern now is—by using those tools, am I making the “evil” in others’ eyes stronger? As there are news about AI writing tools using online fanfics to train their models, the tools themselves might be unethical.
Thank you again and hope you don’t mistake my message……I’m here to say “thank you” and try to have some conversations over AI writing.
Hello friend, I'm doing fine, thanks, even if quite busy with the end of the school year approaching. I hope you're doing fine too!
I completely understand your fears and your reserves, and I share them. I think that the issue at hand here has two faces we need to tackle. The first is the tool, i.e. artificial intelligence chat bots; the other issue, the really problematic issue, is the way these bots were trained.
My foray into chat gpt was as a teacher, not as a writer: I needed to assess the potentialities and the drawbacks of the tool, since I'm fairly sure I will soon have to account for it when preparing my courses and perhaps even to integrate it into my teaching routine.
I do think that the tool, if used properly, could be really useful for teaching and learning, and also for everyday life. It's like having a very calm, very proper, very family friendly protocol droid. You have to take everything it says with a grain of salt, but it can help you get what you need (i.e. starter bibliography on a topic you aren't familiar with). It can also be invaluable for the uses you described. AI isn't inherently evil, if (and this is a HUGE if) we regulate its uses in order to let it substitute human work only when that work force can be redirected towards more engaging and more useful tasks, and never as a substitute to human knowledge and creativity.
What is evil is the economic system we live in, and this brings us to the second issue. Chatgpt was trained on data provided for free on the web, data that were never meant for this. This in itself is unethical, and a gross misuse of the web. Honestly I don't care that my fics may have been scrapped, but I understand why people do, and anyway my own feelings on the subject are way beyond the point: this is another egregious example of corporations using people's time and engagement to scrap data and profit, and this is one of the evils of our time.
And yet we keep using evil tools all the time. I use whatsapp, and I still have a facebook profile, so I'm feeding data to meta. I am not vegan, and I know all the evils of intensive animal farming. I don't buy a lot of fast fashion, and yet all my clothes are made in developing countries, and I have no idea of the conditions of the workers there. Heck, the fridge I just bought because the old one broke down is produced by a company that used to produce in Italy but then delocalized to a developing country, firing hundreds of employees.
I couldn't have bought an ethical fridge: I don't even know if they exist, and even if they did, I couldn't afford them. I absolutely couldn't afford to only buy clothes made in Italy or Europe. I could go vegan, but honestly I don't really want to. I eat meat very rarely, I only eat local fish (by which I mean fished in Italy, I don't live on the sea) and I buy eggs from certified cage-free hens. I could get rid of whatsapp, but it would complicate my life to an extreme I am not willing to go to. I can't give up google suite because I use it for work.
One thing I don't do, for example, is order delivery food. That is a form of exploitation I choose not to partake in, because it's a choice I can make. Would I want to have pizza delivered to my house sometime? Yes, of course I would. Am I willing to put at risk the life of someone less privileged than me (delivery people here are mostly immigrants, often 40+ years old) to have my pizza delivered to me instead of getting off my ass and going to buy it myself to take away? No, like hell I am!
Why am I saying all this?
Because until I only buy handmade clothes and locally produced foods, only own ethically produced tech (HA!), never use products from meta or google again... Until then, who am I to lecture anyone on their use of chat gpt?
We live in an unethical world. This doesn't make us above reproach, but we have to choose our battles, and very few of us are really in a position to hate on others for the battles they choose - and those they don't.
If chat gpt helps you, get to know its pros and its cons: if using it doesn't bother you, use it! Chances are that the people that would get mad at you are probably using something unethical too - like driking milk, because the disboscation and pollution and soil consumption that are needed to produce our milk are far worse things than a bot scrapping the ao3.
I am sorry for the ramble, and I hope I didn't come across as patronizing: this wasn't really aimed at you, personally, it was more like a written train of thoughts, because honestly I asked myself the same questions you did when I started to think about if and how to incorporate these bots into my teaching routine, and this is the only answer I could find for myself.
[for the record, I won't use it for teaching, not yet: I want to get to know the tool and its training and all these issues way better before I decide to willingly expose my kids to it]
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justbeingnamaste · 1 year
Fascist “liberal” activists are manipulating artificial intelligence to rewrite a more politically correct rendition of the Bible.
People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) introduced a “ChatGPT Vegan Rewrite of the Book of Genesis” that incorporates “vegan teachings” in the creation story of Adam and Eve, the animal rights nonprofit organization announced in a recent press release.
“In the beginning, all animals were treated with respect, according to PETA, which has given the Bible’s Book of Genesis a modern makeover using ChatGPT to send a can’t-be-missed animal rights message filled with vegan teachings. PETA hopes the new, cruelty-free Story of Creation will appeal to Generation Z, 73% of whom identify as animal rights activists,” PETA states.
The terms “beast” and “creatures” are replaced with “beings” in PETA’s politically correct revamp of the bible, while the clothing god of the bible provides for Adam and Eve is made of hemp and bamboo instead of universally “outlawed” animal skin.....
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suprememastertv · 8 months
AI Predicts Vegan Earth by 2075 🌱✨
The AI system ChatGPT predicts that the Gen Z and Millennial age groups, which include people born between 1980 and 2012, will drive the popularity of veganism, amid growing concerns about climate change and animal-people welfare. The forecast was made in response to a prompt by British newspaper the Daily Mail, which inputs data from the US-based research company NPD Group. According to ChatGPT, North American and European governments are expected to implement the first subsidies for plant-based farming in 2037. Two decades later, veganism will be “widely accepted and normalized in many parts of the world,” and by 2073 the planet will be mostly vegan, followed by a collapse of the animal-people raising industry in 2075.
What encouraging news, Daily Mail and NPD Group. May all animal-people factories close immediately to save countless lives, in Celestial upliftment.
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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ncsasp · 2 years
So this is going to be a post about AI. I know that’s a bit of a controversial topic on here so I’m going to start by saying that I hate AI ‘artists’ who steal other people’s works just as much as the next guy, but boy is AI getting good.
Let’s talk about chatGPT.
Most of the people who follow me know that I run the @oneshotcafe blog on here, and one of the things that I do is make the “weekly lunch specials” that is probably the main gimmick of the account. And I’ve actually been running out of ideas recently, I’m grasping at straws. And I was playing around with chatGPT and I’m like “hey, what if chatGPT could make my lunch specials for me?” so on a whim, i type in
Hello ChatGPT. In this conversation I would like you to roleplay as the owner of a cafe in the universe of the video game OneShot. I would like you to generate a list of “Lunch Specials” for use in the cafe themed around the video game OneShot.
And it did not disappoint.
"The Solstice Special" - a sandwich with turkey, cranberry sauce, and stuffing on a soft roll, served with a side of sweet potato fries.
"The World Machine Wrap" - a chicken Caesar wrap with lettuce, Parmesan cheese, and croutons, served with a side of pasta salad.
"The Tower Burger" - a hearty burger with bacon, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion, served with a side of onion rings.
"The Prototype Panini" - a grilled panini with mozzarella cheese, tomato, basil, and balsamic glaze, served with a side of garlic parmesan fries.
"The Barrens Bowl" - a vegan bowl with quinoa, roasted vegetables, chickpeas, and tahini dressing.
"The Refuge Roll" - a sushi roll with tempura shrimp, avocado, cucumber, and spicy mayo.
"The Glen Gourmet Grilled Cheese" - a grilled cheese sandwich with cheddar and Swiss cheese, tomato, and bacon, served with a side of tomato soup.
"The Silverpoint Salad" - a salad with mixed greens, grilled chicken, dried cranberries, goat cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette.
Like, holy shit it makes better recipes than I do.
Anyways, I’m not going to take any ideas from chatGPT directly, but only use it for inspiration. For example, one of the ones it came up with was “Tower Tacos”, but it was a normal taco. It didn’t have any flair themed around the tower. Instead of the “seasoned ground beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and sour cream, served with a side of tortilla chips and salsa.” That it came up with, I would say maybe a breakfast taco. My idea would be “ground beef, and scrambled egg.” to be more reminiscent of the tower and the sun at the top. Perhaps with a few more details, but that’s the point.
In my opinion AI is a useful tool when you’re not just copying off of it. The AI is able to come up with good ideas, but they lack the flair of a human being, and the theme. An AI would never be able to think of the idea to theme a drink around reigen once you’ve run out of sans drinks, however it is a good idea tool.
Don’t know what i was trying to get at here by posting this, but i think it’s interesting.
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