#Chris is ignorant but this is portrayed as him being 'stupid'
Mainline continuity Peacemaker is showing up to heckle characters for three panels and then leaving right now and then Peacemaker Tries Hard is all about how hes a sad sad little boy and people need to be nicer to him because his dad was abusive. Sorry thinking about it again.
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candy-fae · 8 months
HELLO CARLIE I am here to get u to talk about batman stuff
What got u into batman and why is the riddler ur fav? I am hella curious and i don't remember if we talked abt it!
-Chris! (@worldtravelercv)
LET ME BEAM YOU BACK TO THE RIPE YEAR OF 2004!! I am fresh to the world, 4 years old. I know what Batman is, because I have three older brothers. But I only watched live action silly Jim carry villains, and the colors and Tim burtony city were what stuck. Cool. Neat.
Fast forward. 200000007? Probably. BOOMERANG. I grew up without cable, and the internet for a while. Didn't get a phone until I was 14. so, late at night, while I'm watching the brand new box tv, what comes across my screen?
Well at that time certainly not robot chicken. The theme song was scary. So, the 2004 Batman reruns catch my attention on boomerang, and BOY did they hold it! Feral joker. Penguin being a greedy little criminal. And the Batman. Everything was dark, and angular, and when there was color it was BRIGHT. but it was used so well it made things seem intentional and wacky.
That's actually my favorite version of Bruce. I'm not really a batfam fan at all haha. Hard to keep track of the robins for me. But he was animated like a shadow, or a vampire, and was sharp like a villains design. Kevin Conroy has the best Bman voice, but this guy was my OG and a different spin on the hero's I'd seen so far.
the best version of everything is the the version we were exposed to as kids.
And I loved it! Penguin was definitely my favorite, and I'm actually not a big fan of the Batman 2004's Riddler lol. Just not my style, but INTERESTING. story wise sorta reminds me of the fox gothams Riddler.
He's different, very much so. We get NOTHING of Fox riddlers story before we see him which. Is usually such a big part of his character haha. He doesn't have the same "I'm better than you" energy either that I'm use to. But you know who's got it down just about right?
Arkham Eddie. I played the game at a friends house once, and he explained to me how Riddler progressively learns to outsmart you through the entire series.
He's like an underdog villain, who has SO much potential, but is sparingly used, because he's hard to write, and I hate that haha
To write a good, Compelling Riddler, you have to be smart enough to make, and solve, a complicated obstruction. He's never a toll bridge for the Batman, he's ALWAYS a speed bump. At first. Then he's a boulder, then a mountain, until you can't ignore him anymore, then he's not something you can keep beating up, you actually have to outfox him, and he's aware of it.
He's a good villain because super intelligent people often see things from all angles, and to keep a guy who's called the world's greatest detective on his toes guessing, is pretty impressive for a guy we don't get to see too much. And I think it's a shame.
Personality wise, I think he's funny. Like, accidentally. Have you ever played the Arkham games? HOURS of failing that stupid race track to the sound of him taunting you makes it very full filing to finally catch him, but I WOULDN'T know. That jerk.
At current though, zero year is my favorite. Greg Capullo has such a good understanding of drawing movement and lots of Eddie pictures portray so much action in a still frame, it's crazy, but, now you've got me rambling.
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princeescaluswords · 3 years
All this is just further proof that fandom is DEEP in their own, self indulgent crafted narrative/au that they assert as "canon". They actually HATE the show for subverting common tropes. No, the broody and attractive white man from a distinguished lineage isn't the hero. Nor is the snarky white sidekick. Fanfiction would have you believe Derek was kindly offering lessons to Scott, who rudely snubbed him. Stans whine about the "lost potential" of exploring the Hale Family, but it WAS NEVER ABOUT THEM!!!!
Tumblr media
Your question struck me because it's so completely true. They claim to be looking at canon, but they really aren't.
One story I read this morning had Stiles joining the Hale Pack and ending his friendship with Scott because Scott 'neglected' him after Gerard kidnapped him in Master Plan (2x12), because the fact that Scott 'left with Allison and Chris' shows that Scott didn't care about Stiles at all.
Except that we don't see Scott leave with Allison and Chris. The next scene we see is Allison breaking up with Scott and we know it's the same night. But there's no indication that Scott didn't talk to Stiles after Jackson's resurrection. And it certainly seems that Stiles and Scott are in a pretty good situation with each other at the end of the season. Why would their minds go to "Scott didn't care that Stiles was kidnapped and hurt!?!?!"
Especially when their minds don't go there after Raving (2x08). It took you a moment to figure out what I was talking about, didn't you?
When Victoria is using poison gas to kill Scott, Derek, who is standing next to Stiles and his mountain ash line, has to shout at Stiles to break the line because he's sensed Scott is in trouble. And Stiles huffs and breaks the line. But we don't see Stiles ask Scott if he's okay. We don't see Stiles help find Scott. We don't see Stiles at the Animal Clinic while Deaton is taking care of Scott. Derek's there and waiting, but Stiles isn't.
Why don't their minds go to "Stiles is selfishly focused on his own needs and is neglecting Scott!?!?" Because it would be a ludicrous conclusion to draw; Stiles has demonstrated his care and feelings for Scott in the past just as Scott has demonstrated his care and feelings for Stiles in the past.
Now, this is a double standard, one of many, many, many double standards in a fandom that seems to relish them. And one could make the argument that it's a deliberate and conscious choice to ignore one scene in order to support their desired conclusions in another, but after reading enough well-meaning author's notes which talk about how they think that "Scott was a better friend than canon portrays," I think it might be something more troubling:
The fandom has been indoctrinated so deeply by the culture to see non-white characters as inherently not as good or as interesting as white characters that they can't really judge fairly.
I know that there are a lot of minority readers out there looking at each other and going 'duh, stupid white man is just figuring this out now!?!?!', so let me elaborate. I've always assigned a certain level of malicious self-interest to this before, that they chose to ignore scenes that run counter to their desired end -- they wanted the show to be about the Hales and Stiles, but, as you put it, it wasn't, so they were going to get back at the production.
But I'm beginning to suspect that white supremacy is so fully ingrained in the culture that it's become like an optical illusion. They literally cannot see the scenes that establish the idea that this is Scott's story and he's the lead protagonist.
As an immediate aside, no one should possibly interpret this as me arguing that white viewers have no obligation to overcome this narrative illusion or that minority viewers must teach them otherwise if they want to be able to participate fully in fandom. Individuals are responsible for their own behavior, regardless of cultural influences!
But it explains how often well-meaning people can come up with interpretations so essentially disproved by the narrative, again and again. People can say that they like Scott but believe that Scott somehow had less virtue, less talent or less claim to the focus within the story.
It's why they can argue that Scott had 'shit control' because he didn't follow Derek, when Scott literally surprised Derek with his control in Heart Monitor (1x06).
It's why they can argue that Scott was a poor student or can't keep a secret or can't bake or can't do any number of things it is assumed that white characters can do without question, how he is a lovable idiot without any positive qualities that weren't given to him by the Hales or Stiles.
It's why they can scold Scott for not being able to tell that Theo was a chimera infiltrator but forget that Derek couldn't tell that Deaton wasn't an alpha and couldn't tell that Jennifer was the Darach.
It's why they hate Deaton for insulting Derek once and not 'helping enough' but think Peter was the Sassiest Happy Fun Uncle who cared for his family so much.
It's why Kira is a placeholder and annoying, but Cora somehow wasn't.
It's why Monroe being slashed up by the Beast, forced to cover herself with her friend's body, and then having to wait there for the sheriff to find her is a 'stupid reason' to start hunting supernaturals, but Scott telling Stiles to go talk to his father about the person he killed and then decided to hide it is grounds for the end of the friendship if not outright revenge murder.
It's why Stiles could never ever trust Morrell because she worked with the Alpha Pack and promised to euthanize him to protect others, but he would love, love, love, love, and have Derek Hale's babies when Derek worked with Peter and spent an entire season trying to murder Lydia.
It's why they so strongly believed that the show should have ended with Alpha Derek and the Hale Family reclaiming their family's legacy, with all the little betas following them around.
It's why the subversive nature of having the hero be the earnest Latino and not the broody white antihero flies over their heads. It's why they conjure up elaborate and self-contradictory fantasies of unreliable narrators.
They just can't believe that this is Scott's story.
I'm finding it harder to believe that every one of these people is a malicious asshole who chooses to ignore canon so they can get their white power fantasy fix. It's exactly how it's been described.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (April 17th-23rd)
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: "Gabriel Agreste" will be all about how he's not really evil just misunderstood. He had a lonely childhood or some garbage and we should feel totally sad for him you guys.
Just throw the man in jail and move on, PLEASE.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloé will be jealous of Zoe and throws a temper tantrum. Bonus points if the show blames Maribug for giving Chloé the Bee Miraculous in the first place.
[flashbacks to “Malediktator” where Adrien “the perfect high road boy” made the comment about Chloe that encouraged Marinette to give her the bee in the first place, something they will very likely never address]
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Gabriel and Nathalie will have last-minute redemptions because "fAmiLy".
Aaaaand now I’m having Voltron flashbacks...
and Steven Universe flashbacks...
You know what, just most recent shows that have a villain related by family ties in some way.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe and other new characters are Romantic Rhombus shippers/stans. (love square synonyms anon here; glad to know you liked them.)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Luka and Kagami get new love interests. Bonus points if this is used to make their exes jealous.
Double bonus if the one paired with Luka is either terrible person/isn’t like Marinette at all, or is just “objectively better” than Marinette.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow to know that there'll be an episode where Alya tries to help Marinette out with all the Ladybug things and Marinette is gonna get pissed because she's helping to much and possibly the kwamis like Alya more than her. Alya won't be akumatized, but Marinette's gonna learn a lesson about trusting her friends and not being so controlling because Marinette will have to trust Alya to give a miraculous to someone.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: that Alya knowing Marinette is Ladybug and thus Lila being a liar isn't going to come up except for one episode and then never be mentioned again.
If they don’t address it in the very next episode I s2g--
Anonymous said:
Didn't need the Burrow: The season's finale will feature Shadow Moth empowered by Catalyst. He will have the most ridiculous name and outfit. Bonus: His grand plan fails mostly due to his owns stupidity
I’m only looking forward to the stupidity and nothing else.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will ultimately betray Marinette's confidence in order to prove that Marinette was wrong to trust her with her secret identity instead of Chat Noir.
The building blocks are already there, let’s be honest.
Bonus if Astruc acts as if Alya was “the best choice” and then cut to Alya’s betrayal (whether accidental or intentional) and he’ll act as if the writing is so clever.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Since Hawkmoth already knows Alya is Rena Rouge, Marinette will try giving her a different Miraculous to try throwing him off. This only serves to make Trixx jealous and cause friction between the kwami which is all blamed on Marinette.
Okay, the idea would be plausible if it weren’t for the fact that this would mean making new models.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The writers will steal another common fan concept by having Marinette entrust Nino with the Miracle Box. Su-Han will be upset at first, but accept Nino as a suitable candidate (possibly implying that he's better at it because, as a guy, he's not 'ruled by his emotions' like Marinette and proves better at keeping the kwami in line. Somehow).
It’s genius! His parents and other relatives don’t even exists outside of Chris, who only exists when it’s to torment Marinette when she has to babysit him!
There’s no one to find the box!! (except Alya, who Su-Han will be fine with knowing because he trusts Nino’s judgment)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will continue to push the pro-Adrien agenda down Marinette's throat, over any and all protests that she can't have a romantic relationship with ANYONE right now due to her various responsibilities. Alya will give lip-service to the idea that she'll help her with everything else, but in practice, her only real priority is shoving her towards Adrien every chance she gets and continuing her scheming to get them together.
The illusion of caring.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will wind up STEALING the Fox Miraculous from Marinette in order to become Rena Rouge again. This will be presented as entirely Marinette's fault, with Mari forced to apologize to HER for not 'trusting her more', despite Alya's actions throwing her trustworthiness into question.
“Bonus” if Marinette had trusted Alya with the code to open the Miracle Box’s compartment, yet sure, she needs to trust Alya “more,” okay.
differenttriumphdragon said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will still believe Lila at some point even though she now knows Marinette has a good reason not to trust her.
And this will not be portrayed as Alya’s fault but rather “Lila’s.” She’s just “too clever,” you guys!!
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will continue trusting Lila, accusing Marinette of lying about not being friends with her as Ladybug and insisting that she needs to 'give her a chance' as Marinette rather than letting jealousy get the better of her.
The thought alone makes my blood boil sjgnjdfjgnfdg
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The matter of how Alya refused to listen to any of Marinette's warnings about Lila will be glossed over with Alya making some lightly teasing remark about how 'You could have cleared this all up sooner if you'd just been honest with me, girl~'
Thus furthering the narrative that Marinette telling someone about her being Ladybug was “a choice.”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will make a 'triumphant callback' to her remark in "Chameleon" about how journalists always check their sources. Referring, naturally, to how she now knows the truth from Ladybug herself... while completely ignoring how she dismissed all of Marinette's warnings before and refused to do any of her own research. Somebody will add this to ML's 'Crowning Moment of Awesome' page, praising it as an incredibly cool and well-earned moment of catharsis.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Now that she knows Marinette = Ladybug, Alya will accuse her of two-timing Adrien with Chat Noir. She will refuse to believe any of Mari's insistence that she's NOT 'stringing Chat along'. Meanwhile we'll get more Sadrien as he mopes over LB continuing to deny their love.
“Bonus” if the fandom praises Alya for finally “calling Marinette out” because “Ladybug has never properly denied Chat Noir.” (but they’ll also deny that she should’ve done it more bluntly because “that would’ve hurt his feelings”)
[meanwhile, “Prime Queen” was a thing that happened and was publicly recorded]
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Upon realizing Lila deceived her, Alya will get PISSED. ...Not over anything she did to Marinette, but because she tricked her into posting false information on the Ladyblog. Other than snapping at Mari for 'not warning me', or scolding her if she starts complaining and 'trying to make it all about you', she won't acknowledge what her bEsT fRiEnD went through at all.
...oh my gosh, I hate how plausible this sounds.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Hawkmoth will inexplicitly delay going after the families of the exposed superheroes until the writers can frame it as Marinette's fault. This likely involves Mari being forced to babysit Chris and/or the twins, and having to take them on an outing since she can't have them at the bakery due to the kwami. Cue akumatized kids/hostage situation, Nino/Alya angst and Mari being lambasted for her failures.
Kids, Marinette babysitting, and Marinette being blamed??
Wow, it’s like all the things I hate rolled into one convenient little package!
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will use the fact that she knows Marinette's biggest secret to justify being even more invasive, insisting that she already knows Mari better than she knows herself.
“wE cAn tAlk wHerE aNd wHeN yOu wAnT”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Despite how their secret identities were exposed, Marinette will be pressured by both Alya and the kwamis to give her friends 'their' Miraculi back and give new Miraculi to other classmates. Her fears about this will be presented as unreasonable... until they come to pass in later episodes, at which point she'll be blamed for 'letting this happen'.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will pressure Marinette to trust the rest of the girl squad with Miraculi, with Mari taking the blame for anything and everything that goes wrong in the process.
*long, deep sigh*
Alternatively, Alya will pressure Marinette into giving miraculouses to already-revealed heroes (Rena I could at least see being excused due to being a long-distance fighter who can create illusions from a distance, but Carapace? lol no).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The exposed superheroes will get magical makeovers to let them 'start fresh' and throw Hawkmoth off their trail. These new designs will be HEAVILY whitewashed, using the weak 'justification' that this will help hide their identities. Think Shanghai Special levels of appearance-shifting. Bonus points if Chat Noir tells the transformed Alya and Kagami they look prettier now.
I already hate it.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya is against Lila because she knows Marinette is Ladybug (not because she [Alya] trusts her).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Ladybug reveal to Alya is used for shipping purposes.
Well obviously!! Who else was going to comment on the oh-so-coveted LadyNoir???
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow to know that Alya will still believe Lila's lies, despite her knowing that Marinette is Ladybug now
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Alya is still gonna be on Lila’s side despite now knowing Marinette is Ladybug.
Part of me wants to say, “No, they wouldn’t be that stupid,” but...
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be an episode where Marinette has to learn to respect the privacy and boundaries of others. Likely candidates for the recipient of her pesky prying are Juleka (because 'Friends don't keep secrets!' only applies to Mari), Adrien (because haha stalker) or another guy-'friend' like Nino (because guys are entitled to their privacy in ways girls are not). Alya will lecture Mari on being 'too nosy' and insist that SHE would NEVER go so far and knows to give others space.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya doesn't believe Marinette, assuming that she's lying to her about being Ladybug. The scene of the kwami surrounding them was an end-of-episode fake-out and didn't actually happen/she didn't see them. Marinette is berated for spilling her secrets so 'easily'.
fdjkgdfjkgdfg okay but would we roll with that or nah considering at least that’d mean that Alya doesn’t technically know then??
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Jagged Stone's relationship with Marinette will sour since she broke his son's heart. Never mind that he's been a deadbeat dad for years; clearly HER slight against Luka is far worse, and he has every right to condemn and judge her for it.
Jagged, I swear, I want to keep liking you, don’t do this.
Especially because then it’s gonna seem like they made Jagged the dad just so he’d have some reason to be against Marinette, taking away yet another person who was on Marinette’s side.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien's antics will escalate to the point where he is openly and brazenly sacrificing others for the sake of his 'hilarious antics', such as getting them hit by akuma powers to pun off their plight. Ladybug gets blamed for failing to protect them.
Ladybug and Chat Noir are “equals” until Chat needs to be blamed for something, in which case Ladybug will take the heat.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a moment of jealousy, Adrien will sacrifice somebody else in the name of his own ego. Such as outing another hero, bringing an already outed heroes' loved ones to Shadow Moth's attention, getting more kwami caught by the villains... Naturally, Marinette gets all the blame and all the guilt from the fallout.
Of course!! Who else could possibly be blamed???
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a cliffhanger, Chat Noir needlessly sacrifices himself only for Shadowmoth to recall the akuma before Ladybug can purify it/do something else that leaves Chat Noir in limbo. Much angst and drama is mined from Ladybug's failure to save him; the fact he effectively did this to himself is never acknowledged.
Okay, that IS sad for Ladybug but would we honestly complain about Chat being stuck in limbo?
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a 'Shocking Twist', Hawkmoth's connection to *Chat Noir* will be revealed, causing Ladybug to flash back through all their interactions and question whether Chat Noir was ever TRULY on their side. Her moment of doubt will be treated as completely unreasonable and unfair, with Adrien stung deeply by her 'betrayal' and failure to 'trust in their love'.
all of my hate--
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette's anxiety will be depicted as the *cause* of said anxiety -- in other words, she'll be told that she's making mountains out of molehills and 'worrying over nothing'. Most likely by the very ones responsible for making her so anxious in the first place, treating problems *they caused* as a 'you problem'.
Don’t you guys know? Anxiety is always caused by the person having anxiety!
Trauma?? Root causes? What are those?
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will be forced to pass Guardianship to somebody else, but will NOT have to wipe her memories in the process. This is treated as a 'learning experience' with Marinette having to live with the knowledge that she simply wasn't up to snuff, with somebody else having to 'pick up her slack' and take over the responsibilities that she 'just couldn't handle'.
I still say the worst part of all this is that I - someone who hates memory loss plots - am half-hoping for her memories to be wiped just to free her from this hellscape.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Somebody else will take over as Guardian, and Tikki will guilt-trip Marinette for not being able to handle the responsibility on her own. Sighing about how nice and lively it was with the other kwamis around, and how quiet it is now that they're staying elsewhere, wistful about the 'good times' they had while failing to acknowledge how much of their excitement and enjoyment came at Mari's expense.
And just casually forgetting that Marinette’s own privacy was invaded by the kwami being around, but sure, their comfort was so much more important.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: During a battle, Marinette/Ladybug will have to sacrifice herself/APPEAR to sacrifice herself in a way reminiscent of Chat Noir's usual self-sacrifices. This will be absolutely necessary to create the opening they needed to win, but will be treated as senseless and unneeded. Everyone will berate her for it, especially Chat - and if she points out his own tendencies, he'll accuse her of pulling that stunt just to 'teach him a lesson' and punish him for being heroic.
*screams from a distance*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Juleka doesn't get any dialogue outside of mumbling in her hero debut episode.
I’m half-expecting Juleka to be totally mumbly until a future Couffaine-centric episode where they’ll treat her talking as if it’s a huge deal.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The show would end on a vague note. We don't know if the Love Square got together (they had a finale kiss and a confession.) We don't know what will happen to the rest of the plotlines, characters, and miraculouses.
We also don’t know when we’ll get the time we lost back.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien switches sides after learning his father's motives, and is treated as 100% in the right for doing so. Marinette keeps fighting, and is blamed for everything Hawk/Shadowmoth does in his efforts to win.
“See, Marinette??? You didn’t aPpReCiAtE Chat enough!!!”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a 'Very Special Episode' of ML, somebody else gets to learn a lesson. It's Luka, who starts a new relationship with somebody else. It's shown that he learned from his mistakes with Marinette, and is more assertive and straightforward about his desires, and much happier for it. Meanwhile, Marinette's latest mistake is either being reluctant to let him move on... or letting him go because she foolishly 'wants him to be happy'.
The worst part is that they definitely won’t give a reason why Adrien > Luka outside of possibly “they have history” (fun fact that Hannah Montana back in the day - another show about a girl who led a double life - did this, except the guy she “had history with” - blond, famous, and rich - ended up cheating on her and she later pursued the other option properly - black-haired guitar boy who was way more flawed than Luka but was still endgame)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Mylene will be treated as a better Multimouse than Marinette. Not because of any of her personality traits, but because she has more mass to draw from. This is trumpeted as 'body positivity'. (Bonus points if her design is still inexplicitly slimmed down by her transformation.)
I feel nothing but disgust from reading this, please apologize.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Juleka and Luka being twins/her being held back is confirmed by her getting bullied/mocked for her anxiety issues keeping her from completing assignments (flunking verbal reports, presentations). Alternately/in addition, it's revealed by Bustier while asking Marinette to help Juleka/fretting that she'll fail for similar reasons. Somehow, Bustier is still presented as a 'good teacher' despite being the one who held her back in the first place.
This will also be a reverse-”Gang of Secrets” where Luka doesn’t appear or has no input on the matter whatsoever.
“Bonus” if this ends up being used as the reason why Juleka has been mumbling for this whole season: they didn’t want her to be considered “stupid” so they retconned her to be more mumbly than before, which caused her to get held back.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: It's revealed that guys are normally incompatible with the Bee Comb because Pollen treats men like worker drones while all women are queens. Adrien is either an exception to this or gets to be Sadrien after he's briefly given the Bee and has to deal with Pollen going Full Sass on him, with her severe critiques being presented as totally wrong no matter how dead-on her analysis of his character actually is. Jokes are made about her 'poor judgement'.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Flashbacks will reveal that Gabriel had a similar personality to Marinette when he was younger. Unlike her, HIS anxieties will be treated as more serious/endearing, rather than something to be mocked and belittled -- think his own version of Sadrien. The parallels drawn between them may also be used to cast Marinette in a worse light/imply that she could go down the same path as him.
I hate how plausible “male character has anxiety but is treated properly” is.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will be the next Chloe; trusting her despite her clear personality flaws is ultimately shown to be another of Marinette's mistakes. Just like Chloe is an unrepentant bully, Alya is an 'aspiring journalist' first and foremost, and this will override whatever faith her BFF put in her.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After Alya's eventual but inevitable betrayal, Trixx will defend her by reminding Marinette that 'She's a Fox. Foxes lie.' He's not even particularly *surprised* by Alya breaking her promises, treating it as proof that she's one of *his*. And it's not on him for not warning Mari, but entirely her fault for failing to recognize what being a Fox truly means.
You can’t trust foxes, Marinette, and that’s what makes them great.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Su-Han will constantly veto Marinette's ideas, ESPECIALLY ones that would have prevented problems that arise later on... which she then gets blamed for not averting. If she actually calls Su-Han out on this, he will insist that the fault falls upon her for not convincing him... if he even acknowledges that he was wrong/she actually suggested things that could have averted disaster.
“It makes so much se--”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: An episode will LITERALLY get on Marinette's case for breathing -- while hiding from an akuma with super-sensitive hearing, her needing air causes problems. Bonus points if she's breathing heavily after getting injured saving Chat Noir from being hurt due to his messing about; cue Drama and Sadrien without acknowledging his true culpability in the matter. (I.E. "It's all my fault! D:" "No, no, *cough* I should have dodged better..." "Fear not, my lady, I'll protect you!")
Miraculous: Tales of Marinette Not Even Being Allowed to Breathe
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We'll see more in-universe merch and marketing of the heroes, their images stolen and sold without permission. Ladybug is dismayed and disturbed, while Chat dismisses it; he's financially secure and doesn't care how his image is (mis)used, while Marinette's concern is treated as 'silly'. Why is she so bothered by dolls with unrealistic proportions and painted-on suits, or ones that gussy her up to make her more overtly girly and marketable?
Bonus if this is also an episode where Marinette is strapped for cash due to possible gifts for friends or all the things she used to make for Adrien (i.e: more proof that her Adrien crush just makes her life worse), and she will be treated as greedy/selfish for wanting something out of her hero work.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya declares the LadyBlog to be officially endorsed by Ladybug herself, and that all of her information is verified by the heroine. This is a blatant lie, as she continues not to do any fact-checking or run anything by Marinette, and acts as though MARI is wrong for trying to call her out on this.
Alya will also be treated as in the right for taking advantage of the opportunity because “she deserved to know” and “should be getting extra rights” as Marinette’s best friend.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Gabriel is shown monitoring the LadyBlog and using information he gleans from it more and more. If Marinette expresses any concern about this to Alya, she gets dismissed as 'paranoid' and 'jumping at shadows'.
And, similarly to “Feast,” Alya will never be called out because the narrative will conveniently never make the connection to Alya or force Alya to realize that this was a mistake.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will be responsible for exposing Ladybug's secret identity to Chat Noir. Chat then gets *furious* at Marinette for telling her and not HIM, using this as an excuse to not reveal his *own* identity, sarcastically parroting back all her warnings about how 'It's just not safe' for them to know.
Totally ignoring the fact that Marinette was on verge of a breakdown in “Gang of Secrets.”
Sorry, Marinette, guess you should’ve let yourself plummet.
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bleulone · 4 years
i love your analysis so much! i have a question as well, like, how do you envision polin's sex scenes ? thanks for your answer (:
    Hey! Thank you very much :)) I have no idea if they are that even good but I’m happy you like them. It’s just my brain tending to produce some iNsIGhiTfUL analyses though they usually end up drowned under a huge wave of stupidity and horrid spelling/grammatical mistakes XD. So, about Penelope and Colin’ sex scenes, I guess we’re getting spicy in this house 🌶. I mean, I don’t blame you. Who’s not hot for Polin ?! The steamy Polin hours have already begun and they’re legit challenging my patience. (Be still my Polin heart, be still).
   Okay, without further ado, let’s talk about sex baby, shall we ? It’s a pretty long answer/meta so bear with me.
    I don’t know if you’ve read Romancing Mister Bridgerton, but a quick reminder (for those who haven’t... yet), there are a bunch of iconic steamy scenes that I’m dying to watch on screen. First we have the famous “thank you” scene where Penelope, now a 28 year-old spinster, asks Colin to kiss her because she doesn’t want to die without having been kissed... then ends up thanking him— which happens to be humiliating for our 33 year-old boy because he thinks that she thinks he did it out of pity while he absolutely did not. The man definitely felt butterflies in his stomach... and in other places as well lol. We also have the ICONIC carriage scene where Colin gives Pen’s generous bosoms™ the attention they deserve. This is followed by his proposal. Later on, after the announcement of their engagement, there’s a pretty hot make-out scene on Lady Violet’s sofa. Finally, we have their first time in Colin’s bedroom, after sneaking out of their own engagement party... which leads Colin to push the wedding date forward. At this point, I just love their horniness, especially Colin’s who’s just so freaking amazed by Penelope for more than 300 pages straight (duh! who isn’t ???).
    When you say envision, I suppose you mainly refer to the way those scenes will be filmed right ? I’m afraid I don’t have an advanced knowledge in film-making but let me start by telling you what elements need to be depicted. I would love Shonda and Chris to capture the real essence of our boos’ feelings : the yearning, the love, the respect and the guilt (specifically on Colin’s side) in their eyes. The more we move forward throughout the seasons, the more we see different layers of the perceptions of they have of each other, going from a childish idealization/immature ignorance to a sudden realization. A mature one. Penelope goes beyond the facade of the charming devil-may-care guy to meet the seriousness and temper of her significant other. Meanwhile Colin discovers how confident, powerful and attractive this woman is and always has been. It echoes what I’ve written about the importance of the gaze in Polin’s love story in this meta. By the time season 4 hits, man... their heart eyes and eye-fucking will jump OUT XD, all fibers of their beings, burning with need. The fact that this evolution took literally years is very emotionally painful, which is why I find it important to keep the slowness aspect of their relationship before and during their love making. I’m really looking forward a slow build-up toward their intimacy. It would differ from Daphne and Simon who merely shared one hell of a kiss in Lady Trowbridge’s garden then shared their sexy times after they married or Anthony and Siena’s rough sex... In fact, there’s a certain (sweet) ardent tenderness in Polin I like due to the fact that they’re slowly (re)discovering each other, as adults. Since they were both introduced in season 1, the audience will have all the time in the world to notice numerous evidences of the many natures of love they have for one another : from an affectionate and friendly love to a more carnal and enduring one.
    Okay so, in terms of filming, with Netflix’s Bridgerton being a show which promotes the female gaze, it wouldn’t be that much of a surprise watching those sex scenes being shot from Penelope’s perspective, like it was the case with Daphne in the first installment of the series. Most of the time, sex scenes in Historical Romance are not gratuitous. Their presence serve an important purpose in a hero/heroine’s journey. In Penelope’s case, they’re here to help her learn to embrace and love herself. In other words, sexuality is synonym of freedom. I don’t know if they’ll show a lot of skin, but I won’t be complaining considering the fact that we’ll have the chance to get a chief kiss treat on screen : a plus size woman in a major successful Netflix period drama getting a love story as romantic and steamy as other more “fit” female characters. No, your weight doesn’t prevent you from being desirable at all. As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t watched a plus-size female character portrayed as an attractive protagonist in a period drama (please if you have, let me know, I can be wrong). Having a beautiful half bare curvy body like Nicola’s being equally filmed like numerous slim actresses will be so inspiring and powerful to watch, especially for (young) women who struggle, like Penelope, to love their body shape which, to them, doesn’t “fit” the “beauty standards”. By showing her female gaze and portraying her as seductive, Pen’s “supposed” imperfections transform themselves into mighty assets, loved and worshipped by our dashing Mister Bridgerton. That’s body positivity at its finest darling ;).
    It will be deliciously erotic watching the undressing process being exquisitely slow, garment by garment, while their gaze are all heated and hungry. Their sex/make-out scenes should be tender and passionate, sweet and raw. The lightning, colored by a dark blood orange yellow or a blue depending the locations^^. Moreover, the depiction of the exploration of Penelope’s desire can translate itself thanks to multiple close ups. For instance, I can imagine a few ones on Pen’s fingers gently roaming over the smooth skin of Colin’s firm chest and back/touching his hair right after he removed his shirt. And a disheveled Colin letting his hands and lips making a journey of their own, mapping, conquering the alluring unknown territory that is her gorgeous voluptuous body... kissing her on the places he knows oh too well will give her pleasure (is this me wanting him to go down on her?— um yeah I sure hope it IS! If he doesn’t, trust me imma riot... AGAIN). Even a close up on her face while Colin is performing his addictively pleasing torment will be a marvelous proof of the female gaze. By the way, why not even adding a post-coital scene after their first time ? I can picture Penelope waking up first and contemplate her handsome soon-to-be husband. She’d bring her hand to his face and let it travel all around his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, his neck and let it rest on his heart— making sure that what she’s just experience was real... obviously, Colin will wake up in the process and he’ll take this as his cue to go for another round of sexy times under the sheets.
   Showing Pen reaction is essential according to me because she was stuck with the idea that she would never experience the luxury of being loved, giving pleasure nor receiving it... she ended up being happily wrong. Throughout her multiple intimate encounters with Colin, I want her to progressively realizes that she can be an active partner. In the carriage, she knew she had an effect on him, but it’s not until their first time that she actually realizes it. Hence the reason why I WANT the mirror’s introduction in one of their sex scenes. Here’s as a little reminder an excerpt from chapter 18 :
“I want to see you sitting up," he groaned, "so I can see them full and lovely and large [about Pen’s breasts]. And then I want to crawl behind you and cup you." His lips found her ear and his voice dropped to a whisper. "And I want to do it in front of a mirror."
“Now?” she squeaked.
He seemed to consider that for a moment, then shook his head. "Later," he said, and then repeated it in a rather resolute tone. "Later.”
   It would be such a shame if the show doesn’t use the incredible potential of this object (/kink). I mean, the symbolism is pretty clear. Penelope has always fled her “ugly” reflection but it seems like Colin wants to show the real her, the beauty that holds every single inch her alabaster skin and the effects they have on him. Thus, I would love to watch a scene where Colin just praises the alluring goddess and siren that is Penelope Featherington. Just imagine! Just IMAGINE the power of this scene : a shirtless Colin sitting behind her on a bed, meeting her gaze in the mirror, his lips touching her right ear, biting and licking the lobe sometimes, whispering all kinda of dirty yet poetic words to her while letting his hands caress her thighs, her hips, her arms, her lovely bosoms™... oof. At the same time, a wonderful and harmonic instrumental music will play in the background and match the melodic partition of shudders, breathes and moans let out by our lovers. I can imagine Luke inspiring himself from his performance in the 2019 short film, Youth In Bed. The way he conveyed the awe and the yearning on his face, in his eyes with his mouth slightly open when he knelt before his partner Shun Yin was just captivating and— and so Colin! I cannot help but bring myself to picture Ethan, the character he played in YIB, in a Polin steamy scene. I cannot unsee this anymore jsksk. I mean, all this gifset radiates this book4chapter18!Colin, you cannot tell me otherwise!
    Also, I would love Shonda and Chris to keep Pen and Colin’s cute/emotional pillow talk. One thing I really love in JQ’s books is the concern she gives to her male protagonists about potentially hurting their partner during the act of penetration. Colin is a rake, and what his experience with women taught him is that he needs to be very gentle with the love of his life. It was so adorable seeing him not wanting to harm her and asking her to tell him if he does anything she doesn’t like 🥺. Plus, before actually doing it, Colin and Penelope shared a few kisses and just laid down side by side, confessing their love. Though our boy kept feeling guilty about not returning her love after all these years. He desires nothing but to make up for the lost time and show his love and desire during this special intimate moment. I hope they’ll keep all of chapter 18’s dialogue. It’s just so telling of our boos’ feelings, you see.
    All in all, I can’t wait to watch those Polin steamy scenes. As much as I may sound crazy, I want them after two other seasons of pure pining and yearning in order to have a very good payoff. I’m not an expert on depicting intimacy on screen, but I loved so far what Lizzy Talbot, the intimacy coordinator who worked on the show, have done in season 1. Sex scenes in Bridgerton seem very real and dive you in the intimacy of the moment, leaving you all flustered and hot. So probs to her! I have faith in her work and have no doubts about what her and the directors will serve us in future seasons. Though, in the end, I think it’s mostly up to the actors, Nicola and Luke, to see if they’re comfortable filming sex scenes.
    If you guys have any suggestions or wishes for those steamy polin scenes, please do share them :) by commenting on this post or by sending me asks! I’d love reading your thoughts/take on this very important matter ;)) 
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keichanz · 4 years
Like Magic
hmm self control? don’t know her *fucks off to the land of unfinished WIPs*
so, i started this oneshot a while ago, forgot about it, then decided to dig through my WIP folder to maybe work on something else besides YRM for a while because I needed a small break from it. found this again, immediately dove in and welp here we are haha. I had a lot of run writing it and I hope you guys enjoy it :) it’s 32 pages jesuS CHRI
real quick, if Souji appears smarter than the average 2 year old boy it’s because i legit don’t know how to portray children since i know virtually nothing about them, so just pretend that half-demon children are slightly more advanced than human kids in this fic mkay? kthx. :)
oh and also when reading Inuyasha’s little light show for Souji, think about this video.
@fantastiqueparfait​ @morikothehalfangel​ @cammysansstuff​ @heyy-ahriii​ @tsukinohimeusagi​ @eternalnight8806-3​ @mamabearcat​ @hinezumi​ @sssuperbartola​ @doginabirdcage​ @ideasthatbuildcities​ @armor-emblem​ 
oh and @meggz0rz​.....remember a while ago when i first started this oneshot you mentioned that i should make Inuyasha do Joker’s pencil trick on Kouga? 
well...you’re gonna get a kick outta the ending ahahahah.
enjoy, lovelies~ 
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Kagome’s head was positively throbbing and she was pretty sure it had more to do with the very distraught, screaming child in her arms than the fresh cut on her forehead that was still bleeding.
The flashing lights and loud engines of the emergency vehicles combined with the tow truck’s back-up alarm as it prepared to haul her totaled car away definitely wasn’t helping matters, and she was damn positive all the noise wasn’t helping her baby’s current temperament, either. With his ears pinned flat against his head to no doubt muffle the noise, his face red and scrunched up into a consistent howl with tears running unchecked down his flushed cheeks, her precious Souji had been inconsolable ever since she pulled him from her wrecked car.
At first she’d thought he was hurt somewhere and so she’d frantically searched him over as he cried, ignoring the witnesses that rushed over and asked if she was alright, but she’d only been able to marginally relax upon discovering he’d only suffered a few minor scrapes and bruises. She’d taken most of the damage, with a gash on her forehead, severe bruising on her side and diagonally across her torso form the seat belt, and her right ankle was aching something fierce, but she’d gladly take all that and more if it meant her baby boy was spared.
The accident had happened nearly an hour ago, Kagome was tired, sore, worn out, and Souji was proving rather thoroughly that he was perfectly fine by showing the entire neighborhood that he had quite the set of lungs on him.
Which really was quite unfortunate since it was, y’know, one o’clock in the morning and no doubt people were trying to sleep. Key word: trying. Kagome was pretty confident the entire damn neighborhood was awake now because of her son’s consistent shrieking, and she sent another mental apology to them.
She’d tried everything to get him to calm; singing his favorite lullaby, settling him in his mercifully undamaged car seat to rock him back to sleep, talking to him, walking around with him in her arms—absolutely nothing was working. Some of the kind spectators and even police officers had tried offering food and a young mother had even provided a sippy cup of chocolate milk, but Souji was having none of it. Kagome cursed herself for leaving her phone at home since usually putting on his favorite cartoon worked like a charm, but this was supposed to be just a quick drive to get him to fall asleep; taking her phone hadn’t seemed necessary.
He refused to let anyone come near her to treat her wounds, and he wouldn’t let anyone take him from her either. He became aggressive and nearly hysterical whenever an officer or EMT tried to take him, and she was sporting several scratches from where his claws had dug into her shoulders and arms. His screeching was the worst when that happened and it wasn’t long before they stopped trying altogether. Probably because with every attempt, whoever it was walked away with teeth marks or scratches somewhere on their body and Kagome had lost count of how many times she’d apologized.
To be honest, however, she couldn’t say she was very surprised. Ever since she’d left his father, Souji had been extremely protective of her, and even though he was only two years old, he let it be known if they were out in public that no one was allowed to touch her. He started growling whenever someone got too close, even bared his teeth on a couple occasions, and more than once she’d had to stop him from physically swiping with his claws.
Kagome understood his behavior. She knew why he was acting like this, and while most of the time it was endearing, sometimes it…well, wasn’t, and she wanted to go back in time and punch her ex-boyfriend in his stupid face for what he did. It was his fault her sweet little Souji was like this, and while completely understandable, it was still utterly frustrating and difficult to deal with, especially during times like this so Mama could get some relief.
“Oh, baby,” Kagome cooed for what seemed like the thousandth time, bouncing her son in her arms as she walked aimlessly around a little ways away from all the action of the police cars, ambulances, and curious spectators. Souji continued to wail at the top of his little lungs and she sighed, closing her eyes as she rubbed his back and tried to ignore the pounding in her head. Her arms were aching from holding him for so long, she had a limp from her sore ankle, and his slight weight agitated the fresh bruises on her body.
Ignoring the looks directed her way from the police, medics, and street residents alike, Kagome limped her way back over to the flimsy plastic chair someone had provided from somewhere and gratefully sank down. She grimaced when her sore chest and side protested, but she endured it as Souji burrowed against her, clinging to her shirt and digging his tiny claws in as he sobbed into her neck, his little body shaking, his sobs breaking her heart.
She kissed him between his little ears, feeling completely helpless. She knew he was scared and this was just his way of telling her that, but still, she wished she could do something. She wished she had the ability to make him understand he was safe, she was here, and nothing would ever harm him as long as she was around.
“Shh, baby, shh,” Kagome soothed, resting her head against his own and heaving another sigh as she stared tiredly at the ruckus surrounding her.
The man that had ran the stop sign and slammed into her had long ago been detained and was, last she knew, passed out in the back of a police cruiser. If she recalled, he had sustained little to no injury and that just freaking figured, didn’t it. It was always the drunk assholes that suffered the least, and the victims ended up with most of the damage.
Police tape was cordoning off the scene of the accident, and her car was in the process of being secured to the back of the tow truck along with the truck that had totaled her little sedan. Most of the spectators had returned to their homes, either too tired, or leaving because the excitement had passed. Police milled about, taking statements of witnesses or those who claimed they saw what happened, and the medics just sort of wandered around since their only patient was unapproachable. She felt a little guilty since she was keeping them from doing their job so they could pack up and go home, but it was fleeting because she had no energy to care anymore.
She just wanted to go home because maybe then Souji would finally calm down once he realized he was in safe, familiar surroundings, and a long, hot bath sounded positively divine right now. Thank god she worked from home so she didn’t have to worry about that in the morning, and though she doubted she’d be able to sleep in – a thing of the past when she became a mother – she would at least be able to sneak in a couple naps when Souji slept.
Souji paused in his howling to suck in a few unsteady breaths before continuing his distraught sobbing, mercifully at a slightly lower volume this time, and Kagome sighed as she rubbed his back, thinking that she would just have to let him cry it out. What else could she do?
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When Inuyasha arrived on scene, he was greeted with the familiar sight of flashing red and blue lights, ambulances, and a tow truck with two very banged up vehicles hitched to the bed. It was your typical accident scene, nothing at all he hadn’t seen before, and when he spotted several of his colleagues seemingly just standing around doing shit all, he wondered why the hell he’d been called in if medics were already here.
He’d been planning on spending the night watching bad movies and eating slightly burnt pizza since he still hadn’t fixed his oven, but then he’d gotten the call to report to an accident not far from his apartment and those plans sailed right out the window. If it had been anyone other than Kaede that had called he would have flat out ignored them and carried on. But if it was his boss that was calling, he knew it had to be serious, so he hadn’t bothered to ask questions before giving his affirmative and suiting up.
Now, however, as he approached the yellow police tape and cut the engine on his Ford, he had a very good idea as to why his services were required. His ears flicked from beneath his ballcap and when he opened the door, the racket get even louder, confirming his suspicious. Oh yeah—that was one seriously ticked off kid.
He sighed and retrieved his medical bag from the backseat along with another smaller drawstring bag before ducking beneath the tape and heading toward a waving Kaede. He took a moment to glance around, instantly pinpointing where the racket was coming from, and his eyebrows rose into his bangs. Jesus, the kid couldn’t be more than two years old, and the mother looked pretty banged up. What the hell? Why hadn’t she been treated yet?
When he reached Kaede, she didn’t bother with pleasantries and launched right into an explanation. That’s what he liked about her; she never beat around the bush and didn’t like to waste time with small talk, much like himself. Probably why she was the only one he could tolerate to be around for more than five minutes at a time.
“Two patients, one child aged one to two years, one female, appears to be in her lower twenties,” Kaede started, relaying what he already knew, but it was standard procedure so he didn’t stop her. “Baby appears to be unharmed—”
“You don’t say,” Inuyasha muttered under his breath but Kaede ignored him.
“—both from observation and continued reassurances from mom. Mom has sustained several contusions along the torso and left side, possible whiplash and bruised ribs, possible sprained ankle, and possible concussion—”
“Possible?” Inuyasha repeated with a perplexed frown. “Why is nothing confir—”
Kaede leveled a glare at him and he wisely shut up.
“Nothing life threatening,” she continued, shifting her gaze toward the two patients in question and Inuyasha watched as some of her professionalism slipped, face softening into a concerned frown. “However, because we are unable to get close enough to perform an accurate assessment of both of them, injuries for both are as yet undetermined, so nothing concrete is confirmed.”
This just kept getting weirder and weirder. “Why the hell can’t anyone get close? It’s a woman and baby. Hardly any threat.”
At this, Kaede actually sighed and looked directly at him, her one gray eye intense and serious.
“The child is not fully human, Inuyasha,” she revealed and his eyes widened. “Any attempt to get close or take him away results in the babe physically lashing out in an endeavor to, I suspect, protect his mother. Unusual behavior for a child so young, and the mother refuses to have him sedated, which I can’t blame her.”
Inuyasha sucked in a breath and shifted his gaze over to the mother and child, amber eyes zeroing in on the infant bawling against his mother’s chest.
“You said…not fully human,” he murmured and flicked a glance at his superior.
Kaede nodded.
“She managed to relate some information before the child started getting aggressive,” she supplied. “I called you, Inuyasha, not only because of your skills with children—”
He snorted at that because really?
“—but because I thought perhaps out of anyone, you might be able to get close enough to treat both of them without the child deeming you as a threat. It’s a long shot, I realize, but at this point I’m willing to try anything.”
Inuyasha took note of the exhaustion in her eyes and posture and he couldn’t keep the corner of his lips from twitching upward.
“How long has he been screaming?”
“One hour and thirteen minutes,” one of his colleagues groaned from behind her and Kaede sighed again as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Fine,” Inuyasha finally said and then cocked a brow at her. “I’ll do what I can, but he’s probably only howling because he’s scared, Kaede, not because he’s hurt. No doubt he smells his mother’s blood and senses her pain, and combined with the shock of experiencing something he doesn’t understand and all the different scents around, it’s unlikely he’ll let me examine him.”
The look Kaede sent him was very dry and suggested that this was reason number two as to why she’d called him. He shrugged and simply raised his brows as if to say “what?”
“Just do something,” the same colleague pleaded and there was a general murmur of concurrence of that statement from the people still present, three of which were police officers.  
Shaking his head, Inuyasha nonetheless did as he was bade, however before approaching he took a minute to appraise his tiny patient and his mother. He still couldn’t get over that the kid was in fact a half-demon like himself since they were such a rarity now a days, but he didn’t allow himself to think on it for too long. The kid was trying his level best to burrow inside his mother’s shirt - a shirt, he noticed, with numerous tears in it no doubt caused by wee claws - and she looked…well, she looked like hell.
Unsurprising, considering she’d just been in a goddamn accident, but still she looked about ready to collapse and before Inuyasha even realized it he was moving forward, absently slipping his hand inside the smaller bag he’d grabbed to set his tentative plan in motion.
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“Sou, you’re gonna rip Mama’s shirt if you keep doing that,” Kagome murmured and once again gently stopped him from trying to crawl inside it. “I don’t feel like flashing everybody here if that’s okay with you.”
Souji screeched his protest and Kagome winced, fearing that after this she’d be partially deaf. Sure he’d had his tantrums before, but never like this. She hadn’t even known his voice could reach that pitch, and if it hurt her ears, she couldn’t even imagine what it was doing to his. Then again, he did keep them pinned down most of the time, and he was upset enough where he was ignoring all her attempts to calm him down, so perhaps he wasn’t even aware of it.
“Shh, Sou, it’s okay, Mama’s here,” she soothed for the nth time, kissing his forehead and rocking him in her arms, or as much as she could while sitting. “Mama’s got you, you’re safe, it’s alright…”
Her baby boy continued to cry, obvious, and Kagome’s heart broke a little more. God, she hated this, hated that she couldn’t figure out what he needed, hated that her son was so upset he was having trouble breathing, and she hated how useless she was. She felt like the world’s worst mother and tears pricked her eyes, but she stubbornly held them back. Now was not the time for that. She needed to be strong for her baby, she needed to be there for him. And no doubt he would smell her tears and become even more upset and she really wanted to avoid that.
Feeling helpless, Kagome started humming his favorite lullaby under her breathe as she rubbed his ears, but paused when she glanced up and saw the approaching figure. She sighed and shook her head in a wordless plea for him to keep his distance, vaguely registering that this was someone new she hadn’t seen before, with a lean build, broad shoulders, and long silver hair that hung over his shoulder in a loose ponytail. It didn’t matter, though; man or woman, human or demon, Souji always reacted the same and made it clear that they were not to be touched. She was positive this time would be no different.
As predicated, Souji started growling when he registered the new, unfamiliar scent that was drawing ever closer and when he was close enough Kagome opened her mouth to warn him. But then to her surprise, instead of getting too close and immediately trying to cajole Souji into compliance, the man stopped a few feet away and slowly lowered himself into a crouch before them.
Kagome blinked. Eyes the color of whiskey regarded her steadily before his head dipped in a slight nod and bemused, she returned it. His gaze flicked to the child in her lap and he seemed to be waiting for something, not moving, his posture relaxed, expression giving nothing away. If Kagome had bothered to look up at that moment she would have seen nearly everyone present was watching them but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the admittedly very attractive man in front of her who, she belatedly realized, must be an EMT judging by his attire.
Souji’s growling steadily grew in volume until, when the scent did not move away like anticipated, he spun around in Kagome’s arms and snarled at the newcomer, his little face screwed up and baring mini fangs. The man was unfazed, calm in the face of her infant son’s righteous fury and since he wasn’t in the vicinity of tiny claws, Souji merely continued to glare at him.
Though not exactly a very good tradeoff for his constant howling, the reprieve was nonetheless welcomed and Kagome was sure she was not the only one giving a soft sigh of relief.
Evidently having been waiting for Souji’s attention, the man braced one knee on the ground, propped his elbow on his opposite thigh, and then did something that Kagome’s exhausted brain was having a very difficult time processing.
He brought his hand up, reached into his uniform shirt pocket, and…brought out a…glowing red ball of light?
The results were instantaneous and so confounded by how the hell he did that, Kagome didn’t realize until a solid ten seconds later that Souji had gone quiet. His growls had stopped, he wasn’t snarling, and he wasn’t attempting to lash out of the man. Utterly captivated, his blue eyes were fixated on the red light grasped between the EMT’s clawed fingertips and Kagome could only gape at him in astonishment. Part of her was actually a little insulted that it had been that easy to gain his attention, but the much larger part of her was just plain glad he’d stopped screaming.
Satisfied he’d gained the pup’s undivided attention, Inuyasha resisted the urge to grin in amusement as he started “tossing” the red light back and forth from one hand to the other, those blue eyes following every move. Relieved his plan seemed to be working, he put on a little show for his two-person audience, making the light disappear and reappear, and he’d be lying it he said the look on the kid’s face was completely endearing.
So was the woman’s for that matter, but that was something to dwell on later.
Alright, on to part two now. Allowing one side of his mouth to quirk up into a half-grin, Inuyasha brought his hand to his mouth and pretended to swallow the red light before splaying out his hands, showing it was gone. The kid made a sound of confusion and blinked. Flicking a brief glance at the pup’s mom, Inuyasha lifted his hand and removed his hat, revealing the twin ears atop his head.
She gasped but he didn’t look at her again as he flicked his ear a few times for effect, tilted his head, and gave a few solid taps to his temple as if to empty his ears of water. He lifted his other hand to his ear and the red light reappeared between his fingers, as if he’d plucked it from his ear. The kid’s face lit up in delight and he caught the soft giggle of the woman before him.
Inuyasha dared to inch a little closer and when the child did not react, his eyes zeroed in on his hands, he edged closer until he was kneeling right in front of him. He never paused in his little magic trick, tossing the light and catching it again in his fingers, changing it up at times by putting the light in his fist and then opening it only to reveal it had vanished. He “ate” it a few more times, only for it to reappear on some random point on his body, and it wasn’t until the fear in the pup’s scent had significantly decreased that Inuyasha decided to take it a little further.
The next time he pretended to swallow the light, instead of plucking it off of his body, Inuyasha very slowly reached forward and grasped it out of thin air beside the pup’s head. He actually giggled that time and Inuyasha released the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, giving a quiet chuckle as he caught the gaze of the woman behind the child.
She was smiling at him, big brown eyes bright, and he detected a trace amount of salt as she mouthed, “Thank you.”
Inuyasha swallowed thickly and felt his face grow a little warm as he nodded once, his stupid heart doing stupid little palpitation in his chest, and he returned his attention to the task at hand. The light appeared once again and he was surprised when the kid actually reached for it and amused, but grateful, Inuyasha held still and waited until little fingers curled around his own.
It disappeared and Inuyasha held his hands out as he rumbled, “Where’d it go?”
The pup blinked at him and pointed to his ear. Inuyasha obliged and reached for an ear not unlike his own, gasping softly when the light reappeared in his fingers.
“Found it,” he said and received a happy giggle before tiny hands went to grab it again.  It vanished, and he plucked it from under the babe’s chin this time.
Delighted, great blue eyes swung around to regard his mother with a big grin and Kagome couldn’t help but release a choked laugh and lean forward to kiss his forehead. God, she couldn’t thank this wonderful, beautiful man enough.
Inuyasha blew on his fingers and the light vanished. The toddler laughed and pointed to his nose. The older half-demon chuckled and plucked it off the tiny nose that time before boldly reaching for a small hand and placing the magic light onto the chubby little palm.
He held his hands up and said, “Throw it at me, bud.”
Blue eyes blinked at him but the Souji grinned and he waved his entire arm in an approximation of a toss.
“Whoa,” Inuyasha exaggerated, rearing back onto his heels and pretending as if the throw had a lot of force behind it. The kid laughed and bounced in his mother’s lap, utterly delighted. He held out his hand again and the silver-haired medical technician put the red light onto the small hand.
Immediately Souji smashed his hand against his mouth and Inuyasha gasped in faux outrage.
“Did you eat it?” he asked and was rewarded with joyful baby giggles. “Well then, I guess I have no choice but to…”
With a crooked grin, Inuyasha darted his hand out, tickled the pup’s round little tummy, and as the sound of his laughter rang into the night, he withdrew his hand with the magic red light grasped between his fingers.
Souji made the most adorable little “o” face and put both of his small hands over his belly, blue eyes wide as he stared down at it in astonishment. Then he whipped his head around to stare up at his mother in wide-eyed wonder and Kagome couldn’t help but laugh.
The toddler turned his attention back to the EMT in time to watch him put the red light in one pocket of his uniform slacks, only to bring it right back out of the opposite pocket with his other hand. He did this several more times, much to Souji’s giggling pleasure, before one hand up to his mouth and blowing on his fingers.
As he predicted, the kid gasped and started looking around, as if he would find the vanishing light floating about in the air somewhere. Flicking a glance at the woman behind the pup, Inuyasha wasn’t expecting to find her already staring at him, her eyes soft, her smile small but warm and totally grateful. The urge that slammed into him then was so strong and abrupt Inuyasha didn’t even think to fight it, his lips quirked upward slightly as he reached toward her.
Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he heard her soft gasp as he brushed his claws against her cheek, snapped his fingers beside her ear, then withdrew his hand with the red light glowing anew between clawed digits.
Absurdly Kagome felt her face heat in a soft blush even as a delighted smile blossomed across her face. In her lap Souji made a questioning noise and suddenly started squirming around until he was facing her. He pushed to his feet, balancing on her thighs, and Kagome’s hands automatically went to his waist to steady him as his hands reached for her ear and started inspecting it, his face utterly bemused as little sounds of confusion escaped him.
Inuyasha chuckled at the sight and figuring that was enough tricks for now since he still needed to examine his mom’s injuries – that cut on her forehead was especially concerning – he pocketed the fake fingertips and sat back to watch the two for a minute. Despite how clearly exhausted she looked, her patience was evidently limitless as she allowed her son to poke and prod around her head.
But then when he caught himself on her shoulders as he teetered a little on her lap, she gasped and then hissed through her teeth as her face scrunched up in involuntary reaction to the pain. Souji froze as his eyes went wide and as if he felt her pain as clearly as she did, his eyes started tearing up and he whimpered, his little hands fisting in her shirt.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened and they flew to Kagome’s. She was staring at him too, her eyes just as wide, and they knew if they didn’t do something fast Souji was going to go into another screaming fit.
Fuck. Fuck. Wracking his brain, Inuyasha darted his eyes to the pup, who was sitting on her lap now and putting even more tears in her shirt with his claws as he tugged at the fabric. Kagome grunted as she shifted him on her lap to alleviate his weight against her bruised flesh and Inuyasha went with the first idea that popped into his brain.
As Souji’s whimpering became louder, he flashed his eyes to Kagome and urgently mouthed, “Name?”
“Souji,” she immediately whispered back and started rocking her son in an attempt to stall his hysterics, wincing when his claws scratched at her skin through her shirt.
“Souji,” Inuyasha repeated aloud and much to his surprise the pup actually went quiet and turned around to stare at him, most likely perplexed as to how this stranger knew his name.
Encouraged, Inuyasha tried to appear as unintimidating as possible as he continued, “You know your mama is hurting, right? Do you want her to feel better?”
Souji blinked those great blue eyes at him and then nodded, his bottom lip trembling as more fat tears leaked from his eyes and another whine echoed in his throat.
Inuyasha nodded in what he hoped was in a reassuring fashion and cajoled, “Okay, champ, that’s good. Now listen up, I know how to make her feel better. I can treat your mom’s hurts and take the pain away, but in order to do that, I need you to let go of her and come to me, alright? Your mom needs help, and I want to give it to her. You understand?”
There was no way to tell if Souji did indeed understand what he was saying or if he didn’t as Inuyasha watched him, heart in his throat. The young half-demon frowned at him as if he was digesting the words, turning them over in his head, but at least he wasn’t on the verge of another break down which, in Inuyasha’s book, was a success.
Biting his lip, Souji turned his gaze to his mother and stared wide-eyed up at her, uncertainty and a smidgen of fright in those clear blue depths of his. Kagome’s heart ached and she smiled down at him, ignoring the ache in her side and shoulders as she gathered her baby boy closer and kissed him between his ears.
“It’s okay, baby,” she told him gently, rubbing one of his ears and then kissing his pudgy little cheek. “You can trust him, okay? He’s going to help me feel all better and take away all my hurts. Remember when Mama took care of you when you were sick last month? He’s gonna do the same thing, Sou.”
Souji blinked, furrowed his brow, then glanced back at the older half-demon, still a little uncertain. Could this stranger really make his Mama feel better? He remembered when his tummy hurt a while ago and Mama took care of him and made him some soup and crackers and rubbed his ears to make him feel better. This man would do the same?
The pup was still struggling a little on whether or not to trust him so Inuyasha gave him a little nudge in the right direction, slyly slipping his hand back into his pocket.
“You can trust me, squirt,” he rumbled and withdrew his hand to reveal his fingers alight with a familiar red glow. “I have magic fingers, remember? I promise I’ll make her feel better.”
The kid’s eyes grew wide once again as his gaze zeroed on in the clawed fingers. That’s right; he was magic! Then that meant he could make Mama feel better if he had magic hands. Right?
He looked at his mama again and when all she did was smile down at him with a little nod of encouragement, Souji made up his mind. His mama would never lie to him and he did want her to feel better. And besides…this man was different than the other people who tried to take him away from her.
He smelled like him, so he had to be good. Right?
Nodding and giving a little sniffle, Souji finally nodded back and slowly crawled off his mother’s lap. Relieved, Kagome helped him down, keeping her hands beneath his arms in case he slipped and when his tiny socked feet finally hit the cold pavement, she took a moment to rub his ear and run a hand through his hair, so very proud of her little boy.
“There’s my big boy,” she said softly, contrary to her thoughts.
Sniffling again, Souji wrinkled his nose and turned toward the other half-demon, hesitating before taking small steps over to him.
Breathing a sigh of relief and exchanging a quick thankful look with Kagome, Inuyasha offered a crooked grin at the kid and gestured him a little closer. Even though he was a half-demon like himself, he’d still feel better, and no doubt so would his mother, if he performed a brief exam just in case.
“Atta boy,” Inuyasha praised when the kid stopped in front of him and he reached up to ruffle his hair. The twin ears, just a shade lighter than the black hair, flicked in response and then he was rewarded with a soft, watery giggle.
“Thanks for trusting me, Souji,” he went on and reached down to tug his medical bag closer. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions first before I treat your mom?”
Souji wrinkled his nose and looked back at his mother as if wanting her approval. Kagome nodded and gestured that it was alright, so the little half-demon sighed and turned back toward the older male before giving a nod.
Inuyasha had to smile a little at that. “Thanks, bud. I’ll be quick. I’m gonna use this”—he held up a standard stethoscope—”so I can listen to your lungs and see if there’s anything wrong. That okay?”
Souji nodded again. He recognized that weird smelling thing whenever Mama took him to the get-better man.
“It’s gonna be a little cold,” he warned and with swift movements, Inuyasha placed the eartips into his ears before lifting up the hem of his shirt a little and pressing the diaphragm against the pup’s small chest. Souji squirmed a little at the cold steel but nonetheless stood there and allowed him to listen to his lungs.
“Everything sounds good,” Inuyasha announced a few minutes later and caught Kagome’s gaze over his patient’s shoulder. She was looking at him like he was her hero, eyes bright, the biggest, most grateful smile on her face and he could practically hear the sincerity in the two words as she mouthed to him, “Thank you.”
Inuyasha’s face softened even as a lump developed in his throat and he nodded once.
Putting the stethoscope back into his bag, the silver-haired medic started gently inspecting his arms and legs for scrapes or bruises as he asked, “Do you hurt anywhere? Your head? Ears? Feet?”
Souji wordlessly shook his head and bit his lip, unable to stop from wriggling beneath the older half-demon’s professional touch. He didn’t like people touching him, but he had to be a good boy so Mama could feel better. This was all for Mama, because he had to protect her, right?
“Do you feel sick? Does your stomach hurt?” Another negative. “Do you feel dizzy? Like you can’t see straight?” Souji once more shook his head, his young face open and honest.
Satisfied, Inuyasha nodded and pulled his hands away. “Good. Now, I have one last question.”
Souji cocked his head and blinked.
Inuyasha grinned. “Are you hungry?”
At that, Souji visibly perked up, ears swiveling forward, eyes going wide, and he put his hands over his tummy as if just now realizing he was indeed hungry.
The older half-demon took that as a yes and he chuckled a little then gestured him forward a little. Souji inched a little closer and Inuyasha placed his hand on the kid’s back as he directed his gaze over to a slightly confused, but smiling Kaede.
“See that woman over there, the short one with gray hair?” he asked and pointed across the way toward his boss. Souji stared blankly for a moment and then nodded. “She’s got some snacks for you along with some juice if you’re thirsty. Don’t worry, you can trust Kaede. She’s my friend and she’s also here to take care of your mom, alright?”
Souji was clearly hesitate though, despite the quiet rumbling in his tummy, and his ears flattened as he looked uncertainly between the nice man that smelled like him and the old lady he was pointing too before finally settling his gaze on his mom, needing a little guidance.
And even though her head was pounding, her side was aching, and her shoulder was burning, Kagome managed a warm smile for her little boy. Though it was slightly strained – something that Inuyasha did not fail to notice – it was completely genuine.
“It’s alright, Sou,” she encouraged, sounding tired but nonetheless sincere. “Go ahead. I know it’s late and you aren’t allowed snacks this time of night, but just this once is okay. Bring me back some juice, yeah?” She winked at him and was finally rewarded with her son’s brilliant smile.
Excited at the prospect of a snack so late at night, Souji nodded and with one last glance at Inuyasha, who quirked him an encouraging grin, he brushed by and headed toward the old woman, confident that the man would take care of his mama like he said he would. After all, he smelled like him and his ears were the same as his so he couldn’t be a bad person.
Kaede, already knowing what her half-demon subordinate was up to, gestured to one of the EMTs still lingering to fetch the bag of snacks she kept in her car for just this purpose. She knew it had been the right decision to call him in. Despite his constant gripes about being bad with children, he always proved himself wrong whenever it came to calming down a child and it was a sight she never got tired of. She was certain that the little boy being a half-demon like the EMT was definitely in his favor as well.
It was merely a bonus, she supposed with a sly little smile, that the boy’s mother was single and attractive to boot.
Chuckling to herself, Kaede thanked the young medic that handed over her bag full of treats and sweets and then told him, along with the rest of them still milling about, to either head back to the station and wait for another call. She was fairly certain Inuyasha could take things from here, and sneaking a glance over toward the two adults as the boy finally approached with wide blue eyes and cute little ears, she smiled.
Yes, she thought, kneeling down to Souji’s height with a warm smile. Calling Inuyasha in had been a very good idea.
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Two pairs of eyes, one caramel colored and the other a rich honey hue, watched him toddle away, matching looks of relief on both of their faces. When the two-year-old reached the woman Inuyasha had pointed out to him, they both looked at one another and the smile she gave him had Inuyasha’s heart doing double time in his chest as his stomach did not so unpleasant flip-flops.
“I know I sound like a broken record at this point,” she began, her eyes suspiciously bright, “but I honestly can’t thank you enough. For your little show, stopping his crying, and looking him over even though he’s half-demon. So just…thank you.”
Inuyasha felt his cheeks warm and he shrugged, trying to play it off as he picked his hat off the ground and shoved it back on his head.
“It’s nothing,” he mumbled, although he couldn’t stop the little curl to his mouth a he picked up his bag and scooted a bit closer to her. “Just doing my job.”
“So calming down hysterical and terrified toddlers with magic tricks is in your job description?” Kagome teased and she was a little caught off guard by the slightly roguish grin the medic sent her.
“Keh. It worked, didn’t it?” he asked, not exactly sure where this confidence was coming from but not about to squander it. Not with the way she was smiling at him with a little blush on her cheeks and looking absolutely beautiful.
Inuyasha paused. Here she was, shirt nearly in tatters because of her son’s claws, hair a disheveled mess, face a little pale, bags under her eyes, and dried blood on her forehead from a cut and he thought she was beautiful.
Fuck. He was done for.
“I can’t argue with that,” she said, drawing him out of his musings and he focused his attention back on her. “I have to admit, even I was a little captivated. It was a neat trick.”
She giggled and good god could she get any fucking cuter.
“Oh good, because the real reason I do that particular trick is to reel in pretty mom’s with blue-eyed half-demon sons,” Inuyasha shamelessly flirted because fuck it, he was already one toe in dangerous waters he’d only ever attempted to swim in once before; why not just dunk his whole fucking body in in one go and get it over with because at this rate she’d have him on his knees before the night was over.
Crouching next to her now, Inuyasha watched in proud amusement as her pale face turned a deep, becoming shade of scarlet as those dark eyes widened with delighted realization. The corners of her lips twitched upward and she bit her lip, ducking her head a little shyly, but not once did she take her gaze off of his.
Yup. Totally, absolutely, wonderfully done for.
His eyes softened and he murmured, “What’s your name?”
“Kagome,” she replied right away, so trusting, so goddamn beautiful and god fuck she was pretty.
“Kagome,” he repeated and slid his arms beneath her body. She gasped and her arms automatically went around his neck. “I’m Inuyasha.”
Without preamble he stood with her in his arms, his medical bag slung over his shoulder even though he wouldn’t need it, and ignoring the knowing look he just knew his boss was casting him right now, he strode over to the idle ambulance with the open back doors and hopped inside.
“Better light and more convenient,” he explained as he carefully set her on the stretcher. “Plus it’s got better equipment and medical supplies than my bag does. And I think Kaede mentioned something about a possible sprained ankle?”
Kagome’s expression cleared and she nodded, flexing said ankle as if to test it and she winced at the twinge of pain that shot through it.
Silently the handsome golden-eyed medic started poking around the limited space of the vehicle, collecting the supplies required to treat her injuries and managing to find some painkillers along with bottle of water while rummaging about.
“I’m gonna start with that cut on your forehead since head injuries are top priority,” he announced and sank down on the cushioned seat provided for the medics before reaching over and tugging the gurney closer to him.
“Then if you’re alright with it, I’ll examine any contusions, determine if you have any fractured or bruised ribs, and take a look at your shoulder and ankle.”
Kagome gasped a little and curled her hands around the railing beneath her knees. He chuckled and gave the bed one final tug until her knees were between his spread legs. Perhaps the position was a little scandalous, but he needed a good look at that cut to determine if it needed stitches or not after he cleaned it.
“Sorry,” he murmured and received a smile in response. “I probably should have asked this before, but better late than never. Are you dizzy or lightheaded at all? Nauseas? Ringing in your ears? Any disorientation or confusion?”
Kagome took a moment to do a mental inspection of her body, but besides the general feeling of exhaustion and soreness, she otherwise felt fine and told him as much.
Relieved, Inuyasha offered her the painkillers and water for the no doubt pounding headache she had and she gratefully knocked them back with a swig of water. While she did that, he ripped open an alcohol swap and debated on whether or not to use gloves, but decided against it. His claws would just slice the latex, anyway.
He waited until his patient had had her fill of the cool refreshing liquid before muttering a word of warning for the sting and carefully started cleaning the cut on her forehead. Kagome hissed and flinched a little at the anticipated sting, but remained still so he could treat it with minimal difficulty, breathing deeply as she fisted her hands around the cold steel of the railing beneath her.
Inuyasha saw the strain on her face and his ears flattened against his head, feeling guilty, but knowing it was necessary. The more he cleaned it, though, the more apparent it became that she probably wasn’t going to need stitches so at least that was a bit of good news he was more than happy to share. This had no doubt already been the night from hell for her and he didn’t want to make it even worse.
“Good news is,” he said and used a fresh cotton swap to dab some antiseptic on it, “you don’t need stitches. It’s minor and should fully heal in a week or so.”
Kagome sighed, relieved. “And the bad news?”
Inuyasha’s mouth quirked. “It’ll probably leave a bit of a scar, but hey. It’ll look pretty badass, in my opinion. A battle scar.”
Kagome blinked and then snorted a laugh at that. “Something to tell the grandkids about?”
“Yeah, but lie and say you got it fighting a dragon.”
She outright laughed at that and Inuyasha grinned, thoroughly proud of himself. At least he seemed to have distracted her from any pain she might be feeling.
Then her laughter slowly turned into a groan as she wrapped an arm around her middle and bent over a little, however she was still smiling while shaking her head.
Grimacing, feeling a little guilty for indirectly being the cause of her pain, Inuyasha snatched a gauze pad and the medical tape, hoping she hadn’t fractured any ribs and they were merely bruised.
“You alright?” he asked once she straightened up, her face once again pale with lines of pain bracketing her mouth and eyes.
“Yeah,” she answered a little breathlessly and winced as she rubbed her chest, where the seat belt had dug into her skin when she’d been thrown forward. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he immediately said and reached up to brush her bangs away. “My fault for making you laugh. Can you breathe okay? One to ten, how bad is the pain?”
While he carefully went about applying the bandage to her cut, Kagome closed her eyes and thought about his question, trying to rate the amount of pain she was in. Probably not counting her head and ankle, she ranked it to be about a seven or so.
“Maybe a seven,” she answered honestly, knowing it wouldn’t be a very good idea to lie about that sort of information. “It hurts to breathe a little, but only a dull ache. Probably from when I got thrown forward against the seat belt.”
“Thing probably saved your life,” Inuyasha told her, keeping his eyes focused on the task of securing the bandage. Satisfied, he dropped his gaze back to hers, a slight frown furrowing his brow, and Kagome gasped a little at the intensity in his eyes.
“I’m glad you were wearing it,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble, and butterflies rioted in her stomach as he brushed his knuckles against her skin, just below the fresh bandage he’d just applied.
Swallowing, Kagome said a little breathlessly, “Me, too,” and she watched with a little thrill as his gaze dropped to her mouth.
Kagome’s breath sped up a little and she licked her lips. Inuyasha’s gaze grew heavy-lidded and the growl that leaked past his lips did very pleasant things to her insides. But just as she was about to say screw it and lean forward, Inuyasha’s expression suddenly cleared, he grimaced, and leaned back, turning his head with a light flush on his cheeks.
Hoping the disappointment didn’t show on her face, Kagome sighed and ducked her head, biting down on her lip. Well, that had been dumb, and she felt a little foolish now. What had she been thinking, leaning in like that and hoping…
“I need to check if you have any fractured ribs,” Inuyasha stated in a voice huskier than he would have liked and he cleared his throat. Though he was still blushing a little, he didn’t look away from her eyes as he continued, “If that’s alright with you, anyway. I’ll understand if you’d rather I didn’t and if that’s the case, I can go get Kaede and she can do it.”
Kagome blinked as she tried to understand what he meant by that, but then realization dawned and her eyes winded a little, her flush deepening at the thought of where his hands would be on her. But Inuyasha was a professional and she trusted him. Besides, Kaede was keeping Souji occupied, and she didn’t want her son to see the extent of the damage on her body.
Clearing her throat, Kagome managed a wan smile and responded, “No, it’s…okay. Go ahead, Inuyasha. I trust you.”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened at that and his ears perked straight up beneath his hat. Something warm and wonderful bloomed in his chest and the corners of his mouth quirked up slightly, those three simple words meaning more to him than she could ever know.
“Thanks,” he murmured as without being told, Kagome lifted her shirt to expose her belly and ribs while still keeping her modestly covered. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
Kagome smiled wordlessly and he leveled a quick grin at her before getting to work.
The first thing Kagome noticed was that his hands were warm and calloused, not at all unpleasant against her skin, and she almost missed it when he told her to take a deep breath because she was so focused on his touch. Inuyasha frowned, then withdrew one hand to take his hat off, dropping it to the ground before replacing it on her ribs and repeating his request for her to take a deep breath.
She did, her eyes trained on those adorable ears of his so much like her son’s, only a lovely sterling instead of black, and she winced a little when her chest protested the action. Inuyasha was still frowning as he moved his hands up and down her ribs and she breathed deep once more without being told. Again her sore body protested the movement, but it was bearable.
“Well,” he said after a moment and removed his hands from her, trying very hard not to think about how soft and smooth her skin had been. “I don’t think you have any cracked ribs, but there’s some definite bruising. I can’t tell for sure without an x-ray, and I’m assuming since you weren’t immediately whisked away to one when the ambulance got here that a hospital is out of the question.”
Kagome grimaced, but nodded. “With the way Souji was acting, it would have been a very bad idea. It probably would have just made the situation even worse.”
Inuyasha sighed and nodded as he raked his claws through his bangs. “You’re probably right. I do recommend it, though. Preferably as soon as you’re able.”
Kagome nodded in understanding. “Of course. Just…not tonight.” She smiled a little apologetically and he had to return it with his own lopsided grin.
“Nah,” he murmured, eyes soft. “I get it. As long as you can breathe fine, then there’s no urgency.” He nodded to her shoulder then. “Let me see?”
Wordlessly Kagome tugged the collar of her shirt over enough so the skin of her left shoulder was visible. Her eyes widened because this was the first she’d seen of the extent of the damage. No doubt caused from the seat belt, the wound was an angry, bright red stretch of skin that extended down to the top of her breast where the color changed to an array of yellow and purple. A few places had scabbed over where there had been open scrapes, and all in all in looked very painful. No wonder it had hurt so much when Souji had caught himself on her shoulders.
Inuyasha whistled low, drawing her attention, and she watched as he grimaced and very, very gingerly brushed his thumb over the bruised skin.
“Fuck, baby,” he murmured and Kagome blinked at the unexpected endearment but it seemed as if he hadn’t even realized what he’d called her, his eyes focused on her shoulder. “That thing really did a number on you.”
Kagome sighed and gave a tired, wry smile. “A small price to pay if it means I’m still here.”
His eyes flashed to hers and for the second time Kagome’s breath caught in her throat, her heart stalling, warmth blooming in her stomach, in her chest. Her lips parted and for the second time that gloriously honeyed gaze dropped to her mouth, making the blood rush in her veins as more butterflies took off in her belly. Inuyasha was the one to lean in this time, his hand sliding from her shoulder along her arm, claws gently grazing her skin and feeling her shiver beneath his touch.
He growled, Kagome sighed—and then a familiar and very unwelcome scent reached his nose right then and Inuyasha forced himself to lean away with a short growl of irritation, ears pinned against his head. Kagome blinked at him, confused and unable to hide the flash of hurt in her eyes as she sat back. Inuyasha cursed and opened his mouth to explain—
Gasping, face dark red, Kagome spun around, and then groaned when her sore body protested, arm going around her middle as she muttered, “S-Sou?”
Sighing, Inuyasha leveled an annoyed glare at the old woman that stood before the open ambulance doors, one eyebrow lifted and a knowing little smirk on her face while Souji clambered up into the vehicle to be with his mother.
Recovering quickly, though with a strained smile, Kagome nonetheless accepted her son’s weight in her lap when he crawled onto it and shoved a juice box under her nose. She smothered him in kisses and hugs before taking the offered beverage and setting it aside for now, not particularly in the mood for some juice despite having asked him to bring her one.
While Inuyasha sighed and studiously ignored his boss still watching him with that damn smirk, he hunted down an ace bandage for her ankle since there wasn’t much that could be done for her side or shoulder except let them heal on their own.
“Thank you,” Kagome said and a quick glance revealed she was addressing Kaede with a grateful smile. “For watching him so Inuyasha can treat my injuries without a fussy toddler to distract him. I hope he wasn’t too much trouble and behaved himself.”
Smiling warmly at the young woman, Kaede shook her head and said, “Oh, not at all, my dear. Your boy was perfectly behaved and he was very pleasant company. I did my best to distract him for as long as I could, but I suppose his concern for mom came back after his third mini bag of animal crackers because he ran over here before I could stop him.”
“Three bags?” Kagome repeated with a little smile and poked her son’s belly. Souji giggled and tried to shove her hand away. “You little piggy.”
“No!” Souji protested through his giggles and shook his head with a grin.
Despite his initial irritation at having been interrupted, Inuyasha had to smile a little at the sight. Kid was cute; he had to admit that, at least to himself.
“Thanks, boss,” Inuyasha said loudly, drawing the old woman’s attention. “I got it from here. Can you take care of the paperwork for me? I still need to wrap Kagome’s ankle and take care of a few things.”
Kaede raised an eyebrow and that damned knowing smile was back, but thankfully she said nothing and simply nodded.
“Of course, Inuyasha,” she said, trying not to laugh. “You can have the next few days off too, since you came tonight despite having just ended your shift.”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her. “Sure,” he said slowly, knowing she was up to something, but not sure what.
Her one gray eye twinkled as she smiled at him then turned her gaze toward the mother and child, her expression softening.
“Kagome, was it?” she asked and said woman nodded. “My name is Kaede, dear. While usually I would say it has been a pleasure, I’m sure this night has been anything but for you, hm?”
Kagome sighed and smiled wryly, the exhaustion evident in her eyes and the lines on her pale face. Absently she ran a hand through Souji’s hair, who had settled down and was cuddled up against her chest, the long and eventful night finally catching up with him as a big yawn escaped his mouth.
Kaede’s heart went out to the poor girl and her child and she was glad she had Inuyasha to help her through such a hellish night. He was a good man with a good head on his shoulders; she knew she was in good hands and would be well taken care of.
“Make sure to get plenty of rest, dear,” she told her and Kagome nodded with a grateful smile. “You too, Souji, though it seems you’re already half way there.”
Blinking at the old woman drowsily, Souji grunted then burrowed his head into his mother’s good shoulder, his arms going around her neck with a gusty sigh.
Kaede chuckled and with one last glance at the clearly impatient half-demon that was still pegging her with an annoyed glare, she turned and headed back to wrap things up with the police. Kagome and Souji were in good hands; she wasn’t worried.
Shaking his head and grumbling under his breath, Inuyasha turned toward Kagome and discovered that Souji had more or less passed out in her lap, his breaths deep and even. Kagome was smiling gently down at him, all the love in her eyes as she kissed his head and rocked him slowly back and forth, stroking his hair and back like a loving mother would to her child.
Inuyasha’s heart melted and he suddenly wanted very, very badly to be a part of their cozy little duo.
But then reality slammed into him hard and he ducked his head to hide his grimace, ears flattening against his head as he fiddled with the rolled up ace bandage in his hand. What the hell was wrong with him—she’d literally just met him an hour prior, and he doubted dating was anywhere close on her mind on such on a shitty night. Plus, and he couldn’t believe he hadn’t even thought of this before, making him inwardly curse himself for his earlier attempt to kiss her, there was also the very real possibility that she was unavailable. Hell, she had a fucking kid; the father could be waiting at home for her, though if that was the case he wasn’t sure why the guy wasn’t here by now. Wouldn’t she have contacted him?
Beneath his hat, his ears perked just a little. Then again, she hadn’t mentioned anything about the kid’s old man, and maybe it was just wishful thinking, but he could have sworn she’d leaned in earlier like she wanted to kiss him before he foolishly pulled away, so…maybe not?
He flicked a hopeful glance at mother and child, took in the tiny ears on top of Souji’s head, and the hopes promptly came crashing back down. Souji was a half-demon, which meant the father was a full demon.
Why go for half when she could have full.
Inuyasha bit back a groan and dragged a hand down his face. Dammit, he was reading too far into this. She was his patient, for god’s sake, he had no right to—
Startled out of his thoughts by the soft inquisitive voice, Inuyasha jerked his head up and his gaze collided with dark, beautiful depths filled with concern, delicate eyebrows dipped down into a small frown.
“Hey,” she said, offering a little smile. “Are you okay? I lost you for a second there.”
Inuyasha blinked at her choice of words and the instinctive response of “You’ll never lose me, Kagome” was right on the tip of his tongue but then he remembered himself and shook his head. Fucking hell.
“Yeah, uh, no,” he said, frowning at his own words and tried again. “I’m fine, Kagome. Sorry. Didn’t mean to space out on ya.”
Her smile broadened. “No need to be sorry. It’s been a weird night, huh?” She chuckled a little and Inuyasha couldn’t help but level a crooked grin at her.
“Yeah,” he agreed then held up the forgotten ace bandage in his hand. “Which ankle is bothering you? I’ll check it out and wrap up so you can finally call it a night and head home.”
“That sounds heavenly,” Kagome said with a sigh and lifted her right foot. “This one. Please tell me it’s not broken.”
Inuyasha only tossed her a wry grin before very carefully pulling off her slip-on shoe and cradling her bare foot in his hands. She winced a little when he turned it over as he inspected and she shook her head at his muttered apologies.
“Can you pin point the pain for me?” he asked and leaned forward to tenderly touch her fingertips to the soft part of her ankle, just a little above the bone. There was some mild swelling and she could still flex her ankle slightly, but not without pain.
“You’re in luck,” Inuyasha said after a minute and shifted forward to prop her foot on his knee while he prepared to wrap bandage around it. “Looks like it’s just a mild sprain, but you should still keep your weight off of it as much as you can.”
Kagome laughed dryly and at his inquisitive look, she raised her brows and remarked, “It’s hard to stay off your feet when you’re a single mother with a hyper-active two-year-old.”
Despite himself Inuyasha felt the hope bloom warm and wonderful in his chest again and he really hoped the excitement didn’t show on his face. She was single. She was single. The dad wasn’t in the picture, fuck yes!
Wow, you fucking idiot, can you be any more insensitive? To hide the shameful blush that colored his face, Inuyasha ducked his head and focused on wrapping her ankle. For all he knew, something tragic could have happened and she might still be recovering. Jumping to conclusions would not only be foolish, but inconsiderate to her as well, and he needed to stay in her good graces if he ever wanted to have a chance with her.
And he wanted. God, did he ever.
“Is there anyone that would be willing to stay with you for a while? Friends? Family?” Inuyasha only flicked her a brief glance before turning his gaze back to his task, not wanting to make the wrap too tight or uncomfortable.
Kagome wrinkled her nose and adjusted Souji in her arms, wincing when her shoulder protested the movement.
“Mama and Gramps are both retired and don’t have the energy to chase after a toddler like they used to, and my brother is away at college. And the only friend I really have is…well, he’s not really…a good candidate for babysitting.”
Inuyasha paused to quirk a brow up at her, a wordless inquiry.
Kagome sighed and her voice was dry. “Let’s just say that Miroku is more interested in the baby making process than actually raising one.”
The silver-haired medic snorted and continued his work, passing under the arch of her foot and around her ankle one last time before gently securing the end via the strong Velcro attached to it.
“How’s that?” he asked, sitting back and inspecting his handiwork. “Not too tight?”
Flexing her foot a bit, Kagome smiled and nodded in approval. “Feels perfect. You’re really good at that; I remember whenever I hurt my ankle when I still lived at home Mama always made it too tight or too loose so I had to fix it myself.”
Inuyasha shrugged off the compliment, though inwardly his ego was inflating to twice its normal size.
“It’s my job,” he remarked and started putting everything back where he’d found it. “Be a pretty shitty EMT if I couldn’t do something I was specifically trained for.”
A soft laugh reached his ears. “I suppose you’re right.”
They lapsed into comfortable silence, and since the driver for this damn thing was still nowhere in sight, Inuyasha decided to give voice to a curiosity that refused to leave him alone and really, really hoped he wouldn’t regret it.
“So, uh,” he began, frowning down at the plastic bin of bandages in his hand as he tried to think of how to phrase it without sounding like an opportunistic asshole. He slid the bin back home to its proper place in one of the cabinets and tried to make himself look busy, avoiding her curious gaze.
“Pup’s father. Is he, uh, is he still around? Why isn’t he here?”
As soon as the words left his mouth Inuyasha wanted to slam his head against the nearest hard surface. Smooth, asshole. Real smooth.
Too busy beating himself up, he missed the little smile that curled Kagome’s mouth as she watched him. Honestly she’d been waiting for him to ask that question. She’d purposely hinted earlier that she was unattached by saying she was a single mother and he hadn’t seemed to really take the bait, so she was glad he took the initiative this time and asked. She’d thought about dropping another hint, but didn’t want to seem too desperate.
“Do you remember how Souji was acting earlier?” she asked by way of reply. “Growling, sort of aggressive and wouldn’t let anyone come near me?”
Not expecting that, Inuyasha turned toward her, the confusion evident on his face. But then he frowned and nodded, prompting Kagome to continue.
“Last year his father and I got into a screaming match that got out of hand and he punched me in the face. Souji saw it happen. I left him and ever since that day Souji has been extremely protective of me and he’s very distrustful of strangers, especially men.”
She looked down at the slumbering boy in her arms and her expression softened, her smile turning sad as she kissed his little brow.
“My fierce little warrior,” Kagome murmured, smoothing back his hair before glancing back at the handsome medic. Inuyasha was frowning at her but she could see the concern in his eyes with a hint of anger simmering just beneath the surface and she had to smile. He was angry because of what had happened to her, even though it had happened a year ago, and she thought that was incredibly sweet.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Inuyasha said, his voice a low rumble and his gaze intense, sincere as he stared into her eyes. “I’m sorry Souji has such a shitty sperm donor, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to deck the son of a bitch myself for hitting you. Women are meant to be protected. Cherished…loved. Never hurt.”
Kagome didn’t know what to say to that so she said nothing, eyes locked on his and heart in her throat.
Another moment of silence passed as the two of them simply gazed at one another, the air between them charged, heavy with something both of them didn’t quite understand, but then Inuyasha sighed and racked a hand through his hair, shaking his head. Kagome blushed and cleared her throat, dropping her gaze to watch her son’s face, relaxed in sleep.
“So you’re telling me a full demon punched you in the face and he didn’t knock you the fuck out?” Inuyasha quite tactlessly asked, a puzzled frown creasing his brow.
“I saw it coming and managed to dodge at the last second so he only glanced my cheek and temple,” Kagome readily answered, grateful for the subject change if only to calm the rabid beating of her heart. “I smacked my head against the kitchen counter as I went down and I was dizzy for a few minutes, but it passed and I was able to grab Sou and get the hell out of there. I haven’t seen him since.”
“So you have full custody,” Inuyasha assumed.
Kagome nodded and heaved another sigh. “Yes. But even if I didn’t and it was shared, I still wouldn’t see hide nor hair of him.”
Inuyasha’s eyebrows rose at that. “You mean the asshole has no interest in his own son?”
Kagome closed her eyes and the smile that curled her lips was so incredibly sad Inuyasha had to fight against the urge to take her into his arms.
“Souji is the reason why we were arguing that day,” she explained, eyes fluttering open to regard her baby boy the way only a loving mother ever could. “When I told Kouga that I was pregnant, he told me to get rid of it. He didn’t want a half-breed to be related to him in any way, shape, or form, regardless if it was his own offspring or not. I didn’t, of course, and our relationship deteriorated after that. I know I should have left him that day, but part of me hoped…”
She trailed off with a sigh and idly ran a hand through Souji’s dark hair. The toddler stirred slightly and grunted softly in his sleep, but settled down soon after, going still with a quiet sigh. Kagome kissed his head, so overcome with love for her brave, beautiful little boy.
“At the risk of sounding completely selfish and maybe even a bit like an asshole,” Inuyasha began, drawing Kagome’s gaze back to him and he stubbornly refused to look away despite his face heating.
“I’m…sorta glad it happened. I mean not that he punched you of course, I would never—because you’re here now and—ah, fuck.”
Groaning, Inuyasha dropped his head in his hands and willed himself to just fucking turn into a ghost so he could phase into the goddamn ground or some shit but then the sound of soft laughter reached his ears and he dared at a glance at his beautiful patient. Judging by the hand over her mouth, she’d tried to stifle her mirth and failed but even if she’d succeeded, the amusement in her eyes would have tipped him off easily and despite himself Inuyasha felt himself grinning in return.
“Me, too,” Kagome whispered, lowering her hand to reveal a soft, beautiful smile and fuck, what he would give to have her look at him like that all the damn time.
Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something, anything as long as she’d keep looking at him like that, but then she suddenly yawned and he remembered where they were. She blinked and then gave a sheepish smile and shrugged.
Chuckling, Inuyasha pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Two AM,” he supplied and tucked it back in his pocket. “Things are wrapping up here anyway, so how about we call it a night and get you two home?”
The thought of her bed was nearly enough to make her weep. “That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all night,” Kagome replied and shifted Souji in her arms again. Her shoulder twinged in protest and she hissed through her teeth.
“Um, can you do me a favor?”
Inuyasha crossed his arms and cocked a brow at her, waiting.
“Could you get his car seat for me, please? My shoulder is starting to really hurt for holding him for so long.” She tossed him a pleading smile and he was helpless but to obey.
He deliberated for only a second, casting a brief glance at the child in her arms before surprising her by saying, “I’ll do it.”
She blinked. “What?”
Shrugging, though not without a slight flush on his cheeks, Inuyasha turned his gaze away and repeated, “I’ll put him in it. I mean if you don’t mind. It’ll save you from having to lift your arm if it’s hurting you that much.”
Both of her brows lifted into her bangs and she tilted her head. “Do you know how?”
Inuyasha frowned and looked offended.
Immediately Kagome winced and shook her head, a flush darkening her face. 
“Sorry, that was rude,” she murmured and received a grunt in response. “I was just surprised, is all. I didn’t mean to insinuate anything.”
He grumbled but nodded and Kagome somehow knew he wasn’t really upset over it. Still, she leveled him with an apologetic smile and adjusted Souji in her arms to make the transfer easier.
“Please,” she entreated softly and the wind was abruptly blown right out of his sails.
Relaxing, Inuyasha wordlessly bent down to carefully take the slumbering child from her arms and cradle him in his own. Souji didn’t stir and Kagome watched as the handsome medic who had taken such good care of them tonight stepped off the ambulance and crossed the scant distance to the car seat sitting on the ground. The sight of him slowly settling her baby boy in and checking to make sure everything was secure warmed her heart in ways she hadn’t felt for over two years now. It made her think that maybe, just maybe…that missing piece of her heart, the part that Kouga had viciously destroyed with his actions and carelessness of his own son, could be replaced with a new, much stronger piece to make it whole again.
And that piece had golden eyes, a fanged grin, and two adorable silver dog ears so much like her little Souji’s.
Kagome was just thinking that maybe this night wasn’t as bad as she thought it was when Inuyasha returned and gingerly set her son’s car seat with sleeping toddler cradled within on the ambulance floor before hopping back up into it.
With a rumbled word of warning, he slipped his hands beneath her and easily lifted her up into his arms, only to hop back to the ground a minute later and set her beside her son.
“Sit tight,” he said and before he could stop himself he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll bring my truck around since I can’t carry you both at the same time with him in that thing.”
“You’re gonna take me home?” Kagome questioned, surprised, but undoubtedly pleased.
He leveled her with a look and quipped, “You really think I was gonna make you walk home with a bum ankle and a toddler?”
Kagome offered him a sheepish smile. Neither of them pointed out that she could just catch a ride with one of the cops still hanging around for whatever reason.
Rolling his eyes, Inuyasha shook his head and walked away, grumbling under his breath about silly wenches and dumb questions, Kagome’s soft laugher following after him.
Fifteen minutes later Inuyasha had his two patients bundled into his truck with the still snoozing Souji secured in the backseat of the crew cab and Kagome beside him in the passenger’s seat. Despite it being a rather mild night, she was wearing his leather jacket that had been lying on the floor in the back, the EMT claiming that he hadn’t wanted her to get sick on top of everything else she’d endured tonight. Kagome had simply smiled and tugged the garment closer against her and Inuyasha had delighted in the fetching shade of scarlet that colored her cheeks.
The ride to Kagome’s apartment was spent in comfortable silence but that had more to do with Kagome being dog-tired than not having the need to fill the quiet with soft chatter. Inuyasha let her doze with her head resting against the widow and he was content to steal brief glances at her during the short commute. Souji hadn’t stirred once strapped into the back and the half-demon doubted the pup would wake any time before 7 am, possibly later since he’d had a long night.
Parking in front of the address Kagome had given him, Inuyasha put his truck in park then cut the engine before turning his attention to his lovely passenger. She hadn’t stirred, and he hated to wake her up, but he needed to get them both inside so they could get some proper rest.
“Kagome,” he murmured and reached over to gently nudge her awake. “We’re here. Kagome?”
She murmured and frowned, but otherwise ignored him and he chuckled. Shaking his head, he unbuckled his seatbelt and shifted his hand to tenderly cup her cheek, sweeping his thumb across the softness of her skin.
“C’mon, baby,” he rumbled and was gratified to see caramel eyes flutter open to blink drowsily at him. “Let’s get you and Sou inside so you can get some sleep in a real bed. Doubt you’d be very comfortable out here all night.”
Blinking once more before wrinkling her nose in the most adorable way, Kagome offered a small, sleepy smile and gave a slight nod. She yawned and Inuyasha hopped out to retrieve Souji still passed out in his car seat. The older half-demon was a little surprised the pup didn’t wake even once as he carefully scooped him up into his arms, figuring he’d just come back for the car seat after he’d settle the two of them inside. Instead Souji merely sighed, snuggled against his chest, and Inuyasha’s heart about damn near exploded with affection for the kid.
It was astounding, and maybe a little frightening, how badly he wanted these two in his life, and he hoped to god that Kagome would allow him to see them again after tonight.
Keeping the sleeping toddler secured against him with one arm, Inuyasha helped Kagome down with his other arm tight around her waist and he effortlessly bore most of her weight as he led them down the short sidewalk to her front door. He didn’t like how she’d left her door unlocked, but after her explanation of how she’d planned on coming right back after a short drive to get Souji to sleep, he accepted it with a soft grunt and more or less carried the both of them inside her cozy little apartment.
Reluctantly he released Kagome and she took her son from his arms before tossing him a quick smile and turning to no doubt put him to bed. Inuyasha watched her go, frowning at her limp, but forced himself to remain where he was. She needed to stay off of her ankle for it to get better, but he couldn’t very well tuck in her son for her. While he wouldn’t have minded, he didn’t want to impose, and they had just met, after all.
He also didn’t like the thought of her staying here alone with no one around to help and he thought about asking her if it was alright for him to stay, but again he didn’t want to be weird or make her uncomfortable. They were practically strangers and despite the strangely overpowering need to care for and protect the both of them, he didn’t want her to think he had an ulterior motive or the paramedic side of him wanted to ensure she would be alright.
No, it went much deeper than that. But he didn’t want to scare her or freak her out, so he’d force himself to back off unless she outright told him she wanted him around. Or hell, he’d even take a very obvious hint that was impossible to ignore. He didn’t want this to be the last time he saw her, or the kid, and he desperately hoped the feeling was mutual.
Kagome came limping back down the hallway after closing Souji’s door most of the way and instantly Inuyasha diverted all of his attention on her. She looked utterly drained as she gimped her way over to him, however she still managed to muster up a smile for him and his heart ached.
Inuyasha closed the remaining distance between them and wordlessly scooped her back up into his arms. Kagome’s exhaustion was evident in the way she didn’t even gasp, merely releasing a quiet sigh as he strode down the hallway and followed his nose to Kagome’s bedroom. He set her down on the bed and knelt before her so he could carefully remove her shoes for her. He checked her bandage while he was at it, making sure it was good and secure before resting his hands on her knees and lifting his gaze to hers.
“Thank you,” she whispered and he knew it wasn’t just for taking off her shoes.
“I wish I could do more,” he confessed, eyebrows dipping into a slight frown. “I don’t like the thought of you being here by yourself. Are you sure there’s nobody you can call? I’m sure even your friend Miroku wouldn’t mind helping out if you told him what happened.”
Kagome stared at him, warmth blossoming in her chest. Somebody must be really looking out for her up there to introduce her to such an amazing, caring man like Inuyasha. Granted, she could have definitely done without the circumstances in which they met, but, well…beggars can’t be choosers and all that.
“It’s sweet of you to worry,” Kagome began, lifting a hand to cup his cheek and she smiled when he unabashedly leaned into her touch. “But I promise I’ll be okay. Souji will no doubt crawl into bed with me sometime during the night and wake me up when he’s hungry. After he eats something he’ll probably go back to sleep and I’ll be able to stay off my ankle, if not catch a little more shuteye myself.”
Inuyasha still didn’t look happy, but he finally conceded with a sigh and a nod. “Can I at least leave my number with you so you can text me if you need help? Just for my own peace of mind. Please.”
Boldly he reached up, dragged his claws against the soft skin of her jaw and caught a strand of ebony hair between his fingers. He kept his gaze on hers as he brushed his knuckles against her cheek and he heard the way the breath hitched in her throat. Inuyasha fought back a grin and tenderly tucked the lock of dark silk behind her ear.
Biting her lip, Kagome didn’t give herself time to think as she dropped her hand to grab the lapel of his uniform shirt, fingers curling into the fabric to keep him close. Inuyasha didn’t move, didn’t even dare to breathe as she smiled and peered at him from beneath twin fans of midnight lashes.
“You could,” she murmured, her smile widening just a bit. “Or…you could stop by tomorrow morning and we could maybe talk over coffee and pancakes. If you want.”
Abruptly the breath left Inuyasha’s lungs in a relieved whoosh of air and he nodded, eyes going hooded as he slipped his hand into her hair.
“Yeah,” he said, voice husky. “I want.”
“Yeah?” Kagome repeated, eyes bright, lips curving up even further in obvious delight.
Inuyasha nodded again, gaze fastened to her mouth, and that time Kagome sighed. Her hand tightened on his shirt, refusing to let go, or maybe she was unable to. She couldn’t tell, not with the way Inuyasha was staring at her. Or more accurately her mouth and unconsciously she swallowed, lips parting on a stuttered breath.
“Okay,” he muttered. “Alright. Good.”
They stared at each other, saying nothing, her hand gripping his shirt, his in her hair, and Inuyasha was fighting desperately to keep himself where he was, to not give in no matter how bad he wanted to. He couldn’t take advantage of her like that, he couldn’t risk destroying the trust she had so graciously given him—
She breathed his name, the softest of whispers falling from her lips, and Inuyasha’s control shattered.
“Aw, to hell with it,” he muttered right before surging up and claiming her mouth in the passionate kiss he’d been wanting to give her all damned night.
Immediately Kagome responded, both hands gripping his shirt now as Inuyasha braced his knee on the bed beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her from falling as he leaned over her. He nipped her lips and she parted them with a gasp that turned into a whimper as he deepened the kiss, greedy for her taste. Despite the hunger ravaging in his gut, however, he kept his kiss gentle, his mouth moving over hers in a hot, sensual dance that she eagerly reciprocated with flicks of her tongue and gentle nips.
He growled and with his hand cupping the back of her head, fingers tangled in her hair, Inuyasha pulled back only to press a series of hot, lingering kisses to her mouth but it wasn’t long before he was unable to keep himself from going in for a much longer, deeper taste once more. Her breathy laugh turned into a moan and he would have smirked in arrogant pride had he had the higher brain function to do so.
Several heated seconds later, Inuyasha finally pulled back to allow them both to breathe and he rested his forehead against her own as they panted for breath.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” Inuyasha admitted in a low rumble that sent pleasant tingles down Kagome’s spine.
“Funny,” she whispered. “I’ve been wanting you to do that all night, too.”
He chuckled and couldn’t help but to brush one last lingering kiss across her smiling lips.
“Get some sleep,” he entreated against her lips. “And I’ll see you later.”
“Okay,” she sighed and gave him a sleepy, but genuine smile. “Good night, Inuyasha. Thank you for…everything.”
Inuyasha smiled at her and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Anytime,” he husked. “Good night, baby. Sleep well.”
He helped her get settled into bed and wasn’t surprised that she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow. Inuyasha sighed, kissed her brow one more time, and then quietly stole out of her bedroom to let her sleep. Before he even thought about what he was doing, and almost like it was second nature, he checked on Souji who was still fast sleep in his little toddler bed before making sure all the lights were off and ensuring her door was locked when he finally left a few minutes later.
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Just as she’d predicted, Kagome woke up just a little after 7 am to the feeling little hands on her face. She opened bleary eyes to find her son hovering over her, wee hands on her cheeks and blinking owlishly down at her. The biggest, sunniest grin split his cherubic face when he saw that she was finally awake and he patted her cheeks with a happiness only a child could have after only going to sleep a few hours before and getting up at what the fraaaaack o’clock in the morning.
Tiny fingers grabbed her nose and Kagome sighed even as a tired smile lifted the corners of her lips.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” Kagome murmured and then released a yawn. “It’s too early for your shenanigans, Sou.”
“Mama,” Souji said by way of reply as his mother levered herself upright with a groan. God, she hurt everywhere. Her entire body was sore, not just her torso and shoulder. Not surprising, considering what she’d went through last night, but still.
With a soft grunt, Kagome very, very slowly wriggled around until she managed to get her feet on the floor, her sore body protesting every movement. Obviously any pain meds she’d taken last night had worn off by now and her ankle throbbed in protest when she put a little weight on it. Kagome winced and dragged a hand down her face. God, today was going to suck.
But at least she had something to look forward to, Kagome mused to herself, a little smile lighting her face as she remembered they were going to have a visitor that morning. Which meant she needed to get her ass in gear, take a much-needed shower, and feed her hungry toddler.
Souji wedged himself between her knees and stared up at her with worried blue eyes.
“Hurt?” he asked and very gently patted her knee as if the barest touch would cause crippling pain.
Kagome sighed and smiled for her little boy, running a hand through his dark hair and tweaking his ears.
“Yes,” she admitted. “But I’ll be fine, baby. It’s only a little hurt”—lie—“and I’ll feel better once I take a nice hot shower and get some food in our tummies.” She poked his belly and was relieved to see the smile bloom across his face.
“Puffs,” he said and darted for the kitchen.
“Puffs it is,” Kagome murmured and taking a deep breath, she braced her hands on the mattress and slowly pushed herself to her feet. There was pain, but it was tolerable, and she tried to keep as little weight on her bad ankle as she could as she hobbled her way to the kitchen to pour her two-year-old a bowl of Cocoa Puffs cereal.
Even though she wanted nothing more than to sleep all day to let her weary, banged up body recover, being a single mother made that very tempting option unavailable So, despite being slow and muttering curses under her breath every few minutes, Kagome provided her boy with his coveted diabetes-on-a-bowl disguised as sugary chocolate cereal and then went about making herself a cup of much-needed coffee.
After two cups and by the time Souji had finished his second bowl, Kagome was starting to feel human again and since her son had wandered off into the living room to watch cartoons, Kagome seized this chance to take a shower. She knew Souji would pass out soon after on the couch so she wouldn’t have to worry about him for a few hours, or at least until Inuyasha arrived.
The thought of the handsome medical technician brought a flush to Kagome’s cheeks and warmth to flood her entire body. She couldn’t wait to see him again and she wondered if he was as excited about it as she. She could only hope, and the giggle that bubbled up in her throat as she hobbled into the bathroom was girlish and completely involuntary.
Half an hour later Kagome was showered, dressed, and feeling much more like herself, if not still a little tired, but she supposed that was to be expected. The pain meds she’d taken with her coffee had dulled the pain in her ankle, side, and shoulder, and she was grateful because the pain would make whipping up some breakfast much more difficult.
Unsurprisingly Souji was passed out cold in the most ridiculous position on the couch while Paw Patrol played on the television and Kagome left him be to start breakfast. She had no idea when Inuyasha would show up and she wanted to have something made up by then.
Unfortunately, she didn’t get very far before her phone started ringing and Kagome whipped her head around to stare at the device. It was still on the counter where she’d left it last night before venturing out for a drive with Sou and she sighed because she had an idea as to who it could be. And lo and behold, when she picked it up, “Mama” flashed across the screen.
Kagome grimaced, braced herself, and answered.
The conversation with her mother went as expected. Evidently someone from the accident scene last night had captured a brief video snippet of Inuyasha performing his little magic show for Souji and her mother had seen it circulating on social media. Asako explained that she recognized her own daughter and grandson in the video and Kagome managed to calm her down enough to enlighten the older woman what had happened. Several times she had to assure her mother that she and Souji were both fine and probably sometime later that day they were both going to go to the hospital to get an official checkup and an x-ray for Kagome’s ankle and ribs.
Of course, her mother being her mother, wanted to come over and help with Souji while Kagome focused on recovering, but the younger woman managed to convince her that she didn’t need to make the drive just for a likely sprained ankle. She might have put in the little white lie that Miroku would be stopping by later and it was enough to pacify Asako into agreeing.
It wasn’t really a surprise that seconds after hanging up with her mother, her phone beeped with a text message from Miroku but she really didn’t have the energy to put up with him right now so she ignored it and went about preparing breakfast.
In hindsight, she really should have replied to that message.
It was about a quarter after nine when the doorbell rang and instantly butterflies took off in Kagome’s belly from a combination of nerves and excited anticipation. Still, though, it was impossible to hold back the brilliant smile that spread across her flour-dusted face as she shuffled as fast as she could to the front door, heart pounding in her chest as she quickly unlocked it and whipped it open. God, but it was embarrassing how much she’d missed him—
“What the hell are you doing here?” Kagome asked, her radiant expression instantly dropping to one of horror.
Kouga didn’t answer and instantly zeroed in on the bandage on her forehead, blue eyes narrowing as a sense of unease roiled in his gut. So the stupid human hadn’t been lying, then. Least he was good for something other than grabbing ass.
“I don’t want you here,” Kagome hissed after recovering from the shock of seeing her ex out of nowhere. “Leave. Now.”
Stone-faced, she grabbed the door and started to close it in his face, but Kouga wedged his foot into the threshold and prevented it. Kagome glowered at him and tired again, but Kouga pushed his way inside, forcing her to stumble backward and nearly crumple to the floor as her ankle was forced to bear her weight. She gasped as pain ricocheted up her entire leg and she would have fallen backward had it not been for her ex grabbing her wrist and hauling her back up.
“What the fuck, Kagome,” Kouga growled and darted his gaze down to her feet, snarling when she saw she was favoring her right one. “Were you really in a goddamn accident last night and didn’t fucking tell me?”
Regaining her bearings and her balance, Kagome yanked her wrist out of his grip and stumbled backward with a scowl, dark eyes flashing with a mixture of pain and anger.
“Why the hell would I tell you anything?” she snapped, flicking her gaze toward the living room and hoping like hell Souji would remain asleep. “We’re not together anymore, Kouga, or don’t you remember when you punched me in the face?”
Crossing her arms, Kagome simply glared at him, giving up on getting him to leave because she knew in her current state there was shit all she could do. Even if she were at peak physical health, he was still ten times stronger than she and he never let her forget it, either.
To her surprise, Kouga actually looked regretful as he winced and thrust a hand through his bangs. His hair was up in its usual ponytail, but it looked as if he’d dressed in haste, donned in a simple t-shirt and loose sweatpants he wore when jogging. Oh please; don’t tell her he was actually worried?
“C’mon, Kagome, you know I hate it when you bring that up,” he muttered, having the audacity to actually look embarrassed. “I said I was sorry and it’ll never happen again. It’s been a year, can’t we just forget about it and—”
“You and I both know it’s far more than just a punch to the face, Kouga,” Kagome murmured, face tight with pain and old fury that bubbled up to the surface at his sudden reappearance. How the hell had he even found out, anyway? As far as she knew he wasn’t on social media and her mother would never reach out to him after what happened last year.
Kouga tensed and clenched his jaw, cobalt eyes going hard and cold as steel. Evidently his opinion hadn’t changed about half-demon’s and the old scar he’d left on her heart ached.
Deciding now wasn't the time or place to revisit that particular topic, Kagome sighed roughly and leveled him with a suspicious glare.
“How did you even find out, anyway? I know my mother didn’t tell you.” She arched an expectant brow.
Kouga snorted. “Of course she didn’t,” he confirmed. “It was that perverted friend of yours, Miro-whatever. At least he had the sense to—”
Tuning out the rest of whatever he was going on about, Kagome snapped her gaze around to land on her discarded phone still lying on the counter and the color drained from her face when realization dawned. Oooh, that complete and utter moron! That asshole! She was going to throttle him when she saw him next!
“Ooooh, I’ll kill him,” she hissed, glaring with such vehemence at her phone it was a wonder it didn’t burst into flames right there on her counter.
“—good thing he did because you can’t be staying here alone in your condition, you could fall and hurt yourself even worse—”
“Shut up, Kouga,” Kagome cut him off and the wolf-demon was so startled by her cold tone he actually did. “I have no idea why Miroku would ever contact you because it’s literally none of your business what happens to me or Souji because we are no longer together. I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I liked it that way, so now I want you to leave before my son wakes up and sees you. We’ve both had a very long night and he does not need the stress of your presence after what he went through last night. So get out. I’ll be talking with Miroku to make sure he never contacts you again.”
Arms tight across her chest, dark eyes stern and lips in a flat, thin line, Kagome stared him down and didn’t even flinch at the low growl her ex-boyfriend emitted.
“Like hell I’m leaving here without you,” Kouga growled, his eyes twin pools of blue fire as he stalked forward and reached for her arm. “I don’t care what you say, you can’t be alone—”
“So you’re the asshole sperm donor Kagome told me about, huh.”
While Kouga stiffened and slowly turned around with a dark scowl on his face, relief swept through Kagome and the smile that split her face was grateful and positively radiant.
“Inuyasha,” she breathed and Kouga sneered, crossing his arms as he took in the unwanted newcomer.
Leaning against the door jamb, a paper bag tucked under his arm and holding a cardboard drink holder with two coffees in it, Inuyasha looked unimpressed as he returned the once over before shifting his gaze to the woman behind the wolf. Kagome looked infinitely glad to see him, relief swimming in those dark eyes of hers, and his expression softened. Damn, he’d missed her.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Inuyasha ignored the question and kept his gaze on Kagome.
“You alright?” The sperm donor was blocking most of his view, but from what he could tell she seemed alright. His nose told him Souji was napping in the living room and he was glad for that. From what Kagome had told him, the pup didn’t need to see his father here and have a repeat of what happened last night. Poor kid already went through hell.
“I’m fine,” she assured him and stepped around her ex to take the bag and drinks from him. “I was in the middle of making breakfast, but now I suppose I don’t have to. Smells absolutely divine.”
The most delicious smell of muffins and honeybuns were coming from the paper bag and her stomach growled in agreement.
“I thought about taking you two out for breakfast,” he admitted a little sheepishly with a shrug. “But then figured you wouldn’t really wanna go anywhere considering what happened.” He paused. “How you feeling, by the way?”
Shuffling over to the bar counter and completely ignoring the increasingly pissed off wolf-demon, Kagome deposited their breakfast onto the surface and went about collecting some plates.
“Sore, obviously,” she told him. “But it’s tolerable. It still hurts to walk on my ankle, and I had to take the bandage off so I could shower, so if you wouldn’t mind wrapping it again—”
“I asked you a question, asshole,” Kouga interrupted their pleasant little conversation, stepping up and inserting himself right in front of the half-breed’s vision so he was forced to look at him. “Who are you and how do you know Kagome?”
Immediately Inuyasha’s expression changed from warm pleasantness to cold and flinty as he finally looked at the fucker in front of him that had so rudely interrupted his conversation with Kagome. The wolf was attempting to pull off a pathetic intimidating act by snarling in his face and baring his fangs while glaring balefully at him, a steady growl leaking past his clenched teeth.
Inuyasha stared at him for a beat before saying curtly, “I don’t think that’s any of your business, wolfshit. Matter of fact, you don’t have any business being here so why don’t you do us a favor and get lost because Kagome clearly doesn’t want you here, and you know what, neither do I. Your stench is already giving me a headache. There’s the door. I hope it hits you on your way out.”
With that, the half-demon roughly shoved his way past the other male and made his way over to Kagome who had silently watched the exchanged with a worried frown.
Kouga was having none of that, though, and spun around with a snarl to reach out and dig his claws into the mongrel’s shoulder.
“Listen asshole, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are—”
Inuyasha reacted so fast his movements were a blur. He spun around and in the same movement threw his arm above Kouga’s head before jerking it down hard against his back to dislodge the wolf’s grip on his shoulder. Kouga grunted but could do nothing as the next second the half-demon forced his body to turn and then with a swift kick, swept his feet out from under him. He landed on the floor with a grunt and a scowling half-demon glaring down at him.
“I know where very major artery is on your pathetic, weak little body, wolfshit,” Inuyasha growled and narrowed his eyes in lethal warning. “Touch me or her again and my claws just might slip. Comprende?”
While Kouga grumbled and glowered up at him as he pushed himself to his feet, behind him Kagome was feeling quite flushed at having witnessed the hanyou display a very effective self-defense skill and she had to resist the urge to fan herself.
Good lord, but why had that been so hot? Not to mention that threat if he touched her again.
God, Kagome mused, pressing a hand over her wildly beating heart. Take me now.
Scoffing in the face of the half-breed’s anger and threat, Kouga rolled his shoulders and leveled another scowl at him. If he thought he was just going to—
Inuyasha’s ear flicked behind him at the muttered curse and a familiar scent told him the reason of Kagome’s sudden apprehension. Instantly schooling his expression, he shifted amber eyes toward the living room and found sleepy blue eyes blinking at the three adults. His black hair was a mess and he’d managed to kick off his pants sometime during his nap.
“Hey, bud,” Inuyasha greeted the toddler with a grin, not even sparing the sperm donor another glance. “Remember me?” He wiggled his clawed fingers and raised his eyebrows.
Souji, sleepy mind still trying to register what he was seeing, blinked and settled his gaze on the older male. He sniffed a few times, tilted his head, and wrinkled his nose.
“Magic man,” he said and gave a toothy grin.
Inuyasha’s face softened. “That’s right,” he affirmed. “The magic man. You hungry? I got some tasty muffins and honeybuns that I’m sure you’d like.”
“He shouldn’t be,” Kagome opined, hobbling over to stand beside him and beckoning her son over with a smile and a wave. “He had two bowls of Cocoa Puffs before his nap.”
“Lucky,” Inuyasha commented with another grin. “My mom only lets me have one bowl.”
Kagome snorted a laugh and covered her mouth, but Souji was too busy staring at Kouga to react. His ears were pinned, his little face was scrunched up and Inuyasha couldn’t tell if it was because he was scared or agitated at his father’s unwanted presence.
Shit. Acting fast, and without thinking twice, Inuyasha crossed the distance between them and abruptly scooped the kid up into his arms. Surprisingly, and thankfully, Souji let the older half-demon carry him and fisted a tiny hand in his shirt as Inuyasha crossed back over to Kagome, who was smiling and had suspiciously bright eyes.
“Chock?” Souji asked and it took him a minute to figure out what he was requesting.
“I’m pretty sure I got chocolate muffin for you, champ,” he said and watched the kid’s face light up in delight. It was true; he did have a chocolate muffin that he’d gotten for himself, but he’d give it to Souji in a heartbeat if that’s what he wanted.
Tired of being ignored, Kouga growled and stalked forward again, refusing to let this mutt get the upper hand here. If anyone should leave, it should be the half-breed, dammit!
“Goddammit, I’m not done—”
“Hey Souji,” Inuyasha interrupted the wolf’s tirade loudly and big blue eyes stared up at him questioningly. “Wanna see a magic trick?”
The tot’s eyes widened and he nodded, remembering the magic he’d showed last night with the red light and his fingers. There was more?!
Wordlessly Inuyasha handed the kid over to his mother and at Kagome’s puzzled frown, he merely grinned and winked before spinning around to face the red-faced wolf-demon. Grabbing a pencil that he assumed Kagome used when making grocery lists, he promptly stabbed the pointed end into the counter with enough force to make it stand upright and he mentally apologized to Kagome for ruining the surface. Kouga paid it no mind and stormed forward, growling low while Inuyasha casually rounded the counter to meet him head on.
“I’m gonna make this pencil disappear,” he announced jovially just as Kouga reached him and with both Kagome and Souji’s wide-eyed gaze on him, Inuyasha promptly grabbed Kouga by the back of the head and slammed his face down hard onto the counter.
Kouga dropped to the floor with a groan as Inuyasha threw his hands up, gesturing to the counter now sans pencil.
“Ta da! It’s gone,” he announced and while Souji squealed in absolute delight and clapped his hands, Kagome gaped at him in disbelief. Where…where did—
Inuyasha reached into his pocket and procured the aforementioned pencil before carelessly tossing it onto the counter. Crossing his arms, he stared dispassionately at the writhing wolf-demon on the floor, clutching his nose with both hands and the scent of blood was prevalent as he groaned in pain.
“I won’t ask again,” Inuyasha growled, golden eyes hard and flashing with thinly veiled warning. “Now make like the fucking pencil and disappear before you really piss me off, wolfshit.”
Managing to heave himself to his feet, but still clutching his nose that hadn’t stopped bleeding, Kouga glared murderously at the half-breed mutt and then shifted his gaze to Kagome. He was expecting sympathy, maybe even a little anger on his behalf – the fucker broke his nose, dammit! – but instead what he got was complete and utter ignorance from his former flame. She dedicated her attention to the boy in her arms, setting him on the counter and reaching inside a paper bag to retrieve what looked like a chocolate muffin, not even sparing him a glance.
And just like that the fight left Kouga and he sighed, giving up. Fine, he could take a hint. He pinned the mutt with one last venomous glare before turning tail and finally leaving, closing the door behind him.
Inuyasha grunted. “Good riddance.”
“Rinse,” Souji repeated with a mouthful of chocolate muffin and Inuyasha turned around to face mother and son. The toddler had more muffin on him than in him and the older half-demon chuckled as he stopped forward to ruffle his hair.
“That’s right, runt,” he praised and then locked eyes with his mother, who stood a few feet away, arms crossed and staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Magic trick, hm?” Kagome drawled as he made his way over to her, trying to remain stern but unable to keep the smile off her face as Inuyasha snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her close.
He shrugged, unrepentant. “Souji liked it,” he defended and grinned down at her. “Hi.”
Kagome gave up and laughed, wrapping her own arms around his neck. “Good morn—”
His mouth cut off the rest of the greeting and Kagome melted against him, happily returning his kiss with a little hum of contentment.
“Sorry,” he rasped as he pulled back. “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Hmm,” Kagome murmured and pulled him back down for another one. Kagome felt his husky chuckle and smiled against his lips, tangling her hands in his hair and sighing in bliss as he nibbled the soft flesh of her bottom lip.
Several more kisses were exchanged, some sweet and slow, others deep and hot, until eventually Inuyasha figured it probably wasn’t he best idea to make out in front of her toddler son so he reluctantly pulled back with a sigh and contented himself by holding her in his arms. Kagome seemed perfectly happy to remain there as she watched her son sitting on the counter making a big mess with his muffin. He’d managed to get it on the floor too and she sighed. She wondered if she could persuade Inuyasha to clean it up while she gave the messy toddler a bath…
Her gaze suddenly landed on the pencil and she blinked.
“Hey,” she said and Inuyasha hummed in response. “How did you do that, by the way?”
“Do what?” He rose his eyebrows in question, but the corners of his lips twitched upward, belying his innocence.
She gave him a look and he smirked at her.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” he rumbled and leaned forward to kiss the corner of her mouth.
“Oh, so you’re a magician now?” Kagome breathed, shuddering as he trailed kisses along her jaw.
“Obviously.” Inuyasha ran his hands up and down her sides, claws snagging the fabric of her thin t-shirt. “I mean I have magic fingers.”
He gave a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows as he said that Kagome couldn’t stop the snort-laugh from erupting from her throat even as a light blush stole across her cheeks.
“And speaking of,” he continued with a devilish glint in honey eyes. “Wanna see me do another magic trick?”
Kagome eyed him suspiciously. “Okay,” she agreed somewhat warily, curious despite herself.
“Alright,” Inuyasha said and nodded. “Now watch closely.”
Kagome blinked and stared at him. Inuyasha stared back and vaguely she was aware of his hand crawling up her back, the feeling of claws through her shirt sending shivers to crawl along the length of her spine.
“What am I supposed to be watching?” she whispered and Inuyasha merely grinned before leaning in to press a lingering kiss to her lips. She felt a slight pressure against her back, but paid it no mind, his kiss thoroughly distracting her.
Then he pulled away, released her from his arms, and that was when Kagome felt the tell-tale slackening of an unlatched bra and Kagome gasped as she immediately snapped up an arm to keep the garment in place.
The devil had just unhooked her bra! Through her shirt!
“Inuyasha,” Kagome squeaked, her face turning five shades of red as the wicked half-demon cackled and darted away, grabbing a happily squealing Souji and making his getaway.
“You—! How did you—?! Dammit, Inuyasha, get back here!”
With one arm pressed against her chest, Kagome took off after the pair of laughing half-demons, chasing them around her small apartment and it wasn’t long before she was laughing too.
“I told you!” Inuyasha shouted as he hopped the couch, grinning when Souji laughed in utter delight. “It’s magic!”
“Oh yeah, well watch as I magically shove my foot up your ass! Let’s see your magic solve that one, you mangy mutt!”
Inuyasha’s reply to that was to drop Souji safely onto the couch, catch his pursuer around the waist as she lunged at him, and then swoop her into a kiss and when Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and immediately responded, it was warm, it was wonderful, it was…
Like magic.
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bella-spil · 4 years
Summary: you and the avengers spend Halloween together.
Characters: Y/N (your name), Bucky, Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Peter, Shuri.
Warnings: cursing, tbh thats it.  VINE REFERENCES
Word Count: 2.4
A/N: hi.. I’m sry I haven’t written in a while.  School has been killing my creativity.  This is gonna be more of a miniseries, more like 2-3 parts.  It’s prob not gonna get much attention, but if you like it, just comment or re blog bc it helps my confidence with posting stuff on here.  This is also inspired by a meme I saw (Ill post it at the bottom of the story) and a video with Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans (link) Masterlist is here
Tag List: @sea040561 @wednesday-add-em @kmuir1 (lmk if you wanna join)
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Halloween was a week away.  Tony being Tony, already paid for the decorations for the tower, so basically all of the floors look like a haunted house.  Rolls of toilet paper stretched across arches in the hallways, tiny spiders were all over furniture, bones and eyes and zombies and witches and everything in between that you could possibly think of was in the tower.  The tower looked like a zombie on steroids; creepy yet entertaining at the same time.  
Everyone was fine with the decorations, but the costumes were a big issue.  Steve and Tony kept arguing over the ideas, both of them wanting to do group costumes.  Everyone else had their ideas too, but Tony and Steve were at each other's throats for the past couple weeks, since like August.  Your room in the tower was right by the meeting office, so hearing the two of them screaming at each other for the most stupid shit was driving you insane.  Once it got to the point where you had to yell at them to shut up.  
This morning, a week before Halloween, while everyone was there, you cleared your throat while you heard Steve and Tony bickering.
“Guys this is getting to be too much.  We need to have a meeting to discuss these fucken costumes.” you said.
“Yeah this is getting out of control,” Nat agreed.
“Guys, cmon, you have to agree with me.  All of us having Iron Man suits would be awesome.  We could fly around the city all night and have so much fun!” Tony said.
“Tony, stop.  All of us being soldiers is better.”  Steve countered.
“STOP!” Clint groaned.  “You guys are insane.  We need to discuss this as a group.”
Tony and Steve sat across from each other, glaring at each other.  Death was looming between them.  
“Fine,” Tony sighed.  “When and where?”
“The office, 2pm,” Nat said.  “And everyone has to show up, that means you too Bucky.”
Bucky groaned from the other side of the room.  He hated group discussions, he liked working alone better.  Said that it was faster to be alone and you didn’t have to worry as much.
2pm finally rolled by.  Everyone has showed up in the big office, one that seemed a little too big.  Everyone was tired of the bickering and had showed up, thankfully.  
Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Peter P, Shuri, Wanda, Vision, Loki and you were crowded around the table.  Tony was standing at the end with a whiteboard, prepared to write down ideas.
“So guys, what do you want to do?” Tony said.
“What about we dress up as famous Star Wars characters?” Sam suggested.
“Nah, Steve isn’t going to know who Yoda is.  That’s a must if we do Star Wars.” Tony said.
“Devils and Angels?” Wanda said.
“Not original,” Steve said.
“What about we just wear each other’s costumes?” Thor suggested.
“You really think you are gonna wear my wings?” Sam said, a hint of annoyance in his voice that made you and Bucky snicker.
“I don’t think any of you guys want to wear a leather catsuit,” Nat said.
“We could dress up as famous vines,” Shuri offered, smirking at you and Peter.  
The three of you quoted vines daily and the rest of the team never knew what you guys meant, which made it even more fun.  Eventually, Sam, Bucky and Clint started learning vines with you because they kept saying things which you guys followed up with vine references.  The frustration got to the three men and they started to learn with you, but they weren’t nearly as attentive as you, Shuri and Peter.
“What’s a vine?” Steve asked.
“Vine was a website created in 2012, officially released in 2013.  It was ultimately shut down in 2016.  Vine was a website where users would create short videos an-” Vision said.
“Vis, I don’t think they want a whole essay,” Wanda said, seeing the reactions of the other Avengers.  Sam had started to fake snore, Loki was muttering something to Peter about knifes, and Shuri was about to watch vines, from what you could tell.  
“It’s this app filled with people saying and doing stupid things for attention,” Nat sighed.
“EDUCATE YO SELF!” Clint shouted, right in Natasha’s ear.  Doing that earned him a hard punch in the back of the head.
“Well I don’t have all day so we need something,” Tony groaned, hitting his expo marker against the whiteboard.
You and everyone else was trying to come up with ideas when all the sudden, quiet Peter Parker, who was pretty much the baby of the tower, spoke up.
“Mr. Frost Giant, God sir?” Peter asked.
“Loki,” Loki sighed, pleasantly shocked.
“So, you have ice powers right?” Peter continued.
“Yes, I am an ice giant,” Loki said.
“You should be Elsa for Halloween,” Peter gasped.
Then, out of nowhere, Clint jumped up, looking like he had 5 monster energy drinks and 10 packs of warheads.
“I’LL BE MERIDA!!!” he screamed.
“I must assume that I am going to portray Elsa then,” Thor said, with a smile on his face.
“So...we are doing Disney princesses?” Tony asked, slightly confused.
“Looks like it,” Bucky said.
“Who the fuck am I gonna be?” Shuri asked.
“Language.” Steve said.
You and Shuri looked at each other for a moment and with a slight nod of your head, you were both in a song.
“FUCK SHIT PUSSY ASS!!!” you and Shuri sang.
“MOTHERFUC-” Peter started to continue, but Tony just slapped his hand over Peter’s mouth.  Tony swore that Peter wasn’t like a son to him, but this didn’t help his situation.
Steve was turning ad red as a tomato in his seat, not being able to process all the dirty words that escaped yours and Shuri’s mouths.
“Ok, who are all the Disney Princesses?” Tony asked, frustration in his voice as he looked down at Peter.  Tony gave him a look, one that said “Stop this shit or you get your suit taken away for two weeks” and once Peter nodded his head slightly, Tony removed his hand.
Vision started to list a bunch of them off, even some of the ones that aren’t considered princesses, like Megara, Alice and Jane.  Once Tony had a list of all the princesses, he started to write of all the avengers, making lines to match them up with their character.  
“Ok, who wants to find their Disney princess counterpart first?” Tony asked.
“Me, I already asked before,” Shuri said rolling her eyes.
“Well I mean you already are a princess.” you said.
“Oh,” Shuri said. “I don’t have to dress up then.  Haha.  You can cross my name off, Tony.”
Tony sighed and rolled his eyes, while taking her name off.
“Next?” he sighed.
“What about me?” Steve asked.
“Oh this is gonna be interesting.” Sam grinned.
“Snow White.” Bucky said, without even hesitating.
“Wait why?” you asked.
“Ohhhhh, I think I see why,” Wanda smirked.
“Continue Barnes,” Natasha said.
“First of all, Snow White was the very first princess to come out.  She came out in the thirties or forties.  She’s the oldest.  Steve was the first avenger and he is the oldest.”  Bucky said.
“Bucky, you are a couple months older than me.” Steve countered.
“Second,” Bucky continued, ignoring his friend completely.  “She is like the most gullible and is surrounded by followers.  Snow White was like living with seven dwarfs.  And she was underage and just lived with them. Steve here, was the leader of the Howling Commandos.  And I was in that group, so I had to endure him and his stupid ass decisions, but I couldn’t elect to ignore it.”
“That’s offensive,” Steve said.
“That's the point,” Bucky said.  
“Ok so Steve is Snow White.”  Tony declared, making a line between Snow White and Steve on the whiteboard.  “NEXTT!”
“Me,” said the super secret Russian spy.
“Hmm..” you thought.
“Megara,” said Clint.
“Oh that's a good one,” Sam agreed.
“Who is Megara?” Steve asked.
“She is an attractive Greek lady that Hercules, the son of Zeus, who is the King of the Greek Gods, falls in love with.” Thor explained.
“Thor, how do you of all people know that?” Shuri asked.  “Shouldn’t Vision know all of these things?”
“M’lady, I am formally educated in Disney movies by the request of Peter Parker, also known as ‘The One and Only Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman’.” Thor explained.
“Kid, you make Thor, the God of Thunder, sit through Sleeping Beauty?” Tony asked, shocked.
“My dear man of Iron, Sleeping beauty was quite relaxing.  That Prince Philip, that amazing man, demonstrated quite intellectually advanced ways to use a sword.  Ways that I can use Storm-breaker effectively in battle.” Thor smiled.
Tony and Sam shared a look of disgust with a combination of interest and concern.
“Thor, I don’t think you can learn fighting tactics from a cart-” Vision started.
“I need to watch the movies again,” Clint and Bucky muttered under their breaths.
“No she should be Mulan,” Wanda said.  “Mulan is determined and strong.  Megara just messed with the God of Death.”
“I mess with death all the time,” Natasha countered.
“I should be Megara.” Bucky stated.
“Because you almost died?” Steve asked.
“Because your soul is dark and empty?” Sam asked.
“Yes and no.  My hair is long, not as long as her’s but I can make it work.  Hair extensions.  She plays with Hercules’ emotions.  She is also strong and independent.  Like me.” Bucky explained.
“That settles it.  Bucky is Megara and Natasha is Mulan.”  Tony said, making lines between the two avengers and their princesses.  
“nEXXttT!” Tony shouted.
“Me me me!” Wanda said happily.
“Yes Mr. Stark I would like to go as well.” Vision added.
“Wanda would make the perfect Moana.” Thor said.  “Moana and Wanda both demonstrate very strong emotions, which affect their abilities regarding their powers and limits and they care deeply about the people that mean the most to them.”
He nudged Loki in the shoulder to try to get him more involved in the meeting.  Loki was just throwing his knives up in the air, and Peter was getting very interested, and getting dangerously close to the God of Mischief.  Tony was eyeing the two of them very, very carefully.
“Yeah, yeah sure,” Loki sighed, just going along with Thor or the sake of it.
“Who would Vision be then?” Sam asked.
“He could be the dead grandma,” Clint suggested.
“Yeah, that one that turned into the manta ray.” Nat agreed.
“It’s settled.  Moana and Dead Grandma Ray.” Tony said, making the lines once again.  He had to add “dead grandma” to the board for Vision’s sake.
“NeXXXXXtttT!!” he shrieked.
“Tony, you should be Belle,” Natasha said.
“Yeah.  I mean, they both fall in love and save the people that mean the most to them, even if it means putting their own life at risk.” Steve agreed.
“And they are both really smart.” Peter added.
“Peter, you just had to say that and I would have been on board.  Now I had to listen to Steve and Natasha for a minute.” Tony groaned as he drew a line between his name and Belle’s.
“Thanks Tony,” Steve said sarcastically.
“Your welcome, Capsicle.” Tony gleamed back.
“Sam should be Cinderella.” Bucky said.
“OMG that works!!” Shuri exclaimed.
“Yeah..” Sam realized.  “I’m Cinderella ‘cause she broke, homie.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, smiling from ear to ear, looking back at Sam.
“She represent me, yooo,” Sam said.  Then he looked over at Steve and said, “Lemme borrow twenty dollas.”
By this point, Steve couldn’t hold in the laughter and almost fell out of his chair.  And Sam, being as he called it “Steve’s best friend, better than Bucky,” saved Steve from collapsing on to the floor.
“Steve is the cinder princess.  Deal with it.” Tony declared, adding another line.
“NeeXXttTTT!” Tony screamed.
“Now, all that’s left is Peter and Y/N,” Wanda said, eyeing you two.
“Peter should be Rapunzel.  Before they face the real world, they are both innocent, but then when they see what the world is really like, it changes them.” Thor said, analyzing the similarities between the princess and the superhero.
“Jesus Christ, why is Point break actually really on point?” Tony asked.
“My dear Stalk of corn, I am educated like I told you earlier.  Insect man has really helped me tap into my inner child and all of the pain my demon brother made me endure.” Thor said.
“Spiderman,” Peter mumbled.
“I take that as a complement.” Loki stated, out of the blue.
“Rapunzel is Parker.” Tony declared.
“Last but not least, Y/N.” Steve said.
Now, it took everyone a while to come up with a princess for you.  You didn’t fit the exact mold or looks of a certain princess, so it was definitely harder.
“What about Alice?” Sam said/
“Why the fuck would she be Alice?” Bucky asked.
“Because Alice in Wonderland is supposed to portray the effects of drugs.” Sam explained.
“So your saying that I act like a drug addict?” you asked.
“NO!” Sam shouted.
“Sam, drop it before you dig your own grave.” Steve said.
“What about Jasmine?” offered Wanda.  “You have a very free spirit like her, and she’s your favorite princess.”
“Yeah sure, that sounds fine.” you agreed.
“Y/N is Jasmine!  dOOONNEe!” Tony shouted with relief.
“FINE!” Tony shouted back.  “NOW WE ARE DONE.  EVERYONE HAPPY?”
Everyone in the room, not wanting to disagree with a hot-headed Tony, looked around at each other and slowly nodded their heads.
“Great!” Tony smiled, a complete change in moods.  “Tomorrow we are going to Party City to get our costumes.  Everyone in this room has to come so we can get the wigs and dresses and makeup.  No skipping out.  That includes you Clint, Bucky and Loki.”
The three men who were called out rolled their heads and sighed.  But they agreed to go.  To Tony’s happiness.
“Great.  Meeting finished.  Pepper wants me for something.  Probably for the party.  Nobody try to call me or you will be met with an ear rape of AC/DC.” Tony said, putting on his glasses and promptly leaving the room in Stark fashion.  Everyone eventually left the room, you being lost in your thoughts.  
“You coming, doll?” Bucky asked, seeing you were still sitting in the room.
“Ya, I’ll be out in a second.” you said.  
“Alright, you, me and Clint are doing a Disney marathon for fighting tactics.  Don’t be late or you because we are gonna eat all the food.  I don’t wanna hear you complain.” Bucky said, walking out the door with a lazy drag of his legs.
Now, relief filled your body.  Now you wouldn’t have to hear arguing about costumes!  And they actually agreed to costumes, shockingly.  Now you just couldn’t wait to go to Party City and endure all the chaos.  And then, you left the room to watch Disney movies again, for fighting tactics.  
Oh, the chaos that awaits.  
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Movie Review | The Decline of Western Civilization series (Spheeris, 1981-98)
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Many years ago, before I sold out to the man, I have to admit I felt a certain attraction to punk music. No, I was never anywhere close to a full on punk (I was, and still am, extremely lame), but I have to admit the anti-establishment streak definitely resonated with me at a certain point of time. (Not that it still doesn’t, but in addition to selling out, I’ve softened with old age.) Like many people I’ve found appealing the political conscience and mix of influences of the Clash, or the boneheaded energy of the Ramones, but I also found my interest straying to hardcore punk. I remember the first time I listened to “Damaged II” by Black Flag and finding it unbelievably abrasive and foreign to my ears, yet it was something I couldn’t get out of my head, and returned to the song and the album it was from a few years later and appreciated it as one of the most forceful expressions of angst ever recorded. I remember first learning of bands like X and Fear, and seeing performance footage on YouTube and being thrilled by the rawness and danger, especially when they had to fight off their fans. This footage was from Penelope Spheeris’ cult classic documentary, The Decline of Western Civlization, which for years was not easily available but I have now finally seen in its entirety.
The movie is structured simply, moving from one band in the L.A. punk scene to another, interviewing them in their natural habitats and punctuating this with footage of their performances. Songs are presented in full so we can get the complete experience. The first band we see is Black Flag, then with frontman Ron Reyes. They are lively on stage but it’s interesting to note how different the energy was prior to the arrival of Henry Rollins, who brought a certain discipline and muscularity to their music. (One of the songs featured here, “Depression”, pops up again in Damaged, and the impact in the latter is noticeably more forceful.) The guys here come across as aimless and destitute, living in a decrepit church where they’ve turned the closets into makeshift bedrooms, seemingly losing money with every gig. But they are also quite affable (you can tell the lyrics of “TV Party” sprang from these minds) and do not have illusions about their situation, especially their difficulty in getting gags thanks to their rowdy fans. These scenes play like a moment frozen in time, right before the band’s most significant period would begin. We move next to the Germs, and these scenes play like a car accident in slow motion, with Darby Crash’s self-destructive tendencies on full display. This was a short time before his death, which occurred between completion of filming and the theatrical release (his image was featured heavily on the promotional materials), once again giving this a lost in time quality.
Next we go to the headquarters of Slash Magazine, the staff of which moonlights as a band called Catholic Discipline. The frontman complains about New Wave, claiming it doesn’t actually exist, yet they come across as downmarket New Wavers who are slumming it in the punk scene. Yet their love of music and their work is obvious and the frontman does possess a certain charisma. Much of what we see of the punk lifestyle is squalid and dismal, yet the music of X manages to poeticize this condition. Their unassuming demeanours during their interview contrast sharply with their vigour in their performances, during which they do their share of batting off overeager fans. We get a burst of political conviction when the Circle Jerks launch into the libertarian anthem “Red Tape”, but this dissipates by the time they start playing “I Just Want a Skank”. We spend some time with the Alice Bag Band and then are treated to a montage of interviews with punk fans. These are shot in monochrome with stark backgrounds and a single bulb providing the lighting, which has the effect of bringing them and their words into sharp relief. We hear similar stories again and again, of aimlessness and aggression, the subjects using the music both as an outlet for their frustrations and inspiration for violence.
Spheeris’ camera has been largely nonjudgmental, yet there’s an undeniable sadness in this sequence. But lest I make it sound that the movie makes punk seem uniformly depressing, the closing sequence provides a potent antidote. The electrifying final minutes of the film feature a performance by Fear (who are not interviewed). The atmosphere here is hostile, with the band riling up the audience with homophobic and misogynistic taunting and having to physically fight them off throughout their set list. It might be tempting to liken their shtick to cheap alt-rightish provocation, but I think that robs their music of the proper context. When almost all their peers and fans adopt an attitude of “everything sucks”, Fear’s ability to find the humour in that mentality is kind of refreshing. It also would ignore the sheer muscularity of the delivery, which almost turns the music into a form of violence. The film is undeniably a fascinating document, but while Spheeris may have had the good fortune of turning on her camera in the right place and right time (even if she had to pay to rent soundstages to film some of the performances), it’s moments like this of pure exhilaration that cement the film’s greatness.
Part II: The Metal Years takes place almost a decade later, with a drastically new context and perspective. This time the focus is on the L.A. metal scene, which was a dominant cultural force unlike hardcore punk ever was. And this time around Spheeris’ POV is less of impartial observation and more satirical condescension. Taken journalistically, the movie is obviously compromised, particularly in an interview of Ozzy Osbourne that’s misleadingly edited to make it look like he has the shakes. I wish the movie hadn’t done this, as Ozzy is a flamboyant enough presence that he’s already funny without needing to frame him into gags, something Spheeris acknowledged in an interview years after the fact. Ozzy and a few other veterans of the scene are not immune to metal culture’s innate ridiculousness (the movie’s biggest laugh for me was Spheeris’ deadpan reaction to Steven Tyler’s extended masturbation metaphor to describe the rock’n’roll lifestyle). It’s worth noting that Spheeris asked her subjects how they wanted to be filmed, leading to such choice setups as Gene Simmons in a lingerie store and Paul Stanley in a bed full of scantily clad models. (Lemmy allegedly took offense to how he was portrayed, claiming Spheeris shot him from afar to make him look stupid, but I don’t think he comes across badly. He’s low key and unassuming in a way that contrasts him from the other participants, at the very least in terms of appearance).
The structure of this entry is tighter, using snippets of different interviews to flesh out different ideas, exploring the decadence and excess of the music and the surrounding culture. We even hear from the anti-metal folks, particularly in one amusing scene where a woman describes the dangerous potential of metal fashion with the solemnity of a cop or anti-gun advocate describing illegal firearms. Performance footage is limited to brief excerpts, usually for comic relief (assless chaps and a limp attempt to set fire to a Soviet flag are highlights), although we do get an extended look at a sleazy stripping context. (The club owners featured seem as much into the metal lifestyle as some of the musicians and fans, in sharp contrast to the genial working class types featured in the first and third entries.) The most notorious segment of the film is the interview with Chris Holmes from W.A.S.P., who lounges in a pool in alcoholic self loathing, which probably went farther in deflating the excitement around the metal scene than any single moment. Yet like the first film, this one refuses to lock into too narrow view of its subject and rebounds with a Megadeth performance that goes a long way in showing that yes, this music can in fact be good. (I should say that I enjoy my share of hair metal, which Megadeth is decidedly not, but the songs earlier in the film don’t do the best job of selling the genre. Although anything would look lame with assless chaps.) This movie is more obviously flawed than the original, but I can’t help but kind of love it. The fact is that the metal musicians and fans, despite being somewhat boneheaded, are also full of good vibes and fun to hang around (more so than the self-serious punk fans in the original), and the movie is quite slick and stylish by documentary standards, which makes the film true to its subject matter in a a way. I mean, you open the movie with Motorhead and I’m half won over already, and I haven’t stopped thinking (and smiling) about it since I’ve seen it.
The good vibes don’t carry over to Part III, which follows a group of homeless gutter punks in L.A. around another decade later. Once again there’s a change in context and perspective, with Spheeris coming across as more compassionate and maternal. The musicians here offer a more sobering, grounded presence. The veterans here, Keith Morris and Rick Wilder, come across as survivors more than anything, particularly the latter with his skeletal, emaciated appearance. The music this time around is almost beside the point, although we do get the sense that it offers the main subjects one of their only sources of relief. Their stories are similar. Broken homes. Forced onto the streets. Substance abuse. The movie feels like extended versions of the Darby Crash scenes and the interviews from the original, but with the grim consequences covered in the final moments, and the film’s sense of despair is alleviated only by the compassion Spheeris brings to the material. I can’t see myself returning to this as readily as it’s more downbeat and less dynamic than the previous movies, but it is undeniably moving, and had a profound effect on Spheeris as well, who decided to become a foster parent after her experience making this movie.
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erischaos · 4 years
summary: you found yourself loving Jaehyun, but he never loves anybody.
inspired on the song “wicked game” by Chris Isaak
words: +1,8k
tags: angst, smut.
warning: i portrayed Jaehyun like an asshole but its just for the fic, i’m pretty sure he’s not like that. Please never fall for this kind of relationship, its very toxic.
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He wasn’t yours, you always knew that. He was hurting you and even like that, you stayed. Jaehyun is the only good thing in your life, you are part of a girl group with almost no popularity and he made you feel worthy of all his attention. Like the chosen one among all those beautiful girls he came across everyday.
“hey princess, come in” Jaehyun opened the door and kissed you briefly “you look specially pretty today” he said and you blushed like a teenager, quickly said hi to the members and went straight to his room. All the boys in the dorm watched you with pity every time you came to visit him. They knew you weren’t the only one, there was a dozen more who fucked him even more than you, but you choose to be blind. Pretending you never smelled the girl perfume, never saw the broken bracelets in the floor, never listened to the rumors.
He didn’t even gave you time to say anything and collided his lips to yours while he started to take off your clothes. He made you walk backwards until you fell on his bed, with him immediately falling over you. Having his weight over you always made you feel at ease, under him you didn’t had to worry about anything else more than pleasing him. He started to run his hands over your legs, reaching for the waistband of your pants and taking them off, he smiled when he saw your red panties and took them off too.
“you’re still dressed, its not fair” you said jokingly “help me then” you sat on the bed and took his shirt off while he was standing, he tried to lay over you again but you stopped him and made him stand again, while buckling his belt you looked up and he caressed your face “you’re always so good to me y/n, you’re perfect” it was so clear for you that you were his favorite when he was always telling you all those things. You knew you didn’t had to love him, it was going to destroy you, and you always though you were strong enough to not do it but, in moments like this, watching his face contract in pleasure while you sucked him off, you felt a little bit weak.
“enough, lay down” you did what he said and opened your legs, you though that maybe today he was going to go down on you but he put on a condom and lined himself with your entrance. When he saw you getting used to his size he started to pound you harder and deeper every time, you wanted to open your eyes to look at him but you were overwhelmed with pleasure, his dick touched all the right places and it was making you lightheaded, every time you opened your mouth to get some air a loud moan came out. You always felt there was no need to pregame with Jaehyun, you were always wet and ready for wherever he needed you. “look at me y/n, look at me while I destroy that pretty pussy of yours” you did your best and opened your eyes “you´re so good to me, always tight no matter how many times I fuck you”. The realization was painful, you loved him so much, you didn’t wanted to, it made you feel stupid and weak. The godly face you were watching now, dripping in sweat it was a very know sight in the kpop industry. Jaehyun was a fuck boy, he fucked at least one girl in every girl group. He always chose the prettiest ones, and it surprised you when, one night, out of nowhere he texted you. He made you feel so special, he told you that you were the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on, the one with the prettiest body and the most stunning voice. The sexting came soon after and a few days later you were cumming in his bed, again and again. You came back to reality when he detached himself from you and turned you around, handling you into all fours. Your face was mushed to the mattress and he started to be more and more rough, he pulled you up by your hair and whispered in your ear “I want to hear you cry”. You didn’t realized that until now your cries were being muffled by the mattress, so when he pulled you up you noticed how loud you were being, almost to the point of screaming. For one second the imagine of the rest of the boys in the living room hearing you made you embarrassed but you forgot the sensation quickly when Jaehyun started rubbing your clit “come on baby, cum on my cock” you were already dripping when he said that, so seconds after you came even the floor was wet. “ow, look at the mess the stupid baby made” he kept on pounding you until you rode your orgasm and you felt brainless, he knew your body so well, you almost blurted an I love you, but something stopped you, maybe after all your weren’t that braindead and you knew that it would ruin the moment and make everything tense, so you simply remained quiet. “would you let me cum on your pretty face, angel?” you were a whore for him, always delivering so you nodded and turned around, falling on your knees on the messy floor, took off his condom and started to suck on his dick again, you were used to him fucking your mouth so when he grabbed your head and started to face-fuck you, you let him and focused on breathing through your nose despite your gagging. A few moments later he took his dick out of your mouth and came all over your face and tongue, you swallowed as much as you could and with the simple sight of his face, contorted in pleasure, you came again, untouched.  That was the only time you could hear him moan, when he came. It was music to your ears, you made him feel good, and the proof was all over your face.
When you two calmed and got some air he cleaned himself with an dirty shirt that was on the floor, put on his pants and went to the bathroom to grab a towel for you. You sat on his bed to wait and you noticed a hair tie under the shelve, on the floor. A hair tie that wasn’t yours. Like all the other things that once in a while you found on his room you choose to ignore it as well, but the pain and the tears showed up anyways. When he came back you thanked god all your face was a mess and the tears weren’t noticeable enough, so you simply wiped your face and your parts.
When you got dressed and ready to leave he stopped you. “y/n I heard it was your birthday a few days ago so I bought you this” from one of the shelves he handed you a medium size velvet box. Inside there was a delicate but beautiful necklace, with a J engraved in a musical note pendant. Happiness tears filled your eyes and you ran to hug him, he kindly patted your back in return. Maybe you were wrong, you misunderstood all the signs of him having another girls and you were the only one in his life, you were special and he loved you. “Its so pretty Jae, I love it, thank you so much” you tiptoe to kiss him on his lips “I want you to wear it always, ok angel? Like that, everyone will know you’re mine”. You nodded and he helped you putting in on and stood behind you, facing the mirror on his wall, you thought that maybe wasn’t a bad thing to tell him you loved him now, and just when you were about to confess your feelings the member you knew as Jungwoo knocked the door, and from outside he said they were going to start a vlive soon and that they needed him there. Jaehyun looked at you and with the face he always did when it was time for you to leave, you understood and without saying a word you left the dorms.
Days after you were in the middle of your group promotions, going to all the music shows the company payed for. There were a lot of other girl groups also, so you didn’t stand a chance to win but you were full of hope anyways. On the backstage you came across a very know group from one of the big three, and since your leader knew them you tag along with her to say hi. You almost collapsed when you realized that, the one that you knew as the visual from said group was wearing the same necklace as you. “that’s a beautiful necklace Jisoo, where did you get it?” she laughed a little bit and you were thankful your own necklace was under your sweater “oh just a guy I have been seeing gave it to me when we won on inkigayo last week” she grabbed the little pendant and showed it to you. It also had the J engraved. You politely said goodbye and did something that was going to destroy you completely. You took a walk around the place, from the few groups that were there, at least one of them had the same necklace. It was his signature, a kind of checklist he had, to mark the ones he already fucked. You weren’t special, you were just one more. All the girls knew that fucking Jaehyun was just for fun, they understood that and they wore the necklace proudly, if was like they were part of a selected group of privileged girls that shared the pleasure of fucking one of the best dicks out there. He knew what he was doing.
It was no point on telling him you knew everything, you needed to be like those girls and face the truth, he saw you like a pussy and you should see him as a dick. As a way of relieving stress, as a way of relax outside the industry. You loved him? Yes. After all, you kept doing it. You wanted to keep on seeing him, to keep on kissing him, keep on fucking him. Wasn’t the price too high? Yes it was. Seeing someone, kissing someone and fucking someone that you love that you had to share hurted like million knives. But it was better than nothing. It was staying with him or never touch him again. On camera Jaehyun was perfect, his dimples, his voice, his manners, everything about him was dreamy. He literally created the perfect man, but when he broke character, when he was with you being heartless he was perfect in your eyes as well. Laying now on his bed, watching him sleep after he came all over you was your place on earth, you had to seize every moment with him until he gets bored of you because you were his but, after all, he wasn’t yours, you always knew that.
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I’ve been writing a lot about Johnny so i wanted to write about my other bias, Jaehyun. Why no one told me writing smut was thaaat hard??? i almost gave up like a hundred times. I hope you like it, its kinda sad and the girl knows what she’s doing is wrong but please, never accept something like this, we always deserve to be loved. Let me know if you find any mistakes♥ Thank you for reading meeee ♥♥♥
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ch4nb4ng · 6 years
Tension builder Pt. 1
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Request: bang chan smut where shes felixs sister so she felix and chan are like bffs but eventually like the tension builds. Like, through teenage years even
Word count: 1.2 k
Pairings: (fem) reader x Chris
Warning: Smut lmao
A/n: Hey guys it’s been a while and I’m sorry I have been busy and unmotivated. But I’m back now, enjoy :)
Summary: You and Chris had known each other for a while. The tension was high. You wanted him, he wanted you. But there was one problem, your brother, Lee Felix. And Chris, well, he was Felix’s best mate.
“I’m bored,” you pouted to the boys.
“Why don’t we go watch a movie?” Chris suggests, making you and Felix smile at the idea.
“Oooo okay, let’s go.”
You, Chris and Felix make your way to the car. Felix sits in the back, while you sit in the passenger seat and Chris drives.
“Oh shit. I forgot my phone on the kitchen bench,” Felix puffs, causing you to roll your eyes, “I’ll be back real quick.”
Felix runs out the the car and slams the door behind you, making you jump out of your seat.
“Did you get scared? That’s cute.”
Chris laughs, placing a hand on your thigh, shivering under his touch.
This slight teasing had been going on for weeks. As soon as you met Chris really. ‘Wow he’s sexy’ was your first thought about him. From his hair, to his eyes, well-defined arms and legs. But his lips. His lips were on a whole new level. They were so plump. All you could think about was kissing them, biting them, sucking on them, having them on, well, other places of your body that you desired.
But there was one problem. He was one of Felix’s best friends. Felix. Your brother. Therefore, Chris was off limits. But that didn’t stop him.
*1 month ago*
You were studying Minding your own business, when you heard a knock at the door.
“Felix! Are you gonna get that!” You yell. Nothing
“Felix!” Nothing again.
Sighing, you run downstairs to open the door.
“Sorry I thought Felix was gonna get the d-”
You were interrupted by the one and only Chris standing on the other side. Your eyes widened, heart rate beginning to quicken in his presence.
“Hi Y/n. It’s okay. It’s, nice to see you.”
“Come in.”
You blush, completely embarrassed before standing behind the door, inviting him to come in.
“Would you like something to drink?” you ask, both proceeding towards the kitchen.
“Oh um, some water please.”
You nod, grabbing a glass and pressing it against the fridge, letting the water pour.
“Is Felix home?”
“Well I thought he was,” you answered, back still face towards him, “but I guess not.”
“Well if he’s not home then I can do this.”
You were interrupted by him pushing you up against the wall, pinning your hands to your side, making you completely powerless.
“C-chris, what are you doing?”
“What I’ve wanted to since the day we met,” he groans, moving his knee in between your inner thighs, lightly rubbing over your clothed core.
You groaned, “Please, Felix will be home any minute,” wrapping your hands around his neck.
“Y/n!!! I’m home!!!!”
You both panicked, completely separating from each other while Felix walked into the room.
“Chris please,” you giggled, “Felix will be back any minute.”
You both laughed, reminding you of the same words you said at your first, intimate encounter. He kept his hand there, rubbing his thumb in small circles.
And on cue, Felix dashed out of the house, running into the car.
“Okay, let’s go.”
“Who’s music?”
“Mine!” Chris yells, beating Felix to the punch.
“No. to be honest, I kinda like Felix’s music better.”
“Nah not today,” Chris disagrees, shaking his head, “I’ve got some new music actually. Why don’t we listen to it.”
“Ugh fine,” you say, rolling your eyes.
He connects his phone to this bluetooth, letting the music blast through the speakers. Your eyes widened when you realise what kind of music he put on. He knew The Weeknd was your weakness. He just played one song by him, after the other, and another, another. Your gripped hard onto the seatbelt, using all the strength you had not to pounce onto him then and there.
“Oh yeah this is some good music,”  Felix bangs his head along with the music, jamming out in the back seat, “y/n don’t you love The Weeknd’s music?”
You grit your teeth, trying to not show any kind of emotions to Felix, especially Chris.
“Oh yeah, this music is rEALLY good,” you muttered, giving Chris major side eye from the passenger seat. He laughed, catching on real quickly.
Finally after what seemed like forever, you had arrived to the cinema. Ignoring Chris, you got out of the car, walking ahead of the two.
“Y/n, why are you walking so fast man?” Felix groans, almost out of breath trying to keep up with you.
Trying to stay calm, you turn around to them, plastering the fakest smile on your face,
“I don’t wanna miss the movie, lets go!”
You ran to the booth, ordering 3 tickets to the movie you wanted to see. You grabbed your tickets, and headed into the theater. Purposefully, Chris sat in between you and Felix. You rolled your eyes, refusing to look at him and focus on the movie. But boy, did you pick the wrong movie.
There was passion, lust, desire. All the things that you wanted Chris to do to you were being portrayed. The sexual frustration began to build within you the more and more the movie went on.
To add even more to that, Chris placed his hand over your thigh once more, rubbing his thumb dangerously close to your clothed core. A small moan escaped your lips. You grabbed onto his wrist heavily,
“Chris I swear to god, I’m gonna-”
“You’re gonna what huh? Kill me? Punish me? I don’t think so,’ he whispered in your ear, his seductive tone driving you crazy.
Moving straight along, he undid your zipper, slipping his hand straight into your pants, but not all the way. Keeping his fingertips between the layer of your panties and jeans. Agonisingly slowly, he massage your clit through your panties, eliciting a muffled groan from you. You looked over at Felix, completely unbothered and stuffing his face with popcorn, focusing on the movie.
“Mmm this is so much fun y/n. Making you squirm under my touch.”
Nothing but a stiff moan left your lips. His touch was divine, something you always longed for.
You had to take your sleeve into your mouth, muting the array of noises escaping your mouth. You grabbed onto his arms for support. You knew you couldn’t much longer. Moving back up from your core, he slipped his pants into your panties for time. You arched your back out of the seat from the direct skin to skin contact. A fire ignited within you, your skin feeling flames sparked under you.
“Chris please, if you don’t stop I’m gonna cum,” you shivered, biting your hand to stop the small, heavy moans that were now unstoppable.
“Cum for me then.”
He flicked his finger faster from side to side, creating the pit in your stomach to get thicker and thicker. You felt the all too familiar feeling of your soon to be orgasm, when he suddenly removed his hand, acting like nothing had just happened.
“Chris what the fuck.” You groan, completely annoyed and unsatisfied.
“Shh, y/n, I’m just trying to watch the movie.”
He turned and looked at you with that stupid fucking sly smirk spread across his face. You turned around and faced the movie.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” You whisper to him, slightly palming your hand over his pants, “revenge is a dish best served cold.”
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thorsstorms · 5 years
Abroad Pt. 12
(Chris Hemsworth x Reader) Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both? 
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: none
A/N: if you want to be tagged, PLEASE SEND AS AN ASK. 
You had three months with him. You of course made the most of it, but could never ignore the count down that was floating around you at all times. It seemed stupid really. It is not like he was going to be dropping off the face of the earth. He left for a two week period in the beginning for the MIB press tour and premiere, but came back for a weekend before he was gone again for another week doing more press. So maybe you only had about 2 months with him.
Regardless, in that time you celebrated birthdays, had his friends over for dinner a few times, watched movies that he forced you into, and spent time playing it low key for awhile. Though your closet and all of your belongings were stashed on the other side of the house, you could probably call his bed your own.
Your goal was to smother the kids with his presence so they would eventually get sick of him and tell him to go away. The plan only back fired, of course.
India was latched to his side on his last day before leaving. Of course he would come home when he had two or three days between filming, but they were few and far between. She followed him around the house while he was packing. She sat on the kitchen counter while he cooked dinner for you all, the last time for a while.
She wedged herself in the middle of the bed and was determined to stay until he left. The boys didn’t miss out on the party. Tristan was latched onto his other side and Sasha laid between you and India. While the boys chanted for a sleepover, you willingly let them hog their Papa.
The boys liked to talk to keep themselves awake. It came to the point that you stopped replying and just listened to them have a conversation between each other.
They started to argue about whether the Power Rangers were better than Ninja Turtles, and who would beat who. You peaked your eyes up to Chris at the head of the bed who was doing the same thing you were - trying to hold back a laugh at them.
Their innocent conversation, communicating to each other. You can almost distinguish their own style of communication that they have established. They had to eventually fall a slave to the tire and warmth of the bed, or maybe it was you drifting to sleep before them.
His alarm went off just after 6am. He flipped it off so fast, praying that the kids wouldn’t awake to it, they can sleep for another hour before he has to leave. It was hard for him to pull out of bed, but when he did he almost climbed right back in. Sasha was tucked into your side while India was almost holding your limb like a pillow.
He snapped a photo of the pile smiling to himself. He knew what he wanted.
As soon as India woke up to the shower running, you woke up to her tiny fists trying to bang open the bathroom door. You shushed her and rushed to prevent the noise, kneeling down next to her. Trying to console her was much harder when you saw the distressed look on her face. She woke up with him gone, of course she panicked. She turned on the water works almost immediately.
Just as soon as she agrees to wait till he gets out, the water turns off and she is back to yelling for him to let her in.  The door flew open, the bathroom light almost blinding you in contrast to the darkness of the room. She ran inside latching to his towel covered waist, telling him he can’t leave yet. The apologetic look on your face was not enough to portray the hurt you felt for her. He cracked the door shut to block out the light to talk to her while you crawled back in bed trying to shush the boys back to sleep. It didn’t work, but it was enough to get them to sit there and talk with you quietly until he came out fully dressed with a little one with red eyes following him around like a robot.
Right when he came out, you were forgotten in their minds, scooting off the bed to follow him out of the room. There was no chance of sleep after that, not that it was a priority at the moment anyway.
It wasn’t long before two of his friends were pulling into the driveway to pick him up so they could make the flight, both grabbing his luggage for him after assessing the situation.  After he put the boys back in his bed, laying till they fell back asleep, India was not having it. Her distress turned into anger quickly, she made it known that she was upset that he was leaving. Saying anything she could to upset him, he didn’t show it, but you knew it did.
All he wanted was to give her a hug and tell her he would be back before she knew it, but she was crowding you, telling him to go, go away. Between her shaking and pushing him at his waist away from you, and him trying to give you a quick kiss goodbye. You almost started to cry with her, but you couldn’t, you wanted him to do this, you encouraged it. You were not the one that was going to make it any harder than it already was.
“Go Chris, she’ll be okay.” You weren’t sure that your reassurances did anything for him.  After you said your goodbye, he put on a Dad facade and told her to stop acting like that and tell him goodbye. She reluctantly pulled away from his hug and tried to take a deep breath.
When the garage door shut, she was back burying her face into your shirt, sobs racking through her. It was enough for a few tears to escape of your own.
“India please,” you pleaded with her but it was ignored. You took a deep breathe and hauled her up to your waist, walking to the couch. She was almost to big to be carrying, but she wasn’t going to move on her own.
She sat on your lap, cooing cries into your shirt. Her sadness was on full display, trying to keep up with breathing, her frame shaking under your hands. You pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and pulled it around her and over your legs.
“I want my momma,” her voice broke her tears, making your heart sink.
“We can call her tonight, she is sleeping right now.” You rubbed her back and brushed her hair out of her face until she started to drift to sleep. This was going to be so much harder than you thought it would be. The boys were bound to be thinking the same thing when they woke up again.
You remembered when you first had to start looking for another job. Always thinking the children you watched were rotten from their parents doing, spoiled from their parents doing. The job usually turned out to be much more than just babysitting here and there, you learned that from your first live in experience back home. You become the kids’ best friend, someone they turn to and trust. They confide in you when they feel like they cant to their parents, and they seek you for comfort when you are who they are comfortable with. They tell you secrets, big and small. You create inside jokes and learn new things. Every family is different.
Sometimes you put them to bed at night and be the first person they see in the morning. You get to read them a bedtime story, and tuck them in while they babble about something random from their day, then ask if you will still be there when they wake up.
You have had older kids where you’d had to take away their phone and punish them for the parent, because they could not be there to do so. It is hard and it is easy. It is rewarding to earn the smiles and the trust but draining to say goodbye and do the dirty work, or be the ‘bad guy’.
But nothing hurts worse than devoting your life and time to these children that are not even your own, then being pushed aside as if you are nothing more than a secondary entertainer for them. That is not what was happening, obviously. But it hurt the same, no less.
Realizing you cannot be the one to comfort them, or be the person they want to be comforted by. You can try and console where they have been let down, but it doesn’t always make up for it. You couldn’t help but feel guilty for her tears. You could have left the damn papers alone for him to forget.
You fished around your pockets while trying to keep still for her and pulled out your phone. Before she could even answer the phone with a groggy ‘hello’, you were already in tears, overwhelmed.
“Bri, can you come over?” She was alarmed and sat up in bed by the tone of your voice. She knew what today was and was out the door of the apartment before you both hung up the call.  
You took a breath, looking down at her. After debating a bit, you decided to try and stand up and carry her to the bed to sleep with the boys, you were not going to be walking up stairs with her like this.
When Bri arrived you were sitting at the dining room table still in your pajamas trying to plan some of their school work with the laptop open in front of you.
She only stayed one night with you, she was a Med Student, she can’t just not go to classes, especially with what it took to get her there. It was enough for you anyway. She was full of the ‘I told you so’ attitude that was going to permanently ruin your eyes from rolling them so hard.
“You seriously can’t tell me you never think about it!” Her nagging never went away. The food on the stove was about to get the wrath of your annoyance if she didn’t quit.
“Bri, It’s just… not on my mind, for two more years at least.” If she would just change the subject...
“Two years! That’s it! That’s long term!” - “Bri!”
“Okay, you know what, I’ll stop. I got my answer.” You glared at her, turning back to the stove. Thinking of a future with Chris, you just knew it would give you a headache if you started. You can barely comprehend your relation with him now. You love him, he loves you. It does not need to be jinxed.
“Will you just go tell them that dinners ready?” She hopped off the bar stool and walked towards the movie room to retrieve them. She was going to be the death of you.
You laid in India’s bed next to her while she was on facetime with her dad. The boys got there turn and have better of closed their eyes by now.
“Papa I want to go to school.” Your ears peaked up at her confession.
“You what?” He said, taking his eyes off the road and looking into the camera.
“I can be a first grader at school,” she said again, gaining confidence in her tone.
“Are you sure Indy? There are a lot of kids in a classroom, you wont get to go outside and work with your brothers and I won’t be there with you, and (y/n) won’t either.” Her eyes flicked over to you then back to the screen.
“I know, but I want to.” You listened as he told her that he would think about it, telling her it was passed her bedtime. They said their goodbyes before you took the phone and left her room, walking down the stairs.
“What do you think?”
“Oh, I’m not telling you what’s a good idea or bad idea anymore. I refuse.” You sat down on a patio chair and watched him. It was daylight there, probably just now 10 AM, where as the moon was hanging high on your end.
“No love, I need you on this. This does involve you,” you sighed knowing he was right.
“I think it would be good for her.” He didn’t say anything so you continued. “She could meet new friends, and be around more kids her age. Give her a bit more stability.”
“She’ll really be nailed down there, you and the boys will.” You could see the gears turning in his head, watching as he parked the car somewhere. “You know what? I dont- I dont know that it is a good time to start that, I can’t be there all the time. Not after, dammit, not until after I finish this contract.” It wasn’t on purpose, you knew that, but you started to feel guilty again. The guilt never really left your system in the first place, but this put India in a predicament, not just him.
“It’s whatever you want to do,” you were careful not to say much more, regardless of what he thinks, you were done trying to influence his decisions. You paid little attention to his rambling about scheduling for the future how it would restrict him. He definitely was thinking too much into it but you didn’t say it, it wasn’t your place to.
“Whatever you want to do, I can handle it. Just take a few days to think about it, you don’t have to decide now.”
“You are right,” he huffed and his eyes caught the clock on the dash. “Shit, I have to go, I’m late. I love you.”
“I love you too, see you in a few… weeks.” A sad smile was all you could muster.
He hung up and checked the address on his phone again before getting out of the car. Right place, just almost ten minutes late.
“These are the main catalogs that you could use to draw inspiration from, feel free to take them with you to look them through.” Chris picked up the two booklets sat on the desk in front of him, taking a deep breath. At least he didn’t have to decide today, though he didn’t know when he could meet with her again. It would be short notice.
“Just get a rough idea of what you want, and we can talk it through next time, there is no rush.” She clasped her hands in front of her on the desk as he flipped open a few pages.
“So what? What is there to all decide exactly?” He looked away from the sparkling pages, nothing jumping out at him.
“Well there is the type of metal, band styles, gemstones or diamonds, shape, setting, and most importantly, what suits her best. Let me show you a few so you can see the difference.” She reached under the case and pulled out a sleeve of rings. Trying to explain the white gold, from the silver and platinum bands. Pointing out the differences between the diamond grades.
You were now a master at wrangling the kids when it was just you with them. A routine was in place for them and they know it like the back of their hands, it wasn’t as hard on your own as it was in the beginning. You worked to be better on keeping communication with your family. After some group calls that excluded you, you got news that you were to have visitors soon!
Ty was sitting on facetime, propped up on the counter while you piddled around the living room. He wasn’t talking much, just watching you, listening to what you’re doing, just company to have.
“Did you tell her yet?” You heard a girls voice come through the phone, you stopped what you were doing and saw the camera move from his end, like he picked it up from the workbench.
“Tell me what? Who is that?” You stalked closer to the phone screen.
“Jace, Chaz, and Emily are here. We, well not Jace, but we have something to tell you!” You picked up the phone holding it closer, when he flipped the camera to show them all lounging in the garage with Jace’s truck pulled in.
“Well spit it out!”
“We are coming to Australia!” Chaz yelled at you, skipping over a ‘what the fuck, I wanna go’ from Jace.
Bri, Ty, Chaz, and his girlfriend were all coming at the same time, right when the weather starts to warm up again and already booked a VRBO in town, ready to surprise you.
Later when you finished talking about the time they would spend here with you, Chris received a text from you telling what was going on. When he woke up to the text he was more determined and nervous than he would have expected. But that was only because he had something to be nervous about, but he wouldn’t show it to you and risk possibly bringing down your excitement. A surprise is a surprise in his mind.
Chris was coming home a mere three weeks later. He had to admit that he had fun shooting, he knew he would. Pratt was fun to work with, of course, Tessa soon was to be there as well.
Chris called to tell you that he was catching a flight home a day early, headed out in a few hours instead, but it slipped his mind when he saw you were enjoying yourself at dinner with a homeschool group family that you had grown closer with, sitting on the outside patio watching the kids together at the table next to the adults. You were a bit preoccupied at the moment and he decided not to impend on your time with actual adults, other than himself and Bri. He would see you soon anyway, though you didn’t know how soon.
He said goodbye while you stuffed yourself with another jumbo shrimp, Tristan taking the phone out of your hands, though you didn’t bother to go retrieve it. You couldn’t hear him too well anyway over the chatter of your surroundings and the music from patio speakers.
You woke the next morning, earlier than usual to a horrible feeling settling in your stomach. You stilled a moment, focusing to see if the cramping would go away but it didn’t. It quickly had you running across the room and throwing open the doors to the bathroom, barely making it before you puked up anything you had eaten in the last 24 hours.
“Fuck,” you groaned, sitting back on the floor. Your head was spinning and the cool tiles underneath you did nothing to help your brain decypher up from down.
“(y/n),” you heard Sasha’s voice come into the room. He crawled into bed with you during the night and a door banging against the wall woke him up.
“Sash, Can you- can you go get me water bottle from the fridge?” You barely heard his footsteps pad rushedly across the flooring.
The cramps lessened a second before they started to come on stronger again. You pulled the hair tie off your wrist and quickly tried to tie up your hair against shaking hands before you started again but barely made two loops before once again, evacuating all traces of nutrients from your body.
The sickness subsided again. This time leaning against the wall, trying to force your arms to tie your hair back properly. You reached forward and flushed the toilet, that was not something anyone should ever have to see.
“Sasha!” You croked out. How long does it possibly take to come back with a water?
“Oh, god,” you whispered trying to mentally prepare yourself for another wave. You pressed a hand over your stomach when it started twisting up. You had just started to hear his footsteps coming back when you lazily forced yourself back over the toilet again.
You pushed away from the toilet when you were done, shutting the lid closed while you drew back slumping against the wall. It was almost as if you could feel the tension release from your stomach, the muscles loosening down your neck and back from dry heaving.
You closed your eyes, feeling a lightheadedness take over, catching yourself on your elbow before you fully fell over, regardless of the wall behind you.
“Fucking hell, (y/n)!” You felt hands pull under both your arms, sitting you up straight. You peaked opened your eyes wanting to feel excited to see him standing in front of you, but you just felt regret from him moving you too quickly. “Are you- are you done?”
“I think so,” you whimped out, unsure if he could hear you or not.
“Well let’s get you back in bed,” he started to pull you up.
“No, no, I need a shower,” you said, forcing your eyes back open, focusing on him.
“Love I'm not sure you can stand, how about a bath?” You nodded, regretting it again, scrunching your face up as a swift wave a nausea came and went. You heard him holler back to Sasha to go back to bed.
You felt him toss your arm over his own shoulder so he could pick you up from the ground, a hand going under your knees and another under your back. You felt the cool tile around the bathtub through your clothing, him sitting you down and reaching behind you to turn on the water. The sick feeling starting to slowly drain from your system.
“I’m never eating shrimp again,” you thought out loud whilst he started to tug your shirt over your head, the cold air stomping across your skin.
As soon as you were submerged in the hot water your head was almost completely clear. It gave you a moment to finally appreciate him being home slightly earlier than planned. He sat on the edge of the tub while you run your fingers across the bubbles, asking him how his first few weeks of shooting had been.
A pure moment in time filled with giggles passed through as he told you that they had him back in the fat suit and the long hair and beard, won’t calm till a few more weeks. While he faked annoyed about how much time it took to look like that, it was pure amusement for you while he showed you a few pictures him and Pratt from the set.  
“How long do you get to stay Chris?” You wondered out loud.
“Till tuesday, I wanted to take India to her first day of school.” It was sweet, you knew it was important to him that he does and at least meet her teacher.
A beat of calm trailed while he watched you shy away from his stare, “Can you get me some clothes?”
“Yea, yea,” he pushed off the edge of the tub, leaving a towel and and ‘I missed you’ in his wake before making his way out the door.
The afternoon was left open, spending time at the park so the kids could play. It was a tad to cold for any swimming recently, so going to the park, and mini exploring games that boys were making up was your best bet.
Chris sat next to you on the picnic table while you both loosely observed the kids and a few other strays that had come to the park. “Anything new since I’ve been gone?”
“I’ve educated them on some classics, like Highschool Musical. All three, of course.” He rolled his eyes while you continued, “Oh, and you might be happy to hear that India now requests the Camp Rock soundtrack, as well as some Jonas Brothers in general. Though she tries to call him ‘Shane’, like in the movie.” You laughed a little thinking about it. It was almost prideful to be able to share those movies with her.
“I think that’s it really. I took her shopping for school clothes. So there is a lot of sequence and glitter. And I bought her some lip gloss that she carries around with her everywhere. It’s really cute,” You trailed off realizing that he probably don’t think it was going to be that cute, but he didn’t mind. If he did, he didn’t show it.
There was nothing in the moment that could damage his mood while he was able to spend time home.
Taglist: @keithseabrook27 @odinson-barnes @jonsnowisthesexiestbastard @weekendswithnewtmas @innerpaperexpertcloud @toomanyflowerboys @thefashioncomplex  @basmaraafat @imaginationintowords @taketimeandappreciate @superheroesaremytea @vampiregirl1797 @ynm1505 @danathewitchywoman @avengerswhonow @thorfanficwriter @disaster-rose @cap-just-said-language @xmarveled @kemkem101
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Is Everything Okay? Ch. 17
Danny took a deep breath, pulling on the too long sleeves of his over-sized black hoodie. He could feel the strain on himself with the force he was putting onto his ghost power and core. But he didn't let up, instead he pushed more. He couldn't risk a slip up, the GIW will not know he is here. No one will and everything would be okay.
"You look great." Jess offered, tapping away at her phone. "If only Chris wasn't such a fat-ass." Jess shot him a wink before a Chris spoke up in protest.
"Hey! Those are old." The purple haired teen pouted, keeping his face straight even when a pillow hit the side of his face. Danny gave a small smile, looking around the room. His eyes landed on the clock with wide eyes. He needed to get going.
"It's been fifteen minute into the funeral." Danny tugged on the sleeves of the hoodie. "Has Tucker texted you yet?"
"Nope, Dash did tell me his parents are keeping him locked at home. Something about-" A chirp cut off his sentence. Immediately, Chris jumped to check his phone, a smile filled his features. His head jolted upwards, giving the other teen a grin. Relief and happiness clear on him. "Tucker says your mum chewed out all the agents that were in the area. It's clear for you."
"The power of a mama bear." Jess mused, taking a swing from a solid black plastic bottle. The moment the lid was opened, Danny's no crinkled at the smell that come out of it. At the sight of the stare Danny gave her, she turned the bottle towards him. "How rude of me, want some?"
"Seems like rubbing alcohol." Danny shook his head, rubbing at his nose. Jess eyebrows jolted upwards while Chris's face took on a curious look. Danny, however, didn't notice as he busied him self with his bag.
"You didn't tell me you had super senses!" Jess gawked, looking over at Danny then to the purple haired teen. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't even know!" Chris shook his head, before something dawned on him. "Wait, did you trust my sister cause you could hear her heartbeat?"
"No" Danny shook his head with a laugh, forgetting about what it was he was getting ready for. "It's not that strong. I can just pick things up better than other people." Danny shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Well boys." Jess cut in, wrapping her arms around the shoulders of both teens. "We got something to get too"
His heart pounded in his chest, he felt the tears pricking at the back of his eyes. He was an outsider looking into his own father's funeral. Danny tugged the hoodie further down his face, keeping at the tree line. He knew if someone noticed him he would look suspicious but with his mum out there, he couldn't risking getting caught.
"Hey" Danny jumped, looking over to find none other than Lancer. Fear filled him as he met eyes with his teacher. The small greeting smile the older man had slipped at the look on Daniel's face. "Gulliver's Travels Daniel! I'm not going to tell anyone your here. Quite frankly, it's a good thing your here. You shouldn't miss this."
"Thanks." Danny offered a small smile before turning back to look at this sister holding his crying mother. "Do you know if..."
"You're mother feels horrible." Lancer mused, keeping his eyes trained forward. "She had come to me about if I knew where to find you. I was certain Mr. Foley and company would have found you." He shot Danny a pointed look before looking forward again.
"Yea, it was by chance actually." Danny shrugged, he heard someone mention Lancer and glances around the area. "You should get back over there." Lancer paused for a moment, making a move to speak before giving a nod and walking off.
The sting of tears that Danny was able to ignore, in the presence of his teacher, came back stronger. His eyes stayed on the open casket, from his spot he couldn't see his dad... but the crowd was moving away from it, it could give him the opportunity to...
Before Daniel could stop himself he found himself already make is way towards the casket. A choked sound croaked at the back of his throat at the sight of his father laying in the coffin. A tear slide down his cheek, he couldn't believe how alive Jack looked. His face full of color, his face set in a peaceful slumber. His mind supplied that his dad would just wake up and all will go back to normal... but he knew it wasn't true.
His dad was dead because of something stupid he did, he wasn't going to come back. His mum was going to hate him, everyone knew all about him... things weren't going to ever go back to normal. Warm tears slide down his pale cheeks as he gripped his dad's hand... he was warm. Danny bit the inside of his cheek to stop any noises from escaping him.
He knew the reason Jack felt as warm as he was, was because Danny was an ice cube. Even with his core pushed down, he was still cold. The warm seeping from his father only seemed to taunt him more. He only fueled the part of him that kept yelling at him that his dad was alive and he was going to wake up. A shaking hand wiped at his eyes, the tears didn't stop however.
The guilt and shame weighed heavy on him, his body trembling from the overwhelming emotions. He couldn't believe when all this took a downward spiral. Was is when Vlad sent out the video? Was it when Spectra went to court? Was is when he called out Vlad? Was it when he lied to Lancer? Or was all this the endpoint of him becoming Phantom? All this time, was he putting his family at risk? He is the common-
"Danny?!" Danny jumped, turning to meet the gaze of his mum. Tears stained both their cheeks. Danny's heart clenched painfully at the look on her face... betrayal, regret, pain, guilt, love. "Danny baby, I'm so-"
"Freeze ghost scum!"
Fear flooded everyone's face, as a swarm of agents in white surrounded them. Realization dawned on him at the four agents dressed in black suits, the assholes hid agents. Anger shrouded through him, they were willing enough to invade his father's funeral. Something that was supposed to give everyone piece of mind. The loud beeping the filled the air caused the agents to raise their weapons, aiming it at the halfa. Ecto-energy buzzed through the air, rolling off of the emotional teen. A bright light enveloped the teen, once dissipating leaving behind none other then Phantom.
"I'm sorry" Danny choked out to the people around, all of them held bewildered looks. His voice filled with anger, shame, guilt, sadness, portraying everything he felt at that moment.
"Get on your knees, scum." One of the agents in black hissed, but Danny only stared at them. His eyes glowed an intense verdant, the tension in the room grew. His lips pulled into a tight line, the words that escaped his mum drowned out by him emotions. He moved to speak, but he didn't get the chance. A blast sounded, a ball of pink sphere made it's way to him.
Time seemed to slow, Danny's eyes widened as he felt the heat radiating as he got closer. He didn't have a chance to move. A scream sounded behind him, but he couldn't pull his eyes away from the gun. His eyes slid close, he knew he couldn't make it out of the way in time...
"Time Out!"
Danny gasped, the familiar feeling of the weight of the medallion falling onto his shoulders. His eyes focused on a familiar blue specter in a purple cloak. A laughable sense of disbelief filled him, a breathy laugh slid past his lips.
"I should have expected this from you, Stopwatch." Danny grumbled, moving from in front of the ball of pink. He flashed the ecto-ball a stink eye before turning to face the older ghost. "What are you-Wait is this because of..."
"Yes Daniel, do you have an answer?" Clockwork questioned, his postured stayed relax as he stayed in his middle aged form.
"What would happen?" Daniel asked, a sad look in his eyes as he took in the view around him. The agents surrounded everyone, his eyes hardened at the view of his friends being held back by agents. Chris, Dash, Tucker, and Jazz were all being held back by agents in white, Jazz held onto one of their shoulders, her legs frozen mid kick, tears stained her cheeks. "Would no one remember this?"
"It's up to you, Daniel." Clockwork turned, his eyes trained on the scene before him. "You could have your group, what do you like to call them 'Team Phantom', remember, or no one. I give you free reign here."
Danny took a deep breath, running a hand through his stark white hair. He kept his eyes trained on the people who mattered. Chris. Dash. Tucker. Jazz. Jess. Lancer. Maddie. He couldn't let all of them remember this. Go through all this. He, honestly, didn't want to remember any of this. The feeling of his dad, the court trial, when his mum hated him. But he knew he had too. He need to prevent all of this.
"Okay... Yea." Danny sighed, turning to look at the specter, who had a small smile on his lips. "But here's how we're doing this."
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thenerdparty · 5 years
Spider-Man: Far From Home - Film Review
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Written by Shawn Eastridge
I never thought I’d ever say this, but I’m starting to think Spider-Man might be too good for Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. No. Scratch that. I know he is. And Far From Home, the latest entry in this franchise, proves it once and for all.
I was willing to give Spider-Man: Homecoming a pass. Despite being relatively shallow, it’s light on its feet, has a great villain in Michael Keaton’s Vulture and contains a strong emotional beat for Spidey near the film’s climax. Far From Home has none of this. In fact, Far From Home is one of the blandest entries Marvel Studios has yet released. Instead of seeking out opportunities to deepen Peter Parker’s character, Marvel Studios has relegated him to cleaning up the mess Avengers: Endgame left behind.  When a Spider-Man film makes you long for the emotional depth of Spider-Man 3, you know there’s a problem.
Following the shenanigans of Infinity War and Endgame, Peter is understandably ready for a vacation. His upcoming summer class trip is the perfect opportunity to do so. Not only will he and his best bud Ned get to take in a number of scenic European views, but Peter will get a chance to spend quality time with his crush MJ. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll finally get the chance to tell her how he feels. Peter even goes so far as to leave his Spider suit behind, determined to enjoy this time off to the fullest. 
Naturally, things don’t work out that way. Before long, Nick Fury arrives to pull Peter off of the sidelines and back into the superhero-ing world. Quentin Beck, a superhero claiming to be from another dimension, has arrived in the midst of a number of Elemental monster attacks. These Elementals, comprising of - you guessed it - water, fire and earth, destroyed Beck’s Earth. Beck is now determined to protect Peter’s Earth at all costs, but he and Fury will need Peter’s help to do so. That is, if Peter is up for the task.
Right from the get-go, Far From Home casually dismisses Endgame’s dramatic heft in favor of a quick laugh. While I understand the need to establish a different tone from Endgame, the offhand way Far From Home makes light of Endgame’s superb conclusion further emphasizes how little director Jon Watts and this creative team cares about making anything that happens here feel significant in any way. At every turn, Far From Home attempts to distract the audience from its glaring insignificance by going the route of comedy. Every action sequence is punctuated by some half-assed punchline or an overriding sense of artificiality - Flash Thompson live-blogging on his phone; the teachers making some kooky comments about how they’re all going to die. There’s no sense of danger. No suspense. No stakes. None of it feels remotely believable. 
To be fair, the emphasis on humor is a common complaint lobbied at the MCU. Here’s the thing, though: while humor plays a large role in these films, the humor enriches the already present emotional stakes and characters. For the most part, we’re laughing with our heroes, not at them. (Thor: Ragnarok is the argument to the contrary, but the big difference between that film and this one is that Thor: Ragnarok is actually funny.) Far From Home can’t seem to differentiate between those two things. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the jokes didn’t feel so forced and awkward.
And, hey, speaking of forced and awkward, how ‘bout those action sequences? With the exception of one genuinely impressive Mysterio-inspired acid trip, every action scene feels lackluster and uninspired. It’s like the studio handed director Jon Watts a shot list and storyboards without taking any input from him. “All you need to do is show up on set and say, ‘Action!’ Whatever unique sensibilities or voice Watts brought to the table with Homecoming have all but vanished in Far From Home. 
Actually, you know what it reminds me of? Marc Webb’s short-lived Amazing Spider-Man series. No, hear me out real quick. Neither of those movies are particularly good, but which one feels more like the product of the 500 Days of Summer director? The first one, right? And which one feels more like a studio-mandated, computer-generated crapshoot? (There’s only one guess left here, people. You can’t go wrong) 
Far From Home is the MCU’s equivalent of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It’s louder, more colorful and ultimately emptier than its immediate predecessor. I guess it’s fitting that Mysterio would be Far From Home’s main villain. A character that specializes in crafting intricate illusions to hide how insignificant everything is? Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Jake Gyllenaal takes on the role with manic enthusiasm, but the character’s motivations are flimsy and dull. Once again, we have a villain hellbent on getting revenge on Tony Stark, and once again, we have Spider-Man cleaning up a mess Tony Stark left behind. 
Things don’t fare much better with Peter’s personal relationships either, in particular, the romance between Peter and MJ. The two of them are all awkward pauses and nervous tics. It’s adorable, make no mistake, but like most of Far From Home, it feels artificial. We never get the sense that there’s a real connection between these two because Watts and screenwriters Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers (the same writing pair behind the dull beyond all reason Ant-Man and the Wasp) never take a break from telling jokes to offer up a single moment of sincerity. Tom Holland and Zendaya have great chemistry, but there’s no substance to their interactions. The rest of the supporting cast are simplistic types, barely memorable. Even Ned, one of Homecoming’s highlights, is left on the sidelines with little to do.
What’s really disappointing is that Far From Home contains the set up for what could have been really great Spider-Man story. I love the idea that Peter just wants a break from all the crazy superhero duties. He just wants a vacation with his friends; he wants to spend time with the girl he’s crushing on. Doesn’t he deserve a break? It’s in the execution that this film fails.
Many of Spidey’s best tales deal with Peter’s struggle to balance his personal life - money woes, girl troubles, job issues, etc. - with the responsibility of being a superhero. It’s what makes this character so special. He carries a significant weight and the responsibility of being Spider-Man puts a damper on everything in his life. Sam Raimi’s trilogy understood this perfectly. It’s why those films still hold up so well. Even Spider-Man 3, as stupid as it is, had its heart in the right place.
The problem with the MCU’s version of Spider-Man is that it seems to ignore the emotional depth of the character in favor of a quick laugh and light-hearted adventures. Peter’s struggles never evolve beyond the surface level. There’s no sense of responsibility or obligation, nothing personal that seems to motivate Peter’s decision to be a hero. Marvel Studios is so concerned with making Spider-Man light and fun, they’ve forgotten to provide any meaningful emotional stakes or the slightest bit of complexity to the character. Other than a brief conversation in ‘Captain America: Civil War’ (which, by the way, remains the MCU’s best interpretation of this character to date and ISN’T EVEN A SPIDER-MAN MOVIE), we don’t have a strong sense of who Peter is or why he does what he does. As far as I can tell, Peter wants to be Spider-Man because he wants to live up to Tony Stark’s legacy. His entire motivation is reliant on another character. This robs Peter of a personal motivation and, as a direct result, reduces the character to a pale imitation of his true potential. 
And, look, I get it. The Uncle Ben stuff is well-tread territory. I’m not saying I need the same angsty overtones provided by the Raimi/Maguire trilogy, but the way these films bend over backwards to not mention Uncle Ben is borderline parodic. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to show Uncle Ben’s death or have it take precedent over the story to show its impact in Peter and Aunt May’s life. 
Instead of taking advantage of the chance to deepen the relationship between these two, to show how they’ve tried to move on in the wake of Ben’s passing, life seems pretty peachy-keen for the Parkers. They don’t seem to struggle with any money woes, illnesses or anything else that could potentially offer these films an ounce of significance. Uncle Ben provides the core motivation for why Spider-Man does what he does. When you take that out of the picture, what else is left? I mean, they don’t even acknowledge the fact that Peter has had two, count ‘em, TWO, father figures taken from him in the span of, like, a year. Come on, people!
And at the center of all of this, fighting to overcome the film’s lack of identity and overarching blandness, is Tom Holland. Holland is a remarkable, gifted young actor. He’s nailed this character and has proven time and time again he has the chops to pull off a far more meaningful interpretation. I wish the studio was willing to meet him halfway. To watch him give his all in a film that doesn’t remotely deserve his talents is a depressing experience. 
That’s really the best way to describe this film. ‘Depressing.’ Far From Home reduces Spidey to a C-list member of the MCU’s expansive ensemble. His entries in this franchise feel more like financial obligations than attempts to tell meaningful stories. I wouldn’t care as much if it was another character getting lost in the corporate chaos, but this is SPIDER-MAN we’re talking about. He’s one of the most complex and beloved characters in the history of storytelling. The source material is overflowing with great stories that have meaningful emotions and stakes and this is the best Marvel Studios can come up with? As portrayed here, Spider-Man is no longer a character that can stand on his own. He’s just a fly trapped in someone else’s web. 
FINAL RATING: 2 out of 5
8 notes · View notes
maximows · 5 years
Against the Odds - Chapter X
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Half of McDonald’s menu,
Warnings: fluff and adult language
„What if it hurts?” I whispered, staring blankly into the wall. “I mean, I’m putting some stick up my uterus.”
Chris squeezed my hand and wrapped the other around me. “It’s about an inch long, very thin and much more comfortable than taking a pill every day. Also, you took a lot of painkillers and they’ll give you numbing meds, alright?”  
I decided to get an IUD as a new method of birth control, because lately I have been forgetting to take my pills with me and didn’t want an accident to happen. We had once spend almost two weeks in London and because I didn’t have my pills with me, Chris actually had to run to get a condom a few times, then eventually got a small box of them and that was when we noticed how much sex we are having.  
“Can we go to McDonald’s afterwards?” I asked, nuzzling my face against his bicep. “I shouldn’t eat junk food, I don’t want a break out on my face before the wedding…”  
“We’ll get the food and then I’ll make you drink enough water to get it out of your system.” He promised. “But we also have to pick up the rings.”
“Mhm,” I mumbled as I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“With the wedding rings?”
“IUD is much more permanent than pills, I haven’t thought about when I’d want to take it out and, uh, try…” I explained.  
“Put it in and don’t think about kids right now, ok? I’m fine and I’m going to wait for you to be ready and be as comfortable as possible until then. But please don't make wait until I’m 50.”
I sighed and smiled at him. “How are you so perfect, you sick fuck?”  
The doctor came out of her office and invited me in. “I know it sounds weird, but there’s really nothing to worry about. After it’s been put in, you might feel period like cramps for a few hours and it’s done.”
She put on her gloved and shoved me the object. “I know that ‘opening the cervix’ sounds horrible, but it’s not a baby, IUD is very thin and after I give you numbing meds, you won’t even feel it.”
I nodded lightly and sat on the hair. I wore a skirt and Chris' sweater, so it would be comfortable for her to access and so I could smell Chris' scent, which is soothing for me.
She put a cold gel around the area and waited some time before getting to work. “So, is it actually easier to get pregnant after taking out a IUD rather than after pills?” I asked.
“Definitely. Even with hormonal IUDs, they aren’t as invasive as pills. I’ve had patients who got pregnant during their first cycle after IUD.” She answered, already starting to do something around my crotch, but I figured she was just preparing me.
“Oh, okay. So, if I wanted to keep it for like a year and then take out, then even the hormones shouldn’t affect my ability to get pregnant?”
“Not at all, it doesn’t work the same way pills do. Technically, you could get pregnant right after taking it out. With pills, even if you forget one, it shouldn’t be a problem. You provide your body with such a big dose of hormones that it takes time for it to wear off completely,” she explained. “You might feel a little uncomfortable right now.
I felt something, like a pulling sensation, which I couldn’t really describe. I figured she was preparing me for the procedure. “Aaaand... it’s done.”
I opened my eyes and saw that she was actually taking her gloves off. “Is it, really?”  
She smiled and nodded. “Stay like this for a few moments. The numbing meds I’ve given you might make it a bit hard for you to walk now, so I’d suggest you wait a few more minutes. Also, it would be great if your partner could help you walk.”
“Oh, he wouldn’t leave my side anyway, so that won’t be a problem.”  
Soon she told me I was ok to go and let Chris in. He looked at me with a concerned face. Even though he kept calming me down earlier, he was probably more nervous than I was. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I didn’t even know it was happening, I’m alright.” I smiled and sat up on the chair in order to get up. Chris wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and tried to put all of my weight on him, but it felt like I was able to walk normally, so I wouldn’t let him.  
We walked slowly to our car and Chris opened the door for me. “I should’ve got a ‘brave patient’ badge’.” I said as Chris started the car.  
“I’ll buy you half of the McDonald’s menu for being a brave patient.” Chris smiled.
“Only a half of it?”
“I would buy you the whole restaurant, but I’m a hundred percent sure that in a month you would complain about not fitting into your wedding dress and blame it on me.” He laughed.
When we arrived at the jeweller’s, Chris hopped out of the car and went there to get our wedding bands. They had already been altered, so I didn’t have to go with him. I scrolled through the songs on my phone and played something. When I put my phone back, I looked ahead through the windscreen and saw a photographer taking photos in the distance. I sighed, putting my sunglasses on. The last time we were caught by photographers was the night before Chris’ birthday and that started a shit storm of people against both me and Stella. People were doing everything to find out if there’s any evidence of Chris cheating on her with me. It became so awful, that Chris had to stop having his daily checks of Twitter, because stuff about us was all over it. I actually asked Hannah to release a statement a few days after it all blew up, because I was so sick of the messages and e-mails.
“I have been asked by my client, Emilia Dawson, to release the following statement:  
I have never been overly concerned about details of my private life coming out, because I do like to share some of it with my fans and followers. Unfortunately, now I am forced to share some of the details as for the last few days I have been one of the main topics of conversation on social media platforms and media outlets and both my loved ones and I are tired of it.  
I met my partner in February 2014 at a party thrown by him for some of our fellow Marvel actors. I had only been a part of that cast for a few months and only knew a couple of fellow Brits there. We spent the majority of the next day together as well as the next few weeks, when we were able to take some time off from our commitments.
I am releasing this statement to deny some of the accusations that have apparently been made against me and spread by the media, without being fact checked.
Shortly after meeting my partner, I have been made aware of a break up he went through two months prior to our first meeting, which directly meant that he was a single man. There was also no way anyone had been living in my partner's house in February 2014.
If the rumours that are being spread have a an actual source, other than a very creative mind of a gossip site ‘journalist', I would like it to also release a statement citing reasons for why they would come up with lies like that and spread them.
As I am one hundred percent sure that all of this information is completely false, I would like to say that from this day onwards, every news outlet that shares any of this nonsense, will be sued. If (or when) I win the case, the money will be divided between animal shelters.”
Chris didn’t like the statement or me getting involved in this case at all. But to be honest, he didn’t have much to say – all of the articles portrayed me as a homewrecker and skipped over the fact that it takes two people to have an alleged affair. Although there were some people who wanted to ‘cancel’ him because of this, the majority only looked at my supposed behaviour and called me various names because of it.  
The statement and ‘suit threat’ worked – gossip sites stopped the articles and the only people that couldn’t let this go were some of Twitter users who seemed to just love drama. Chris had messaged Stella, asking to get involved and at least deny the cheating rumours, as ‘we all knew this isn’t true’, but she wouldn’t do that. He said that she was probably just petty, because he didn’t propose to her in the 5 years they dated on and off. More so, he never even suggested they move in together. And it only took him less than two years to propose to me. He always said that it was because it felt like Stella was a bit distant and she wasn’t treating their relationship seriously, so they were both wasting their time until a one day came and he decided that he’s had enough. In my opinion, she was just trying to play hard to get and it went a bit too far.
“I called you,” I heard Chris say as he entered the car. “Don’t tell me you were thinking about that thing again.”
“Maybe,” I murmured, looking down at my phone to discover 3 missed phone calls from Chris. “What did you want?”
“They had a few boxes to choose from and I didn’t know which one you’d like.” He explained showing me the dark green one he picked. “I thought this one would match our theme the most.”
I raised my eyebrow. “We have a theme?”
“We’re getting married in Norway, of course we have a theme.” He laughed. “So, is this one alright?”
“Perfect,” I smiled. “I think our relationship is having a great impact on your taste.”
Chris grinned and started the car. “I know it for sure.” He leaned in to kiss me. His lips captured my lower lip and I moaned lightly as his teeth bit on it lightly.  
“Don’t do that,” I whined. “ We’re supposed to last 4 more weeks without sex.” Chris ignored me and deepened the kiss, his hand travelling to my face to hold me closer.  
“That was your stupid idea,” He murmured against my lips. “The only reason I agreed to this is because you made it into a bet and I’m always willing to participate in a bet I’m sure I’m going to win.”
“We’ve been through one week of sex embargo, we can do 4 more.” I said, placing my hand on his chest and pushing him away gently.  
Chris leaned back on the driver’s seat and sighed. “We’re not even married yet and you’re denying the love of your life sex already.” He said jokingly. I knew he was kidding, because he was as eager to see the outcome of this bet as I was.  
I came up with this when one time were hanging out with our friends in our garden and Scott said that in the nearly two and a half years of our relationship  we’ve had as much sex as a regular couple would have during a lifetime. Somehow that has led to us coming up with the idea of not having sex for 5 weeks before the wedding, which is also the same time we waited until our first time.  
It went on and on for some time, until we arrived at the drive though at McDonald’s and I got busy reading the menu. “Baby, give me a maximum amount of items I can get or I’ll go crazy.”
“Ok, you can get 4 things and that’s including a drink and something sweet,” he said.
I sighed and chose chips, some double burger (because he didn’t specify the size) a cookie and a Coke. Chris quickly drove back home, so I could eat my junk there. Dodger greeted us happily and jumped around us, asking for some loving.  
We all laid down on the couch, in front of the TV. I had my comfort food on my lap and placed my feet on Chris'.  
“So have you decided on our honeymoon destinations?” I asked after stuffing my mouth with chips. “I know mine.” We decided to have a 4-week honeymoon and go to four places and spend a week in each one. Both of us were supposed to choose two places. “I bet it’s someplace cold.”
“Keep up the attitude and it will get colder.” I snapped. “We're going to Iceland and New Zealand.”
“Oh, that’s a jetlag nightmare,” Chris sighed. “I chose Italy and France.”
“That’s so cliché, hubby.”
For the next two weeks we were so busy with wedding preparations that we didn’t even have time for sex, so the bet turned out to be useless. Chris spent one week away in Atlanta, doing additional shoots for Gifted, while Claire and I took care of the finishing touches to the ceremony. We were supposed to fly in 2 days before, to see the preparations and have our bachelorette and bachelor's parties there. Although we invited around 50 people, not all of them were able to attend and the final number was about 40 guests. We rented a few cabins for them in a resort near the spot we were getting married in. Ours was a bit sedated just to make sure we had a bit of privacy for our wedding night.  
I have to say, I was starting to get a little bit nervous and everyone said it was because I haven’t seen the venue or anything, but that wasn’t it. I was nervous because I was getting married to the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood. The purest man of them all. The man who files in early for me, because he knows I’m not feeling well. The man who decides he’ll wait for me to be ready for children, even though he has already waited a long time. He’s changed so much for me and I wanted to repay him.
I knew he wouldn’t even dare to mention it, but I decided to change my name to Emily Evans. I was torn between this and Emily Dawson-Evans, but I figured that if we’re already causing such a stir in the media, we might as well start the Evans clan.
Chris joined me at the airport for our trip to Bergen. He was a little bit tanned from filming, with a new haircut and a groomed beard (although it doesn’t require much grooming). The producers were very lucky that it was a look he wanted to go with for the wedding.  
“Hello, my intended,” He grinned as his arms slipped around my waist to give me a welcome kiss. “How have you been doing this past week?”
He gave me a loving kiss on the lips and then pressed his lips against my forehead. “We’re one plane trip away from being married.”
“It’s a bloody long trip though,” I chuckled. “We’re leaving LA at 1PM and will be in Paris at 9AM European time, then 5 hours at the airport and another 2 hour flight. We’re gonna need to nap a lot.”
“Napping is my second favourite thing to do with you.” He joked.  
Even though we were never fans of this solution, we decided to rent a private jet in order to make the trip as comfortable for Dodger, as we could. We realised that we were spending so much money on the wedding then we might as well treat ourselves and have a nice flight alone to Norway.  
Although Dodger was quite used to travelling by now, he still required some attention during the take off, but was fine once we were allowed to unfasten our seatbelts. As soon as we could, we went to the bed. Dodger laid down next to me, while Chris was behind me squeezing me into his body. He pressed his face into my neck, inhaling my scent. “I can’t believe they’re going to take you away from me right before the wedding.”
“It’s so you can get shitfaced and run away while you still can.” I joked. “And so the girls can ask me about our sex life.”
“Which has been non-existent for the past month?” Chris inquired. “Just tell them that you can never walk normally after we have sex.”
“Why would I lie?” I laughed and my fiancé responded by biting me on the shoulder. “Let's sleep while we can.”
The noise of the engines actually helped us fall asleep, which meant we would avoid a massive jetlag in Europe. The stewardess woke us up before the landing, so we could fasten our seatbelts again. “Have I told you that I might be taking on a new movie and they’re asking me to grow out my hair and a real beard?”  
“You have a real beard already,” I said, imagining him with longer hair and instantly getting excited. “And I love that idea, you should say yes.”  
“Oh, that’s just a stubble.” He mumbled, scratching his hand against his facial hair. “I’m surprised you let me have a beard for the wedding.”
I turned from the window to frown at him. “The only thing I’m ever going to forbid is that stupid idea you had for a white suit for the wedding, honestly. I thought Lisa raised you better.”  
We arrived at the village and were guided to our cabin. All of them were wooden and so simple yet unique. I knew Chris loved them too and was excited about the idea of getting married here even if he didn’t want to admit.  
Before we could settle in there, we heard more cars arrive. Our guests were arriving from different parts of the world.  
The first ones to arrive after us were our closest families. We separated to help them put their luggage in their houses. I spent some time with my mum first and then with my dad.
While they were settling in, Chris and I met up to check out the venue for the first time. Chris came out from his family’s cabin. I waited for him as he walked towards me. He was wearing a plaid shirt, dark jeans and sunglasses. “That is one handsome boy I’m marrying,” I grinned and put my hands in my pockets. “Can’t wait until he has a wedding band on his finger, so other girls know he’s mine.”
He looked around and shrugged. “What girls? I haven’t seen any other girls in almost 3 years, it’s like they disappeared...”
“Oh, you always know what to say, don’t you?” I grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  
“Yeah, I’m like that,” he nodded. “Now let’s see that wedding venue.” Dodger followed us closely and run around the field, sniffing everything.
I took Chris' hand and we marched up the hill. I saw a tree on the edge of the hill, which was decorated with delicate flowers. Its branches were low enough to make it look like some kind of an arch. It was surrounded with dark wooden chairs with flower stalks on them. “Oh God, Chris,” I gasped when I took it all in. “This is so beautiful, so simple... Can we just get married right here, right now?”
“I told you I wanted to elope as soon as you said yes.” he sighed and pulled me toward the tree. I took a closer look at the flowers and stalks and just the whole thing that really looked good altogether. “But I’m really glad we came here to do this.”
I noticed candle stands and flowerbeds waiting to be filled tomorrow. Claire joined us and showed some details. “I know you wanted the ceremony to start at 6pm, but I’d suggest you move it to 6:39, because the sunset will give us a perfect lightning.”
We both agreed. She moved us to the actual venue, which was a bigger cabin with only one, big room inside. All the tables were set already, the walls decorated with lights, plants and more flowers. It was so simple, yet thought through. The roof was completely covered with light that haven’t been lit yet. I was speechless.  
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to enjoy the moment for too long. Our party squad had arrived and they wanted to start our bachelor’s and bachelorette’s right away. We managed to put those off until the rest of our guests arrived.
When we went back to our bedroom, I noticed that our baggage had already been brought in. My dress was hidden in the wardrobe, while Chris' suit was out. Dodger was walking around behind us, sniffing every corner of the room. “Why is it not unlucky for a bride to see her groom's suit?” I wondered, touching the rich fabric of the Gucci suit. The team came in one day and took Chris' measurements to make him the well-tailored suit in front of me. It was black – I was rooting for dark blue, because Chris looks amazing in it, but they decided against it.  
“I have no idea, but it’s probably because men are helpless without women and need their opinions on everything,” he wrapped his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder. “We’re getting married in 30 hours.”  
“Yeah, and they’re trying to separate us for the majority of the time we have left as an engaged couple.”
“We have to get though this,” he cheered. “If we got through 5 weeks of no sex, then we can get through this.”
I sighed, looking out the window and seeing Amy come closer to our house. “I still can’t believe we actually did that.”
Soon enough, there were two crowds of people in our cabin, waiting for us to separate. Neither of us really wanted that. We were a little tired and wanted to continue our nap. “If you don’t do this, we’re going to cancel the whole wedding, tell everyone you’re both crack addicts and can’t make your own decisions.” Sophie said with her arms crossed on her chest, keeping her threatening gaze on us.  
“Whoa, that’s rough.” Adam commented. “We just want to get him shitfaced, not ruin his life.”
Chris was still holding me tightly against his body. We honestly didn’t want to go. He was probably the only reason I was still quite calm, even though I was FUCKING GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW.  
“Guys, how about you give us 30 minutes, huh? We haven’t seen each other in a week and honestly fell asleep the same moment we entered the plane. Give us half an hour and we’re ready to go, alright?” Chris asked. They all agreed to give us some more time, so we laid down on the bed to get some more rest together. Dodger seemed to realise that we needed to be close to each other right now and laid next to Chris’ legs.
“So, if there something you’d like to tell me before we get married?” I asked.
Chris glanced at me curiously, probably surprised by the question. “What do you mean?”
I giggled. “Like, if you ever killed anyone and was too scared to admit it.”
He was visibly relieved and probably thought I was going to accuse him of infidelity or something. “No, nothing like that. I think you should know by now that I’m not like that.”
I turned to lay on my side and look at him. “I know, baby,” I smiled and pressed a kiss against his bicep. “That’s why I’m marrying you. Also, because of your big dick.”
Chris burst out laughing. “Yeah, I mean, good dick is important, right,” he admitted. “So, is there anything you’d like to tell me before I tie myself up to you forever?”
I sat up next to him and snuck my hand under his shirt to scratch he hair on his chest. “I’m changing my name to Emilia Evans,” I smiled. Chris also pulled himself up to face me. “I don’t know if I’m going to use it professionally yet, but I’m definitely changing it legally.”
“Oh my God,” he lit up and wrapped his arms around me. “But you said that you weren’t so sure about this.”
“Well, yeah, but I thought about it and figured that I’m not too attached to my last name and if it’s important to you, I want to do this.” I explained.  
“I can’t believe this,” Chris sighed. I smiled at his excitement and put my hands on each side of his face and pulled him in for a kiss. Chris licked my bottom lip playfully and tackled me down to lay under him. When I was right under him, he pulled away to look at me. “I’m still not entirely convinced it's real life, baby”
“It is, Evans,” I sighed. “It only gets better from here...”
I heard a loud knock on the bedroom door and we knew that our 30 minutes had come to an end. We were soon violently torn away from each other and brought to different cabins for the festivities prepared for us. Amy, Marie and Sophie were the ones who had me for the evening. Scarlett was supposed to join too, but she couldn’t fly in so early with her daughter.
Chris was kidnapped by Adam, Seth, Sam and Tom, who wouldn’t tell him or me where they were going, but I knew that Sebastian, Anthony and Hemsworth were supposed to join them soon.  The girls took me to their cabin, which was meant to be our party spot for the evening.
They were kind enough you hang balloons spelling “Fun is over” above a table full of food and colourful drinks. I noticed that they also prepared some games (obviously). “Emily, this is your last night as a single woman. Sit down and let us entertain you,” They sat me down and took a photo of me holding a drink and sitting under the balloons. “You can post it on Instagram when you decide to let the people know about your wedding.” Amy grinned.
“You can drink all you want, but for every glass of alcohol, we're making you drink a glass of water, so you’re not completely hangover tomorrow.” Mary said, handing me my first mojito of the night. “That’s us being responsible.”
They started off by saying how beautiful they think everything looked and were impressed by how much can be done without even visiting the site before the actual wedding. They all talked about how they want to get married too.  
“I think it’s weird that I never really thought of getting married before I met Chris. Like, I thought of having a fairy tale wedding when I had that crush on Steven in second grade, but I never thought I’d get married before the age of 24.” I took a sip of my drink through a metal straw.  
“Yeah. To be honest, out of 4 of us, I always thought that you'd be the last one to get married,” Amy agreed. “Not that you wouldn’t find a man or anything, I just though you were too independent for this.”
I tilted my head to the side. “Oh, he doesn’t affect my independence in any way. I was worried about that at first, before we talked about our future together, children and stuff, but now it’s all sorted out.” I explained. “I actually got an IUD last month, so he realises that having children isn’t only one missed pill away now, it’s one medical procedure away. He was fine with it.”  
“I’m glad then,” Amy smiled. “You’re strong, but him being 11 years older and stuff, I was afraid he’d maybe try to force you or something. Don’t take this the wrong way, but sometimes when they ask him about having children in the future during interviews, he sounds a bit desperate.”  
I laughed. “Yeah, he does. He really loves children, so I’m not surprised. I just got used to it.”  
“Does he have a breeding kink?” Sophie asked out of nowhere. I nearly choked on my drink and Mary froze with a mouth full of Cheetos. “What? It’s very common.”
“Sophie, that’s surely the most private thing you have asked any of us, ever.” Mary laughed.
“She told us about the time they tried anal!” Sophie yelled.
“Two times.” I corrected. “And I don’t think he has it or at least he’s ever done anything that would resemble it, but that would be kind of hot.”  
“Em, you should know, every smutty game we're going to play was her idea.” Mary sighed. “I’m only in charge of your answers for the newlyweds game.”
“And I’m charge of asking about how big his penis is.” Amy grinned. “You only ever said that it’s big, but that could mean so many things...”
“18 centimetres,” I answered quickly. “By the way, I really hope this isn’t our last night to do immature stuff.”
Mary shook her head. “Of course not, there’s at least 3 more bachelorette parties ahead of us,” she reminded. “And also, what the fuck!? He's 18 centimetres? How do you walk? Harry is 15 and I can barely... wow.”
“Ok, I think we've already established that Chris isn't only well endowed, but also skilled, so it’s not the matter of his length.” Sophie said.  
“Yeah, he’s... do you remember when I spent that night with ??? and I told you that there must be something wrong with me, because I felt nothing, and I literally mean nothing? Like, he was going down on me and I had to take every movement and sound I was making. I was so afraid of our first time with Chris, because it was not only us having sex for the first time, but also me having my first time at all. And it was just incredible, because I didn’t have to fake anything! I was moaning so much that I was afraid he’d think I’m faking.”
“I remember. And I told you that there’s nothing wrong with you, he was just bad at sex. Chris is generous on a daily basis, so he’s also generous in bed.” Mary shrugged, taking another drink.
“What’s the most times he has made you come during one session?” Amy asked.
I sighed. “Well, if he’s well rested and hasn’t been to the gym that day then I cum twice for his one time. If he goes down on me then it, you know, depends on how long he’s willing to do that... or when I start asking him to stop.”
“You have to ask him to stop!?”  
“Yeah, I get oversensitive sometimes.”
Mary sat back on the sofa, looking like she just found out that Santa Claus isn’t real. “You know, I was never jealous about your acting career, because we know that even if you earn more than decent money and have a month off, then it means you worked 18 hours a day for the last two. But for the love of God, you are less than 24 hours away from marrying a man who eats you out until you actually beg him to stop. I’m starting to get jealous.”  
“He has bad qualities too, you know,” I sighed. “He’s very indecisive and, to be honest, he was the one with commitment issues. We had a few months last year, right after we moved in together and before we got engaged when we barely talked, because he felt like we would get tired of each other too soon. Even though he was the one who suggested we moved in together.”  
They ran our of things to ask about our sex life, finally. Although, it was such a random conversation that I actually enjoyed it. They gave me some presents, actually showered me with them. “We have only just realised that half of them is sex accessories, sorry,” Amy shrugged, handing me another box. “Chris will probably enjoy them as much as you will, though.”
After my fourth drink and fourth glass of water, I was a little bit drunk already. “Do you think we will last?” I asked, laying down on the sofa, playing with the flowers in my flower crown.  
“I think Chris is glued to you like my father's nose to his TV.” Sophie said. “If you called him right now, he would be here in a second.”  
“There’s nothing you could ask him that he would say no to. Unless it’s a threesome, I don’t think he would want to share you.” Amy agreed.
“Yeah, but I mean... do you think we will be just another couple that divorces after 5 years? That’s probably what everyone thinks.”
“Who cares? You’re marrying Chris Evans, one of the hottest men on Earth, Captain America, with a big dick attached to him and a great personality, despite being a Gemini!” Sophie explained.  
“A big dick attached to him!” Amy burst into laughter. “That is the best thing ever!”
We stayed up until 2 am, when I decided that I was tired enough to fall asleep without bigger problems. They made me sleep in one of their rooms, so I wouldn’t run back and sleep with Chris.  
The moment I was alone, I texted Chris, asking if he was awake. He called right away. “Hi baby,” he said in a low voice.  
“Wait, you were asleep?” I asked. “You finished your party earlier than we did?”
“Baby, I’m 35,” he whined. “If I want to be alright for a whole day of preparations, a wedding, reception and the whole night of lovemaking, I gotta get some quality sleep.”  
I laughed. “Sure. I just called to check if you’re alright and not in Vegas by now.”  
“Nah, we had a few drinks and talked. Also, I’m ashamed to admit that we did play a few drinking games.”  
“Well, I forgive you. You don’t know any better.” I sighed into the pillow. “Are you nervous?”
“Like hell.” He admitted. “I can't believe this is finally happening. I can't believe it's already been a year since we got engaged.”
I remembered the day we drove to see Loch Ness and he just decided to drop on one knee. I can’t believe it’s been so long since that day. “I’m really glad you almost killed me at that airport.”
“Oh, that’s just exaggerating.”
We talked some more, but mostly just stayed silent, listening to each other's breaths. About an hour in, we decided we had to go to sleep. “I’ll see you at the altar, right?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, I can’t wait.” I turned to lay on to my back and stared at the ceiling. “Don’t be late, please.”
“Wouldn't dare, I’m counting seconds until I can finally see you, love.”
@daybreak96 @coffeebooksandfandom @smilexcaptainx @betinalunardi @rollinsuh @lily2089 @stella2445 @hy-pocrite @l0rd-disick @beholdoritou @klaussstilinski @achishisha @givenchymercury @just-trying-to-survive-marvel @henry-cavill-gossip-girl @rock-titties @bombsandsparkles @marvel-fan23 @cap-just-said-language @blackaestheticislife @justsomemarvelspam @nerdchester17 @shyofaspark @cssrogersse @crispyearthquakezombie @ultragalaxy @bit-of-a-timelord @kingofallthingsz @morguleth @calicokitkat @areelphony @gemgemswift @donut-crazs @dontchawishyouknewhowtosalsa @kandomeresbitch @deafeningpsychicpandahands @severely-theoretic @chmedic @patzammit @winterssoliderss @metalarmlover @saturnki @coolkimchijoy16 @sammyjammy92 @coolkimchijoy16 @peruvian-bae  @avngersx
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gaiyofanfiction · 6 years
Misfortune Chapter 1
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Prologue - Prologue Pt. 2 - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Idol!Jaebum x Solo Idol!Reader
Drama/Slight comedy
A/N: YAY FIRST CHAPTER! We’re so sorry it took so long, but were finally posting! We hope you like it!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. The name of the idol (reader) as well as the fandom name are fake and made up by us. The real life idol’s personalities portrayed in this fic are also made up by us. To our knowledge, the idols in real life are total sweethearts. We do NOT condone fandom wars or trashing idols in the SLIGHTEST. We are hoping this story will bring awareness to how stupid and toxic fandom wars can be.
Trigger Warning: Anxiety attacks, flashbacks and depression for the most part. Toxic fandom wars and bullying (Which we’ll explain further into the story). May be something later.
“Alright! Did everyone enjoy VAV's performance?!”
The crowd goes wild in response to Mark Tuan’s question. Jackson cheers next to him before speaking into his microphone.
“They did an amazing job, as always! Up next we have JYP’s own Rookie Group, Stray Kids!”
“Let's KCON!”
You hear the crowd grow louder for Stray Kids who you watch walk out on stage. You hear the beginning of Jisung and Changbin’s rap.
Your breathing grows heavy, knowing you're up soon. You practice your vocal exercises backstage, thinking about your lyrics and dance moves.
“I still can't believe you're actually here, in the same place as Got7. Who thought that was a good idea?”
You close your eyes, trying to ignore the snooty sounding voice from behind. ‘Lyrics and dance, Y/N. That's what you need to be focusing on’
“I mean, she did try to ruin JJProject's image all those years ago. That little liar was probably brought here as a publicity stunt, not actually because she has any talent.”
“Lord, help me,” you breathe out quietly before turning to face the nasty commentators, who just happen to be Nayun and Daisy of Momoland.
“Anything else you have to say to me, you better spit it out now. I have better things to be doing.” You cross your arms.
Daisy raises a brow. “Oh there's a lot I could say.”
“Do you two have anything better to do than bring up seven-year-old bullshit?”
You hear a voice coming from behind you, making you sigh with relief. Jimin walks up next to you, leaning an arm into your shoulder.
Nayun glares at the 15& member. “You're part of JYP and you're still on her side?”
Jimin grinds her teeth, trying to keep her temper. “Well, unlike some people, I listen to all the facts before jumping to conclusions. She also happens to be my best friend and I believe her.” She smiles sarcastically.
Before one of them can say anything else, you see Mark and Jackson walk up, joining your little powwow.
“Don't you two have a fan meet in an hour to get ready for?” Mark tilts his head, unimpressed with the current issue at hand.
Knowing they're outnumbered, Daisy and Nayun scoff and walk away. You sigh with relief and lay your head onto Jimin's arm.
“Thanks guys. I just don't have the energy to argue about this subject right now.”
Jimin pats your head with a frown. “No one messes with my wifey!”
Jackson slaps your back harder than he meant to, earning an ‘ow’ from you. “We got you, Y/N. Don't worry.”
“I still don't understand why at times, since your leader and I have the biggest rivalry in kpop history.”
Mark rolls his eyes. “We’re grown ass men who can decide for themselves who to befriend. You never did anything to us, why should we hate you?”
You smile at your old company friends, happy to still have them in your life. You hear the crowd cheering, signaling the end of the performance.
“Oh shit, Jackson, we gotta go. Cya Y/N! Can't wait to see you perform!”
Mark waves to you, pulling a complaining Jackson along with him. You hear a faint ‘Ugh, why did we agree to MC, again?’ coming from the Chinese boy, making you chuckle.
You notice Stray Kids exiting from on stage. You wave to your old friend, Bang Chan.
“Chris! You guys did amazing as always!” you yell with a smile.
The boy stiffens at the sound of your voice, turning his head slightly to make eye contact. He gives you a half hearted, closed mouth smile before quickly turning his attention elsewhere. Minho and Changbin shoot you a glare before ushering the rest of the group the opposite direction.
Your hand drops to your side as you groan. “Oh yeah, I forgot he hates my guts.”
Jimin hooks her arm with yours, pulling you in close. “Well, honey, you did kinda leave the company with no word. He probably felt slightly betrayed.”
You mumble at the response. You remember that day seven years ago.
You and Chan were pretty close during your last year as a trainee. He had come to the company in 2010 and you had taken him under your wing, being a trainee for three years prior. You both became pretty close friends, along with BamBam, Jimin, Mark, Jackson and JB.
After the incident at the showcase, you had left the company the next day with no word, no warning. The only people you stayed in contact with was Jimin, Mark, Jackson and BamBam. You didn't say anything to Chan, fearing he would hate you after what you had accused JB of. He must have felt betrayed by one of his best friends, because he hasn't talked to you since then. Every time he sees you, he avoids you like the plague.
“I was afraid of him not believing me about what happened. He looked up to JB and Jinyoung as mentors, I didn't want him to hate me.” You sigh, watching Stray Kids hurry themselves out from backstage. “Guess he ended up hating me anyway. And now the rest of them do too.”
Jimin pulls you in for a hug, trying her best to comfort you. She squeezes you tight. “It'll all work out in the end, sweetie. I promise.”
She pulls away as she receives a text message. “Looks like I'm going on stage soon. I got to go get ready. Just remember to hang in there.” She raises a fist in the air. “I'll be cheering you on while you're out there. KIT and Kittens, fighting!”
You give your best friend a smile, happy that she's here with you. She blows you a kiss as she walks back to her manager who's waiting for her.
“Y/N noona!”
You turn to see BamBam running towards you with a smile. Despite being fairly hated throughout the industry, you’re surprised so many people were happy to see you.
“Hey Bammie!” you open your arms to receive a big hug.
“Ah, I'm so glad you're here. We haven't seen each other in awhile.” He squeezes you so tightly, you could hardly breath.
“BamBam-ah, if you squeeze her too tightly, she might pop.”
Your entire body freezes as soon as you hear his voice.
You slowly turn around to see the reason for your last seven years of misery, the handsome face of your nightmares.
JB smirks at you, giving you the once over. “Well, look at what the cat dragged in. If it isn't the infamous Y/N. Or should I call you KIT?”
You set a hard glare on your face. “Or you could not talk to me at all, that would be good too.” You raise a brow. “If that was your attempt at an insult, it was pretty shitty. Try again.”
BamBam gave JB an awkward look, “yeah, even I didn’t find that good.”
You scrunch your nose at BamBam’s comment. “Um, thanks?”
JB chuckles coolly. “Damn, you're as cold as ever, aren't you. I remember the days where you were such a sweetie.”
You take a step towards him, poking a finger into his chest. “Yeah, all because of you, ya ass. If you didn't do what you did seven years ago, maybe I'd still be a nice person.”
JB glares at the finger in his chest. He takes a step forward pushing you a step backwards. “Don't go around lying like that, Y/N. It's not good for your image.” His glare turns back into a condescending smirk. “Well, what's left of it anyway.”
The two of you are almost nose to nose. As beautiful of a face that he has, the love you once felt for him is long gone. Everyone around you could feel the resentment and hatred seeping from the two of you.
BamBam laughs awkwardly before pulling you away from the smirking boy. “Alright, let's not do this here. Y/N, you should probably go and get ready. You're up soon.”
You let BamBam pull you back, but your icy glare stays glued to JB. Quickly you look at the lineup posted on the wall. You relax a little bit and nudge BamBam to let you go.
“It looks like I’m performing before you. It’s just ‘cause I’m better.” You chuckle as you lean against a pillar like you’ve won this argument.
JB slaps his knees and bursts out laughing. “Oh ho-ho-ho. You are sadly mistaken. Sweetie, you are the opening act. Got7 is the main act of Kcon this year. Did you oversleep again and miss the announcement?”
Everyone around you giggled quietly. BamBam put a hand on your shoulder, but you immediately pull away from his attempt at reassurance. Completely embarrassed you didn’t know what to do. It was like a scene from your nightmares. Everything staring at you, laughing. ‘Not again, god not like this.’
You became overwhelmed with emotions; so much anger and resentment. You bare your teeth and growl at him like a wildcat that’s ready to pounce, both fists clenched. You realize though that this isn’t you. You wouldn’t hurt him even though he’s done so much to you. This realization makes you feel completely vulnerable.
“What? You going to punch me little KIT?” JB mocks you with a condescending tone of voice.
‘Why does it have to be me? What have I done to you?’ You bite your lip trying to hold back the angry tears.
Suddenly you hear your name on the loudspeaker, making you snap your attention away from the situation at hand. Your anxiety spiking, you grab your headset and make your way to the edge of the stage.
“Don’t choke!” JB winks and leave, laughing on his way out.
You do your best to ignore him, knowing if you dwell on it, you really will choke. You take a deep breath and focus yourself. You hear Mark and Jackson from out in the audience.
“Up next, we have miss KIT herself! Please give her a warm LA welcome! Let’s KCON!”
‘Alright, Y/N. It’s your time to shine.’
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storiesnobodyreads · 7 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Prompt: you and Chris started dating after you starred as Captain America’s love interest. You do interviews together on the press tour. One interviewer is disrespectful to you, and Chris gets angry. 
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You and Chris had been dating for several months now, after the shooting of Infinity War had wrapped. You had portrayed Steve Roger’s love interest, though you had gone into quite an effort to make your statement that Captain America’s true love interest was Bucky. After a while of arguing with Chris, he’d just looked you dead in the eye and said, “Are you trying to get yourself fired? I’d be more than happy to make out with Sebby.” 
During filming, you’d fallen in love with Chris Evans. You couldn’t think of a single reason why anyone wouldn’t fall in love with the man. Lucky thing for you, though, turned out that Chris had developed feelings for you too. He had asked you out on a date the day you had wrapped, and everything had been going great since then. 
For the press tour this month, you and Chris had been paired up doing interviews together. Apparently the connection between the two of you was visible on and off screen, or so Marvel decided. The relationship had not yet gone public, because neither of you desired the attention from the paparazzi. 
The first couple of weeks passed by rather smoothly. Most interviewers were extremely nice and superbly excited to meet the two of you. They had you play fun games and answer intriguing question. Every now and then the interviewers would hope for a hint that the two of you were dating in real life, because the rumours were out there, but you’d always managed to subtly dodge that question. 
On this particular Thursday, however, you and Chris were both exhausted. You’d gone to a party and it had gotten quite late; on top of that, the full days of doing interviews and pretending to be a fun person all the time, didn’t help. That morning, you’d begged Chris to just stay in bed and sleep all day, but he’d pulled you out of bed, emphasising that it was your obligation to the fans. You were well on your way to let the day be okay, until you and Chris crossed paths with the most terrible interviewer.
The man, named Jason, had elected to ignore you.
Chris tried many times to get you involved in the conversation, asking you questions about what you thought, but the interviewer would just cut you off. At a certain point. you just accepted that you weren’t going to get any attention, and you stubbornly leaned back in your chair. You reasoned with yourself that it was absolutely logical that the man was more interested in Chris Evans. He was Captain America, after all. However, it would have been nice to be a part of the conversation, and not getting shut up instantly every time. 
“Now of course, in this new movie you have a very attractive new co-star, Y/N Y/L/N,” Jason vaguely gestured at you, not looking you in the eye, only looking up and down your figure. You frowned a little; you couldn’t help feeling somewhat insulted. My eyes are up here, you considered pointing out, but then you were reminded that there were five cameras directed at your face and you had to keep yourself together. 
Beside you, Chris stirred. You quickly glanced over at him, and noticed from his posture that he was starting to get angry. 
Jason continued, “And you have a nice love scene in this movie. What was it like filming that scene?”
“Well, the thing about love scenes is that they aren’t nearly as romantic in real life as they look on screen,” Chris laughed a little, but his laugh sounded forced.  “You’ve got to keep in mind that there are like thirty people watching you behind the cameras, and you’re practically naked, so I was mainly just worried about Y/N, you know, just trying to make sure that Y/N was comfortable.” He dramatically turned to face you. “What was it like for you?” 
You chuckled when Chris winked at you. “Awkward,” you smiled, “But Chris was great. He did really do all he could to make me comfortable, and create a positive atmosphere on set--”
“Okay,” Jason interrupted you. You breathed out sharply, having been in the middle of a sentence. “So, Chris, what would you say is the sexiest thing about Y/N?”
Chris choked in his own saliva. Had the situation been different, undoubtedly Chris would have been able to laugh about it. However, the interviewer had been rude from you since the first second and had disrespected you every second thereafter. The question about your sexiness now just infuriated him. “Excuse me?” he brought out, giving the man a chance to back off. 
“Let me rephrase my question,” said Jason quickly. “Do you think Y/N is sexy?” 
Chris’ jaw dropped a little, and he seemed to be at a loss for words. “Y--yes,” he stammered awkwardly. 
Jason straightened his cards in his lap. “Why?”
Chris glanced sideways at you, looking for help, but you found yourself staring into your hands. Your disappointment in the superficiality of humanity had grown to the point where you no longer knew how to cope with it. Chris unclenched his hands and moved his arm as if he wanted to reach out to you, only to realise the cameras were still rolling on you. 
“Yeah, okay,” Chris cleared his throat, rising to his feet. “I think we’re done here.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you up, looking directly into your eyes for just a second, silently telling you to keep your head up. 
Jason leaped up as well. “What are you--what’s going on?”
Chris swirled around to face him and, suddenly, the usually so friendly sparkle vanished from his eyes. He tensed his muscles and towered over the scrawny interviewer, who appeared to shrink in his shoes. “You are acting incredibly disrespectful,” Chris said to him, his voice low, quiet, and mind-dazzlingly scary. “In this entire interview, you haven’t asked Y/N a single question. You have ignored her presence, and only mentioned her to verbally harass her for how she looks. Yes, she is stunning, but I will have you know that Y/N is a wonderful, intelligent woman and a fantastic actress. She has worked extremely hard for this movie and deserves to be respected for her performance.” 
Jason let out a squeak as Captain America hissed his furious words at him. “I didn’t--”
Chris wouldn’t let him finish. “Now if you’ll excuse us,” he grumbled, remaining ever so polite, yet with an undertone that threatened the interviewer’s life. “We’re leaving.”  
Chris placed his hand on your back and promptly steered you out of the room, marching straight past the cameras and the protesting crew, ignoring the screaming interviewer, pushing away the guards that attempted to stop you. He didn’t say a word, walking faster than your shorter legs could handle, and didn’t stop walking that quickly until both of you were out the building. He pulled his hoodie over his head and handed you back your sunglasses. Firmly, he grabbed your hand and held it, holding you in public. 
“What are you doing?” you asked, feeling small. Despite the fact that Chris hadn’t hurt anyone, and had remained perfectly polite to Jason, his anger still scared you. “Chris, please, where are we even going?” 
“We’re going shopping,” Chris said decisively. “And we’re going to buy the weirdest clothes we can find. And we’re going to wear them. In public. And we’re going to make a statement.” 
Your hand was getting crushed by Chris’. “Okay, and what statement would that be?”
Chris abruptly halted. “That you are so much more than just some kind of sex object,” he brought out in frustration. “You are so... You are just great, you know? And I don’t understand that other people are so damned superficial that they’re not willing to look any further than your looks.”
You unleashed yourself from Chris’ tight grip. Sarcastically, you uttered, “Do you not like my looks, Chris?”
Chris rolled his eyes and quickly pecked a kiss on your cheek. “Of course I do,” he said irritably. “But you’re also smart, and funny, and sweet. So we’re going to show the idiots out there that you’re more than what they think.” He glared at you, taking a deep breath, and then put up a wide smile. “Are you in?” 
“It’s a stupid plan,” you commented, “Of course I’m in.” 
Chris laughed, relieved that you weren’t holding his outburst against him, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Strolling through the streets of New York together, you encountered a carnival shop that looked like a party to be in. Chris doubted just for a second, but you had gotten excited about Chris’ plan, hence you grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shop. 
With the cheerful music blasting in the background, you started dancing, and soon you were swaying in Chris’ arms. You fetched colourful boa’s from the stands and swung them around Chris’ neck. “Maybe we can alter the statement we’re trying to make to you just being an idiot, not a sex symbol.”
“Ugh, you’re just jealous,” you said, placing a pair of bright, pink goggles atop his nose. 
Chris laughed. “Now you’re just dressing me up!” he exclaimed. “You have to wear weird clothes, too.” He rapidly scoured through the store and picked out several odd-looking outfits. He returned with his arms full and pulled you with him into a dressing room. Though there undoubtedly was a strict policy concerning not having two people in the same dressing room, but Chris quickly pulled the curtains shut. “Please put this on,” he offered, holding up a gigantic Pikachu costume. “I will do anything for you to put this on.” 
You giggled and kissed him deeply, gently shoving him against the wall. Chris reacted to your kiss immediately, dropping the costumes and tightly grabbing your waist. 
Chris smiled against your lips. “Or we can just do this?” 
You pulled back, holding Chris’ neck. “Chris,” you said seriously. “Thank you for standing up for me. I didn’t want to be rude and say anything, but I’m really glad you did. You actually managed to make your point without telling the guy to go fuck himself.” 
Chris shrugged a little, pressing you closer to him. “I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. He was a fucking asshole.” 
“He was,” you chuckled. “But thank you. Really.” 
“Anything for you, babe,” Chris whispered against your lips. Then, a laugh broke through his expression. “Now that I’ve proven that I’m fantastic, you should definitely do me a favour. Wear the suit.” 
You bought the Pikachu suit and wore it with pride. You forced Chris to purchase the purple boa, sunglasses, and German lederhosen. Both of you bought bright green shoes that sparkled with every step you took. You walked out of the store with shining pride. 
Instead of avoiding the paparazzi like usual, you encouraged them to take many pictures of the two of you having dressed up like idiots. “Now I’m just going to be a sex symbol who is also an idiot,” you pointed out to Chris. 
Chris pointed at a cute-looking coffee restaurant, “Better than just being a sex symbol,” he shrugged. “Wanna drink coffee?” You did want to drink coffee, so you took your seat at a table in your Pikachu suit. Chris sat down before you, ordering two coffee’s from the waitress nearby. He then lay down on the table with his hands underneath his chin, and was smiling at you constantly. The pink sunglasses and purple boa did make him look extraordinarily cute.  
“Hey,” Chris said seriously, picking a purple feather out of his mouth. “I have found my answer to that lame guy’s question.” 
“Hmm?” you looked up from your coffee. “The question about why you thought I was sexy?” 
“Yeah, I figured it out,” Chris nodded, glancing up at you. He smiled lovingly. “You’re sexy because you’re you. And every single thing about you is amazing. So thank you for being you.”
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