#Clever Dick Films
modularmedia · 8 months
60 Years of Doctor Who Feat.  @cleverdickfilms  - Modular Componets Episode One Hundred & Eleven
The crew is joined by a long time Doctor Who fan and analyst to discuss the show and his work covering it!
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dooweedoo · 2 years
WhoTube Showcase 5 // Clever Dick Films
Clever Dick Films is the quintessential Doctor Who historian.
One of my favourites, this man is in the process of researching, recounting and reviewing every Doctor's era from a personal perspective in Dr Who Review. Each of these episodes takes months of research, scripting, recording and editing and they're highly reccomended both for long time fans and people wanting to know more about the history of the show.
He also documents the companions and does a Then and Now series on specific filming locations on the side.
He's a big channel in terms of WhoTube nowadays, and I was very happy that his appearance on Who's There? A Doctor Who Podcast did so well for that channel because of his popularity.
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lilydvoratrelundar · 2 years
Unfollowed accidently on the way to the askbox </3 3, 12 and 20 for the DW asks?
how dare u >:( jflsdkjf
3 - favourite dr: 12! he's a space dad hes a punk rocker hes a fuckin icon and i love him. this is only partially correlated by that fact that he was the first i saw of the show, i think capaldi is a fucking fantastic performer and his version of the show is my favourite
12 - favourite romance involving a dr: oh i usually dont like them. i thought thasmin was good but the ending, though well executed, was nowhere NEAR as tragic and angsty and heartbreaking as i had expected so they could never live up to my expectations. like, the way they resolved it was interesting in that they chose not to resolve it, but. well. i have a lot of problems with it in terms of what it set up and how it seemed to be building towards SOMETHING. idk. anyway im a tenrose hater <3
20 - if u could change one thing about the show...: oh historical companions 100%. or just less of the 20something woman from a city in contemporary england generally. they should make a list of a bunch of countries, a bunch of backgrounds, a bunch of time periods, etc and just fuckin pick from a hat and they'd end up with something more interesting than 70% of the companions we've had in new who. also bring back the pure historical. also more horror stuff. also the convoluted series arc thing but limited to the SERIES and a mystery thats set up in the opener and pays off in the finale type thing not dragging it out for years. yes i know it said "one thing" but i ahve a lot of opinions <3
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the other day spouse & i went out to watch Alien (1979) in theatres for its rerelease, and in addition to such useful thoughts as "this is the only filmset i've ever seen that gives an impression of absolute grime while everything looks perfectly clean" and "Ripley Scott decided to simply not light his film and I have spent my life trying to catch the same effect in my writing. I am in Hell"
-- in the middle of all of this, i leaned over to whisper "this film is just Moby-Dick in space"
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tyrantisterror · 1 year
David Attenborough: And here we have the father lion with his newfound cub. This male has sired many young with his pride, but only this season has he produced a male. He will teach the young lion all he knows, before it grows up to make a pride of his own. Right now the father shows his cub the extent of their territory, an important fact for any lion to learn. -later- David Attenborough: It is highly unusual for two male lions to share a territory, but the bond between these two is strong. Though leaner and bearing more scars than his stronger brother, the second male has an important role to play, patrolling the outer bounds of their shared territory. -later- David Attenborough: The mutually beneficial relationship between hornbills and lions is not extensively documented, and in fact this documentary is the first evidence of such a relationship ever recorded. It is, however, not unheard of for a clever bird to ally with packhunting mammals, as crows will do the same with wolves a continent over. -later- David Attenborough: The scarred male lion may have bitten off more than it can chew, having stumbled into a truly enormous pack of hyenas. Extraordinarily large, in fact, there may well be more than a hundred individuals in this family group. The hyenas, however, show... deference? to the lion, and ... are... are they goose-stepping? Well, it would appear they are acting out a choreographed homage to the film-making of Leni Riefenstahl, and all at the apparent command of one of their natural competitors. Fascinating. -later- David Attenborough: As the male lion clings to dear life, who arrives but his brother, the loyal second in command of the pride. Surely a boon for our new fath- oh. Oh, that looked almost calculated. But we must remember that such cruelty is only practiced by men, and that lions probably aren't very skilled at helping each other climb up cliffs, given their lack of thumbs. -later- David Attenborough: Orphaned and separated from his pack, the young male lion is likely due to die. But what's this? A warthog in a mutually beneficial symbiosis with a meercat has adopted the cub. Strange, yes, but perhaps this warthog is acting on misplaced affection, as animals that have lost young of their own may sometimes adopt children of other species. This warthog may have been a young moth- oh, no, that's a dick and balls. Well... huh. -later- David Attenborough: Somehow, despite subsisting entirely on insects for years, our young cub has managed to grow into a fully healthy male lion. We can only attribute this success to a mixture of luck and determination. -later- David Attenborough: Now we see the courtship dance of the lions. Notice how... holy shit, that lioness is giving him bedroom eyes. Wait, what's that music? Is... is that Elton John? -later- David Attenborough: As the young lion survives is encounter with the wild mandrill, it takes a moment to reflect by... hold on... hold on, in the sky, is that... is that a fucking ghost? Is that a lion ghost? What the fuck is going on in this savannah?
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cipher-fresh · 9 days
Video essays about Doctor Who I like:
Peter Capaldi: Doctor Who’s Underrated Peak by CosmicNite
Autism and the 12th Doctor by Mercurial Rose
About Amy Pond by Mercurial Rose
Art vs the Artist by ladyknightthebrave
Doctor Who vs Women by Verilybitchie
The Regressive Politics of Chris Chibnall’s Doctor Who by Orowen
Doctor Who Keeps Getting the Cybermen Wrong by Orowen
The Chibnall Era is Good by DWFan91
Is The Talons of Weng-Chiang Racist? (Yes) by Michael in Lo-Fi
Doctor Who Review (series) by Clever Dick Films
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Creepypasta As Hazbin Hotel
Ben: so what do you think
Jeff: I’m sorry what the fuck was that
Helen: we’re not filming a porn as a commercial
Puppeteer: why not
Nina: I like being forced
Jeff: keep that to yourself, Nina
Nina: Puppeteer sir
Puppeteer: call me dickmaster
Nina: Puppeteer.
Nina: it’s a solution to our biggest problem
Jeff: oh yeah herpes that’s a bitch
Nina: no our other biggest problem
Jeff: oh uh ugly people?
Jeff: math?
Jane: face my wrath
Jeff: who are you
Jane: I attacked you literally last week
Jeff: ?
Jane: we’ve done battle like twenty times
Jeff: well you must’ve been really bad at this
Liu: oh god, here I go, Jeff. just another fucking day with Jeff. hey hey hey fuck my life
Liu: looks like you have everything under control here
Lyra: of course I do, fuck you, now shoo, go take care of the piss baby
Liu: so you should…?
Jeff: do nothing?
Liu: great idea!!
Toby: you still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Jeff: uh fuck you
Toby: just saying
Sally: *gasp* the bad boy is back
Sally: never leave me again
Brian: we’re about 80% sure she’s harmless
Jeff: this is stupid
Lyra: this is not stupid!
Lyra: it’s just the GAMEEEEE
Lyra: Liu did it well so please try to do the same!
Jeff: I’m too sober for this
Jeff: I’m looking forward to stabbing the other residents
Slenderman: WHAT WHY
Slenderman: people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Jeff: *middle finger*
Liu: *middle finger*
Toby: *laughs evilly*
Nina: I have my doubts
Tim: Puppeteer’s minions are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them
Jeff: oh well in that case I’d be delighted to
Tim: humanely
Jeff: well that’s a lot less fun
Jeff: this time everyone has to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Jeff: I love to suck-
Tim: I swear to fuck if you say dicks
Jeff: popsicles, you sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter
Jeff: but you know, dicks too
Sally: sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
Jeff: NINA?!
Clockwork: uh my name’s Clocky
Jeff: no one gives a shit
Jeff: call me fake one more time, motherfucker
Jeff: i dare you
Toby: fake
Jeff: fucking asshole- *hits his head on roof*
Toby: you done?
Liu: Lyra, sweetie, you uh you good?
Lyra: nope no not really!
Sally: maybe it’s time
Lazari: no
Sally: to ask
Lazari: don’t say it
Sally: your dad
Lyra: wait that’s it
Jeff: kill everyone?
Lyra: noooooo
EJ: what’s the hold up?
EJ: you got daddy issues?
Lulu: no we’ve just never been close
Lulu: after Mom died he never really wanted to see me
Lulu: he calls sometimes but only if he’s bored or needs me to do something
EJ: daddy issues
Brian: this is the first time she’s called you in years
Brian: this has to be perfect
Brian, picking up the phone: HEYYYY BITCH
Jeff: you may have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Tim: hmmm NOPE I guess that’s why Toby called it the Hazbin Hotel hahaha
Jeff: hahaha it was actually my idea
Tim: hahaha well it’s not very clever
Jeff: haha fuck you
Toby: OKAY
Brian: you like girls! so do I! We have so much in common
Clockwork: how you been?
Jeff: good! Until five minutes ago
Sadie: hey Sally what you been up to, girlie?
Sally: fighting bugs
Sadie: and how’s that going for you
Sally: they’re winning
Sally: but not for long
Lulu: how come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?
Jeff: oooooh drama *pulls out popcorn*
Slenderman: hi
Slenderman: Slenderman
Slenderman: that’s my wall that you just blew up
Jeff: don’t fucking shush me bitch
Sadie: I need a break but hug a koala for me
Nina: omg can you imagine an actual KOALA
Jeff: anyway you sure fucked up didn’t you
Jeff: oh Lyra, you look an absolute mess
Sadie: I won’t hurt anyone for you
Jeff: who’s asking?!
Ben: Jeff and Toby just left like they were running away from their responsibilities
Ben: should we be alarmed?
Helen: are you fucking high?
Lulu: oh I’m just kidding
Lulu: I know you’re an ace in the hole
Ann: a what now?
Sally: I named all the stains on the carpet
Sally: that one’s Fred
Liu: look I can’t resist a fight okay
Liu, about Jeff: especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead
Lyra: live tonight however you want because-
Toby: we’re all gonna die!
Dina: alright let’s give it up for not dying!
Dina: love not dying!
Dina: … drinks?
Jeff: I mean personally I’m excited it’s been a long time since I stabbed someone and really meant it you know what I mean
Lazari: I dub thee king roach
EJ: oh to understand your twisted little mind
Jeff: anyway I guess
Jeff: please don’t die tomorrow
Jeff: okay bye
Lyra: rip Jane’s cunt mouth out her ass
Jeff: would you just- chill, Lyra, fuck
Zero: they appear to have some kind of shield sir
Puppeteer: oh really? I didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT
Jeff: I’m about to end your fucking life
Puppeteer: fuck you, you red piece of- too much fucking red- fuck shut up
Ben: hahaha poetry
Jeff: what just happened? Ffffuck
Toby: these fucking angels won’t stop coming
Jeff: HA
Toby: okay I walked right into that one
Jane: Before I take your life I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face
Clockwork: try it bitch
Jeff, to Jane: live
Jeff: live knowing that you only do because I let you
Slenderman: see you messed with my daughter so now I am going to FUCK you
Zalgo: …
Clockwork & Lyra: …
Jeff: 😏
LJ: well this just got interesting
Sally: it’s fuck you up, Dad
Slenderman: wait what did I say?
Liu: how’s mercy taste, you little bitch
Slenderman: take your little friends and GO HOME
Slenderman: please
Puppeteer: I’m The Puppeteer
Helen: and I’m-
Puppeteer: nobody gives a shit who you are, Helen
Zero: anyway congrats to Slenderman and his crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
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wreckedandpolemic · 10 months
instruction - george daniel & matty healy
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(mdni) and she returns!!! hope this is worth the wait lol This is v much out of my comfort zone but i think its quite lovely
warnings: 18+, threesome, light dom/sub, praise, overstimulation, orgasm delay, cumplay if you squint
“You guys gonna show me how it’s done?” you grin, but George and Matty don’t laugh.
It’s a joke, until it’s not. You’re laughing over your wine, until you realise how intense their expressions have turned. Matty wets his lips, his thoughts flickering across his face like a film reel. You look everywhere but their eyes, your gaze flickering between George’s hands, the chain dangling between his collarbones, Matty’s fucking tongue, a thousand filthy thoughts spiralling through your head.
George grins when your nervous gaze finally lands back on him. “Is that what you want, love? Want us to fuck you properly? Show you how good it should really feel?”
Your thighs clench, searching desperately for a hint of humour before you nod shakily. “Yeah– yeah. Please,” you mumble, identical smirks crossing their faces and sending shocks of tense excitement down your spine. George reaches for your glass, sliding it across the table away from you, a sudden air of authority emanating from him.
George stands, suddenly towering over you, broad and imposing and so, so gentle. “Come on, love,” he coaxes, cupping your jaw with one hand and beckoning Matty with the other. Your skin burns where he touches you, thrill racing in your blood, heat already pooling between your thighs. “Let us make you feel good.” Standing on suddenly shaky legs, you let George lead you into the bedroom, Matty trailing just after you.
The air is thick with tension, unsaid words hanging between the three of you as you stand in the centre of the room, the weight of their gazes heavy and hot against your skin. From behind, George wraps his arms around your waist and kisses wetly at your neck, running his fingers up your chest and darting them teasingly over your nipple, smiling into your skin as you jolt. Your shirt drifts to the ground and you grind your hips against George as he takes two greedy handfuls of your tits. “Matty…” you murmur, imploring him with sweet, wide eyes.
“Yeah, darling?” he replies, stepping closer until he can grip your hips, kissing you softly. Caught between them, you let them walk you to the edge of the bed, your lips not leaving Matty’s as the pair of them manoeuvre your body, so in sync that it might as well be rehearsed.
The heat at your back fades as George moves away from you and slips out of his clothes, settling on the bed; Matty distracts you with a clever tongue claiming your mouth and cleverer fingers diving to unzip your skirt. “Come sit, baby,” George instructs, and you turn, cunt throbbing at the gorgeous sight of him — sculpted chest bare, legs spread wide and cock hard, straining against the thin fabric of his tiny, tight boxers. A pathetic moan slips from your lips, and he grins widely. “C’mon,” he croons, and you climb into his lap, grinding yourself against his dick, bursts of pleasure rolling over you as the friction builds at your clit.
Laughing, George takes your hips in his big, calloused hands, your body melting and dripping out over his palms. “So needy,” Matty says fondly from behind you, watching your display eagerly, pupils blown wide and dark with desire. “Isn’t she so fucking gorgeous?” He throws the question over your head sending a shiver running down your spine, the praise and dismissal mingling together deliciously.
“Fucking perfect,” George agrees against your neck, palming your ass with one hand and rolling his hips up against you. “How do you want this, baby?”
Your head swirls with need, body hazy and decentered, battling to find an answer that doesn’t come. Matty makes a soft noise of sympathy. “Oh, she’s so sweet,” he breathes, coming up behind you and kissing the back of your neck, working his way down and unhooking your bra. You hiss as George rolls a bare nipple between his fingers. “I wanna fuck her,” he addresses the plea to George and you smile at the submissive note in Matty’s voice.
“You want that, love?” George grins at you. “Want me to tell him exactly how to fuck you?” You nod, frantic, panting into George’s mouth as he slips a hand into your underwear, running a finger over your soaked cunt, stopping just shy of where you need him to touch you. Whimpering against his lips, you let him turn you around so your back is against his chest. Matty slides your panties down your legs and you whine, desperate desire boiling over.
“Fuck, do something, touch me, please!” you cry, bucking your hips as George runs a hand slowly down your body. George rubs slow circles on your clit and you whimper, tossing your head left and right against his chest. Liquid ecstasy blooms under your skin at the brief touch, and you grind down against his fingers as much as you can. Abruptly, he takes his hand away from your cunt and lifts it to your mouth, tapping his wet fingers against your lips and prompting you. You open up dutifully and suck your arousal off his fingers, revelling in the taste of you smearing across your tongue.
“She’s so fucking wet,” Matty breathes, awed, eyes trained on your soaked cunt. His gaze trails, prickling, up your body to where George’s fingers fill your mouth. The excitement on his face breaks through his perpetual air of nonchalance, and he breaks into a shit-eating grin as he drags two fingers through your cunt. You gasp when he barely brushes your clit, hips jumping to chase the sensation. You watch Matty intently as he licks his fingers, that delicate pink tongue teasing you, devouring your taste with an exaggerated moan.
George takes hold of your jaw and turns your head towards him, smiling at how pliant you are already. “You ready for this, love?” You nod frantically, a string of whimpers that vaguely sound like yes and George and Matty and please falling from your lips, muffled by George’s fingers still in your mouth. “Look at him,” George grins, tilting your head and letting you take in Matty’s dishevelled appearance, skin flushed red, curls raked through and messy, cock hard and dripping between his thighs. He kneels between your legs, obedient, waiting for George’s instruction. “He wants you so badly,” George murmurs low in your ear. “What do you say? Want him to fuck you?”
“God, yes,” you whimper, desperate desire clawing at your spine, burning your lungs. Matty grips your thighs with trembling hands, black-painted nails digging five sharp points of pleasure-pain into your skin. The sensation is shockingly grounding, reminding you that you’re a girl with a heart and hands and a body, caught between two beautiful boys waiting to unravel you with their bare hands. “Please,” you beg. “Please, I’m ready.”
You let them manhandle you into position, luxuriating in being thoughtless and letting them take control. Matty’s lips are millimetres from yours, shaky breaths ghosting over your skin as he lines up the head of his cock with your entrance. You both moan as he enters you and you feel George growing impossibly harder at your back. “That’s it,” George murmurs soothingly, stroking a thumb over your pebbled nipple. “Take her nice and slow. She’s doing so well for us, huh?”
The praise makes your head spin, the stretch and burn between your thighs euphoric and dizzying. Matty bottoms out with a grunt, leaning down to connect your lips, his kiss hungry and devouring. He waits, unmoving but for his hands trembling at your waist. “She’s so good,” Matty gasps, “Feels so good– fucking pulsing around me. Isn’t she fucking perfect?” he moans, squeezing your hips with the effort of holding himself back.
George chuckles, something gorgeously dark and overpowering in his tone. “Yeah. Yeah, she is. Whenever you’re ready, baby,” he murmurs in your ear, the fire under your skin leaping higher and burning your brain into a hollow shell.
“God, fuck me, please!” you cry, and Matty wastes no time, fucking into you desperately. Your vision whites out, heat spreading from everywhere your skin touches theirs. You’re dizzy with it, desperate to please, grinding back against George’s cock and clenching eagerly around Matty. 
A sharp spark of pleasure-pain ripples through your body as Matty bites your lower lip and George pinches your nipple harshly in perfect tandem, and you pant into Matty’s mouth. You writhe, gloriously trapped and yet so safe, your mind falling into that free, thoughtless place again. “Say thank you, baby,” George instructs, and you blink dazedly, your mind too soupy already to process his words. He nudges you again and some of the fog in your brain lifts.
“Thank you, thank you, thank– fuck!” you gasp as Matty hits that spot inside of you, shockwaves of molten euphoria coursing through you.
George’s hand trails down your stomach, holding you protectively. “Good girl. You feeling good? How is he?”
“Feels unbelievable,” you slur, turning your head to press open-mouthed kisses over George’s chest, tasting salt on his skin. Matty fucks into you, whimpering softly, trembling with the effort of holding himself back.
Hips rolling of their own accord, you moan, bliss unlike anything you’ve ever known wracking your body. You teeter on the edge, torturously, divinely close as Matty rocks into you over and over. Matty’s close, too, you can feel from the way his thrusts get more and more desperate, his own need swallowing him as he begins to use you for his own pleasure. “Matty,” George says, voice low and edged with warning. “Fucking control yourself. This isn’t about you,” he snaps, harsh voice a stark contrast to his gentle hand petting your hair. He drops his head to kiss your neck, teeth scraping and tongue brushing soothingly over the red soreness. “I’m sorry, baby. He just can’t control himself. Apologise, Matty.” he orders, his tone flipping from gentle reverence to controlling hardness as he addresses Matty.
Leaning forward, Matty murmurs apologies against your lips between sweet kisses. His pace slows back into that gorgeous, perfect rhythm and you whimper, incoherent pleas tumbling from your lips. George’s hand falls to your cunt and rubs at your clit, your body convulsing as ecstasy rolls over you and pulls you impossibly closer to your peak. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna–” you gasp, electricity sizzling through every nerve in your body.
“Come for us, sweetheart,” George murmurs in your ear, and that’s all it takes. A scream tears its way out of your throat and your body shakes, cunt fluttering around Matty’s cock. Ecstasy boils in your veins, replacing your blood as your heart hammers in your chest. George presses wet kisses against your neck and Matty leans forward to bite at your breasts, trapping you between inescapable sensation. Euphoria rolls over you in waves, rendering you helpless against skin and hands and lips and cock, drool pooling in your mouth as Matty fucks you through your orgasm.
You drift back into your body, chest heaving. Matty smiles up at you, eyes pleading, aborted thrusts making your sensitive cunt clench around him. “Please, baby, can I cum? You feel so fucking good, driving me insane, just wanna cum,” he babbles, clutching your waist like a lifeline. Aftershocks ripple through you, mind melting, your body still hungry for more.
George nudges you, kissing your jaw as you stretch towards him. “He asked you a question, baby.”
Desperate pleas tumble from Matty’s lips, tears spilling down his cheeks. He looks gorgeous like this, vulnerable and begging. It might be a little selfish, but you want to keep him like this just a while longer. You pout, and the way his face falls is unbelievably endearing. “Can you make me come again first?”
Matty whimpers, nodding shakily. “Yeah. Yeah, whatever you want,” he gasps. “Gonna make you feel so fucking good,” he promises, fucking you slow and deep.
You brush the tears from his face with a soft smile, pressing gentle kisses everywhere you can reach. George rubs at your clit, oversensitive nerves firing rapidly and sending you tumbling back to the edge at breakneck speeds. Matty sobs, shaking with effort as he rocks his hips, pleasure racing through you. Your cunt is fucking soaked, slick sounds mingling with your moans and rattling off the walls.
George pinches your clit, the responding spark of pleasure-pain that ricochets through you sending you spiralling again. Dramatic, intense bliss saturates you, and you writhe against George’s chest, your body wracked with sensation. You cry out, babbling unintelligibly as you lose yourself in their bodies, fire coiling under your skin everywhere they touch you.
You hear Matty’s voice as you stir back into consciousness, indecipherable through the haze in your mind. “Fuck, can I cum? Wanna cum so bad, so fucking close, you feel so good,” he whimpers. You can barely register his words, tortured pleas falling on near-deaf ears. “Please, darling, it hurts.” Tears flow down his face and the adorably pathetic expression he wears tempts you to deny him completely, just to watch him fall apart completely.
You won’t, though, because you want to see him give in to the ecstasy he’s fighting back with every muscle in his body. You smile, benevolent in your sated body. “You did so well, Matty,” you murmur. “You can cum.” His reaction is instantaneous, a sound that’s part moan, part scream of your name tearing from his throat as he comes. It’s visceral, his whole body tensing, hands gripping your hips as his cock pulses over and over inside you.
“Thank you, thank you, god, fuck!” he cries, his body stilling. Your cunt flutters as he pulls out of you, chest heaving. His gaze drifts over your head to search for approval in George’s face. He must find it, a dopey, blissful smile sliding onto his face as he trails two fingers through your oversensitive cunt, the mess of the pair of you dripping over his hand. Eyes fluttering shut, he sucks the cum off his fingers. George follows suit and you gasp as he brushes over your sore clit, hips jolting against the sharp sensation rippling through you. Entranced, your eyes track his hand as he brings it to his mouth, moaning as your taste fills his mouth.
You grip George’s neck to kiss him, the salty taste of Matty and the tang of you sliding across your tongue. Moaning into his mouth, you lose yourself in the kiss, gasping softly when Matty’s curious fingers find your aching cunt, seemingly transfixed by the way his cum drips out of you. Weakly, you push his fingers away, sore and sensitive. “No more,” you mumble, burying your face in George’s neck.
Twisting in his lap, you turn to face him and wander a hand down his body, savouring the way his muscles tense under your palm. “Can I get you off?” you ask, eager as he takes your hand and slips it into his boxers, cock twitching under your touch. You free his cock, flushed red and drooling against his stomach. You work your hand over him, savouring the way he gasps and rocks his hips. He’s close already, fucking your fist with abandon as Matty comes up behind you, taking hold of your waist and kissing wetly at your neck. George groans, hips rolling faster and faster until he’s coming in your fist with a long, low moan.
Teasingly, you lap at the cum sticking on your skin and George grins. “Little minx,” he teases. “You feeling good?” he adds, gentle concern in his tone.
“So good,” you smile beatifically up at him. “ Sore, though. Tired.” You yawn, slumping forward against him. A quiet whimper escapes you as he climbs off the bed, missing the pressure of his skin against yours.
You shuffle forward and fall against the pillows, cuddling against Matty as George pads into the bathroom. Slinging a leg over him, you press your warm, sweat-slick skin against him, listening to his heartbeat ticking in his chest. George returns with two damp cloths, running one over your sticky thighs, crooning sympathetically when you whine at the scratch on your sensitive skin. “This might hurt a bit, baby, I’m sorry.” You whimper as he drags the cloth over your sore cunt, Matty catching your lips in a gentle, distracting kiss. You’re a little surprised by the care George takes as he moves onto Matty, though you suppose you shouldn��t be, knowing how much they mean to each other.
George leaves again, your mind too soupy to process his movements, all object permanence faded from your mind. Your lips are warm, faintly bruised as you kiss Matty languidly, the linear passage of time escaping you; after what could have been seconds or hours, George returns, sitting you up and pulling one of his shirts over your head. It’s soft and it smells like him, and it swallows you as you slide it down your body, comforting. “This is mine, now,” you murmur sleepily as George tugs your hair out of the neck of your shirt.
“‘Course, love,” he grins, running a brush through your tangled mess of hair. Preening under his affection, you lean towards his touch, one hand stroking through Matty’s soft curls. A sweet, happy noise slips from his lips and you smile. He’s so pretty like this, gentle and docile in a way you’ve never seen him. “You did so well, Matty,” George says, running his fingers through your hair. Matty shines under the praise, beaming up at you as you pet his hair.
“You’re so good, Matty. Made me feel so good, lasted so long. Our good boy, yeah?” you assure him. George murmurs an agreement, deft fingers braiding your hair loosely and kissing the top of your head. You slide under the covers, turning so that you’re spooning Matty and slinging an arm over his waist and savouring the satisfied mumble that falls from his lips, voice thick with sleep. George settles behind you, chest rising and falling rhythmically as you relax into the warmth of their bodies. The last thing you feel as sleep pulls you in is George’s lips, soft at your neck.
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thesparkwhowalks · 18 days
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Roberta, The Girl Wonder Real Name: Mary Wills All Appearances: Star-Spangled Comics #103 (1950)
Dick Grayson's high school classmate Mary Wills has a crush on him, but she doesn't know that - she only has eyes for Robin, The Boy Wonder. This inspires her to study and train hard at school, ultimately developing her own crime-fighting arsenal and answering the Bat Signal as Roberta, The Girl Wonder!
Robin is, at first, not happy to see this inexperienced young woman trying to get in on his action. However, her patience, cleverness, and tenacity win him over. The two quickly begin working together whenever Batman's out of town, proving quite the Dynamic Duo in their own right.
However, Mary makes a couple of slips that allow Dick to figure out her secret identity. Scared that his might be at risk if he ever reveals it to her, he contrives to sabotage her mask and end her career. He didn't mean for that to happen on film, but considers it for the best.
Aside from the standard 50s contrivance of nixing the female counterpart after one story, I find Roberta fascinatingly ahead of her time. Her story predates Stephanie Brown and Post-Crisis Barbara Gordon's by about forty years, there's no reason to assume it was known in the Bat Officers in the 90s, but it's very reminiscent of their early careers. Wild stuff.
OK, two of these are enough for one night, but now I'm doing them.
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purlpeiris · 25 days
My Stand In is so good! It’s the best series airing at the moment, I’d say so far it’s the best series I’ve watched this year and if it carries on it’ll be up there with the best I’ve ever seen. It’s been a while since I was this impressed.
It’s clever, brilliantly filmed, well edited. It’s intriguing and it’s compelling. I love everything about it.
The actors! They are fantastic.
Those brief moments when you can see among genuinely does love Joe, I just want to shake him and tell him to stop being so awful and let himself have some happiness.
One minute I hate Ming, the next I’m crying because I’m so sad for him cooking and waiting for Joe to come back. Even though he doesn’t deserve Joe I’m still sad for him.
Give Up all the awards, he is killing this role!
I constantly and consistently love Joe. You can feel his hurt, and his conflicted feelings. Give Poom all the awards too.
I constantly and consistently hate Tong. What an absolute dick! Again though, so well played.
My patience levels are not high enough for waiting a week between episodes but I’m so glad I decided to watch as it airs. I might have to read the novel while I wait.
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animentality · 2 months
I am going to randomly share with you a few movies that I know are utter garbage but which are for some reason just satisfying to me, and oddly comforting despite being trashy.
1) The Uninvited (2009)
A really bad American remake of a more interesting Japanese horror film, but for some reason, I just like watching it even though it's sooo dumb.
2) Baywatch (2017)
It's literally soooo bad, but I don't know, I like watching Dwayne Johnson bully Zac Efron. It's also weirdly amusing to me how seriously they take being lifeguards. It's not a good movie but it's like, how I pretend the average day in California is like.
3) Unfriended
A screenlife movie before any other screenlife movie. It's like... not that bad, but I find it oddly fun to re watch over and over, despite its mediocrity and lack of fear factor. Like there's something about it that just scratches a part of my brain... I think it's actually reasonably clever too, so.
4) Grave Encounters
It's a found footage movie about fraud ghost hunters getting trapped in a haunted asylum that they were trying to film in... and it's like. Not good. It's super cliche. But I like it anyway. I don't know why. The characters literally suck so bad. but I still re watch it for some reason.
5) The worst one on this list... Grownups.
Listen. It's so bad. I know it's bad. it's juvenile and puerile. it's just Adam Sandler and his friends dicking around for two hours. but I have seen it... too many times. It gives me nostalgia for a past that never existed, and if it did, then it was never my own.
I think its giddy foolishness and childish antics are just good vibes all around.
just get silly with your friends, man. launder money from Hollywood. life is short.
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spicybylerpolls · 3 months
Well, unknown hero agent man / pen symbolism anon, i hope you're reading this, cos you hit the nail on the head! this kind of symbolic storytelling is not only a fine art of cinema (being lost these days a little sadly, what with the whole netflix speedy turnover etc), but exactly what (good) films of the horror genre aim to do.
horror has long been a way to creatively tell 'normal' dramatic stories through subtext and symbolism. not sure if this is still a way around traditional censorship but im sure it began that way. films like the exorcist, the shining, rosemary's baby... all classics that are filled with subtext. its also an exciting way to talk about things that might seem trite or too bleak when portrayed as a 'straight' drama (this is the term meaning 'non-genre based' or 'non-musical' lmao). So you could say that ST is NOT straight, in more ways than one 😉
but much of this will go over casual viewers heads, so its finding the balance between making a story believable on the surface (another dimension exists! scary government men trying to kill us!) and subtextually (the UD as a metaphor for trauma/AIDS/closeted homosexuality/abuse etc) if viewers are clever enough to see/feel it. i say feel because much of storyviewing is instinctive instead of analytical.
so ST incorporates both - not just metaphorical, vague storytelling, but also real issues too. but it goes one step further, and actually has characters talk explicitly about reading deeper into stuff (murray's behind the curtain speech). it's a very meta show, even for a genre piece, which is why it astounds me that some people think it's not that deep lol. and some people think that only literature can be deep, but never tv or movies - which is an insult to anyone who has ever been passionate about cinema tbh. It's a statement that would probably rip the heart out of the duffers' chests and stomp on it. these guys are super nerds who have dedicated their adult lives to this passion project. as finn said, 'most people make it then just cash in - im so glad they still care'.
I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable talking about the beauty of this storytelling on your main. it really does surprise me that the fandom is so censorship obsessed because sexual metaphors have long existed in visual media, and especially in horror films. there used to be a long post about byler and a potential sex scene at lover's lake on here, but the user disappeared and the post went missing. it was about all the sexual imagery in ST, with a focus on byler in s4. i especially loved how they mentioned mike's introduction, where he was just in underwear: it is both appropriate for the setting, but also gets the audience used to him as a growing lad with a body and draws attention to those uncomfortable, potentially sexual aspects of being a teen. i mean, he was in tiny pants for god's sake. did we need to see that? why did we see it? etc etc
hilariously, they also referenced the always sunny in philadelphia scene where a character is in a therapist office talking about a pen being a dick. he then puts it in his mouth and chews the pen lmoao
i think you'd enjoy @therainscene's rod symbolism post too. I'm personally hoping for some explicit sex scenes with byler, because the show so far has arguably been telling that story metaphorically already for 4 seasons, and bringing it out of the subtext could be a storytelling device in itself. bringing byler's secrets into the light. after all, this is a period piece that aims to shed light on a bygone era. its not a propaganda piece that needs to remain coded; the reasons for staying secretive still exist for mike and will in the 80s, but times have changed since then for us as a global audience, and more importantly, the aspirational message has changed. what message would the duffs want to send to viewers that are still bigoted? clearly one of the beauty of homosexuality, seeing as will, our fav gay boy, has been the darling sympathetic victim of the show since s1e1. the show needs to remain true to both the 80s while also having a strong message for this decade in order for modern audiences to be able to gain something from watching this story; in order for there to be a reason the show exists at all.
so to answer your question, i had never picked up on the pen symbolism until now, but i immediately agree, not least because 1) it must have a meaning that connects to byler's conversation otherwise why does it just interrupt them with no reason? (from a storytelling pov), and 2) because of the always sunny scene lolllll
thanks for the discourse! if you stick around into s5, im sure we will be able to start discussing this on our mains. it'll be a new era and there might even be gifs/pics of byler to accompany our 'spicy' discourse haha!
Amazing/fascinating points! Thanks for adding to the discussion!
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
I will say, I tried to watch Malignant (2021) the other day and it is, unfortunately for all of us, a very boring movie burdened with a couple clever visual choices.
This was brought into especially sharp relief by the movie I watched last night. Dicks: The Musical (2023) is the exact opposite of boring, and so joyfully batshit so lovingly designed, that it could have done essentially anything over the course of its runtime and I would have cheerfully accepted it.
(....the movie really took me up on that offer.)
There are absolutely no similarities between the two films, from tone to design to genre to cast---except! Both have monstrous set pieces stuck in the middle of them. And the happily gross, absurdist musical comedy uses its misshapen, malevolent monsters better.
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lenreli · 1 year
Day 15 - Cherries [Human AU]
[AO3] Same universe as Smapril Day 10 - Hair Pulling, with photographer Dream!
Dream squints, staring through the camera lens as Hob bites a cherry, camera shuttering as he looks through the pictures just taken. He’s almost offended at the way the red is taken in by Hob’s mouth, the glance at him before he closes his eyes to appreciate the fruit. Ever since the moment where he temporarily lost his mind to ask the beautiful man on the street to take photos of him, Dream’s been further perplexed and offended as Hob is just so absurdly photogenic.
“I really don’t see what’s gotten you so constipated about my snack,” Hob says and Dream scowls, taking another series of photos as Hob puts another cherry in his mouth, stem and all, thumb and pointer finger framing his jaw as he eats it, jaw moving. Hob sticks out his tongue, revealing a tied cherry stem, and Dream’s face feels hot, camera digging into his face with how he pulls it in as Hob winks at him.
“It is not the snack,” he mutters, going through the newest photos and still―still! No bad photos. “I am trying to take a bad photo of you,” he scowls down at his camera, the new roll of film already near-full considering how much the burst shots take up.
“Wow. Way to make a guy feel appreciated,” Hob says and Dream tenses, looking up to see sad brown eyes, and he looks back down through his camera roll. 
“You are very photogenic. Even the smallest movements that would be classed as ‘ugly’ or ‘imperfect’ on other people, you still look ― good. It is. Frustrating,” he says slowly, words not enough to describe it.
“... Oh.” Dream looks up, camera moving to take a shot of Hob’s blush, eyelashes covering brown eyes as Hob looks away, the cherry he was going to eat still at his stained lips, tongue reaching out to take it in, and Dream feels hot, cock getting hard under his skinny jeans, and Dream’s glad for the table between them. 
It’s not like he uses the photos to ― get himself off, but the memories, the way Hob smiles, his voice, Dream almost can’t help himself after, always getting so worked up, as much as he tries to ignore it. Which is why, after Hob’s finished his cherries and denigrated about some essays he has to mark for his TA job and has finally left, Dream groans, flopping onto his bed as he undoes his jeans. 
Squeezing his eyes shut, he thinks about how Hob arrived, black leather jacket looking comfy and hot, a difference from all the greens and earthy tones he usually has, mind snapshotting Hob’s laughter, the crinkly-eyed grin on his face Dream works his dick, arching into his hand with a frustrated groan, getting some lube from nearby so it’s easier. 
Gasping at the cold lube, he continues to jerk himself off, thinking of the cherries staining Hob’s lips and tongue, of the cherry stem and Dream whines, thinking of those lips on his cock, of that clever tongue and he orgasms with a moan. 
He’s never really had an opinion on cherries, but after today, he has a new appreciation for them, as Dream cleans himself up with a huff.
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djservo · 1 month
riding the high of seeing challengers twice already means i’ve remembered tumblr (the gifs that will be reblogged..) in time for the monthly book wrap up! coming in thick and fast are we in a post-Easton Ellis world? where did your april reading take you and what’s on the horizon for may?
I've heard that's the movie of the moment!! do you think we'll see a cultural resurgence of casual tennis and all the clouty pickleball courts soon to be taken over by tennis as the lord intended? much 2 think about ..... april was laughably not a big reading month for me ugh so i'll take a page from ur book + talk about some fav watches
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The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood
my first Atwood! reminded me of The Vegetarian by Han Kang with its theme of appetite linked to interpersonal relationships + unraveling sense of self (in fact this book might've popped on my radar bc of its association with it). I liked how each character had their own quirks + weird shit going on too, made the stakes that much more layered and set a kinda zany world for the plot to unfurl in
Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis
finally acquainted with Mr Ellis... not as graphic as I was expecting it to get but I suppose it's his debut + ultimately a different subject matter/world than American Psycho so Understandable! very sparsely + unfeelingly written which I might've read as lazy had I read it years ago but luckily I'm a dedicated student at the Dennis Cooper Institute of Mundane Morbidity so I can appreciate the detachment as an effective vehicle for plot/development. a little repetitive and predictable after a certain point but I think that was the point of it all. im excited to dive into his later / more thorough works!!
Fan Fiction: A Satire by Tavi Gevinson
not actually a book but a 75 page zine that I devoured in one sitting truly unable to rip my eyes away, so im counting it. rookie mag + tavi were staples for me as a teen and tho I was never a swiftie, she also very much aligns with teenage years in my head + she's also just the perfect subject for this kind of piece so this was incredibly nostalgic... so playful and clever and funny and weird, reminiscent of I Love Dick by Chris Kraus with unreliable + obsessive narrator in autofiction form. RPF is actually very ethical and fun when it's this well-formed methinks
The Adjuster (1991) dir. Atom Egoyan
this is only my 4th Egoyan but I'm so amazed at how he portrays desire and obsession and detachment in an equally unsettling and blasé way, images that stay on my mind weeks later. I feel like I consistently see a lot of praise for Arsinée Khanjian's performance in his films (rightfully so!!), but Gabrielle Rose is such a queen of haunting intensity I just can't not stan!!!
Young Soul Rebels (1991) dir. Isaac Julien
really fun sexy cool giallo set in late 70s london. amazing soundtrack and costume / set design, cultural/racial/sexual clashes expertly touched on in both explicit + subtle ways. Julien has such an incredible eye for detail, I wish he'd make more narrative films
Girls Town (1996) dir. Jim McKay
sensitively nuanced and surprisingly (for being directed by a man) realistic portrayal of girlhood with another great soundtrack + costume design moment. just felt incredibly real between the friendship dynamics and adolescent handling of difficult topics - the kind of movie I wish I'd come across a decade ago but am grateful I got to see such a beautiful restoration of it
Hustler White (1996) dir. Rick Castro, Bruce LaBruce
WOOOOOOF tony fuckin ward........... hard for me to focus on much else at the moment but wow this was so sexy and funny like surprisingly slapstick at times?? i mentioned it in my letterboxd review, but literally slapstick stumbling into a BDSM scene... just a the perfect convergence of things I love to see on screen, a perfect fun time!!
my sister and I are buddy reading (2) referenced works in Fan Fiction: A Satire + I've got a handful of potential picks for AAPIHM reads, probably leaning more towards the nonfiction route bc this JCO short story collection has maxed out my capacity for fiction at the moment
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kuwdora · 4 months
Festivid 2023 Recs - Part 01
My first batch of recs! Some fun and sweet and funny vids from animated shows, comedies, a trillion media adaptations, THE CHOCOLATE GUY, Shakespeare, and more. Incredible work from amazing vidders this year.
Hard Times by elipie. Star Trek Lower Decks. Boimler. A Boimler vid! To Paramore! Boimler really does have some HARD TIMES. But in the end he has all of his friends that also go through hard times and are at his side! The timing in this vid is so much fun. It’s so energetic and full of shenanigans. And it makes me CACKLE. A must-see for Lower Decks fans!
Here It Goes Again by eruthros. Moby Dick, multi-source. Ishmael/Queequeg. Soooooo many different Moby Dick live action and animated shows and films! This is incredibly fun and a joy to see the sheer amount of times this story has been made for the screen. All to OK Go! #teamwhale 📝 Lots of notes at the vidder's journal about the Moby Dick adaptations.
She’s a Lady by lily_the_kid. Christine (1983). I'M SCREAAAAMING IN LAUGHTER AND AWE, the brilliance of Tom Jones song for the car. the car as a character. I’m sorry this is one of my favorite kinds of things to vid and it’s even better when I get to see people make vids I love making cause i get to enjoy the fruits of the vid joy!! This is so funny and serious at the same time. crack treated seriously. Horror + comedy + seriousness = my jam. Amazing. I’m also admiring all the subtle musicality of the editing, too because this song is delicious with the drums and horn section. #TeamChristine
Teenagers by tafadhali for Dimension 20. Adventurers do whatever we want, with no consequence. THIS VID IS JOY. I couldn’t help but grin during this whole vid. The transitions are so much FUN and i love the way the vidder uses the miniatures throughout the vid with everyone’s reactions and silly faces. Oh what a great way to run with this song too.
Your Horoscope for Today by Josett_Arnauld. Game Changer. I don’t know this show at all but I believe it’s some kind of comedy/improv thing, judging by the antics here. And they're SUCH good antics. Comedy show + Weird Al = VID OTP! This is chaotic joy and silliness and a must-see for anyone who wants a dose of laughs. It’s so smartly timed and the transitions are so fun too.
The Only Way To See by BeatriceEagle. OMG it’s a vid about The Chocolate Guy!!!!! The song choice is so lovely tribute to the creative process. Om nom nom nom this is delicious editing.
I’m Going To Make You Love Me by periru3 and tafadhali, a Christine (1983) A DUET! FROM TWO VIDDERS! This is so fucking clever and funny and utterly fucking brilliant. This absolutely is smashing all my horror/humor buttons.
Everybody Talks by absternr. Much Ado About Nothing. Filmed stage productions! TO NEON TREES! The joy of theater, and these productions in particular! Some I recognized and others I hadn’t seen. Oh, it’s so much FUN. Delightful editing, great use of the song and I definitely ran to drop this vid link in in several of my Neon Trees and Shakespeare friends laps.
Caught in Hit and Run by turquoisetumult. Clue (1985). The vidder used Paula Abdul for the vid!! And I can’t emphasize enough how much fun this vid is. The editing, the comedy, the EDITING! It’s bouncy and grooving along with the physical comedy SO WELL.
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