#Climb a tree
peppersteakss · 2 years
there’s a reason i haven’t been very open abt my opinions on spideypool for so long and that’s bc some of you are so. weird
the problem comes with this: making it live action. every single live action peter parker starting as a teenager in high school, with tom holland’s being a teenager the longest due to the snap.
tom holland’s spider-man, despite going to college now, cannot work with spideypool. he is too young. but with the reintroduction of tobey and andrew in nwh, there are now options!
tobey is immediately out of the picture bc his peter ended up with mj, he mentions this in the movie. he had his trilogy, his story has concluded! BUT ANDREW GARFIELD
andrew garfield, who had his love interest die. andrew garfield, who got robbed of tasm 3 because of the mcu. andrew garfield, who publicly spoke about how peter parker should not only be bisexual but also jewish (and received a lot of unnecessary backlash!). andrew garfield, who’s peter is now in college, and has not found anyone since gwen. he’s perfect.
when i think of live action spideypool, i can only think of andrew garfield in the role of spider-man. tobey maguire, maybe. but andrew garfield honestly just deserves this after how much he’s been robbed
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i rest my case
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definegodliness · 3 years
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Playful Liaisons
Sometimes, I find, it's necessary To go out and revive the child-at-heart; Best way I know is to climb a tree. A changed perspective is a good start, But we could also play Mario Kart Or build a fortress where two can hide When it's cold and dismal outside.
--- 24-4-2021, M.A. Tempels ©
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nachodroppedfood · 3 years
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whenever Juan calls me
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Are you able to climb a tree?
(I’m doing research for writing)
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steverogersnotebook · 5 years
fandom literally makes me so tired of fandom and i'm curating my fandom experience as it is. it started with the hate and venom, which isn't okay, and now it seems like people are just twisting people's words which i detest. saying that seb mentioning he suggested the stevebucky discussion means that he hated the ending, or his 'marry pratt/avoid evans' is him projecting his endgame hate on evans and it's just so ridiculous when seb hinted at neither. it's making me angry over things i enjoyed.
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I’m so very sorry to hear this. I’ve lost contact with many lovely people for just this reason. These problem makers could do so much good if they put their energies into being problem solvers. I guess the instant attention is too big of a draw.
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mizar113 · 5 years
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this-url-is-soft · 5 years
Tree Storytime!
Sadly no photos cuz I was just so caught up in the moment but when I went hiking the other day I climbed a tree: that NO ONE ELSE COUD! I MADE IT TO THE TOP! I'M SO PROUD! AND I'M NOT EVEN GOOD AT CLIMBING TREES! Like I'm just so so proud that I used my limited physical strength to pull myself into the embrace of this ancient plant but also that no one else around me could do it! (They tried and tried and I offered to help but they just couldn't get up) And it's so wild to me cuz I have never ever in my life EVER climbed a tree that high! And if I have climbed a tree in the past it easy only with other people's help and I got stuck and couldn't get back down and I never went into the high parts. But THIS TIME, ALL ON MY OWN, I USED MY SPINDLY ARMS AND MY LEGS TO SCOOT MYSELF UP THAT TREE AND GET TO THE TOP! AND I STAYED THERE! By far my proudest moment to date gotta tell ya. Also I got down in my own and I looked semi-graceful while doing it! It's renewed my hope and confidence in myself for this month I'm sure of it! So here's the lesson: even if you've sucked at something your entire life and you feel completely underprepared to do it, if you feel like you aren't gonna be able to do it at all, but you really REALLY want to do it: you can! And you will! And even if it doesn't work out you did your best and you can be proud that you tried harder than you ever have! I belive in you friends! So go out there and climb a tree that looks too hard! :D ♡
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himekokosu · 5 years
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Kiwi verry
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specter06 · 5 years
happy earth day!
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it must be so exhausting to constantly talk about something you hate. it must be so draining to constantly talk shit about something or someone. it must be so tiring to constantly be angry and hateful towards complete strangers.
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cemeterything · 2 years
one thing you need to know about me is that if there is ever a climbable surface within my reach i can, must and will climb it. i cannot deny this part of my nature any more than i can live without air in my lungs. whether it be a pile of rocks, a tree in the woods, a condemned building, ancient crumbling ruins or a church roof, don't invite me anywhere with a structure that can be climbed onto unless you want to see me scampering up it like that disgusting little freak from the lord of the rings the second there's an opportunity for me to do so.
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the most unrealistic part of “frankenstein” is that nobody was attracted to the creature at all. are you telling me that he travelled all over europe and didn’t come across ONE monsterfucker???
he was eight feet tall with flowing black locks, he had enhanced speed and agility, and not only could he speak french but he knew how to use the word “thee”!!! and NOBODY debby ryan’d at the sight of him???? NOBODY was like “so what’s in his pants👀”???? NOBODY wanted to climb that fucker like a tree????? impossible!!!!!! i refuse to believe it!!!!!!
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heleizition · 2 years
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thinking about how we could have had cassie and tim meeting as kids because of their parents being in archeology... life is so unfair
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maryadorable · 6 years
Deciding whether or not to trust a person is like deciding whether or not to climb a tree because you might get a wonderful view from the highest branch or you might simply get covered in sap and for this reason many people choose to spend their time alone and indoors where it is harder to get a splinter
A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Fatin looking at Leah in season 2 of The Wilds
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