#Clint too. I’m fr in love with all of them
lizzie-is-here · 2 years
girls just wanna have fun
part viii- all for us
“guilty or innocent, my love is infinite”
wordcount: 2.9k
warnings: cussing, blackmail, mentions of panic attacks, peter having a bad time, like one innuendo
a/n: me: i can literally finish this series in the next part and start the next series that i’m really hyped for
also me: but what if you make this one ten parts and add crime?
but fr pls let me know what y’all think of like the dawn 😭 i thrive off of feedback
taglist: @faiirybread @softasha @edgycatx @happy-nico @local-mr-frog @minimarkive @softyutae @fezco-mylove
y’all i’m so sorry i completely forgot about the taglist for the last two posts 😭
series masterlist
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Peter and the Avengers explained the full story to you. His superheroing, the team’s assistance to set you up, et cetera. It was full of apologies that you laughed off, telling them that there was no need.
“Really,” you chuckle, watching as they sigh in relief. “It’s fine. It’s kinda funny, honestly.” You relax on the couch, crossing your legs as you think for a moment. You turn to Peter.
“So, can you take me for a swing?”
“What?” Peter’s face is precious. Once he fully clocks your request, he staggers up. “Um, yeah! Sure, let me go get the suit on.” He races down the hall, and you return your attention back to the Earth’s mightiest heroes.
“So?” you ask.
Clint waves a hand from where he’s slumped halfway in the couch cushions. You’re half convinced that the archer stores snacks and money in there. “‘So’ what?”
Scrunching your nose, you shrug. “‘So’, isn’t this the part where you pull the, ‘if you hurt him I’ll make you disappear’ shit?” You deepen your voice before tapping your chin with a finger. “Honestly, you all probably could.”
“I mean, are you expecting that?” Tony asks. “The whole speech?”
“Uh, yeah. Peter’s the kind of kid that I’d expect that kind of protectiveness over, ya know? I know it’s normally dads to their daughters’ boyfriends, but this-” you gesture to the team crowding the furniture. “-seems more fitting.”
A few of them stammer before you laugh. “You need me to give you a few minutes?”
“Yeah, that’d be great, thanks,” Tony says. “You kinda sprung this on us.”
You leave them to strategize, heading to the kitchenette across the room. Peter exits the elevator with his suit on just as you fling open the fridge, mask in hand. He eyes the huddled group before heading over to you. He taps you on the shoulder and you spin around, unashamedly checking him out in the blue and red suit. Hot.
“What are they doing?” he asks.
“I told them I was expecting the whole, ‘hurt my kid, I kill you speech’ and they jumped on the opportunity.” He groans.
“You know there’s, like, three assassins about to threaten you, right?”
You scoff. “Peter, they’re not scary.”
“I’d beg to differ. It is very scary when Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Bucky team up in paintball.” With a smile, you lean in, pecking him on the lips.
You pull back, watching for any discomfort. You find none. Peter returns the favor, and you both trade kisses, going completely unnoticed by the Avengers.
You shiver as his arms curl around your waist, and he pauses briefly. An unspoken question. Pressing forward, you kiss him again, and his hands settle entwined at your sides.
Surprisingly, your little make-out session isn’t interrupted by a scandalized team member, but rather by the incessant beeping of the fridge, warning you that it’s been open for far too long.
You and Peter pull away just in time. From the couch and surrounding seats, Sam calls out. “Alright, you two! Get over here!” You two awkwardly shuffle over, trying to sit together before Tony grabs Peter by the shoulders and practically tosses the teen at Natasha. She comfortingly pats his shoulder before forcefully schooling her expression.
“So,” Steve begins, so very reminiscent of the detention video. And the exercise video. And the anti-drugs and alcohol video. “You accepted Peter’s invitation.” You’re tempted to stop him right there, but the palpable tension is too amusing.
You wait for a bit too long before nodding. ”...Yes.” Rhodey coughs, poorly containing a laugh. Tony rolls his eyes before leaning forward on his knees. It’s giving white suburban dad at a cookout, you think to yourself.
“What are you planning on doing after the Winter Formal?”
“Do you want the honest truth or the sort-of-familial-relationship lie response?” you deadpan. Unexpectedly, a few of them aww.
“You see us like family?” Wanda coos, voice comically high. Before you can answer, Tony responds.
You think for a second. “Ok, so the familial lie would be, like, ‘Maybe go get dinner before the dance, stay for the whole thing, and spend the night at my apartment.’”
“And the honest truth?” Bucky asks.
“The same except we probably leave early and about a 78% chance I get drunk.” Steve chokes on air while the rest of them nod.
“Yeah, that could be worse,” Natasha decides. “Stay safe. Be responsible.”
Your eyebrows raise and you exchange a glance with Peter. He seems just as bewildered as you. Shrugging, you grab his hand and tug him out onto the deck before the team can change their minds and give you an hour-long lecture on being responsible that will likely trickle into an awkward description of safe sex. You appreciate their concern, but you’d heard it all before from the school Sex Ed videos.
“I can’t believe you got out of that!” Peter laughs, tugging on his Spider-Man mask. At first, it’s loose and baggy, but then he taps the black spider logo on his chest and it tightens, displaying his profile perfectly.
You gasp, lifting your hands to feel the fabric, the eyes, the tech. You’re so immersed in observing the cutting-edge design from a scientist’s standpoint that you completely forget that you’re basically groping Peter. Who you just kissed. Who might be your sort-of boyfriend? You’ll figure out the terminology later.
On the other hand, Peter is getting redder by the second as you fawn over his web-shooters. “Um, (Y/N)?” he stammers. “You ready to go?” He gestures to the buildings surrounding the tower. Thank fuck you’d changed into a shirt and shorts.
You wrap your arms around his neck, slightly confused about how this is going to work. Thankfully, he takes notice of the dilemma.
“Jump up,” he suggests.
You frown. “Won’t that be a bit hard to do? Swing and carry me at the same time?” A muffled scoff emanates from the red mask. With one hand looped around your waist, Peter hoists you up. Your legs wrap around his waist on instinct and you shriek at the quick motion.
“Super-strength, remember?”
With that last little quip, Peter leaps from the tower, hurtling through the air. Your stomach is still in the tower as the tops of buildings hurtle past the edges of your vision, weightlessness rising as you curl further into him.
And then you feel him reach out a hand, and your world tilts right-side up once more. Peter and you swing in a motion reminiscent of a pendulum’s arc before another brief moment of flight.
After a bit, you grow accustomed to the rhythm, loosening your death grip on his neck and actually enjoying the trip. The dizzying heights manage to clear your mind, simply focusing on your breathing and not slipping to your doom.
Peter lands on a building, letting you reorient yourself for a moment.
“Hey, Karen?” you hear him ask. That must be the AI for the suit. “Can you show me any new bad guys?” You smile at the wording. He holds out his wrist and a holographic screen projects above the web-shooters, detailing a man that’s been doing some black market dealing in stolen Stark tech.
He sighs, deep and too tired for an 18-year-old. When he speaks, you can hear the pout in his tone. “Duty calls. You mind if I drop you off at your house?”
“Actually, do you think I could hang with you tonight? My parents are coming in.” He nods, scooping you up once more. You land at his window minutes later, which he slides open for you to sit on the ledge.
Peter looks around before sliding off his mask, twisting it in his hands before making nervous eye contact. “Um, I should be done patrolling around 8:00, and, I was just wondering- I mean, we could go out if you want- but I was thinking that maybe we could have a date at home? If you’re okay with that?”
You take his hand, rubbing your thumb along the top of it comfortingly. “That sounds perfect. Do you want to get the food, or do you want to text me what you want and I’ll pick it up?”
“I can get it. Does Thai food sound good?”
“Yep!” You lean closer, teasing Peter as he visibly sweats at the closeness. He’s almost steaming in the chilly fall air. “Can I give you a kiss? For good luck?” He nods, barely moving at all.
You kiss him, parting with a shaky exhale that fogs in the air. He blushes and moves to say something, but decides against it, waving goodbye and swinging away. Cute.
Peter was midway through his patrol when things started getting weird. Weird as in, a high-tech drone trailing after him as he swung from place to place. After a while, he stopped on a roof to inspect the machine.
“So,” he says, reaching a hand out to touch the drone. “Where’s your pilot, little dude?” It whirs and emits a series of beeps before flying away.
Peter swings after it, now very curious. It leads him through the city, past dimly-lot apartments and crowded restaurants. It comes to a halt on a dark rooftop.
“Okayyyyy… This isn’t creepy at all.”
A tingle on his skin causes him to whirl around, searching the rooftop for a threat. Thankfully, his suit reveals a human heat signature tucked into the shadows.
“Who are you?” Peter calls, forcing his voice deeper. A man sheepishly emerges from the darkness, raising his hands.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. Just wanted to talk.” He points at the drone hovering by the teen. “That’s mine, by the way.”
Peter gestures to the machine. “It’s really neat. The only tech I've seen that’s similar is Stark Tech.”
Unbeknownst by Peter, the man clenches his jaw at the name of the billionaire. It’s fleeting. He takes a deep breath and clasps his hands together.
“I just was wondering if we could make a deal?” he asks, still keeping his tone polite and open. No need to scare off the vigilante before he can even threaten him.
Now, Peter really hates the sound of this. All he wants to do is speedrun the rest of this patrol, get some food, and get back to his apartment to maybe make out with you. If he’s lucky.
But he’s too polite to swing off, so he nods and lets the man start his sales pitch. Only one sentence in, he realizes that this is more of a blackmailing pitch.
“So, let's just get straight to the point, Peter Parker.”
Peter blanches under the mask. “Um… who?”
“C’mon, Peter. Stop the whole innocent ploy so I can make this deal,” the unnamed man sighs. Finally giving in, Peter yanks off the Spider-Man mask. Probably not his finest moment.
“Alright, you know who I am.” Peter flings his arms out. “What’s your deal?”
“Well, Mr. Parker, my name is Quentin Beck. And I used to be the greatest engineer at Stark Industries.”
(Peter is fairly sure that Mr. Stark is and always has been the greatest engineer of his business, but whatever.)
“I made one of the most advanced, intuitive devices ever, capable of creating interactive projections that could fool even the most trained eye.”
Peter snaps his fingers. “Oh, yeah! BARF, right? ‘Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing’?”
Bad decision. Quentin (who Peter decides looks suspiciously like Jake Gyllenhaal) immediately freaks out, tutting and pacing on the rooftop.
“He named my life’s work ‘BARF’,” he rants bitterly. “All I need from you, Peter, is some tech. Just a few drones, some basic machinery from Stark.”
Of course. “And if I don’t help…?” Peter has a feeling he knows.
“Well, let’s just say that you won’t be an anonymous vigilante anymore.”
Peter nods, giving the fuming guy a thumbs-up. “Alright, I’ll look into that for ya, buddy. Give me, say, a few days? I’ll get back to you.”
The man nods, grabs onto a handle attached to the drone, and zooms off into the night.
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Peter panics briefly, pacing in small circles before remembering to tug his mask back on. His breaths quicken faster than he can calm himself, and he’s about two seconds away from a bona-fide panic attack when-
A text pops up on his HUD, which Karen reads for him.
“From Ms. (L/N): ‘hey i sent the order a few minutes ago. should be ready soon ;) <3’”
He sighs, your flirty message distracting him from the situation at hand, and leaps from the roof of the building ready to swing off in search of the Thai restaurant.
“Uh? Mr. Spider? Mr. Man? Spider Sir?” A young boy carrying a takeaway bag waves Peter down. “I think I have your order right here.” He rattles off a list of dishes, including Peter’s and May’s favorites.
When Peter starts to panic at the lack of money with him, the kid waves a hand. “Oh, the girl who called it in already paid online. Tell her to order more often; she tipped me like $20.”
He takes the bag and swings home, keeping an eye out for the mysterious man with the ability to ruin his life. Thankfully, he’s nowhere in sight, and Peter makes it back home with little trouble.
At his window, he peers in. And sees you. Well, more accurately, he sees you, in booty shorts and a bra, rifling through his pile of sweatshirts.
It’s a really nice bra. One of those he thinks looks really hard to unclip. Suddenly he likes the bra a bit less.
Deciding to have some fun, he knocks on the window, effectively scaring the shit out of you. You jump a foot in the air and chuck the nearest sweatshirt at the window, visibly relaxing when you spot Peter.
You tug on one of his sweatshirts and shove the window open, sticking out your bottom lip and pouting when he pulls off the mask to reveal a shit-eating grin.
He raises his hands in surrender. “It was kind of funny,” he says.
“Was not.” You try your best to fight off a grin.
Peter raises the bag. “Will you accept Thai food as an apology?” Leaning forward, you try your damnedest to kiss Peter while he’s hanging upside down. It’s a bit awkward and strange, but sweet nonetheless.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughs, hopping inside. You take the food gratefully, calling for May as you skip into the kitchen.
By the time you’ve set the food out, Peter emerges from his room in sweats and a t-shirt. You three unceremoniously shovel food into your mouths, occasionally mumbling conversations around mouthfuls of savory soups and seafood.
“So, Peter,” May begins, raising a brow. “I hear you took (Y/N) for a swing.” He chokes on a noodle.
“Yeah…?” She stares at him. “It was safe, I swear!”
May rolls her eyes affectionately. “Probably traumatized the poor thing. I don’t know how you do it.”
“It was fine. Pretty exciting, honestly,” you say, sipping a Capri-Sun. You wink at him subtly and enjoy watching him flush. He grabs some spicy shrimp to blame the redness on the heat.
May splits off soon after, tired from work and wanting to, quote, “Give you two lovebirds some alone time.”
You clean up the dishes and sit them to dry, not wanting to give the kind woman any extra work. After wiping the last dish clean, you’re ready to have a cuddle sesh with Peter. But when you turn around to find him zoning out at the table, concern washes over your features.
“Hey, Pete? You okay?” you ask. You rest a hand on his shoulder.
He turns to you, puppy-dog eyes sending you reeling. “Can I talk to you about something?”
Turns out, that panic attack that was building earlier managed to work its way to the surface after all.
Peter explained the situation to you before dissolving into sobs, collapsing into your waiting arms until you could drag him back to his room.
Currently, you’re gently running your hands through his hair as he lays on top of you, sniffling quietly. In any other situation, it would be kind of awkward for his face to be planted almost directly into your boobs, but you’re ignoring it for the sake of calming him.
“I’m just so scared, and I don’t know what to do,” he mumbles. You nod, tracing spirals on his back.
“First things first, we talk to the team about it. See if they can take the guy out before he causes too much trouble.” You mentally make notes as you try to comfort Peter. “If he used to work for Tony, he might have some info on him…” You stop as Peter’s breaths quicken.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, babe.” You pause, thinking of any method you can. “Even if your identity gets revealed, which I don’t think it will, we’re all here for you. We’ll figure it out and get through it, okay?”
After a few more minutes and comforting words, he calms down, inhales and exhales coming more steadily.
“You’re really good at that,” Peter says eventually, now the big spoon as you curl up into his side. He thinks for a second, resting his head atop yours. Running a hand over the bandage on your jaw, he pauses, most likely for dramatic effect.
“But did you call me babe?”
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smutsonian · 4 years
f*** being friends
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve is in love with his friend but he doesn't want to ruin their friendship
Warnings: mentions of copulation, making out (it gets heated), jealous steve, awkward steve, lil bit of angst, brief mentions of being bullied (verbally), mentions of game of thrones, i’m hoping for this to be really sweet and fluffy that y’all get diabetes in a healthy way, writing mistakes bby
Characters: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Erik Lehnsher (xmen), Cisco Ramon (the flash)
Word Count: 6.5k yikes
an: i have no idea where those characters came from but they’re there. also, hi! im posting something lmao shocker :o ctto of this picture
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The supersoldier who woke up in the wrong century would’ve been going through a whole lot of hell alone if it wasn’t for the cute scientist who was considerate and patient with him in helping him adjust to his new surroundings after the time-hopping incident. Fury took him to the tower that was owned by the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (as he likes to be called) after he tried to run through the streets of the modernized city of New York with his bare feet and that’s where he met her.
 The female scientist contrasted Tony Stark so much that it made Steve wonder how Tony even managed to get someone like her to be his assistant scientist. Steve didn’t have to wonder about how you were able to handle Tony because he was a hundred percent sure that you will be able to get along with anyone because you’re… you.
 While Tony was an obnoxious guy who likes mocking him, you were nothing but sweet to him. Going out of your way to make him feel comfortable and show him how time has changed the past. You taught him everything he should know and anything he wanted to know and in return, he bestowed you stories from his time before, during, and after the war and the supersoldier serum. 
 When you told him embarrassing stories about Tony and confessed that you sometimes get vexed by your boss that resulted in you ‘accidentally’ making one of his suits dance crazily while he’s in it, you and Steve shared a laugh and thus, started a genuine friendship.
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Tony groans dramatically when he sees Steve giggling at his assistant while they’re making something in the kitchen. He walks over to them and knocks on the counter to catch the pair’s attention before giving them a faux smile. “As much as I love seeing capsicle giggling like a halfwit, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop stealing my assistant. We’re in the middle of discovering what must be the most important information in the world and you’re out here stealing her for shits and giggles.” Tony looks at the captain with a stern look before noticing your dramatic eye roll. “Hey-” he was about to chastise you when you cut him off.
 “Tony, learning how to bake chocolate chip cookies isn’t the most important thing in the world but I admire you for asking me for help for the sake of Morgan. But please, stop being so dramatic.” you chuckle at the end of your complaint. Tony bites his lip as Steve looks at you with such fondness without you even noticing it and he doesn’t know if he should feel sorry for the love-struck captain or be annoyed at how stupid and juvenile he was being. Just ask the girl out, goddammit.
 You turn to look at Steve before sighing, “Well, duty calls.” you shrug and smile at Steve when he reaches a hand towards your face to fix a stray hair away from your face. You stood frozen, staring at his ocean eyes that were staring right back at you before he started blinking and looked away. “Alright. I’ll see you later?” he asks as he looks back at you and you nod at him with a smile before walking past Tony. Tony rolls his eyes at Steve before pointing at him. “You clearly have it bad for her, cap. Why don’t you do us all a favor and just ask her out?” 
 Steve gawks at Tony, his face tinting a tiny shade of red before shaking his head. “What are you talking about? We’re just really good friends, Stark. I don’t even want to have this conversation with you.” Steve’s jaw clenches before he too walks out of the kitchen.
 Good friends my ass. Tony shakes his head in disbelief, smirking to himself. This is going to be fun.
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  Some members of the team were in the kitchen, elbows on the counter, and tired out of their minds. Sam has his head on the counter, Natasha was taking a bite out of her sandwich every now and then, and Clint was slurping the milk from his cereal bowl. There was a mission the day before and everyone was showing how much it took a lot out of them.
 Y/N was putting whipped cream on top of the iced chocolate drink she made when Steve walked in. His face showed how tired he is but it quickly lightened up when he saw Y/N grinning at him with the iced chocolate. Steve made his way towards her and sat beside her, watching her put colorful sprinkles on the whipped cream before sliding the glass in front of him.
 “There ya go! Made with love and all.” she laughs at her own joke and Steve grins at her before taking a sip, earning a mustache made of whipped cream. “So good” Steve closes his eyes as he moans dramatically, making Y/N laugh even more. When Steve looks back at Y/N, she chuckles at him before making a motion towards the space between her nose and her upper lip.
 “What?” Steve smiles as he tilts his head to the side.
 “Here, let me…” Y/N gets a tissue before leaning towards Steve’s face and gently wiping the whipped cream off his face. God only knows how much I want to kiss his whipped cream covered lips. 
 Steve stared at her face, heart fluttering at the closeness of her face and gulps when he sees her looking back at his eyes. Those eyes will be the death of me. I wonder if she’ll look at me like that when I’m giving it to her good. 
 He watches as her eyes flutter towards his lips and then back to his eyes before he’s leaning closer to her face, his lips almost brushing against hers. Fuck.
 A bang interrupted them and they quickly pulled away from each other, awkwardly trying to compose themselves. Bucky seats beside Sam who was glaring at him. “You just have to stroll in here, you armless shithead.” 
 “Not cool, dude.” Clint chuckles before dumping his bowl at the sink. Natasha just sighs before taking another bite off her sandwich. 
 Y/N’s ears perked up when Sam’s words registered to her brain. Armless shithead. 
 She turns to look at Bucky before cursing under her breath. “Oh gosh, Bucky. I’m so sorry! Your arm reattachment scheduled this morning completely slipped out of my mind. Oh god. I’ll bring it up here now. Just give me a sec.” Y/N stumbles out of her chair, earning a concerned look from Steve who held his hand out just in case the fidgeting scientist falls. Y/N successfully runs out of the kitchen unharmed, leaving two supersoldiers confused.
 “What’d I do?” Bucky asks Sam who just shakes his head at him. Nat did the same thing as Sam did when Bucky turned to look at her. Steve still stared at the door that Y/N left in, thinking about how he almost kissed her and realizing how stupid he was. He could have ruined their friendship right then and there. She was so jumpy and awkward right after too. She probably got spooked by his actions. 
 “Why the constipated face, capsicle.” As if he wasn’t suffering enough, Tony enters the kitchen with a smug smile. “Barnes ruined his chances of kissing the little scientist.” Sam scoffed as Bucky gasped. “Oh shit. Sorry, punk. I didn’t know you were making moves already. Thought you would never do it. Sorry for ruining the moment. You’ll get—” Bucky’s teasing words were cut off by Steve’s booming voice. “Will you all just stop it?! We’re just friends. Stop pushing it. I don’t see her that way so please, just stop. We’re friends and that’s that.” Just as Steve’s speech was ending, a flustered Y/N walked in with a huge box. She walks over to Bucky and starts fumbling with his arm.
 Steve curses under his breath as he realized that she just heard his ‘confession’ and it’s not exactly what he wanted her to know. It’s exactly the contrary to what he’s feeling. He wants to be more than just her friend but he didn’t have the guts to do something about it. He also didn’t want to ruin the beautiful friendship that they already have. Relationships are too complicated and he couldn’t risk losing you just because of his stupid feelings. 
 “There! All done!” Y/N smiles at Bucky and Steve finds himself yearning for her to smile at him like that every-fucking-time. Bucky thanks her and winks at her that made Steve’s insides boil with something he didn’t have an idea about. Y/N picks the box up before walking over to Tony who was standing beside Steve. Right before she gets in front of Tony, she slips and before she knew it, her face was falling down the floor- only to be stopped mid-air as firm arms found their way to her waist and her shoulders.
 She was hoisted up and was met with Steve’s face just inches away from hers. “I got you.” Steve smiles.
 Y/N coughed and pulled herself away, making Steve’s smile flutter ever so slightly. “Umm, thanks. I gotta get back to work.” She smiles at him before turning towards Tony and starting a topic about their current topic about using vibranium as something he didn’t have an idea about. He sighed in disappointment as he realized how he managed to fuck up his friendship with her by trying to preserve it. How does that even happen to someone?
 “Is it just me or does the supersoldier serum affect the brain badly?” Sam pipes up after Y/N leaves the room to go back to the lab. Bucky elbows his ribs in response while Tony laughs at Sam’s words.
 “It’s just Steve who’s being an idiot. Don’t drag me into his lack of brain cells” Bucky muttered under his breath. Tony pats Steve on his shoulder before leaning up to his ear to whisper something.
 “Just friends, huh?”
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Steve was nervous that you would bail on your weekly movie nights with him in his room where the two of you will watch movies that he missed while he was frozen. His nerves were getting the best of him until you knocked on his door only to greet him with a huge smile and arms full of snacks that were almost covering your face. “Movie night?” Steve swore that your giddy voice sounded like angels singing.
 Steve felt his heart flutter at the sight before shaking his head back to reality and easily grabbing the snacks out of your arms and setting it down on the foot of his bed. You skipped over to the bed and plopped yourself on it before looking at Steve with a raised eyebrow. 
“So… What are we watching tonight?” The anticipation in your voice made Steve smile before scratching the back of his neck.
 “Can we continue the game of thrones?” He asks and Y/N thought that him blushing was the cutest thing in the world so she couldn’t do anything but to nod. I mean, how could anyone say no to that face?
 You opened up a bag of chips while Steve tinkered with the tv attached to the wall in front of the bed. As the opening song started playing, Steve hopped on the bed beside you, grabbing the bowl of popcorn before laying on his back beside you and scooched closer to you. You smiled at that and laid your head softly on his shoulder which he seemed to like because he chuckled before stealing a piece of chip in your bag. You playfully glared at him as he only booped your nose in return, laughing when some powder from the chips were left on the tip of your nose. He leaned closer to your face, pausing for a while before blowing the powder residues on your nose. You felt your heart skip for a moment before turning back to the tv as the show continued to play.
 The room was dark with only the tv being the source of light but it’s enough for you to watch Steve’s every reaction to the show that you’ve already watched yet willing to rewatch it as long as it was with Steve. He was in one of the earlier episodes where Danaerys was betrothed to Khal Drogo. The tv was playing the scene where Danaerys’ handmaid was teaching her how to make love to Drogo. Your body warmed up at the scene, remembering how graphic this series can be and turned slowly to see Steve’s reaction. You expected him to be fidgety and awkward but he seemed to be really focused at the tv screen so you turned your head back towards the screen and continued to watch.
 Steve was trying his best to not have a panic attack right then and there. The scene was making him flustered and the effects of it were going straight to his crotch. He saw you move your head to watch his reaction but he did his best to act nonchalant and he was so relieved when you looked away from him that he almost cried. He thanked all the gods when the scene ended but his eyes widened when the screen showed Khal Drogo entering the tent butt naked and heading straight to Danaerys. When the man started ramming into her, Steve knew that he was fucked.
 Y/N nostrils flared in embarrassment as she watched the screen as it showed a very erotic scene. She turned her head sneakily to see Steve’s reaction once again but was surprised to see that he was already looking at her, their faces just an inch apart. 
 She looked at Steve’s eyes and was shocked to see that they were darker than usual, pupils dilated and his breathing erratic. She stared at him for a brief second before asking if he’s okay, genuinely concerned for the supersoldier. 
 “Steve, are you ok—” Y/N thought that she could’ve died right then and there when Steve closed the space between their lips and kissed her hungrily. Steve’s lips were so soft against her and when he plunged his tongue into her mouth, she almost came right then and there. This was how she’s deeply, madly, and hopelessly in love with the man. 
 Steve couldn’t explain the feeling he felt when she kissed him back. He could almost hear the wedding bells ringing when she moved her hands to caress both sides of his face. He placed the bowl of popcorn beside her head before placing his hands on her waist, easily manipulating her body so he was on top of her as he continued to kiss her lips like a starved animal.
 Steve felt her hands traveling up to his hair as she arched her back. Steve’s eyes went to the back of his head when she felt her grinding against his hard-on and he was thankful that her mouth was on his so she was able to swallow his moans. He responded by grinding his hips down against hers, earning a tug on his hair and a whine from her lips that made his eyes snap open in shock. Shit. 
 Steve stumbled as he quickly pulled away from her, knocking the popcorn by her head off the bed and making popcorn scatter all over the floor. “Shit” Steve looks at the mess on the floor and back to you, lips plumper after his assault. “Shit” he says again. “I’m so sorry.” He whispers. “Shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry! I didn’t—” He cuts himself by cursing at himself again and again.
 Y/N pushes the hurt she’s feeling at the moment. What was he about to say? That he didn’t mean any of it to happen? 
 She places a hand on Steve’s left cheek and it seemed to immediately calm him down. “Breathe, Steve. It’s okay. Everything’s fine.” You smile at him which he returns sadly.
 “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean for that to happen, I was just… I don’t know what got into me.” Steve stuttered, almost crying. That’s not how he wanted it to come out.
 Y/N looks at Steve with a faux smile. Ouch. Saw that one coming but it still hurt like a motherfu—
 “I shouldn’t have done that.” Steve shakes his head. 
 Y/N gives Steve an understanding nod. And here I thought things couldn’t get uglier.
 “I mean… I don’t want to ruin what we have. Our friendship, I mean. I love being friends with you and I love what we have and I don’t want to ruin that because of me.” Steve tries to explain. Keyword: tries. “I mean you’re obviously the most gorgeous person in the world but I don't want to lose what we have just because of a kiss or a ruined relationship, do you get what I’m saying?” Steve looks at you hopefully. Clearly, he’s not very good at explaining things but you nod nonetheless.
 “I totally understand. I mean… I’ll be more than fine to try things out with you but I understand where you’re getting from. I wouldn’t want to lose what we have either. I guess being friends is the best idea for you.” Steve flinches at your words. Your tone was sweet but your words were hurting him and it’s his own fault too so that just frustrated him even more. 
 “How about we forget about what just happened and stay as good friends, deal?” Y/N gives him a friendly smile. How the hell is he supposed to just forget about what happened. That was easily the best thing that’s happened in his life and he drove the woman he loves the most to tell him to just forget about it.
 “Deal.” Steve smiles. I am a fucking idiot. I managed to put myself in the ‘friendzone’. 
 Y/N nods and starts to head for the door before looking over her shoulder towards Steve.
 “Goodnight, Steve.” And then she was gone.
 Steve’s smile fell and he turned around to study the mess left behind. Popcorn all over the floor, game of thrones playing on the screen, and a very hard cock under his pants.
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That was it for Steve. He knew he fucked everything up when he barely saw you and talked to you anymore. When you no longer made him the usual iced chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles that you always made him, it broke his heart. But what really broke his heart is when you started skipping out on your movie nights with him. He’s beginning to think that you’re spending extra hours in the lab with Tony just to avoid him and it did horrible things to his heart.  Y/N cursed at the turn of events. She hated how the movie night incident turned out but she was ready to make things go back to normal but of course, Tony decided to overload her with work. She didn’t blame him though. They were at the peak of their research and they’re almost done with it and Tony wouldn’t stop until they finished. Y/N stayed to help her mentor/boss until they got to finish the work. She couldn’t deny the fact that she too is excited about the outcome of the research so she kept herself busy.
  She saw how it affected Steve though. She saw how his face would light up every time he would catch her taking quick snacks in the kitchen but she would watch that handsome smile disappear from his face when she waved at him to say goodbye and run back to the lab just to continue on her work. She knew that Steve being Steve, he would blame himself for it so she made a little bit of time to explain how things are currently hectic in the lab.
  Steve felt a little bit of weight lifted from his shoulders when she approached him after training one afternoon. She handed him his shield as she talked about a few changes and improvements she did here and there. He was so happy that she was finally talking to him again that he couldn’t help but just admire the way her lips moved and her eyes looked at him with a glint of excitement as she talked about his shield.
  “Steve?” Her smooth voice brought him back to reality and he smiled at her adoringly, patting her shoulder awkwardly before thanking her for the improvements she did on his shield. “I just want to point out that I’m not avoiding you.” Y/N bit her upper lip as she looked at Steve shyly. Steve thought that she could never be more adorable than this.
  “Tony and I are working on this research and we’re both really working our asses off. We’re so hellbent on finishing the research so we’re always working on it over time. I just… I don’t want you to think that I’m avoiding you.” She finished with a breath. 
  Steve looked down at her, processing her words before breaking off into a grin. He leaned down to give her a hug which she gladly returned before pulling away. Steve cursed at himself for immediately missing the way she felt against him. 
  Steve lets out a loud sigh before smiling at her. “Thank, god. I thought I scared you away.”
  “Never” she grinned before looking down at her wristwatch. “Well, I gotta head back to the lab” she gives him a smile before offering him a handshake, saying “Friends?”
  Steve bit the insides of his cheeks as he remembered the position he put himself in. 
  He gripped her small hand with his big ones before nodding. “Friends.”
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  Y/N thought that the day she and Tony get to finish their research would never come but here’s Tony now, planning a party for the achievement. He’s also telling you something about introducing and showing you off to an old friend of his that he invited. Max Eisenhardt, you heard Tony say. He was a fellow scientist who specialized in magnets and Tony can’t wait to show him your research about vibranium.
Steve finds Y/N in the kitchen a few hours before the party starts, making her famous iced chocolate milk. “Do my eyes deceive me or is that my most favorite chocolate drink in the world?” Steve walks over to her, placing his elbows on top of her head before placing his chin on them. “Congratulations on finishing the research, Y/N. I’m really proud of you.” He sincerely says and he watches her duck under his arms and looks at him with a playful smile. “Thank you, Steve.” She makes a move to fix her hair before looking back at the glass. “And yes. This is your favorite drink” she winks at him.
“Well, not to be presumptuous or anything but… is it for me?” Steve bites his bottom lip as she pretends to think about it before nodding. “Of course, it is! It’s been so long since I made you one so I figured I’ll make you one before the party starts.” She grins at him before handing him the glass which he gleefully takes before drinking it, not minding the whipped cream that stained his nose and his lips. 
 Steve’s heart leaps in joy when he hears her laugh at him before handing him a towel. “Clean yourself up, captain. I’ll see you later at the party.” She waves at him before leaving the kitchen. Steve would’ve preferred it if she was the one wiping his face but he settled with cleaning his face on his own.
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You settled on wearing black slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a pair of black flats. Tony mentioned something about introducing you to his scientist friends so you figured that a formal attire would suffice. You were barely starting on fixing your hair when Tony barged in. He took a quick look at you before smirking and dragging you out of your room and into the elevator. 
 “What the hell, Mr. Stark. I wasn’t done—”
 “You already look amazing. Cap will definitely lose it.” Tony smirks at you and before you could even say something, the elevator door opens. He gently pushes you out of the elevator before pulling you towards a middle-aged man who smiled at you immediately when he saw Tony dragging you towards him.
 “That’s Max Eisenhardt” Tony whispers to your ear before pushing you towards the guy. You stopped yourself from falling onto Max and he was nice enough to steady you by placing both of his hands on your arms. “You okay?” He gently spoke with an accent you couldn’t quite name.
 Y/N cursed at Tony in her mind for putting her in this situation. She manages to give the man a smile before nodding flusteredly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Max. I’m Y/N. Mr. Stark’s lab assistant.” Y/N offered a hand for him to shake but he quickly shook his head. 
 “No need for formalities. Call me Erik or Magneto.” He reached for your outstretched hand and pulled on it until you fell onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around you before chuckling and pulling away. You gave him an awkward smile before nodding and sneakily walking away when he and Tony started talking about magnets and whatnot.
 Steve’s blood boiled when he watched the interaction between one of Tony’s friends who calls himself Magneto and Y/N. The way he shamelessly grabbed you and flirted with you made Steve think of horrible things on how to dismantle a man’s arm. He hated this feeling. He was so sure that he’s jealous. He knows that he’s jealous.
 Tony somehow managed to push you towards Magnet—or was it Magneto? Max? Erik?— every time he would find you hiding from the guy and you managed to sneak away every time as well. He seemed like a really nice man but he could learn a thing or two about taking hints. She politely rejected him five times already and he still hasn’t given up yet. Y/N just have another guy in her mind and possibly her heart so she couldn’t be bothered by any other person. She’s got eyes on Steve and him alone.
 Steve felt so proud and giddy whenever you would politely dismiss this Magneto guy’s advances on you. He would watch as you would shake your head with a smile before leaving the guy. He enjoyed watching the guy get rejected over and over again but at the same time, he hated seeing you so uncomfortable. 
 Steve couldn’t do anything but watch as Tony introduced you to a bunch of other threats scientists. He was doing his best to remain calm but when he saw you smiling and getting cozy with one of the younger scientists, he couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t do anything and he didn’t have the right to be jealous so what the hell would he do? He also couldn’t just stay and watch as another guy wins her heart.
 Steve settled on ditching the party.
 “Y/N, is that you?” A familiar yet strange voice spoke up from behind her as she was ducking behind a wall, avoiding a certain scientist. 
 Y/N felt like the angels above blessed her when she saw a familiar face when she turned to look at where the voice came from. “Cisco?! Is that really you?” The smaller man with long hair nodded while grinning at her. He spread his arms to his sides before saying, “The one and only!” 
 Y/N couldn’t help but squeal and jump on her heels as she jumped into his arms, hugging him as tightly as she could. She knew Cisco from freshman year in college up until they got their own jobs in very well known industries. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!” 
 The two continued to talk and catch up with each other’s lives until a point where Cisco bid his friend farewell saying something about needing to be home for his family.
 Y/N tries to look for the one person she wants to be with but fails to see his face at the party so she decides to look for him at the compound before a certain Magnet named scientist comes for her again.
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“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Y/N groans as she closes Steve’s door. She frowned at him before asking, “Why’d you leave the party?” 
 Steve closed his eyes before letting out an exasperated sigh. “The atmosphere was becoming a little too much for me” he gives her a cheeky smile, patting the spot beside him on the bed. Y/N happily plops herself down beside him before nodding. “Yeah. Tony’s really good at being too much with his parties. Also, I think his friend got mad at me” 
 Steve frowned at that. “Magneto?” his face reddens when he sees her watching him, probably wondering how he knew the scientist. She’s probably thinking how much of a creep I am and how I was watching her the whole time. 
 Much to Steve’s relief, she chuckles under her breath before shaking her head. “So that’s his name! I understand why he got so annoyed now!” Y/N laughs and Steve just watches her with a smile on his face. 
 “Why? What happened?” Steve asks, praying to god that no asshole tried to hurt you. “I kept calling him Magnet instead of Magneto...” Y/N watches Steve as he lets out a laugh, his eyes closing, and little wrinkles forming at the sides of his eyes. Why is he so beautiful?
 “Tony seemed determined to push that guy to me though…” Y/N stares off into the distance and Steve managed to get all the confidence he could get to ask. “Seems like he was trying to set you up with a lot of his scientist friends.” he chuckles but it was so dry, he was scared that she might see how annoyed he was with the idea.
 Y/N tilts her head and looks at him with furrowed eyebrows and at that moment, Steve felt his heartache for not having the guts to just ask the woman in front of her out. How can she manage to make his heart feel like this every single time?
 “What do you mean? Magneto’s the only guy he’s setting me up with” Y/N’s voice cuts Steve's internal battle with himself. 
 “What about that guy with the long hair… I think his name was Cisco?” Steve pretends to not know his name but in all honesty, he’d done every research on the guy as soon as he got to his room.
 “Oh! Cisco!” Y/N’s face lights up at the mention of her friend’s name and Steve felt his heart break a little at her excitement. “He’s an old friend from college. He’s a very nice guy.” Y/N starts and Steve prepares himself for the heartbreak that’s inevitable.
 “We were both freshmen and I used to get bullied by this group of guys. You would think that being in college would stop all the stereotypes and all that but no. These guys would always torment me just because they can but then Cisco, I didn’t know him yet, stood up for me. Even though he was much smaller than the guys and is completely outnumbered, he still fought them and instead of me being bullied, it was us two getting all the torment. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.” Y/N laughs at the end of her story, remembering the event in her mind. 
 Steve’s blood boiled at the thought of people bullying you. If there is anything that he hates the most, it was bullies. As much as he tried to hate this Cisco friend of yours, he genuinely sounds like a nice guy. Kind of reminds him of himself.
 “I can’t believe how we both turned out to be. We’re both scientists now but it looks like he’s doing much better than I am.” Y/N looks down and shakes her head with a smile.
 “What do you mean? If you ask me, I think you’re doing a hell of a job!” Steve’s voice cracks a little and he couldn’t help but blush as Y/N looks up at him with a smirk.
 “I know. I’m working for Tony Stark, for goodness sake. It’s just Cisco is living the complete package of adulthood. Being married, having kids, and all that.” Y/N sighs, standing up from the bed before moving towards the door.
 Oh… Oh!
 Steve stood up from the bed as fast as he could, walking towards her with determination. 
 “Woah, Steve. I’m just going to get some snacks—” Y/N stops talking as Steve pulls out a small velvet box from his slacks and hands it to her. 
 “I uhh… Congratulations on the research, Y/N. I’m really proud of you.” he guides her hands to open the box, revealing a vintage necklace with a scarlet gemstone.
 “Steve… You honestly didn’t have to.” Y/N admires the necklace before running her fingers against the red stone. Steve takes the necklace and moves to stand behind her. “May I?” He asks her to which she quickly nodded.
 Steve stared at Y/N and admired how she managed to look ethereal with or without the necklace. “You know… I bought that necklace for you a few months after I met you.” This was it. Steve couldn’t keep his feelings from her anymore. He might regret it later but at least he got to tell her how he really feels.
 “You did?” Y/N whispers under her breath as she looks up at Steve when he tilts her chin up with his fingers.
 “When you were tasked to babysit me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how you were so understanding. The way you were so patient with me. The way your eyes lit up each time you would tell stories about something you’re passionate about.” Steve gulps before continuing, “I knew I was fucked when you laughed at one of my lame jokes. I remember how angelic your voice sounded and how everything seemed to disappear and all I could see was your face.”
 Y/N stared at Steve with hooded eyes. It felt like she was in a dream. She watched how his eyes glossed and watched him breathe through his lips before he leaned closer to her, lips barely touching.
 “What about being friends?” Y/N watches him as he bites his bottom lip.
 “Fuck being friends” he breaks the distance and kisses her with determination. One of his hands finds its way to her back while the other cradles her face, pulling her closer to him as if he didn’t want any space between them. 
 Y/N’s hands find their way towards the back of his neck, pulling him closer with the same determination. They didn’t pull away from each other until they needed to breathe. 
 Steve goes back in for another kiss, guiding her back to the bed and positioning himself on top of her.
 Their night was just getting started and wouldn’t end any time soon.
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  Steve stared at you while you peacefully slept beside him. You looked otherworldly wearing nothing but the necklace he gave to you, rays of sunshine hitting parts of your skin, and his blanket laying on top of your body. He decided then and there that he will always want to wake up to this view. He wants to wake up every day with you beside him. He smiled at the idea. 
 His cheeks tinted red when he remembered how you looked on top of him and how you looked under him. How you became breathless because of him and how your body squirmed under his touch. Just the thought of you makes his cock spring back to life. It doesn’t help that you’re currently staring at him with a small smile and tired eyes. 
 “You’re awake!” Steve breathes out, eyes widening a little.
 “Good morning to you too” Y/N chuckles at Steve's reaction before turning to look at the ceiling.
 “You’re beautiful, you know that?” Steve leans down to kiss your lips, then your nose,  and then your forehead. You smile up at him before kissing his lips.
 “So we’re not friends anymore?” Y/N raises an eyebrow at him before giving him a cheeky smile.
 “I want to do this the right way.” Steve watches Y/N tilt her head in confusion.
 “Let me take you out on a date,” Steve asks. 
 “I think you got your sequence a bit mixed up, Steve.” Y/N grins and Steve retorts with showering her face with kisses making her giggle under him.
 “Okay! Okay! I’ll go on a date with you on one condition.” Y/N straightens up before staring at him seriously.
 “Anything” Steve responds immediately.
 “I’ll go on a date with you if you agree to become my boyfriend” Y/N gives him a toothy smile.
 “I will gladly be your boyfriend… I guess I’m not the only one who got the sequence of dating all messed up, huh?” Steve teases her and she just laughs in return, taking Steve’s dress shirt from the floor and putting it on. It was big on her so it fell just above her knees and she rolled the huge sleeves up to her forearms.
 Steve admires her in his clothes. Another view that he would always want to see. He stands from the bed only to pull her body on top of him as he lays back on the bed.
 “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go.” Steve’s voice was deep and sincere and he loved how her body responded to his voice.
 “I’ll only leave you when you no longer want me but I’ll still be there to watch over you. I’ll always be there when you need me.” Steve turned her body around so now they were chest to chest.
 “I don’t think that’s possible.” Y/N watches Steve as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
 “I will never not want you. Besides, I got it bad for you just as you got it bad for me.” Y/N leans her face closer to his, pressing her forehead against his. 
 “How do you know that?” Steve smiles as he looks at her lips before looking back at her eyes.
 “Because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go as well.” Y/N grins before pressing a kiss on his lips and him immediately responding to the kiss by pulling her body closer to his. A kiss that sealed their relationship because they were no longer just friends.
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
Team Bonding
fr when was the last time i posted like,,, a fic on here. like a tumblr fic. damn. anyway. ummmmmmmm this is just your.... typical steve freaks out and the avengers are awesome um yah ok ok 
warnings: panic attack, vomiting (basically steve watches the titanic and doesnt have a very fun time)
word count: 2575
If Steve was being brutally honest with himself, he was fucking tired of hearing about “the classics”. Irrelevant people butting their noses into his business, tipping him off to what movies were, “the best of the best!” and “absolute must sees!” He appreciated what they were trying to do, but after a while, it felt like people were more or less just trying to garner a slice of his 21st century experience, and quite frankly, he liked doing things better by himself. It was much more appealing to park himself in front of his laptop, nothing but his own quietude to keep him company as he combed through different wikipedia rabbit holes and caught up on movies and TV shows that were apparently crucial to his very existence.
Most were subpar and honestly, he preferred the copious amounts of popcorn he treated himself to on these solo date nights, but some things surprised him. Like Indiana Jones. He liked Indiana Jones. He was neat, and Marion reminded him vaguely of Peggy. 
Still, he supposed he should have seen it coming when Clint came to collect him from his floor one evening, that sort of eager-puppy energy he carried around with him vaguely prickling the back of Steve’s neck.
“C’mon, man,” he was saying. Steve leaned against the door jamb, tired. He was going to concede, but Clint was rambling and Steve knew better than to interrupt him. “It’s, like, certifiably the best love story ever. You need to watch it--”
And there it was again. That fucking claim. You need to watch this! You haven’t seen that? 
No. He hadn’t. He’d been a little busy, you know, being dead.
“--And the acting is all so raw and it’s just-- Leo DiCaprio-- you know who that--”
“--Yes. I saw Blood Diamond--”
“--Oh, you did? Well, anyway, he rocks in this and--”
“Clint,” Steve cut him off smoothly. “I’ll come, don’t sweat it too hard.”
Clint looked positively elated. “You will?” he exclaimed. “Awesome, yeah, it’s gonna be the whole team. I mean, that’s good right? You’re cool with that? You gotta be, you’re the one who mentioned team bonding that one time--”
“Yes,” Steve cut in again. “I’m alright with that. Give me a minute to change, and I’ll be right down?” He was still in his gym clothes from two hours ago. He meant to take a shower, but he’d sort of… ran out of energy. The sweat had cooled by now anyway. He smelled fine.
“Oh! Yeah, no problem.”
Which was how Steve found himself in a pair of sweatpants and an old SHIELD t-shirt, squashed in between Natasha and Bruce on the communal couch. Someone had handed him a huge bowl of popcorn and Steve was pleasantly surprised to find that it was flavored with some sort of cheese powder.
“White cheddar,” Bruce said, holding up a little blue shaker bottle when he heard Steve’s appreciative hum. “They’re, uh, sort of like seasoning, but for popcorn specifically. They come in all different kinds of flavors.”
“Oh, neat,” Steve said, around another handful of popcorn. He liked Bruce. He seemed to get Steve in that quiet, brutally raw sort of way. A quiet kinship. They didn’t talk about it, but he never made him feel condescended, so Steve decided that was okay.
“I think I fixed it!” Tony said, stepping out from behind the ginormous movie screen where, presumably, he’d been fixing a volume problem. The screen had been frozen on the first frame of the movie for nearly ten minutes. “Okay, okay, let’s see…” he pressed play. Music poured through the speakers on either side of the TV, loud enough so that everyone cringed and Steve nearly dropped the popcorn bowl in his haste to cover his ears. He always managed to forget how damn loud the world could be when he let himself get comfortable.
“Sorry, sorry!” Tony hissed, turning the volume down to a much more tolerable level. “Okay, there. Okay, shh everyone. Gotta let Capsicle--”
“--Just Steve, Tony--”
“--Gotta let Just Steve get the full experience.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but settled in to watch.
The film was honestly better than Steve had been expecting, if not a little… itchy in that way period films tended to be for him. The themes of poverty and love were pretty well-rounded, but they hit just close enough that he almost cringed at the far-fetch’d beauty of it. 
Still, his fingers itched for a pencil as Jack guided a pencil over the worn sheaf of paper. The dim light, the faint scratch of the pencil, the forbidden love. It was familiar. Steve could almost smell the salty City air, afternoons spent under the dim lights of candles so they could see even with the curtains drawn-- a semblance of privacy amongst the compact vulnerability of his and Bucky’s shitty little tenement. 
Draw me like one of your french girls, Rose had said, and Steve’s eyes drifted towards the wall, Bucky’s voice echoing through his head.
“‘Course I want you to draw me. I ain’t denying my vanity, Stevie,” he teased, but his eyes were soft. “Pal, you could draw a stick of butter and I’d still wanna watch. It ain’t about me here.”
There was a soft touch to his arm and Steve blinked out of his reverie. Natasha was watching him, a neutral look on her face that Steve had finally learned to recognize as concern. He shook his head minutely, offering her a smile. She nodded and looked back at the TV.
The rest of the movie passed without much excitement. The acting was pretty good and Steve had even gotten to a point where he could recognize the filmmaking as something like revolutionary for the time it came out. He was quicker on the cultural uptake than people gave him credit for, but that was neither here nor there. He laughed with everyone else, let himself grow somber when the atmosphere lent that mood, and generally, it was a nice time. He hadn’t gone to any movie nights before this, but he thought maybe he’d start going to more.
And then the ship hit the iceberg.
Steve wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting. Obviously, he knew of the Titanic-- he knew, historically, what happened to it. But for some reason, it hadn’t quite hit him while watching the movie that he was going to have to see the catastrophe go down.
There was a loud creaking of ice on metal as the collision occurred on screen and Steve felt himself go still-- body rigid and tense as the deafening noise played through the speakers. His heart slammed in his chest and he felt his palms start to sweat. He knew that sound-- he knew that--
--He blinked, shaking his head. Movie. Watch the movie. There was a panicked scramble on screen. Characters rushing to amend the situation, more metal creaking and groaning and breaking as dark, foamy water broke through the sides of the ship and Steve could taste it, he could taste the water flooding into the cabin, hitting him from the left as it took the plane down in a harsh--
--He twitched, shaking his head. He was being silly. There were moments of reconciliation as the scenes rapidly flashed between water flooding the ships cabins and peaceful moments of civility. A calm before the storm. A final dance before death.
I’m gonna need a raincheck on that dance…
There was a sudden crash as water blasted through into the work quarters and Steve jumped, watching transfixed as unforgiving torrents pushed workers over, flooding them, drowning them, and they were falling, slipping, sliding, panicking as certain death met them at the halfway point, and Steve knew it must be cold. So cold. Suffocating and unforgiving as it flooded their lungs, saltier than they probably imagined, heavy and awful and--
“Stark, turn the movie off.”
The room went abruptly silent. Steve realized his eyes were closed, chest heaving as he sat, hunched over his lap, hands fisted in his hair.
The popcorn wasn’t on his lap anymore. When had he moved? He couldn’t breathe and he was so cold and someone needed to save those guys, someone needed to--
“Steve,” a gentle voice cut into the roaring waves crashing in his head. Bruce. That was Bruce speaking. “Can you hear me, Steve?” 
Steve nodded, pulling his hair harder. He couldn’t breathe. Was he drowning again? Surely that was impossible. If Bruce was talking to him, he couldn’t be drowning again, but-- but the water-- and-- and the cold--
“Good, that’s good, Steve,” Bruce. Bruce again. It was Bruce. “Can I touch you?”
Touch. Touch. No touch. He was so cold. He wanted to stop being cold, but he was certain if someone touched him right now, he would lose his goddamn mind. More so than he already had.
“That’s alright,” Bruce sounded steady. Calm. So calm. Why couldn’t Steve calm down? “That’s okay. You think you can do something for me?”
Something… for Bruce? Could he? Could he do anything right then? If he couldn’t breathe, how could he do anything-- and he-- he felt sick--
He opened his mouth to answer and vomited between his feet, straight onto the carpet. Someone in the room hissed sympathetically. Steve wanted to crawl somewhere and die.
“Oh, Steve,” Bruce seemed to be talking mostly to himself, but Steve felt his shoulders climb higher towards his ears. “Okay, Steve, I need you to listen to my voice. Just listen. I’m going to count and you’re going to breathe in time with my instruction, okay? Can you do that for me?”
Steve shook his head, choking on a sob. His chest hurt. Like someone had taken all of his ribs and replaced them with weights, flooding his lungs with-- with water-- and fuck, now he was thinking about the plane again. He felt his breathing tick up higher.
“I want you to try,” Bruce said. “With me. In,” he sucked in a breath. “One… two… three… four…”
Steve tried to suck in a breath, but all he managed to do was send himself into a coughing fit. Bruce kept counting. Steve wanted to tell him to wait-- slow down-- shut up--
He braced a hand over his chest. 
Bruce was still counting.
He wasn’t sure how much time passed, but eventually he found himself matching Bruce’s counts, eyes closed and the heels of his palms braced on his temples as he sucked in greedy, measured breaths. His heart was still slamming hard enough to make him tremble and he could smell his own sick wafting up from the ground, but at least he was breathing on his own.
Bruce trailed off. Silence hung thick in the air, the only noise Steve’s slow, shaking breaths. Shame burned around his ears. He didn’t dare look up.
Tony, predictably, was the one to break the silence. “I’m sorry, Steve,” he said, and Steve was surprised to hear honest regret in his voice. “I was the one who suggested we watch Titanic. I should have thought for more than two seconds about that…”
Steve shrugged. Embarrassment climbed from his stomach to his throat, threatening to choke him. 
Natasha spoke next. “Why don’t you go wash up?” It was an escape-- a way out-- and Steve took it graciously, keeping his head ducked down as he stood on shaking legs and rushed to the communal bathroom.
Inside, he locked the door and braced himself over the sink, splashing warm water on his face. He drank greedily from the tap. His reflection looked like shit-- he’d burst some blood vessels in his eyes, probably while vomiting, and his skin looked sallow and pale. He was trembling, sweat matting his hair to his forehead. He looked how he looked after a nightmare. This, he supposed, had kind of been like a nightmare. Though, he hadn’t been asleep.
Nightmares, he was finding, weren’t strictly exclusive to the nighttime. 
He supposed he’d always known that, though. 
He closed his eyes, bowing his head again. 
His emotions had been fucked to high hell since waking up from the ice. This hadn’t been the first of those awful… fits, and he was certain it wouldn’t be the last, but to have something like that happen in front of the team was a whole new level of mortifying. Fuck. He’d gotten sick. And he’d left it.
He felt the ceramic counter straining under his grip. Scowling, he let go.
He could slip off to his room, lock himself away until he could find some way to sneak out of the Tower and never talk to any of the others ever again. Even in this state, Steve knew that wasn’t viable in any sense. He sighed. Besides, he couldn’t just damn the others to clean up his mess. 
Stowing his pride, he dug some spare mouthwash out from behind the mirror and chugged some straight down, keeping a mouthful and swishing it around before spitting it in the sink. He still felt and looked like shit, but at least his breath would smell like wintergreen. 
The others were still gathered in the communal living room, watching what looked like a kid’s cartoon on TV. There was a distinct smell of cleaner in the air and Steve’s eyes landed on the ground where he’d gotten sick. It was clean. He let his eyes drop to the ground, ashamed.
“I’m sorry,” he said. The cartoon paused. He didn’t look at any of them. “I was going to clean up.”
“Nah, man, the only thing worse than freaking out is having to clean up after yourself while you still feel shitty,” Clint said, and Steve looked up. There was no pity in his gaze, only understanding. 
“Yeah, we’ve all been there,” Tony said. “Sucks, but hey, least we know now that Titanic is a no-no for you.”
Steve flushed, swallowing a few times. “Um, I guess,” he looked at Bruce. “Thank you.”
Bruce smiled. “No problem,” he said gently. “We’re watching Phineas and Ferb if you’d like to join us, but we understand if you’d like to go rest.”
“Phineas and Ferb?” Steve asked, guilt replaced with genuine confusion.
“Yeah,” Clint said, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth. “It’s my go-to when I have a bad day. Nothing like some good old platypus drama to cure life’s woes.”
Steve blinked. “I genuinely don’t know what to say to that.”
Clint barked out a laugh. “Join us, man! Don’t gotta talk if you’re not feeling it, but being alone after shit like that sucks.”
And Steve hadn’t had someone there for him after a breakdown-- not since the war. Not since Bucky. Every ounce of him wanted to run. Hide. Smooth out his face and slip on that mask of stoicism. But maybe… maybe he didn’t have to. Maybe he could let himself have this, if only this once.
“Sure,” he said, voice a little hoarse. He awkwardly sat back in between Natasha and Bruce.
Tony pressed play again and Steve smoothed his hands over his thighs, feeling out of place and a little cramped and--
Natasha settled, casually letting her feet rest on his lap. On his other side, Bruce leaned into his shoulder, a subtle, grounding pressure. Clint caught his eye and offered him some more popcorn.
Steve relaxed.
Yeah. He could let himself have this.
thanks for reading, chiefs
yeah this was chatted about in one of the awesome discord groups im in so thanks guyysss lol
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a-walk-in-silence · 4 years
Wired On Coffee
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: The time heist was successful, but losses were made. It's time to assemble the gauntlet and end this thing for good. But is this really the end?
Warnings: Endgame, character death, mourning, cursing, mentions of experimentation, survivor's guilt, HYDRA, backhanded comments, lewd comments/situations (still v PG-13 in this sense, not so much the language), violence, Everybody Will Live AU (*insert the Doctor Who gif here*)
A/N: WELCOME TO THE SEQUEL OF THE SEQUEL OF- this is old. Okay fr tho we're almost done! One more part! Holy crap! This is a rough chapter but hopefully everyone loves it cuz things should get a LITTLE BIT easier in the last one? I hope?
Past Part | Masterlist
Your feet planted firmly on the platform as you grabbed onto Steve's arm to try and balance yourself. Your mind was whirling, so much had happened. But little did you know that it would be getting worse.
Across from you, Clint collapsed to his knees, dropping the stone onto the platform. Even though he had only been gone for maybe half a day, he looked exhausted. A quick look around told you why. There was an empty space in the circle. "Clint?" you cautiously asked, taking a step towards him.
He looked up at you, pain etched across his face. "A soul for a soul," he said, eyes filled with a sudden anger. "That was the price for the stone. The life of someone you love. And we fought to keep the other alive. I guess she won."
You kneeled down next to him, gently reaching out to grab his hand. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't have sent you two there. I-"
He flinched, tearing his hand away from you. "Who do you suppose we should have sent? You and Tony? Rhodey and Tony? Bruce and Nat? Whose life are we dealing with? It doesn't matter." His eyes were cold as he glared at you.
"Clint, I didn't mean to-" you started, but he once again cut you off.
"No, you didn't mean to hurt anyone. But you weren't there." You looked down at your hands, unable to meet his angry eyes. "You didn't see her lifeless body at the bottom of the cliff."
"Barton, that's enough," Steve said, grabbing your arm and pulling you away. "You're hurting. This is a blow to everyone."
Steve held you as Clint left. Once gone, there was an air of silence that filled everyone. It almost didn't feel real. She had just been smiling at everyone, saying she would see us in a minute. Well, it was a minute later. And she wasn't here.
It was an hour later and everyone, save Nebula and Rocket, were gathered outside on the dock. Everyone was quietly in their own thoughts, trying to come to terms with the fact that Nat was dead. Steve was quiet, more so than usual. You had seen him at Peggy's funeral, and how broken he looked. You probably didn't look much better. But this was different. He only had Peggy for a few years. But Nat was one of his closest friends, up there with human Bucky and Sam. And he'd lost them all.
You rested your head on his shoulder, glancing over at Tony as he stared out across the river. He looked sad, but you knew his mind was already running through all the steps that needed to be done. You knew he would crash eventually and just break down, but he would be strong.
"Did she have any family?" Tony finally asked, breaking the silence. "Anyone that we need to tell about… this?"
Steve shifted, causing you to sit up. "Yeah. Us. We were her family." You watched as he blinked away the tears in his eyes before turning back to look out across the lake. "We can't even have a proper funeral for her."
A loud grunt made you look over at Bruce as he flung one of the benches into the lake. You flinched away from him, curling into Steve's side. Bruce finally sighed, sitting down on the dock. "She can't be gone."
"Well she is," snapped Clint. He wiped away his tears before looking at everyone. "She's gone. And she wouldn't want us to sit around and cry over her. She died so we could get the stone and bring everyone back. So we might as well honor her memory and bring everyone back."
Clint left, and everyone stayed on the dock, just for a little while longer. It was hard to move on when it was so sudden. How could anyone move on? Even if she wasn't directly your friend, or your family, it still hurt because you knew her, and Steve and Tony knew her. They were hurting. And so were you.
After another 30 or so minutes, everyone slowly found their way into the compound once more. You followed Tony into the lab, where all of the stones were laid out on a table. You knew the next step was making a glove to channel the power of the stones. So you and Tony got to work right away, being the only two that were able to even think at the moment. Progress had to be made. People needed to be brought back.
A couple of hours later, while the prototype was being tested with two of the stones to see if it could withstand holding them, Scott and Bruce joined you, trying to help as best as they could. Since you happened to have the steadiest hands, you were the one who was running the controls and moving the stones into place. Meanwhile, Bruce took over in helping Tony with the design. And Scott? Well, he was the coffee runner who also occasionally managed to bring up a good idea.
Things were moving along well for a good hour or so. You were moving the space stone into place on the glove when Steve walked in. "Can I take Y/N? We need to talk."
You sighed to yourself, guessing that this wasn't going to be a conversation about Nat and how he was hurting right now. "I'm busy, Steve," you said, eyes never leaving the task at hand as you slowly moved it closer into place.
"Y/N, we need to talk," Steve said again, causing you to almost drop the stone. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tony and Scott physically flinch, eyes now focused on what you were doing. "So can we please talk?"
Your lips pressed together into a fine line, annoyance etching across your face. Your hands were now shaking more. "I said I'm busy."
"Steve!" You dropped the stone, causing everyone in the room but you to jump for cover. But nothing happened, and you knew this. "What is so important? What part of today do you want to discuss? Could it be about seeing my mom? The fact that I created some kind of portal and was glowing blue? Or the fact that I'm some kind of fucking experiment? Or what about the fact that because of their fucking experiments, I'm the reason my mom's dead? Maybe you want to talk about the fact that I talked to my aunt and uncle for the first time in years and they didn't even know me? Which one do you want to talk about?"
Everyone was staring at you in varying degrees of confusion and shock. Tony, who had managed to miss that whole cluster fuck with your mother, looked the most shocked at your outburst. Clearly it was all new information to him. And Scott and Bruce were just confused.
Steve leaned against the doorway, and he almost looked hurt by your outburst. But too much had happened in the past 24 hours, and you couldn't really take anything more. You'd hit your limit for the day. Death. Revelations. Heartache. Extreme highs. You'd had enough.
No one talked so you sighed, turning back to your work and picking the stone back up with the tongs. "Unless you're here to screw my brains out and make me forget everything, I don't want to talk about everything. It's been too much, okay? Everything. The kiss. My mom. Peggy and Daniel. Nat. I just can't handle this right now." You put the stone into place on the glove before glancing over at Tony. "What stone is next?"
"Reality," he said. In his eyes, you saw the concern in his eyes as he watched you. Nonetheless, he got the next stone ready for you, shooting a glance at Scott. "Go get two coffees, Tic Tac." Next, he looked over to Steve. "Go. She's agitated right now and we can't have her dropping anything again."
Steve sighed behind you, followed by the sound of two receding footsteps. Everything was quiet once more as you went back to work, placing the stones in their proper place. Tomy didn't force you to talk, even though you were sure he had about a billion questions. The air was stiff and tense with unasked questions that had very obvious answers. So when Tony left the room, you knew who he went looking for. You didn't stop him, but you knew his curiosity was getting the best of him.
He was gone for a total of 20 minutes, but he managed to return before you put this last stone in place. The glove was finished. The end of this entire fiasco was coming up fast. And you weren't any better for it.
Once done, Tony clapped you on the shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I know you don't wanna talk about it, but you need to." You shot him a small glare. He put his hands up in defense. "Hey, you're talking to the king of unresolved issues. Not talking about stuff leads to anger and lashing out at people you love. Even when they are unbearably annoying."
Sighing, you set down the tongs you had been holding before standing up. "Fine. While you guys undo the snap, I'll talk to Steve." Before anyone could argue, you went and found Steve, leaving the lab where they would be performing the snap in search of Steve.
Your search didn't take long, as you found him sitting in the large open kitchen, staring into his cup of coffee. You didn't wait for him to notice you before you spoke up. "What did you want to talk about, Steve?" You tried to keep your emotions under check, to not yell, but you could still hear the slightest hint of annoyance in your voice.
He glanced up at you for a moment before looking back at his coffee. "Look," he started before pausing. He was silent for a few seconds, trying to gather his thoughts. "I… when we went to the past… with your mom and all of that stuff. We both found out things about you and your family that we didn't know before. You learned about a part of yourself that was hidden really far down. So I went looking through all of the leaked S.H.I.E.L.D. files to try and find some reports for you." He leaned down to his side and pulled out his laptop from the bag settled by his side. He turned it on and opened up a few documents before turning the computer in your direction. "I don't want to force you to talk. I know you, and that you need time to process things before you can just talk about everything. But I figured having all of the information would help you process and fill in the blanks."
You walked over to the table, sitting down in front of the laptop. On the screen was a document detailing your mother's stay at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. You skimmed over a majority of it, not necessarily understanding a lot of the jargon. "What… what is this?" 
"It's your moms full record. Apparently the doctor in charge was someone who was outed as Hydra shortly after you were born. His experiments influenced the trials that lead to the Maximoff twins having powers. Basically the folder shows that they had been lying to… well, to your mom the entire time, just so she wouldn't question any of the medicine they were giving to her. Daniel and Peggy had no clue what was happening, so there's no need to be spiteful towards them. Not that you are, but… just in case you had that doubt." When you glanced up at Steve, you saw that he was staring at his coffee, unable to look up.
"I'm sorry for snapping," you finally said after a few minutes of silence had passed. "You're hurting and I should have just sucked it up and talked. I put myself first, and that was wrong." You reached, grabbing his hand and giving it a tight squeeze. "It's okay, you can call me an ass. No snarky comments. I'll bite my tongue and you can be a jerk to me because I definitely deserve it."
He shook his head, the barest hint of a smile on his lips. "No, I don't think I will." He squeezed your hand in return. "I know you're a major pain but I do love you. Even when you make it difficult." You laughed, which finally made him look up at you. "Though I make it just as difficult, I'm sure."
You smiled, scooting closer to him. "I love you, too, pain in my ass." Leaning across the table, you pecked him gently on the lips. "I'm also sorry that I embarrassed you in front of the Science Bros with the sex comments."
"I almost took you up on the offer, you know," he teased, fingertips brushing slowly against your arm. You laughed before kissing him again. He tugged at your hand, pulling you around the table until you were sitting on his lap. When you finally separated, his hands found their way to your hips. "I could still take you up on that offer."
"Something life changing is happening on the other side of the compound and you want to have sex? Really?" You playfully pushed against his shoulder before lightly pecking his lips. "What would Peggy think?"
He groaned, forehead resting against your shoulder. "If you mention her one more time I swear-"
You interrupted his rambling by twirling your fingers in his hair, gently tugging his face from your shoulder so you could kiss him. A laugh rumbled in his chest.
A loud crash made you jump back, looking around. "What the hell was that?" you asked, looking around.
His face nuzzled into your neck, leaving light kisses across the expanse of skin. "Probably the snap," he mumbled. "It was that explosive when it was Thanos."
Your eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the soft kisses, but something just wasn't settling right. "Mm Steve, stop, stop. I don't think that was the snap. They were in a room with metal paneling to protect the glass. I think something is wrong."
His hands finally let go of your waist, so you got up. You headed towards the sound to find a giant gaping hole in the ceiling over the quantum platform. And above that was a giant ass space ship.
"Steve-" you started but you heard him running behind you. He was already off, running for the room where everyone else was located. But you heard some kind of metal grinding against metal coming from above. "Steve wait!"
But it was too late. The ship fired at the compound, blowing it sky high and sending you flying in the air. You had a split second to get the nano tech to make your suit and keep you from, ya know, dying from fall damage or something. You closed your eyes as the nanos enveloped your body, and when you heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. greet you, you opened them and activated the boosters, sending you flying sideways parallel to the ground. The impact knocked the air out of your body, and you were definitely hurting.
"Steve? Tony?" you called through the intercom. "Is anyone listening?"
You looked towards the compound, feeling your heart shatter.
"I have eyes on the glove," came the strangled voice of Clint. "I'm in the sewers somewhere. I'll try and find my way topside with the glove."
"And we're trapped," Bruce added. "I've got Rhodey and Rocket. Water levels are rising."
You surveyed the terrain and spotted Tony walking towards someone. "Tony, is that Steve?"
"Yeah… come on, buddy, you gotta get up." You watched as he helped Steve get to his feet and decided to fly over to join them. "You lose this again and I'm giving it to Morgan, got it?"
When you landed, you grabbed the shield from Tony. "Now come on, I would obviously get first dibs on bobsledding on this thing. Afterall, who's gonna teach Morgan how to do it?"
Steve snatched the shield, raising an eyebrow at you. "That's assuming I'm losing it again, L/N."
"Given your track record, it's more likely than you think, Cap." He rolled his eyes as you bumped against his hip playfully before looking around. "Okay, so that's a giant ship."
"And that's a Thanos," Tony said, motioning towards the Mad Titan. He was just sitting there. Not fighting. Not commanding an army. Just… sitting there.
"So that is," Steve said before looking at you. "Tony and I have this. Plus, I see Thor. You should go and work on recovery, see who needs help."
You wanted to argue, say you could fight, but you saw the pain in his eyes. Also, Bruce was definitely panicking in the back of your mind. You nodded in response, using the heat sensor in your suit to locate where exactly Bruce and the others were. Once spotted, you were flying away, going after them. You worked on moving as much rubble as possible, vaguely aware of the fights going on around you. You could hear Clint talking through the intercom before gasping, and you looked around. "Barton, what's happening?"
There were so many voices in your head with this intercom bullshit and you really just needed to get to Bruce. But then you heard thunder. You turned around just in time to see Steve holding Mjölnir.
You really should be focusing but, if you were being completely honest… "That's hot."
"Y/N, focus," Steve said before going back into battle. You watched him for another couple seconds before blinking and remembering that shit that was happening around you. Right! You had to get to Bruce.
You continued to work on moving the rubble when a voice filled your head. "Y/N, Tony's currently knocked out and my messages aren't getting to him. Should I initiate Project Old Man Alarm?"
You smiled to yourself at F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s message. You had managed to rename a few of Tony's protocol names a couple days ago and you were glad he didn't notice. "Of course, we can't let him sleep through the battle, now can we? What about everyone else? Can you scan the battlefield and tell me what's happening?"
"Of course," she responded. "Thor is currently down, but his vitals appear to be fine. Captain Rogers is currently fighting Thanos, though there appears to be a wound in his leg from getting stabbed."
"He was what?"
You were certain she said something in response, but a voice was suddenly talking over the intercom. It was a voice that you hadn't heard in five years, and it almost brought a tear to your eye.
"Cap? On your left."
All around you, bright yellow portals appeared and thousands of people walked through, joining you on the battlefield. Nearby to your current location, a portal opened and out came the people who had disappeared on Titan. You couldn't even comprehend everything that was happening. And when the ground opened up under your feet and gave birth to a Giant-Man holding Bruce, Rocket, and Rhodey, well you almost lost it. Giant-Man was truly a sight to see. A part of you was relieved that they had been competent enough to get shit done because you clearly hadn't been that helpful.
But you were so happy to see everyone here, breathing. The second snap had worked. And now? You had one hell of a fighting chance.
"Avengers!" came the shout from Steve. You turned to look at him, watching as he summoned Mjölnir. "Assemble."
"You know, that's still really hot," you commented without even realizing that everyone definitely heard that. Luckily you had the guise of everyone going into battle to cover it, but some people definitely heard it.
A scoff came over the intercom, and you smiled when you recognized Tony's voice. "Jesus, Y/N, really?"
You shrugged before going off to fight. "Where am I needed, Cap? Aerial support? Ground team?"
"I need you on the glove. Keep an eye on it's location and make sure it stays as far from Thanos as possible," he responded.
"But we need to get them back to their proper times," Bruce responded in the voice chat. "We'll destroy those other timelines if we don't."
"No can do," said the voice of Tony, and you spotted him on the battle field alongside Pepper in the Rescue suit that the two of you crafted. "Thanos destroyed our quantum tunnel in the blast."
The line was silent for a second as you flew overhead, spotting the glove being carried by Clint away from some of Thanos' mutant henchmen. You quickly swooped down, using the blasters to take out a few of them in one go. You hadn't yet been able to formulate a plan when someone else joined in. "Hang on! That wasn't our only time machine." A moment later, you heard the sound of a car alarm that was set to the sound of La Cucharacha. You flew back into the air, trying to spot where it came from.
"Does anyone have eyes on an ugly brown van?" Steve asked. You looked over the battlefield, but you really couldn't see it without letting the glove out of your sight. Luckily, someone else managed to spot and they responded.
After a short conversation in which Scott said he would need 10 minutes to get the machine working, you flew down to Clint as he was overrun by Overriders. You blasted them away before turning to the voice of the Black Panther as he called out to Clint.
"Give me the gauntlet, Clint!"
You blasted away a few more of the Overriders before taking off into the air and keeping track of T'Challa as he made his way through the crowd, heading for the van. Thanos was going after him. You were about to dive down when Wanda herself decided to take him on. You sighed in relief until you saw Squidward levitating the glove away. You instantly dived down, snatching the glove and giving Squidward a good blast in the face as you went. "That's for calling me a pet, asshole!" You then saw Peter, open, and looking a little lost. "Hey Spiderling! Catch!" When he looked over at you, you tossed the glove to him, and he used his webshooter to grab it before running off. Once again, you took off after him, blasting Overriders and Chitauri as they came. But he still got overrun, even with your help. And that's when he activated Instant Kill Mode.
"Jesus, Tony, why the hell does a 16 year old have an Instant Kill Mode?" you questioned as you landed. You blasted away the more of the enemy.
"You have one, too, ya know. Might help with the problem," was all Tony said before going back to the fight.
You were considering activating when Peter yelled about being overrun. "Steve!" you shouted over com.
Before you could explain the situation, he spoke up. "Heard it doll. Heads up, Queens!" You looked over your shoulder and managed to narrowly avoid getting clobbered in the head by the flying hammer. Peter managed to latch onto it as it was flying before falling off a second later. You instantly took off, catching him before he hit the ground.
"Gotta watch those butterfingers, Spiderling. You're gonna get hurt." As if some kind of dramatic irony, you then dropped him onto the back of the flying Pegasus that was manned by some badass warrior chick. Probably a friend of Thor. And if you weren't taken, and she offered, you definitely wouldn't turn her down.
You instantly shook away the thought before watching the battlefield raging on below you. Everyone was raging on. Tony and Pepper were fighting side by side, Peter was falling out of the sky holding the glove, and Steve was kicking major ass.
Wait! Peter!
You dived straight down, trying to catch him before he fell and got really hurt. You knew the suit would probably save him from most injuries, but he definitely didn't need to get hurt. But at this rate he would beat you to the ground. "Come on, come on…"
And then you flew through a portal, popping up through the ground right below Peter and catching him. His downward momentum definitely forced the two of you into the ground, but at least injuries were minimized.
"Holy shit, since when could she do that?" Pepper asked. You looked up to see her flying around, shooting at Chitauri as she went while also avoiding falling missiles. You were going to answer her until you became very distracted by the missiles suddenly pointing into the sky.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., what's happening?" Tony asked, and you heard her response loud and clear in your head.
"Something just entered the upper atmosphere."
You watched in amazement as a glowing burst of energy rammed into the ship. The explosion was beautiful, and the falling pieces of ship gave you one less problem on the battlefield. Plus, you had a new ally.
Carol landed right by you and Peter as you were going over his injuries. His side was still in pain, but you managed to prevent any broken bones. You glanced up and smiled at her.
"H-Hi, I'm Peter Parker," Peter said, holding on tightly to the gauntlet. You shook your head, laughing at how ridiculous it was that he introduced himself to everyone on the battlefield. But it was endearing… you guessed.
"Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?" He nodded and handed her the glove. He made some comment about how it was impossible to get through. But then everyone was there, surrounding Carol. You joined them in feigning off the oncoming attacks. You had even managed to hold back Thanos himself. But then he threw his sword, and it knocked out the van's quantum portal before Carol could get inside. You were about to run after it until Thanos flung you like a ragdoll. Your head slammed into a rock and you gasped in shock.
"Your head has suffered major injury," said F.R.I.D.A.Y. in your head. "Should I inform Tony that you are in need of medical attention?"
You groaned, sitting up. "Don't you dare. I'm not out yet." Getting to your feet, you watched the scene unfolding before you. Thanos had the glove, and Tony tackled him.
"There was a spike in energy in Tony's suit. Power levels are beyond the max."
Shit. Shit! He had the stones.
You didn't hesitate in flinging yourself in his direction, boosters kicking in as you gained distance on him. Before he could snap, you flipped over his head, grabbing his hand in your own. A warm energy hummed through your body as the stones transferred to your suit.
You landed on your knees. Tony looked horrified as your helmet lowered. You gave him a smile and snapped your fingers, willing away Thanos and his army.
You were suddenly standing in some kind of weird, orange dimension. You were confused as you looked around. You weren't sure what to expect, but when you saw Nat sitting there with Bucky on her lap, you almost broke down.
"Great cat you have here. I was almost convinced I would be seeing Tony or Steve here. Ya know, since they're a bunch of idiots. But instead it's you." She scratched Bucky's head, casting you a casual look. "Things work out with Steve?"
You walked over to her, sitting next to her under the pagoda. "You could have seen for yourself, you know. He misses you. Everyone does."
She smiled, looking back down at Bucky. "It's really lonely here in the stone. They gave me this one because you were the one to snap. He'll leave when you do in a couple minutes. But it's cold in here. I did get to see Bruce, though. That was nice."
"So this is inside the soul stone?" you asked, glancing around. The orange color definitely added up. So did the cold feeling.
"Yes, and you're part space stone. The other stones were calling to you." She moved Bucky from her lap and stood up, facing you. "The space stone protected your otherwise fleshy organs. You'll probably have some minor burns and nerve damage, but you'll otherwise be okay. Well, until the boys yell your ear off." You both laughed. "Take care of them all for me, okay? You have some big shoes to fill, but I know you can keep them all in check. After all, you succeeded where I didn't. You somehow managed to make Tony and Steve get along for more than five seconds."
She looked up at the orange sky, a sad look on her face. She knew her fate was to be stuck in the stone. But why couldn't you free her? Maybe… maybe your powers could help you…
"Nat," you started, but everything started to turn bright around you. "Wait, what-"
"It's time for you to go," she said, smiling sadly at you. "Goodbye, Y/N."
"No wait!" But it was too late, she was gone.
Your body was flung backward from the energy blast, sending you flying. You were prepared to hit stone, so when you landed on somebody, it was a surprise.
"Get… the stones… off." Your voice was strained, hand burning from the snap. There was too much energy coursing through you. Your hand scratched at the nano suit, trying to smash off enough of the suit to create a glove that could be removed. You were gasping through the pain coursing through your body.
"Where in the hell is she?" said the voice of Tony as you pounded against the nano suit. "Where is Y/N?"
"She's with me," Steve said, stilling your hand from pounding into the suit. "Tony how do we remove the stones from her hand?"
You heard Tony land next to you as he looked at you with anger. "First we get those off of you, and then I'm going to chew your ass out for that. You could have died!"
You grimaced, watching as Tony used the blaster to cut the nano suit away from your hand. Once free, you pulled your hand free, gasping in relief. "Shut up you… self-sacrificing… asshole… You… would have died, Tony. I can't lose you, too. Morgan would never forgive you."
They were silent as the other Avengers and Guardians formed around you. Pepper looked both relieved and pissed off at both of you, but especially Tony for trying that shit first. And you could feel the silent anger that Steve was trying to hide for your safety. You were certain he would absolutely yell at you about it later, after you had time to recover. And you probably deserved it. It was so fucking stupid. But could you really lose Tony? Your brother?
No, your heart wouldn't have been able to handle it. So yeah, you acted without thinking and didn't even say anything. It was stupid and dumb and maybe you would have had some kind of excuse if you had had another second of thought, but you couldn't afford that second. He would have died. At least your body could handle it.
So they could stay mad. And they could yell. But you did the right thing. Plus, you had a plan.
"Steve, I need the gauntlet," you said, reaching for it.
"What? No!"
"Absolutely not!"
Tony and Steve both shouted at you at the same time. You flinched from the loud sound but nonetheless persisted. "I need to see the soul stone. I can bring back Nat."
A quiet voice spoke out from the crowd. "Let her see the stone." Everyone turned to see Clint. He looked like he had gotten one hell of a beating, but he was still standing tall. "If she can bring back Nat, I say we let her."
And so the stone was placed in your hands. You concentrated on what you had seen in your mind. The orange pagoda with Nat sitting underneath it, her red hair in a braid. You thought of her sad smile and hopeless stares as she waited for the next person to try and use the stone.
Then the doorway appeared.
You stepped through, looking around in curiosity. "Nat?"
She looked up from where she was sitting by the water's edge, a confused look in her face. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" 
"You really think I would just leave you here?" You shook your head, a smile on your face. You reached a hand out to her. "Come on. I know some people who would want to see you again."
The two of you left in through the open doorway, stepping back into the battlegrounds. Nat looked around in shock, seeing Earth again as if it were the first time. There were shocked murmurs that went around as everyone saw Nat, alive, and standing before them. Clint dropped his bow and went up to her, hugging her as if there were no tomorrow.
You stumbled away from them and that's when you ate shit, passing out before you even hit the ground.
Next Part
@thedaydreamingwriter​ @hollandroos​ @tomhollandd​ @cxptain-capsicle​ @jinthusiastsss​ @janieavalos​ @ilovesupersoldiers​ @laic2299​ @artaxerxesthegreat​
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crewhonk · 5 years
Only Happy Accidents (four)
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Summary: YN and Steve spend their first Christmas together, and YN and Steve go to a New Years Eve party at the Tower the days she hits three months. YN also meets her hero, Pepper Potts and her daughter, Morgan Stark. YN and Steve have a Moment as the ball drops. 
Songs: “Winter Song”- Sara Bareilles / “You Matter To Me”- Sara Bareilles, Jason Mraz / Songs: “What’s Inside”- Sara Bareilles / “Out of the Woods”- Taylor Swift / “My, My, My”- Troye Sivan
December 25th / 7th Week
The snow on the windowsill was fluffy and white and fresh, untouched by the dirt of the street or footprints fo the people who had to trudge their way to work on Christmas Day. YN spelt soundly under her pile of blankets in a sea of pillows, hand under her cheek and pink rays of the first light illuminating her form. 
Steve Rogers looked in on her, a flutter in his heart and stomach making the tray of hot food tremble in his hands. He had learned how to cook during the snap— less people meant less crime and the crime that did seem threatening had been taken out by Clint. So, Steve cooked. He provided for Natasha, mostly, and slowly she gained her weight back and her hair grew healthy and her eyes seemed less set in her skull. 
By the time everyone came back, Steve could cook a whole cookbook of good meals that made Natasha actually dance in her seat, and another cookbook of food that she would nod to. 
Todays breakfast was nothing special. Two waffles with fruit and whipped cream (in the shape of a smiley face, obviously)— a homage to their first morning together. Coffee— the one half cup YN limited herself to and the one half cup he drank for support. He never used to like the taste of it, but for her he found himself doing more things for her and he found himself looking forward to the cup in the morning. Her vitamins and medication— a colourful cup of candy. 
He set the tray on her still-empty bedside table, and sat on the bed, hand falling on her shoulder and shaking her gently. 
“YN” He whispered and she moaned, cuddling harder into the blankets and wrinkling her nose as she did so. 
“Waffles are gonna get cold, YN.” He whispered and she cracked one bleary eye open at him, smirking and closing her eyes again. 
“The waffles did get cold. That’s how we got here in the first place, Rogers.” She mumbled and he chuckled, nudging her again and making her reach up, the blanket falling away from her chin and neck to reveal a Captain America vintage comic book t-shirt that seemed to be three sizes too big for her. 
“Really?” He smiled and she winked, pulling herself to sit up and frowning, hand falling to her stomach. “You okay?”
“Morning sickness, obviously. Always sickness, honestly— your super-sperm means super-symptoms.” She replied and he fake gagged, making her giggle. 
“I hate when you call it that.” He sighed and handed her her pills, watching as she swallowed them all with the bottle of water on the blanket beside her. 
“It’s true. I really appreciate this whole thing, but I don’t think I can stomach more than that coffee, this morning, I’m sorry.” She frowned and he shrugged as if it were nothing. He reached over to the separate waffles and flipped one over onto the other, making a sandwich and nodding. 
“Done.” He smiled when she laughed loudly. 
“You’re the cutest.” She joked and scooted over, patting the place where she was sitting. Hesitantly, hoping to not cross any unspoken boundaries, he sat against the headboard beside her. “Good thing too, cause I haven’t seen the sunrise for the past two months for a reason.”
“Well, it is Christmas Day.” He sighed, lolling his head to look at her and she rolled her eyes. 
“We promised each other we wouldn’t get each other anything.” She pointed out and he shook his head, digging into his sweatpants pocket and pulling out a long necklace box, handing it to her. 
“You said that, I made no such promise.” He replied, She took it shakily, slowly opening it and gasping. She pulled the necklace from the box and held it up. It was a heart locket with a single diamond on it, and it glinted pink in the ever-brightening sun. 
“Steve,” She breathed and he nodded.
“Open it.”
When she did, she had to squint to decipher that was on it, but when she did her eyes welled with tears. It was a small picture of their first ultrasound on one side, and the other side was empty. 
“For our wedding picture.” He answered and she sniffed, wiping her nose hard. 
“Fuck, Steve. This is— this is perfect. I didn’t get you anything, though I’m sorry—“
“You got me you. You got me him,” He said, pointing at her belly. “You got me a family, YN and that’s the greatest gift you could have ever given me.” He said simply, and she let out a wet sob, leaning her head on his shoulder and bringing the locket to her lips. 
“You’re the biggest, dorkiest cheeseball in the world, Steve Rogers.”
“And you got me until you don’t want me anymore, YN.” He whispered and she wrapped her arms around his bicep, hugging him to her and curling around him. 
“Same here, buddy.” She mumbled, and he gasped quietly in shock.
“Did you just buddy-zone me?”
There was a pause in the conversation and YN breathed in deeply, sitting up and turning her back to him and lifting her hair, passing him the locket. 
“It’s only fitting you put it on me, you know.” She whispered and he moved to kneel behind her, hands suddenly too-hot and shaking with nerves. He took the delicate necklace in his huge hands and clasped it, quickly. Before he could think twice about it, he ducked forward and planted his lips against the back of her neck. It was a brief kiss, nothing more than a ghost of one, actually, but he could hear her heart triple in pace and her breath catch in her throat. 
“I told you, I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered and she shivered, letting her hair down and turning to him. 
“You should eat, Steve.” She breathed, looking down at his lips and shaking her head, turning away and reaching to grab her laptop. “‘Cause after you’re done we’re only watching good Christmas movies until we both fall asleep or this kid makes me vomit.” She stated, voice stiffly excited. 
“ELF?” He asked, reaching for the food and taking a bite of his waffle sandwich. 
“Have you ever seen ELF?”
“If anyone ever tells you that ELF is their favourite Christmas movie, run in the other direction. Run, very fast.”
December 31st 9:30 / 8th Week
YN really didn’t want to be at this party. There were too many people fawning over her and Steve and standing too close to them and offering her too many drinks she had to say ‘no’ to. Steve was ansty as well, pulling her to his side when reporters got too close and when he felt YN was in danger— which, since she and he had moved in together was all the time they were out of the house. 
Her boobs were horrendously sore and she had thrown up three times today, cried twice as much. Pregnancy had been miserable so far, and honestly, YN had no idea how mothers did it alone. Alone, and not with a man who made her coffee the way she liked in the morning. Not with a man who made sure she was wearing two jackets and bought her new mugs and other knick knacks that were slowly filling up their apartment. How did women do it without someone who wouldn’t watch Jurassic Park with them because it was the only movie that settled her stomach. 
She liked Steve. More than she probably should have by this point. I mean, granted, she was carrying his love child and he /did/ kiss the back of her neck when he gave her that locket on Christmas Morning. 
She liked Steve the proper amount. Which was a lot. 
They walked to the top floor of the tower which used to be Stark tower, having been rented out by Tony Stark every New Years Eve for the next fifty years even if he didn’t make it fifty years. This floor was quieter, the lights glimmering off of YN’s dress (bought by Natasha with Steve’s card as an ‘I’m sorry for judging you, here’s my number and I also have a wedding Pinterest board already’ gift. It was a good one— the measurements were perfect and the length was perfect, and somehow it made the dress even better when Steve’s jaw dropped when she walked out of her bedroom. 
His hand seemed glued to the small of her back, coasting her expertly through nosey reporters and new recruits trying to get close to the man who used to be Captain America. Eventually they made it to the VIP section and somehow, YN didn’t mind the reporters all hat much. 
Natasha Romanoff was there, wearing a long black dress that dragged across the floor as she walked from the bar and to the spot on the couch beside Bucky Barnes. His blood red suit jacket was slung lazily over the back of the couch, his black button up and matching blood red pants seemed strained over his muscles. Both Natasha and Bucky seemed regal and so very much in love. 
Sam Wilson was wearing a classic blue suit and was talking animately to James Rhodes. Scott Lang was there with his family, and YN was sure it was his idea to wear matching sweaters with his daughter and the woman she assumed to be Hope Van Dyne. 
Wanda Maximoff was wearing a white dress with a plunging neckline, her new blonde hair glinting healthily under the lights. Stephen Strange and Clint Barton were walking with her, wearing classic black. 
Next, YN stumbled over her heels when she saw her, was Pepper Stark and Morgan Stark. Pepper, wearing gold, Morgan, wearing something similar but closely resembling something a Disney princess would wear. 
“Steve.” YN gasped, grabbing his hand and holding tightly. Steve looked down at her, brows furrowing and looking briefly at her stomach before stopping. 
“You okay? Do we need to find a bathroom? I know you’ve had a bad day, so—“
“No. Everyone is here. Pepper Stark is here. Natasha and Bucky and Sam and oh, god what if they still don’t like me.” She gasped, looking up at Steve with wide, scared eyes. He pulled them behind a pillar quickly, as to hide them from the party and he pushed her hair over her shoulder, trailing his hand down her arm and grabbing her other hand gently while he encouraged her to breathe. 
“We can go home if you need,” He said, and she shook her head. 
“No, I’m good. These are your people.” She tried to hype herself up and he shook his head with a small smile on his face. 
“You’re my people.” He whispered just loud enough over the people and the music and making YN’s heart rate tumble the way Steve liked. “My world revolves around you, YN. We can leave if you’re not comfortable.”
“I adore you, Rogers. But no we’re here, and I’m wearing a dress with a price tag the made me vomit and I’m pretty sure Bucky saw us, anyways.” She shrugged and he nodded. 
So they asked out from behind the pillar, and YN immediately met Natasha’s eyes. She expected a lot of scenarios to play out in her head, but none of them included Natasha rising from her place under Bucky’s arm and walking to the roped-off entrance. 
“YN. Steve. We weren’t sure if you were going to show up.” She smiled, unhooking the rope and waiting for them to enter before leading them to the couch set where everyone was at. Bucky didn’t stand at the sight of YN, but reached forward to shake Steve’s hand in that bro-way guys do and nodded politely at YN who offered a small, shy smile and hide slightly behind Steve’s arm. 
“Hey!” Sam crowed from across the room, sauntering over to Steve and pulling him into a hug before turning to YN and doing the same, kissing her temple and smiling. “I just wanted to say we’re all really sorry for how we acted the other day. Again.”
YN smiled and nodded, putting her hand on Sam’s arm and squeezing. 
“I get it, and it’s okay. Steve’s been all of your person and all of a sudden this stranger shows up claiming that she’s pregnant with his kid? It’s very Gossip Girl of me.” She joked, hoping to all the Gods that the joke would land. 
And it did, not only to Sam who roared with laughter but also Bucky Barnes who chuckled loud enough over the music. 
“Very Georgina Sparks of you, yeah.” Bucky said, smiling softly at YN who blushed and looked at her hand. 
“Except I don’t /get enough/ to doubt that it’s this guy’s kid.” She nodded to Steve who looked wholly lost. Bucky smiled and shook his head, taking a sip of his drink and nodding towards the couch. 
“Sit. I’d offer you a drink, but—“
“Appreciated.” She smiled. 
Natasha watched the exchange fondly. Bucky had come a long way in letting people in, and this one was huge. It was something out of the blue, and Steve wasn’t someone who struggled with money anymore. She knew too, that Bucky (still smaller than Steve) still saw Steve as that skinny kid with a medical list of illness longer than a CVS receipt. 
Natasha was happy Bucky invited her to sit considering the way Steve was staring at YN like she had turned his world around in the best way. YN’s shimmering red dress was the perfect choice— simple a-line with matching heels. Gold accessories. Her phone in the dress pocket and wallet in Steve’s back pocket.
One of Natasha Romanoff’s best qualities was her ability to micromanage. 
December 31st, 10:18 / 8th Week
“And, this is Pepper Stark and her daughter Morgan Stark.” Steve introduced, and YN offered a slightly shaking hand. Pepper Potts was known for being a boss and an inspiration to millions of women across the world, so the fact that YN was meeting one of her heroes had her beside herself. 
“I’m YN. YN YLN.” She rushed, still shaking her hand. Realising she was shaking it too long, she dropped it and wrung her hands nervously. “I’m sorry for freaking out, but you’re a huge inspiration for me and my friends, Ms. Stark. The things you’ve done with Stark Industries and your own business and the way you speak out without fear but remain so elegant is really awesome.” She rambled, and Peppers smile grew the more she spoke. 
“Well, I’m happy to finally meet you, actually. I’ve heard a lot about you from Steve recently and he speaks a lot to your kindness.” She smiled and YN felt faint at her words. “Also, you’ve done wonderfully at keeping him under control. He hasn’t made anyone cry this month which is less of a headache for me.” She joked and Steve coughed awkwardly. YN paid no mind to him and continued to look at Pepper with shining eyes. 
“It’s truly an honour to meet you, Ms. Stark.” She continued, trying to cement this moment in her mind for the rest of forever. Maybe she could get the AI to record the conversation and she could tattoo it on her back. 
“Pepper.” She replied and YN blinked stupidly. 
“Call me Pepper. You’re family as far as I know, so please call me Pepper.” And YN beamed, grabbing Steve’s hand behind her and squeezing hard enough for him to wince slightly. 
“Pepper. I can do that.” She blinked eagerly. She hadn’t even noticed the bundle of golden tulle clutching Peppers leg until it moved behind her slightly. YN looked down into the wide brown eyes of Morgan Stark and without any hesitation, YN squat down to her level and held out her hand. 
“Wow,” She started. “I’ve never met a princess, before.” 
Morgan hid more behind Peppers leg, and YN remained— her hand held out politely and patiently. 
“You know, you remind me so much of Belle. I bet you like reading books, huh?” She asked and Morgans stoic face melted a little, nodding with a breath of a smile. 
“What’s your favourite book?” She asked, dropping her hand to her lap as she rolled onto her knees and sat back on her heels. Steve looked down at this beautiful woman below him in wonder. Of course she would be good with shy kids. Of course it made his heart swell three times its usual size. 
“I like Narnia.” She mumbled and YN’s face broke out into the widest smile. 
“No. Way. Narnia’s my favourite series! My favourite character is Lucy.” She whispered as if it was the worlds best kept secret. Morgan smiled and came out from behind Peppers hip. 
“I like Aslan. He’s really smart. And he’s a lion and they’re my favourite animal.” She said, and YN dropped her mouth wide open in surprise. 
“Did you know that I’ve held a baby lion before?” She asked Morgan and Morgan’s eyes widened beyond normal size. YN nodded and pulled out her phone flipping through her phone albums and showing Morgan a picture of her with a lion cub she had helped raise when she spent a summer volunteering in Africa as a part of her Anthropology practicum. 
“Her name was Malaika, which means ‘Angel’ in Swahili.”
“Do you know what Nala means?” Morgans eyes were wide as she looked up from the picture and to YN. YN’s answer seemed far away from Steve— the words falling deaf on his ears, as he had just been hit hard with a realization. 
This was the mother of his child. This was someone who he was going to be spending the rest of his life with and she was on her knees in a dress that cost more than the rent she used to pay just so she could make one fo the most famous children in the world feel comfortable enough to talk about their mutual favourite animal. This was the mother of his children, and God, if he didn’t want to have so many with her so long as they brought the same smile to her face that Morgan Stark was wearing right now. 
December 31st, 11:56 / 8th Week
“Guys! Four minutes!” Someone cried, and YN’s heart dropped as everyone got up to leave—she had actually been enjoying seeing Steve in his natural environment. He was more animated, talked more with his hands, swore more. It was nice to see that Bucky did actually have a full smile and that Sam couldn’t dance to save his life. It was nice to hear Natasha’s full laugh— something that came out after three dry margaritas. 
Steve stood quickly, standing in front of YN and holding his hand out. His smile was soft, but true and she grabbed his hands and stood, letting him lead her to the balcony where everyone else was heading. They found a spot by the rail, and Steve didn’t even hesitate before taking his suit jacket and throwing it over YN’s shoulders. 
“You’ll get cold.” She protested and he smiled, Shang his head. 
“I run warm. You complain about it in your sleep when we watch Jurassic Park for the third time in a day.” He teased and she rolled her eyes, leaning over the railing and looking over the city lights. “Have you ever seen fireworks from this high up before?”
She shook her head. “No, but I have seen it on the rooftop of Earls three years in a row, so that counts, right?” She joked and he bumped her shoulder. 
“Second prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” He commented and she blushed under his gaze. 
He hummed and leaned into her, listening to everyone around them start counting down from thirty.
“You know, this time next year, we’re going to have a son.” He whispered into her ear and she smiled— a great beaming thing that took his breath away. He grabbed her chin between two fingers and she looked up to him easily, both still leaning against the railing. 
“I’m gonna kiss you.” He whispered and her mouth opened to allow her tongue to moisten her suddenly dry lips. “Say no if you’re not okay with it.” 
“I’m not gonna say it.” She replied, and he swallowed thickly. 
His eyes flickered down to her parted lips.
She stood fully, and Steve did too.
Her hands slid up from his stomach to his shoulders, her grip gentle, but firm. 
His hands landed on the curve of her waist under his jacket, thumbing patterns on the smooth fabric and pulling her closer. 
Her hand cupped the back of his neck, scratching the nape of his neck and making his eyes flutter.
He stepped closer, and the toes of his boots nudged the toes of her heels. 
His eyes were locked on her lips, angled to meet his.
“Steve,” a whisper as his hand cradled her cheek, anchoring her to him. 
“YN.” He replied, ducking his head and brushing his nose against hers.
His lips moulded to hers, moving slowly, working her own into a soft dough. She stepped closer and pulled his neck closer, kissing him deeper and making his heart stutter. She tilted her head barely, and moved her lips against his a little more passionately and he responded in kind, wrapping his arm tight around her waist and pressing her into him as if he wanted to do nothing else in the world. Her arms wrapped around his neck as her lips parted and his tongue darted out experimentally, slightly braver when he felt her shudder under him. Her tongue met his, tasting in earnest when a moan rumbled low in his chest just for her to hear. All YN could think of was SteveSteveSteveSteve, and she could taste his toothpaste and the champagne he had a few minutes ago, and the warmth of his tongue against hers. 
It was only when YN had begun to get lightheaded that she slowed down, eventually pulling away and dropping from the very tips of her toes. Her hands were still clasped behind his back and his hands were still at their place on her waist, still pulling her close. His jacket had fallen to the ground during their kiss but YN felt fully and truly warm for the first time since Halloween.  
“That was overdue.” She whispered and he laughed, kissing her through his smile one, twice, three times before rising to his full height. 
“Yeah, yeah it was.” He murmured, pressing his forehead against hers again as the boom of fireworks echoed in their chest. 
Tag List (send me an ask, ONLY. must interact with the fic more than a like): yesfanficsaremylife / notyourtypicalrose /  laurxn-robinson / disaster-rose / lille-kattunge / wwecrazed2010 / vxidnik / chewingoffmyfoot / vitamingrant / captainamericasbeard / chrisgalore / songforhema / mmyepic / multifandommandy / tommyhoe / lostdarksoul6 / crist1216 / taeeemin / jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory / feelmyroarrrr / teller258316 / mrsdeanwinchester19 / qrangr / mariswritingforfun / nerdypinupcrystal / kittycatlover18
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 163
Despite all the trouble you were in and everything that laid ahead, there was always that certain comfort that you drew when you were with Tony. The same must have gone for him, because the two of you fell asleep leaning against one another at the back table of the jet while Clint flew who knew where. Safehouse… some safehouse somewhere far away. Ultron was out there somewhere. Doing something. Something awful. 
But while you were miles up in the air with a very beaten and battered team- and… while you had Tony right there, hand in hand with you, you gave yourself small permission to drift. And it was sort of nice. For a little while. Free of nightmares. Just blissfully gone for those short couple of hours while Clint piloted. But when they were over you missed them dearly. 
The louder rumbling of the jet as it started its descent and then land spooked you back awake. As soon as your surroundings came back in clearer, you leaned in again to rub your forehead against Tony’s shoulder. Waded in his warmth as his hand shifted up your back and he pressed a kiss to your temple. This was the plan now. Sit tight in some abandoned safehouse so that the media- and governments of the world- couldn’t bother the team. Sit and wait for Ultron’s next play.
This wasn’t a very good plan. At the very least you needed to start doing damage control- but, then again… Maria seemed to be on top of things. And she literally was the head of Damage Control. Right underneath you. Rhodey, no doubt, was also working. It just felt so wrong to be doing nothing. To just be waiting. In fact, it felt like asking for a lot of trouble. But what choices were being left to you? 
None. Absolutely none. You were being told to sit and wait. So that’s what you had to do. As you stepped off the jet behind everyone else and took in the scenery… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. For an abandoned SHIELD safehouse in the middle of nowhere, it was pretty idyllic. Clint had taken you to some big farmhouse. Many acres to roam, protected and shaded by large trees on all sides of the property. A couple beaten down trucks, A barn off on the right side. No doubt it had some heavy security system too- one that would have to be booted up. “What are our optics?” Your brain was going. This place had to be locked down, just in case. “What security are we looking at here?” 
Tony would have to do some work to Ultron-proof it, just in case he came looking for the group. But apparently nobody else had been told about this little sit-and-see plan, because Thor asked, “What is this place?” 
The walk up the gravel drive was short, and Tony merely shrugged as Clint approached the door. “A safehouse?” 
Clint took Nat inside first- she’d been looking a little rough. No more so than the rest of the team, but he’d been nursing her just a little. Probably spoke more to their bond than her condition. It was sweet, to be sure. Then the rest of you followed inside. 
...it didn’t look as abandoned as you would have thought. Not dirty or unkempt. In fact- there were- There were kid’s toys in the living room. On the floor. Handknit blankets draped over a couch. An open magazine on the coffee table- 
“Honey?” Clint called out as he looked around and you felt rather stunned. 
But completely held by shock as a very pregnant woman stepped out of the kitchen, mug and dish towel in hand. She was pretty surprised to see the group standing at her door. If you were anyone else you might have assumed she was just some random contact Clint had run to. Someone he trusted. 
Except immediate love bounced between them. She was happy to see them, despite his unannounced guests. 
Your heart hurt. 
“I’m home.” He finished the rest of what made sense. Clint was home. That woman was his wife. She was pregnant with his child- she approached him, putting her hands up to caress his face and gave him a sweet kiss. He mumbled around her. “Sorry about the company- that I didn’t call ahead-” 
Instinctively, blindly, and painfully you reached out, hand connecting with Tony’s as he drowned in the same sudden and inexplicable sadness. Except unlike you he was rejecting the idea outright. “This is an agent of some kind.”
Clint turned back. “Team, this is Laura.” 
Finally you got a good look at her as she turned fully to face the group. She was a beautiful woman. Short. Long brown hair, light brown eyes, and an exceptionally sweet smile as she pointed. “I know all your names.” 
The sudden stomping of little feet drew everyone’s attention. And this little picture became that much worse as two children- a young girl with braided blonde pigtails and a slightly older boy with a mop of sandy hair, bounded down the stairs as Clint crouched down. He caught the little girl in her speedy run, lifting her up into a tight hug. “Hey, sweetheart!” He then put his other arm around the boy, leaning in to kiss the top of his head. “Hey, buddy.” 
Good god. Clint Barton had a family. He’d had a family for years. He had been a SHIELD agent- he’d been an Avenger for years. All while having a wife. And children. And- 
You were holding Tony’s hand so tight your arm was shaking. Clint had everything you’d sworn you could never. How? 
Tony continued your bewilderment, using his free hand to nervously point at them. “...those are… smaller agents…” 
It made sense. Clint was rarely ever around aside for missions- he had a room in the Tower, but he disappeared often. When SHIELD fell, he was nowhere to be found. But it wasn’t that he’d been hiding this from you- ...nor the fact that Natasha seemed to know about it, as she became joyous and the children gathered around her. Auntie Nat… 
No it wasn’t the secrecy or the omission. It was the hurt. The hurt that he’d figured this out somehow. Yet you’d been grasping and failing at some vision of a family. A life like this. A house. A family. Love that wasn’t beset by world ending events. ...how did they do it? 
You really were aching inside looking at them. The perfect picture. You wanted this. You wanted this, for you and Tony. Clint had been living this the whole time and you’d never had a clue. You still didn’t- had no clue how to do it. How he was managing. How. How how… 
Steve took a breath. “Sorry for barging in like this.” Tony was hanging on to his own hurt while managing yours, no doubt. Still holding on to you tight. “Yeah. We would have called ahead, but we were too busy having no idea you existed.” Even his usual sass didn’t make you feel better. Clint nodded. “Yeah. Well. Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off SHIELD’s files. I’d like to keep it that way. I figure it’s a good place to lay low.” 
Yeah. That did make sense. It also made sense why you had no idea about it. Why no one did- except Nat. But they’d always been close. You had to clear your throat to make words go. “We’ll keep your secret for you.” 
The two of you looked at each other and you had to wonder if maybe it was just plain on your face. The longing as you looked at him. His wife. Their kids. But he gave you a short nod. Laura smiled. “Shower’s upstairs, second door on the left. There’s some medical supplies too, if you need to get patched up. And we don’t mind if you borrow some clothes.” Accommodating and kind despite the drop in. She was probably used to it, you realized. Her husband coming home with cuts and bruises. “I’ll start lunch.” 
A group murmur of thanks hit the air and you didn’t wait for permission. Tony had a pretty nasty cut on the side of his face that needed tending to. The rest of the group, save Natasha and Clint (who were at homebase, so they’d be fine) were all a little more super than he was. So you turned, hand still in his, pulling him upstairs. But really. Really you just needed to be away from them. And with him. To decompress. 
Maybe even reassure each other of something or other… 
You didn’t exactly push him, but were pretty insistent that he move a little quicker through the bathroom door, which you shut behind you and locked. You then guided him to sit on the closed toilet, and started rummaging through the cabinet. Finding a medkit and a bottle of peroxide, you set them down on the sink. And then were promptly stopped when Tony’s hand reached up to touch the back of yours. You braved turning your head to look at him. 
Waiting for you there were those big, beautiful brown eyes of his. Somewhat glassy. And entirely see-through. “Take a breath.” Asked gently of you. Your lips pressed together, swallowing hard, and then turned your head back to the kit- though you did do as he asked. Breathing in slowly and then out. Uncapping the peroxide you dumped some on a cotton pad and started dabbing his cheek softly. “How do they manage? How do they do this?” Keeping your voice very quiet. 
“I told you it’s not impossible.” His smile up at you was a little cocky, but at the same time still slightly broken. 
“Clint’s also not as public as us. So- it’s not the same-” 
“He’s as public as the rest of us, after what happened in New York. We sell toys of him. Who are you trying to convince here?” As he asked, your hand lowered, and you looked at him again. “You know where I stand on this. I mean if Barton can manage…” Both of his brows lifting. 
“We’re not Clint.” He was right. You were trying to fool yourself. Make excuses. It was easy to keep saying it couldn’t be done as long as no one else had done it. And before today, you’d been very sure no one else had. Or would. 
And you were so very wrong. Which meant… which meant you’d been wasting precious time. Wasting time convincing Tony that it couldn’t be done until this, that, and the other thing was fulfilled. Yet- you could have… you could have been living a life- ...and it… it was your fault that the two of you had been delaying it…
How were you supposed to live with that? Live with yourself? 
His smile up at you made you hurt all over again. “Great news. Means we can nail this whole house-and-family thing even better.” 
You had to look away from him, throwing out the cotton pad, settling your hands on the sides of the sink, head dropping. “They have three kids…” It was so unfathomable. How did she do this? How did she sit at home, wondering if her husband would come home alive- 
...god. God damn it. You’d already been living this life with him. Yet you’d seen fit to deny every time he asked you to take it one step further. And for what? For what? 
He stood suddenly, setting his hand reassuringly at the mid of your back, stroking in soft circles. “Two. Technically. Although she’s definitely ready to go on that aforementioned third.” Shifting in, he pressed his forehead against the back of your shoulder in an affectionate touch. “Honey… we couldn’t have known.” 
“So what-” The words choked from you as you felt the guilt come clawing. “I kept putting it off because it was so unobtainable and now what- we’re being shown up-” 
The two of you shared a watery laugh, unable to look at one another. “Just means we have to do it bigger.” 
“They have a head start.” 
“So? We’re the Starks. Now that we know what we’re looking at- we can build it better.” 
A few breaths hitched, you caught a few sniffles too, as you turned, standing a little straighter. Before you could wipe your tears away, his hands were there. Doing it for you. “We are not the Starks.” 
“Not yet.” One of those signature arches of his brows threatened to get your smile going. But you just weren’t ready for it yet. Suddenly he started patting at his pockets- “Damn it.” 
Reaching up, you wrapped your arms around him, holding yourself as close to him as you could, rewarded with his arms crushing you back. You were clinging to him, but that was okay. “It wasn’t right here, anyway. We have a mess to clean up.” 
“Okay. I agree. But after?” His voice came somewhere close to your ear, low and loving. 
“...ask me after.” It wasn’t fair to the rest of the team, to be finding solace in each other like this. To be making plans for a future, like this. You had no idea what after looked like either. So you couldn’t commit right now-
...but if anyone deserved it- wasn’t it you? You’d been waiting for a sign. You’d been waiting to see if this was possible. And now you had hard confirmation. Someone was already living this life. And if they could… 
Then so could the two of you. 
He held you that much tighter. His tone was full of promise. “I intend to.” 
Tony took the first shower. You asked if anyone wanted dibs on the second, and the team groggily passed it up, so you were next in line. Laura was kind enough to leave out a change of clothes for you, and Bruce passed you on your way out. Though you did ask him where Thor had gone off to, and he merely gave a weak shrug. There was no need to press him further. Coming down the stairs, you spied Tony and Steve out in the yard- … “Are they chopping wood?” Asked of Laura as you came into the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder with a shrug and a smile. “Seemed like they needed something to do. I couldn’t turn down the opportunity for some help around the farm.” 
“Can’t argue with that.” They were both probably still wound up. And much as you took some extended time to watch Tony swing that axe above his head and down in hard even strikes, checkered button down tied around his waist- ...right now was not a good time for ogling. “Do you need any help in here?” 
Waving you over, “You need something to do, too, huh? Mind helping with the salad?” Giving a little point to the counter where she had several vegetables laying out in wait, a big sharp knife, and a rather large bowl. 
“Sure.” You could chop up a salad. No problem. Not hard at all. What was difficult was making food back to back with her in her kitchen. In silence. With too many questions. So much so that… eventually you really couldn’t help yourself. “Can I ask you something?” 
“How I do it?” 
You felt rather caught as she asked that nearly immediately. “That obvious?” 
“You looked like someone punched you in the gut when you came in- no offense- and I’d like to not take any either, so I assume it wasn’t really directed at me.” Her tone was soft and understanding. So it was easy to not take offense to that, or worry about over-showing your own emotions. The problem was you really had no idea what to say. Thankfully she helped. “I was surprised, you know, when Fury said he’d picked the two of you out for this team thing.” 
However, you almost wished that there had been a drag of silence instead of that. “Oh. You knew Fury too?” Trying to not give your disdain away through tone. Probably failing. 
“Sure. We were close, for a little while. Had him over for dinner a few times. He’s been very good to this family.” 
A very good reason not to speak ill of him, you supposed. “Did you work at SHIELD?” 
“Absolutely not.” She spat this out with a little bit of a laugh. “No- actually- if you’d believe we live in such a small world, I interned at Stark Industries a few summers while I was in college.” 
Small world indeed. And getting smaller all the time. “Really? What department?” 
“Nothing important. I’m pretty sure I was the secretary’s secretary’s secretary. Fetching coffee, filing papers. That sort of thing.” You were nodding along as she spoke, even though she couldn’t see it. “I can’t imagine running a company and doing… this is easy.” 
“No more easy than sitting up at night with kids wondering if your husband is going to come home, right?” You didn’t mean this maliciously- hoped she wouldn’t take it that way. 
Luck held in your favor as she hummed out a breath. “This is… relatively new, you know. SHIELD was one thing. Then one day aliens are coming to a city miles and miles away and somehow Clint’s picked to deal with it. ...you sure you need him?” 
There was probably one reason she was asking this- and you were sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Clint was most certainly lurking around. Maybe she had no idea he was in the next room. You did, though. You tried to not let it temper your answer too much. “We do. He’s saved our asses more than once. And out of everyone, he always makes the right directional calls. He was doing this a lot longer than most of us. Except Nat, I guess. Maybe not the aliens thing but… the missions.” It only occurred to you the other reason she was asking. “But… if he’d like to retire…” 
Her one-note laugh was a little sour. “That’s not up to me.” 
“Sure it is. You don’t expect me to believe he’d stay with us if you told him to come home, do you?” 
The two of you turned to look at one another. A passing but understanding glance. Her grin was sad. “I can’t ask him to turn his back on saving the world.” 
“Yeah.” Sadness taking hold of you, too, then. “I get it.” 
She looked upset for a split second, like she understood it. She probably did. But instead of giving any advice about late nights wondering if someone would come home alive or- god what would I tell the kids?- she offered a little bit more of a real and warm smile. “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for this family.” 
This you weren’t expecting, though. “Me? I haven’t done anything. I didn’t even know you existed until two hours ago.” 
“Clint tells me you’re the brains behind the operation. The reason we have a diverse portfolio and more than enough money to survive.” 
“Oh. Well- Hawkeye toys sell themselves. But, sure. I’ll take credit for his salary bump. I like to think I’m a little more accommodating than SHIELD.” Allowing yourself one little grin. One little dig. 
“No less dangerous, though.” Her eyes dropped and you worried about what she would say next. “He also tells me you do more than enough. Cleaning up all the mess. I know that can’t be easy.” 
This was too hard to deal with. So flippancy came quickly with a shrug of your shoulders. “Someone has to.” 
“Yeah. Someone does.” 
It was hard to tell what she was getting at- and you didn’t have time to decipher it as Clint finally stopped sneaking around and made an appearance from around the corner. He came over, leaning in to press a kiss to her hair and then murmured something to her. A feeling of realization came over her and she looked a little sheepish. “Hey- food’s about done. Would you mind letting Bruce and Natasha know?” 
The change of subject was so abrupt it left you blinking a few times over. “Bruce is upstairs taking a shower. Do you know where Nat is?” 
Laura was a fraction away from a smirk with a little roll of her eyes as she turned away. “Same direction.” 
Hm. You really hoped… they weren’t doing anything you’d regret walking in on. Though it was nice that they were finding some mutual comfort. 
...a little too much. In a terrible way- different than what you’d expected. 
But as soon as you’d gotten upstairs and were about to knock on the door, you heard Nat. And you didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Not really. It was just a little too hard not to after hearing her muffled voice behind that door. “-you still think you’re the only monster on the team?” 
Really. Honestly. This was clearly a private conversation. You needed to turn away or interrupt it. But Bruce answering her, “So what? We disappear?” 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Were they honestly talking about leaving? Ditching the team? It was just that easy? Natasha spoke again. “We keep moving.” 
Maybe you would have continued to listen in, though it was none of your business. It hurt your heart to hear two people you considered family talking about running away from everything- but a strike of surprise hit you sideways. Not just anyone’s. Tony’s. 
It had you turning away. Hurrying downstairs. Putting a hand on the door outside looking at Steve who was suddenly all alone, “Where did Tony go?” Steve looked up at you. “He went into the barn. Something about a broken tractor.” 
Laura called you from the kitchen. “Can you give me a hand with this?” 
“One second!” Calling back and then rushing out into the yard, ignoring Steve’s questioning glance. Moving as quick as you could without actually running. Tony’s initial shock had died down into something uneasy instead- mixed with a familiar sense of dread. 
It was why you almost weren’t as surprised as he’d apparently been, as you opened the barn door- And saw him, wrench in one hand, leaning against the side of the aforementioned busted tractor. Talking to Nick Fury, who was sitting on a bale of hay. 
“What are you doing here?” Quickly you shut the door behind you. 
“Nice to see you, too.” He looked up at you briefly and then very quickly looked down at his hands. 
Tony gave you a small wave. “Hey, honey.” His voice held a small tremble, something that pulled you closer to him. “Did I pocket dial you on accident?” Knowing, probably, why you’d appeared suddenly.
Putting a hand up his arm, you inspected him a little closer. “You okay? He do something to you?” 
“Not yet. He just showed up uninvited.” 
“Oh so like always.” 
Fury spoke up. “You know. I’m sitting right here.” 
Turning towards him, you crossed your arms tight. “You are. Sorry to cut your conversation short but I need to ask you something.” It was now or never, right? Fury was off the grid. There would be no telling when you saw him next. 
“What now?” 
You leveled a hard look at him. “Did SHIELD run experiments on me in 1990? Were you responsible?” 
Maybe it was that he wasn’t expecting you to know about that, or maybe he just wasn’t ready, but he became momentarily stunned. Then there was a bit of odd distress that bubbled up. And very suddenly he was standing- and not looking at you again. His hands went in his pockets as he paced. “You unleash an AI with murderous intent on the world, and yet still everything’s gotta be about you.” 
He seemed a little… off. Was it right? To think Fury would be so put out by you figuring something out? That he wouldn’t have an excuse ready? Was that really the Fury you knew? Maybe whatever he’d been doing in retirement had dulled him. 
“It’s a yes or no question.” You remained firm. This might have been your now-or-never moment. “Did you authorize-” 
“Now is really not the time for this.” The wave of his hand was dismissive. He was trying to play it cool. But everything else that only you could sense was sweating. Afraid. He was afraid of something. 
And that was very, very bad. “What’s the matter with you?” 
“Me?” There was a tiny little uptick in his tone. “Nothing’s wrong with me. How about we talk about Ultron and how you’re gonna clean up your mess.” Deflecting. Still unable to look at you. He honestly seemed like he might bolt out the back door.
This was not- this was not normal. Not for him. He couldn’t be so scared that you’d finally unearthed the truth, right? If Nick Fury was mad about something you were responsible for, he’d be right in your face, and be damned whatever else you were asking for. But this? He was practically about to run.
Some sense of responsibility pulled Tony into speaking. “Look- we’ll figure this out-” 
But you held up a hand to stop him. Something was not right here. All the hairs on the back of your neck were standing. Whatever sort of sense you had for something being wrong with someone- ... wasn’t that all you did? Wasn’t that what you were good for? 
Well. It was ringing like crazy. 
And it was why you let your primary focus go. Why you let your gaze fog up as you dropped below into that space that belonged only to you. That was supposed to be part of you. That was supposed to help you be more than what you were. Damn where it came from. 
What you saw was… Fury. Sort of. But it almost looked like he was drawn over. Like something was outlining him. Almost like the vision of control that others had. But not quite. Getting closer to inspect it, it was almost like a… it was vibrating. Alive. 
But one touch- just a single touch of your pointer finger at his heart- 
Shattered the whole thing- 
And before you could even see what you’d done, Tony’s sudden paralyzing fear, coupled with a sharp yank of your arm dragged you right back to the surface. Your vision cleared. 
His fear became your own very quickly. You double-tapped the Heart Reactor without even thinking, and held your hand up to charge up a repulsor shot. 
Nick Fury was no longer standing in front of you. But what was- 
Something green with pointed ears, still wearing Nick’s clothes, and as it turned to look at you, pitch back eyes- You weren’t successful in keeping your voice firm. “What are you?” 
The thing put its hands up- only just now realizing the hands that he was supposed to have were no longer there. Then the frantic starting shouted. “Wait wait wait!!” Speaking rather perfect english… accented, too. Strangely. ...Australian, maybe? “Wait- don’t shoot-” 
Tony came shoulder to shoulder with you, pointing. “You have ten seconds before she puts a hole through you.” 
“Okay okay alright! Just wait!” 
“Eight seconds.” 
“I’m just a stand-in- look- look alright- I can get Fury on the phone for you- don’t shoot me-” He lifted a communicator out of his pocket. 
This was one thing too many. What were you supposed to do with this? What were you supposed to think about this? But really… the only thing you couldn’t stop thinking- the only thing you couldn’t stop wondering-
How long had Nick Fury been an alien? 
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blakelakebake · 4 years
Normality (Prologue)
A Natasha Romanoff Story
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Summary: Normality has never been in the Black Widow’s dictionary. All her life she was trained in rough conditions and kill from just an order, never having the time for a domestic and simple life. But when she stumbles across a cute guy working in a small coffee shop and her leaving with just a number and a name on a cup, Natasha slowly learns the true meaning of what being normal is like.
Warnings: Fluff, some painful slow burn, okay maybe A LOT of painful slow burn, a bit of angst, language, eventual smut, domestic Natasha (because why not) and some good ol’ wholesome love for the great assassin.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x (Trans)Male!Original Character.
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Azriel Carmel (OC), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, and basically anybody else from the Avengers and some OCs of mine.
A/N: I’ve been reading so much Natasha fanfics to the point where I’m obsessed. This idea came to me a while back, like months ago, but due to being in quarantine with not much to do other than do homework and play club penguin at 2am with friends, I’ve decided - with some encouragement from this really good fanfic that I read - to start this series with high hopes that I’ll be able to not procrastinate on it and actually finish it. Please comment what you think and hope you enjoy!
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A Year After The Battle Of New York
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"One caramel latte?" The voice, deep and smooth, called out. A woman stood up from her seat near the counter, smiling at the barista while grabbing her small mug of coffee, a thank you leaving her lips. The man smiled back, nodding as he turns back to making a black coffee for another costumer. He grabbed a small mug from the side, putting it onto a white plate as he clicks the portafilter into place, allowing the coffee machine do its magic.
Checking his watch, he sighed, his free hand reaching up to adjust his round glasses. Just twenty more minutes, he thought as the time nears eight o'clock at night, when his shift finishes. He places the cup on the coffee machine, allowing the dark liquid to flow into it. His eyebrows furrowed from a realisation, who's having coffee at this time? Mentally shrugging off the thought, he took the mug once the machine beeped and placed it back on the plate, bringing it to the counter.
"One black coffee?" Just then, a redheaded woman saunters towards the barista, causing him to pause for a bit, taking her appearance in. She was wearing a full black outfit, which wrapped around her figure perfectly, a black leather jacket complementing her even more. He couldn't help it, after all, he is a guy with hormones. But instead of checking her out more, he stopped himself and smiled at her, sliding the mug forward to bring it closer to the woman.
She grabs her drink by the plate, a stiff smile plastered on her face. "Thanks." The man smiled back.
"No problem." She walked back to her table where an open book is placed on top of it. She sat down, sipping her mug before placing it down and picking up her book, her legs crossed and her eyes focused.
The barista couldn't help but stare at her for a bit longer, intrigued and curious about the woman. His head tilted to the side a bit, his light brown eyes taking in her appearance. The woman must've notice, since her own eyes diverted from her book to him, causing him to quickly look away and continue on with his work, his nerves taking over his body as he fidgets around with some equipments.
Natasha looked at him, an eyebrow raised before looking back at her book. She sipped her coffee again, frustration slowly creeping onto her skin as her eyes lose focus from the story she was invested in just ten minutes ago. Ignoring the random thoughts that were trying to invade her mind, she chugged down her cup of coffee, placing her book back down before walking back to the till, her mug and plate in hand.
From behind the till, she saw that the barista had his back to her, his short, curly black hair swishing around as he moved swiftly within the small area, the smell of chocolate making its way into Natasha's nose as he placed the takeaway cup in front of a young girl who smiled at him before rushing out of the cafe.
He exhaled, a crooked, tired smile plastered on his face, his brown eyes slowly moving their attention from the wooden counter to the redhead staring at him with piercing green orbs. Startled slightly, his eyes went wide for a bit before fazing back to normal, his smile never faltering, only lifting slightly.
The barista's feet moved his body quickly to the till with him now facing Natasha once again. He immediately noticed the empty mug, chuckling before he put his attention back onto the redhead.
"Isn't it bad for you to have black coffee late at night." He said with amusement written across his face. She responded with a raised eyebrow, challenging him to talk further. Unfortunately, the man was blissfully ignorant. "Seriously, you won't be able to have your beauty sleep if you drink too much."
Natasha hummed, the corners of her lips moving upwards slightly, but her face still emotionless. "And aren't you supposed to be serving your customer?" The black haired man chuckled nervously, his large hand - not that Natasha noticed, no - moved to scratch the back of his neck.
"Sorry," Embarrassment washes over his face, a slight tint of pink on his light-tanned skin. "D'you want another mug of black?" The redhead looked at him blankly for a second before nodding her head, her hand passing her mug to the barista while her other hand reached into her pocket to grab her wallet.
The man gladly took her mug placing it on the counter behind him quickly before he turned back to face the redhead once again. He saw her waller in hand, and for some odd reason, he shook his head. "You don't need to pay."
Natasha looked back up from her wallet, her eyebrows rising a bit in question. The brown-eyed man mentally winced, almost regretting saying that, but instead of backing out from what he blurted out, he continued on, with less confidence. "Um, it's on the house."
Her face stayed the same. "Since, you know, the cafe's about to close, and there isn't anyone here, and I thought why not make this pretty woman some nice coffee for fr-"
"So I'm just a pretty face?" The redhead cut him off, amused at him nervously ranting in front of her. He was lucky that no one was around to witness it.
"What? No! I mean," His eyes kept on diverting to everything around the cafe except for the woman in front of him. He eventually gave up on whatever he was going to say and instead sighed, his shoulders deflating and his head tilted down slightly. "I'll just go make your coffee."
Natasha smirked, enjoying the fact that she could make any man a stuttering mess. "Two things," She then said, causing the barista to snap his attention back to her. "One, your name."
"Oh, uh..." Surprise was slapped across his face for a moment before he recovered a bit. "It's Azriel. What about yo-"
"Two," She held up two fingers which made the man - Azriel - stop himself from talking any further. "Can I have my coffee to go?"
The black haired man blinked, speechless and confused at the same time. He slowly nodded, his feet twisting him around so that he could continue on doing his work. Azriel placed the mug into the sink as he reached for a take away cup, only to pause, hesitance in his stance.
"Uh..." His light brown eyes met her green ones again. "D'you want a small or medium?" She started at him for a moment, her mind calculating and observing.
"Small." With a nod, the barista went back to work with a small cup in hand. Whilst the black haired man was focused on making her coffee, Natasha began thinking over the conversation. It was weird, strange even, that somehow, out of all the coffee places she could go to and people she could talk to, she just had to stumble across this small, yet comfy, coffee shop where the barista just so happens to be a cute guy that the assassin herself can't help but check out from behind him.
His body was lean, but not too skinny to make him seem lanky. His shoulders were slightly broad, unlike Steve's shoulders, and although his arms were covered by his long-sleeve sweater, she could tell that he had a slight muscle build from the way the material fit perfectly around them.
As her eyes raked over his body, she didn't seem to notice the small detail of Azriel writing some numbers and a few words on her cup once the machine finished making the redhead's coffee. He turned around suddenly, smiling brightly - though his eyes held some bit of exhaustion - causing Natasha's eyes to quickly divert from watching his firm ass (I'm still a woman with desires, she told herself as she forced her eyes to look at the man's slightly round face.
"Here you go." He said, nervously handing her the hot drink. She took it, her lips curving upwards, a small smile plastered on her mouth as she grabbed her drink.
"Anytime." Azriel nodded, his eyes suddenly interested on the counter in front of him, earning a chuckled from Natasha as she walked towards the door. She opened it, causing a chime to ring through the empty shop, her head twisting around so that she could see the cute barista over her shoulder.
With a grin, she spoke: "See you later, Azriel."
"Y-yeah, see you!" He replied with a wave, his voice sounding a little too enthusiastic for a response, causing him to wince visibly after. Fortunately for him, the redhead was already gone, allowing him to sigh in relief. A content smile graced his lips for a bit before it dropped once he saw the time.
"Ah crap." Azriel huffed in frustration, knowing that he won't be able to sleep for another two hours if he doesn't close the cafe soon. Throughout the night, from when he was sweeping the floor clean to when he finally got back to his apartment, green eyes circled around his mind, never leaving for just a moment.
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laevateinn · 4 years
hell yea! ty tea!
favorite character: i love all of them so much but anyone who’s talked to me abt w359 knows i’m utterly fucking whipped fr the entirety of team goddard bc they’re horrible and so so so interesting...................that said, i think abt cutter too much. sorry
second favorite character: rachel young hot
least favorite character: i don’t dislike anyone? i don’t care abt jacobi as much as the fandom does, but he’s still REALLY GOOD. so i can’t rly answer this
the character i’m most like: p sure clint has called me cutter kin b4 and i think it’s just bc he’s cruel and horrible and loves to be mean to the innocent
favorite pairing: don’t care abt w359 shipping. i love pryce and cutter tho
least favorite pairing: nothing i violently hate??? nothing that i’ve actually SEEN i mean i can think of horrible ships but i haven’t seen them
favorite moment: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i rly like pryce and cutter confronting kepler at the end of terms and conditions......also love ALL of volte face....AH. the convo btwn cutter and lovelace at the end of change of mind, with paradise valley in the bg. it’s good shit
rating out of 10: 10/10 good fuckin podcast
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2001
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Another list which was a bit difficult to make.  Almost none of this comes from the US charts. I was 13, I had a much better control of what I could listen to, and adolescence crisis was juuuuuuust around the corner and about to smash into me with the force of a semitruck.
For now, though, things were mostly fine.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
First, please enjoy this shit ton of honorable mentions.
Family Affair (Mary J. Blige) - A bit too repetitive for my taste but damn, that beat is great.
Starlight (The Supermen Lovers) - Overplayed to death, sadly.
A ma Place (Axel Bauer & Zazie) - Too much Hetero Drama(tm) for my taste. Still a great song.
Les Mots (Mylène Farmer & Seal) - An artist I love teams up with another artist I really like and... aaaaand it’s fairly boring even if it sounds really nice. Aw.
Me Gustas Tu (Manu Chao) - My dad had one (1) tape that summer and it was Manu Chao. Needless to say, I claim overplay for that cut.
The Girl in Red (Daddy DJ) - Yepppp, I also loved that one, no surprises there.
It Wasn’t Me (Shaggy) - To be honest this song would already be pretty great if it was just a guy trying to pretend it wasn’t him cheating even if his girlfriend got everything on camera, but it’s made even better by the ending where he’s like ‘uh no that’s not a good idea I’m just gonna apologise and try to make things right’. Love that.
Carillon (Magic Box) - This was the last cut from the list. The fact that this kind of novelty eurodance track could still chart this high in 2001 is absolutely baffling to me, but I’m not gonna complain. I had completely forgotten the existence of this song until I listened to the year-end lists and had some sort of flashback, sitting in my chair, going “oh shit, yeah... this was a thing.”
10 - Music is the One-T ODC (One-T)
US: Not on the list / FR: #70
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Time seems to have buried this, which is a shame. I really liked One-T. I don’t have much more to say about it though, I’m afraid.
9 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Daft Punk)
US: Not on the list / FR: #75
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Aaaaaaand I don’t have anything to say about this one either. You can’t go wrong with Daft Punk.
8 - No Nagging (Froggy Mix)
US: Not on the list / FR: #31
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I simply adore the fact that an anime opening was popular to the point of ACTUALLY CHARTING AND MAKING THE YEAR END LIST HERE. It’s not even the same opening in most other countries. I just checked to make sure. It’s not even the original either! What the hell. I love it. Here’s the full version.
Also, the first cd I ever bought might have been Daddy DJ, but the first one my little brother ever bought was Froggy Mix. If you ever read this, you’re 100% valid bro. I’m just saying.
7 - Rue de la Paix (Zazie)
US: Not on the list / FR: #58
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This was very overplayed but somehow never outstayed its welcome. I put it on a couple of tapes, even. I’ve always had trouble with Zazie’s upper range, but she isn’t using it too much here.
6 - Clint Eastwood (Gorillaz)
US: Not on the list?? I was dead certain it would be / FR: #47
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I never loved Gorillaz. You can throw rocks at me now. I enjoyed the music videos a LOT, and I always liked hearing the songs on the radio, but I never actively listened to them. Also, the Metallica fan I live with is also a fan of Gorillaz, so yeah, over-exposure and all that.
That being said, I remember seeing this music video for the first time with the sound off on a screen in a tv store and being completely mesmerized by the animation. And then that song became a huge hit, and it was one of THE sounds of that summer despite being weird and dark, and I loved it. Good memories, good times ; godspeed, Gorillaz.
5 - Butterfly (Crazy Town)
US: #29 / FR: Not on the list
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This is, indeed, placed above Gorillaz. Too bad you’re out of rocks to throw at my face by now, uh?
But yeah, there’s “so bad it’s good” and then there’s “so bad it’s f█cking fantastic” and that shit lands squarely in that second category. It’s impossible to keep a straight face while listening to it, especially if you sing along to the “sugar baby” bit. And the music video is... sdfghjkjhgfd. The bit where the star tattoos fly off that guy like shurikens is hilarious. It’s so dumb. It’s so bad. I love it so much. I’m so glad I found a gif of that part. Amazing.
4 - Hasta La Vista (MC Solaar)
US: Not on the list / FR: #8
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MC Solaar was (and still is, but this was his peak imho) the best storyteller in French hip hop, with strange concept-songs, and a ton of weird puns.
This is basically a mashup of Notre Dame de Paris and a western, in which the singer is starring in the main role but as a pizza delivery man.
Not making this up.
3 - Le Vent Nous Portera (Noir Désir)
US: Not on the list / FR: #29
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I really, really hesitated before putting that song on the list, especially at such a high spot. I guess every French speaker reading this already knows why, but to clarify to my other followers: the guy who wrote this and sings this is a murderer. He wasn’t at the time this song came out, obviously, but still, it’s really, really difficult to separate the art from the artist in some cases, and this is one of them, because oh boy, this song is dark. Beautiful, but dark.
The problem is, it’s also great, so I’m really torn. So I decided to still put it on the list, considering how much I loved it back in the day. I think it’s still possible to appreciate beautiful things made by horrible people as long as you acknowledge that fact and never, ever try to excuse the things they did.
Also that lovely guitar is played by Manu Chao and I’m glad he found a way to land on my list in the end.
2 - L’Histoire d’une Fée, C’est (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #92
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Madam, I don’t even care that I put you so high on one of my lists again. It doesn’t matter. Please sing a harmless song about fairies to wash the bad taste that the previous entry left in my mouth. This sounds absolutely stellar. It doesn’t even have a music video and it charted anyway. The guy composing the music is at the top of his game and is firing on all cylinders. It’s one of my all time favorite songs from Mylène Farmer even if it’s one of the stupidest ones. It’s colorful and it glows and sparkles, and it’s full of energy and joy with an undercurrent of mystery.
If you don’t know it yet, please give it a try. It’s great.
1 - Solaar Pleure (MC Solaar)
US: Not on the list / FR: #20
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Oh boy. My mother hated this song, and once told me it was “shocking and disturbing” [sic] that I loved it.
So. Uh. This is “Solaar Is Crying”. How do I explain this shit to my English followers without sounding like a drunk weirdo rambling in a park. Uh. Here goes nothing.
This is a French hip hop song in which the singer is telling the story of a man preparing his own funeral, dying, arriving in the afterlife, ending up in paradise, forgiving the people who wronged him in life and death, becoming an exterminator angel, going to hell on a MISSION TO FIGHT EVIL, LITERALLY SPITTING ON BELZEBUTH, GATHERING HELP FROM EVERY RELIGION POSSIBLE, UNITING THEM ALL TO DESTROY SATAN ONCE AND FOR ALL, EXPLODING HIM INTO ANTIMATTER, THEN REALISING ALL OF THIS WAS IN VAIN BECAUSE THERE’S STILL BAD PEOPLE DOING BAD THINGS ON EARTH AND THE DEVIL HIMSELF WASN’T THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL IN THE WORLD.
I swear I am not making ANY of this up.
It’s f█cking amazing.
I BEG you to listen to it if you’ve never heard it and PLEASE tell me your opinion afterwards. I would make a best-of of my favorite lines in it, but it would be 90% of the entire song. Here’s a translation of the entire thing.
Next up: Johannes turns 14 and the shit is about to hit the fan and also is that a f█cking top 15
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blancheludis · 5 years
@ironhusbandsweek @rhfenovemberbash Day 5: “Are you jealous?”
Fandom: MCU, Avengers, Iron Man Characters: Tony Stark/James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts Tags: Secret Marriage, Fluff, Humor, Love Words: 2.592
Summary: "Are you jealous?" Tony asks as he downs the champagne Rhodey hands him automatically. "Why do I have the feeling you want me to say yes?" Because then they'd have a reason to leave the Avengers party and make the night much more enjoyable for themselves.
- Rhodey and Tony are secretly married - right up until Rhodey blurts out their secret in the middle of an Avengers party. Nobody wants to believe that someone managed to make Tony Stark settle down, but they are gkad to set the Avengers straight.
Tony is breathless. Every once in a while, the Avengers throw a party for friends and influential people to mingle with them. Well, Tony throws the party and makes sure it becomes a success because the only other person on the team who knows how to entertain people is Natasha. The rest are more or less only good at one-on-one talks or shuffling around in the corner failing at not looking overwhelmed.
These are, admittedly, grand affairs. Steve, at least, should be used to them. The USO threw parties where he was the glittering guest of honour, and propaganda does not work half as well when the mascot does not follow the tune.
Tony was even holding back. The Avengers parties are orderly and dignified. He has organized wilder things from his dorm room without the funds and influence he has available to him today.
It does not matter much. People are happy talking to their heroes even if they appear too shy to get dragged onto the dancing floor or get drunk just for the fun of it. Natasha surely uses the evening to gather intel on every important guest, and Tony has seen Bruce discussing business with several other scientists. Barton looks like he would prefer crawling around the air shafts, although he should be used to the attention as a former circus performer. Steve sits next to him, nursing his champagne as if he is in any danger of getting tipsy from it.
While he is leading the wife of one of his shareholders over the dance floor, Tony sees Rhodey sitting down at the Avengers table, looking satisfied enough that he must have found someone to tell his stories too.
When the song comes to an end, Tony bows with a dazzling smile and delivers the woman right back into her husband’s hands, exchanging the needed compliments before he excuses himself. He needs a break and a drink – and possibly an excuse to sneak out of here. Parties are nice, and his parties are the best, but there are places he would much rather be.
Not stopping on his way despite several people trying to get his attention, Tony makes a beeline for the Avengers table and lets himself fall into the seat next to Rhodey with a long-suffering sigh. Without comment, Rhodey hands his glass over, which Tony drains gratefully.
Already far more content, Tony sets the glass down and grins up at Rhodey. His mere presence has him more relaxed.
“Are you jealous, buttercup?” Tony asks, nodding at the dancing floor as if he has done a great feat out there.
Rhodey’s expression becomes playful as he leans closer. “I have the feeling you want me to say yes.”
In a way, that is exactly what Tony wants. Then, they could make up an excuse and he could show Rhodey just why he does not have to be jealous and why Tony thinks he is the luckiest man alive.
Tony is happy to continue the banter, but in his single-minded mission to get back to Rhodey, he forgot that Clint and Steve are still present too.
“Why would Rhodes be jealous of you?” Clint drawls, his frown contrasting with his smirk. Contrary to their dear Captain, he is well on his way to being drunk. “There’s plenty of good-looking women around. And some of them are even unmarried, unlike the ones Tony is apparently going for.”
Tony has been dancing with a never-ending line of women, but he has not yet seen one that would be desirable for him.
“Her?” he asks and shrugs dismissively. He has already forgotten what she looked like. “Never. She spent the whole dance telling me about some old lady’s society. I didn’t get a single word in.”
He has not actually tried to, mostly because his thoughts were elsewhere. Worse than simply nodding at the right places would be to offer a comment on a completely different ttopic than whatever she was droning on about. Tony has learnt that the hard way.
Clint guffaws in disbelief. “Because you’re so shy when it comes to talking up?”
Turning to look at Clint, Tony schools his impression into something very unimpressed. It does get tiresome to have his virtues doubted constantly, although he should take it as a compliment for his acting skills.
“Depends on who I’m talking to,” Tony says, almost a snub. “I definitely would’ve said something if she had wanted a second dance.”
It already feels like he has danced with everyone in the room except for the one he actually wants to. That is a thing he knows by heart, however.
Clint’s frown deepens. “Then why the jealousy thing?” he asks, almost like he thinks Rhodey needs someone to protect him. From Tony. That is hilarious in its own right.
Feeling his grin broaden, Tony throws a glance at Rhodey, silently asking for permission. Rhodey appears just as amused, just as ready to mess with the Avengers a bit.
“I was asking whether he was jealous of her,” Tony says slowly, carefully intoning each word to make sure his friends understand him correctly.
Thankfully, Clint takes the bait. Behind him, even Steve looks interested, taking his eyes off the party around them to watch the spectacle right here at their table.
“Of what?” Clint asks, and it would not have surprised anyone had he added full offense to it.
Tony opens his arms a bit, almost presenting himself up for inspection. “Getting her hands all over me,” he says like it should be obvious. “She definitely got a feel in.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Clint mutters, then turns towards Rhodey. “I don’t get how you can stand this guy.”
“We make do,” Rhodey says. He is still smiling, but there is a dangerous edge to it that neither Clint nor Steve seem to notice because they both nod like it is reasonable to do so. “For the record, I’m always jealous when someone’s touching my husband when I’m not.”
While Tony’s smile brightens immediately like it always does when Rhodey calls him his husband, their audience takes a little longer to realize what has been said.
“That’s not –” Clint starts before he breaks off abruptly, eyes bulging. “Wait, what?”
In turn, Steve leans forward, the mild amusement on his face replaced by puzzlement. “Husband?” he asks as if he has difficulties fitting his tongue around the word.
Never once taking his eyes completely off his friends, Tony turns towards Rhodey, just barely suppressing the urge to take his hand. “Way to spring the news, platypus,” he drawls, seemingly unaffected.
They do not need to know that his heart is beating wildly as he hopes this will go over well. A lot of people have disapproved of Tony in his life, but very few know of his relationship with Rhodey. Pepper, Happy, Rhodey’s family. Jarvis did. And now the Avengers. It is none of their business, but Tony values their opinion nonetheless.
“You didn’t tell them?” Rhodey asks mildly as if he did not know. This is mostly a ploy to give Clint and Steve some time to mull this over. And to subtly make it clear that Tony did not trust them with his secret.
Tony shrugs. “Don’t tell me I should have.”
That probably says all about how long Tony expects this whole hero thing to last. How secure he feels in his place among the Avengers. How much he allows himself to trust them off the battlefield.
Steve has the decency to look slightly ashamed, even though the confusion has not completely disappeared from his face.
“Can we go back to when Rhodes called you his husband?” Clint speaks up. He does not sound accusing but more like he has smelled blood and wants to make the most of it.
“What of it?” Tony asks, sounding a bit snappish. “It’s been some decades. The official timeline varies, since we’ve had several ceremonies.”
Rhodey takes initiative then and reaches out to take Tony’s hand. They are practiced in hiding this under tables, but for Clint and Steve it is a very obvious gesture.
“Tony is fond of vows,” Rhodey explains solemnly, eyes gleaming with amused fondness. “He’s cried every single time.”
That he has, and he is not ashamed of it. Family has always been what Tony longed for the most, and Rhodey gave him that despite all evidence that he would be better off without a trouble magnet like Tony in his life.
“As if you’ve been any better,” Tony shoots back, squeezing Rhodey’s hand where nobody can see. He has half a mind to relocate this age-old argument to somewhere they are not watched. Surely, they have been sociable enough for the evening.
Rhodey squeezes back, which Tony interprets as a call for patience. They cannot tell such news and then disappear to leave the Avengers to deal alone with the aftermath.
“I didn’t cry during the Vegas ceremony,” Rhodey argues, as if this one time could make up for all the others.
Turning to him, Tony raises his eyebrows, trying to keep in his laughter. “But only because you were too worried about someone barging in.”
“The police were chasing us,” Rhodey drawls as if Tony could ever forget that fact. “Of course, I was worried.”
That was a glorious day. The priest had been very disapproving, interpreting their undue hurry for youthful ignorance instead of the very real worry of getting arrested. Well, that and the fact that Tony paid a whole lot of money for him to ignore that they were two men.
“And nothing happened,” Tony shrugs, still feeling that same exhilarating relief whenever he thinks back to that night. “Apart from wedding number three.”
“Four,” Rhodey counters without missing a beat.
That startles Tony enough to wholly face Rhodey instead of watching Clint and Steve, still waiting for an unfavourably reaction. “What?”
With a small, devilish grin, Rhodey explains, “I totally count your emotional breakdown during finals when you were clinging to me and demanded I promise to never leave you.”
In Tony’s defence, that was a dark time. They were nearing the end of their college years, so Tony was naturally afraid that Rhodey would go off and forget all about him. The alcohol might have made him overreact a bit.
Tony thinks about arguing, but then he shrugs. “That’s probably fair,” he says, “but that was before the first wedding.”
Looking even more amused, Rhodey nods. “You made up for it with your vows.”
No one can say that alcohol steals Tony’s eloquence. What he remembers from that night is a very heartfelt speech and a never-ending litany of love confessions. He is a romantic at heart.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” Steve says, keeping Tony from continuing the argument, although he has a dozen examples of Rhodey being even cheesier than him.
As one, they turn around to look at Steve, who is looking back like they are something fascinating, a never before seen species.
“We are married, Capsicle,” Tony says shortly, wondering whether he has miscalculated and this will be a problem. “Even officially by now. Did it as soon as it was legal. Been together since MIT.” Smiling back at Rhodey, he adds, “Best decision of my life.”
“But you’re –” Clint gestures at Tony like his hand is going to make his point for him. Well, you.”
That is always the argument people bring up once they are over the fact that Tony Stark is apparently bisexual. Who would settle down with him? Who would suffer his insanities and moods? Was there not someone better available, even with the money and the company?
“I know,” Tony replies sharply, tightening his hold on Rhodey’s hand. “I realize I’m very lucky Rhodey took me. That’s why we’re renewing our vows every year.”
Steve still looks lost, glancing at Rhodey. “And you’re –”
“What, Captain?” Rhodey straightens, his face losing its smile. He means business now. “What is your problem? That we’re both men?”
Tony would love to watch Rhodey tear into Steve, but they are still in public, still have a party going on around them. They do not have time for a scene.
“No, platypus,” Tony argues sweetly, shifting slightly to block the direct line of sight between Rhodey and Steve. “I think he can’t get his head around someone wanting me.”
That is the easiest way of diverting Rhodey’s attention back to him. Anyone doubting Tony or talking ill of him might land directly on Rhodey’s shit list, but his fist priority will always be Tony’s well-being.
“That’s very short-sighted of him,” Rhodey says with a definitive warning in his voice even while he looks only at Tony. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
They are playing it up for their audience, the smiles and sickly sweet voices, but they also mean every word they say. Tony has given up on doubting Rhodey’s love at some point during their third year together. It is easier this way, and much more fulfilling.
“What about Pepper?” Steve asks, not yet done with making things worse for himself.
Sighing quietly, Tony turns around. “I asked her to marry me about a month after she started working for me,” he says and leaves it at that, knowing they will not hear anything beyond this for now.
“So you’re like –” Clint asks, pointing between the two of them and Pepper who is across the room, talking to some of the guests.
“We love her,” Tony says firmly. “Platonic soulmates and all that. Marrying her would’ve been a good alibi, but then buttercup and I could do the real thing instead of just promising our eternal love in the secrecy of our dorm room.”
Pepper had been very gracious about the whole thing. She does love them. They are all part of the same family. They are all much happier like this, however.
“Why does nobody know?” Steve questions, still a stranger to secrets.
This time, Clint looks at him with disbelief too. Naivety does not become the leader of the Avengers.
“Military, remember?” Rhodey replies with just a hint of an edge to his tone, almost as if this has not given them so much grief over the years. “It’s easier if nobody knows.”
There are more questions ready to fall from Steve’s lips, but Tony is done with the topic. There are advantages to getting the secret out there so that Rhodey and he do not have to hide in their own home anymore, but he could do without the interrogation.
“Anyway, good talk,” Tony exclaims, showing too many teeth with his smile. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take my husband for a spin.”
And they do dance. Wild enough and then close enough to turn heads, although nobody seems to interpret the love on their faces for what it is. This is just another normal night under Tony Stark’s roof. They have done this for years, hiding themselves in plain sight.
Since the Avengers know now, they might at least not have to be all secretive at home anymore. Tony is tired of sneaking around, and since Rhodey just clued them in, he probably is too.
It is a good thing because they have made a bet ages ago of how quickly they can make Captain America go red with embarrassment by making out in front of him. Their weekend plans just got all the more interesting.
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starrystarker · 6 years
starker daddy kink/size kink ??
i have a thing for starker size kink and daddy kink and all the kink,,, here goes nothin ( i put most everyone in the compound cuz why not ,, i love most everyone )
it’s just a normal day in the avengers compound; u know, like bucky n steve are probably fucking somewhere together,
bruce and thor are talking about toothbrushes versus teethbrushes,
shuri is trying to explain ‘weird flex but okay’ to t’challa ( *in t’challa voice* “what does flexing have to do with it ???” ),
dp and quill are arguing ( “FRANK SINATRA !!1!!1!“ “FR AN K OC EAN !!1!1” )
loki just turned himself into a hammer and clint picked it up and loki turned back to himself and shouted “mblergh !! it’s me” but then saw it wasn’t thor so then stormed off but like in a cute way,
clint’s just kinda confused but shrugs it off ( “it’s loki what did i expect” )
and finally ,,, peter is doing his math homework beside tony while he’s tinkering with some stuff
“hey, um, mr stark ??”
“yeah, kiddo ?”
“what’s the formula for mds ?”
“for what ???”
“mds. multi dimensional scaling.”
“whA T ??”
“hOw dOtH yOu nOt kNowTh—“
“kid, i can do quantum physics in my head—“
“mR sTAr K—“
and then tony marches over to peter
did i mention that tony is in a graphic tee and black sweatpants
oh well now u know welp i broke the fourth wall
“okay, so basically, what you do here is ...”
but peter can’t concentrate cuz tony’s face is right next to his and his iconic goatee is brushing against his cheek aksjksjsksk
“pete. pete !!”
tony sighs and pulls up a chair
“pay attention. not everyone has tony stark to tutor them ok ??”
“y-yeah. s-sorry, sir.”
tony proceeds to wrap his hand around peter’s hand, holding the pencil his hand is huge omg it completely covers peter’s hand and it’s so warm akjsksjs *fangirl noises*
peter stares at tony’s biceps blatantly cuz he‘s a très subtle boi
nobody blames him cuz they thicc as fuck alright ??
“take a picture. it’ll last longer.”
peter turns red. like. rE D
stammers some gibberish cuz he’s so flustered ( “i’m so sorry mr stark” etc etc “oh my gosh i fU cKi nF loV E yoUr biCepS aKskJs”)
“it’s alright, pete.”
and peter’s so panicked and he fantasizes e v e r y single day about calling tony ‘daddy’ so it just slips out oops
“sorry, daddy-“ peter quickly claps his hand over his mouth and drops his gaze to stare at his shoes; turning redder than a tomato he’s not even breathing i don’t think
tony freezes
peter starts rambling again
“mr stark oh my god i’m so embarrassed i swear that’s never happened before oh god oh god i’ve had a crush on you for so long i’m sorry—“
“so like. not hero worship.”
“n-no.” anxiety creeps up on peter oh god he’s gonna kick me out for being creepy and gross—
“friday. are there any cookies in here ?”
and peter’s s o c o n f u s e d
“yes, tony. on the third shelf of the pantry. chocolate chip and peanut butter.”
tony stands up and grabs the cookie tin while peter is mortified and bemused
tony sits down beside him
“have a cookie, peter.”
“huH ?1?1?”
“have a cookie.”
“um. okay ?1??”
peter takes a cookie like a good boi
“so. i think we should talk it out.”
“s-sir, i really don’t think that’s necessary—“
“like, do you want to date me ?? is that what’s going on ??? cuz pete, you’re still young, there’s so many people out there for you—“
“i’m not that young !!1!! i’m 19 !! and yes, i’d like to date you !!1!1!!”
“i mean, not gonna lie, i’m flattered, and i’d like to date you, whoever wouldn’t is an idiot who should be pulverized. but frankly it just wouldn’t work—“
“i’ll show you how it’d work” peter’s twinky side comes out and moves to straddle tony
and tony chokes a little bit but you didn’t hear that from me
petey the twinky leans to whisper something in tony’s ear
“please, daddy ?”
( internal groan from tony because this kid— )
one: i use strikethrough too much :))
two: i have no clue where this thing went it started off as a size kink thing but it was just starker sorting their shit out idk i hope y’alls liked it :/
three: i love harry potter
four: pEtE R iS a TwiNk™️ hE i S tWi Nk Y a ccEpT iT
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jrubalcaba · 6 years
Christmas in New York
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A CHFIL/SlayerSoldier series crossover
author: jrubalcaba
featuring: OFC Evelyn “Evie” Collins x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x OFC Alice Winters
word count: 12,394 words
Rating: mature audiences please
warnings: cussing, suggestive situations
A/N: Okay everyone. So, this is the first chapter I ever posted about Evie and Steve, but it’s been updated. A LOT!!!! I hope everyone likes it!
With just a few days until Christmas, Evie was finally getting her gift for Steve. She had purposely saved him for last, as she knew he would be hardest to shop for. And, to ensure she got the perfect gift, she enlisted Sam, who knew him best. She was gonna ask Bucky for help, but he was too busy devouring Alice to be available.
Evie and Sam were walking down the sidewalk, arguing over what Steve would want.
“I'm tellin’ ya Evie, all you’d need for Steve would be a few strategically placed bows and he'd die happy,” Sam insisted, making Evie blush bright red at what he was implying.
“Oh, shut up Sam. Besides, he's got a girlfriend for that.” She looked down at the ground, avoiding his gaze. “If I did that, it would make things incredibly awkward between us,” she added, causing Sam to snort.
“Oh, hell naw girl. It would only make it awkward because then we'd all have to listen to him screw your brains out constantly.” If possible, Evie blushed even redder.
“Steve would never. He has a girlfriend, remember? I'm just his doctor,” she trailed off lamely.
“Yeah, and I quote ‘the most beautiful doctor he's ever seen’.” At this, Evie snorted.
“Yeah, whatever. He's seen plenty of them in his life, so..” she left it at that, making Sam laugh.
“Damn. Do you ever leave the state of denial? You both have it bad, but are way too chickenshit to do anything about it.” Evie shook her head and sighed.
Apparently, the other night when she admitted to Alice that she was in love with Steve, Sam had been nearby and heard it all. She begged him not to tell, and he agreed, but that opened her up to relentless teasing. Add to that the constant ribbing from Alice and Bucky and she was surprised Steve didn't know.
“Sam, I get that you, Alice and Bucky think that Steve has a thing for me, but he doesn't. Wouldn't you think he'd break up with her if he wanted me?” she asked pointedly. Sam shrugged.
“You would think so, but he doesn't know how you feel. If you let us tell him, you'd have your lips wrapped around his-”
“Samuel Thomas Wilson! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!” Evie cut him off, smacking his arm. He laughed.
“No, but I kissed yo mama with it last night,” he joked, wiggling his eyebrows. Evie joined in with his laughter, heading down the sidewalk towards more stores.
They stopped at a crosswalk, waiting to cross. When the signal changed, Sam offered his arm and Evie took it as they went through, reaching the other side and continuing on, looking at the different shops.
As they were coming up on a shop, there was a grotesque looking snowman out front. Evie heard the person inside hiccup but by the time she went to stop Sam, it was too late. The dude inside had jumped, scaring the Avenger and making him scream like a little girl confronted with a spider.
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If Evie wasn't too busy trying to breathe from the laughter, she would've felt bad for him. But she didn't.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Evie burst out laughing as Sam tried to act like he hadn't just gotten the scare of his life. “Oh my God, that was great! Are you in need of new underwear, Sam?!” She dissolved into another fit of giggles at the look he gave her as they continued to walk down the sidewalk.
“Har had, very funny,” he snapped as he tried his best to mimic Steve’s Sad Face.  “You’re a sick bastard, ya know?” She grinned at him.
“Oh, come on. It wasn’t that bad,” she teased. He shook his head at her.
“You do realize that you owe me one now, don’t you?” Evie’s face went white as she contemplated his words.
“How do you reckon that? I had nothing to do with it!” she argued. He chuckled at her.
“Yeah, you did. You let that asswipe scare me!” Her jaw dropped in shock.
“Sam, I heard him like a split second before he jumped! I had no chance to warn you!” she exclaimed, but her pleas fell upon deaf ears.
“A likely story. I already know how to make it up to me, so no worries.” At this, Evie stopped in fear.
“How so?” she squeaked. Sam turned to her and grinned evilly.
“You have to scare someone for me. And not just anyone, a certain someone. A certain someone who is all big and bad...and carries a red, white and blue shield.” She gasped at who Sam was talking about.
“No. No, Sam, I can’t. I can’t do that to him!” she pleaded.
“You can, and you will. Or I will march my happy ass right back to the Tower, find him, and tell him everything I heard you tell Alice the other night. Hell, I’m sure FRIDAY caught it on video/audio, so I could just show it to him. Your choice.” Evie was torn. There’s no way she could let Sam tell Steve, but she just couldn’t scare Steve like that.
“Sam, he’ll hate me if I do this,” she whined, causing him to smirk.
“Well, would you rather him hate you for a short while over a small prank, or possibly have him hate you indefinitely for wanting to be Mrs. Steve Rogers?” he mused out loud. After a few minutes of thinking, she hung her head and sighed.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” He punched the air in victory as they went on walking, discussing how to lure Steve out here.
“Hey, Steve?” Evie called softly, knocking on his open bedroom door. She looked in and didn’t see him, and was about to walk away when he stepped out of the bathroom, pulling a shirt over his head. Evie internally groaned at the sight of his oh so yummy abs, wishing she could lick along the lines of his Adonis.
“You need something, Evie?” he asked. She huffed out a breath at being caught in a daydream and shook her head to clear it.
“Uh, yeah, actually.” She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’ve gotten everyone something for Christmas except for Bucky and Alice. I don’t really know them well enough, so I was wondering if you would be able to go out with me and help me find them a gift?” Steve gave her a look.
“You want me to go out with you?” he clarified, smirking. Evie thought over her words and giggled at how she had phrased her question.
“Not like that,” she lied with a giggle. “Let me rephrase; will you help me find a gift for Bucky and Alice?” Steve smiled at her.
“Oh, well in that case, sure. I was actually gonna go grab something for lunch, wanna make a date of it?” It was his turn to be embarrassed at the choice of words. “Let me rephrase; wanna grab some lunch and do it after?” Evie struggled to keep her laughter at bay as he facepalmed.
“Yes, Steve. I’m actually getting hungry too so lunch and some shopping would be great.” She headed back to her room to grab her coat when she ran into Clint, literally. “Oof!” she went as they collided, the ginormous bowl of spaghetti in his hands spilling all over her.
“Shit!” Clint cried. She stopped in her tracks and looked down at her clothes, covered with red sauce. “Sorry, Evie!” Steve chose to walk out just then to see what the ruckus was about.
“Evie, you okay?” he asked, seeing the distraught look on her face. “Oh god. What happened?” He looked so upset for her.
“It was my fault, Cap. I wasn't paying attention and I ran into her. My spaghetti got all over her,” Clint confessed.
“Yeah, I'm gonna have to go change now, and shower,” Evie said in defeat. Steve frowned.
“Well, it doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere other than here,” he pointed out as he gestured to her lower stomach and hips. “Just change your clothes and take a shower when we get back.” He didn't want to miss out on spending as much time with her as possible, so he wanted to go now.
“Okay. Luckily it hasn't soaked through yet, so that'll work for right now. Give me a second to change and we'll get outta here,” she answered as she walked very carefully to her room.
“Here Barton, I'll help you clean this up while I wait for her,” Steve offered, stooping down to help the other man. Clint started to chuckle.
“You're welcome, by the way,” he said, still laughing. Steve quirked an eyebrow at him in response. “I gave her a reason to get out of her clothes. You just gotta go in her room and you can ‘help’ her take them off.” Steve blushed bright red as Clint winked.
“Shut up, Barton,” he growled, ducking his head to hide his blush.
“Just tell Evie how you feel. The worst she can do is tell you she thinks of you as just a friend.” Steve's heart took off as he wondered about if Evie felt the same. Just then, she came out of her room, wearing clean clothes.
“Okay, I’m ready to go,” she said, looking down at the two men. Steve stood then, taking in a deep whiff of her perfume. He loved it on her and he could honestly get high off of it because it always made him think of her.
“Awesome. Barton, I think you can clean this up by yourself. Be careful next time,” he instructed as he offered Evie his arm, and the two walked away, leaving Clint to clean up the spaghetti.
“Yeah, those two have it so bad for each other,” he muttered under his breath.
“So, what do you think Bucky and Alice would like best? Should I get them each something or just a single gift for them both?” Evie asked as they walked down the sidewalk. Steve thought for a bit before answering.
“Well, coupley gifts are what everyone got them, so a single gift will work.” Steve led them further down the street, and as Evie looked around, she saw the snowman from earlier, and her heart sank.
God, this was going to suck.
“Maybe something they could take up as a hobby together, so they aren't….fonduing all the time,” he said with a shudder. Evie giggled half-heartedly.
“You know, it's not a crime to engage in copious amounts of physical love. It's actually a great stress relief, and as a doctor, I actually recommend it from time to time,’ she replied. He sighed.
“I know, Evie. I guess it's part jealousy on my part as to why I have an issue with it.” She looked up at him in wonder.
“Why? Do you have a thing for Alice or something?” she asked quietly. He sputtered for a while before he could answer.
“God no! She's my best friend's girl!” he exclaimed in shock. “No, it's just that they're so happy and in love, and….I'm not,” he finished lamely.
“Hmm. Well, I would say ‘I told you so’, but I won't and just settle for smug instead,” Evie said with a smirk. He turned and gave her his best ‘oh really?’ look before reaching down and scooping a handful of snow up and throwing it at her. “Oh, you did not just do that!” Steve smirked at her in response.
“Oh, I just did.” There was a split second before she dove at him, trying to knock him over. That didn't go far before he threw her over his shoulder and walked away, reaching up to swat her behind when she started to kick.
“Steven Grant Rogers, you maybe be old enough to be my great-grandfather, but that does not mean you are allowed to spank me!” she wailed. He laughed out loud at that, not realizing that he was walking right to the snowman. He was just next to it when he finally put her down in front of him.
“Well, someone needs to show you who's boss around here,” he teased, wrapping his hands around her lower back and bringing her closer to him.
“Sorry Steve, but you'll never be the boss of me, no matter how old you are,” she countered, smiling at him from under her lashes. He glanced down at her lips for a second before he started to lean in.
That's when everything went wrong.
The snowman decided to jump at that point, but instead of scaring Steve, it made the super soldier go into protector mode, and his priority was keeping Evie safe. He swept her behind him, out of harm's way. Unfortunately, when he did that, she slid on some ice and went down, cracking her head against the ground. Steve was in a defensive stance still, but once he heard her skull connect with the pavement, he turned back to see if she was okay.
“Oh my god, Evie! Are you okay?!” he exclaimed, worry dripping from every word. She looked up at him before bursting out laughing.
“Apart from hitting my head, your reaction was worth it,” she wheezed betweens guffaw. He looked down at her, a frown spreading over his face.
“You….you knew it was gonna do that?” he asked, incredulous. She nodded vigorously.
“Yeah. It got Sam earlier when we were shopping. I didn't get to warn him beforehand, so he said that I did it on purpose and to make up for it, I had to scare you,” she explained, still giggling. He stood abruptly then, looking thunderous.
“How could you do that to me, Evie? I thought we were friends.” She stopped laughing and looked up at him, a frightened look on her face.
“Steve, we are friends. It was just a joke, really,” she answered timidly. She was gonna kill Wilson the next time she saw him.
“No, it's not just a joke, Evie. I thought that thing was gonna attack you. Why would you deliberately do something like that to me?” Steve didn't wait for a response before turning around and walking away, leaving Evie still sat on the ground.
“Steve?” she called after him. He kept walking and knowing that she had made him do it broke her heart. She slowly stood, tears beginning to fall as she watched him walk further away.
From her.
Evie was frozen as tears ran down her face. She could no longer see him, as her eyes were obscured and there were too many people in the way. After her sobs subsided, she started to follow him, but since he was nowhere to be found and had a head start, she figured he was halfway back to the Tower by now. Defeated, she turned and went into the first store she saw, which happened to be a bookstore that young Peter had told them all about.
Steve felt like an asshole.
He has never gotten mad at Evie, in any way, shape or form. Ever. And now, because he couldn't take a fucking joke, he went off and made her cry.
He was a sore loser, and she paid the price.
Steve sighed, glancing around to see where he was. He had walked pretty far in his anger, but even with his enhancements, he didn't want to walk all the way home, so, he had to go find Evie and pray that she hadn't left him there, even though he deserved it.
After a while, he finally found that fucking snowman, so he walked up to it.
“Hey, you remember scaring me and my girl earlier?” he asked the person inside. She wasn’t his girl, and probably never would be after this, so he took the chance to call her ‘his’.
“Yeah, and you threw her to the ground?” the guy replied in a scratchy voice. Steve was ticked in an instant.
“I didn't throw her. She fell, and it's my fault.” Steve just needed to find her, and this guy was making him feel bad again.
“Yeah, well, you're a massive dick for yelling at her like that. She started crying as you walked away.” Steve felt even worse now. He thought he had heard her crying, but hoped he had imagined it. “If that's your girl, I feel sorry for her. She deserves better from her man.” Steve hung his head and sighed.
“She's my best friend, and I'm in love with her,” he replied, making the snowman scoff.
“That's how you treat the woman you love? Nice.” This dude, a complete stranger, was right. He had treated Evie like shit, so he needed to make it up to her.
“Can you tell me where she is so I can apologize to her? I'm an asshole and I need to make things right,” Steve said solemnly. The snowman chuckled.
“She went down that way, might've gone into the bookstore? Not sure, but I know she went the way. Mighta been following you,” the snowman answered. Steve clapped him on the shoulder and set off, trying to find her. He made it down to where the snowman had said and went in the shop, the scent of Evie’s perfume letting him know that he was in the right place. He went through all of the sections, finally finding her in the self-help section. He watched her for a bit, walking up as she reached for a book way up high. He grabbed it and held it out to her, watching the grateful smile on her face vanish when she realized he had been her helper.
“A book on stress relief would be great for those two,” Steve murmured, giving her a small smile. He noticed that her eyes were all red and her face was blotchy, and it felt like a punch to the gut from Bucky’s left arm. He reached out to rub her arm and she flinched away.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Rogers,” she snarled, making his stomach drop to the floor. Evie has never called him by his last name like that. Steve knew he had fucked up.
“Evie, I’m sorry for earlier. I-” he started before she cut him off.
“Suck my dick, asshole.” With that parting shot, she turned on her heel and walked to the registers. He made to follow her, but was stopped by a group of teenagers.
“Hey, you’re Captain America!” one of them cried. As more and more patrons approached him, he could see the smug look on Evie’s face as she walked out the door.
Evie felt so good about walking away from Steve and getting the last word. She headed down the street, her Jeep her destination. About a block away, she had pulled her keys out, only to be grabbed and thrown over someone’s shoulder.
“What the fuck!” she yelled, struggling with whoever it was.
“Evie, knock it off! I’m gonna drop you again if you keep it up,” came the stranger’s voice. One she would recognize anywhere.
“Steve? Put me down, you asshole!” she shouted, drawing attention to themselves.
“Don’t mind her folks. Just a couple who got into an argument, and now I’m trying to fix it,” he replied. A few people cheered and clapped, but most kept silent and went on their way. Evie was stunned. Did he just call them a couple? He has a girlfriend, that isn’t her. Well, to be honest, looking at this from an outsider’s view, ‘couple’ was easier to swallow than ‘just friends’. Steve had finally gotten them to the Jeep and reached up to grab the keys, which she held out of his reach. “Hey, either unlock it or I’ll break the window,” he warned.
“Oh, like you haven’t done that before!” she snapped at him, molten heat pooling in their bellies at the reason why he had broke her window.
“Admittedly, this reason would be a lot dumber than the last time, so just unlock it.” She rolled her eyes and hit the button. Once the doors were unlocked, he opened the back door and laid on her on the seat before climbing in and shutting the door behind him.
“Screw you, Steve,” she spat, using her foot to keep him away. He chuckled as he grabbed it and held it to one side before doing the same with the other.
“You know, if you wanted me between your legs again, all you had to do was ask,” he taunted, pressing his hips against hers. Evie was getting too turned on to care about his language, so she tried to slap him to get her point across.
“Fuck off, asshole!” she snapped as she slapped his arms or whatever she could reach. Her hand came up to slap his cheek, but he leaned back just in time.
“Evie, now stop. I'm trying to apologize to you,” Steve grunted as he grabbed her wrists, keeping her from pushing him away.
“Oh, so if you want to apologize, I have to listen, but if I want to apologize, you're allowed to storm off and leave me all alone,” she snapped up at him, fighting back even though she'd never be able to fend him off.
The two wrestled in the back of her Jeep, each working out their frustration. After a while, they stopped, panting. Steve still had ahold of Evie's wrists, pinning them to the seat on either side of her head. His hips were keeping hers down, which meant that there were mere inches between their faces. They stared at each other, slowly calming down as they did. Once they had settled, Evie looked around and realized that she was once again underneath Steve in the backseat, but as she opened her mouth to tell him to let her up, he pressed his lips to hers.
Steve knew he was crossing a line. But he didn't really care. He was alone with Evie, her soft and warm body under him. Her perfume was all around him, making his head swim with thoughts of her. His memory of their first time together, in this very car, came to the forefront of his mind, and suddenly, a thirst sprang forth inside him.
And the only way to quench it was Evie.
He released her wrists, running his hands all over her body, cupping and squeezing every bit of her he could. He ground his hips into her, glad she was wearing leggings so she could feel everything that she did to him.
Evie was incapable of rational thought, a base instinct taking over as she kissed Steve back. She could feel his erection rub against her clit, sending shocks of pleasure through her body. She wound her fingers into his hair, tugging firmly. He growled into her mouth, his actions becoming frenzied as he reacted to her. Suddenly, he pulled back and looked at her, eyes wide, lips swollen from kissing.  
Steve searched her face for any signs of hesitation or dislike, and upon finding none, relief flooded his body, quickly replaced by desire. Making sure not to break eye contact, he reached down and began to undo his belt. Before he could undo it completely, Evie grabbed his shirt and brought their lips back together. He stopped messing with his clothes, his hands coming up to tangle into her hair.
Evie knew where this was headed, and although she knew he had a girlfriend, she gave zero fucks that she was helping Steve cheat. She had him all to herself, and she'd be damned if she didn't take advantage. She reached down and resumed undoing his belt, then his button and zipper. Once that was done, she pushed his pants down over his ass before grabbing his length, pumping him a few times as she reveled at how warm he felt in her hand. His hands were gone from her hair, yanking her leggings and panties down before running a finger through her folds. She moaned against his lips, nipping his bottom one and running her tongue over it to take the sting away.
Steve wasted no time in lining his tip up at her entrance and pushing inside her. They both hissed at the feeling of being completely bare to each other again. He slowly sank into her tight heat, knowing above all else that this was where he truly belonged. Once he was in to the hilt, he started to thrust gently, opening her up for him.
Evie was in heaven. Feeling Steve, all of him, stretch her so much, but at the same time, not nearly enough, was a dream come true. She dug her nails into his ass, pulling him in deeper, his cock reaching places inside her that no other man ever could.
Or would.
Steve broke the kiss and pulled back slightly to look down at Evie, his exhales becoming her inhales. He never stopped thrusting, only slowing slightly, and as she ran her hands through his hair with the gentlest touch, something in him snapped. His brain tapped into a dark place and he sped up, thoughts of claiming her ever present in his mind. He pulled the collar of her shirt down, exposing the skin of her chest. He bit down, sucking a dark mark over her heart.
“Fuck, Steve...” she moaned, head thrown back. Once he was satisfied with his work, he added a bit of strength to his thrusts, almost weeping with joy as Evie accepted it, never crying out in pain.
He could never let go like this with any of the women he had been with. Not even Peggy.
Steve slid his hands up Evie's back, hooking them over her shoulders and used that as leverage to speed up and intensify even more, his eyes never leaving hers. Evie's hands cupped his face in the most tender fashion, her thumbs brushing over his lips. Their orgasms were fast approaching, and as hers began to wash over her, she closed her eyes and threw her head back again.
“No, don't hide it. I wanna see and hear everything,” Steve whispered. Evie opened her eyes and stared into his, transfixed. He got to watch as she became undone, her velvet walls clenching down triggering his own release. She was captivated by the look of pure bliss that came over him as he came, spilling his seed deep inside her. As they both came down from their highs, they peppered each other with kisses, hands wandering and caressing what they could reach. Once they had calmed down completely, Evie and Steve stared at each other, and they knew something had changed between them. He withdrew from her, both wincing in their sensitive state before he fixed their clothes. As they got back in the front, they shared another look before taking off.
“Evie….” Steve started before she cut him off.
“Steve, it's alright. This is a safe space. What happens in my Jeep, stays in my Jeep. Promise.” Evie wished above anything that she could shout from the rooftops about what they had just done, but outing Captain America as a cheater seemed like a bad idea, a complete PR nightmare for sure.
“Okay, only if you're sure.” He looked out the window, thinking about what had just happened. He just cheated on his girlfriend, and he was pretty sure he forced himself on Evie, which would explain why she was so quiet. “I'm so sorry, Evie,” he apologized. She looked over at him in surprise.
“For what? Breaking my dry spell?” she retorted. When she saw that he was serious, she grew worried. “Steve, what are you sorry for?” He sighed in irritation.
“You know what. Are you okay?” Evie honestly had no idea what he was talking about.
“Apart from my crotch being wet from your jizz oozing out, I'm great,” she replied. He sighed.
“Cut the crap, Evie. What just happened, you know what that's considered, right?” He didn't want to say the word out loud, but it seemed to settle in the air between them, unspoken.
“Yeah, you technically cheated on your girlfriend. Well, there's no ‘technically’ about it. You did cheat. That makes me the other woman.” Evie couldn't help but laugh at that, but it was true.
“No, I mean what I did to you,” Steve snapped. Evie had just pulled into her parking spot in the Tower garage, so she was able to turn and face him head on.
“What you did to me? Steve, you fucked me.” Evie was so puzzled as to what he thought they did. He sighed, getting out of the car and shutting the door with a little too much force. Evie got out and gave him a look.
“Sorry. Evie, I rrrrr…..” he trailed off, acting like he would be struck down by God if he spoke it out loud. “I...forced myself on you. You should be hating me right now.” Evie was floored. That was the absolute last thing she expected him to say.
“Steve, you didn't.” Evie crossed her arms over her chest in defiance. How could he possibly think that?
“Yes I did, Evie. I didn't ask if it was okay with you, nor did I give you a chance to say ‘no’. I just yanked your clothes out of the way and then went to town.” He looked so upset with himself, but there was no reason to be.
“Are you serious right now? Do you honestly think that if I didn't want to have sex with you, I wouldn't have said something?” she shot back. “Even if I couldn't talk, I would've hit or kicked or punched, hell I would have bit you to get my point across. But did I do any of that? No. I kissed you back. Hell, if I recall, I was the one who undid your pants and had my hand wrapped around your dick. How is that you forcing yourself on me?” Evie was beyond pissed now. He was ruining their moment.
“Evelyn, enough.” Steve's Captain voice was in full effect, and dammit if that didn't turn her on again. “This will not happen again. I can't seem to control myself around you, and that puts you in danger. End of discussion,” he added when she went to argue.
Evie bowed her head and walked passed him to the elevator, waiting for him to get in before hitting the button for the residential floors. They rode up in silence, Evie trying to keep her tears at bay until she was in her room. It broke her heart to hear him say that he would never have sex with her again, which obviously meant that Steve didn't think of her that way, that she was just a friend to him.
Steve felt like shit. He knew he was full on lying when he told her it wouldn't happen again. He would gladly sleep with Evie all day, every day, if she wanted, even if he was in a committed relationship. Which she would never want now, after all he said and done to her.
The elevator opened and Evie shot out, running straight to her room and slamming the door behind her. Steve, feeling like a complete asshole, hung his head and sighed as he walked out.
“Hey Steve, what's wrong? Why did Evie look so upset?” Wanda asked from where she was sitting next to Vision. The whole Team was in the common room, and they all looked to Steve expectantly.
“We had a disagreement, and I was an ass about it,” he replied as he walked over and sat next to Sam. “Can I ask everyone's opinion on something….for a friend?” For Steve to ask the whole Team something was pretty huge, and they all agreed.
“Sure Cap. What's eating your friend?” Tony asked from beside Bruce. Steve swallowed, knowing he had to tweak his question a bit.
“Okay, so….my friend has been in love with a….co worker of his for years. He's never been able to make a move because one of them always had a partner, and then he went….abroad for a while, so he definitely wasn't able to be with her then. Well, now that he's back, he has a girlfriend.” Steve stopped to take a breath when Bucky piped up, grinning.
“Hey Steve, what's this friend's name? Didn't think you had any outside of me and Bird-brain over there,” he asked, smirking at Sam who flipped him off. Steve blushed, knowing he couldn't exactly say his name.
“Uh….Roger,” he said at last. Everyone shared a look.
“Does his surname happen to be ‘Stevens’?” Alice joked. She got her answer when Steve blushed even redder. “Who is this coworker of his? Is she a doctor of some sort?” Alice knew exactly who Steve was talking about, and she wanted to tease him as much as possible.
“That has nothing to do with the issue, Alice,” he snapped. She grinned, but remained silent so he could continue. “As I was saying, Roger has a girlfriend, but he's still in love with his coworker. Well, ea-”
“Wait! What's his coworker's name? This could get confusing,” Alice cut in again. Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“For fuck's sake, Alice. Her name is Ev...a,” he finished lamely. She grinned wider than ever and laughed.
“Eva, huh? I like the name ‘Evie’ better, not that you're talking about our beloved doctor though, right?” she teased, staring him down. The entire Team was looking at him, waiting for his response.
“Okay, I think it's time for me to leave, especially if Evie is being name-dropped,” Bruce said as he stood and left for the lab. Steve coughed, realizing that it was probably a good idea for Bruce to not hear this next part.
“Quit interrupting, Alice,” he snapped. “Like I was saying, earlier Roger and Eva went shopping and after they had a tiny disagreement, they had gotten into the back of her car and-” Steve stopped, as he was unsure how to go on.
“And what, Steve?” Sam asked, looking stony faced. Steve swallowed thickly.
“Uh, well, they uh, kinda, sorta, uh, had sex,” he stammered, blushing bright red. The reactions of the Team ranged from proud (Bucky) to impressed (Tony) to appalled (Sam).
“So, Roger, cheated on his girlfriend with the woman he's actually in love with, Eva? I'd say ‘well done’ and buy him a drink,” Tony said, clapping. Steve bowed his head, hiding his smile.
“Is Eva still standing?” Alice asked slyly. He looked up at her, all traces of humor gone from his face.
“Well, yes, but I, I mean Roger, screwed things up with her.” They all shared a look before he went on. “Roger is certain that he, well, forced himself on her.” The air in the room was gone. Steve felt like the world's biggest asshole, and judging by the look on everyone's face, he was.
“Steve, and cut the shit, alright? What happened?” Nat asked, her tone stern. He sighed before answering.
“I didn't exactly ask if she was okay with me kissing her, and I didn't ask if she was okay with me touching her there, and I definitely didn't ask if she was okay with me….sticking my dick in her,” Steve said, resigned to his fate. Suddenly, he was yanked up from his seat by Alice, who had murder in her eyes.
“So, you just had your way with her? Did she fight back?! WHAT DID YOU DO STEVE?!” she bellowed, raising her hand to deck him.
“No! Evie didn't fight back at all! She let me do it to her!” Steve cried. Alice released him, a puzzled look on her face. Bucky, who had jumped up with Alice, stood in front of him, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eye.
“Steve, if she didn't fight back or anything, then what makes you think that you forced yourself on her?” he asked.
“Yeah, we're with Barnes on this, Steve. If Evie didn't explicitly say ‘no’ or try to fight you off, then chances are she was completely okay with everything,” Nat added. Sam stood, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder as well.
“Face it, dude. Evie wanted the D,” he said, shoving the blonde slightly. “I told her to scare your ass, not tap it.” Everyone laughed at that, causing Steve to blush, as he figured the worst was over.
“Yeah, you're probably just feeling guilty about cheating on Amy, and now you have a reason to break up with her so you can have all the sex you want with Evie,” Bucky reasoned. Steve sighed.
“No, I doubt Evie will ever want to talk to me again, let alone have sex with me, after what I said to her earlier,” he lamented. When all that met him was silence, he explained. “I tried to apologize to her, but she kept saying I had nothing to be sorry about, so I snapped and said that I'm a danger to her ‘cause I can't seem to control myself when I'm alone with her.” Bucky snorted.
“Yeah, I don't think that'll be the case, Steve. Evie knew you had a girlfriend, and yet she still jumped on your dick and rode you like a horse. Trust me, she'll be back for more.” He, Alice, Sam and Steve began to walk towards the hallway, the tension from earlier gone. “Ya know, with all the different times you tried to join the Army with a new identity, you would think you'd be able to come up with better code names than ‘Roger’ and ‘Eva’.” The other three laughed at Steve, who went all Sad Faced.
“You guys suck, and for the record, she didn't jump on my dick. How do the kids say it nowadays, I ‘dicked her down good’?” he said with a chuckle before sighing. “I guess I need to go apologize to Evie, properly this time.”
“Oh hell naw. I do not want to see this,” Sam exclaimed, walking off. Steve squared his shoulders and headed down to Evie's door, Bucky and Alice following.
“Uh, I'd like to talk to her alone, if you don't mind,” he called behind him.
“Fine. You get five minutes before we knock. Have fun,” Bucky said, throwing a wink his way. Steve rolled his eyes as he knocked on the door, waiting for Evie to let him in. After a few minutes, it opened, revealing a freshly showered Evie.
“What do you want, Steve?” she asked, her voice wavering on his name. It broke his heart to know he was the reason she was upset.
“May I come in?” he asked after clearing his throat. She stepped back so he could enter, shutting the door behind him. “I'm here to apologize, and to admit I was wrong.” She had sat down on her bed, pulling the stress relief book to her and continuing to wrap it. He sat down across from her, waiting for her to speak.
“What were you wrong about?” She didn't bother to look up at him, as she was concentrating on getting the lines of the design right on the wrapping paper.
“I didn't….force myself on you,” he answered. She looked up then, sensing his hesitation in his wording.
“No, I wanna hear you say it. I want you to tell me what you didn't do.” She leveled him with a look that had him quailing at first before squaring his shoulders.
“Fine,” he huffed before taking a few deep breaths. “I did not rape you. We were both consenting adults that had sex in the back of your car. Happy now?” Evie smiled and nodded.
“Yes, thank you.” She resumed wrapping the book and he sighed.
“Wait, is my gift in here? I don't wanna see it if it is,” he said suddenly, looking around in alarm. Evie giggled.
“No, it's already wrapped. I've got a question for you now. Are you going to tell Amy?” It was a very loaded question, and there was a lot resting on his answer.
“Well, yeah. I did cheat on her, so she deserves to know. I just hope she doesn't cry.” Evie scoffed at him.
“It's a terrible way to do it, but just do it over the phone if it bothers you that much,” she offered with a shrug. He chuckled.
“No, doing it in person is the honorable thing to do.” Evie snorted at him, making him chuckle. “What?” She smiled at him.
“Well, I'm pretty sure the honorable thing to do in this situation is remain faithful to your partner.” Steve glared at her, but she was unphased. “Tell me I'm wrong,” she challenged, smiling even wider when he didn't. “I am curious though, why did we?” Evie knew why she had slept with Steve, but she wanted to know why he kissed her first and kicked the whole thing off.
“Well, honestly, having you under me made me remember our first time and I just couldn't help myself,” he replied sheepishly. She smirked at him.
“So, if I ever wanna have sex with you again, I just need to get you in my backseat and make sure I'm under you?” she teased. He returned her smile, before leaning in slightly.
“You just need to be underneath me, that's all.” Suddenly Evie was on her back as Steve pinned her backward on the bed.
“Whoa. That eager for round two, huh?” she asked. He grinned devilishly down at her.
“Well, why go elsewhere for subpar sex when I can have amazing sex with you?” Evie's panties were soaked, and she suddenly realized that she should have put shorts on before answering the door. Steve must have come to the same conclusion as he began to grind his hips into hers again, her panties doing nothing to dull the friction he was causing. Just as he was about to kiss her again, there was a knock at the door.
“You two better not be fucking again! Steve still has a girlfriend that he needs to dump before you two can you can fuck in peace!” Bucky bellowed through the door.
“Yeah, and I need to be able to tell you ‘I bloody told you so!’ before you're official!” Alice added. Evie used Steve's distraction to push him onto the floor, as that was the only place he could go. He laid there, stunned as she jumped over him and ran to her dresser and pulled on some shorts. He grinned when he saw the wet spot on her panties, knowing he was the reason behind it.
“We are not fucking again!” Evie exclaimed as she yanked her door open. Once her words caught up to her, she rounded on Steve. “Wait, you told them?!” He looked up at her from his place on the floor and knew he was in trouble.
“Well, not exactly. I didn't use our names,” he said as he climbed to his feet.
“What?” she asked, incredulous.
“He made up names to protect your identities,” Bucky explained, making Alice snort. “Yeah, completely unoriginal. ‘Roger' and 'Eva'.” She shook her head at Steve. “Aren't you supposed to basically be a spy? Those code names were diabolical and you should be ashamed.” He shrugged sheepishly.
“It was the best I could come up with,” he mumbled lamely. Bucky laughed out loud at that. “Yeah, I'm sure that the best you could 'come' up with,” he replied, winking at Evie, making her giggle. “God I hope you're better in bed than your imagination is suggesting,” Alice whined, making Steve blush. “He's not bad,” Evie replied with a shrug. “Much better than any other guy I've been with that's for sure.” Steve beamed with pride at this. “Oh yeah? What's his signature move?” Alice inquired, wagging her eyebrows.
“Eewww Alice! Boundaries!” Bucky cut in, gagging.
“What?!” she said with a wink.
“Well, it's not so much a signature move, but-” Evie started to say before being cut off by Steve and Bucky's shout of her name. She winked back at Alice, but said nothing more. Bucky shuddered before changing the subject. “So, does ‘Eva’ think that ‘Roger’ forced himself on her?” he directed at Evie, who didn't disappoint with her reaction.
“Hell no,” she replied with a snort. “That's good because I would have to kill Roger if he did try that shit,” the Slayer growled, glaring at Steve. “Trust me, Roger did no such thing. Eva totally wanted it. No doubt about it,” Evie assured them all. Bucky and Alice broke into matching smirks, causing Evie to blush under their gaze.
“Oh, did she now?” Bucky mused out loud.
“Well….yeah. She's been single for a while, so of course she isn't gonna pass up free sex,” she defended. She knew that Bucky and Alice both knew how she felt about Steve, but she wasn't about to admit it in front of him.
“Yay! So, Roger, when are you dumping the blonde tart and making Evie your girlfriend?” she asked matter-of-factly. Steve immediately began to stutter and blush at her question. “Who said anything about Evie?” he finally got out. Alice's eyebrows rose so high they were in danger of disappearing into her hair. “Excuse me?” she all but screeched. “You're excused,” Evie cut in before she could go on. “I'm gonna back Steve up on this. Who said anything about us becoming a couple?”
“Wouldn't you rather back up ON Steve?” Bucky interjected, wagging his eyebrows at her. “Bucky? Bite me,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
“Beat him to it,” Steve said quietly, knowing full well they could still hear him. “Seriously?” Evie cried, glaring at him.
“Wowwwww,” Alice drew out the word. “Steve's got a kinky side.” Bucky grinned his biggest grin yet at his best friend.
“Freak.” He looked Evie over, clearly looking for said love bite. “Let's see it then, although now I'm kinda worried that it's in a not so innocent spot,” he said when he couldn't find it.
Evie glared up at Steve, as this was his fault they even knew it existed. Shaking her head, she pulled the collar of her shirt down, exposing the deep purple, almost black, hickey just over her left breast. Bucky and Alice both gasped, before Bucky high-fived Steve.
“Goddamn Steve! Way to go bro!” he exclaimed, so proud of Steve’s work. Alice stared in shock a bit longer before recovering.
“Didn't that hurt?” she asked before smirking like mad at the Doctor. “I mean... sorry. Of course it didn't.” Evie blushed, fixing her shirt to hide the evidence of Steve's love.
“No, actually, it didn't. Wasn't really concerned about it at that point though. I had other things on my mind,” she admitted, blushing a bit more.
“Oh I bet,” Alice replied with a smirk. “But you two aren't going to make this official? You know, get to have all the sex all the time and in a BED?!” Evie sighed at her.
“He has a girlfriend. Kinda hard to make anything official,” she reasoned. Steve stopped and looked at her, realization dawning on his face. Evie paid him no mind, unaware that she had just inadvertently admitted to wanting to make it official.
Steve was in shock. There's no way that Evie wanted there to be anything between them, is there? He looked at Bucky, who, having just seen the myriad of emotions flutter across his best friend's face, nodded in confirmation.
“Yeah, a girlfriend he cheated on,” Bucky cut in then, with a smile. “His momma raised no fool. He’ll break up with her.” He sounded so sure of this, but Evie wasn't convinced.
“She won't let him go, he's a catch. No woman in their right mind would let him get away,” she argued. “And what makes you so sure we'd even get together? We're just colleagues.” “Yeah, colleagues who have fucked twice now,” Steve said with a confident smile. Before Evie could say anything, Alice cut her off.
“What do you mean ‘colleagues who have fucked twice’?” Evie turned to glare at Steve as he had let loose another secret.
“We hooked up once before. It was after the events of D.C. You know, when you two were busy playing house,” Evie snapped. “It was a one time thing, no big deal.”
Alice Winters, resident ex-Slayer, was beyond ticked.
“That's it? You're just gonna spring that on us like it's nothing, like it's no big deal?” she said slowly, trying to keep her cool.
“Well, it's not. So what if we've had sex a couple times? The only issue is that this time, he cheated,” Evie replied with a shrug. Steve looked mildly concerned for Evie's safety, as he swore Alice had fire in her eyes and smoke billowing from her ears.
“The only issue?! The only issue?!” the Slayer shrieked before lunging for the Doctor, her hands outstretched. Bucky and Steve acted defensively, Bucky grabbing hold of his girlfriend while Steve jumped in front of Evie, becoming her shield. He was a lot more durable than she was, so better that Alice got to him first.
“Whoa, doll! Easy! No need to murder the poor woman!” Bucky groaned as he held her back. Steve stood his ground, not really wanting to physically fight Alice off, but would to protect Evie.
After a few moments of struggling, Alice calmed, sagging against Bucky's chest. “Fine! You two are just so stupid it hurts sometimes! Anyway, come on Bucky, let's go and enjoy the benefits of being in a relationship together. Sexually,” she spat at them. Steve rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, we got that, Alice,” he replied. She smirked at him.
“Lots of sex whenever we want. You're the idiots who are being so damn blind and can't see what's right in front of you.” Evie chuckled at her. “Yeah, well apparently all I have to do is get him in my Jeep so….” she trailed off. “We’ve christened it quite nicely if I do say so myself,” she said proudly, holding her hand up to Steve. He high-fived her back and grinned.
“Yeah we did. That's the one place I've come the most in, and I wouldn't change it for anything.” Steve felt smug saying that, as it was true. Evie felt smug and she decided right there and then that she would never get rid of her Jeep, because it’s the only place she got to have Steve.
“Imagine what you could do in a big, soft bed though. Whenever you want,” Alice pressed. Evie sighed.
“Secret rendezvous are apparently our thing, so why fix it if it ain’t broke?” she shot back. While the girls were arguing, Bucky and Steve were grinning at each other. Steve was over the moon at the thought of Evie possibly returning his feelings, and Bucky’s grin was getting his hopes up even more.
“Dude, come on,” the metal-armed man groaned.
“Sorry, I have a girlfriend that I need to go confess to. Bye you two, see ya later, Evie,” Steve said as he began to walk away.
“Yeah, and if Amy does break up with you, I’m sure Evie won’t mind sharing her bed one bit,” Bucky called after him, getting Steve to stop and look back.
“Yeah, stop acting like such a Tom Cat and treat Evie better, you wanker,” Alice taunted. Making the blonde go all Sad Face again.
“Hey, he treats me just fine, thank you very much,” Evie jumped to his defense. Bucky grinned at her.
“Yeah, and he treats you even better when you’re riding his dick.” Evie’s jaw dropped at his boldness.
“Well, you’re supposed to treat the person you’re fucking better, unless there’s an agreement to be treated like shit. And for the record, I wasn’t riding his dick….this time,” she answered after a beat. Bucky smirked at her, but Alice cut across him before he could say anything.
“Evie, seriously, you’re okay with this? You don’t want more from Steve?” Evie could hear the sincerity in her voice, but was unable to answer truthfully as all three of them turned to her expectantly. She blushed deeply as Steve looked entirely too hopefully for her liking.
“Uh….well, no. We’re just friends, right Steve?” she squeaked. She insisted to herself that Steve did not look disappointed, just caught off guard.
“Oh, uh yeah. Of course,” he answered. Alice rolled her eyes.
“Oh my GOD.” She literally pulled some of her hair in frustration at Evie and Steve.
“Seriously?” Bucky apparently shared in Alice’s frustration.
“Why mess up our friendship? It’s perfect just the way it is,” she replied, shrugging.
“Yeah, hate to change it in anyway,” Steve agreed, sounding incredibly heartbroken. Evie tried not to think about how upset he sounded so as to not get her hopes up.
“You absolute fucking MORONS,” growled Alice as she stomped away. Bucky shook his head and followed her, muttering something about ‘so much for a super soldier, just a super dumbass’. Evie and Steve looked at each other and smiled.
“I’ll go ahead and let you go. Bruce and I have tons of tests that we’re doing tomorrow, so I gotta get plenty of rest. Night, Steve,” Evie said. He took that as his cue to leave and walked out, stopped in the hallway.
“Night, Evie. If things go the way I expect them to and Amy breaks up with me, maybe we can get dinner some time.” She nodded at him.
“It’s a date.” He walked down the hall, hoping beyond hope that he would be single by the next morning so he could finally take Evie out.
It was finally Christmas Eve. Christmas was probably Evie’s favorite holiday. She loved the decorations, music, everyone being together. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Tonight, the team was having their annual dinner and she was excited to be able to go for the first time. Every other time either she was sick and couldn’t go, or had other plans that night. This year, Tony said that they all had to find naughty or nice Christmas shirts or sweaters to wear. It was time to join the party, so after making sure she was ready, she headed down the hall.
As Evie walked in, everyone was already there, mingling amongst themselves. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something glowing and flashing. She looked over and saw Alice, Bucky and Steve standing off to the side and that Bucky’s shirt was the thing that was flashing. Evie walked over and had to shield her eyes.
“Damn Barnes, didn’t know you wanted to be a tree for Christmas.” He flipped her off as the other two laughed.
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Alice’s shirt was definitely tamer than everyone else’s, but it was still on the naughty side. “You know, Alice, I think Bucky will have to take that monstrosity off before there’s any plowing.”
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We all laughed as she blushed just the tiniest bit.
“Oh shove it. I happen to like his jumper,” she pouted. “Besides, I’ve already told him to keep it on for later. It’ll help him see his present,” she added slyly, waggling her eyebrows. Evie looked away from her giving him bedroom eyes and caught sight of Steve’s shirt, reading it and grinning.
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“Hahahaha I like it Steve.” He looked at her in surprise, as did the other two.
“You understand it?” He and Bucky asked at the same time. SHe nodded slowly.
“Well yeah.” Evie reached out and covered the MERI with a hand. “A,” then covered the A. “Meri,” then ran her hand across his chest with a flourish. “Christmas! A Merry Christmas! Get it?” Bucky and Alice nodded with understanding. She grinned up at Steve, feeling incredibly proud. “Nice job Captain.” He smiled and it took all she had to not go weak at the knees. She saw him glance down at her chest, not doubt reading her shirt.
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“Wow,” he said with a smirk. “Is that an invitation?” He asked with a wink. Feeling very bold, Evie puffed her chest out a bit and smirked back at him.
“If it is, are you gonna accept it?” she asked coyly. They stood there, grinning at each other, for god knows how long.
“Hey Capiscle! Where’s your girlfriend?” Tony suddenly boomed, clapping Steve on the back. “Oh wait, I forgot. She’s banned from the Tower.” That one word was like having a bucket of ice cold water dumped on Evie. She ducked her head and turned away, catching Alice and Bucky’s gaze. They both smiled knowingly, Alice winking as Bucky threw a thumbs up. She walked away, hurrying to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face.
Evie forgot that Steve was still seeing that Amy chick that Sam had set him up with. Just as Evie had predicted, after Steve had gone over to Amy’s and confessed that he and Evie had slept together, Amy did NOT break up with him, claiming that everyone makes a mistake. Amy wasn’t stupid, and she wasn’t going to let Steve go without a fight. Evie jumped as someone knocked on the door.
“Evie, you alright?” Alice asked, concern evident in her British accent.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Be out in a sec,” the Doctor called back to her, drying her face before opening the door and flashing a quick smile. “I’m good. Let’s party, shall we?” Alice grabbed her arm and pulled her back to everyone. Steve regarded her with a sad look, almost like he regretted saying anything, and her heart sank.
They all took a seat around the fireplace, Tony sitting closest to the tree so he could begin giving out presents. Before long, everyone had a small stack of 12 presents and slowly began to open them, thanking the giver of each one. Finally, Evie had gotten to her last gift, which was from Steve. She took the wrapping paper off and found that it was a picture frame, flipping it over and seeing herself and Steve. They were both sound asleep on the very couch that Evie was sitting on, their arms wrapped around each other like it was the most natural and perfect thing in the world. She was speechless.
“That’s my favorite picture of us,” Steve explained softly, sitting down next to her. Evie raised an eyebrow at him, wanting more of an explanation. “The few times I’ve been in your room, I noticed that there weren’t any pictures of me. So, I found my favorite one and had it framed for you. I hope you like it,” he trailed off. She smiled at him, throwing her arms around him and squeezing.
“I love it. Thank you so much. I’m gonna put it up right next to my bed,” she gushed, releasing him, but he didn’t pull away completely. They sat there, in their own little bubble, just staring at each other. Evie agreed with Zemo, Steve does have a little green in his eyes. Suddenly, Steve’s phone began to ring and vibrate in his pocket, making them both jump. As he fished around trying to get it out, she shook her head and glanced up. Everyone was staring at them, and they all had the same knowing smirk on their faces. Evie felt her face burn as Steve finally wrestled his phone out of his pants and answered it.
“Oh hey babe,” he said, clearly talking to his girlfriend and ignoring everyone. He stood up and began pacing as they talked, going over their plans to spend Christmas Day together. Evie sighed, knowing that it’d never be her on the other end of the phone, making plans to spend the holidays with him. She suddenly couldn’t take being in the same room as him anymore, so she made a break for her room, leaving the presents behind.
Evie finally ventured out of her room a couple days after Christmas, feigning that she had been sick to her stomach and didn’t want anyone else to catch it. The rest of the team seemed to halfheartedly accept my explanation, but Alice and Nat eyed her warily afterwards. A few days later, Stark was getting everything together for his annual New Year’s Eve party when Steve announced that he wouldn’t be going, for he would be attending a party with his girlfriend. Evie could feel Alice and Bucky’s gaze on her, watching her reaction to the news. She kept her face as expressionless as possible, only looking up from her tablet for a split second before returning to her work.
It was New Year’s Eve, and Stark’s party was in full motion. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, at least Evie thought they were having fun. She hadn’t actually been down to the party except to grab a bottle of vodka, choosing instead to hang out on the roof of the Tower ever since, enjoying the peace and q-
What the hell? She looked over her shoulder in time to see Steve throw his coat to the ground. He didn’t seem very happy.
“Hey sorry. Didn’t know anyone was up here,” he stammered. “I’ll go ahead and leave you alone.” He made to turn when she called out to him.
“No it's okay. There’s plenty of room. Here, sounds like you need a drink,” Evie offered, holding out the half empty bottle to him. He sighed before walking over and grabbing it, holding it up in a salute before taking a big swig. “So...what happened?” she asked warily, not wanting to upset him more. “If you don’t want to tell me, I understand.” He passed back the bottle before sitting down, bowing his head. Evie sat down next to him, setting the bottle down between them after taking another drink.
“Remember how I was going to a party with Amy?” he started.
“Well, after we got there we ended up separated, and as it got closer to midnight I couldn’t find her.” His breathing was getting faster. She reached out and rubbed his arm in an attempt to calm him down. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing. “When I finally did find her, she had another guy's tongue down her throat, but that wasn’t the worst part.” He took another deep breath and went on. “She had her dress hiked to her waist, while his pants were at his ankles.” Steve looked up at Evie, and she wanted to cry. He looked so broken in that moment. Her arms went around him, holding him tightly, willing the pain to be squeezed from him.
“Oh, Steve. I’m so sorry,” she choked out, tears welling in her eyes. He sat there, motionless for a while before she pulled away, realizing that her actions probably bothered him. “Sorry. That was uncalled for.” Damn alcohol. He shrugged.
“S’alright. Not your fault.” He grabbed the bottle and took another drink before putting it down and leaning in towards her. “Wanna know who the guy was?” he whispered, his breath fanning across her face.
“Who was it?” Evie breathed, not wanting to speak any louder that he was.
“Your ex Brian.” Her blood ran cold at the sound of his name. Brian had dumped her all of a sudden a while back. Things were going great between them, or so she had thought, until one day he accused her of flirting with Steve, of all people, and went out and started fucking any girl he could find.
“That bitch. He's not even in our lives anymore and he's still fucking things up!” Evie stood up and began to pace. She heard laughter and when she turned around, Steve was laying on his back, his mirth getting the better of him. “What's so funny Steve?” she snapped, hands on her hips.
“Did you really just call him a bitch?” he gasped, trying to catch his breath.
“Yes I did. Is that funny to you?” When all Evie got was more laughter, she walked back over to him, dropped to her knees and began tickling him. “If you want funny, I'll give you funny.” Steve froze for a moment as his brain processed what was happening, but wasn't long before he began tickling back.
They wrestling around on the roof for a bit, before Steve had maneuvered Evie to her back as he straddled her legs. “Say ‘uncle’ and I'll let you up,” he offered, his hands at the ready to resume his assault on her sides.
“Uncle,” she laughed. He stood before helping her up.
“Hey I can hear the crowd in Times Square counting down,” he said,  pointing over in the direction of the lights.  “15,14,13,12,11,” he counted out, nodding for her to join him.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.”
Steve and Evie hugged each other, and it felt amazing to start the new year off together. After standing there for a moment, she felt him start to pull away, but as shei made to unhook her arms from around his neck, his lips found hers. She sprang away from him almost instantly, shock evident in both of us.
“Evie, I'm so sorry,” he started to apologize.
“No, Steve, it's fine. Really.  You just broke up with your girlfriend, who you had intended on kissing at midnight.  It was an accident.  Don't worry about it.” Evie was so heartbroken, and it took all her willpower to not cry. “Look, I'm getting tired, so I'm going to go to bed. I'll leave you alone.  Happy New Year's Steve.”
The next morning, everyone was in quite the hungover mood.  Evie walked out to the common room and headed straight to the fridge to grab a soda. It's the one thing that could clear up her fogginess. Once her head was clear, she started making pancakes, bacon and eggs for everyone.  It was the unspoken rule that whoever recovers first makes breakfast.  As soon as the smell of bacon began wafting around, the team descended on the kitchen like a horde of zombies. She handed out plates to everyone and they dug in like they hadn't eaten in days.
“Mmm. Well, it's not a Full English breakfast, but it'll do,” Alice mumbled from beside Bucky.  
“Oh, I'm sorry your Majesty, but seeing as how this is New York and not London, this is what you're gonna get,” Evie snapped at her. Bucky shot her a shocked look while Alice looked dumbfounded. Alice and Evie haven't gotten on very well since she, Bucky, Steve and the others came back from Wakanda. Evie tends to find Alice a bit abrasive and Alice tends to find Evie a bit thick. Evie closed her eyes and counted to ten while taking deep breaths. “I'm sorry. That came out harshly. I'm hungry and my head still kinda hurts.” Alice narrowed her eyes, scowling for a while before nodding curtly in understanding as Evie turned back to the stove.
“It's alright,” she replied. “Were you even at the party last night? How are you not as miserable as the rest of us?” Evie turned back to add the last of the pancakes and bacon to the platter before fixing her own plate.
“Well I didn't go to the party. I was up on the roof.” Alice quirked an eyebrow so she elaborated. “I'm not big on crowds or parties,  so I grabbed a bottle of vodka and hung out on the roof.” She finished the rest of her food before grabbing their plates and taking them to the sink with hers. She heard a chair scrape back and then Bucky’s amused voice.
“Damn Steve, what time did you get in last night?” Evie peeked over her shoulder at Steve, who had grabbed a plate and was loading it with food. “Did you and Amy ring in the new year?” Her face burned as she remembered who Steve was with at midnight.  
“No we didn't. I came back shortly before 12.” She turned back towards them, drinking her soda as they talked.
“Well then, where were you?” Bucky asked. Steve and Evie locked eyes again.
“I was up on the roof with Evie,” he answered proudly. Evie bowed her head to regain her composure before looking back up and seeing Alice watching her, a Cheshire cat grin across her face.
“So, you two spent the night together,” she mused.
“No. Not like that,” Evie began to explain before Alice cut her off.
“Not like what? Two people standing on the roof at the same time?” she asked innocently. “What did you think I meant?” Shit. Alice backed her into a corner, and they both knew it.
“That we were together, ‘cause we're not, er, weren't,” the Doctor stammered. The Slayer leaned forward on the breakfast bar, a satisfied smirk on her face.
“You were together though. Both of you were on the roof at the same time, which means you were together, right?” she reasoned, the smuggest she’s ever been. Bucky was giving Steve the same look that Alice was giving Evie, but he showed no signs of discomfort. Evie, on the other hand, was about to fold like a cheap suit. “Or does the word ‘together’ mean something different here than it does over in England?”
“No, no, that’s what I thought you meant.” Her face fell the tiniest bit as Evie found a way around the implied meaning. “Steve and I were together at midnight. We ended last year together, and we started  this year together.”
“Cute,” she huffed.
“Did Steve ever tell you what he caught his ex doing? Or who?” Everyone gasped as they all looked to Steve, while he shot her his best ‘really?’ look. Evie shrugged in response. “What? You’ve spilled a secret, so why can’t I?” He shook his head at her.
“Evie’s ex-boyfriend,” he said simply.
“Wait a damn minute here,” Sam cut in. “You mean to tell us that Amy, Steve’s now ex-girlfriend, cheated on him with Brian, Evie’s ex-boyfriend?” Everyone exchanged glances as they processed this information.
“Ask Steve. He’s the one who saw it,” Evie argued. Sam wasn’t letting it go though.
“So, out of the billions of men on this planet, the one that she chooses to hook up with, completely at random, was your ex?” Everyone was looking at her, waiting for an explanation.
“Yeah, I guess so. What? I’m not his damn keeper.” It had suddenly hit her as to why it seemed so suspicious. “Do you think I had something to do with it?” she asked, incredulous. “When on earth would I have the time to do that and, why would I do that?” No one seemed to believe her. “Brian broke up with me, okay? Someone lit his car on fire and told him to dump me or the next thing on fire was going to be him,” she confessed. Evie was so worried about trying to get everyone to believe her that she missed the look that Bucky gave Alice.
“Well, then if you didn’t hook them up, then how the hell did they end up at the same party?” Nat asked.
“They must have a mutual friend and that’s how they got invited to the same party, or else…” she trailed off before turning to Steve, who had this delighted yet disapproving look on his face. “Where was this party at?” He thought about it for a bit, before answering.
“The Aurora.” Well, son of a bitch.
“That’s Brian’s apartment building. I’m guessing it was a building wide party, so all the tenants were invited. That’s how they met,” she pointed out proudly.
“Amy’s best friend lives there too, so yeah that had to be how they found each other,” Steve added. Everyone seemed to accept the theory and went about their day. Nat however, didn’t appear to be entirely convinced.
“Well, has anyone come forward to ask you out?” she asked. Evie shook her head.
“No, but that’s the thing. Someone obviously wanted me single, and yet not one gentleman caller,” she lamented. Alice chose this point to add in her two cents.
“Maybe they were waiting for the perfect guy to become single himself.” Alice caught Evie’s eye and winked before gesturing between her and Steve. “You both are single now, perhaps for your next relationship, you should look closer to home.” Bucky chuckled to himself at Alice’s statement before Steve silenced him with a look.
“Well,” Nat piped up. “I know this really great girl, who can be a bit of a flake sometimes, that would be good for Steve. She’s out of state right now, so it’ll have to be after she gets back.”
“Great. Can’t wait to meet her,” Steve said, somewhat enthusiastically. Nat smiled at him before eyeing Evie out the corner of her eye.
“I’ll set it up then. In the meantime, should you find someone else that you want to be with instead, go for it.” She leaned forward and dropped her voice. “Because you know what they say, the best way to get over someone, is to get underneath someone else.” Steve’s eyes got big as the full meaning of her statement sank in.
“That’s called a sexorcism,” Evie blurted before blushing. The four of them turned to her, making her blush even more. “Where was all this advice when I got dumped? I could’ve used it and gotten one. Hell, I still could do with one.” She buried her face in her hands as Steve snorted.
“I could definitely use one too,” he added. The chance to be Steve’s rebound was right in front of Evie, but she wanted to be more than that to him, so she stayed silent.
“Well, I’m going to go. Hope you all enjoyed breakfast.” Evie walked around the bar and headed down the hall to her room, needing a cold shower to fight off these hormones.
@suz-123 @avenger-nerd-mom @aglarelen @amaranthuspetals @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @bad-wolf87 @bolontiku @brighterlightss @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @buckyywiththegoodhair @caplansteverogers @captainradicalpassion @caramell0w @celeb-fess @delicatecapnerd @doloreschanal @donnaintx @earinafae @etts21 @ghostssss @girlbehindthecameraposts @gramaeryebard @jhangelface0523 @kimistry27 @liz-pbnz @loki-god-of-my-life @magellan-88 @marvel-trash07 @pegasusdragontiger @punkfrog @ruinerofcheese @ryverpenrad @sarahp879 @silver-starburst @the-real-kellymonster @4theluvofall  @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  @stars8melanin  @getinmelanin011  @honey-bee-holly   @lostinspace33  @dustycelt  @avengedqueen26 @amandarosemire  @diinofayce  @sillinessinseattle @lookwhatyoumademequeue  @jewels2876
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sologxlaxies · 7 years
Not About Angels - Part 6
Antisocial Animals
Bucky x Reader series
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Summary: Loving him feels like the most exquisite way of self-destruction. Too close, and you’re radioactive. Too far, and your heart shatters, and the city cracks in two while debris scatters in the space between your ribs. Pining over a brooding, unstable Bucky Barnes isn’t exactly your brightest idea, especially when you’re just as damaged as he is, and he doesn’t seem to love you half as much as you love him.
Warnings: Swearing (tons of it), drinking and smoking, mentions of death.
Word count: 2720
A.N: This one’s pretty exciting! In other news, I’m finally back!! My writing inspiration isn’t back in full swing just yet, but I’m trying my best to post again. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
Bucky isn’t there by the time you wake up.
The first moment after you open your eyes seems to stretch for hours as the events of early morning flood into your mind, fuzzy and fleeting to the point where you wonder if it might have been a dream. It is only when you stretch along the bed that your fingers brush the other side, feeling the faintest hint of body warmth still lingering on the sheets, and your entire body tingles with the ghost of his touch fresh on your memory.
He had been in your room, after all, you think to yourself. But after that, he’s nowhere to be seen.
Bucky doesn’t show up for breakfast that morning, nor does he appear after that. He’s not at the table when Wanda calls everybody for lunch, and he doesn’t show up afterwards either. Even without him, lunch is a tense affair, with everybody quietly eating their food and dancing around the elephant in the room that is your presence in the compound.
It’s been exactly three years since the night of the accident at the tower. Three years since you killed a SHIELD agent during Clint’s birthday party.
You don’t blame Bucky for staying away, opting yourself to stay away from the common area as the final preparations for Clint’s birthday party are set up in place, just like three years ago. 
An all-too-familiar sense of dread starts building in your stomach the moment you see the giant birthday cake being brought into the living room. That, along with the presence of the crew Tony hired to decorate the place is enough to trigger bad memories of the night of the accident.
You try and do your best to keep the panic down; breathing in and out for what could easily be a thousand times, but the feeling doesn’t go away and you remain antsy all over, without being able to shake off your uneasiness.
This isn’t the kind of night for you to appear in public, and you know that much. You’ve learned to notice those subtle changes around you; how the air thickens up into a toxic cocktail, and the bracelet on your wrist has to work double to counteract the effects, dosing you up on Bruce’s drug cocktail. 
As soon as FRIDAY announces the first guest, you all but dart to the roof, a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of bourbon in hand. You’d rather freeze to death on that roof than set foot in that party ever again.
“You got a smoke?”
The voice behind you makes you tense up for a second, catching you off guard. You were so immersed in your thoughts that you almost missed the sound of the metal door opening and closing, revealing the presence of someone else on the rooftop. Almost.
“You know that shit’s bad for you, right?” You retort, adjusting your position on the cool concrete.
“Says the woman chain smoking on the edge of a roof.”
“Touché.” you huff, watching the cloud of smoke float away at your harsh exhale. “Why are you here Barnes?” You’re hyper-aware of his presence, slightly uncomfortable to see him in his party attire, with the top buttons of his shirt popped open and suit jacket hanging from his shoulders. Neither of you has spoken about last night, and you don’t want to be the first to bring it up.
“I was bored.” He’s skating around the subject too, you notice. Good. But then- “I saw you leaving-”
“I swear to god Barnes, that if you just came here to lecture me you might as well go back to the party.” You practically growl. “Steve’s already tried—and failed—and heaven knows I only have the patience to deal with one supersoldier’s broken ego.”
He laughs heartily when he watches you take a long gulp of bourbon, his amused smile turning into one of disbelief when you keep chugging it down without signs of stopping.
A part of you almost expects him to stop you; to make a comment or try to pull the bottle away from your fingers, but you’re surprised when he doesn’t. Instead, Bucky just watches as you take gulp after gulp, whistling after you’ve put the half empty bottle down.
“That bad, huh?” He asks.
You wait a couple of seconds, taking a drag from your cigarette before answering. “Yeah” It leaves your lips as a soft sigh, accompanied with smoke as both get lost in the night.
“Want to talk about it?”
He catches you off guard, again, with his question. Even more so when you hear him rustling behind you and all of a sudden, he's plopping right next to you, making himself comfortable with his feet dangling off the rooftop just like yours are and his jacket bundled up at his side. 
It's new and unexpected; the feeling of another human acting so normally around you after all this time. You can’t help but look at him unabashedly, your eyes probably growing triple in size at his question because it’s been so, so long. 
You’ve spent the last few years letting others determine who you are and what you do, and now that somebody’s asking for your story, wanting to hear your experience and giving you the reigns, you suddenly feel so clumsy. It’s like waiting an entire lifetime for something but not quite knowing what to do once it’s within your grasp.
 Instead of answering him, you reach for the box of cigarettes inside your pocket. It’s almost empty and crumpled, but the cigarettes are still good and so you take another out before you pass him the box.
“Don’t touch the upside-down one” you warn him without even looking in his direction. “That one is mine.”
 He doesn’t say anything about it other than humming appreciatively when he fishes out his own smoke out of the little carton box, waiting for you to provide a lighter. After he watches you scrambling for one—patting all your pockets and turning them upside down but coming up empty—he finally speaks again.
 “You know we don’t need a lighter, right?” He asks, motioning towards your lit cigarette. “I trust you.”
His comment makes you scoff. Mostly because of how naive it sounds, knowing awfully well that your powers aren’t something you control, but also because trust isn’t something you’ve seen much these days. “Well, you shouldn’t,” you grunt, and yet you find yourself stretching your hand towards him with your lit cigarette held between your fingers.
Bucky takes it, maneuvering it carefully as he removes the filter from his own and puts it between his lips. He places them together, end to end, with the utmost care, and then he inhales, making the embers of your cigarette flare up as they light up his, and he breathes in through his mouth, sucking in the smoke.
It feels like an oddly intimate gesture, watching as his eyes flutter closed and he relishes the burn of the smoke on his throat before he slowly breathes it out. It becomes even more enthralling when he licks the tip of his ring finger, the one he used to remove the filter, and you can’t seem to avert your eyes from the sight until he hands you your cigarette back.
Both of you stay in silence for a while, acutely aware of each other’s presence as you smoke, until you finally speak.
“They hate me because I killed their partner,” you whisper, so softly that even Bucky with his enhanced hearing has a hard time to catch it. Then you continue. “After the Triskelion leak, the team started to get suspicious of me. My file… it, uh, had some inconsistencies.”
Why you're telling Bucky about this is beyond your understanding. Maybe it's because he asked, maybe it's because of the slightly intimate moment the two of you are sharing, or maybe just because you're slightly tipsy in both alcohol and the cigarette smoke. Either way, it feels good to talk, so you keep going.
“You know where I come from now, but the team… nobody knew anything back then. Nobody knew I’d worked for HYDRA.”
There’s no missing Bucky’s sharp intake of breath, no mistaking the way he almost chokes on the smoke even as he tries to hide it. You don’t blame it on him; HYDRA is a touchy subject and even if he’d heard it from the team before, you confessing it to him only makes it more real.
“What happened then?” He asks, careful not to push you too much for the information.
“Tony was throwing a birthday party for Clint and his S.H.I.E.L.D. friends. One of them didn’t trust me at all, and so he confronted me and I freaked out-  I didn’t mean- he just dropped-” One of your hands reaches for the bottle at your side, but it’s dark and you’re shaking. Instead, you knock it to the side, effectively spilling its contents on the floor. “Fuck!-”
There’s barely enough time for the words to leave your lips when Bucky’s already at your side, carefully placing a hand on your shoulder. It’s only when his words—not his touch—jerk you out of your thoughts that you notice the fresh tears on your cheeks.
“Whoa doll, it’s okay” He’s prying the cigarette from your fingers as he discards his own, throwing them to the floor before he squishes it with his boot. “It’s over now, it’s okay. There’s no need to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
The next second he’s grabbing his jacket from the floor and placing it over your frame, careful as he lightly envelops you in his arms. You rattle against him, shaken by both the bad memories and the cold but he makes up for it as he pulls you closer, allowing some of his body warmth to seep into you.
“I need to-” you sniffle, “Can we go back inside?” Your throat feels tight from holding back a sob and your fingers are slowly getting numb from the cold. Still, the request in plural takes the both of you by surprise, although Bucky seems to understand better than you think because he only gives you a short nod before he’s ushering the both of you inside and closing the door softly behind you, all while he keeps a hand hovering right behind your back.
He's quick to guide you both to the living quarters, his steps as silent as he can make them when you pass the living room and try to walk by unnoticed as Clint’s birthday celebration goes on.
You duck your head down at the sound of voices, but Bucky knows better than to ask after his conversation with you. Instead, he takes you up the stairs and down the hall that leads to your bedrooms, but just when you think he’ll walk until the end of the hallway where your bedroom is, he stops at the room that’s right before yours. His room. 
“Are you going to come in or not?” he asks as he holds the door open, noticing how you haven’t followed him inside.
“I- I don’t” you stammer, clearing your throat. You shake your head briefly, trying to dissipate the thoughts that have begun to crawl into your mind, edging into it like growing vines. “It’s a bad idea, Barnes. You don’t want me in your room.”
This time it’s him who’s frowning.” And what exactly makes you say that?”
“Because the last time I was in a bedroom with a man, he ended up dead.” You deadpan. Memories of that night flashing before your eyes.
The silence that stretches between you and Bucky suddenly becomes anything but pleasant as the air noticeably thickens around you, the more upset you become.
As you begin to recognize the feeling in your gut, the panic inside you sparks up after the realization, and for a full two seconds you try and get as far away from Bucky as you can. Yet, instead of moving further, you stumble and crash against the opposite side of the hallway, practically clawing your way up the wall in your haste to move. 
You know what comes with the burning sensation on your skin; you fear it, but before your brain can fully process what’s happening, the bracelet on your wrist beeps, delivering yet another injection, and the air around you dissipates as the drugs force you to calm down.
“Hey, hey-“ -he catches you just as your knees buckle, and no sooner does one of his hands splay flat across your back than it takes for your skin to break into goosebumps. “What just happened?” 
“I- shit!” You try to pry yourself from his grasp “I almost killed you.”
“What?” He freezes for a second, and that’s more than enough time for you to put some distance between the two of you.
“What I’m saying is,” You huff, “You just witnessed my powers, Barnes. My lethal powers.”
“And I’m not dead yet,” he shrugs, and it just makes you want to strangle him, because how can he be so fucking stubborn- “So I don’t see why I should let you go away and lock yourself up.”
“I can’t stay Barnes. You already have enough shit to deal with as it is, there’s no reason you have to put up with mine as well.”
“Don’t you think that’s my own call to make?” That takes you by surprise, “Why are you always trying to run away-”
“It’s all I know!” You’re panting now, careful not to scream in case the others can hear it,  “Running away is all I do now. I tried settling down with Steve, I really did, and all it just backfired-”
“I didn’t know you had a thing with Steve” He mumbles, so low that you almost fail to hear it, but it’s enough to distract you from your tantrum.
“We… yeah,” You shrug, “We were together for over a year, but I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you.”
Bucky frowns, but you keep on talking. “He’s probably ashamed of it by now… Who wouldn’t be, if their girlfriend turned out to be a freak?” You can’t help the bit of venom in your tone, and it suddenly hits you that you actually resented Steve way more than you’re willing to admit.
He doesn’t miss your sigh or the way that your head hangs slightly lower once the words leave your mouth, and it makes something in his gut clench. Something about the way you hold yourself that reminds him of how he felt before. 
“Tell me about it; about you and Steve.” Bucky says then, once again catching you by surprise, “Come to my room and talk. You don’t have to do anything else, just… talk, spend some time with me.”
You blink up at him, arms crossed protectively in front of you, and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Why?”
It sounds half pathetic, and it only makes you want to slam your head against the nearest wall, but it’s the only word you can come up with.
“Humans social animals. You’re human”
“That doesn’t mean anything-”
“Oh, but it does.” He smirks. You suddenly feel the urge to wipe it off his face. “We need social interaction because it’s part of us, and you, my friend, are in desperate need of some.”
“I didn’t know we were friends.” You counter, but you can’t help the small smile that makes its way to your lips.
There’s a breath of silence, as he watches you intently, and notices your smile. His smirk softens at the sight, morphing into a small grin. You decide then, that you like it when he smiles.
Bucky takes a step back, motioning towards his open bedroom with a subtle nod of his head.
“Come on in, sweetheart.” He says. It’s almost a whisper, but you like the sound of it; it makes you feel safe. 
“Okay…” You exhale “Alright, let’s talk.” 
Almost without thinking, you nod your head. It’s more of a gesture that you make for yourself instead of him, but a second later you’re following him across the hall and inside the bedroom, shutting the door behind you with a soft click.
Next part 
FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED (Please don’t let this series flop)
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lxdyred · 7 years
Requests: Open!
A/N: English is not my maternal language, sorry if this has any grammatical errors.
A/N#2: This story is for @dani-si and @dangerousvikings Christmas Prompt List Challenge! The prompts that used were the 17, 18 and 25, with our Legolas, or best know as Clint Barton! Hope you like it! Happy new year guys, you are amazing! Love you!
Pairing: Clint Barton x Fem!Reader.
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Y/N was playing with the empty cup in her hands, while she kept her gaze fixed on the views of the city. She cut herself off from the rest of the world. She got bored of the glass and left it at the bar.
She bit her lip and sighed. Y/N wasn’t going through the best of times and that pissed her off so much, considering the dates she was at.
Christmas, or rather New Year’s Eve. Her favorite time of year, usually. But that was not the case in that year.
Y/N wore a hand through her hair and turned around to see all her teammates talking to each other and enjoying the evening. Some danced, like Wanda and Vision. Others played darts or pool, like Natasha and the guys.
She smiled as she saw the happiness emanating from them all. In a year she had been with them they had become her family, everything she had, apart from her husband. But her smile slowly faded as he remembered him.
Her marriage was the reason she was so absent, sad and angry. In reality, everything had collapsed between them a couple of months ago, causing them to argue continuously and live apart.
The desire to cry invaded her, until she found Clint’s eyes, who approached her and sat beside her in the bar.
“Hi.” she said when she met his gaze again, he gave her a small smile.
“Hey.” greeted him as he took his hair from his face. “Are you all right?” he asked as he squeezed her shoulder.
“Yeah… I’m just not in my best moment right now.” said Y/N as she sniffed.
“I can say it wasn’t mine either. So that makes two of us.” said Clint as he gestured to the waiter for a couple more drinks.
“It wasn’t necessary, Clint.” said the woman as they were served a couple of drinks. “But thank you very much.” she offered her a small smile.
“Don’t give them to me yet.” Clint said as he took a small package out of his pocket and gave it to the young woman. “Here. It’s your Christmas present… I know it’s not big and I’m giving it to you late, but since we haven’t seen each other in a while, I thought tonight would be the perfect time.”
Y/N took the small packet in her hands and smiled at the Hawkeye as she opened the small gift. “You got me a present? But we hate each other.” she said as he saw a silver bracelet with a pendant. An ‘A’ from Avengers.
“I don’t hate you, Y/N.” denied Clint flatly.
She sighed. “Good, because I don’t hate you either.” Y/N said as she put the bracelet on. “Thank you, Clint. It’s beautiful, I love it.” said as she took the mans hand and then huged him briefly.
“I’m glad you do.” Barton said as he gave his drink a sip, after breaking the hug. “Now tell me what’s wrong with you. I’m worried about you.”
“Oh, come on. You know what is going on.” said Y/N as she licked the liquid from her lips after a drink.
“No, of course I don’t know what’s wrong with you. We haven’t seen each other in a few days. So tell me, what’s wrong?” insisted the avenger.
The girl laughed briefly at the stubbornness of her companion. “I screwed up, a lot. And you know it.” she said as he hid his face in his hands. “My marriage is over, because of me.”
“That makes two of us, again. I screwed up too.” Clint said as he watched his friend. “And if it’s of any use to you… I doubt your husband’s gonna call it quits. He loves you too much to let that happen.”
“I don’t know, Clint.”
“Listen to me, I know your husband. He’s very handsome.” Clint said as he laughed.
“Wait, what?” he asked Y/N as he laughed as well as his teammate.
“I know.” Barton laughed out loud. “And he’s smart, too.”
“I know that, Clint.”
“Then you should know that he will fight for you.” Hawkeye said as he took Y/N’s cheek and stroked it in a friendly manner as he looked for her gaze. “He’s crazy for you, so in love.”
“After all I put him through?” asked the young avenger as she remembered the hard times they had spent together, both her and her husband.
“Of course.” he nodded. “You think I haven’t put my wife through horrible situations too?”
“Clint…” said the woman in a whisper.
“I cheated on her with someone else.” the archer released. “I cheated on my wife. My best friend and lover.”
“I cheated on my husband, too.” said Y/N before she finished her drink. “We’ve both made them go through hell.”
“There you have a point.”
“You know what? Let’s forget the subject for tonight and enjoy the evening. It’s New Year’s Eve, for fuck’s sake, man!” Y/N said at Clint and grabbed his shoulder. “A truce.”
“Hell yeah!” Clint said as he rose from the curb and offered his companion a hand. “Let’s drink our sorrows out with the elves and some eggnog.” he said as they headed for the punch.
“Elves? What elves?” asked the avenger as she took Clint’s arm.
“Rhodey and Tony.” he replied while he was ashamed of his friends.
“What the fuck…?” tried to ask Y/N when he saw his friends giving everything on the dance floor.
“Better not ask. You don’t want to know, believe me.”
An hour passed and so much Y/N and Clint continued to drink while talking about their stuff, catching up after not having seen each other for a few days. Clint had been on a mission in Lithuania with Sam and Steve, while Y/N had been locked in the lab with Tony and Bruce.
“20 minutes to New Year’s Eve.” Clint commented as he watched the time.
“I, uh… I’ll go home now.” said Y/N with difficulty as she rose from her seat and picked up her purse. “I want to get into bed.” said between hiccups.
“I will accompany you.” Clint offered himself as he got up and helped Y/N. “You’re in no condition to go alone.”
“I’m not that bad. I don’t need you to worry about me, Barton.” said the woman as she frowned and went to the door.
“Of course I care about you, Y/N. Don’t talk nonsense.” Clint released as he followed her.
“Hey, guys!” exclaimed Sam as he saw his two friends leaving. “Where are you going? The party isn’t over yet.” he said as he stopped them and went to them, he was being accompanied by Tony and Rhodey.
“You don’t have and affair, do you?” asked Tony surprised at the occurrence.
“They have not, Tony! I remind you Clint is married.” said Rhodey as he watched Sam, who was staggering. “You’ve had enough for today.” he said as he took the cup from him.
“Look who said it, the lame elf.” Sam complained.
Clint and Y/N laughed at Falcon’s reaction, who looked like a little boy to whom the candy had been taken.
“I’ve had too much to drink, that’s why I’m leaving.” the young woman breathed as she leaned against the door and pulled off her heels. “I need to fall asleep and wake up in a new year.”
“What a bad joke.” commented someone, Clint laughed.
“It wasn’t a joke.” Y/N said as she walked to the elevator. “Good night, guys… and happy new year.” she said as she waved her hand.
“Gentlemen, it was a wonderful evening. Enjoy what’s left.” Clint said as he walked and nodded his head in farewell.
“Why are you leaving, Clint?” asked Rhodey.
“To make sure Y/N spends some time with her husband.” said Clint shrugging his shoulders.
“The heck!? She’s married!? Since when!?” exclaimed Sam surprised.
“What!? I didn’t expect that!”? commented Tony in the same way.
“How long have you been married? And why didn’t anyone know?” Sam put his hands on his head as he opened his eyes to the surprise.
“We’ve been married four and a half years.” answered Y/N with heels in hand as he pressed the lift button. “No one knew, because I didn’t tell anyone.” answered the other question while she was scratching her nose. “Simple.”
Clint entered the elevator and leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, laughing at the expression of his friends and companions. “Look at their faces.”
“And how Clint knows?” asked Rhodey before the elevator doors closed.
The elevator was silent for a few moments.
“You want to make sure I spend time with my husband, huh?” the woman broke the silence while playing with her new bracelet.
“Of course.” Clint said as he watched her profile. “It’s good that you do it and fix things.”
“Were you serious about what you said before?” asked the woman as she turned her face and looked directly into Clint’s eyes. “Did you really mean it?”
“Of course I did, Y/N.” he said as he took her hands and caressed them. “I’m crazy about you and I really want to fight for us. We’ve both made mistakes, but I know we can get through this.”
“I cheated on you, Clint.” whispered Y/N with tears in his eyes. “I did it to make you feel bad about what you did to me, and what I got was to ruin things even more and feel even worse.”
“Hey, I cheated on you before and you were angry. I can understand why you did it. I really do.” Clint said as he hugged her.
“But still… You don’t do that to the person you love.” the woman cried. “So don’t justify me.”
“Y/N.” Clint said as he took her face. “I want us to put all this behind us and go back to the way it was before this thing.” said Clint as he cried silently and rested his forehead on hers.
Y/N nodded slowly as she dried her husband’s tears. “Me too, baby.” whispered as she looked him in the eye, Clint smiled weakly.
“So… you’re coming home?” he asked his wife.
And he kissed the archer’s lips. “Of course I do.” responded before he struck the balance and ended up falling to the ground, along with Clint.
“Ouch.” complained Clint as he took a hand to his head. “That hurt.” he said as he watched his hand afterwards.
Y/N couldn’t help it and started laughing. “Are you all right?” she asked with concern but laughing.
Clint started laughing with her. “Yes…. Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”
Clint took Y/N’s face and kissed her energetically as she stood on it. “I fucking missed you.” he whispered between kisses he was leaving from her lips to her neck.
“I love you, baby.” she moaned as she grabbed his hair.
“Let’s follow this at home.” said Clint as he got off the ground and helped Y/N get up.
“I think it’s great.” she commented as she held his hand and they came out of the building.
A few minutes later the streets of the city were filled with life with the arrival of the new year. Both Clint and Y/N stopped as they watched the fireworks illuminating the night sky and the city.
“Happy New Year, Clint.”
“Happy New Year, honey.” said Clint as he kissed his wife’s lips once again. “I love you so much.” whispered with a smile.
Y/N wrapped her arms in his neck. “And I love you.” she smiled too. “Now get ready for what’s coming, Clint.” commented she while smiling innocently.
“Something on your mind?” asked Clint as he bit his lower lip and caressed his wife’s hips with his thumbs.
“Yes.” Barton’s wife answered. “The horrible hangover we’re gonna have in the morning.”
“Oh, come on!” Clint complained as he rested his forehead on her shoulder.
“Did you have anything else in mind?” mocked Y/N.
“Of course I did, my darling!”
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omeglerpavengersotp · 5 years
Stranger: Looking around at the new students, Bruce chuckled as he remembered when he first walked in the school. The old Hogwarts castle was intimidating to look at but he easily got used to it. The new little Ravenclaws were meeting everyone and looking at the scrolls of homework yet to come. Bruce was only in his 4th year himself but he was taking Advanced Potions.
You: "Look at the little newbies, Brucey. I can't wait to mess with them." Tony nudged Bruce in the ribs and sniggered as he thought of charms to use against these children. The two best friends shared the same room and had been making bits of troubles (Bruce was mostly dragged along with Tony). He already finished his Arithmancy and was bored anyway.
Stranger: Bruce chuckled as he looked. "Tony, You shouldn't hex them so soon. Wait a little while." He pulled out another scroll as he worked. He was writing down another potion he wanted to make. "Once they're settled in, then do it." He wasn't going to stop his friend. He learned the last year that it was pointless.
You: "I should tell Barton. He is good at sneaking up and stuff. Of course you will be coming with me, Snape and Lupin's love child." Tony waved his hand at another 4th year on Hufflepuff table. They both winked at each other with smug and Tony patted Bruce on the shoulder.
Stranger: "What? Tony, No way, I still have work to do- and I'm not the love child of Snape. .....Lupin maybe." Bruce was often confused for that. He had scares from being bitten by a wolf. "You two can get yourselves into trouble. I'll be waiting with Steve to get you out of it." Bruce set his chin in his hand. "He knew that look all too well. "What do you even need me for?"
You: "Potions, baby. There's no one who can do it better than you amongst our troop, although I hate to admit that." Tony scored high marks in all subjects, but he could never surpass some subjects that Bruce were doing. Their academic abilities always parried and Tony would love to win against Bruce, even though he knew that would be impossible. He was still better at charms than Bruce anyway, so maybe that was even steven.
Stranger: Looking to the ceiling, he sighed. How did he always get into these situations. "Tony, if I get a week's worth of detention again, I'm never helping you again." He started to pack up his books and quills. Bruce had the habit of packing more than he should, mainly to get some work done in his spare time. "This time, something tame."
You: "Cool. Let's go down to the Room of Requirement. Barton's already beating us to there. Oh shit Rogers is coming towards us. Hurry, Bruce." Tony sprinted off from the dining hall, grabbed Bruce's wrist and dragged his friend out. The Mr Righteous was going to be a nuisance with his love and peace attitude.
Stranger: Bruce hurried after him, mostly stumbling. "Tony, You are insane!" he yelled, as they walked off. Once they were out of the way, Bruce pulled out his map. In Bruce's first year, He looked to the schools layout and since enchanted a map. He got the idea from hearing about it from the the portraits. "I solemnly swear I'm trying to do good." Bruce looked to the moving orbs with names. He pointed to one pathway and held it up for Tony. "Let's take the back way. Filtch isn't there."
You: "Cool. When is that guy going to die, anyway? You know what, you should make more of that and sell it. We would make fortunes with my geared up brooms." Tony chuckled their way to the secret room and poked the orb. He didn't show his Nimbus 2000 infused with muggle technology since Madam Hooch gave him a detention last time. It was way better than Firebolt, and he was already drawing a diagram for the fastest broom on his patchments.
You: ever since*
Stranger: He shook his head. "No, I think it's best to have just one copy. Besides, If Filtch or an administrator find it, we won't have anyway of hiding," He replied. It was better this way. Only Barton, Thor, Tony and himself knew of them map. Steve found out but hasn't said a word to the teachers. Bruce suspected that it was becuase he wanted to hang out with them. "Anyway, what are you planning?"
You: "Well, first we are going to feed them love potions and make them infatuated with random people. Barton can ask the elves because he basically lives in the kitchen. Horny chaos! And then..." Tony rambled all these horrid and yet none lethal pranks, and it escalated dramatically when he met Clint. "...then we finish it by making their feet float, as if there's no gravity." He used muggle word but didn't really care - he was proud of the fact that he could use magic without being full blood magician.
Stranger: Bruce scratched his head. "Fine, I'll see what i can do. But I don't make any promises." Brue waved to Barton as he walked in. It looked stocked with everything he would need. Pulling out his book, the young wizard started to look for a love potion.
You: They prepared for their pranks, but didn't use them right away. Patience was a virtue, and Tony wanted to proceed things in more precise and careful manner to make sure that Bruce wouldn't get detentions. They were finished and readied to get back to the dorm room. "How is your bite mark? Feeling wolfie yet?" Tony asked on their way up to the Astronomy tower, the coldest fucking place ever.
Stranger: "My arm is fine. I'm not going to change tonight. Tonight is not a full moon." He sighed as he looked to the sky. "I think that's this weekend." He sighed and walked to the dorm room. The potion would take a few hours too make. He would check in the morning before classes. "You ready fr tomorrow?"
You: "I am always ready, green puppy... Unless we have something special tomorrow?" Tony opened his parchment filled with drawings of brooms and numbers and jotted few ideas down. He lay on Bruce's bed and closed his eyes, remembering the first time he saw Bruce as a werewolf. "Did I mention how awesome you looked in full moon?"
Stranger: Bruce grumbled as he was called a puppy. He had tried to make a potion to change him back but it only managed to make him a green wolf. Eventually, he got a serum from Snape. "You say that becuase i'm a dog." Bruce sat by him and looked to his scrolls. "Are those your new designs?"
You: "Indeed, yes. I have been trying to add some magnetic force which creates repulsor movement at the end of the broom, making it accelerate much faster. And no, I say it because you looked damn sexy naked." Tony's eyes lit up whenever they talked about muggle theories of science. He also enjoyed teasing Bruce with rude comments, but so far he didn't die from poisons.
Stranger: "Eventually, I'm going to bit you. And it won't be as a werewolf." He rolled his eyes before looking to the diagrams. He though about the mathematic algorithms before writing down a few equations. "Here, try this. It may help." He liked talking about muggle studies and theories with Tony. He seemed allmost as ex ited about them a Bruce himself.
You: "Bite me on my neck? That would be a turn on." Tony grabbed the parchment and read what Bruce wrote down. These small insertions Bruce added never disappointed Tony, thus making him more hyper. He threw away the paper before he got too deep into it, because he would hate himself to miss out on defence against the dark art tomorrow early in the morning. He sighed in contentment and didn't hop off from Bruce's bed.
Stranger: Bruce watched him and raised an eyebrow. "You say that... yet I totally believe you. Areyou going to sleep on my bed again?" This was also a habit Bruce dealt with. He learned there were little details about his best friend h never fought with. "Okay, well, can you at least move oer so I can sleep in my own bed?" Bruce tossed his bag and started to change into his pajamas.
You: "Oh sure, miss. Anything you say." Tony took his robes and shorts off and lay there only with his pajama pants on. Truth was that he slept with Bruce because he hated being alone on his own bed. His best friend made him feel comfortable, but there could be another reason that he wasn't so familiar with.
Stranger: Gving him the okay, the young man laid in his bed and yawned slightly. It had been exciting, seeing all of the new housemates, meeting his friends again. He was really excited. "Well, Night Tony. Hopefully tomorrow everything is ready."
You: "Yeah, ready for some real fun. Welcome back to Hogwart, Banner." Tony drifted off into his sleep and smiled at the temperature he felt next to him.
You: It was a chilly morning when he woke up and found himself subtly spooning Bruce for warmth.
Stranger: Bruce let out a shiver as he woke up. He wasn't used to it being cold in the mornings since he lived in a warmer climate. he cuddled closer to TONy and pulled the blanket close.
You: Tony smiled as Bruce came closer and at how they hugged each other so tightly. He felt something warm stirring from his heart. "Save your love for me later, or we are going to be late."
Stranger: "I love being warm.. You always have to flirt, don't you?" He chuckled as he took the last steps to wake up. Yawning, Bruce sat up and stretched. "I'm not looking forward to Ancient Runes for first class."
You: "Oh god tell me about it. Those Odinson brothers. That Loki is the biggest bitch I've ever met." Tony knew how Thor and Loki were from pure blood family of Scandinavia. Thor was tolerable and was actually funny at times, but Loki was a bloody menace. Tony jumped out of the bed and put his robe on. His skin had goosebumps and hairs stuck up.
Stranger: Bruce started to get dressed. He dressed in his usual order before grabbing his tie. Making sure all was okay, he straighten his tie in the mirror. "Be thankful that Thor is in Gryffindor and Loki is in Slytherin. I swear, they are completely different. I didn't know they were brothers until you told me."
You: "Well, there is a rumour that the bitch is adopted because of how they look completely different..." Tony adjusted the spell 'stupefy' on his limp hair to make it look like he put gel on. This was better than making his hands sticky and gross - the only setback was that was no scent. He still managed to score girls without a problem, anyway.
Stranger: He chuckled at him as he combed his hair. "Even if it's true, it shouldn't matter."Bruce cleaned his glasses and looked to him. "why do you call him a bitch, anyway? He's not that mad. Just a little crazy."
You: "Because he got as mad crush on professor horse ass from Astronomy and bickers like a girl. You look fine, now come on! Let's hit the dining hall and get them sausages before they are all gone. I am not going to rush into the rune class but boy, I am hungry.." Tony finished looking flawless, spanked Bruce in the butt and ran out of the room. He really couldn't care much for Ancient Runes, but it inconveniently had to be a core course. If Bruce wasn't such a goodie-two-shoe, Tony may have wagged every single classes.
Stranger: Bruce jumped and covered his ass. "ouch! Was that really necessary?! You're the one that charms his hair." sighing, Bruce just rolled his eyes and grabbed his book bag. He was going to head out to check on the potions before Ancient Runes. Hopefully it was ready to bottle. "You head down; I'm going to stop at the Room of Requirement to check on your love potions."
You: "Right, that! We are gonna do that tonight at dinner. Thanks, Brucey." Tony rushed out of the room and grabbed breakfast before meeting up with Clint to remind the plan. The potion was going to be inserted on the first years' roast beefs and drinks, and Clint already had talked to Peeves who would help them. He slumped down on the desk and waited for Bruce to join the class.
Stranger: Sighing, he walked up to the room. He looked tithe potion as he stirred it several times. So far, everything looked like it was going great. It looked like it was supposed to which made Bruce happy. He took a small amount into his flask and headed out. Might as well test it before the actual plan was in motion. When Bruce met up with Tony, he held up the small bottle. "here's a sample. So far it looks okay."
You: "Looks okay," Tony took the flask and took a mild sniff. He was pleased when it smelt like metal and alcohol, which means the love potion was functionally working as it allows the sniffer to reenact their favourite smell. His head shook in mild surprise when he could also detect scent of Bruce's hair as well. "Amortentia. Bet you are smelling of all those girls you shamelessly snogged, Stark." Loki sneered behind him and ignored the faint aroma of his centaur crush. "Shut up, Odinson. Now, who shall we feed this to?" Tony didn't even made an effort to turn his face around and kept talking to Bruce.
Stranger: "I don't know. Just make sure it's not someone that can kill you." he rubbed his chin in thought. There weren't that many people they can use it on. Well, ones that weren't close to teachers. "wait, what about that new kid that's always following Rogers around?" he stepped in front of Tony to try and distract him from Loki. "I think his name is Phil?"
You: "Oh, that little guy. Is he in Hufflepuff or Grinffindor? I can't remember... But yes, it's worth it." Tony's lips curved in mischievous manner. The love potion they made was not one of those cheap ones they could buy from Zonko's Joke Shop, so Steve didn't have to give the potion to Phil. It was indeed the infamous amortentia, the strongest love potion that makes the drinker be obsessed with his or her own crush or slight attraction. Since they were going to mix it in to the large pot of drinks at dinner, Tony adjusted the ratio of potion and water in the cup accordingly to observe a fair test.
Stranger: He nodded. "if it works, then we should have a good time watching Rogers trying to get his things back." Bruce looked to the bottle with a small sense of pride. Whatever was going to happen afterwards was going to be worth detention. "did you save me anything to eat?" he pocketed the bottle and sat on the desk.
You: "We got to try this after this class. Indeed, yes. Bacon and sausages for my carnivore." Tony winked as he summoned a dish of meat and bread he hid under the Great Hall table. Technically this spell was restricted from the school rule, but since when did he abide to rules? Knowledge of understanding many good spells needed to be used, not held to be forbidden.
Stranger: "Yours? Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't put a collar on me yet." Bruce started to take a bite of of the meat. It wasn't usually his favorite dish but he did get more an note carnivorous as the full moon get closer. Soon he would have to leave. "So, we going to just find Phil to use it on?"
You: "Why the hell not? I see him every time on quidditch stadium and drool at Rogers on his broom." Tony replied as he was scribbling simple sentences in runes. "Are you finished?" They could leave early as long as the given task was finished. He just wanted to rush down to the field and see the effect.
Stranger: He rolled his eyes slightly. "He's a great player. I mean, how many keepers can block that many shots in a day? I still don't know why you don't want to be a seeker. I mean, Fury all but begs you to play on the team." he did laugh as he remembered the last time Tony was approached. He had to pull each other away. "Well, let's go."
You: "Because they restrict me to fly with my creation, that's why. If they allow me to bring Iron-Nimbus 2001, then I will think about it." They left the classroom, ignored Clint's plea to wait as he was not even close to the half way of the work. Tony thought about the smell he experienced back in the indoors, so he brought his nose to the love potion on the field while they were walking to the stadium. It still had the essence of the guy who he was walking with, and he didn't understand why. "Strange... Very strange." A confused mutter escaped his mouth.
Stranger: It was always funny in a way to hear Tony talk about his inventions. He was just like a little child that was ready to play with his newest toy. But he chuckled as he watched him talk. As they walked closer, he watched as Tony. The reaction was expected which meant the potion was working. Of course it would, Bruce made it. "What's strange? Find out you have a secret attraction to pine needles?"
You: "No, it's just... Yeah, I /love/ the smell of Christmas tree. Care for some eggnog?" Tony replied in sarcastic manner. He still didn't understand why he was detecting Bruce's smell from this potion, but that's probably because he was right beside Bruce. "Say, what about you? You are the one who visits the pot everyday - surely you know what attracts you."
Stranger: "I never stuck my nose in it to get a string feel. I usually have my face in the instructions so I hardly smell anything." he took the bottle and took a strong sniff. Instantly, he smelled new books...  Fresh linen and... "uh... It's not that impressive." he shoved it back to him,  Tonys cologne suddenly overpowering the potion.
You: "Yeah, I thought so, Mr. Boring. Look, there's the noob." They arrived at the stadium and found Phil busily chasing Steve with those googly eyes. They sat right beside him and sprinkled few drop in the butter beer they brought. "Hey, newbie. Still chasing our Steve? Have some of this. It's cold outside." Tony flashed a fake smiled and showed kindness, hoping the child was naive enough for this trick.
Stranger: Bruce watched as Phil took the cup. He felt bad that he tricking the poor boy but... He rather thought of it as giving the boy confidence to confess to Steve. They both knew Phil was on the edge of love. "So, having fun watching Rogers?"
You: "Oh... Yes, he is quite a something!" Phil replied as he took a sip without any suspicion. They carried on the casual conversation and noticed how Phil's blush become redder as he continued to finish the cup and whenever Steve's robe fluttered, showing his abs. "Look at him. Getting all excited and all." Tony whispered at Bruce and suppressed his laughter.
Stranger: Bruce snickered as he watched Phil. Poor boy was too busy watching Steve rather than listening to them. "Well, we should get going. Phil, you tell Steve we said we'll catch him later. We're counting on you to keep an eye on him."He pulled Tony away from the Pitch to go back find Barton. "I say it's working."
You: "I bet a galleon on the kid trying to kiss Steve rather than confessing his love verbally." If Clint was not in the underground waiting for Natasha outside of Slytherin commons, he would be on the empty grassy field, shooting off rocks and practise his already perfect accuracy. As they walked to usual turf, sound of zaps could be heard.
Stranger: He looked around as they walked. "Okay, so who are we going to get to drink this next?" this was almost fun. Bruce groaned, realizing he was hanging around Tony too long. "Say Barton. You have an idea who you would  try to get to drink it?"
You: Clint was really tempted to make Natasha drink it, but he didn't want some kind of cheap love from her. She would notice it right away anyway, which made it double risky. His eyes stared at the rock he just smashed, then looked at Tony. "Stark should drink it. It would be hilarious to see him chase after girls." He whispered into Bruce's ear and smirked at Tony.
Stranger: Bruce thought about it for a moment then chuckled. What kind of compliment would this be if Tony himself fell for it. "Sure. Sounds fun." Looking around, Bruce started to think about what to get him To drink. 
You: "Just give it to me and I will do it." "What are you guys talking about?" Tony eyed them out while he got distracted from the new charm he learnt. The way Clint was approaching to him gave him a bad feeling. Within a second, he found his head locked under Clint's arm and pounding his body on the floor. "Banner, grab his legs." Clint laughed as he pushed down Tony's arms with his knees and opened the bottle.
Stranger: Nodding, he left it to Clint. If anyone was going to get Tony to do it, it was him. Clint had a knack for sneaking up on people. He was a patient one, Bruce gave him that. Soon, Bruce was hiding his best friends legs. "Oh relax, Tony."
You: "What the fuck are you doing to-" Tony's words and yells were interrupted by the liquid sliding down his throat. He wanted to spit it out but his reflex betrayed him. He lay still when the whole thing was swallowed and calculated the time that this thing would last in his body. It was a diluted version anyway, he just didn't have to see a girl he likes for an hour or so. "Fine, fine. You guys win. Let me go or-" He was not a stutter mouth, but his heart skipped a beat the moment he saw Bruce's face. Why the fuck was this happening to him?
Stranger: Bruce chuckled and looked to him. It seemed like he was working. Maybe he already had a girl in mind. Bruce let him go and sat back. "So, how do you feel, Tony?" Bruce helped him up and looked to Clint. "Maybe we over did it with the potion?" he rubbed his chin in thought. He had made it correctly but it wasn't making much sense. Even a diluted version would have had some effect. It did on Phil.
You: Without a much thought, Tony grabbed Bruce by shoulders and stared at him. His consciousness could not hold the lust - at this rate, he could just deep kiss Bruce shamelessly. "...I need to go." Tony couldn't bear looking at Bruce anymore. Just the sight of his best friend made him extremely aroused and uncontrollable. If he didn't hold himself back, he would definitely rape the shit out of this gorgeous bespectacled boy in front of him. He ran away from the two boys and screamed in frustration. "Looks like he needs to see that right away. That was priceless." Clint barfed up laughing at how Tony's face was so red. Oh he was so going to tell this to Natasha.
Stranger: "Wh-what just happened?" Bruce sat there looking dumbstruck. Tony's reaction, the effects of a love potion... "Wait, is he..?" he looked after as Tony ran away. He managed somehow to get himself up. "Oh shut up Clint. He probably just thought I looked like the girl he likes and went to find the real thing."
You: Tony had to hide himself somewhere that none of his group of friends can find him, but he couldn't think up of where. The way those lips of Bruce shook was just too alluring - it clouded his mind. He hid himself in toilet cubicle and locked the door. As he sat on the toilet seat, his hands squeezed his fast beating heart. "What the fuck? Calm... calm down, you damned organ."
Stranger: Bruce thought it was best to just leave Tony as he was. Odds were that he was already snogging the girl he wanted. Bruce walked on and found the others, asking of they had seen Tony. Sighing he headed to the dorm room first. Maybe he was there trying to busy himself with a project until the potion wore off.
You: Indeed, Tony went back to the dorm, because he felt quite pathetic to trap himself on a toilet seat. He tried to focus his attention on the parchment that he looked at yesterday and get his mind off Bruce. It was a futile resistance, since the sight of Bruce's writing on the paper was enough to make him feel crazy. Just twenty more minutes and this would be over. No equation he wrote with his quill made any sense.
Stranger: Sighing, Bruce looked around. Tony wasn't in the common room like he has hoped. Then again, being under a love spell was probably too much for him. Oh well, one girl's day was just made better. Bruce headed to his room, deciding to do homework and wait for Tony to come back. He stopped as soon as he walked into the doorway, surprised to see his best friend on his bed. "Hey, I figured you'd be off snogging somewhere."
You: "Fuck. I mean, hey." Tony could not help himself but to be startled when his emotional vulnerability was at its peak. Bruce, the source of his crazy feelings was right behind Tony. He buried his head on Bruce's bed and tried to ignore the presence of his best friend. He desired to be touch and at the same time, he didn't want to be.  
Stranger: He smiled, glad his friend was okay. That's the way it was, when either Bruce or Tony was upset the other wouldn't be far away. It was that way since they met. "Well glad you're okay." He laid back on Antony's bed and pulled out his work.
You: Tony could not agree to what Bruce just said. He was definitely not okay when Bruce lay on /his/ bed and existed in the same room. He kept himself in control, but the time was creeping so slowly and painfully. It had been a while since Bruce came and Tony couldn't hold it anymore. With face of a tomato, Tony stood up, moved to his own bed and sat next to Bruce. "I... I am not okay." He whispered and grabbed Bruce's shoulder gently this time.
Stranger: "What's up?" Bruce wasn't sure if the potion was still in effect or not. Everything seemed all right. That was until Tony sat by him. Bruce turned to him and waited. He had to look really hard at Tony's face. He looked like he was.... Blushing.
You: Tony's heart was under a seizure when their eyes met each other. Every little features of Bruce was so damn attractive and he didn't know why he resisted to kiss that neck or caress the curly brown hair. His hand cupped those cheeks in front of him and Tony slowly brought their face closer... and then he suddenly realised what he was going to do. "...are you scared?" Tony smirked and saved this very awkward and embarrassing situation with a joke. The potion's effect wore off just in time before it happened, and Tony released the grip. He lay on his back with a relieved sigh. That was /so/ close...
Stranger: Bruce looked to Tony, he was practically stunned. One moment his best friend was about to kiss him, the next he was joking around. "Here I thought you lost your mind. You got me good." he laughed as he laid by him. "I thought you were in love with me for a second. With how you reacted after drinking the potion, I thought for sure you were really gonna kiss me."
You: "Pshew, what? No. No way." Tony laughed along but he really wasn't laughing inside. There was no mistake that Bruce, the top class potion student, had done in making this potion. He was panicking at the fact that he liked his best friend - of all the fucking people - the guy who he shared room with. He knew this was not going to work. The last thing Tony wanted to do was pushing Bruce away because of his silly affection that he wasn't even sure of.
"But what would you have done if I actually snogged you?" He tried to keep the conversation casual, but the curiosity got him.
Stranger: "Oh, I don't know. I might have just chalked it up to you being under the love potion still." He chuckled at the thought of Tony actually kissing him. It probably be a funny thought to laugh at with Clint and Natasha. Though Bruce suddenly had the idea to put the potion into their cups. Speaking of cups, Bruce suddenly remembered he should put the rest of the brew into bottles. "Hey, I'm gonna go check on the potion and get it ready for the first years." He sat up and looked to him. "You wanna come with?"
You: Tony smiled at the fact that Bruce didn't think too much into it. Yeah that's right - there was no need to worry if it was just spur of a moment. Maybe the potion really made Tony horny because he basically loved to do it with any girls, so the potion possibly have expanded his high sexual drive. Yes, he was going to believe in that hypothesis because it would be ridiculous to actually /like/ Bruce.
"Yup, let's give them the night that they will never forget." Tony jumped out of the bed and shone an excited grin.
Stranger: Bruce nodded as he walked out of the room. "It'll be worth it, considering where I'll be for the next few days.." The prank was perfectly time. Within the next few days Bruce would turn into a werewolf puppy and have to go to the Shrieking Shack. But he didn't mind so much. Tony often visited him. Bruce got a visitor and Tony had an excuse to skip classes. As he walked to the Room, Bruce looked to the potion. Sure enough it was still simmering thanks to the enchanted fire. "Perfect, this looks great."
You: "Yes, the night adventure time is soon, hm? Don't try to fight the big ones this time - although you are freakishly strong and I am a big fan of that strength, they nearly killed you." Tony ignored the smell and looked at the colour, which was indeed ideal. They nearly dropped all the flasks when Steve banged the door open with clear annoyance in his eyes. Seemed like he rushed to the Room and didn't even bother to get changed into school robe.
Stranger: Bruce made to catch the bottles that slipped. Even wasting one bottle was going to get them into trouble sooner than anticipated. "Careful...." Though he wasn't at all surprised to see a very angry looking Steve Rogers. By the look on his face, the potion Phil drank worked.Though it must have been a lot sooner. Phil only had a little bit where as Tony had a bottle himself. Steve must have hid and wait for them. Along with being super pissed off. "So, how was practice?"
You: "You guys crossed the line this time. Why in the world did my lips have to get stolen by a second year?" Steve stormed to them and they could see his biceps bulging out of those threatening arms. Tony was sure that Steve wouldn't tell on them to McGonagal, because that would also mean him confessing how he got kissed by a boy. "Don't blame it on Banner. Can't I get a credit for my own idea of pranks? I guess you didn't enjoy it without any tongue movement. The dude seems so innocent after all." Tony sniggered and continued to fill the bottles up.
Stranger: "Wow, he actually did it? I would have thought he would have kissed your cheek." He chuckled as he looked to Steve. Judging by the reaction, it must have been his first kiss. "Hey, did you talk to the little guy about it? I mean, everyone knows he really likes you already." Bruce felt bad for tricking Phil but he did need to get his confession to Steve over with. Bruce set another bottle down. "So what, are you going to get back at us?
You: "No. You know I am not as tricky as you guys are. We, uh, are going to talk about it tonight because you know, we are in the same house after all, and um... That doesn't mean I will let this kind of thing happen again. Mark my words, this will be the last time you can push me around." Steve's angry demeanor calmed down a bit as he mentioned the secret talk he was going to have at night, then stormed off again.
Stranger: Bruce looked  to Tony and chuckled slightly. It was obvious that Steve wasn't /that/ upset about it. Well, as upset as he led on. "I'm curious as how he's going to get back at us. I mean... he's not exactly in our house." He may not have a the smarts but Steve was clever, Bruce gave him that. As he poured the last bit of the potion, Bruce smiled as he smelled the linen and books. But he still wondered why Tony would need so much cologne. "Wait... he didn't..."
You: "Yeah you can't underestimate Rogers. Ain't quidditch captain for nothing. Hm? Who didn't?" Tony laughed as soon as Steve left and kept talking till he heard Bruce's mutter. Did Steve do something that may ruin their plan?
Stranger: He looked up to him and shrugged. "I was just smelling this and it.... it's nothing." Bruce didn't want to admit it but the last scent smelled exactly like his friend's scent. Bruce replayed the morning to himself, trying to make sure Tony got his cologne on. He shook his head. Maybe it was just a conclusion from earlier. I was almost kissed by Tony so maybe it was a lingering ideal that tricked his nose. Yeah, that was reasonable, right. "Let's get back to the dorm and figure out when to use these."
You: "And how much of them we are going to use. These plenty more than what we have planned to use in the dining hall, and they got to be diluted as well." Other than the bag was full of bottles clinking, everything was smooth and going according to plan. It was a pain in the arse that their common room is in the highest part of the Hogwarts, but it was all worth. They weren't too surprised to find Clint in their room, but Natasha was also there, flicking her green scarf over her shoulder. "Oh, I didn't know ninja couples would be here. Do you even know what ninja means?" "Of course, mugglefucker. I know bit of your words."
Stranger: "Hey, easy. Look we have over 13 bottles of this batch." He pulled off his bag and set it on his bed. Bruce pulled out one to show them. "Well, what do you think?" He tossed it to Natasha. "We used it earlier on that second year, Phil Coulson. He sure gave Rogers a surprise." He chuckle as he remembered the look on Steve's face. As they smelled it, he sat on his bed and watched them.
You: "I... wow can I have one of them? I would love to have a little bottle that smells this good all day." Clint sort of hid his affection towards the redhead - in fact, he haven't even confessed it to her. Tony could see the bird boy looking at Natasha with such fondness while he was burying his nose on the bottle. "I am sure Rogers did not appreciate the surprise." They never knew what Natasha was thinking since the girl had a face of a stoic mask. A little crease formed on her eyebrows as she slightly shifted away from Clint.
Stranger: "Yes, and he let us have it, too. He came in on us and started a nice little yelling contest." Bruce looked over to Clint and shrugged. "I don't mind. Tony?" In the back of his mind, he hoped that Clint would use a small amount as more of a confidence booster to confess to Natasha. Since the idea was Tony's and with a nod of their heads, Bruce let Clint have a bottle. It wasn't going to hurt anyone. Well, mainly himself and Tony. As they talked, Bruce worked on future homework. He wanted it to be done so he wasn't behind while away.
You: "Come on, Nat. Tell us what you smell from that bottle." "I told you, it's smells of vodka and nothing more than that." Clint and Natasha kept bickering between them while Tony winked at Bruce. "She's hiding it. Such shy bums, they should just rape each other." He sat close by Bruce and discussed on their homework.
Stranger: He chuckled as he looked to his friend. "It's not 'rape' if they want it. But I rather the married couple not fight in our room." He looked to them with a smile. They fought just like a married couple do. "Hey guys? We're trying to study here."
You: "Yeah, get a room guys. Don't copulate here." Tony jeered and saw Natasha and Clint's limps tangled in a fight. Clint smiled with thumbs up, but Natasha certainly didn't like that. With a decisive nod, the two climbed out of the window since they could not come in or go out through the proper doorway. No one knew how these two could sneak into every house commons, but they certainly had the skills. "We are /not/ going to have sex. Why don't you two just come out of the closet, hm?" Her words spat out at them before slipping out of their sight. She had a knack of knowing stuffs without being told. To her, it was pretty obvious that the two nerds had things for each other.
Stranger: "Out of the- Tony's just my friend!" Both of them protested at the closet comment. Bruce sighed and went back to his work. "They should get together and get it over with."
You: "I'll say. Her tantrum is as nasty as ever. Bet she is on her period." Tony kept working on the homework with Bruce, but it seemed so awkward now. He kept his mind focused on the plan - they just need to give the bottles to Peeves and Clint will supervise that prankster midget. It would be quite disastrous if Peeves decides to act out of their agreement.
Stranger: Bruce laughed at him. "Maybe but then again you can never really tell with Natasha." She was always sassy and had a comment to leave but that was why they were friends. She stood up for them and kicked major ass, better without magic.  Bruce looked over to the clock. only an hour after the two left and he was already tired. "we better sleep. we have to get up early to meet with Peeves." He set the bag on the floor and didn't see when one bottle fell and rolled under the bed.
You: "Sleepy already and it's just after lunch. Are you on your wolf-menstruation cycle? Don't worry, I will wake you up an hour before dinner." Tony wasn't tired at all, but he didn't want to get up either. He picked his parchment that had full schematic of the broom project and shifted a bit on his bed so Bruce could sleep.
Stranger: Bruce yawned and curled on the bed. "hey, I was up making that potion last night. I think I'm allowed to sleep." He kept running up to the Room in the night to see if it was working. He was starting to  be more awake at night since they wee closer to the full moon. "What is it with you and menstruation?"
You: "Just another good way to make fun of people.." Tony scribbled out the equation he wrote when he was under the spell of potion and replaced it with something more logical and sensible. He watched the sand glass then looked down at Bruce. It was highly tempting to stroke the cloud of brown hair, and his normal self would have done it in a playful manner. However, it just felt to awkward to be so touchy now. "Thanks, Brucey. I will make sure you don't get detentions from this." His gaze went back to the paper on his knee and kept on writing his ideas.
Stranger: Bruce let out a small smile as he started to get comfortable soon he was easily asleep in his spot. He was more tired than usual but that was for good reason. The pair had been running around all day for amusement about the new potion. As he slept, Bruce cuddled closer, wanting to feel warmer.
You: The warmth transferred to Tony and made him feel very comfortable - he didn't even realise the time flew past and it was almost an hour and a half before the dinner. If they could stay like this longer, Tony would risk his reputation to steal the time-turner in McGonagall's drawer. With a sigh and cramped waist, Tony shook Bruce. "Time to meet Clint and Peeves outside of the boy's bathroom." They didn't choose the Room to meet up since it was hard to trust Peeves with their secret place.
Stranger: A groaned came from the sleeping bundle that was Bruce. The long rest he got was perfect he didn't want to miss this for anything.  The first prank of the year and hopefully one that was remembered for a bit. Bruce sat up an yawned. "Okay, let me get ready to go."
You: "You are fine just the way you are. Now let's go, unless you are trying to impress a girl out there." Tony already picked the bag up and pumped to get this party started. He really did mean the compliment, though - Bruce did look gorgeous even if the guy just woke up from his sleep.
Stranger: He didn't listen and ran his fingers in his hair. He had to still look like he looked awake. "Okay, well, lets get going. We need to establish an alibi." Bruce picked up his bag and followed him out. The trip was more exciting as they walked. All of the first years were excitedly talking about the first day. Bruce chuckled as he walked on. "Ready to get them?
You: "Oh yes, they will be as horny as fuck. Although I won't blame some of them falling in love with me." Tony puffed out his chest out and strut in pompous manner. Some of the first year girls looked at him with bit of an awe, and nearly squealed when he gave them a wink. He didn't watch where he was going and bashed his head into a taller figure. It was Thor, leading his little juniors to the dining hall like a model senior he was. "Hello, friend. Shouldn't you be responsible for your first years?"
Stranger: "You say so but don't bring any of them back to the dorm. I want to sleep in peace."  He looked around to the girls. Some of them were giggling. He just sighed and walked on. Whatever it was probably didn't need to be known. Bruce looked up to Thor as he walked closer. "Hey Thor. We aren't any house officer so we don't /have/ to. Besides, we were going to Madam  Hooch's office to talk to her about a new broom design."
You: Thor looked down at two brunettes with disapproval. "No matter what you do, Gryffindor shall win the cup this year. Lest not forget that we are rivals, Stark and Banner. Say..." The big bulky blond bend down a bit and smelled Tony and Bruce in quizzical manner. "Have you been with Loki? You smell like him." Tony gulped a nervous knot and glanced at Bruce. Their watch was quarter to seven and really had to rush to the destined place. "Sorry, Thor. We haven't seen him. Got to go, or Hooch will peck our eyes out. Bye."
Stranger: Bruce nodded and pushed Tony away from Thor. The last thing they needed was or the big guy to uncover their plan before they even had a chance to go through with it. "Well, it was nice talking to you Thor but we're in a hurry." He waved as he hurried off. He sighed as they walked to the bathroom. "That was close."
You: "That guy is like an animal. Him and his crazy intuition... Did he just say we smell like Loki? Thank Merlin they are adoptive brothers." Tony caught his breath and proceeded to walk into the empty bathroom. There was Clint aiming his wand at nervous looking Peeves.
Stranger: "Yes, that was a bit weird." Bruce did admit, the amount of love Thor had for his brother was  more than normal. If anything he did hope they were adopted. But it didn't make things better. "Barton, leave Peeves alone. We need him to drop the potion into the cups." He set the bag down and looked to the ghost. "So, are you ready Peeves?
You: "You can't trust this pesky bilge rat. He just tried to make me drink the potions you gave me." Clint growled as his wand poked Peeves by his neck. If he didn't fall out from his bed in his nap, he would had been sprinting around the whole school to find Natasha and literally be give her a piece of his heart. "Oh, I won't do it again. Besides, fooling around with the youngest one sounds more fun. Trust me, you have my words as an amortal, not a ghost."
Stranger: Bruce looked o them and shrugged. "Immortal or not, you do have a reputation." He looked to him and handed him a spare bag with the bottle. It was an old bag Bruce found at the Shack so he knew it was perfect. "Great now remember,only in the first years. just to get a nice snog fest going."
You: "Ohohoho, indeed yes, yes. Consider it done, itty bitty fourth years. You three are certainly gaining reputation, but not as great as the Weasley twins." With a cackle, Peeves disappeared with the bag. Tony could have sworn that he saw another ghost figure with ginger hair high-fiving the poltergeist.
Stranger: Bruce nodded in agreement. He read all about the Twins and their pranks. But they were in Gryffindor. As far as he knew Tony and Bruce were the only Ravenclaws with the most detentions. "Okay, that's done. Let's go to the Great Hall while we can sneak in with the rest of the crowd."
You: With excited gleam, Tony followed his friends out and sat in the long table of Ravenclaw side. Everything was perfect this time - they were wearing gloves when they handled the bottles and the bad was literally out of nowhere, thanks to Bruce. Have they dispose of the pot? Sure, they have. It blew off into bits as soon as they added wrong ingredients for an antidote. This was just going according to the plan. "Give me a bro fist." Tony curled his hand into a ball and shoved it front of Bruce.
Stranger: "Sure thing, Tony." Bruce gave his best friend a Bro fist and looked around. Peeves was going to show up at any moment. In the meantime, He sat back and started to listen to the Headmaster
You: "...and that's why you should appreciate the food you get, because there ain't nothing like this in ghetto. There are nothing special about this evening other than some stupid-asses thought drawing on the fat lady portrait was funny. We will see about that, and you know who you are." Headmaster Fury was emanating his charisma as usual. His patch of electric blue eye glared at Tony and Bruce when he mentioned about the graffiti, but his gaze was not fixated at Clint who was spacing our because of hunger. Peeves gave Tony a thumbs up, signalling that the potion was successfully integrated into the drinks for the first years that house elves had prepared. "I've got no more to say. Help yourselves out." As soon as Fury finished talking, the food appeared on the table and jugs were instantly filled with various juices and liquids.
Stranger: Bruce looked to Tony and shrugged. Sure they played pranks but they never went as far as to tag the portraits. looking around,He was watching several kids already eating. They looked like they were appreciating the food. "So, think Fury already knows who it was but looks at us out of habit? You know he was looking right at us." He started to grab steaks and chicken.
You: "He is just doing that out of habit. We are classier than that and he better know it. Oh. OH dude, look at them." Tony tried his best to not barf up laughing and spit chunks of mashed potato out of his mouth. One Gryffindor first year ran to a third year and hugged her. He could also see a couple of Slytherin already kissing each other with their eyes closed. Shit was about to get real.
Stranger: Bruce chuckled as he watched them. A few Hufflepuffs were pulling at the arms of a Ravenclaw 5th year. He looked around and saw Rogers giving them a dark look. It was too much. He laughed as he tried to eat but it was too much. "Oh my god, this is better than i thought.
You: "If a camcorder worked in this damned castle, I would have recorded this stuff." Tony was openly laughing as the whole school started to express their amusement as well. It was a total chaos when some seniors were busy running away from hordes of little children while some were just dying of laughter. It took a while till Tony saw those giggling girls they saw outside of the dining hall. They started to tangle onto him, which Tony didn't exactly resist until one of them grabbed his face for a smooch. He said no and they kept cling on to him. "Buddy, help?" Tony glanced at Bruce with slight terror in his eyes. By Merlin's beard what have they done?
Stranger: Bruce chuckled at him before shrugging. "Wow, Tony you're so popular." He laughed so hard as he held his sides. It was funnier to watch as Tony's plan backfired on him not once but twice in the same day. "okay, girls, leave him alone. He's accidentally ate Weasley's Dungmints. I don't think you want to kiss a guy that smells like that." He watched them, hoping it was working
You: The girls glared at Bruce with such intense hate and kept clinging on to Tony's robe. He was getting sort of scared and haven't thought of a plan for this. "THE FUCK IS THIS? I AM TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT." Fury's roar actually froze the raging crowd. Now that was whole different dimension of a horror - to see Fury actually pissed off. Professors quarantined all the first years and gazed at all the other students with his cold magical eyeball. The mood was heavy and so quiet that Tony could hear his own heart beat.
Stranger: Bruce looked around and sighed softly. "We are dead. I mean it, Tony. We are dead when he finds out." They were grouped together in the houses. It was only a matter of time before Fury found out who it was. Taking a deep breath Bruce held onto his fork and just watched Fury and looked around at the others.
You: "Don't worry, Bruce. We have a back up." If there was something that Peeves loved, it was an utter confusion. That was the reason why the poltergeist agreed to help in the first place, but now the whole entertainment was ceased in less than an hour. Tony knew that the ghost didn't really respect Fury as the headmaster just yet. Also Peeves would be too stubborn to admit that he was helped by measly human children like Tony and Bruce. The annoyed floating figure would come in right...
"Oh you don't know any fun, skinhead. Can't you accept my humble gift of comedy?" ...now.
Stranger: He nodded as he looked to the poltergeist. He looked like he was enjoying himself too much to give credit to Bruce and Tony. "Yeah, I think so." He sighed and looked around. Dinner was more or less over and several students were snapping out of the Potion's control. He chuckled and looked to Tony. "Tomorrow, those poor kids are going to be red in the face." He looked over at Steve, who was still glaring at the two. "Think Captain Righteous will turn us in?"
You: "No, he wouldn't want to expose either his or Phil kid's feelings. We are on the safe ground, pup. Do not worry a thing and consider this a success." Tony sent Steve a kiss sign to remind the blond what happened this morning. He was really getting tired after all the fun, but there must be a private celebration held between him and his best friend. "Let's go back to the dorm. I still have some butter beer left." While the hall was in ruckus, Natasha took that opportunity to sneak into the two boy's room. She had hoped if there was any bottle left, and luckily found one under the bed. If they were not going to confess it to each other, then she should help a little. It really didn't matter which one of the two bottles of Hogsmeade brew she mixed it with since it was only those who shared the room anyway.
Stranger: Bruce grinned with some pride. It was great to know they had almost everything covered. No prints, (Thank you summer of crime shows), no one to risk ratting them out, and all the evidence was destroyed. "Yeah, I guess you're right, Tony. Anyway. Let's take some cakes to the room. I still want to work on some assignments and the sugar should help."
You: "Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we were in Slytherin. We would be the fearsome duo." Tony wrapped bunch of brownies and glanced at Fury still having quarrel with Peeves. He could hear all the colourful gangster swear words that came out from one eyed man and the ghost jeering at human with his usual high pitched voice.
Stranger: "Oh we would have been expelled in our 2nd year. I'm not joking." He piled on some food on a plate and walked to the Dorm room. he waved night to all his friends as they walked to the Ravenclaw Tower. "I must say we did a great job." He chuckled as he sat on his bed.
You: "And get expelled in our first year if we were in those blockhead Gryffindor house. Now which bottle was mine?" Tony sat right beside Bruce and picked one of the two. They still weren't aware of the fact that Natasha meddled with one of them with the love potion that was hidden in this room.
Stranger: Bruce nodded and put the plate of sweets between them on the table and shrugged. "Does it matter? They're just butter beer." He picked up the other and pulled off the top. "Here's to another prank successfully executed." He held it up in front of Tony. This was as good a time to toast to each other as any.
You: "To our masterful minds." Tony clinked his bottle against Bruce's and drank it up. The cold and creamy sensation of the drink was soothing his near dead scared mind of Fury's anger. Looks like this will be the night that they will never forget. He bit another bite of pumpkin pie and got back on his parchment of homework.
Stranger: Bruce took a long drink. It was great to have something to help him relax. Though it was strange. The butterbeer had a different after taste than it normally did. He took another drink just to make sure. "Ugh, maybe mine has gone flat. This tastes a little off." He looked up to his best friend and all but froze. One look at Tony's face and Bruce's heart raced faster than normal.
You: "Really? Well bad luck you got there. I thought they would last for a while." Tony finished his drink and kept working on his advanced potions theory exercise. There were few things that even the heir of Stark didn't know and Bruce was practically a walking herb encyclopedia. "Hey, mandrake root got to be boiled for a half an hour, right?" He rolled around the bed, lying next to Bruce with his face looking up at his friend's face.
Stranger: Bruce shrugged and nodded. "Y-yeah..." The longer he looked down at Tony, the more rapid and harder his heart seemed to beat. It beat so loudly he stood and walked around, shaking his head. He was having ideas of only Tony. Alone. On his bed. Maybe it was the excitement from the prank but he knew it was more than that.
You: Tony nodded and jotted few more words down till he noticed the intense gaze that Bruce was giving him. "Is there any butter beer bubble on my face or something?" He fixed his eyes on Bruce's and saw how they were slightly shaking. What was up with this guy?
Stranger: He sighed heavily before taking a long drink of his butterbeer. He stopped when he saw seething shiny on the floor by his bed. "What the,..?" he picked it up. It looked exactly like one of the bottles they used for the love potion. Except it was empty. He looked to the mostly empty butterbeer and his mind priced the puzzle together. "I... I think I just drank some of the love potion."
You: "Really? But how...?" Tony also saw the transparent bottle and thought of what could have happened. It was most likely to be the red headed ninja girl because he saw Clint down at the dining hall, consuming food and enjoying the view of romantic frenzy. This was far too entertaining now. He mentally thanked Natasha and looked carefully at his blushing friend. He have never seen Bruce talking about a girl. This would be a perfect opportunity to /maybe/ hunt down the bitch and prevent Bruce from liking her even more. Not jealous or anything, just as best friend who looks after one another. "Oh this night is just keep getting better. Go on, Brucey. Go after your crush and I will be your wingman."
Stranger: He groaned and stood. Each look at Tony was makin his heart pound loudly it was only a matter of time before it was heard. He looked to the two empty bottles. There was no way he was in love with Tony. He was his best friend, that just didn't happen. Bruce spent so much of his free time with Tony Bruce never even looked at a girl. Ever even saw one he liked. He had to leave. The longer he stayed the more he wanted nothing more than to stay and snog the hell out of those lips. "I've gotta go."
You: "Yeah, lead us to your girl!" Tony was willing to follow Bruce out and patted his best friend's shoulder. The girl must be super hot or cute to make the shy Bruce in such panicked state.
Stranger: "No, I got it. I rather just.. I need to be alone." Bruce  managed to get away from Tony, hurrying to the one person he knew was responsible. Well, two people. The ghost that helped them in the prank or a certain redhead he hadn't spotted during dinner. He went with the lesser of two evil and went to find Peeves in the one place he knew he was: the staircase.
You: Tony just sat on the bed and quite perplexed. He felt sort of hurt and ignored when Bruce just left him like that, but maybe his werewolf symptoms were getting worse. Peeves was back in his good mood after he taunted Fury enough. They let him go because no life was hurt or killed, but apparently that blue patch of an eye will not forgive him if something like that happened again. Amateurs - such feeble threat can never stop what he had been doing since the Hogwarts was established. His already creepy smiled widened when he saw one of the clever Ravenclaw boys. "Got anymore ideas, wee Banner?"
Stranger: "No, I came to ask you something. Why did you slip me my own love potion?!" he wasn't at all surprised that peeves was innocent. The ghost was too preoccupied with the prank itself. But the constant interrogation from Bruce wasn't to find out who but to avoid Tony. At least until the spell wore off. The last thing he wanted was to make things awkward. Then it hit him. Bruce was emulating the exact same thing that Tony was doing earlier.
You: Tony heard Bruce coming back to the room and gave him a smirk. He wasn't sure if his friend was still under the effect of the potion or not, but he didn't want to care anymore. "You are back early. I thought you were out there to find the love of your life." His voice was on edge, as if he was slightly angry. Well not angry, but just a bit annoyed, that's all.
Stranger: Bruce looked to him and his face instantly grew red. "Well.... I went somewhere else" He walked closer, eyes focused on Tony. "I wanted to ask you something."
You: "Ask away." Tony was still lying on Bruce's bed and didn't bother to sit up. If the guy wanted to talk, he was willing to listen.
Stranger: Bruce sat back beside him. He couldn't resist it  anymore. Everything was telling him to not go through but Tony looked so. Bruce cupped his face as he looked him in the eye. "Can I change my answer about you kissing me?"
You: Tony didn't even shout or gasp at this fantastic moment. His eyes were wide open as he could feel Bruce's hands on his cheek and his brain didn't seem to function anymore. "What?" That was the first time that Tony could not think of anything decent to say.
Stranger: Tony looked so cute when he was confused. Carefully, Bruce closed his eyes and leaned in closer. What happened next seemed like a blur. All Bruce could remember was wanting nothing more than to kiss his lips. He leaned in and brushed his lips against Tonys.
You: If this was a wishful opportunity that Tony had been waiting for, then it would be wise of him to accept it. Tony hooked his arms on Bruce's neck and brought their faces closer. He used all those snogging experience with girls right now because Bruce deserved the best.
Stranger: Even under the love spell Bruce was surprised by the reaction. He thought Tony would push him away for sure. Whatever it was, he brought his arms up and held onto his neck, smiling into the kiss.
Their mouths were connected for a while, but Tony could feel that he still was hungry for some more. The kiss grew deeper minute by minute and finally they pulled apart from each other, craving for fresh air.
"How long have you been waiting for this? Seriously, no one could resist my charm longer than you have." His cocky remark was mixed with content sigh.
Stranger: Bruce moaned softly and hugged him close. It felt good to kiss those lips after so long. He looked up to him and gasped for air. "A while. Didn't even think you liked be like any of those girls." He was suddenly thanking Natasha while he thought of a way to get back at her.
You: "Don't get the wrong idea here, you are the girl in this relationship. Agh, I should have just kissed you first when I drank that potion. Tony Stark steals lips, not get stolen." The position of their bodies swapped places while they were busy cuddling in the kiss - it was Tony who was on the top and putting his arms on the side of Bruce's head. He realised amortentia will fade in few minutes later and began to worry if Bruce was going to regret what he had done. "I hope you won't chalk it up when you snap out of the potion."
Stranger: Bruce looked up. He wasn't sure if this was the potion talking or him but he sat up. "I still have some butter beer left...." he looked over at the table. Right where he left it was under half a bottle left. "I'll drink the rest of it. I don't know what's this is but I just want you so much." Every part of him was wanting to be held by Tony.
You: Tony grabbed the bottle and had a small sip before giving it to Bruce. He wanted to feel as fired up as his mutual crush right now. He whispered into the bespectacled boy's ear and licked his earlobe. "Brilliant. Didn't know there were someone who could be sexier than me."
Stranger: He took the bottle and drank most of it. he handed the bottle back to him. He had to remember when he was sober to kiss Tony again. If this was real, he wanted to know for sure. Bit for now he just looked over and grinned. " No, no one is as sexy as you."
You: Tony shrugged in some sort of agreement and resumed back to their act of romance. His inner part of the bottom lip stroked with Bruce's upper, arms pulled their bodies closer and legs were entangled with each others. His body was warming up to the point of being steamy hot, but he didn't want to stop.
Stranger: Bruce looked up to him as he kissed him back. Those lips knew exactly what to do and he was glad. He tangled his hands in Tony's hair as he felt the other's tongue. It tasted better than he thought it would. Everything did. He wanted to keep going, love potion or not.
You: They filled the room with soft muffles of moan and shuffles of fabrics. The tongues were busily writhing in slippery mouths, which was beyond Tony's satisfaction. He pulled away to catch bit of cold air, but his lips delved into Bruce's neck rather than returning to the previous physical contact. As he licked the soft and smooth texture, he also sniffed long and hard at the skin.
Stranger: Bruce bent his head back. He gave Tony more access for more kisses, leaned over and licked at his ear, biting softly. He started to run his hands up Tony's chest. For one that wasn't an athlete, his body felt strong, even through his shirt.
You: Tony could feel the spell of potion seeping out of his brain, but he continued to fondle with Bruce and continue giving what the other boy wanted. His romantic feeling was quite solid even with out the magic and even if Bruce said no, he would appreciate the moment they had while it lasted.
Stranger: Bruce held onto Tony as the night went on. Soon enough the love potion was out of his system. That was almost depressing. Bruce pulled back to look up at Tony. "I think it's all gone now."
You: "Has it? Well I  hope you appreciated snogging the heir of Stark. Most of girls would die to marry me." Tony chuckled to lighten the mood up, but he knew it was not much of a great joke. He squeezed Bruce's hand, which seemed like a really subtle gay touch he could do for now. If their wonderful night ended here, that wouldn't be a problem. Tony assured himself that it's not the end of the world, though it would kill a part of his Hogwarts life. "Before you say anything, I will say my sober answer first. I loved the every little bits of moment we just had, and is willing to keep it going on. Of course if you don't want to, we can be still friends."
Stranger: That wasn't something he expected to hear. It sounded like Tony was asking him out. Which was a surprise in and of itself since Tony was usually confessed to not the one to confess himself. "This may be the love potion still but I wanna be with you."
You: Tony smirked, kissed the curly brown hair in front of him and pulled their body down on the bed. "Potion in my ass, you are completely free from it. Ain't this cool or what? I have a werewolf as a boyfriend and you have a handsome billionaire to be." His head was buried on the chest of the other boy. Bruce smelt like clean and fresh clothes with crisp tinge of parchments that he always carry.  
Stranger: "Hey yeah, that is pretty cool." he rubbed Tony's head and chuckled. "It was funny; with the love potion, I thought you had cologne on to cover it but I guess I just liked it too much." he smiled as he kissed his head.
You: "So your sensitive nose is turned on by my cologne? Kinky, Bruce. And I thought you were a quiet innocent little puppy." The warmth they were sharing was spreading through his body. With a yawn, Tony shuffled the blanket up to cover both of them and get ready to sleep. "Better have our beauty sleep now. It was a busy day and we have Romanoff's ass to kick tomorrow."
Stranger: "There's nothing wrong with admiring ones smell." he chuckled as he yawned. He was right about the long day. Everything went as planned and it ended better than they thought. He cuddled closer to Tony than usual and smiled. "Night, Tony."
You: Tony drowsed off as he hugged Bruce tight through the night. The morning came a bit too fast than he hoped, but it was just another they with better company in his arms. Everything that happened seemed like a dream, but the empty bottle of butter beer above his head proved him that this was a real life. His head started to fill up with plans to make the red head drink love potion, but he wanted to discuss this sort of thing with Bruce. After all, no one can stop the two geniuses when they work as an indestructible couple.
Stranger: Bruce yawned and nuzzled into his chest. The movement from the other body woke him up. He didn't say anything but looked up instead. He smiled softly and hugged him.
You: Tony noticed the movement down his torso and gave Bruce a sleepy smile. "Morning. You were so wild last night." He leaned in for a light kiss and whispered with hint of amusement. They had Defence Against Dark Arts class in half an hour, but Tony was tempted to skip such interesting class for someone who gave him the enchantment of his life.
Stranger: "I wasn't wild at all. You were the wild one." he chuckled as he sat up. It was time to get ready for class but he wasn't in much of a mood. Mainly from wanting to stay up late at night. 
You: "Bruce, lift me up with your animalistic biceps because I really cannot be bothered. We are going to learn our patronus charms and I don't want to miss on such advanced knowledge." Expecto patronum was declared as one of the most hardest spells to learn, but after the war caused by Voldemort, it became a compulsory spell in the curriculum. Although the professors did not fail students who could not produce their own patronus, Tony's arrogance was all up for the challenge.  
Stranger: Bruce looked to him for a moment and pushed him off the bed. Just because they were boyfriends now didn't mean things were going to be different. "Oh get yourself up. I haven't carried you to a single class yet." He chuckled as he held his hand out to help him up.
You: "Ow. Galloping gargoyles, I love it when you are rough like that." Tony grabbed the offered hand and pulled himself up. He was glad that Bruce was still his old friend, because sudden change of personality would ruin the natural flow they had between them. It didn't take a while for Tony to get ready because he was very eager to summon his own silvery silhouette of his mind.
Stranger: "And that's not about to change anytime soon." They have been friends for years so if things changed, it would be weird. Smiling, Bruce got ready and grabbed his bag. The two usually went to Defense against the Dark Arts first then headed down to the Great Hall for break. This way they slept in and got to eat later. He fixed his tie then looked to Tony. "Ready to go?"
You: "Baby, I am born ready." Tony's usual dirty remark did not soften either because that was how their friendship was like. There are high probability that those flirts did mean something which was revealed yesterday, but Tony decided to ignore such fact. As they entered the classroom, he could see Natasha's piercing green eyes locked at him and Bruce for a moment and darted away to Clint who sat next to her. She wasn't playing subtle at all because Clint was also looking at them in weird fashion.
Stranger: Bruce looked over to Natasha. He wasn't sure if he should thank te girl or get back at her. He would talk it over with Tony later. Right now he was more focused on the Patronus charm. He took his usual seat by Tony and pulled out his book.
You: Maria Hill was not one of your normal and soft female professor. She was strict, straight forward and kept her face stoic at all times. Some students were even surprised that she could teach them how to summon patronus charm and hoped to have Harry Potter as the guest lecturer which he frequently did.
"To perform this difficult and yet fascinating magic, the primary focus should be on your happiest memory you have ever had. It could be retrospecting for some of you, but I will not be disappointed if you can't. Get into groups of fours and start on it."
Naturally, Tony was grouped with Bruce, Clint and Natasha. He knew what his happiest memory was - it was the day when Howard complimented his work for the first time. That was almost eight years ago, but it still remained on his heart like a candy he would never get tired of.
Stranger: Bruce thought about what his happiest moment was. It took a while but when the others were standing beside him, he knew what it was. It was after the first time he changed in their second year. They found him in the woods and took care of him after the first month. It was a bit cheesey but it was the best he could have done at that moment. "So, what animal do you think you'll get?"
You: "We will find out right now. Expecto Patronum!" Tony whipped his wand with such confidence, but nothing came out. He repeated the same action about a dozen and little silvery puff came out. He was getting slowly frustrated and thought about his father's genuinely warm smile. They could four limbs of an animal, but that soon disappeared. "I will try later... Why don't you go ahead?" Tony smiled tiredly at Bruce and slapped back of Clint's head for all the mockeries during his failures.  
Stranger: Bruce shrugged. He wasn't really interested in seeing himself as a patronus. Any other animal wouldn't fit do well but these things were mysterious. Whatever the case maybe, Bruce tried it. He thought how good it felt to have all of his friends by him after they found him and took care of him. After one wave a silver orb hovered for a few seconds before disappearing. "Hey, that was close."
You: Tony was very much motivated now. He stood up again and began to thrust his wand with his almight, but nothing significant was produced. With hint of desperation, he casted the spell with almost a shout while his head was filled with his father. A silvery animal appeared again and Tony whirled his head toward Bruce to shout out an excitement. The moment his eyes met Bruce, all the happy memory of their friendship flooded in his brain. The silvery four legged animal began to form more of a soild shape of a Great Wolf as he remembered their romantic night of yesterday.
Stranger: When Bruce saw the Patronus take the form of a wolf he had to laugh. It may have been a coincidence but then again it was only when he saw Tony looking at him did he think Tony made it a wolf. "A wolf? Really?" he just laughed and watched as Clint and Natasha tried out. Clint's took the form of a giant Hawk and Natasha's was a big spider. Which she looked overly pleased with. Bruce wasn't sure he should try again. "Great going, guys. They look really cool."
You: "Wolf? That is a bit unexpected. I thought you would get a lion for being such a narcissistic asshole." Natasha cocked her head in inquisition and stared at Tony. Other than him, no one suspected or knew that their mild hearted Bruce turns into an aggressive werewolf at full moon. Tony shrugged because he was proud of his patronus and shot a wink at Bruce. "What about you? Come on, Banner. We got to see yours." Clint nudged Bruce on the side eagerly.
Stranger: "It hasn't materialized into anything. It just takes the shape of a sphere and then vanishes. I don't know what to tell you guys." Bruce wasn't at all surprised when his latest attempt went up in a silvery smoke. He lost his concentration when he looked over at Tony. He had looked over to him and smiled, losing sight of his memory and then it was gone. "Maybe I won't get it today. Ms.Hill said some won't get it today."
You: Tony could guess what that silvery circle was, but he didn't want Bruce to make a risk of showing the sign as werewolf now. In attempt of changing the topic, Tony distracted Clint and Natasha with his great wolf and took the love potion out of the archer's pocket with 'accio' spell. As Maria told them too return to their seats, Tony handed the bottle to Bruce with mischievous smug. "Barton still carries this around."
Stranger: He chuckled as he looked to the bottle. He had a brilliant idea forming and it was a good way to get back at Natasha. "I've got an idea. But first we need Clint's help."
You: "Bet it's an awesome idea, coming out from the brain that I approve. Are we luring the bird brain into the Room?" Tony liked it when he was not the sole contributor of pranks and teases done at school or his peer group.
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Stranger: He pocketed the potion and started to write down his idea. "You can do that, and just get him to try a drink. Just enchant something and let him drink it. I'll get Natasha, tell her you're going to slip Clint a love potion so he can confess to Pepper from Gryffindor. Saying she likes him. Then you flash the empty bottle saying that you made a fresh batch and it only works on the first person he kissed. Two lovebirds, one stone." he handed him the plans.
You: "Brilliant. You are turning me on already." Tony suppressed his urge to kiss Bruce's head and ended up giving him a bro fist. He slipped a note on Clint's hand that says [Come to the Room after lunch and /ditch/ the red hair] at the end of the class. They had an hour before the meal, which gave them bit of a time to study in the library. As they sat on their usual spot, which was behind the bookcase, Tony could not focus on his assignment at all with Bruce sitting right beside him.
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okay now i am done and i feel like it is outta my system so a word from me
Honestly... If I have to score it I give endgame somewhere in the high 80%-ish range. I gotta hand it to em they reeeeally tried hard to pack everything into 3 hours and that’s hard. I hope once the dvd and blu-ray comes out we have a lot more bonus footage and deleted scenes. I loved the movie that being said I think it wrapped up enough while simultaneously leaving enough to the imagination. This was 12 years in the making that’s pretty amazing.
Imma break it up real quick cuz i hate long reviews this is just to get the thoughts off my mind:
> it was really fast to me even for 3 hours
> not a crazy loki fan but yo where was he?
> ngl usually i can hang with time travel and stuff like that BUT the time travel got suuuuper confusing and i think that was on purpose. throughout the whole movie, i was like “wait! why don’t they do this? why don’t they do this?”
> Natasha could have gotten more credit for her death imo i think they really ran out of time 
PROS (it’s alot)
> SOOOO many time in the movie i was like YAY WE WON! then something bad happens. ngl i thought once Thanos blew up the compound that was it. 
> the end battle was amaaazing so big i can barely comprehend what i was seeing
> I was reeeeaally worried they were gonna focus a lot on captn marvel and that would’ve sucked because this the AVENGERS and i wanted them to focus on the main 6. But the girl came in handy at the end i give it to her.
> Tony Pepper and Morgan = a wonderful little family omfg. The lil girl who played morgan was such a lil sweetie i am sooo glad they didn’t get an annoying kid!
> They did clint wrong, in the beginning, like wow his whole arc was just- wow his lost his family and had to sacrifice his best friend to ge them back. I know it won’t happen because Far from Home is wrapping this up but a  black widow movie with their back story would be much appreciated. 
> Tony’s death although i hated to see it. Was so tastefully done. Perfect! I mean couldn’t have been handled better imo. Everyone showed up at his funeral. NICK FURY WAS THERE AND THAT HARLEY KID!  I cried like a child . Lemme just say Tony carried his weight this whole ass franchise not ONCE was he lacking in my eyes. He did what he was supposed to do and more. People are saying RDJ needs an OSCAR...yes ngl that scene when he can back from space and ripped out his arc reactor outta pure rage and frustration. Yes. The whole reunion with Peter :,) was nice and I am glad they showed how HEAVY getting him killed weighed on Tony’s conscience 
> Avengers Assemble. 
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> OKAY BIG ONE! So everybody seems to be really upset about this whole thor fiasco and idk why? Thor has emotions and feelings and shit and i have to say throughout every single movie in the franchise he has kept his godly composure i think to see him finally admit he is worn down is refreshing. I see they tried to do the same comedy as Ragnorok...it was aight not as good, but that part where Tony asked him why he knew and he started talking in circles has me LMAO 
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WAIT BITCH I’M NOT DONE ABOUT THOR!  FR even the weight gain i think they used that as a comedy schtick I thought it was kinda funny but fr depression does that to people irl. The anxiety attack being back in Asgard...he was just going through the motions. He lost so much shit and then what broke my heart is him BEGGING to do the snap like this is all he has and then tony and rhodey being like dude you are EMOTIONALLY not put together enough to do this. He gave is all on the battlefield tho. At the end, he realized he needs to start over and take care of himself and that doesn’t me being in charge giving the kingdom over the Valkyrie was soo humble and showed real character devolvement.  Where is loki tho and also someone write some fic 
> I think cap reeeally got what he deserved fr. Cap deserved to have something for himself he has been a weapon for so long. Out of his element for soo long. Going back to Peggy whether she’s married or not (we love a messy bitch) IS HIS GOD GIVEN RIGHT! He’s been America's ass for too long! Giving it over to Sam was the icing on the cake! Again we are here for it SAM DESERVES IT! Now y’all know i am not a bucky fan in any way shape or form buuuut how can steve just leave his dawg behind like that? IDK IDK! Again Cap was like “lemme do some self-care” and went about his business. It looks like to me Bucky knew as soon as Cap said goodbye - Bucky knew wtf was goin on but ok 
> Starlord imo got what he deserved about gamora. He didn’t lose her...persay she is there they just have to rebuild. But after that stunt he did in IW this is just a little taste of karma in a way. Not tryna say the snap was his fault it was inevitable buuuuut y’all know what scene i am talking about.
> Wakanda Forever. 
> That girl gang in the final battle was a yes. yes. YES. FUCK HIM UP QUEENS!
> Scott and his family and Scott in general :) he saved the day
> Thanos...you tried it!
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