#Coastal towns UK
travelernight · 5 months
Unlock Wonder: 20 Most Magical Experiences in the United Kingdom
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snooop-blog · 3 months
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Whitby, Yorkshire
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soovyclub · 1 year
10 Best Beach Staycation Destinations in the UK Making plans for a summer trip to the British coast? If you're looking for the best beaches, coastal towns, and things to do in England and Wales, here are some of the best destinations in the UK for a staycation. https://www.soovy.club/blog/best-beach-staycation-destinations-uk-england-wales
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l0stglitch · 13 days
Platonic yandere lost boys
Notes- I’ve had this idea for an au in my head for a while now after reading the lost boys daughter au by @bella-goths-wife. I don’t usually post so sorry if the quality isn’t the best (I’m also from the UK so I might get some slang mixed up 😭).
Warnings- Light yandere behaviour (reader is unaware), Non violent kidnapping
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• You moved to Santa Carla when you were young- around 6 or 7.
• After a fatal illness stole your father’s life- you, your mum and your two half siblings packed your bags and left for the coastal town.
• Unlike your siblings, you seemed to instantly fall in love with Santa Carla. Your little eyes wide as you took in the beauty of the vast beaches with their towering palm trees.
• To say you settled in quick would be an understatement.
• It was only a month or two after moving that you first met them.
• Your siblings, much to their dismay, had been tasked with watching over you for the night.
• The moment your mother had left you to do her ‘adult chores’ (no one had bothered to tell you what she was actually doing) the two of them were quick to do their own thing.
• Kelly, being 16, left to go and chat up a couple of guys with her friends.
• Sean stuck with you a little longer than his sister had, however upon seeing a group of kids from school, the 14 year old mumbled some half-hearted excuse and told you to stay by the carousel before promptly ditching you.
• So that left you, a defenceless child, all alone.
• You weren’t particularly bothered, after all, this wasn’t the first time they had left you by yourself.
• You found it interesting to watch all the different people go by.
• Santa Carla was a lot more diverse in terms of population compared to your previous home.
• There, you had lived a pretty sheltered life. Only exposed to a small slice of the world. Everyone there was like you. Or at least, like your family.
• Here though, everyone was different.
• You thought it was amazing.
• Dwayne noticed you first. An alarmingly young child sat by the carousel all by yourself. He didn’t usually take much notice of the people around him, but seeing you alone had awakened some long forgotten feeling from within.
• He wasn’t sure if that uncomfortable squirming in his stomach was some strange vampiric instinct Max had failed to tell them about, or if there was still some humanity left in his unbeating heart.
• Either way, it put him on edge.
• The others were quick to notice Dwayne’s change in demeanour. Particularly David- the self appointed leader of the pack.
• Every now and again the brunette’s gaze would drift over to the carousel, land on you, and then flitter around in search for someone who may be looking after you.
• Needless to say, he couldn’t find anyone.
• After around an hour David grew tired of his partner’s divided attention, and suggested they just ask you where your parents were.
• You’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a little intimidated by the four men who for some reason had decided to surround you.
• Dwayne crouched down, so that he was at your level, and regarded you thoughtfully. He didn’t smile, but his expression wasn’t exactly threatening either.
• He asked where your parents were, and upon finding out you had no idea, offered to stay with you until someone came looking for you.
• David left, refusing to be seen with a child, and dragged a conflicted Marco with him.
• Much to Dwayne’s surprise, Paul stayed, although it was obvious he was too high to understand what was actually going on.
• For the rest of the night, you stuck by Dwayne’s side as he guided you through the busy crowds of the boardwalk.
• Eventually the three of you stopped at a stall selling handmade jewellery.
• You couldn’t help but stare at one of the necklaces laid out on display.
• To your young brain, it was beautiful.
• The necklace was made of leather, with beads and feathers hanging from a knot at the end.
• Dwayne noticed the way you fixated on the jewellery.
• “Do you like the necklace?”
• You nodded, suddenly feeling uncharacteristically shy. You knew your mama hated jewellery like that. If she were here, she’d scoff and call it ‘tacky’.
• Dwayne didn’t reply. Instead, he turned his attention to the woman running the stall.
• He waited until she had turned away, before snatching the necklace and grabbing your hand.
• You had to jog to keep up with his giant steps.
• Once you were a fair distance from the woman, Dwayne bent to your level and carefully fixed the necklace round your neck.
• It was ridiculously long for you, but you didn’t care.
• “You shouldn’t steal.” You said, looking up at him with an innocent frown.
• Behind you, Paul cracked up laughing, making you flinch at the sudden loud noise. A large hand came down to rest on your little shoulder as Paul crouched next to you.
• He looked between you and Dwayne with a grin, “Hear that Dwayne? Little missy here’s telling you off.”
• Dwayne chuckled slightly at Paul’s comment, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground, as if trying to compose himself.
• When he finally met your eyes, he sent you a gentle smile.
• “Stealing’s only bad if you get caught. If nobody knows you did it then it doesn’t count.” You blinked, not entirely understanding his logic but trusting him nonetheless.
• “Yeah- no point in paying for shit when you can just steal it,” Paul chimed in, patting your head as he stood up.
• Dwayne sent his lover a stern look at his vulgar language but didn’t say anything.
• The three of you continued wandering around for some time after that. You weren’t sure how long it had been since your siblings had abandoned you, but it felt like hours. Your feet had become sore from walking so much, and you were struggling to keep up with Paul and Dwayne’s pace.
• Thankfully, you eventually ran into Sean, who seemed slightly disturbed by the two men you were accompanied by.
• You were surprised by his mistrust towards them: after-all, they had been very kind to you. A small smile graced your face as you remembered the necklace that hung limply from your neck.
• Well, you didn’t care what Sean thought of them. They were nice to you. Nicer than your real family.
• After that incident, you began noticing Dwayne and his other friends more whenever you visited the boardwalk at night.
• Sometimes you’d run away from Sean and Kelly, preferring the attention you got from Dwayne and Marko.
• You were introduced to Marko not long after meeting Dwayne and Paul.
• He had greeted you with a lot more energy than the other two, surprisingly happy to meet you.
• You liked Marko a lot. He always seemed excited to see you, and never grew tired of playing games like hide and seek.
• David, on the other hand, you weren’t so sure on.
• He never spoke directly to you, in fact, you weren’t sure he ever looked directly at you either.
• One night you had asked Dwayne why David didn’t like you. He simply gave you a sad smile and said, “He will one day, Y/n, just give him time.”
• Unbeknownst to you, David did like you.
• He liked the way you giggled at Paul’s jokes. The way you squealed with joy when you caught up to Marko in a game of tag. The way you stared up at Dwayne with absolute adoration every time he spoke.
• It pissed him off how much he liked having you around.
• After all, you weren’t their kid. You already had a family. A neglectful one at that- but a family all the same.
• You weren’t theirs.
• You should be, David thought, watching your face light up as Paul somehow managed to win you a giant bear at a carnival game. You fit in with the pack perfectly. He had never understood Max’s desire to start a family until you had shown up. Whilst at first David couldn’t stand the thought of being seen with such a young child, he now felt a strange, sick sort pride when people saw you with them.
• Unfortunately, he wasn’t the best at showing it.
• But for now, that didn’t matter. You had been living in Santa Carla for around 6 months, and most nights were spent with at least one of the boys.
• You never questioned why they were so eager to see you all the time, or why you only ever saw them when the sun was down and the moon was out.
• To your naive, 6 year old brain, those details were irrelevant.
• Your big sister Kelly, however, thought otherwise.
• She had brought up your strange company over dinner one evening. As per usual, your mother was out, so she had left her eldest daughter in charge food, which unsurprisingly meant that the three of you had ended up eating greasy pizza from a takeaway.
• “You need to stop running off with those creeps, Y/n,” she had told you sternly, taking a small bite out of the slice of pizza in her hand.
• Your gaze dropped down to your lap, and you anxiously began fiddling with your fingers. You hated being told off.
• “But they’re nice to me,” you looked back up and met her eyes timidly, “And they spend more time with me then you two,” you added, looking over at Sean, who kept his eyes firmly fixed on the food in front of him.
• Kelly scoffed at that. “I don’t care how much you like them. You’re 6! Mum’s gonna kill us if she finds out me and Sean left you by yourself!”
• You flinched at her harsh tone, tears beginning to gather in your eyes.
• Sean finally looked up from his food, immediately noticing your distress.
• Your head was bowed, so he couldn’t properly see your face, but a fat droplet falling onto your plate told him all he needed to know.
• “We just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he said gently, leaning in slightly.
• Unfortunately, his words seemed to provide no comfort whatsoever, as you jumped down from you chair and ran out of the room.
• Sean scowled at Kelly.
• “That went well.” He snapped, shoving another slice of pizza into his mouth.
• She glared back at him, “I’m trying to make sure our sister doesn’t get kidnapped.”
• “…Half-sister.” Sean mumbled through the food in his mouth.
• “Yeah.. well she’s still our responsibility- mum’s too busy to help.” Kelly replied, unaware that you were hidden behind the door, listening in.
• You had no idea what a ‘half sister’ was, so hearing Sean’s comment made your throat tighten uncomfortably as you fought another fresh wave of tears. You didn’t understand why you were only ‘half’ a sister. Were you not good enough for him?
• Sean had always been nicer to you than Kelly, but suddenly you weren’t so sure either of them liked you that much.
• Not wanting to hear any more of their conversation, you ran upstairs to your room and buried yourself under the covers.
• You fell asleep quickly. Crying always seemed to make you tired.
• It wasn’t until at least a week later that you were able to see the boys again.
• Your siblings had made sure to keep you in sight every time you went to the boardwalk.
• Fortunately for you, there was a concert one night.
• The crowds made it easy for you to slip out of Sean’s hand and run away as far as possible.
• You weren’t even looking for Dwayne and his friends, really. You just wanted to get away from Sean and Kelly- their conversation about you still fresh in your mind.
• Despite this, you ended up running into David.
• He was leant up against some metal railing, a lit cigarette hanging leisurely from between his lips as he listened to whatever the woman beside him was talking about.
• You weren’t sure what to do. None of the others were around, and you didn’t want to be walking around the boardwalk alone, but you still weren’t entirely sure David actually liked you. Sure- he had never been outright rude to you, but there was something about the way you’d catch him staring at you that creeped you out.
• After significant hesitation, you walked over, your stomach twisting into knots as you caught his eye.
• He seemed slightly surprised to see you, but not necessarily unwelcoming.
• The blonde woman beside him took a step closer to you before squatting down and holding your hands in hers.
• “Are you lost sweetie?” She questioned, her head tilted slightly and her lips curving up into a gentle smile.
• Your eyes jumped from hers to David’s, unsure of what to say.
• He came closer and rested a hand on your small shoulder, giving it an affectionate squeeze. You blinked. This was new.
• “Alyssa, this is my daughter- Y/n.”
• You kept your expression neutral, but internally you were just as shocked as this ‘Alyssa’ woman was.
• “Oh! I didnt realise you..” She started, before trailing off, processing the new information.
• “Well, it’s not something I usually tell people right off the bat,” David replied, completely unfazed by the whole interaction.
• He glanced down at you, almost theatrically, before looking back up and meeting the blonde girl’s eye. “Her mum’s a total druggie, so it’s just us two now,” he continued, lowering his voice slightly with a crestfallen expression.
• Alyssa rubbed your knuckles pityingly before standing back up to her full height and looking at David. “I’m sorry- that’s terrible. Y/n is lucky to have you as a father.”
• David just smiled at that, before glancing down at you, “Y/n, Marko and Paul are hanging around the video store- why don’t you go and say hi. They’ve missed you.”
• You nodded eagerly, offering up a quick goodbye to the pair before running over to the video store, almost tripping over your own feet in your haste.
• You weren’t sure why David had introduced you as his daughter to that nice lady, but you weren’t completely opposed to the idea. David might be scary, you thought, but he would certainly make a pretty cool dad, with his spiky blonde hair and long black trench-coat.
• By the time you had reached the entrance to the store, you were completely out of breath, breathing in short, excited gasps as you walked in.
• For a moment, you were distracted by all the screens. You had never seen so many TV’s in one place, it was hard to know which one to look at.
• Suddenly, a hand came down to rest on your back, jolting you out of your thoughts.
• Turning around, you were surprised to find a man who seemed to be in his 40s or 50s (you weren’t particularly good with ages) smiling down at you.
• He wore a pair of pale rimmed glasses and his brown hair was nearly combed into a side part. The complete opposite of who you were looking for.
• Max knew exactly who you were. He had overheard the boys talking about you numerous times when they thought he was out of earshot, and additionally, he could feel it through their shared vampiric bond.
• He could feel their possessiveness every time you were with your biological family. That burning desire to protect.
• Max wasn’t at all surprised. Despite his boys’ apparent ignorance to the reason behind their strange situation, he knew exactly what was going on.
• You had unknowingly wormed your way into their pack, and they had become obsessed. Unintentionally of course, Max mused. David in particular wasn’t exactly the nurturing type. Despite that, there was little anyone could do to combat their instincts to protect the youngest member of the pack, especially with how vulnerable you were.
• “Hey kiddo, you in need of any help?”
• You blinked up at him, momentarily forgetting why you had ran into his store in the first place.
• “I um- I’m looking for my…” You trailed off, unsure of how to describe your relationship with Marko and Paul to the man.
• “Your parents?” He offered up gently, his eyebrows quirking a little.
• You shrugged timidly. Were they your parents? You weren’t sure at this point. You already had a mum, but she wasn’t around much anymore. What about your dad? You realised you couldn’t remember a whole lot about him.
• Dwayne and his friends seemed to have taken his place. Although you were starting to wonder whether they actually were his friends, or perhaps something else.
• They held hands a lot- particularly Marko and Paul. And when no one was around, sometimes you’d catch them exchanging tender kisses. It reminded you of how your mama and dad used to kiss. She’d often tell you how in love she was with your father. Maybe Dwayne was in love with David, Marko and Paul?
• The two latter individuals strode into view, as if summoned by Max’s question.
• Marko greeted you with an excited grin, “Hi pumpkin! Where’ve you been hiding all this time?” He questioned playfully, picking you up and spinning you around.
• You laughed, happy to see them. “I wasn’t hiding silly!”
• Paul gently hit Marko’s arm, “Stop hogging her man!” He huffed, prying you from his lover’s grasp.
• You wrapped your arms around Paul’s neck, causing him to chuckle slightly.
• “I’ve missed you baby. Where’ve you been?”
• Max, who was stood slightly off to the side now, didn’t fail to notice how keenly they wanted to know your whereabouts.
• For the past week or so, all he had felt through the pack bond was a painful longing for you. It was very sweet, but unfortunately quite distracting for a man who was trying to run a store.
• You smiled sadly at Paul, “Sean and Kelly didn’t want me seeing you guys anymore- they said you were creepy…” You trailed off, noticing how Paul’s expression had grown considerably darker.
• “Did they now?” You looked over at Marko, who had just spoken. He was staring at you intently, almost as if you were the one who had said those things.
• You looked down at the floor and nodded, unable to hold his gaze any longer.
• “You don’t agree with them do you?” Paul asked softly. You weren’t sure you had ever heard him sound so… dejected?
• You quickly shook your head in response, desperate to try and cheer them both up. It made you uneasy seeing Paul sad and Marko angry- they were both usually so cheerful around you.
• “Well, as long as you know that they’re wrong about us,” Marko said with a shrug, his lips forming a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Not that you noticed, only being a young child.
• “I know!” You assured him, smiling back.
• Paul and Marko shared a look, both of them feeling slightly threatened by the apparent worry of your siblings.
• Max cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him. “Perhaps it’s time you took her back with you.” It came out as more of an order rather than a request, but that wasn’t what bothered Paul and Marko.
• They were more confused about how their head vampire somehow knew exactly what was going on with you and what their plans were.
• “You uh- you know about..?” Paul gestured down to you, frowning at Max, who merely chuckled at the younger vampire’s confusion.
• “Trust me. I know what it’s like to crave a family, that’s only natural for… people like us,” he explained, amused by the bewildered looks that adorned both their faces.
• Max looked down at you briefly, making sure you weren’t paying attention to their conversation before adding, “Might I suggest you get her-” he paused, searching for the right phrase, “-settled in as quickly as possible. The sooner you remove her from that neglectful mother and her spawn, the sooner she’ll forget about them.”
• The harsh choice of words caught them off guard, but neither said anything.
• Marko couldn’t stop the grin from forming on his face, “That shouldn’t be a problem Max,” he replied, resting his hands on your shoulders and crouching slightly so he was eye to eye with you.
• You weren’t sure what had caused his mood to change so erratically, but you weren’t in a hurry to complain.
• “Me and Pauly wanna show you a very special place, but you have to be a good girl for us.”
• Behind him, Paul scoffed quietly at the nickname.
• “I’ll be good!”
• “You promise?” He asked seriously, holding out a pinky finger.
• “I promise.” You answered solemnly, linking your finger with his.
• He nodded, satisfied with your answer before standing to his full height and glancing back at Max, “We’ll see you around then I guess.”
• Max hummed in reply, and watched as the two of them led you out, Paul holding your small hand in his.
• You excitedly squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. “We gotta go find Dwayne and David now, Y/n,” he told you, carefully scanning the surrounding area.
• “I already saw David earlier!” You replied gleefully, trying to tug Paul over to where you had seen him before.
• Marko stopped you before you could lead them over. “David told us to meet back at the bikes,” he countered, mainly speaking to Paul rather than you.
• Paul nodded in agreement, “Yeah I remember now. We should probably head over there then.”
• You felt slightly dejected by the way they had both completely ignored your help, but that feeling melted away as the bikes came into view and you saw David and Dwayne hovering nearby, clearly deep in conversation.
• “Hey! David! Dwayne! Look who we just ran into!” Paul called over, grabbing both men’s attention.
• Dwayne snapped around the moment he heard his lover’s voice, his eyes immediately landing on you.
• “Dwayne!” You cried gleefully, slipping out of Paul’s grip and running over to hug the long haired brunette.
• He embraced you tightly, as if worried you were going to disappear at any moment.
• You were surprised by how firm the hug was, but thought little of it. You were back with your favourite person, and that was all that mattered.
• “I’ve missed you princess.” You smiled, happy to hear his deep voice again after a week of being stuck with your siblings.
• “Me too!” You replied, pulling back so you could look Dwayne in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to hug you more, but refrained from doing so- not wanting you to feel smothered.
• “Marko says that you’re all going to show me somewhere special!” You informed him matter of factly, unable to contain the excitement that was leaking into your words.
• Dwayne’s brows shot up in surprise. He knew exactly where this “somewhere special” was, but he was caught off guard by the suddenness of it all, and the fact that Marko of all people was the one to call the shots.
• His gaze flickered over to said person, shooting him a questioning look.
• David seemed equally confused, almost choking on his cigarette smoke. “Tonight? You knew we were going to wait longer.” His tone sounded slightly more threatening than intended, but he didn’t care. David hated feeling undermined- even if it was from one of the men he loved.
• Marko’s head cocked to the side as he casually met David’s irritated gaze, completely unfazed. “Change of plan I guess. It was Max’s idea, not mine.” He paused momentarily, his brows furrowing slightly, “And those other two kids are starting to become a problem.”
• Had you been a little older, you might’ve realised that the ‘other two kids’ they spoke about were your half siblings, but instead you remained completely oblivious. Unaware of the tension hanging in the air.
• “You told Max?”
• “He already knew,” Paul answered with an unbothered shrug, failing to understand Dwayne and David’s concerns.
• David nodded slowly, not entirely surprised that Max had caught on. “So… we’ll take the kid back to the cave and then sort out our little problem.”
• “The kid? She has a name David,” Dwayne muttered, shooting him a pointed look.
• “Fine. We’ll take Y/n back to the cave.” He hesitated before continuing, “I’m assuming you’ll want her to ride with you?”
• “Well, I was the one who found her first. And Paul and Marko aren’t exactly the safest drivers.” Dwayne shot back defensively.
• “What the fuck man? We’re great drivers!” Paul retorted, nudging Marko, who stumbled slightly at the action.
• The shorter man steadied himself on Paul’s shoulder before nodding passionately in agreement. “Yeah- some might say we’re the best in Santa Carla!”
• David scoffed, “That’s debatable.”
• You were still stood at Dwayne’s side, waiting patiently for the four of them to finish their grown-up conversation.
• You hadn’t been listening very closely, but it seemed like they had finally come to an agreement on something.
• Dwayne squeezed your shoulder, grabbing your attention. “You’re gonna ride with me now Y/n, so you gotta hold on real tight.”
• You felt an uncomfortable twisting sensation in your stomach at his warning. It was probably just the nervousness that came with riding a motorcycle for the first time, but something about the situation felt off.
• “I can’t. Mama doesn’t like motorcycles- she says they’re dangerous.”
• He sighed, “Look sweetheart, I know you think your mum knows best, and that she’s some amazing parent who would do anything for you, but the reality is she’s not.”
• You frowned. Dwayne’s words hurt a lot more than he had intended them too.
• “But she loves me..” You protested timidly, confused by the pitying look he was giving you.
• “Then why isn’t she here looking after you?”
• The question caught you off guard. He had a point. Where was your mum? You hadn’t seen her since yesterday, and even then she hadn’t even spoken directly to you.
• Dwayne took your silence as an answer, cupping your cheeks in his hands and making sure your full attention was on him.
• “She doesn’t matter anymore Y/n. We’re your family now, and we won’t let anything happen to you.”
• “You promise?”
• “I swear Y/n, I won’t ever let anyone or anything hurt you. You’re safe with us- ok?”
• You nodded silently, finding comfort in his words.
• Dwayne smiled reassuringly before picking you up by the waist and placing you onto the back of his motorcycle.
• You watched as the four of them all mounted their rides, before revving their engines and racing down the path.
• It wasn’t a particularly long trip- especially with how fast the boys rode. The whole journey you clung to Dwayne’s waist like your life depended on it, eyes tightly shut and head curled into his back.
• Eventually the five of you stopped near the edge of a cliff. Dwayne twisted round and set you on the ground before dismounting and checking to see if you were ok.
• You nodded wearily, unable to fight the way your eyelids kept fluttering shut.
• “She won’t be able to make it down those steps if she’s practically falling asleep,” David said taking a step closer, “I’ll have to carry her.”
• Dwayne’s head shot up. “I can take her.”
• “You’ve had Y/n for the whole ride- I’m sure you’ll survive the short walk to the cave without her,” David remarked, his voice laced with sarcasm.
• Dwayne glared at the blonde but stepped back to allow him to pick you up.
• You didn’t resist when David lifted you up, it was a relief to not have to worry about standing up, or keeping your eyes open. Your small arms wrapped around his neck and your head came down to rest on his shoulder.
• You were asleep before he even started walking.
• The walk down to the cave entrance was spent in complete silence. They spoke to each other telepathically through the pack bond, discussing what they were going to do about your previous family and how they were going to get you settled into the pack.
• It wasn’t until they reached the cave entrance that anyone spoke.
• “So she’s sleeping in the room we prepared?” Paul asked from behind David.
• “Yeah that’s right.”
• You stirred at the sound of a voice, lazily lifting your head slightly to look at Paul and Marko behind you.
• They were oblivious to your sleepy gaze watching them from David’s shoulder as he carried you through the dimly lit cave.
• Not before long they eventually reached the ‘room’ that had been prepared for you.
• Being in a collapsed hotel, it was an unusual shape, with a ceiling that slanted down towards the far end before abruptly being cut off by the jagged roof of the cave. It wasn’t completely ready yet, so the only furniture was a queen sized bed and an unusually large bean bag in the corner.
• David carefully settled you down onto the bed, and you blinked up at him.
• “This is your room now baby. We’ll decorate it how you like later on, but right now you’ve got everything you need.” Dwayne said softly, crouching down to the side of the bed.
• “Where’s your bed?” You asked through a yawn.
• He smiled, “Not too far.”
• Paul took a step closer. “We’ll be down the hallway, Y/n.”
• Your eyes flickered back over to Dwayne, “Why can’t you just stay here? I don’t like the dark.”
• He gently brushed some of your hair out of your face, “We can stay if you want.”
• You nodded with a smile, and shuffled further into the middle to let him climb in next to you. Dwayne wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer protectively.
• The bed dipped to your left, and you turned over to see who it was.
• You were surprised to see that it was David rather than Marko or Paul, but you didn’t say anything. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep your eyes open, especially with the inviting darkness of your new room. As you were drifting off to sleep, you felt a hand gently rubbing your arm, and the soft murmur of David’s voice.
• “She’s finally ours now.”
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Final notes- I do plan on writing more for this au. This was more of an introduction/explanation of how reader ended up being a part of the pack, and it wasn’t originally supposed to be written as an actual fic but I kind of got carried away.
I have some vague ideas for where I wanna take this but nothing is really set in stone at the moment. One thing I do know however is that it will definitely get darker as the reader gets older (sorry is you were hoping for smth fluffy). Updates might be slow so I apologise in advance 🙏
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
🟠 TUESDAY mid-day - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
( DOTS: blue - Iran war news.  red - Gaza & Hezbollah active war news.  black - general Israel news. yellow - hostage deal news )
▪️TERROR - STABBING - JERUSALEM TUNNEL CHECKPOINT.. stabbing at the Jerusalem tunnel checkpoint. Terrorist eliminated, one 20-year old woman soldier stabbed with a screwdriver.
▪️STOCKHOLM SYNDROME, ISRAEL EDITION.. A food distribution center was opened in Khan Yunis, Gaza named after the extreme left activist Vivian Silver who was brutally murdered in Kibbutz Be’eri by Gazans on Oct 7 and her body was mutilated beyond recognition.  Silver's son wrote today: “I would rather have my mother's name help the children of Gaza than be emblazoned on a missile that kills them.”
▪️PROTEST vs COUNTER PROTEST.. clashes at the ultra-Orthodox demonstration at the Tel HaShomer recruiting office - "Mothers on the Front" came to Tel Hashomer to call on the ultra-Orthodox to enlist.
♦️Air Force aircraft attacked armed terrorist squads in two separate attacks a short time ago during an operation by the security forces in Jenin, Samaria.  8 terrorists eliminated.
♦️Aid battle?  Terrorists fired an RPG at IDF forces in East Rafah, as a result the humanitarian axis was closed to traffic.
♦️South Lebanon: Lebanese channels report casualties in an IDF attack in the village of Mayfadoun in the Nabatieh region.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH DRONE BARRAGE.. northern coastal towns, Nahariya and Acre.  HITS - Severely wounded and moderately wounded by Hezbollah fire on Mazra’a, hit into a home - drone in the dining room (fire), hit to a vehicle.  Hit to the Sharaga base. 5 enemy drones.
🔹The US & UK air force bases in Cyprus are in increased operational activity.
🔹Preparation for SENIORS - Min. Of Welfare hotline dial 118
.. When alert situation increase, stay near protected space.
.. Make sure the path to protected space is clear and wide enough (for cane or wheelchair).
.. Have a copy of medical information on paper (condition, medicine, etc).
.. Stock up at least 10 days of medication.
.. Make sure hearing aids, glasses, walking stick are all kept close at hand.
.. If using medical equipment that requires electricity, have backup batteries or a generator. (Contact Yad Sarah, Ezras Achim or MDA.)
.. Walker?  Get a mounted flashlight!
.. Family members should have a key.
.. Set Red Alert apps for audible alert, flashing-visual alert, and vibration alert.
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londonsimblr · 10 months
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Little progress this week but Calverton has a road layout and more of a theme
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I'm building a big muddy festival in one corner of the world, a la Glasto, because: showtime is my fav EP (sorry!) and, what could be simultaneously more Sims 3, and more British, than some rando coastal nowhere town being totally taken over by a bunch of celebs and live music and corruption
The name Calverton is a little nod to Margaret Calvert, who rly slayed designing all the iconography for the UK's roads and also the gorj typography for newcastle's metro. it was aping her designs in my cc world decor that made my caw files start to feel recognisably british
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zanniscaramouche · 1 year
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No one can claim that I'm fast, but hey! I finally had a moment to sit down and find some fics for a lovely anon who wandered into my inbox looking for classical musician!larry. A few of these are a little bit of a stretch, but hopefully there's something here you enjoy! You'll see little blue hearts along with a lil comment from me on those I have read (admittedly not that many, oops) This is definitely an AU I'd love to see more fic for! It's possible there's more out there, alas it doesn't seem to be commonly tagged. Make sure to tag your fics folks! It makes filtering for things like this so much easier! 💙
🎼 the school of extraordinary lovers // stylinsoncity @stylinsoncity - 191k "We keep telling the other, I love you and I love you, and we do, though we both know where the knives are." - Laura Van Prooyen
harry is a third-year witch and violinist at Laitswold, the only magical academy in the UK, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens.
🎼 Love Is A Rebellious Bird // 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews - 134k AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
💙 zannithinks: one of those 'classics' that many love! I really enjoyed this fic, and as someone who hears Bolero every year at a local festival I think of this fic often
🎼 Saving Symphony Hall // HelloAmHere @helloamhere - 124k “I think I have an idea,” Louis said. Slowly, and reluctantly, but with a growing sense of the inevitable. “God damnit, I think I have a really good idea.”
“Oh christ, that's the problem-solving face,” Babs said. “Last time we saw that face, he sold a company.”
“Wait, what?” Zayn asked.
“Right place, right time,” Louis said. “Also, fuck my life,”
“What?” Zayn repeated. Niall patted his hand.
“I usually just roll with whatever Louis is about to do,” he said. “It’s better for us all.”
“That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
💙 zannithinks: I looooove this one! A well developed world and lovable OC's, this is definitely the first fic I think of when I think Larry and Classical Music
🎼 Where Words Fail, Music Speaks // Larry_you_know @larryyouknow - 45k Louis is a world class violinist. He’s one year over forty, living his best life in New York. One day, he comes to a small town in Connecticut where he inherited a house from his late father. The town looks nice and its people welcome him warmly. The problem is that Louis never knew his father and he doesn’t intend to change anything about it - his father can stuff his last will up his treacherous ass. In a strange coincidence, Louis meets town troubadour Harry, who seems wonderful to him just right until he reveals that Louis’ father was like a dad to him.
Even though Louis tries to convince himself that it shouldn’t - it hurts.
🎼 Until You Remember // Throwthemflowers - 21k Talented London pianist Louis Tomlinson moves to a small coastal town to escape the elites of his job and the mundanity of his life. Through the music of Debussy he finds a charming, wonderful friend in Harry Styles, the fiancé of the town's mayor. Louis thinks his pining is in vain until he discovers that all may not be as it seems….
🎼 And I'll Be Here When Only the Silence Remains // louisniall @louisniaii - 19k The one where Louis is a top notch mute violinist and Harry might just be the person he trusts most
🎼 Back to the Sign, and Play Through the End // tomlinsunshine - 17k Louis is a globally renowned pianist; Harry is the worst page turner this world has ever known.
🎼 Take more of my space, why don't you? // otfuckingp - 10k Of course, the universe is not on Louis’ side, nor on the side of his mental health. Just as he starts to think they might get away with this empty seat -- yes, they. He and Instrument Man are in this together, a united front against the forces of any more people-- one more person steps onto the plane. He bypasses the first fifteen rows without so much as a falter, but the fact that he slows around 17 gives Louis pause. There aren’t many empty seats in this section... Surely not. Surely the universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to do this to him.
And then there’s another body landing in the seat next to Instrument Man. Well, “landing” might be too polite. Crashing, is more like it. Within the first ten seconds, he’s elbowed instrument Man in the side, dropped something on the floor, and nearly tripped a stewardess with the exuberant flailing of his legs. All in all, completely shattering the tentative silence in row 21 DEF. Fuck.//
Harry and Louis meet on a plane. Louis is not impressed, until he is.
🎼 What is simple in the moonlight, never really is. // judgementdays @judgementdays - 5k And then they're talking, like they always do on late nights. They talk about the future, about the cute girl who was checking Harry out at Tesco's, about the cute boy who asked for Louis' number the other day. They mostly end up talking about their auditions for the school of their dreams, though.
Louis plays piano and Harry plays guitar and they're both trying to get into Juilliard but feelings sort of happen.
🎼 Play Me Something Sweet // nonsensedarling @absolutenonse - 4k “Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Louis says. Harry just looks at him and lifts an eyebrow in silent question. “How about if you pretend I’m your cello as you try it out, like we used to?” Or Harry's good at a lot of instruments, but his favorite one to play is Louis.
💙 zannithinks: this one is spicey!!!!
🎼 And I've got something missing tonight. // whisperedbrave @louistomlindaughter - 2k That night, much like many others, he finishes his dinner and falls asleep to the sound of his neighbor and his piano.
or the one where Harry's upstairs neighbor plays the piano every night. one night he stops and Harry can't sleep.
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dailydeathinparadise · 11 months
The Death in Paradise franchise is coming to Australia with an original, home grown spinoff series, Return to Paradise, coming to ABC in 2024. The series is produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC in association with the BBC, who will screen the series on BBC One and iPlayer in the UK. Return to Paradise combines the DNA of the original global smash hit murder mystery series, with a new, unique Australian take.
Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all set against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape.
Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise... and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare.
Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself.
But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
Created and Executive Produced by Peter Mattessi, James Hall and Robert Thorogood, Return to Paradise features a crack Australian writing team led by Mattessi alongside Elizabeth Coleman, Alexandra Collier and Kodie Bedford.
ABC Head of Screen Rachel Okine says; “We are thrilled to be partnering with BBC Studios Productions Australia and Red Planet Pictures to bring a unique Australian sensibility to this beloved franchise. Return to Paradise promises to be whip smart, intriguing and entertaining - audiences of all ages are invited to play along to figure out whodunit, all while feeling as if they’ve been transported to the perfect summer holiday”.
Kylie Washington, General Manager and Creative Director, BBC Studios Productions Australia says; “Like audiences around the world, Aussies love a good crime series, they’re addictive and bring in audiences week after week. Death in Paradise is a bona fide hit so I’m excited to work with ABC and Red Planet Pictures to expand this world even further. Return to Paradise will introduce audiences to entirely new Australian characters, settings and cases for the team to crack, but with an unsettling amount of murders for a small community guaranteed. This is the second local drama from BBC Studios Productions Australia and is an exciting step as we build our premium scripted business in Australia under Warren Clarke, working with an all Australian creative team.”
Alex Jones, Joint-MD of Red Planet Pictures said: “We are so proud of the global success of both Death in Paradise and Beyond Paradise – each selling to hundreds of territories, watched by millions, and regularly claiming the position of top rated drama in most of them. Return to Paradise is a brilliantly exciting new addition to ‘The Paraverse’ which we are sure audiences will love just as much. It is a completely original drama but takes the essence of what viewers love about Death in Paradise – the fish out of water premise coupled with the most cleverly plotted murder mystery – and gives it a uniquely Aussie flavour. We are also thrilled to already have BBC One and iPlayer in the UK on board as broadcast partners for the show which means that us Brits will be sure to get to meet Mackenzie and the residents of Dolphin Cove in 2024!”
Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: “Everything we all love about Death in Paradise - the humour, the beautiful scenery, the likeable characters, the ingenious plots - now in a fabulous Australian setting. I cannot wait for BBC viewers to be introduced to Detective Mack and the good (and not so good!) folk of Dolphin Cove. What a treat we have in store!"
Return to Paradise will air on ABC and ABC i-view next year and will be shown on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the UK. It will be distributed globally by BBC Studios.
Production Credits: BBC Studios Productions Australia, Red Planet Pictures. Produced for the ABC in association with the BBC. Executive Producers for BBC Studios Productions Australia are Kylie Washington and Warren Clarke, for Red Planet Pictures are Belinda Campbell and Tim Key and for ABC are Rachel Okine and Brett Sleigh.
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cat-boots · 1 year
Where abouts in the UK are Kent, Daniel, and the rest of the gang from?
they live in a fictional town called Banbarrow
it's a kind of vague liminal space of Britishness with elements of Manchester, "The North", Bristol and southwestern coastal towns all kinda smashed together
Bec, Lukas & Daisy live in the city centre and Kent & Daniel live in a town on the coast, all part of Greater Banbarrow
one day i'll draw a lil map...
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moonspirit · 4 months
Random but where are u from?
My gut feeling is that u are American but the way u said that they take the piss (as in embarrassed) sounds very British to me making me think it could be the UK
(Coming from someone in the UK)
Ah hello !
Well not to dash your hopes but I'm neither American nor British xD Haven't set foot in any of those continents for that matter.
Instead I'm from a coastal town in a small country waaayyy down here in Asia :3 English isn't my native language.
So when you see my English just know that it's really just an amalgamation of every single "accent" I've ever heard lmao xD A big melting pot of expressions and whatnot from the many various English speaking lands.
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head-post · 2 months
UK riots getting worse: footage
Since the Southport stabbing attack that killed several children, violent anti-migrant and anti-local mayhem has swept the UK.
Riots have been raging in the UK in recent days, leaving the new government to contend with the worst unrest in a decade. The last time the country faced social unrest on this scale was in 2011, when the fatal police shooting of a Black British man in north London led to protests that turned into days of rioting in the capital.
Police officers were injured in Plymouth on Monday night as angry mobs descended on the coastal city in south-west England. The latest outbreak of violence came after mobs of campaigners set fire to hotels housing asylum seekers in two cities over the weekend.
On Monday morning, Prime Minister Keir Starmer held his first COBRA session, an emergency meeting of national agencies and branches of government, to discuss the response to the unrest.
This is not protest. It is organised, violent thuggery and it has no place on our streets, or online.
What happened
Throughout Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, violent protesters gathered in town and city centres across the UK. Many of them presumably intended to clash with police and cause chaos. The gatherings may have started as anti-immigration marches organised on social media platforms, but they quickly escalated into riots and violence, according to CNN.
Protesters set fire to two Holiday Inn hotels in the town of Rotherham in the north of England and Tamworth, central England, which were believed to be housing asylum seekers awaiting a decision on their claims. At the time, the hotel in Rotherham was “full of terrified tenants and staff”, according to South Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield.
In Tamworth, rioters threw objects, smashed windows, and started fires, injuring one police officer, according to local authorities. In Rotherham, they threw wooden planks, used fire extinguishers against officers, set fire to items outside a hotel, and smashed windows to gain entry to the building, police reported.
Violence also took place in Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Stoke-on-Trent, and several other towns, mainly in the Midlands and the north of England. The Home Office stated on Sunday that mosques in the United Kingdom had been given “greater protection with new emergency security.”
Many suspects had yet to be identified, with authorities vowing to use facial recognition and other technology to track them, Starmer said.
People in this country have a right to be safe and yet, we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques, other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric.
Chaos without winners
The violence was directly triggered by the stabbing of several children in Southport, in the north-west of England, earlier this week. As a result, three girls were killed and the country descended into chaos.
National-oriented forces seized on the incident and spread a wave of misinformation, including false claims that the alleged attacker was an immigrant, to mobilise anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant protests. However, police say the suspect was born in the UK.
Against the backdrop of ongoing ethnic clashes, Prime Minister Starmer announced future tough measures against White rioters. He said a separate “army” would be created from parts of the police force to deal specifically with anti-migrant sentiment.
A joint view was expressed by the head of Bolton’s Muslim community. He revealed that he felt Britain could not exist without migrants and therefore they needed to show their influence in society. He also thanked the police and the state for helping migrants to stand up for their rights.
Developments show that the new UK government has chosen a course of suppressing its population and fragmenting the country into warring communities. Starmer, whose party recently defeated former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives, faced the first consequences of an unmanaged migration policy.
Now the arrivals, under the pretext of asserting their rights, are also smashing shops and harassing the local population. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to discern who is to blame for the current turmoil. One thing is clear: the government must take measures to protect its citizens, otherwise the snowball of violence will be unstoppable.
Read more HERE
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brookstonalmanac · 2 days
Holidays 9.21
Arbor Day (Brazil)
Battle of Kulikovo Day (Russia)
Biosphere Day
Bleeding Hearts Club Day
Celebration of Honors (French Republic)
Celu Press Freedom Day (Philippines)
Commemoration of th Declaration of Martial Law (Philippines)
Customs Service Day (Poland)
Daily Newspaper Day
Day of Inventors and Innovators Day (Ukraine)
Devil’s Nutting Day (UK)
Do You Remember Day (the 21st night of September; Earth, Wind & Fire)
Earth, Wind & Fire Day
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 11: Peace
Emoticon Day
Escapology Day
Farm Safety Day for Kids
Feast of the Ingathering (UK)
Founder's Day (Ghana)
George Harrison Day (Illinois)
Get Out Of Town Day
International ‘Ask a Satanist’ Day
International Biodiversity Day
International Day of Peace (UN)
International Day of Progressive Rock
International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations
Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day (Ghana)
Long Count Day
Medusa Asteroid Day
Miniature Golf Day
Myositis Awareness Day
National Brittany Day
National Cat & Dog Gut Health Awareness Day
National Day of Civic Hacking
National Day of the Radio Broadcasting Worker (China)
National Deaf Dogs Rock Day
National Disaster Prevention Day (Taiwan)
National Farm Safety Day for Kids
National Fisheries Day (Thailand)
National Garage Condo Day
National Gymnastics Day
National Hannah Day
National Imperfection Day
National Kristina Day
National Myositis Awareness Day
National New York Day
National Opioid Awareness Day
National Radio Day (Chile)
National Singles Day
National Surgical Technologists Day
National Volunteer Day (Ghana)
Observe the Speed Limit Day
Pause the World Day
Peace One Day
Pharmaceutical Worker’s Day (Ukraine)
Secret Note Day
Spring Day (a.k.a. Student’s Day; Argentina)
Sree Narayana Guru Samadhi Day (Kerala, India)
Student’s Day (Argentina; Bolivia)
Telegraph Pole Appreciation Day
Throw Something Away Day
Victory Over the Golden Horde in the Battle of Kulikovo (Russia)
Volunteer Day (Ghana)
Watticism Day
World Alzheimer's Day
World Day of Pagan Pride
World Day of the Plastic Artist
World Gratitude Day
World Minigolf Day
World Myositis Day
Zero Emissions Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cask Ale Week begins (UK; through 10.1)
International Banana Festival
Juice Day (Russia)
National Chai Day
National Pecan Cookie Day
National Sponge Candy Day
Oktoberfest begins (Munich, Germany; until 10.6)
St. Matthew's Beer Festival Day (patron saint of publicans)
Independence & Related Days
Armenia (from USSR, 1991)
Belize (from UK, 1981)
Malta (from UK, 1964)
3rd Saturday in September
Abergavenny Food Festival (Wales) [3rd Saturday]
America’s Day For Kids [3rd Saturday]
Batman Day [3rd Saturday]
Big Whopper Liar Day [3rd Saturday]
Boys’ and Girls’ Club Day for Kids [3rd Saturday]
Curiosity Day [3rd Saturday]
Day of Love & Friendship (Colombia) [3rd Saturday]
Ember Day (Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches) [Saturday after 9.14]
German-American Steuben Parade [3rd Saturday]
Idaho Spud Day [3rd Saturday]
International Coastal Cleanup Day [3rd Saturday]
International Eat An Apple Day [3rd Saturday]
International Red Panda Day [3rd Saturday]
International Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Day [3rd Saturday]
Locate An Old Friend Day [3rd Saturday]
National Cartonnage Day [3rd Saturday]
National Clean Up Day [3rd Saturday]
National Dance Day [3rd Saturday]
National Gymnastics Day [3rd Saturday]
National Hunting, Trapping & Fishing Heritage Day (Canada) [3rd Saturday]
National Lacrosse Day (UK) [3rd Saturday]
National Multivitamin Day [3rd Saturday]
National Neighborhood Day [3rd Saturday]
National Pool Closing Day [3rd Saturday]
National Seat Check Saturday [3rd Saturday]
National Sew a Jelly Roll Day [3rd Saturday]
National Singles’ Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tell a Police Officer ‘Thank You’ Day [3rd Saturday]
National Women’s Friendship Day [3rd Saturday]
Puppy Mill Awareness Day [3rd Saturday]
Qaumee Dhuvas (National Day; Maldives) [1st of Rabi I]
Quarter Tense (Ireland) [Saturday after 9.14]
Responsible Dog Owners Day (AKC) [3rd Saturday]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sentimental Saturday [3rd Saturday of Each Month]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Software Freedom Day [3rd Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Steak Saturday [3rd Saturday of Each Month]
Surgeon Day (Russia, Ukraine) [3rd Saturday]
Thank a Police Officer Day [3rd Saturday]
Usher Syndrome Awareness Day [3rd Saturday]
Von Steuben Day (New York, New York) [3rd Saturday]
World Clean Up Day [3rd Saturday]
World Marrow Donor Day [3rd Saturday]
World Pathfinder Day [3rd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 21 (3rd Full Week of September)
National Farm Animals Awareness Week (thru 9.27) [3rd Week]
Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany) [thru 10.6]
Festivals Beginning September 21, 2024
Augusta Harvest Festival (Augusta, Missouri)
Bines and Brews Beer Fest (Monument, California)
Black Walnut Festival (Bethania, North Carolina)
Brew at the Bridge (Oswego, Illinois)
Brookston Apple Popcorn Day (Brookston, Indiana)
Cane Hill Harvest Festival (Cane Hill, Arkansas)
Cape Cod Brew Fest (Cape Cod Fairgrounds, Massachusetts)
Cider Days (Springfield, Missouri) [thru 9.22]
Colorado Mountain Winefest (Palisade, Colorado)
Crystal Lake Home Show (Crystal Lake, Illinois) [thru 9.22]
Cuba Garlic Festival (Cuba, New York) [thru 9.22]
Dublin Peanut Festival (Dublin, North Carolina)
Fair Oaks Chicken Festival (Fair Oaks, California)
Fall Family Festival (Kansas City, Missouri)
Fall Festival & 19th Smokin' Hot BBQ Challenge (Nisswa, Minnesota)
Festival of Grapes and Hops (Petersburg, Virginia)
Festival of the Sea (Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey)
Garlic Festival (Mystic, Connecticut) [thru 9.22]
Glassboro Craft Beer Festival (Glassboro, New Jersey)
Haralson Country 8th Annual Fried Pie Festival (Buchanan, Georgia)
Harvest Food & Wine Festival (Stonington, Connecticut) [thru 9.22]
The Hermitage Food Truck Festival (Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey)
Homemade Pie Baking Contest (Augusta, Missouri)
Idaho Spud Day (Shelley, Idaho)
Johnny Appleseed Festival (Fort Wayne, Indiana) [thru 9.22]
Johnny Appleseed Festival (Lisbon, Ohio) [thru 9.22]
Killington Brewfest (Killington, Vermont)
Lafayette Art & Wine Festival (Lafayette, California) [thru 9.22]
Lake City Uncorked Wine & Music Festival (Lake City, Colorado)
Lowville Cream Cheese Festival (Lowville, New York)
Manaki Brothers International Cinematographers’ Film Festival (Bitola, North Macedonia) [thru 9.27]
Montana Brewers Fall Rendezvous (Missoula, Montana)
NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days (Ostrava, Czech Republic) [thru 9.22]
’49er Festival, Chili Cook-Off! (Groveland, California)
NYC Hot Sauce Expo (Brooklyn, New York) [thru 9.22]
Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany) [thru 10.6]
Oregon Grape Stomp Championships & Harvest Celebration (Turner, Oregon) [thru 9.22]
Pacific Islander Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 9.22]
Pacific Wine & Food Classic (Newport Beach, California)
Paxton Swine 'n Dine (Paxton, Illinois)
Persimmon Festival (Mitchell, Indiana) [thru 9.28]
Preble County Pork Festival (Eaton, Ohio) [thru 9.22]
Pumpkin Fest (Caseville, Michigan)
Putnam County Wine & Food Fest (Cold Spring, New York)
Salem Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival (Salem, Massachusetts) [thru 9.22]
Sample the Sierra: South Lake Tahoe Farm-to-Fork Festival (South Lake Tahoe, California)
Seafood Throwdown Competition (Boston, Massachusetts)
Sugar Beet Days (Sterling, Colorado) [thru 9.22]
Taste of the Seaport (New York, New York)
Thresheree & Harvest Festival (Richfield, Wisconsin) [thru 9.22]
Tiel Fruit Parade (Fruitcorso Tiel) [Tiel, Netherlands]
VegTO Fest (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Vintage Illinois (Utica, Illinois (thru 9.22]
Whiskey Wine & Fire (Cary, North Carolina)
Wild Rice Festival (Roseville, Minnesota)
Wine & Harvest Festival (Cedarburg, Wisconsin) [thru 9.22]
Feast Days
Adopt a New Phobia Day (Pastafarian)
Alban Elfred (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Athena Festival (Everyday Wicca)
Barbara Longhi (Artology)
Birthday off Athena (Greek Goddess of Wisdom)
Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper Day (Goblins; Shamanism)
The Bun-Bun Brothers (Muppetism)
Cigoli (Artology)
Edgar Valter (Artology)
Ephigenia of Ethiopia (Christian; Saint)
Fannie Flagg (Writerism)
Feast of Kuodor-gup (God of Riches; Siberia)
Feast of Nyamuzinda (God of Famine & Epidemics; Zaire)
Feast of the Divine Life (Filianism)
Feast of the Divine Light (Ancient Egypt)
Hans Hartung (Artology)
H.G. Wells (Writerism)
Jerry Garcia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Julio González (Artology)
Kharisteria (Feast of Aremis Agrotera; Ancient Greece)
Laurent-Joseph-Marius Imbert (Christian; One of the Korean Martyrs)
Leonard Cohen (Writerism)
Light of the Water (Celtic Book of Days)
Lo (a.k.a. Laudus), Bishop of Coutances (Christian; Saint)
Lodovico Cigoli (Artology)
Matthew the Evangelist (Christian; Saint; Matthew’s Beer Festival Day) [publicans] *
Maura of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Meán Fómhair (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mielikki’s Day (Pagan)
Metastasio (Positivist; Saint)
Michael of Chernigov and Theodore (Christian; Martyrs)
Nativity of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox Church, Julian calendar)
Pavel Tchelitchew (Artology)
Sarcasm Day (Pastafarian)
Stephen King (Writerism)
World Peace Day (Baha’is)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 18 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [18 of 24]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [52 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [44 of 60]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 44 of 60)
All Along the Watchtower, by Jimi Hendrix (Song; 1968)
All Apologies, by Nirvana (Song; 1993)
All of Me (Film; 1984)
Amadeus (Film; 1984)
American Idiot, by Green Day (Album; 2004)
Andor (TV Series; 2022)
As You Like It (Film; 2007)
Bat Out of Hell, by Meatloaf (Album; 1977)
Blindspot (TV Series; 2015)
Caroline in the City (TV Series; 1995)
Cold Turkey (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Colonel Bleep (Animated TV Series; 1957)
Creep, by Radiohead (Song; 1992)
The Delivery Man, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2004)
Dog Day Afternoon (Film; 1975)
The Fire-Eaters or Hot Lips (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 304; 1964)
Fishbone, by Fishbone (EP: 1985)
The Fragile, by Nine Inch Nails (Album; 1999)
From a View to a Kill (a.k.a. James Bond and the Murder Before Breakfast), by Ian Fleming (James Bond Short Story; 1959)
Ghost World (Film; 2001)
Gold, by ABBA (Greatest Hits Album; 1992)
Herzog, by Saul Bellow (Novel; 1963)
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkein (Novel; 1937)
Hockey Homicide (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (Animated Film; 2018)
Il Sogno, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2004)
Into the Wild (Film; 2007)
In Utero, by Nirvana (Album; 1993)
Kiddie Revue (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
The King of Queens (TV Series; 1998)
Madam Secretary (TV Series; 2014)
The Medium is the Massage, by Marshall McLuhan (Manifesto; 1967)
Message in a Bottle, by the Police (Song; 1979)
Miller’s Crossing (Film; 1990)
Millionaire Droopy (Droopy MGM Cartoon; 1956)
The Old Plantation (Happy Harmonies MGM Cartoon; 1935)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Film; 2012)
Places in the Heart (Film; 1984)
Presto, by Rush (Album; 1989)
Push and Shove, by No Doubt (Album; 2012)
Raising Hope (TV Series; 2010)
A Red Letter Day or Drop Us a Lion (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 303; 1964)
Road to Ruin, by the Ramones (Album; 1978)
Rushes, by The Fireman (Album; 1998)
SCTV (CBC TV Series; 1976)
Sidewalk Blues, records by Jelly Roll Morton & His Red Hot Peppers (Song; 1926)
Small Change, by Tom Waits (Album; 1976)
Spooks (Ub Iwerks Flip the Frog MGM Cartoon; 1931)
Rabbit (WB Cartoon; 2015)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle, by Shirley Jackson (Novel; 1962)
Will & Grace (TV Series; 1998)
Wintersmith, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2006) [Discworld #35]
Yankee Doodle Swing Shift (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1942)
Today’s Name Days
Deborah, Jonas, Matthäus (Austria)
Jona, Matej, Matiša, Matko, Maura (Croatia)
Matouš (Czech Republic)
Matthæus (Denmark)
Lembit, Lembitu, Lembo, Lemmert, Lemmik, Lemmo (Estonia)
Mervi (Finland)
Déborah, Jonas, Matthieu, Mélissa (France)
Deborah, Jonas, Matthäus (Germany)
Jonas (Greece)
Máté, Mirella (Hungary)
Matteo (Italy)
Matīss, Modris, Nara (Latvia)
Mantvilas, Matas, Viskintė (Lithuania)
Trine, Trond (Norway)
Bożeciech, Bożydar, Hipolit, Hipolita, Ifigenia, Jonasz, Laurenty, Mateusz, Mira (Poland)
Matúš (Slovakia)
Jonás, Mateo (Spain)
Matteus (Sweden)
Maira, Maura, Maureen, Mayra, Mira, Moira, Moreen, Morena, Myra, Norna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 265 of 2024; 101 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 38 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 19 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 18 Elul 5784
Islamic: 17 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 25 Gold; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 8 September 2024
Moon: 82%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 13 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Schiller]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 94 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 31 of 32)
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hottubraccoon · 8 months
Great Kettering; land of Artistry and Pride.
south-east corner of the continent, primarily orc citizens
Character SHORT List:
Dima Grimscale
Dragonrider 2.0
Erick Livan
Felix Enrel
Harry Enrel
Julia Violet
Lindsey Livan
Miss Seashell
Pent Enrel
Kent Darkwater
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thomashetzler on Unsplash.
Great Kettering is based on the UK islands physical geography*. Great Kettering has slight weather changes with the seasons, primarily an increase in humidity and less rainfall in the summer months. Mostly known to be cold and wet overall. Tsunamis can happen along the coast to the south, and south-east. Earthquakes are small distant shakes from the far west. Droughts are rare and only in very dire situations. Lots of coastal towns are on the coast cliffs rather than the coast, and therefore are generally safe from the usual tsunamis that occur. Boat living... isn't uncommon yet dangerous depending on the time of year (hence the phrase, sturdy like GK's fishers). Earthquakes aren't an issue just noticeable along the west border. Great winters are prepared for a lot like Solistal does. 
*but only when I feel like it lol
GK is a mix of my personal headcanons for orcs and fantasy England. The most common form of landmark is the stone/moss circles, each with their own pattern, like a fingerprint. Generally, only those born in the area will be familiar with these landmarks without a map. Because of this, the moss circles are speculated to be linked to the orc-ish Aeons religion. Kelp forests are a special sight along GK coasts. The most well known location in GK is the sunken castle, and its bridges to nowhere. One explanation is that the coastal cliff was washed away and the castle was too heavy so it fell into the ocean to be forgotten, another blames the mythological 'Thorns' for putting it their during one of their tantrums. For a foreigner, the knight tourneys are a highly anticipated event due to the invitation of both the highest king and lowest servant. Most towns start with a safe drinking water source in the middle, market and community buildings around that, then common dwellings around those. For Kettering, the capital, there are 'districts' that citizens must get permits to build inside. These districts help with deliveries, city planning, guard patrols, and lock down procedures. Again, most towns are situated along the south coast, and it's either the direct coast or, if the cliffs are too severe, then it'll be as high on a hill they can get while still in viewing distance of the sea. On the north side of Great Kettering, it still follows the idea of the highest hills. Including Kettering, which itself has a 'natural moat' around it, although the city surrounding the castle has since expanded further around the lake as well. In smaller towns, people are clumped together, tiny and people live in each others pockets, whereas bigger towns are more spacious. That said, construction is trending towards taller rather than wider. Common structures are in the easy to acquire and transport materials, where the elegant marbles and quartz are left for Kettering or other religious sites in other large towns.
GK trade away seafood for different 'exotic' foods and their artisans are highly sorted after. They import from Solistal for specialty materials to craft with. Kamikita holds a chokehold on trading routes and this frustrates GK. They import from Birkina for island herbs and spices, as well as dyes for their crafts. Can be self-sufficient if trades were to be suddenly cut. The world trade is currency based but smaller store keepers accept barters... if you can talk them into it. Solistal's ores/minerals and their jewelcrafters are flaunted as expensive goods and a highly requested import. Whereas 'seals' or magical coins are the least sought after. GK's embroiders are the most asked for export.
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sapegin on Unsplash.
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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kuramirocket · 1 year
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Mexican biologist Yuliana Bedolla 
Off Mexico's west coast, the Baja California Pacific Islands are key global nesting sites for 23 seabird species and Natividad Island shelters 90 percent of the breeding population of the Black-vented Shearwater (Puffinus opisthomelas).
Mexican conservation biologist Yuliana Rocío Bedolla Guzmán, Director of the Marine Birds Project at Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas (GECI) says that invasive mammals like cats and rats wiped out at least 27 seabird colonies in the past.
The researchers have been working with fishing cooperatives to decrease the likelihood of reintroductions that would lead to expensive eradication efforts.
"In 2021, we created the local community group “Líderes Comunitarios'' formed by enthusiastic and committed women who have received formal training on island biosecurity and bird identification, and are becoming agents of change in their communities," Bedolla says.
Recently, Bedolla won a 2023 Whitley Award from UK charity Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) and will use the funding to boost the role of local women and fishing cooperative.
"The goal is to continue preventing the accidental introduction of invasive mammals on Natividad and San Benito Oeste islands by actively involving local leaders and fishing cooperatives in biosecurity protocols," she says.
"My Grain of Sand"
Bedolla grew up far from the sea in Moroleón, a small town in central Mexico, where she enjoyed being out in nature.
"But I had my Eureka moment when I learned to snorkel when I was 12 years old at a beach in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, in the Mexican Pacific," she says adding that she remembered a feeling of amazement, wonder and a new sense of connection to nature.
"That experience was life-changing for me and marked the beginning of my journey as a conservationist," Bedolla says, "From that moment on, I knew I wanted to become a marine biologist and contribute with my grain of sand."
She would go on to study Marine Biology at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, learning to dive and study coral reefs and associated invertebrates on several islands in the Gulf of California.
Bedolla would contact GECI in the course of her masters degree and years later, after a Phd in Germany, GECI offered her the directorship of the Marine Birds Project.
Bedolla says that being from the Global South helps her to bring diverse perspectives and approaches to scientific research, which can lead to more innovative and creative solutions.
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The San Benito Islands, which is among the islands Yuliana Bedolla is trying to protect from invasive species
Yuliana is a marine biologist, graduated with honors from the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS).
She is a Master in Coastal Oceanography from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and a PhD candidate from the Justus Liebig University of Giessen in Germany. For her doctorate, she obtained a scholarship in Germany. Yuliana speaks Spanish and English and has basic knowledge of the German language. Her doctoral research focuses on the foraging ecology of three petrel species that nest in the San Benito Archipelago, in the Pacific of Baja California.
She began collaborating with the Ecology and Conservation of Islands Group, A.C., (GECI), in 2009 as a field biologist, and is currently the director of the Seabird Project, which aims to restore and conserve seabirds through the use of social attraction systems in conjunction with systematic monitoring, research and environmental education. She has carried out numerous research studies with national and international institutions. Her scientific publications in international journals focus on the response of seabirds to environmental conditions, the parasites that infect seabirds and the response of native fauna to the eradication of invasive mammals.
She has collaborated with several national seabird conservation programs and has been directly involved in environmental restoration projects in Isla Isabel, San Benito Archipelago, Banco Chinchorro and Arrecife Alacranes, related to the eradication of invasive rodents for the benefit of seabird colonies, among other island species. Her activities at GECI include project planning, staff coordination and supervision, applied research and monitoring, environmental education with local communities and dissemination of information in conferences and scientific reports and publications.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
what parts of the uk the marauders are from:
james- north england, maybe durham or a village nearby it
remus- wales, a small village fairly near newport (maybe llaanhennock or something)
sirius and regulus- south england, london (i cant remember whereabout in london grimmauld place is)
peter- southeast england, lives in a coastal town somewhere like sandgate
marlene- grew up in scotland but moved to the same town as james in north england when she was about 6
mary- southwest england, im thinking cornwall or devon
lily- scotland, a small town or village (fintry maybe)
dorcas- northern ireland, probably belfast
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scotianostra · 10 months
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Happy Birthday actor Kenneth Cranham born 12th December 1944 in Dunfermline.
Cranham trained at the National Youth Theatre and RADA, he is a very prolific theatre and TV actor who has also appeared in countless films since his debut as Noah Claypole in the 1968 musical Oliver, you might remember him from playing the title role in the 80’s show Shine On Harvey Moon. Now I’ve checked and double checked and for a man who has acting credits in over 50 television shows he has never been in Taggart! Most disappointing….
From the 70’s he was in Z-Cars, Softly, Softly: Taskforce, A Family at War and Budgie, in 80’s Brideshead Revisited, Reilly: Ace of Spies ( as Vladimir Lenin no less!), Inspector Morse and Boon, the 90’s didn’t see him slow down, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Casualty, Bergerac and Kavanagh QC. The “Noughties” saw him pick up roles in the British-American-Italian historical drama Rome, Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Merlin. The past few years he has been on the small screen in Upstairs Downstairs, Death in Paradise and War and Peace.
His notable film roles have been in Chocolat, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Gangster No. 1, Layer Cake, Valkyrie with Tom Cruise and Maleficent with Angelina Jolie.
Wikipedia has Cranham appearing in around 100 tv shows, he also finds time to tread the boards and in he won a prestigious 2016 Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in The Father. Other UK TV series include Scarborough and The Good Karma Hospital another TV series set in a coastal town in tropical South India.
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