#College Setting
inorganicone2230 · 8 months
Like Hoarded Gold (Part 1) Yandere!Gojo/Geto x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Summary: Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo are complete strangers to you, but when they unexpectedly learn of the tragic news that has irrevocably shattered your life to pieces, the two of them become determined to help you and make you happy again, whether you want them to or not.
Warnings: Not many for this chapter, just the guys being nosy creeps for now.
Side Note: I do NOT and never will condone the actions committed in this or any future chapters, please be mindful and respectful of the fact that all of this is purely fiction.
“Come on, babe.”
Satoru Gojo moaned shamelessly into the kiss he shared with his lifelong friend and romantic partner, Suguru Geto, as he pressed the dark haired man down into the gym mat of the darkened storeroom they had snuck into.
“You're so fucking needy.” 
Suguru playfully taunted him, even as he groaned and pawed at the other young man just as desperately, his hands finally finding purchase on Satoru’s hips so he could grind their still clothed and aching erections together.
They’d had a break between lectures and when Satoru had teasingly suggested that the two of them find a quiet spot for a quicky, he had been more than happy to agree, which was how they now found themselves in their current situation; namely, the two of them laid out on an old mat in the storeroom of the college gym, desperately dry-humping one another.
“You're not gonna sound so cocky once I’m balls-deep in your tight fucking ass.” Satoru shot back, nipping his neck hard enough that it was surely going to leave a very noticeable bruise, one he knew Suguru would wear with immense pride and satisfaction.
Suguru’s chuckle was deep and sensual as he reached between them to begin unbuckling his boyfriend's belt and pants, desperate to get his large hands wrapped around Satoru’s fat cock.
“Wanna bet on-”
The door to the storeroom suddenly creaked open and both men instantly froze as dim light from the previously empty gym briefly flooded the space before closing and going dark again.
“Shit!” Satoru whispered harshly into his ear, just loud enough so only he would hear it. “Did a professor or someone else follow us?”
It's not like the two of them had ever tried to hide their relationship from the public, such a thing would have been an impossible endeavor anyway, what with how affectionate and touchy Satoru could be most of the time. But even with their relationship being public knowledge, it still hadn't stopped the occasional creeper or fame-chaser from trying to catch them in compromising situations, usually to try and extort the white haired young man for a cut of his rather impressively large fortune and inheritance.
With the unexpected death of his parents only four years prior, and Satoru being their only child, he had been the sole beneficiary to the Gojo family's vast wealth and assets, and while he still had to graduate college first before he could receive the entirety of his inheritance in full, the monthly stipend he received every month to fund their lifestyle until then was certainly nothing to sneeze at.
But it also had the unfortunate drawback of painting a big red bullseye on his back, and subsequently Suguru’s as well, one that led some people to think that they would be an easy target for some quick cash if a compromising photo could be taken and dangled over their heads.
“Just stay quiet for now.” Suguru replied, then tenderly kissed Satoru's cheek with the kind of affection he knew would leave the Gojo heir blushing. “If they try anything, I'll be the one to handle it.”
And he meant it to, he had already beat the shit out of a few creeps for trying this kind of shit, and would be more than willing to do so again if it came down to it.
Satoru was his, and he would always have his back, just like he knew Satoru would always have his.
The two of them, thankfully, were tucked away in a corner of the storeroom behind some stacked boxes of equipment, so they would see anyone that came around the corner, but when no one came, the two of them slowly rose to their feet to take a peek around, wondering if maybe the individual actually hadn't stuck around and left when the door shut.
But there, leaning against the wall next to the door was a young girl, one who both men briefly recognized as a first year, more specifically, she was a foreign exchange student who they just so happened to share one or two classes with this semester.
You had your phone drawn up to your ear and seemed to be calling the same number repeatedly as your expression grew more and more frantic every time the person(s) on the other end failed to pick up.
“The fuck?” Satoru silently mouthed as they looked at one another, confusion written all over each other's faces, but Suguru was just as lost as his partner and only shook his head at him.
He now suspected that you had no idea you weren't alone in here, which meant that you weren't a threat, so his posture had relaxed once more, but now he was also fairly curious as to what had brought you here, and who you were so desperately trying to get ahold of.
And based on the noticeable gleam in Satoru's bright blue eyes, Suguru knew he was also just as curious.
And then, as if their nosiness had triggered something on the other end of your phone, they suddenly heard your voice speak, your tone sounding both relieved and panicked as words, in what they were able to tell was English, began tumbling out of your mouth in fast succession.
The only problem however, was that neither of them knew enough of the language to be able to piece full sentences together.
“Oh come on!” Satoru quietly groaned in exasperation.
He knew enough to be able to pick out a few words here and there; words like ‘no’ and ‘please’ and ‘wait’, which you seemed to be repeating quite often as your voice grew more and more panicked, but eventually, whoever was on the other end must have abruptly ended the call, because you stopped talking as the phone slowly slid from your slackened grip and fell to the floor with a loud enough crash that he knew without even seeing it that the damn things screen was likely shattered to bits from the impact with the concrete flooring.
You looked so sad and heartbroken in that moment, and before either man knew what was happening, you dropped to your knees with a sickening thud that left both of them wincing. Your knees were most definitely going to be in a world of hurt once you finally managed to pull yourself out of whatever dark hole that conversation had thrown you into.
And then came the wailing…
The sounds that came pouring out of you were absolutely gut wrenching, and despite not knowing anything about you, not even your name, it took everything Satoru and Suguru had to stop themselves from going to you and demanding what it was that had caused this.
You had your arms wrapped so tightly around yourself, like you would fall to pieces if you weren't holding yourself together in that lonely embrace, and you were sobbing so hard that they both feared you might actually make yourself sick if you didn't get your breathing under control.
“What do you think we should do?” Suguru whispered.
Satoru didn't once take his eyes off you as he shook his head in uncertainty.
“I honestly don't know.” He answered. “We would probably just make things worse if we suddenly pop out and she learns we've been here this whole time.”
Suguru had to agree, and as much as it killed him to stand back and let your trauma unfold like this, he knew that Satoru was right.
Neither of them completely understood why they had this unexplainable urge to go to you, someone who was a complete and total stranger, but it was a matter they were going to have to ponder together and discuss at great length before making any solid decisions on.
But for now, they simply had to let the situation run its natural course and hope for the best, even if waiting and patience was never either of their strong suits.
And so they did.
They waited for almost thirty minutes, watching and listening to the sound of your very soul shattering as you cried yourself into exhaustion before you eventually managed to pick yourself back up off the floor and slowly and silently exit the storage space. Neither of them failed to notice the dead expression on your face or how utterly lifeless your eyes appeared to be, and both men knew it had little to do with the poor lighting from the few small windows sprinkled along the walls near the ceiling.
And only once they were certain they were alone again did both Satoru and Suguru finally release the breath neither of them realized they were simultaneously holding.
“Fucking hell…” Satoru groaned and slumped down to the floor to sit on his haunches. “What was that all about?” He asked, looking up at Suguru through feather soft lashes.
Suguru leaned back against the wall across from him and let out his own sigh of frustration.
He didn't understand what this feeling was or where it was coming from, but it was taking all his restraint not to go chasing after you, to make certain you didn't do anything foolish.
Perhaps it had something to do with seeing you in such a vulnerable state when you thought you were completely alone…
He had seen plenty of his friends in bad moods or had been a shoulder for them to cry on when they were stressed and upset, but he had never seen anyone in real life break apart so uncontrollably the way you had just now; not even Satoru after the death of his parents, if one could even call those two absent shit-stains by the title of parent.
“I don't know.” He whispered. “Maybe she has a significant other back home and they got into a fight or something?”
He saw the darkened look that flashed across Satoru's face and knew immediately that the thought of that prospect didn't settle with him any better than it did with Suguru himself.
“Or someone she knows could have gotten hurt, or even died.” Satoru casually stated, and wondered what it must have said about him that he hoped it was that and not Suguru's option.
This was not what either of them had expected to deal with today, not that anyone could have predicted it, but now that they had witnessed what you obviously must have thought was a moment of extreme vulnerability, their interest was thoroughly piqued and he knew that neither he nor Suguru would be able to walk away and just forget about it so easily.
At the very least, he wanted to know the details of the situation, even if they couldn't do anything about it to help you in the end, because if he didn't, then those mournful cries of yours would follow him for a long time, possibly forever, and he wasn't entirely sure he could stay sane if the burning question of it wasn't answered.
“Come on, let's go home for the rest of the day and figure out what we want to do.” Suguru said, and held his hand out to help his boyfriend rise to his feet. “There's no point in attending any more of our classes today if neither of us will be able to properly concentrate.”
It wasn't until they were almost to the door that something caught Satoru's attention and he had to pause for a moment to thank the heavens for his good fortune, because there was your shattered phone, still laying on the ground where it had originally dropped.
“It must be our lucky day, babe.” He said with a grin, bending down to pick up the device.
“I'm not too surprised, the poor thing was practically catatonic when she left, and a broken phone was probably the last thing on her mind.” Suguru wrapped his arms around Satoru's middle and rested his chin in the crook of his neck to look over his shoulder and watch him gingerly tap at the screen. “Maybe we could use returning it as an excuse to talk to her?” He suggested, but dismissed the idea just as quickly when he realized that would mean needing to explain how they found it and how they knew it was yours.
Satoru nodded his head absentmindedly, already knowing that he and Suguru had likely reached the same conclusion on that option, but he had one that might prove to be a bit more useful to them in the long run, especially as the lock screen lit up and showed both men that it was only the protective cover over the screen that was shattered. The sturdy case and screen protector had spared it from any true damage, and as he stared at the picture you had set of you and what appeared to be your parents at your high school graduation ceremony, he couldn't help but feel that fate was too good a word to describe this opportunity, and it had to mean something so much more.
“Let's stop by a cell-phone store on the way home.” He suggested, before pocketing the device and turning to give his boyfriend a conspiratorial wink and smile. “I have an idea of my own that I think you'll like a whole lot more.”
Later on that night, Satoru and Suguru found themselves snuggled up together on the couch that faced the large wall of windows in their penthouse apartment that overlooked the Tokyo city skyline.
When the two of them had first graduated high school together nearly four years earlier and started apartment hunting together, they had immediately been sold on this particular property, located in Minato, based solely on the views it provided of the city at night, and naturally, with Satoru being who he was, they ended up with the absolute best the building had to offer, right at the very top on the 45th floor.
It had already come fully furnished at the time they had first moved in, but over the course of their almost four year residency, they had slowly replaced everything with pieces that were more suited to their own tastes and preferences.
That was one thing that he loved so much about Satoru, despite the apartment being in his name and the money from his monthly stipends paying for everything they had, his boyfriend never made him feel less than for not being able to contribute more than his ability to cook and help clean. Satoru always told him that the money was just as much his, and had even gone so far as to get Suguru's name put on the account and debit/credit cards of his very own so he never had to ask for money.
Satoru, for all his childish tendencies and spoiled entitlement, saw the two of them as equal partners in their relationship, and did everything he possibly could to show him that at every opportunity.
But the greatest gift of all, besides just being in his life, had been in the form of his college expenses.
Satoru had always been destined to attend his parents alma mater, the University of Tokyo, but for Suguru, with his poorer background and lack of financial resources, despite his excellent grades and a long list of extracurriculars that had earned him a full scholarship to the elite high school they had both attended, the prestigious university had always felt more like a far off and unattainable dream as he'd sent in his application for it, and half a dozen other more affordable and realistic schools.
Schools that were far enough away that it would have seen him and Satoru separated and likely to break up.
So when, mere days after his parents' funeral, Satoru had expressed a keen desire to pay for his tuition entirely from his own pocket, just to help him achieve his dreams and keep them from being separated, Suguru had known then and there that the white haired young man was the one for him.
It wasn't about the money though, Suguru had never given a single thought to asking his, admittedly very wealthy boyfriend, for financial assistance. It was Satoru's genuine desire to help him and not lose each other that had cemented it in his mind that they were it for one another; that, come hell or high water, he would fight tooth and nail to keep what they had, and Satoru had been more that eager to share the sentiment.
And now, here they were, making what might be one of the biggest decisions of their life together as they scrolled through your now deactivated phone, and seething with rage at what they were learning.
“You're reading the same thing as me, right? I’m not misinterpreting this?” Satoru asked through clenched teeth.
Suguru's mood wasn't much better as he took the phone from his boyfriend's tightening grip to read the translated email more closely.
“No, you're not.”
After leaving campus for the day, the first thing they had done was drive to a small electronics store on the outskirts of the city to have your phone deactivated. And thankfully, with the help of a very hefty bribe, the creep working the shady storefront had been more than happy to ignore the questionable ethics of forcefully disconnecting and resetting the password on a phone that clearly didn't belong to either of the men asking for it to be done, and in less than thirty minutes, the two had been on their merry way back home.
It had been Suguru's idea to run everything on your phone through a translator app so they could try and figure out what was going on with you, and while they both felt a mild sense of guilt over snooping so deeply into your private life, they told themselves it was for your own good, that they were only trying to help.
The translations were by no means perfect, but both men were smart enough to read between the lines and mentally fix whatever errors there were in the process, and while your text messages had been a bust, with most of them being fairly quick and concise, your emails proved to be much more fruitful.
And rage inducing…
Satoru had been right in assuming that whatever had brought on your traumatic breakdown had to do with your family, but if what they were reading had any kind of truth to it, which neither of them were truly doubting, then it was so much worse than just someone you knew and loved dying on you.
The email in question was from your mother and read as followed;
(Y/N), I know this will come as a tremendous shock to you whenever you read this, and I need you to understand that me and your father are not making this decision to be cruel to you, but you are no longer a child, you are a grown woman on her own at college, in another country no less, and I feel like I should be allowed to be honest with you about the changes both our lives are about to take.
I think you are well aware by now that having you was not a choice neither I nor your father made willingly, you were a genuine accident, and while we care about you and want you to succeed more than anything, you are grown now and fully capable of no longer needing us. Me and your father put our dreams and desires on hold and raised you for nineteen years, and now it is time for us to be allowed to live our lives how we see fit. We have already sold the house and all but its most important items, all of your belongings have been packed up and moved to a storage unit that I have provided the number for down below. It has been paid off for the next six months while you decide how and what to do with it, but this is the final assistance we will give you, as we need all the money we can spare to begin our new lives elsewhere.
I know this is going to be very hard for you to understand, but your father and I were free spirits before we had you, travel and adventure was our life, and while we did our due diligence upon having you, I won't lie and say that you were our greatest joy. Having to be tied down to one place for so long in order to give you the stability you required, it killed us a little inside with each year that passed, and now that we are finally free, we feel it is best we no longer keep in contact with you going forward. It will only serve to remind us of a time we no longer want to think about, and it will only give you false hope in the end that things could go back to your perceived version of normal, and that is not fair to any of us.
We will be replacing our phones and numbers at the end of the week, so feel free to call us anytime between now and then if you have anything to say or add.
And please, take care of yourself and live your life to the fullest.
That was where the email ended.
It had been sent less than 24 hours ago, and a quick check of your call log showed them that your parents were indeed the last people you had tried calling, your mother having been the one to finally pick up and respond to your, now understandably, very frantic calls earlier in the storage room.
“What kind of sorry excuse for a mother would do this to their own child?” Satoru asked, his voice as cold and icy as his eyes and hair. “My parents were shit at being parents, and even they would have never done something as cruel and heartless as this.”
Suguru nodded in complete agreement as he reread the words on the screen again for a third time, and had to fight down every urge he had to punch this awful woman's number into his own phone and give her a piece of his mind.
“The only kind of people who could do this with as little remorse as she seems to have, are the kind that should have never been allowed to conceive in the first place.” The dark haired man responded, and draped an arm over his loves shoulders for comfort.
The two sat in silence for a long while after that, slowly processing everything they had learned, and in that time, Satoru had opened up your photo gallery for them to look through, idly scrolling through picture after picture, wanting to understand you further and gain insight into who you were. They started from the oldest ones at the very top, which seemed to date back three years, and while you seemed more interested in taking pictures of other people and the things and places around you, when a photo of yourself did eventually pop up every now and then, it always blindsided then how joyful and happy you seemed, especially in contrast with how they had seen you earlier, so sad and broken.
“So, what do we do now, Suguru?”
Suguru sighed, having known they would eventually have to discuss this.
“I know we were mostly just curious to find out what was the cause of her breakdown earlier, but now that we know the whole story, I don't think I can just leave this situation alone.” He said, and felt Satoru relax beside him, that was enough to tell him that his partner felt the same as him.
“Normally, I'd say that destiny and fate can suck my fat cock, but I don't feel like it was just mere coincidence that led to us being in that storage room with her today, it was definitely something more.” Satoru said, his confidence returning in full force as he stared down at a picture of your bright and smiling face, wishing more than anything that they could see it in person. “So who better to help a poor damsel in distress than the two best equipped guys in the city; we have the money, the means, and the time to show her were on her side.”
“I couldn't have said it better myself.” Suguru chuckled and kissed his cheek. “Now the only question is how do we proceed and make it happen?”
Satoru flashed him that signature too confident grin as he leaned back into his arms and pulled out his own phone.
“Don't worry, I got us covered on that front.” He said, scrolling through his minimal contacts to find the one he needed. “She might not figure it out right away, but our girl isn't going to know what to do with herself once she realizes she's got two knights in shining armor looking out for her.”
I've recently gotten really into JJK and since I'm not really feeling the motivation to write for any of my other fics at the moment, here is the newest idea that is rotting my brain from the inside out.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
And as always, I want to give a BIG thank you to my amazing friend @talpup  for all the brainstorming and encouragement on these stories! I’m sure I would have given up on this blog a while ago if it wasn’t for all of their help. I highly encourage anyone who takes the time to read this to go over to their page or their AO3 account under the same name and check out their works, especially Chaos and Erase The Shadow. They are two of my favorite BNHA fics of ALL TIME! And who has also started their own Yandere!Overhaul fic called Crossroads and is set in a 1920′s prohibition style era, it’s amazing and you need to check it out!
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weiying-lanzhan-fics · 9 months
Players gonna play by Scrippio
Absolutely loved this story! It made me laugh out loud many times and was a joy to read 🥰❤️
Also lots of in-depth storylines for the other characters as well!
Wei Ying goes through his pockets and tries to figure out if he has anything that he can pick the lock with. You know, if he could remember how to pick a lock.
He’s only managed to do it successfully the once, so it might have been a fluke, now that he thinks about it. Maybe he’s never successfully picked a lock, maybe he just brute-force opened it after a few weeks of messing with it.
“Can I help you?” someone says, behind Wei Ying.
And just when Wei Ying was going to see if brute force would work in this instance as well. Again, classic.
Wei Ying pastes a smile on his face and spins around.
He almost spins right back around because Jesus Christ, that is an attractive man. And Wei Ying is a raccoon gremlin trying to break into a fucking closet. Fuck.
Wei Ying forces his smile wider.
“I’m Wei Ying? The new director for the theater club? I’m supposed to be meeting with them soon and I wanted to get a better feel for the space?” Wei Ying says.
He swears, he’s not trying to ask questions, but he’s been thrown solidly off his game and now everything out of his mouth sounds like a valley girl impression.
“So,” Xichen says, once Lan Zhan sets out the tea.
And then he waits.
Classic mistake.
If he thinks Lan Zhan is going to pick the topic of conversation, they can just go ahead and sit in silence. Lan Zhan loves silence and he’s getting less and less of it as Wei Ying has started popping up with alarming regularity.
There’s no stopping him now that he knows where Lan Zhan’s desk is, and he’s just as likely to be in the dining hall or the library. Lan Zhan doesn’t know how Wei Ying keeps gaining access to all of these places without a campus id.
Not that Lan Zhan…it’s just that—he—there’s never any warning of where Wei Ying is going to be, so Lan Zhan has to be ready to be ambushed at any given moment. He’s so tense all day that his entire body hurts by the time he gets home.
T, 68.5k
In which the Gusu University theater club is looking for a new beginning, starting with a new faculty advisor (Lan Zhan) and a new director (Wei Ying).
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bookmothic-dyke · 1 month
Working on my lesbian vampire story, Date Bite (yes… the name is a bad pun). Finished chapter one last night.
It’s about a newly turned trans girl vampire Annie and her cryptid hunter/musician bff Bea trying to survive the night, or at least kiss before they bite the big one.
Set in a modern yet slightly steampunk world with eldritch magic, monsters of American folklore, and supernatural myst.
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lehxra-arts · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
What I'm working on for both Otome and Josei Jam. It's just a mockup. Still trying to solidify the concepts and plot.
But it might be a bit of a horror, eheh.
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your-modern-sappho · 4 months
Glitter and Ghouls
Chapter One
College has proven to be a complete waste of time for Kortni. The classes are boring and torturously long, the bathrooms are constantly a mess, she has to share a bedroom with a complete stranger… And worst of all, none of these assholes know her. They don’t even look at her.
How fucking dare they?
Kortni Beaumont is a goddamned star; A model, an actress, and a straight A student since she was is diapers. How can these imbeciles not recognize the goddess walking among them?
This is the worst.
Just as she’s about to call her dad to come and get her, someone walks straight into her back. Something scalding hot splatters her back and soaks her clothes. She whirls around, seething, finding a smaller, blue haired woman frozen in place. It was coffee, evident by the styrofoam cup on the floor, which she recognizes from the coffee machines in the cafeteria.
The poor soul seems to be about to apologize, stumbling over her words. But she doesn’t get the chance.
“Watch it, runt,” Kortni snaps, “Do you know how much this sweater cost me? It’s worth more than every drop of blood in your body. This is Ahimsa silk, straight from India. And you just ruined it!”
Her outburst earns no response. Her poor victim only hangs her head, staring straight down at her feet. The pitiful display rouses a certain smugness within the blonde.
Taking a moment to look her over, Kortni walks around her in a slow circle. Jean jacket, a t-shirt that looks like a soldier wore it to war, and the ugliest brown pants the blonde has ever seen. But the thick leather choker is certainly the worst part.
“God, this is pathetic. You don’t know anything about fashion. I mean, seriously, you look like you’re wearing a collar. Need a leash to go with that?” Kortni tugs at the leather choker, making the other girl stumble and gasp. The blonde laughs, releasing her grip. “What’s wrong puppy, cat got your tongue?”
Kortni is expecting her to be afraid, like the weirdos were at her high school. But as she grips her jaw ands forces her to look up, the blue haired freak is flushed red and wide eyed.
The sudden redness reveals the faint freckles that dot her cheeks. And her eyes are unreasonably pretty, a deep umber, flecked with green. And her lips, they’re so…
Stupid. This is stupid.
Catching herself staring, she shoves the smaller woman away with a snarl. Without a word, she turns on her heel and stalks down the hall.
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writr4luvrs · 6 months
*crawling on ground, embracing my phone after writing mad for the last few days*: "the grind....*heave* never....stops..
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shion-yu · 8 months
Cliff and Elliot meet on Cliff's 18th birthday. My entry for the @hurtcomfort-bingo space "Experiment." 1,237 words. No TWs.
On Cliff's eighteenth birthday, he met Elliot. They were at a party and Cliff didn't do parties, but he thought he'd try one because turning eighteen is supposed to be a big deal and he had no one to celebrate with otherwise. He'd been at NYU for nearly two weeks and yesterday he finished his first week of classes. Someone called it syllabus week, and Cliff thought that was a good name for it because he felt like that was all they did. What little homework he'd received was already done and it was too early to even know where to begin studying for exams. He was bored and some part of him deep down wished to be acknowledged on the day he was "officially" an adult by just one person (other than his sister, who didn't count).
So far, Cliff felt he'd learned two things about life after high school. One, people in college seemed to care less about everything and anything - for good and for bad. And two, he was never going to make friends here. At least, Cliff was worried he wouldn't. It wasn't like he'd had many close friends in high school either, but he had people he liked and talked to every day. Here, he felt surprisingly lonely for someone who was sure he was an introvert. He'd even started texting his sister back sometimes just so he had someone to interact with.
He was passing through the dorms last night when he heard several people discussing an open house party that one of the NYU fraternities held every year. It wasn't exactly recruitment, maybe pre-recruitment. Cliff didn't think that was his scene, but he was bored and although he tried to put little stock in the day that just happened to be the anniversary of his birth, he couldn't help but feel like a loser for spending yet another night in his dorm room this time. 
So that's how he ended up at this party. A girl far taller than him said, "Aww, he's so cute," and shoved a four loko in Cliff's hand. He sat awkwardly sipping it, the distasteful flavor making him slightly nauseous. He'd skipped dinner, and as a result began to get drunk very quickly. 
He had been tipsy a few times in high school, but drunk only once before: a graduation party that got out of hand and ended up with Cliff getting into a fight with the girl who he was supposed to go to prom with. Supposed to because he had ended up standing her up - not on purpose though, he was super sick that night - but she'd taken it personally anyways and well, it hadn't been a good time. Cliff thought about that day and wondered why people had to be so troublesome. He didn't even know why he was lonely - it's not like he liked people much. It was stupid to be here.
He stood to leave, swaying slightly. He glanced around for the tall girl who had been treating him like a puppy since he'd walked in to let her know he was going home only to find her making out with some guy in a corner. Okay, he guessed she was too distracted to notice him anymore. Cliff turned to leave and ran straight into another body. He heard a sharp yelp and the feeling of a beer being poured down the front of his shirt. 
"I'm sorry!" 
Cliff looked up at the voice in shock. A boy with curly dark hair and shiny green eyes was across from him and clearly the reason Cliff's shirt was now soaking wet. He was trim and a bit taller than Cliff and began frantically looking for something to wipe the mess up with. The nearest thing that met this description happened to be an old napkin in the floor, which blotted basically none of the liquid up as the boy pressed it to Cliff's shirt over and over.
"I don't think it's working," Cliff said faintly. The boy looked up from his task, paused and then cracked up laughing. Cliff couldn't help but smile too.
"You're right," the boy said, still giggling. "I'm sorry. Want my shirt?"
"Your shirt?" Cliff repeated incredulously. "I can't take your shirt."
"I meant my jacket," the boy blushed. "Sorry. I'm a little drunk. Never been drunk before. Ah, crap, I don't think I'm supposed to tell people that, that's really uncool."
The boy's awkwardness endeared himself to Cliff. "Okay, sure, your jacket." Cliff turned around and quickly tore his wet t-shirt off to change. He slipped his arms into the jacket that the boy was holding up for him. It felt warm and smelled good. "What's your name?" Cliff asked as he turned back around and began buttoning the jacket up. His fingers felt clumsy and a little numb.
"Elliot," the boy said with a grin. "You?"
"Cliff Barrows," Cliff said, automatically including his last name as he was so accomstomed. But Barrows meant nothing to Elliot, and that was refreshing to Cliff. A relief he hadn't anticipated.
"Cliff, like Clifford the big red dog?" Elliot asked. "You've even got the red hair to match!" Cliff had heard this before and he usually didn't appreciate it. But Elliot didn't seem to be unkind in saying this. In fact, he seemed earnest and sweet, and Cliff felt drawn to him. He had such a genuine smile.
"Yeah," Cliff said. "Like that."
"Awesome," Elliot grinned. His eyes wrinkled at the corners as he smiled and Cliff could see that he had dimples on either side of his mouth. "So... Do you know anyone here?"
Cliff considered lying. But then he glanced at the tall girl in the corner still making out and shook his head. "Nope. No one. Do you?"
"My roommate invited me, then ditched me," Elliot laughed. "Why'd you come if you don't know anybody?"
Cliff hesitated, but Elliot had admitted his drunkenness so Cliff figured he would admit his intentions. "Don't laugh," he said. "It's my birthday."
Elliot's eyes widened in shock. "Seriously? Happy birthday!"
"Thanks," Cliff said. Elliot opened his mouth. "You're not going to sing, are you?" Cliff asked quickly.
Elliot looked at him sheepishly. "Not anymore," he said. "But we have to do something to celebrate. You must have wanted to. Why else would you be here?"
Cliff thought about the question, then shrugged. "I don't know. An experiment, I guess."
"An experiment?" Elliot repeated incredulously.
"Yeah. To see if I could make a friend." Cliff wasn't sure why he was telling Elliot this. It sounded pathetic and weird. It must be the alcohol, he thought to himself. Making him brave and warm all over, or maybe it was just Elliot's smile.
To his surprise, Elliot didn't call him a weirdo. He just grinned. "Well, I think you succeeded," he said. "Friends?"
Cliff blinked. "Us?"
"Yeah. If you want," Elliot said, suddenly a little shy. "Do you want to?"
Cliff nodded. "Yeah." He just couldn't believe it.
"Perfect. Let's get out of here, then," Elliot said. "I have a feeling this isn't really either of our thing. Wanna go to the diner instead?"
It sounded ten times better than this noisy party, and something about being alone with Elliot - just having the opportunity to get to know his enthusiastic and mysterious new friend - made Cliff's stomach flutter with excitement. "Definitely. Let's go."
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desdasiwrites · 1 year
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– Rachael Lippincott, She Gets the Girl
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untilyouremember · 10 months
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How I Met My Soulmate
Available on December 12th, 2023 digitally and in print
Literally so soon
I'm so excited send help
Check out kodanshas site for the first chapter!
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anonymousdandelion · 1 year
A general tip for students who are sending those dreaded Religious Absence Emails to your professors: Rather than asking permission to take the day(s) off, politely let them know that you will be taking the day(s) off.
In other words, consider not saying this:
"May I miss class on [date] so I can observe [holiday]?"
It's not that there's anything wrong with the above, per se. But because it's phrased as a request, it risks coming across as optional — a favor you hope to be granted. Problem is, favors are not owed, and so unfortunately asking permission opens the door for the professor to respond "Thanks for asking. No, you may not. :)"
Instead, try something along the lines of:
"I will need to miss class on [date] because I will be observing [holiday]. I wanted to let you know of this conflict now, and to ask your assistance in making arrangements for making up whatever material I may miss as a result of this absence."
This is pretty formal language (naturally, you can and should tweak it to sound more like your voice). But the important piece is that, while still being respectful, it shifts the focus of the discussion so that the question becomes not "Is it okay for me to observe my religion?", but rather, "How can we best accommodate my observance?"
Because the first question should not be up for debate: freedom of religion is a right, not a favor. And the second question is the subject you need to discuss.
(Ideally, do this after you've looked up your school's policy on religious absences, so you know what you're working within and that religious discrimination is illegal. Just in case your professor forgot.)
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still-the-moon · 11 months
[Rezension] Today I'll talk to him
Titel: Today I’ll talk to him | Autor*in: Bianca Wege | Verlag: Arena | Erscheinungsdatum: 12. Oktober 2023 Inhalt Layla  und  Asher  sind ein glückliches Liebespaar – zumindest bei Sims, das Layla anonym auf Twitch streamt. In der Realität hat die introvertierte 18-Jährige noch kein einziges Wort mit Mädchenschwarm Asher gewechselt. Doch das soll sich ändern! Gemeinsam mit ihrer…
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legodna · 2 months
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You guys wanna see a science Lego set? Well, here's Lego DNA!
With a scientifically accurate DNA model, and a historically accurate lab + 5 scientists!
Aims: to promote science to kids and honor Rosalind Franklin.
Less than 4,000 votes needed to get it considered as a real official Lego set to be sold worldwide!
If you like it, please support here and share with your friends: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/c92cd95b-49e7-46ec-b844-ac6482c51139
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The Bones of the Story by Carol Goodman
The Bones of the Story by Carol Goodman Thriller eBook, Hardcover, Paperback, 336 Pages July 11, 2023 by William Morrow Paperbacks Blurb: The twisty locked-room mystery from two-time Mary Higgins Clark Award–winning author Carol Goodman, about a group of former classmates trapped on their college campus—with a murderer among them. “One of the best and smartest locked-room mysteries I’ve…
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 334
So. Danny has discovered he might erm, might be technically a necromancer. At least as far as magic is concerned. Like even if it’s just via resurrecting himself the magic side of things (god, he’s more scientist- sided dangit) count it as such. 
Which means that half the time someone tries to summon a necromancing-esque being, he’s the one who gets tugged if he’s even a centimeter within range. It was annoying enough in high school, it’s no less annoying in this world they’ve all moved to. 
On the bright side, thanks to also being half dead himself, the summonings and other rituals can’t actually drag him somewhere. It just causes him to feel like someone was crushing a lung or two, which honestly nothing new. (Gosh were those days of vigilante work really that violent? Huh, guess they were)
What he wasn’t expecting was for a tiny child, a living child, to track him down despite him not existing legally or anything similar in this world, to revive their previous local child vigilante. Which like, hey, first of all, he has a few questions? Just a couple and yeah sure, he’ll shake on it- can he have your name first there kid…? 
Tim, on the other hand, is getting a little concerned when he realizes a lot of the questions the probable-fae keeps asking are in line with the stuff CPS asks. (Unknown to him, that is exactly where Danny is getting several of his questions about this scrawny vigilante kid. Erm. He might have to take the kid, for like, his own safety- hey Frostbite he needs your help he has some questions-) 
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wolfy1298 · 20 days
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Some of my classmates got together to draw the different Project Voltage designs and I got Water Type Miku!
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astrangeavenue · 4 days
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like a month ago i was feeling the Anxieties cause i was moving to college soon so i just drew isat characters with a cool pen brush . except odile i drew her like a week ago. but im better now im just busy as freak So you can have some older doobles
second one is based off of a scene from in blood and stars
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