#Communist Party USA
garadinervi · 4 months
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Claudia Jones, February 21, 1915 / 2024
(image: Claudia Jones, secretary of the Women’s Commission of the Communist Party USA in New York City, January 22, 1948. Anthony Camerano/Associated Press)
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thenewdemocratus · 8 months
Jnuss Bau: The Hollywood Blacklist: 1947-1960
. The late 1940s and all the way up to at least the mid-1950s or so was one of the most fascist illiberal and anti-liberal democratic periods of our time. I think elements of today’s Tea Party and the Ann Coulter’s of the world would’ve loved to be alive back then. Because it was a time when an American could be perceived as being a bad person simply because of who they may have associated with…
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toastyslayingbutter · 2 years
Charlene Mitchell appears: 7:23 29:36 52:18 
 Charlene Alexander Mitchell joined the CPUSA at age 16 in 1946, rose to be on its Central Committee, recruited a large number of young Black comrades into the Party, headed the defense committee to free Angela Davis "and All Political Prisoners," is distinguished as the FIRST Black woman to run for US president (of any political party). She resigned the Party in a large exodus in 1991. 
 Some gems: "I am for a Left that says that the end of racism is part and parcel of the beginning of a revolutionary movement in this country. It can't be done without it." "It's never easy to be a Communist. It's never easy to be a revolutionary. To be a revolutionary means you have to have a certain kind of dedication to a movement - to a principle - which says, first of all, that you want to overturn a capitalist system. That does not take place with some ease or comfort. That takes place because you know you have to go out there every day and organize, that you have to mobilize people in that process." - Cde. Charlene Alexander Mitchell
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sadoldjonny · 2 years
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decolonize-the-left · 8 months
I know there are Gallup polls and CNN and Fox whatever. But Tumblr has a very different demographic.
Also I didn't specify democrats or republicans for a reason. I'm curious as to whether voters on both sides are becoming unsatisfied with third parties. So after the poll can you say which side you lean on in the notes?
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comrade-onion · 2 months
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kneedeepincynade · 8 months
The United States can only give lies in all diplomatic context,they lie about the genocide in Gaza, they lie about nato expansion and they even lie about the protests inside the US,such country cannot be trusted
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🇨🇳 Il Compagno Wang Yi - Direttore dell'Ufficio Generale della Commissione Centrale per gli Affari Esteri del Partito Comunista e Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, si è recato a Washington, negli USA, per incontrare Antony Blinken - Segretario di Stato degli USA 🇺🇸
🤢 Blinken è una figurata disprezzata in Cina. Il Popolo Cinese conosce molto bene le opinioni anti-Cinesi di Blinken, ma Cina e USA necessitano di portare avanti un Dialogo, in quanto le tensioni tra i due Paesi sono in ebollizione 💬
🇨🇳 A Washington, Wang Yi ha ricordato che Cina e USA sono Paesi che presentano molteplici differenze di natura politica ed economica, ma che le sfide nelle Relazioni Sino-Statunitensi dovrebbero essere affrontare congiuntamente tramite il Dialogo e la Consultazione, per evitare errori di valutazione 🕊
🐲 La Cina ha sempre proposto, e continuerà a proporre, i Tre Principi per le Relazioni tra Cina e USA:
一 Rispetto Reciproco (相互尊重) 🤝
二 Coesistenza Pacifica (和平共处) 🕊
三 Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢) 🤝
🇨🇳 In Cina si dice «事实胜于雄辩», ovvero: «I fatti contano più delle parole», le azioni concrete battono l'eloquenza. Nell'ultimo anno, diversi funzionari statunitensi hanno affermato di non volere contenere l'Ascesa della Cina o di non voler bloccare il suo Sviluppo, ma le azioni sono sempre andate in quella direzione 😡
🤡 Imporre sanzioni a quasi 700 Aziende Cinesi significa «non voler bloccare lo sviluppo della Cina?» Gli USA hanno una visione peculiare sul sostegno allo sviluppo 😡
🤡 Promuovere politiche anti-Cinesi come il "controllo sugli export" ultra-politicizzato significa «non avere l'intenzione di contenere lo sviluppo della Cina»?
🇨🇳 这些令人作呕的美帝国主义的清算之日终将到来 🔥
🤔 Per poter ricostruire le basi di un Rapporto tra Cina e USA, gli Stati Uniti d'America dovranno tornare a seguire e rispettare i Principi dei Tre Comunicati Congiunti Sino-Statunitensi, in cui è inscritto anche il Principio dell'Unica Cina, rispettare il Diritto Internazionale e conformarsi allo Spirito dei Tempi 🕊
✍️ Dal Comunicato Congiunto Sino-Statunitense del 1979: «後和條合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分», la cui traduzione è: «Il Governo degli USA riconosce la Posizione della Cina, c'è solo una Cina e Taiwan è parte della Cina» 🇨🇳
🐲 Taiwan è parte integrante del territorio Cinese - Storia di Taiwan, dall'Impero Celeste fino ad oggi 🀄️
🔍 Approfondimenti:
😡 Il discorso anti-Cinese e suprematista di Blinken viene duramente criticato dal Compagno Wang Wenbin ⭐️
🇨🇳 Xi Jinping a Blinken: «Rispetto Reciproco e Sincerità sono le basi per le interazioni tra stati» 😘
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 Comrade Wang Yi - Director of the General Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, went to Washington, USA, to meet Antony Blinken - Secretary of State of the USA 🇺🇸
🤢 Blinken is figuratively despised in China. The Chinese People are very aware of Blinken's anti-China views, but China and the USA need to carry out a Dialogue, as tensions between the two countries are boiling 💬
🇨🇳 In Washington, Wang Yi reminded that China and the USA are countries with multiple political and economic differences, but that the challenges in Sino-US relations should be addressed jointly through Dialogue and Consultation, to avoid errors of assessment 🕊
🐲 China has always proposed, and will continue to propose, the Three Principles for China-US Relations:
一 Mutual Respect (相互尊重) 🤝
二 Peaceful Coexistence (和平共处) 🕊
三 Cooperation for Mutual Benefit (合作共赢) 🤝
🇨🇳 In China they say «事实胜于雄辩», that is: «Deeds count more than words», concrete actions beat eloquence. In the last year, several US officials have said that they do not want to contain the rise of China or that they do not want to block its development, but actions have always gone in that direction 😡
🤡 Does imposing sanctions on almost 700 Chinese companies mean "not wanting to block China's development?" The USA has a peculiar vision of supporting development 😡
🤡 Does promoting anti-Chinese policies such as ultra-politicized "export controls" mean "having no intention of containing China's development"?
🇨🇳 这些令人作呕的美帝国主义的清算之日终将到来 🔥
🤔 In order to rebuild the foundations of a relationship between China and the USA, the United States of America will have to return to following and respecting the Principles of the Three Sino-US Joint Communiqués, which also include the One China Principle, respecting the International Law and conforming to the Spirit of the Times 🕊
✍️ From the 1979 Sino-US Joint Communiqué: «後和條合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分», whose translation is: «The US Government recognizes China's Position, c 'it's just one China and Taiwan is part of China» 🇨🇳
🐲 Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory - History of Taiwan, from the Celestial Empire to today 🀄️
🔍 Further information:
😡 Blinken's anti-China and supremacist speech is harshly criticized by Comrade Wang Wenbin ⭐️
🇨🇳 Xi Jinping to Blinken: «Mutual respect and sincerity are the basis for interactions between states» 😘
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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The Domino Theory and The USA
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Won the decisive battle with Japan, The USA, which took control of mainland China, Taken over by the Communist Party He was paranoid.
He fears the Communist Party more than necessary, He also did a "red scare". The domino theory is also a product of such psychology. Fight Vietnam, which shouldn't be fought,
He bled in vain and lost.
Rei Morishita
ドミノ理論とThe USA
日本との決戦を制し、 中国大陸を手中にしたUSAは、 共産党に横取りされて、 彼は疑心暗鬼に陥った。
必要以上に共産党を恐れ、 「赤狩り」も行った。 ドミノ理論も、そのような心理の産物だ。 戦うべきではないベトナムと戦い、
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brujacopal · 1 year
cults are examples of people who were vulnerable. some people grow up in cults and that thought is terrifying. but i’ve met them myself and there’s literally no reason to be condescending to them. stop thinking couldn’t be me! because you isolate anyone and present yourself as some sort of epistemological God of any kind. Abuse them and become weird Evangelicals. Looking at you, Bob Avakians. Saw his pamphlet for the first time in Revolution Books, NYC and there are some grown ass white people here on the west coast harassing students at csulb. One of them left and they said “You’re not gonna be a part of the revolution?” like What. 😐 She shoulda said Girl fuck you.
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The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA is a cult.
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maotherich · 1 year
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Lol get wrecked
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geleswintha · 1 year
China shouldn’t be buying anything from The United States if it especially poses a threat to our national security they are a Communist country just like Russia and probably wouldn’t hesitate to destroy my home we can’t let that happen and I’m happy that actually some Republicans and The White House is working to ban Chinese ownership from American farm lands and keep it in Americans hands
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this-is-me19 · 1 year
This isn’t about TikTok. It’s about access to the internet!
My fellow American residents, citizens, and visa holders…
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The RESTRICT ACT about allowing the Secretary of Commerce to determine if a country should have access to American internet?! They can deem a foreign government or regime if engaged in a long term pattern or significant issues…to deem them them adversaries.
(Wiki page for the RESTRICT Act)
So, are we becoming like China where the internet will become so limited because the government decides it?!
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serious2020 · 2 years
Nou Pap Obeyi! Foreign Invaders - GET OUT OF HAITI!
Nou Pap Obeyi! Foreign Invaders – GET OUT OF HAITI!
Oppose US and UN military intervention in Haiti! End the US/UN occupation of Haiti! Protest in front of the SF Federal Building 90  7th St., San Francisco Wednesday October 26th  4 PM art courtesy of CPBritain Sponsored by the  Haiti Action Committee at www.haitisolidarity.net Partial list of Endorsers includes: All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, ANSWER Coalition, Bay Area Black…
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The scared beast that is the USA is desperate to try and stop the multipolar world order and China, but it will not succeed, be it war if it must be but the United States will crumble and China will prevail
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇺🇸 Sappiamo che Kevin McCarthy ha creato un Comitato Ristretto contro il Partito Comunista Cinese. Ma, nello specifico, di cosa si occuperà questa ridicole commissione anti-comunista degna del peggior Mike Pompeo? Ecco qua:
1️⃣ Fornire armi al regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, accelerando la vendita di equipaggiamento militare in funzione anti-Cinese, pertanto già un vero e proprio "atto di guerra" nei confronti della Cina, in quanto comporta una piena violazione del Principio dell'Unica Cina e l'ennesima interferenza negli affari interni della Repubblica Popolare Cinese nell'ambito della Questione di Taiwan ⚔️
🔎 Per chi volesse approfondire questo tema, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Gli USA hanno riempito di armi il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan: I, II, III, IV 📄
🔺Rapporti tra USA e il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, cenni storici: I, II, III 📄
2️⃣ Vietare l'App "TikTok" 😂 - Il paese dello Scandalo di Spionaggio di tutto il Mondo da parte dell'NSA che si preoccupa - ovviamente per motivi propagandistici - della "privacy" 😂
3️⃣ Aumentare il Budget Militare per la "Difesa" per combattere la "Minaccia Cinese", passando dai 12 miliardi di dollari per il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan a ben 18 miliardi di dollari | No, ma dai? Gli USA che promuovono l'idea della "Minaccia Cinese" e pagliacciate come quella dei "palloncini" per avere la scusa per aumentare le spese militari? Mai successo negli Stati Uniti... 😞
4️⃣ Formulazione di raccomandazioni politiche per gli "alleati" nella Regione Indo-Pacifica | Qui viene in mente "美国称你为 «盟友» 就是要当你的老大", ovvero "Quando gli USA ti chiamano «alleato», in realtà intendono «sono il tuo capo»", non serve aggiungere altro 🐰
5️⃣ Approfondire la questione degli acquisti di terreni da parte dei Cinesi vicini alle Basi Militari USA 🇺🇸
😴😴Il Comitato, come affermato da Gallagher - Ex Ufficiale dell'Intelligence dei Marines e auto-definitosi "falco della Difesa" 😞 - spera di poter contribuire al Disegno di Legge sulla Politica di Difesa dell'Anno Fiscale 2024 🤡
🌺 Qui un post del Collettivo Shaoshan sull'NDAA degli USA per l'Anno Fiscale 2023: post 📄
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇺🇸 We know that Kevin McCarthy created a Selected Committee against the Communist Party of China. But, specifically, what will this ridiculous anti-communist commission worthy of the worst Mike Pompeo do? Here it is:
1️⃣ Providing weapons to the Taiwan puppet regime, accelerating the sale of anti-Chinese military equipment, therefore already a real "act of war" against China, as it involves a full violation of the One China Principle and yet another interference in the internal affairs of the People's Republic of China in the context of the Taiwan question ⚔️
🔎 For those wishing to learn more about this topic, they can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺US Armed Taiwan Puppet Regime: I, II, III, IV 📄
🔺 Relations between the USA and the puppet regime of Taiwan, historical notes: I, II, III 📄
2️⃣ Ban the "TikTok" App 😂 - The country of the Worldwide Espionage Scandal by the NSA who cares - obviously for propaganda reasons - about "privacy" 😂
3️⃣ Increase Military "Defense" Budget to Fight the "Chinese Threat" from $12 Billion for Taiwan's Puppet Regime to $18 Billion | No, come on? The US promoting the idea of ​​the "China Threat" and antics like "balloons" as an excuse to increase military spending? Never happened in the US... 😞
4️⃣ Formulation of policy recommendations for "allies" in the Indo-Pacific Region | Here "美国称你为 «盟友» 就是要当你的老大" comes to mind, i.e. "When the US calls you «ally», they actually mean «I'm your boss»", no need to say anything else 🐰
5️⃣ Learn more about Chinese land purchases near US military bases 🇺🇸
😴😴The Committee, as stated by Gallagher - Former Marine Intelligence Officer and self-described "Defense Hawk" 😞 - hopes to be able to contribute to the Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Policy Bill 🤡
🌺 Here is a post from the Shaoshan Collective on the US NDAA for Fiscal Year 2023: post 📄
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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panicinthestudio · 2 years
Taiwan's president issues warning to China: 'We will defend ourselves', August 5, 2022
Taiwan's president says her country will not provoke conflicts but will firmly defend its sovereignty and national security.
The Guardian
Taiwan says China's military drills 'simulate' invasion, August 6, 2022
Taiwan has accused Beijing of simulating an invasion of the self-governing island as China continued its large-scale military drills. 
 Taipei says the Chinese army sent several warships and aircraft into the Strait of Taiwan on Saturday. The exercises began after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei earlier this week. After imposing unspecified sanctions on the politician, China is also suspending cooperation with the US in several key areas including law enforcement and climate change.
Deutsche Welle
Further reading:
AFP, via HKFP: China begins ‘live-firing’ military drills around Taiwan after US politician Nancy Pelosi’s visit to island, August 4, 2022
AFP, via HKFP: Seven decades of Beijing-Taipei relations: Years of talks, threats and tensions, August 5, 2022
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current territory of china
in the Pacific War After a deadly struggle with Japan, Secured by the USA. The cunning Chinese Communist Party defrauded. It's time to take it back.
Rei Morishita
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