#Composite Mummies
album-aurum · 11 months
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i've decided to cut page with 11 Nyarlas (i don't like compose + i'm really tired to draw this), so here some of them that i like:
a pharaoh, Kadath's one
aunty nyan-nyan from dating sim (hell love her design)
lady Nyarl
basic black man
kitty Nyarl
Mummy Nyarl
and how it supposed to be, it's only 3 left, but whole composition and basic poses makes me sick of (and draw transient design it's not what i want to speedrun)
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furordinaricvs · 4 months
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Face of the coffin of the “Belgrade mummy”, ancient Egyptian mummy from the Ptolemaic period, late 4th-early 3rd century BC around 300 years BC, from the collection of the National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade.
The coffin with the mummy was purchased in Luxor, Egypt, by Pavle Riđički in late 19th century, who donated it to the National Museum of Serbia in 1888.
This antropoid (human-like) coffin contains a mummy of Nesmin, ancient Egyptian priest from Akhmim, some 200 kilometers north of Luxor. Name Nesmin means “The one who belongs to god Min”. In 1885 in Luxor a stone stele was found, carved with inscription dedicated to Nesmin and his family, saying thet Nesmin, as all his male ancestors, was a priest in a temple dedicated to Min, god of fertility and harvest. The stele is now kept in Egyptian Museum in Kairo in Egypt.
The coffin is made of the tamarix wood, and it used to be richly decorated with painted motifs in vivid colors and some details in gold. Only traces of the coloration are now preserved. Below the chin is a hole which used to hold a ceremonial beard. Eyes and eyebrows on the face of the coffin were made of blue glass paste, and face was covered with gold. In the stomack area is painted goddess Nut with spread wings, and below are two symetrical figures of god Anubis.
Lower part of the lid also bears and important hieroglyphic inscription, a passage from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, chapter 191 dedicated to the return of the soul into the body. This chapter is rarely find on the coffins, only about 20 coffins with this text are known so far.
Dimensions of the coffin – 182.5 x 52 x 42 cm.
Arms of the Nesmin’s mummy were crossed on the chest, and nails on his hands and toes were covered with gold. Eyes were replaced with non-metalic implants. Within the banages of the mummy were found different amulets made of gold, lapis lazuli semi-precious stone and faiance representing djed pillars, gods Nephtys, Horus, Isis and Maat, Eye of Horus and heart amulet, along with composite necklace comprised of many faiance beads. The mummy also contained papirus scroll of the Book of the Dead.
Cartonage mask and cover of the mummy are preserved only in framents, on which are visible falcon heads painted on the collar, and figures of goddesses Isis, Nephtys and Nut and some minor deities.
Anthropological analysis showed that Nesmin suffered from spine deformities spondylosis and scoliosis. He was around 165 cm tall and was about 50 years old when he died.
The coffin and Nesmin’s mummy are currently kept in Archaeological collection of Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
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statecryptids · 5 months
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Finally finished all 50 State Cryptids! Time to start putting them together into a book!
I always have a bit of a quandary whenever I showcase an alien as a “State Cryptid”. For many people the term “cryptid” typically refers to unknown Earthly animals. But over time this blog has evolved into more of an overall tour of speculative creatures in American pop culture and folklore where the lines between “natural animal”, “supernatural entity”, and “extraterrestrial” become very blurry. I’m also much more interested in the history behind these sightings than the classification of each creature, or even whether it plausibly exists at all. Plus I’ve already featured several extraterrestrials already such as the Pascagoula creatures, the North Dakota Meccano-Mummy, and the Grays that allegedly abducted Barney and Betty Hill.
June 14, 1947- Rancher W.W. “Mac” Brazel and his son were driving on their property 80 miles outside of Roswell, New Mexico when they came upon “a large area of bright wreckage made up of rubber strips, tinfoil, and rather tough paper, and sticks.” What was it? They had no idea.
 Initially unsure about what to do with the strange find, Brazel collected some of the debris a few days later and drove it into Roswell to give to Sheriff George Wilcox. The sheriff, equally perplexed, contacted the nearby Roswell Army Airfield’s 509th Composite Group. They sent a team out to the desert to collect the remaining debris and ascertain what it was. A few days later Major Jesse Marcel made a statement to the local paper about the incident. Though he didn’t explain exactly what the object was, headlines claimed the army had captured a “flying saucer”.
Flying saucers were in the news a lot that year. On June 24th, 1947 amateur pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing an airborne, disk-shaped vehicle near Mt. Rainier in Washington. Later, Navy seaman Harold Dahl claimed he had seen a whole group of the strange objects on June 21st near Puget Sound. Soon people were sighting flying saucers everywhere. Much of this hysteria was fueled by fears of the growing power of the Soviet Union and worries about what secret experiments they might be conducting. Paranoia about unknown Russian flying vehicles soon turned upwards beyond the boundaries of Earth as people began to speculate that flying saucers actually came from other worlds. These mysterious objects were labeled UFOs- Unidentified Flying Objects- by the US military and the term quickly caught on in popular culture. Though UFO originally just meant an unknown aerial object, with no indication of origin, it became synonymous with extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Eventually the army explained that the debris found near Roswell had come from a downed weather balloon. But such a prosaic explanation did not stick with the public. The idea that creatures from outer space had crashed on Earth had firmly taken hold, and a good number of people believed that this “weather balloon” story was just a flimsy cover-up. It certainly didn’t help that the government was tight-lipped about many of its programs out of fear that the Soviets might get wind of them.
 It turns out, though, that the weather balloon story was actually close to the truth. In the late 1940s the government began Project MOGUL, in which massive balloons equipped with sensitive detection instrument were launched high into the ionosphere to look for signs that Russia was testing nuclear weapons. One of these balloons had fallen out of the sky, crashed on Brazel’s ranch. Not wanting to reveal their secret project, military officials had felt it was better to let the “alien spacecraft” idea percolate in the popular imagination instead.
A decade later In the 1950s rumors cropped up that people had seen government agents collecting alien bodies in the New Mexico desert. These stories were soon conflated with the Roswell crash legend, leading to conspiracy theories about frozen alien corpses preserved in secret government hangers. For many years any secretive government sight was rumored to have “aliens in the freezers”. Eventually accusations settled on Area 51, a classified military base in the Nevada desert.
 These reports too had a more down-to-Earth explanation, though. Investigations revealed that the “alien bodies” had actually been special crash dummies fitted with sensors and dropped from airplanes by the Airforce to test the effects of high-altitude parachute drops. Like Project MOGUL, these tests had been hidden behind a thick veil of secrecy which did little to dispel the rumors.
As for Area 51, though the government denied its existence for decades despite clear evidence that it existed, it was officially confirmed in 2013 as a base for testing experimental aircraft such as the U2 spy plane, the Archangel-12, the SR-71 Blackbird, and others. No word on frozen alien corpses, though. By the way, the name “Area 51” is more of a pop culture term. The base is typically just called “Groom Lake”, “Homey Airport”, or simply the “Nevada Test and training Range” by the CIA.
The Roswell Aliens story gained a major surge in popularity in the 90s with shows like “The X-Files” and “Dark Skies”, movies like “The Arrival” and “Independence Day”, and comic books like “Roswell, Little Green Man” by Bill Morrison. There was even a 1995 psuedo-documentary called “Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction” produced by the Fox Network and hosted by Star Trek actor Jonathon Frakes. It allegedly showed vintage footage of the dissection of an alien corpse from the Roswell crash.  This video was eventually revealed to be a hoax, with the corpse actually a rubber dummy stuffed with jam and animal organs from a butcher.
For my depiction of the Roswell aliens, I wanted to get away from the typical images of corpses lying on dissection tables or floating in preservative-filled tubes. I also wanted to avoid the trope of aliens as malicious, terrifying invaders like in Independence Day or any number of B horror movies.
Instead, I chose to portray them as normal beings adapting to a new life on Earth.   Here we see one of the aliens recovered from their crash with the help of a wheelchair and prosthetics. I’ve imagined them setting up a new life for themselves in New Mexico, just trying to keep to themselves. They’ve taken a keen interest in their new home, evident in their collection of local plants like ocotillo and yucca. They’ve also made friends with many locals, including Indigenous communities, evident here in the “Singing Mother” figure on the table. These figures were first created in 1964 by artist Helen Cordero of the Pueblo de Cochiti, a community of the Keres Pueblo peoples.
As immigrants themselves, the Roswell Aliens also feel a kinship with the many other people that have moved to New Mexico from other countries. This is reflected in the alebrije they got from a Oaxacan-born artist.
The Roswell UFO Festival!
A Smithsonian article on the crashed MOGUL balloon
An article from History.com about the Roswell incident
An article from the Chicago tribune about the high-altitude dummies that were mistaken for alien bodies.
A Space.com article about Area 51
An article about the infamous "Alien Autopsy" pseudo-documentary
Another article about the "Alien Autopsy" film
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ohhcinnybuns · 3 months
DAZAI BODY REVEAL THIS IS NOT A DRILL (sorta) but oh my god I know he's wearing like a latex body suit underneath but I'm 👀👀
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I’m LOOKING (slightly respectfully and disrespectful) 👀
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Like come on, this just screams so many things at me:
1. His sunglasses are so gosh darn adorable. Ugh, I love him to infinity and beyond 😭
2. He SCREAMS boyfriend material. Baggy sweaters annihilate me and he looks so comfy and yet so hot (in both senses of the word).
3. Also, looking at his swimsuit, it looks like it cuts off at the arms (biceps), so he needs the sweater to cover his arms wrapped in bandages...
I ALSO think it’s interesting that there is no underlying composition of bandages around the chest and tummy area….Because I know that looks like just skin underneath 👀 Does that mean he only covers his arms and not his chest/tummy area with bandages and he's not truly a mummy? Hmm... thoughts are thot'ing (pff) rn. *squinty eyes*
4. The chest and collarbone are PEAK nibble areas 😭 like, come on!!! NO ONE CAN FAULT ME!!! I KNOW WE ARE ALL THINKING IT
5. Walking around with an exposed tummy only makes me want to pet him like a cat. I feel like he’ll bite, though. Can only imagine Chuuya just walking up to him, sliding his hands in, and wrapping his arms around his waist 🤌. GAH!!! jksehfjkbnfjkesb
6. He's such a smug little shit because he KNOWS he’s goddamn pretty AND a badass. Ugh, I want to bite him
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egypt-museum · 1 year
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Detail of the Outer Coffin of Henuttawy
The outer coffin lid of Henuttawy, intended to resemble a wrapped mummy, wears an elaborate pectoral topped by a cavetto cornice in the shape of a small shrine within which are two winged wadjet eyes, with suspended uraeus cobras holding ankhs. Below these, Horus falcons flank a central scarab that pushes a sun disk upward, an image of the rising sun and of rebirth.
The composition is similar to the Middle Kingdom pectoral of Sithathoriunet. At the sides of this pectoral are figures of Anubis, god of mummification, represented as a jackal wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt and holding empowering scepters.
Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1000-945 BC. Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 25.3.182a, b Read more
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rudjedet · 10 months
my 3 y/o likes to take existing melodies and substitute her own lyrics. her latest composition is "twinkle twinkle little mummy" so you could say that the Egyptological indoctrination is going well
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acheronist · 3 months
Yoyoyo! I made my own recreation of the Beechey Boys including Thomas Morgan, although Thomas Morgan is drawn using the composite image of your nicey art.
omg... well i would like to see your art!! everyone start making more beechey island ice mummy posts forever.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Knightstone Household: Chapter 9, Part 4
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Pollock: Mummy gift tomorrow
Suzanna: Yeah, it’s Winterfest tomorrow. When you wake up there’ll be a lovely tree and some nice presents for you
Pollock: I excite
Suzanna: Well before that can happen you need to sleep so snuggle down
Suzanna read a book to Pollock until he was snoring. After tucking him in she went over and tucked in Silas to. She was intrigued by human holidays and knew Winterfest should have snow. They never got any in Oasis Springs so she hoped Chestnut Ridge would put on a show.
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Before heading to bed Suzanna attended to the various plumbing problems that had sprung up that day. The toilet in the guest bathroom needed fixing and the dishwasher had started playing up. After those she performed an expert repair on the shower she and Adam use.
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Adam on the other hand had been working on his debate skills. He was almost at the top of his career but there were a few more things he had to upskill before he could try for a promotion.
Suzanna: Hey you’re human
Adam: Well you wanted to try a traditional Winterfest right? I see you’ve put on your disguise to
Suzanna: Yeah but... I may have been thinking about things other than Winterfest
Adam: Knew it! You’ve been glowing pink for hours
Suzanna: And the watcher put this new mod in and I can feel the heat of a flush in my cheeks, it's so weird
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Adam: It looks nice. Do you think it’ll stay
Suzanna: I don’t know, she’s not too sure how the sickness part works but she wants to try
Adam: Man this watcher sounds much less stress than the Sixam aliens. You know I swear I saw a UFO when I activated the satellite this morning
Suzanna: Don’t worry about them. Worry about me
Adam: Care for an early present in bed
Suzanna: *laughing* Smooth, let’s go
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During the night the snow started falling and our aliens transformed in to Winterfest Elves!
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Of course wanting to properly immerse in the Winterfest spirit Suzanna made the family pose for a holiday photo. Happy Winterfest everyone!
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The boys however were excited for gift time, and could hardly pull their eyes off the pile of gifts.
Suzanna: Alright, Adam you go first
Silas: I helped pick it
Adam: Hmm, too small to be a grill
Suzanna: Why would you need a grill in winter
Adam: I heard someone at work say they wanted one for Winterfest. Oh new paints! I’ve been looking for this blue for months but they were out of stock. Where’d you get it
Suzanna: Tell you and outlive my usefulness? I think not
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Silas: What’s this
Adam: It’s a composition book. You were asking about writing songs so I thought you might like a place to write any you come up with. Your mum picked the colour
Silas: Thank you Daddy, thank you Mummy! Now Pollock it’s your turn
Pollock: For Pol
Silas: Yep. I went through my toys and I’ve found some you might like now that you can play with more
Pollock: YAY!
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As Silas and Pollock discuss toys Adam pulls Suzanna away to give her gift to her.
Adam: Happy Winterfest Starlight
Suzanna: Let me guess. It’s an outfit you want me to wear
Adam: *chuckles* Not this time. I uh... I heard you talking to Shelley about gemology being a new skill? And I know you love to learn so I got you a book, I hope it’s the right one. I figured you’d like to learn a bit before cutting in to you collection
Suzanna: Oh Adam it’s perfect!
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Adam: You’re not just saying that because I’m a hot head and could fly off the handle if you don’t like it
Suzanna: Adam, you’re my hot head. Besides, I know you wouldn’t mess with a woman with a simray
Adam: *laughs* I would not
Suzanna: I feel bad I only got you the paint now
Adam: Don’t be. You’re a gift to me, every day. I love you so much they can probably detect it on Sixam
Suzanna: *smiles* I love you right back, always and forever
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Suzanna headed out to the garden and was mesmerised by the snow. She knew the watcher had installed a snow override but she hadn’t expected it to be this crisp and clear. It looked beautiful, and she loved seeing defined snowflakes rather than the old clumps. Most of the plants had spawned fruits, flowers and vegetables overnight but a few were still holding on to not growing. Hopefully when she returned to work they would snap out of their funk.
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Inside Silas took some time to practice on the piano unobserved while Adam took Pollock to learn to potty. Their guests would be arriving soon and he didn’t want his youngest to miss it.
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abbinurmel · 6 months
So, for a good....maybe 87% of my life, this one specific scene from the 90s animated sequel movie "Fievel Goes West", has lived rent free in my head. And thing is, despite that I have not actually sat down and WATCHED the film as an adult. And. I finally saw a clip of it on YT and well...just look at it.
No but really look at it. Look at this brief comedic 'hero training' montage clip, and you realize this simple, cute little family blockbuster sequel, had WAY much more mind-blowing effort put in than it ever had to.
-To start, that clearly is the famous classical music piece "Hoedown" being used to inspire the soundtrack here, but it's being made somehow almost even more triumphant and fast in a span of under a minute.
That kind of 'cleverly deliberate homaging classical well known songs but not so much it's obvious or a ripoff' scoring takes a compositional genius. You don't know it's even in there til you listen for it! Exactly as bone-chilling good to listen to as the original and as much now as it was decades ago. My brain was shocked that it still evoked shivers, watching a fat orange cat doing rope tricks. Speaking of which-
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Every single bit of it OVER. AND OVER AGAIN. BY HAND.
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Watch this clip again, slowed down. Watch all of this cat's many tiny fur tufts and fat rolls, and the wrinkles and expressive motions on this sheriff dog character. Someone had to draw all those moving around. They never had to. Who is the madman responsible for this. It wasn't some iconic Disney legend like Milt Kahl, and we know Do .Bluth was not here, so who the hell was it!
-The whiskers on Fievel and his tail being unnecessarily curled and punching IN TIME TO THE SONG as he is rooting his friend on.
-All these 'mummy' ropes, and the shadow on them.
-The shafts of light and the falling dirt and cave water drips at the beginning when Tiger prances about mockingly in the mine tunnel entrance.
-At 2:17 the bottle glass all reflecting OUR view of Tiger then shattering and the smoke on his slingshot and the excessively cool way Tiger twirls it around and then pockets it like a gun, complete with "action movie/fancy anime fight" style camera panning round and down his body in towards the holster.
-Look at the part at 2:06 with the punching dummy, from the clouds of dust and tiny straw bits that fly out when Tiger hits it, to all the different camera angles and the way they chose to bounce from third to first to third person again: look at when Tiger rushes up at the scarecrow with a pitchfork. They add 'camera shake' as a way to simulate the off balanced way he as a fat, clumsy, but now highly enthused excitable character specifically would run!
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They drew the movement of ALL THOSE FUCKING ***FEATHERS!!!!😱***
This isn't even a major scene. But it's taken so thoroughly seriously. This is pure art. This is pure gluttonous showing off. That is brilliant. I really cannot believe how strong this lives up.
Well done brain, you rightfully deserved pushing this on me for so many years.
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Scythian/Pazyryk Ukok warriors 500 BCE
"On the man found close to the 'princess', the tattoos include the same fantastical creature, this time covering the right side of his body, across his right shoulder and stretching from his chest to his back. The patterns mirror the tattoos on a much more elaborately covered male body, dug from the ice in 1929, whose highly decorated torso is also reconstructed in our drawing here.
His chest, arms, part of the back and the lower leg are covered with tattoos. There is an argali - a mountain sheep - along with the same deer with griffon's vulture-like beak, with horns and the back of its head which has a griffon's heads and an onager drawn on it.
All animals are shown with the lower parts of their bodies turned inside out. There is also a winged snow leopard, a fish and fast-running argali.
'Compared to all tattoos found by archeologists around the world, those on the mummies of the Pazyryk people are the most complicated, and the most beautiful,' said Dr Polosmak. More ancient tattoos have been found, like the Ice Man found in the Alps - but he only had lines, not the perfect and highly artistic images one can see on the bodies of the Pazyryks.
'It is a phenomenal level of tattoo art. Incredible.'
To some, the clash depicted on the tattoes between vultures and hoofed animals corresponds to the conflict between two worlds: a predator from the lower, chthonian world against herbivorous animals that symbolise the middle world.
Dr Polosmak is intrigued at way so little has changed.
'We can say that most likely there was - and is - one place on the body for everyone to start putting the tattoos on, and it was a left shoulder. I can assume so because all the mummies we found with just one tattoo had it on their left shoulders.
'And nowadays this is the same place where people try to put the tattoos on, thousands of years on.
'I think its linked to the body composition... as the left shoulder is the place where it is noticeable most, where it looks the most beautiful. Nothing changes with years, the body stays the same, and the person making a tattoo now is getting closer to his ancestors than he or she may realise.
'I think we have not moved far from Pazyryks in how the tattoos are made. It is still about a craving to make yourself as beautiful as possible."
-taken from SiberianTimes
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri (c 1932 - 2002) was born in Tjuirri, an area north west of Alice Springs also known as Napperby Station. His father was born at Ngarlu, a location west of Mt. Allan, and his mother from Warlugulong, an area southwest of Yuendumu. This broad stretch of territory defined the diversity of subject matter in Clifford's paintings. Clifford enjoyed a traditional bush upbringing and was given the name Possum by his paternal grandfather. In the 1940's, Clifford and his family re-located to Jay Creek, where he became a stockman, working at several stations throughout the area.
Clifford Possum was said to be a true master artist, his character, charisma, and total dedication to his art and dreamings, as well as his tireless promotion of his and his family's work has set a high standard in establishing this movement from its inception to the present day. Art lovers and collectors, both here and around the world, have held the Desert Masters in high regard, because of the efforts by individuals such as Clifford.
Clifford passed away in Alice Springs on the 21st June 2002, after recently being recognised for his contribution to Australian Art and culture, by being made an "Officer of the Order of Australia". His final days were spent at the Hetty Perkins Nursing Home in Alice Springs, where he passed away surrounded by close family and friends. He will be sadly missed by those who worked with and knew him well, as well as art collectors and dealers around the world.
He worked extensively as a stockman on the cattle stations in and around his traditional country. During this time he developed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Dreaming Trails that criss-cross the area to the north of the western McDonnell Ranges, which he depicts in painting his Dreamings.
His career as an artist began in the 1950's when he carved snakes and goannas. By the 1970's he was one of the most accomplished carvers in Central Australia. His first opportunity to paint came when one of Albert Namatjira's sons gave him acrylic paints and the master began his work. Clifford, living at the Papunya Community, was one of the first artists to be involved with the Aboriginal Art Movement.
The art of Clifford Possum is notable for its brilliant manipulation of three-dimensional space. Many of his canvasses have strong figurative elements which stand out from the highly descriptive background dotting. In the late 1970's he expanded the scope of Papunya Tula painting by placing the trails of several ancestors on the same canvas in the fashion of a road map. Within this framework, he depicted the land geographically. This laid the foundation for traditional Aboriginal Iconography to be placed on canvas. The other artists working with him took his lead and removed any elements of European Art from their work. In doing so Clifford, as well as the other artists involved with the Papunya Tula Movement, helped to develop the true definition of Aboriginal Art, an art revolving around a culture, The Jukurrpa.
In some of his stories Clifford attempts to give a visual impression of sunlight, cloud, shadow and earth to denote specific times of the day. His paintings show superlative skill, incredible inventiveness of form and are visually spectacular.
Clifford's work is contemporary but essentially Aboriginal in inspiration. To appreciate its full richness it is imperative that it is seen not only by its colour, composition and balance, but by its mythological detail. One of the extraordinary qualities of Clifford's work and other Western Desert artists is that they are a visual writing and speak to the Aboriginal as books do to Europeans.
When asked why he became an Artist, he answered,
"That Dreaming been all the time. From our early days, before European people came up. That Dreaming carry on. Old people carry on this law, business, schooling for the young people. Grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunty, mummy and father, all that, they been carry on this, teach 'em all the young boys and girls. They been using the dancing boards, spear, boomerang all painted. And they been using them on body different times.
Kids, I see them all the time, painted. All the young fellas they go hunting and the old people there, they do sand painting. They put down all the story, same like I do on canvas. All the young fella they bring 'em back kangaroo. Same all the ladies, they been get all the bush fruit, might be bush onion, plum, might be honey ants, might be yala, all the kungkas (women) bring them back. Because everybody there all ready waiting. Everybody painted. They been using ochres all the colours from the rock. People use them to paint up. I use paint and canvas that's not from us, from European people. Business time we don't use paints the way I use them, no we use them from rock, teach 'em all the young fellas."
Clifford is one of the most renown Aboriginal Artists of his time. He was the chairman of the Papunya Tula Artists from the 1970's to the 1980's. His work is featured in many of the main galleries and collections around Australia and internationally. Collections include the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra and the New South Wales Art Gallery in Sydney. His work has travelled extensively around the world, including 'Dreamings - The Art of Aboriginal Australia' in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and St Louis. He has had a book published dedicated to him and his paintings, 'The Art of Clifford Possum Japaltjarri', by Vivien Johnson. He is and has always been regarded as the leading figure in Australian Aboriginal Art.
Copyright Kate Owen Gallery May 2022
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This week I listened to "We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed"
"We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed" is a lovely little album by Los Campesinos, a lovely little emo band out of a lovely little country (Wales)
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 out of 5 stars) I liked this one a lot! I'm already an established Lovejoy fan since day one of "Are You Alright?", and Los Campesinos are most definitely a major influence on Lovejoy, so I found this album very natural to get into and enjoy.
Anyways, opinion time! These are my top 3 (as always, no particular order, just the order as they appear on the album)
"Miserbilia" is a brilliant track that does the classic heavy lyrics and a pop/happy sound. I love the way this song goes from quiter sections to very loud choruses. I also love the way the singers' voices mesh together on this track. That is a big strength of this band.
"You'll Need Those Fingers For Crossing" really stands out to me for the lyrics, what they mean and how they sound and function within the song. I also really enjoys the rhythms throughout this song, particularly the intro, and how they fit together.
"It's Never That Easy Though, Is It? (Song For the Other Kurt)" is such a good song composition wise. I LOVE the structure of this song and the lyrics resonate a lot for me, it's a fun, and very real, type of "breakup" song. And again, I really love how the singers blend their voices together.
And onto the honorable mentions 🥳🥳🥳
"Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #1" is a fun little song I love how the lyrics flow in this one and I cannot get enough of this band's instrumentals. I especially love they way the line "Do you kiss your mummy's lips with that mouth" fits into the song
"Heart Swells/Pacific Daylight Time" I love mostly for it's intro and how it fits with the previous song but very much establishes it's own identity. I also like the drums on this track and how they play such an important role but really are quite basic. I also like all the background noises on this track.
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also, did you know that Europeans used to eat mummies because they thought that the mummies had medicinal properties (they also drank blood)
1. That's worse than cannibalism and my creepy brain went sjsjsnsjs
2. That's what you do when you cant lift up the pyramids 👍
3. Why aren't they smart enough to study the chemical composition of those medicines and produce them damn🤦
4. Are mummies really supposed to have blood for so long? I mean ik that the flesh is preserved but I'm sure the blood would get dried. Wont it?
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kultofathena · 2 years
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Scorpion – The Mummy Sword – Influenced by “The Mummy Returns”
The Mummy Sword by Scorpion has a well-tempered blade of durable 1095 high carbon steel with a sharp edge. The sword is crafted as durably as possible with a full tang construction by riveting its composite black micarta scales directly to the thick blade tang. Included is a sheath of thick and riveted black Buffalo Culatta leather. The last picture shows and example of this type of sheath.
Influenced from the Sword used by Ardeth Bay in the 2001 movie, The Mummy Returns. Ardeth Bay is a chief member of the Medjai, who were a group of bodyguards of several Pharaohs of Egypt. They were warriors devoted to preventing the rise of evil on the Earth. Ardeth aides Rick O’Connell and his family in destroying the twice resurrected mummy. As with all our blades, This heat treated full tang one piece construction results in an extremely durable sword.
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elephantbitterhead · 2 years
@acakewalkofcrocodiles In return, I offer you the Cladh Hallan mummies -- Britain's only mummies, strange composite preserved bodies found on South Uist (BBC info on them here), which appear to have been kept above ground for centuries & then later buried. I've visited the roundhouse ruins where they were found, but I've never seen the mummies themselves because they're in scientific clutches & not displayed anywhere. Also, I'm currently reading this amazing book on the Chinchorro mummies of the Atacama desert region in Chile, which predate the mummies of Egypt by ~2000 years. If you haven't seen them, they're truly remarkable & different from any other mummy I've seen -- defleshed skeletons rebuilt into ornate multilayered figures, ultimately covered with the individual's skin, which was then itself coated in various colors of clay and mud. Some of them even have ropy hair, or wigs. This 2021 BBC article has some good pictures of them, but there are tons more images out there should you wish to explore.
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Me standing in one of the Cladh Hallan roundhouses, for your viewing pleasure.
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sosei · 1 year
Something I unambiguously love about TotK is how they have re-imagined the Gibdo.
Previous entries in the Zelda series portrayed them as mummies, an undead enemy wrapped in bandages, often able to be set on fire for either bonus damage, or to burn away their wrappings to make them more vulnerable to damage. In the 3D games, they behave identically to another undead enemy type, the ReDead, inheriting their nightmare inducing shriek that paralyzes Link as they slowly lumber towards them for their attack.
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(Images of a Gibdo from OoT3D, a ReDead from Oot3D and a Gibdo from TotK)
In Tears of the Kingdom the Gibdo are visually similar to the early 3D ReDead. While they now lack their petrifying screech, they are still immensely durable, barely taking any damage from physical attacks. This durability can be stripped away, much like older Gibdo, with elemental damage.
On top of that, there are also flying variants, which have mothlike wings, further tying these already undead enemies to symbols of death. The boss version, Queen Gibdo, goes even further. Having a full on insectoid body composition.
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