#Cook’s River
innervoiceartblog · 2 years
Those were the days...
4th December, 1897.
“Cook’s River is alive with crabs and flathead. Messrs. T. Slade and J. Serbutt, on Friday afternoon, caught 29 large flathead and 7 crabs drifting in the river, and other reports are equally gratifying."
(An excerpt from the '19th Century Cook's River Calendar: Newspaper accounts of events in the area')
Also of interest is the original name of the Cooks RIver:
"Goolay’yari The Pelican"
Cooks River is called the River of Goolay’yari, The Pelican Dreaming Story.
It is part of the creation story of north and west of Sydney.
“The Pelican was a man who abandoned his family, thus placing them in great danger, and as punishment, he was banned from the Land of the Beginning. As he stepped across the river, he left his footprint, (the small island near the rail bridge at Tempe —which once formed the shape of a Pelican footprint). When he stepped onto the northern side of the river he became a man, Baiame, and began to create the landscape north and west of the Land of the Beginning . There are many stories of the great deeds that Baiame has done in the landscape that he created, but none tell of him ever returning to the Land of the Beginning. Perhaps, one day, he may use the Island of the Pelican to return to his Beginning as we all must do.”
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icannotgetoverbirds · 3 months
help me escape homelessness and live with my lover!
If you can't help me with donations, reblogs are always appreciated!
Also I have hella bad waiting mode anxiety that is made better by knowing what to expect after what I'm waiting for happens, so if anybody wants to tell me how this process will go, I would greatly appreciate it.
Bonus points if you give me some ideas in the notes of mundane things to do with my wife!
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sugas6thtooth · 11 months
Food from the beautiful culture of the Palestinians🇵🇸🍉!! This genocide must end! Their lives and culture must be preserved!!
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
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housecow · 16 days
y’all will never see me as an actual bbw model or making scenario/stuffing content of any sort because i am a TERRIBLE actor.
no i cant do a cute little moan and rub my belly after a funnel session, im literally about to pass out and need to be tucked into bed
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Гора Кука (Аораки) - наивысшая точка Новой Зеландии, высота которой составляет 3754 метра над уровнем моря, расположена в западной части Южного острова, в новозеландских Южных Альпах. Гора состоит из трёх пиков - самый низкий из них имеет высоту 3593 метра над уровнем моря, средний - 3717 метров и самый высокий - 3754 метра. Гора Кука сложена из кристаллических пород, имеет форму седла с крутыми склонами, а её вершина покрыта вечными снегами и ледниками. Вдоль восточного фланга горы спускается знаменитый ледник Тасмана - крупнейший ледник в Новой Зеландии, протяжённостью 29 километров и площадью 156,5 квадратных километров. Нижняя часть горных склонов покрыта уникальными дождевыми лесами умеренного климата и живописными альпийскими лугами, в которых произрастают эндемичные виды растений и редкие виды животных, встречающиеся только в Новой Зеландии.
Для маори, коренного населения Новой Зеландии, Аораки является священной горой, на языке племени Нгай Таху название горы означает "большое белое облако". Английское название Mount Cook (Гора Кука) дал горе в 1851 году капитан Джон Лорт Стокс в честь знаменитого мореплавателя Джеймса Кука. С момента открытия горы европейцами, её вершина постоянно манит альпинистов со всего мира. Несмотря на то, что Аораки - далеко не самая высокая гора на планете, она является технически очень сложной для восхождения. Огромную опасность для альпинистов представляют резкая смена погоды, сильные снегопады, высокий уровень обледенения скал, большие трещины ледников и высокая вероятность внезапного схода лавин. Только с начала XX века при восхождении на гору Кука погибло около 80 альпинистов, что делает её самым смертоносным пиком в Новой Зеландии. Не даром в легендарной эпопее Джона Толкина "Хоббит, или Туда и обратно", "Властелин колец" и "Сильмариллион" гора Кука стала прототипом пика Карадрас - одного из высочайших пиков Мглистых гор в Средиземье. Именно под Карадрасом был построен великий город гномов Казад-Дум
В 1953 году на территории вокруг горы Кука был создан Национальный парк Маунт-Кук, в который входят 19 горных пиков высотой более 3000 метров над уровнем моря и 8 (из 12) крупнейших ледников в Новой Зеландии. Парк является частью района Те-Вахипунаму, внесенного в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО за выдающуюся природную ценность. Помимо занятий альпинизмом (восхождение на вершину разрешено только опытным альпинистам в сопровождении горных проводников), посетители парка могут заняться скалолазанием, трекингом, горным велосипедом, охотой и насладиться невероятным зрелищем самого "звёздного" ночного неба на Земле. Во время прогулок по горным тропам можно увидеть попугая кеа - единственного в мире попугая, эндемика Новой Зеландии, обитающего на высоте 1500 метров над уровнем моря и выше.
Mount Cook (Aoraki) is the highest point in New Zealand, with an altitude of 3,754 meters above sea level, located in the western part of the South Island, in the New Zealand Southern Alps. The mountain consists of three peaks - the lowest of which is 3,593 meters above sea level, the middle one is 3,717 meters, and the highest is 3,754 meters. Mount Cook is composed of crystalline rocks, has the shape of a saddle with steep slopes, and its summit is covered with eternal snow and glaciers. Along the eastern flank of the mountain descends the famous Tasman Glacier - the largest glacier in New Zealand, with a length of 29 kilometers and an area of ​​156.5 square kilometers. The lower part of the mountain slopes is covered with unique temperate rainforests and picturesque alpine meadows, in which endemic species of plants and rare species of animals grow, found only in New Zealand.
For the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, Aoraki is a sacred mountain; in the language of the Ngai Tahu tribe, the mountain's name means "large white cloud". The English name Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes in honor of the famous navigator James Cook. Since the discovery of the mountain by Europeans, its summit has constantly attracted climbers from all over the world. Despite the fact that Aoraki is far from the highest mountain on the planet, it is technically very difficult to climb. Extreme weather changes, heavy snowfalls, high levels of icing on the rocks, large glacier cracks and a high probability of sudden avalanches pose a huge danger to climbers. Since the beginning of the 20th century alone, about 80 climbers have died while climbing Mount Cook, making it the deadliest peak in New Zealand. It is not for nothing that in the legendary epics of John Tolkien "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again", "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarillion" Mount Cook became the prototype of the peak of Caradhras - one of the highest peaks of the Misty Mountains in Middle-earth. It was under Caradhras that the great city of the dwarves Khazad-dum was built.
In 1953, Mount Cook National Park was created on the territory around Mount Cook, which includes 19 mountain peaks over 3,000 meters above sea level and 8 (out of 12) of the largest glaciers in New Zealand. The park is part of the Te Wahipounamu area, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its outstanding natural value. In addition to mountaineering (climbing to the summit is only permitted for experienced climbers accompanied by mountain guides), visitors to the park can go rock climbing, trekking, mountain biking, hunting and enjoy the incredible spectacle of the most "starry" night sky on Earth. While walking along the mountain trails, you can see the kea parrot - the only parrot in the world, endemic to New Zealand, living at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level and higher.
Источник://shark-er.livejournal.com/121080.html,/tury.ru/sight/id/ 14721-gora-kuka-aoraki-14721,/www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_ Review-g658483-d4080009-Reviews-Aoraki_Mt_Cook- Mt_Cook _Village_Aoraki_Mount_Cook_National_Park_Te_Wahipounamu_Mac.html,/www.nik-m.com/regiony/kenterberi/aoraki-maunt-kuk-samaya-vysokaya-gora-novozelandskikh-ostrovov/,//t.me/ borderlesstravel.
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walmart-miku · 2 months
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This panel progression is killing me but I think that it'd actually kill me if yoo joonghyuk and lee seolhwa don't get in here (pls I need a full kimcom panel)
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aphrmoosun · 2 months
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New still from episode 6
House of the dragon season 2
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podcastwizard · 3 months
look language is ever evolving and colloquial definitions are valid etc. but if you're going to describe something as banal as a 3 am trip to the grocery store as "feral" don't act shocked when i'm on all fours in the parking lot, shredding a rabbit's jugular with my canines
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diana-foggy-master · 3 months
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𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 & 𝐀𝐥𝐲𝐬 & 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 & 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 & 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬
like or reblog if u save
more icons from HOTD on my Pinterest: HERE
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intiredtea · 3 months
Breaking a bargain for...?
As always, click for better quality.
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More Bluejay origins!
(Context: He gave up his ability to sing as payment to a powerful crone who promised him protection and a new life. Bluejay casts spells using "Subtle Spell," a D&D 5e sorcery ability, which means you don't have perform somatic or verbal components of a spell. But without sorcery points, he had to make a decision to watch Gale die, or use his voice to save him).
This is super scrappy and I'm sorry. Almost scrapped this whole comic, but with some gentle encouragement from my wife and brother, I decided to just finish it the best I could and get my claws off of it.
As always, thanks for reading.
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hauntedbythenarrative · 2 months
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I am at last myself. With no ambition greater than to walk where I please and to breathe the open air. To die unmarked and unnoticed and be free.
Susan Sontag, from “The Dummy”, featured in I, Etcetera: Stories//“Lilies,” House of Light, Mary Oliver//Postcard from gone, Leila Chatti//Ophelie, Arthur Rimbaud//Advantages of Being Evergreen, Oliver Baez Bendorf//Olivia Cooke as Alicent Hightower in House of the Dragon (2022-))
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
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rhaenyra-storms · 2 months
i’m officially documenting here that i’m afraid of the hotd s2 finale and hope they don’t fuck it up. but maybe the real treasure were the friends we made along the way
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alysscoven · 4 months
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gayle rankin & olivia cooke
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emziess · 7 months
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Cry me a river, River. Slow Horses – S01E01 – Failure’s Contagious
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