#Cosmic Flow
epicstoriestime · 1 year
Cosmic Flow: An Epic Voyage of Immersion and Fulfillment
🌌 Embark on a cosmic journey of “flow” with the epic voyager as we delve into the transformative power of this celestial dance. Embrace the timeless sanctuary of the present moment, where we unite with the unfolding symphony of life, like harmonious notes blending in the grandest cosmic melody. 🎶 #CosmicFlow #CelestialDance #TransformativeJourney #Harmony #SharedExperiences
Which activities make you lose track of time?   Introduction   In the boundless expanse of existence, the epic voyager embarks on a cosmic journey, a celestial wanderer seeking the secrets of harmony and connection. Join me on this extraordinary odyssey as we explore the transformative power of “flow,” a transcendent state of mind that binds beings in shared experiences, like notes…
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Lisa Harris, Kundalini
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by Anato Finnstark
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eybefioro · 1 year
I believe the last 16 minutes are what they are.
That’s it, that's the theory/meta (lol), but I have to get this out of my system so bear with me (prob someone already wrote something like this, but well).
Before that though I just wanna clear something - I don't wanna rain in anybody's parade. This is just ONE possible interpretation, and it isn’t meant to invalidate any other interpretations or theories. It's fun to spend a lot of time thinking about something we love, and I enjoy every single meta and theory that I saw out there (pls make more crazy crackpot theories and analysis, they're amazing), even the ones that annoy me, like the coffee theory.
And let's be real for a moment - most of our theories and predictions will be wrong, if not all (and thank Someone for that, I don’t really wanna know what will for sure happen before watching the thing). We aren’t really aiming to get everything right, right? We are discussing something we love and having fun. Neil Gaiman and all the team that works on Good Omens are amazing, and I know they will surprise us no matter what. 
(also, this is a bit long sorry)
So, with that out of the way:
We have to remember who Aziraphale essentially is. He changed over time, but there's one thing that still remains at the core of his being. He is a protector. The guardian of the eastern gate, who yields the flaming sword. 
A sword he gives to humanity, so Adam and Eve can protect themselves - because Aziraphale is emphatic, good and loves humanity. And then he lies to God herself, not metatron or other angel,  but to Her own light about it.
And he keeps on doing that - the whole Job minisode, the halo blow up, trying to stop the armageddon. He protects the thing he likes, does what he loves and trusts his own judgment (why an angel shouldn't dance? Why shouldn't an angel enjoy human pleasures? Why shouldn't an angel trust and befriend a demon? Aziraphale always does what he wants and thinks it's right in the end).
But the thing about Aziraphale is that he wants to be tempted to have a reason to do what he wants to do. He doesn't need it to challenge the system and do what he thinks is right or wants, but being tempted is something that he enjoys. It's a game he and Crowley play constantly.
And that's what the Metatron ends up offering (without really knowing; Metatron has his own agenda, the second coming, and he knows that if A&C are together things are gonna be more difficult). Metatron gives the opportunity to Aziraphale to protect Crowley and their existence, which is now even more endangered by the threat of the Book of Life. Aziraphale wants to protect their lives, because he knows they weren't really safe after the armageddon’t. Both of them know they aren’t safe, and we can see it more clearly on Crowley. He is a lot more stressed and on the edge this season (he literally summons a lightning to dissipate his anger), but we can also see that on how Aziraphale keeps trying to escape reality and focusing in other things - how his mind drifts into the book of Job, how he takes the bentley to go scape and investigate the Clue (and we see that fantasy landscape), how he puts up an entire eldritch, mind controlling ball to dance with crowley and confess get nina and maggie together. Their existence post Armaggeddon’t is fragile. 
And this is before he even knows about the second coming, something Crowley learned alone in heaven and wasn't able to communicate to Aziraphale yet. And, on top of that, he still believes in the Ineffable Plan - not necessarily in heaven or the system, but that She is good, so heaven must have something good in it still.
But, even with all this on the table, Aziraphale is hesitant in accepting metatrons offer… So, WHEN DID AZIRAPHALE SAID YES TO HEAVEN?
I could now make a big analysis of the last 16 minutes, but I feel that at this point everyone knows those events by heart, so I won’t bore you with that.
(breathes heavily) Okay, so… yes, there seems to be something fishy about the whole thing. Aziraphale expressions are all over the place, and we can't really trust his narrative about what metatron said. Yes, the coffee symbolizes a threat (c'mon, offering a coffee from Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death, while asking Aziraphale to go back to heaven is easily read as a threat. Aziraphale is intelligent, and has been working in the shadows, and hiding, and talking in codes for 6000 years, he knows when danger presents itself), but that coffee also symbolizes a temptation to Aziraphale - a chance to get what he wants and get to know things. The Coffee is The Apple of this season.
he has a motive, protect crowley and their life together (and then after the divorce he learns that he also can protect humanity and all the other things he loves again)
He has the opportunity to create a safer environment for them to be together.
He has the opportunity to have Crowley by his side while changing things.
He has the opportunity to try to change things from the inside..
He has the opportunity to get a hold of THE most powerful and important book to ever exist.
With all that, he WANTS to go to heaven, even if that means getting away from earth for a bit. It may be the only way to get the peace that he wants. 
He knows it will be dangerous and extremely uncomfortable. He doesn't trust heaven, he knows how bad Gabriel was (he doesn't even say he loves Gabriel, and he acknowledges he was an ass), he knows how cruel heaven can be (he even fought that many times, like in the Job minisode). He wants to have Crowley by his side, and tries to convince him to be by his side and show his reasoning. Even when the demon refuses his proposal, there's still no other choice other than going to heaven, in Aziraphale’s perspective, and that just gets confirmation when he learns about the second coming (to me, that’s when he REALLY decides to go).
And we can’t forget one of the most important things about the ending: the divorce is an amazing and necessary step to move the characters forward. 
Stories need conflict. Conflict is essential to make characters evolve and get things happening so you can pass the message that you want and make people feel things.
It makes sense for A&C story and character development, they getting away from each other and try to resolve things on their own for a bit. It makes sense that they have that heartbroken discussion/confession, they need that to get on the same page and be together in the future (and also, think about how satisfying it will be for us, the viewers, to see that happen after all the hurt?? delicious). Conflits, problems, the bad stuff are essential ingredients to make us love a story, even if it doesn't have a happy ending. No one really likes to eat a raw egg, but we need it to bake a cake, and some people may not enjoy bitter tasting food, but some people really like that (trash analogy, I know). In the end, we like stories because we like to feel things (there are other reasons too, but that is the big one I think), and what could make us feel something more intense than separating Crowley and Aziraphale? I feel like in the Good Omens universe, the world could be destroyed but we'd still be happy if they were together in the end. That's how much we love and care for those two.
With all that layed out, this is what I have to say: with this interpretation, there is no secret communication between A&C during all that. There's no stopping time, body swap, almond poison, and etc. 
The breakup has to be real, hurtful, and raw.
It has to be true. 
If we want them to evolve and to be happy and safe, and for the world in Good Omens to be happy and safe, the hurt is necessary.
I think I'd feel a bit betrayed and mad if that was all  an act of them. 
I'm not saying that there isn't funny business happening, we know that Crowley has a plan (let me talk about this for a hot second… he knows the outline plan from the second coming. He saw that whole meeting in heaven, but we just saw the ending. Crowley and Muriel know what is the second coming and we don't. there's something there, he for sure has a plan to at least survive this), Aziraphale has a plan and Metatron has an agenda, but that communication hell and heart massacre was REAL. 
Let's think for a moment - what if they run off together? Where does the story goes? How would the characters develop? They wouldn't be happy in Alpha Centauri. They aren't like B&G, that never lived on earth, that each other is their own home. No. A&C toast to the world. The world is their home, their lair. They've built it, their own place. Exile is not a good option. It's a desperate option that Crowley only offers when he feels trapped (don't you think he would've tried to go there in the years after Armageddon’t if he thought the two of them would be happy there?). Aziraphale can’t accept that, a life without the joy of the things they love. That would be prison.
And in the same way, Crowley can't go to heaven. Not back to a place that abandoned him, that doesn't accept questions, that saw the universe he helped create as pretty wallpaper. Aziraphale is trying to offer freedom from hell, without realizing how that just hurts. Crowley can't follow Aziraphale’s plan, that would also be exile. That would also be prison.
They have to figure things out on their own this time, and use this space to grow. They know they still can rely on each other (6000 years of partnership isn’t shattered that easily), but for now they need to heal (and save humanity and their home again). They hurt each other very badly over the years, and most of the time without knowing. They had to keep distance to protect each other, and now (during/after figuring out the second coming) they will need to learn to be open and not hide, so they can be together, to be an “Us”.
Aziraphale and Crowley have different perspectives, and they decided to part ways. 
No matter what Mr Gaiman is hiding, no matter what the plot and mysteries and clues and details in the season led us to, the breakup and all that hurt is real.
In other words: it  is what it is. 
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month
Here is an idea.
For the human AU a new deviant appears. But it’s not that kind of deviant we know. It has some special abilities and Gil is in danger. How about some horror for this one? 👀
His head whipped around. He was helping clean up some of the ruins of the outer city, since that was all he was good for, now. The moon was high, providing a good amount of light.
The others were reluctant to let him outside Babylon temple--they were reluctant to let him do anything. He had to all but sneak out to even do this much, especially without worrying Thena.
That was definitely her voice, though. Gil dropped the rocks he was moving and looked around again. He couldn't sense anything, but his senses were diminished at the moment. He tried to listen for the slightest sound, but he couldn't pick up anything.
He cursed his human condition, not for the first time.
"Gil, help me!"
That was definitely Thena screaming. It was her voice, at least. Gilgamesh started walking, looking around the corners of crumbled homes and around the deep shadows of the rubble. His cautious steps turned to a light jog.
"Gil, please!"
"Thena?" he called out, but he swore it was just the open air to hear him. What was happening? He jogged closer to the edges of the walls. The wall was still technically under construction, Phastos working as fast as he could. But Gil was the main source of their work efforts, and Babylon wall was huge.
"Gil?" it sounded like a whisper, now. But it was still her voice, thin and high, as if she had been crying. He had never really heard her like that before. But it was his Thena. It was her voice.
"Thena," he repeated, whispering for her as he crept around in the dark. "Thena, if you-"
"Gilgamesh," the voice changed. This sounded less like her. He knew it was off.
He froze. He didn't have Eternal strength or senses anymore, but humans had the best survival instinct. His was screaming. Something wasn't right. It wasn't before and it really wasn't now. He crouched lower, looking around but slowing his breathing as much as he could. His heart was pounding.
"Gilgamesh, help me," the voice cooed, but it was closer. He could better hear what was wrong with it--the wiry echo trailing after it. It sounded almost mechanical, like the grind of Phastos' gears.
Gil lowered to one knee, trying to peek around one of the corners of a building's remains. He hadn't heard it at all, but he saw the massive foot come down. It was wiry, thickly muscled, a terrible colour.
"Gil, help!" it repeated, in the same tone and intonation as last time. It could only conjure so much.
He held his breath, and when he did need to breathe, he pressed his palm over his mouth and nose. This was like the one that had rendered him all but human. They were evolving, and not just new appendages or wings or even that gas. This one was luring them into a trap.
"Gilgamesh, help me!" it repeated, louder this time. It prowled around the house. It was assuring that these things still had some weaknesses to account for.
He watched as the thing rounded the corner. Its head looked like it was a bare skull in comparison to the rest of its body. Perhaps it didn't have a sense of smell, and that was why it was depending on using the sounds it was producing to lure its prey.
Its horrible maw opened again, its paws hitting the ground. "Gil, please."
He didn't like that it could make it sound so convincing. It really sounded like Thena--it sounded like her voice crying for him. How would this walking nightmare know what that sounded like? And how did it know exactly whose voice to use to lure him out here?
"Gil," the beast repeated in his sweet Thena's voice. Its teeth clicked against themselves as its jaw swayed back and forth on its head. "Gilgamesh, please."
He could hear it now. The way it chopped up the words, not sounding totally fluid. But he had to get this close to hear that? If he weren't careful, he would already be fighting this thing.
And that wasn't an option for him now. He was in no condition to fight a Deviant, let alone an evolved one. And it had lured him out here, in the dark, alone.
Fear: humans felt fear. They had incredible instincts for self-preservation, protection, survival. But every cell in his body - whatever body it was - was feeling fear. And he had never felt fear quite like this.
He could die out here.
The Deviant drew closer to him. It repeated the sounds of Thena's distress, switching to screams of terror and agony. What a terrible monster these things could be. They really were here for a reason; humans couldn't fight these things.
He couldn't fight this thing. He couldn't fight at all, anymore. Pure instinct had brought him out here--a need to protect Thena. But she was the one protecting him. She was the Fighter of them now.
He had never had to consider life without Thena. She probably hadn't considered it either. Would he be leaving her alone if he died out here? What if she fought this thing? Would it use his voice to lure her out alone like it did with him?
She could fight it. She was stronger than this thing. He was still glad that it wasn't her that had been turned human. He hated being this vulnerable--this useless. But he hated the thought of it being Thena even more.
"Gilgamesh," that thing whispered. It was right on top of him.
He breathed into his palm. He couldn't control his heart, he couldn't control his lungs. His body was crumbling under the pressure. Thousands of years of fighting and it was lost on the human adrenal system. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Maybe he could manage to see Thena one last time before he died.
That time sounded different. He kept his eyes shut, although he heard footsteps somewhere in the distance. Then, nothing, then, impact.
"Run!" Thena landed with force, cratering the ground between the Deviant and him. She already had her swords ready, slashing at the thing.
It roared at her, first with her own voice, then its usual, beastly cry.
Thena stood her ground, swinging her staff around, keeping her back to him and her arms raised. "Are you hurt?"
His stomach lurched. She had come running to his aid, just like any weak, defenseless human. "N-No."
The Deviant swiped at her but she raised her shield, swiping at it in return. These evolved ones were smart, guarded, it knew she was a threat, and it wasn't pursuing her needlessly. It was watching her.
He couldn't see her face, but he saw her body locking up.
The Deviant opened its mouth again. "Thena!"
"What in all the stars?" she asked rhetorically.
"That was how it got me down here," he admitted. The thing's jaw clicked and its teeth rattled around again.
"Thena, help!"
"Celestial demons," she cursed it as she shifted her spear into a different shape. She directed the point at it, tri-tipped and wide. It was a weapon not for slicing but for inflicting an irreparable wound. The great warriors of Greece copied this very weapon. "Try it."
The beast chose not to. It gave her another half-swipe, only for show before retreating. Its long, wiry body slithered away from them and through the crumbling cracks in the wall.
Gil let out a breath as its form disappeared into the shadows. He dragged himself up the wall behind him and to his feet, not liking the state of his knees. "We gotta get that fixed."
Thena didn't say anything.
He frowned, fidgeting with his sweaty palms. "You okay?"
"You shouldn't have been out here."
He was tempted to wince at the cold tone of her voice. She was right, he shouldn't have let that thing lure him away, especially knowing he was in no condition to fight.
"What were you thinking?" she asked him. It was worse than her yelling and shouting at him, her voice was barely above a whisper. She turned to him, her powers fading into the air like sparks. Her hair picked up in the wind. "What were you thinking, Gilgamesh?"
He was feeling properly chastised now. "I-I just..."
She waited for him to finish rather than prompt him.
He sighed. "It was your voice, Thena. You were calling for my help."
She didn't argue. She didn't chastise him further, she accepted his answer. She even moved closer, wrapping her arms around him. Her cheek was cold against his warmer one. "Don't ever scare me like this again."
"Sorry," he patted her shoulder before moving his hand to the cutout of her armour that allowed him the relief of her soft waist.
She huffed at him, but her hold on him didn't loosen. "I'll have more to say about this later."
"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled despite her anger. He let out another breath, relaxing his body more. His limbs felt heavy as Thena began leading him back to the temple.
She gave him a nudge, "I should tell Sersi about this--she'll be livid."
He laughed, giving her a nudge in return.
She stumbled.
They both stared. He blinked, looking at the hand he used to nudge her arm. "Uh, s-sorry."
Thena just stared, at the hand and then at him. She had been expecting a gentle nudge--a human one. He had given her a push that an Eternal would give.
He blinked, surprised by first her kiss and then by her laughter. He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off her feet. It was easy, but it wasn't that easy--whatever it was had been a freak accident. But it was a promising sign.
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cosmicfunnies · 2 years
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Day 5 of Spooky Space!
Today’s fact: Dark Flow
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samuelfarrand · 1 year
Psychezoa Luminosum
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kalidesoul · 1 year
🌈✨ Chakra Talk: Blocked vs. Clear Energy Centers! ✨🌈
🚫 Blocked Chakras: 🚫
🔴 Root Chakra (Muladhara): When blocked, it's like feeling lost in the cosmic wilderness. Insecurity, financial stress, and lack of stability might dominate.
🟠 Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)Blockages lead to creative droughts and emotional rollercoasters. The river of inspiration runs dry.
🟡 Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Blocked? Confidence takes a hit. Procrastination and self-doubt may rule your cosmic domain.
💚 0Heart Chakra (Anahata): Blockages can make you feel guarded. Love and compassion become distant stars in your universe.
🔵 Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):*lWhen blocked, expressing yourself feels like whispering in a cosmic vacuum. Communication issues may arise.
🟣 **Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna):** Lack of clarity, foggy intuition, and indecision cloud your path. It's like navigating through cosmic mist.
👑 **Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):** Blockages disconnect you from higher consciousness. It's like a cosmic Wi-Fi glitch, leaving you feeling spiritually adrift.
🌟 *Clear Chakras:* 🌟
🔴 **Root Chakra:** Grounded and secure, you're the cosmic oak rooted deep in Earth's wisdom. Stability and confidence flow like a river.
🟠 **Sacral Chakra:** Your creative spark ignites galaxies of inspiration. Emotions are a river of cosmic energy, flowing freely.
🟡 **Solar Plexus Chakra:** Self-assured and motivated, you shine like a cosmic sun. Confidence fuels your cosmic journey.
💚 **Heart Chakra:** Love radiates like a cosmic beacon. You're a compassionate universe, nurturing connections with every heartbeat.
🔵 **Throat Chakra:** Your voice echoes through the cosmos, clear and truthful. Expressing yourself is a cosmic symphony.
🟣 **Third-Eye Chakra:** Intuition guides you through the cosmic maze. Clarity and insight shine like celestial stars.
👑 **Crown Chakra:** Connected to higher realms, you're in cosmic harmony. The universe's wisdom flows through you like a cosmic river.
Which chakra vibes with you today? 🌈✨ #ChakraClearing #CosmicBalance #EnergyFlow
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
A small rabbit hole 🐇🕳✨🍑✨💙💛🚲🌳
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Instagram: johnp.shanley
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TheUniverse™️ speaks ✨😉😏✨
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macadam · 2 years
God surrealist transformers artwork really has me feeling a lot right now I think I’m going to bs some sort of excuse to explore surrealist distorted robots for my next college assignment
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"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." - Edith Wharton
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by Yuumei
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frmulcahy · 1 year
Doctor Who companion that just gets eaten by the TARDIS and no one remembers them but the doctor and next companion keep experiencing “hauntings”
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monitorchakas · 6 months
Thinking about how much Spark needs a therapist, but at the same time I don't think any human therapist is suited to handle his levels of trauma. Like how do you fix someone like that?
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roastbeefo · 2 years
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a cosmic consultation prints available
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wayti-blog · 1 year
"Prototypes of inventions that use novel combinations of resonance, magnetism, states of matter, certain geometries or inward swirling motion to unlock the secrets of universal energy have already been built. They provide proof of new or rediscovered principles. In many variations of these inventions, a small input triggers a disproportionately large output of useable power." "These energy converters don't violate any laws of physics if they simply tap into a previously unrecognized source of power - background space. A flow of energy from that source can continue day and night, whether or not the sun shines or the wind blows."
Jeane Manning, Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World
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