#Cosmic horror batman!
thorst · 1 year
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I am posting this here to remind myself to figure out how / where to buy it on *checks notes* the 10th of October
Source: Christian Ward (@cjwardart) twitter
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itsbansheebitch · 6 months
Here's a vague ass prompt for yall
Eldritch Danny and/or Eldritch Duke Thomas
The King in Yellow by Robert W Chambers
Go crazy with that
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popsaturdaymash · 3 months
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Thinking of making these in "void" variations now (as a reference to Bat-Mite accidentally destroying the DC Multiverse that one time).
What do you guys think?
(In Loving Memory of Paul "Pee-Wee" Reubens: 1952-2023)
"Hi, Paul! We're You're Biggest Fans!"~❤️🦇
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aidsyouinthinking · 4 months
Words! wauh
I like cosmic horror, Because it's true! The idea that if you keep digging for answers, analysing, cross-referencing, and theorising, That'll you reach..? The bottom? What bottom!
The idea that below your fickle psyche, Underneath that deluded webbing your currently nestled in, Is the deepest darkest endless void you'll ever -not- know.
existentialism, "reality", meaning, it's all so interesting. And yet, they are but more webbing that hold you back.
The endless soup of black noise that swirls within us all, It can't be calculated, appreciated, understood, that's the point.
And I often find my self trying, Thinking of questions that I don't have answers to, But often they're ones I'll never know, I think my subconscious is getting me lost, In trying to finish unfinishable sentences, To let my brain forget, And to just breathe my next breath. ... Perhaps there is a bottom, Not of the universe's design, but ours. Neurotypicals, I envy- and are depressed for them, As they have bountiful webbing, or maybe I'm just made of blades as I fall through? Well either way, I think we'd be hard pressed to cut the last strand.
I'm fine by the way, on this merry go round, thank you for reading!
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luliaka · 9 months
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This is just…so cool. I feel like a flock of ideas for AUs are flying through my head.
(Batman: City of Madness #2)
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Danny had just gotten home from an eighteen hour work shift as the head engineer at Wayne Tech Labs, he's ready to just sleep for the next few days when he hears what sounds like fighting on his roof. He climbs out his window and onto his roof to find the Batman and Joker. He might've gone a little Eldritch/Cosmic Horror on them purely to make them go fight on someone else's roof. The next time Bruce sees Danny at work is a little awkward because he doesn't know how to bring up the incident without revealing his identity. Danny in reality had figured out Bruce's identity two weeks earlier and just hasn't said anything
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gilverrwrites · 7 months
i’ve sent this request to river-rat69, but wanted to see how you would potentially interpret it >_>
exploring interests with jack and finding a common one? like art? perhaps?
just a cute idea idk
Finding common interests with Jack
Author note: That is super cute! I'm note sure if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
I will also note, I know a common opinion is that Jack is like a child in an adult body, but I always read him more as like an adult with minimal world or social skills.
Can be read as romantic or platonic.
Rating: General
Genre: Pure fluff
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Please be kind to your mind ❤︎
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I feel like if Jack wants to make a connection with someone, he will try anything at least once.
He's a 20-year-old who has never had to make friends before. Cas and the Winchesters are family, thats different. Friends he has to make an effort for. (At least in his head.)
If he thinks you really enjoy something that he doesn't, he won’t want to hurt your feelings. He wants you to like him.
So even if he doesn’t enjoy something that much, he’ll try to pretend.
It’s up to you to figure that out and stop him from torturing himself.
He’s too nice, loyal to a fault.
Although, the many sceptical questions and the suspicious looks are a dead giveaway.
“Is it supposed to smell this strong?” Yep “And I can’t eat it?” No, Jack, it’s soap! “And we’re wearing gloves because? It’s dangerous, yep, got it.” “Is this what a headache feels like? NO! It’s fun! If you like it, I like it.” “It takes HOW LONG to cure?”
Probably stay away from things like candle and soap making.
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He likes stability, so I think having a set day each week, or a couple of hours each night to do stuff together, would be ideal for him.
He’d love bonding over shared interests in films and TV.
He doesn’t have to eat, but I think he would enjoy trying new foods.
So: having a weekly film night would be awesome. Where you can both veg out on the couch together, eat whatever new or different foods you find at the supermarket, and watch horror (primarily zombie) and/or sci-fi films together. 
Or spend the weekend binge-watching The Walking Dead or The Cornetto Trilogy (+ Paul, non negotiable).
Video games too: Left 4 Dead, Fallout etc
Then fall asleep where you're lounging, talking about your faves and your fan theories. 
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I don’t know that he would be into making art, per se, but I think he would like crafts.
I feel like Jack would really like those diamond painting thingies. Or just like, bedazzling things in general.
Like, I can see him contracting some weird cosmic-being version of the flu, being quarantined with an Angel!Reader and it being like that one episode of Malcolm in the Middle. 
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Also legos. Just things that take a lot of attention to detail, something that can take his mind off of the constant pressure he is under, that you can really focus on, but that has a cool pay off at the end.
Animation as well, both watching (more 2D stuff like Batman, Invincible, Nimona)
And doing– probably more like stop motion, with again, legos, or claymodels. 
(I’m totally not projecting because I am an animation nerd)
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He would, however, enjoy art galleries and museums.
Being able to admire and learn about things created by humans throughout history would be so astounding.
Would like to have you with him so you can observe, learn, and discuss together.
If you’re interested but unable to go with him, he’ll memorise everything so he can relay it all to you later, or pick up a bunch of leaflets for you to read. Or he’ll make a note of all his favourite parts so he can take you there another time.
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He would have a similar sentiment if you are an artistic person. 
He doesn’t want to draw or paint stuff with you, but he would like watching you and your creative process (if you don’t mind being watched)
Like absolutely fascinated by your ability to create something from nothing. Something that evokes emotion or tells a story – wow!!
Your number one supporter. Gift him your art, and he’ll put it on his bedroom wall.
Those galleries I mentioned earlier, he’s buying you both tickets to go see your inspirations shows or displays.
Wants to look through all your old works, he doesn’t care if that horse you drew when you were 12 is the wrong shape and has wonky eyes, he thinks its so cool that you tried, and practiced, and learned. That’s human ingenuity.
You’re so cool.
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gilbirda · 4 months
The king's dead (long live the king) - Masterpost
In this post I'll be updating everything I have on this AU. The tag will be "Eldritch Ghost King!Danny" if you want to search my blog!
It was a big project I wanted to challenge myself with, with crazy lore and worldbuilding, with a lot of exploration of eldritchness and angst. But I just got absorbed by DPxDC crossover, saw my niche in writing romance, got obsessed with Jason and Jazz and the rest is history.
I feel it's a crime none of this will probably see the light of day, so. Here. Chaotic mode it is. Fish my posts boy. I will post sporadically about this AU. You have been warned.
If someone wants to take anything from the lore or ideas, you are welcome to! Tag me so I can check it out!
Also I'm down for discussing AU with people 👀✨
What is this fic about?
This was supposed to be my magnum opus. It's the "main" fic in my AO3 series You and me and our best friends make three. So far the series has side stories or one shots located in different moments of the story. The main fic was supposed to tell the full story on how it happened, how we ended up here.
Back in 2021, when I went down the rabbit hole with Danny Phantom, I envisioned a neat AU where Danny was this eldritch ghost king... with a twist.
I love eldritch Danny (those who know me can confirm) but I wanted to explore something I haven't seen a lot even in the angst torture-vivisection saturated market of this 20 year old fandom:
What if the Ghost King is not power, but a sacrifice?
What if it is not known that the Ghost King is actually the host of a powerful entity (I called it The Whisper, because it talks in your mind in whispers) who is always hungry. Always. Hungry. And if it doesn't have a host will eat all the Infinite Realms then the Living World.
The Ghost King makes a pact with the Whisper. The King can tap into the ectoplasm, the energy, of every creature, object, city, etc. in the Realms and convert that energy into food for the Whisper.
But nobody knows this. Is a secret shared from King to King, and you only find out after accepting the crown.
Why would you refuse? Is the King, it's an honor, is power, is greatness. Who would deny the Whisper its food?
Only one managed to sever the connection.
His name was Pariah Dark.
He went insane.
What is The Whisper?
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Basically this ⬆
Is a cosmic entity that was stranded on Earth a loooong time ago. It created the Infinite Realms with its flesh and blood (ectoplasm) and all ectoplasmic creatures come from it.
But its hungry.
Posted chunks of story so far and their order in the timeline:
Act I:
Desired - Danny meets the Core for the first time
Ceremony - Danny is crowned King
Party like you are dead - the Ghost King invites all of Amity Park to his castle. Reveals all around.
Act II:
Never judge a book by its cover (dpxdc crossover)(my very first dpxdc work!) - Justice League summons the Ghost King to help deal with an eldritch creature. What they get may be a worse monster
Hidden identities? Never heard of them (dpxdc crossover) - direct sequel to the previous part. Batman and some of the colony go to Amity to investigate. They catch glimpses of horrors that they can't help but wonder
Remedy (+18!!!)(my very first DP fanfic!) - self indulgent Porn Without Plot in this universe. Placed in a distant future where everything is fine
Race ya! - funny haha thing set a bit after Remedy
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clownprince · 1 year
finally reading the metal/death metal arcs and related stuff and the timeline is just so insane. like. first batman chooses his family over joker, rejecting him and breaking his shriveled black heart. joker's reaction to this is to kill batman and destroy gotham, as one does. then they both make the executive decision to commit homoerotic murder-suicide. but they're resurrected with dionesium. joker in his new persona all pleads with batman not to go back to the way things were.
batman, now re-batmanified, captures joker, locks him in the batcave for several months, extracts the dionesium from his body, re-jokerfying him (???). bruce proposes to selina, presumably at the same time he has joker imprisoned in the cave. then despite joker all but begging him not to, batman effectively breaks the multiverse and opens the door for barbatos, the batman who laughs, and a whole other host of cosmic horrors. nice one, bruce! joker later teams up with batman to fight tbwl even though, again, this entire mess is very much bruce's own fault and joker was actively trying to prevent all of it! even though bruce Locked Him In A Cave. For Several Months. and broke his heart and literally killed him...
and joker's later reaction to all of this unfolding is to team up with lex luthor who's trying to take control of the multiverse because ofc he is. however joker fully intends to backstab lex the second he gets close to succeeding, and then to murder the entire legion of doom and show off their bodies to batman. but this plan is derailed because luthor is working with the batman who laughs who joker DESPISES.
then when tbwl resurfaces to target batman, joker shoots himself in the heart to infect batman so he can fight tbwl. bruce holds his dying body so very tenderly in his arms and then has alfred perform open heart surgery on him, refusing to let joker actually die even though alfred is basically begging him to do so. then joker escapes but comes back to wish batman good luck in fighting tbwl. batman asks joker to kill him if he becomes like tbwl. joker agrees and ends up keeping his promise and shooting batman (who ends up fine ofc because y'know, comics).
then like a year-ish later everything with their dark designs and joker war goes down. and some time during this the whole batcat marriage and best man arc takes place (not sure exactly when, the timeline makes my head hurt). like... how am I supposed to be normal about any of this.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Character Profile: Connor Hawke (Green Arrow II)
It's time to meet another member of the Lost Titans! The most beautiful boy in the world: Connor Hawke!
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Connor is the oldest biological child of Oliver Queen and the second Green Arrow. He was introduced in 1994, possibly the best year for blorbos of all time, although readers didn't know that he was Ollie's son right away.
(His mother, we would eventually learn, is Sandra "Moonday" Hawke, who had a brief, no strings relationship with Ollie during their hippie days. Moonday has a Black father and a Korean mother, and is charmingly flaky with a shitty abusive new husband, the arms dealer Milo Armitage, who Connor butted heads with repeatedly in his solo series.)
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At the time, Ollie was smack dab in the middle of a nervous breakdown, as well as injured (Connor helped patch him up, hence the line about seeing him naked). He'd taken refuge in a Buddhist ashram where he'd once found peace.
At the time, Connor was about 18 and had been at the ashram for five years. He was a big Green Arrow fanboy and the two quickly bonded. He was also an aspiring archer, although his archery was just okay, while his hand-to-hand combat was superb. (In the 90s, Connor was ranked as the fifth best martial artist in the DCU, which means he's better than Nightwing. (The top four are probably Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon, Bronze Tiger, and Batman. Cass Cain didn't exist yet.))
When assassins came to the ashram to kill Ollie, Ollie and his ex-CIA frenemy Eddie Fyers fled. Connor insisted on coming with them. Eddie guessed the truth about Connor, but Ollie was still in the dark until Hal Jordan, in the middle of his own Parallax-induced breakdown, showed up out of nowhere and asked Ollie to introduce him to his son.
Ollie...didn't handle the news well.
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Ollie's nervous breakdown only escalated from here on out, and he eventually wound up dying in a helicopter explosion (though he did go out a hero, saving all of Metropolis). Connor decided that though Oliver Queen had disappointed him, the world could still use a Green Arrow - and maybe if he walked in his father's shoes for a bit, he could try to understand him a little bit better.
Connor spent about five years as the only Green Arrow, traveling the world with Eddie as a curmudgeonly mentor figure. He quickly made a few superhero friends, most notably Tim Drake and of course the new Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner:
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Kyle 100% STOLE THIS MOVE FROM ROY and that will always be funny to me.
Connor was briefly on the JLA before deciding (much like his father had before him) that he felt more effective and comfortable on the ground, helping individuals rather than fighting cosmic horrors. Eventually, the GA book was canceled and Connor decided to return to the ashram, trying to find what he was searching for by looking within, rather than by cosplaying as his dad.
In 2001, Ollie returned. Connor basically magically sensed that his father was back and in danger, and raced off to help him fight demons. Ollie, for his part, gave up his chance at staying at peace in Heaven in order to save Connor's life. Once the demons were defeated, Ollie seriously committed himself to getting to know his son and making up for lost time. They moved into a house together in Star City, along with Mia Dearden, a teenage former sex worker Ollie had taken under his wing. Connor and Mia quickly became very close.
There were a couple of major Connor-related developments early on in this run: first, Connor was shot in the head by the supervillain Onomatopoeia, though he survived thanks to quick emergency services and a blood transfusion from Ollie. And second, it was revealed that Ollie had always known about Connor, had been there for his birth, and just lied to everyone when he said he didn't have a kid. I hate this retcon, which to me makes Ollie's behavior irredeemably horrible - not just to Connor, but to Dinah and Roy, too. Brad Meltzer isn't the greatest writer when it comes to paying attention to past continuity, characterization, or, uh, logic. But my rant about how Archer's Quest sucks is a separate post. Anyway just know I will never acknowledge this retcon in a fic. I spit on it. Ptoo.
During this time, and really ever since his origin, there was speculation about Connor's sexuality. Connor is a very reserved, introverted character and was canonically a virgin when he was introduced (and still is, unless you count "sex" with a ghost where he didn't even get his pants off), and this of course stood in marked contrast to Ollie and Roy, both loud extroverted horn dogs. The fact that women were constantly throwing themselves at a blatantly uninterested Connor didn't help:
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Ollie, Roy, and Kyle all flat-out asked Connor if was gay, which at the time he always denied, but he also explained to Roy that he was looking for The One, which I just love, because so was Roy, just in a different way! Everyone always says that Connor is so different from Ollie and Roy, and they're not wrong, but that's something they absolutely have in common: they are all hopeless romantics.
Connor's life was pretty good immediately after Ollie's return (getting shot in the head notwithstanding), but no writer really seemed to know what to do with him. There was an attempt to give him a spotlight again in the Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood miniseries, which is...fine, I guess? Connor is forced to kill a supervillain who is trying to turn into a dragon and destroy the world. Also he makes out with Shado, the woman who raped Ollie in the early 90s, which is...certainly a thing that happened. (Connor wasn't going to be gay on Chuck Dixon's watch, nosirree!) (And actually I think the whole Shado issue is extremely complicated but there's no denying that the Shado/Connor kiss was really, really off. But my Shado rant is yet another post!) There's some interesting character stuff there but overall the miniseries has been mostly forgotten.
In the second half of the 2000s, things got shitty for Connor, just like they did for basically every character. First, he was shot with a bullet laced with a toxin that left him in a coma:
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God Cliff Chiang draws him so beautifully.
Anyway, Connor was just sort of...left in the coma for a while. Eventually he was kidnapped and Ollie had to rescue him. There's a long stretch where Connor's body is just sort of used as a prop without any actual personhood involved, which is...really, really not a great way to use a BIPOC character? Oof.
When Connor finally woke up from the coma, he a) had amnesia, b) had a healing factor because of spliced in DNA from Plastic Man???, c) none of his old personality or character traits anymore (he had no archery prowess, was no longer a vegetarian, etc.). He then wandered off to find himself. Again: I love that Ollie came back, but aggressively sidelining Connor in Ollie's stories and/or only allowing him to be a victim for Ollie to save or a wise prop to serve Ollie and Mia's stories, then writing him off by putting him in a coma, then literally having him leave the book, was NOT GREAT.
Connor returned for Blackest Night and its aftermath, when he was like "Hey Dad, I have my memory back for no reason now, and also? I hate you."
Then the New 52 happened and Connor stopped existing. But don't worry! The ensuing years brought us not one but three riffs on the character who were all entirely white! (The New 52 Earth-Two version of Connor who looks like Roy, the Injustice "Connor Queen" who is the biological son of Ollie and Dinah, and Oliver's kid on Arrow and yes I know Connor Hawke is a separate character on that show but it was still a very bad look.)
Connor finally returned to us in 2021 as one of Damian's competitors during the assassin tournament on Lazarus Island. The two quickly bonded, and Damian was one of the first people Connor came out to as asexual (FINALLY):
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Currently, Connor is appearing in Green Arrow as his family tries to find a way to be together and locate all of their missing members. It hasn't really been explained where he was or how he ended up in the clutches of the League of Shadows on Lazarus Island, and might never be explained. He also hasn't reunited with Ollie yet, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing it (and someday Kyle maybe please?).
In conclusion: I love Connor very, very much, he deserves better than what he got for the past 15 years or so, and I'm very happy he's back in comics and allowed to actually be queer, connected to his Korean heritage, making friends outside of Ollie's sphere, etc. Mazel tov, baby.
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daffydilled · 4 months
As a cosmic horror fan, I cannot overstate how hard "Batman Below has the boy. And he means to make a Robin out of him" SLAPS
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blackbatcass · 2 months
Linden, I just wanted to thank you for your ardent recommendations to read Ram V's Tec run! I started it last week and I'm blowing through it. There's so many things about it that just show how V gets it! He understands Batman in a way others writing him just don't seem to.
"He will see the trap and he will walk into it anyway, because he's the only chance any of those people down in the tunnels have." - The way I had to put it down and walk around the house when I read that line.
Thank you again! (Probably gonna start Flash once I'm caught up since you've spoken so highly of it as well!)
OMG YAAYYYYY im so glad you’re enjoying it!!! ram v like single-handedly gives me hope for modern dc lmfao like yeah he simply Gets It.
YEAHH WHAT A LINE and i have never stopped being crazy about “gotham I am your shadow I will always walk with you” LIKE. AUGH. ram v my goat forever
of course!! thank YOU for taking my recommendation lol if i get anyone to read ram v or spurrier my time on this earth has been worth it🫡🫡 I LOVE SPURRIER FLASH like yes it’s very technical and over complicated and hard to follow but idc I LOVE WHEN COMICS MAKE ME THINK. AND HAVE THINGS TO SAY. i love you speed force i love you cosmic horror i love you wally west‼️‼️
anyway TY! happy reading!!!!
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desertsongpdf · 2 years
VIDEO ESSAYS (part ??? 2/2) [parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 5 / 6], *=personal fav
why are batman movies afraid of robin?
a world of gothic horror: the problem with modern batman stories
batman and robin: when the abyss stares back
how the mandalorian solved hollywood's helmet problem
andor: anti-fascist art
the craft behind succession
how succession crafted the best episode of the year
destroying the old lie: what makes a film truly anti-war
why gods and generals is neo-confederate propaganda (and objectively sucks)
the green knight: the uncanny horror of masculinity*
tenet: nolan has an exposition problem
chicken little is neoliberal propaganda
oops! disney's cars did eugenics*
tim burton's alice in wonderland was a mistake
alice in wonderland's not good sequel
the decline of tim burton*
sherlock is garbage, and here's why*
the kingsman franchise could've been great*
the tom cruise paradox
the autistic horror of don't hug me i'm scared (s1)
the art of overanalyzing movies
james cameron's avatar: dances with white saviours
dont look up - a problematic metaphor for climate change?
dont worry darling: an enigmatic mess
why don't worry darling doesn't work …
3 interpretations of summer
ferb fletcher and the power of stoicism
why 'literally me' characters are so important
analyzing evil: lou bloom from nightcrawler
fight club: a warning for weak men
the time disney remade beauty and the beast
how i wrote fight club
how did they make this?
the revisionist world of disney: mary poppins, walt disney and saving mr. banks
what makes terence fletcher one of the most terrifying villains in film history
sustaining stupidity: cinemasins is terrible
dahmer (2022) should not exist
marvel's defenders of the status quo
the rise and fall of disney's weirdest sitcom
loki, the mcu, and narcissism
why cosmic horror is hard to make
the conspiracy theory iceberg*
pewdiepie is a nazi
jake tran's rise and ...
nft's are legally problematic
why are nft’s so ugly
the most hated artist you probably recognize
who's afraid of modern art: vandalism, video games, and fascism
the nightmare artist
alexander cabanel: fallen angel and academicism
the canvas of babel
ivan the terrible and his son ivan*
the death of graphics in fashion
'degenerate art' in nazi germany
banksy, kurt cobain, and the paradox that claimed them
money killed art. here's how we take it back
7 deadly art sins
everything is television
the manipulative power of design
the hidden histories of queer art
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redpanther23 · 9 months
Recommended Reading List:
Magick in Theory and in Practice - Aleister Crowley
Principia Discordia - Malaclypse the Younger
Zen Without Zen Masters - Camden Benares
Cosmic Trigger: Final Secrets of the Illuminati - Robert Anton Wilson (fill out the captcha and click "download original pdf" - the other link seems to be fake)
Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson
Black Elk Speaks
The Mohawk Warrior Society - Louis Karioniaktajeh Hall
The Void Captain's Tale - Norman Spinrad
Tailchaser's Song - Tad Williams
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
Illuminatus - Bob Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
The Man Who Folded Himself - David Gerrold
The Three Imposters - Arthur Machin
Cerebus - Dave Sim
Elfquest - Wendy Pini
Pogo - Walt Kelly
Little Nemo in Slumberland - Winsor McKay
Fritz the Cat - R. Crumb
Krazy Kat - George Herriman
Scott Pilgrim - Bryan Lee O'Malley
Maus - Art Spiegelman
Live Action Movies/shows:
The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953) <- to my knowledge the only feature that Dr. Seuss worked on
Dementia (or Daughter of Horror) (1955) <- experimental horror movie with no dialogue
The Prisoner (1967-68) <- like if you combined James Bond with Alice in Wonderland
Head (1968)
Lucifer Rising (1972) <- watching this movie summons lucifer, so we should all do it lots
Pink Flamingos (1972)
The Wicker Man (1973)
Zardoz (1974)
The Forbidden Zone (1979)
The Great Rock and Roll Swindle (1980)
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
Roar (1981)
The Young Ones (1982-84)
Stop Making Sense (1984)
This is Spinal Tap (1984)
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
24 Hour Party People (2002)
Electric Apricot: The Quest for Festeroo
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Sorry to Bother You
(For animated movies I have a whole separate blog and list here)
Animated Shows/short films:
Fleischer's Superman
Batman the Animated Series
Winsor McKay's "The Pet"
Eek the Cat
The Devil and Daniel Mouse
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archive-of-artprompts · 7 months
🌌To Infinity! Send in a number + character to have them drawn/written with that space trope!🌌
(Tropes from tv tropes 📺)
Accidental Astronaut - A character either accidentally launches the spacecraft they are in or they became an unwilling "astronaut" by stowing away on the spacecraft.
Artificial Gravity - Spaceships and space stations with artificial gravity systems.
Asteroid Thicket - An area in space with a lot of dangerous asteroids.
Batman Can Breathe in Space - Characters who can breathe in space.
Born Under the Sail - A whole culture of sailors/skyship drivers/spaceship drivers.
Burial in Space - Someone dies in space and has a funeral ritual.
Came from the Sky - Something huge falls out of the sky and lands on Earth.
Colony Ship - A spaceship with a whole colony on it.
Cool Starship - A cool, unusual spaceship.
Cosmic Motifs - Space used as a motif.
Cult Colony - A religious cult living in a colony in space.
Cyborg Helmsman - Cybernetically-augmented spaceship pilots.
Escape Pod - Like a lifeboat but for a spaceship.
Fishbowl Helmet - The usual accompaniment to a Latex Space Suit.
FTL Travel Sickness - Traveling faster than light can do bad things to people who aren't properly protected.
Flying Saucer - A spaceship shaped like a saucer.
Galactic Conqueror - A villain who wants to conquer or destroy the whole universe.
Genetic Adaptation - Outsiders adapt to a hostile environment (such as that on other planets) by genetically modifying themselves.
Interplanetary Voyage- A story that focuses on the difficulties of a space voyage.
Latex Space Suit - A very tight spacesuit.
Life in Zero G - Lifeforms that have evolved to live in the gravityless void.
Lost Colony - A human colony in space that's lost contact with Earth.
Space Amish - Space travelers who use more primitive technology.
Space Battle - Fighting in space.
Space Cadet Academy - Where you learn to be a space cadet.
Space Clothes - People wear wacky clothes in space.
Space Clouds - Nebulae that seem like clouds.
Space Elves - Elvish, smug, possibly superior aliens.
Space Isolation Horror - Horror derived from the emptiness and loneliness of space.
Space Madness - Being in space makes you insane.
Space Marine - Troops in spaceships that are sort of like marines.
Space Mask - Face or head protection that's somehow a substitute for a full space suit.
Space Master - Characters who have the ability to control the fabric of space and spatial dimensions.
Space Pirates- Pirates in space.
Space Romans - An alien culture that resembles a historical Earth culture.
Space Whale - Creatures in space that resemble whales.
Transhumans in Space - Humans in space who have been augmented.
Wizards from Outer Space - Fantasy stuff happens in space.
Zero-G Spot - Sex in space.
Zodiac Motifs - Constellations that are used as a motif.
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