#Culinary Constellations
jadeannbyrne · 2 months
Jade Ann Byrne Presents: Neon Nights: The Taco Bell Cosmos
In the vast expanse of a future not wracked by dystopian cliches but painted with the neon glow of endless possibility, a figure stood beneath the celestial marquee of Taco Bell, a testament to the eternal human saga of late-night cravings. Jade Ann Byrne was her name, a contractor to this grand establishment, a caretaker to an army of automatons crafted in her own image. With a cascade of…
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echeveriia · 1 year
Patiently awaiting more of the collection. Especially the pear eater with the disappointed supervisor.
honestly seeing everybody else's stories in the comments/tags about fucked up meals and getting roasted by their friends always makes my day! for the sake of not annoying my followers to death i've only selected a couple of absolute favorites to add in a rb, but the notes are a gold mine fsjadk
this version has the most recent additions!
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phillygrub · 1 year
Philadelphia Museum of Art Next Chef in Residence Sam Chen
Philadelphia Museum of Art Next Chef in Residence Sam Chen of Bao & Bun Studio #AAPI #AAPIHeritageMonth
Constellation Culinary Group and the Philadelphia Museum of Art are celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month this month with their upcoming Chef in Residence featuring Chef Sam Chen of Bao & Bun Studio. From May 5th to May 7th, Chef Sam Chen will serve a unique and exciting menu exclusively at the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s café space. This collaboration promises to be a…
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donquixotehomura · 4 months
Valentine's Day with One Piece Boys
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W.C:3295    so uhhhhh my hand slipped oops... I took some assumptions here and I changed some things that are common about these characters in Fanfic writing, my brain couldn’t come up with a lot for Law I’m sorry about that, Crocodile and Doffy can be read as pre or post becoming Warlords, some might be OOC but IDK I wrote this in about a day lol (my eyes fingers and back hurt I need to correct my posture lol) sorry if I didn't write for your favorites, have fun and lemme know what you think I love feed back It took two and a half fucking hours to put the gifs in, cause the line thingy where you add stuff only showed at the very bottom so I had to keep editing and dragging shit around, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, also I had to look up all the gifs here even tho I have tons cause for some reason "something goofed" .... end my suffering also I wrote this on word and then brought it here so if formatting gets weird that's why, even tho I spent hours on making sure everything is good shout out to my inspo who also encouraged me to write it @cinnbar-bun
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Dracule Mihawk, Roronoa Zoro, Portgas D. Ace, Donquixote Doflamingo, Eustass "Captain" Kid, Charlotte Katakuri, Massacre Soldier Killer, Sir Crocodile, Trafalgar Law.
Dracule Mihawk:
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Mihawk and Y/N prefer intimate celebrations for Valentine's Day. They often opt for a quiet evening together at their secluded castle, away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. 
Despite their stoic exteriors, Mihawk and Y/N are surprisingly sentimental when it comes to expressing their feelings. They exchange handwritten letters on Valentine's Day, pouring their hearts out on paper in a way that words spoken aloud cannot convey. 
Instead of extravagant gestures, Mihawk and Y/N prefer to exchange gifts that hold sentimental value. Mihawk might gift Y/N a rare book on something she likes, while Y/N might give Mihawk a custom-made piece of simple jewelry like a small bracelet she personally crafted for him. 
On Valentine's Day, Mihawk surprises Y/N by offering to cook dinner together. Despite her lack of culinary skills, Y/N appreciates the bonding activity and enjoys spending quality time with him in the kitchen, even if it results in a few culinary mishaps. 
After dinner, Mihawk and Y/N venture out into the castle's courtyard to stargaze. They lie side by side on a blanket, Y/N pointing out constellations and sharing stories about their significance, reveling in the peaceful solitude of the night, Mihawk just listens to her with a small fond smile. 
Throughout the day, Mihawk and Y/N take time to reflect on their journey together, reminiscing about cherished memories and shared experiences that have strengthened their bond over the years. 
As a romantic gesture, Mihawk and Y/N share a midnight dance in the castle's grand ballroom. Lit only by candlelight, they move together in a graceful waltz, lost in the magic of the moment and the timeless beauty of their love.    Going To Sleep Cuddling: Mihawk and Y/N will go to sleep in the end of the day holding each other, Y/N would curl up into his arms, burying her face into his chest while he wraps his arms around her his hand going into her hair to play with the soft strands.  
As Valentine's Day draws to a close, Mihawk and Y/N exchange a few hushed words as they cuddle, reaffirming their commitment to each other and the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures together. 
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Roronoa Zoro:
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Despite his tough exterior, Zoro secretly spends weeks planning the perfect Valentine's Day surprise for Y/N. He meticulously selects a secluded spot on the island they're docked on, where they can enjoy each other's company away from the hustle and bustle of the crew. 
Y/N, appreciative of Zoro's efforts, prepares a special gift for him on Valentine's Day. Knowing his love for swords, she surprises him with a beautifully crafted sheath for one of his blades, personalized with intricate designs that reflect their shared journey together. 
Zoro and Y/N spend Valentine's Day evening taking a leisurely stroll along the shores of the island. With the sound of waves lapping against the shore and the moonlight casting a soft glow, they share quiet moments of intimacy, lost in each other's company. 
During their stroll, Zoro and Y/N encounter a group of wild creatures roaming the island. With their swords drawn, they effortlessly dispatch the beasts, their synchronized movements a testament to their unwavering bond as swordsmen and lovers. 
As the night progresses, Zoro and Y/N build a campfire on the beach, the crackling flames casting flickering shadows around them. They share stories of their past adventures and dreams for the future, their laughter mingling with the sound of the ocean. 
Under the starlit sky, Zoro finally opens up to Y/N, expressing his gratitude for her presence in his life. He admits that he's not good at expressing his feelings, but Y/N's unwavering support and love have changed him for the better. 
Moved by Zoro's vulnerability, Y/N wraps her arms around him, offering him comfort and reassurance. She assures him that their love is enough, and she wouldn't have their Valentine's Day any other way. 
As the night comes to an end, Zoro and Y/N make a promise to each other to continue facing life's challenges together, hand in hand. They vow to cherish every moment and celebrate their love not just on Valentine's Day, but every day. 
As they watch the sun rise on the horizon, Zoro leans in to press a gentle kiss to Y/N's lips, sealing their promise with a silent vow of devotion. In that moment, amidst the beauty of the dawn, they find solace in the certainty of their love for each other. 
As they return to the ship, hand in hand, Zoro and Y/N share a knowing smile, their hearts full of love and gratitude for each other. Though their Valentine's Day was unconventional and filled with unexpected adventures, it was a testament to the strength of their bond and the depth of their love. 
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Portgas D. Ace:
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Y/N wakes up early on Valentine's Day to prepare a special breakfast for Ace. She arranges heart-shaped pancakes and fruit on a tray, leaving a note with a playful message for him to wake up to.  Ace spends weeks leading up to Valentine's Day working on a handmade gift for Y/N. He creates a personalized necklace with a small pendant in the shape of a flame, symbolizing their fiery love and passion. 
Y/N organizes a scavenger hunt around the Moby Dick for Ace. Each clue leads him to a different part of the ship, where he discovers small gifts and love notes hidden by Y/N. 
Ace surprises Y/N with a romantic beach picnic at a secluded cove. They enjoy a delicious meal together as they watch the sunset, the sound of the waves providing a serene backdrop to their intimate celebration. 
As the night falls, Ace and Y/N gather with their friends for a bonfire on the beach. They roast marshmallows, share stories, and cuddle close under a blanket, basking in the warmth of their love and the crackling fire. 
Y/N sets up a telescope on the deck of the Moby Dick, and she and Ace spend the evening stargazing together. They point out constellations, make wishes on shooting stars, and share dreams for their future, Y/N certainly tries to find constellations that match Ace’s freckles.  Ace surprises Y/N with a makeshift dance floor on the deck of the ship. He puts on her favorite song, and they dance together under the moonlight, lost in each other's arms. 
Y/N leaves little love notes for Ace to find throughout the day. Each note expresses her affection and gratitude for having him in her life, reminding him of the depth of her love. 
Ace and Y/N spend the afternoon cooking a special Valentine's Day dinner together in the kitchen. They laugh, tease each other, and steal kisses amidst the preparation, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together. (Marco is on standby with a fire extinguisher) 
As the day comes to a close, Ace and Y/N exchange heartfelt declarations of love. They express their gratitude for each other, promising to cherish and support one another for all the days to come, both of them yelling it at the top of their lungs of the railing of the ship and the crew is so done with them lol 
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Donquixote Doflamingo:
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Doflamingo, despite his intimidating persona, secretly enjoys the sentimentality of Valentine's Day. He's known for surprising Y/N with extravagant gifts, ranging from rare treasures he's acquired during their travels to personalized items he's commissioned just for her. Y/N, in turn, cherishes each gift as a symbol of Doflamingo's affection, even if she's not one for material possessions.  On Valentine's Day, Doflamingo arranges a private, candlelit dinner on the deck of their ship or a secluded spot on the island they're currently exploring. He spares no expense in ensuring the evening is perfect, with gourmet cuisine prepared by their crew's skilled chefs. Y/N appreciates the effort he puts into creating these intimate moments and enjoys the opportunity to spend quality time together away from the chaos of pirate life. 
Instead of focusing solely on lavish gifts and grand gestures, Doflamingo and Y/N often reminisce about their shared adventures and memorable moments throughout the years. They spend Valentine's Day reflecting on the challenges they've overcome together, the laughter they've shared, the tears they’ve shed and the unbreakable bond that has formed between them. 
Despite their often intense and tumultuous journey as pirates, Doflamingo and Y/N also value quiet moments of affection. They may spend Valentine's Day simply enjoying each other's company, whether it's lounging on the deck, stargazing, or taking a leisurely stroll on the beach hand in hand. It's in these peaceful moments that they feel most connected. 
Doflamingo and Y/N have a deep understanding of each other, and Valentine's Day serves as a reminder of the unspoken bond they share. They may not always verbalize their feelings, but their actions speak volumes. Whether it's a knowing glance, a comforting touch, or a gentle smile exchanged between them, they both know that their love is unwavering.
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Eustass "Captain" Kid:
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Despite her tough exterior, Y/N secretly enjoys the romantic gestures she receives on Valentine's Day. Kid, though he may not admit it openly, takes great pleasure in surprising Y/N with small gifts and tokens of affection, leaving them anonymously for her to find.  Kid's idea of a Valentine's Day gift may not be traditional, but it's always heartfelt. He might present Y/N with a custom-made weapon, intricately designed and tailored to her unique fighting style, or a rare treasure he stumbled upon during their travels, symbolizing the adventures they've shared together. 
Y/N, with her artistic flair, expresses her love for Kid through her creations. She might spend weeks crafting a personalized piece of jewelry for him, incorporating elements of his Jolly Roger or symbols that hold significance to their relationship, showcasing her devotion in a tangible form. 
Amidst the chaos of their pirate life, Y/N and Kid cherish the quiet moments they steal away together on Valentine's Day. They might escape to a secluded spot-on deck, watching the stars and sharing stories, finding solace in each other's company amidst the vastness of the sea. 
For Y/N and Kid, Valentine's Day is not just about romantic gestures, but also about embarking on new adventures together. They might set sail to explore uncharted islands, face formidable foes, or discover hidden treasures, strengthening their bond through shared experiences and thrilling escapades. 
Despite their differences, Y/N and Kid's relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding. They may not always see eye to eye, but they know how to support and uplift each other, especially on Valentine's Day, when they take the time to appreciate the unique qualities that make their bond so special. 
Y/N and Kid's Valentine's Day celebrations may not be conventional, but they're uniquely theirs. They might indulge in a feast of their favorite foods, engage in friendly competitions and challenges, or simply enjoy each other's presence, knowing that their love transcends traditional expectations. 
As they spend Valentine's Day together, Y/N and Kid exchange promises for the future. They may vow to stand by each other through thick and thin, to continue exploring the world and facing its challenges together, and to cherish the love they share, knowing that their bond is unbreakable.
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Charlotte Katakuri:
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Despite their tough exteriors, Y/N and Katakuri secretly enjoy showering each other with romantic gestures on Valentine's Day. Y/N surprises Katakuri with handcrafted doughnuts with many flavours, each one meticulously made with love and care. In return, Katakuri presents Y/N with a beautifully crafted box of her favorite sweets, a testament to his thoughtfulness and affection. On Valentine's evening, Y/N and Katakuri escape the chaos of Totto Land for a private dinner date on a secluded beach. They indulge in a feast of their favorite dishes, sharing laughter and intimate conversation under the twinkling stars. As the night deepens, they dance together in the moonlight, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. 
In the days leading up to Valentine's Day, Y/N and Katakuri exchange heartfelt love letters, expressing their deepest emotions and gratitude for each other. Y/N's letters are filled with poetic prose and declarations of undying love, while Katakuri's letters are eloquent and sincere, revealing the depths of his affection for Y/N. 
As a special Valentine's Day surprise, Katakuri whisks Y/N away on a romantic getaway to a secluded island paradise. They spend their days exploring pristine beaches, indulging in couples' massages, and savoring gourmet meals prepared by a private chef. It's a blissful escape from their duties and responsibilities, allowing them to focus solely on each other. 
On Valentine's Day, Y/N and Katakuri reminisce about their favorite moments together, flipping through photo albums filled with snapshots of their adventures. They laugh at candid shots of themselves and smile fondly at pictures of special milestones they've shared. It's a heartwarming reminder of the bond they've built and the memories they've created together, a few of them are pictures taken by Y/N of Katakuri throughout the day, in some of them his scarf is hiding a smile or a blush a reason as to why she took the picture (yes she walks around with a Visual Den Den Mushi.. At least that’s what I think the picture taking ones are called)    Y/N has been joining Katakuri during his Meriendas for years now and same as rumors spread about him meditating and talking to gods of battle during them rumors spread about her as well (I read a fic about this before where Y/N was considered his oracle and it’s an amazing one I’m trying to find it again) what they don’t know is that these two are being very sappy idiots, cuddling sharing kisses and laughs and stealing each other's sweets, especially on this day, the others just think that they’re doing some sort of ritual about devotion to Gods of Battle only lol. 
As the night falls on Valentine's Day, Y/N and Katakuri retreat to a secluded hilltop, where they lay beneath a blanket of stars, hand in hand. They share stories of their hopes and dreams, tracing constellations with their fingers and basking in the quiet beauty of the   night sky. It's a moment of perfect serenity, a reminder of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead for their love.
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Massacre Soldier Killer:
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Despite their tough exteriors, Killer and Y/N secretly enjoy surprising each other with small romantic gestures on Valentine's Day. Y/N might leave a heartfelt note tucked into Killer's pocket, while Killer might craft a makeshift bouquet of flowers from materials he finds on their travels. Valentine's Day is a rare opportunity for Killer and Y/N to spend some quality time together away from the chaos of pirate life. They might steal away to a secluded spot on the ship or find a quiet beach where they can enjoy each other's company without interruptions. 
Killer and Y/N reminisce about their favorite moments together, cherishing the memories they've created during their time as partners in crime. They might exchange stories about their most memorable adventures or laugh about the mishaps they've encountered along the way. 
Despite their limited resources as pirates, Killer and Y/N find creative ways to exchange gifts on Valentine's Day. Y/N might fashion a piece of jewelry from shells she finds on the beach, while Killer might carve a wooden trinket with his expert craftsmanship. 
Killer surprises Y/N with a romantic candlelit dinner, showcasing his culinary skills with a delicious meal cooked from scratch. Y/N, in turn, appreciates the effort and thoughtfulness behind the gesture, and they enjoy a quiet evening together under the stars. While they may not always express their emotions openly, Killer and Y/N show their love and affection for each other in subtle ways. A gentle touch, a lingering glance, or a reassuring smile speaks volumes in the language of their relationship. 
Valentine's Day serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bond between Killer and Y/N. They reaffirm their commitment to each other, promising to stand by each other's side through thick and thin, no matter what challenges may come their way. 
As they bask in the warmth of each other's love on Valentine's Day, Killer and Y/N discuss their hopes and dreams for the future. They envision a life together filled with adventure, laughter, and unwavering support, knowing that as long as they have each other, anything is possible. 
Overall, Valentine's Day is a special occasion for Killer and Y/N to celebrate their love and appreciation for each other, strengthening the bond that binds them together as partners in both love and piracy.
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Sir Crocodile:
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Crocodile and Y/N aren't ones for grand gestures, so their Valentine's Day celebration tends to be understated. They prefer spending quality time together rather than getting caught up in the commercial aspects of the holiday.  Crocodile surprises Y/N by preparing a simple but delicious meal for them to share. Despite his gruff exterior, Crocodile has a surprisingly deft hand in the kitchen, and Y/N is touched by the effort he puts into making the evening special. 
Instead of extravagant gifts, Crocodile and Y/N exchange meaningful tokens of their affection. Y/N gives Crocodile a handmade leather-bound journal, knowing how much he values knowledge and planning. In return, Crocodile presents Y/N with a rare seashell he found during one of their adventures, a symbol of their shared experiences. 
After dinner, Crocodile and Y/N enjoy a quiet evening together, lounging on the deck of their ship and gazing up at the stars. They talk about their hopes and dreams for the future, reveling in the simplicity of each other's company. 
Despite their tough exteriors, Crocodile and Y/N share a passion for Planning and Conquest. They spend the evening poring over maps and planning their next expedition, excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.  While they may not be overly demonstrative, Crocodile and Y/N show their love for each other in small, subtle ways. A gentle touch, a knowing glance, or a shared smile speaks volumes about the depth of their bond.   As the night draws to a close, Crocodile and Y/N express their gratitude for each other, acknowledging the strength and support they provide in each other's lives. They may not say "I love you" in so many words, but their actions speak louder than any declaration of affection ever could.
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Trafalgar Law:
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Y/N is bubbling with excitement as Valentine's Day approaches, eager to celebrate the occasion with Law despite his usual reservations about the holiday. She takes the lead in planning the day, organizing a romantic dinner aboard the Polar Tang complete with candles, rose petals, and Law's favorite dishes. Law, although initially hesitant about the festivities, appreciates Y/N's enthusiasm and decides to go along with her plans, wanting to make her happy. He surprises Y/N with small but meaningful gifts throughout the day, such as a locket containing a picture of the two of them together or a handwritten note expressing his love and gratitude. Y/N showers Law with affection, peppering him with kisses and hugs as they spend quality time together, enjoying each other's company in the privacy of their quarters. They share stories and reminisce about their favorite memories together, laughing and smiling as they bask in the warmth of their love. Law surprises Y/N with a heartfelt gesture, such as letting her cuddle with him instead of working or giving her a massage to help her relax and unwind. They exchange promises of love and commitment, reaffirming their bond and promising to stand by each other through thick and thin. As the day comes to a close, Law and Y/N cuddle up together under a blanket, content in each other's arms and grateful for the love they share. 
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boopshoops · 2 months
Joel Bullion - Makings of Greatness
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Name: Joel Bullion
Nicknames: Buzzbait, Thistle
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/they
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Birthday: November 30 (Sagittarius)
Age: 39 (In canon and AU)
Height: 6'2 or 188cm
Voice Claim(s): Jellzybelle
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Twisted from: John Silver from Treasure Planet.
Unique Magic: "Rattle the Stars" Summons exactly that in the palm of Joel's robotic hand: a star. However, this is not just any star, this star's life flashes before your eyes, resulting in a controlled supernova. It creates a burning hot flash bang, with tremors forming cracks in the ground depending on the magnitude of the star itself. The explosion knocks enemies away from Joel. The size of the star dictates how much magic they will use, as well as how much blot he will accumulate. He is unsure what the maximum size of a star he can create is, but he does know that he has gotten dangerously close to overblotting while trying. In his current state, the blast is not deadly and primarily works to stun opponents or, at most, render them unconscious.
Grade: Teaches Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors
Class: Teaches Culinary Crucible, Astrology, and Tech. Occasionally aids with Physical Education.
Hobbies: Treasure hunting, finding constellations, hiking, traveling, spelunking, deadlifting, cooking.
Likes: Pernil, old school tech, adventure novels, hard cash, or anything he can sell for gold really, pranking Ezra and Crowley, telescopes, planetary science, zodiac signs.
Dislikes: Grading (this man should not be a teacher), any dish with fish in it, sticklers, staying still, overt formality, the cold, humorless individuals.
Fears: Immobility, optometric illnesses, not amounting to anything, not living his life to the fullest, birds.
Summary: "Why does he even teach?" is a question that crosses the mind of almost every NRC student in one of Joel's classes. He's shameless, sarcastic, and finds entertainment in messing with students and staff alike. Teaching is only a side job for him, his real passions lie elsewhere. Nonetheless, he is highly skilled in a variety of subjects, making him indispensable.
He abuses that privilege, of course, taking the time to have as much fun as he can in what he calls a boring dump of a school and make sure everyone around him suffers for it. Though this usually just amounts to light teasing and pranks. They do not behave like an educator or mentor. He does not typically enjoy interacting with most of his students in a serious manner, and the ones they do enjoy talking with are treated more like casual, distant friends.
With the responsibility of teaching so many subjects heavy on their shoulders, he does make plenty of time to shrug it off to work on his true dream: getting as rich as possible. Now, now, there are plenty of figures at NRC who want that, yeah? But Joel wants the lottery. He wants to struggle, look high and low, and come out above everyone with something ancient, shiny, and, hopefully, covered in expensive jewels. Over everything and everyone, they enjoy the hunt of it. To the point where he values it above people and relationships. Hell, they'd fly to the moon to get it if they had to.
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Outfit Inspiration
Author's Notes: JOEL. Ahhh Joel. I'll admit, this was harder to write compared to the others! Everyone else's development, personality, struggles, etc. came very naturally to me, while, with joel, I really had to sit and brainstorm for awhile. Though, I can now say that he has grown on me a lot, and I plan on giving him more of a role in TCOAV like Ezra! I have lots of plans for him! Old ass man <33 (affectionate, /j) this will probably be the last new TCOAV oc for a while! But just know, there will be more >:)
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@lowcallyfruity @kitwasnothere @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @justm3di0cr3
@skriblee-ksk @cecilebutcher
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brewed-pangolin · 6 months
Tailgate Movie Night
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Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem Reader
Synopsis: You and Soap take advantage of a warm summer's night to hit the drive-in. Yet halfway through the film, your attention gets pulled to a more tranquil scene before you.
Warnings: None. Fluffs galore.
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You couldn’t have asked for a better night if you begged for it. The warm summer air cooled with a gentle breeze that came in the moment the sun descended below the distant horizon. A crystal clear night. The dark, black expanse of the sky blanketed in countless stars, so many you were unable to discern the distinct formation of your favorite constellations within them.
And popcorn. So. much. Popcorn.
As you made your way through the vast jungle of parked cars, you let your mind wander and take in the sights and sounds around you.
The endless parade of movie goers lining up at the concession stand.
A series of high-pitched screams of children scurrying around the grass laden parking lot.
And the delicious aroma of salted butter filling your sinuses as you made your way back to your parking spot. Needing both hands to cradle the massive paper bag of popcorn your lover always insisted on during movie nights.
And you obliged, as always. Movie theater popcorn was, after all, his guilty pleasure. And you were certainly not going to deny Soap MacTavish of his most prized culinary obsession.
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As you continued to meander through the last line of parked cars, your eyes finally caught sight of Soap’s other most prized obsession; his 4Runner.
Your lips involuntarily curled into a smile as you watched him make the last-minute touches to the back of the compartment. Transforming a typical cargo hold into a full-blown comforting sanctuary.
Built in air mattress. Pillows set up against the backseat and sides of the trunk. And a plethora of blankest set out at your disposal. In other words, perfect.
“Lookin’ good, Johnny,” you called out with a grin permanently etched onto your lips.
“Aye. Jus’ need one more thing,” Soap replied, reaching over the backseat to grab the cooler and a six pack of Irn Bru.
“You splurgin’ tonight. Aren’t ya, love?”
“I earned it, lass. Got the botched crest to prove it,” he answered with a head tilt and a smirk.
The chunk of hair missing from his distinctive mohawk more visible in the dim light and the peach fuzz of new hair growth just beginning to cover the scar left by the grazed bullet.
“It’s an interesting look, Soap. Got a bit of a, I don’t know, Stegosaurus vibe to it.”
“Shut it, lass.”
“Why don’t you just shave it?”
Soap fell silent. Immediately shooting you a playfully repulsed glare and grabbing at the immense bag of popcorn from your hands.
“Away n’ biel yer heid.”
“Yeah. Fuck you too, babe.” You smiled brightly back at him, climbing into the back to take your place snuggled up next to him.
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Not even thirty minutes into the movie, you reached over into the giant bag of popcorn nestled between you and found it to be nearly completely empty. Cupping a few straggling upopped kernels into your hand, you glanced over and took in the blissful sight before you.
Soap MacTavish. Your Johnny. Fast asleep against the pillow next to you.
In normal circumstances, you would jab into his side and rile him up to keep him awake. But now, with how peaceful he looked, you wouldn’t dare stir him from his whimsical slumber.
Instead, you turned your attention from the film on the oversized outdoor screen to the tranquil scene of calmness beside you. Lightly tracing your fingers along the top of his scalp as you laid on your side, ever so slowly running your fingers through the remnants of his mohawk as he breathed steadily within the grip of deep sleep.
Soap always had trouble sleeping at night. Whether it be from the nightmarish memories of his previous deployments, or new found fears he had only just begun to conjure up within his mind, sleep always seemed to perpetually dance around taunt him, no matter how hard he tried to give in.
But here, in the back of his 4Runner and amongst a crowd of movie goers and intricate white noise, he could find peace. And you’d be damned if you did anything to take that away from him.
You felt a slight tinge of embarrassment at how easily you fell in love with watching him sleep. And guilty, a sense that somehow you were almost stealing these precious moments of rest from him. Taking advantage of his unconscious vulnerability for your own selfish need to witness and cache these serene moments for yourself.
And you did.
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As the dim light of the drive-in danced across his dreamlike expression, you shifted all focus and attention from the film to bask in the tranquility that was him.
Laying your head on his chest to lose yourself in the rhythmic cadence of his heart. A gentle smile curling into your lips as you felt the groggy movement of his arm behind you, pulling you in closer with a sleepy groan.
The world slowly began to melt away as you both enjoyed the closeness of one another. Low, rumbling vibrations of the films soundtrack rolling through the hull of the vehicle, eliciting a muffled giggle as your mind recalled a more robust vibration Soap preferred in the back of his 4Runner.
"What's s'funny, hen?" Soap managed through a drowsy whisper. Tilting his chin down to tenderly kiss the top of your forehead.
"Nothin'. Just enjoying the moment, love."
"Mhmm. Yer a terrible liar, lass."
Your smile widened, looking up to meet the cerulean fire of his eyes draped behind heavy lids. His signature mischievous grin telling all you needed to know about his full intentions for the night.
And you were more than happy to put on a show for him. Appreciating his decision to park in the back as you both created your own soundtrack for the night.
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @jynxmirage @homicidal-slvt @glitterypirateduck @mykneeshurt @astraluminaaa @shotmrmiller @writeforfandoms @obligatoryghoststare @haurasha @havoc973 @macravishedbymactavish @ang3lc @luismickydees
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ricciardosheart · 7 months
Starry Serenade on the Riviera
pairings: Charles Leclerc X female (gf! reader)
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The French Riviera basked in the golden glow of the afternoon sun, casting its warm embrace over the luxurious city of Monaco. Yachts gently swayed in the harbor, their sleek forms mirroring the indulgent lifestyle that defined this opulent corner of the world. In a stylish apartment overlooking the azure waters, (Y/N) awaited the return of her boyfriend, Charles Leclerc, the acclaimed Formula 1 driver.
As the door swung open, revealing Charles with a mischievous smile, (Y/N)'s face lit up with surprise. She hadn't expected him so soon. Charles approached with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, the scent of lilies filling the air as he handed them to her.
"Surprise, mon amour," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. "How about a spontaneous adventure this afternoon?"
Intrigued, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. "An adventure? I'm in. What do you have in mind?"
Charles winked playfully. "It's a secret. Just trust me."
They ventured down to the harbor, where a sleek yacht named "La Belle Vie" awaited them. Charles had arranged a private cruise along the French Riviera—an intimate escape from the bustling world of Formula 1 and a celebration of their love.
As the yacht set sail, the gentle hum of the engine accompanied the laughter and chatter of the couple. They sat on the deck, sipping champagne and enjoying the panoramic views of the coastline. The Mediterranean breeze carried the promise of an unforgettable day.
"I thought we could have our favorite meal together," Charles revealed, unveiling a picnic basket filled with delicacies. The aroma of truffle-infused dishes mingled with the salted sea air, creating a sensory symphony.
(Y/N) couldn't hide her delight. "You think of everything, Charles."
He grinned. "Only the best for you."
Their lunch turned into a culinary journey, with each bite a testament to the pleasures of indulgence. They laughed, shared stories, and savored the flavors of their favorite dishes, creating memories against the backdrop of the azure sea.
As the yacht cruised along the coastline, Charles suggested watching a movie under the open sky. A cozy setup awaited them on the deck, complete with blankets and a projector. They nestled together, the gentle rocking of the yacht adding to the cinematic experience.
The movie played, but their attention often wandered to the stars above. Charles pointed out constellations, weaving tales of the cosmos. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the magic of the moment, wrapped in each other's company.
As the afternoon sun began its descent, casting a warm hue over the sea, Charles spread a blanket on the deck. They lay down, hand in hand, gazing at the sky as if trying to capture the essence of the French Riviera in their hearts.
"I wanted today to be about us, away from the pressures of the racing world," Charles confessed. "You're my anchor, (Y/N), and moments like these make everything worthwhile."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes reflecting the love she felt. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, Charles. This is perfect."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in a riot of colors, Charles and (Y/N) remained on the deck, the French Riviera embracing them in its timeless allure. The yacht continued its journey, carrying the couple through the twilight of the Mediterranean.
In the quiet of the evening, with the city lights of Monaco twinkling in the distance, Charles whispered promises of more adventures and shared dreams. (Y/N) nestled closer, feeling the heartbeat of their love resonating with the gentle rhythm of the sea.
The yacht sailed on, leaving behind a trail of shimmering reflections on the water—a testament to a love that found solace in the beauty of the French Riviera. Charles and (Y/N), wrapped in the serenity of the moment, sailed into the night, knowing that some memories are destined to linger like the stars in the Mediterranean sky.
As the night deepened, Charles and (Y/N) found themselves in the heart of the Mediterranean, far from the city lights. The yacht glided through the calm waters, the only sound being the gentle lapping of the waves against its hull. Above them, a canvas of stars stretched endlessly, creating a celestial spectacle that mirrored the depth of their connection.
Wrapped in a blanket on the deck, Charles and (Y/N) traced constellations with their fingers, lost in the vastness of the night sky. The quietude of the moment allowed the whispers of their hearts to become the only conversation that mattered.
"I never imagined Monaco could be so peaceful," (Y/N) mused, her eyes fixed on the stars. "It's a different world out here."
Charles nodded, his gaze reflecting the shimmering reflections of the stars. "Monaco is known for its glamour and excitement, but there's a serene beauty to it when you escape to the sea. Just like our love—thriving in the quiet moments."
They lay in silence, the yacht gently rocking them in a cradle of tranquility. The hum of the engine became a lullaby, and, in that cocoon of peace, they felt like the only two souls in the universe.
As the night progressed, Charles guided (Y/N) to the yacht's prow, where the vast expanse of the Mediterranean stretched before them. The moon, a radiant pearl in the velvet sky, cast a silver trail across the water, inviting them into its nocturnal dance.
"Shall we dance?" Charles extended his hand, a playful glint in his eyes.
(Y/N) laughed, taking his hand. "Why not? A moonlit dance under the stars—it sounds like a dream."
The yacht became their ballroom, and the soft music playing in the background set the rhythm for their dance. In the embrace of the night, with the stars as their witnesses, Charles and (Y/N) swayed to a melody that only they could hear.
Time lost its relevance as they danced under the cosmic chandelier, wrapped in the enchantment of the moment. Charles held (Y/N) close, their hearts beating in synchrony with the gentle ebb and flow of the sea.
As the dance came to an end, Charles whispered, "You're my favorite melody, (Y/N)."
They returned to their blanket, savoring the intimacy of the night. Charles reached into a small cooler and produced a box of chocolates—each piece a miniature work of art. Together, they indulged in the sweet symphony of flavors, savoring the richness of both the chocolates and the moment they shared.
With the yacht gently sailing back towards Monaco, Charles and (Y/N) found themselves on the deck once more. The city lights came into view, transforming the horizon into a glittering panorama. The French Riviera, with its blend of glamour and serenity, became the backdrop to a love story that unfolded like a cherished novel.
As the yacht docked, Charles and (Y/N) stepped onto the harbor, hand in hand. The night had woven a tapestry of memories that would forever be etched in their hearts. The adventure, initiated by a surprise visit, had transformed into a journey of love, intimacy, and shared dreams.
They walked along the moonlit promenade, the echoes of their laughter harmonizing with the gentle lull of the Mediterranean. Monaco, with its grandeur and sophistication, embraced them as they strolled through its enchanting streets.
On a secluded terrace overlooking the city, Charles and (Y/N) found a quiet corner to sit. The night unfolded before them—a canvas painted with the hues of their emotions. They spoke of dreams, of the future, and of the enduring love that had guided them through the labyrinth of life.
The city below seemed to hush in reverence as Charles took (Y/N)'s hand and looked into her eyes. "This night was about us, about the simplicity of love and the magic that happens when two hearts are in sync. Thank you for being my partner in this beautiful dance."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Thank you for a night that feels like a fairytale, Charles. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."
As dawn approached, casting a gentle glow over the horizon, Charles and (Y/N) lingered on the terrace, watching the first light of morning paint the sky. The French Riviera, with its timeless allure, had witnessed a love story unfold—a story that began with a surprise visit and evolved into a symphony of shared moments, laughter, and the quiet magic of the night.
Monaco, with its yachts and city lights, stood as a testament to the grandeur of their love—a love that found beauty in simplicity, thrived in moments of serenity and danced under the stars of the French Riviera. As the sun rose over the Mediterranean, Charles and (Y/N) embraced the dawn of a new day, knowing that their love story would continue to unfold in the enchanting world they had created together.
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iloveboysinred · 2 months
Constellations [Keith Kogane]
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Mdnii 18+ content | Keith Kogane x Fem! reader
synopsis: It's been 2 years after the war in space, you and the other paladins have returned home to resume your life on Earth. You and Keith return to his father's home, where you share a heart to heart.
cw; fem! reader, sexually explicit content, oral (fem! receiving), fluffy smut, smut with feelings, p in v sex, slow sex, Keith being a sap, kinda angsty but has a happy ending, long asf and written by an amateur smut writer >;
requested by @iamasimpfor2dcharachers thanks for your request, I hope this is to your liking! 💕
It's been two years since the war that changed your life. Allura had given her life for the sake of the universe, and the lions have returned into hiding, lying in wait for the next generation of paladins to find them. Everyone on the team had gone their separate ways. Shiro was now married, retired and enjoying his newly acquired domestic life. Hunk had opened his own culinary establishment, bringing new and exciting food combinations to life. Lance, now an Altean, had chosen to stay, spreading the story of Allura's legacy and living as a humble farmer. Pidge had reunited with her family at last, now working as an engineer, building robots with her brother Matt. As for you and Keith, who was now your fiancé, you frequently visited planet Daibizaal. Having united the Galra empire, leading them to enter an era of peace and re-building the once destroyed planet with the support of Krolia and Ulaz. Most of the time though, you and Keith spent your days at his desert home. Enjoying every bit of each other's company, the quiet mornings when you and Keith slept in, huddled up in each other's arms, to the cool nights when you would climb up to the roof, holding each other close and gazing into the endless stretch of constellations and stars.
The calm and quiet of your life had been a stark contrast to the chaotic, never ending stress of being in space. Here it was just you and Keith, no constant danger lurking over your heads, and no back and fourth between galaxies. Sometimes you missed the thrill of being Keith's co-pilot, zooming through the galaxy together, fighting fighter jets and visiting new planets, experiencing the cultures and civilizations so unlike your own. You could tell Keith missed it too. It was obvious, his unbridled excitement every time you went on another diplomatic expedition to Daibizaal, his eyes lighting up like a child in a candy store every time you stepped into the cockpit of a space vessel, the controls almost like an extension of himself.
Piloting came natural to him, it always has, so you couldn't fault him for craving the high speeds you would reach flying in the red lion, soaring through galaxies without limitations. Sometimes, when you would sit up on the roof, he would gaze longingly into the stars, getting into his head, reminiscing about his time as a paladin. There were times where you felt self-conscious, feeling as though the simple, little life you had begun to build here with him wasn't enough to satisfy him. You'd spend many nights awake beside Keith's sleeping form, wondering if one day he would grow tired of the quiet mornings and cool nights. Wondering if he would grow tired of you.
Tonight was one of those nights. Keith laid sleeping besides you, snoring loudly with his arm awkwardly outstretched and lain across your shoulders. You laid rigid, staring at the starry sky through the window in your shared bedroom. The thoughts coursing through your mind paired with Keith's snores were starting to become suffocating. Slowly, as to not wake him, you eased Keith's arm from it's place on your shoulders, your feet swinging off the edge of the bed and onto the old, creaky wooden floors. You crept out of the room and into the living room, opening the front door and shutting it with care, trying to avoid making as much noise as possible. You crept up the latter laid beside the side of the house, hauling yourself up onto the roof with ease as you were now used to this ritual. You sat down in your usual spot, bringing your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around yourself. The stars seemed to be taunting you, twinkling brightly against the stretch of deep purple, as if mocking your misery, shining proudly in contrast to your dull, troubled mind. You sighed, rubbing your eyes as they began to tear. "I can't keep you here forever..." you muttered to yourself, sniffling as you stared up at the sky. "I just wish our life here was enough." you closed your eyes as the chilly wind blew against your bare shoulders, curling deeper into yourself as you let the tears fall. You quietly wept, your mind circulating the same thoughts over and over.
The cold air was starting to bite at you, the flimsy fabric of your pajama top and sleep shorts doing little to shield you from the cruel wind. Deciding its best for you to just go back inside before your fiancé woke up and came looking for you, you wiped your nose and eyes, slowly heading down the latter and into the house. You tried to keep your footsteps light as you walked back into the room, carefully slipping back into the bed, shivering as your spot had grown cold in your absence. Just when you began to settle down into sleep, you felt the bed shift, Keith's warm body pressing up against you. You felt his hand reach around your waist, grasping your hand in his. "where were you, baby?" he muttered, resting his head on your shoulder. His sleep laden voice stirring up butterflies in your stomach. "I was on the roof" you muttered quietly, looking into empty dark space, trying to will your thoughts away from resurfacing. "I figured" he sighed, kissing the side of your head before turning you towards him, his eyes had a faint yellow glow in the darkness of the night, and you averted his gaze, knowing he could see you clear as day. "You've been crying.." he observed. His voice was gentle and inviting, and you squeezed your eyes shut, forcing the tears welling up in your eyes to subside. But Keith had already caught you.
"It's nothing" you muttered, trying to blink away your blurring vision. "If it was nothing you would talk to me about it." he quipped, sitting up to properly give you his attention. "Just go back to sleep, Keith. I told you it's nothing." you sighed, turning back to your side, your back to him. "Look y/n, I already know something's wrong, so just tell me already... you know I'm here for you. just tell me what's bothering you!" you could tell he was getting frustrated, and it wasn't making you feel any better. Emotion swelled in your chest, choking you as you let out a shuddering sigh, tears blurring your vision as they began to fall. Keith's eyes softened again, scooting closer to you and rubbing his hand reassuringly on your side. "I'm sorry for getting frustrated" he muttered, gazing down at you, the warmth in his voice comforting. He turned you to face him once more, the moonlight from the window illuminating his features. "I hate to see you so upset, please just tell me how I can fix it." "Y-you can't" you whispered, looking up at him with teary eyes, causing Keith's heart to shatter. "What do you mean, hun?" he was so sincere, your chest tightening at the endearment. "I-I'm not enough for you, Keith. I know you miss being in space, and I can't give you the life that you want. Not here.." you whispered. "Y/n, what are you talking about? where did you get this from?" "Keith, be honest with me. I see how you look at the sky, and I know how much you loved piloting the red lion. I can't hold you back from what you truly want." you hiccuped.
Keith stayed quiet for a moment, disbelief evident in his eyes. But you couldn't look at him, your eyes desperately avoiding his. "Y/n.. you are what I truly want. Yeah, I miss piloting but I love the life we have here." his fingers held your chin forcing you to meet his gaze. "When I asked you to marry me I chose the life I wanted. I chose you. I wouldn't trade you and the life we have for anything. You know that." he wiped your tears away, pressing a kiss to your nose. "Besides, I still get to pilot, we go to Daibizaal twice a month. that's more than enough, and it's even better because you're with me, as my co-pilot and as my fiancé." He looked directly into your eyes, the purple you loved oh so much reflecting beautifully in the moonlight. " I love you, and nothing can keep me from you. Please tell me you understand that, y/n." "I understand.." you whispered, your cheeks warmed as he smiled at you, his hand moving from your chin towards your cheek. He pressed his lips to yours, kissing you softly. You pressed your lips back against his shakily, and he wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you in an embrace. You breathed in his scent when he pulled away from you, him familiar smell comforting you.
You pulled him back against you with need, kissing him desperately, all the turmoil you had been locking up inside easing out of your muscles, your body relaxing when you felt his secure grip on your hips. Your tongues moved against each other, the kiss slowly getting more heated. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his body down to the bed and on top of you, your legs wrapping around his waist to hold him steady. Keith groaned against your lips when you tangled your hands in his hair, rubbing the nape of his neck and rummaging your fingers through his dark locks. He pulled away from you, labored breaths matching yours. "Fuck..." he whispered, looking down at you. Your hair was disheveled and sprawled out on the pillow behind you, one of the straps of your sleep shirt hanging off your shoulder, exposing some of the skin leading down to your cleavage. The moonlight illuminated your face, your lips swollen from the heated make out session you just had, and your lashes still wet. You looked absolutely breathtaking, and it drove Keith half crazy. Leaning down to brush his lips against the skin of your throat, you shuddered as he began to press gentle kisses down your skin, your neck tickled as his hair brushed against you, creeping lower and lower until he reached your chest. You held your breath when he slowly brushed the straps of your night shirt off, leaving you topless as he slipped it up and over your head. The cool air in the room hardened your nipples, Keith took a moment to drink in the sight of you, bare and open just for his eyes to see. He leaned down once more, latching his lips to your nipple, flicking his tongue against the bud, making you grip his shoulders, the sensation causing your body to tingle, he kneaded your other breast with his hand, squeezing the mound softly, tracing over your nipple with his thumb. All you could do was close your eyes, head lulling back in bliss at the gentle pleasure. You felt your clit start to pulse, arousal building up in your core. It was clear Keith intended to take his time with you tonight, releasing your nipple to then treat the other one, pressing a kiss to your sternum when he'd had enough.
He trailed kisses down your body, past your rib cage and down to your navel, you shivered in anticipation when he reached the band of your sleep shorts, pressing one last kiss to your stomach before tugging them down, your cotton panties going down with them. "K-keith" you whined as he pressed a wet kiss to the skin of your mound, his hands coming up to press against your inner thigh, pushing your legs apart, giving him full access to you. he hummed, locking eyes with you as he spread your lips apart, your wet folds and clit exposed to him. He licked a stripe up your folds, flicking his tongue over your clit before dipping in again, sucking on your sensitive nub, using his tongue to flick and draw circles on your clit, sending euphoric shockwaves through your body. Your hands found his hair again, gripping the soft strands, eliciting a muffled moan from Keith, who continued to sloppily eat you out, you moaned as his tongue explored your pussy, tracing shapes up and down your folds, circling over your clit before dipping down into you. Your legs shook as you came, Keith licking up every drop of your essence he could, moaning against you as your fingers tugged on his hair. It was almost incomprehensible how your core tightened with each swipe of his tongue as he coaxed you through your orgasm. Your hips rolled into his face, riding out the waves of pleasure that continuously crashed over you. He pulled himself off of you, sitting up to pull his plain black t-shirt over his head. You admired his body, lean, muscular and littered with scars from his encounter's in the battlefield. Training had been kind to him, and you relished in the sight of his bare chest, eyes raking over every muscle on his front.
Your gaze followed his every move as he pulled down his sweats, his dick hard and slipping out of the fabric, standing in all its glory against his lower stomach. Soon, he was back over top of you, pressing his lips hard against yours, hungrily stealing your breath from your lungs. He pulled away to adjust himself, resting himself on his arm as his other reached down to align himself with your entrance. He looked into your eyes as he entered you, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth falling open as your walls wrapped around him. "Oh fuck... you're gonna kill me, baby" he grunted, pushing his entire length into you as he bottomed out. You moaned at the familiar stretch, situating your legs around his waist. He leaned down to press a kiss against your forehead, his hair brushing against you as he gave you a few minutes to adjust. When he felt your warm hand rub over his shoulder, he began to move. His hips rocked into yours at a slow, but steady pace. Giving you deep strokes as he pressed his body against yours. "S'good baby.. fuck." he mumbled, lips searching for yours, pressing a warm kiss to your lips as he moved his hips, basking in the pleasure. You raked your nails down his back, causing him to shudder and pull away, looking into your eyes as he increased his pace, the bed creaking as it moved with the rhythm of your bodies. "You look so beautiful under me like this... how could I ever live without you" he muttered, dropping his head in the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking on any stretch of skin he could find. You felt your heart swell with love. Keith loved you, and it was foolish of you to think otherwise.
Your mind blanked as you felt his fingers find your clit, rubbing slow circles into you in time with his thrusts. You threw your head back, whining his name as pleasure surged through your body. "That's it baby, let it go" he grunted, right by your ear. You could feel his body tensing as his climax crept up on him. The stimulation of your clit and his thrusts inside you was too much and your body jolted as you came, choked moans falling from your lips as he kept his pace, fucking you through your orgasm, chasing his. He leaned up to capture your lips once more, his hips rolling into you one final time, his orgasm crashing over him. He moaned into your lips, low and drawn out, his hips stuttering as he pulled out of you. After a few moments Keith reached over to turn on the lamp, reaching for a pack of wet wipes on the night stand and carefully cleaning you both up, before switching it back off and flopping next to you. He pulled you against his body, the cold air in the room un-noticeable as the warmth of your fiancé surrounded you. Keith pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade, laying his head down on your chest. "I love you"he whispered, looking up at you, and you smiled warmly, kissing his face. "I love you too" Keith grabbed your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. "I'll always choose you, y/n, and I hope you know that." you hummed, threading your fingers through his hair. "I know, Keith. I don't know why I ever thought otherwise" Keith snorted, closing his eyes and relaxing, his weight against you warm and familiar. You both dozed off in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth of your love.
Notes and reblogs are appreciated, asks, submissions and requests are welcomed 💕 :> thank you for reading!
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sundeathh · 9 months
What about an imagine or hc about aizawa 'n s/o sharing their interests like what they like to do in their free time, books they loved to read etc something fluffy c: thx
I might have gone way beyond your request. But, hey, this is also self-indulgent! Anyway, I loved your request. I hope it fulfills what you had in mind. Sorry for the long delay, but it is done now.
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Head-canon  |  Masterlist 
Pairing: Aizawa × GN!reader | Words: 993
Fandom: BNHA | MHA  | Tags: Cute & fluffy
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In your rare moments of free time, Aizawa and his significant other would find solace in the simple pleasures of life, embracing their shared interests and creating a warm, loving heaven together.
As you are both avid bookworms, you would often cuddle up on the couch, each engrossed in your own novel. The room filled with the soft rustling of pages here and there, and every so often, you'd exchange a knowing glance, silently sharing the joy of a good story.
Cooking was another shared passion of yours. You would tackle intricate recipes, laughing at your culinary mishaps and celebrating your triumphs with soft cheers and known, loving glances.
Aizawa, surprisingly adept at chopping vegetables, would take charge of the savory dishes, while you would knack for baking meant a never-ending supply of delicious desserts.
Even mundane tasks like doing the laundry or cleaning the apartment became enjoyable when you did them together. You'd playfully argue about the most efficient way to fold laundry or who could scrub the dishes cleanest, all the while secretly reveling in the shared domesticity of it all.
Yet, beyond books and cooking, you found common ground in your love for stargazing. On clear nights, you'd lay a blanket on a rooftop, snuggling close under a blanket while tracing constellations and making up your own stories about the stars.
You also cherished the differences in your hobbies. While Aizawa might spend hours lost in a new mystery novel, you might be immersed in painting or sketching. you'd sit together, companionable in your silence, each respecting the other's passion.
Friday nights were designated movie nights. You'd take turns picking films and introducing each other to your favorite genres. Aizawa's penchant for action movies clashed amusingly with your love for romantic comedies, resulting in an eclectic movie list.
Sometimes, your most cherished moments were the ones where you merely sat in comfortable silence, the only sound the soft hum of your shared existence. You didn't need words to express your love; the presence alone was enough.
And as night would fall and the world would get quieter, you'd have heartfelt conversations about life, dreams, fears, and everything in between. Aizawa, usually a man of few words, found himself opening up more than he ever thought possible. And so did you.
You frequently surprised each other with little gestures of love. Aizawa might leave a cup of your favorite tea by your bedside when you had a rough day, while you would sneak love notes into Aizawa's attire pockets before he headed off to work.
You also respected each other's need for alone time. Aizawa might find solace in a quiet corner, lost in thought or grading papers, while you would pursue your artistic hobbies, creating your tranquil oasis.
On free weekends, sometimes you'd embark on nature walks, exploring the serene beauty of parks and local forests. Aizawa's observant nature meant he'd point out unusual flora and fauna while you captured the scenery through your camera lens.
You also compiled playlists of your favorite songs, making a blend of your music tastes. Whether it was Aizawa's preference for classic rock or your love for indie bands, your shared playlists were the soundtrack of your lives together.
Sometimes, you would also work out together. Staying healthy was an important goal for both of you. You'd engage in light workouts together, cheering each other on during yoga sessions or jogging through the neighborhood. Your laughter would echo through the air as you challenged each other to push harder, engaging in playful competition.
While you were both competitive, you always stuck to the playful part of it. You would indulge in board games on cozy evenings. Aizawa's strategic mind shone during chess matches while you reveled in the unpredictability of card games, creating delightful tension between you two.
Tending to the small garden you both had on the balcony became a joint project. Aizawa had a surprising green thumb, nurturing the plants with care while you added artistic touches with colorful flowers, painted vases, and other whimsical decorations.
Arts and crafts will always bring out your creative sides to life. You'd spend free afternoons painting, crafting, or even knitting, creating personalized gifts for each other or their friends, each piece a symbol of your shared love and content.
Occasionally, you'd embark on more spontaneous outdoor adventures. From impromptu picnics in the park to exploring nearby hiking trails, you savored the thrill of discovering new places hand in hand.
Late at night, you'd lie in bed, discussing your dreams and aspirations. Aizawa would share his goals with his students while you would talk about your artistic and work ambitions. In those quiet moments, you found inspiration in each other.
Random acts of kindness were a must between you two. From volunteering at local animal shelters to leaving surprise treats for your closest friends. Your shared altruism strengthened your bond even further and reminded you of the beauty in giving.
Sometimes, during quiet nights, you'd turn on some slow music and dance around your living room, shedding your accumulated stress and relying on each other's arms.
You often talked about your dream destinations and future travels. Aizawa, who had seen little of the world, would always listen with wonder to your travel stories, your shared excitement fueling your wanderlust.
Together, you planned your future, imagining a life filled with love, growth, and shared adventures. Your dreams intertwined, painting future moments where you continued to cherish each other, hand in hand.
In the tapestry of your shared lives, every moment was a thread that added depth and color to your relationship. You and Aizawa frequently cherished the uniqueness of your bond, celebrating your shared interests and the beautiful harmony you found in their differences.
Your love was a testament to the beauty of a life filled with shared moments and unwavering support, knowing that love wasn't just about grand gestures but the beauty of ordinary moments together.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! Check the fixed post for requests & more details!
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yoisami · 10 months
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[૮₍ ˃ࡇ˂ ₎ა]: you and reo’s second anniversary is coming up, and he makes an attempt to bake you a cake.
tags. reo x gn!reader, 2050 wc, pure fluff, established relationship, mentions of food, reo and reader are aged up, use of profanities, not rly proofread bc i wanted to finish this to get it out of my drafts lol, forgive me if any grammatical mistakes, i love reo.
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there were a few reasons why mikage reo always bought gifts rather than making them.
firstly, he’s the literal heir of mikage corporation—the company is an insanely fierce competitor in the japanese and global markets, with sales that regularly skyrocket up and rarely ever drop. the mikage family had billions of yen sitting in the vault of their bank account; hence, reo never had to personally make something from scratch because he could afford anything with the millions that he carried, coming in the form of a black credit card that was wonderfully polished and only obtainable by the ultra rich.
secondly, reo was absolutely shit at cooking and activities alike. with the reputation that he was the physical embodiment of perfection, his peers in his extensive social network had established it in their heads that the nineteen-year-old excelled in everything—calculus, japanese literature, soccer, flirting—you name it, he’s good at it. on the contrary, he wasn't good at everything (obviously). it was on one regular afternoon (when reo was still in high school), all the students in hakuho discovered a flaw in mikage reo—his culinary skills was fantastically terrible. somehow, nagi’s plate of half-assed grilled mackerel looked relatively decent when it was placed next to reo’s fully burned tamagoyaki that could not be salvaged.
which was why, since two years ago, all the gifts you’ve received from your beloved boyfriend, were all strictly bought from high-end quality stores, because he knew you deserved the best of the best, and because he supposed that it made up for his inability to make you a meal like other boyfriends do.
as your second anniversary approached the corner, reo’s mind was busy browsing through the gallery of ideas he had for your date. a surprise week-long trip to milan? or would you prefer the romantic ambience of athens more?
he was stumped, and his social media page was, as expected, unhelpful. his feed was teeming with posts of couples surprising each other with the simplest things that had little merit, like a new bottle of perfume, and these things could never succeed as a candidate for reo’s anniversary gift for you. it was simply not enough for someone like you—if it was possible, reo would have liked to purchase every single constellation known to astronomers, just so he can remind you that his love for you was as expansive and immeasurable as the universe.
but two evenings ago, reo was left baffled when he saw you giggling at your phone, hands covering your mouth and everything.
“honey, are you okay?” he asked, eyebrows raised as he approached your figure, leaning in to see just what exactly elicited such a dramatic reaction from you. when you passed him your phone, reo gave you a confused look.
“her boyfriend baked her a lunchbox cake! see—it’s so cute, and you can obviously tell he put a lot of love and effort into this!” you exhaled, looking up at the ceiling with your hand on your heart. “doesn’t this just give you butterflies?”
“i mean, i guess it’s cute. but it’s such a little thing—why are you so giggly about it? there’s nothing special about it.”
if the boyfriend had baked a cake that held eight tiers, then reo would be impressed. except, this cake had a measly diameter of four inches (he thought there was no ‘wow’ factor in this).
you shook your head as you propped yourself up on this lounge. “it is special! it’s from her boyfriend, so she’d obviously be appreciative of it! plus, it’s not about how expensive or exquisite his gift is. the fact that he took time out of his day to bake his girlfriend a cake is really thoughtful and cute. if you were to bake a cake for me, i’d honestly be over the moon.”
reo’s ears perked up at your hypothetical scenario. “really? wouldn’t you prefer a vacation or something as a gift?”
a laugh slipped from your lips as you turned off your phone. “to be honest reo, if we stayed at home in our pyjamas and shared a tub of ice cream together, i’d be just as happy.”
and since that day, reo has been determined to bake you a cake as your anniversary gift. since he was still worried that a cake would be of too little value, he had completed his shopping for your other gifts a couple days ago—a new pair of diamond earrings that were ridiculously overpriced and a designer-branded coat because winter was approaching—plus a reservation made under his name for a dimly lit dinner at a luxurious restaurant that owned shelves of delicately tasting champagnes.
he had returned home particularly early today, making sure that it was at a time where you were still at work, busy wiping down tables and serving coffees and teas for six hours straight. reo dropped the grocery bags on the kitchen island, with their contents on the verge of spilling out because, once again, he had bought more than what was necessary. for a single cake that was not going to be larger than a regular dinner plate, he had bought two packs of flour, two dozens of eggs, three cartons of milk, four bottles of thickened cream, and a collection of other materials.
in all honesty, the reason he went overboard with the ingredients was because he was prepared to face some legitimate baking failure. if he couldn’t even cook rice without turning it into a gruel-like texture, then he definitely couldn’t bake a dainty cake that needed to be edible and pleasing to the eye.
reo, as the son of a japanese billionaire who could obtain anything with the mere reach of his fingertips, would have never thought that he would be standing behind the kitchen counter in you and his shared home, tilting his head at an online recipe for a vanilla sponge cake that was to be made for his dearest, you.
as reo tied his hair up, he scanned through the recipe, smiling at how easy this seemed.
this could work, he thought as he grabbed out the ingredients. with a large bowl placed atop the scales, reo ripped open the packet of flour, pouring the appropriate amount over the sieve before he set it aside. he then added the remaining dry ingredients (baking powder, baking soda, and salt) into the bowl before stepping back, smiling at how smoothly things were going.
“[name]’s gonna love this,” reo hummed in delight, with a smirk that could cost a million yen. “i’m the best boyfriend.”
and as he continued to diligently follow the steps outlined on the website, his excitement was growing taller and taller by the moment. ideally, he hoped to present you with a cake that was perfect to the point where no other cake could compete with his. but reo was an ambitious man—he was too hopeful with this.
‘fuck’ was the first thing that came out of his mouth when reo knocked over the contents of his bowl. he frowned at the flour particles that flew into the air, and reo let out an exasperated sigh at the spill. it didn’t take him long to recover from the minor annoyance he felt as he wiped down the counter with a wet cloth, and swept away the remaining flour that was on the floor.
this was bound to take him a while.
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three hours have passed since he commenced his baking debut, and the disappointment was blatantly expressed in reo’s facial expression.
on the kitchen counter of your apartment were four deformed sponge cakes that were either dry and burned, or somewhat undercooked. even with four cakes, neither of them was fit to be the cake that was supposed to be the ultimate gift that exudes nothing but delight from you, given your reaction towards the boyfriend’s cake in the video he watched.
you were going to return soon, and reo’s in trouble.
there was no humanly possible way that he could whip up a cake within fifteen minutes, let alone an hour.
after a single glance at the time that passed way too quickly, reo reached for his phone in his pocket. scrolling through his lengthy list of contacts, he hastily clicked on his attendant’s caller id. the pace of his heartbeat picked up, and reo’s impatience was conveyed through the tapping of his foot as he waited for ba-ya to pick up.
after what seemed like minutes (it was only eight seconds), reo was greeted by the familiar voice of his attendant. “young master reo? how may i help you?”
“ba-ya! i need you to run to the bakery and get a cake for me. preferably a smaller one, please—and i need it in a couple minutes,” reo instructed, a sigh escaping from his lips as he sat down on one of the high chairs. glancing over at his failed cakes, he grimaced. “it can be any flavour. just... make sure it looks nice.”
“of course, young master reo. i’ll bring it to your apartment within a couple minutes.” with that, the line was cut, and the apartment was silent again.
pulling the hair tie out of his hair, reo noticed that his apartment now had a distinctive scent of burnt cake. even if he were to hide the evidence of his fruitless attempts at baking a cake now, the odour was enough to let you know that in the past few hours, your boyfriend was caught up in some baking disaster.
and reo figured that you would probably get mad at how he’s made the whole apartment smell like a vanilla cake that was unfortunately burnt (literally).
ambling to turn on the ventilators in the kitchen, reo froze at the unwanted sound of your house keys jingling. at this moment, he was unable to move—it was almost like the soles of his shoes were glued to the floorboards. at this moment, as he watched the doorknob twist to the right, reo forfeited.
“reo? i'm ho— oh my god...”
the sound of your footsteps patted closer as a part of your cardigan peered from the wall. “why does it smell burnt here?”
innocently blinking at you, reo watched you enter the kitchen as he winced at your expression that clearly said ‘what the fuck happened in here?’. he quickly plastered a wide smile on his face. “baby! well, aren’t you early today?”
“reo, what happened—”
once your gaze averted to the counter, reo grabbed your hand. he carefully studied your face, expecting a scolding from you, but was pleasantly surprised when a smile broke from your lips. “w-wait, you’re smiling?”
soon after, you let out a string of laughter as you pulled your confused boyfriend into a soft embrace. “b-babe—”
“did you try to bake, reo?”
“i mean... yeah. it just failed horribly, though.”
your hands cupped reo's face as your grin widened. “i can tell. why else would we have four burned cakes on our kitchen counter?”
sheepishly rubbing his neck, reo nodded. “the other day, you said you’d be over the moon if i baked you a cake, so i tried. but as you can tell, i’m shit at this.”
you gently guided reo into your arms again as your giggles returned. “yeah, i agree. you are pretty bad at this.”
reo pulled away as he pouted. “sorry. and it was supposed to be one of my presents to you for our anniversary.”
“my love... don't be sorry! honestly, right now, i’m over the moon. the fact that you wanted to make my day by baking me a cake is a very sweet gesture, and i’m flattered.”
reo’s hands landed on your sides as you spoke. “these cakes show your hard work, and even if you weren’t successful, you still achieved your goal—i’m really happy right now. so thank you, reo.”
with a sweet kiss on his cheek, reo relished in your touch. “you’re welcome, my love. i’m glad that you’re happy.”
“great! now clean the kitchen.”
“just kidding! i’ll clean with you.”
as the two of you wiped down the spills and crumbs on the kitchen counters, reo recounted his entire baking journey to you, forgetting that a new cake was on its way to your apartment.
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© yoisami 2023. plagiarism, translation and distribution of my works outside of tumblr is not permitted.
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jomiddlemarch · 2 months
The Philosophy Inherent in Buttered Toast
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Within a week of Shirley’s departure, Susan found that she could not fall asleep, no matter how much she exhausted herself; the windowpanes had never sparkled brilliantly so in the morning sunlight. She’d dare Miss Cornelia Bryant herself to find the smallest speck on the kitchen floor. She concocted impossible delicacies to try and tempt Mrs. Doctor, muttering under her breath about the various culinary restrictions and how she’d like to see anyone make a decent pie with the miserly amount of lard she was allotted, and she starched the Doctor’s collars so thoroughly he’d begged her to stop as he couldn’t turn his head when he drove out to see his patients, especially not that sharp curve onto the road over to the Lower Glen. Work, hard work that left her with a sore back and aching knees and hands too rough to get a pair of gloves onto for Sunday service, had always been a panacea, just as Mrs. Doctor had her garden and Mrs. Reverend had her needlework. 
Once Shirley left, after a brief kiss on her cheek and a little squeeze of her hand as she gave him a neatly tied up box lunch for the train, the week’s sugar ration used up in his favorite sweets, she turned her hand to the plow as it were and expected to find some respite. Instead she found herself lying in her narrow bed, a stripe of moonlight across the foot, her eyes burning, wide open. Her body longed for rest but her mind, her heart, her very soul itself would not allow it, as un-Christian a thought as that might be. She’d drift off in snatches in the early morning, wake with the fog of dreams, a confusion dispelled by the splash of water in the basin and the cold cloth scrubbed across her face. She felt every one of her years like a millstone and if she hadn’t already been plain Susan Baker since she’d outgrown the very little prettiness she’d had a child, someone, likely that outspoken Mary Vance, would have remarked that old Susan Baker looked quite poorly.
She began by reciting psalms to herself and then all her favorite hymns but it made no difference. Unlike Mrs. Doctor, she took no delight in watching the moon wax and wane and thought only a man could have come up with the constellations, the greatest waste of time she could think of and nothing but a lot of foolish nonsense. She took to drinking her tea as strong as she could steep it, nearly black. Coffee was too dear to waste and had to be saved for the Doctor. If he nodded off over his surgery, Susan Baker would be the one responsible for the poor soul under his knife’s untimely passing. She was comforted when Shirley enclosed a brief note addressed to Mother Susan in the letter he’d sent to his parents and sisters, but the relief of knowing him safe didn’t see her dozing in her rocking chair, let alone tucked up snug in her bed.
She remembered something Walter had once said, that there was poetry in the most ordinary things, how he’d gone on and on about a perfectly buttered piece of her toast, sliced just the right thickness, the butter spread smooth and even to the brown crust. She was known for her bread, that was common knowledge in Glen St. Mary, whether it was a white loaf or wholemeal, but she’d thought if she hadn’t loved Walter since he was a tot, she would have given a mighty sniff at his folderol. Now, though, she thought perhaps making a list of all the ordinary things that could be what Walter had called the marvelous quotidian before explaining his fancy words, perhaps making a list might take the place of counting the sheep that would never be sheared nor help her nod off.
To begin with, there was Walter’s buttered toast.
The hiss the iron made as she flicked a drop of water on it to test its heat.
The first even row of knots she threw on her needles beginning another sock in the ugly drab worsted that was military standard.
The last swipe of the cloth when she was polishing the good silver.
The greedy sound the Doctor made as he ate his slice of pie, one she would have scolded the children for making.
Winding the clocks.
Rilla’s little frown as she tried to feed her war-baby and got mashed peas all over the front of her clean white shirtwaist, a dab on her cheek.
Slipping on galoshes when it was a rainy morning.
The crinkle of the pages as she read her Bible chapter before bed.
Beans, bobbing about in the pot.
Una Meredith asking for help with her darning, her blue eyes round as buttons as she said Please, Miss Baker, the only one of the Meredith children to use a title for her.
Throwing out slops when the bucket was full.
Spools of thread lined up in her sewing basket.
Spoons, nestled tight against each other in their drawer.
The milk folding around itself in her chipped teacup like the sheets on the line in the wind.
Shirley’s way of writing the letter S, the same in her name as his own.
Fat blueberries in a bowl, waiting to be made into jam.
She began each night with Walter’s toast. Most nights, she fell asleep between the bean pottage and the slops arcing out onto the dirt. When it had been several days since they’d heard from Shirley or the papers were black with battles and casualty lists, the milk in the tea took the shape of Shirley’s cursive S. When there were letters from all three Blythe boys and the Meredith ones as well, the knitting needles fell from her hands, stitches most certainly dropped.
The night they’d learned about Courcelette, she’d counted each one of the blueberries in the bowl and wept.
And slept.
With many thanks to @batrachised who posted this summary of fake fic with this same title: Susan and Walter have a conversation about the poetry of everyday things. Susan still can't quite understand that poetry nonsense, but after Walter waxes eloquent about her perfectly ensembled toast that has just the right amount of butter scraped on top, she decides that surely a little of it is harmless enough - walter is Mrs. Doctor Dear's son, after all.
I hope my "borrowing" did the initial post justice! @gogandmagog I would have shared this today anyway, but I did love your encouragement post.
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starrvsn · 1 year
in which you & wally (slow) dance ♡
on rotation: saving all my love for you by whitney houston.
a/n: pls there’s not enough nickname variants for wally :’) also! wally’s outfit. im a firm believer that wally has at least another outfit than the other two he had in the show. (exchange the leather jacket for his varsity)
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“i can’t dance walls!” you pout as he takes your hand pulling you from your seated position on the stage. “don’t be silly sweetheart, anyone can dance.” leading you to the middle of the court. it was late with everyone doing their own little thing. wally couldn't contain his excitement for homecoming and now that he's going with you he shares that excitement, eventually unveiling to him that you in fact cannot dance to save your life. “but not everyone can dance good.” wally scoffs resting his hands comfortably on your hips “i’ve seen you dance before don't be sly, you're definitely not a bad dancer.” a charming grin painting his face as his soft brown eyes bore into yours. you can't help but flush at his words. now knowing he's seen you dance.
"you're a creeper wally clark!" exclaiming, playfully smacking his shoulder to which he feigns hurt for but quickly regains his composure.
"well i can't help that you play sick tunes when you bake!" you laugh at his silly reasons, now noting to lower the volume next time you’re in the culinary room and telling him off for sneaking on you anyways.
“speaking of tunes” giving you a knowing look; he departs from you, venturing towards your previous spot to the cd player that laid next to you, thank god for cd players and modern technology. he slips the cd in the player. the soft tune of a whitney houston song emitting from the stereo. when you had first heard this song together wally had instantly declared that this is your song. he then dims the lights in the gym and carefully shedding his varsity jacket, his white tee hugging him graciously.
he softly sways to the beat as you watch him closely, flutters of nerves in your stomach. you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of him, as he gets closer– he extends a hand out to you. wordlessly asking your permission for a dance. gently, you take his hand in yours as he pulls you close, hand comfortably on your waist as the other clasps gingerly onto yours. ‘just take things slow’ he murmurs– taking the lead as you fall into step with him quite naturally. slow, gentle rhythm of the music matches the beating of your hearts as you move in sync with you. feeling the warmth of each other's embrace. your eyes meet, flushing at his tender gaze. caught up in the moment of being in each others presence.
As you move together, your steps become more graceful and fluid, like pieces of a puzzle, connected in every way. the world fades away, leaving only the two of you and the music, as you share this intimate moment together. “you’re a natural sweetheart.” he gushes pulling away from you a bit, only a few centimeters away compared to the warmth you were feeling earlier. shyly brushing off the compliment with a shake of your head, he lifts your arm giving you a knowing glance. just as the chorus begins you let out a giggle. slowly turning before facing him again, his soft grin mimicks on your face as you continue to step together, his hands resting on your waist and yours around his neck; one comfortingly caressing his neck. counting the constellation of moles and freckles that litter his face and neck, your hand gradually climbing to his face– resting gently on his cheek to which he turns his head to plant a soft kiss on your palm. lost in the moment as you continue this soft and intimate moment. wishing for it not to end.
‘yes, i’m saving all my love for you’
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Could you do headcanons for what an ideal date for Aqua, Ruby, Ai, and Akane with their s/o?
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• Aqua, being a lover of nature, would find his ideal date in the serene beauty of a peaceful park or garden. He would enjoy taking a leisurely stroll hand in hand with his S/O, surrounded by vibrant flowers and lush greenery. The scent of blooming blossoms would fill the air, adding a touch of romance to the atmosphere.
• During their walk, Aqua would cherish the opportunity to engage in deep conversations with his S/O. He appreciates meaningful connections and longs to share his innermost thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. As they meander along the winding paths, Aqua would eagerly listen to his S/O, cherishing the bond they share and finding solace in their understanding.
• For Aqua, a picnic would be the perfect way to spend quality time together. He would put effort into preparing a delicious spread of their favorite foods, carefully packing a basket filled with culinary delights. As they settle down on a cozy blanket under the shade of a towering tree, Aqua would savor every bite, relishing not only the flavors but also the joy of sharing the meal with his S/O. Laughter and lighthearted conversations would fill the air as they create lasting memories and strengthen their connection.
• As the day turns to dusk, Aqua's excitement would grow as he suggests ending the date with a captivating display of nature's wonders. Finding a spot away from city lights, they would lay back and gaze up at the night sky, mesmerized by the vastness and beauty of the cosmos. Aqua would point out constellations and share his fascination with celestial bodies, finding solace in the quiet moments spent together under the twinkling stars. The peacefulness of the night and the shared experience would make Aqua's heart flutter, knowing that he is sharing this magical moment with his S/O, the person who truly understands and appreciates his love for the cosmos.
• Aqua's ideal date would revolve around his love for nature. A peaceful walk in a beautiful park or garden, accompanied by deep conversations and shared dreams, would create an intimate and profound connection between Aqua and his S/O. A delightful picnic filled with delicious food would further strengthen their bond and create lasting memories. Ending the date with stargazing under the clear night sky would evoke a sense of wonder and enchantment, allowing Aqua to share his passion for the cosmos with his S/O.
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• Ruby, being a fan of arts and culture, would find her ideal date immersed in the world of creativity. She would love to spend the day with her S/O exploring an art exhibition or visiting a museum. As they stroll through the galleries, Ruby's eyes would sparkle with admiration as she takes in the intricate brushstrokes, captivating sculptures, and thought-provoking installations. She would share her own artistic aspirations and inspirations with her S/O, allowing them to understand her on a deeper level.
• To further ignite their creative spirits, Ruby would suggest taking a pottery or painting class together. As they mold clay or stroke paintbrushes across a canvas, they would share laughter and support, reveling in the joy of creating something unique. Ruby would find immense happiness in seeing her S/O's artistic side bloom, and their shared experience would strengthen their bond.
• As the day transitions into evening, Ruby would seek a cozy and intimate atmosphere for their dinner. She would choose a quaint café with a warm ambiance, where they can indulge in delicious treats and engage in meaningful conversations. Over cups of steaming coffee or plates of delectable desserts, Ruby and her S/O would share their thoughts, dreams, and aspirations, creating a safe space for vulnerability and connection.
• To conclude their date, Ruby would suggest a movie night, cuddled up together under a soft blanket. They would watch their favorite films, enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. As they share laughs, tears, and moments of suspense, Ruby would feel a sense of warmth and contentment, grateful to have found someone who appreciates both her artistic passions and the simple joys of being together.
• Ruby's ideal date revolves around arts, creativity, and meaningful connections. Visiting an art exhibition or museum allows her to share her passion for creativity with her S/O, while taking a pottery or painting class together creates an interactive and fun experience. Enjoying a cozy dinner at a quaint café provides an intimate atmosphere for heartfelt conversations. Ending the date with a movie night allows them to unwind and find comfort in each other's arms. Through these shared experiences, Ruby and her S/O strengthen their bond and create lasting memories filled with artistic inspiration and warm moments of togetherness.
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• Ai, with her appreciation for simple yet meaningful experiences, would find her ideal date in the tranquility of a quiet bookstore or library. She would delight in the hushed atmosphere as she and her S/O browse through the shelves, exploring the vast world of literature. They would recommend books to each other, sharing their favorite reads and engaging in thought-provoking discussions. Ai's eyes would sparkle with excitement as she discovers new stories and ideas, cherishing the moments of intellectual connection with her S/O.
• To continue the peaceful ambiance, Ai would suggest taking a serene walk by the beach or visiting a scenic spot. The rhythmic sound of crashing waves or the panoramic view of nature's beauty would create the perfect backdrop for Ai to open up and share her thoughts and emotions. She would find solace in the gentle breeze, finding comfort in the presence of her S/O as they engage in heartfelt conversations. Through these intimate moments, Ai and her S/O would deepen their emotional connection and strengthen their bond.
• For their next experience, Ai would appreciate a heartfelt home-cooked meal. The intimate setting of a cozy dining room or a candlelit patio would allow them to enjoy each other's company without distractions. As they savor the flavors of a delicious meal, prepared with care and love, Ai would feel a deep sense of contentment, knowing that she is sharing this intimate moment with her S/O. The simplicity of the setting would create a space for genuine conversations and a deeper understanding of each other's hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
• To conclude their date, Ai would suggest strolling through a local park, hand in hand with her S/O. They would immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, as they admire the blooming flowers, listen to the songs of birds, and feel the gentle touch of the wind. Ai would find tranquility in the peaceful surroundings, and the physical connection with her S/O would bring a sense of warmth and security to her heart. Together, they would create lasting memories as they explore the park, cherishing the simplicity and beauty of the moment.
• Ai's ideal date revolves around simplicity, meaningful connections, and appreciation for the small joys in life. A quiet bookstore or library visit allows her to share her love for literature and engage in intellectual conversations. A serene walk by the beach or a scenic spot provides an opportunity for heartfelt discussions and emotional connection. Enjoying a heartfelt home-cooked meal in an intimate setting deepens their bond. Ending the date with a stroll through a local park envelops Ai in tranquility and allows her to find solace and contentment in the beauty of nature and the physical connection with her S/O. Through these experiences, Ai and her S/O create a deep and meaningful connection, forging memories that will be treasured for a lifetime.
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• Akane, with her love for adventure and excitement, would find her ideal date in the thrill and adrenaline of an amusement park. The moment she steps foot into the park, her eyes would light up with anticipation as she eagerly takes on every ride and attraction. Riding roller coasters that twist, turn, and loop would make her heart race with joy, and she would hold onto her S/O's hand tightly, sharing both laughter and exhilaration as they conquer each thrilling experience together. They would indulge in playful competition at game booths, winning prizes for each other and reveling in the excitement of friendly rivalry. The energy and vibrant atmosphere of the amusement park would make Akane's heart soar as she embraces the adventure and creates unforgettable memories with her S/O.
• To satisfy Akane's love for good food and culinary experiences, she would suggest trying out a new and unique restaurant or exploring a food festival. Akane appreciates the flavors and textures of different cuisines, and she would eagerly delve into each dish, savoring every bite. Sharing their favorite dishes, exploring new flavors, and indulging in sweet treats would not only tantalize their taste buds but also deepen their bond as they share their culinary discoveries and preferences. Akane's eyes would sparkle with delight as she discovers hidden gems and unique gastronomic delights, making this part of the date a true feast for the senses.
• An active and physically challenging date would also be on Akane's agenda. She would suggest a hike through a scenic trail or a biking adventure in nature, where they can challenge themselves and immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings. Akane would appreciate the opportunity to engage in a shared physical activity with her S/O, experiencing the rush of adrenaline as they conquer challenging trails or navigate through winding paths. The natural surroundings would provide a serene backdrop for them to connect on a deeper level, sharing laughter, breathless moments, and a sense of accomplishment.
• As the day draws to a close, Akane would surprise her S/O with an unexpected activity. It could be an impromptu karaoke session, where they unleash their inner divas and sing their hearts out, creating memories filled with laughter and fun. Alternatively, a spontaneous dance class would get their bodies moving, allowing Akane to showcase her energetic and lively spirit. The surprise activity would bring a sense of anticipation and delight to Akane, as she loves embracing the unexpected and keeping the excitement alive.
• Akane's ideal date revolves around adventure, excitement, and shared experiences. A day at an amusement park allows her to indulge in thrilling rides and playful competition, creating unforgettable memories. Exploring new restaurants or food festivals satisfies her love for good food and culinary adventures. Engaging in an active date, such as hiking or biking, challenges her physically while strengthening the bond with her S/O. Ending the date with a surprise activity, like karaoke or a dance class, adds an element of spontaneity and keeps the excitement alive. Through these experiences, Akane and her S/O embark on a thrilling journey of adventure, laughter, and shared moments that bring them closer together.
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fangbangerghoul · 5 months
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I was tagged by @silurisanguine to do an OC chart! I finally got to it!
Fandom: Starfield
Role: Spacefarer, Starborn.
Full Name: Carmilla Imada
Nickname(s): Ghoul, just Ghoul
Pronouns: She/ they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: Imada's Blade, Mercenary, Argos, failed Chef, Starborn
Birthday & Age:  10/31, current age 28
Physical description: short, thick, and defined. Height at about 5' 2", muscles filled in with her thicker manner.
Clothing style: Loose but form fitting outfits. Olive drab greens, blacks, reds. Mostly covering her body and hiding her blades.
Orphaned at 8, her parents failed to pay a debt that landed them dead and her left on the streets of Neon City. She was eventually picked up by Masako Imada and 'adopted' (no real records were kept). She was trained from the age 10 till the time she left to 'handle' family business in the ways her 'caregiver' would request. (assassinations, intimidation, hacking, after a certain age bartering pleasure) She escaped after going on a rage (killing and destroying a business deal that would have greatly benefited the company) and tried to travel as far as she could with what limited funds she had. (She has had a large sum bounty on her head ever since) She used her skills to be undercover to get into a UC culinary school where she failed miserably before coming to the mining operation Argos. Most of her life after Ryujin Industries has been on the run and in hiding, until she runs into Constellation.
Preferred fighting style: Hand to hand combat, shadows, surprise attacks, and anything that allows her to use her brute force. (it's how she gets her anger out)
Favorite weapon(s): Daggers, her collection of blades she picks up.
Special skills: High stealth skills, high persuasion skills, high security skills. She also knows a lot about the insides of what goes on within the businesses of Neon Core.
Family: Biological parents dead. Her 'adopted' mother only viewed her as a tool so there isn't much there.
Love interest: Love? Ghoul enjoys pleasure and doesn't allow people to get to close. However, she has found peace around several people for a limited time. (Delgado, Sam, honorable mentions; Valentine, Anton)
Best friends: Her first best friend was killed for being accused as a spy. Now the closest she has gotten is probably Andreja, Vladimir, and Mr. Valentine.
Positive traits: Aware, Intelligent, She got that dog in her
Negative traits: Stubborn. Impulsive. Apathetic in a lot of cases.
Likes: Crushing skulls, gouging eyes, also the thrill of the chase.
Dislikes: Government agencies, being forced into a box, being lectured
Fears: Being forced to return to Ryujin and work for her mother.
Guilty Pleasure: Children's plushies, she keeps a small collection of them within her captains locker to visit time and time again.
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thescholarlystrumpet · 4 months
I want to know everything about Father Fell and the slow burn WW2 AU!
Eeeeeeee! I'm like a kid on Christmas! (which, incidentally, they do celebrate together and it's adorable).
To avoid too many spoilers, I'll say this: period typical ignorance around sexuality does contribute to the slowness of the burn. Tho Crowley is almost immediately like "oh shit, I guess I'm a simp now."
The white-gold head of hair he recalled shuffled into the room. Under that was– yes, the cherubic face, full cheeks and bright eyes, a stubborn looking chin and a romantic nose. The man was simply lovely and it made Crowley deeply and abashedly aware of his own slovenly appearance.
It was obvious the priest had no idea how he sounded (or looked) when he used the last of his butter ration on some fresh bread he’d baked that morning. Or the ostentatious way his pink tongue wriggled about when chasing an errant crumb or dab of sauce. It was inadvertent seduction, by way of culinary delight. Crowley wished he wasn’t enjoying it as much as he was.
Fell... stays in denial a bit longer.... I even made him a meme, early on XD
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It took Fell another breath to find his voice. Crowley did not just clean up well. With his whiskers shaven and all that muck washed away, he was… the word captivating came to mind, but it did not seem evocative enough. He was still too gaunt for even his slender build, but that only accentuated the sharp cheekbones and jaw. His nose was just this side of aquiline, a notch on the bridge indicating it had been broken at least once. There was a dusting of ruddy hair over his chest, disappearing into the V of the shirt, sparser than it had looked when matted down but still distinctly masculine.
In the evenings, when they often sat by the fire or in the soft gaslamp glow of the kitchen, Fell would secretly admire the way the light caught those eyes. Like Crowley shimmered from within. He could almost imagine his friend as a constellation, point by gleaming point sketched out against the velvet sky.
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ricciardosheart · 6 months
Starry Serenade on the Riviera - cl16
pairings: Charles Leclerc X female (gf! reader)
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Charles, with a sparkle in his eyes, entered their home holding a bouquet of (Y/N)'s favorite flowers. The room seemed to brighten as he approached her, a playful grin dancing on his lips. "Hey there, beautiful," he whispered, presenting the flowers.
The Mediterranean sunbathed Monaco in a warm embrace as (Y/N) nestled into the comforts of their shared home. The gentle hum of the waves drifted through the open windows, providing a harmonious soundtrack to her peaceful afternoon. Little did she know, Charles Leclerc, the Formula 1 sensation and her adoring boyfriend, was orchestrating a surprise that would transform this ordinary day into an enchanting tale.
A gasp of delight escaped (Y/N)'s lips as she accepted the bouquet. "Charles! What's all this?"
"I thought we could use a little break," he revealed, his voice laced with excitement. "How about a special date on a yacht?"
Her eyes widened with anticipation. "A yacht? Seriously?"
Charles nodded, the mischievous glint in his eyes intensifying. "I thought we could spend the day cruising along the French Riviera, just you and me."
A radiant smile adorned (Y/N)'s face. "That sounds amazing!"
The next scene unfolded on the deck of a sleek yacht, elegantly cutting through the azure waters of the Mediterranean. The sun played hide-and-seek with the clouds, casting a golden glow that danced on the waves. The couple stepped aboard, greeted warmly by the captain, who saluted Charles with a knowing smile.
The yacht set sail, leaving the coastline of Monaco behind. Charles and (Y/N) found themselves alone, surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea. The air was imbued with a sense of adventure and romance as the yacht gracefully sailed along the French Riviera.
On the deck, a table awaited them, adorned with fine linens, silverware, and crystal glasses. A private chef, part of Charles's meticulous plan, stood ready to craft a culinary masterpiece. The couple indulged in a feast of fresh seafood, delicate flavors dancing on their palates, while the sea breeze carried the scent of the ocean.
As the day unfolded, the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. Charles and (Y/N) settled into plush lounge chairs on the yacht's deck, wrapped in blankets against the cooling breeze. The sky transformed into a breathtaking canvas of colors, a testament to nature's artistry.
Charles, ever the thoughtful planner, produced a tablet for a private movie screening. The yacht became their own floating cinema, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of the sea. Laughter and the soft murmur of waves intertwined as they enjoyed their favorite film, the screen competing with the mesmerizing spectacle of the sunset.
The atmosphere was nothing short of magical as the yacht sailed through the twilight waters. The couple, lost in the beauty of the moment, reveled in the serenity of the French Riviera at dusk.
With the movie credits rolling, Charles suggested a change of scenery. "How about lying down to enjoy the stars?" he proposed, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. They found a cozy spot on the yacht's deck, blankets pulled tight around them, and looked up at the night sky.
The stars above sparkled like diamonds, casting a celestial glow over the couple. Charles pointed out constellations, weaving stories in the night sky. (Y/N)'s heart swelled with gratitude for the extraordinary day and the extraordinary man beside her.
"I've never experienced anything like this," she confessed, her eyes reflecting the luminous beauty around them.
Charles, his gaze fixed on the twinkling stars, replied, "There's nothing more special than sharing moments like these with you."
Under the cosmic embrace of the French Riviera's night, Charles and (Y/N) lay hand in hand, creating memories that transcended time. The yacht sailed on, leaving a trail of stardust on the Mediterranean, etching their love story into the fabric of the universe.
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