#Cosmic Menu
jadeannbyrne · 5 months
Jade Ann Byrne Presents: Neon Nights: The Taco Bell Cosmos
In the vast expanse of a future not wracked by dystopian cliches but painted with the neon glow of endless possibility, a figure stood beneath the celestial marquee of Taco Bell, a testament to the eternal human saga of late-night cravings. Jade Ann Byrne was her name, a contractor to this grand establishment, a caretaker to an army of automatons crafted in her own image. With a cascade of…
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ips-n-caliban · 2 years
[hp lovecraft voice] so old things are scary but new things are also scary. foreign things are especially scary because they’re new to us but actually they’re very old. older than anything that’s not foreign, in fact. science is scary because it causes new things to happen. artists are especially vulnerable to scary things because they use imagination, which makes new concepts, which are scary because they’re new. fish are scary because they have weird bodies and they smell bad, and they come from the sea, which is older and more foreign than anywhere on land. i went to new york and had a panic attack because there were italians there.
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chancosmic · 1 year
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Lee Know | God's Menu
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simsreaper · 11 months
Oh they hate each other
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She got her ass beat with a witness
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mswiki · 1 year
What is The Big Bang microwave background radiation (CMB)?
The Big Bang microwave background radiation (CMB) nice words for that Welcome to a journey through the mysteries of the universe! Have you ever wondered about the origins of our existence? How did everything we know come into being? Scientists have been unraveling these questions for years, and one theory in particular has gained significant attention – The Big Bang Theory. This groundbreaking…
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nasa · 10 months
Black Hole Friday Deals!
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Get these deals before they are sucked into a black hole and gone forever! This “Black Hole Friday,” we have some cosmic savings that are sure to be out of this world.
Your classic black holes — the ultimate storage solution.
Galactic 5-for-1 special! Learn more about Stephan’s Quintet.
Limited-time offer game DLC! Try your hand at the Roman Space Observer Video Game, Black Hole edition, available this weekend only.
Standard candles: Exploding stars that are reliably bright. Multi-functional — can be used to measure distances in space!
Feed the black hole in your stomach. Spaghettification’s on the menu.
Act quickly before the stars in this widow system are gone!
Add some planets to your solar system! Grab our Exoplanet Bundle.
Get ready to ride this (gravitational) wave before this Black Hole Merger ends!
Be the center of attention in this stylish accretion disk skirt. Made of 100% recycled cosmic material.
Should you ever travel to a black hole? No. But if you do, here’s a free guide to make your trip as safe* as possible. *Note: black holes are never safe. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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wishluc · 1 year
Oh god please elaborate on the Express Eatery thing! I love having Luocha as a customer
Going over this with Luocha, Yukong, Jing Yuan and Blade!
CW: yandere characters
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So you work at the Express Eatery, and you start to notice that Luocha comes in every day with a new menu item he wants to try out. While waiting for his order he asks about your time on the Express and the meals you like and how you're finding the Luofu so far. He refuses to elaborate on the coffin he carries around or on anything else about his job apart from the "traveling merchant" line, but you let it slide because he's nice enough otherwise. He also tips very generously, and leaves glowing reviews, which may or may not play a role in you liking him despite how suspicious he can be at times. After he's cycled through all the items, however, he starts asking for other things; snacks you like to eat, whatever you usually have for breakfast, a dessert you're craving for, etc. And he starts bringing in dishes that he likes, and asks for you to eat them with him during your break (even waits outside your stall until you take your break, if you try and lie your way out of it). And when the day comes that you have to pack up and leave your short-lived stall behind, you do so without informing your number 1 customer, which doesn't go across well.
But how were you to know Luocha had also met Dan Heng before, and would be visiting the Express the very next day?
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Other customers you meet include Yukong, who's sweet and has the most interesting stories for you. She offers to pilot a Starskiff for you (and promises that she's not a reckless driver anymore, unlike the stories of her youth she may have told you about), invites you to lively parties once you're done for the day, and even shows you around the Luofo herself. You do notice, however, that her eyes dim and her smile fades when you mention leaving the Luofo, even if you don't comment on it. Coming up to the days before you close the stall, she takes you on increasingly exciting trips around the Luofo, all the while assuring you that there is still much to see, as though to entice you into stay longer...
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There's also Jing Yuan, who stays for long periods whenever he stops by. He stands by your stall with a languid smile, talking to you while eating. He has a habit of distracting you with sudden questions when ever you notice just how long he's been standing around, asking you about your thoughts on a dish or how long you've been with the Crew. And while his exterior is perfectly relaxed with you, if anyone else dares approach while he's there, all it takes is one inquisitive look from him to send the intruder scurrying away. You've never thought the General to be that frightening, but you supposed his position warranted some extent of fear. Normally, you would be a little irritated about how he was obstructing business, but there was no doubt his pleasant conversation and generous hand made for far better company than a queue of customers in a rush to their next stop.
But a few days before you're set to close the stall, you get approached by a group of officials who warn you that doing business without a permit is illegal. Apparently, whatever documents March got for your little side business wasn't enough, and you were missing some important components. Fortunately, Jing Yuan steps in and offers to help you settle the problem at once, and as you gratefully accept his assistance (with a promise to treat him to a serving of Cosmic Fried Rice on the house sometime). To your surprise, however, you're told that you're required to stay and continue doing business on the Luofu for another few weeks before the license is granted, and you find yourself having no choice but to comply. At least, the General is here to keep you company, right?
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At first Blade stopped by only to pick up a serving or two before leaving right after, never indulging in conversation unlike your other patrons. Even his reviews were short and to the point, simply leaving a rating of 5 stars along with his moniker—but as long as it was a good review, you had no complaints. However, as time went by and you saw him increasingly more often (though you took note of the fact that he'd only ever come by when the shade fell across your stall just right and there were little to no other customers), he'd comment on your methods and packaging, with odd lines such as "The box didn't come apart even after a fight," and begin ordering in advance for the next day—he claimed this was a far more efficient system, and offered to pay extra as a booking fee.
He comes off a little strange at times, with his unnerving smile and his peculiar comments, but you think that Blade's one of your better customers. He's patient and his requests are simple, and he deals swiftly with any troublemakers around your stall. Surprisingly, him swinging around his sword threateningly doesn't discourage new customers from checking your stall out. So when the day comes that you have to inform him that there was no tomorrow for his order to be prepared in advance, Blade only regards you with a pensive look and the smallest of nods, before leaving. You would miss him, despite his oddities.
And then you're told that you have to accommodate for a temporary addition on the Astral Express, someone sent by Kafka, and who awaits you in the parlor car but Blade himself?
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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felixcloud6288 · 6 months
Game with a karma system that makes no sense.
You save a child from drowning only for your karma to go down. You then try to drown them and your karma keeps going down.
Using items causes your karma to randomly go up or down.
Idling in the menu will suddenly increase karma.
Bumping into random NPCs increases or decreases karma.
At the end of the game, you confront god and ask what's been going on. Turns out they were bored and wanted to see what would happen if a mortal was told their random actions had cosmic consequences. Turns out karma isn't real.
After you kill god, your karma falls to minus infinite. You then have the option to reset your karma to zero, set it to positive infinite, or do nothing. Your choice does not impact the ending because karma is not real and never actually had any effect on the game.
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sandwitchstories · 2 months
Stress Relief
It's time for some more of Witch's smutty brain rot about Kyojuro Regoku! I can't help it lol These are the thoughts that have been going through my mind all week as I drown in meetings that should be emails.
Summary: Stuck in a remote meeting and have to miss your dinner plans? Never fear, Kyojuro knows just what to do to sate his hunger and lift up your spirits.
If you prefer to read on AO3, please click here!
(formerly titled Red String Of Fate)
WC: 2500+
CW: MDNI, Smut, reader is AFAB, AFAB terms used to describe reader's sexy bits, cunnilingus, blow job, it's filthy smut. lol Please click the AO3 link if you would like a more thorough list of CW.
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The sound of the front door opening and closing made you glance at the time on the computer for the first time in… all day. 5:27pm. Shit. You and Kyojuro had plans to check out the new revolving sushi restaurant that had just opened down the street. You were supposed to have been off at 5 to be ready to go by 5:30, yet here you were with no end in sight.
You puffed up your cheeks and let out a slow breath, listening to one of the other attendants of the Teams hell you were trapped in drone on and on. Glad you were not on camera because you probably would have gotten fired for how many times you had face palmed during this presentation. 
Kyojuro came into the office and you flashed him an apologetic smile, pointing at your headphones and then the screen. You put a finger gun to your head pretending to pull the trigger and making a funny face at him with your tongue sticking out in mock ‘death.’ He chuckled and moved closer, bending down to cup your cheek and give you a gentle kiss.
“Going to be much longer?” he asked, kissing you one more time before straightening up.
“No clue… there’s still 3 more people presenting for different parts of this project. I don’t wanna be a grown up any more,” you dramatically whined.
“Poor thing,” he said, leaning down to cup the back of your head and kiss your forehead. “I’m going to get changed.”
“Okay,” you nodded, watching him walk away, frowning. You knew he was not mad. Just like you never got mad when he had to put in extra time at the school. You both had demanding jobs and were dedicated to your chosen paths. 
Still, you felt guilty as you knew he had been looking forward to this all day. So much so that he had sent texts throughout the day with screen shots of their menu items and his opinions on which ones you both should try. Trying new restaurants was one of your favorite things to do together. Everything was an adventure and experience when you were together. And you needed that so badly right now. Work was sucking the will to live out of you. 
You turned back to the screen, unmuting your mic to give your input when asked. You explained the benefits and the risks involved with the ideas presented so far. You voiced your concerns and answered questions as well. You put yourself back on mute and slumped back in your chair. 
Number 3 began his part of the spiel and you glanced at the clock again. 6:02pm. 2 more to go. If this mother fucker would start focusing more on work and less on pitiful attempts at humor, you may still be able to make it to the restaurant before it closed! You clasped your hands and said a little prayer to any deity listening that these people had lives they really wanted to get back to as well.
Unfortunately it would seem the Gods had abandoned you. Every. Single. One. It was now 7:03pm, Kyojuro had come in twice to check in, and there was still one more presenter to go. You wanted to punch your monitor and take a hammer to your laptop.  Why was life so cruel? You were hungry, tired, frustrated and just… over it. 
You stared at the ceiling as the last presenter began to speak. You put your head in your ands and groaned. This man… could not possibly speak slower. Was this some cruel cosmic joke? Some… delayed karma for something you couldn’t even remember doing? 
You picked up your phone to message Kyojuro only to have him come through the door, obviously on the same wave length. You gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry. This is the last one now.”
“It is not your fault, I am not mad,” he smiled, giving you a gentle kiss. “How much longer do you think you will be? I will start looking for places still open, I do not feel like cooking and you look like you’ve had enough today.”
“So much so… but… Can we order in and watch tv instead?” you asked, not in the mood to go out anymore but agreeing with him that having to cook sounded like punishment right now.
“That… sounds wonderful, love. Works out better. We can try the sushi place this weekend and find something to do after. I’ll order some pizza and wings,” he said, placing another quick kiss on your lips before heading off to accomplish his task. 
You smiled after him. You had no idea what you had ever gotten right enough in your life to deserve such a wonderful other half. You would forever be grateful to the universe that it was Kyojuro Rengoku at the other end of your red thread of fate.
You turned back to the computer, a little relieved that sustenance would be coming soon and you did not have to leave your house. Maybe you could even convince Kyojuro to eat and watch TV naked in bed. That sounded like heaven. You just had to survive this Teams circle of hell.
A short time later Kyojuro came into your office, leaning against your desk. “About an hour for delivery.”
“Okay, thank you,” you gave him a thumbs up. “Even if this guy is not done in an hour, I’m done.”
He nodded, glancing at the screen. “No cameras today?”
“Nope, no cameras and on mute until spoken to so I am not accidentally heard speaking my mind,” you sat back in your chair, looking up at him. Gods, even in his sweats the man was so fucking hot. 
“Hmmmm, I see,” he rested his head on his hand in a thinking position. He muttered, as if speaking to himself, “Well, then that settles it.”
“What settles what?” you asked, arching an eyebrow up at your husband, curious about what was going through his beautiful mind.
“I am hungry now,” he stated, pushing your chair back a bit farther from your desk.
“Okay, and I need to be further back here because?”
He gave you what could only be described as an absolutely wicked grin. He leaned over you, bracing his hands on the arms of your computer chair. “Because, I am going to have my dessert first.”
He cut you off with a kiss. “Pay attention to your meeting. Don’t mind me.”
You jumped as you heard your name called in the meeting, fumbling for a moment with the mute button on your mic before getting it on and giving a generic answer as you gave your husband the stink eye. You had not heard a single word said in the last few minutes.
The Teams window flashing colors caught your attention as the presenter shared his screen. Dammit, you needed to actually pay attention now. 
Kyojuro glanced at the screen before adjusting your chair to be against the cold wood but turned to face away sideways from the desk. You could easily turn your head,  see the screen and reach your mouse. But what was he thinking?
You tried to keep your focus on the screen to the right of you, but in front of you your husband was getting on his knees. He leaned forward, his fingers gripping over the top of both your panties and leggings at the same time. He gave them a little tug and arched a prominent eyebrow at you, the gesture both asking if you wanted to proceed and making it abundantly clear that the dirty thoughts that had begun to form in the back of your mind were indeed the same as his intentions. 
You looked at him and made up your mind in an instant. You bit your lip as you lifted your hips a little off the chair. He grinned and got back to work. 
The second your bare butt was against the seat of the chair your name was called in the meeting. You quickly glanced at what was on the screen and formulated a reply. You said a quick prayer that your voice sounded the same as always.
He pressed your legs together and kissed up the seam between your thighs-  from your knees up your thighs to your hips, placing a tender kiss on your lower stomach before his hand slid up to the low cut collar of your tank top and pulled it under your tits, putting them at the mercy of his calloused fingers. He gave you a cheshire grin before pinching and pulling on your nipples until you covered your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Good girl,” he whispered against the skin of your belly.
The Teams meeting  might as well be white noise because 5 minutes have passed and you haven’t heard a single word. You are way too transfixed on the sight between your legs. Kyojuro now has both of your legs thrown over his broad shoulders, muscular shoulders and is mouthing at your thigh thisclose  you where you really want his mouth. 
He locks eyes with you. Your jaw hangs open slightly as he gives you a wicked smile before dragging his tongue between your folds. You quickly check that you are muted before you let out a shaky breath. He drags his tongue from the bottom over your slit up to the small bundle of nerves hidden from all eyes but his. He expertly circles your clit lazily, twice making a figure 8. His tongue is teasing your dripping hole when your name is called. 
You swear before you glance at the screen, relieved to see this is the final wrap up. Unfortunately that means a few minutes unmuted. 
“I’m going to be unmuted for a few minutes. We’re almost done,” you say quickly before joining the conversation.
The menace between your legs pauses, his tongue now just teasing your hole, his fingers digging into your hips a little harder. You see the look in his eyes. You feel yourself getting even wetter thinking about how hard he must be right now and that his big fat cock is all for you. 
He wiggles his tongue and arches eyebrow, thankfully pulling you from your ‘loading screen’  and asking if he should continue. 
You bite your lip quickly for a split second and then you’re keeping eye contact with Kyouro as you start to speak to your boss about setting up a meeting and simultaneously thread your hand in his loose locks, pulling his head closer to your cunt, wanting more, needing more.
You say goodbye and exit the meeting and Teams faster than you ever have before, flinging your headphones to the side. You double check you are no longer in the meeting and then let your full focus shift to the love of your life currently tongue fucking you now that he did not need to worry about how riled up he got you. 
You moan and sweat, burying your other hand in his hair as well, spreading your knees as wide as you possibly can, giving him access to anything and everything. One of his hands moves from your hip up your body to your mouth. The second your lips part he puts two fingers in. Your mouth automatically sucks them in. Your tongue weaving swirls around and in between, lathering it up with spit. 
You threw your head back and closed your eyes, crying out in bliss when those two spit slicked fingers moved up and down your slit before plunging inside. You were extra sensitive from how turned on you had gotten by his antics, and it was not going to take much to push you over.
Kyojuro added a third finger and switched to sucking harder at your clit while flicking his tongue back and forth. You fell apart, calling out his name and holding his head close, fluttering around and riding on his hungry mouth and strong hand. Your essence was coating his fingers, mouth and chin as well as the chair beneath you and you couldn't care less about the fabric. 
Kyojuro kisses both of your thighs gently, his fingers moving far slower than before as he worked you through your blissful haze. He smiled when your eyes finally met his gaze again. “There’s my girl. Feeling any better, my love?”
“So much!” you chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair. “May I return the favor, my flame?”
He glanced at his watch. “We have maybe 30 minutes.”
“Well, stand up,” you told him. You moved your legs off his shoulders, wincing briefly at the feeling of your hips unlocking from the position he had had them in. 
He pulled his fingers from your soaked pussy, pressing one more kiss to your mound before standing and sucking his fingers clean as he rose. And that sight only made you hornier. He leaned over you, smiling and kissing you more passionately than he had yet. 
His hands were on the arms of your office chair. “What next, my love?”
You grinned and pressed back on his chest until he was standing. You pressed the lever of your chair and dropped to the lowest setting. Your hands pulled down his pants and boxer briefs down to his midthigh. 
You locked your eyes on him. “Next, I have my share of the appetizers.”
You stroked and sucked on his cock, loving every inch of it and lathering it in spit. His cock was thick and long. You needed extra spit so you didn’t hurt yourself. And it just so happened that Kyojuro liked a sloppy blow job. His hands were threaded in your hair, holding the back of your head and guiding you up and down his cock. Your hands had taken residency on the sides of his, sexy as fuck thick, muscular thighs. Your nails were digging into his skin, leaving red crescents in their wake. 
He praised you with one hand gently brushing hair back out of your face while the other helped you keep rhythm. You looked up at him as you moved your hand to cup and gently squeeze on his sack. 
Kyojuro let out a delicious moan and started thrusting a little hard. Again… same reaction. A third time? You never did learn the easy way and before you knew it you were moaning as he fucking ino your throat. He was being cautious of how hard he was going, never wanting to hurt you, but he damn sure was feeling a bit… well feral, he supposed. 
Then you did something with your tongue on accident and it sent him into his sprint for the orgasm finish line. He called out your name as he held your head against him, cumming deep in your throat. He encouraged you not to waste a drop, and praised you when nothing remained on his cock by the time you released it from your mouth. 
He tucked himself back in his pants while you fixed your clothing. As soon as you stood up he wrapped you in his arms. You turned your face up for his kisses. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him as close as you could. “I love you.”
He cupped your face and gave you that smile that melted your very being before kissing you back, slowly. He rested your heads together and replied,  “And I love you.”
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darlingdarkly · 8 months
New Year New You Part 6
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x f!reader
Personal Trainer AU
4k words
CW: dubcon!, dark fic, dark content, obsessive behavior, dirty talk, explicit language, E rated, NSFW, smut, 18+, mature themes, alcohol consumption, use of drugs against one’s will
Part 1, 5, 7
It’s been five days of radio silence. You don’t show up the morning after your last session ended just to let Johnny know your free trial is up, although you do walk past the gym every morning before work, even though it’s eight blocks in the wrong direction and makes you leave thirty minutes earlier than you usually do.
You don’t text him and let him know that you won’t be coming in the next day or ever again for that matter, although you do start the text, writing and deleting and rewriting variations of the same “Hey Johnny, I just wanted to let you know-“ and “Johnny, I just wanted to text you and say-“ and also “Hey there, I’m just texting to tell you-“ All typed with bravado and deleted as your nerve deflates.
The one constant is your homework, you do still do that every night like clockwork, three sets of sit ups, two sets of toe touches, ten lunges and your stretches. Your soreness had ebbed after two days of rest and on the third day after you’d washed your dishes and sat down on the couch you had stared at the wall for ten uncomfortable minutes, fidgeting with your nails until you caved, moved the furniture out of the way and did your exercises, even if you couldn’t muster up the nerve to call him so he could watch.
Your days took on a blurring quality. Get up, go to work, go home, sleep, repeat. You felt the monotony settle over your days like a heavy dark blanket, it blotted out the sun and as though your disposition held any real world consequences, as if the very shift of your mood held sway over natures cosmic tides it started to rain and hadn’t stopped since the morning after you’d last seen him.
You were at work, typing away at a report when Nancy approached your desk. She sat down across from you, scooting the chair as close to the desk as her legs would allow and leaned in on her elbows until you finished your sentence and looked up at her, a bit dreary. She frowned and reached out across the desk to touch your hand. “Come to lunch with me.”
You looked back at your computer, the cursor blinking impatiently. “I can’t, I’ve gotta get this report done, I’m gonna work through lunch.” She tipped the monitor in her direction before scooting it back into place. “No you don’t, those reports are all old, I’ve got to send out the updated ones before you can type that report up, or else you’ll just have to do it all over again.”
Your brows furrowed as you reviewed your work. “What do you mean? These are all-.” As you looked back at her she was smiling and you couldn’t help but smile back. “Nancy.”
“Come to lunch with me.” She brooked no argument and you relented, saving your progress and following her out to her car. She unlocked it and you slid into the passenger seat, letting her carry you to the little cafe the pair of you hadn’t been to in ages but used to visit frequently.
You sat down at a little table close to the door and a tall skinny man brought you two menus and took your orders. Nancy also ordered two glasses of prosecco to go with the meal and you stared at her in disbelief as the waiter took the menus from you and walked away.
“Starting a little early today are we? You do plan on going back to work after this right?” She smiled and unrolled the napkin and bundle of utensils on the table in front of her. “Of course, one glass won’t kill you. Besides, you need it. You’ve been moping around the office all week.”
Just then the waiter came back with two flutes of wine and set one in front of each of you before turning away. Nancy picked hers up and brought it to her lips, taking a sip before setting it back down on the table in front of her and folding her hands in her lap. “Now tell me what’s going on.”
You picked the glass of wine up and took a sip, letting the sweet fruity juice marinate in your mouth before swallowing. It was good and you had to admit it made you feel better.
The alcohol helped to loosen your tongue and you found once you started you hadn’t stopped until your plate was set in front of you. Nancy sat across from you and watched as you unwrapped your own napkin and dug into your lunch. She picked up her fork, took a bite and thought everything over.
“You know what you need.” You reached out for another sip of wine and looked at her tentatively from across the table. “What?”
“You need to come out with me tonight.”
“Yes!” You rolled your eyes and shook your head, the last thing you wanted was to go out. It always ended badly. Either you'd wake up in some strangers bed or you’d drink too much and wake up with a throbbing headache. You had to go to work in the morning and nursing a hangover at your cubicle at seven in the morning sounded like the exact opposite of what you needed.
“You need to let loose, live a little. Forget about him!” You didn’t want to let loose and live a little, and you certainly didn’t want to forget about him. He was so beyond anything you’ve experienced in so long, so intense and weird and you thought he might be a little crazy but he had said you were his and he was yours. But then why isn’t he texting you? Why isn’t he calling you? Hell, you wouldn’t be mad at him showing up at your house, you half expected him to be there when you didn’t show up for your session that next day. But he wasn’t.
Maybe Nance was right. Maybe you should forget it, forget him. Maybe your previous first impression was more on the money than you’d given it credit for, maybe he was only cozying up to you so you’d buy a membership. Maybe the sex was just more casual and meaningless than he made it out to be.
So you agreed, reluctantly, to go out. You didn’t promise you’d stay long or dance or even talk to anyone that wasn’t her but she agreed that as long as you were getting out then it was a step in the right direction.
You finished your lunch, downed the rest of your wine and left feeling a little better but still uneasy. It was hard to admit to yourself that maybe you’d let your guard down and fallen into some sort of infatuation with Johnny. He made you feel good, wanted, sexy. He hounded you like a dog for a bone and then when he got it he only seemed to want more and more, craving all of you relentlessly. He seemed so committed to you and your goals but maybe it was all just a clever ruse.
But that felt like one maybe too many so you went home after you clocked off with clear instructions from Nancy to be ready at eight. You cooked, showered and got ready, nothing too fancy but dressed up enough for wherever she might have planned. You looked yourself over in the mirror, putting on a few finishing touches when your hand came to rest on the Fitbit around your wrist.
You still had it, still wore it everyday, it was useful to help track your steps and it was an expensive gift to just let sit on your dresser and collect dust, you wouldn’t admit to even yourself that it felt a little like taking off a wedding ring so soon after a divorce, it would be absurd for you to have grown so attached to something material in just a weeks time but it stayed on your arm nonetheless. You switched out the band for the gold chain, dressing the high tech jewelry up and grabbed your purse as you heard the cab pull up outside, laying on its horn.
If she arranged for a cab then she really must have meant for the two of you to drink tonight. You raced down the stairs and slid into the seat of the cab as she drew the door open for you. “Are you ready for some fun?” You smiled and matched her energy but still felt wary about the whole thing. She leaned up and spoke to the driver before the cab pulled away from the curb and out into the night air. Nancy adjusted her makeup with a compact from her purse and you stewed in your thoughts as the buildings flew by out the window.
It had been awhile since you’d been out and you weren’t sure if you were ready for that kind of scene again, the crowds, the lights, the music. But before you could imagine the various elements of your future perils they were before you as the cab pulled up to a building pulsating with sound, a throng of people spread about the exterior talking, laughing, huddled close together in tight groups.
Nancy handed the cabbie a tip and stepped out onto the curb, pulling you out into the amber and pink neon light of the club. The ground shone bright with prisms of color, the rain slicked pavement mirroring the lights and creating a floor of brilliant light. You could feel the thump of the music even from outside and listened to it drastically increase in volume as a couple pushed open the door and stepped into the building, holding onto each other as they disappeared down the dark corridor and into the belly of the building.
You and Nancy pulled out your IDs and showed them off to the bouncer who gestures for you to pass. Pushing open the door Nancy pulled you into the dark hallway, the only light coming from a small window in the door behind you, it faded to nil as you traversed the passageway.
It curved and then was vibrantly lit by various entanglements of neon lights, the first set made a pair of hands, fingers interlocked, the second a half of a woman’s face, her neon eyes fierce and piercing. The third a fibonacci sequence, swirling ever inward upon itself. Passing down the corridor you could tell you were descending, the music getting louder and louder with each step.
Eventually there was a turn and radiating from the corner was a prism of bright, quickly changing light, the rays shifting from pink to gold to green. A fog began to build, a miasma of stale air, sweat and alcohol that burned your nose.
As you rounded the corner the music hit you like a physical wave, deafening in its volume. The lights, bright and strobing, illuminated the writhing bodies wall to wall, you’d entered the belly of the beast. Nancy tugged you by the arm up a set of stairs letting onto a balcony, it wrapped the length of the building on all sides, turning the floor below into a pit of life.
You weaved between the groups of people, brightly colored cups in their hands, their eyes ran over you as you invaded their spaces and passed, their pupils blown and dilated from more than just alcohol, sober they looked like strange monsters but after a few shots their outlines would begin to glow, golden and radiant and they’d appear as gods.
She stopped at the bar, packed with people all along the length and she had to muscle her way between bodies to get the bartender's attention. “Four shots of Bicardi.” You vaguely heard her yell over the noise of the house.
You survey the scene behind you, people passing back and forth, streaming up the balcony towards the bar bumped by people freshly hydrated and looking to dance headed to the floor. None of the faces are distinguishable, a blur of noses and eyes and lips, none catch your eye but you’re still not looking for any interaction, if the most you can do tonight is let loose and dance with Nancy then that’s fine by you.
She turns around behind you, four shots held delicately between outstretched fingers as she tries to maneuver away from the bar. You grab two shots from her hands and she thanks you, motioning with a roll of her shoulder for you to follow her. You follow at her back, a shot in each hand as she finds a deserted table. There’s half empty drinks spread over the top but the booths are empty, which means the people who previously occupied it are feeling good and more than likely down in the pit sweating it off.
She sets the shots down and you follow suit, slumping for a moment into the booth. She sat opposite of you and passed you a shot with a sly grin. “This’ll help.” You took it, eyeing up the clear liquid, knowing it will burn, anticipating it as the saliva built up in your mouth from muscle memory.
You looked up from the tiny glass to meet her eyes, they held yours as she brought it up to her lips and tipped it back, a loud crisp “Ahhhh” resounding from her as she brought the empty shot glass down with a bang on the table. She beamed, the picture of a woman in paradise beckoning you to join her, free of responsibilities, free of pain. Take the shot, join me in paradise.
You did. Picking the shot glass up and downing it, the liquid hardly touched your mouth, barreling straight for your throat, it was sweet and spicy and it burned. Your mouth refilled with saliva, chasing the harsh juice down your throat. As you set the empty shot glass down she was picking up the second, in for a penny, in for a pound. You grabbed for your second shot, lifting it with a smile as you felt your bad mood slip to the back of your mind. You’re out, you’re here, might as well enjoy it. You swallowed the second dose of rum, feeling it burn and not minding so much the second time around.
She scooted out of the booth and grabbed for your hand, you came willingly. She bustled through the crowd hell bent for the floor. The song changed, you didn’t know it but it didn’t take long to pick up on the rhythm as you made it to the edge of the mass and penetrated its ranks.
It was a much tighter fit than weaving through the bar crowd. Bodies pressed up against each other, moving in time with the music. Wandering hands found grinding hips, one press of silhouette shifted into the press of another until they became indistinguishable, you could be dancing with one person of four simultaneously. You kept hold of Nance as she slipped through the crowd and into the middle of the floor.
Satisfied with her depth she turned to you and grabbed your hands, pulling you through the last of the crowd into her space. It was safe and you felt at ease, joining hands with her and dancing without care. Why had it been so long since you’d done this? Why did you always have to fight it? It was better when you could just move, move and forget.
You don’t know how long you stayed like that, dancing in carefree bliss. You felt invigorated and alive. You felt a body at your back, not Nancy, she was still in front of you plus this body, molding itself to your back was strong and hard, the hair on the back of your neck stood up, you held your breath as you spun around, expecting very familiar brilliant baby blues but they settled on eyes as green as deep forest moss and even under the potent haze of your buzz you felt your heart sink a little.
The man currently getting physical with you was dark haired and handsome. Strong jawline, stubbled and his green eyes held yours intensely. This wasn’t an accidental bump on a crowded floor, this was a come on.
You turn back to Nancy for help only to see an exact mirror of the man behind you, behind her. Her eyes are cast over her shoulder as the man slides up close to press her back against him and she seems to melt into his touch. When her eyes turn back to yours, they’re excited and you know she’d be no help.
The men simultaneously bend down to whisper in your respective ears, you see the one behind Nancy and know it’s mimicked by the loud deep whisper you hear from behind your own ear. Twins, oh boy.
“Hey there gorgeous, I’m Andrew.” The accent is exotic, from somewhere you can’t place or even point out on a map if you tried but it’s deep and rumbly and if it weren’t for your current predicament it would have been very appealing. Nancy grabs your hand and pulls you forward to speak where you could hear over the music.
“They’re twins.” You could hear the excitement in her voice, there was no way she was letting one or both of these guys slip out of her grasp. “I don’t know Nance.”
She pouted, lip stuck out and all. “Come on. Let’s just see where it goes. Free drinks.” You knew she’d get her way in the end so you went along with it, letting them lead both of you back up the stairs towards the bar. They ordered in front of you a set of four shots and you picked them up directly from the bar, wasting no time in tipping them back.
Nancy was already giggling at whatever her twin was whispering sweetly into her ear but you were still resisting the charms of yours, you had said you weren’t looking to talk to anyone and you really meant it. After a few attempts he noticed you weren’t picking up on his advances and so he did something you really hadn’t expected.
“Look, I can tell you’re not interested so how about we start over as friends. Hi, I’m Andrew.” You looked up at him, trying to get a read. His eyes held no malicious intent and he had a genuine smile on his face so you took him at face value and gave him your name.
The four of you spent a good chunk of time in an open booth talking and getting to know each other, it was actually a good time and the guy who’d originally strided up to you on the dance floor kept his word and didn’t try anything once you started to open up a bit.
The four of you were very intoxicated at this point and you had long forgotten the pit, much preferring to stay upstairs. One of the twins was regaling a tale of how he and his brother nearly died sneakily train hopping through Europe when they had just turned eighteen.
It was a hilarious story, all of you in various fits of giggles, even Ian, Nancy’s twin and the one telling the story, couldn’t keep a straight face as he talked. You were coming off a fit of giggles when your full bladder made its presence known. You excused yourself from the group to take care of it, coming down onto the dance floor and heading for the bathrooms. You really had no idea where they were but you thought the front of the house was the best place to start.
As you traversed the club you realized you really were intoxicated, stumbling as someone bumped into you and struggling to regain your balance, swaying dangerously like a man on the bow of a turbulent ship.
You grabbed the wall to right yourself and stared up at the first set of neon art on the way towards the door. The Fibonacci sequence of lights, natural patterns in bright fluorescence, now more mesmerizing than it had been on the way inside. You don’t know how long you were there staring before the urge to pee made itself known again.
You made your way up the hallway and finally found the bathroom. It was pretty busy there, girls adjusting their hair and makeup, talking, laughing. One girl was crying surrounded by a group of her friends who were doing their best to console her. You found an empty stall and went in, locking the door and doing your business, listening to the chatter as you relieved yourself.
When you were done you came out and the group of girls had vacated the room, leaving an open sink. You came up and began to wash your hands, taking a little longer than normal because of your inebriated state. You dried off and checked yourself over in the mirror, your eyes drifted to the jewelry on your wrist and you became lost in your thoughts.
Johnny came to the forefront of your mind and you saw yourself frown in the mirror without even realizing you were doing it. You dropped your gaze from the reflection and elected to stare down at the sink instead. You felt oddly ashamed about these thoughts, you shouldn’t be thinking about him, you’re out and having fun and there’s a guy, who seems like genuinely a really nice guy who is interested in you and that should be what you’re focused on.
Only that it wasn’t. It was the stupid watch! Why had you worn it out? Why were you still wearing it? You turned your wrist over and fumbled with the clasp until it fell loose into your open palm. You opened your clutch and dropped it inside. Feeling better but not great, you came out of the bathroom and made your way back to the table, mood ruined. You engaged as much as necessary in conversation but now that you’d thought of him, he wouldn’t go away. There were another round of shots and a decree from the twins to go back to the dance floor. You followed and watched as Nancy got very physical now with Ian, and Andrew found a new girl in the crowd to turn the charm on for.
You danced in the crowd, trying to re-find that carefree girl you’d been pre-bathroom break. You let your body move to the sound, closing your eyes and just feeling. When you re-opened them you saw him, he was a couple of heads up, dark hair and broad shoulders, those baby blues unmistakable, only there seemed to be four of him instead of one.
You went towards him, it was your first instinct and you did it without thinking about it, slinking your way through the dancing forms, pushing past arms and backs until you thought you were about where you’d seen him. There was a man here but it wasn’t him, just a guy who was the same height with dark hair, his eyes weren’t even blue, they were brown.
Boy you really must have had too much to drink. You looked around, searching the crowd for Nancy and the twins but you couldn’t see them anymore, you tried tracing your way back to where you’d been but only got lost more. As you turned there was a rush of air to your face, little flecks of something hit your skin, a chemical smell filled your nose.
The following moments descended into a memory slush, just fragments of reality that didn’t make any sense. Lights, loud music, movement. There were hands on your shoulders, strong, warm. Glimpses of light, green, blue, gold. The neon woman with her piercing eyes, she judged you from her place upon the wall. Her judgment was final, her sentence was sleep and the world went dark around you.
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dreamypisces888 · 10 months
Houses Overlay in Synastry : Some Observations !!!!!!
But before that please go and follow our brand on AMAZON it is amazing this is the link and we need more followers ! It is Called BEE&YOU and has Food supplements and Skin care Products 100% Natural check it out : https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/2C023B1A-69E8-4B9C-9633-0780FE736755?claim_type=EmailAddress&new_account=1&
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Alright !!! Now we Can start !!!
Understanding how planetary placements interact between charts can provide insight into relationship dynamics. Let's look more closely at how certain cosmic configurations may play out.
Having Saturn placed in a partner's 4th house of home/family could create a sense of constraint within one's personal space. Tension may arise unless boundaries are respected.
However, when Venus hangs out in someone's 4th, it often lends a feeling of warmth, comfort and affection - like finding a safe haven in each other. A loving connection.
The Moon passing through a person's 4th brings a nurturing quality and sense of emotional security. Her gentle energies can strengthen the bond through small acts of care.
On the other hand, Mars hunkering down in one's private 8th domain amps up the passion big time. While the sparks may fly, maintaining balance is important for intimacy to stay healthy.
The Sun popping into a 5th house of fun suggests enjoying each other's company in a lighthearted way. Yet this isn't always an indicator of deep commitment on its own without other supportive factors.
With Mercury in the 5th, wit and banter are on the menu. Shared hobbies and repartee draw folks together on an intellectual plane.
Likewise, the Moon in the 5th brings a feel-good energy of joy, playfulness and ease. Her maternal/paternal nature may also come through in meaningful ways.
When expansive Jupiter activates the partnership sector, greater blessings can imbue the relationship. His optimistic presence aids whatever vows are made.
And reliable Saturn holding down the fort in the commitment area adds a quality of dedication, structure and follow-through valued in long term bonds.
So in summary, different planetary configurations offer insights, for better or worse. Understanding each unique dynamic can benefit navigating relationships smoothly.
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avatarmerida · 1 year
I don’t have enough brain cells to do more with this idea but I always think about how in a panel they once joked about Hunter getting his drivers license in the human realm and idk if that’s secretly canon or a scrapped idea or a joke but I don’t care because I’m obsessed with the idea of a Camila teaching him how to drive and how he defiantly drives the exact speed limit at all times and overly checks his mirrors.
And then he gets his license and Willow has permanent shotgun and he looks at her looking out the window under the guise of checking his mirror but she’s almost like a dog the way she loves to stick her head out the window and feel the wind in her hair. She takes it out of her braids so her won’t lose her hair tie and Hunter is like 😳
And Gus in exchange for allowing Willow front seat not only had the whole backseat to himself but he’s in charge of music. They have special aux cord for Luz’s old iPod and they jam out to like Simple Plan and Avril but Hunter is a pro at not being distracted because he takes safety very seriously. But he loves to hear Willow and Gus try to guess the words as they still sing along at the top of their lungs.
And like at every stop light when a care pulls up next to them, Gus is like “Hunter, you gotta race them!” And Hunter of course is like “No.” and then Gus starts chanting and Willow joins in and he considers for a brief moment but of course he can’t betray Camila’s trust so he doesn’t give in. Willow and Gus still treat it like he’s racing, cheering at every car he passes.
They def always ask to go the drive thru and he’s a very big “we’ve got food at home” person but then always ends up turning into the parking lot as a surprise. Can you just imagine Hunter ordering off the dollar menu and treating like a big mission while Gus is in the back trying to decide what to get because he loves human food so much and there just so many choices? And then since Hunter is a very strict “hands on the wheel at all time” dude, Willow feeds him his fries so he can focus on driving. At one point she offers him a sip of her soda and if he wasn’t operating a vehicle he would pass away at the idea that his lips have been where hers have been.
Then at some point they’re driving home and car in front of them stops suddenly and Hunter hits the break, sending them all flying forward. They’re safe, always having their seatbelts on but instinctively, Hubter reaches out his arm in front of Willow as though to help stop her. But when he does, the placement of his arm is rather… compromising 😉 and Hunter freaks out and starts apologizing but Willow assures him it’s okay and Gus breaks the tension by blasting another song.
Also maybe he wears his Cosmic Frontier costume in his license photo because it’s an important document and he wants to look his best.
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frozenfries · 4 months
Cozy Café : A VALORANT Headcanon
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written for this game, but inspiration struck at a random time. This totally hasn’t been sitting in my drafts since last January
Prompt: If the agents worked at a café, what would their roles and/or signature drink be?
Amidst the chaos of battle, a quaint café stands as a sanctuary for the weary agents. Here, they can take refuge from their high-stakes duels, and trade their weapons for aprons to pursue a different kind of mission: the art of brewing the perfect cup of coffee.
Phoenix: with his vibrant personality and quick reflexes, he’s the charismatic face of the café. Entertaining customers with his barista skills comes naturally as he conjures up dazzling coffee concoctions with a flair of his hand, a burst of flame and a confident grin. His signature drink, The Ignition Latte, is a fiery blend that invigorates even the most exhausted of patrons. Jett: agile on and off the battlefield, she brings her lightning-fast speed and precision to the café. With a swift motion of her finger, she effortlessly crafts delicate latte art, transforming each cup into its own masterpiece. Her Cloud Burst Cappuccino is a smooth delight, creating a moment of feather-light happiness for those who drink it. Viper: the formidable chemist brings her scientific expertise to the world of coffee. With a touch of her gloved hand, she infuses her creations with unique flavors and aromas, leaving customers in awe. Her Venomous Mocha is a mysterious blend that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lingering, addictive aftertaste. Sage: with her nurturing personality and herbal knowledge, she adds a touch of serenity to the café and its menu. Her Rejuvenation Tea is a calming infusion that restores both body and mind, providing a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday. Omen: ever the enigma, he brings an air of mystery to the café. With a flick of his wrist, he conjures up ethereal and smoky concoctions, leaving people wondering how he manages to capture such unique flavors. His Shadowy Cold Brew is a chilling experience that takes customers on a journey through darkness and light. KAY/O: the robotic agent assists in the day-to-day operations of the café, precisely measuring ingredients, ensuring efficiency, and maintaining the coffee shop's cutting-edge technology. KAY/O's presence adds a futuristic touch to the atmosphere, making customers feel like they've stepped into a realm where man and machine coexist harmoniously. Sova: a master archer, you can find him behind the counter carefully crafting his signature drink, The Tracker's Shot: a potent blend of espresso and a hint of blueberry syrup, topped with a delicate foam art of a wolf's paw print. Sova takes great pride in his creation, often using it as a conversation starter with customers, enthralling them with tales of his adventures in the wilderness. Cypher: the watchful surveillance expert provides security for the establishment. He has a keen eye for detail, which translates seamlessly into his signature drink, The Watchful Eye Latte: a meticulous combination of steamed milk, a shot of espresso, and a dash of vanilla spice syrup, served with a meticulous swirl of latte art depicting an intricate camera lens.
Chamber: the polished agent with a mysterious past has a taste for the unconventional, which is reflected in his signature creation, The Trademark Mocha: a rich concoction of dark chocolate, a double shot of espresso, and a hint of cinnamon, sprinkled with a dash of edible gold glitter that gives it an otherworldly shimmer.
Astra: with the ability to infuse her cosmic energy into any environment, she can elevate even a simple drink into an otherworldly experience. The Celestial Brew starts with a base of rich, smooth espresso, followed by a fusion of steamed milk and vanilla syrup, creating a swirling galaxy effect. To top it off is a dollop of homemade lavender-infused whipped cream, a touch of stardust and a sprinkle of edible glitter.
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windsweptinred · 2 years
Sir Robert Gadling, Champion of Earth
It was a rare thing, for someone of his somewhat, irregular age bracket to experience what could truly be defined as a new sight.
But Dream of the Endless, sprawled belly down on the grassy land that lay between the New Inn and the river bank. Dark coat, draped about him like great, dark moth wings. Ear to the earth, cheek settled gently against buttercups and dandelion clocks. Smiling serenely to himself. That was definitely a first.
Leaving the door to the pubs main entrance ajar and depositing the outdoor menu board on route. Hob sauntered over to the prostrate Endless, bending low at the waist to meet two blue eyes. Peaking out from behind a rather monstrous sprout of daisies.
"Taking a nap in the sun, Duck?"
Dream regarded him momentarily before rolling onto his back. His ebony mane a wash with errant leaves and wild flower petals.
"I was listening."
Kneeling at his side, Hob swept a stray dandelion seed from his cheek, smiling indulgently.
"Ah, communing with nature is it?"
Recieving nought but a small, mischievous smirk in answer, he huffed a laugh. Flopping down onto the grass to mirror his partner.
"Alright, keep your secrets. You great, silly creature."
Turing on his side, head rested on his palm, he reached out, idly stroking the under side of Dream's chin. Watching his lover extend the pale collum of his neck in pleasure. Feeling a purr of gratification rumble down the lithe body. Great creature indeed.
"Since you're here, I've been thinking. About what we talked about when we last met. About some humans, being... What was the word you used? Marked? Yes, marked for an specific Endless. Well, if I'm Death's because of... Well you know. Or Desire's or whoever. I wonder if they'd be up for swapsies? I'm not much of a wordsmith, I know. But if there's any cosmic entity I have to swear my allegiance to, I'd want no other monarch then you love."
Dream regarded him silently for a moment, before capturing his free hand, pressing a reverent kiss to the mount of venus.
" You are not, nor shall ever be bound to either myself, nor any of my siblings. Though you have thrived uncommonly in each of our realms. You owe fealty to a much kinder sovereign. "
Hob balked at that.
"Who, God? Because quite frankly no thank you! The few centuries worth of confesssional catch up alone is horrifying to consider!"
Stars flared in his companion eyes as he graced him with an amused look.
"They do indeed have their chosen. Those saints and prophets who serve them in life and are called in death to the Heavens. But no... "
Dream took his hand, placing it lightly upon the ground, so to not crush the shards of grass beneath. Then, placed his own atop, entwining their fingers, pushing their nails and fingertips slightly into the soil below.
"She who has laid claim to you, sits here, beside you, beneath and above you. There are few beings who have walked her lands as long as you, and have resisted the lure of the occult. You remain as human, as earth born as when your lady mother bore you. And you are loved for it. Robert Gadling, meet she who has been called Tonantzin, Hou Tu, Bhuma. Third child of Via Lactea. By the ancient lore of these lands, she is Danu. But perhaps you would recognise her as Gaea or Terra. The Great Lady Mother Earth."
He felt it then, the ground around him, bracketing his body, as if being craddelled protectively in the palm of a hand. The pulsing in the sway of the blooms, in each ripple of the river. Like breathing or the drum of ancient heartbreat. The knowledge of a mother's eyes upon you while you play. The assurance of her protective gaze.
"She has kept you sheltered under her branches when you lacked hearth and home. She has granted you food and water when human hands denied you them. She has kept the water below you calm and the soil underfoot steady. Even now, she keeps my younger siblings from nipping at your heals. In return you have asked for no more from her then what was needed. And conitue to honour and protect her. You have earned her favour above 8 billion of your brothers and sisters Sir Gadling. Not a meger feat."
Humbled by the magnitude of it, Hob lowered his forhead to the ground. His temple brushed the fine root of ancient tree that grew within the grounds. Like a supplicant, he thought. At his he's queen's feet.
" At your service, my lady."
A gentle breath of air blew down upon him, like a whispered blessing. In the distance, he vaguely could make out the water of the river, churning in joyus waves upon the bank.
Beside him, Dream gracefully rose to his knees. An evident expression of pride in his gaze as he regarded Hob.
"I will leave you to get better acquainted."
Leaning forward, he placed a tender kiss into Hob's hair.
"Farewell my Heart."
Angling his head, Hob dove forward, capturing a tender, shared kiss. Nuzzling their noses together playfully.
"Goodbye Dove"
At that, his lover rose to his feet, Righting his coat with a dramatic flared sweep.
"My Lady" He swept into a courtly bow, directed at a clump of dock leaves. "I thank you for you continued care of my most beloved. May you have sweet dreams of Sols warm rays."
At his feet, plumes of wild poppies of red, orange and yellow blossomed, earning a rare, glowing smile from the Master of the Dreaming. With a final nod to Hob, Dream turned and took his leave.
Watching his lover deapart, Hob crawled, quietly forward , whispering conspiratorially into the head of a fox glove.
"If I may ask a humble boon? Watch over him too, when you are able."
As Dream passed by the tree, a low hanging branch, unfurled, reaching out. Folliage sweeping his cheek in a tender caress, which he instinctively leaned into. Hob wondered when, if ever Dream of the Endless had known a maternal embrace. To his right, a tree root flexed and groaned, causing the ivy vines coiled about it to violently twang with a rip cord snap.
"Not a fan of them either ey? " He patted the ground beside him. "Well, he's got us now."
Flopping once more onto his back, head cushions by arms. Hob Gadling smirked daringly at the clouds above.
"So, which climate destroying, corporate dragon would you like me to slay first My Lady? My sword is yours."
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azuphere · 7 months
Glitch theory???? 😱 hit me!
(x) sjfds putting on my conspiracy theory brain for this, my rambles are under the cut !
no cause like it’s the way that most songs on the ‘all or nothing’ album are a direct reference to dnp (ie moon chair) or to video games in general (ie options menu), but one of the songs that are hard to immediately pin a reference to is ‘static’. and unless it’s a reference to dnp being all *head empty* or like the type of static in some video games (esp during spooky week), there’s also the ALTERNATIVE clown theory which is that static = similar to glitches = glitch theory
and like another song that seems out-of-place is ‘cosmic window’ cause unless i’m just forgetting something, or unless they used that as a general space-themed name (bc they like space or cause of dalien), or unless the producer titled some songs too, my personal headcanon about glitch theory was always that it includes some sort of rift in time between the future and the past, as inspired by phil’s ‘spring 2121’ merch. so cosmic window = glitches in time = glitch theory
and i always believed that the spring 2121 merch is connected to glitch somehow, so phil wearing a death and milk shirt in a tiktok last year is also. connecting the dots.
and as mentioned in my original tags, the way that track 1 appeared as ‘cheeky banter’ on some websites, but it was either an error or a glitch(!!), and the real title is supposed to be ‘project x’ which WAS the original codename for dapg, but also project x = secret projects. and that song being the one to glitch out is furthering the glitch-spiracy
AND based on this recent dapg community post, funny how ‘static’ or ‘cosmic window’ or ‘project x / cheeky banter’ aren’t mentioned at all 🧐
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and THEN last year in june 2023 when the amazingphilshop had a huge sale that included some merch that was originally thought to be gone (like the glitch hoodie!!), phil tweeted this video saying that there was a glitch(!!) on the website that caused a mistake for the poster weight. and at that time i also said smth along the lines of:
phil saying the word glitch -> the glitch hoodie being part of the sale -> that tv static/glitch effect in his vid when he talked about the sale -> ppl saying his hair is brown* in this vid and his hair was brown in 2019 when the glitch hoodie was created -> here’s how glitch theory is alive and real 
*and now in hindsight, phil’s hair wasn’t fully brown in june 2023 but now it IS brown like how it was when he announced the glitch hoodie so that point is relevant again
so in conclusion: all signs point to glitch and im like this
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cyberdragoninfinity · 11 months
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[i wasnt able to screenshot fast enough to catch all of them but the lil flashes in between the vrains cast did show all the other yutags too, including yuga! <:)]
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OK!!!!!! OK COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [also the fact the music that plays over this scene is JUST the duel links start menu screen music is SO good. 4th wall really rattling a bit at its seams.]
LIKE. ZOO WEE MAMA. THIS IS A CATEGORY 5 HURRICANE OF A LORE DROP HUH!!! A.) ok so now we have the VRAINS crew made aware of the fact there are other dimensions full of other Duelists in this virtual realm with them. cool cool COOL COOL!!! But furthermore B.) OH OK SO ALL THOSE UNLOCK EVENTS WITH CHARACTERS WHO SHOULDNT BE ALIVE??? ALL THOSE INSTANCES OF CHARACTERS BEING HERE WHEN IT SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE??? All of those moments of DL denizen memories being read and recreated?? that's just A SIDE EFFECT. OF THE ACTUAL INNER WORKINGS OF SETO KAIBA'S WILD RIDE. DUEL LINKS IS ACTUALLY LINKING AN UNTOLD NUMBER OF CONSCIOUSNESSES ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE, FOR AN UNKNOWN REASON weaving these dimensions and their inhabitants (living AND dead) together in the process, potentially irreversibly. Linking their subconscious thoughts together and creating a virtual playground from the resulting slurry. I'd call it a hivemind BUT IT'S NOT EVEN THAT. IT'S SOMETHING EVEN WEIRDER. The minds of dozens of Yugioh characters being linked together but keeping the individual intact. And for what. FOR WHAT!!!!
"What will happen when every mind is connected?" YEAH GREAT QUESTION. WHAT WILL HAPPEN, SETO??????? since this STILL does all link back to one rich kid with a grief processing deficiency. haha... "link."
GOD. SPINS AROUND REAL FAST. this is huge and this is baffling and this is scary and i am SO excited for happens next. Where do we go from here!!! Why's Ai being so quiet all of a sudden!!! How do the Rush Duel Worlds fit into all this!!! Is the VRAINS gang going to be able to MAKE CONTACT with characters from the other worlds????!?! PLEASE. PLEEASE. we've now got a solid baseball team's worth of guys looking into This Increasingly Complex and Cosmically Horrifying Freemium Mobile Game's Inner Workings and i cannot WAIT to see what the next breakthrough is!
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