#Culinary Alchemy
jadeannbyrne · 5 months
Jade Ann Byrne Presents: Neon Nights: The Taco Bell Cosmos
In the vast expanse of a future not wracked by dystopian cliches but painted with the neon glow of endless possibility, a figure stood beneath the celestial marquee of Taco Bell, a testament to the eternal human saga of late-night cravings. Jade Ann Byrne was her name, a contractor to this grand establishment, a caretaker to an army of automatons crafted in her own image. With a cascade of…
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kuragi-kriada · 5 months
250 grams of coagulated cow cream.
500 grams sucros.
Two ovulations of hens.
500 grams of granulated wheat.
190 grams of granulated cocoa beans.
5 grams sodium bicarbonate.
5 grams sodium chloride.
And 500 grams of assorted chocolate chips just because I felt like it.
Mix until it is just slightly thicker than clay.
Once mixed, take small handfuls of the concoction and place it upon a metallic tray. Apply heat to the separated concoction at 175 degrees centigrade for twelve consecutive minutes.
Remove from heat and let sit for at least five minutes but no longer than fifteen minutes.
Remove from tray.
The final and most important step is as follows:
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Iron Chef Dad, Susur Lee, transforms cheap mass produced food into culinary delights "Iron Chef Dad," aka Susur Lee, can make ANYTHING gourmet. If you don't already know him, here's a quick bio, courtesy of The Canadian Encyclopedia: Susur Lee, chef, restaurateur (born 1 January 1958 in Hong Kong). Susur Lee is a celebrated pioneer of modern Chinese cuisine and "fusion" cooking. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/29/iron-chef-dad-susur-lee-transforms-cheap-mass-produced-food-into-culinary-delights.html
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Rosemary
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus)
*Poisonous *Medical *Kitchen *Masculine
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Folk names: Compass weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Libanotis, Polar Plant, Seas Dew
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire, Air
Abilities: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Power, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Why Poisonous?: Their oil content. Large quantities of rosemary leaves can cause vomiting, spasms, coma and in some cases, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). Rosemary can cause miscarriages so it is not recommended for expecting mothers. It is also not recommended for those with high blood pressure, ulcers, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
Do not consume rosemary oil
Characteristics: With its aromatic, needlelike leaves, the rosemary plant grows in a bush and can be quite large in the right growing conditions. Can grow two lipped, purplish-blue and white flowers.
History: Was first referenced on a stone tablet that dates back to 5000 BCE. Is native to the Mediterranean region. It was considered sacred by the Spanish due to its association with the Virgin Mary. In France, it is referred to as incensier due to its popular usage as an incense.
Growing Rosemary:
Easy to grow?: Yes.
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: Yes
How to Plant Rosemary
Video Guide
Where to Find Seeds
Magical Usage:
Stimulates memory and thought processes
If burned, adds an energy of protection and purification to a space
Sprinkling its leaves onto graves will cause the undead to be at peace
Carried in an Herbal Amulet will give one confidence and courage
Placing the leaves under your pillow will ensure good sleep and banish nightmares
Can be used in love and lust incense spells as well as healing poppets
Used to be included in bridal flowers so that the couple will stay true to their vows
The smell is supposedly very offensive to evil spirits
Smelling rosemary every day can help preserve one’s youth
Medical Usage
In oil form, can be used to relieve rashes and blemishes on the skin
Can help relieve muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune system, and promote hair growth
In balm form, can repel insects
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rei-dragoness · 2 years
tfw you try and bull BT3 Reinhardt for the past week and the moment your professor starts teaching how to cook risotto, you pull her twice.
Culinary school pulling in clutch
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Bro go thank your prof if you haven't
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divinegastronomer · 24 days
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In context of esoteric culinarily, there’s a process of transformation and creation in cooking. As ingredients come together to form a dish, the concept of "one becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth" is the alchemical process of combining various components to produce a harmonious and transcendent culinary creation.
This saying emphasizes the transformative nature of culinary art, where the unity of different elements results in the emergence of something greater than the sum of its parts.
It encourages a deep understanding of ingredients, techniques, and flavors to achieve a divine culinary experience.
Maria the Jewess, also known as Miriam the Prophetess, was an innovator in alchemy.
She invented the bainmarie, a device still used today.
She mastered Qabalah and mysticism.
Maria is thought to have been of royal descent or related to a chieftain.
She is sometimes called the sister of Moses to emphasize her prophetic role.
"One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the One as the fourth," is one of Maria's alchemical axioms that may be interpreted to be a description of the process of manifestation by the power of Tetragrammaton, or IHVH.
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tumb0429 · 7 months
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nomadicscratches · 1 year
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"Serving Satisfaction"
Puncture pasta, soft body, firm.
As fragrant as it is sultry,
slides down hatch smoothly,
taste again rich cream and poultry.
What flavor is your favorite?
What spice catches your eye?
While you've eagerly waited,
perfection's been plated,
I'll only serve you satisfaction,
and nothing Michelin rated.
DLMC 9/8/2022
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🎊 twst 4th year anni ABEMA stream 🎉
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***TWST JP news + anniversary spoilers below the cut!***
The stream starts with Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, and Sebek's VAs replying to a bunch of quiz questions. I think Ace or Deuce responds with "810" when asked how many items there are on the Heartslabyul lounge's coffee table. Sebek's VA also has a hilarious answer when asked how many Draconians (wakasama fans) there are, he pulls out some super absurdly high number with tons of zeros in it.
There is then a Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles-type section where the VAs decorate their own cake for TWST's anniversary. It’s a team effort! Ace and Deuce put on the cream, Sebek added cookies on top, and Jack and Ruggie did the final decorations. It ended up looking pretty cute ^^ (Ace's VA is the one that added all the whipped cream peaks; it was mostly thanks to Ruggie's VA that the cake still looked aesthetically pleasing at the end.)
Actual game-related news time!!! The SR Grim card for the 4th anniversary is... drumroll please...!! 🥁Apprentice Chef Grim!!! ABGKSKVUkvuDSQEVUOFDFIHAFVA HE'S SO CUTE, HE EVEN HAS A LIL TUNA CAN CAKE 😭
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For anniversary, there will be a series of free items given out if you log in during the event period (11th to 25th), which includes THREE 10-pull keys (released on the 11th, 15th, and 18th, respectively). You can receive up to 12 days' worth of freebies. There will be an anniversary banner as per usual; you can earn tokens by pulling on this and then trade them in for a SR magical key (50 tokens) and/or past event-limited SSRs (150 tokens), including past years' birthday cards (100 tokens). There will be a new "Event Recollection" feature which allows you to experience events that you may have missed getting the initial chance to play through yourself.
Mr. S's Mystery Shop will sell items from past events such as limited Groovy materials and spell upgrade materials. This is called the "Memory Shop".
You will be able to mark (multiple) parts of the story as your "favorite". This will be indicated with a pink heart icon.
Battles will have a new feature which allows you to save team compositions for them. Up to 25 compositions may be saved at a time. You can also pin your supports, so you no longer have to scroll to find a specific friend's character to borrow.
There will be 3 new item gachas added to the "Item Lotto" of the shop (for Crewel, Vargas, and Trein). Previously, there was only Sam's. You use a new type of medal (obtained by taking classes) to roll on the teachers' lottos, and can pull items related to what you'd typically earn in each of their classes.
Crewel's gacha may provide an herbal tea which can be used to boost Buddy Levels, including those for characters that are otherwise unable to take Alchemy classes. That means Crowley, Rollo, etc. are fair game. (Yes, you can force feed them tea to obtain FRIENDSHIP✨) The tea may also drop during Special Lessons or Alchemy class.
We finally get magical key conversion! On the summoning screen, you can turn 10 single pull keys into one 10-pull key (which guarantees at least 1 SR; single keys do not have this benefit).
The Guest Room will receive a second floor to decorate. This will be unlocked once you reach a Guest Room rank of 31.
The Guest Room rank cap will be increased from 30 to 40. Additionally, all properties of floor 1 appears to carry over to floor 2. This means the same comfort level and attributes will be present across both.
New BGMs will be added to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. There will also be new voice lines added to Alchemy, Flying, and the outfit selection screen. The official TWST soundtrack will be released on the 29th of May, though preorders are tentatively open now. It is 140+ tracks (149, to be exact!) across 4 discs and goes for 4620 yen (inclusive of tax; without tax the soundtrack is 4200 yen). Japanese retailers are offering different dorms' A5 sized holographic sticker sheets as bonuses for preordering.
That's it for now, mostly quality of life changes! There will most likely be a 4th year anniversary PV/animated short on the actual anniversary day (the 18th)!
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vidvana · 1 year
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I know that nobody asked, but here's some Telvanni lore for all the foodies.
Before you begin this culinary journey, check out this post about ash yams it's essential.
Telvanni Cuisine
It’s obvious that Telvanni have an extensive knowledge of fungi.  After all, they live in huge mushrooms and collect and plant numerous species from all across the Tamriel to use them in their potions. It goes without saying that their cuisine is also quite fungal. The commonfolk at Telvanni settlements as most of the Dunmer source their protein both from fungi* and insect meat. But Telvanni nobles love nurturing peculiar worldviews and traditions that differentiate them from other races - or even other Dunmer. One of them is their distaste for anything that doesn’t grow in soil. They frown upon hunter traditions of Ashlanders and stock-raising of house Redoran and regard them as “primitive” in contrast to the delicate art of growing fungi. The alchemy ingredients are an obvious exception from this rule, but in general as their occupations don’t usually include menial work, their light and low-calorie cuisine perfectly matches their lifestyle. This resulted in traditional cuisine of the nobility being solely plant-, or more specifically, mushroom-based**, that contrasts sharply with the cuisine of Skyrim that is rich in venison and other animal-based foods***. Noble Telvanni shun debilitating ingredients such as alcohol and moon sugar in their everyday cuisine, as keeping their minds sharp is their main priority. In order to get an indulgent sweet taste marshmerrow is used instead. Telvanni rarely import vast quantities of vegetables from other provinces as house Hlaalu does. They use commonly grown foods like saltrice, ash yams or mushrooms as the base ingredients of the dishes. In some aspects they prefer to stick to the Dunmer traditions. The nobles, though, indulge themselves in expensive imported berries - not only because of their magic-enhancing abilities but also because of their extravagant taste. As the Telvanni ranks feature numerous alchemists the import of alchemical ingredients is obviously very common. Telvanni chefs gradually incorporated some of the exotic spices into traditional cuisine. Especially valued are the most characterful of them that fancy up the bland taste of mushrooms, such as juniper, ginseng or garlic****. * In real life mushrooms are a rather poor source of protein compared to legumes like beans and lentil. But since there are no legumes in TES universe (at least as far as I know) let's suppose there are some protein-rich mushrooms Telvanni can plant. ** It’s also worth mentioning that I’m a Telvanni-fixated vegan ass myself so that’s a more probable reason why I made my beloved house also vegan xD *** A lovely example of that contrast you can encounter in @thana-topsy ‘s fanfic “Breathing Water”. This would nicely explain Neloth’s preference for apple cabbage stew. **** This recipe for example resembles Telvanni cuisine, it was one of the inspirations from my imaginary dishes above.
Above I’ve come up with some examples of what noble Telvanni would eat on a daily basis.
Thanks for reading that and take care :3
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ventique18 · 1 year
Warning: Cringe Sebek moment (we go to the Malleus church every weekend to sing him praises)
Although I, and a lot of people in the fandom really, like exaggerating Malleus as this lovable idiot who fucks up basically everything he does because of his lack of common sense, I looked through NRC's courses and am 90% sure he's their batch valedictorian. And that probability is being modest because his GloMas vignette shows us he's very strict at making sure he does everything perfectly.
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Alchemy, Ancient Magic, Animal Linguistics, Art, Astrology, Abbreviated Spellcasting in Ancient and Modern Magic, Chemistry, Culinary Crucible, Defensive Magic, Flight, History of Magic, Enigmics, Musicology, P.E., Poison Refining, Potionology, Practical Magic, and Summoning.
Most of the above are subjects the game doesn't forget to remind us that he's great at, which isn't surprising as he's both a genius and an extremely hard worker. Top it off with genuine curiosity and openness to criticism, and we have the perfect student. Even his random school lines are arrogant wherein he says he doesn't even need to look at textbooks to ace a subject. The only subjects I could see that others would be better than him at are: a) Chemistry because he doesn't seem to care much about science; b) Animal Linguistics as I've never seen him converse with animals? But maybe a dragon has a bit of affinity with talking to them?; c) Culinary Crucible, but this is an elective and one he performed decently at; and d) Flight, because he admits that Lilia is better than him at this. Maybe Art could be listed here as his tastes are rather... unconventional, but I think any competent Art professor could evaluate his particular hyperfixations as truly works of art and passion lol.
The only way he wouldn't be the top student is if his idiotic zero-common-sense flaw takes over his life and he doesn't show up to exams. Which isn't unlikely, tbh. Anyway that doesn't take from the fact that he's extremely, extremely capable, and I find the dichotomy of his raw intelligence versus absolute lack of wisdom to be very interesting.
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yuurei20 · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you ever answered a question about what classes there are at NRC. I feel like I’ve seen it but I can’t seem to find it in Navigation:(
Hello hello!! ^^ Thank you for this question!
Apologies for the unhelpful Navigation menu m(_ _)m
Is this possibly the post? :> It is a response to a question about classes for non-magic students like the prefect, but as many classes that are mentioned in game that I was able to find are all listed!
They are:
・Physical Training ・Flight ・Potionology ・Culinary Crucible ・Ancient Incantations (also called Ancient Magic on EN) ・Magical Analysis (also called Enigmics on EN) ・History of Magic ・Alchemy ・Summoning ・Musicology ・Protection (i.e. Defensive Magic) ・Practical Magic ・Art ・Astrology ・Animal Linguistics
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Courses Offered at NRC
There may be other classes that have been brought up in stories/events, so please don't hesitate to point any out to me if there's any I'm missing. These will be listed alphabetically.
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Trey and Azul's best subject.
Supplies for Alchemy can be bought at Sam's store.
Ancient Incantations
Leona and Jamil's best subject.
Translated as Ancient Magic in EN.
Animal Linguistics
Ruggie's best subject.
Rook's best subject.
Cater and Ortho's best subject.
Changes and Comparisons of Abbreviated Incantations with Regards to Ancient and Modern Magical History
An elective course.
Translated as Abbreviated Spellcasting in Ancient and Modern Magic: Changes and Comparisons in EN.
Supplies for Chemistry can be bought at Sam's store.
Defensive Magic
Jack and Malleus's best subject.
Translated as Protection in EN
Epel's best subject.
History of Magic
Lilia's best subject.
Magical Analysis
Ace and Sebek's best subject.
Translated as Enigmics in EN.
Master Chef
An elective course.
Translated as Culinary Crucible in EN.
Floyd and Kalim's best subject.
Translated as Musicology in EN.
Physical Education
Deuce and Silver's best subject.
Poison Refining
An elective course taken by Cater, Vil, and Lilia.
Jade and Vil's best subject.
Translated as Potionology in EN.
Supplies for Potions can be bought at Sam's store.
Practical Magic
Riddle's best subject.
Idia's best subject.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
How to Use Herbs: Basil (Sweet Basil)
Hwello again! This time we shall be talking about how to use basil in different forms. If you want more information about basil, please click this link to get to my basil post: Basil Let's get started.
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Alchemist Formulas:
*Remember always try to see one part as a teaspoon before going into other measurements. Doing a smaller amount first and then trial and error is better than making too much and a mess.
two parts red sandalwood
one part honeysuckle flowers
one part basil
one part ginger oil
one part juniper oil
one part frankincense (Sun; vitality)
one part basil (Mars; energy)
one part cinnamon (Mercury; nervous system)
one part bay oil (Sun; health)
one part sandalwood oil (Moon; Inner Self)
Basil Essential Oil:
12 ounces olive oil
2 ounces basil, 1 packed cup
Remove basil leaves from stems.
Place olive oil in a pint sized mason jar.
Carefully stuff basil into mason jar and close the lid.
Store on a sunny windowsill for 1 day.
Use a funnel to strain oil and a spoon to smash last bits of oil out of leaves and discard the leaves.
Transfer oil to a decorative jar and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
Prosperity Oil:
1 part mint
1 part basil
1 part cinnamon
1 part pine
Carrier oil of your choice (olive oil, jojoba oil and etc)
Simply take a small mason jar and fill it a 1/4 of the way up with your chosen oil.
Add in your herbs while thinking of your intentions of prosperity and abundance and swirl the jar around clockwise.
Then add a little bit more of the oil before closing the lid.
Awakening Oil:
*This needs to crafted on a full moon
1/4 cup carrier oil
Mason jar
2 drops of basil oil
2 drops of thyme oil
Pour your carrier oil into the mason jar and then added the drops of thyme and basil
Swirl it gently in a clockwise direction so it will mix thoroughly. Say, "I awaken, I listen, I see. Enlightenment come to me. Awareness, mindfulness, clarity. Illumination come to me."
Anoint your temples on your head and pulse points with your oil before doing divination work.
Basil Growth Spell
Chop fresh basil into fine threads.
Warm honey gently over the stove. (A double boiler or bain-marie is recommended, as honey scorches easily.)
Add the basil to the honey and simmer.
Remove the basil-enhanced honey from the source of heat and murmur over it something like this: "Flies flocks to honey, Customers flock to me, Bears flock to honey, Business flocks to me, Ants flock to honey, Contracts flock to me."
Run a warm bath for yourself.
Rub the honey over your body, and then enter the bath.
Soak in the water for a while. When you emerge, before you drain the water, reserve some of the used bathwater.
Toss this on the grounds of your business.
Sex Worker’s Better Business Spell
Dress a lodestone , a magnetite rock, with essential oils of basil, bergamot, and lavender. (In theory, the lodestones' gender may be coordinated with the gender of the clientele you wish to draw.)
Sprinkle with magnetic sand and a pinch of ground cinnamon.
Carry or wear to charm up added business.
Exorcism Powder
Blend the following ingredients together and grind into a fine powder:
Dried basil
2. Blend this powder with arrowroot powder.
3. Sprinkle as needed.
Basil Cleansing Bath
Pour approximately one cup of boiling water over one heaped teaspoon of dried basil.
Allow this to stand until the water cools, creating a strong infusion.
Add this to your bath.
Financial Dreams (For Solutions)
Sprinkle either infused basil oil or essential oil of basil onto a lodestone, just before going to sleep.
Get into bed, turn out the lights and gently rub the scented lodestone in a sunwise direction on your forehead. (When you awake, your forehead will probably be dirty. Don’t panic; lodestone dust is lucky.)
Keep the lodestone near the bed, so that you can inhale the basil
Since two of these spells ask for lodestone, here is where you can get some and arrowroot powder. Lodestone , Arrowroot Powder
Kitchen Witch Recipe:
Wisdom Soup
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes, plus a little bit until it’s just right
1 cup red lentils
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can coconut milk
1 lime, sliced into thin wheels
Oil Options: Olive oil, toasted sesame oil
Sour Options: lemon juice, lime juice, rice vinegar
1 onion, diced
Sweet Options: Sugar, honey, agave
2 sprigs basil, de-stemmed and chopped
Salt Options: Soy sauce, sea salt, sweet miso (make a paste with miso and water before adding)
2 inches fresh ginger, minced
2 cups water
2 sprigs cilantro, de-stemmed and chopped
2 sprigs mint, de-stemmed and chopped
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
In a pot, place the lentils, coconut milk, and water, and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer.
Add the onion, garlic, ginger, cayenne.Stir. Do not cover.
Once the lentils are cooked and not firm (about 15–20 minutes), add one thing from the sour category, one from the sweet category, one from the salty, and some oil (add about a teaspoon of oil at a time). Taste. Repeat with a different item from each category.
Garnish with sliced wheels of lime and minced-up basil, mint, and cilantro.
I hope you enjoy these spells, recipes, and formulas and put them to good use. Use them wisely and bye byes~
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jackalopesao3 · 9 months
The Real Real Cocytus Hall Collapsed:
This actually gave me real insight as to why Solomon is culinary challenged. Fair warning: Solomon roast ahead! It’s all in good fun and this WW gave me a laugh! I do enjoy Solomon’s character a lot!
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A plastic bag? In the oven?! You know what happens to plastic bags in the oven?! I feel like I can’t say anything because I mistook wax paper for cooking sheets and made my house super smoky once.
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(They were melting chocolate.)
You set the chocolate on fire?! Chocolate isn’t hard to melt! I can’t bake very well but I help my mother and melting chocolate and butter is something even I can do. There are several different ways you can do it too. With the microwave, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
Now, you have likely burnt chocolate with your melted chocolate. Why can’t you just follow the directions?
But wait…this gets so much worse!
(Read More due to length)
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Shadow newt intestines?! Muddy spice?! Did Barbatos say to add any of those? No!
In all fairness they could be legit Devildom food but they could also be alchemy ingredients (or, most likely, both).
Sir, this isn’t your science experiment!
We all know alchemy ingredients can have unwanted effects. Also, assuming muddy spice tastes…muddy? That with the newt intestines is not going to be a pleasant flavor for the dessert.
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Isn’t it easier and quicker just to sift it than to recite a whole ass spell?! This is just arrogance. Magic isn’t always better. We already know some lingering magic gets mixed into whatever the old man cooks when he pulls stunts like this.
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Get out of here with your deadass tastebuds, grandpa!
Magic can be an absolute must for sorcerers in their careers and yet be separated from cooking and baking. It doesn’t need to be in every aspect of your life, especially when proven time after time to cause disastrous results. Remember when your cooking sent MC back in time?!
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Pics taken moments before disaster strikes.
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Oh Luke, what was that noise indeed? I believe it was the death cry of any hope that MC had for a relaxing afternoon. No wait, that’s just the poor oven finally succumbing to probably centuries (I mean he’s stayed there before) of Solomon’s torture.
RIP Good Soldier - You fought bravely
Barbatos has the tired mom look. He didn’t need to use his powers to know this would happen. Someone please give this man a vacation.
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Funny that you think there’s a kitchen left to check on, Barb. MC is probably trying to scramble out of the sinkhole that was once Cocytus Hall. The oven exploding probably opened up a rift in space/time.
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(un)Fortunately, Luke, Solomon is immortal. He will live to torture us yet again with his cooking. 🤣
Conclusion: It’s not that he can’t cook, or that he’s clueless. Solomon’s hubris from being a sorcerer (magic will make it better!) and dependence on magic (I strongly believe he’s dependent on it at this point) are the reason for his disastrous dishes.
Solomon, you silly old man, I love you but you gotta get with the times and stop using magic for everything!
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florydaax · 10 months
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Alphabet Legacy Hi everyone! I started the Alphabet Legacy on stream and I'm going to share the rules that I'm going to follow here! Each gen is a different letter, so there will be 26 gens basically. That's definitely a lot so I'm going to combine some gens if the gens don't really have a lot to do or if there are no traits/lifetime wishes etc. with a certain letter (the sims will be married then or siblings etc.) The rules are that you have to master all skills that start with the letter, complete a lifetime wish and career with that letter and all traits also have to start with it! I'm also adding drama to each gen that starts with the letter. My YouTube playlist with Alphabet Legacy streams Generation 1: A ♡ Name: Adelyn Ashwood ♡ World: Anne Arbor ♡ Zodiac: Aries ♡ Favorites: Autumn salad, Classical (there's no music that starts with an A so I just picked the word with the most amount of a's in it), Aqua ♡ Traits: Absent-minded, Adventurous, Ambitious, Artistic, Athletic (you can also choose Avant garde, Angler or Animal lover) ♡ Career: Alchemist (you can also choose Acrobat, Angler, Architectural designer, Art appraiser or Astronomer) ♡ Lifetime wish: Alchemy Artisan ♡ Skills: Advanced technology, Alchemy, Artisan and Athletic ♡ Drama: Affair ♡ Other: have an alien baby, travel to Al Simhara Generation 2: B
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♡ Name: Braxton Benson ♡ World: Brooklyn Heights ♡ Zodiac: Libra ♡ Favorites: Beach Party, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Blue ♡ Traits: Bookworm, Born Salesperson, Bot Fan, Brave, Brooding ♡ Career: Bot builder (you can also choose Band, Bot arena or Business) ♡ Lifetime wish: Blog Artist (you can also choose Become an Astronaut, Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder, Become a Master Thief, Become a Superstar Athlete (note: you will have to complete two careers if you pick one of these lifetime wishes) or Bottomless Nectar Cellar) ♡ Skills: Bass, Bot building ♡ Drama: Betrayal ♡ Other: throw a Bonfire party, throw a Bachelor(ette) party Generation 3: C
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♡ Name: Celia Caylor ♡ World: Crystalline Cove ♡ Zodiac: Cancer ♡ Favorites: Country, Crepes, Spice Brown ♡ Traits: Cat Person, Charismatic, Childish, Commitment Issues, Couch Potato (you can also choose Can't Stand Art, Clumsy, Computer Whiz or Coward) ♡ Career: Culinary (you can also choose Criminal) ♡ Lifetime wish: Celebrated Five-Star Chef (you can also choose CEO of a Mega-Corporation, Chess Legend or Celebrity Psychic) ♡ Skills: Charisma, Cooking ♡ Drama: Cheater ♡ Other: have a clone, become a five star celebrity, have a lot of cats, travel to China, travel to Champs Les Sims, have cows and chickens, throw a Costume Party
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