#Drones and Stars
karlrincon · 6 months
Happy New Year 2024 from Korea.
Year of the 🐲🐉!
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jadeannbyrne · 2 months
Jade Ann Byrne Presents: Neon Nights: The Taco Bell Cosmos
In the vast expanse of a future not wracked by dystopian cliches but painted with the neon glow of endless possibility, a figure stood beneath the celestial marquee of Taco Bell, a testament to the eternal human saga of late-night cravings. Jade Ann Byrne was her name, a contractor to this grand establishment, a caretaker to an army of automatons crafted in her own image. With a cascade of…
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agentx8d · 3 months
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Moatasem (5) and Obida (2), brothers living in the cold tents of Rafah with the rest of their family, and area under threat of invasion.
THE ALQUTATI FAMILY NEEDS HELP NOW TO EVACUATE. With the ground invasion of Rafah, this could be their only chance to escape death in the ongoing GENOCIDE! With our help, they can evacuate to safety and live a safe life like EVERYONE deserves.
Every single person in this family has dreams and passions. Every single person is someone’s everything. Please, do what you can to protect them.
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marcygoo · 29 days
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SILLY! ^_^
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bitterchocoo · 1 month
Can you do Boothill with a male reader who has the abilities of Absolute Solver from murder drones
Male reader went missing after the ICP destroyed Boothill's homeland. Many years later, Boothill and the other met male reader but male reader already got possessed by the Solver
I want an angst with a happy ending story please
Boothill | M. Reader as the Absolute Solver [Murder Drones]
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"The flesh demands invitation."
"What are you doing all smiling like that?"
"Huh? Oh nothing."
[Name] narrowed his eyes at Boothill's words, not believing it. He says it was nothing, but his scans say otherwise. The other can't help but laugh at [Name] expression, those neon [Color] eyes that narrowed on his visor. "I was just thinking about what to get my daughter."
"I see, got any ideas yet?"
"I'm thinking..."
Without saying anything else, [Name]'s visor changes to that of a shopping list. "Well there are countless gifts you could get from across the galaxy so—"
"Wait wait wait!"
His visor glitches and goes back to normal. [Name] looked at Boothill for a second seemingly confused. What was that about?
"I want to make it special."
"Oohh.." [Name] blurred out as he finally understands. "If you're going to handmade it. I could help if you like."
"Heh, thanks [Name]."
For as long as he knows [Name], the robot is a kind person who's happy to help those in need. He was a joy. Everyone was. Everyone on his home planet was a joy, like a small neighborhood. Everyone gets along with one another, there's rarely any conflict it's just a nice and welcoming place. Home.
Therefore [Name] didn't deserve this, none of them deserved this. It's outrageous. What did they do? What kind of sin did they commit to have on this planet. Their home. Destroyed in such a way.
As Boothill look at the surrounding fire and destruction of his home, he began to search around the area. Any place he thinks people will be at. Anywhere.
There are at least survivors right? Surely there are some people who survived this.. who saw the attack an immediately run towards a safe place.. surely..
But nothing..
Boothill find nothing but ashes and ruins of once someone's home.
..is destroyed.
Why.. why does this have to happen? He was happy. They were happy! What did they do to deserve this?
"Upgrading models? cutting maintenance costs? There are many reasons the client may wish to disassemble a drone individual or a series after a period of use. Following these two simple steps is key to avoid—"
"Incompletely disassemble drones may occasionally reboot from software death alone. More than undead federal fine hazards. Its corrupted AI carries an increased risk of future errors."
He stood there completely motionless. How is he supposed to react to that? After so many years...
Staying at the Express may be the best call for him. It's a free ride after all. Not to mention everyone is quite nice. Dan Heng was even willing to show him the Data Bank but...
This is one of them..? One of the information they've obtained during their travels? Don't get him wrong, it's useful, incredibly useful. But... if Boothill were to obtain such knowledge long ago..
He would have properly disassembled him.
To prevent such a fate from happening to someone he holds in high regards. If he were to do that... none of this would have happened!!
He—it screeches as it tries to get out of its restraints. That's not him. That's not [Name]!!
This was just another planet. One where the Nameless has set their sights on. They thought it was just another Stellaron Crisis. But... this is not the work of a Stellaron.. but the work of a drone that's not been properly disassembled.
It continues to screech as the researchers expose the drone to the artificial sunlight. It screeches in pain and agony as the researchers run around, trying to put a stop to this... thing..
He can't watch this.. he can't watch this any longer.
Without saying another word Boothill leave the Cathedral to get some fresh air. He can't. He just can't watch that.. whatever they were doing to someone he cared for.
"MacGuffin." The robotic voice echoes throughout an empty.. bloody.. ruined.. Cathedral.
Is this the type of thing the Nameless has to handle? Not the Absolute Solver no no... Fighting for your muddle fudgling life! Dodging an attack Boothill ready his revolver and shoot the claw-like thing.
It laughs at their attempts. It's six against one and yet they're losing how pathetic! "Thank you for the new host." It stated casually before narrowing avoiding an attach by Himeko's laser with a smirk on it's face the Solver summons it's claws once more and began it's onslaught of attacks. In a blink of an eye, all of them experience multiple near death situations left, right, and center. Fighting someone who can regenerate is cheating! They could be here for all of eternity!
Where's the cure!?
Its perpetual grin seems to widen every time any of them try to harm it which of course never worked as the Solver's regeneration rate is incredibly high. It laughs, summoning a miniature blackhole that was quickly disabled by Welt as he attack the Solver. "Have any of you find it get?" "No, we're still looking!" March replied, firing an arrow at one of it's claws while looking around for the crucifix that holds the data. The cure for the Solver. "Well I'm sorry, but fighting while searching is not easy!" Caelus cuts in, looking around the place as he ducks under the benches to avoid a stray attack. "Just focus on searching, we'll try to cover you!" Dan Heng stated firmly, using his powers as a  Vidyadhara to at least land a critical attack on the Solver.
With each attack the Solver just keep regenerating! But each time they themselves is inching closer to their own demise! Boothill took cover as he reload his bullets while looking at his surroundings for any potential threats. But something else caught his eye..
It's the crucifix!
Quickly taking it from the bloody floor, Boothill examine it for a moment, making sure it's the real deal. After a quick and swift examination, the usb connector pops out at the bottom of it. It's real alright. The cure for the Solver and the key to ending this nightmare.
"Cover for me!" He signaled before making a run for it. The Nameless did their best to keep the Solver at bay until Boothill does the finishing blow and slammed the crucifix usb model straight into the drone's visor and just like clockwork it let out a glitched robotic groan as it tries to take out the crucifix and in its efforts the cure done it's job. Motionlessly throws crucifix away the drone immediately slump to the floor.
Looking amongst themselves, the Nameless stood their ground not knowing whether the fight is over or is the Solver playing tricks on them. With caution Boothill slowly approached his old friend. Surely he's still there right? The Solver is dead. The patch worked! It has to work! Or else it....
Kneeling in front of him Boothill extended his hand. Waiting for a respond from the other. Anything! Much to their surprise the drone took the other's hand, slowly looking up, revealing it's---no, his neon [Color] eyes on his visor while the crack where they inserted the patch is slowly being healed. Yes! It worked! Letting out a dry, pained laugh Boothill gave [Name] a tight embrace. He's back. His old friend's back.
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ghost-ferry · 6 months
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This took me 4 hours
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hexidecimalhell · 7 months
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💜Woe, purple be upon ye!💜
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emeraldcity1900 · 2 months
the history of animation in a nutshell
Early 1900s: hey what if comic strips could like move?
Late 1910s early 1920s hey what if we mashed this up with live action people?
late 1920s: hey what if this thing had sound?
Early to mid 1930s: hey what if this had people actually talking and also color?
late 1930s: hey you know that super cool movie that one lady animated with paper cut out silhouettes? What if we did that with painted cells? Would people even pay to see that? Never mind it turns out the answer is yes.
1940s: ah shit most of our animators got drafted and/or hate us now cause we weren’t paying them. IT’S PROPAGANDA TIME BABY. Also haha hitler got hit with a mallet and also the most racist depictions of Japanese people ever.
1950s to 1960s : oh what’s this newfangled thing? Television? What if you could air cartoons on it? Oh fuck no I ain’t paying that much to get the charecters to have different backgrounds and for the charecters to like, move fluidly. Also manga and anime are steadily growing more popular.
1970s: (Ralph Bakshi walks into a comics store and finds a furry comic) X rated animated movie? *cue the screams of mothers and their unsuspecting children now being introduced to the revolutionary idea that cartoons don’t equal kids stuff? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?
1980s to 1990s: we can have full on animated Broadway musicals? Wait, what do you mean animated movies can count for the Oscar’s? What do you mean now they get their own catagory because the academy still thinks their for babies? Anime and manga are taking off in the west. SWEET JESUS WHAT DRUGS ARE THE JAPANESE ON SHOWING THIS SHIT TO KIDS. But also why is it so fucking good. Maybe some of these aren’t even meant for kids? Wait We can sell toys to kids with cartoons? Wait we can actually put effort into these cartoons on television? The fuck to you mean we can animate in 3D now? What do you mean we can have well animated, well written sitcom shows like the simpsons? What do you mean you can make cartoon charecters say fuck? What drugs are creators at Nickelodeon on? Do I even want to know?
2000s: oh my god, there is this one show that I really like cause it’s really well written and genuinely funny but I can’t talk about it because it’s animated and we all know cartoons are for babies right? Oh look it’s the transformers movie, look how far CGI has evolved so we can make the transformers in a movie.
2010s: holy shit I know these shows are for kids but they’re just well written and have so much meaningful things to say about the world. Wait, it’s cool to like cartoons now? They they have fandoms for this? Fuck yeah I’m in. (Enters one of the most notoriously toxic fandoms of all time) THEY HAVE GAY PEOPLE IN THESE SHOWS NOW? AND COMPLEX EMOTIONAL STORYTELLING? AND ADULT ANIMATED SHOWS CAN BE MORE THAN JUST SITCOMS WITH THE SAME JOKES AND STYLE? WHY IS IT THAT EVERY DISNEY CARTOON SINCE GRAVITY FALLS INCLUDE THINGS THAT GET MORE AND MORE FUCKED UP? WHY DO I FUCKING LOVE IT? WHY THE FUCK DID DISNEY DO THE OWL HOUSE DIRTY LIKE THAT?
2020s: I got this show I wanna pitch but it dosen’t fit into any box that the networks want and also I’m afraid that they’ll just randomly cancel it before I can finish the story I want to tell. Wait, I can just post the pilot on my YouTube channel, see if anybody actually likes this thing I made and just make the show independently? FUCK THE NETWORK! I AM THE NETWORK
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ao3-anonymous · 3 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (04/08/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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samarastimz · 9 months
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tessa elliot stimboard 🔭🌌
requested by: @glitchylaptop !
sources: 🔭-🌌-🔭 | 🌌-🔭-🌌 | 🔭-🌌-🔭
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invadergrabass · 16 days
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I just wanted to do a quick sketch to figure out proportions and it got away from me
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psychopomp-ish · 1 month
I am fascinated and enjoy coming across fanart of robots/androids/etc. that have top surgery scars. I'm not trans, but I think it is very poetic that artists give characters that don't have to go through the surgery the scars that they may have. They are robots, some don't even have gender, yet it is beautiful to me that someone loves a character so much, or sees themselves, that they give the character the scars like a badge of honor.
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spockvarietyhour · 6 months
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That fake Vulcan Combat Cruiser looks small by Comparison. Enterprise vs The Romulan Drone (round one), "United"
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
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agentx8d · 3 months
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The Basalah family lost their brother, Said Basalah, from an Israeli air strike on October 22nd, 2023. Now, the majority of them have been living in the tents of Rafah, an area under constant bombardment and threat of invasion! The Basalah family NEEDS to evacuate now to protect the rest of their family, including TWO CHILDREN!
Nezar Basalah, the father, suffers from many chronic diseases, and was supposed to undergo heart catheterization 6 months ago! Israa Basalah, one of his daughters located in the NORTH is 8 MONTHS PREGNANT, and has to prepare to give birth with NO medical care, food, or a healthy environment.
All of these people have hopes and dreams, and each one of them is somebody’s everything! PLEASE, TOGETHER WE NEED TO DO EVERYTHING WE CAN TO HELP THEM!
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