smeltbracket · 25 days
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happy solar-versary!!! life only matters because of each other!!!
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purplesound · 3 days
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wanted to humanize helluva's weird dramatic family
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muzwoom · 7 months
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Penelope is a long lost thames to *me*
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nyerusnova · 11 months
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Still thinking about... the lifts??? in Timmy's boots, from this variant cover of Batman #129.
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I'm so normal about this I swear....
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nelkcats · 9 months
Death Loves No One
Cause if he did he'd want to keep them forever
After obtaining the title as Ghost King and losing all his family, Danny started to feel lonely. He had friends, ghosts that would stay for eternity by his side but it wasn't the same. Danny felt that his personal connections were what kept him sane, the evenings with Clockwork calmed him down, but it wasn't the same calm that Jazz used to provide.
So, when he was given the title of Equilibrium it wasn't really a big deal. It was just another title among a thousand others, Clockwork advised him to visit earth to discover his purpose but also warned him that he would not look human.
Danny accepted it but didn't take it seriously, he couldn't help but get scared when people started screaming around him. He wasn't doing anything weird, he was visiting the cemetery, his family's graves, but everyone was running away scared.
He realized that since he lost Jazz (the last one to leave) he no longer looked human. He wondered if it was possible that someone might be interested in talking to him but dismissed it. Some people began to nickname him "Death" because all he did was stay in the cemetery.
That's why it was extremely rare to find a boy calling him every day and making a small talk, he became attached to the boy. The boy would visit different graves but always stayed to talk to him, never yelled, or called him a bad name. Danny couldn't help but love him the same way he loved his family.
He wasn't surprised that the boy died soon after (knowing him brought misfortune didn't it?), but he never stopped visiting the cemetery. So, when the boy rose from his grave completely disoriented, Danny wondered if it was somehow his fault.
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
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fu-cough · 1 month
oh sweet adrien who can't even do anything to change the course of his life because his fate was already predetermined long before he was even created
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demigods-posts · 2 months
i just thinks it's neat that luke's whole shtick is targeting demigods whose faith in the gods and their environment are weakening. and one of the last people he visits before he turns is annabeth.
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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downfalldestiny · 7 months
Beautiful encounter 🦌 !.
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
"I have no sister." The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? | Jon VI
--metaphorical knives at feigning neutrality regarding his sister
Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger's hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. "Ghost," he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold... | Jon XIII
--literal knives from breaking that neutrality to save her
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canisalbus · 6 months
AU where there is some sort of zombie-like (maybe something like a rabid vampirism?)
Where one of the boys is bit/infected and desperately wants the other to join them, while also wanting to resist?
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How to properly outfit your halfling:
Father - Shield
Husband - Sword
Dorian - Armor
I'm not saying there are dots to connect, but...
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driftingballoons · 8 months
baby doesn’t like the idea of being destined to live alone in a tower managing time or whatever, so they seek advice from someone with more experience
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He’s trying
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heavenlymorals · 1 month
Mary and Arthur: Consumed by Family
(Warning: There are mentions of sexism in this post because I refuse to not acknowledge the time these people were living in and what that entails for men and women.)
The saddest thing about the Arthur and Mary romance is that it didn't happen because they were plagued by the same problem- family in 1800s America and what that entailed for men and women.
In Arthur's case, it was more obvious. He felt he had a debt to the gang, a debt he could never pay back- to Dutch and Hosea, his father figures who saved him, to the men he saw as brothers in arms, to the women he had to take care of and loved, and he could never for once think for a moment that he could also be kind to himself. Arthur Morgan, a strong man, a provider, a protector, someone that people NEEDED. Never once did people in the game ask Arthur what HE wants. It's always about their needs, and Arthur, being who he is, a selfless person to selfish people, would slave away to the ends of the Earth, to hell and back, just to be that pillar that they see him as, for Arthur Morgan is a man who had the world on his shoulders and couldn't, not even once, think about giving that responsibility to another man. He never could. His family consumed him to where his truest self, his most authentic self came only in the thin pages of a leather journal and the voice of lead. His family consumed him and the love he had for Mary, this want to have for once, something truly to himself, was inconceivable. How could he leave them? How? He couldn't. No matter how much he may want to, he just can't.
For Mary? Her family consumed her long ago, as soon as she was born, for she committed the cardinal sin of being born a woman in the 1800s. Whatever ambitions she had, they were impossible. The world made her horribly dependent from the moment she was born. Her prospects was being a lady, knowing department, and securing a marriage for the sake of her family and herself, otherwise, more likely than not, she will be thrusted into poverty or shame or both. And then she met Arthur and he showed her a world beyond the gilded age and she was happy because this love she had for him was her own and her experiences were ones that she wanted, not that her family wanted. She was happy with him, so terribly happy, but her dependence on her family crushed her- socially, economically, culturally. So when her family forced her to marry Mr. Linton, she agreed and forsaked her own love because how could she abandon her family? Her elopement would shame them and make her a disgrace to her sex.
They were both trapped by their families for different reasons but in the end, they decide to put themselves first and it was already too late.
When Mary called for Arthur, it wasn't for him and if it was, she masked it up by asking him for help with her family, the family that she forsaked everything for because how could she not? And Arthur helped. By God, he helped. Not necessarily because he wants to, but that's what love has done to him. It made him the one work stallion out of many who will one day be put down by sheer exhaustion of the weight on its back and the reward of very little. And Arthur would leave and go back to the gang, because how could he leave them?
But after years of abuse, loss of personhood, and the struggles of being a woman in 1800s America, Mary decides to be selfish. She saw how her father saw her as truly less than nothing when he decided to sell a broach that belonged to her beloved mother and then to be passed on to her. All that suffering she went through meant nothing because her father has shamed the family she tried so hard to keep happy and her brother was off to college and was no longer held on by the shackles of the wayward patriarch, Mr. Gillis. She decides to be selfish and asks Arthur to run away with her, so she can finally make do on that proposal long ago to be together, married and happy.
But Arthur then makes the same decision she made all those years ago when he proposed to her. He chooses his family. They need him, but maybe now it's finally over? He can pay his debt to them, have them live happy and free, and then chase his own happiness, his own treasure in the image of a wonderful and beautiful creature by the name of Mary Linton- and maybe in the future, Mary Morgan. After over 20 years- maybe he can be selfish.
But when he realized that these people that he dedicated his life to were draining him of life and hopes and dreams and gave him nothing in return but more troubles, it was too late.
He couldn't let go of these people who ruined him and Mary realized this. Her final letter was a heartfelt goodbye because as she finally broke free of those binds that tied her, Arthur didn't or couldn't. He made the same mistake as she did all those years ago and she couldn't handle such heartbreak anymore, for their souls were slaves to them who didn't deserve it.
And when Arthur finally did break free of those soulful chains, of those people who he loved so deeply, it was too late. Sickness turned a strong man to a husk and as he choked on his blood, he could only get solace from the fact that he tried. He tried to be his authentic self, he tried to be his own man with his own actions, he tried to be good, he tried to change, he tried, and his reward?
Choking and gasping on his blood due to actions in the past he never wanted to do but did anyways because the people he loved asked him to and he just couldn't say no.
Both Mary and Arthur loved each other. Fully and deeply but as their souls were entwined, their bodies and minds were held in bondage by a man's duty to protect and provide and a woman's duty of deportment and honor to families who ruined them. Both of them expect the other to forsake their family for them, but neither of them could do that at the correct time together.
All that remains of that love, true and pure, is Mary's ring on another woman's finger through her wish that Arthur could give the ring to another couple who weren't trapped in the same duty that they were, and that if they were, they had the strength to be selfish.
What a sad, sad story of two poor souls, Arthur Morgan and Mary Linton.
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inked-night · 21 days
In the alternate universe of Dead by Daylight, Shen Jiu and Cale are known to be the survivors who, unwittingly, act in a sacrificial manner, completely oblivious to their companions' concern for their own safety. Despite their reckless tendencies, they feel deeply offended when other team members suggest distraction tactics or personal sacrifice, especially if they find themselves in compromising situations during the game.
"Have they lost their minds?" Cale asked, his voice laden with disbelief and his eyes exuding serious disapproval towards their companions.
"What makes them think that risking their lives in such a way is a good idea?" Shen Jiu added, standing next to the redhead, raising an eyebrow in a questioning gesture. He crossed his arms over his chest, adopting the stance of a disappointed teacher in front of a group of mischievous students. "You can't just throw yourselves into action without thinking of the consequences"
Illyana, Penelope, and Rudbeckia were left blinking, astonished at the hypocrisy of the men before them.
'But you are the first to throw yourselves into danger without thinking twice!' Penelope had to bite her tongue to not say out loud what was screaming in her mind, maintaining an expression of regret while internally struggling with the urge to shake them into reason.
'Don't you remember that just two games ago you died in the most absurd way possible, trying to give us time to escape?' Illyana nodded in apparent agreement with the reprimand they were receiving, although inside she was torn between disbelief and the desire to hit them with the bat she had found to give them a 'gentle' reminder of their own recklessness.
'You're supposed to be the brightest strategists on the team! Where has this shared foolishness come from?' Rudbeckia, for her part, couldn't contain a groan of frustration, imagining herself tying both men with a rope and dragging them across the map until they managed to repair the generators and escape from the killer, thus avoiding the multiple heart attacks they caused her every time one of them threw themselves in front of the killer when the opportunity arose.
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