#this solar opposites shit gets serious
smeltbracket · 25 days
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happy solar-versary!!! life only matters because of each other!!!
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arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
WARNING: Could include Content +18 
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 ❁Those who have the 8th house ruler in the 11th house as Venus(Vedic): Usually Vedic astrology falls short here, they only say that this is about group s*x, earning money through s*x, winning a spouse through s*x (wtf), honestly I know people with this position and it is not like that, I am disappointed to see this in Vedic astrology... It actually means that Yes, you can be quite sensual and you have a charismatic aura that attract people easily, but it doesn’t mean group s*x or gaining money/spouse through s*x or all that type of shit, it means that you have refined sense for art, and that you can work in high status places like being an architect or something like that, and you are a person who likes high status things and who is quite concerned about popularity and reputation, and in s*x matters you are quite open-minded and usually you have fun here, but you can get caught up in pretty empty s*x, just for sensual pleasure, and actually can have very shady friends that are involved in shitty/secretive things. If you have this placement in Vedic astrology prove me wrong.
❁Lilith in a man natal chart doesn't mean the type of woman he fears: Is his inner child wounds, his repressed/violent/raw/shadow side. So women who have personal planets signs or have the energy of his Lilith, can make them feel really uncomfortable or not at all (depends on the maturity of the person) since they trigger this suppressed energy, which can generate friction in the interaction or it can even generate s*xual tension, leading to a healing/regenerative s*x, BUT NO FEARING!. So if you feel empowered because you trigger wounds in other human beings, it’s dark and it only talks about your psychological issues.
❁Your co-ruler of a house(intercepted sign), Doesn’t have less influence in your life and is not less important at all, actually having two rulers of a house could influence your life almost equally, it is just they get activated on different moments of your life. For example: if you have the ruler of your 8th house in the 11th house and the co-ruler of your 8th house inside the 8th house, you could feel the influence of your co-ruler more powerful than the ruler because it’s inside the same house and that is very powerful in astrology.
❁Capricorn rising: Girls with this position could feel a lot of anguish, they have a lot of discipline, Serious appearance, but they are sweet sweet people once you know them a little more(cancer DC), girls with cap AC have beautiful cheekbones, but there could be skin problems as well, and men with this position have very masculine bodies/appearance. ❁In vedic astrology a malefic/benefic planet doesn’t mean that is negative/positive, they all have their light and shadow side. ❁I find so annoying reading those astrology posts about your future spouse like serously that not depend on astrology, it depends on you, your vibration and what you do with your life. So if you're sitting there waiting for it to show up in any moment... You have no idea all the influences in your life that can complicate that, such as: your limiting beliefs, your fears, Solar return influences, your subconscious, Traumas, Arrogance, immaturity, etc...and in fact we can quite transcend our natal charts and attract the person/relationship we want/deserve, have you heard about manifestation? ❁To all the people who have asteroid Eros(433) in the 11th house/Aquarius: You are really in to group s*x, orgies or anything like that? or in reality you are into mental stimulation, mental compatibility and trying new things? (i read you) ❁If you have placements in hard aspects(conjunction, square, opposition) with Saturn, Don’t be afraid, because the only thing that Saturn is asking you for is maturity & integrity to express those energies(planets/asteroids/archetypes) of your chart in the most mature/authentic/honest/transparent way possible, that is why a lot of people don’t like Saturn, because they are very immature, lacks integrity and just want to fill the void of their egos…and Saturn is not going to support that. Because probably in your past life(s) you handled those energies like shit, and in this life Saturn comes to correct that.  ❁The other day i read a post from a person here in the community giving an incredible theory(if you know who it is, I give all the credit to that person): Your birth chart is your Sun persona chart(personality/ego), Moon persona chart(Emotional needs), Venus persona chart(what are your desires), Mars persona chart(Ambitions and s*xual desires), and like that... it is a good theory but it falls short in some planets, For example: Mercury( i see the mercury persona chart of a lot of people and they are very similar), and due to the social/transpersonal planets influence too. “But if you really want to know yourself more deeply and fulfill the desires/needs of each planet/asteroid you have, look at the persona chart of each one of them”. ❁Vedic astrology sometimes falls short with Venus. ❁Venus aspecting Neptune or Neptune in 8th house: They might like/love when they see their partners/lovers crying, it kinda turns them on. “I have this and I find it really beautiful when I've seen them cry, I find it so pure, watery, spiritual, otherworldly and honest. And yes, it kinda turns me on too lol” Anyone relate to this? (I read you) ❁Men with Mars in Scorpio or Aspecting Pluto/Pluto in 8th house: Doesn’t have big d*cks, in fact it's quite average, but if they like you, they can stay hard and strong all night, because Pluto here gives raw power and that is a very intimidating stamina and libido that is not easily transmutable. ❁Men with Mars in Pisces/Aspecting Neptune or Neptune in 8th house: Here it gives the illusion of a Big D*ck, their p*nises have an special energy that can easily cause sensitivity and even org*sms to their partners, their energy it’s like chi/Prana/life force and that can be quite regenerating/even addictive. Here is not about big stamina or crazy libidos... Is about connection, adaptability & merging.
❁Men with Mars in Cancer or Aspecting Moon/Moon in 8th house: Something strange and magical happens with these individuals, their d*cks grow depending on the emotional connection they have with a person, it means that if they honestly connect with you physically, emotionally and mentally, their d*cks can Grow a lot, to the maximum range that their p*nises can, and sometimes it can grow a little more than expected if they are in love with you, but if the connection is poor and shallow, their d*cks retract and tend to shrink, because their d*cks are one with their hearts/emotions. ❁Men with Mars in Capricorn or Aspecting Saturn/Saturn 8th house: Something similar happens with the moon aspect, but here Saturns asks for maturity, so if they go out with you and they find you important in their lives a lot of stamina and endurance will be unlocked, usually their d*cks don’t grow like with the moon aspect but they get hard as a rock, and Saturn has an other side:”He is dirty AF” so if they find you important (or not at all, the other extreme), they can be very nasty and like demons in bed.
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hinatastinygiant · 9 months
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5 | Cherry
Pairing: Itadori x Fem!Reader
The Encounter
"Seriously? A camera? Who even has cameras anymore?" Itadori asks once you finish explaining what happened in the bathroom.
"Are you saying you don't believe us?" you grumble, your eyebrows narrowing at him.
"No, it's just... Why a camera?" he shrugs.
"Maybe because there's no damn service out here at all," Nobara chimes in.
"Yeah, but cameras still work on phones as long as they have battery, right?" Itadori continues. "And people usually bring chargers or something with them. They've got those solar-powered ones now, you know."
"Unless whoever did that lives out here and doesn't use a phone," Fushiguro interjects, causing chills to run down your back. "Maybe they've got a camera specifically for-"
"Okay, okay, we told you so you'd make us feel better, not freak us out even more!" Nobara groans as she takes a step closer to you.
"Look, we need to make sure we stay in groups of two or four the whole time we're here," Fushiguro tells the other just like he had begun to say this morning at breakfast. "Nobody goes off on their own, got it?"
"Hey, are there bears around here?" Nobara then asks. "Maybe that's what we've been hearing."
"Bears don't carry cameras on them," you explain to her.
"No shit," she grumbles as you attempt to shrug her off while she tries to wrap her hands around your arm. 
"I sure hope there are no bears..." Itadori gulps.
"Why do you ask?" Fushiguro then questions her.
Nobara grips your arm harder this time, preventing you from shoving her off. She then points behind the others where, to your surprise, a bear stands sniffing the grass nearby. 
"Don't run!" Fushiguro begins to explain to the three of you while Itadori stands in front of you, putting himself between you and the bear. Nobara looks at you a bit confused, not quite sure why Itadori's standing in front of you and not also her. 
Thankfully, the bear decides to walk off in the opposite direction and the four of you can finally let out a breath of relief. But before anyone can say anything, Nobara pulls you by the arm and yanks you behind your tent.
"What the hell was that?!" she whispers furiously.
"What was what?" you ask her.
"Oh please. I know something is going on with you and Itadori! Don't try to deny it, Y/N," she says harshly.
"I'm serious, it's nothing!"
"Really? Cause when Fushiguro and I got back from the store you were all comfortable in Itadori's hoodie, acting happier than normal," she begins to accuse, causing beads of sweat to form on your head.
"We were just hanging out and having fun, that's all," you shrug, trying to play cool.
"Fine," she sighs, still narrowing her eyes at you. "But-" she begins, before hearing a noise off in the distance. "That's it! Who the hell is out there!"
You take a few steps forward, trying to get a better look in the darkness, but Nobara grabs you by the arm and shakes her head. "Y/N, don't."
"Then come with me," you whisper before pulling her closer to you. Together, you take a few steps forward, but no more sounds are heard. Well, not including Nobara's quiet pleas for the both of you to return to the campsite. And finally, you give in and agree. 
That night you find yourself enveloped in a dream where a faint, indiscernible sound like the slow unzipping of a tent's entrance. It's a sound so soft that it shouldn't be enough to wake you.
Yet, in an instant, something inside your body jolts you awake. Your eyes snap open and you find yourself sitting upright. A shiver runs down your spine as you look around, but it's all pitch black. The dark night is still encompassing everything around you.
Instinctively, you turn toward Nobara's side of the tent where she should be resting. There's a lump, a silhouette about the size of Nobara, which proves that she's still there.
"Hey, did you just get out of bed?!" you call out to her quietly, only to get no response.
Then, in a hushed whisper, you call out, "Itadori?!" Perhaps what you heard was one of the guys coming back from the bathroom and zipping up their tent. Or, it was just all in your head.
However, you can't shake the feeling that someone really did just zip up your tent. Unfortunately for your hypothesis, Itadori doesn't respond. Instead, an eerie silence lingers in the dark. Your heart quickens, the uneasiness from earlier begins to return.
You then rise from your mattress, trying not to wake up Nobara, and unzip the tent's entrance. As your feet touch the cool, damp ground, the quiet forest stretches out before you. Raindrops fall on the leaves around you as you take a few steps forward, your senses on high alert. Nobara's words from before echo in your head.
"Nobody goes off on their own, got it?"
You know it's a stupid move. The first one to go off on their own always dies in the movies. But who's to say it's not just all in your head? You'd rather take the chance to prove to yourself that you're not going insane than to lay in bed awake all night wondering "What if?".
Just as you begin to focus on your surroundings, an unexpected sensation steals your focus. There's a sudden, sharp whack against the back of your shins, and a searing pain surges through you. 
Panic courses through your veins as you struggle to stand up before being shoved face down into the mud below. You can feel restraints tightening around your wrists and ankles. The world becomes a muffled, disorienting blur as you're dragged deeper into the unforgiving wilderness.
Well, Itadori was definitely wrong. It's not a curse. Whatever asshole just snatched you is undoubtedly a human.
The Encounter
Taglist: @liyahsocorro @Bandit6199 @little-aruma
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 3 (by @avaveevo)
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Kim-La and Korvo enters the room where four other Shlorpians are sitting down at a huge table, waiting for Tortus.
Yellow Shlorpian: Korvotron?
Kim-La: Yep! New Order, meet Korvotron! Tortus’ old student.
The Green Shlorpian laughs
Green Shlorpian: *realizing Kim-La is serious* Oh shit. You’re serious.
Kim-La: Yep. So why doesn’t everyone introduce themselves?
Bee: Sorry. Please excuse Moran. He is such a comedian. I am Bee, the chronicler of the New Order.
Gadget: I’m Gadget! The New Order’s genius! Even though my genius is overlooked…
Korvo: O-kkkaaay.
Xinna: What up? The name is Xinna. I am served as the bodyguard of The New Order.
Korvo: Interesting. *offers to shake hands with Xinna* I can’t wait to-
Xinna crushes Korvo’s hand a bit.
Korvo: OW! Okay! That smarts!
Xinna: You’re welcome.
Kim-La laughs nervously
Kim-La: Sorry about Xinna. She is very cynical and fierce.
Korvo: I can tell.
Moran: What is up?! The name is Moran! Nice to meet you Korvotron!
Korvo: Nice to…meet you too…
Moran: Sweet! So, you here to see Tortus?! He’s about to be here in a sake.
Tortus: *offscreen* Korvotron.
Korvo gasp in joy upon seeing his old teacher Tortus approaching.
Korvo: TORTUS! *hugs Tortus* Oh, it is so good to see you again!
Tortus: *chuckles* It’s good to see you too.
Moran: So…why is your old student here? You never really mentioned it.
Tortus: *chuckles* Come now Moran, Korvo has been my prize student for years. He has really done amazing intelligence stuff ever since he was a Replicant.
Korvo: That’s right! But now I’d rather live on Earth with my sweet husband Terry.
Tortus squints a little upon hearing Terry’s name.
Tortus: You mean…Terald?
Korvo: Why yes. He is my beloved lifemate and now husband.
Bee: Wait. Did you two get Earth-married?
Korvo: Yep. Terry changed my life ever since I landed here on Earth.
Tortus: *forcing a smile* How lovely for you.
Korvo: Why thank you. Terry has been showing me a lot of love and affection ever since my time on Earth.
Kim-La: *to Tortus* Sir?
Tortus: Uh, my… that is… very sweet of Terald… congratulations.
Korvo: Thanks.
Tortus: Will you excuse me for a moment? Kim-La, come.
Kim-La: Oh. Yes sir.
Tortus and Kim-La leave the room and Korvo looks confused
Korvo: Huh? I wonder what they’ll be discussing about now.
Tortus and Kim-La enter a dark room
Kim-La: Sir, what is that you what to discuss with me about?
Tortus yells in anger and punches the wall
Tortus: I can’t believe that fuck up is showing more affection to Korvotron more than I did! It’s like he’s brainwashing him! Fuck!
Kim-La: Sir! T-Take it easy! It’s probably-
Tortus: No! I will not! I can’t believe that Terald is stealing Korvotron’s heart! Ugh! I can’t believe this!
Kim-La: But what can we do? It’s not like we can force Korvotron to leave Terald.
Tortus: Grrrr! That does it! I must find a way to get that Terald away from my student or else! Because, I will not let the green piece of shit ruined everything!
Kim-La: Wh-what? But how will you do that?
Tortus: Oh don’t worry. I will find a way to get Korvotron to leave Terald once and for all.
Meanwhile with Korvo, Korvo is getting frustrated from hearing Xinna’s stories
Korvo: Ugh! Xinna, what kind of stories are you telling?
Xinna: Uh, about my life?
Korvo: *sighs in annoyance* Of course.
Tortus and Kim-La return
Korvo: Oh Tortus, Kim-La, is there anything you want to tell me?
Tortus: Yes. It’s about Terald.
Korvo: Oh what about him?
Tortus: Well, to be honest, we are unsure about this kind of behavior he has. We are worried he might be a bad influence on you.
Korvo: What? I don’t get what you’re talking about.
Tortus: Oh come on. He might have the same behavior as his parents. He might be tempting away from an experience of a lifetime.
Korvo starts to get angry
Korvo: What? Terry would never say and or do anything like that. He is a good man.
Tortus scoffs
Tortus: A good man? Hello. He was a fuck up during classes ever since he was a Replicant. He was also lazy.
Korvo: Sir, I assure you, he-
Tortus: Come on Korvo. This is your chance of joining us. You wouldn’t miss this big opportunity.
Korvo sighs
Korvo: Well to be honest… I really want to join but… Terry means everything to me… I-I need some time to think about it.
Tortus: Very well.
Later, Korvo and Terry are in their new bedroom
Korvo: *sing-songy* Oh Terry!
Terry: Yeah, Korv?
Korvo: I’m home. *kisses Terry on the cheek* But I am feeling nervous.
Terry: Why?
Korvo: *takes a deep breath* Oh, I’m feeling shaken by what Tortus said. He said that he thinks you are bad influence to me. But I don’t think that’s true.
Terry: Oh Korvy…
Korvo: I know I always wanted to join the New Order. But, I’m feeling nervous about all of this. *Terry deeply understands* I don’t know what to do.
Terry kisses Korvo on the cheek
Terry: Then go join them.
Korvo: Really? But what about you?
Terry: Hey. It’s okay. Look, all I want is for my husband be happy. This is your big opportunity. You always wanted to be part of the New Order. The kids and I will be fine. We can still write and stuff and be together no matter what. *place his hand on Korvo’s cheek* because that beautiful genius of mine right here next to me deserves to be happy.
Korvo: Oh Terry!
Korvo and Terry kiss on the lips as they moan lovingly
Terry: Oooh… *moans lovingly*
Korvo: Mmm… *moans lovingly*
Unknown to them, Tortus is watching them on a video monitor and growls as he throws a picture of Jessica and Teraformus on the wedding day as he growls.
Kim-La: Uh… easy sir.
Tortus slaps Kim-La in the face
Kim-La: *gasp silently as tears fall down her eyes*
Kim-La: *sniffles silently* Yes sir…
Back with Korvo and Terry, they are having sex
Terry: Oh baby! Oh! Keep fucking me so hard! Ooooh’
The two alien husbands cum and moan. Terry slaps Korvo’s ass.
Korvo: *giggles* Terry, you bad dirty Shlorpian.
Terry: Only for you, babe. *sighs* I’m so proud of you.
Korvo: Thank you. Good night my love. *kisses Terry on the lips*
Terry: Good night…
The two aliens husbands fall asleep while snuggling with each other. Korvo then looks out the window and began to worry about his decision.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
243 of 2023
which part of your state/province do you live in?
Close to the Dutch border. Northeast, I think.
do you chew on your hair?
Nah, it’s disgusting. My hair is too short anyway.
do you wipe your hands on your pants after you eat?
Nah, it’s even more disgusting. I wash my hands way too often.
do you eat more home cooked meals or more ‘quick n easy’ type of foods?
Both, depending on how much time I have.
do you eat even when you’re not hungry?
No. I don’t eat even when I’m hungry. Which is rare anyway.
do you go insane without music?
Well, I love music, but do I go insane without it? That’s too much said.
is there an upcoming concert you want to go to?
Nah, I don’t go to concerts.
is technology outsmarting humans?
Seems close to it.
would you ever want to be a ventriloquist?
Omg no.
is there anything you can’t stop thinking about?
Yeah. Rather someone than something.
are you worried about anything?
I think so, but I’m trying not to think about it.
do you talk a lot of shit?
I don’t think so.
do you have a nasty taste in your mouth right now?
No, but I do after taking one of my meds. You have to bite on it or dissolve it in water, and it leaves a bitter aftertaste.
how often do you use mouthwash?
I don’t. I’ve only ever used it after doing my lip piercings.
what flavor [in general] is your favorite?
Cinnamon, I think. Or vanilla.
what day is garbage day?
Mondays for organic waste and Thursdays for PMD.
would you like to have solar panels on your roof?
Half of the country has them anyway, but our house is not really ours.
do you prefer animated skits or human skits?
What is that even?
what was the last play you attended?
are you tone deaf?
Quite the opposite.
do you like the smell of burning leaves?
Not really.
are you afraid of death?
Very much so. I almost died once.
do you believe in the grim reaper?
That’s a legend.
do you tend to laugh when people get hurt, even when it’s serious?
No. I’m not that much of an asshole.
who in your life can you count on the most?
My husband and my sister.
do you get bad heat rash?
Not from heat.
are you procrastinating something right now?
No, just did the dishes.
are you in a hurry?
No, it’s Sunday.
have you tried those new banana creme oreos?
Never heard of them.
what’s the last new thing you tried, anyway?
Making music, but it’s not that new. I’ve tried in the past.
do you take painkillers every time you have a headache?
No. I can’t take most of things because they can make my medication less effective. Who does that anyway?
when was the last time you went out of state?
I don’t even live in the US.
0 notes
blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Astro Musings No. 6
Libra Lilith
Makes one have a charm that can be deadly. The type to entice someone effortlessly. They are the types to appear innocent but have a bit of a Machiavellian ace up their sleeves. They can be subtly controlling and hard to resist. If in the 12th House, they can manipulate subconsciously and their prey
the object of their affections might not be able to see what’s going on. This can make this placement even harder to resist than a Lilith in Scorpio Jupiter square Lilith in natally or in synastry will make two people gluttons for sex. Or it will make a native a glutton for sex. Not a bad aspect but just make sure to practice safe sex and wear condoms. Worst that can happen is an STD, pregnancy if you’re not ready for it, or wearing yourself out. Your North Node
Falling into your 7th house makes one’s life direction and goal tied to their relationships. The key in this life is to care for others and be “other” oriented. If it hasn’t appeared in life [yet], you can be sure that it will manifest at some point or another.  This placement calls you to put others' needs before your own. If this happens, the key is to know that in this lifetime, your needs won’t be met until you give selflessly to another.
Don’t rescue others. Don’t be a captain save-a-hoe. However, there’s no need to cut others off either. [Scorpios and Taureans with this placement, I know this might be difficult for you ;) ] Empower others. Listen. Help others/the ones you care for discover their own strength.
Asteroid Apollo
In astrology, is where you can take something for granted, and ignore it to your detriment. So if your Apollo is touching your Mercury for example, you can take your mind for granted. However, when you focus on it, you can become a master. in synastry, it can be the aspect that makes one enthralled with another. Kind of like Lilith or Pluto. Remember, Apollo is master of the Sun. The other person can see Apollo as this vibrant light. There can be a Luciferian light almost. Undeniably beautiful [remember the only thing that kept Lucifer from being God is the fact that he was created. Let that sink in.]  Obsessive energy with that planet/point. If harshly aspected there will be imbalance so there’s a constant need for harmony.
If One Half of Your Natal Chart is Empty... This indicates you most likely have a Bowl Chart Pattern. It typically manifests as an individual who is self-contained, has strong core values, and a strong streak of dependability. Most of their energy is within 180 degrees of their chart.
6th House Stelliums
Bring a strong focus on health and work. This house is ruled by Virgo. Indicated that there can be strong obsessive compulsions in the aforementioned subjects. If Mercury is here, this is particularly apparent. If the Sun lives here within a stellium they can be quite self-conscious. They’ll be forever working on how to be “their best selves” but won’t give themselves much grace. This particular configuration creates an excess of energy coming into the activities and affairs of this house. It generates obsessive energy. These people can throw their all into their work. The types to pull long hours and work overtime even if they don’t need the extra cash. If Mars is within said stellium, they’ll be types to binge eat but then work out for 4 hours just to burn off the calories. Trigger warning: I often see those who’ve suffered from Anorexia or Bulimia with this placement. They can have a hard time relaxing. Hypochondriacs live here as well. Advice? Take a break and get away from work and have private time. Mind your health but don’t leave it up to you alone. Seek a licensed professional to aid with recovery if you sense you might have issues that are hard to overcome. On a positive note, these individuals can become very good health gurus or at their best, be the types to excel at work and/or fitness.
Mercury Conjunct Lilith in Synastry
Indicates two people who will be intrigued or turned on by the other's mind. The Lilith person can act like Pluto [but remember synastry can go both ways] and kind of dig into the depths of Mercury’s mind. It may make Mercury feel quite uncomfortable if there are hard aspects. The Lilith person might make Mercury fantasize about some pretty illicit shit. They might obsess over them mentally. On the other hand, Lilith can find Mercury fascinating [especially in harmonious aspect] and will want to know everything about them. They can share very deep secrets with each other. Be careful about mind-games or mental manipulation. If this were to be a Tarot combination I’d see it as the Magician and the 5 of Swords 100%. Pisces Martians hate to fight and will usually be the first person to call for peace when in a quarrel. Libra Mars’ are actually the types to fight for justice and will be feistier than you think. Though Sagittarius and Gemini are Opposites... Their commonalities are their charm. Gemini’s and Sag’s can be among some of the friendliest in the zodiac. If you’re looking for the life of the party, look out for a Solar archer or twin. In addition, both can be rather detached emotionally. Sag’s are always looking outward. Think the 3 of wands in Tarot. They’re expansive. Looking for the next big adventure. Gemini’s are the social butterflies of the Zodiac, so what they’ll seek is a new friend, acquaintance, or new subject to occupy their time with. Both get bored VERY easily. They need massive amounts of mental stimulation to keep them happy. Sag’s mental stimulation has more to do with the higher mind [travel, languages, philosophy, spirituality], while Gemini’s have to do with the lower mind [numbers, words, basic intellect, etc.] Though Pisces and Virgo are Opposites... Their commonalities lie in the fact that both are introverted by nature. As mentioned above, Virgo rules the 6th house which governs work and routine. Virgos can retreat into themselves while they break things down and organize. The same with Pisceans when they get into reverie-mode. When they get into their creative trances. Pisces’ ancient ruler is Jupiter which rules the mind just like Virgo’s Ruler Mercury does. The mutable quality of their signs will allow them to jump from topic to topic, both of them staying interested in the flow and the outcome of their conversations. Sagittarius and Taurus Though fire and earth, both capitalize in the realm of indulgence. Jupiter can rule addictions just as much as Neptune and Pluto can. Venus can be hedonistic by nature as well. Both can have a tendency to overindulge. Both are quite blunt. Sag has 0 filter and Taurus is master of sarcasm and blunt statements. Both are unable to sugarcoat. Remember to be real but a little tact never hurt anyone, lol.  When You Have two signs in one house... It will also depend upon the degree of cusp both the signs make in the house. So, the energy of one sign diminishes slowly and the energy of the next sign rises slowly. For example with Leo and Virgo will play an equal part in the house and the Sun and Mercury will rule equally. If your Midheaven is in Aquarius You find satisfaction in the unordinary. There is a desire to stand out unusually. Ambition can be based in the intellectual realm since Uranus rules this sign. Uranians have the highest forms of analytical intelligence. They can excel in connecting with people. Their reputation can surprise. Many may have heard of the or speak about them. The quintessential individual whose “reputation precedes them”. They may try to shock others on purpose. However, though their public persona can be known for their charitable works they can be very opinionated and stark in their views. When under-developed they may be too stubborn to entertain other modes of thought. It’s the nature of fixed air to never change [fixed] their minds [air]. Traditional vs. non-traditional is a struggle in how they approach the world, others, and the success they wish to achieve.     1st House Venus will wear their heart on their sleeve. If Venus is in Capricorn, they may a bit slower to move in love. Perhaps take a more serious approach to things. If harmonious, it can bless some natives with life partners who may have well-established professions. Other times they show their love outwardly in practical ways. They’ll SHOW you how they love by making sure you feel secure and taken care of financially. They’ll want to leave a legacy for their children with their partner. They’ll want their kids to have generational wealth to past down. I often see this aspect with people who have a suffix in their name. Like John Doe the 3rd or someone who has a father or mother who is a Jr. People with this placement may name their children after a family member. Remember the 1st house is the house of self. If Venus is in Cancer, they may be shy in love or adversely they can be very clingy or possessive to their partner or their partner can depend on them too much-- there may be a “mommy” thing going on.
If you’re looking for “immediate attraction” in synastry...
It’s not Pluto. Surprised? People mistake that love at first sight thing for Plutonic influence, but Pluto is shy by nature. Hades minds his business. His obsession will grow though the longer he studies and spends time getting to know you. That's when he’ll start netting up the web.
Uranus is who hits you with that out of the blue. Uranus/Venus interaspects
Can make people feel that instant attraction from out of nowhere. Asteroid Cupido can inflict this on two people as well. In mythology, Cupid son of Venus; his job was to "wound" the unwary with his arrows of love; awaken a consuming affection directed towards a particular object of desire. In astrology, the asteroid Cupido itself is associated with initial enthrallment and acts of seduction performed in order to obtain the love object, not the sexual act itself. It’s the “look of love.” Examples of an overactive Cupido can include crushes, cultivating romance for the sake of the game, or putting the object of desire up on a pedestal. In the dark sense, romantic enthrallment can originate out of a love for the chase, only to abandon the prey once it is caught. That can happen with love at first sight if there aren’t stable and grounded aspects to lock two people together. Uranus also represents sudden breaks, so there can be on-again-off-again tendencies in relationships like this.
Common placements found in people who are surgeons and physicians are often:
Strong Virgo aspects or earth placements
Mercury rules the hands. Virgo is dissecting and analytical. The 6th house is also about health and service. They love to take things apart and put them back together.
as well is quite grounded so they often have steady hands- something a surgeon needs if they are to stand for 10 hours straight during an open heart procedure.
tend to be quite good with medical/surgeon/mortician occupations. Blood, the raw parts of humanity, death does not scare these people. They like to know how things work from the inside. I also see many Moon-Pluto
people with surgical prowess. This aspect I often see in gynecologists. Last but not least, Strong Mars is not afraid of gore or blood. Mars is often seen in surgeons. Mars is all about blood and broken bones. As a result, those with Mars in Aquarius is often seen in orthopedic surgeons. Mars in Cancer or Mars touching Chiron can be good rehabilitation or out-patient doctors. Physical therapists as well.
Your Elevated Planet at an Anaretic degree
[last degree in a sign] can make one feel like they have to rush to become successful. To reach the pinnacle of their dreams as soon as possible. They may feel like no matter how much success they have it is never enough. There may be constant transformation to this most elevated. The closer to the MC, the more it will display itself in public life. They may build and rebuild their reputation over and over again. Take Robert Downey Jr. whose most elevated planet is Neptune [like most actors]. It is at 29 degrees and we see him go from drug-addled Hollywood bad boy just for that reputation to die [29 degrees] and then be reborn into Sherlock Holmes and our beloved Tony Stark [RIP].
If you find yourself able to adapt to most kinds of music
Check to see if your Mercury [communication] or Venus [what you appreciate] is in a mutable sign, a water sign. Also check to see if your moon is mutable or in a water sign. Jupiter is also the ancient ruler of Pisces and he rules expansion and joy. Music is often considered a source of joy and higher thinking. Strong Jupiterian influence can make someone like different kinds of music. Uranian placements such as Sun/Moon or Venus too, it can also be processed very much by the subconscious, So look for  Strong Neptunian or 12th House influence. Strong Virgo placements too since music is technically a science. Why? Because it can be measured. 
Gemini Moons 
Especially in the 2nd house will feel most secure in an intellectual environment. They may also excel monetarily by using their minds to make money. Writing books or setting up podcasts to get their thoughts [mercury]  and voices [2nd house] out there.
Sugar Babies... Are usually the Venus in a Venus/Saturn situation, the Moon in a Saturn/Moon connections, or the Moon in a Moon/Pluto connection. Lilith in trine aspect to another planet in synastry brings out the best in Lilith... Yes, they can still be intense but you’ll see less of her “demonic” energy and more of her benevolent yet wild seductress aspect. With Venus, she’ll bring out the erotic side between both people. Borderline Hedonism in both people. She’ll make a more austere planet like Saturn open up. Make him comfortable with his depraved side instead of flogging himself like a penitent monk in private over it.
Dangerous Natal Placements Can Be:
Neptune in the 8th [rules drownings, suicides, death by mysterious means]
Gemini 8th House
[Can rule breathing issues]
Aries 8th House
[Rules violent deaths or those who can be prone to violence. Be it dishing it out or receiving it.]
Saturn square Pluto
Can make someone quite cruel.
3 or more malefic aspects to Jupiter is often found in psychopaths.
Jupiter in the chart is where we show the most benevolence. Forgiveness and Kindness. If Jupiter is having a hard time, a person may be emotionally stunted or out of touch with their spiritual side. 
Dominant Nessus
Can make someone an abuser.
Mercury in hard aspect to Uranus or Neptune
can cause mental imbalances or someone who has sudden breaks of the mind. The native will need to take care to make their mental health a priority.
Excessive malefic placements to Mercury
Can make someone a pathological liar or have a difficult time telling the truth. 
Algol in hard aspect to Pluto, Sado, Nessus, Saturn
Can also indicate cruelty but also someone who gets pleasure from it. Yikes.
Underdeveloped Leo placements:
Can make a native only focused on their ego and their ego alone which can make them into quite self-serving and as a result, they can suffer from megalomania. Same with Underdeveloped Arian/Martian placements. Hitler was an Aries and Benito Mussolini was a Leo/Apollonian. I’ll just leave that there.
5th house synastry
Makes two people have fun together. If the moon is there they will know what makes the other person “feel” good. What that person needs to make them laugh.
Your 12th House Planets
Are the Planets that are either hidden or expressed more in secret. The ones that have a harder time expressing or exposing themselves.
A 12th House Leo Planet
may only feel brave when they alone. These are the types to take part in drama or be thespians in school because they are easily able to express themselves when they feel they have the safety net of a mask.
A 12th House Cancerian
Planet will find it harder to express emotion or be a bit shyer.
12th House Plutonian Placements
may be extremely introverted and perhaps find themselves able to express themselves more online/ in secret. They can be good at covert ops or spying. They can even be quite psychic. 
12th House Venus/ Venusian people can find love to feel dreamy or even goes unexpressed. Dreamy romantics. They can be unconditional in love but sometimes they can get carried away with their fantasies OR they can love the fantasy of love more than the reality which may cause them to either project their fantasies on others or never fully commit because no one will ever live up to the fantasy they’ve created in their minds about someone else. Take care to love who you love because of who they are. Don’t force anyone to fit into a mold they’re not made for. Astro Musings No. 1 Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3 Astro Musings No. 4  Astro Musings No. 5 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8  Astro Musings No. 9  Astro Musings No. 10
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caitsyoi · 3 years
I made a post about the Seraphites, so now I want to make one about the WLF. This post is mostly about the WLF's home base, aka the stadium and the area immediately around it. I've included some of my favorite pictures, and my thoughts and observations about where they live and their culture.
Under the cut again to keep things nice and clean.
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I gotta say, this blew my mind when I first saw this as Abby. The WLF really have their shit together. Multiple power sources, a bunch of the resources FEDRA left behind, and multiple food sources. The field has cattle, sheep, and chickens plus some farming. On the steps they have even more areas for farming. They have a way to collect water, and even people to design and string up their logo everywhere.
It makes sense, supposedly thousands of people live here (you can't see it unless except via glitch, but there is also baseball stadium immediately next to this that they might also occupy).
We only see where Abby and other soldiers (perhaps squad leaders?) live. They have a pretty cushy life, two per luxury box (the rooms NFL teams overcharge for that run along the upper level of stadiums). Mel also mentions a special area for young families, I wouldn't be surprised if these areas were further divided. Perhaps there is also housing for larger families and single people who aren't soldiers or squad leaders. I very much wonder if those who join the military get better housing than those that work as farmers (or dishwashers, teachers, laundry washers, cooks, etc.). As mentioned earlier, Abby and Manny live in a luxury box, and there are 112 of those in the stadium this is based on. That's housing for 224 people, if they all live like the people in Abby's hallway. That would mean there has to be more housing in other parts of the stadium.
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This stadium was once used by FEDRA, and you can see the concrete barriers they left behind along the edge of the field. They have to have more cattle than this, to feed all the people that supposedly live under the WLF. There is farmland around the stadium (more on that later), so maybe they mostly let them graze out there, then move some in when they plan on slaughtering them soon.
I love that they have wind turbines AND solar panels. You can see the influence that the Fireflies had on Issac and the WLF, they really focus on stability and restoring what was lost (at least when it comes to comfort). So they have electricity, sustainable food sources (and multiple kinds too), and a way to collect water (you can't see it in this shot, but they use a system similar to Jackson's, just on a much wider scale).
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They teach a curriculum similar to what was taught to kids before the outbreak. We only see two classrooms, but from what I can tell they try to give the gives the type of education they could have received in the old days (as best they can, at least). Both the teachers you see are pretty young, which makes me wonder who taught them.
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Most of the kinds you see in class are pretty young, like less than 10. These look a little order (they are outside the stadium in the market area, which I will talk about more a little later). I wonder how long WLF children are required to attend school (I think I saw a sign for 1st through 6th grade, so at least that?). I imagine they get a basic education with some broad looks into various topics, and maybe the ones most apt for study are selected to do specialized careers like teaching or meteorology. Other children are probably pushed into farming or the military portion of the WLF. Regardless of what they study, they probably also get a heavy dose of WLF propaganda. That aligns with how gung-ho many of them are to fight.
I wonder if military service is compulsory, like everyone has has to do at least so much time and then they can do other things if they want. Or maybe they make it so you don't have to fight if you don't want to, but those that do get better perks.
Most of the WLF you see appear to be in their 20's or 30's, or at least the fighters. That would mean they have spent most (if not all) of their lives under military rule, and they would have a special allegiance to the WLF since they manage things so much better than FEDRA did. Plus, you know, all that propaganda. I imagine they are told a lot about how the WLF is restoring society and how the WLF saved them from FEDRA/Scars/infected.
Sorta related, I thought of an WLF AU. Ellie grows up in Seattle under the WLF, perhaps with Riley and Dina and the other characters from canon. So many interesting things can be done with this, but that's for another post maybe.
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This is one the cafeteria's the WLF use. I believe this is one of a few, although this is the only one you see. There is also a butcher and small market for clothing and items here too. They prepare food here, but I think the majority of cooking is done in an area set up for it in the stands.
They have posted meal times for groups A-F, and separate meal times for children and the late night patrol. So maybe this is the only cafeteria? Each end is blocked off, so maybe they use some of the corridor that circles the stadium for more living quarters.
This is also community space where they can play games, chat, or read. There also seems to be a mix of soldiers and other workers eating together, as well as young families (there is at least 1 or 2 women with young babies in here).
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This little detail was super cute to me, but it also tells you a lot about WLF society. Everyone has a job to do, there is a role and place for everyone to contribute.
I'll talk more about this in another post (titled "It's Silly to Call a Post-apocalyptic Group 'Fascists', but Still the WLF Is Pretty Messed Up"), but an important thing to remember about the WLF is that everything comes down to Issac. He has the final say on everything, he makes all the major decisions, he picks squad leaders, he decides who needs to be punished, he's basically the Supreme Leader. Issac has been shown to be somewhat progressive with some things (you can follow whatever religion you want or none at all in the WLF, the WLF has no problem with LGBTQ people, you can get medical waivers for military duty, they provide support for pregnant women and parents, etc.), and in other ways he is very much the opposite (he punishes anyone who disagrees with him - this could be a relatively light punishment of a crappy assignment or it could be a beating, then there's the whole attempted genocide thing). Anyway, my point is that there are good things about the WLF, but also there is a serious darkside.
Anyway, when I saw this lady and her baby I immediately thought of Dina doing this with JJ while she gardens.
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I absolutely loveeeee this little detail. A mural for the fallen. This really reminds me of some stuff you could see today, just replace the wolf with an eagle and make the uniforms camo.
There are 46ish names on this wall, so I wonder if it is continuously updated or if there are multiple murals, because they definitely have lost more people than that over the years. Also, there are about 150 people at the FOB (the amount of bodies at the FOB, yes I counted) that will need to be added. Maybe the war with the Seraphites just really exploded in the last few weeks (or maybe longer) leading up to Ellie's arrival.
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I love that you can pause during the ride with Abby, Mel, and Manny to look around the outside of the stadium. Immediately outside there are train tracks and what appears to be a large market running along side of it. This is on the west side of the stadium, I believe. A major highway intersection is also nearby.
The market has all sorts of goods, food, gas, clothing, cleaning products, TVs and other electronics, records, and even more. I wonder if this is some sort of intake area for any goods they bring back to the base. But who runs these little shops? From some notes you can find we know their economy runs on trade, so how does this work?
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Once you get past the market area, you see a pretty vast section of farmland. I loved this shot because it also shows one of their rain water storage areas. They mark this water as to be used only for irrigation, so they must use something else for people to drink and bathe with. Or maybe they just filter some water for people to use, and the rest goes to the plants.
In the background you can see the wall and a guard tower. There is a larger wall (like much larger, I'm talking maybe 5 stories) around the QZ, and a smaller one that runs around the stadium.
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This is labeled "Checkpoint #4", so I'm not sure if that means there are other gates, but this is the only one we see in game.
The wall is pretty thick, and you can see these guard towers spaced out all alongside it (much like in Jackson). Once you leave the walls you are immediately surrounded by the wasteland that is post-apocalyptic Seattle.
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thebalkanwitch · 3 years
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Cancer Season!
Full Moon in Capricorn!
Strawberry Moon!
This is LONG-TERM energy
This is redefining what “family” means to you energy
Feeling overly sensitive? Feel like you need to re-establish boundaries? Feel like you need to go that extra mile in order to see results? Feel really horny, too? Yeah it’s not you, babe, its Cancer season AND a Capricorn full moon. Let’s get into it:
I was working late the other night and Harry Potter was on (I’m an artist, and I like to have some background noise while I work, preferably music, audiobooks or a movie I’ve seen a thousand times), and let me tell you when Harry went into that pensieve I cried like a baby (you all know exactly which scene I’m talking about). Granted, I was pms-ing but that’s not the point (and yes, I know, there are problematic characters written by a problematic person, but let me enjoy my guilty pleasure, this one time please and thank you), the point is, Cancer Season came in and hit me like a tidal wave, pun intended, and I know I’m not the only one!
Cancer is water, Capricorn is earth
Emotions, Logic
Heart, Mind
Feminine, Masculine
Mother, Father
These are sister signs, or two signs that sit opposite one another on the astrological wheel. There’s an interesting push/pull dynamic when it comes to these types of pairings. At first glance you would assume that they wouldn’t get along, but they actually have more in common than you would think. In this case, the Capricorn full moon falling in Cancer season is quite simpatico. They’re both cardinal signs, they’re both hardworking (in their own ways, respectively) and they are both determined. Caps and Cancers may tackle projects differently but they are tenacious and will get the job done! This is an excellent time to focus on career goals/ family planning/ your 5 year goals, etc
I know I sound like a broken record but seriously, you cannot welcome new things (blessings, relationships, projects, beginnings, etc) without clearing out all the old shit! It is stagnant energy, it is dead weight and it is taking up space. That being said, have you cleaned? No, but seriously, have you CLEANED?? I mean spiritually, emotionally, physically cleaned.
I recently went to a family event (first one post-pandemic) and I gotta say, I really didn’t miss most of the people I saw. That’s what I mean by CLEANING. Only a handful of people have been in my home in the last two years and it has been absolutely wonderful! Not everyone needs access to you or your energy. Not everyone is entitled to you or your time, remember that! Setting boundaries is not only a necessary form of self-care but also self-love and spiritual cleaning. You don’t want some asshole coming into your home, touching everything, fucking up the peace and throwing your energy off, regardless of how they are related to you. I understand this is easier said than done, especially coming from the Balkans. “Family” comes with a sense of entitlement that makes navigating every gathering like maneuvering a minefield (WHY DID YOU GAIN SO MUCH WEIGHT? WHY DID YOU LOSE SO MUCH WEIGHT? ARE YOU SICK? WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED? WHEN ARE YOU HAVING A BABY? WHEN ARE YOU HAVING A BOY? WHY AREN’T YOU WORKING? WHY AREN’T YOU STAYING HOME WITH THE KIDS? Etc). We’ve all dealt with this nonsense in some form or another and at times it seems like FAMILY is an oppressive four-letter-word that we are just doomed to deal with forever, but let me remind you of this interesting little fact: Albanians are probably THE most family-oriented or family-minded culture that I know of (and this may be the incorrect terminology, so if anyone has a better suggestion, let me know!), to the point of being almost neurotic when it comes to whom is considered FAMILY.
There are very strict social and cultural mores that are followed to this day, among Albanians, specifically when it comes to marriage and familial bonds. Albanians cannot marry someone with the same last name. Albanians cannot marry their cousins, at least not until their 7th cousin. After their 7th cousin it’s open season because let’s face it, by the time you go that far in the family tree they either don’t exist or they’re so far away that there is no chance of being blood-related. Albanians cannot marry someone from their godparent’s family and vice-versa. Albanians should not marry someone within their “mëhallë” or neighborhood because chances are somebody’s got a secret and the neighbor’s cute son could actually be your brother 😆 (gross but realistic and true and while this is not a strict cultural rule, it is a general rule of thumb). Finally, the most interesting little tid-bit and the point of this whole spiel, Albanians cannot marry someone in the same “fis” or tribe as their own.
What is a fis? A fis is a tribe or clan that each family belongs to. Every single Albanian family can trace its lineage to a specific fis, and each fis is composed of multiple families. So marriages were always a serious affair and had to be considered and discussed at length, with great focus on lineage and creating new kin-ties. THAT BEING SAID, YOU DETERMINE WHO IS IN YOUR FIS. YOU DETERMINE WHO IS ALLOWED INTO YOUR FAMILY. If someone is blood related to you but doesn’t make the cut, it is what it is. If someone is not blood related to you but they are your sister, guess what? You just got a new sister. This is the energy of this time. Restructuring from the ground up. What is your family going to look like? What is your career going to look like? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Full moons represent completion, the end of a lunar cycle. Think about what you want and how to get it! Organize your time, ground yourself and focus on your priorities.
Themes: quality over quantity, grow up/ glow up, pick your family/ grow your circle
Keywords: practical, disciplined, emotional (just because you KNOW what you have to do doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to scream, do it! release all that shit and move forward accordingly)
Use: *YELLOW* tigers eye, citrine, amber (work that solar plexus!)
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smeltbracket · 10 months
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old tervo sketches i never posted sorry i was like feverishly pacing around all day
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ampleappleamble · 3 years
The next morning, Axa woke facedown on the floor halfway between her bed and the door to the room.
The rest of the day proceeded along the same lines.
They made for First Fires first, to visit the Ducal Palace and there to discern the fate of Edér's brother from the military records, as well as square away some lingering paperwork dealing with Caed Nua. Naturally, they came away from the Palace with no answers for Edér, more paperwork to do with Caed Nua, and a new, even longer list of tasks and priorities.
"You Watchers do that every time you roll into a new town?" Sagani stretched and yawned and Itumaak did the same, both of them glad to finally be back outside. "Introduce yourself, get involved in local politics, promise the townsfolk you'll visit the caves from their visions for 'em?"
"Sure she does," Edér grinned over the dwarf's shoulder. "How d'y'think we met her?"
Axa sighed, rubbing her bleary eyes. "That seems to be my routine since moving to the Dyrwood, anyway. No better way to earn a bit of coin and endear oneself to the locals than to offer a helping hand. The better to 'establish myself in the city,' too, I suppose– apparently a necessity if one just wants to access one little simple gods damned war record."
"Perhaps we might start with familiarizing ourselves with the local constabulary?" Aloth waved a slender finger in the direction of the squat, imposing keep that housed the Crucible Knights. "If what the... representative from the Dozens we met yesterday eve says is true, it sounds like they're well in need of the assistance and more than capable of affording your fee."
"Oh, they're more 'n capable of plenty," Edér grumbled as the party approached the stone arch and started up the stairs to Crucible Keep, "but it don't mean they'll actually do what they say they will. The Dozens, they got the opposite problem: they like t' say they done shit they haven't."
"As long as they pay us and help us get you your war records, they can talk all they like and I'll do the doing." Axa flashed her feisty, confident smile at the first Knight she spotted in the great hall–
–and within twenty minutes, she was storming back down the steep stairs, red-faced and fuming, her companions trailing nervously behind her.
"'Orlans aren't suited for the work,' he says!" she spat, flinging her hands about, teeth bared in anger. "We're 'too hostile,' he says! And then Clyver just... throws some bullshit fetch-it job at me and dismisses me like I'm a child!"
"Now, Axa, please, just– just try and calm down..." As soon as Kana said it, Sagani winced in sympathy for the stupid man. Oof... Wrong approach there, boyo. That's a point from Team Kana.
And she was right. Axa whipped around so fast that the huge man stumbled backward in surprise, nearly tripping over his own feet. She reached up to jab a finger into his solar plexus while her eyes, narrowed into slits like thin violet blades, cut into him. "Never tell me how to feel, Kana, never again. Or by the Beast, I'll show you fucking hostile."
She whirled back to fore, marching away with her fists clenched at her sides, leaving Kana to stare after her and press his palm to the divot she'd poked in his belly. He watched as Sagani and Aloth followed close behind her, before he turned to Edér, eyes wide with bewilderment.
The blond chewed his pipe stem, giving the ochre-hued lad a look of pity. "First time pissin' off a woman? Or... just an orlan woman?"
"Hardly," Kana chuckled, "on either count. Why, it's not even my first time pissing off that particular orlan woman!" He shook his head, slowly ambling after the little woman, taking his time to catch up. "Although that barrel of powder was already well primed to explode, and not without reason. I suppose I just had no idea how serious the anti-orlan sentiment really was around here. Evidently, even the justiciars will make brazen, odious assumptions about a perfectly amicable visitor like Axa based on nothing more than bigoted superstition! And with the four of us standing right there alongside her, no less!"
"Well, I mean, yeah, but... I wasn't gonna say anything." Edér looked away, scratching at the back of his neck, and Kana turned to rebuke the man before realizing, with no small amount of shame, that he hadn't said anything to the justiciar to defend Axa either. He fell uncharacteristically silent pondering this, and Edér thumped him affectionately between the shoulders, passing the other man his pipe in the spirit of brotherhood. For whatever reason, it made Kana feel slightly worse.
It didn't take them very long to catch up to the others. They had come to a dead stop not too far away, the three of them standing just beyond the threshold of a nearby building– or, what was once a building. The burnt out, crumbling ruins of Defiant Bay's temple to Woedica appeared to Edér and Kana to be rather unremarkable, considering. Weeds poked up through the broken stone, insects and small vermin skittered amongst the scattered bricks.
And there Axa stood near the center of the ruin, still as a statue, staring into thin air. The clouds shifted with the wind, and a thin, feeble sunbeam dragged itself slowly across the district, catching her in the light for just a moment, but she made no sign of noticing.
Kana sidled up timidly behind Aloth, peering at the little woman over the elf's head. "Is... is she quite alright? I didn't upset her that badly, did I?" He looked to Sagani, hoping to see an encouraging face, but found the huntress entirely fixated on the orlan woman instead.
"Don't worry, Kana, it's nothing to do with you." Sagani's voice was quiet and clipped, and her face wore concern and shock in equal measure. "She's just... talking to a ghost."
"Oh– why, so she is!" Kana still stood behind Aloth– he was reminded of hiding behind his siblings as a child after he'd angered their mother– but he leaned forward all the same to better observe her. She enough, the signs were all there: her blank eyes, her unsteady stance, her lack of response to stimuli.
"Yeah, she just does that sometimes," Edér quipped, returning some of the dirty looks they were starting to draw from passersby. "We let her. She likes it."
Aloth leaned away from the giant chanter looming over his shoulder. "The shock starts to wear off after you've seen her do it a few times," he assured Sagani politely.
And as if on cue, Axa suddenly shuddered and blinked, coming out of her trance dazed and slightly paler than before. She turned to her comrades and found Sagani in front of her, the older woman's face a shifting landscape of wonder, fear, pity.
"You really are a Watcher, aren't you?" The way she said it, Axa knew Sagani believed it, now.
She smiled weakly. "I am, yes. For better or for worse."
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weedle-testaburger · 3 years
Me again. I know you’re a fan of Rick & Morty (I’m not holding it against you btw). I’ve tried getting into it but just can’t. For some reason people keep comparing Rick with the 12th Doctor and that annoys the shit out of me for some reason. Interesting fact, Mike McMahan (who wrote for Rick & Morty) also created Star Trek: Lower Decks. Which may explain why the two shows have similar animation styles. I just learnt this a few days ago.
That's fair enough lol, tbh I'm nowhere near as big a fan of it as I used to be. I think seasons 1 and 2 were great and season 3 had its moments, but after that it just got really over-the-top on the gross-out and edgy humour imo (plus their parodies of other media feel much more cynical and bad faith- compare how they parodied Nightmare on Elm Street or Jurassic Park in season 1 to the Infinity Train parody that apparently isn't supposed to be one in season 4). I do see why people compare Rick to 12 though, except 12 is way more likeable and Rick is more in keeping with the antihero idea 12 was apparently supposed to convey with the whole 'Am I a good man?' thing (which imo is a serious case of tell-don't-show).
And that's cool ig, though all told I'm not huge on that art style (or the ones in stuff like Final Space, Solar Opposites etc.). I wish more adult cartoons had actually dynamic and nice-looking animation like kid's cartoons do, it feels like every show's trying to do what Simpsons and South Park did with their simplistic animation styles and it just looks ugly and lazy to me at this point. It's like people have forgotten Simpsons and South Park were supposed to look like parodies of simplistically-animated Hanna-Barbara cartoons and cheap kid's shows and assume that's just how all adult animation has to look, and I wish adult cartoonists would move with the times (at least stuff like Midnight Gospel, Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat, if you count that last one as an adult cartoon, do look more like modern kid's shows, probably because they were created by people who worked on kid's shows).
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tenshindon · 3 years
Have you gotten Yamcha for the ask game yet? Or Tien? 😊
i have received Neither Chaps !!! So I will now do them both :) Pause on that :) gonna put this under a Read More since This Will Be Long <3
Give Me A Character and I Will Answer:
Why I like them:
Uhhhh A Lot Of Reasons. Like. A lot. BUT I will be brief and say I like him because as a kid I always thought he looked cool and I always thought his first fight with Goku was radical. With My Big Man Brain Now I love him for just how sincere of a guy he is? And how loving and friendly and supportive? And I make fun of him for it but the wolf aesthetic genuinely is really cool- not to mention how he loves to change up his outfits and hairstyles!
Why I don’t:
I have no reason to hate this man. Like none exists. In The Most Platonic Way Ever he’s literally the perfect man and I would take him home to meet my mom and even then she would be happy with me dating a man if it was Yamcha Dragon Ball.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
I have so many favorite Yamcha moments and ergo episodes good god help me BUT I will name ONE off the top of my head so I’m not stuck here forever and I really love the baseball scene in Z for Many Reasons it’s just so good it plays on loop in my brain 24/7 so I Will Say episode 10 of DBZ :)
Favorite season/movie:
The Tien Saga.... legendary.... yes he did get his leg broken but everything before AND after that??? Immaculate. Perfect. Astounding. No The Tien Saga Is Not Therapy But I Will Use It As Such
Favorite line:
Anything Yamcha says is music to my ears and is pure gold, and aside from The Iconic “Looking good, Tien!” quote from Budokai 3, I gotta say my actual favorite quote??
“No big deal. Bones heal, just like everything else.” -Yamcha to Tien in reference to his broken leg after the 22nd World Tournament
Like. It’s SUCH a simple line but it’s SO telling of Yamcha’s character?? Tien literally broke his leg with no concern of the long-lasting effects of doing so, not to mention his dickish behavior beforehand towards Yamcha beforehand. So for Yamcha to just be ready to forgive him at the drop of a hat when he sees Tien’s seem sincerely apologetic? Dude no one talk to me I’m going to write an essay again.
Favorite outfit:
I Mean This In The Most Platonic Way Part II but Yamcha can make Literally Any outfit and hairstyle look good it should be illegal. However I am legally required to choose One (1) outfit and at this point we should all know how much I adore the desert bandit fit of his. It’s just such a classic and cute look to him (not to mention The Sword <3)
Oh You Know :) but if you don’t it’s Yamcha and Tien- even as just Friends They’re So Good I’m Going To Write An Essay like god I want what they have so badly.
I love his relationship with Puar, like I genuinely would love a small arc dedicated to how they even became friends in the first place since their origin together is so mysterious yet intriguing? But aside from The Obvious answer I love his brotherly relationship with Goku and Krillin! Unfortunately that relationship wanes as they all get older but I’ll always cherish the moments where he radiated such Big Bro energy.
Head Canon:
I’ve got a dumb amount of headcanons it’s terrible BUT I think my favorite headcanon is that Yamcha’s leg never properly heals after the 22nd Tournament.
Unpopular opinion:
I. Have a lot. Of unpopular opinions. Just genuinely loving Yamcha’s an unpopular opinion in of itself BUT One of my unpopular opinions is that Yamcha’s a flirt, a cheater, and promiscuous. If he’s ever portrayed as a flirt towards women, I can give it the smallest pass in the world that he’s trying to cope but even then that’s such a stretch in my opinion- and I guess this is on top of being a headcanon but Frankly I don’t think Yamcha’s ever even kissed anyone- he’s playing the long game everyone he’ll get his kiss on his wedding day btw that’s like. Partially a joke; I joke around a lot that Yamcha’s Super dedicated to the whole Nothing Until Marriage idea lmao.
A wish:
For the love of God Yamcha pack up your shit and Puar and just move in with Tien your apartment’s shit.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
Honestly? I kind of don’t want Yamcha to get a girlfriend? But I also DO because he wants that the most in life and it’d be great to see SOMETHING nice happen to him!
My only gripe with him getting a girlfriend (and hopefully then a wife) would be that his girlfriend wouldn’t be that well defined of a character and she’d just be said in Passing Mentions.
5 words to best describe them:
Perfect, immaculate, loyal, courageous, lovely 
My nickname for them:
Furry, Dumpy, and Wolfie!
Give Me A Character and I Will Answer:
Why I like them:
Again I Have A Lot Of Reasons BUT I love how like. Deceiving he is as a character. Like ask anyone and 90% of the time people will say Tien’s smart and serious and No Bullshit but no he is exactly the opposite he’s dumb as shit in any department outside of farming and fighting and he’s such a lil’ jackass when breathing next to Yamcha. 
Sincerely though, I absolutely love his character development- it’s one of my favorite arcs in Dragon Ball to be honest but That’s An Essay For Another Time. I also love how funny he can be, intentionally or not, and he’s surprisingly really relatable at times? And just his dedication to fighting’s really neat too; at this point he MUST know he can never be stronger than Goku but he still tries nevertheless and that’s really indicative of his bullheaded personality.
Why I don’t:
You could not pay me to dislike him I’d sell my kidneys for Tenshinhan.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
Any episode from the gang’s escapades on King Kai’s planet good lord save me. That’s where Tien’s existence shines the best it’s so good.
Favorite season/movie:
His own saga man like. As much as I LOVE Redeemed Tenshinhan I also love how much of a jackass he was like why was he like that LMAO
Favorite line:
Again, aside from The Iconic x2 “Looking good, Yamcha!” quote, I gotta say it’s:
“Yes... sir! <3″ -Tien preparing to strike Goku with the volleyball fist during the 22nd World Tournament.
Also “I left Chiaotzu and Yamcha behind. This seems too dangerous for them.” -Tien to Gohan during the Resurrection F saga
Favorite outfit:
Like Yamcha, Tien’s outfits always hit. Not a SINGLE one misses. BUT I gotta say I love his classic tits-out look- more so for the fact I like how he shows off his scar as a kind of way to say he’s moved on from the Crane School like Damn Son you love to see it :,) Deep reasons aside, my second-favorite outfit’s got to be the Buu Saga listen man everyone just had the Hottest outfits in the Buu Saga you can’t blame me.
Oh You Know :)
Tien has Two (2) friends in his life man the pool’s small but even if it WAS larger I would say Chiaotzu anyway LMAO. Love them dudes man.
Head Canon:
Tien is just. Terribly academically and socially stupid. The Social Ineptitude isn’t even a headcanon that’s just fact but when I said he’s stupid in every department But Fighting And Farming I meant it. Flirting with Tien is a nightmare. If you’re not Yamcha or Chiaotzu joking with him is a headache. He’s only smart in the vocabulary department other than that he couldn’t tell you how many planets are in the solar system. He’s dumb as rocks but is smart enough to convince everyone around him he’s smart because he knows what picayune means.
Unpopular opinion:
I have nothing but love and respect for Krillin, but it makes like. No sense to insist Krillin’s the strongest human on earth. Tien does not go hard on that grind 24/7 just for everyone- writers included- to reduce him to such trash when fighting. But why pit two kings against each other you know?
A wish:
Please just give him one good sexy fight that’s all I’m asking for. Also Tien PLEASE use the solar flare you dumb motherfucker YOU INVENTED IT??? Actually all of my wishes are fighting related but yeah Tien for God’s Sake acknowledge how crazy your move kit is and fuck it UP MY GUY.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
Tien please don’t get a random wife I fortunately cannot see that happening but for the love of God Toei if you make that happen I will actually commit arson. Any other fear I could have either has come true or cannot happen.
5 words to best describe them:
Deceivingly smart dumbass I love
My nickname for them:
Headass, Slap Head, My Man/s, Bald Motherfucker, Polyphemus Headass (I know Polyphemus is a cyclops but shush), Four Arms, Machamp, Stitch, Roach, King, and Ikea Dresser
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ziracona · 3 years
i was just wondering what your favourite tropes and dynamics are to explore in fic? either to write yourself or to read!
Oooh, that’s a hard one to answer because I like so many! Uhhh...Let me think.
Well, one of my favorite tropes is definitely Found Family. What is really more satisfying and worthwhile than a group of damaged people coming together and slowly building trust and love until they are inseparably bonded and full of love and have found things they never thought they would? 
I am extremely weak to memory loss both because I have some myself, and the American Dragon Jake Long episode Homecoming ripped out my heart as a kid and left me suffering, then Code Geass stepped on it twice with Shirley the same way. So I really like memory loss centered tragedy tropes bc I am 3x weak to them. I am also weak to that trope where one person is trapped in a room with a bomb, or going to drown, or for whatever reason cannot be saved from dying, so a loved one goes and stays and dies with them too just so they don’t have to die alone. Frkn /shatters/ my heart.
I love hurt comfort a lot. I think my favorite scenes to write and read are often one person is completely at the mercy of person 2, who they have no reason to think will help them and are terrified of being hurt by, but instead of person 2 doing anything bad at all, they are kind and look after them and save them. I die for that. It is the lifeblood of my soul.
I also like big character arcs and well done redemption arcs (bad ones make me rage tho. If I was a card in a tarot deck, I’d be Justice). Personal growth, finding hope again, learning to trust or love yourself. I really like character studies, and I like in-depth looks at serious issues and complex and messed up situations. I also am a big fan of deeply important and lasting platonic relationships, be it familial or best friends or whatever, and like romances where the two in question (or more if poly) just try really hard to be good to each other and communicate well and are full of love and would die for each other. 
Love pets being a big element of story. Love language barriers, and like writing them/communication barriers. I am usually not very interested in stories (writing or reading) that don’t have good rep in a number of ways. Like writing disabled characters well because I see them get written very grossly so much (I like writing tons of groups this is just the one I did most recently, so it’s on my mind rn. I am disabled, but I’m also a lot of other things to & def don’t only focus on/be interested by my own stuff). I am kinda branching out from tropes to just elements now tho. Uhhhhh, tropes, tropes. I love the opposite of that stupid “If you kill an evil person you’re just as bad”--I am here to see people end the people who murdered their friends or abused them. It’s what they deserve. Not here for a woobie redemption arc for an abuser. Very tired of those & angy. 
I love humor in the midst of intense drama or horror or sadness. I’m big into massive sacrifices, but especially if it’s something other than death bc those tend to be more well thought out.
I adore characters who have been through awful things and suffered and been abused getting to actually heal and live happy lives instead of just dying the second they start to taste happiness. I love themes and tropes about the value and lasting nature of human connection and how important and lasting it is.
(putting the rest under a cut bc I am having fun but this be getting long)
Uhhh, I am obsessed with free will > fate and choice, and I really like humanity and things about what it means to be human, and ethics, but like, in an interesting way? Like, Terry Pratchett’s stuff really appeals to me. Like  “What have I always believed? That on the whole, and by and large, if a man lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right.”    “Just because you can explain it doesn't mean it's not still a miracle.”   “The figures looked more or less human. And they were engaged in religion. You could tell by the knives (it's not murder if you do it for a god).”   “There are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do.”    “There’s no point in believing in things that exist.”    “You couldn’t put off the inevitable. Because sooner or later, you reached the place when the inevitable just went and waited.”  and   
“Yeah? How many worshipers have you got?”  “Fifty-one!” The newt looked at him hopefully, and added, “Is that lots? Can't count.” It pointed at a rather crudely molded figure on the beach in Omnia and said, “But got a stake!”  Om looked at the figure of the little fisherman. “When he dies, you'll have fifty worshippers,” he said.  “That more or less than fifty-one?” “A lot less.”  “Definite?”  “Yes.”  “No one tell me that.” There were several dozen gods watching the beach. Om vaguely remembered the Ephebian statues. There was the goddess with the badly carved owl. Yes. Om rubbed his head. This wasn't god-like thinking. It seemed simpler when you were up here. It was all a game. You forgot that it wasn't a game down there. People died. Bits got chopped off. We're like eagles up here, he thought. Sometimes we show a tortoise how to fly. Then we let go.  He said, to the occult world in general, “There's people going to die down there.”  A Tsortean God of the Sun did not even bother to look round. “That's what they're for,” he said. In his hand he was holding a dice box that looked very much like a human skull with rubies in the eye-sockets.  “Ah, yes,” said Om. “I forgot that, for a moment.” He looked at the skull, and then turned to the little Goddess of Plenty. “What's this, love? A cornucopia? Can I have a look? Thanks.” Om emptied some of the fruit out. Then he nudged the Newt God. “If I was you, friend, I'd find something long and hefty,” he said.  “Is one less than fifty-one?” said P'Tang-P'Tang.  “It's the same,” said Om, firmly. He eyed the back of the Tsortean God's head.  “But you have thousands,” said the Newt God. “You fight for thousands.”  Om rubbed his forehead. I spent too long down there, he thought. I can't stop thinking at ground level. “I think,” he said, “I think, if you want thousands, you have to fight for one.” He tapped the Solar God on the shoulder. “Hey, sunshine?” When the God looked around, Om broke the cornucopia over his head.
Are all just from Small Gods, and like, boy is that my kinda good shit. Love history and sociology and anthropology. 
I love people fighting to do something they know is doomed to fail just because they know it’s the right thing. I also die for characters who are loyal undyingly, and characters admitting they were wrong and trying to do better, and that trope where someone says something but the exact opposite is happening in the background or happens immediately after. Love that trope where someone should be dead but they just. keep. getting. back. up. to defend someone they love. Love the trope where character A dies and character B takes something of theirs like a bracelet or a necklace or a headband or something and wears it forever after. : (((    
I know there’s a ton more but ima swap to dynamics. 
Let’s see. I adore familial relationships so much? Blood family, adopted, doesn’t matter, it’s exactly the same. I am huge on one character becoming team mom or dad or parent, or adopting some of the others. I love parent-kid relationships, even with adults and older adults, because it’s just as important. I adore small children being cared for by gruff war-hardened people, or selfish dicks who have to be better for the kid, or kind people who always wanted a kid and lost their own or never had one, or who are happy to add one more, or big sisters Clemtine style stepping into parenthood. Live for that, and I seek out video games that let me play it. Very excited to be trying out Plague’s Tale Innocence, because you play as a big sis taking care of your little brother (he’s like 6? 5-8? I’m not sure). But it’s such a neat idea for a sibling dynamic to explore, because while they’re siblings and know each other’s name and have like, a familial bond, it’s also all kind of awkward and new, because he’s been sick for years and in quarantine with just their mom, so even though they’re siblings and love each other and like, baby brother trusts you, they don’t really know each other at all, and that is just fascinating and so cool to explore to me! I also love someone adopting someone else as their new sibling(s) and dragging them into the family. I love siblings where one starts to go evil or mess up, and the other sibling fights with everything they have to save them/bring them back/help them become good again, because it breaks my heart and sibling relationships are /so/ important to me.
I also love shit like Jeff in dbd, where one character adopts younger characters who just /super/ don’t deserve it, because as much as they’ve fucked up, they love them anyway, they just do, and they want to be there to give them support and a chance to keep trying if they’ll take it. And like, I love all of Legion’s relationships with him, but especially Joey, because it’s /so/ sweet, and Joey is just a scared kid hurting and alone and he wants /so bad/ just to be loved and thought well of and okay, but he’s terrified of getting hurt or killed, and confused, and guilty and afraid of what will happen because of all the bad shit he did, and Jeff is just so warm and forgiving and full of nothing but unconditional love and kindness, and in the sincerest of ways, and they’re such good friends, which is like, not optional to a good parent-child relationship. Or way older brother filling in for parent-kid, there’s a lot of overlap. Anyway! Also just cute shit where someone falls in love with the idea of getting to look out for and stay close to someone younger they want to protect and parent, and there’s this kind of hopeful and almost fragile unsureness that the other person will want or need them in that capacity, like Ace adopting Nea, and not just picking looking out for someone who needs it over former life of thrill, but like, never regretting that choice, and just being truly happy and fulfilled in the adventure they now are on.
For friendships, god. I like so much shit, I don’t know what to say. I am so sorry I am giving you a novel for an answer to this short ask, rip. But I just love all kinds! I like groups with an established rhetoric between them, who are just so comfortable in each others’ presence, and people you know love and value each other so much they’re going to be together forever just as much as the two other characters getting married. I love one is a nice person, and the other is an asshole, but they make an amazing team and balance each other out, and the asshole stops the kind one from dying doing shit for other people, and the kind one helps the asshole be just a little more in love with their friends and things other than themself, and they’re great together. I love idiot friends who riff off each other and do bits all the time, and ones who turn into the “Holy shit there’s two of them” whenever they hang out, and ones who are just so on the same wavelength they’re totally comfortable in silence together and seek it out and would die for the other. I like wingman to person who is dying of embarrassment dynamic, and hardcore fighty person protecting either small and easily hurt person, or just as great, protecting dedicatedly person who is ironically either just as tough as them or even more, but it’s still really sweet and kind of double soft and sweet because tough friend never gets cared for.
God, what don’t I like? ...People being toxic assholes together?
I like super opposites that mesh well, but look hilarious next to each other, and goofy best friends who shamelessly sing loud to the most embarrassing karaoke track they could find. Lesbian and himbo is pretty great. As is the opposite, gay dude and stupid amazing slut or bimbo. (Fkn Mateo and Cheyanne kill me). Sweetest person you will ever know surrounded by 20 people who would die for them. Person who thinks they’re unlovable and takes a long time to notice like all their friends already love them, and then they get to be happy. Person who has never once had a good relationship is dragged into a healthy friendship and /super/ suspicious at every turn because they just aren’t used to being loved and treated well, but eventually softens and probably straight up breaks down at some point.
Person who was formerly bad or did something super fucked up is forgiven and welcomed into a group which they can barely even understand, and they are full of guilt but their loved ones reassure them and help them heal and just accept them and support them. Friends who are super mean to other friend but like, in a loving way, and would also take a bullet for the friend.
Uhhh, for romances, my fave is characters who just fucking love each other. I am real tired of relationship drama. Like pining and issues and star crossed lovers are all great (I think of those, star-crossed lovers is my fave), but I mean like, the shit where people keep having misunderstandings or not talking or cheating on each other just so there can be drama--that I am sick of. I love it when person A does something super badass and probably a little unexpected and person B is like “That’s my wife!!!” or just goes : O with love in their eyes, and this happens constantly.  I love gushy mushy sweet displays of affection. I love relationships where the people who are dating were best friends first and still are after, all the way, and tease and rib and are so in love.
I like it when one person thinks they don’t deserve the other, but clearly their partner feels none of this and is always just like “Babe...” and hugs them and is just as in love, and helps them begin to love themself more. 
Uhhhh, I like it when there’s someone who doesn’t think they’re in love and there’s that trope where they suddenly get it and you get the Oh or the Wait in italics as it drops internally. I like ships where the characters balance each other out well or provide good support and get better together than they were apart, triple points if they’re super aware of that and comment on it. Also whatever the fuck Maureen Robinson and John Robinson in the Lost in Space reboot have going on. That’s like, goals. She’s chaotic evil living lawful good by sheer force of will, and he’s a himbo too in love to realize any of that and never questions what she thinks they should do beyond the physical logistics of it and would die for her and not think twice about it or the fact that she moves really fast to the pragmatic “Okay,”--not because she doesn’t love him, she does--but because someone does need to be alive for their kids and she’s just wired too practical for him to have to pry her off sobbing to not stay and die with him. (This happens verbatim in like episode 6, but it’s not a mega spoiler bc he doesn’t actually die--he just almost does. She figures out a way to save them both right before committing to it.)
I also like “two fools both in love but really nervous about asking the other if they are because of their past, or situation, or because this is the first time or first time with that kind of relationship, so there’s just intense romantic tension all the time where they pause mid-sentence to just stare into eachothers’ eyes and forget what they were saying, but they’re both too ineffective to just fucking go “Do you like me?” for such a long time. Hurt/comfort paired with pining. Uhhh, but Star Crossed Lovers is up there for sure. I love the pain of two people wanting to be together but it’s just /impossible/ and they know it but that doesn’t make the feelings go away, and it’s miserable, and maybe they’re upset, because they shouldn’t feel this way, but they can’t not, and it’s confused, and it hurts, but they’re also so /happy/ when they see each other. I like that good shit in any romance where the characters can just look at each other and they know, and you know. That’s the choice shit, I tell you that.
Jeeze I’m sure I missed stuff but this is already so long. Uhhh, I like so much I don’t really know how to answer. But my favorite like, vibe/....flavor genre? Is Hope Punk. Uhhh, and mostly I dig any relationships that end up healthy and sweet. I really like second-chances, and characters confronting and moving on past their bad or complicated pasts, or trauma, and healing. Hurt comfort is love, and so is angst with a happy ending. I like a good villain or a wonderful asshole, but I feel like characters that are just good and doing their best really get overlooked and undervalued a lot, and I am here for them. Like Sam Gamgee? One of the /best/ characters in LOTR. So is Bob Newby--and I do get the irony in them both being played by Sean Astin. But uh, anyway, I really like to explore how decent people try to act when confronted with terrible situations and choices, because I really value people who stayed sweet and kind and merciful and full of love even after all the awful shit life has put them through, and I really like writing about how /hard/ that is, and what it looks like, along with the other stuff. I also like characters who are very flawed and very medium being given something to lose and something to gain that go in opposite directions, and being forced to confront their reality and make hard choices. I like people being given intense opportunities to grow or to rot, and seeing which they’ll chose and why and if they’ll make it to the end. Mostly I just really love characters who try, even if they fail, because that can be a lot harder to do than it seems. I like dynamics where one character is very flawed, or in a bad place, but they love someone they think is amazing, and so they’re working hard to catch up to them, or to get close enough they can reach out and hold their hand, and are fighting to make it to a person themselves who can do that someday. I’m sure I forgot a lot and that this was super rambly, but I hope you at least enjoyed some of it! Thanks for asking! ^u^
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northernxstories · 4 years
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Trading in Dignity
It was shocking how quickly it all came to an end. It started in the 2020s and within a decade, after the third global pandemic, they were faced with the worst yet. All the science deniers, those who refused to distance, wear masks and all of that ... well, most of them caught it. Some of them caught it without showing a single symptom. That didn’t matter because approximately eight months after you were infected, after you thought you were all well again, your lungs started to bleed. Nothing could make it stop. You drowned in your own bed, at night, sometimes in mere minutes. Most of the time, you just went to sleep and never woke again. It was grim.
The survivors were rare and the disease progressed so quickly, institutions fell almost overnight. Whole cities became ghost towns. Survivor teams started sweeping, looking for children, infants, pets trapped in houses and then supplies. Survivors came first. There were a lot of supplies. Not that many people.
She was rare and she knew it. Immune. How? No idea. Luck? Genetics? It didn’t matter at the end of the day. The world grieved and cities were abandoned for smaller communities. It wasn’t like in the horror movies or post-apocalypse fiction. No one ate people, bought and sold people, or any of that ridiculousness. For the most part people tried to help one another. Older people banded together to raise the children who survived. With the population reduced in the span of a decade to less than a third, it became very clear that every single human was a necessary addition. Funny how prejudice and differences in sexuality mattered a whole lot less when the end of the human race was at stake. All that shit became real irrelevant real fast.
In a spate of particularly weird coincidence, some communities lost more of a certain type of people. The east coast of North America for example had nearly no men left. It was startling, You could travel for days, scout many towns and communities and find less than a dozen males. West of the Rocky mountains however, the opposite was true. The average was 1 self-identified female to 20 self-identified males (like people were checking - get real). Some communities the ratio was more like 100 to 1. In the mid-west, prairie region, well there was almost no people left there at all. No one knew why they were so hard hit but the coasts survived. Perhaps it was just population distribution. Scientists would be studying it long after she was dead.
So, in a world where you lived with almost 100 men in your community and the number of single women could be counted on one hand, and you wouldn’t need every finger? Yeah. This was fantastic. 
Again, it wasn’t like the books though. She wasn’t chained, or bound or really mistreated in any way. Nope. None of that.
She was a strong survivor. She had a thriving garden and a number of animals of her own. Her house was cute as hell and in really good shape. Her grandmother had taught her to sew and the rest she learned from books. The little town was powered by a local dam that kept the predatory animals such as the dog packs, at bay with electrified fencing in key areas, including around her goats whom the wolves thought looked super yum yum.
But even she needed supplies. I mean, was she going with a raiding party into a city to get tampons and advil? Ummm ... no obviously. That was terrible. That’s how people died! Those places were not safe. It took rigging and expertise she did not have to be on a scavenger team. Plus do you think they would be cool having one of the few women in town go out with them? You’re dreaming if you think that’s gonna happen buddy and no one went without a team. That was a fucking death wish.
So, she had to shop. She had to trade. Fact of life. They didn’t want her tasty preserves or baking. Nope. That they could do for themselves. She traded the one thing that few had around her - her pussy. Fucked up right? 
Prostitution was the oldest game in the book for a reason it turned out. So she went into the store and put in her order for supplies that she needed. Flour, tampons, books for example. There was a tally and a calculation conducted. She was a modest girl. It rarely went above two visits. Then there was a jar. Yup. A fucking jar, with names on it. Men who had paid into the credit system. 
“One” The merchant stated bluntly marking it in his book. 
“One?” She repeated, a little surprised by how light the requirement was. Her list had been pretty long.  
“Yeah, Bernice fell pregnant, she’s off the list until after and maybe permanently since the Bennett brothers are putting serious court to her. All remaining traders just had their value go up.” 
That’s what they called them - traders. Like she was wheeling a cart through town with little jars or something instead of letting men cum in a minimum of two holes per trade. It was awesome. By the way, that was sarcasm in case you can’t tell.
“Nice.” She replied with a nod, “I hope the baby is healthy.” That was the customary statement these days when anyone fell pregnant. You see, the virus didn’t exactly go away and infant mortality was high as fuck. It was depressing as hell. She didn’t know a single woman who didn’t half dread getting knocked up, even if they really wanted to be a mother. It was a huge risk and all too likely to end in just more painful loss. Yay for survival.
“We all do.” the merchant stated sincerely as he pushed the jar toward her. Sliding her hand in, she let slips of paper, card stock that was refreshed so often you couldn’t get a feel for any one particular person, just dance through her fingertips. You just had to stick your hand in and pray to whatever god you might actually believe in that you didn’t get one of the gross old coots who thought bathing was fucking optional. Last time she had one of those she had about forty baths and still felt disgusting.
She pulled out the card and took a deep breath before flipping it over. Both her and the merchant looked surprised. “Well good luck there. Didn’t even know he paid in.” The merchant marked his book and then nodded. “I’ll get your order in as soon as ... you have about four days before you’ll have had to pay up.” 
That was another thing, the man had to confirm you had ‘paid’. However, if that man lied, he was off the books permanently. Not only that but the other men in town usually paid you a visit and beat the holy hell out of you. It was an honour system true but most followed the rules, out of honour or out of necessity, it didn’t matter at the end of the day. Men who might only get one fuck a year with a ‘willing’ woman weren’t about to lose the privilege because you decided to get fucking cute about it.
“Thanks ... Have a good day now.” She replied with a sincere smile. The merchant was a good man after all. He never put his name in and if he found out one of the men was cruel or unkind even, he’d return their credits and tell them to start getting real used to the sweet feel of their left hand because that was about all they were getting from now on. 
She walked through town, that name flipping through her mind. It was just so unexpected. 
Well no time like the present she supposed. She had had a bath last night, given the old cunt a tidy and all that. She had a debt to pay and she just knew she wouldn’t sleep right until it was paid off good and proper. Yes, it was a little fucked up but that was the system and she had lived with it for a while now. Strangely you kinda got used to it. Most men were pretty appreciative about it. 
Walking down the main street, she noted the weird combination of old and new that had blended together in this world. Cars jerry-rigged with solar panels to charge the batteries travelled on the same road as horse-drawn carriages. Kids wore sneakers cause there were still plenty of those left in old stores but paired them with clearly homemade clothes and then spiked them with leather jackets kitted out with studs and chunks of cell phones used as artistic decoration.
She walked until she hit the slight outskirts of the main town area. She could see him now, his arm lifting as he pounded the steel into shape with a large hammer. Farriers, blacksmiths, knife-makers, welders and so on made a nice living in this new world. You could always tell who they were because they smelled like fire and had arms the size of her entire body it seemed. She licked her lips and straightened her back. For the first time in well over a year, she had to admit that she might just be looking forward to this one.
“Hey ...” She greeted. He put down the hammer and shifted up his eye protection, squinting at her in the bright light of day. “Hey.” He replied back, his voice a little gruff. “You looking for something?” He asked.
“Ummm ... pulled your name.” Turns out all the cool things she was saying in her head since pulling his name had just fallen right on out of her brain. Well I wasn’t cool before, she thought bleakly with a tinge of amusement, Guess I’m not now either. Maybe the next apocalypse.
He stopped, frowning lightly as if he wasn’t sure what she was talking about and then his expression cleared and his eyes grew wide. “Oh.” he said. It was actually more of a sound. He cleared his throat. “I ... I  ... yeah. Now?” he queried.
When she nodded, “If you have the time. Otherwise ... I can come back.” I can come back. What the hell, was she Uber Eats? What the fuck is wrong with her?
He shook his head, “Now is good.” He tipped his head toward the interior. “Let me shut this down a bit and then I’ll wash up and be in.” 
He seemed nervous. Why did she like that so much? Maybe she was bored of the older guys who just had you bend over or would just unzip when they saw you coming. No effort man. No fucking effort. Literally. Wham bam, you’ve paid for your groceries Ma’am.
Mr. Muscles here better put in some damn effort at least.
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sirjustice1350 · 3 years
Their utility long gone & dead
3 people lazy being advised to simplify their lives by wanting big life from others lest get into crime now almost abolished dude, motor bike on credit is KHS 20,000 and daily payment is khs 500 and the loan repayment 4 the KHS 20,000 is 350 per day while 4 motorbike worth KHS 90,000 is 500 per day which u repay within 1 year as 300 days. The same bike can generate up-to KHS 1500 which can feed 3 lazy people who should not have kids as when such banned no otherwise and truth them also called to accept the fact and accepted, if u want not then get into crime and boom a bullet on ya booty to relieve us of ya burden dude as in the link below
The pride themselves to get those who would not as such as above when free thing off supply as synonymous with Russians to encounter them as when they take the lead nations gets into war as even seen with West Africa Nations of big bodied people, they are Thailand blooded of just wanting of their women while other women ought to be harlots to please them and even USA people are Russians women blooded wanting from u badly if they lack but if they got give a hoot not dude
when leg stand they can marry, while eyes open of one ancestry and cant marry dude, 4 ya mother ya eye not wide opened but hers wide opened and her leg stand to the floor with ya father all closed when all dead and his eye open big your a little bit leg stand on the ground. To qualify as your mother or father your eye should be not wide opened but his/her wide opened and legs to not swing of both dude
Asks question as how many drilled holes from the earth surface to the outer crust and their locations b4 making slanting graph book lines and fold and step on within Cd hole on maize cob on concrete pavements, heap on gone down places in basin hay and guava, chop mango and onion in mud and when u add wood gives you where other planets are located and even the moon distance or write other planet bearing, location and distance from earth, fold as above step on Cd hole on maize cob on floor with charcoal fumes, in done down places in dim light, chop hay bars on wood with mango seed in dry clay with cotton wool and with how many sun per planet or location of sun, write step on CD hole within Hay on mango heap, in gone up places within ya yard or on red-soil road with made hole place the heap, chop pineapple on wood in dry mud with cow blood or grape juice 4 the moon in the dark or wash clothes with women as one leg in mud either red or black with hot water on it and boom ya software with such answers on Cd give to read or take to kids to instruct ya kid rightful not the white man kikuyu way of lies dude
Even the shallow trenches where if made island like tea/coffee/flowers/wheat/rye can grow inside sea, fold and step on within Cd hole on hay with maize cob and mixed all juices extract in the dark on curved road surfaces with made long hole place the heap as above and u within ya house door wash clothes with kids grabbing the hand of 1 kid on the other side of the palm or trample on the ground with those kids and boom ya answer software or chop cabbage, hay and paw paw or guava or 1 at a time on wood with extracts of maize cob on dry black mud of cotton soil or on wood above on thinner mixed with Eurphorbia or with used tire cut pieces and boom still ya answers but in the dark dude
Ladies get to befriend people kinda, deemed to be hooligans to see what they want or up-to whether good or bad or insane which later on they tell ya stories to eliminate ya 4good dude and making their lives smooth kinda as above dude
Even moons per planet in the solar system fold step on within Cd hole on hay on floor with cotton wool, heap guava and hay on gone down places, chop mango on wood soaked in milk with guava or stir porridge with hay bar legs inserted within red termite soil with acidified water dropping from a cup with ya other hand in the dark and boom ya software bro
Make candy and gum with juices and soda placing in container with like grass, b4 u step on the gum or sweet on Cd hole on hay/guava heap as u stir porridge with kale stick with ya hand reaching inside but Luke warm 4 candy while 4 gum stir with cabbage as above or paw paw trunk and try with any thing as u stir and legs inside garbage or mud or mixed fruits extracts water as above from ya mouth to the inserted leg even in clothe heaps and boom ya candy bars and u can go the written way dude
When u want to Know kisii blooded character either bad or good, when they squat or bring close their such pictures to ya mind, when u see another shadow of him directly opposite him, he wants same life 4 him as others, when far behind love not people with wealth, not far behind but close have left the things of the poor as they fathom not and far beyond the shadow wants to be rich but alone as no disturbance and wants to get to such countries not as be in Africa and ahead close to the main picture want not all that wealth but from one and wants to control the one with wealth and people with not his wealth and the bad character suit 4 being killed and most love peoples wives and some got the luo blood most and too close either sometimes u see a little bit a head and behind of understanding as wants people to get it dude that this wrong or lies of white man. Kisii with different bloods out of intermarriages of the past and present
My father was from mar and mother Jupiter carried via the Area 57 Nevada space shuttle b4 radar was made to detect such, they got to Alaska, father to Sau Paulo to Rio to Durban to cape town to tokyo to St pitersburg then to Cardiff and the to Vancouver and the space-shuttle left to Jupiter, people of sau Paulo got Cambodian blood as mother was fro Mar to Florida to cape town to Beijing to Mexico city to Cardiff b4 the shuttle took flight to outer space via Greenland route as father got that blood but hard to explain as u see a beam of light with plotters of ambush and bow like arrow from 1 head to another she/he loves the same way u see such routes as with airline routes on Map the saucer took and its serious not lies as many might think am mad lying lest with the DNA thing u see to trace the father/mother and confirm then u will believe on the above dude. Don’t just live a life u know not that u r this and that try to find the same with ya as now u know the formulae dude as in the link below
Awiny leave leave tender stem, okwaju/tamarind OR raw mango with inner seed peel but remove the bitter inner seed thing with awiny tree leaves forms better heap to make soaps, detergents and drugs that makes the body soft as also with medicines as antibiotics 4 much viruses dude including HIV/AIDS BRO. Ambaki tree leaves, neem leaves and okwaju also makes better heap 4 the above esp with medicines and even taken drinks and foods dude
They take ya green-card so wanna kill ya cause they have not changed name but spent much to buy it and this side still u subscribe to things the other side with the same name as they want to change the last name or 1st even with ya all as SSC and credentials but all known to thwart the move where such given the same locate work and remit money back home which u refuted a thing trump and puttin champions on to make cash as part of ya monthly pay given to them and even with barracks as they do the shit to many a people so they benefit and even with local team other funny bets they got their trustees which place money on such bets as organized between players to a certain 1 number via mobile money then taken to them in briefcase after long as Kenyatta did to puttin so not know dude and that’s the play dude
Charcoal made when u step on the charcoal on Cd hole within green grass brown grass land or heap in the dark on the road with cylindrical hole as above, chop guava on wood soaked in raw mango juice mixed with oils or stir warm guava juice on banner with ya finger holding to the pussy of a young kid as u press both lips her legs in wet red soil with poured acidified water or wash clothes in detergent water with little acid with kids men or with women 1 hand grabs the soil from below or on stone wall dude esp feces like stones as other colour gives other types of charcoal as u can try dude
Talk to lloyd banks his son too called hamfrey disturbing folks with good life and father moris of plamers hotel father gramps morgan, if lie we got Dna dude. ya kid disturbing me dude at near to Dala hera church in kisumu kenya, maybe u know not but u slept with Da brat and Be with u woman (Mary J)took the sperms from the Cd hurled on the floor using a trained cat or Raila amolo Odinga transfigured into the same to take it to locate a poor lady of Gambian immigrant working in the newark airport to infuse the same as artificial insemination to give birth to the kid to be brought to kenya and if u think am lying we got DNA, also him called tony to oero ywak that signaled me the same was from Newark as i know the mother when i visited Newark she also got Ghana, Niger blood now working either in book store shelves or chain store. So the whole thing stopped dude. Excuse am from brooklynn dude like usher and Alicia keys, u please my need, u need cash dude o what from 1
Add miniature gun folded writings to step on on the photo as in the link below and boom ya drone even write of up-to 100km radar control detection
Take the face photo of the person being investigated write and fold as above b4 step on Cd hole with hay bar with milk boxes or milk, heap on curved wood either upside or downside inserted in the soil almost all inserted as in mud, heap on-top, chop mango on wood in porridge of sorghum, milk and millet or chop guava on wood soaked in milk in paw paw heap in the dark and boom all ya race per that man dude or stir porridge with ya hand on banner leg on cocoa fumes 4 even the countries of origin or hurl out cocoa fumes into the moving sewer water but stagnant like or slow u trampling on the sewer water milk box on that point with ya 1 feet and boom all the races one got or all the nations of origin given to ya in Cd format dude
This how it will be, 1 walk with the same to cut ya head at night dude and trukana, teso blooded where are u when such are readily available and cheap, rather be lazy as u will use the above and polite or humble and of respect than of ya character and women get it, their utility as the job the chain does and when their they are useless as impotent man in a sexual episode better dead with formalin injection or with Sex toys or masturbate than the latter
Made in Egypt rocket in the link below and Jupiter or Mar the Alaska direction dude
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sirjustice1349 · 3 years
Knowing even race dude
3 people lazy being advised to simplify their lives by wanting big life from others lest get into crime now almost abolished dude, motor bike on credit is KHS 20,000 and daily payment is khs 500 and the loan repayment 4 the KHS 20,000 is 350 per day while 4 motorbike worth KHS 90,000 is 500 per day which u repay within 1 year as 300 days. The same bike can generate up-to KHS 1500 which can feed 3 lazy people who should not have kids as when such banned no otherwise and truth them also called to accept the fact and accepted, if u want not then get into crime and boom a bullet on ya booty to relieve us of ya burden dude as in the link below
The pride themselves to get those who would not as such as above when free thing off supply as synonymous with Russians to encounter them as when they take the lead nations gets into war as even seen with West Africa Nations of big bodied people, they are Thailand blooded of just wanting of their women while other women ought to be harlots to please them and even USA people are Russians women blooded wanting from u badly if they lack but if they got give a hoot not dude
when leg stand they can marry, while eyes open of one ancestry and cant marry dude, 4 ya mother ya eye not wide opened but hers wide opened and her leg stand to the floor with ya father all closed when all dead and his eye open big your a little bit leg stand on the ground. To qualify as your mother or father your eye should be not wide opened but his/her wide opened and legs to not swing of both dude
Asks question as how many drilled holes from the earth surface to the outer crust and their locations b4 making slanting graph book lines and fold and step on within Cd hole on maize cob on concrete pavements, heap on gone down places in basin hay and guava, chop mango and onion in mud and when u add wood gives you where other planets are located and even the moon distance or write other planet bearing, location and distance from earth, fold as above step on Cd hole on maize cob on floor with charcoal fumes, in done down places in dim light, chop hay bars on wood with mango seed in dry clay with cotton wool and with how many sun per planet or location of sun, write step on CD hole within Hay on mango heap, in gone up places within ya yard or on red-soil road with made hole place the heap, chop pineapple on wood in dry mud with cow blood or grape juice 4 the moon in the dark or wash clothes with women as one leg in mud either red or black with hot water on it and boom ya software with such answers on Cd give to read or take to kids to instruct ya kid rightful not the white man kikuyu way of lies dude
Even the shallow trenches where if made island like tea/coffee/flowers/wheat/rye can grow inside sea, fold and step on within Cd hole on hay with maize cob and mixed all juices extract in the dark on curved road surfaces with made long hole place the heap as above and u within ya house door wash clothes with kids grabbing the hand of 1 kid on the other side of the palm or trample on the ground with those kids and boom ya answer software or chop cabbage, hay and paw paw or guava or 1 at a time on wood with extracts of maize cob on dry black mud of cotton soil or on wood above on thinner mixed with Eurphorbia or with used tire cut pieces and boom still ya answers but in the dark dude
Ladies get to befriend people kinda, deemed to be hooligans to see what they want or up-to whether good or bad or insane which later on they tell ya stories to eliminate ya 4good dude and making their lives smooth kinda as above dude
Even moons per planet in the solar system fold step on within Cd hole on hay on floor with cotton wool, heap guava and hay on gone down places, chop mango on wood soaked in milk with guava or stir porridge with hay bar legs inserted within red termite soil with acidified water dropping from a cup with ya other hand in the dark and boom ya software bro
Make candy and gum with juices and soda placing in container with like grass, b4 u step on the gum or sweet on Cd hole on hay/guava heap as u stir porridge with kale stick with ya hand reaching inside but Luke warm 4 candy while 4 gum stir with cabbage as above or paw paw trunk and try with any thing as u stir and legs inside garbage or mud or mixed fruits extracts water as above from ya mouth to the inserted leg even in clothe heaps and boom ya candy bars and u can go the written way dude
When u want to Know kisii blooded character either bad or good, when they squat or bring close their such pictures to ya mind, when u see another shadow of him directly opposite him, he wants same life 4 him as others, when far behind love not people with wealth, not far behind but close have left the things of the poor as they fathom not and far beyond the shadow wants to be rich but alone as no disturbance and wants to get to such countries not as be in Africa and ahead close to the main picture want not all that wealth but from one and wants to control the one with wealth and people with not his wealth and the bad character suit 4 being killed and most love peoples wives and some got the luo blood most and too close either sometimes u see a little bit a head and behind of understanding as wants people to get it dude that this wrong or lies of white man. Kisii with different bloods out of intermarriages of the past and present
My father was from mar and mother Jupiter carried via the Area 57 Nevada space shuttle b4 radar was made to detect such, they got to Alaska, father to Sau Paulo to Rio to Durban to cape town to tokyo to St pitersburg then to Cardiff and the to Vancouver and the space-shuttle left to Jupiter, people of sau Paulo got Cambodian blood as mother was fro Mar to Florida to cape town to Beijing to Mexico city to Cardiff b4 the shuttle took flight to outer space via Greenland route as father got that blood but hard to explain as u see a beam of light with plotters of ambush and bow like arrow from 1 head to another she/he loves the same way u see such routes as with airline routes on Map the saucer took and its serious not lies as many might think am mad lying lest with the DNA thing u see to trace the father/mother and confirm then u will believe on the above dude. Don’t just live a life u know not that u r this and that try to find the same with ya as now u know the formulae dude as in the link below
Awiny leave leave tender stem, okwaju/tamarind OR raw mango with inner seed peel but remove the bitter inner seed thing with awiny tree leaves forms better heap to make soaps, detergents and drugs that makes the body soft as also with medicines as antibiotics 4 much viruses dude including HIV/AIDS BRO. Ambaki tree leaves, neem leaves and okwaju also makes better heap 4 the above esp with medicines and even taken drinks and foods dude
They take ya green-card so wanna kill ya cause they have not changed name but spent much to buy it and this side still u subscribe to things the other side with the same name as they want to change the last name or 1st even with ya all as SSC and credentials but all known to thwart the move where such given the same locate work and remit money back home which u refuted a thing trump and puttin champions on to make cash as part of ya monthly pay given to them and even with barracks as they do the shit to many a people so they benefit and even with local team other funny bets they got their trustees which place money on such bets as organized between players to a certain 1 number via mobile money then taken to them in briefcase after long as Kenyatta did to puttin so not know dude and that’s the play dude
Charcoal made when u step on the charcoal on Cd hole within green grass brown grass land or heap in the dark on the road with cylindrical hole as above, chop guava on wood soaked in raw mango juice mixed with oils or stir warm guava juice on banner with ya finger holding to the pussy of a young kid as u press both lips her legs in wet red soil with poured acidified water or wash clothes in detergent water with little acid with kids men or with women 1 hand grabs the soil from below or on stone wall dude esp feces like stones as other colour gives other types of charcoal as u can try dude
Talk to lloyd banks his son too called hamfrey disturbing folks with good life and father moris of plamers hotel father gramps morgan, if lie we got Dna dude. ya kid disturbing me dude at near to Dala hera church in kisumu kenya, maybe u know not but u slept with Da brat and Be with u woman (Mary J)took the sperms from the Cd hurled on the floor using a trained cat or Raila amolo Odinga transfigured into the same to take it to locate a poor lady of Gambian immigrant working in the newark airport to infuse the same as artificial insemination to give birth to the kid to be brought to kenya and if u think am lying we got DNA, also him called tony to oero ywak that signaled me the same was from Newark as i know the mother when i visited Newark she also got Ghana, Niger blood now working either in book store shelves or chain store. So the whole thing stopped dude. Excuse am from brooklynn dude like usher and Alicia keys, u please my need, u need cash dude o what from 1
Add miniature gun folded writings to step on on the photo as in the link below and boom ya drone even write of up-to 100km radar control detection
Take the face photo of the person being investigated write and fold as above b4 step on Cd hole with hay bar with milk boxes or milk, heap on curved wood either upside or downside inserted in the soil almost all inserted as in mud, heap on-top, chop mango on wood in porridge of sorghum, milk and millet or chop guava on wood soaked in milk in paw paw heap in the dark and boom all ya race per that man dude or stir porridge with ya hand on banner leg on cocoa fumes 4 even the countries of origin or hurl out cocoa fumes into the moving sewer water but stagnant like or slow u trampling on the sewer water milk box on that point with ya 1 feet and boom all the races one got or all the nations of origin given to ya in Cd format dude
This how it will be, 1 walk with the same to cut ya head at night dude and trukana, teso blooded where are u when such are readily available and cheap, rather be lazy as u will use the above and polite or humble and of respect than of ya character and women get it, their utility as the job the chain does and when their they are useless as impotent man in a sexual episode better dead with formalin injection or with Sex toys or masturbate than the latter
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