Having an emotional day, so decided the only proper thing is to rewatch episodes of doctor who, because, I know these episodes will fill me with feelings
I forgot how hard S4 EP13 hits.
Tenrose fans fucking won with this episode. LIKE CMON, we got SO MUCH, so much happiness, AND PAIN
If nobody has me, i know S4 EP13 of New Doctor Who got me (in emotional turmoil)
If Tenrose has 1 fan, its me. If Tenrose has 0 fans, I am not only dead but someone chopped up my brain because there is no way my dead body is not still a tenrose fan
Donna fans (also me) won desperately and then suddenly lost. It hurt just as much as the first time watching.
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spectres-n-soap · 7 months
Hand in Hand
Content Warnings - afab and fem reader, pregnancy, angst, hurt/comfort.
A/N - What I'm about to do in the next chapter will rip out my heart.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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His words echo in your head as you open the window. The smell of breakfast Simon is making wafts through the flat, its pleasant. Domestic in a way that twists the knife in your chest and shoves it deeper.
You close your eyes and take in a deep breath, the rain of early this morning fills your senses. You shut the window quickly, slam it closed as your eyes fill with tears. You lean your head with closed eyes against the glass, the coolness of it helps with the heat in your forehead. A few tears slip down your cheeks and you look at your stomach. Sometimes, as silly as it made you feel, you forgot you were pregnant. Its natural, second nature these days as you caress it and you immerse yourself into the fantasy that's been keeping you going.
Its his hand, warm and calloused, being gently placed onto your stomach where his baby resides. Johnny rests his chin on your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek, everything is okay. "Yer doin' amazin' bonnie." He whispers into your ear. "Ye look amazin'." One hand wrapped around your waist and the other over your stomach, you lean back into his touch.
"Breakfast is ready." Simon calls out. You open your eyes as reality closes in. There's no one to lean into, Johnny is dead and he didn't even know. The same questions that you've been asking yourself since the very start echo through your mind. Frankly, you're getting quite tired of those questions.
How would have he reacted? Would he have married you? Would he have wanted to keep it at all? No, he would have wanted to keep the baby. This wonderful creation of both him and you. You swallow down the lump trying to form in your throat and waddle your way, because these days all you can do is waddle, to the dining table. You sit in silence as Simon fixes you a plate and then sets it in front of you. Its a typical breakfast, sausage links with eggs, buttered toast and grilled tomato. You feel like a toddler as you push the tomatoes to the side but you can't help that they make you want to throw up. Eating in silence with Simon is easy, like breathing or making the mad dash for the bathroom after the baby kicks your bladder. Simon had always been quiet long before you knew him as Simon, back when he was just Lieutenant Ghost. Back when you were just a sergeant who cracks a few jokes with Soap on comms. 
Back before the kisses, the near death experiences or this. Whatever this was.
"I think you should see a therapist." Simon finally speaks.
Your mind careens, your thoughts are sent flying like a grenade just landed at your feet. "What?" The question slips from your mouth as you look up with what must be confusion or something equal to it because he winces. 
"That came out harsh."
"Do not baby me Simon." You snap, the words come from your mouth easily. Its a comfort, to snap at him or anyone really. "Why do you think I need a therapist? Better yet, why do you think you have the right to make such a comment at all?"
"I'll go to." Simon offers up automatically and that's when it clicks. Oh, he's been thinking about this you realize. "You- I; we've not been handling his passing well." You bite your tongue and swallow the bitter laugh and words that try to rise up your throat. "The baby is less then eight weeks away from coming into this world and maybe talking about it would help with stress?" Simon adds on and you narrow your eyes at him.
"Did a nurse suggest this?" You question, stabbing the eggs as the anger rose up like a tidal wave ready to wash everything away.
"Your doctor and Mrs. MacTavish." Simon whispers the last part and your shoulders sink.
"How is she?" Your eyes don't look up from the eggs you had impaled on your fork moments earlier.
"She's worried, love. Worried about you and the baby." Simon is looking at you, you can feel it. His gaze always holds this chest collapsing weight but in this moment its a comfort. It weighs you down softly, keeps you connected to the moment.
You gnaw on your bottom lip before you concede. "I'll go." You whisper and his shoulders sink. Why does it hurt? Why does the fact he was ready for a screaming match hurt? You push those thoughts away. "Do you have a referral?" You question and he nods.
"The doctor gave it to me while you filled out the discharge papers."
"Alright then." The rest of breakfast is silent.
You lay awake again that night with sleep far outside your grasp as you stare at the wall. Simon is sleeping on the couch again but you doubt the sleep part. You swallow and turn over onto your other side, readjusting the pregnancy pillow to support your stomach again. Your hand is open and hanging off the side of the bed, right where it was connected to Simon's that morning. You stare at the wall, the only thing that separated you from him and you knew you'd only have to ask and he'd sleep on the floor again. You'd only have to wander out into the living room, swallow your pride and ask.
Was it really that terrible? Putting aside your pride? You'd already done it once today, twice if you count the sleep dazed request from when the day was still in the early hours. You shut your eyes and sink into another fantasy.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his warm chest. His body warms yours and becomes a beacon to you, a lighthouse that splits through the dark stormy night to guide you to shore. 
You launch out of bed, the fantasy wiping itself away as you wrap yourself in your blanket and wander into the living room. From your position, you couldn't see much of him but you did see his arms behind his head. Little tufts of blonde hair barely visible from behind the couch. You were right, he was still awake. The moment you step further into the territory of the living room he sits up. 
Simon sees you there, standing with a blanket wrapped around yourself like a shield and he doesn't need you to speak. He gets up from his spot on the couch and follows you into your room. He settles down by the side of your bed as you climb back into it, after listening to you get comfortable once again, your hand hangs off the side of the bed. He loops his fingers through yours and listens as your breathing slows as slumber over takes you.
He finds he can’t stay awake much longer either.
tag list - @pepsicolacoochie @http-paprika @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @snoopyee
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claudemblems · 2 years
"Am I Annoying?" | Tighnari
Tighnari Genshin Impact <3
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"Now where would you get such a preposterous idea?"
Tighnari set aside the bowl of herbs he'd been grinding down for some medicinal tea, his attention now focused on your gloomy countenance. You didn't have to meet his gaze to know he was sending you a stern yet caring look.
"Did someone put this sort of thought into your head? If so, they are ridiculous to assume that I'd feel such a way towards you. However, if this is a thought born out of your own worries, pay it no mind. You know how I feel about you." At this, Tighnari's eyes softened, a small smile on his lips. "Don't start doubting me now."
"I don't mean to doubt you..." You sighed, hands fiddling with the edge of your shirt. "I just doubt myself is all. Every day I look at myself and think, 'How on earth have you managed to get a man like Tighnari? You have no accomplishments, no beauty, and no good characteristics to speak of. How could anyone possibly love you without it being due to pity?'" You clenched your hands into fists, fighting back the tears forming in your eyes. "I just can't see myself the way everyone else sees me. I worry so much about becoming a nuisance to someone. I don't want them to keep their negative feelings to themselves and then, when they finally grow tired of me, eventually leave..."
Tighnari rose from his seat and approached the cot you'd been sitting on. You felt the bed dip beneath you and the faint brush of fingers on top of your own.
"[Name]." Tighnari said gently. "Look at me."
You let his hand cup your cheek and gently turn your face towards him.
"You are anything but a burden to me. If I didn't love you, would I have asked you to date me? Would I have spent so many late nights thinking of you, every inch of me buzzing with excitement at the thought of seeing you the next morning? I don't let just anyone consume both my heart and mind, you know."
You let out a small laugh, Tighnari's smile growing at the visible improvement of your mood. "Seriously, if I wasn't so well-versed in medicine, I would have thought I was slowly falling into actual insanity. How on earth could it be normal for my heart to race so erratically just at the sight of you?"
"Are you saying I made you nervous?"
"A little, but it was also just because I found you very pretty. And still do, of course."
He spoke as if your beauty was the most obvious fact in the world. It made your face flush red. Though Tighnari's bluntness could be a lot at times, in moments like these, you were grateful for his honest nature. When he complimented or praised you, you knew he meant it. And that's what made his words even more special to you.
"I love you dearly, [Name]. Don't ever second-guess that. However, if you're still not convinced, I will have to prescribe you some medicine to make these negative symptoms go away."
You raised an eyebrow, puzzled but intrigued. "Medicine?"
"Mhmm, but don't worry. This is the good kind."
Your heart skipped a beat as Tighnari briefly pressed his lips to yours. When he pulled away, he smiled as he observed your shocked, flustered state.
"You will need to receive at least three kisses a day for the rest of the week. No skipping any days, either. If you want to get rid of those pesky doubts, you need to be good and take the medicine your caring boyfriend has prescribed to you."
You couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter, clutching at your sides that would no doubt start aching later. Tighnari let out a chuckle of his own as he wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head on yours. "You're so silly, Tighnari."
"But that's why you love me, isn't it? Just like why I love you."
Taking his hand in yours, you squeezed it gently, your lips curving upwards when he squeezed back. "Yes. You're right. I do love you, so much."
You spent the rest of the day close by Tighnari's side and taking your medicine as instructed, but you may have stolen a few kisses more than the doctor's recommended dose ;)
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weirdmorefics · 7 months
Hi! Can I send in a request for being another timelord who travels with the 9th doctor and Rose Tyler being like a sister figure to Y/N?
A/N- Yes yes yes!!! I have actually had an idea for something like this just hadn't written it yet.
Readers Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 3.9k
Summary- (BASED ON S1 E6) The Doctor and Rose find themselves in a bunker in Utah full of alien artifacts. They are shocked to find some of these artifacts are alive and not here of their own free will. You just so happen to be one of these artifacts.
The Slightly Behind Timelord
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I used to keep track of how many days I'd been chained and experimented on but the days quickly turned into months and the months turned to years. I've long since lost hope of ever returning to Gallifrey. It was in shambles when I was last home, the war was constant. I was a coward and stole my parent's Tardis to escape from having to fight. A stupid coward who didn't check if it was in working condition to only have crashed and ended up imprisoned by a man who I know as Mr. Van Statten. I should have stayed and fought then at least I would have died with dignity.
I have refused to talk since my arrival. I may have betrayed Gallifrey by fleeing but I refuse to make things worse than they already are there. Nevertheless, Mr. Van Statten comes and talks to me every single day asking about about my ship. They have dissected the TARDIS piece by piece. I secretly hope it burns them alive. When Mr. Van Statten inevitably gets nothing out of me he sends in a man an orange suit to torture it out of me. It never works but they do not stop.
Today was different they had a new man with them, he was restrained and they strapped him to the walls like me. I wonder if this was a new torture strategy.
"Look here we got you a friend maybe now you will do some talking," Van Statten says cheerfully.
I look at the man with pity knowing they are going to torture him as well. Van Statten's men unchain me and drag me to the other side of the room. I don't even fight them anymore I don't have the energy to spare.
Van Statten powers up his inhumane X-ray and says, "Smile!"
The man screams in pain as the red beam scans him and Van Statten smiles in glee at the results.
"Two hearts! A binary vascular system! Here I thought you were special," he shouts a glare in my direction and the man chained up widens his eyes.
The man doesn't look at Van Statten but puts his focus on me, "Where are you from?"
"No point in talking to her she hasn't spoken since we tore her from the rubble of her ship. She put up quite the fight when we started dissembling her ship screaming you are killing her. Then not a single word," he sighs in disappointment shaking his head at me. "I would get rid of her now that I have you but I need more information about the ship."
I suck in a breath they kill without care here, I wonder if everyone on this planet is like that. The man chained is certainly not from here maybe he can get me out. However, he is looking at me like I am unreal so perhaps not.
If looks could kill Van Statten would certainly be dead from this man's fiery gaze, "You're not a collector you're a scavenger."
"This technology has been falling to earth for centuries I am simply just making use of it. Oh the advances I've made from alien junk you have no idea, Doctor," he grins but I quickly interrupt.
I gasp, "The Doctor! Has Gallifrey won the war! How are you here?"
Van Satten's grin turns to a full-blown smile, "First you make the Dalek talk now my longest surviving exhibit! You truly are something!"
"there- there is uh... a Dalek here," I whisper afraid to speak their name.
The Doctor looks at me eyes full of guilt and astonishment, he still looks at me as if I am not here.
"Thank you again Doctor so much for getting her to talk keep her talking for me why don't you? Since you all seem so scared of said Dalek, I think I will go back and try to have a word with it. I find fear is the best motivator to get people spending, " Van Statten is practically glowing with joy and I wish I could smack the joy right off.
The Doctor wrestles with his chains trying to break free, "You can't go in there with it! Now that it knows that I am here it will come looking for me! No one on this planet will be safe!"
His screams fill me with fear if I could throw up right now I would but they hardly ever feed me so there is nothing to throw up so I end up hyperventilating. Mr. Van Statten ends up shocking the Doctor and his angry words are replaced with painful screams.
I struggle against my chains screaming at the top of my lungs, "He tells the truth! You don't stand a chance against the Daleks! The war lasted centuries on Gallifrey here you will be lucky to last day!"
Van Statten looks at me in awe, "Wow full sentences maybe you will prove useful after all these years."
Nothing I say to this psychotic man will ever get into that thick skull of his, I would facepalm if my hands weren't shackled to the wall.
Alarms sound and angry red lights flash, my heart sinks, it's to late.
The Doctor's tone shifts from begging to demanding, "Release me if you want to live."
Van Statten quickly makes work of the chains holding the Doctor down and runs for the door.
The Doctor points to me, "Forgetting someone?"
Van Statten waves him off, "We haven't the time!"
"You need all the information you can get on Daleks, let her out now!" he shouts leaving no room for questions and Van Statten quickly does the command.
My legs feel like jelly as we run into the elevator I can't remember the last time I've walked unchained let alone run. I felt so out of place, especially in a ratty hospital gown.
"You have to keep it caged," he shouts to Van Statten's lackeys.
"Doctor it's all my fault," a blonde says apologetically on the screen.
A guard informs us that he has sealed off the exits and the lock as a million combos no way the thing's getting out. I shake my head at his idiocy I just hope this blonde girl is also a timelord, the more the better.
"Daleks are genius they can figure out a billion combinations in ten seconds flat." The Doctor informs.
The Dalek quickly figures out how to exit the moment I see it on the screen I cover my mouth in horror.
"Don't shoot I want it unharmed!" Van Statten shouts.
"Are you that dense! You would rather a whole planet die than lose a collection piece!" I shout at the man who held me captive for years and swing a punch at his face which earns me the pleasant crunch noise from his nose.
two guards pull me away from him as I smile for the first time in ages. The Doctor doesn't seem to notice the commotion shouting for the blonde whose name is apparently Rose to run.
I look back to the screen to see the Dalek destroying the screen connection. I feared the sucker would go right through the screen and appear before me like a Weeping Angel. I stumbled backward but the guards just tugged harder to keep me in place. I groaned in response to the uncomfortable position.
The Doctor's head whipped in the direction of the noise in high alert, "let her go! You are focused on the wrong alien here!"
The guards look to Van Statten for his approval, "She's got one hell of a right hook, I'll give her that... drop her.
The guards took this a little too literally and dropped me directly on my ass, as the others make their way to the computer.
"Oh my god, it's draining the whole power supply," the woman with us gasped.
"It's not just the energy it's the whole internet, it knows everything," The Doctor states.
"Cameras in the vault our down," the woman relays.
"It's going to absorb everything," I sigh
"We have to kill it now!" The Doctor shouts.
We watch soldiers die again and again through the surveillance cameras. It's Gallifrey all over again I can't escape it, but maybe I can help this time instead of running away.
"Tell them to stop shooting!" Van Statten says but I am seriously praying this is a very cruel joke.
"But it's killing them!" The woman shouted back.
"They're dispensable that Dalek is unique. I don't want a single scratch on it!" he shouts to the lifeless soldiers.
I clench my fists, "You are asking me to hurt you! You are putting lives over a killer," I shout getting in his face his guards instantly stand up preparing for me to strike him again which probably wasn't far off thinking.
"He's an idiot we need to focus," The Doctor interrupts and I return my gaze to the map as they discuss alien weapons.
"There has to be a way to keep it alive, maybe we trap it down there-"
The Doctor cuts him off, "Leaving everyone trapped with it? Rose is down there. I won't let that happen, have you got that?"
That seems to shut Van Statten up for once thank god.
"Who is Rose? Is she from Gallifrey? Did you two come here to stop the last Dalek? Does that mean Gallifrey is safe again?" I ramble many questions at once.
"Doesn't talk for years now you don't shut up," he glares at me like this whole situation is somehow my fault.
The Doctor frowns, "Leave her be Statten." He ignores my questions and tells them to arm all the soldiers with alien weapons it's the only way to beat it. Then he directs the soldiers on how to kill a Dalek always aim for the eye the soldiers shut him down.
"I can't help but think everyone on this planet is insanely dense," I sigh.
The doctor smirks, " There are some good humans out there, you wouldn't know being stuck here with these imbeciles."
Van Statten's glare burns into The Doctor I feel the heat of the glare just from the proximity.
"We have visuals again," the woman informs and all of our eyes dart to the computer.
"It wants us to see," The Doctor growled.
We all stare in shock as the Dalek uses the sprinklers to electrocute and kill all the soldiers at once.
"Perhaps we should consider a different strategy like abandoning the place," Van Statten nervously stumbles over his words. I had never seen him like this he always seemed confident when torturing me. If this were any other situation I would be overjoyed to see him like this. I wish I was the one to make him feel like this, not the Dalek.
The woman glares at him, "Except there's no power to the helipad, sir."
"You said we could seal the vault," The Doctor interrupts their glaring showdown.
"There's not enough power!" she shouts.
"There's emergency power we could redirect it to the bulkhead door," The Doctor defends.
"It would take a computer genius to get through the security codes!" The woman says frustrated.
"Good thing you got me," Mr. Van Statten smiles.
"You wanna help?" The Doctor asks shocked.
"No there is no way he wants to help! It is physically impossible he has no empathy. This has to be a trick!" I shout.
"It's not out of empathy, I don't want to die as simple as that. This could have been avoided if you talked in the first place. I would have known what it was capable of years ago." He shouts back at me.
The camera turns back on and the Dalek's voice fills the room, "I shall only speak to the doctor."
"You are gonna get rusty," he responds to the Dalek who still getting soaked by the sprinkler system.
"I don't think now is a great time for jokes Doctor," I whisper.
"I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time-traveler regenerated me," the Dalek speaks.
"What's your next trick," the Doctor rolls his eyes.
"I have been searching for the Daleks," it responds.
"Yeah, I saw downloading the entire internet. What did you see?" He saunters around the table.
"I searched your radio signals and telescopes," it responds.
I anxiously pick at the scabs already forming from when I punched Satten. What will happen if this Dalek happens to find more Daleks? What if he isn't the last one.
The Doctor seems completely unphased, "and find anything?"
"Nothing, Where shall I get my order from now!" It screams loudly.
"Nothing but a solider without any commands," the Doctor teases.
I look at him in shock he can't possibly think it's a good thing to rile up at a Dalek more.
"Then I shall follow my primary order, the Dalek instinct to conquer and destroy," it responds.
"What for! What's the point!" The Doctor shouts his facade slipping. "Don't you see everything is gone, everything you stood for."
"Then what should I do?" The Dalek actually seemed to have an emotion other than hatred. Many emotions. I would have felt bad for it if not for all they have done against Gallifrey.
"Alright, then. If you want orders follow this one. Kill yourself," the doctor responds coldly.
I look up at him with wide eyes this is not the Doctor they spoke of on Gallifrey the mischievous one who was too smart for his own good. This Doctor was cold and harsh with his words.
"The Daleks must live on," the Dalek shouts in a familiar rage that all Daleks have.
"The Daleks have failed! Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct! Rid the universe of your filth! Why don't you just die, " The Doctor shouts back such cruel words that I am worried that the Dalek will retaliate immediately.
"You would make a good Dalek," it responds and I think I have officially heard the worst insult anyone could make toward a Gallifreyian.
I put my hand on the Doctor's arm, " I am so sorry."
The Doctor does not look at me he looks broken but yells to Statten, "Seal the vaults!"
"She's still down there," the woman whispers to the doctor.
He calls Rose on his phone to get updates on her location he cares so much about this Rose she has to be a Time Lady like me. I can't imagine the Doctor having much time to visit other planets after the war.
He relays to her that he can't stop the gate from closing she has to run. He waits as long as he can and apologizes before shutting the vault. He frantically asks if she made it but his face quickly sets into a deep frown.
He quickly pulls off his earpiece, "I killed her."
Van Statten says, "I'm sorry." I have never heard him say sorry before I haven't heard the word sorry in so long it sounds foreign.
"I was supposed to protect! She was only here because of me! And you're sorry? I could have killed that Dalek in its cell but you stopped me."
"It was the prize of my collection!" He defended.
I shook my head hard, "You valued your collection over life you are disgusting."
"Man goes to space to be part of something greater," the Doctor spits.
"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars! That's why I kept her here!" he points to me. "If you think about it, it is all her fault none of this would have happened if she told me how her ship worked."
The Doctor shook his head, "You just wanted to drag the stars underground! Of course, she wouldn't talk you enslaved her and experimented on her! You are about as far from the stars as you can get!" His angry screams turned to sorrowful sighs, "And you took Rose down with you she was nineteen years old."
"She's so young can she not regenerate?" I ask sadly.
"She's human," he sighs.
I can't understand what a timelord is doing traveling with humans I understand now is not the time for questions.
The elevator doors open and the Doctor is quick to yell at the man for leaving his companion behind.
The monitor turns back on the Dalek holding its weapon to the back of the girl, "Open the vault or Rose Tyler dies."
The doctor gasps, "You're alive!"
"Can't get rid of me that easily," she teases.
"I thought you were dead," he shouts.
The Dalek interrupts, "Open the vault!"
"Don't" she begs.
"What use are emotions, if you will not save the woman you love," the Dalek states. Curious what does a Dalek know about love?
"I killed her once, I can't do it again," he states as he presses the button.
This is most certainly not the Doctor who was infamous in Gallifrey how long have I been missing. I hear Van Satten shouting but none of it really matters anymore. The Dalek will kill us and I have been missing so long that no one back home will know the difference. I am not going down without a fight. If my life didn't mean something hopefully my death can.
I adjust my posture to appear taller, "You collect all these dangerous aliens so where are your dangerous alien weapons?"
The woman shouts at me "All the weapons are in the vault!"
"Only the cataloged ones," Van Statten's employee smiles at me. I can't help the blush that appears on my face I can't remember the last time someone smiled at something I said.
The Doctor nods his head at me, "Good idea." He still looks at me like I'm a figment of his imagination and will disappear soon.
We left Van Statten and his assistant upstairs and went to the basement for weapons. The doctor tosses the weapons that are useless but finds a gun which relieves some of my anxiety.
"Stay here! I'll come back for you as soon as I handle the Dalek!" He demands
"You are out of your mind! I've been locked here for years and you're the first timelord I've seen here! If you think I am letting you fight a Dalek alone you're mental!" I shout back it feels strange screaming at anyone after refusing to speak for so long even weirder to scream at a war hero from my own planet.
He takes a deep breath trying to control his rage, "I don't have time for this! I can't have you dying while I am saving Rose!"
I shove him, hold my head high, and walk right by him, "I have more regenerations left than you old man."
He jogs to catch up to me, "No convincing you?"
"God you sound like my parents when I stole their Tardis," I groan as we jog up the stairs.
He smirks, "I stole a Tardis myself once."
"Now that's a story I have to hear," I grin wide.
"Another day," he sighs as we quietly enter the room with the Dalek and Rose.
The Doctor steps in front of me "Rose get out of the way now!"
"No, I won't let you do this," she frowns.
I stare wide-eyed at her she can't be saying this does she know of the war on Galifrey why wouldn't the Doctor have told her.
"That thing killed thousands of people!" He shouts.
"It's not the one pointing a gun at me," she snaps and I kind of want to throttle this girl.
"I've got to do this the Daleks destroyed my home! My people! I've got nothing left!" He shouts.
My head whips to face the Doctor, "What do you mean nothing." My voice shakes no matter how hard I try to remain calm. "We didn't win the war? How are you here then?"
I turn back to the Dalek, "Did they win?"
I stomp towards the Dalek and the doctor pleads with me to wait. Rose looks at me nervously I guess I can still look scary in a hospital gown and no weapon of my own. When she steps out of the way I freeze in my spot I've never seen a Dalek out of its exoskeleton.
"What is it doing?" This has to be a ploy, one they use to seem weaker then snap. Though a Dalek would never do that they need to feel superior or they are nothing.
"It's the sunlight that's all it wants," Rose defends the Dalek as it reaches its hand to the sun I back up. This is not normal behavior.
The Doctors' gaze follows, "But it can't..."
"It couldn't kill me or Van Statten it's changing!" Rose defends yet again. "And what about you Doctor what the hell are you changing into?"
I whip to Rose, "You have no right! You have no idea what these Daleks did to our home!"
"Our?" She questions.
"Why do we survive?" The Dalek asks. "I am the last of the Daleks."
"You're not even that, you absorbed Rose's DNA. You are mutating," the Doctor explains.
"Into what?" it responds.
"Something new," he replies.
I frown I am happy that there are no more Daleks but this is truly a Dalek's worst nightmare.
"I am sorry," The Doctor sighs.
"isn't that better?" Rose asks.
"Not for a Dalek," why am I feeling sorry for the Dalek they destroy everything it's their goal. I can't help but relate to it when we have been stuck in the same prison for years... I thought about burning this whole place down myself.
"So many ideas, so much darkness. Give me orders! Order me to die Rose," the Dalek says pained.
She shakes her head, "No I can't."
"This is not life! This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order me to die. Obey! Obey! Obey!" The dalek screams and I can't help but step a few feet back the words reminding me of hearing the constant battlefield noises out my childhood window on Gallifrey.
"Do it," she says.
"Are you frightned Rose Tyler?"
"So am I, Exterminate." The Dalek floats up and prepares to self destruct as Rose and I run away from it.
I fall to the ground as I watch the Dalek explode all the adrenaline I once had fades out of me. I look up to the Doctor, "What do you mean you have no one?"
His pitiful gaze that he sent me when he first found out I was Timelord made sense now as he responds, There's no more Gallifrey... no more Daleks. The whole planet gone."
I can sob " I should have stayed home. I should have never ran away. If I stayed at least I would have gone with my family." I turn to the doctor but can barely see him through my tears. "Is there really no other Timelords?"
Rose quickly gets onto the floor and rubs my back, "hey you never know! The Doctor thought he was the only Timelord left but here you are! Plus you get to constantly prove the Doctor was wrong not many people get the oppurtunity."
I sniffle, "That's true, and I do love proving people wrong."
"There you go," she soothes. "We will get you a good cup of tea my Mum always says tea cure anything," She helps me to feet.
"You are really good at this comforting thing. Is she always this sweet?" I ask the Doctor.
The Doctor seems to have glossy eyes as well but hides his emotions well, "Yeah, that's why I keep her around."
"Hey!" she shoves him.
"The grief is very heavy right now but I am thankful to be surrounded by such light that could even turn a Dalek's cold heart warm.
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farity · 11 months
Obsession, part 19
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She was a loving wife and a very stern nurse, as Aemond found out.
She would not let him be late with his medication, would not let him overexert himself, despite how antsy he was to go for a run or work out.
He had to enlist Helaena's help in order to carry out his plans, but two weeks later he finally got everything ready.
"Let's go for a walk, it's nice outside," he said casually. "Just a short walk, hmm?"
"A short walk," she said, "okay, but if you start feeling badly, we're-"
"We'll turn around, you can call the doctor, whatever you want."
She smiled then, grabbed her jacket and met him at the door.
He smiled to himself, thinking she really should question how agreeable he was being.
* * * * *
He walked them to the gardens on the side of the property. When the Tyrells had pledged loyalty years ago, they had gifted them hundreds of antique rose plants, which only existed in Highgarden.
"These are gorgeous," she said, rushing over to touch a bloom. "They smell so good, too."
"Come this way, I wanted to show you something."
He was impatient, which wasn't like him. Nervous, which was definitely not like him. He'd meant for her to enjoy the walk with him but now he couldn't wait.
When they turned a corner, there was a small table set up with wine, two glasses, and a small box, and she turned to him, one eyebrow raised. "What's this?" she asked.
He took the box, opened it, and showed it to her.
Her jaw dropped, and she looked from the ring in the box to his face. "We're already married."
When he went down on one knee, she gasped. "Aemond."
"I don't want a marriage for protection," he said, "or convenience, or any contrived bullshit. I want to know if, after everything you've seen, everything you have been through, you want to be with me until the end of our days. I want to know that you want to be married to me out of love, because I sure as hell love you."
She threw herself around him, and he nearly let go of the box, but held on as she kissed him and pulled him back up.
"Yes, yes," she said when she finally let go of him. "I love you, I don't care about anything else."
He kissed her until she was breathless and then remembered. "Here," he said, taking her hand and placing the ring on her finger. "Do you like it? We can look at others-"
"I love it," she said, looking at the square diamond on her finger, the scrollwork that surrounded it. "I love you," she wrapped her arms around him and he could only think of one word to describe what he felt - home.
* * * * *
The next afternoon Aegon called him, and he smiled as he hung up.
"What is it?"
"Cregan Stark would like to speak to Helaena's brothers."
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, "oh my gosh, do you think-"
Aemond nodded, "I think he's going to ask us for her hand. He's a brave man," he added.
"He also spoke with mother."
She fell back onto the sofa, "that is true love, if he discussed this with Alicent."
Aemond shrugged as he rose, headed to the door. "If she didn't like him, believe me, he wouldn't be able to get anywhere near Helaena. I'll be back in a bit."
"Don't be too mean to him." She called out as he left.
He smiled as he closed the door behind him. He wanted Helaena to be happy, and he knew she was. Cregan had surprised him with his willingness to get his hands dirty if that's what it took to be accepted by the Targaryens, because whoever Helaena married would need to be ready to do whatever it took to keep his sister safe.
And he liked the Stark lord. But it didn't mean he and Aegon would make it easy for him.
He walked in to find Aegon and Daeron sitting with Stark, who looked at him and rose to shake his hand. "Aemond."
Aegon rose as well, went to stand facing the three other men. "Gentlemen, we are here because Cregan Stark has sought to meet with us. The wolf of the north wants the hand of our beloved sister Helaena in marriage, and he has wisely decided to ask all of us, as each one of us would lay our lives down for her, and we will allow no less from the man she chooses to marry. Cregan?"
He rose, exchanging places with Aegon, and looked at all three men in turn. "We Starks fear very little in life. We live with the ever present danger of the Land of Always Winter at our doors, we are raised to survive in the harsh climates of the north.
"It was when I got to know your sister, Helaena, that I found out what it is that the Starks fear. The loss of our mates. We are true wolves and fidelity is in our veins - wolves mate for life and so do we. The thought of any harm or hurt coming to Helaena is unconscionable to me. Should you deem me worthy of making her my wife and the lady of Winterfell, I will keep her safe and do my best to make her happy.
"Should I fail in either endeavor," he turned to reach behind him, and produced a sword, "you are free to hunt me down and take my head. I would like to formally ask for the hand of Helaena Targaryen, only daughter of House Targaryen, in marriage."
"Have you spoken to our mother?" Aegon asked.
"Yes," Cregan answered, "and while she said we have her blessing, the decision is left to the head of the House," he bowed his head to Aegon, "but I wanted to speak to you all."
Aegon looked at his brothers and although there was no word exchanged or gesture made, Cregan knew, when Aemond stood, that everything hinged on the next few moments.
"Will you lie for her?"
"Yes," Cregan responded immediately.
"Will you kill for her?"
Aemond took a step closer to the Stark lord. "Will you die for her?"
Nodding slowly, Cregan looked at the three men facing him. "I will."
Aemond turned, and went back to his brothers. It was the work of but a moment and then all three Targaryen men turned, with Aegon in front.
"Cregan Stark, lord of Winterfell. You have proven yourself worthy of the reputation that surrounds your ancestors. You expressed no doubts in joining us on one of our jobs, and you have placed your resources at our disposal.
"But what it comes down to is our sister's happiness. And it is because of Helaena's happiness that we welcome you to our family, that we open the doors of House Targaryen to a Stark wolf, and embrace you as a brother."
* * * * *
You were unpacking your new sketching supplies when the text came from Aemond and you smiled, dropping everything to rush over to the main house.
When you walked in, you were handed a Champagne flute by one of the kitchen staff and went to the lounge where you could hear conversation.
Alicent walked up to you, smiling what seemed an actual genuine smile, although you couldn't be quite sure. "It's a beautiful day," she said, brushing one cheek against yours, and then the other.
"We're so happy for Helaena," you replied before catching your new sister's eye. "Hel!" you exclaimed, letting her engulf you in a huge hug. "I am so happy for you both. If there is anything you need help with, please, I'm here for you."
"Oh thank you," she said, "having a sister during this time is the best ever!" She looked up past you and then she was letting Aemond hug her. "Sweet brother."
You saw Cregan then, his face radiant with joy and you went up to him. "If you ever need to talk-"
"I'm sure I will," he nodded, eyes wide. Then he laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Congratulations, she is a treasure."
"That, she is," he said, "and we will spend part of the year here, I would not take her away completely."
You smiled at him, "I'm glad to hear it."
* * * * *
A week later you stopped as you put your toothbrush and toothpaste aside. There was something, something needling at you in the back of your mind. You began combing through your damp hair and tried to remember what it was, to no avail.
"What are you thinking about?"
You looked in the mirror to find Aemond standing there, a towel around his hips. Your gaze went from the top of his hair to the edge of the towel, and back up to his eye. "I'm thinking there is one towel too many in this room."
You went up to him, ran your hands up his chest, your fingertips skimming over the scar left from his recent surgery.
He wasted no time in lifting you up and taking you into your bedroom, where he placed you on the recently made bed and undid the sash on your robe.
"If I were to reach down in here, would I find you wet for me?"
Your cheeks warmed at the familiar words. "One way to find out."
He spread the robe open, baring you to him, and reached between your thighs, his fingers slipping gently inside you. "So wet. So hot. Is this all for me?" he asked.
You licked your lips, "only for you."
He pulled you to the edge of the bed, mouth on the inside of your knee. "So soft. So fucking sweet."
You were busy slipping the robe off your arms, the feel of his lips already making your head spin.
When he fastened his mouth between your legs you moaned, his tongue beginning to work you. He knew exactly how to drag you to the very edge and keep you there, how to keep you hovering while you yanked at his hair and canted your hips to get him right where you wanted him.
He shoved your legs back, spreading you wide open as he continued to feast. When he began making small circles with his tongue, you felt yourself about to fall, and then he slipped his fingers back inside you and you screamed as you came, muscles clenching as he reached deep inside you to prolong your orgasm.
You were still contracting when he rose and pulled your legs around his hips. He drove inside you, the fullness just on this side of pain, and began rocking against you. Each snap and recoil was making you spiral again, and you moved in time with him, seeking release once more.
His hand cupped your face, his touch so tender that you felt tears gather in your eyes. "I love you, Aemond."
When you came a second time, you took him with you, and felt him wrap himself around you as you surrendered to the darkness.
* * * * *
He was going through his files when she walked in the next day. "What is it?"
"I need to talk to you."
She walked in, her steps tentative, and he wondered.
"I've been thinking there was something off, and I finally realized what it was."
Aemond stood, starting to worry.
"While you were in the hospital I was eating and sleeping at random times," she said when he took her hands, "I wasn't really keeping a schedule."
"Do we need to see a doctor, are you okay?"
"Well," she looked at him, her eyes huge. "I'm okay, but we might have to."
He knew. He saw it in her eyes - the surprise, the careful joy, the fear, and his eye traveled to her stomach. When he looked back up, her eyes were filled with tears.
"I think I'm pregnant."
* * * * *
All my fics
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louislovesdilfs · 10 months
Homesick (part 3)
I'm sorry if this is shorter than the others or at least I think it's shorter I really have no idea. it's worth it tho, I think. From the next I will go episode by episode maybe skip a few to add something like this but I will mostly follow the show. I loved the 60th special, Donna will always be my favourite;)
source: r/gallifrey (on reddit) it's a debate started by @/AnticitizenPrime, It's a great theory but I suggest you to check it out if you want after reading this.
◇ I don't necessarily believe the theories I use to write this fic are canon, they just inspired me to work on this. Do NOT take them as canon. treat theories ans headcanons as such.
♤ sorry for the mistakes, english is not my first language.
"Y/n didn't want to leave, he was watching a Christmas romcom with my mother" Rose jokes getting in the TARDIS, Y/n is behinds her and enters closing the door,
"I was waiting for them to kiss!" he says but realise it only makes his situation worse,
Rose chuckles pinching Y/n's cheek "ohh an hopeless romantic!" she teases him, Y/n can't respond to that, it is true, so he just moves on getting near the console, he feels like he understands the commands and how to guide the TARDIS, he does want to try but is almost afraid of doing so,
"can we stop by my house?" he asks looking at the hoodie he's been wearing for...well from the begging, not gonna lie it is a nice 'NASA' hoodie but it won't be as nice when it starts to stink.
"sure do, just not for too long" The Doctor answers turning to him with tiny grin, Rose tho realises something, she turns to Y/n clearly wanting to ask him something,
"when did The Doctor take you?" she asks, Y/n was there before her, she figured not too long before since the two men didn't knew eachother that well, she sees Y/n is not from her time, he doesn't fit in at all.
"uh 2023, november 21st, I believe" he says not totally sure about the date,
"2023? is that a good year?" she asks slightly curious
"uh, well..." he mumbles hesitating, it's not bad like 2020 still there are wars... but that's a detail he decided to keep for himself.
The TARDIS lands in the same alley it first appears, Y/n gets out feeling sick. Ugh this place, he just wants to pack some clothes and go off again but the other two have other plans that he doesn't know about yet.
He walks not really waiting for The Doctor and Rose who try to keep up with him, he frantically searches for the keys to his house, as soon as they turn the corner a fancy mansion is waiting for them, The Doctor and Rose look at Y/n surprised as he opens the big black gates which reveal the wide path with a green garden on the sides, it looks so expensive but well tooken care of.
"well you didn't mention you were rich" Rose walks fast reaching Y/n who shakes his head
"I'm not, my parents were. This is a family mansion, my great-great grandfather bought it, then my great grandfather passed it to my grandad and he passed it to my dad, when my dad died I inherited all; My sister life assurance, my mother life assurance, and last my dad's. This money come from loss and grief. How could I ever define myself rich?" it is a rhetorical question, he doesn't want an answer and Rose will surely not give him one, she looks at The Doctor who has not look away from the young man for one second, he is clearly thinking about what Y/n just said and maybe he's wondering something else too, too many coincidence happened after the regeneration, The Doctor doesn't want to address them yet and neither does Y/n but sooner or later they will have to, willingly or not, Rose will make sure of that.
They enter the mansion greeted by giant stairs not too far from the big front door, the inside aren't as old as the house looks from the outside, they actually look both aged and modern, it's a style that suits the place but not really Y/n's appearance.
"not bad, not bad at all" The Doctor speaks his mind looking at the place.
"not at all" Rose agrees scanning every angle of the entrance with her eyes.
"my house is your house...I guess.." Y/n shrugs telling them to do whatever they want. He sighs going upstairs with his hands in his pockets, for how much he hates this place is good to be at home.
Y/n sits on his bed, looking at his room, it's been the same since he was 14, same posters, stickers on the windows...Even the 'I want to believe' poster on the wall near his bed, he always loved space, all the drawings and pictures in his rooms make it clear, it's funny how now he is travelling in time and space like it's a short day trip, it almost makes him chuckle.
A knock on the door makes him quickly turn his head to see The Doctor leaning against the door frame, his eyes lightened as he looked at The Doctor.
"can I come in?" he asks putting his hands in his brown suit pockets, he took off his coat and left it somewhere in the house probably, The Doctor enters as Y/n nods him to come in, he looks around the space themed room amused by it.
"X-files, great show." The Doctor comments looking at the poster on the wall, and Y/n chuckles
"shame you're not a little green man," Y/n chuckles tilting his head and The Doctor almost smirks at the young man's little gesture, The Doctor always seems to appreciate the little tilt Y/n does but still scoffs at his comment
"last time I checked you were monkeys" he shors back and Y/n squints his eyes at him
"oh shut it you face changer" he says and The Doctor smirk sitting on Y/n's bed next to him.
"big place you have here" he says changing the subject, Y/n's face darkens a little
"empty tho" he points out looking up at the ceiling, there are little stars that glow in the dark attached to it, The Doctor notices them too before Y/n speaks breaking the silence
"you have a big place too" he points out, he then falls with his back on the bed, his hands resting on his chest for a split of a second before he quickly rests them on the sides of his body.
"not that empty anymore" The Doctor follows him with a smirk slowly reaching for the young man's hand, a little touch before fully holding it. Y/n chuckles turning his face to the man next to him, he gently rubs his knuckles, is a cute little moment between them, Y/n feels something in his stomach he never really felt before, or maybe he's just hungry.
"you know what happened to me before you regenerate" Y/n suddenly says, he didn't want to but he knew it was something to be said sooner or later.
"yep" The Doctor says popping the p, his mood dropped slightly but his hand is still holding Y/n's a little tighter,
"I lead 10 people to death, I didn't save them, I saved myself" he admits, his voice slightly broken
"that's what you were supposed to do, I couldn't bare the thought of loosing you Y/n." The Doctor reveals looking directly in the young man's eyes, he knows that comment is selfish, but it's the truth, he wants to know more about Y/n, about who he is or what he become.
"I fell in a time vortex" he realises ignoring The Doctor's comment, "I felt my body wither and die or age back to when I was born, my body shredded with the time winds I-" he stops biting his tongue before continuing "I touched every point in history, I'm there as I'm speaking, my head, it is filled with information I shouldn't have, it hurts." he lets out not noticing the tears running down his cheeks
"I can take it away" The Doctor says reaching the man's cheek with his free hand, he brushes his cheek wiping away a tear.
"don't you dare" Y/n says firmly, he can stand the pain, he wants that knowledge.
"what am I? am I like you now? will I regenerate? can I die at all? It's like a tango in my chest!" Y/n asks many questions as his mind runs in the thousands of possibilities.
"there was a legend in my planet, about the Timelords origin, someone says we are nothing but evolved humans, it's not proved, but you Y/n, you might have evolved in something closer." The Doctor brushes Y/n's hair away from his face, the room go darker and the stars on the ceiling started to glow, Y/n smiles and a light shaped as a star appeared on his face, this sight made The Doctor's hearts almost melt as well as Y/n's. They look at eachother and right there The Doctor thinks he found someone who will stay. They share a kiss, not stolen, not meaningless, not rushed; it's sweet, waited, slow, they both take their time, they then part they're silent for a second before Y/n breaks it.
"I want to drive the TARDIS with you" Y/n says not really asking more like demanding it. The Doctor laughs
"that's a lovely idea" he says trying to hide his excitement but failing miserably.
They both go down stairs after Y/n showered and packed most of his clothes. Rose is stealing Y/n's cereals wondering around the house eating loudly before stopping in the study.
"Is that your dad's study?" She asks taking a bite
"umh yea, he actually died in there, couldn't bare the loss of mom shortly after my sister. Couldn't keep the family going, what a pathetic little man." Y/n says not really interested in what's he's saying, he doesn't like his father, he was never at home, and when he was he was locked in his study till night time.
Rose closes the door feeling chills as she looks at the chair where he died. They then go in the living room and Y/n lights up a cigarette opening one of the windows.
"you know, all the men in my family died here, my great-great grandfather passed away in his sleep, my great grandfather died after a bee attacked him in the garden, my grandad was found dead in the library and my father in his study, both died of heart attack." he admits breathing the smoke in and out, it's been a while since the last cigarette, he needs it.
"let's hope you won't carry on that tradition." Rose mumbles a bit unsettled by this information
"let's go shall we?" The Doctor says looking at both of his companions.
They leave the masion getting in the TARDIS leaving the bags with his clothes in his room, it's smaller than the one in the mansion but still pretty, he got the stars on the ceiling of his own room to attach them in this one, and the 'I Want To Believe' poster of course.
As he goes back in the main room The Doctor is patiently waiting for him near the console with a wide grin on his face. Y/n smiles at the man rushing to the console while Rose is on the phone with her mother, Y/n doesn't know what they're talking about but it's clearly something Rose doesn't care about.
The Doctor carefully explains how the comands work and what they are for, Y/n already knows something, watching The Doctor driving helped him even if he never really watched the control as much as he watched The Doctor.
The man looks at Y/n starting to drive the TARDIS "watch closely if you want to learn" Y/n smirks tilting his head slightly which makes The Doctor quickly look away.
"I'm watching" he says in a casually flirty tone to which The Doctor responds with a glance
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agent-barnes40 · 10 months
The Master
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The Doctor & GN!Reader (Platonic)
Dhawan!Master x GN!Reader (Romantic)
60th Special "Wild Blue Yonder" and "The Giggle" spoilers, not Canon compliant, uncanon events happen. READER IS GN BUT AFAB (They will wear a Dress in this fic) READER ALSO HAS A GUN THROUGHOUT MOST OF THIS (Reader will not shoot, just hold it or put their hand on it)
Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff, suggestive
2,352 Words. This is a long one guys
You leaned against the wall, keeping eye on Wilfred. Your hand was resting on your gun, making sure no-one even stepped close to the old man. "Mr. Mott, I suggest we head back to UNIT soon. It seems The Doctor and Donna aren't arriving today."
"Nonsense, we stay just like we did yesterday." The old man said, turning to face you in his wheelchair. You had a soft smile on your face and nodded. "Of course, sir. I do suggest we leave before the fighting gets even worse."
Wilfred opened his mouth to speak and was cut off by the groaning and wheezing of the TARDIS. "I hope she finally learnt how to lift that parking break." You mumbled under your breath, shaking your head when Wilford looked toward you.
Donna stepped out of the TARDIS first, sending a grateful smile your way before running over to Wilfred to hug him as The Doctor stuck his head out and his gaze focused on Wilfred before he focused on you. "Nice to see you again, Doc." Donna looked at you and The Doctor, before you slid your hand away from your gun, holding your hands up. The man stepped closer to you and wrapped a hand around your forearm, an old look filled his eyes as you smirked. "Doc, I'm not associated with him anymore. I'm trying to make up the wrongs he and I committed."
Donna cleared her throat as you pulled your arm out of the Doctor's grip. "What is going on here?"
"Spoilers, Mrs. Noble." You said, looking down toward Wilfred. "Lets get you all to UNIT to explain what's going on. Rose, Shaun, and Sylvia are all safe at your house, Mrs. Noble. I've had Wilfred with me ever since the world started going to hell."
"I'll do it, I'll show him what the spike does." You volunteered, already pulling the Zeedex off of your arm and handing it to Melanie, the older woman shaking her head softly but letting you go. You took a deep breath as you handed your gun to Kate. You could feel the anger already starting to build up as you turned to face The Doctor.
The man tilted his head, watching as you wrung your hands together before your gaze fell into a glare. "You're the reason I'm this way, you realize that right?"
"No.." The Doctor responded, leaning on the desk watching as your face scrunched up like Missy's. "You showed me the stars and then showed me the most magnificent woman in the galaxy and then you let her and me almost die! You didn't even care when I showed back up with The Master! You didn't even think to ask what happened when I ran into his arms instead of yours when the Kasaavin showed up on that airplane! It was all "Don't worry Yaz! I'll keep you all safe!" When the only one that showed me compassion was the man you locked up for seventy years!" You started to yell and march up to him.
"You took him away and never ever apologized. You don't care about us when we leave you! Donna gets that treatment because you knew her before he came back into your life! The rest of us get tossed away if we've even been touched by him." You raised your arm up to slap him and instinctively fought against the UNIT soldiers, your co-workers, pulling you back and sliding the metal Zeedex onto your arm and you just sat on the floor, taking deep breaths.
Melanie walked over and sat down next to you, rubbing your arm. She knew everything, and so did everyone else in the room. You didn't hide your association with The Master and your displeasure at being left behind by both The Master and The Doctor, much like other older companions. You didn't move to say any apologies as you helped Melanie stand before you, yourself stood up and you scanned the room. The Doctor just stared at you. "Did you mean all that?"
"No, of course not. Its just the spike, Doc. Don't worry about it." You walked over and rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly. "I don't blame you for everything."
You heard the music and you immediately whipped around, that old hope of The Master suddenly showing up burning back up to the surface. The Doctor grabbed your wrist and shook his head. "Do not engage with him, understood?"
"So it is him? The Master?" You asked, the music getting even louder and that's when you saw the man teleporting all over and you followed his movements. They had the same flair The Master had and you couldn't even stop yourself. "You know The Master!"
The man smiled and winked before jumping down the newly formed trapdoor in the floor and The Doctor took off, sprinting and sliding across the floor to swipe at the petals covering the floor while you followed. "He knows him! That's another regeneration of him, isn't he?"
"He is the Toymaker and you will not go anywhere near him, understood." The Doctor ordered and you barely listened when you looked up and saw The Toymaker waving and you sprinted out of the room, the doors opening and you pointed a finger at the man on the Galvantic Beam.
"What did you do to The Master?" You called out, anger spiking even with the Zeedex on your arm. The Toymaker grinned even more and tilted his head, showing the shining gold tooth and the way to many teeth in his mouth.
"You could say that." The Toymaker said, shaking his head softly when The Doctor and the rest of the team came running out and The Doctor was pulling you back.
The billion-years old Time-Lord sent a look toward you before strutting into the fight. Donna had an arm wrapped around yours, keeping you in place.
~ The Toymaker folded up and you barely even noticed the golden tooth falling to the ground as you fought against Kate and Donna. You had been given hope that any incarnation of The Master, even Missy, would show up after The Toymaker was defeated and as you realized the two Doctor's looking your way, you let yourself turn, pulling yourself from Kate and Donna's grips before heading back into the interior of the tower, hearing the screams of the ball-pit balls and seeing the rose petals all over the floor. You started to pull the Zeedex off and placed it at the ground in front of the Vlinx. "These were genius, Vlinx. Thank you."
The being lightly tilted its head down in a bow. "No need to thank me."
"If anyone asks, let them know I headed home. I'm tired." You left the building, quicker than you ever have in your life, wincing at the sight of the bodies on the ground. You didn't notice the man starting to walk behind you, humming Rasputin. When you heard the song you just shook your head and sped up your pace, noticing how the person behind you also sped up. You put your hand close to your gun, the spike should've been gone long enough now so you wouldn't get jumped but you always aired on the side of caution after running around with The Master. You turned down an alley, hand slowly wrapping around the handle of your gun and slipping it out. You whipped around when you heard the footsteps and stilled. There he was, all in his Rasputin costume and your hands shook. "I know you aren't the Master, so please... Please drop the act and costume."
"Oh Love, did you really think I'd abandon you this long?" The man spoke, his eyes staring into yours and you instinctively closed yours. He let out a chuckle and stepped even closer and pressed a hand to your cheek, his thumb rubbing the skin as you finally opened your eyes.
"Say my name again." The Master ordered, his voice soft and smiled at the deep breath you had to take.
"Hello, Master. I missed you." You whispered out, your eyes scanning his face as you slid your Glock back into its holster and you slid the hand up and onto the ridiculous beard on his face.
"When we get to my flat, you are shaving that off. I hated it on you." You knew you had started to tear up as you stared at him and a smile broke out on your face.
"But you liked my kisses with this beard right?" The Master asked, stepping closer and you let out a laugh.
"Only this one." And with that out of your mouth, the two of you pressed together, lips pressing together.
The two of you should've known The Doctor was going to do a check up. The Master had shaved his Rasputin beard off and mainly stuck to the clothes he had stashed in your flat. The sound of the TARDIS made you look over and your mouth dropped at the man coming out wearing a kilt. "So how do I look?"
"You look amazing, Doc. What are you doing here?" You glanced toward the bathroom, where The Master currently was showering. "Wanted to check in on you. Last time we talked, you blamed me for a lot." He said, looking around the room as you crossed your arms.
"And that was The Spike, Doc. I didn't mean it, plus didn't you give this job to the other Doctor? Checkin in on us who are still here?" You said, hand rubbing the over sized button up you wore, nervous about him finding out that The Master was in the room over.
"I just ran into you, thought I'd check in on you myself." He said, his eyes trailing to the two bowls you had set out. "Who else is here?"
"What do you mean you just ran into me?" You asked, focusing on that instead of his question.
"I had to do stuff at UNIT, saw you there wearing a very familiar dress." The Doctor said, looking at you. His eyes hardening as you met his eyes.
You straightened up, raising a brow. "That's future me, Doc. Why are you asking me this?"
"Because you were with him." The Doctor said, an eyebrow raising in turn just as the bathroom door opened and you turned to the door, hoping The Master at least put boxers on.
The Master turned the corner and stilled at the sight of a TARDIS and the Doctor in your living room and he turned to face you. "Is he bothering you?"
"It's okay Master, he isn't bothering me. In fact, he was just telling me about how I'll be wearing your dresses in the future." Your hand gestured toward The Doctor as you started relax, you knew The Doctor had to start playing nice as soon as The Master had walked in.
The Doctor looked between you and the shirtless Master, his brain catching up very quick. "So you two are actually together."
"We've been together since the vault, Doctor." You and The Master practically said in unison, a grin on the both of your faces.
The Doctor crossed his arms and focused on you. "He tried to destroy Earth! He destroyed Gallifrey! He forced regenerated into me! He turned all of you into himself way back when he was Prime Minister!"
The Master started to puff up, his eyes hardening as you started to walk over. "All of us but you don't remember The Year That Never Was, I was there when he worked with The Daleks and his CyberMaster's I don't condone what he did, I don't forgive him for it, and I certainly do not let him forget what he did to you, or Yaz, or anyone. I stayed at his side, out of the fight because I knew you'd come around and blame me for everything like you used to do."
You had to take a deep breath as you stared down The Doctor, anger in your eyes. "I couldn't even say goodbye to him at any point, I didn't know if he was even alive because of you and Yaz! I had to sit and wait until Kate picked me up and assigned me to The Noble's and I sat and I listened to Wilfred as he praised you and everything you did!"
The Master knew what was bubbling up and grabbed at your waist, pulling you back, away from The Doctor. "Love, you need to calm down. You are going to regret what you are going to say."
You were so wound up that it took The Master grabbing your face and looking into your eyes, slowly hypnotizing you into calming down. The Doctor was watching with wide eyes as The Master led you to your shared bedroom and had you sit in there before coming back out.
You barely remember that day, screaming and yelling at The Doctor as you had The Master help lace up Missy's corset. His TARDIS had finally showed back up and you wanted to wear one of her dresses. The Master was staring you down through the mirror and you chuckled. "You can tear this off me when I get home. I need to help Donna with a project at UNIT. Do you wanna come with or do you wanna stay here with the cats?"
It took you months to convince him to get those cats, but you won that battle. He regularly took them to vet visits on planets with better pet healthcare than Earth, and the planets had better ways to treat illnesses.
You eventually got out your front door, with three babies (one a large Time-lord) at your side trying to convice you to stay. You didnt carry your gun much anymore as you were just a consultant now, on all things The Master. You barely noticed The Doctor watching you as you signed into UNIT and headed up to Donna's floor. You didnt notice as he shook his head before stepping into his TARDIS.
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doverstar · 7 months
The little details in this fic???? I’ve been thinking about them all day?
I have never read a fic from a writer with a better understanding of the Pond family dynamic. The SASS that exudes off of rory Williams is so perfect. Amy’s unflinching trust in the Doctor, how she will take any order from him, but still pursing her lips, so simultaneously irritated with him and filled with care and affection for both her boys and trust for the Doctor. The way that Matt Smith’s doctor had control over A ROOM. How that contrasts with Will. It’s all INSANELY GOOD. It’s like I’m watching an episode straight out of Series 6, you have such a good handle of dialogue and specifically these character’s way of speaking. Rory’s quips. The doctor spewing nonsense that’s ten steps ahead of everyone else in the room. Amy’s concern. You have complete mastery over all four of these characters. GOD I HAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT ROSE. I love how you display her so complexly, how she’s so quick yet she’s so scared to accept that her realities been flipped on it’s head, that the Doctor has changed again. And oh my gosh, the Doctor and Rose’s relationship. It’s so perfect. The semi-awkward but completely emotionally charged moment in the elevator. The bit about their hands fitting perfectly. How she finds it easier to accept him this time. It’s so soft and tender, and best of all, it all feels EARNED. Not just through all they’ve been through in this story and canon, but through the pacing of your story in specific. You don’t rush it. There’s not many fic authors, or writers in general, that can do that. It makes for such a satisfying story that I just can never get enough of.
Last one!! But oh Will!!! It makes me so sad that Rose said it doesn’t matter anymore, his silly knit hoodie and mismatched converse. I’m gonna miss him so much, I’m still grieving. I’m wayyy more excited that the Doctor is out of the watch, but still, my boy is gone!!! My scrunkly!!! Rip!!! I especially love how you contrast them, how the Doctors talking strong finally where Will was a mumbler, how you’ve talked about his pale eyes the whole story and now it’s his bright eyes. Also, how Eleven walks on an angle LMAO. Just, all of it.
I just needed to get these thoughts out of my head. Your attention to detail is magnificent and this chapter was well worth the wait. I can’t stop rereading. I’m just begging, BEGGING you to forget about Journey’s End so they can have a happily ever after.
Sending you love!!!
I need to start responding to long wonderful comments with a bit more of the enthusiasm I actually feel for them, so everybody wave hello to the Keep Reading line -
Thank you so much! I do love the Ponds and their specific chaos. Amy probably comes off pretty cold or tetchy in my fic, but I couldn't imagine her not being stressed and overprotective of the Doctor in that whole scenario. Also, I'm a big fan of Rose's pettiness when it comes to other women, because that's realistic, even if she often tries not to show it, and I'm an also a big fan of Amy's huge temper. And Rory is always a treasure. Always. I was so excited to write for them, thank you! I've been worried about the way I portrayed Rose and her thought process, but you've been so encouraging here! Thanks for that, too. I'll miss Will! I loved writing for a version of the Doctor that didn't have to deal with the simultaneous burdens of being a Time Lord, a genius, a hero, a murderer, immortal, etc. Will is just Eleven with less ambition and less worry. I was thinking, "What would the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor be like if you took away all the things that made him an immortal alien and just turned him loose?" And the result was a very sweet, awkward young man with bad dress sense who thinks he's 20-something. It's just my take, but I'm so fond of my take. Aw, Will. Miss you already, boyo. Thank you for noticing the details! That's so kind of you. I don't think I'm 100% happy with the latest chapter as it is (I was so tired), but I'm beyond glad you can still appreciate it! Loved getting this message.
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lodessa · 1 year
Doing a little season 3 rewatch of Veronica Mars to make sure things line up right in The Backup and oh boy . . .
So many of my lingering complaints immediately resurfaced there's also stuff I had forgotten about (and even some stuff that rewatching is like "oh, they were actually doing a thing") but here's a couple thoughts four episodes in:
The cast is still too jam packed, the years haven't changed my opinion on that, and it makes so many things seem forced or spread thin.
Some of this is things like spending all this time of Dick but (after an initial episode where it seemed like maybe he was going to have some actual character arc following what happened in season 2) just having him be the same old Dick. Some of it is trying so hard to make Piz matter or whatever. Some of it is no one's plotlines actually truly entertwining.
And you can definitely see the fanservicing rounding off of Logan's character happening, but hot damn I forgot I missed him. Like Rose Tyler of Doctor Who, the fannish monomania over the years has made me reflexively flinch from his very name but Logan is so damned compelling. He's so wounded and self loathing, messy, but also somehow still so tender. A victim of so much loss and abuse and he does fucked up shit and Veronica is right not to trust him sometimes, but he's also just such a damned woobie (I have not used that term in so long I almost forgot it) in the way that is so addictive (and destructive because the impulse is always ultimately to lose all the things that actually make that vulnerability interesting in the interests of saccharine perfection.
My boy, Weevil. I weep. I scream. I tear my hair. I dream of Mars, Mars, & Navarro Investigations. He's flawed and he's angry and he makes mistakes, but Eli Navarro is also so smart, dogged, insightful. He hates injustice, drugs, and abuse. He's crazy hyper competent. want someone to figure out the truth, fix the body of your car, get the AC working? He can do any of that with a facility you didn't ask for or expect. (Maybe don't have him take your phone calls though, at least not without some actual training.) And what does he really want? A chance. The opportunity to do something that matters. Someone to look at him and see something of value (because he sure doesn't right now).
Which really should have been the through line of this season and these characters. Logan is terrified of being his dad, of actually trying and failing at college, of being alone. Weevil is trying to keep his head down and get by, but it is humiliating and awful and he wants so much to prove he is more than that. Like both of them, Mac is afraid she's broken, that she can't move past what happened with Cassidy, that she doesn't know how to be close to anyone. Dick should be confronting the fact that what happened with his brother and dad did shake him and he's not impervious. Wallace's half assed plot line about struggling to maintain both school and basketball could have been so much more about the transition from high school and college and worrying that you aren't actually special or good enough. Even Keith is doubting his judgement, as a professional and as a father to a certain extent. And Veronica, Veronica is afraid that she can't move on: can't trust, can't hold on to friendships, can't move past her high school relationship. But I know that the show doesn't actually go there with any of these plotlines, so to speak. It doesn't have time to, nor does it want to.
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katefathers · 8 months
dissecting companion exits: a doctor who rant in the year 2024
So it's been over a month since I did that Doctor Who podcast, which has miraculously got me back on my Doctor Who bullshit, and after "The Giggle", I've been thinking a lot about companion exits, and how they worked for me and how they worked both inside and out of the narrative. And because what else is social media for than ranting about fiction, here I am.
I find it really interesting how in both Moffat and RTD Who, many of the exits work more successfully outside of the narrative than inside of it, yet for completely different reasons.
Like, "The Giggle" really emphasised how ridiculously tragic the Moffat companion exits were. And while I can't speak for Bill as I haven't watched her series, for both Amy and Clara, those exits didn't make much sense inside the narrative. Amy and Clara could have had non-tragic exits. Amy's run in particular seemed to be working towards her and Rory choosing to stop travelling with the Doctor. They weren't doing it full time, they were getting older (it was highlighted how Amy needed reading glasses now), and it would have made solid character and thematic sense to have them choose to end this chapter in their lives. To focus on their careers, and maybe have kids, and find the joy in the slow path. A slow wind down--a bittersweet yet poignant departure--would not have been untoward.
Clara could have left that way too. She could have either walked off into the sunset with Danny Pink (if he hadn't been killed off. Because he was killed off, right?) or found some other calling. Embracing teaching at Coal Hill. Teaching on another planet. Anything! But I think in both cases, Moffat wanted his "Doomsday", and so what made logical narrative sense took a backseat. These exits worked more outside of the story--"because the showrunner wanted tragedy"--than inside.
Donna, I think, could have also had a non-tragic exit. I know her tragic ending has been reversed, but if Donna had two series instead of one, I think an ending where she chose to leave the Doctor would have been possible. I mean, she loved travelling, but it's clear that she also wanted to do things like get married and have a family, and I think if she had one more series (or was in all four specials), she could have had a Jo Grant exit. But they couldn't get Catherine Tate for another series/all four specials, and RTD was set on leaving before Series 5, so Donna doesn't.
And the constraints of TV filmmaking are what I believe hampered the RTD companion exits. And there are two major ones: actor availability and the time the BBC allowed him to tell his stories.
Granted, while having two tragic exits that weigh on the Tenth Doctor and contribute to him going all "Time Lord Victorious" could have been the plan all along, assuming it wasn't, both Donna and Rose's exits make the most sense when read from an outside perspective: neither Catherine Tate or Billie Piper had signed on for more full episodes.
Rose's second exit, in particular, is the poster child for "outside the narrative" storytelling. I mean, when the Doctor says "But you've got to [stay in the parallel universe]", you nearly expect him to end that with "because your actress didn't sign on for more episodes". Outside the narrative, leaving Rose with TenToo wraps up the Doctor/Rose romance, keeps them mostly safe from the whims of future showrunners, and yet leaves Rose's story a little open-ended for the audience so they imagine whatever they want to happen in Rose's--and future Doctor's--future. Inside the narrative, however, I didn't find it particularly satisfying. The Doctor has been pining for Rose for two series. Rose has worked incredibly had to get back to him. As a character, she's crafted as someone who would stay with the Doctor forever. They have this sweeping, incredibly romantic reunion! Inside the narrative, her staying makes the most sense. It's the most satisfying ending. Especially if you don't have the space to make an ending with Rose's permanent exit gratifying.
Because like Donna and the bigeneration in "The Giggle", Rose ending up back in the parallel world could have been more satisfying if RTD had more time to build up to that exit. In general, much of "Journey's End" feels rushed, and the end of the episode is particularly bad, leaving a number of holes that never get filled. Mickey gives a very brief reason why he's staying in his home universe, but we don't see him say goodbye to Rose and Jackie. We never get a proper reunion between Rose and Jack, or resolution to Rose making Jack immortal, which she is clearly unaware of, nor do we get a goodbye between them. I remember wondering when "Journey's End" first aired, do Mickey and Jack even know that they won't see Rose again? Do they walk off with a quick "see ya later", thinking they'll meet up occasionally? Because Rose sure as hell didn't think she was leaving her home universe. And while we got TenToo on his own to establish that he is (mostly) the Doctor, we don't get much between him and Rose prior to being left on Bad Wolf Bay to build any kind of connection between them. We don't see Ten come to the decision to leave the two of them; we never really know how he feels about it. Yeah, Doctor Who is a very plot-forward show, but "Journey's End" was juggling a lot of plot and a lot of characters, and it should have been longer--or the Series 4 finale should have been a three-parter--to give both the story and characters time to breathe. The audience is left to infer A LOT, and for me it was unsatisfying at the time, and now with over a decade of distance, it's actually even more unsatisfying.
While it might seem like I have more of a problem with RTD's companion exits, I think they're more successful from a technical and audience standpoint than Moffat's. RTD has the incredible ability to write backwards, making you feel like an ending was always something that he was working towards, even when he wasn't. Although both Donna and Rose's stories could have been different given more time, and if they played out in a different medium like a novel, they still, mostly, work. Donna forgets, but gets a family and a mother who values her a little more. Rose gets both the Doctor and her parents--she doesn't have to sacrifice one for the other anymore. Moffat's, on the other hand, feel very slapdash, and I don't recall feeling like we'd been working towards them. Because, as I said, it always seemed like he was working towards a totally different ending.
I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this, but I find the difference between Moffat and RTD's approach to companion exits really fascinating. One wanted a specific style of ending, but didn't seem to know how to foreshadow it--how to make it work as part of a cohesive narrative. The other had a strong handle on narrative and character arcs, but their ability to craft something satisfying--to give his audience all the information--was hindered by episode length. Going forward, I hope RTD can manage his time better so that the companion exit is more satisfying, like Martha's. But I also hope he takes a leaf out of Moffat's book and plans a non-tragic ending. Because Moffat did set up two fairly sold, amicable partings, and Doctor Who needs more of those again.
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 months
Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday (14x07)
This is an undeniably excellent season of this show, wow!
So, the big thing is, I don't know who Sutekh is within the lore of this show. I went and did a google, and he's a figure who appeared in one episode and then a bunch of tie-in stuff. There was a lot about this "reveal" that was effective, and I'm not saying knowing the deep lore is a requirement to get the significance of the twist, but it's like... I don't know. Ideally, you spend all season with the mystery of this recurring woman, and you hear people talking about "The One Who Waits," and then the moment of truth hits and you go "oh shit! I can't believe it was [blank] the whole time!" Sutekh could have been "Bob the Scary Demon Man" and it would have made no difference to me or, I would wager, to the majority of the audience.
I also think I could have used a bit more buildup of "The One Who Waits" just as a concept. Could have used one or two additional drops of that phrase. There's something a little clunky about the reveal being a god of Death, because it's like... hmm. Isn't the saying "time waits for no man," like, Death is going to get you, you can't run from it? So the idea of a death god "waiting" and then deciding to "stop waiting" is a little off for me. My favorite depictions of Death in fiction are always Death as Inevitability. Not cruel, not actively violent, just... it's coming for us all. This dude by contrast seems to be more of a god of destruction, an active force that wants to kill the universe. I'm down for it, I'm just saying maybe the "waiting" aspect is a little muddy.
Also, the creepy old lady neighbor being some sort of messenger for the coming of Sutekh was cool, but I could have used another cut back to her just to make sure Grandma Sunday is okay, or to give us a tease of what might need to happen to keep her safe next episode? It felt weird to include that little sinister bit and then not really revisit it.
I say all of that, and I mean it, but at the same time I was wicked impressed with this episode's ability to build and hold tension, to tie me into the emotional reality of the Doctor and Ruby and feel the pain and fear through their lens, even when I didn't get the larger reference from the show's lore. I think the real showcase of this episode, the scene I'm going to carry with me, is the scene in the time window. It's a long, long scene, and very slow, with a lot of the Doctor and Ruby just standing and watching, and not a lot happening. And yet somehow I was holding my breath, filled with the tension and the desperation of the moment, the whole way through. When the hooded figure, ostensibly Ruby's mother, turned and pointed, I honestly gasped. And when the UNIT member's voice started speaking, talking about being lost and being in hell... goosebumps.
I also want to say how good it was to see Kate, and Rose, and Mel, and just spend time with this oddball UNIT crew. There's this interesting sense whenever we're with Kate, like, "oh, everything's going to be okay now." And it's a fun reciprocity between viewer and characters, because you also get the sense that Kate feels that way about having the Doctor near. We can take comfort from UNIT, and UNIT takes comfort from the Doctor. I liked the little twelve-year-old genius boy and the other characters we got to spend some time with; there's this real sense of a lived reality going on when we're not here to observe it; they're on about their business all the time, keeping a lookout for inexplicable danger. That's also what makes it so sinister and thrilling when you realize the danger is right there in the room with them. The Doctor brought it with him, totally by accident, leaving his TARDIS behind to set off the trap.
There are two identity-based mysteries going on in this episode. One is Ruby's mother, and the other is Susan, the Doctor's granddaughter. Are we going to get to see a glimpse of Ruby's mum? Will the great mystery be unveiled? Is this woman actually the Doctor's relative? Are we going to see him face his past and reunite with her?
And the answer to both of these questions seems to be: nope! Not yet, anyway. Just you wait! There's a delicious frustration to this episode, where you think what we're building to might be the answer to what the heck is happening with Ruby, but it's not. There's a connection there, but it still feels elusive, the real truths just out of our reach. I believe that Ruby is not returning as a companion for another season, so ostensibly whatever answers we're going to get about her, we'll get next week? I hope she gets the answers and the peace she's looking for. I still want to know what creepy old-lady-Ruby was whispering to everyone that made them run away back in "73 Yards."
Once again Ncuti Gatwa's performance was outstanding. I loved seeing him interacting with Kate and Mel, these people who have known the Doctor for so long and through so many different iterations. His contained pain and doubt about Susan, and that moment of heartbreak when he shakes her hand and looks her in the eye and can't feel the recognition that would prove who she is... that was really moving. And then also his care and compassion for Ruby, holding her through her grief about not being able to find answers about her mom! And then the fear and horror on his face as the truth of his foe comes clear to him at last. Despite my complaints above about this reveal not really having prior meaning to me as a viewer, I am convinced to feel a great amount of horror by the strength of the Doctor's reaction alone. That's impressive!
One last note, I'll say that Doctor Who isn't known for its top-notch SFX even in this new age of Disney money, but I always appreciate the creativity of how they choose to do things visually. The memory effects in the time window had this strange mix of VHS static and then a genuine horror element to it, where it felt like everything was happening on a predestined loop but you were also ready for the hooded figure to turn and see the Doctor and Ruby at any moment. It felt so nebulous and unspecific in a really neat way. And then the Sutekh effect at the end, looming over the TARDIS - I mean, it's kind of cartoony and a bit unconvincing but I honestly really liked the way it looked, that big scary mouth, the glowing red eyes, the whiskers and the ears... and then the effects on Harriet and Susan too, they looked so creepy and scary and I didn't want them to touch the Doctor or our other good guys!
So yeah, that's what I've got for this one. I do wish I could have somehow been clued in to the full lore so that the big reveal would feel like a genuine revelation. But even with that significant disadvantage built into the structure of the story, this was a great installment of the show and I eagerly await part two!
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ilivemydreamsthere · 10 months
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Hello there!
60-year special make me come back. I also decided to post and show you what I am working on.
For those who don't know me, I was the one always obssesing about Missy version of the Master. This story starts right after the Grace funeral. It will be a centrally longer story planing on 12 chapters.
Tw : Doctor has a panick attack.
I am again obssed with Missy and her love for the Doctor...
Take this like just little sneak peak....
Of lost years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
She had seen too many funerals. She stayed hidden in the corner. She wasn't in fact thinking of Grace and Graham when she should. Her mind was racing.
She lost so many people. Oh so many.
Rose, Donna , Wilfred, Amy, Rory ….River, Master …Missy.
Every thought on every name hurts. She never grieves over people she lost, she usually just tries to move away and keep a smile on face. Any face she was wearing.
She felt tears on face and couldn't anymore listen to people speaking of Grace no. She looked outside and her lips left gasp for air. People didn't look at her, everyone lost in their own grief.
Was it what she thought it was? Or was it just a shadow?
Definitely just a shadow she couldn't see right?
She hid her face in her hands for a moment. She had to be dreaming there is no possibility she would see her, right?
“Doctor?” The voice brings her back minutes later from her own mind. She could feel a gentle touch on her arm. She looked up and saw the hazelnut eyes of Yaz.
“Are you alright?”
“Me? Definitely. I am alright “ She shakes head and stands up. “I should go. Before any of you get hurt. All I do is hurt people “ She said wiping her own tears from face.
Yasmine watched her and pulled her in a hug for a short moment. “You aren't hurting people. I am sure you do more than that.”
Doctor for a moment allowed herself to be held. She felt for a single moment. “I should leave Yaz” She whispered more to herself than Yaz. She bit her lips and let the girl go. She shakes head and leaves the room. She needed air. It suffocated her. She walked out quickly without looking back.
She felt how her chest started to hurt. If she would be a human she would be sure it's her heart. But right now she knows. That feeling which was so close to overcoming its huge anxiety and guilt. All feelings she tries to stop herself from feeling.
She rushed inside her Tardis and leaned about the door from inside. There she allowed herself to feel it. Her lips left a long scream of pain and all these gathered feelings and she hit the door with both fists.
She felt tears in her eyes which were about to spill and the Tardis made a long beeping sound trying to calm her Doctor.
Then a soft knock on the door came. “Doctor, are you here? Can you come out please. “
She sighed when she heard Yasmine with others. She didn't want to go anywhere. She mumbled words in old Gallifreyan language. She took a long , shaky breath and opened the door after she stood up.
“Doctor…we come say goodbye “ Graham spoke and pulled Doctor to hug. He spoke quietly. “It's not your fault I know it's not “ He said quietly and when he let her eyes meet.
“Yaz said you are wanting to just disappear on us. “ Rayn spoke as he crossed his arms a little.
Doctor shaked head and she wanted to say more but when all four of them shared a hug she couldn't tell the difference. “Do you really wanna go with me to see the universe and see stars?” She asked the question and when they spoke back she had to smile. They wanted to go with her.
She chuckled little “that will give you a bit of shock come in “ She spoke and opened Tardis door. The tardis make another noise. Noise which doesn't seem to be such a distress like a moment back. More like humming.
“Welcome to the Tardis. And don't be shocked, it's indeed bigger on the inside!” She said and let all of 3 of them in. “Fam …you should wait “ She rushed to the control panel and pulled for some levers and characteristic noise came out of the Tardis rotor. She smiled hearing it.
“I will show you the way to your room when you are here with me. And I…” Doctor looks for the right words, her eyes still on the sensor on the control panel. There was someone in her own room. There were very few people who could be here and Tardis would let them inside.
“I need a long shower!” She said smiling “come on!” She said talking to them in many Tardis corridors. “Yaz you first!” She said and her voice echoed by the hall.
The girl opened the door and her eyes widened “I love that!” She said stepping in the room. Doctor smiled and Tardis still could modify it to people she decided to bring in.
“Graham there and yours here Rayan “ She said, showing on both doors. “I need my shower. My room is far to this hall at the end “ She explained and left both boys and Yasmine behind. She walked quickly. When she open the door of her room she gasped a little. There was no one. The room was empty. Having the huge bed in the middle of the bed was a huge library. She walked slowly to bed. Then she heard a voice from the corner where the door to the bathroom was located.
“You finally could afford the upgrade?”
She closed her eyes and she was sure she was dreaming imagining.
“You aren't here. “ She spoke back, her voice lower. The tears were about to spill out again.
“Oh I am indeed here my dear Doctor “ The voice continued and became more surprised as the Doctor sat on the ground and hid her face as if she wouldn't want to look at her. She basically wrapped herself in the fetal position not wanting to hear or rather didn't want to believe that she is in fact here and alive.
Doctor could feel hand on her shoulder and then feel the weight of the hug. No more words were spoken for a moment till she didn't look up, meeting the familiar eyes of Missy.
“It's a post regeneration mess or you really can't be without me…” The teasing voice trailed off when she realized the blonde in her arms is in fact crying. Missy didn't think just traced her fingertips on the Doctor's face. “Shhh I am alive. You won't get rid of me easily. Don't speak just ..” Missy decided immediately and leaned down a little more her lips touched Doctors and her fingers gently moved to her hair. She kind of expected the Doctor would hit her but the hit didn't come. Doctor decided immediately she slowly put her arms around Missy and now they had been holding each other in embrace and the kiss made it even better.
“So I am not dreaming, will you stay travel to the stars with me ,” She spoke against her archenemy lips.
“Yes. I will. But first get up Doctor, you know well after regeneration you need to rest. Or you will pass out and from what I understood you saved these little humans again. “ She spoke, helping her up slowly and then in bed.
Doctor kicked down shoes and pulled down her coat. “Be here when I wake up if you won't. I will track you in the end of universe and ….” She closed her eyes and opened them quickly. “And what killed me ?” Missy chuckled a little bit.
“Killing! Don't…I have 3 humans on Tardis. Be nice for once, would you for me?” The doctor asked before her eyes closed and Missy knew she had hours before the Doctor would be up to talk with her. She smiled for herself. This will be a ride. She knows it will be.
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So I'm now gonna give you my thoughts. I will try my best to keep it chronologically but we'll see how that's gonna go
so first of all I have my blorbos back and that's FANTASTIC and nothing can take away from that. So even though I have criticisms I want you to know that I loved this episode and these specials will be very dear to me, no matter what happens
I'm not gonna lie, the fourth wall break did not work for me. was goofy
THE NEW INTRO OMG love love love love it
the tone of the episode was a little bit too comedic for me and not sincere enough. The acting of both Tennant and Tate was also a bit too overacted sometimes, almost as if the director had children in mind as target audience. The pacing was too fast, the episode didn't allow the emotional beats too linger.
I loved getting to know Shaun and Rose and hope we will see more of them in the next specials (But I think they won't be in the second special)
Love Shirley, hope we will see more of her. (maybe UNIT spin off) Ruth Madeley is a great actress. (I know her from RTD's Years and Years)
I loved seeing Sylvia again, I absolutely love the redeemed her. She was so fiercely protective of Donna. (good on her for punching the Doctor) And she is a great grandma to Rose, even though she is learning. I love that Rose has a supportive family.
The plot with the meep was fun (Unfortunately I got spoilered and knew that the Meep was a villain in the original comic). The practical and special effects were on FIRE.
The dramatic "Why does it have to be this scene?" + the return of the DoctorDonna + Donna seemingly dying in the Doctor's arms = Good stuff and obviously everything I waited for during this episode. But I am disappointed that Donna didn't confront him with the fact that he went aginst her expressed wishes when he wiped her memories in Journey's end. (maybe this topic will get discussed more seriously in Special 2 but I try to not get my hopes up). I get it, there was no time for a long conversation in the scene where literally all of London was at stake, yet Russel did take the time to let her be angry about the lottery ticket, but he portrays her anger in a comedic way
speaking of the lottery ticket: I think this is the only point of the special I am truly miffed at. I loved the fact that Donna gave the money away because of course she would. And when she said that she knew that people out there where in pain and need and would need it more than her and giving it away felt like the sort of thing "he" would do I took 2 things away from it :
2. I know I'm probably the only one but I thought she meant her dad when she said "him". The lottery ticket is symbolically a present from him and in my personal headcanon Sylvia and Wilf told her some kind of story that tied the lottery ticket to her dad to honour him.
1. the experiences with the Doctor did have a lasting impact and changed her. And this character development from season 4 was not totally eradicated. The Donna we know from season 4 would give away the money of course she would.
But no, DoctorDonna is mad at him because she gave away the money to be like "the Doctor", her subconscious memory loop made her do it. This takes away from Donna's character and from her autonomy. Also it makes the scene too comedic which gives me whiplash when the scene turns tragic
I don't like the fact that the timelord consciousness in Donna was activated by a sequence of words. (Can't explain why, I just didn't enjoy that)
The metacrisis is solved because the metacrisis energy is shared by both Donna and Rose. Neat, I like that. (The idea of solving the metacrisis by having the time lord consciousness be passed on to Donna's child is almost a staple in fix-it-fics, so I guess as a fanfiction reader and writer I feel vindicated). In an earlier post of mine I wrote about the fact that I hated the idea that Donna influenced Rose's name, but I'm fine with the name now because she chose it herself. Having Rose's trans identity be influenced by her time lord heritage surely is a bold choice by Russel. I think he will make a lot of bigots angry but I have also already read posts from some trans people who didn't like this story beat. I personally liked it when I watched it, it felt like everything was fitting into place. But I want to let the story linger for a few days maybe I will change my mind. I will say I like that Russel takes risks with his writing choices.
The scene that made me roll my eyes was when Rose and Donna said "There's a way to get rid of it. Something a male-presnting Timelord will never understand: Just let it go". Come on, this was cringe. This line actually sounded like something Moffat wrote for River Song. The reason this line annoys me isn't even because it presents female-presenting people superior/different to male-presenting people. It annoys me because it's lazy writing. Russel clearly didn't spend a lot of time thinking about the metacrisis problem and working out the mechanisms behind it. I have read dozens of fanfiction that solved the metacrisis in a much more complex and thus more satisfying way
The new Tardis interior is stunning. It's big and spacious with a lot of ramps. IT IS TOTALLY WHEELCHAIR-ACCESSIBLE. It's so clean and sterile and all-white, though which makes it feel less homely. Love the fact that the panels can change colour, hope they do that often.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 3 months
King of decay ch.4
Royal wedding
Ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 A03
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A/n: I deeply apologize for this chapter begin late, I couldn't able to write it on last Friday, I was getting overwhelmed with fanfic at the same day but this story will be back to posting Fridays. Don't forget to check the trigger tags in A03 and shigaraki isn't a very nice man in this. Triggered warning this gets dark afterwards so you have been warned.
I slowly wake up as I pull you close, I begin to press kisses on your neck as I lightly hump your behind.
You whimper softly as you try to leave immediately but I hold your nude bare skin tight as I growl at you.
“ you better behave at the wedding otherwise I'll send you to my personal doctor to fix you. ”
You curl into a ball as you sob, there was a soft knock near the door.
“ your highest? Are you awake… I heard from maiden himiko about your bride. ” It was Kurogiri. I tilt my head towards the door, you begin to cry but louder.
“ please…. I want my husband Elijah, my children Leon, Felicity.. Back with me…. ” I roll my eyes at this as I speak.
“ yeah I'm awake, send maiden himiko into my room, we're going to have a wedding!! ”
“ as you wish, your Majesty! "It was faint but his footsteps moved away from the door as I rose up, you didn't look at me.
“ I'm not gonna marry you… OR HAVE YOUR DEMONIC BABIES! ” You scream at me as if you're having a temper tantrum on my bed.
I crossed my arms as I narrowed my eyes as I said cold as stone.” giving you a fair warning maiden, if you keep this up, he'll fix that little sick ill brain of yours into a better queen. ” you frown heavily as you turn away..
“ I shouldn't let you bump into me… ” you mumble quietly as I tilt my head.
“ What was that? ” you turn your head as you smile.
“ nothing… You look handsome today. ” I chuckle as I look away with a smile.
“ That's much better my love~! Keep that attitude and maybe I'll treat you on our honeymoon.” while I turn my back, you give a stank face filled with rage.
“ anyway.. let's take a bath together while miss toga will help you with the dress for our wedding.”
I smirk at you as I low my eyes towards your naked body.
“ can't stop imagining you… being full and round. ” I sigh softly as I bite my lips.
I grab your wrist as you try your best not to fight with me, I can tell by your body language.
I dragged you into the restroom as I began to bite your neck.
You whine from the feeling as you try to pull away.
“ soon… I'll give you a child of our own.. my beautiful queen~ ” I grip your wrists tight as I pull it backwards.
“ please… you're hurting me, let me go!! ” you yelp at me as I growl at you.
“ Treat me with respect as a king then I'll be nice to you.~ ” you nod your head too afraid to speak, I love the look in your eyes, fear and adrenaline turn me on.
I get into the tub as I pull you on top of me, I begin to scrub your body as I rub your skin tenderly.
“ If you keep this up, I'll have my doctor destroy that brain of yours so you can be my obedient little female.~ ” I lean in as I whisper.
“ you'll be my plaything… something for me to play with.~ if you escape from me, you’ll have a harsh punishment. ” I lick your ear as I begin to nip it.
“ Do you understand me, my pet? ” you sigh as you put on a fake smile.
“ yes of course… your majesty. ” I smirk as I press a kiss on your shoulder.
“ good girl.~ ” I play with your nipples as I pull at it.
“ Keep this up, I'll give you a special gift for our honeymoon. ” I begin to scrub your hair with soap as I lean in to smell the feminine scent, it's so erotic how I wanna put my cock inside of you so bad and to feel your sweet wall around me.
I sigh dreamily as I help you with your body parts, your woman's curvy body drives me crazy and how I want to bend you over and take you fast and hard like a wolf claiming their prey as a tasty meal.
I growl at you as I pull your neck towards me, I begin to make out with you, I grip your wrist as you try to escape.
I hear a faint knock as I growl heavily, stupid toga ruined the moment.
I sigh as I begin to clean myself, I watch you stare at me in shock as you pant heavily, afraid to be near me.
I slowly blink as I frown at you.” I'm sorry… for being like this and hurting you. I won't hurt you in the future. ” I spoke in a soft voice as you narrowed your eyes as you began to wash the soap out of your hair.
I sigh as I begin to clean my long white hair, I scrub my body parts.
I sigh as I begin to jerk off, your eyes wide in pure shock as I smirk at you.” bet you want this inside of your nasty cunt.~ ” you quickly look away as you wash the soap off your body.
“ don't worry baby.~ I'll give it to you once the wedding is done, we'll have a ton of sex once our honeymoon starts.. ”
“ your highest, I'm ready to dress the bride for the wedding~! ” I hear toga’s high pitch voice as I sigh.
“ you hear her, you stay with her while I'll get dressed once I'm done washing. But you better behave with toga and everyone else, otherwise I'll have my guards take you to the dungeon.” you nod your head as you quietly get out and you're quickly getting out the door to meet himko-chan.
I sigh as I finish washing myself for a few minutes, I get out of the tub to remove the dirty water as I get out to look for a formal outfit for breakfast.
My two maidens come rusting as they begin to help me with the clothes. I pick a nice silky red suit as the maiden begins to braid my hair into multiple braids as I sigh softly.
I hope you enjoy this and find me attractive in the outfit, I grab my cloak that has as silk deep red and white fur around the neck.
I put it on as I begin to walk to the dresser, I put my gold crown on my head as I turn in front of the maidens.
“ You look magnificent, your highness! ”
“ The red brings out your eyes nicely and bright lord shigaraki. ” I sigh heavily, I wanted to hear you say those words to me and not these females.
I began to walk out the door, into the huge hallway.
I headed into the dining room as the maiden fixed my outfit for a bit.
I see you at the table in full makeup and wearing a beautiful light blue dress, I begin to blush. Toga may have gone overboard on the makeup but you still look beautiful.
I sit next to you as you nervously look at the table and we begin to eat the food.
“ my lord shigaraki? What kind of wedding are you thinking of so I'll have my people work on it. ” Kurogiri said as he had a notepad.
I look up at him.” I would like a simple casual event where everyone is invited to the wedding, a priest just to do.’ I do’s ‘ and wedded us fast because I'm not waiting for too long. ”
I crossed my arms.” I already vow my undying love for you my bride to be.~ ” I smirk towards you.
“ I like the theme to be red, have red flowers and the tablecloth to be white with red ribbon and afterward I would like to be alone with her for weeks on our honeymoon in my room.~ ” I chuckle at you as I rub your hand.
“ There shall be a massive feast and lots of alcohol for us. Got it Kurogiri? ” he began to write it down as he nodded his head.
“ Of course lord shigaraki!! I'll have everything ready. ” I lean back as Kurogiri begins to quickly get people to work on the wedding.
“ Soon my love soon.. ” you flinch from me touching your skin, I begin to eat the food.
I basically eat it fast as I'm impatient when it comes to breakfast. You eat a bit as you feel like you're gonna throw up.
How can people be okay with a man like him kidnapping me, lying in front of them, focusing us on getting married and having his children afterwards? You thought to yourself as you try your best not to break down into an emotional state.
I watch your hand shake uncontrollably as I finish my meal. “ it'll be okay my queen, you get to have everything you wanted right? You get to live off of luxury in a kingdom like this. ”
You think to yourself, I only care about my family, I didn't want a better life and he happens to bump into me and destroy everything that I love… you can feel rage boiling inside your body as you're desperately trying not to cry.
I try to comfort you but you immediately move your hand away as I narrowed my eyes at you harshly.
I sigh softly as I watch you eat a bit of the food.
“ your highest shigaraki. ” I groan as I stare at Kurogiri, death stares at him.
“ We have your suit, my lord. ” I smirk as I begin to get up.
“ wonderful news.. have you got the wedding dress for her? ” he nodded his head as I looked down at you with a look.(Behave or you'll get sent to the doctor.)
I nod at toga as she understands it and she walks near you from behind.
I walk with Kurogiri into a dresser room where they have the suit.
“ Where did you find her, your highness? ” I tilt my head as I smirk.
“ It was like a fairytale where I bump into her in the flea market while I was walking along.. remember where I wasn't interested in those women who wanted to marry me.. they're so rude and entitled brats. ” Kurogiri nods his head as he bows his head low.
“ Forgive me your highness, those princesses were offered by the kingdoms with a better alliance with you. ” I rolled my eyes at this as the maiden removed my suit and was putting on the new suit. This one has small black diamonds on the collar, the suit was dark maroon color as I smirk at myself, I look stunning in this suit.
It's expensive and is soft to the touch.
“ You've forgiven Kurogiri but she's the one for me.. the way she looked at me, her smile went straight to my heart.” I look downward as I smirk.
“ I had to make her mine, she didn't have anyone and was homeless. ” Kurogiri nods his head, he doesn't say anything just accepts this woman as the new queen.
It only matters that now I'll bring new offspring to rule the kingdom.
I put my fur coat on as I begin to walk out and into the hallway where it leans to the wedding.
Everyone was already sitting but once I entered inside, every person stood up and watched me as I walked forward, everyone began to bow their head towards me.
I smirk wide as I feel pride in my chest as I get to the end, standing next to the priest Atsuhiro.
He bowed his head, and we waited for the bride to walk in.
A few minutes goes by as I'm getting impatient, Kurogiri does a hand moment towards the pianist as she begins the wedding music.
Everyone begins to stand up as the bride walks in with red spider lilies, some on her hair.
I didn't realize I was holding my breath as I watched you walk down the aisle, the blusher veil covering your face, the dress looking stunning on you. I couldn't help myself but get butterflies and that you look like a royal princess. You had jewelry from head to toes.
Once you're standing in front of me, I carefully pull the veil upwards as you had natural makeup, priest begins the I do.
“ Do you take this king to be your lawfully wedded husband? ” You look nervous as you put on a smile.
“ I… I do..” everyone cheers from it as he turn towards me.
“ Do you, your Majesty Tomura, take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife? ” I smirk wide as I said.” I do.~ ”
“ Then I pronounce you, husband and wife!! “
“ The new king and queen of the dragon kingdom! ” Everyone cheers and scream in joy as I look at you with loving eyes.
“ You may kiss the bride! ” I began to blush deep red as I started to feel nervous.
I lean in to peck your lips as everyone cheers in joy, I pull you close as I slide my tongue inside of your mouth a bit, I grab your hips tight as you yelp in pain.
I pull away with a devilish smirk.
“ Let the party begin. ”
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angeltreasure · 1 year
Okay I need to get this off my chest and I figure that since you're so nice and seem easy to ask questions to I'd tell you. About 9 years ago, I think I had a miscarriage. I'd been sexually active at the time and not in the Faith. I was not sure at the time what had happened but upon further research lately I think I did. I wasn't at the time able to go to an obgyn I was like 17 or something and didn't understand what happened. But today while at Church we had a Marian procession and crowning of our Lady. So after Mass and the procession I thanked our Lady and wished her a happy mothers day. Afterwards I recalled the event from years ago, and I felt her wishing me one as well. I asked for clarification, and she confirmed I had a miscarriage. She even named the child Rose. It's making me tear up right now. I just don't know what to do, should I go to confession, should I do something, I'm scared lost and confused. Am I a bad mother if I had a miscarriage? A bad Catholic? If this makes you uncomfortable don't worry about replying.
Do not be afraid. Having a miscarriage is not a sin. It doesn’t make you a bad mom either. For various reasons, a mother might be able to have a miscarriage from how her body is built, to environmental circumstances, perhaps other things etc. Most of the time we cannot control if we have a miscarriage. You can absolutely tell about it in confession, God is there for you and through your priest or bishop He will speak words to comfort you. Having sex outside marriage is considered a sin, which you can bring to confession (if you have never brought it up before), and it is absolutely a forgivable sin. It doesn’t make you a bad Catholic, all of us are sinners except God and Mary. You’re not a bad mom. Your child, Rose, is a saint in Heaven, no longer able to feel any pain or tears. Rose loves you very much and always will, she loves you so much that Our Lady wanted to tell you herself. She walks in Heaven playing with Mary and even holds her hand as she walks covered in the safety of her mantle. I’m so sorry that you lost Rose in this earthly life, but you will be reunited in Heaven. I encourage you to go to confession when you feel ready, you can even talk to your priest anytime about anything. He is our shepherd that will help us to heal and guide us lost lambs to safety close to Jesus. It’s time to also consider taking time to heal yourself and if you want to mourn as well. Make sure to mention to your doctor (if you have one now or in the future), drink some water, eat some healthy good, do gentle exercise even if it’s just walking in a safe place, catch up on sleep, and make time to pray each day even if it’s only a little prayer. It’s ok to reach out for help too beyond confession. Find someone in your life who you can talk about your mental health to, a family member, a good friend, even a professional can help don’t let any stigma prevent you from reaching out and speaking up. I also have some links for you that may khelp:
I’ll keep you and family in my prayers.
God loves you, Our Lady loves you, Rose loves you, and I love you. Don’t be afraid.
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 2 years
I've had this story idea called All That Ever Could Be in my mind for awhile.
Ya know
All that is, all that was, all that ever could be?
Yeah like that.
Basically it's a story that takes place after Journeys End where Rose and James (I don't call him John in this story. For reasons) begin their lives together. And Rose continues to have dreams (and nightmares) about her past and what she can only think as her future.
All the while, she and James are figuring out how to live together, what they are to each other and all that.
But, two things put a damper on this.
After Rose finally comes to the realization that this is her life now and how she and James are together and are going to be together (and that there's no way to go back). They get closer.
Get married.
And eventually try to have a child.
But it doesn't work. They end up finding out that James is infertile. And what's more,
he's dying.
(this was inspired by flash cloning from Halo. Basically clones that are made super quick and eventually disintegrate. I mean, the metacrisis was made super quick too, ya know?)
And while all this is happening, Rose starts to notice that she doesn't look different from pictures that were taken in the past. She had already had suspicions but now they're being confirmed.
She's frozen in time and her husband is dying.
She remembers the line she was told so long ago.
You can grow old with me, but I can't grow old with you.
Cruel irony.
But none of that matters. She has limited time with James and she wants to make it count. She can worry about herself later.
Their last days together fly past. And eventually he tells her one night that he feels that this is the end. Rose understands (she's already grieved his loss and was as ready as she could be).
"I wanted to say I'm sorry." He says. "I know this isn't what you wanted."
Rose doesn't respond. She just smiles and holds his hand. The sick part of it all is that he's speaking the truth. No matter how brutal it is.
Rose was always settling for what she could have. From before she met the Doctor till now.
"I love you." She speaks softly and James smiles.
"I love you too. Thank you for everything."
He's gone that morning.
50 years has passed. Rose is alone. Never remarried and for the most part just keeps to herself. She's not depressed but she definitely ambivalent. Her family is gone. She hasn't bothered making new friends. 
One day, she notices something whilst walking down the street. A blue box. 
But she's so far gone, she doesn't even bother getting her hopes up. She does exactly what any human would do in that situation, just walk past. Ignore it. If she still wore her TARDIS key, it would've glowed hot but it's been long forgotten in a cupboard somewhere.
Continues down the pavement. Notices something else. A man. A man in a brown leather  jacket. That almost peaks her interest but she shrugs it off. Coincidence. Obviously.
Little does she notice, the man notices her. And starts following her. He catches up to her finally in a dead end alley way. She's terrified, even when he calls out her name and she recognizes his voice. But it can't be. It isn't. 
This is bad dream, she figures. 
He moves closer and closer, and before she knows it, he has his arms around her. And it clicks. Its him. 
He seems overjoyed to see her, almost teary eyed. She's so confused...and so tired. He gazes back her, expecting excitement as well. But there's nothing. There's barely any life left in Rose's eyes. 
She follows him back to his TARDIS, holding onto his hand limply. 
When they return, explanations are given. First, from him. 
He was on the Gamestation. Rose recognized the memory...it seemed like so long ago. But in her time, she refused to give in and came back and saved him...and killed him. 
But in his time, something happened to her. And instead of staying at the Gamestation, he ran, like he always did. Nothing was holding him there, and he was so shaken he just didn't care. 
And somehow he ended here. 
He asked Rose what had happened to her but she shrugged him off. Saying it was nice to see him but she really should head home. 
She knew that even though he was here, that didn't change anything. He would leave her again. 
But he holds her back. Asking her if she was sure. He's desperate. He obviously doesn't want her to leave. And he asks her to come with him. 
Like a switch being flipped, the light returns to Rose's eyes, and she breaks down in tears. They're happy and sad, she can't stop them from flowing. She holds him, crying into his shoulder. Loud sobbing coming from her. He has no idea how much she's been through and she can't begin to even talk about it. 
So he doesn't make her, instead connecting to her thoughts. Opening all the doors in her mind, seeing all their adventures that he hasn't lived through yet. Seeing himself leave her for the first time, then leave her again for a second time, so convinced he was giving her a happy ending. 
All the times they spent together before his metacrisis self passed on. 
And then just loneliness. Seeing Jackie and Pete in their last days. Seeing Rose say goodbye to her younger brother and never bother to reach out again. Barely any life.
When he breaks contact, he's panting. Tears streaming down his cheeks too now, seeing all the pain he put her through and the life she had to live. And the fact that she was doomed to it. He wonders if his Rose would have done something so drastic to get back to him, if she would've had the chance. And he's furious with the man he would've became.  
He apologizes. He feels awful that Rose is doomed to this life. But she doesn't seem fazed. 
"He told me once, er, you told me once, that I could grow old with you but you couldn't grow old with me. But that doesn't matter anymore, does it? We could grow old together, if you'd have me." 
He nods, pulls her in again. Holds her tight. They kiss. Make up, yadda yadda. 
When they finally get a moments rest, he mentions that he has alot to make up for. Considering all she's been through. She smiles and reminds him that he has all the time in the universe to make it up to her.
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