#Dan is so immediately whipped
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“Ok dear, whatever you say”
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morally-gray101 · 1 year
can we talk about Marissa asking for Neil's number?? why was that interaction so unhinged?
Marissa; can i have your number?
Neil: what for?
Marissa, twitching: you're pretty interesting
Neil in his head: andrew andrew andrew
Neil: foxes or nothin it is what it is
Nicky: jesus neil play nice
Neil: I support women's rights
Dan nodding in the background: yes, this is good.
Renee: good she's gone, can i be your date?
Neil: meh sure
Matt: Ouch! Neil you homewrecker, first andrew's car then his woman...
and then they just... walked back to the dorms. just another day with the foxes.
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startears0153 · 1 year
♡ Randomly saying ‘I love you’
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How they react to you randomly saying those three special words 
ft. Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, and Blade
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The two of you were spending some time together in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s presence while going about your own individual activities.
Looking up from your work, you observe your lover from the distance, watching as they completely engross themselves in task; so much so that they do not even realize your gaze on them.
Suddenly, an idea runs through your head.
“Hey.” You call in an attempt to grab his attention.
“Hm? What is it?” He replies, still not looking at you.  
You pause for a moment, before finally saying; “I love you.”  
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Dan Heng 
Upon hearing those three special words spoken from your mouth, Dan Heng freezes almost immediately; the book he was holding in his hands threatening to fall to the cold ground of the archives.
He blinks, once twice, before slowly turning his head, only to find you smiling sweetly at him, looking all innocent as you unabashedly meet his eye. Dan Heng opens his mouth, and then closes it, before finally mustering a quiet, 
“… What?”
“I said,” You repeat, still smiling sweetly at your confused lover. “I love you, Dan Heng.”
Upon hearing those three special words for the second time from your mouth, Dan Heng felt his heart skip a beat as blood rushes to his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, the guard of the Astral Express covers his mouth with his hand in a feeble attempt at hiding his flustered expression. Amused by his reaction, you let out a quiet giggle; something which seemed to agitate your lover even more.
Dan Heng shuts his book close, gets up from his seat and walks towards you. Before you know it, Dan Heng is cupping your cheek, his pair of blue gazing intently into your eyes.
He leans forwards and rests his forehead against yours; his hot breaths against your lips.
“… I love you too, [Name].”
Before you could respond to his words, Dan Heng had already claimed your lips with his; no doubt his attempt at preventing you from seeing the redness of his cheeks.
Though, you couldn’t bring yourself to particularly care when you’re already drowning in his heated kiss.
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Severely unprepared to hear those three words spoken from your lips, Gepard splutters incoherent noises and immediately whips his head towards your direction.
Despite already expecting that sort of reaction from your lover, you couldn’t help but snort amusedly at his dumbfounded expression. Gepard, perhaps somehow concluding that you were merely messing with him, clicks his tongue as he averts his reddened face away from you.
“… It’s not nice to tease your lover like that, [Name].” Gepard murmurs, still looking away from you.
“Okay, maybe. But … I meant what I said before, you know?” You take a step closer to him, and reaches to cup his cheek. “I love you, Gepard. I really do.”
At the soft and gentle tone of your voice, at the feeling of your warm hand against his cheek, Gepard finds himself growing weak in his knees as he could no longer keep his gaze away from you.
He turns his head, and felt his heart flutter in his chest at how your smile seemingly brightens the moment your eyes met once more.
Unable to hold back, Gepard circles his arms around your waist and pull you closer to his chest. At this proximity, he knew you would be able to feel the rapid race of his heart, but Gepard did not care.
“I love you, [Name].” He whispers into your ear. “Now and always.”
He kisses your lips, slowly, gently, and tenderly. Again, and again and again.
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Jing Yuan 
Though, he was most certain that he heard you correctly, Jing Yuan still turned to study your expression before deciding how to respond to those three special words that escaped your lips like a quiet prayer.
You were gazing tenderly at him, a small yet sincere smile on your lips. It was an expression that threatened to set his heart on fire, that made him feel weak in his knees and reminded him of how he would gladly surrender his everything just to see your smile.
“I love you too, [Name].” Jing Yuan replies, patting his lap while wearing a pleasant smile on his lips. “Come. Join me, my dear.”
Not having any reason to reject him, you walk towards your lover and plop yourself above his lap. Jing Yuan instinctively wraps his arms around your waist, helping you settle comfortably on your new ‘seat.’
Gently pushing away his silver locks, you lean forward and plant a kiss against his forehead.
“I love you, Jing Yuan.” You whisper. “My handsome General.”
“My, my. You sure are affectionate today, my dearest.” Jing Yuan chuckles, leaning closer to your touch. “Is there a special occasion that I’ve forgotten about?”
“No.” You reply. “I just felt like telling you that I love you.”
“I see.” He trails his hand upwards; fingers playfully messing with the locks of your hair. “Then allow me to return the favor.”
The next thing you know, Jing Yuan had already claimed your lips with his in a slow, yet greedy kiss.
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A moment passes and then another, and now you find yourself in the receiving end of Blade’s usual blank expression; his crimson-colored eyes staring at you with such intensity that would have caused anyone to cower in fear.
But not you, though. You’ve grown too accustomed to your lover’s expressions; you know him too well at this point to associate his intense gaze with anything but an attempt to discern you, to understand you.
Still, considering what led to his intense gaze — you saying those three words oh so randomly — you can’t help but feel flustered at his silence.
“I love you, Blade.” You find yourself repeating. “I just wanted you to know that.”
Blade blinks, once and then twice, and you began chuckling nervously; your face growing dangerously hot.
“Um, well. That’s that. Now, if you’ll excuse me — ah!”
You felt a hand on your wrist, and the next thing you know, you are already wrapped in Blade’s embrace.
One hand behind your head, the other around your waist. Blade’s embrace was both firm and gentle at the same time. He was gentle, as though he was afraid of hurting you.
Somehow, you understood the meaning behind his embrace even without him saying a single word.
“… Its okay. You don’t have to say it back.” You whisper, placing your hand behind his back. “I love you, Blade. Nothing will change that.”
Blade’s hold on you tightens and you swore you felt his hand began to shake. Before you could say anything else, however, you hear him whisper;
“I love you, [Name].”
A surprised gasp escapes your lips and suddenly, you felt Blade’s warm lips against your own.
He kisses you, almost frantically as he attempts to pour all the emotions that he could not express in words in this passionate and heated exchange.
He kisses you, again and again; never wanting to let you go.
A/N: Hehe, this was my first post in tumblr and my first time writing in 2nd pov in a long time. This is a bit different from the things I usually write, but I hope you all enjoyed reading! 
Feel free to like and reblog~! 
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Missing you
Pairing : Various! Male! Hsr Characters x Reader
A/n : Goodness gracious it's been so long since I touched Hsr, I miss my man DHIL. I've been farming Primos for Wrio, I wonder If I should make a blog specifically for him, hmm...
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Pov, he missed you so much
Him who's waiting for you as he stares at the distance blankly
Silently hoping to see a familiar figure to appear from the corner
Silently hoping for that angelic voice to call out his name
He sighed for the nth time as he sees someone else appearing instead of you
Once he had given up, no longer having hopes to see you,
You appeared from the corner, calling out his name with a cheerful tone.
He immediately whip his head towards you, there's a spark of joy in his eyes as he approached you
Immediately engulfing your figure in his arms, whispering 'I miss you' while burying his face at the crook of your neck
Reciprocate his hug and he's melting in your arms
A content sigh escaped his lips when he felt your warmth around him
He would let out a small whine when you decide to get out of his arms
Not going to miss that little pout on his lips as he looked at you, silently pleading for you to hug him again
His face brightens up a bit when you mentioned that you're going to wait for him at home
He either gonna drop whatever he's doing right now to join you, or he finished his work quickly (because you told him not to skip work or he won't be getting any of those hugs)
Once he reached home, taking off his shoes, he immediately look for you in your shared home
Finding you sitting on the couch reading/watching, he immediately snug himself in your arms, burying his face on your chest
Letting out a content sigh as he inhaled your scent, his arms wrapped around your waist
He let out a grumble when you tried to push him off a bit, trying to fix your position
Once you're both are comfortable, you're underneath him, his face at the crook of your neck
Breathing synced, you can feel his breath on your neck due to how close you two are
Run your fingers through his scalp, he is melting in your arms (also adding more weight on you because he's on top of you lol)
Place a kiss, tell him he deserved it, tell him that you love him
Tell him everything, make sure he knows that you also missed him while you're away
Make sure your man knows that you only belong to him.
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A/n : Ah. Dan Heng and Dan Feng Fighting for your attention, perhaps I should write for that too one day lol.
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Between Hawke and Buzzard (dp x dc)
"So why do you need me again?" Connor asked Damian as they stood on the rooftops overlooking the darkened street.
Damian tsked and did not elaborate, and Connor had to resist the urge to push him off the roof.
Look, Connor would be the first person to tell you that the bonds forged through fighting each other in a death tournament to determine who would be sacrificed to a demon were unbreakable. But being woken up at 3 am to then be asked to do some kind of reconnaissance mission he was told next to nothing about was getting awfully close all the same.
"Here," Damian said, tearing Connor from his thoughts.
Immediately, the archer nocked an arrow, keeping it facing the ground.
"Put that away," Damian hissed and Connor wanted to hiss back in annoyance. How was he supposed to know what Damian wanted, he didn't even know what they were doing!
Then, he stilled as he caught sight of a red-clad figure sneaking around the side of the building they'd been stalking for at least twenty minutes.
Connor flexed, but Damian held out a hand discreetly. The figure looked around before turning towards the building, and with a few running steps, managed to scale up the brick wall all the way to the small window a few meters off the ground, and disappeared inside.
Damian waited a few breath before grappling over to the building and landing softly on the roof. Connor followed with a sigh. Carefully, Damian lowered himself to the window and after a quick check to insure the coast was clear, he slipped inside, and Connor followed suit.
They found themselves in a darkened passageway, bordered by metallic handrail, that bordered the four walls, leaving the middle part open, with a full view of the wide space left in the middle. From up there, they caught sight of the suspicious person again. In the slightly better lightning, Connor could determine the figure was probably a woman, but most importantly he could see she had unclipped what Connor now recognized as a modified huge gun of some kind and was now holding it in front of her.
Silently, Connor nocked an arrow once again, and this time, Damian didn't stop him.
There was a sound like something falling and the red-clad figure swivelled towards the sound, raising their gun. Connor tensed in anticipation and then-
"Dan-" the red-clad figure started just as Damian yelled, "put the gun down!"
The woman whipped around and threw herself to the side, Connor's arrow whizzing just past her shoulder. She was still in the air as Connor's went back to his quiver. He nocked another arrow, but unfortunately, the woman had fall-hidden behind one of the crates, and Connor couldn't get a good line of sight. Damian had jumped down, his sword drawn, ready to take the fight to her when-
"Time out!" yelled some random-looking civilian who had just popped up with his arms raised. All three of the fighters froze. "Time out, people!"
"Danny, get down!" Connor heard the woman hiss.
"I think we're all on the same side here," the newly-dubbed-Danny continued, as if this was completely normal, "so why don't we put our weapons down and just talk it out."
"Move," Damian grunted, his sword still raised.
The kid ignored Damian, and turned towards the red-clad vigilante. "Now, Red Huntress, what are you doing here?"
There was sigh from behind the crates and Connor could really relate, but there was barely any time before she answered the guy. "I was following Phantom, I got a tipoff he would be here."
Danny nodded sagely "Thank you for telling us." He turned towards Damian. "Now, who are you and why are you here?"
Damian just glared at the kid, who just looked back steadily, patiently awaiting an answer. After a few seconds, Connor lowered his bow with a sigh.
"This is Robin, he was following Red over there," Connor said as the kid nodded again. "And I'm following him."
"Great!" the kid chirped.
Red slowly rose from behind her crate-cover to address Damian directly.
"This doesn't make sense," she said. "I didn't know I was going to be here until an hour ago, how did you follow me?"
The civilian turned expecting eyes on Damian, and Connor couldn't help but follow suit. Damian straightened under the attention before he seemed to decide to share.
"I also got a tipoff."
"Wow, what a coincidence," the kid said brightly. His tone reminded Connor of a camp councillor he had met as Green Arrow, bright and peppy. "Maybe it was even from the same person!"
Damian tilted his head as his eyes narrowed on Red. "Was yours written on a green sticky note?"
The kid's smile went stiff.
"A green sticky what now?"
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teawithnosugar · 1 year
hiii! loooove your writing <3
Would you ever write a one-shot where reader has a bf but is sneaking around with Ellie and Ellie finally gets fed up with it, like why don’t you just leave him?? But then we find out reader is too afraid to dump him because maybe he hurts/threatens reader?
Idk I feel like this could sting but in the best way 🫣
Not Too Late
Ellie x Reader
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CW: angst/comfort....I think, abuse, cheating WORDS: 0.9k SYNOPSIS: You aren't as unreasonable as Ellie originally thought SONG: Lover, You Should've Come Over - Jeff Buckley
"Maybe I'm too young To keep good love from going wrong"
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“Jesus Christ, I remember this…” Ellie said with a grin as she looked at one of the pictures in the photo album you were holding. Together, bare on your bed, you nestled between her legs, her chin resting tenderly upon your shoulder. The warmth of her breath caressed your skin as she nuzzled her nose beneath your ear. You were both looking at pictures from your teenage years, specifically a picture you took with Ellie asleep on your shoulder while both Jesse and Dina drew on her face. You had been friends for years, madly in love for the majority of it. You giggled, smile faltering once you looked outside, the sun was setting which meant your boyfriend Dan would be home soon because unfortunately, the moment you and Ellie confessed your love for each other was 2 months into your relationship with a guy who was relatively new to Jackson.
“Why…why are you still with him?” Ellie asked softly. You both loved each other, she knew you didn’t love him, and you knew she was bound to ask this question sooner or later.
“It’s complicated Els-” 
“It’s not,” you began, only to be interrupted by her swift retort, her tone laced with an icy edge. She was right, you both knew it and she’s been patient with you for the past few months, she had given you the grace of time, patiently awaiting the words you never uttered. 
She untangled herself from you, standing up and picking up her clothes from the floor and starting to dress up. “Els please, give me time-”
“I’ve given you 9 goddamn months Y/N. If you were staying with him because you were pregnant you would’ve given birth by now. Why don’t you just leave him?”
She asked coldly, tying her shoes as she finished dressing up. You stayed quiet, hugging your knees tightly as you stared at the messy sheets. Words lingered on the tip of your tongue, desperate to reveal the way he wields his words like weapons, threatening your very existence. You stayed quiet because, your mind, painting vivid images of the horrors he would inflict on you if you even told him you wanted to leave.
She groaned frustratedly at your silence, walking out of your house and slamming the door shut. You sobbed softly as you started dressing up. She always came back to you after arguments, so you weren’t worried about that. You were just sad because you were hurting her.
When Dan came home, he immediately noticed a flannel on the floor, it wasn’t yours and it sure as hell wasn’t his. There’s no way you got it recently, you had been home for weeks, waiting for the bruises he gave you during your last fight to fade. It’s the reason Ellie even came over, she missed you, and now you missed her.
His fists struck with a brutal force, knocking you to the floor. Frozen in fear, you lay there, limp and defenseless—your body's automatic response. He unbuckled his belt then used it as a whip, the deafening sound the leather made against your skin filled your ears. Shades of crimson danced upon your flesh, an artist's palette of pain. And still, he persisted. When the belt had worn out its cruel dance, he returned to using his bare fists. Amidst the assault, thoughts slithered, attempting to justify his actions, to find reason in this madness. ’Maybe I’m disappointing him? Sometimes men get carried away when they feel like they should be having fun’ Such thoughts whispered in the recesses of your mind, clinging desperately to a semblance of understanding.
Minutes stretched into an eternity as you lay on the floor, broken and bruised. Tentatively, you rose, your trembling form cleaning the bloodstains from the floor, your body seeking refuge beneath the cascading water of the shower. This had become your grim reality—a cycle where beatings transformed from rare occurrences to nightly rituals upon Dan's return. He drained you of strength, providing the bare minimum sustenance required for survival, keeping you physically weak, your spirit tethered.
Days melted into one another, your existence confined to a bedridden state, waiting for Dan's return, awaiting his whims and desires. Initially, your thoughts lingered upon the pain you caused Ellie, but as your senses dulled over the weeks, those thoughts waned. They were replaced by an ache, a longing to see her face, to feel her presence. Dan's venomous threats reverberated in your ears, yet whenever you closed your eyes, all you could see was Ellie, her face shining like a beacon in the darkness.
She’ll come back, she always comes back.
Exhaustion seeped into your bones, prompting you to seek solace in sleep, still dressed in your sweater and pajamas. You saw her beautiful face, leaning close, whispering words that were muffled by the buzzing in your ears. A tender smile graced your lips as you beheld her beauty, there was no sight more enchanting. Once the grogginess and the buzzing in your ears faded, you realized this wasn’t a dream.
“Baby are you okay? Can you hear me?”
If you were in the right state, you would have enveloped her in your arms, holding her close. You would have nestled into her chest as she gently lifted you up. You would’ve seen Dan’s unconscious body by the doorframe of your bedroom. You would’ve noticed the relief on her face because she realized just how much worse you would’ve been if she hadn’t mustered up the courage to try talking to you again. You would’ve noticed the tears threatening to fall down her face because she wasn’t too late.
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elizabethemerald · 2 years
Protective Instincts: Part 1
Based off my “Mistaken Identity AU” wherein Danny momentarily mistakes Bruce as his father and is eventually adopted into the family. Full serious of Protective instincts stories will be up on AO3 when they are all written. 
“Alright Danny! Courtesy of our new best friend Oracle, I have your brand new ID hot off the press.” Tucker called into the room as he entered. 
Danny and Sam were in their shared bedroom in Wayne Manor. Danny was finishing painting Sam’s nails with her customary black. His own were painted a dark purple. Now that they were all finally safe and reconnected it was time to get back to feeling like themselves again. It was well past time they had fun and colorful (or black in Sam’s case) nails. Tucker would get his turn as soon as Sam’s were dry. 
Of course there were more than enough rooms in Wayne Manor for them all to have separate rooms, but after a chaotic first night wherein every member of the trio had their own nightmares then panicked when they couldn’t find each other. Even Jazz, usually the most emotionally steady and mentally healthy member of their group didn’t sleep at all that first night as she kept checking on Danny, Sam and Tucker. 
So it was decided that the trio would share a bedroom. The bedrooms were definitely large enough for the three of them to sleep side by side by side, and considering they had all crammed themselves into Danny’s tiny twin at the Fenton’s household, they slept comfortably. Plus it made it easier for Jazz to anxiously check on them if they were all in the same bed. Alfred and the Waynes didn’t say anything about them rooming together, though the trio did get a few raised eyebrows when they left their room together. 
“Daniel Edward Nightingale.” Tucker said as he handed over the ID with a flourish. 
“I can’t believe you picked Edward as your middle name.” Sam said with a sigh as she started to blow on her nails to get them to dry. 
“Well Jazz wanted her last name to be Nightingale, you two wanted to share a last name.” Tucker said as he sat down and started looking through the nail polishes that Cassandra and Stephanie had loaned them. Sam’s collection was still in Amity Park. “There are so many puns I can come up with, with those letters.” 
Left unsaid was that any middle name that started with an A was completely off the table. Danny didn’t need anymore reminders of Dan. Danny looked over his new paperwork as he spoke. 
“Yeah and we’ve already established I’m terrible at naming things. That’s apparently something I inherited from Jazz.” 
None of them mentioned Jack and Maddie’s terrible names they gave things. There were a lot of things that were being left unsaid between the three of them. 
“Actually, speaking of my sister, have either of you seen her?” Danny asked, standing and stretching. 
“Yeah, I handed her ID to her first. She immediately grabbed her purse and left the Manor. Apparently she’s desperate to start the job search so she’s not indebted to Bruce.” 
“Did she leave alone?” Danny asked, his voice rising and he knew his eyes were flashing green. 
“No, don’t worry. Jason was standing around in the kitchen and he got voluntold to be her escort. He’s got his guns, and Jazz has her creep stick. They’ll be safe.” 
“Oh well, that’s good.” 
“You don’t sound thrilled. I know you’re worried about her, but she’ll be ok.” Sam said as she started layering a neon blue polish onto Tucker’s nails. 
“Yeah, I trust her.” Even if his voice was a little hesitant. “It’s just now that we have real IDs and everything, I was hoping she would help me get my prescription set up, it’s been like a month since I had my last T shot.” 
Tucker whipped out his PDA and started typing one handed while Sam glared at him to stop moving so much lest she mess up his nails. 
“I’ve got the closest respectable pharmacy, and I’ve already sent in your prescription. I’ve even rearranged their queue and marked your order as a priority fill. It should be ready to pick up in a few minutes.” 
Danny gave him a wide smile, then looked nervous again. 
“Uh, I was also hoping Jazz could help me administer the shot. Maybe one of you could…?”
He trailed off as both of them looked uncomfortable. Sam capped the polish she was working with and put her hand on Danny’s arm. 
“Danny, we love you. But I don’t think either of us are going to be able to stick you with a needle any time soon.” She said. Tucker gave him an anxious smile and a small nod. 
“Oh. Well I guess I could do it myself. No problem right!” Even in his own ears the words sounded like false bravado. 
“Hey, maybe one of the Waynes would be able to help you out?” 
“What can the Waynes help you with? 
Before Danny could reply a voice from the hallway made him whip around. Tucker had left the door open in his excitement and standing there, not entering their space but still leaning casually on the doorframe was Dick Grayson. 
“Sorry to butt in. And for eavesdropping but I couldn’t help but overhear.” Dick said with a small smile, trying to put them at ease. 
Danny consciously forced himself to relax. When he had been startled he had whirled so he was in front of Sam and Tucker his fists raised and his gleaming with a green light. He let out a slow breath and relaxed his clenched and ready muscles. Dick wasn’t a threat. Sam and Tucker were safe. He was safe. He breathed slowly in then out again before he shot a smile back at Dick. He already told the Waynes his biggest secret, what was one more secret? Better to know now if there was going to be a problem before they all got comfortable. 
“I was hoping for some help administering my T shot.” He was still tense, but when Dick’s face only changed to a wider smile he relaxed more. 
“Oh, I can help you. I’ve helped Wally with his plenty of times. There’s just something about having to stick yourself with a needle that is so much worse. May I come in? Or would you prefer to do it in one of the restrooms?”
Danny relaxed further, almost back to how he was when it was just him, Sam and Tucker in the room. He glanced at them and they both gave him a nod so he nodded ot Dick. 
“I don’t have the prescription yet. I was just going to go pick it up.” 
Dick entered and glanced curiously around, but quickly refocused. Danny was sure the room was a little messy, with two teenaged boys living there, and all three of them still living out of their suitcases in case they had to leave quickly. However Danny didn’t feel like Dick was judging them at all. 
“If you’d like I can swipe the keys to one of Bruce’s cars and drive you to the pharmacy. There’s no worries there.”
Danny hesitated again for just a moment before he nodded. He had been planning on going ghost and flying to the pharmacy then just taking the package with his name on it and disappearing, but maybe it would be better to do this as a human. 
“Bye, Danny. Love you!”
“We’ll be here when you get back. Be safe out there. Love you!” 
“I love you both too.” 
Dick gave him another small smile at their farewells but didn’t say anything. Tucker and Sam had been doing that a lot more recently. He didn’t mind, his core always purred and hummed when they did and he certainly loved them, but he wasn’t sure why or where that had come from. 
While he was caught up in his thoughts on his friends Dick had grabbed a set of keys and escorted him into the very full garage. Despite the number of luxury and sports cars that filled the space, Dick led him to one of the more normal looking cars. Still fancy, and still nice, but common enough that it wouldn’t be obvious that a Wayne was on the roads. Dick waited until they had pulled out the front gate and were on the road before he spoke again. 
“You don’t have to worry about anyone in the family giving you a hard time.” He said, with his voice soft, comforting. “Half the family is queer and we all have friends or associates who are part of the community.”
“Thanks. That’s good to know.” Danny said. His parents… no. Jack and Maddie had been accepting of his gender identity, but had hated his ghost half. He had been afraid that the Waynes might have been the opposite, ok with his ghost half and bigoted against his gender identity. Though maybe he needn’t have worried, Dick after all, had the most Bisexual energy Danny had ever seen outside of a mirror. 
The trip to the pharmacy was quick and efficient. With Dick standing guard and fully willing to stare down or call out anyone who even looked at him funny when he asked the pharmacist for his prescription, Danny was able to get in and out without a problem. Honestly with Dick towering over him at 6 foot, Danny felt as safe as he did when his sister was with him. Though she was even taller at 6’3”. They were pretty sure she was going to end up even taller with the ectoplasm running through her veins. 
Once they were back in the Mansion and Danny could relax a little more (he still didn’t relax fully in the mansion, unless he had Tucker, Sam and Jazz around him. That was the only time he felt fully safe) Dick escorted Danny to one of the restrooms on the ground floor. 
“You needed help with the injection, is that correct?” Dick asked. 
“Yeah, usually Jazz helps me out.” Danny gave a half laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s weird I’m totally fine with stitching myself up, and giving myself injections of Ecto-dejecto, but I can’t handle the much smaller needle of a T shot.” 
For a moment Danny could feel rage radiating off of Dick even though the older man kept his face mostly calm. Though that should have been its own hint at Dick’s emotions. He was almost never serious, always ready with a joke  or a pun. 
“It’s ok, Danny. We’re here to help. You don’t have to do everything yourself anymore.” 
Danny wasn’t 100% certain that Dick was talking about the testosterone injection at all anymore, but he just nodded and let Dick help him with the injection. He had to look away from the needle and couldn’t help a small flinch as the needle reminded him of all the needles his parents had stuck him with while he was in their care. They wanted to test how ghosts reacted to different chemicals. He had experienced everything from human blood (Jack’s donation) to bleach flowing through his veins. 
He didn’t realize he had tensed until he felt strong arms wrap gently around his body. Danny untensed his muscles with difficulty and took a breath, the silent reminder that at least part of him was still alive, even if he didn’t need to breathe anymore. As he repeated the breathing exercises Jazz had taught him, he slowly became aware that Dick was slowly and softly repeating calming phrases to him as he hugged him. 
“It’s ok, little ghost. It’s Danny. You’re not alone anymore. You’re safe. Your family is safe. You’re part of our family now. We’re going to keep you safe. You’re ok, Danny.” 
More tension bled from his shoulders as he sighed into Dick’s arms. Maybe this is what a family was supposed to feel like.
Final Author Note: I have a couple of these planned, I’ll post them all on tumblr seperately, then on AO3 all together once they are all finished. My Momma Selina story will be updated next. Then I have an idea for Papa Red Hood story that I’ll do next. Also! I have a zine coming out at the end of the week, keep an eye out for it!
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lesbiandanhowell · 9 months
Sam reacts to: Dan and Phil are MEAN GIRLS
- I am so proud of them for this somehow?? Like their game was so good that someone else wanted to adapt their game and soooo glad to know they get money for it.
- Dan saying Phils best feature is "his annoying personality" was said with SO much fondness.
- The first question about their 2009 meet literally scared me I won't lie, I was afraid of what level of honesty we were about to get.
- Phil admitting he was nervous meeting Dan, I WILL SOB DONT MIND ME
- "I'd go to poundland with Anthony Padilla" WE KNOW DAN STOP TELLING US
- Phil making gay jokes about Dan is so funny, considering Phil knew all the gay thoughts...
- Phil immediately looking at Dan after saying Cunt, he wanted that approval SO badly omfg
- The fact they argue over who should win on behalf of the OTHER ONE, whipped as fuck mate
- I want to argue that Phil didn't say his year with Dan was exhausting because of Dan, but because of all the stuff they went through together.
- My first thought for Phil's dumbest thing he said was: 26 + 5 = 29
- Phil talking about Dan having Daddy Issues WHAT YEAR ARE WE LIVING IN THIS FEELS UNREAL
- Dan wearing shorts >>>>>>>>
- Where are Dan's curly curls, his hair looks less curly in this video :((
- Phil owning his fat ass, GOOD FOR HIM
- I get so genuinely offended when Dan makes fun of Phil, like I want to protect them and anyone being mean to them makes me feel bad stop it.
- Dan reading the card and instead of looking at the card as well, Phil just fixates on Dan's face, okay.
THIS VIDEO WAS SO FUN. Phil is coming into himself so much with this latest revival I feel like, he is so much more sassy and confident. I truly adore this new era and I am endlessly sad tomorrow is the last video sob.
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codename-adler · 3 months
tell me more about Mari Kobayashi? Idk why but their name stuck out to me and now I’m curious
ah, my unproblematic buff lesbian! (official unofficial OCs list here)
03: Mari Kobayashi (23) USC Trojans Backliner
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Mari is one of the seniors of the Trojans, one her teammates really look up to because of her calm demeanor and laser focus. She is so unbothered. She is absolutely confident in herself, her strength, her skills and her team. She is sooo strong *swoons* She's quite tall despite her Japanese heritage, and combined with the absolute wall of muscle that she is, she makes for an excellent match for Jean's raw power. He appreciates the way she plays rough but fair, always. How she does not back down ever, has learned to toe the line and use the rules to her advantage, so that nobody ever dares step on her toes.
She does not know anxiety, shyness or false modesty. Things are, or they are not, and you either face them, or you don't. The team can count on one single hand the times she was shaken by something or someone. She's in the top most mature Trojans.
I would say she is perhaps very close to being on the autism spectrum, in the way that Ushijima Wakatoshi (haikyuu my beloved) is: very focused on her goals and going Pro, winning the Championships one more time before graduating, unbothered to make nice or adhere to people's expectations, content in her minimal social life, she can appear cold and distant, but really that's the way she is. Gruff without trying or meaning to, she is a big awkward teddy bear that will tell you when you are wrong, where you failed, and where you need to improve, not because she thinks she's better than you, but because she cares for her team and because she expects the same criticism for you, as a sign of sportsmanship and camaraderie. She does look very scary, like Asahi (haikyuu my beloved), when you don't know her. The lack of emotion (and sometimes presence, even) looks menacing if you think it means anything. But really, that's just her resting face. It's not her fault. Her stature doesn't help, sure, but trust me, she's a marshmallow at heart and off the court.
Mari is absolutely whipped for her girlfriend. Said gf is on the USC Trojans cheerleading squad, and they've been going steady for like... ever. Kind of like Dan and Matt. They've both got their wedding planned, without ever having talked about it. It's just an evidence, and a formality, at this point. Despite being absolutely confident in her relationship as well, Mari's gf is probably the only one who can get her flustered for the smallest thing. She completely melts under her praise, and she likes being the little spoon from time to time despite being so much bigger than her petite lover.
My inspiration for Mari? Nonaka Miho (pictured above), professional climber from Japan. 100%. Saw her performance during the last summer Olympics and immediately knew I had to make her mine.
And so that's all about Mari for now! She is more of a background character, there for her power and wisdom, and for the gay. Someone needs to be stable and healthy on that team!
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seitosokusha · 3 months
green and pink are complementary
It’s a productive day.
Dan Heng shifts through his books, papers and notes, carefully categorizing them. They have long departed from their last stop: a whimsical water world that secretly delighted him. He didn’t even protest as March dragged him around to the beaches and into the water for swimming. Dan Heng would never tell her, but he loves the ocean and he carefully recorded everything he saw. From the creatures in the ocean he saw swimming to how at night the beach lit up with bioluminescence creatures. He learned so much on that planet and he knows he just barely scratched the surface.
Now that they have left the world, it means he finally has time to sort through all the new information he has obtained. He meticulously sorts through his new books and creates new entries into the database. It’s this quiet time that he finds relaxing, an excellent way to close the chapter on their last adventure.
There’s noises coming from behind him, but Dan Heng ignores them. It’s simply March being March, bursting her way into the archives again. She’s captured his bed, laying down on it and is being her noisy, energetic self. Dan Heng let her be, used to her antics and thankfully March had decided to flip through her photos on her camera instead of attempting drawing Dan Heng into a conversation. He is grateful that she has decided to remain quiet. There's a lot of work to do.
“Sometimes I think no one wants me around.”
Startled, Dan Heng immediately whips around, dropping the book he has at his hand. It falls to the ground with a heavy thump. Surely he misheard her.
“March?!” he says, alarmed by her words.
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ap0wersstories · 6 months
Lexie Farm Girl
*Important Note*
The following story is 100% fiction with zero real world relevance, non-consensual sex/sexual assault or underage sex of any kind is wrong and should never be accepted. If you are considering or have committed such an offence I suggest you get serious psychiatric help.
Lexie loves horses, being a farm girl she’d been around them all her life and at 20yo she was well versed in knowing how they ticked. She even loved to bareback ride the horses that she worked with at a range part time. She loved the work there but there were a couple of stable hands that just seemed a little too interested in her at times. She would be grooming the horses and catch them staring, she knew she had a figure that most men loved but these guys were in their late 30s and early 40s. It creeped her out. 
One hot summers friday she walked in at the end of her shift, she’s changed into a summer dress to meet with some friends, something her boss was well aware of. “Dan, Steve? I’m off, see you next week!”
Steve was cleaning up one of the stables, “hold on there’s still a tone of work to be done, why are you leaving?”
Lexie had no patience for this, she knew he was goading her, “look if you have an issue take it up with the boss, otherwise fuck off!”
She didn’t realise Dan had come up right behind her, “hey don’t talk to Steve like that, that’s rude! I think you’ve gotta pay for that kinda back chat!”
In a flash he wrapped a strap he was holding around her neck and shoved her to the ground. Steve grabbed another strap and immediately bound her wrists. Lexie couldn’t believe what was happening, all her fears of these men were completely founded as they each started undoing their belt buckles and unzipping their pants. Lexie was petrified by what they planned for her but knew it wasn’t good. Steve got down to eye level, “it’s time that razor sharp mouth got put to its true use, sucking cock. But don’t you dare bite down on it or we’ll get the whips and belts out on to you!” Steve then shove his cock in her face, Lexie refusing to take it in, but then yanked the belt around her neck up and as she gasped for air Steve took his chance and shoved it in. Her face fucked her for a good 30sec before pulling out allowing Dan his opportunity, back and forward they went using her for a few minutes before Steve yanked her up. 
He dragged her over to a fence and undid her wrist bindings only to then bind her to the fence, he then lifted up her dress and yanked down her panties so they dropped to the ground uselessly. He rubbed his cock up against her pussy several times with Lexie sobbing and begging in protest, “please guys stop! Please, I won’t tell anyone! Please don’t fuck me!”
Steve yanked her hair back and said in her ear, “keep fucking begging! It’ll only make us harder and fuck you with more vigour!!! Ready to get mounted bareback!?” 
And with that awful question her shoved his cock into her pussy, Steve was in heaven, he’d never experienced raping such a gorgeous girl like this and doing it in a barn was like an ultimate fantasy. He grabbed her hips hard and was slapping up against her body while Lexie moaned and sobbed at the abuse. 
Steve could feel his orgasm coming and didn’t want to waste it, he lifted one of her legs so she was getting fucked with one leg in the air like a porn star. Grunting like an animal and with the horses around them even responding to the sounds he let out a cry of delight as he shot his load in her pussy. “Fuck yes! Fucking take my cum you farm whore!!!! You are so hot Lexie I’ve wanted this since the moment I laid eyes on you!!”
Lexie was in shock and couldn’t believe what he was doing, “nooooooo don’t cum inside me!!!!!! Take it out, please!!!!!” But those cries just made Steve slam his cock into her more squirting more semen into her 20yo body. Finally with a shake of his body his cock went soft and he pulled out. Lexie twitched as her body tried to recover from the abuse she’d just endured. 
She wasn’t given a chance to recover, Dan undid her bindings attaching her to the fence and dragged her still with her wrists bound to a dirty table and picked her up dumping her on it. He pulled open her dress revealing her sloppy raped pussy, Dans cock was rock hard and ready. He rubbed the head of his cock on the outside of Lexie’s pussy, with Steve’s cum coating his cock. He then thrusted hard into her and immediately started pumping hard and grunting like an animal. “Fuck yes Lexie, I’ve wanted to do this since we first met! I’ve been jerking to your instragram and now I’ll finally get to bust a load inside you!!”
Lexie had given up protesting, perhaps she knew it only made them enjoy it more but she still sobbed uncontrollably as Dan continued fucking her like the whore he’d always pictured her as. But all good things must come to an end and he felt his balls swelling in anticipation of his orgasm. 
“Fuck yes, here it comes you fucking whore!!!” And with that Dan sent the second load of cum into Lexie in only a matter of minutes. Every thrust and every grunt was another squirt of cum inside Lexie’s pussy. 
Lexie sobbed as Dan pulled his now soft cock out of her, as an additional humiliation Dan stuck a deep tongue kiss on Lexie and lick her tears as they poured down her cheeks. 
As Steve and Dan walked away from her, Steve yelled, “Enjoy your girls night out with a sloppy pussy!”
Lexie pulled up her panties, she’d finally stopped crying. As she stumbled out of the stable she could feel the cum dribble out of the her sloppy abused pussy. 
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photogirl894 · 2 months
"Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire:
Chapter 36
"Your Own Person"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Back again, my lovelies!! I'll be honest, this chapter is a bit shorter and I feel like I'm not as happy with this one, but I also think it might still be entertaining enough 😁 Hope y'all still like it!
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @legolkenxbi , @tech-aficionado ,
@ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettrose9901 ,
@thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink ,
@l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49 , @avathebestx ,
@idoubleswearimawriter , @techs-stitches , @fantasyproductions , @totallyunidentified , @dreamsandrosies
《 Chapter 35
》 Chapter 37
All chapters (Part 2) (Part 1)
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Explanation: The Bad Batch must retrieve the stolen spice for the Pykes to ensure the safety of Kimber, Omega and their friends. Meanwhile, Irys and Roland discuss the past.
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It didn't seem to take long before everyone inside the back office heard the doors to the parlor slide open, which meant someone had come in. The Pykes suspected it was whoever took their spice, coming back to finish the job. They ordered Roland to walk out first to identify the person they wanted while the girls were pulled by the other Pykes behind him. Sure enough, when they came around the corner from the hallway into the main area of the parlor, there were Cid and the Clones.
“That's her. She's the one you want,” Roland told the Pyke leader, pointing at Cid.
Hunter caught sight of Kimber, as did the others, but she quickly shook her head at them, indicating for them not to say anything. 
The Pyke leader moved forward and stated directly, “It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice. Return it to us and we will consider this issue resolved.”
“Not sure what he's been telling you, but we don't have any spice,” Cid lied.
The Pyke was silent for a brief moment before ordering, “Kill them all.”
Kimber opened her mouth to protest, but Hunter held up a hand and cried, “Wait!” As he moved protectively in front of Omega, he told the Pykes instead, “We don't have the spice on us, but we know where it is.”
“My patience is wearing very thin,” said the Pyke, ominously. “If you know where the spice is, then you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do…the child stays here.”
Everyone's reactions to the Pyke's ultimatum were immediate. Omega crouched in fear behind Hunter, the Clones all whipped out their blasters and pointed them at the Pyke while Kimber, Irys and Lex struggled against the guards that held them to get to him. 
“Don't you dare touch her!” Kimber exclaimed. Even though, earlier, she'd acted like she didn't know those involved in taking the spice, the Pyke threatening Omega changed that for her.
The crime boss picked up on that right away as he turned over his shoulder to look at her. “Ah…so you do know them. Even better,” he said. Then looking back at the Batch and Cid, he said, “Even more incentive for you to retrieve the spice. The women and the child.”
“Not happening,” Hunter opposed.
“Keep us all you want, but leave the kid alone,” Lex protested. 
“You misunderstand,” said the Pyke, his head turning between the women and the Clones. “This is not a negotiation.”
The Clones were all glaring at the crime boss, ready to fight if they had to, but Cid spoke up, “If I may….” Then she turned back to the others and warned them in a hushed tone that at least Kimber could still hear, “You all don't realize who you're dealing with. If you don't lower your blasters, we're all gonna wish we were dead.” Cid laid a hand on Hunter's arm. “Let me handle this.”
The three ladies all exchanged wary looks upon hearing that last sentence.
Cid then faced the Pyke and said, “You've got a deal.”
“Cid!” Kimber cried in disbelief. She saw one of the guards move out from behind her and before he could get to Omega, she then held out her cuffed hands and told the girl, “Come to me, Omega.”
The girl, who had been behind Hunter, burst out from behind him and ran over to Kimber. Omega hugged her around her waist and Kimber laid her hands reassuringly on the girl’s shoulder. 
“It's going to be all right,” she said as the Pykes took Omega’s hands and cuffed them. Then Kimber looked across the way at Hunter and said while maintaining eye contact with him, “We'll keep you safe. I promise.”
It was clear she wasn't happy with the arrangement and neither was Hunter, but they both knew there wasn't much of a choice. Holstering his blaster and nodding to the others to do the same, he then spoke sternly to the Pyke leader, “We'll get the spice back…only if the kid and our friends remain unharmed.”
“They will not be harmed unless you don't return every ounce of spice owed to us,” the Pyke replied. “Be sure that you do…for their sake.”
Wrecker, Tech and Echo didn't look pleased either, but they still followed their leader and put down their weapons. Echo stole a look at Lex and Tech gave Irys a steadfast nod. Kimber cast a scowl at Cid as a warning that she'd better come through, knowing it was her fault they were in this mess in the first place. With that, the Clones and Cid left the parlor. 
“Well, we'd best make ourselves comfortable. Who knows how long we'll be here,” said Irys.
“We wouldn't be in this mess if you all hadn't gotten involved,” Roland spat. 
“No, we wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't gotten in over your head, Durand,” said Lex in reply. 
Then Kimber said, “Enough, all of you. It doesn't matter. We're stuck here and the boys are getting the spice. Let's just be glad we're not dead.”
“Your friends better come through,” said Roland.
“They will,” she shot back. 
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What felt like a long time had passed and the Bad Batch still had yet to return. The Pykes kept a close eye on their hostages while still pacing about the room. Everyone had sat themselves down on the floor in the center; Kimber and Omega were together next to Roland and then Irys and Lex were together on his other side. 
At one point, when the Pykes had temporarily left the room, Omega spotted a blaster left out by one of the Pykes and Kimber could see in her eyes a determined look. She knew what the girl was planning to do. 
She wasn't the only one who noticed  because, surprisingly, Roland spoke up and said, “Don't try it. They'll kill you.” Leaning his head back against the table behind him, he said, “If your friends don't return the spice, we're all dead. That's what happens when you meddle in other people's business.”
Kimber's jaw dropped and Omega questioned, “Us? You're the one who took Cid's parlor from her!”
“You take what you want. That's the Durand way. It's a tactic my mother has perfected,” Roland replied.
Next to him, Irys scoffed aloud. 
“So she's a criminal, too?” Omega asked.
Roland groaned in disgust and said back, “You make it sound so undignified.”
“Because it is,” Irys said flatly.
Frowning, Roland said over his shoulder to her, “I don't recall asking for your opinion, Irys.”
“Doesn't matter, I'm going to give it anyway,” she said.
After that, they all heard Ruby waddling over to them on the ground and she proceeded to crawl over into Omega's lap.
Noticing this, Roland pointed out, “Ruby doesn't take a liking to many people.”
“Don't worry, Ruby. We'll get out of this,” Omega assured the lizard, which made Kimber grin.
Then Roland sighed. “If Mother saw me now…,” he lamented.
Irys scoffed again. “That's really what you're worried about right now? What Mother Dearest would think of you?” she questioned him. “Do you even understand the magnitude of the situation you're in?”
“Please, enlighten me,” he said sarcastically. 
“Even when our friends bring back the spice, you're still going to be in a lot of trouble,” Irys said. “The Pykes don't like unpaid debts, but they hate being threatened even more…and you did exactly that. Not only did you not have their payment, but then you pulled a blaster on them and threatened them. You might be able to get them the spice, but your actions in the office might have cost you a great deal. You're going to be really lucky if you get out of this alive.”
They all could see there was fear in his eyes, but he was trying his best to mask it. “Since when do you care?” he said with a sneer, not looking at her. 
She rolled her eyes. “Believe me, I don't care about you,” she responded, “but punishment from the Pykes isn't something I would wish on anyone.”
“I never expected you to be so sentimental,” he said. 
“That's because you never really knew me,” she snapped. “All the things I did for you and your family, I only did because you all tricked me. I use my skills for good now. I use them to help people and I've even saved people with them.”
“Our Clone friends included,” Kimber put in. 
After acknowledging Kimber's comment, Irys continued, “Whoever you once thought I was, that's not who I am. The girl you pretended to be friends with--”
“It was never pretend,” Roland interrupted her, his head held low.
Irys went silent and Kimber, Omega and Lex's eyes all widened in astonishment.
“What?” asked Irys. 
Still not looking at her, he replied, “Despite everything we made you do; despite lying to you about what you were doing for my family…I never lied about thinking of you as my friend. That was real to me.”
Irys was taken aback, having not expected such a response from Roland. At any other time, she would’ve thought it was just another lie, but given the fact that he was a Pyke prisoner and more than likely wasn’t going to get out of the situation alive, what would he have to gain by lying to her now? No, his statement seemed genuine and honest, for once. 
Then he added, “If they are going to kill me…I at least needed you to know that.”
After taking a small moment to collect her thoughts, Irys then said back to him, “I thought of you as a friend once, too…but friends don’t lie to each other. Even if you considered what we had was real, you still lied to me about everything else. Everything that you and your family does is based on lies and crime and bad things.”
“I know…but that’s all I know. It’s all I’ve been raised on,” he said. Finally, he lifted his head and met Irys’ gaze, melancholy in his red eyes. “How could I do anything else?”
“You could make your own choices and not be your mother,” Lex interjected.
He let out a sigh. “It’s not that simple,” he said. 
“It’s okay to be your own person,” then said Omega. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he responded. Turning back to Irys, he stated, “Like you said: I might not even get out of this alive, so what’s even the point of pitying me at all? I tried to prove myself to my mother and I failed. That’s all there is to it.”
It was quiet for a moment before Irys said in a soft voice, “I know what it’s like to do your best to prove yourself only to make a big mistake. Maybe you and I aren’t so different after all.”
No one was quite sure how to respond, so the silence then hung in the air between all of them after that, especially as the Pykes returned into the room. The atmosphere grew uneasy again with the Pykes keeping their eyes on them while they continued to wait to hear back from the Bad Batch and Cid. 
Some time later, Kimber’s comm started chirping and everyone perked up at the sound. Then they all heard Hunter’s voice speak, “Kimber, it’s Hunter. We have the spice. We’ll be waiting at the ship in the hangar.”
The Pyke leader, looming over all of them, said directly to Kimber, “You will lead us to your ship.”
They all got to their feet and the Pykes put Kimber in the front so they all could follow her to the Marauder at the hangar. It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination and the Clones and Cid were already outside waiting. Wrecker was carrying out the crates and putting them on a dolley. The Pykes had them stop by the crates that were already loaded and proceeded to remove the stun cuffs off of everyone except Roland just as Wrecker brought out the last one and laid it out on the floor in front of them. One of the guards opened the crate and pulled out a package of spice for the leader to examine. 
Satisfied, the leader said to the Clones, “Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved.” However, he then withdrew his blade and pointed it at Roland behind him. “But not with you.”
The guards forcefully shoved Omega--who still held Ruby in her arms--and Kimber forward followed by Irys and Lex and they walked across to the Clones. Hunter reached out for Omega and Kimber moved beside him, Lex went straight to Echo and Irys stood by Tech. When they looked back, the Pyke guards were dragging Roland over to the crate, pushing his head down onto it as the Pyke leader lifted his knife into the air.
“Don’t!” Omega cried out, stepping forward, and causing the Pyke to pause. “He made a mistake, that’s all.”
Then, to everyone’s astonishment, Irys boldly came forward and agreed with Omega. “She’s right. What he did was reckless, but you got your spice back. That’s what matters. Killing him will only be starting war with Isa Durand, which I don’t think you want right now. Let him go, call this a bad deal and walk away while you can.”
“We do not accept bad deals,” the Pyke replied. 
Then he held his knife aloft and brought it down upon Roland. Everyone closed or shielded their eyes as they heard the knife make contact and Roland cried out in pain. Though, when they all looked again, they were shocked to see him clutching at the right side of his head and his horn lying on the crate. One of the guards picked it up and handed it to the leader.
Leering over Roland, the Pyke told him with finality, “Our business is finished. It would not be wise for our paths to cross again.” With that, he and the rest of the Pykes walked out of the hangar with their cart of spice.
Everyone was shocked that the Pykes had let Roland live and there was definite regret in his face after the Pykes left as well as pain from the loss of his horn. Omega went up to him, still holding Ruby.
“Are you okay?” she inquired.
Timidly, he answered as he stood up, “It’s a small price to pay.” After Omega handed Ruby to him, he said in a low voice to the rest of the group, “I’ll be going now.”
He turned around to leave and everyone noticed that Irys started following after him.
“Irys, what are you doing?” Kimber asked.
Roland halted and turned around.
The Togruta woman stopped and answered, “I still need to go with him. I have no choice if I'm to be sure you all will remain safe.”
“No, you don't,” Kimber replied firmly. “He told you you'd go back to Devaron once he made his deal with the Pykes. That deal is over now; it's null and void. You don't need to go back.” She redirected her attention at Roland, sternness in her face and in her tone as she went on to say to him, “Irys no longer has to go with you and if you still want to take her, you'll have to go through all of us to get her.”
His eyes glanced at everyone else, taking in their angry, warning looks they were giving him. At that moment, he was just tired and defeated from everything that had happened. “A Durand is not anything if not a person of their word,” he responded. He then looked at Irys. “Since the deal fell through, I won't send you back to my mother. I will still tell her I found you here...and that you're dead.” 
Irys’ eyes went wide in surprise.
“The hunt for you will be called off,” he said as he turned his back on her and, without waiting for a response from her or anyone, he and Ruby left the hangar.
Irys stood in place, dumbfounded at what Roland had just done for her. After years of running, she was now free. Finally free. She felt hands rest on both of her shoulders. To her left, she saw Lex and then to her right, she saw Kimber, both of them smiling gladly at her and she couldn’t help but smile back. Then the two girls hugged her tightly, overjoyed that she was both safe and free from being hunted. 
Behind them, they heard Cid declare that drinks were on her and Wrecker told her that she owed them way more than that before he and Echo took off running out of the hangar and in the  direction of the parlor. Lex was also excited about the prospect of free drinks so, after giving Irys one more squeeze on the shoulder, she ran off with Echo.
Kimber and Irys noticed that Hunter, Omega and Tech had lingered behind while Cid just walked past them, the clanking of her staff echoing in the hangar.
“Why did you stick up for him…after what he did?” Hunter inquired of Omega.
With a shrug, she simply said back, “I don’t know. Ruby likes him. Maybe he’s not all bad.”
He smiled endearingly at her and, content with that answer, he started walking away, grabbing Kimber’s hand as he passed by her and pulling her along, with Omega following after them.
Irys stayed in place, still processing everything, when she felt another hand tap on her arm and then Tech’s voice speaking to her, “Irys…I wish to pose the same query to you.” She looked at him and he went on, removing his hand, “Durand lied to you and forced you into a life in hiding. Omega, I understand being kind to him; that is her nature, but you...you of all people had far less of a reason to plead mercy on his behalf. Yet you did. Why did you?”
Feeling comfortable with Tech and taking a deep and slow breath, she answered him, “I used to believe I was a bad person because of the things I did for the Durand's, even if it was unknowingly. Nor have I ever considered myself brave because I'm always behind a screen or on a ship and not in a fight. Then I met all of you and started to believe I was a better person by using my skills to help others. Today, seeing how much all of you were willing to sacrifice for me because of my mistakes showed me that it was time for me to be brave, for once, and be the better person I am now. While Roland might not have deserved my pity...I suppose I saw myself in him in the moment. We both have made mistakes and I thought showing compassion was the best revenge.  Also...Roland genuinely thought of me as a friend once, as did I, despite how twisted the situation had been. I don't expect him to stop what he's doing, but maybe...maybe this might persuade him to show some compassion of his own one day.”
“He already has by saying he would tell his mother you're dead so you won't need to be on the run any longer,” said Tech in return. 
“I suppose that's true,” she replied.
Then he startled her slightly by laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You are a good person and you have always been brave,” he told her intently. “Choosing to act against oppression, whether on a battlefield or behind a screen, is still bravery.”
Irys smiled gratefully at him, touched by his genuine words. “I appreciate your concern and your support.”
“Of course. You are our friend.” He then cleared his throat and adjusted his goggles. “You are...my friend, Irys.” 
She placed a hand on his arm in return. “And you are mine, Tech.” 
He offered a small grin and bowed his head to her.
“I'm still smarter than you, though,” she then teased him, starting to walk away.
Without missing a beat, he fiddled with his goggles and said back, walking beside her, “That is debatable, as my mind is significantly more enhanced than yours.”
She scoffed in amusement. “I didn't need to enhance my mind to be as smart as I am. That happened all organically.” 
“Regardless…,” he said, suddenly stopping in place, “you are now no longer being hunted. You are free. Will you choose to remain on Ord Mantell with the Koriena Force?”
She too ceased walking and answered his question, “Of course, I will. The girls and all of you are my family. I'm not going anywhere.”
“Well…and here, I thought I was going to finally be free of you for good,” Tech responded.
Irys chuckled at him. “Now, don't get ahead of yourself there, hotshot. If I can't get rid of you, you're certainly not getting rid of me.”
The two of them walked on to catch up with the others at Cid’s parlor, continuing with their playful banter now that they knew Irys was going to be all right and was there to stay.
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russilton · 10 months
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George is so whipped 😭
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It’s very special to me that I immediately got sent this three different times, I have a brand and by god do y’all support it for some reason
I’m trying so hard not to be “he’s only got two eyes” meme about this but come ON George, everyone else in the group managed it, you’re the only one so love drunk you’re staring at Lewis instead. Knowing Dan he probably said something like “smile at the most handsome man in the room” when he took the photo and George is the only one who didn’t get the joke
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ditzytwinks · 13 days
saw this photo of dick and penis in love and then blacked out with inspiration, when i came to this was on my phone screen. extremely minor angst with immediate comfort, and a mild sexual ref. credit to the post and original photographer!!!
despite being a fan of rollercoasters, phil can get a bit dramatic when it comes to actually experiencing the notoriously exhilarating rises and drops. right now, phils squirming next to dan so furiously dans slightly worried he’ll somehow come loose from the rides harness. all the while, dans trying to focus on keeping his own breathing steady whilst taking in the view.
“DAAAAAANNNNNNNN WHY DID WE DO THIIIIIS” phils hand shoots out and grabs at dans, a move so instinctual they’ve previously spent several years of running the gaming channel expertly removing them.
maybe it was the adrenaline already pumping through his veins, maybe it was an emotional remnant of the last time dan and phil were on tour together. but somewhere deep within the recesses of dans brain, he thinks “what if someone sees us” and instantly felt the urge to wiggle out from phil’s grasp, retracting his hand
phil’s puzzling gaze whips over the harness bar, clocking that dan didn’t automatically grab phil’s hand back like he was holding onto the only life preserver left on a capsized boat, especially while phil was actively scrambling for dans comforting touch.
“bear what’s wrong?”
the ride continues up and up, his ocean eyes borrowing into dans soul, searching.
dan snaps back to the current moment. it’s 2024. he’s out and proud, with phil, on a tour celebrating Them and their audience over the past decade and a half. they aren’t Overt about it in any traditional sense, but they know everyone knows. and they’re still safe.
dans long fingers snake over phils wrist and slide effortlessly in between his partners fingers, molded by 15 years of repeated action.
“sorry bubby, i went somewhere else. got kinda freaked out for a moment there”
dan saw phils tensed face muscles soften, eyes communicating his understanding through their freaky telepathic link.
phil moves into second phase of Dan Retrieval™, cracking a joke to get dan out of his racing thoughts, bonus points if phil can get dan to refocus on him.
what wasn’t a part of phil’s plan was the ride halting with a slight jolt, building the ballooning anticipation for the Big Drop. phil makes the mistake of looking down, letting out a whimper through his slight pout.
“well, i’m Currently freaking out, so will you please be my brave and trusty steed and Don’t Let Go or i am going to scream your ears off and then you’ll be sorry.”
dan let out a light chuckle at phil’s bratting, rolling his eyes fondly at his princess baby angel as the widest smile spreads across dans face. it would be considered face gym if he weren’t so distracted by the adrenaline and transfixed by phils pretty face trying desperately to be brave. dan gives phil’s hand a reassuring squeeze, worries melting away in the kaleidoscope that is phil lester’s irises.
“bet i can scream louder” dan quips, they share a knowing look. anyways, dan versus phil is never ending, only momentarily paused.
rides are always more cathartic when you scream, anyways.
dan looks down. someone’s phone flash has gone off while he happens to be sporting this most goofy, blinding smile, and he doesn’t care one bit who sees it.
the, a final click as the ride releases with a whoosh!!
they’re the loudest couple on the whole ride.
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solsays · 8 months
After reading the last Burt Espresso chapter (absolutely love it and the whole fic btw) I was wondering what happened that Trumpet ended up with Bagi and Tina. You described a man on the bus that I assumed was Maxo in an earlier chapter when Bagi, Tina, Fit, and Tubbo were going to pick up the kids from school, so I think he had to have had trumpet at some point.
If you plan on talking about it in the fic that’s fine and I look forward to reading it, but if you don’t plan on talking about it, how did Trumpet end up in Bagi and Tina’s care?
I don’t plan on talking about this in the fic since it’s kind of a background thing, but here’s the story! (It’s a bit long sorry but there’s quite a bit lmao)
Maxo was in college when his roommate (Dan) came home with a random little kid one day in their junior year (second to last year of schooling if you’re not from America :]) that he apparently found on the street and couldn’t say no to taking in since there were no good orphanages in the town (being a college town they weren’t really necessary) and it was the middle of winter and the kid would’ve starved to death
the two of them ended up splitting parental duties of Trumpet, and they lived with the two of them in their college dorm (no the school did not know, they refused to tell them because they were afraid they’d take trumpet from them)
they really weren’t sure what to do after graduation, but Dan went on a trip overseas and the boat he was on went missing during a massive storm, and he (along with everyone on the ship) was declared dead only a few months later (Trumpet was about 2 at this point)
maxo tried his best to care for trumpet for the next year, but his job as an explosions specialist ended up forcing him to be away from home for long periods of time, and he wasn’t able to care for Trumpet properly. He was very conflicted and upset and not sure what to do with three-ish year old Trumpet, so he started asking around if anyone knew people looking to adopt
this is where Bagi, still in college, and her best friend Tina come in :) they were planning on staying in the town after graduation anyway, since Bagi’s twin met some guy and is staying and her younger brother is there for college two years after her, and had agreed to buy a house together. Maxo met Bagi at a grocery store where he worked part time to bring in some extra money to support his kid, and he helped her find a specific product that they’d moved recently so it wasn’t in the same place. They’d got to chatting, and Bagi mentioned her friend Tina (because let’s be honest, her gay ass was WHIPPED the second she met her and she can and will ramble to anyone and everyone about her perfect “best friend”) and how she loved kids, and Max told her that he had Trumpet. Bagi had offered to tell Tina about the kid, and naturally when she did the first thing Tina did was do a little digging, find maxo’s number, and call him to ask to meet his adorable kid
They met up at a park, and Tina loved Trumpet immediately. Maxo was nervous but as he met up with Tina a few more times, sometimes with Bagi and sometimes not, he realized that maybe there was a solution right here in front of him now. Because his darling baby deserved a better life than having an absent father who was gone half the time. Especially when Tina turned to Bagi and squealed “Bagi I want a baby!” When Trumpet had shown her a drawing he’d done for them
Maxo sat down with the two of them and explained his situation as soon as they graduated, and naturally the two of them immediately offered to take Trumpet in and adopt them if Maxo approved, as they had just bought a house together and they had space and time for a kid. maxo agreed, and he signed away his legal parentage of Trumpet to Bagi and Tina, who adopted Trumpet when he was about 5 and have been caring for them ever since :)
Sometimes when Maxo is in town he’ll take Trumpet out on day trips or just hang out with him, teach him some DJ tricks (an old hobby/side job of his from his college and high school days) while he’s staying with friends, Trumpet doesn’t really remember him very well as her father but they were told about what happened by Bagi and Tina so they call him papa anyway
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pierrotsmoon · 2 years
Love (and Logic)
chapter 2- Bite My Hip
warnings- fem! reader, canon-typical violence, idiots in love
chapter 1 here!
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Y/N pulled open her apartment door and ran fuming to her bedroom. She slammed herself down on her floral bedsheets and screamed into her pillow. It was finally the day she had to visit her dear scientist. She took one look at her closed fist, a strip of ripped legal pad in her hands.
***** -555- *******
‘Let’s give it a shot!’
Dan opened up his fridge and pulled out a bag of frozen peas and carrots. He looked sharply at the shorter man sitting on the bar stool facing him, sporting a black eye, courtesy of a rather angry reanimated arm. Dan’s hands fumbled with the too-cold bag before handing it off to the man sitting in front of him. 
“Listen, it was one time, plus, it's not like I lost an eye.”
Dan whipped around to get close to Herbert, gripping his shoulders with fire in his eyes.
“God! What is wrong with you? Don't you remember what today is?”
The red landline phone began to ring.
Herbert scrambled to grip on to the receiver. He rose up to his mouth, taking in a deep, shuddering breath.
“Hello, Cain residence, who am I speaking to?”
“Me, you dweeb.”
Immediately, Herbert recoiled. Oh God, why her?
“Why are you calling? Didn’t you annoy me enough in anatomy?”
“If you couldn't fit it in that absolute cranium of yours, we have a project, remember? Dan gave me your house number.”
Herbert turned and furrowed his brows at Dan.
“I’m about to start driving there, so be ready.”
Dan came up behind Herbert and patted him on the shoulder, desperately trying to hold back a smile.
“I’ll be out with Meg while she’s here, don't have too much fun.”
Herbert looked like he was about to explode.
As Y/N knocked on the door, she shuddered in the nighttime cold; it was nearing ten. Her overstuffed messenger bag dug into her shoulder. The door opened as a slightly more casual Herbert ‘welcomed’ her in; he wore black loose slacks with a looser burgundy cable-knit sweater, a white dress shirt peeked out of it, and his hair didn't look as aggressively gelled into place. He looked like the average student, but Y/N knew he wasn't.  
“We’ll go to my room, follow me.”
She noticed that Herbert spoke with no emotion and kept his eyes away from her, walking away and leaving her to follow.
As Y/N ran to catch up with Herbert, she noticed a string of purplish bruises on the left side of his eye, obscured the tiniest bit by his oversized aviator glasses. While she had a genuine distaste for the brunette, Y/N never enjoyed violence, and concern grew in the pit of her stomach.
“Herbert, are you hurt?”
His head immediately whipped around, facing the girl, who was now leaning against the yellow wall of the narrow hallway, a look of concern adorning her features. 
“That is none of your business.”
Herbert’s sneer came in a tone even he did not expect, and Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, before taking a slight pause. She tried to keep her voice even.
“I-just, if you are, do you need any help?”
Herbert felt himself soften the slightest at her genuine request. He leaned in front of his closed bedroom door, taking his wire glasses off and rubbing his forehead.
“I don’t need any help, now come on.”
As Herbert opened up the light wooden door, he felt her brush up against his shoulder; a foreign feeling crept up his back. It wasn’t unpleasant, like the bustling university hallways, it was sweet. Herbert tried quickly to forget that feeling, ushering the young woman into his clean, sterile room.
“Where do you want me to sit?”
Y/N’s eyes flitted back and forth across the white walls. Neatly spaced medical posters lined the wall behind a spacious wooden desk, with a wheely moss green chair neatly nearby. The bed was simple, wooden, with drawers at the bottom, the varnished oak wood seemed brand new. His floors were wooden too, but lighter than the bed, matching the door. The sheets were plaid, and a pastel mint color. Y/N smiled, at least now she knows Herbert likes green.
“Just sit on the bed.”
Y/N’s hands moved to the buckles of her red Mary Janes, removing each before crawling up the bed. Her hands preoccupied themselves with the loose threads on her cardigan, overwhelmed with the intimacy of the situation. For a moment, the two avoided eye contact and remained silent. Herbert pulled up his chair.
“Alright, if we are going to work on this together as instructed, I need you to know that I'll handle all of the research. Whatever you want to do with the final execution is up to you.”
The young woman kept herself from blowing up at him, she knew that would go nowhere, so instead she kept a harsh glare on him. Reaching over her back, Y/N pulled off her messenger bag, unzipping it with a pronounced frown on her face. A black sketchbook came out of her bag, alongside a metal mechanical pencil, and a kneaded eraser. A crumpled-up instruction guide for the project rested on the mint-plaid sheets.
Femur Anatomy 
Y/N’s eyes scanned the messed up page, noting important factors of the project and how much time she would spend on each, pulling out more art supplies as she went. The base femur sketch would be in blue colored pencil, light enough to overlap with watercolor. She carefully ruled a grid pattern over a large square of thick watercolor paper, slowly beginning to shape out the femur.
Herbert was already working by this point, they needed at least twelve facts, a childishly easy assignment. Probably designed for the art students. As he finished his final citation, his eyes flitted to the side, noticing the rolled-up cardigan sleeves of his project partner. 
“Are you done?”
Y/N gave him a pointed look, gazing back at the first preliminary sketch on her piece, she had printed out research pictures at the library beforehand, giving her ample resources to zone out and draw.
“I’m on the first sketch, then I’ll go over that with a darker graphite, add the needed color with watercolor, glaze it over with sealant, and fill in the notes.”
Herbert sighed and placed his hand over his eyes, his glasses were knocked askew. He seemed to forget his bruise, and jumped slightly as his hand hit a tender area. Alarmed, he looked at Y/N, who was looking at him with concern in her eyes.
“Herbert, is it still tender?”
He looked at her as sternly as he did before, but softened as her sympathetic look washed over him. She quickly stood up and looked down at him in the chair. 
“Do you think if you put some pressure on it, the swelling might become a little less unbearable?”
Herbert’s expression went angry again.
“I already tried to stop the swelling. It won’t work.”
Y/N crossed her arms, unwavering in her speech.
“Did you apply pressure to your eye directly?”
Herbert went quiet.
The young woman let out a small giggle.
“I thought you were studying medicine, Dr. West?”
Herbert stilled, eyes slightly widening at the formal title, before standing up himself.
The two quietly walked into the vibrant kitchen space.
“Just keep your face still!”
Herbert dodged the bag of frozen peas and carrots, a grimace on his face as the young woman kept reaching up to him on the brown bar stool.
“The texture is spine-tingling, Y/N, I cannot handle it!”
Y/N sighed and stomped her foot. 
“Don’t make this harder than it has to be!”
Y/N’s fingers gripped onto the burgundy of his sweater, gently placing the frozen peas and carrots on the purple of his face.
Herbert stilled for a second before softly smiling at the care she was putting into taking care of him, gazing down into his lap. 
He met her eyes.
Y/N returned his smile, opening her palm from his shoulder.
“Does that feel better?”
The brunette smiled, grasping onto her hand holding the bag. He leaned in closer, almost grazing noses with his project partner.
The two exploded into laughter, hands intertwining and clasping together. Perhaps a dry sense of humor would be what kept the rift between them from spreading further. As the two laughed, they didn't notice the jingling of the front door, or the two people watching their predicament.
“Having fun, Herbert?”
Dan’s voice broke the playful atmosphere, and as he leaned against the doorframe, Meg gripped on to his open arm, smiling brightly.
Herbert immediately leapt away, almost falling off the barstool, and Y/N staggered backward, falling towards the end of the kitchen island. Immediately Y/N and Herbert looked towards Dan and Meg, breaking into dramatic denial of what was going on between the two.
“All right, all right, you two pipe down!”
Meg was laughing loudly at this point, hands folded over her stomach as the pastel blue fabric crinkled. Dan took the precedent of sauntering towards the nervous students, placing his hands down on the marble kitchen top.
The project partners stared at each other warily.
“How would the two of you like to go on a double date with Meg and me?”
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