#Dark Spawn
insolitus-academy · 5 months
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♚ //  Face Claim
Full name Face Claim: Christopher Bahng
Group/Band/Occupation: Stray Kids
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim age: 25
  ♚ // Character ;  Basic information
  Quote: In the calm, deep waters of the mind, the wolf waits. F.T. McKinstry
  Full name character: Chan Awoo Lykos
Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Korean
Age: 25
Date of Birth:October 3 1997
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Werewolf
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Expert
♚ // Character ; Appearance
  Skin Color: Pale
Eye color: Mixed eyes, right eye dark blue iris, left black iris
Scars: Cut along his eye right, faint fighting scars on his body, one long scar down the spine of his back that is covered with a tattoo of the phases of the moon. 
Piercings: Nose stud, both ears, and helix 
Tattoos: Spine tattoo, duck behind left arm above elbow
Hair color: Black
Transformed form: Midnight black wolf
  ♚ // Character ; Personality
  Six personality traits: Protective,Sociable, Absentminded, Earthy, Mellow, Trusting
Working out
Being Alone
Being inside for too long
Animal haters
Hunters (Animal Hunters)
  Manias: Working out
Phobias: Being alone
Animal: Dog
Religion: No
Favorite song: EXO 엑소 ‘늑대와 미녀 (Wolf)’ MV (Korean Ver.) 
Vice: Sloth
Virtue: Charity
  Personality Description:
Lykos is a happy pup. He loved nature and living amongst his pack and other animals. He was a tree hugger like any other animal. He loved listening to the sounds around him while simply lying on the ground. 
  Lykos wasn’t the smartest crayon in the box. His mindset was very animalist at all times, hunt, eat, play, love, and protect. Which is still strong on his mind even in adulthood. On a day-to-day, his wolf resides in a plane in his mind even when he’s in human form only taking over during the full moon. He didn’t like giving his wolf full control over his mind or body but they happily coexist.
  Spending so much time in the forest Lykos picked up many hobbies, his mom called him a bull in a china shop because he loved crafting miniature things. He taught himself how to whittle wood and make jewelry out of the things he found in the woods, and how to hunt gems from the river rocks. He is also naturally athletic, running and hunting come easy to him and his wolf. He trust people easily and tries to see the best in them. 
  He like to think running can help anyone mood, he like to run his problems away. He thought he had to become stronger being a gym bro also took over his personality, he had to be strong, lift the most weight, do the most pushups, run the fastest, and hunt the most deer. Two complete opposites but while he loved crafting he learned to love strength training. 
  ♚ // Character ; Powers
  Magical Powers: 
  -Increased strength 
-Increased senses (smell, sight)
  Non-magical Powers:
  -Crafting (Woodwork, Jewelry making)
-Shifting - After the full moon he becomes weak and energy is totally drained 
-His animal instincts
  ♚ // Character ; The Teacher / Staff
Class they teach: Sexual Health Education, Run 101
Teaching style: Laid Back
Previous teaching experience: First time teaching 
  ♚ // Character ; The Past
  Date of Birth: October 3 1997
  Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past?
  Deep in the woods of the Jeji islands, where it was mostly inhabited lived a pack of wolves. A small pack that has lived on the island for generations, living off the land with very little contact to the ‘outside world’. Hunting for meat, building their own homes, and skinning animals to make their clothes. A very primal bunch. That was until a couple of years ago with the deforestation of the land revealed the pack to the more modern society. The elders of the pack stayed back in what was left of their wolf-built villages while the children were whisked off to school due to societal laws.  
  Lykos had an easy life, living in the woods where to him nothing but nature and his family meant something to him. He grew up in a metaphorically white picket fence house. A mom and dad who loved each other until what would seem like the end of time. They loved each other so much they popped out a whopping 9 kids and Lykos was lucky number 5. 
  Living with his family in the Lykos never left the watchful eyes of his parents or brothers and sisters. With 4 brothers and 4 sisters, Lykos was well-loved. His family had a normal pack dynamic, with Dad being the head of the household and his mom the gatherer taking care of all the pups while the men hunted for food and of course the breadwinner. 
  They weren’t rich by any means but they had what they needed.
  But Lykos was different growing up he was smaller than the other pups, as a male he should have been bigger than the women in his life but he just wasn’t. Lykos and his wolf grew at a slower rate than everyone he knew. It didn’t fly with his dad at all. That’s when Lykos began to hate his body. “How can you  protect your family if you’re tiny? A real wolf should stand tall against other wolves around him” Words swirled around his brain of his thoughts that came from his father and mother. 
  Then came his obsession with the gym, day in and day out he would spend any time he wasn’t at at the gym lifting weights or running in the forest. The older he got the more his body changed, the muscles filling out his body. He could see how proud his parents were in their eyes but even being bigger and stronger didn’t help Lykos, he should be bigger, stronger. He thought getting bigger would help his ego, being stronger would make him a stronger leader of his family. While it helped him physically, it wasn’t who he was. 
  As a teenager Lykos knew he liked men, he worried about telling his parents but mostly his dad. But they were close so he knew he could go to them and talk to them about anything. So that’s exactly what he did, they were surprisingly understanding. They didn’t care who he pined for but without missing a beat his mother gently reminded Lykos that he was still to marry a she-wolf and have pups. 
  That’s the moment Lykos became scared. Being a werewolf was sacred and closed society, they see themselves as superior beings. They had to keep their bloodline pure. The most important thing in his family was to continue on the generations no matter what, his family tree while sometimes resembling a spider web was still easily followed because of the sacred lineage. It went as far as wolf siblings matting together to keep the bloodline pure. His older sister and brother were married off together and so far had 2 pups. It had nothing to do with love (although they did love each other as siblings) but more about procreation. His own mother’s first husband was her brother who sadly passed to a hunter before she was able to have a pup. His mom was then married off to Lykos father and they continued to have kids together. 
  Lykos was to be married off to a she-wolf from another pack because they were similar ages back in his mom’s hometown Jeoluml South Korea. He couldn’t even disagree or leave kicking and screaming no matter how much he wanted to. He knew it was what he had to do, it was like a business transaction. It was his first time away from his family. So off he went to meet his betrothed she-wolf ‘Hei’. She was pretty and he thought she was sweet, that was until she found out that Lykos liked men. He assumed she would be just as understanding as his parents but he was deathly wrong, Hei was disgusted, he was thrown out like a wet dog with insults hurled at him. 
  Back home his parents were not happy. He should have kept that part of him a secret but they promised to find him a more understanding wife, maybe even a lesbian. But he didn’t want that, he wanted to be with someone he loved, even if it wasn’t another wolf. Voicing his opinion was the worst idea, they demanded Lykos come back home where they could knock that idea out of his head. 
  Lykos didn’t want to go back home there was no way, no matter how much it hurt being away from his pack he couldn’t do it. So he stayed but he had nowhere to go, he wasn’t welcomed in Hei’s pack. He was a stray. 
  If he didn’t come back the elders of the pack threatened to ban him. He didn’t want to be controlled by other people, he didn’t care about the werewolf race and continuing the lineage. So he refused to return, and yapped about creating a new life for himself. He was free. 
  At the begining he stayed in the forest not sure where to go or what to do. It wasn’t until he heard a group of people running towards him. On high alert he was ready to attack only to realize it was a group of runners on a ‘scenic run’. like a dog who’s owners just came home Lykos got excited and joined in on the run. 
  Lykos wanted to join the running team so he followed them, all the way back to the university. He easily passed for a student and started going to classes. It didn’t take the school long to find out about him being a stowaway but he convinced the headmaster that he could bring the track team all the gold metals which is exactly what he did. 
  After enrolling in college and picking his major as well as his classes…the whole time what he thought was bodybuilding was actually Body 101. It wasn’t until halfway through the semester and hand raised question of ‘why aren’t we lifting any weights?” did he realized -only after he was told- that body 101 isn’t about working out but in fact general health of the body.
  He enjoyed the classes anyways and continue until he got a degree. But it still wasn’t enough for him, he felt alone and Lykos was never one to be a loner.  He soon met a friendly elder who understood what Lykos was going through. The elder told him about a forest near a grand academy that might have a pack that would take him in. So again off he went. 
  ♚ // Roleplayer
[ optional ]
  Time zone: GMT-5
  OOC! Triggers: Writing about parents passing
  Themes/genres you like writing the most?: All
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thatcerealkiller · 8 months
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“My blood thirsty friend.”
🔥 commission by poof on twitter 🔥
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radiance1 · 3 months
By all accounts, it shouldn't have worked.
By all bloody accounts, that should not have worked.
Constantine will repeat.
That, by all accounts, should not have worked.
The warehouse was shitty. The materials were shitty. The summoning circle was shitty. The chanting was shitty. The magic was shitty.
By all accounts, the summoning should not have worked.
So Constantine couldn't give much of a shit about really stopping it because the summoning was so shitty it shouldn't have worked by an means possible.
So what. In the ever-loving fuck. Was the Ghost King, known tyrant of the Infinite Realms. Standing in the middle of the circle and not, last he checked, imprisoned?
That was another thing that he thought would have made it fail, actually. Because the Ghost King was incapacitated, asleep, gone, unavailable, nada.
So what. The fuck. Was he doing. Here?
Constantine knew the day was going to well to stay that way but wow. The universe loves to fuck him over, apparently.
Or the Justice League in specific.
Or both.
Doesn't matter, because now he has to bullshit his way out of this or get ready to brawl for his life.
Good thing he's good at both of those things, then.
Mostly the bullshit-
"Phantom what the fuck are you doing-" Constantine wheezed out, watching one of their newest members-a ghost going by the name Phantom-fly over in front of the known tyrant and-
Oh, holy shit this won't end well.
Ghost King.
Phantom. A ghost.
Well, shit.
This is fine. This is totally fine. He just needs to bullshit his way out of this or face two powerhouses.
This is fine.
He's done worse.
"Sup War" Phantom said, floating around the summoning circle that contained the king of all ghosts like it wasn't a problem. "Didn't expect to be seeing you here."
"Ward." The Ghost King inclined his head slightly, eyes trained on Phantom. "I would not have come here if not for Time's insistence and I have been meaning to..." The King paused, hands gripping and ungrasping the pommel of his sword. "...Check in... on you."
"Aww, were you worried about lil old meeeee?" Phantom, ever the little shit and holy shit did Constantine want to go over there and shut him up, said. Floating around until he was staring upside down in the Ghost King's face. "Didn't know you were so soft, pa."
"I am not soft." The King huffed, flame dancing at the edges of his hair. "I was merely... concerned. Over how you would be acclimating to your circumstances. This world's League of Justice covers far more than your small haunt."
"Weeeell, it's not that bad honestly." Phantom admitted. "Haven't really done anything too big yet just some smallish things here and there. So, you know." The ghost boy shrugged, swinging back in the air to turn upright and crossing his legs. "Nothing too bad."
"Good." The Ghost King nodded, shoulders slumping so slightly that if Constantine wasn't looking, he wouldn't have seen it. "That is good. Yes. Good." The King slightly cleared his throat, grasping and ungrasping the pommel of his sword.
Silence echoed in the warehouse as the King seemingly looked for words to say.
"Would you..." He cleared his throat again, squaring his shoulders and standing up straighter. "Would you like to join me and Time for a meeting? It has been some time since you had last joined us." The King shifted slightly before adding. "Of course, if you're busy you do not have too."
"Sure." Phantom said, rolling back and forth in the air as he hummed. "Been a while since we've had some family time-"
"Family time?" Constantine caught someone-who he thinks was Green Lantern-say. He was just as bewildered.
"And if Time sent you here then it must be important." Danny paused before shrugging. "Or maybe not, can never know with him. But yea, sure. I'll come."
"Wonderful." The Ghost King smiled. Smiled. At Phantom. "Then I shall. Leave. Now. To do. Things. Yes. Things." The summoning circle flashed a familiar green, the same green when the King was first being summoned. "Goodbye, ward."
"You can call me son, you know."
The King paused for a moment, blinking slowly before hesitantly nodding.
"Then goodbye. Son."
The circle flashed and just like that. The king was gone.
"Kid. What the fuck." Whoever said- okay wait no that was Constantine, him. But yea fuck it he agrees with himself. "What the fuck." He repeated.
Phantom, the brat, only gave him a shit eating grin and a peace sign before disappearing on the spot.
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taygra5shaon · 5 months
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he taste like shit. 🩸
Fix-it AU
one comment made me think what would happen if Astarion brought my Durge to Cazaldor before the main story.
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thats what The Leg Thing Mod on Nexus looks
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juusbox · 11 months
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first impressions
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wellen-katze · 5 months
Lost passions - bg3 comic ascended Astarion / spawn Astarion, darkUrgeTav
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I hope you enjoyed! And a shout out to the bg3 cosplay community. Your creations are just stunning!
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avenananana · 5 months
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I feel safe with you
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baku-usagi · 2 years
In death sacrifice
Blackwall fic!
contents: they day warden Blackwall is reborn and Thom is buried.
(authors note. Just wanted to write more content, wanted to write how I imagine this went down.)
It was a change of thinking.
A slow but sure shift in how he referenced himself. 
Dying slowly was Thom Rainier, Just like the body of the Warden constable, a man who’s eyes even in death seemed to pierce through him with empathy, and something else it would take Blackwall years to recognize as hope.
The storm coast lived true to its name and never stopped raining. That day had been much the same. Lighter than normal with the suns rays occasionally breaching through clouds like cotton curtains over a window 
The older warden had laughed and told stories of his time slaying dark spawn, and his second hand stories he’d heard of the hero of Ferelden.
Blackwall, then still Thom, hadn’t spoken as much, but had felt lighter than he had in years moving toward a goal that held honor, being part of something bigger than himself. 
“Now, Just like the hero, you have to go and collect dark spawn blood for the first part of the ritual, fret not, I’ll be close behind.” the older man had given him a slow wink, and Thom had let out a small laugh. 
“I know you can handle yourself with a blade” the warden said softly, “but blight sickness can get you if you’re careless, so we go together” he extended a hand and Thom took it, being pulled in slightly as the warden Blackwall jerked there hands in a shaking motion, a feeling of comfort for Thom.
“We’ll see you a proper warden, son”
The entrance to the deep roads felt cold, even before setting foot inside,and the smell was foul.
Thom walked in with no fear now. His cowardice before had caused suffering, this was his chance to be reinvented, and he would gladly pursue the machinations to get there.
He paused to rustle out a torch, which he lit, hearing Blackwalls tinder box click in unison with his own. 
“Together then”
He couldn’t remember anymore if it had been him, or the real warden who’d spoken the words, but they had ventured forth into the dark, lighting each other's way.
Thom knew it could take hours to get deep enough to find dark spawn, but it wasn’t more than ten minutes in, that the warden paused.
“Something isn't right, I sense something- stand ba-” before he could finish Thom watched An Ogre come barreling out of the shadows. It was huge, bigger than he could have imagined, its eyes wild and angry, so very angry. 
It crashed into the warden, knocking the breath from him.
“Warden Blackwall, no!” Thom had cried out, even as he raised his weapon to follow.
He heard the warden take a deep raggedy breath in and cry “It’s -an an-ambush, Get out!’
Thom wanted to argue but heard the clattering of armor and the awful chittering and groaning of more darkspawn just ten feet back.
He turned in time to catch the blade of a Hurlock on his shield, he dropped his shield arm, causing the beast's own driving force to push it forward stumbling, giving Thom the chance to pivot stance, and lop its head off. The dark cursed blood splattered, and in its mist another dark spawns blade came lashing out. 
“Warden!” he called again. Hearing the clattering of blades out of eyesight.
He blocked again, and then again as two more blades jolted into his shield, feeling the force jam his bones.
He Braced, stabbing out from behind his shield, he felt contact with one and some of the pressure on his shield relieved for a moment.
He peered up past his shield at a Hurlock snarling at him from the other side, before watching a beautiful silverite sword slash through the creature's head from ear to jaw. The warden looked injured and angry. 
“Get out, that's an order boy!” 
Thom wanted to protest but the tenacity in the man's eyes silenced him, 
He went to block an oncoming blade, but the warden had moved before Thom had even seen the swing.
A moment of silence passed, only a second or two he was sure, but it felt like forever as he watched the warden turn in slow motion to catch the next blade.
Thom turned and ran, fear gripping him, but not as much as the choke hold that he was still a coward even now. 
By the time he got to the entrance of the cave it was pouring heavier than before, and he stumbled out into its cold embrace, feeling it mingle with his sweat and choke out his heavy breaths.
He stood holding his knees to catch his breath, sword resting in his palm against his thigh.
He looked back over his shoulder, debating to go back, but feeling the fear hold his legs.
“Warden!” he called finally, feeling an odd sense of hysteria bite at his voice. 
“Warden Blackwall!”
There was silence, and Thom sank to his knees, facing the cave mouth.
 He should get help, but he was instead watching his mens horrified faces as the hands of murdered children lulled from the rubble of the carriage.
His breathing sounded like whimpers, heavy and burdened with the attempt not to cry.
“Oh maker” he whispered. 
“Off your knees!” he heard the warden's voice, the older man wounded and limping out with a coy smile. “You didn’t think they’d take me that easy did you?” “Oh maker!” he gasped again, rushing to his feet to hold steady the wounded man.
“Not often I get ambushed like that” when the warden spoke his words were heavy and labored.
“Guess my age is catching up with me. I’ll hear the call soon I’m sure.” 
He said it light, halfheartedly but Thom felt his heart sink.
“C’mon old man. You’ve still got some fight in you. Not often you get rammed by an ogre and survive, right?”
He offered, his face remaining pinched with effort as they worked their way up the hill.
“It happens more than you’d think” he wheezed a laugh. 
They sat at the top of a hill, breathing heavily.
“maker , we will have to try that later,” Blackwall smiled, still gripping his sword.
“Aye, I suppose we will” Thom managed to smile back.
“You still sure about wanting to be a warden? Not that you’ve a choice but-” the old man gave him another slow wink. 
Thom laughed a real laugh now. “I ran! Like a coward and you still want me for the role?” 
“No, you watched me get rushed by an ogre and you drew your blade.” 
The silence hung for a moment. “You followed orders when you turned and we both lived for it” 
The words were so authoritative Thom barely noticed himself nodding.
He closed his eyes for a moment, resting his forehead to the back of his hand, and as he looked up the world stopped.
Blackwall had a sword piercing through his shoulder, pushing through the armor. 
Slow motion again as the Alpha Hurlock behind him pulled the sword out. 
The hurlock was severely wounded, black blood oozing between his teeth as he snarled at both of them.
Blackwall fell forward and Thom tried to stand, a scream tearing from him. 
The Hurlock raised his blade again, and Thom knew he wouldn’t make it to his feet in time, he could feel the prickle of the cut to come, trying to raise his shield.
Everything stopped. 
Blackwall had moved between Thom and the Darkspawn without either noticing, the sword through his chest this time, but his sword through the Hurlocks throat.
“Warden no! Oh maker no” Thom caught his body as it fell, kicking away the corpse of the last dark spawn.
Blood pooled metallic, thin and sticky into Thoms hands. He could see Blackwall trying to speak, the fire and kindness in his eyes burning into Thom.
He cried now, tongue heavy in his mouth. 
As Blackwall slipped away Thoms dreams of a better purpose, of redemption, slipped with him.
And in the mud and the blood Thom was once again a killer and a coward. 
 He rested his head on the older man's body and wept in frustration for a moment before trying to gather himself. 
He paced in the rain, “You stupid old man! It should have been me!” he yelled, unable to hold the corpse's gaze.
“I should be dead here, not you, Maker not you!” 
He stifled another frustrated yell, shakily slicking back his hair.
“I should be..”he paused. 
“I Can be.” he managed to choke to himself, half hysterical. A good man like Blackwall deserved to live, Thom could carry the legacy, Thom could lay down Rainier, and pick up the mantle of Blackwall, not just the name, but the kindness, the honor, the hope.
And so it was a change of thinking. A slow shift in how he referenced himself. 
There was some day he lived the lie so well he forgot Thom ever existed. 
He forgot the bleeding corpse in the storm coast wasn't his own failed recruit.
This, he knew, could be his redemption. This he knew could be his hope.
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tsrmarina · 7 months
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Sketched the new scene for a future artwork with Lord Astarion and the Court of Vampire Spawn ✍️🧛
Baldur's Gate 3 and Dark Fantasy 🖤
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insolitus-academy · 1 year
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♚ // Face Claim Full name Face Claim: Seo Yea-ji Group/Band/Occupation: Actress Nationality: Korean Faceclaim age: 33 ♚ // Character ; Basic information Quote: Rome wasn’t built in a day – but it burned in one. Full name character: [literally translated from their native tongue] Babylon the Great Nickname: None. Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): demon realm named Niaxevar [translates to Skeletal Valley in human tongues] Age: Unknown/unrecorded Date of Birth: Unknown/unrecorded [during the inception of Niaxevar] Gender: Gender-fluid Preferred Pronouns: They, them Race: Demon Sexual Orientation: Pansexual/Aromantic What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Niaxevarian (native), native-level of any human language ♚ // Character ; Appearance Skin Color: Fair Eye color: Green [brown in current vessel] Scars: None visible to the naked eye [a slit from the neck to the abdomen visible in their ‘true form’ to non-humans] Piercings: None Tattoos: None Hair color: [true form] Fiery ginger; [current vessel] Black Abnormalities: NoneHorns/ wings/ etc.: None Transformed form: None
♚ // Character ; Personality Six personality traits: Extroverted, ambitious, deceptive, manipulative, patient, hedonistic Likes: wine, wintertime, horseback riding, blue roses, accessories Dislikes: cheap dining places, extremely hot temperatures, hunters or priests or both (naturally), anything pumpkin-flavored, narrow spaces. Manias: Not really, if you exclude the tendency to find and drive absolutely mad at least one poet per century. Phobias: Not a fear, but they really, truly dislike narrow places. Animal: Crow. Religion: N/A Favorite song: Leonard Cohen – You want it darker Vice: Wrath Virtue: Diligence Personality description: Babylon has an oppressive and overwhelming energy: they are callous, yet, paradoxically, soothing.  Although they are Niaxevar’s ancient evil, Babylon is, however, nowhere near as fickle as, for instance, the realm’s highest and finest ranks.Mystery considers themselves a much worse fate. They leave the blood and gore to others, and resort to temptation and corruption. Interestingly, however, Babylon’s stance toward mortal creatures, human or not, has been much more forgiving. Blaming their ill-fate to unknown forces is often their forte, Babylon has noticed, and what philosophy would be more suitable for Babylon to agree with? ♚ // Character ; Powers Magical Powers:Soul Corruption – This ability affects the majority of creatures, wherein humans are unable to resist it, while non-humans can resist to varying levels (most with a great deal of success). This is a passive ability, which means Babylon technically doesn’t control it. It means that any human-mortal soul that spends time around Babylon ends up succumbing to their darkest desires, whereas other creatures feel similar effects (that typically translates to occasional unease, an itch you can’t seem to scratch, long-forgotten desires and wishes unsurfaced, etc.), though are able to keep their soul intact. In essence, humans tend to either go fully mad and perish, or they go to the darkest depths of their souls and succumb to a life of crime and wickedness (thus losing their soul). Non-humans are inconvenienced and tempted at best. Mimicry – This is another passive ability that allows Babylon to imitate any spoken language of the people they live around.Biokinesis – Babylon’s only 'active’ ability allows them to manipulate livings things like plants and animals around them on a molecular level. It can be thought of 'transfiguration’, meaning these things won’t be destroyed, just 'changed’. The ability does not affect humans or non-humans, much to Babylon’s dismay. Possession – (semi-active) – the ability to possess a body and use it as a vessel.Non-magical Powers:Aside from enhanced senses, Babylon is quite skilled at sword and/or knife fighting. Weaknesses:Holy Grounds – Babylon cannot enter consecrated grounds of any religion. Devil traps – While regular 'demon traps’ can’t hold them, more sophisticated ones can. Exorcism – As any demonic creature, Babylon can be exorcised ♚ // Character ; The Teacher / Staff Class they teach: Ancient Runes Teaching style: Laid back Previous teaching experience: Technically none, but Babylon has tutored humans and magical creatures alike in the past ♚ // Character ; The PastDate of Birth: UnknownDate of Death: N/ACrime Record: Too many to count.Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past?NoBackground:[The following is a collection of excerpts from texts—either translated or in the original language. The oldest of the scripts is as of yet undated and it was penned by an unknown author, whereas the rest have been taken from undated letters, diary entries and re-told stories, penned by other largely unknown writers, with the exception of an Italian monk by the initials of F.L in the 12th century, then in the 18th century an English-born sailor with the initial W.S, as well as by a young Turkish poetess who wrote under the name of Hatice, roughly in late 19th century] ooc warning: mis-gendering is present in the bio. One. Once upon a time, there was- That is at least how the stories of our forefathers and mothers used to begIn; once upon a time, far removed from the ones we exist in presently. Yes, it’s the most befitting opening for the creations of our imagination. But, this is no story - but a warning: warning to all those who choose to read this story which my grandmother told me. Perhaps, if you look away now - you won’t burn.At a time when mankind knew no concept of the divine there existed—in the wake of a marvellous explosion—another world. This world, where chaos reigned supreme, was not much different than ours. Its residents were fickle, fiery, charming, and conniving. Their rulers, unlike ours, were imperfect, much like their creation.It is said the these demonic rulers resided within the darkest corners of that world, shrouded in the original darkness that they’d spawned from. The demons, consisting of three brothers, two sisters, and a sixth of whom few dare to speak, were an ambitious bunch, and selfish in their allocation of power. The youngest assumed to be named Babylon, who’d been tasked with maintaining the balance of the Original Darkness, had been promised an equal share of their realm, and a seat at the table of her siblings. But to keep that seat, Babylon - who’d been rebellious by nature - had to dutifully perform this task, day after day, century after century.Yet, it wasn’t enough. For Babylon, whose hunger for power expanded eternally, it’d never suffice. And when she asked for what was promised, time and time again, she was denied. And so, Babylon came to an understanding: if she couldn’t have the world, no one could.What happened next was a series of catastrophic events leaving this unknown world in utter desolation. The demon rulers, who were unable to stop it, hurried to salvage what was possible. Fearing Babylon’s might, the eldest executed a most cruel punishment: severing the youngest in half, he separated Babylon’s spiritual darkness from the corporeal one. The demons then left, leaving with Babylon’s essence and locking it away where, it was hoped, she’d never find it again. Half-destroyed and severely weakened, Babylon was thus forced into a nomadic life, in search of her other half - of her spirit, haunting one world after another in her wretched quest. Two. Babylon was some of the most extraordinary creatures I’d ever had the opportunity to meet. And if it hadn’t been for my brother’s selfishness and my mother’s generosity, perhaps I never would have. Be as it may - truly, how spectacular they are. The stories they have told me have opened my eyes to the corruption within not just the walls of this house - but within the fabric of our declining community. I can see it all, more clearly when they are around, but I can see it: the decadence, the immorality, the utter absence of shame and the fear of God. Oh, how do these people not fear Him?Sometimes, when I go to bed at night, I can see Babylon. I can see their stunning green eyes and the shine of their fiery hair. I can hear their voice whispering the secrets of the world around me, showing it to me for what it really is: a wicked desolate place crawling with people that must be removed. Starting from my family. Ending with me. Three. My brother Mehmet has recently made a new friend. I can’t remember the friend’s name, though I am confident it may start with an I or a B. In any case, I’m not in any way impressed by this man. He is much too tall, nothing but skin and bones and just enough flesh to act as a cushion. I dislike his light eyes especially - and I’m not exactly sure why. Nevertheless. I wouldn’t be writing this if something out of the ordinary hadn’t happened. And I’m writing this so that I can look at it later, with a clearer mind. I had a dream about Mehmet’s friend. It was a bizarre dream in which I was in a different, darker world. A wasteland across which I walked for eternity, only to find, in the middle of this desert a throne - and upon the throne was Mehmet’s friend, adorned in a golden and purple attire, with a broken crown in his bloodied hands. [the rest of the diary entry lost] Four. Babylon was like a religious icon - someone you’d sacrifice yourself for. Lovely-eyed, with an unspeakable hunger that no one could satiate, they craved for what was theirs, for what was promised: The Universe. And so, as they turned to face those—myself included—who dared to inquire about their identity and who would soon regret asking, they showed a smile that could devour the world, and asked: Are you ready to burn with me? ♚ // Roleplayer[ optional ]Time zone: GMT+2OOC! Triggers: NoneThemes/genres you like writing the most?: Dark fantasy, horror, slice of life, occasional splatterpunk
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kiivg · 9 months
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.Ambush Ahead ⚔️.
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thechaoticdruid · 8 months
AsTaRiOn Is A sUbBy BoTtOm
Hmmm......I don't believe you.
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This man is always trying to pin me down.
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hbpseverus · 1 month
"he knew more curses when he arrived at school than half the kids in seventh year!" and it's just an awkward autistic 11 year old and his special interest that happened to be the dark arts
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yeoldtrashcollector · 8 months
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radiance1 · 1 year
Pariah Dark is summoned to the DC universe by cultists who want to give the world over to him, he obliges in their request since he'll get something out of it, and he hasn't been out in ages as well.
So Pariah Dark raises his army of the dead and gets to work, his general isn't here with him but he would do fine without him, couldn't be that hard.
Besides, said general is occupied with a task of the utmost importance.
A few days into this siege Pariah is surprised at how much of a fight this world is putting up, that 'Justice League' of theirs is proving a fair more challenge than he would have though and since when did humans know the arcane secrets of magic?
It was a few more days later that Pariah Dark is about to face off against the league and their magic users that something unexpected happened. A teenage boy appeared on the battlefield, glowing white hair and starry cloak billowing in the wind as he stood before the Ghost King in all his glory.
Only to groan and tell him to come home already and that he promised not to do his whole 'enslaving worlds' thing. Pariah Dark, the Ghost King known as a tyrant and cruel, wilting under the boy's stare and actively seemed to be considering it, before confusion appeared on his face and he asked where his general was.
Kid just held up one side of his cloak and Fright Knight popped right out as if summoned, which, technically he was.
So then the kid forced the notorious Ghost King back to the Infinite Realms with a stare and words dripping in disappointment before turning back to the heroes gathered there with a sigh.
"I know father can be a bit... rough, so please accept my apologies for this." He bowed, all the regal air and dignity of a prince before leaving through the same portal as his dad.
The magic users of the League are both not and are taking it well. One on hand, the goddamn Ghost king apparently has a son, on the other he's not as bloodthirsty as his father.
(After thought. But bonus points if Fright Knight appears too one of the batkids after Danny left and telling them that the prince thought they were cute or something idk mane just an after thought)
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