#staff or teacher
insolitus-academy · 5 months
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♚ //  Face Claim
Full name Face Claim: Christopher Bahng
Group/Band/Occupation: Stray Kids
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim age: 25
  ♚ // Character ;  Basic information
  Quote: In the calm, deep waters of the mind, the wolf waits. F.T. McKinstry
  Full name character: Chan Awoo Lykos
Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Korean
Age: 25
Date of Birth:October 3 1997
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Werewolf
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Expert
♚ // Character ; Appearance
  Skin Color: Pale
Eye color: Mixed eyes, right eye dark blue iris, left black iris
Scars: Cut along his eye right, faint fighting scars on his body, one long scar down the spine of his back that is covered with a tattoo of the phases of the moon. 
Piercings: Nose stud, both ears, and helix 
Tattoos: Spine tattoo, duck behind left arm above elbow
Hair color: Black
Transformed form: Midnight black wolf
  ♚ // Character ; Personality
  Six personality traits: Protective,Sociable, Absentminded, Earthy, Mellow, Trusting
Working out
Being Alone
Being inside for too long
Animal haters
Hunters (Animal Hunters)
  Manias: Working out
Phobias: Being alone
Animal: Dog
Religion: No
Favorite song: EXO 엑소 ‘늑대와 미녀 (Wolf)’ MV (Korean Ver.) 
Vice: Sloth
Virtue: Charity
  Personality Description:
Lykos is a happy pup. He loved nature and living amongst his pack and other animals. He was a tree hugger like any other animal. He loved listening to the sounds around him while simply lying on the ground. 
  Lykos wasn’t the smartest crayon in the box. His mindset was very animalist at all times, hunt, eat, play, love, and protect. Which is still strong on his mind even in adulthood. On a day-to-day, his wolf resides in a plane in his mind even when he’s in human form only taking over during the full moon. He didn’t like giving his wolf full control over his mind or body but they happily coexist.
  Spending so much time in the forest Lykos picked up many hobbies, his mom called him a bull in a china shop because he loved crafting miniature things. He taught himself how to whittle wood and make jewelry out of the things he found in the woods, and how to hunt gems from the river rocks. He is also naturally athletic, running and hunting come easy to him and his wolf. He trust people easily and tries to see the best in them. 
  He like to think running can help anyone mood, he like to run his problems away. He thought he had to become stronger being a gym bro also took over his personality, he had to be strong, lift the most weight, do the most pushups, run the fastest, and hunt the most deer. Two complete opposites but while he loved crafting he learned to love strength training. 
  ♚ // Character ; Powers
  Magical Powers: 
  -Increased strength 
-Increased senses (smell, sight)
  Non-magical Powers:
  -Crafting (Woodwork, Jewelry making)
-Shifting - After the full moon he becomes weak and energy is totally drained 
-His animal instincts
  ♚ // Character ; The Teacher / Staff
Class they teach: Sexual Health Education, Run 101
Teaching style: Laid Back
Previous teaching experience: First time teaching 
  ♚ // Character ; The Past
  Date of Birth: October 3 1997
  Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past?
  Deep in the woods of the Jeji islands, where it was mostly inhabited lived a pack of wolves. A small pack that has lived on the island for generations, living off the land with very little contact to the ‘outside world’. Hunting for meat, building their own homes, and skinning animals to make their clothes. A very primal bunch. That was until a couple of years ago with the deforestation of the land revealed the pack to the more modern society. The elders of the pack stayed back in what was left of their wolf-built villages while the children were whisked off to school due to societal laws.  
  Lykos had an easy life, living in the woods where to him nothing but nature and his family meant something to him. He grew up in a metaphorically white picket fence house. A mom and dad who loved each other until what would seem like the end of time. They loved each other so much they popped out a whopping 9 kids and Lykos was lucky number 5. 
  Living with his family in the Lykos never left the watchful eyes of his parents or brothers and sisters. With 4 brothers and 4 sisters, Lykos was well-loved. His family had a normal pack dynamic, with Dad being the head of the household and his mom the gatherer taking care of all the pups while the men hunted for food and of course the breadwinner. 
  They weren’t rich by any means but they had what they needed.
  But Lykos was different growing up he was smaller than the other pups, as a male he should have been bigger than the women in his life but he just wasn’t. Lykos and his wolf grew at a slower rate than everyone he knew. It didn’t fly with his dad at all. That’s when Lykos began to hate his body. “How can you  protect your family if you’re tiny? A real wolf should stand tall against other wolves around him” Words swirled around his brain of his thoughts that came from his father and mother. 
  Then came his obsession with the gym, day in and day out he would spend any time he wasn’t at at the gym lifting weights or running in the forest. The older he got the more his body changed, the muscles filling out his body. He could see how proud his parents were in their eyes but even being bigger and stronger didn’t help Lykos, he should be bigger, stronger. He thought getting bigger would help his ego, being stronger would make him a stronger leader of his family. While it helped him physically, it wasn’t who he was. 
  As a teenager Lykos knew he liked men, he worried about telling his parents but mostly his dad. But they were close so he knew he could go to them and talk to them about anything. So that’s exactly what he did, they were surprisingly understanding. They didn’t care who he pined for but without missing a beat his mother gently reminded Lykos that he was still to marry a she-wolf and have pups. 
  That’s the moment Lykos became scared. Being a werewolf was sacred and closed society, they see themselves as superior beings. They had to keep their bloodline pure. The most important thing in his family was to continue on the generations no matter what, his family tree while sometimes resembling a spider web was still easily followed because of the sacred lineage. It went as far as wolf siblings matting together to keep the bloodline pure. His older sister and brother were married off together and so far had 2 pups. It had nothing to do with love (although they did love each other as siblings) but more about procreation. His own mother’s first husband was her brother who sadly passed to a hunter before she was able to have a pup. His mom was then married off to Lykos father and they continued to have kids together. 
  Lykos was to be married off to a she-wolf from another pack because they were similar ages back in his mom’s hometown Jeoluml South Korea. He couldn’t even disagree or leave kicking and screaming no matter how much he wanted to. He knew it was what he had to do, it was like a business transaction. It was his first time away from his family. So off he went to meet his betrothed she-wolf ‘Hei’. She was pretty and he thought she was sweet, that was until she found out that Lykos liked men. He assumed she would be just as understanding as his parents but he was deathly wrong, Hei was disgusted, he was thrown out like a wet dog with insults hurled at him. 
  Back home his parents were not happy. He should have kept that part of him a secret but they promised to find him a more understanding wife, maybe even a lesbian. But he didn’t want that, he wanted to be with someone he loved, even if it wasn’t another wolf. Voicing his opinion was the worst idea, they demanded Lykos come back home where they could knock that idea out of his head. 
  Lykos didn’t want to go back home there was no way, no matter how much it hurt being away from his pack he couldn’t do it. So he stayed but he had nowhere to go, he wasn’t welcomed in Hei’s pack. He was a stray. 
  If he didn’t come back the elders of the pack threatened to ban him. He didn’t want to be controlled by other people, he didn’t care about the werewolf race and continuing the lineage. So he refused to return, and yapped about creating a new life for himself. He was free. 
  At the begining he stayed in the forest not sure where to go or what to do. It wasn’t until he heard a group of people running towards him. On high alert he was ready to attack only to realize it was a group of runners on a ‘scenic run’. like a dog who’s owners just came home Lykos got excited and joined in on the run. 
  Lykos wanted to join the running team so he followed them, all the way back to the university. He easily passed for a student and started going to classes. It didn’t take the school long to find out about him being a stowaway but he convinced the headmaster that he could bring the track team all the gold metals which is exactly what he did. 
  After enrolling in college and picking his major as well as his classes…the whole time what he thought was bodybuilding was actually Body 101. It wasn’t until halfway through the semester and hand raised question of ‘why aren’t we lifting any weights?” did he realized -only after he was told- that body 101 isn’t about working out but in fact general health of the body.
  He enjoyed the classes anyways and continue until he got a degree. But it still wasn’t enough for him, he felt alone and Lykos was never one to be a loner.  He soon met a friendly elder who understood what Lykos was going through. The elder told him about a forest near a grand academy that might have a pack that would take him in. So again off he went. 
  ♚ // Roleplayer
[ optional ]
  Time zone: GMT-5
  OOC! Triggers: Writing about parents passing
  Themes/genres you like writing the most?: All
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r-aindr0p · 6 months
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the wotr creatures
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 86
Let it be said that someone breaking into Arkham Asylum was not something anyone was expecting. And let it be said that if one was to ever try it, they all- guards, residents, and doctors alike- would think they would be breaking in to break someone out. 
They are not in fact, expecting a child to be running through the halls giggling with everyone failing in catching him. Someone catch the child before he gets hurt or somehow makes it to the isolation ward! The joker is in there!
Danny is honestly having fun. Ms. Arkham- Gotham’s own Gatekeeper and daughter- is really fun! Sure he’d rather she not view the people within her walls as dolls and playthings, but he supposes she’s not exactly harming anyone. And honestly she could hold on tighter to a few of them to prevent them from escaping in his opinion. 
But he’s here to spend time with his new ghostly Aunt, not judge her, so he’s going to get the whole tour! Secret tunnels you say? Oh, a graveyard, inside your walls? That’s amazing! Isolation ward? Ah, where the naughty dolls go, makes sense! 
Well of course he wants to see it, lead the way! 
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
Good Pup ☆ One Shot
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☆Mean!Sciences Proffesor!Divus Crewel x College Freshman!Fem!Reader:
After seeing you excel in his class, Professor Crewel interest had peeked. You were not from this world, and your academic knowledge was far too different from what was taught here, too different for it to be considered fair for you to study such material at the college level, a lost cause, he thought at first. And yet, he couldn't help but feel proud as you quickly rose to become one of the top students in his class. One day after potionology you had forgotten your textbook behind, and being the great teacher that Divus Crewel is, he ought to give back to you. After looking around for a bit, then spotting in a hallway talking with your friends, he happens to overhear about your secret thoughts on him…
Based on this ask and poll.
Warnings: Mature Content, Swearing/Explicit Language, Spanking(of ass, thigh, and pussy, by hand and pointer), Choking(on dick lol), degrading names, pet play ig?(just names like pup, dog and mutt but not anything else in that area). READER IS A COLLEGE FRESHMAN AS NCR IS ONE IN THIS FIC SO THEY ARE AT LEAST 18, CREWEL IS CANONICALLY 32 SO KEEP THAT IN MIND BEFORE ENGAGING.
Note: This is sort of a remake of ‘Personal Training’ but instead of Professor Vargas, it’s our dear sadistic Divus Crewel. Like a different Au, so the encounter between reader and professor Vargas didn’t happen here. Also why are all the proffesror mean you may ask, well the answer is quite simple… I like to bullied by authority figures/people in charge and those fics self indulgence ����✌️. Also for future request, if not precise what type of behaviour you want for the love interest, i will default to writing mean!dom!character or pervy!dom!character cuz that’s i like lol.
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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Ever since starting classes at NCR Wonderland, you felt off about begin your academic journey as a college Freshman. Sure you were the right age for it, but wasn’t it a bit to much of an ask to start with college courses, especially with most of the mediums being different from your world? But at last you had no choice but sucking it up, working harder than any other student in your year to keep up. Though you did enjoy some of the classes, just because they had familiar concept. Magic analysis was like any other analysis class you had taken before the topic was just different, you also had music which was the same as back home, and of course there was Potionology…
That class was your beacon of hope each week. You genuinely enjoyed it, not only because it resembled chemistry, making the 'laboratory process' easier to grasp, but it was also the only class where you could actually use magic! The mixtures you created could do things you could only dream of in your world. Moreover, making such complex and potent elixirs made you feel useful. You felt competent with this world's materials because of it, even if Crowley didn't find a way for you to return home, you possibly could get around. Of course, there was another tiny reason why you loved the class so much, actually it was a pretty significant one. Even in your own thoughts, you couldn't deny that you were practically drooling at your professor each time you entered his classroom.
But how could you resist? That man was incredibly hot, smoking even. And his voice, god! It was undeniably sexy. Plus, the way he addressed you was so appealing: Generally, he would call you a 'pup', 'good girl' or 'good dog' when you did something right or answered a question correctly. He'd say 'bad dog' or 'bad girl' if you made a mistake.
He would also refer to himself as your trainer, at some point asking of you and Grim to address him as "O Great Crewel" or "Master/Master Crewel" instead of "Professor Crewel", as a form of discipline.
And fuck was that hot, honestly that was the primary reason you worked so diligently in his class. Hearing his praise and being able to call him "Master" only served to fuel your fantasies.
You wondered how he could discipline you in a more 'physical' way. Would he use his pointer or his hands on your thighs and ass when spanking you? Would he continue to use the usual nicknames, or would he resort to degrading names like 'slut', 'whore', ‘needy bitch in heady’ or perhaps 'greedy pup'? The curiosity from it was driving you mad, to the point where you even considered pulling your panties to the side and touch yourself at the sound of his voice, as taught class unbeknownst to it all.
Naturally, you wouldn't actually do it. After all, even if your noises didn't give you away, the smell certainly would. (You were certain the beastman in your class would detect something like that.) However, there was a certain allure in to the scenario.
Perhaps a classmate would inform your professor, leading to a public reprimand. You picture your professor criticizing your behavior while you stand in an embarrassing position for all to see. Your skirt would lifted and he would be abusing your behind, probably edge you during the spend of the whole lesson. Then right before the bell rang, he would touch your sweet spot one last time, and right around his fingers you would squir-
Oh, right, the bell. Class had just ended. You snapped back to reality and turn to your friends. From their expressions, it's clear they've been trying to get your attention for a while.
Hastily gathering your things, stuff them into your backpack, and follow your friends out of the classroom. Unbeknownst to you, the potionology textbook you need for tonight's homework is left behind on your desk.
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You soon reach the hallway where you and your friends usually sat at a break. It's lunchtime, and as per your routine, you start your daily rant about your professor to Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, and Sebek. Grim is also there, but as always, he is so focused on his food that he isn't paying attention.
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Meanwhile, Divus was getting ready to head to the teachers' lounge to enjoy his lunch when he noticed the Potionology textbook on your desk.
Even if he didn't know where you sat during class time, he could tell that it belonged to you by the fact that it had small pawprint stickers surrounding your name on the book’s bridge. The memory of you telling him that customizing the book that way was the best resurfaced. After all you were a "good pup, so why not add the paw prints to match the statement.”, you had told him when he inquired about the decorations.
That comment made him chuckle, which brought a bright grin to your face. While it's true that he would refer to his students by such names, at no point in his career did a student use the term to address themselves. To be honest, he finds it cute that you adore the name that most of your peers detested. You simply smile and giggle anytime he uses it to compliment you, and you pout like a real puppy when he corrects you. ‘Truly adorable.’
He actually liked you. Regardless of how your entourage behaved, you were an excellent student who did not cause any problems. You paid attention in class and worked really hard to achieve the highest grades not only in his class but in others, but it appeared to him that you were more interested in the course that he taught compared to the rest. In non-magical courses, you received an average of 70-80, and your sciences marks were in the 90s, slightly higher grades.
Divus also liked how, despite the restricted male uniform, you had altered the uniform to be more fashionable with the consent of the headmaster. Instead of the dull pants that came with it, you wore a skirt that was little longer than mid-thigh but did not reach the knee. It was elegantly embroidered with a swirly thorn pattern, and you wore stockings to match it. A work of art in the man's eyes, which made you even more favourable to him; he adored when someone had a true sense of fashion.
Despite your puppy-like demeanour when he spoke to you, there was a gleam in your eyes, a lustful one at that. You looked at him as if you wanted him to bend you over your desk that very instant, practically eye fucking him throughout the lecture. You may not realize that he noticed, but as a desirable man, he was highly aware of such things. He observed as you unconsciously rub your thighs together, while he chewed you up for a small error; he 'was expecting better from such a bright girl like yourself, this was extremely disappointing'.
Even though he kept it to himself, attempting to maintain professionalism, him still being your teacher and all. Maybe you weren't as horny as he believed, just slightly flustered by the charming way he addressed you, especially coming from a handsome man like himself. However, no matter how sweet you were, you couldn't fulfill his desires. He craved someone he could dominate and control, someone who to basically bully into submission. You were far too innocent and gentle for that. He assumed that if you did have any sexual thoughts about him, your fantasies would be quite vanilla in nature.
‘And oh, boy, was he wrong!’ That was his thoughts when he overheard the conversation between you and your friends, having finally reach the hallway you usually frequented, your potionology textbook book in hand.
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A bit earlier,
You and your friends had started eating and you were babbling;
“Okay, lisent, like hear me out-“ you begin,
“I am not hearing, YOU out. You’ve already said enough.” Sebek quickly retorts.
“Valid point, but, but think about it. Hot mean teacher disciplines you with a spanking while degrading you.” You suggest,
“NO!” Sebek tells you horrified.
"Come on, Sebek, don't be so ip tight. I may not be into that kinda of stuff, but Y/N has a point. I don't get the appeal, but Professor Crewel does fit her type.” Ace tells the distress crocodile.
“But he's a teacher, OUR teacher. I don't understand how people can have crushes on their teachers, but openly lusting for them should be prohibited! Also, not discussed like any other normal subject!” Sebek tells the card soldier.
“I agree with Sebek, you should keep such intimate thoughts to yourself.” Jack adds on,
“Ya say that but chur tail be waggin' like an exited puppy. It’s obvious ya like hearin' bout the naughty stuff from missy over there!” Epel comments.
“That’s not-“ Jack begins, but cuts himself off, like Epel said his tail was wagging crazy so he couldn’t deny anything. So “whatever!” was all he said, followed by a huff and a frustrated growl.
"Look, I'm not saying people should go out of their way to fuck their teachers; it's just that the man who potentially would fulfills all of my desires and fantasies happens to be my teacher. And, honestly, he must be aware that his nicknames and actions would turn some students.” You say to the group,
“What? How’s that?” Deuce questions.
“Come on, it's not like you can't go to NCR if you're into things like pet play or bdsm. He must have known that each year would have some students who fit that description. Don't tell me you thought he was completely clueless towards that?” You explain,
“Well when you put it like that, I guess Professor Crewel probably knows about it.” Deuce sorta agrees.
“He’s probably just ignoring it, pushing it to the back of his mind and pretending that it’s not real.” Ace comments,
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too. But at the end of day, the fact that he’s aware doesn’t change much, I still won’t get him to bend me over his desk” you say with a dramatic sigh, making both Epel and Ace laugh.
“Honestly even if there was some stellar chance that he could be into me, he’s probably in a relationship already. If he isn't married, he is most likely casually dating someone.” You add on.
“Yeah, too bad for ya!” Epel says with a snicker.
Unknown to you and your friend group, the same professor you were discussing was right around the corner, listening in on you thirsting over him.
And truthfully this was a shock to him. Sure he might have found you attractive, but also he had convinced himself that you couldn’t fulfill his desires. Now turns out both of your fantasies aligned, and he was going to make good use of that knowledge.
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Now heading towards your group the clacking sounds of Divus’s heels made all of you turn around. Some of their expression where terror, some confusion but Ace and Epel looked like they were holding in a laugh.
Clearing his voice, “Miss.L/n, just the person I was looking for. You had forgotten your potionology textbook in my class, so I went looking for youu in to hand it back, you wouldn’t want to miss tonight’s homework, now would you?” He told, as passed you the book.
“Oh, um, thanks professor Crewel!” You exclaimed a bit distraught, ‘did he hear what I’ve been saying or what?’
“Try again. You know that’s not the appropriate way to address me, now is it.” He states making you rethink your words,
“Right, sorry, Master Crewel...” You spoke out.
“That’s much better. Now come along pup.” He said as he turn around and started walking,
“What- why?” you ask confused. And he turns his head to gaze at you.
“Well isn’t it obvious, you and I got much to discuss. Do not question me anymore today, or any day for that matter. Stand up and follow me right now, otherwise you will suffer greater repercussions than I originally planned to make you endure.”
“Oh, okay.” You squeak out and grab your belongs, now trailing right behind your dear professor Crewel, ‘oh, right, O Great Crewel.’
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You returned to your classroom, Divus locked the doors behind you. He had been sitting at his laptop for the past 10 minutes. You were sitting on a chair, on the opposite side of your desk.
"I have magi-mailed your other professors, they have cleared your itinerary for the afternoon. Lucky for us, today was the one I had spares in the afternoon as well." He informs you.
"But if this talk was going to take a while, I could have just come back after class," you say.
"No, I must have a chat with you right this instant.” Divus replies.
You only nod, turning to gaze out of the window to ease your nerves. Of course he noticed, so he turned his lamp desk on, it was bright, then magically closed all the blinds. He moved from his seat to your side of the desk, resting on it as he looked down at you.
“Now, let’s start this talk. Do you know why I brought you here?” He inquires.
“I’m sorry sir I don’t know.” Honestly you weren’t sure maybe he overheard you or maybe this was about something else.
“Not don’t play coy pup.” He told you sternly,
“Perhaps my grades sir…” you croak out, barely above a whisper.
“I guess you decide to persevere in your bad dog act, stand up.” He tells you, sounding exasperated.
“Don’t make me repeat myself mutt!”
Without a word you did as you were, the suddenly felt a had push on your back, not protesting anymore you just expect your fate as you were now folded upon the wooden desk.
“Looks like your not completely hopeless, but that one time show of obedience won’t exempt you from your punishment.” He said, you felt a somewhat thin metallic object glide up your right leg, you guessed it was his pointer. “Spread” was all you heard before the words were followed by a swift whip of the pointer.
You were dazed by the feeling, not completely registering the given order. This seem to irritate Divus, as another strike came down, but this time you react right on impact, now having your legs nicely spread out. ‘Your head was slightly dizzy, was this going the way you thought it was?’
But before you could linger on that thought, you felt Divus's hands remove your panties from your hips, letting them drop to your ankles. Your ass and cunt were now exposed to him. You heard a little shuffling, then his soft breath was in your ear. "Listen, since I'm not going to say it twice. I overheard you being a little slut, talking to your friends about how much you want me to hurt you. So that's exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to discipline you to never forget how to address me, to never talk so lewdly in front of another man, and to make you incapable of living a functional life without me in it. Now, if you understand, say, ‘Yes, sir.’”
"Good. Now I'm going to spank you, and you must count after each hit and thank me for it, you may only address me as Sir or Master, if anything other than what I've instructed comes out of your mouth or you mess up the count, we'll start over and add 10 more strikes for you to go over. Also, you aren’t to touch me unless instructed otherwise.”
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By the time he reached strike 29, your bottom was a of deeper color than your regular skin tone, covered in marks and bruises. Your thighs were quivering from the constant impact of his hand on your sensitive areas. "Twenty-eight... Thank you, sir..." You panted heavily, biting down on your lower lip to suppress any further sounds of discomfort.
Crewel stopped suddenly, taking a moment to admire his work. He ran his fingers gently over your bruised ass cheeks, leaving trails of coolness where they brushed against your heated skin. "That’s wrong," he spoke out, a spank from his hand came down your ass this time. "You already said 28, this means we have to start over. But this time, we’re going up to 40."
You whimpered softly, your eyes widening in terror as you realized what this meant for your already sore ass. "N-No! Please, I apologize, sir! I'll count better!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears as Crewel resumed his merciless assault on your sensitive flesh. Each strike landed harder than before, leaving deep marks that would surely become bruises soon.
"One... Two... Three... Four..." Eventually, you reached number 40. The last blow sent waves of agony coursing through your entire body, and you let out a strangled cry. Tears trickled down your cheeks, streaming down your face as you struggled to catch your breath. "Thank you, sir..." You managed to choke out between heavy breaths.
After giving you a moment to recover, Crewel noticed the wetness between your legs and smirked cruelly. "You enjoyed that didn't you, filthy slut?" he growled, his voice lower than usual, almost seductive.
Grabbing hold of your waist and lifting you slightly before slapping your sensitive folds forcefully. The sudden contact caused a sharp gasp to escape your lips, followed by a moan of mixed pain and pleasure.
"What did you just say, mutt?" he demanded, his voice dripping with malice. "No, don't answer," he continued before continuing his barrage on your sensitive areas, alternating between your lips and clit, ensuring that you wouldn't forget this lesson anytime soon.
After several minutes of relentless punishment, he finally stop the smacking of your privates. Following it by cupping your dripping folds in his hand, rubbing them roughly, spreading your juices over your sensitive flesh.
Than bringing his fingers in view for you to see, sticky liquids all over them."You see how much you enjoy this, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
Your body had shook after every blow, your moans had turned into sobs as you struggled to maintain composure. Through tears and gasps for air, you managed to choke out between breaths, "Y-Yes, sir... I love it!" your tone was desperate, pleading for more even though your body ached in pain. You couldn't deny the intense pleasure mixed with the agony.
“That’s it," he praised, his voice dripping with false approval. Reaching between your spread legs once more, he inserted one finger into your tight entrance, stretching you further than you could with your own. Despite the pain, a soft moan escaped your lips involuntarily.
"Now, beg me to cum, you needy bitch in heat," he commanded gruffly, his tone harsh yet somehow erotic. Your mind was a mess of conflicting emotions; part of you begged for release, while another part of you wanted to defy him and deny him what he sought.
You forced yourself to focus on the burning sensation of his finger probing deeper into your sensitive core, trying hard not to move or squirm too Your your body ached everywhere from the brutal punishment you had endured thus far. "P-Please... sir... I need you to..." your voice trailed off as he thrust another finger inside you, stretching your even further.
"More, please!" you managed to croak out between gasps for air. Your hips involuntarily bucked against him, seeking more contact, more stimulation. Despite the pain, the combination of humiliation and arousal was becoming too much for you to handle.
Crewel chuckled darkly, enjoying the sight of you squirming and begging for more. Slowly, he began to move his fingers in and out of your tight entrance, teasing your sensitive spots with precise strokes. "Good," he praised again, his voice laced with malice. "Now, beg me for your orgasm properly."
Ultimately, survival instinct kicked in, and you forced out a broken plea, "Please, sir... I need to cum... Please..." your voice cracked on the last word, betraying both your desperation and submission.
His pace picked up slightly, thrusting faster and harder into your tight passageway. Your moans turned into high-pitched cries of pleasure as you neared the edge of ecstasy. Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he stopped abruptly, leaving you hanging on the brink of orgasm.
"Not yet, don’t tell me you thought you would get what you want that easily, did you?" he growled, his voice cold and commanding. "You haven't earned it yet." With a final taunt, he pulled out both fingers, leaving your dripping. "Clean yourself up, mutt," he ordered harshly, before turning away from your exposed body.
You were a mess, your body trembling in pre-orgasmic bliss and frustration. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you begged him through sobs, "P-Please, sir... I'll do anything... Just let me cum!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Divus turned back to you, grabbing you by your hair and making you drop to your knees in front of him. Reaching down, he unfastened his pants and slid them down, revealing his massive cock, hard and throbbing with desire through his boxer. It flapped against his stomach as pulled his garment down, it was veined and pulsing with need. "Much better," he said coldly. "Now, show me how much you want it."
Swallowing thickly, you raised your head and tentatively wrapped your lips around the tip of his member, taking as much of it into your mouth as you could without gagging. Your tongue flicked out, tracing the head of his cock, seeking more sensation. You began to suck greedily, your throat stretching around his thickness.
Divus groaned, his hands grasping your hair tightly as he began to thrust his hips forward, forcing more of his cock into your willing mouth. Your gagging and choking sounds only fueled his desire further. "That's a good mutt," he praised between heavy breaths. "You take my cock so well, you filthy dog."
You struggled to breathe as he continued his brutal assault on your throat, your eyes watering from the burn in your nose and throat. Despite the pain, you relish the feeling of being completely owned by him, your body becoming nothing more than a vessel for his pleasure. You moaned around his cock, hardly able to form coherent words between the constant thrusts.
As he continued to pound into your throat, your body shook with each powerful thrust. your hands reached up, grasping at his thighs for support as you struggled to keep him in your mouth. The combination of pain and pleasure was overwhelming, causing your mind to spiral into a hazy fog of desire.
Eventually, Divus slowed down, pulling out just enough for you to catch a brief moment of air before plunging back in deeper than before. "Are you ready for your reward, whore?" he growled, his voice low and menacing yet laced with promise.
Without waiting for a response, he unloaded his seed into your waiting mouth, filling it to the brim with hot, sticky semen. You gagged violently, struggling to swallow every drop, your eyes watering from the intensity of the sensation.
He held your head in place until his orgasm subsided, then pulled out, leaving your filled with his essence.
Your vision spun as you coughed and gagged, your body still trembling from the intense asphyxiation. Slowly, you felt your body being raised, finding yourself laying on Divus's desk, your legs folded and spread wide open, exposing your wet and swollen folds to his hungry mouth. Before you good connect 1 and 2 together, he was already between your legs, his tongue darting out to trace along your dripping entrance.
"Oh sevens..." you whimpered, arching your hips upwards, begging for more contact. Pulling away slightly, he teased your sensitive flesh with light touches before finally plunging his tongue deep inside your core, sucking and lapping at your juices voraciously. His fingers found your clit, pinching and rubbing it harshly, eliciting another moan of pleasure mixed with pain.
Your body trembled on the verge of orgasm once more, as he continued to torture your sensitive spots. Your nails scratched at the desk to avoid grabbing his head, you were sure you would get reprimanded for it, the wood was left with white lines shaky lines on it. "P-Please, sir... I need you to—!" you managed to choke out between gasps for air before you was cut off by a powerful moan.
Divus pulled away from your dripping folds, his face covered in your juices. "Mhm is that so," he growled, his voice dark and menacing. "Sadly for you, I don’t feel like letting you climax quite yet, you greedy pup." He teased.
Your body shook with frustration and need, your entire being aching for release. "P-Please... sir..." you begged pathetically, your voice barely more than a whimper. Hips bucking upwards, seeking more contact, more stimulation.
For what felt like a millennium, he continued to tease your sensitive spots, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy only to pull away just when you thought you could bear no more. Sweat trickled down your back, staining the cool surface of his desk beneath you.
Finally, feeling that it was enough, Divus thrust two fingers back inside your dripping entrance, simultaneously rubbing your swollen clit with his thumb. “Now cum.”
The combination of sensations was too much for you to handle, and you cried out in pure bliss as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over your. Your pussy contracted tightly around his fingers, cumming so hard to be able to see stars.
Smiling down at you, he gave your cunt a small peck. Crewel smirked cruelly yet something sweet behind his eyes. "Seems like you’re beginning to learn your place well, pup," he said before moving closer again, his lips brushing against yours roughly. His tongue forced its way into her mouth, claiming ownership over your mouth once more, as well as your mind. He tongues wrestled violently, your saliva mixing together in a sickening dance, tasting each other on the other’s tongue.
After breaking the kiss, he stood up straight, looking down at you battered form with satisfaction. "Now, go home and get yourself cleaned up. We're finished for today." With that command, he help her up and walk her out of the school building, trying to avoid anything prying eyes. At her professor was kind enough to accompany her out, but she was on her when it came to walking home.
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“See you on Saturday in my classroom, Miss. Y/n” was all he said as he turned and left for school once more. Leaving you alone to recover from the brutal punishment she had endured.
You only replied by a weak “See you sir”, but only when arrive at your door front did it click ‘Wait we don’t have class on the weekends, does that mean—‘
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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visenyaism · 6 months
gale managing his wizard classroom at wizard school: ah! students! just so you know i DO have an orb of potent netherese magic in my chest that used to be quite volatile. Probably best to stay on my good side and complete all of your homework, wouldn’t you think?
two wizard eighth graders in the back of the wizard classroom realizing they can make their teacher literally blow up if they fuck around enough:
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sapphicmuppet · 4 months
I’m sorry as of now in the series Jace Stardiamond they could never make me hate you. Bro has been so stressed this year literally let him be evil as a treat. He’s a single mom who works two jobs and loves his kids and never stops with gentle hands and the heart of a fighter. He’s a survivor.
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possiblyawesometmblr · 5 months
the faculty photo they take for the middle school yearbook:
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evelyn-art-05 · 5 months
forever grateful to the exam proctor who, not only let me step out for as long as I needed during the exam, but also sent me a message to check on me when I came back (for context it was an online zoom supervised test) AND continuously sent me encouraging and understanding messages whenever she noticed I was especially struggling
like,,, yeah, it might not seem like much, some could even say that she was distracting me or whatever, but the relief that I felt just from knowing someone, anyone, was looking out for me even when they had no reason to, was immense
she kept an eye on me for the whole test, and when I was done and I asked her if I could leave, she said that she was proud of me for making it the whole way through, and that I did a good job. I genuinely hope that she has a fantastic rest of her life because even though that was one of the worst tests I've ever taken, she made it so much more bearable
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bones4thecats · 3 months
I must ask you all this
Who is the hottest Twisted Wonderland dorm? All are on hand.
Now. Choose!
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Tbh a huge amount of the issues MHA has could have been fixed had Bakugo just been expelled from UA in the first season or not gotten in at all
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insolitus-academy · 1 year
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♚ // Face Claim Full name Face Claim: Seo Yea-ji Group/Band/Occupation: Actress Nationality: Korean Faceclaim age: 33 ♚ // Character ; Basic information Quote: Rome wasn’t built in a day – but it burned in one. Full name character: [literally translated from their native tongue] Babylon the Great Nickname: None. Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): demon realm named Niaxevar [translates to Skeletal Valley in human tongues] Age: Unknown/unrecorded Date of Birth: Unknown/unrecorded [during the inception of Niaxevar] Gender: Gender-fluid Preferred Pronouns: They, them Race: Demon Sexual Orientation: Pansexual/Aromantic What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Niaxevarian (native), native-level of any human language ♚ // Character ; Appearance Skin Color: Fair Eye color: Green [brown in current vessel] Scars: None visible to the naked eye [a slit from the neck to the abdomen visible in their ‘true form’ to non-humans] Piercings: None Tattoos: None Hair color: [true form] Fiery ginger; [current vessel] Black Abnormalities: NoneHorns/ wings/ etc.: None Transformed form: None
♚ // Character ; Personality Six personality traits: Extroverted, ambitious, deceptive, manipulative, patient, hedonistic Likes: wine, wintertime, horseback riding, blue roses, accessories Dislikes: cheap dining places, extremely hot temperatures, hunters or priests or both (naturally), anything pumpkin-flavored, narrow spaces. Manias: Not really, if you exclude the tendency to find and drive absolutely mad at least one poet per century. Phobias: Not a fear, but they really, truly dislike narrow places. Animal: Crow. Religion: N/A Favorite song: Leonard Cohen – You want it darker Vice: Wrath Virtue: Diligence Personality description: Babylon has an oppressive and overwhelming energy: they are callous, yet, paradoxically, soothing.  Although they are Niaxevar’s ancient evil, Babylon is, however, nowhere near as fickle as, for instance, the realm’s highest and finest ranks.Mystery considers themselves a much worse fate. They leave the blood and gore to others, and resort to temptation and corruption. Interestingly, however, Babylon’s stance toward mortal creatures, human or not, has been much more forgiving. Blaming their ill-fate to unknown forces is often their forte, Babylon has noticed, and what philosophy would be more suitable for Babylon to agree with? ♚ // Character ; Powers Magical Powers:Soul Corruption – This ability affects the majority of creatures, wherein humans are unable to resist it, while non-humans can resist to varying levels (most with a great deal of success). This is a passive ability, which means Babylon technically doesn’t control it. It means that any human-mortal soul that spends time around Babylon ends up succumbing to their darkest desires, whereas other creatures feel similar effects (that typically translates to occasional unease, an itch you can’t seem to scratch, long-forgotten desires and wishes unsurfaced, etc.), though are able to keep their soul intact. In essence, humans tend to either go fully mad and perish, or they go to the darkest depths of their souls and succumb to a life of crime and wickedness (thus losing their soul). Non-humans are inconvenienced and tempted at best. Mimicry – This is another passive ability that allows Babylon to imitate any spoken language of the people they live around.Biokinesis – Babylon’s only 'active’ ability allows them to manipulate livings things like plants and animals around them on a molecular level. It can be thought of 'transfiguration’, meaning these things won’t be destroyed, just 'changed’. The ability does not affect humans or non-humans, much to Babylon’s dismay. Possession – (semi-active) – the ability to possess a body and use it as a vessel.Non-magical Powers:Aside from enhanced senses, Babylon is quite skilled at sword and/or knife fighting. Weaknesses:Holy Grounds – Babylon cannot enter consecrated grounds of any religion. Devil traps – While regular 'demon traps’ can’t hold them, more sophisticated ones can. Exorcism – As any demonic creature, Babylon can be exorcised ♚ // Character ; The Teacher / Staff Class they teach: Ancient Runes Teaching style: Laid back Previous teaching experience: Technically none, but Babylon has tutored humans and magical creatures alike in the past ♚ // Character ; The PastDate of Birth: UnknownDate of Death: N/ACrime Record: Too many to count.Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past?NoBackground:[The following is a collection of excerpts from texts—either translated or in the original language. The oldest of the scripts is as of yet undated and it was penned by an unknown author, whereas the rest have been taken from undated letters, diary entries and re-told stories, penned by other largely unknown writers, with the exception of an Italian monk by the initials of F.L in the 12th century, then in the 18th century an English-born sailor with the initial W.S, as well as by a young Turkish poetess who wrote under the name of Hatice, roughly in late 19th century] ooc warning: mis-gendering is present in the bio. One. Once upon a time, there was- That is at least how the stories of our forefathers and mothers used to begIn; once upon a time, far removed from the ones we exist in presently. Yes, it’s the most befitting opening for the creations of our imagination. But, this is no story - but a warning: warning to all those who choose to read this story which my grandmother told me. Perhaps, if you look away now - you won’t burn.At a time when mankind knew no concept of the divine there existed—in the wake of a marvellous explosion—another world. This world, where chaos reigned supreme, was not much different than ours. Its residents were fickle, fiery, charming, and conniving. Their rulers, unlike ours, were imperfect, much like their creation.It is said the these demonic rulers resided within the darkest corners of that world, shrouded in the original darkness that they’d spawned from. The demons, consisting of three brothers, two sisters, and a sixth of whom few dare to speak, were an ambitious bunch, and selfish in their allocation of power. The youngest assumed to be named Babylon, who’d been tasked with maintaining the balance of the Original Darkness, had been promised an equal share of their realm, and a seat at the table of her siblings. But to keep that seat, Babylon - who’d been rebellious by nature - had to dutifully perform this task, day after day, century after century.Yet, it wasn’t enough. For Babylon, whose hunger for power expanded eternally, it’d never suffice. And when she asked for what was promised, time and time again, she was denied. And so, Babylon came to an understanding: if she couldn’t have the world, no one could.What happened next was a series of catastrophic events leaving this unknown world in utter desolation. The demon rulers, who were unable to stop it, hurried to salvage what was possible. Fearing Babylon’s might, the eldest executed a most cruel punishment: severing the youngest in half, he separated Babylon’s spiritual darkness from the corporeal one. The demons then left, leaving with Babylon’s essence and locking it away where, it was hoped, she’d never find it again. Half-destroyed and severely weakened, Babylon was thus forced into a nomadic life, in search of her other half - of her spirit, haunting one world after another in her wretched quest. Two. Babylon was some of the most extraordinary creatures I’d ever had the opportunity to meet. And if it hadn’t been for my brother’s selfishness and my mother’s generosity, perhaps I never would have. Be as it may - truly, how spectacular they are. The stories they have told me have opened my eyes to the corruption within not just the walls of this house - but within the fabric of our declining community. I can see it all, more clearly when they are around, but I can see it: the decadence, the immorality, the utter absence of shame and the fear of God. Oh, how do these people not fear Him?Sometimes, when I go to bed at night, I can see Babylon. I can see their stunning green eyes and the shine of their fiery hair. I can hear their voice whispering the secrets of the world around me, showing it to me for what it really is: a wicked desolate place crawling with people that must be removed. Starting from my family. Ending with me. Three. My brother Mehmet has recently made a new friend. I can’t remember the friend’s name, though I am confident it may start with an I or a B. In any case, I’m not in any way impressed by this man. He is much too tall, nothing but skin and bones and just enough flesh to act as a cushion. I dislike his light eyes especially - and I’m not exactly sure why. Nevertheless. I wouldn’t be writing this if something out of the ordinary hadn’t happened. And I’m writing this so that I can look at it later, with a clearer mind. I had a dream about Mehmet’s friend. It was a bizarre dream in which I was in a different, darker world. A wasteland across which I walked for eternity, only to find, in the middle of this desert a throne - and upon the throne was Mehmet’s friend, adorned in a golden and purple attire, with a broken crown in his bloodied hands. [the rest of the diary entry lost] Four. Babylon was like a religious icon - someone you’d sacrifice yourself for. Lovely-eyed, with an unspeakable hunger that no one could satiate, they craved for what was theirs, for what was promised: The Universe. And so, as they turned to face those—myself included—who dared to inquire about their identity and who would soon regret asking, they showed a smile that could devour the world, and asked: Are you ready to burn with me? ♚ // Roleplayer[ optional ]Time zone: GMT+2OOC! Triggers: NoneThemes/genres you like writing the most?: Dark fantasy, horror, slice of life, occasional splatterpunk
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#ruffled feathers#sometimes work is so fucking frustrating#like i had this one kid hit another kid and then when i told him off he just mocked me and then the entire class laughed#and like. there's nothing i can do. i can't send him out of the classroom bc i'm not allowed (there's nowhere to send him)#i can't call his parents bc i'm not allowed (and my japanese wouldn't be good enough to speak to them anyway)#i told him he couldn't join in the game and he just didn't care. spent the game throwing stuff at other kids + ruined it for everyone#then he shoved some crayons up his nose/in his ears and started running around#which is. y'know. REALLY FUCKING DANGEROUS so i can't just ignore it#when i spoke to the japanese teacher she was like 'ohh he has adhd' and i'm like ??? he assaults others. that's NOT bc of adhd#i don't work at a school i work at an eikaiwa. i'm the only staff member on location (no assistant no receptionist etc)#i have 11 kids in that class. most of them are 6-7 years old#and the japanese teacher just lets them do what they want most of the time so it's basically impossible to control them#i just. i fucking hate this classroom honestly. the kids are so disrespectful#i know it's not just me like everyone i've spoken to says it's a Problem Classroom#but also. it makes me feel like i'm a bad teacher bc i can't control the kids#it makes me feel like i should just quit my job bc obviously i'm bad at it#anyway i'm really not looking for advice here i'm just venting so please spare me the 'have you tried' messages#i've already asked my supervisor and senpais for advice and the general consensus is we need more staff#and also for the jt to not actually tolerate 7-year-olds behaving like 2-year-olds#delete later
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monacodarling · 8 months
Imagine in a daycare right like the teachers would be so weirded out because the beautiful but feral baby girl she has weird hairstyles sometimes her socks don’t match or she’s eating sugar in the morning
And they find out she’s only staying with her dad and the teachers are like okay maybe we should talk to the dad and maybe help him or smth
Imagine dilf!Charles picking up his feral baby girl at the school and just everyone is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 they thought he’s an older brother or an uncle with how young he looks but no he’s a ✨dad✨
I’d like to think his kid will be a menace in three or four different languages too
It would be cute if the other parents would be giving Charles some tips on how to style the hair of the kid or what to do if bubble gum gets in it or how to remove koolaid stains from the dress
And idk Max can be one of the other parents who takes pity on Charles and there’s seb with his kids who’s very hands on and they form a cute dad club gossiping with the other parents
I can see George being the gossipy dad
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tswhiisftteedr · 9 months
Can you do a smut of Ashton Vargas x reader? Please?
Personal ‘Training’ ☆ One Shot
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☆Mean!PE Proffesor!Ashton Vargas x Senior!Fem!Reader:
After seeing you excel in his class, Coach Vargas interest had peeked. It’s not like you were as athletic as the beastmen students, actually muscle wise, you were quite the scrawny one. But it was your determination in completing an exercise that he set out, that he found admirable. One day after PE you had forgotten your gym uniform jacket behind, and being the great teacher that Ashton Vargas is, he ought to give back to you. After looking around for a bit, then spotting in the courtyard talking with your friends, he happens to overhear about your secret thoughts on him…
Warning: Mature content, Dub-Con, Stuffing Panty In Pocket, Spanking, Fingering, Mean Dom Vargas, A little Degradation, Unprotected Sex, Humiliation, Degenerate Fantasies, mentions of; blackmail. READER IS 18 AND VARGAS IS CANONICALLY 30, KEEP THIS IN MIND BEFORE READING. Not proofread.
Note: The ask was pretty vague, so I kind of went with my gut. I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but I hope you do!
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☆ More under the cut. ☆
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Ever since starting classes at NCR Wonderland, you felt off about begin your academic journey as a senior. Sure you were the right age for it, but wasn’t it a bit to much of an ask to start with senior courses, especially with most of the mediums being different from your world? But at last you had no choice but sucking it up, working harder than any other student in your year to keep up. Though you did enjoy some of the classes, just because they had familiar concept. Alchemy was like chemistry, you also had music which was the same as back home, and of course there was PE…
You relished when one of your periods was physical education, despite any thoughts of the course back in your world. That was for 2 reasons, #1 it was one of the only classes you didn’t nee prior knowledge or magic to participate in. And #2… The professor teaching it made you feel wild and crazed, just a look at his body, strong grip, flexing muscles, would bring a rush to your brain ending with you being flustered whenever he would address you.
You could swear on your life that ‘it’ was big, like it had to be, this huge man must have a huge c- Uhm, where were you again? Ah, right, PE had just ended and it was time for lunch.
Upon realizing the class was over and you had been staring at your sexy teacher, you quickly rushed back to your dorm for a shower, grabbing your bag but forgotten your gym uniform jacket on the ground.
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After cooling off and dressing back into your school uniform, you had joined your friends Vil and Rook in the courtyard for an outdoor lunch. And of course your daily rant about your professor!
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Meanwhile Aston noticed your jacket laying on the field, he knew it was yours just by the fact that it didn’t display any of the 7 dorms colours.
As some sort of reflex, he had brought the article of clothing, to his nose, smelling it. The scent was a mix of salty caramel and vanilla. ‘One of your little Pomefiore friends must have given you a nice expensive perfume for it to smell so fragrant, but yet sophisticated.’ He though to himself, and after being in his head he had realized that he still had the jacket close to his face.
He knew it was a bit weird for him to smell someone’s clothes like that, especially yours, his student’s. But the fact that it was your scent lingering on the clothes, and that your body would surely smelled the same, drove him wild.
I mean ‘he was a man after all’, and seeing such a pretty little thing working their bests, toughing it out to achieve greatness in such a new different environment, especially in his class. He had to admit it, it did something to him.
Plus the fact he felt your gaze on him constantly during his lessons didn’t help to keep him ‘non-riled up’. He did convinced himself that you were staring for purely innocent reasons, but the state you always were whenever he talk to you made him doubt that fact. You just acted so flustered, even when he just glanced at you. ‘And I mean, you were of age, so was it so bad? Yes, yes it was,’ the man face palmed himself.
But no matter, it wasn’t like anything would actually happen. Plus he had to get your jacket back to you, no time for naughty thoughts >:(
But that all changed when he finally found you, sitting with your two friends, enjoying the fresh air and talking about how bad you wanted him, — wait what?
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A little earlier,
You had rapidly rush back to the school building after Vil had texted you that him and rook were eating lunch in the courtyard today. And of course you had a skip in your steps, you were so excited to thirst over your hunk of teacher to your two friends, one of them less entertained about the idea from the other.
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In about 10 minutes,
You had arrived to the courtyard, sitting between Vil and Rook, chatting while eating lunch.
“I can’t get over the fact of how fine that man is, like, god really has favourites.” You tell the two,
“And I can’t get over the fact that your thirsting on one of our professors.” Vil said snarky.
“Thirsting, how dare you. I am but a pure maiden showing my admiration towards an amazing role model of physical health!” You replied all dramatically, this made Rook laugh.
“But seriously, he’s really, really hot.” you continue,
“Uh-huh” Vil says not looking up from his phone.
“Like I really need that man to bend me over the nearest sur-“ you begin but your friend cuts you off. “Yeah I’m done for today, it’s never innocent with you.” Vil says standing up, and starts walking away.
“Wait Vil I’m not done telling you about the 15 other positions I want him to put me in and how big I think his dick is!” You semi-shout, giggling.
“Yes, come back my Reine, our dear trickster is only showing son amour in a different way. After all one’s désire d’autrui is part off of the thing we call love, elle est just en grande romantique when you think about it!” Rook follows your lead, encouraging your little delusions for the heck of it.
“You say that every time, but it’s been over a month.” He finally says, disappearing out of sight.
The two of you knew that despite him leaving compl , Vil would return in a matter of minutes, he just left to state a point.
Unbeknownst to you and your hunter friend, the very man you were lusting for happened to overhear your conversation.
Slowly lurking out from the corner, Ashton approach the two of you. “Uh-hum, excuse me. Y/n, you forgot your jacket back in the field. So I brought it for you.” He says, his husky voice making you and Rook turn around to face the man.
“O-oh th-thank Coach Vargas!” You croak out, your face heating up, scared he might have heard what you said about him. Meanwhile Rook could help but snicker at your change in demeanour. A second ago you were talking about how much you wanted that man to fuck you, but when actually met with him, you became as quite as a mouse and could form a proper sentence without stuttering.
“Um, I also need to talk to you about something, would you mind following me back to my office.” He told you, and your heart dropped. ‘He definitely heard what you had said, and now he was going to lecture you about it, maybe even get the other teachers involved!’
You were so nervous on the walk to his office and he could sense it.
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As you enter the room, he locks it behind and perform some sort of spell.
He pointed to the wooden chair sitting on one side of a desk, motion for you to take a seat. And to avoid anymore confrontation, you do so quietly.
You had expected him to seat on the opposite side of the desk, on the velvet office chair. But instead he just stood in front of you, hands resting on the desk for support. Despite the situation, you couldn’t help but notice the fact that your face was at crotch level with him standing up like this. But before you keep staring at his clothed front, he broke you out of your trance.
“So,” he says and you look up. “You might have an idea of why your in here, after all you are doing excellent in my class so no reason to call you to discuss about it… This about what you said to your little friends a couple of minutes ago.” he states and your suspicions were confirmed.
You look down at your feet, and you choke out. “I’m really sorry Coach Vargas it will never happen again. I apologize for making you uncomfortable.”
Now he was about to correct, explaining that he wasn’t feeling uncomfy at your comments, on the contrary he was flattered and glad you felt the same. But seeing you in trembling state, tears beginning to form in your eyes. It was too much, he had to play with you, at least for a bit.
“Mmh is that so.. well I don’t believe you.” He says, pretending to be hurt but just a look at the grin on his face would tell you other wise.
“W-what?!” You ask confused, tears starting to roll down your face. He grin even harder at the sight.
“Well like I said, I don’t believe you. It’s simple really, after all Mr. Schoenheit mentioned you had been having those lustrous talks at my expense, for over a month. Plus you didn’t seem to have any shame or care in the world when you were chopping it up with your chatting buddies. What’s to tell me, you won’t just go back to your friends after this meeting, and continue your lewd rants,”
He pauses, bending down forward to get close to your ear. “I could even bet that you’re getting off on this very situation.” he says than pulls back to get a good look at the expression on your face.
“N-No, that’s not true!” You deny, though even if your professor said to tease, in reality you were getting off on his action.
In your mind, you knew you shouldn’t. Being caught saying such scandalous things by the same person you were discussing, was but an ideal situation. Yet, you couldn’t help but agree mentally that you had fantasize about a moment like this one. In your head things would go like this;
Coach Vargas would stumble on you talking about your deep desire for him, bring you to his office.
But instead of reprimanding you, he would bend you over his desk and teach you about not being such a ‘lewd minded brat’, fucking you so good as you would babble apologies he didn’t care for.
In all honesty he just wanted to fuck you and he now had the perfect excuse. This fantasy would continue with him taking you almost everyday, with the pretext you still were thinking like a pervert, and as an educator he couldn’t have you distracted from your studies.
So he would take it upon on himself to satisfy your lust, so you could ficus’s on your classes.
Knowing damn well it did the opposite, and that after each session you could only think about him more.
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But at last that was just a fantasy, this fact was reinforced when he spoke his next words. “I guess I’ll have to inform the headmaster about this.”
Obviously you panicked, and he loved you in that state. “Please sir, don’t tell Crowley about this, I’ll do anything, I can clean your office for free, I can help with you with paperwork, I can-“ As you begin listing off things you could do to compensate the man for your behaviour, he motioned for you to stop with his hand.
And you did so right away, become quiet as soon as his order came by. This made him feel extremely good, not only did have you at his beck and call in this moment, but if he played his cards right he could make it last way longer.
He grabbed you chin to make you look right into his eyes, “There is something you can do, though you might not be as ready as you think you are to do it.. Do you still want to try though?” At that you only nod, not sure your words could carry what was needed to be said.
He smiled at the obedient response, “Okay then, stand up and bend over my desk for me.”
“W-what??” You look at him very much so confused, he only chuckles at that.
“You did say you were ready, sweetheart. Well I guess I could just inform Crowley instead and leave you in his care, it’s still a viable option if you’d prefer it.” He tells you smugly, knowing you would pick anything he asked of you instead of telling Crowley.
“No, that’s alright, I’ll do it...” And so you did, bending over the wooden desk, feeling your skirt hike up.
You were so anxious but at the same time exited about what would proceed. Would he spank you? Would he touch you? Finger you? Fuck you just like your dreamed about? Or would he just laugh at you, only wanting to see you bend over his desk so he could mock you then just send you on your merry way out, never to speak of this again?
Before you could continue your internal ramble, you felt his big rough and warm hand pushing your skirt, your ass was now in plain view.
“You know, I had myself convinced that your little staring habits was something unadulterated, but turns out the part of my conscious that told me otherwise, was right. You’re really a slutty little girl that has been making eyes at me since the beginning of the semester.” He accentuate his last sentence with a harsh spank to your bottom, making you whimper in pain.
He spanked you again, and wailed with new tears forming in your eyes. “Yeah, that’s right. That’s what a naughty little thing like you deserves, talking to your friends on the daily about how much you want my cock.” Another spank came by, “Be a good girl and maybe I’ll give it to you.”
You winced from the impact of his hand on your sensitive behind, and let out a small whimper. "Y-yes sir," you managed to choke out between sobs. You knew what he wanted now—to hear you beg for more punishment and eventually, release.
Your heart raced faster as anticipation built up inside of you.
"That's better sweetcakes," he praised, reaching down to grab hold of your hair again, yanking hard enough to lift your head up forcefully. His cool gaze bore into yours, searching for any trace of defiance or resistance. But all he saw was submission mixed with fear and desire radiating strongly from those green eyes. "Tell me you want me to claim you right here, right now."
Your voice quivered as you spoke, "I-I... want you to claim me. Please sir..." Your words came out in between sobs and gasps for air, body still trembling from the previous spankings.
You couldn't help but squirm slightly against his hold on your hair, wanting more of his rough treatment.
He released your hair suddenly, causing your head to whip forward violently before he grasped onto both of your wrists tightly behind your back. Pulling them roughly upward to avoid you slamming your face on the desk, keeping your breasts pushed forward prominently. "Good girl," he praised again, running his hand over your chest unbuttoning your shirt, now exposing your whole top area. "Now let's see how much you truly enjoy being owned by your professor." With that, he spun you around forcefully, pushing you against the desk hard enough to leave a mark on your back. His lips crashed hungrily against yours, demanding entry into your mouth as one hand cupped your breasts through the thin layers of fabric separating them.
You groaned into the kiss, unable to resist his aggressive advance, he quickly made way of your bra. Your body arched into him eagerly as he groped and fondled your bust roughly, pinching your nipples cruelly between his calloused fingers. You moaned softly against his lips, letting out a deep-throated moan when his tongue forced its way past your teeth and into your mouth. Your tongues tangled together in a messy dance of desire and submission.
You felt your panties being yanked down forcefully, leaving your bare pussy exposed for him to claim as desired. "Please..." you whimpered again, your voice hoarse from their passionate exchange.
He pulled away from your kiss slowly, his eyes blazing with lust as he looked down at your naked front.
He chuckled darkly, reaching between your spread legs to slide his hand underneath your skirt. His rough fingers explored your wetness greedily, rubbing circles around your entrance before slipping inside of your tight hole.
Your body jolted at the sudden intrusion, your hips pressing back against his touch hungrily. Your moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as he finger fucked you hard and fast, hitting spots that made your knees weak.
"You like that don't you? Being so dirty in public?" He asked, thrusting deeper into your tight channel, stretching your opening wider. "Telling everyone you belong to me now."
Your mind was lost in the sensations he created; every thrust of his finger inside of you, pushing against sensitive spots that sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your moans grew louder and more desperate as he continued to abuse your exposed flesh.
"Yes! Please... Sir..." you panted between heavy breaths, feeling your climax building rapidly within reach. Your squirmed under his hold, begging for release but knowing he wasn't done with you yet.
"That’s my girl," he praised, withdrawing his hand from your dripping wet pussy. Turning around once more, he positioned himself between your spread legs, his member already fully erect and throbbing with desire.
Without warning, he pushed hard, splitting your tight entrance on a single thrust.
You cried out in mixture of pain and pleasure as he began to pound into you, claiming your body brutally yet expertly.
His hips moved in a rhythmic motion, driving deeper than you thought possible, hitting all the right spots inside your core. Each powerful thrust caused you breasts to bounce wildly against his chest, nipples standing erect and begging for attention. Sweat trickled down your bodies, mixing together under the harsh florescent lights above them.
"You like that don't you? Taking my cock right here in my office, where anyone one on the others side of the door could hear your moans?" He growled, while continuing his relentless assault on your tight hole.
Your moans turned into incoherent sounds of pure ecstasy as he continued to ravage your body. Your nails scratched at his back through his shirt’s fabric, leaving shallow marks that only fuelled him further. "Yes! More... Sir..." you begged between heavy breaths, struggling against the hold on your wrists but unable to break free from his vice-like grip.
The combination of pain and pleasure was becoming too much for your fragile mind to handle, and soon enough, you felt the intense orgasm building up inside of your like a volcano about to erupt.
Just when you thought you couldn't take anymore, he slowed down momentarily, teasing your sensitive spots mercilessly before picking up speed again.
"Cum for me, you filthy little thing," he commanded, his voice low and husky with desire. And with those words, you lost control completely, your body convulsing violently around him as waves of pure bliss washed over you. You screamed his name, your climax crashing upon your like a wave crashing onto rocks.
Your entire body shook in the aftermath of your intense orgasm, your legs weakened by the forceful thrusting. Your pussy clamped tightly around his member, milking him dry as he continued to pump into your until finally, he groaned out his own release. Pulling out slowly, a thick stream of hot cum spilled onto your stomach, painting you with his seed.
Panting heavily, he finally released your wrists, allowing them to fall limply beside you. "That was amazing," he complimented, reaching out to stroke your hair affectionately.
He stepped back, admiring his work on your flushed face and disheveled appearance.
Reaching down, he grabbed your discarded panties from the floor and stuffing them nonchalantly into his pocket "Now go clean yourself up in the staff bathroom, before anyone sees you like this."
You nodded weakly, still feeling lightheaded from your intense encounter. Slowly, you wobbled forward, your legs shaking beneath your skirt, and made your way towards the restroom.
By the way, remember the spell he used before anything began, yeah? Actually it was 2, on that block out noise from escaping a finite space aka his office, and the other is one that recorded the events that took place in a selected area.
Was he going to blackmail you with that recording? No. But he might threaten you with it once in while to tease you.
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Thanks @hipsterteller for requesting!
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
You know what feature we need to bother staff for next? Other people’s posts getting flagged as counting towards “strikes” on our blogs.
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