#Data is spot’s mom
trekkie-polls · 27 days
There’s a lot of characters in star trek, and therefore a lot of moms! I often try to include most series, but this time snw, prodigy, and ent didn’t get an example. And, I left one of my own favorites off - K’ehleyr, Alexander’s mom. I’m sorry if I left your favorite off.
Also note that - like real life - sometimes Star Trek parents make bad choices, and it’s ok to have a variety of feelings about that. Some people may find some mistakes understandable and others may not.
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rubberbandballqueen · 6 months
How was Taiwan?
it was good!!!!
i had my donut stolen by a monkey with its little grabby hands, studied the fonts they use on road signs over there, ate some really good fruit that is either unavailable in the states (蓮霧) or just Not The Same (buddha's head), HAD SOME RANDOM GUY CLAIMING TO BE A JOURNALIST COME UP TO ME AND GIVE ME HIS CALLING CARD AND INSIST I CALL HIM IF I EVER GOT IN TROUBLE WITH THE POLICE??, executed Tumblr Code In Real Life when i met up with a Beloved Mutual for the first time and had like this ginormous smoothie like a whole fucking goblet just a massive smoothie chalice at the cafe we hung out in, rode the train AND the subway a couple times, tried to look up a bunch of music ultimately too obscure to be found by the shazam app, photographed several dozen flowers, and then seem to have left my school ID behind after i had to hang my jacket out to dry the night before we left c':
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17gz · 9 months
ai discourse is kind of mind melting tbh like i get both sides of the argument... im a digital artist and there are tools/functions in programs that i wish so badly were automated and ai powered and ik some programs allow scripting but i do wish there was a way to incorporate ai into art to make it easier for artists, but hoisting off all creative work to ai is what concerns me and the higher ups and execs that decide where to put their budget will 100% fuck over artists and go with ai instead which is depressing and it's already happening... i also think the fearmongering about ai with 0 research into how it works is frustrating and ridiculous and people take it wayyyy too far and make it sound like the only way to make true art is to kill urself in the process..... i also despise how ppl have used artists works in data sets and have profited off their work without their consent. i also think pretending ai is this all knowing genius and/or monster is dumb and human bias will make its way into any data set fed to it and its an expert on mimicry at best... i think its a great tool that's just in the wrong hands imo i wish ai was in the hands of artists and not tech bros... i also worry about the way dumb fads affect the creative world especially with the out of touch dumbasses that have the final word in terms of art funding... anyways.
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soul-of-rei · 2 years
girl i want out
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There’s never just one ant
So there's a great Thai restaurant in my neighborhood called Kiin. Yesterday, I searched for their website to order some takeout. Here's the Google result.
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That top result (an ad)? It's fake. It goes to https://kiinthaila.com, which is NOT the website for Kiin.
The *third* result is real: https://kiinthaiburbank.com
Fake site:
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Real site:
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I got duped. I placed an order with the fake site. The fake site then placed the order - in my name! -  with the real site, having marked up the prices by 15%. Kiin clearly knows they're doing this (presumably by the billing data on the credit card the fakesters use to place the order). They called me within minutes to tell me they'd cancelled the fakesters' order.
I could still come pick it up, but I'd have to pay them, and cancel the payment to the fakesters with Amex. Actually, as it turns out, I have to cancel TWO payments, because the fakesters DOUBLE-charged me.
Here's what that charge looks like on my Amex bill. See that phone number? (415) 639-9034 is the number for Wix, who provides the scammers' website.
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How the actual FUCK did these obvious scammers get an Amex merchant account in the name of "KIINTHAILA" by after supplying the phone number for a website hosting company? What is Amex's KYC procedure? Do they even call the phone number?
And why the actual FUCK is Google Ads accepting these scam artists' ads for a business that they already have a knowledge box for?! Google KNOWS what the real KIIN restaurant is, and yet they are accepting payment to put a fake KIIN listing two slots ABOVE the real one.
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To be fair to these scammer asshole ripoff creeps who are trying to steal from my local mom-and-pop, single location Thai eatery, they're just following in the shoes of Doordash and Uber Eats, who did the same thing to hundreds (thousands?) of restaurants during lockdown.
Doug Rushkoff says that the ethic of today's "entrepreneur" is to “Go Meta” - don't provide a product or a service, simply find a way to be a predatory squatter on a chokepoint between people who do useful things and people who use those things.
These parasites have turned themselves into landlords of someone else's home, collecting rent on a property they don't own and have no connection to.
There's NEVER just one ant. I guaran-fucking-tee you that these same creeps have 1,000 other fake Wix websites with 1,000 fake Amex merchant accounts for 1,000 REAL businesses, and that Google has sold them ads for every one of them. Amex and Google and Wix should be able to spot these creeps FROM ORBIT. Holy shit do we live in the worst of all possible timelines. We have these monopolist megacorps that spy on and control everything we do, wielding the most arbitrary and high-handed authority.
And yet they do NOT ONE FUCKING THING to prevent these petty scammers from using their infra as force-multipliers to let them steal from every hungry person patronizing every local restaurant.
I mean, what's the point of letting these robber-barons run the entire show if they're not even COMPETENT?
ETA: Dinner was delicious
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stuckysbike · 6 months
Moonlight Kisses
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst, unrequited?feelings. Fluff.
Summary: You’ve fallen in love, but he wants someone else, and it’s you he’s asking for advice!
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It was a cold December Friday night when you realised you were in love with Bucky Barnes.
Natasha had ushered you out of your solitude and over to her private apartment on the compound. Steve was already there, along with Sam, Joaquin, Yelana, a few from the medical team and a few mechanics.
The place was decorated for winter, with playful snowmen and fuzzy christmas trees stacked in the corners. Everyone got comfortable on the big couch and music played in the background whilst you snacked on festive foods and sipped seasonal alcoholic drinks.
Bucky had been telling a story, his face lit up and his big hands flying everywhere as he described his mom chasing him with a broom during his teenage years after a stray snowball missed its target and landed on her. Occasionally his eyes met yours and they sparkled with mischief, but you figured he was like that with everyone.
You’d been crushing on him since you arrived in January and he was first to greet you. He seemed fascinated by your job, research and data analyst, but it was ultimately boring to almost everyone but you.
You lunched together sometimes and you swapped books every few weeks. You even got him into podcasts and you were always swapping recommendations.
But tonight he looked happy, relaxed even, and when Natasha dropped her dainty feet into his lap you felt the world skip underneath you, you wanted to put your feet in his lap. You wanted his big hands dwarfing your feet.
He rubbed her toes without thinking, and she snuggled down as the mechanics started describing the prank they’d played on Tony this week, going so far as to rope Pepper in. Bucky was listening intently, laughing along with them but his hands never stopped moving. It was obvious they were intimate with each other from the tiny looks and touched they shared.
You couldn’t understand why your heart suddenly ached, and then it hit you like a train. You were jealous, more than jealous, the revelation of their relationship hurt.
“Wanna stay here tonight?” You heard Natasha murmur to Bucky during a lull in conversation. Yelana was changing the music and Joaquin was setting up tequila shots.
He smiled at her but shook his head. “Nah,” his voice was thick with tiredness.
“You finally made a move on that girl?” She teased wiggling in her spot.
Bucky’s cheeks tinged pink and you dropped your eyes when you realised you were staring. You didn’t want to be caught looking like some dumb kid. You studied your hands but your head was swimming with this sudden realisation.
It was foolish to think that Bucky with his wonderful abilities and handsome looks would be interested in you who spent most of your time at work or alone. Bucky had been to hell and back, he deserved someone gorgeous who could distract him from reality
“Think I’m gonna’ take her out, yeah,” he nodded. You snuck a glance at him in time to catch him looking from you to Natasha.
Oh god, he must have noticed you staring. How embarrassing!
Tears that had no right to form in your eyes were there anyway and you stood suddenly distracting Steve who was kneeling at the coffee table next to you. Sam took the opportunity to defeat him in their thumb war game much to Steve’s annoyance.
“I’m going to head back, I’m just really tired,” you said to the room, avoiding Bucky and trying to look above Natasha’s head. “Thank you for the invitation Natasha.”
There were a few comments asking you to stay but ultimately everyone wished you a good sleep. Your own room was a fifteen minute walk away in a shared block and you pulled your arms around yourself to fight the cold as you stepped outside. You wished you brought more than a hoodie to keep you warm.
You looked up into the sky and focused on the moon and sucked a deep breath of cold air deep into your lungs. It grounded you so you did it again.
“Hey Doll,” Bucky called startling you. You hadn’t noticed him leaving behind you but he was closer than you expected.
“Bucky, hi,” you frowned.
“Thought I’d walk you back,” he said falling into step with you. “And I wanted your advice.”
“So there’s this girl I like. She’s not like the others, she’s not really - she’s different. And I really want to make a date special for her, you know?” He glanced as you, letting his arm bump yours as you walked.
“I do,” you sighed resigning yourself to your fate. You didn’t want to have this conversation but you didn’t want to not help him either. He was your friend after all and despite your feelings you would be there for him no matter what.
“So I’ve had a few first date ideas, but I’m thinking farmers market then making brunch together? I started this really great podcast and I was thinking we could listen together as we cook then talk about it while we eat? Then after we could go to a museum or something?” Bucky licked his lips and stopped turning to look at you.
You didn’t want him to share a podcast with her. That was your thing with him. You knew you were being unfair, childish even but right now you didn’t care. His deep blue eyes searched your face. He looked so vulnerable in that moment.
“That sounds lovely,” you said. And it did, you wished you were that girl, you wished Bucky wanted to go to all that trouble for you but instead you’d have to sit home alone tomorrow whilst he woo’d someone else. You hoped it would be a long time before you were forced to meet her.
“Yeah?” He asked excitedly. “I really just wanna’ hold her hand, at the market, in the museum, I just crave that feeling you know, like this,” Bucky reached for your hand and laced your fingers together, holding your joined hands up to inspect. “It’s been a long time since I held a girls hand like this.”
“I-I’m sure it has Buck,” you swallowed. His hand dwarfed yours and his heat easily crept onto your skin. His thumb caressed your knuckles and your breath hitched but Bucky didn’t seem to notice.
He resumed walking and you could do nothing but join him, he still had your hand in his. He described his outfit for his date and wondered if you had a cosy chunky sweater.
“I do, it’s so comfortable,” you said softly. You couldn’t hide the disappointment as you slowed in front of the doors. “It’s my favourite colour too.”
“Will you wear it tomorrow?” Bucky tilted his head to the side.
“Why does it matter what I wear?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his odd request. You couldn’t do it though, thinking of him with someone else whilst you wore what he asked you to.
“I want to know that you’re warm tomorrow. You know, on our date?” Bucky pressed his cool left hand on your cheek as he turned to face you. His kiss was soft, just a sweet brush of the lips and then he pulled away. “I’ll see you at nine thirty?”
“Uh huh,” you nodded dumbly. He kissed you again, and you caught the faint taste of whiskey on his lips. He was warm as he pressed into you and you let your hands slide up his chest to his shoulders.
“See you tomorrow baby girl,” he pressed one last kiss to your forehead then opened the building door for you.
You walked inside in a daze, waving goodbye and drifting up the stairs like you weighed nothing.
You couldn’t remember getting changed into your pj’s, all you knew was that you were snuggled under your duvet setting an alarm for your date with Bucky in the morning.
You smiled, and suddenly your legs kicked and you let out a little squeal. You were going out with Bucky Barnes and he kissed you three times.
You feel asleep to the memory of one hot hand and one cold hand cupping your cheeks as he kissed you in the moonlight.
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bloodandthestars · 1 year
HOLY FUDGE NUGGETS!! Why is Miguel so beautiful.. 😭
Can I request a Miguel O’Hara x Madam-Web reader? Like maybe she’s well known for being the “Mom” on campus in the Spider-Society, with her and Miguel having a “will they, won’t they” flirty vibe going on?
And she verbally beats his fine a$s for how horrible he treated Miles (who was undoubtedly a victim of circumstance, just like most all Spider-Men) but Miguel can’t really focus on what she’s saying because he just finds her “Mama bear” attitude Hot as hell.. and she can sense it..
Reader: *blank stare*.. horny a$s vampspider~ 😒
Miguel: … 😏
Petter B: guys PLEASE! Not infront of the kids!!!
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tags: NO SPOILERS!, spouse! spanish speaking! gn reader
author’s note: hello lovie! you’re my first request ever! i hope you’ll enjoy this, since i had to tweak it due to me not seeing the movie yet and having a few ideas that made me want to write this IMMEDIATELY. translations at the bottom of the post!
wc :: 1.4k masterlist
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Spider-man 2099, Miguel O’hara to differentiate him from the rest. The leader and creator of the Spider Society. In the protection of the multiverse, he’s dedicated his life to it. Unwavering, unmoving, if there was an obstacle, he intends to removes it.
“No! It’s not up for discussion.” He snaps back to the group behind him. Peter B., Miles, and Gwen follow behind him in his furious stride to his control center. His voice could echo amongst the society’s campus. Some of the spider-people wince at the boom of his voice. It was easy for them to conclude that it was another day, another problem to handle.
“Oh come on, Miguel.” Peter B. says with a groan. “It’s not a big deal. You can let him off the hook!”
“Having someone watching over like some kind of-” Gwen sputters to find her words. “-parole officer isn’t going to help anyone.”
“Well you said it, not me.” The larger man huffs, causing the trio to roll their eyes.
The doors of his control center slide open with a hiss. Miguel can’t help the scowl on his face, all the more natural with his work. He continues to walk, head turning over his shoulder to speak to them. “I told him and you, if he wants a spot back here he had to earn it-”
Miles frowns. It feels like they’ve been going in endless circles about him coming back into the society and leaving him close to exhausted. “But I-”
“Enough, he’s doing it my way or not at-”
“Uh…Miguel…?” Peter B. trails off with a finger pointing behind him.
Turning to his vast data center, he stops immediately in his tracks just to practically feel his heart fall into his ass.
You had your arms crossed, a crease to mesh your brows together furiously. Peter B. grimaces at the stern look on your face, knowing it all too well from his own spouse back in his universe. Miles is surprised to witness Miguel drop his hardened expression and voice in an instant. Your husband lets go of his startled state, arms out as he walks towards you. “Dios mío- ¿mi amor? What’s with that look on your face?”
“You went after Miles?!”
The boom in your voice causes the trio to cringe back. Behind his intelligent mind that oversaw the Spider society, you were right beside him in every step. It was a large part of both of your lives, with highs and lows and plenty of difficulties. But it was for the greater good, for a connection of people who’ve been the victims of circumstances. You’d defend your fellow heroines with your heart, including from the wrath of your husband’s stubbornness. Miguel goes up the small step with a sigh. “I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for good reason.”
“Good reason? Right, go ahead. Tell me.”
“It was for protecting you! Protecting everyone!”
“At the cost of some of someone so young?!” Your tone shifts. “¡Vas a lastimar a alguien! O tú mismo!”
Miles’s wide eyes shit to the floor. Your switch reminded of his mom, going into Spanish on the phone to let others around her know that their conversation was not for them. You were more charged than her in these circumstances.
He feels eyes on him, and turns to see Peter B. and Gwen spare him a glance from their awkward stance. Peter B. motions with his head towards the couple, eyes darting back and forth with an muffled cough. Miles eventually gives in and sighs. “…they’re saying that he could have gotten someone hurt, or himself.”
“¡No, no lo estoy! El destino del-” Miguel implores.
You groan. “I swear to God if you mention-”
“-the fate of the universe-“ The three spider people behind him join you in unison.
“-one more time-”
The two of you drone on for a bit, with Miles trying his best to whisper translations to Gwen and Peter B.
“This is serious stuff, [name]. And I mean that with my body and soul.” Miguel grabs both your hands at his emphasis, holding them gently despite your heated discussion. “Eres mi vida, él lo puso en riesgo.”
Miles’s eyes go down to the floor, eyes saddened along with his voice. “He said I put them at risk.”
Peter B. and Gwen soften, eyes going back to you both. You look at your hands together. Gold bands shined in the various blues and reds of the room, the diamond on your ring leaving fluorescent reflection on skin. He watched as your lips press together. You look up to him, “He wouldn’t do it on purpose.”
“You don’t know that-we didn’t know that-“
You shake your head, snatching your hands away to point a finger in his face. “No zip it, Miguel!”
He leans back with his eyes wide. The others react in shock as well as you fall back into Spanish to speak to your husband. Peter B. didn’t need a translator to know the man was being reprimanded, cringing back when your emphasis got aggressive. Gwen looks to him, then to Miles— too speechless to keep translating. Peter B. looks to Miguel, slowly squinting at his demeanor. The longer you spoke, the shock dissipated into something else. His eyes were softer, arms holding one another as he leaned further to listen. You didn’t take notice, still chewing him out.
“-esto es ridículo, Miguel! Eres un hombre maduro, no tienes que actuar así. ¿No crees que puede haber un malentendido?”
When you ask him the tantalizing question, he’s in a moment of pause. The man takes a step further to you. You look at him with unwavering eyes, expecting another long speech about your protection that you were all too familiar with. Instead, his fingers curl to brush under your chin, voice dropping to speak to you. “Eres guapa cuando estás enfadada.”
You’re beautiful when you’re angry. Your eyes widen, heat creeping up your back. Was he even listening to a word you said? You know he wouldn’t just ignore you or your opinions. It only took you a minute to realize that distant look on his face the whole time was to focus on your lips as you spoke. Your brows furrow, muttering to him in attempts to hold on to your reprimand. “…No cambies de tema.”
Don’t change the subject. He gives you a slight smile. With a tilt of his head, Miguel brushes his fingers under your chin again, stepping closer. “¿Por qué, no cuando cada uno de mis pensamientos gira en torno a ti?”
You give him a look, though your shoulders loose their tension. “Cabrón descarado…”Despite your words, the ends of your lips quirk up without thinking. His smirk only widens at the sight. “Y todo el tuyo también.”
Peter B. looks between you both with an expression of confusion. Weren’t you just- fighting? He takes his attention to the way you both look at each other. His brows loosen, raising to the sky when the realization hits. Turning to Miles and Gwen, he grabs both their shoulders and turn them around. The pair are forced to walk towards the entrance, eyes in a perpetually widened state.
“Alright!” The father explains. “Time to go, yep, let’s just-”
“But what about-”
Peter hunches down to aggressively whisper to them. “Guys. This is a free get out of jail card.” His head drops for a moment before looking back up. “A scarring one but nonetheless.”
Miguel thought them as out of sight and out of mind, eyes attentive to your frustrated look. How could he pays attention anything else with the way you got? The determination in your eyes and voice, how you would step to him knowing that many rarely could. You were passionate and he’d fall for it every time. The man wouldn’t have anyone else with him. He understood your words, took them in, but god did your lips too good not to take.
Your lips were captured in a plush embrace, eyes fluttering shut when he does so. The fingers under your chin turn to cup your cheek. Your hand goes to his side to invite him to come closer. Tension in your body left in an instant. Your husband lets out a soft sigh, mind enthralled in your presence. He pulls away with a slow blink of his eyes. Your eyes open, your smile now soft.
“Esto no ha terminado.” You mutter with a hand on top of his, thumb brushing over the back of it.
He chuckles darkly, caressing your cheek with a look in his eye. “Cuento con eso.”
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translations: “¡vas a lastimar a alguien! o tú mismo!” (you could have gotten someone hurt! or yourself!)
“¡no, no lo estoy! el destino del-” (no i’m not! the fate of the-)
“eres mi vida, él lo puso en riesgo.” (you are my life, he put that at risk.)
“-esto es ridículo, Miguel! Eres un hombre maduro, no tienes que actuar así. ¿No crees que puede haber un malentendido?” (this is ridiculous, Miguel! you are a grown ass man, you don’t have to act like this. don’t you think there may be a misunderstanding?)
“¿por qué, no cuando cada uno de mis pensamientos gira en torno a ti?” (why not when each of my thoughts revolve around you?)
“cabrón descarado…” (cheeky bastard...), “y todo el tuyo también.” (and all yours too.)
“esto no ha terminado.” (this isn’t over), “cuento con eso.” (i’m counting on that)
taglist: @manchuria @mezzke @rea-zxv @vvitcxen @pooiooi @jowtaro @coleseyebrows @deputy-videogamer @vegas-writing-den @m150-50up
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chestnut-b · 8 months
Iruka Mentions in the Kakashi Retsuden Novel
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"The sleep chakra point, a technique he had learned directly from Iruka, the principal of the ninja academy. When Kakashi mentioned in conversation that he had trouble sleeping sometimes, Iruka had taught him a secret jutsu for inducing restful sleep. The sticking point, through, was that it was hard to hit the spot on yourself, given the chakra point was on the back of the neck."
Kakashi confides in Iruka, and Iruka is more than willing to conduct some private lessons for the Rokudaime.
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"Before he became Hokage, Kakashi had only known how to kill people. He had methods of capturing people without killing them, but they all invovled pain and torture. But as time wore on and the country grew stable, the shinobi principle of capture without killing had taken favor. And it was none other than the Sixth Hokage himself who struggled with how to write the guidelines for this new no-kill capture policy. He'd discussed it with Iruka, the principal of the academy at the time, and he had laughed. Kakashi remembered every single word of what he said.
(Iruka) "It's ok. It might not look it, but we do more than just teach students at the academy. We've saved jutsu to make an enemy fall asleep instantly or freeze them on the spot. Everything from old to new is right here."
Distracted by the memory of Iruka's proud face, Kakashi accidentally allowed a bit of fabric to rustle while strangling the ninth shinobi."
What can I say? Kakashi certainly doesn't need the Sharingan to remember Iruka's every word, his laugh and his proud (most definitely smiling) face. In fact it's so distracting he blows his cover on a dangerous infiltration mission remembering it. Yeeeesss.
Iruka is also the last major mention at the end of Kakashi's novel:
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(Sarada) "I'm heading out. I got a present for Master Iruka," Sarada said, holding up a cherry pink paper bag. Strawberry Daifuku from Tami Traditional Sweets in the old city. They were widely known to be extraordinary and quickly sold out, so they were hard to get ahold of, a rare treat.
"Oh right, you're doing a homestay at Master Iruka's, right?" Kakashi said.
"Yeah!" Sarada nodded happily. "Cuz Mom and Dad are away on a long mission. Master Iruka's an amazing cook. He's teaching me all kinds of stuff. It's loads of fun."
"Ohh. He is pretty skilled."
Iruka was a longtime bachelor like Kakashi, but unlike Kakashi, who paid little attention to his personal life to start with, Iruka kept a neat home. In contrast with the desk of the Sixth Hokage, which was always covered with scattered papers and documents, the principal's office at the academy was famously neat and tidy.
Kakashi knows Iruka's a skilled cook. He knows Iruka keeps a neat home. (I wonder why) Kakashi's also recently developed a bit of an onsen interest. (Iruka's official data book entry lists onsens as his hobby.) They are both confirmed bachelors. Nice.
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lipglossanon · 10 months
Nobody's Listening When We're Alone
{offshoot one shot; stepdad!Leon S Kennedy x fem!reader}
Anon asked for bilingual reader who’s overheard talking to her friend about how hot Leon is which leads to a nsfw situation cause she doesn’t know he’s been learning the language 🤭 hope you enjoy anon!!
as I’m not fluent in anything but English (I know like 3 phrases in Spanish and some hella basic ASL) and I don’t trust google translate to be correct, I’ve made the italicized portions to represent when speaking in reader’s native tongue
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, stepcest, bilingual reader, nipple play, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread ✌️ basically porn with no plot 😝
title from Dangerous by Big Data
Your friend called as you started to walk into the kitchen, noticing that Leon’s already at the counter working on dinner. He smiles at you as you answer the phone and take a seat at the island. 
“Hey what’s up?”
“Yeah, it’s definitely a drag but what about you?”
“We should probably try and meet up this weekend then!”
After a while the conversation slips away from English to your native tongue. 
“No, yeah he’s here. He’s actually making dinner. You wanna pic? Hmm I’ll see if I can get a selfie.” 
“Ugh, he’s so hot, it’s stupid. I know.”
“You should see him after he comes back from a run or working out. God, he’s so sweaty and he’s wearing like hardly any clothes.”
“Mm yeah, mom’s so lucky and she doesn’t even know it. I’d be on my knees licking the sweat off of him.”
Looking over as Leon finishes adding some spices to whatever dish he’s making, you glance up and notice the time. 
“Oh shoot, I gotta call mom. Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.”
You hang up the phone and smile at Leon as he sets down the mixing bowl. He walks over to your side of the island. 
“Probably should take that selfie right?” 
You gasp, eyes wide but Leon only steps behind you gesturing for you to pickup your phone. 
Shakily, you raise it up, the forward camera catching Leon nosing at your hairline and dropping a kiss on the shell of your ear. 
He turns his gaze to you in the camera as he cups your breasts through your shirt, thumbs grazing your nipples until they’re hard. 
“Naughty girl, not wearing a bra?” He rumbles in your ear, goosebumps raising across your arms. 
“Leon,” you mewl, eyes fluttering as he keeps tweaking and pinching your nipples through your flimsy shirt. 
He tsks, “Now, that’s not my name.”
“Daddy,” you whine, pushing your chest into his broad hands, thighs rubbing together to ease the ache pulsing in your clit. 
“There we go, such a good girl,” he murmurs, pinching your nipples even harder, watching as your eyes flutter  shut at the feeling. 
He plays with your tits as he tells you take a picture. Your hands shake but you manage to take a few. Lifting your shirt, he has you flashing your camera as his hands go back to groping you, fingertips flicking your hard nipples. 
“Take some more pictures baby,” he kisses your neck, “then send’em to me.”
Your clit throbs as your panties fill with slick, snapping half a dozen pics of Leon toying with your nipples. He watches over your shoulder as you open up your texts and send the pics over to him. 
“Good girl,” he murmurs in your ear making you whine. 
“Now let’s go up to your room, we got a few hours before your mom’s home.”
In no time at all, Leon’s pressing you face down in the pillow as he rails you into your bed, pillows falling off the side from the shaking. 
“Slutty girl I’ve got huh,” he laughs, humping his hips harder into your greedy pussy, “gotta teach you a lesson in manners.”
“Uh huh,” you drool, face turned to the side, ass raised in the air for Leon to fuck deeper into your wet hole, “daddy, please.”
“Fuck,” he groans, grinding his cock against your g-spot, “that’s so fucking hot, say it again little slut.”
“Daddy, daddy, please,” you chant, dizzy with arousal and drooling on the sheets.
“So good, such a tight fucking pussy,” he growls, slipping a hand underneath your hips to tease across your clit, “gonna make you squirt all over me.”
“Leon,” you squeal as he picks up the pace, ramming into your squelching pussy as he rubs soft circles into your swollen clit. 
“God, glad your mom’s not home,” he groans, chuckling when you clench down on him, “yeah don’t want her to see me fucking this little pussy, huh? Daddy just couldn’t help it honey, had to get my dick in your tight hole.”
You moan loudly, bouncing yourself back on his cock, “This is so wrong, we shouldn’t be doing this.”
“I know,” he smacks your ass, “it’s so dirty baby, but gotta get my dick wet somehow, right?”
You nod, “Yes, yes, need you in my pussy. Feels so good.”
“Yeah it does,” he laughs meanly, “best pussy I’ve had in a while.”
He shoves his cock deep into your cunt and grinds, making you squirm and whine as his dick rubs all against the spongy spot at the front of your pussy. Your hands twist in the sheets as he flicks and pinches your pudgy clit.
“Daddy, gonna cum,” you slur against the bed.
“Do it then,” he taunts, free hand coming down to slap your ass hard, “cum all over my cock, wanna feel this tight little pussy squeeze me.”
It doesn’t take long before you’re screaming out your orgasm against your drool coated sheets, pussy clamping rhythmically around Leon’s fat cock. 
“Oh honey, that feels so fucking good,” he praises you, hands slapping your ass again making you squeal, “fucking work that pussy on my cock, wanna cum inside you.”
“You can’t,” you whine back at him although you really wouldn’t mind it, pussy fluttering at the thought of Leon’s cum filling your cunt.
“You can’t stop me,” he laughs, “besides don’t you wanna know what it feels like? Ever had a boy creampie your cute little pussy before?”
“Nooo,” you whimper as Leon’s fingers slide over your hip to start working soft circles into your clit, “never had one, s’bad, could get pregnant.”
Leon groans, “Yeah, that’s the point, guys like going raw so they can breed hot wet pussies like your’s, baby. C’mon, just let daddy fill you up, you know it’ll feel so good. Promise I won’t knock you up.”
You writhe back on him, feeling yourself get even wetter, “O-okay, but only if you promise I won’t get pregnant.”
He chuckles, “I promise I won’t give you a baby.”
You both are getting off to this fucked up scenario, both pretending like Leon’s promise actually holds any weight. 
“Cum in me, daddy,” you pant, mewling as his fingers rub your clit even faster, “want it, wanna feel it.”
“Oh fuck,” he groans, hips snapping hard against your ass, “ready? Fucking take it, take your daddy’s load deep in this needy little pussy.”
You whine as you feel his hot cum filling your cunt, stuffing you so full it even drips out around his cock. He ruts his spent cock into your sloppy pussy as he pinches your clit, watching as your back arches when your second orgasm sweeps through you. 
He pulls out with a grunt, laying down on the bed next to you, both of you panting and trying to catch your breath. 
He grins at you, smoothing his hand across your hair, “Maybe next time be a little more careful when talking with your friend, sweetheart.”
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wazzappp · 8 months
So. What if Jaime had chemoreceptors on spots his armor? I have four potential explanations/reasons.
One: the less creepy version: certain types of bugs taste with their feet, etc. Not beetles, but they do. They can land on things and identify whether or not they’re food that way. So, fingertips and or balls of his feet have the ability to taste.
Two: the raptorial version. The forearm blades/upper forelegs are raptorial. If he’s fighting/hunting, he might wanna be able to sense if this is food or not, once he sticks his blades in. So taste receptors on the blades. Possibly little pores like ampullae of lorenzini (detects electrical impulses, so might help with finding muscles to cut to incapacitate prey), or thermal pits like vipers (to help locate large veins to slice.)
Three: antenna version.
The upper forelimbs kinda look like antenna, could give them sensory function (in suit). Maybe sensitive to pressure on the tips, with chemoreceptors clustered on the tip (active investigation, like he’s poking at a thing) and trailing in a rough line down the limb towards his main body (passive investigation, like the wind blows a smell to him)
Four: scout version. The scarab is an infiltrator, part of infiltrating is collecting data, so the armor must have a whole fuck-ton of sensors on it, so the scarab can get lots of data to send to Reach. Khaj isn’t interested in the reach, but that doesn’t change what it was designed for. So lots of sensors everywhere, with taste/smell receptors clustered on the ends of limbs (feet, hands, blades)
Thank you, have a nice day!
Hey. Hi. Not to be dramatic but I’m going to marry you now. This is not a request. Put the ring on
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Hoooooooooly fuck I love the Ampullae of Lorenzini idea so much. I know there aren’t really insects that have them (as far as I know) but I don’t fucking care they’re SO COOL. The gel inside ampullengang might need to change because it’s meant to detect electromagnetic fields underwater but that’s like. The only real issue here.
Fuckkkk you could have so much fun with behavioral shit too. Movement might cause his mantis blades to try and lash out to attack whatever’s triggering them. In battle this could help with quick instinctive attacks that might not be possible if he was doing it consciously. BAD news is that means he has to get a grip on them real fucking quick so he doesent hurt anyone on accident. OHHHH MY GOD WHICH WOULD MAKE DUCK-TAPING THEM DOWN IN MY LAST LIL AU BLURB EVEN MORE FUN LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO.
Oh god accidentally hurting a family member. His worst fucking nightmare. Delicious. I am drinking that shit like lemonade.
Yes I added his little clawsies in the diagram you can fit SO many knives on this boy.
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THERMAL!! PITS!! Holy fuck I did not know there were beetles that have these but there ARE. They’re called fire chaser beetles and they can sense fires from MILES away and holy fuck I love them. Their sensilla (sorry for spelling it wrong in the drawing lmao) are stored in the thorax and are infrared receptors. These contain liquid which expand in response to the infrared radiation, and touch a nerve, which tells the beetle where heat is coming from.
For Jaime this would be weird as FUCK. It’s more just a sense of 'HEAT WHEREMST’ than infrared vision. It is nice for telling his mom when she forgot to turn off the oven though.
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whichbasketwitchbasket · 11 months
Simple ways to get around the mundanity of life and feel less bored/depressed overtime.
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1: next time you're at the store? get a new fruit. So serious. Just one. Bets are you haven't had every fruit in the store. I've made it a tradition to try one new thing every time I go. Last week I grabbed my first ever pomegranate (and realized that they aren't my favorite, but who cares). Don't hold yourself to any standard here. They can be fresh, dried, frozen, hell even pureed. Just something new you haven't actually tasted before.
2: change your phone/computer wallpaper and reorganize your apps. (mini self promo: i'm in the process of making some lockscreen subliminals that I think are really fun :) if you want to get more witchy with it). Use your widgets. Make your own, if you have the energy.
3: delete apps, photos, data. You realize how much you hold onto that you don't need. Don't be a digital hoarder. Find 2 more to add. Play around.
4: move where you do things. Even if it's not very far. I write my posts from my bedroom most of the time, but I'm slowly randomizing my spot. The library, cafe, or even just your kitchen. on the floor. On the countertop. Outside. In the closet. The world is your oyster.
5: move around your actual space. If you're physically abled, literally rearrange the room. My mom had the habit of moving our couch every month. A drawer also works.
Remember: there is no shame in what you can, or can't do, as long as it helps. My masterlist
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spacefinch · 7 months
Rating TNG Characters based on how I’d handle being home alone with them
Picard: Good for a nice quiet afternoon. I imagine he’d just spend all day reading whatever book he’s currently working his way through. I would probably also be reading. And of course, it wouldn't be a proper visit without some "tea, Earl Grey, hot."
Riker: It is party time. This could mean a number of things: Watching a movie, going to a hamburger joint and then frozen yogurt “just because”, or just hanging out. When we’re not doing the aforementioned, we’re listening to jazz music.
Deanna: I try to tell her I’m not interested in a “girls’ day,” but she quickly wins me over. Not only does she make “girly” things like shopping and hair and nail painting fun, she also takes me to get ice cream (which we eat while watching a cheesy movie). By the time she has to leave, she’s ensured that my family won’t run out of dessert for the next two months.
Tasha: I would LOVE hanging out with her, no questions asked. At home, we’d probably play games or something, but it’s more likely we’d be on an outing. There’s not a lot of talking that goes on. I try not to ask about her past, since it’s clearly a sensitive subject for her. Instead, we talk about things like our favorite animals, or how the weekend went. 
Data: Another crew member I would love to hang out with. Before going home, we make a quick (translation: 2 hour) stop at the library, during which Data signs up for a library card. Most of our conversations are just back-and-forth infodumping. Further benefits: help with homework (especially math and music), and getting to pet Spot. (He definitely brings Spot over.)
Geordi: 90% of our time together is spent geeking out over various stuff. The rest of the time is spent doing stuff like building model airplanes and listening to radio dramas. However, I do not get to bed until almost 2 AM because neither one of us has a healthy sleep schedule.
Worf: Another “not a whole lot of talking” situation. He tries his best to make some sort of traditional Klingon dish, but the kitchen is a disaster afterwards. I try a tiny bit of the food just to be polite, but it’s not my favorite and I decide to just have leftover pasta. The rest of the evening is spent trying to get the kitchen back in order before my parents come home.
Beverly: Definitely the mom friend. She doesn’t let me watch TV until I get my homework done, but she does help me with said homework. Afterwards, though, we watch a recording of a Broadway musical together. Or if it works out, she takes me to see a play in person.
Wesley: In this situation, it is I who is the responsible adult. Nothing productive happens, unless you count “spent the whole day playing video games, showing each other memes, and doing questionable science experiments” as productive. We try to cook dinner, but it doesn’t go very well and we just end up ordering pizza and eating it while watching a movie.
Q: No. Absolutely not. Besides, he would rather be harassing Captain Picard and company. He does try to intrude on my read-a-thon with Picard, though. 
Guianan: She’s not the one hanging out at my house, I’m at her house. Or at her restaurant. She’s very nice to me and has plenty of advice regarding my concerns about navigating social life. I would be honored to hear what wisdom she has to offer me.
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hellodarjeeling · 2 years
August 1995 Playboy TNG Drinking Game
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Prime Directive: Have one sip of beer per successfully met condition:
Anybody says: - "Open hailing frequencies." - "Medical emergency." - "Belay that order." - "Energize." - "You have the bridge." - "Hell," "damn" or any other profanity (see Riker's special swearing rules that appear later in this list).
Picard says: - "Make it so." - "Engage!" - "Proceed." - "Come" (two sips if it is said in his personal quarters). - "Captain's log"; two sips if it's supplemental.
Worf says: - "Impressive." - "Admirable."
Data says: - "Fascinating." - "Interesting." - "Accessing."
Riker: - Swears (two sips if it's "hell," whole beer if he asks, "What the hell is going on?") - Walks forward as if he were trying to knock down an imaginary door with his forehead. - Brags about his trombone.
Picard: - Straightens his uniform. - Tries to speak French.
Data: - Performs a self-diagnostic. - Reveals his innards. - Pets or holds Spot.
Geordi: - Sees something other people can't. - His VISOR is taken or is knocked off.
Beverly: - Can't figure out some bizarre medical problem.
Troi: - Talks about chocolate; two sips if she eats something chocolate. - Has an empathic insight about something that's really obvious.
Wesley: - Talks back to his mom.
O'Brien: - Speaks.
Anybody: - Drinks; four if it's Picard drinking Earl Grey tea. - Reads a book. - Is addressed by first name; two if there's some kind of sexual tension going on. - Appears in dress uniform (one sip per scene per officer). - Appears in casual clothes (one sip per scene per officer); two of it's Beverly in a sweater or Picard in his chest-revealing bedwear. - Plays an instrument; two if it's Data. - Preaches the Prime Directive; two if it's not Picard. - Preaches about "humanity's unique potential." - Implies that Ten Forward is a happening place.
Alerts: - Yellow alert: one sip. - Red alert: two sips. - Intruder alert: three sips.
Any time: - There's an argument in a turbolift. - A shuttle craft seems like an unsafe place to be. - Something goes wrong with the holodeck. - An "old earth saying" is brought up; two if Data has to have it explained to him. - Klingon is spoken; two sips per scene in which Klingons are alone and have no obvious reason to speak English but do so anyway. - A female character has flawless makeup after she's been through the wringer. - There's a token alien in the background with no lines; two if it's a Vulcan. - A communicator isn't working or is blocked. - Somebody uses a communicator or intercom without going to a panel or touching anything. - There's a countdown. - The Enterprise does battle (shots must be fired): two sips per scene. - The living quarters of the Enterprise separate from the ship before battle: the whole beer.
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coolfijiwater · 3 months
larian studios and wyll
so i’ve been meaning to make a post about wyll for a while now, and now is the time (lol). but i’ve been thinking and talking to friends about the lack of content wyll has in bg3, and it’s something that i think i noticed even when playing with early access. but the full game release really puts a giant spotlight on the content disparities between the main companions and even various npcs.
i don’t know if i want to fully list every single spot where wyll clearly lacks in content because i find that it’s incredibly obvious. but the few things i do want to mention are his romance/sex scene and his story line and beats being about practically everyone else. and i know that the second one is super vague and encompassing, but that’s the core of the issue. larian studios “rework” of wyll’s story line did nothing to fix it and, quite possibly, made it worse.
since i only had access to act 1 during early access, i can’t speak to act 2 and 3. but even the changes in act 1 are apparent. while i do think some of the changes larian made were good (especially changing wyll from being incredibly racist towards goblins to not), but most of the changes were just cutting content.
and then there's what was added - mizora changing wyll’s race and appearance against his will because he saved karlach. i feel people have talked about this trope around poc and black people before when talking about disney’s the princess and the frog or brother bear, and that is something that has been discussed as openly racist (here’s a mic article talking about this concept).
but beyond this, that scene isn’t really about wyll. it’s about karlach, if you really think about it. wyll is being punished because of his decision (which isn’t even really his decision because your tav makes the real decision) to save her. and this sidelining of wyll is constant throughout his story line. saving his dad (multiple times) gets sidelined with ketheric or saving the gondians, finding ansur on behalf of his ulder gets overshadowed by the emperor and ansur relationship, and so much more. there’s also the fact that to learn anything about his mom, you need to kill his dad. and don’t get me wrong, i hate ulder ravengard with a fucking passion, but i wouldn’t purposely kill him because it makes wyll hate you. to make that aspect worse, wyll isn’t even the one to tell you the lore surrounding his mom, it’s just flavor text from ulder’s sword. 
there’s definitely more to say about how larian studios treats wyll’s story line, but i do want to talk about his romance story line. just like his story line, wyll’s romance is so much less than any of the other companions or even npcs. wyll has a sex scene, but it’s a fade to black with no voice over, which is nothing compared to one of the only other fade to black sex scenes: the drow twins. the drow twins have a number of sex scene options, all of which have voice overs. wyll, one of the 6 main companions, doesn’t even get this.
and i think this all leads back to larian studios not wanting to admit that they’re racist. wyll has consistently gotten nothing, even after release with all of these updates and patches. like, let’s be real here, the reason wyll has gotten nothing is not only because of the fans or data points, it’s because larian studios is racist. it’s them, seemingly, not being aware that the fantasy genre is steeped in racism because they don’t need to think about racism because they’re european, they’re not racist because they’re not american.
i don’t even know what i want to happen with this post. i guess i just wanted to open up this discussion and maybe remind people that larian studios is not infallible.
also! i feel like i need to mention that i love wyll. he is genuinely one of my favorite characters in bg3, i want more content for him. but we need to be real about why that content isn't already in the game.
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Aita for leaving a friend hangout?
So me (14 genderfluid) and a friend (15 ?) were supposed to hang out in town today (it’s 30th August at the moment of writing this). I was going to take the bus into town to go to an event sort of thing and had a couple of hours to spare before this, so we decided that we would take the bus directly after school to go hang out. We had had a hangout planned a few weeks earlier but I couldn’t get a ride to the place in question on Saturday and they couldn’t do it on Sunday so we decided to try another time.
The whole school day today was really bad. I’m currently getting bullied quite a lot and this has caused intense discomfort and anxiety around being in school as well as meeting other people from my school outside of it. While this day in particular wasn’t too bad (little to no mocking, harassment, barking at etc) I still had a lot of anxiety throughout the whole day, probably amplified by sleeping badly and not eating much for lunch. I felt like shit the whole day. The bus ride also made me anxious. The thought that I could meet my bullies on the bus and have nowhere to go and no teacher to help me terrified me.
So, school ends and I go to wait for the bus. I meet my friend there, but they are with some other people, one whom I know from before and a few I don’t know, that I don’t even know the names of. This was a bit concerning to me. I can be pretty social if I put my mind to it, but school and the bullying has really made me nervous about interacting with people my age. On top of that, the unknown people seem to be the kind of people giving me dirty looks. Not outright bullying, but clear distaste. Oh well, I thought, maybe they won’t even hang out with us? And they seemed to be disinterested in me and my existence. Not a hello, just a quick glance and that’s it.
That also put me a bit on edge. I’ve had experiences with hanging out with friends who bring their other friends and said other friends just completely ignore me. They don’t speak to me, don’t acknowledge anything I say, they don’t introduce themselves, nothing. This isn’t really fun, and it usually kinda ruins everything for me. It reminds me of parts of the bullying, when people just pretend I don’t exist.
So I was a bit worried, but managed to board the bus with little to no issues. I didn’t sit with any of my friends because the bus was too full, but I heard them talking to each other behind me.
We get off the bus and yeah it is very clear that we’re hanging out together. And it’s maybe like two people I don’t know, and a few I do know but I wasn’t told would be coming. Personally, I really don’t like when I’m not informed of everyone who’s coming along. This is especially bad with people I don’t know.
I decided to try to push through my unwillingness and tiredness and rampant anxiety. But first I had to text my mom. We made a deal that I would text her when I got to town to make sure it was ok. I had no mobile data, so I had to go to the library to try and get some internet. The friend told me that we should split up and meet up later, so that’s what they did. They went somewhere and I would just quickly run in to send a text to my mom.
But due to various issues I couldn’t send a message. Something with the internet connection idk. I got really worried that she would get worried and have no way of contacting me. After trying for a while I gave up and decided to go find my friends, maybe they could share their internet with me or something.
I couldn’t find them. Our town is very small but I couldn’t find them at any of the regular spots and I had no way of contacting them. I eventually gave up. I was sad, tired, hungry and very very anxious, and the day was going to shit. At that moment I really just wanted to go home.
I decided to call my mom and get her to pick me up. I felt bad for leaving my friends but there was no way I could handle staying in town for another 4-5 hours. I did lie to her and said I was having a stomach ache and that I was feeling ill. Mom agreed to pick me up.
Right when me and my mom were heading to the car I spotted my friends. I went to them and told them that I was feeling sick and I was going home. They just walked right past me with little to acknowledge of what I said.
I went home and I’m feeling better emotionally, sort of. I feel bad for lying and saying I was feeling sick, but I don’t know if I would have been taken seriously if I just said “I’m aggressively anxious and tired and starving and every other sound that reminds me of my bullies makes me lightheaded with fear”. I feel bad for leaving them but at that moment I felt like I was gonna cry if I didn’t get to go home. I don’t know if what I did was right.
What are these acronyms?
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stuckysbike · 8 months
Kiss Me Once In The Moonlight
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst, unrequited?feelings. Fluff.
Summary: You’ve fallen in love, but he wants someone else.
It was a cold mid October Saturday night when you realised you were in love with Bucky Barnes.
Natasha had ushered you out of your solitude and over to her private apartment on the compound. Steve was already there, along with Sam, Joaquin, Yelana, a few from the medical team and a few mechanics.
The place was decorated for spooky season, with playful ghosts and fuzzy spiders hiding in the corners. Everyone got comfortable and music played in the background whilst you snacked on nuts and candied apples and sipped beer. Halloween meets Octoberfest was the theme.
Bucky had been telling a story, his face lit up and his big hands flying everywhere as he described his mom chasing him with a broom during his teenage years after a Halloween fright. Occasionally his eyes met yours and they sparkled, but you figured he was like that with everyone.
You’d been crushing on him since you arrived in January and he was first to greet you. He seemed fascinated by your job, research and data analyst, but it was ultimately boring to almost everyone but you.
You lunched together sometimes and you swapped books every few weeks. You even got him into podcasts and you were always swapping recommendations.
But tonight he looked happy, relaxed even, and when Natasha dropped her dainty feet into his lap you felt the world skip underneath you, you wanted to put your feet in his lap. You wanted his big hands dwarfing your feet.
He rubbed her toes without thinking, and she snuggled down as the mechanics started describing the prank they’d played on Tony this week, going so far as to rope Pepper in.
“Wanna stay here tonight?” You heard Natasha murmur to Bucky during a lull in conversation. Sam was changing the music and Joaquin was setting up tequila shots.
He smiled at her but shook his head. “Nah,” his voice was thick with tiredness.
“You finally made a move on that girl?” She teased wiggling in her spot.
Bucky’s cheeks tinged pink and you dropped your eyes when you realised you were staring. You didn’t want to be caught looking like some dumb kid.
It was foolish to think that Bucky with his wonderful abilities and handsome looks would be interested in you who spent most of your time at work or alone.
“Think I’m gonna’ take her out, yeah,” he nodded. You snuck a glance at him in time to catch him looking from you to Natasha.
Oh god, he must have noticed you staring. How embarrassing!
Tears that had no right to form stung your eyes and you stood suddenly distracting Steve who was kneeling at the coffee table next to you. Sam took the opportunity to defeat him in their thumb war game much to Steve’s annoyance.
“I’m going to head back, I’m just really tired,” you said to the room, avoiding Bucky. “Thank you for the invitation Natasha.”
There were a few comments asking you to stay but ultimately everyone wished you a good sleep. Your own room was a fifteen minute walk away in a shared block and you pulled your arms around yourself to fight the cold as you stepped outside.
“Hey Doll,” Bucky called startling you.
“Bucky, hi,” you frowned.
“Thought I’d walk you back,” he said falling into step with you. “And I wanted your advice.”
“So there’s this girl I like. She’s not like the others, she’s not really - she’s different. And I really want to make a date special for her, you know?” He glanced as you, letting his arm bump yours as you walked.
“I do,” you sighed resigning yourself to your fate. You didn’t want to have this conversation but you didn’t want to not help him either. He was your friend after all.
“So I’ve had a few first date ideas, I’m thinking farmers market then making brunch together? I started this really great podcast and I was thinking we could listen together as we cook then talk about it while we eat? Then after we could go to a museum or something?” Bucky licked his lips and stopped looking at you.
You didn’t want him to share a podcast with her. That was your thing with him. You knew you were being unfair, childish even but right now you didn’t care.
“That sounds lovely,” you said. And it did, you wished you were that girl, you wished Bucky wanted to go to all that trouble for you but instead you’d have to sit home alone tomorrow whilst he woo’d someone else.
“Yeah?” He asked excitedly. “I really just wanna’ hold her hand, at the market, in the museum, I just crave that feeling you know, like this,” Bucky reached for your hand and laced your fingers together, holding your joined hands up to inspect. “It’s been a long time since I held a girls hand like this.”
“I-I’m sure it has Buck,” you swallowed. He resumed walking and you could do nothing but join him, he still had your hand in his. He described his outfit for his date and wondered if you had a cosy chunky sweater.
“I do, it’s so comfortable,” you said softly. You couldn’t hide the disappointment as you slowed in front of the doors. “It’s my favourite colour too.”
“Will you wear it tomorrow?” Bucky tilted his head to the side.
“Why does it matter what I wear?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his odd request. You couldn’t though, thinking of him with someone else whilst you wore what he asked you to.
“I want to know that you’re warm tomorrow. You know, on our date?” Bucky pressed his cool left hand on your cheek as he turned to face you. His kiss was soft, just a sweet brush of the lips and then he pulled away. “I’ll see you at nine thirty?”
“Uh huh,” you nodded dumbly. He kissed you again, and you caught the faint taste of whiskey on his lips. He was warm as he pressed into you and you let your hands slide up his chest to his shoulders.
“See you tomorrow baby girl,” he pressed one last kiss to your forehead then opened the building door for you.
You walked inside in a daze, waving goodbye and drifting up the stairs like you weighed nothing.
You couldn’t remember getting changed into your pj’s, all you knew was that you were snuggled under your duvet setting an alarm for your date with Bucky in the morning.
You smiled, and suddenly your legs kicked and you let out a little squeal. You were going out with Bucky Barnes and he kissed you three times.
You feel asleep to the memory of one hot hand and one cold hand cupping your cheeks as he kissed you in the moonlight.
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