#Date Night Plans
forever-eternal · 1 month
so- Adam’s snake form? You said he remains close to the Earth’s core and I was wondering how he even ends up there. Does he spawn there??
He burrows! A lot of the really deep caves in America, the ones where it’s too dangerous to send people down to find the end, are passages he’s burrowed. It’s basically a giant cavern under the continent that he likes to hide in, with many different passages leading to the surface!
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callmebabygirll0 · 1 year
You, me and the milking table
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Can I kiss you?
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 1]
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“—so sorry! I swear I didn’t mean to kill him! It was an accident! He just jumped me out of nowhere and I have had bad experiences with clowns in the past so when I saw it was a clown trying to kidnap me I kinda just panicked and punched him! I swear, dude, I didn’t mean to hit him so hard—“
Jason, much too calmly, likely in some form of shock, rises from the crouched-down position he had been in to check the clown corpse’s pulse.
He had seen the poor, still rambling, twink getting grabbed from a distance and was about to step in as Red Hood, not even having been aware it was the Joker who —shouldn’t he have been in Arkham? There has been no announcement of him breaking out yet— had grabbed the guy until he had run close enough to the scene.
Which was after the guy had already been startled so badly by the Joker trying to kidnap him that he sucker punched the Joker into the wall of the alley so hard the clown died.
Said twink then realized what he had done and that he had a witness, that witness being Red Hood himself, and had started his frenzied speech on how it was an accident and to please don’t take him to jail he’s only just started his scholarship at Gotham U. and he can’t have murder on his track record yet.
Breathless, Jason looks at the nervous twink in front of him, who's still trying to plead his case, and who just obliterated the Joker with a punch.
Before his brain can catch up to his mouth, he’s already cutting the distressed monologuing off.
“Can I kiss you?” He blurts out.
Danny, taken off guard, breaks out of his panicked—oh, Ancients, I just killed someone— stupor and lets out a startled laugh.
“Take me out to dinner first” came the automatic joking reply, Danny still largely in shock of what he did.
Jason, either not picking up on the joking tone or ignoring it, nods seriously, already trying to come up with the best place for a dinner date with the cute twink to thank him for his service to the city.
Danny, who has calmed down slightly by now, glances between the red-helmed vigilante and the clown corpse. His gaze lands on Red Hood and he hesitantly speaks up again.
“So, uh, what happens now? Do I need to go to the station to make a statement orrrr?” He pauses awkwardly.
Jason, who’s still trying to figure out whether the Bat Burger would be a good place for a first date or not, doesn’t reply.
“I’ve got school in the morning and I only have like,” he pauses to check his phone for the time, “3 more hours before I have to be up for my first lesson. Soooo, I’m just gonna go. That cool?”
Again, he waits for a reply. But it doesn’t come.
“Right. Cool cool. Uh, see you later? Mr. Red Hood dude sir?” Danny gives a clumsy and awkward salute before turning tail and speed-walking away.
It’s not until 30 minutes later, once Jason has finally decided on the perfect place to take the guy to dinner to, that he realizes the twink is gone.
Fuck, he forgot to ask for the guy’s name.
And number.
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 3-Manga
"You should take her to that café on Fifth Ave." Jon declared, "She loves sweets and they serve a variety of tea there. It's perfect!"
"Marinette, remember to be courteous of his diet." Kagami spoke, "Don't go anywhere there are few options."
"I think Damian is picking the place this time so that won't be a problem." Marinette replied.
"Is that seriously what you're wearing?" Jon shouted.
"What is wrong with my outfit?" Damian questioned.
"Oh, nothing." Jon snarled, "It's just your usual suit. It's a date, Damian! You're not going to a gala; dress down, like if we were going somewhere."
Damian rolled his eyes and walked back into his closet.
"I have the perfect outfit for you!" Adrien shouted, pulling out the viral strawberry dress, "It's perfect!"
"Adrien, I really don't think-" Mari began to refuse.
"It's spring. You look great in pink and as a designer can you really refuse?" he countered.
Marinette sighed and grabbed the dress.
"Make sure you wear your red bow heels." he shouted.
"What?" Marinette yelled, "No way!"
"Are you going to wear your converse and clash." Adrien smirked.
Mari growled and went back into her room.
"Hurry up!" he called back, "I'm doing your hair and make up, too."
Marinette couldn't help but feel utterly ridiculous right now.
'How did I let Adrien talk me into dressing up like this? I feel so stupid right now!'
Marinette smiled, embarrassed, as she waved to Damian.
'Jon, I'm going to kill you.'
Damian took in Marinette's appearance and felt completely underdressed. She was wearing a short pink dress with flowing sleeves with strawberries and Jon had convinced him to come in jeans! Marinette was wearing heels; she never wear heels! Damian was already thinking which piece of kryptonite he was going to use to kill his best friend with.
Marinette looked around the tiny café. It was definetely something new. They had never eaten there before. She could see stands her family used for cupcakes, but these had.....sandwiches?
Damian gulped as she looked around. She seemed excited.
'Maybe Jon was right; I'll just maim him.'
'I never thought Damian would like these kind of things. This place reminds me of the galas he always complains about. He told me he hated finger food so why are we here? Did I say something to make him think I would like this? Is this because I told him I want jalapenos on the veggie pizza last time?'
"I apologize for being underdressed, Marinette." Damian spoke.
"Are you kidding?" Marinette questioned, "I feel overdressed. Adrien suggested this outfit."
"Jon suggested mine." he admitted.
Marinete giggled, "What else did Jon suggest?"
"Coming here." Damian admitted.
"Seriously?" Marinette asked, "How about we split a veggie pizza? I'm buying."
Damian stood up quickly and rushed to pay. Marinette just giggled at his urgency.
'I knew he didn't like this place.'
"So, did Agreste suggest the hair, too?" he questioned, looking at her hair in space buns.
"Yeah." Mari spoke, " He insisted. He said something about wanting to style my hair like this for awhile and how he needed it to be long enough."
"That I don't mind." Damian stated, "Although, I'm sure you are eager to get out of those heels."
As Damian drove them over to her apartment, Marinette texted Adrien and Kagami. She lied and said the date had been a disaster and she was at home. The moment they arrived, Damian texted Jon saying there had been an accident at the café and he desperately needed a change of clothes. He told him they had gone to her place as it was closer to the café.
Damian quickly hid in her room and Marinette sat on the couch facing the door. She buried her face in her hands as she heard footsteps pounding the hallways like a stampede. Her front door was thrown open.
"What happened?" Adrien shouted.
"I have my blade!" Kagami cried, holding it up in the air.
Almost instantly, Jon barreled into them shouting, "I have clothes!"
"Ow." Adrien winced, "Jon?"
"Who is he?" the fencer demanded.
They turned to Marinette for answers, only to see her glaring at them. They hadn't even heard her get up from the couch.
"Sit down; now!" she demanded.
Jon had never seen Marinette pissed off, but Adrien had.
'Not good!'
Adrien quickly grabbed Kagami's arm and pulled her to sit down where Mari had been. Jon wasn't sure what was going on, but he rushed to sit next to the others.
"You can come out now." Mari called out and Damian walked out.
"Hey!" Jon whined, "You said-"
Damian grabbed the clothes out of his friends arms and went back to his girlfriend's room.
"All three of you made this date a disaster." Marinette claimed.
"We didn't know where we were going so we were dressed horribly." Marinette stated, "As a fashion designer that is a huge no in my books. While I don't mind Damian dressed casual, it would be fine if we were going to the mall, the movies, or a shopping date. I'm wearing a $200 dress that you insisted I wear."
"But you look so cute!" Adrien defended himself.
"I'm in heels, Adrien!" Mari shouted back.
Kagami even looked at him, like he lost his mind.
"You had us go to a tea shop." she spoke, pointing to Jon.
"Damian likes tea and you like sweets." Jon shrugged. Kagami sighed, "She grew up in a bakery. She bakes all the time. Marinette probably has five different types of bread or sweets in her kitchen, right now."
"While it's great you thought of both of us, they have specials on certain days. They were serving roast beef sandwiches today." Marinette explained.
"Oh." Jon whispered, sinking lower into his seat, praying that Batcow would forgive him.
Damian walked out of the room and took Marinette's spot as she walked into her room.
"Where did you get these ideas?" Damian demanded.
"Manga." they all answered.
Marinette walked out of her room in a new change of clothes. She kept her hair down, but was red crop top and black short. She had even traded in red heels for some white converse high tops.
"So?" Mari questioned.
"Manga." Damian answered.
Marinette facepalmed, "Swap mangas or something, but next time you want to give advice, make sure everyone has read it. Also, make sure you all agree with it."
Kagami pouted, "So, I don't need my blade, right now."
"No, Kagami." Mari responded.
"Fine." the fencer replied, sheathing it away.
"I'm sorry, Mari." Adrien spoke first.
"I'm sorry, Damian." Jon declared, " I was only trying to help."
"As was I." Kagami stated.
Mari smiled and grabbed Damian's hand, " Alright, well, now that that is over with; let's go."
"Where are you going?" Kagami questioned.
"We're gonna go on a pizza date." Marinette answered.
Damian spoke, "We are picking it up and then heading to my place to watch movies."
"It sounds boring." Huffs Adrien.
Mari stuck out her tongue at him and turned back to her boyfriend, "It sounds perfect."
The trio of friends pouted as all their hard work went to waste.
As the couple walked out of Marinette's apartment, the three new friends began to go over what manga they had fixated on for the date and others they had read.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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ilykirara · 4 months
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In light of Lunar New Year, I hc that Liu Kang does the most BEAUTIFUL dragon/lion dance (MK11 ver. definitely paired up with MK11 ver. Kung Lao whenever it was Lunar New Year)
MK1 ver definitely makes his fire dragons do the dance in the air at night <<3
If have time I definitely wanna draw Liu Kang with his dragons (but like... my schedule is so bad rn so if anyone does it TAG MEEE!!) / Raiden, Kung Lao, Cage, Takahashi, and Liu Kang doing the dragon dance PLEASE
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natsmagi · 3 months
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surely not. are you implying that during date plan natsume was struggling with coming up with an idea and not only went to tsumugi, a completely irrelevant third-party with probably ZERO dating experience for advice, but then used tsumugis OWN IDEAL FIRST DATE as a base to work off of rather than, oh, i dont know, GOING WITH YOUR IDEAL DATE????? WHY ARE U BASING UR DATE PLAN ON TSUMUGIS IDEAL DATE AND NOT UR OWN ARE U STUPID. ARE U GAY. my eyes must be deceiving me bc aint no way
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birdiebats · 9 months
For a character who has a canon intense fear of developing schizophrenia, the writers sure loved to put Reid in situations that screwed with his sense of reality without addressing it
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astoldbychae · 15 days
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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It would have to be the DILF himself, Papa aka Melo. You knew I was gonna do it. . .😁
He's family oriented & VERY overprotective of his girls (from his Aunt, to his cousin's, to his daughters, and his girlfriend). He's literally the only boy of the bunch and he takes pride in being able to protect & provide for them. He doesn't play about the ladies in his life.
Still loves to watch cartoons with his favorite bowl of cereal (Trix). Even though everything is streamable now, Him & GeGe still wake up super early on Saturdays just so they can watch 'toons together with their cereal (even if she's at her mom's house, she's propping her phone up to video chat with her bowl of cereal).
Favorite food is his Granny's Gumbo (and he loves to cook it in his little pressure cooker that He got for Christmas)
Loves a good party, whether he's hosting it or attending it (he's a party animal). He literally wants to celebrate EVERY THING! Lol
Loves naps (and cuddles)! No matter what's going on, he's gonna find a way to squeeze in some sleep (BEWARE: If you nap & cuddle with him, he won't let you let him go!).
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this was literally during a family get together 😂 He fed Alleia & then autonomously went to take a nap. . .
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then woke up and grabbed a piece of cake and gave a toast like nothing ever happened...
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Thanks for the ask Glooms  💛
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chanstopher · 2 months
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heich0e · 2 months
i'm going to a club for a friend's birthday tonight and you would literally think i'm going to the guillotine the way i'm moping around morosely in the lead-up
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is having not a single fucking clue what to say when your coworkers start talking about relationships. Like how am I supposed to contribute to this conversation. I can’t tell you about my nonexistent partner. I can’t whine about how I haven’t found anybody I don’t want. I can only say “oh that’s cool” and “damn sorry about that” so many times. And now I look awkward and standoffish.
#Anonymous#aro culture is#aro#aromantic#actually aro#actually aromantic#ask#mod kee#honestly i think the best way to add to that#is like... ask about plans and things they like to do together#talk about details#like... say ur coworkers are talking about a date night#you can ask where they went for food and respond with stuff about like. oh have you been to such-and-such place - they've got the best#[similar food style]#or like. just... find a point of connection to the topics that aren't just the relationships#though i'd generally advise leading with a question that includes the relationship so it feels less like an intentional topic change#and for the 'damn i'm sorry about that' types of convos#consider if you've ever had a similar situation in some way.#like... 'wow ngl if i were doing a project with him i'd be losing my damn mind. is he always like this?'#also sometimes it helps to create a topic#like... bring in homemade food and talk about how you found the recipe and thought they'd like it#or like... if u have some sort of hobby you can talk about how you've been working on a project or w/e with that recently#you can also redirect to that stuff! like ur coworker is talking about having a date night -> oh that's neat! personally i'm really excited#to work on my embroidery project - have i shown you any pictures?#or say they're talking about a fight in their relationship - 'that's so stressful! you should do something for yourself - do you read?#i've been reading xyz book - maybe you'd like it?'#overall like. acknowledge their topic and validate their emotions -> handshake it to a similar but more relatable topic
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romanceyourdemons · 1 month
does making ocs together count as a date if we go get froyo after
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oatbugs · 3 months
pls i need to provide updates
#basically yesterday night was chaharshanbe suri . which is a solar new yr tradition where we let go of the past suffering in our year#and like...start the new yr w fresh vigour . anyway so my friend was at the event and we were abt to leap over the fire#and she was like bro im im glad u blocked her (situationship) etc etc . and then. my phone started vibrating. and i look at it. and my f#friend looks at it. and its her. and were both like what the fuck?? i blocked her things r Over and anyway so i pick up the phone and shesl#acting like nothing happened (bc nothing DID happen for her) and she was like ohh ur doing chaharshanbe suri im not doing anything etc what#are ur new yr plans so i jusr .IDK WHY I DID THIS . but ig i didnt wanna come off as like lonely i said probably hanging out w family and#friends maybe reading poetry together . et cetera and she was like wait that sounds so fun why didnt u invite me!#LIKE WDYM YOUVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY MAKING IT CLEAR U DONT WANT TO BE IN MY PRESENCE . and i told her that after#everything i thought she didnt want to see me again and she was like you always think that 😐 . like. ?? ok anyway so she expects me to#invite her . and like. there is an above 0% but sub-5% chance she will actually show up . but the panic that gripped me#i started making calls to my friends asking them if they can come on the 23rd bc there must be an event and also i asked my mother#and she said actually yeah i am doing a thing on the 23rd :D it involves over 16 ppl (we live in a v small flat) of which like...7 are kids#so you wont have space to be in ur own room let alone invite others. which tbh like ...being around a bunch of loud kids doesnt seem fun fo#any of my friends or me etc so i thought maybe i should arrange things so that we all go out together and if she shows up she shows up 🤷‍♀️#but . im so. WHY DID I SAY THAT . i had to panic-call my research partner and ask him to get from oxf to where i live on the 23rd#and when he heard the explanation he like. the light in his voice disappeared 💀 but he potentially agreed so idk#THE ISSUE IS. 23rd im supposed to also have . a date#w this girl that i had a huge crush on when i was 15-16 (posted abt this b4 but id get shitty black coffee in the mornings just to spend a#few more minuted w her each day and she was the cleverest girl in school and she cared abt nothing but her academics but now shes very gay#scraggly homosexual etc etc shes cute) and YEAH IDK#like id have to go there on the date come back fast meet ppl POTENTIALLY (again under 5%) meet situationship girl#like is that even doable#but the thing is it would be so so so funny bc all of my friends dislike her sooo much#.........what if i invited the girl im supposed to have a date w over to hang out w us#god that would be so hilarious and chaotic . i wont do it tho im a mature person x#but it would be soooo funny#I HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT DUE TMRW 12:30PM IT IS 10:49PM RN I HAVENT STARTED IT bc i was rotting sadly in bed#popped a ritalin pill tho so here we go x#i have found myself in a state of such sheer agony and rage and sorrow and grief over this girl that atp i feel like#its just so entertaining . like i feel vaguely over it? ik nothing will come of it so its like just . have fun . vibe
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mochinek0 · 5 months
Love Ballads-Ch.2
"Hello, Adrien!" chimed Lila, placing the call on speaker, "Are you as excited for today's date as much as I am?"
"Hello, Lila." Adrien acted, "Yes. I'm excited, as well."
Lila smile grew as she looked in the mirror. She had chosen the perfect dress to make him fall for her.
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"I can't wait to see all our friends again." Adrien smiled, knowingly spoiling her plans.
"What?" she asked, dropping her mocha lipstick.
"Yeah, it's already been approved by Father." the model continued, "Every Saturday is couples night with our friends from College."
"Really?" asked Lila, as she started to bite on her thumbnail.
"Yep." Adrien smirked, "Nino suggested it."
"Who else is going?" she asked, staring at her tangerine dress.
"I don't know really, just that it's mostly couples." he stated, "Anyways, I just texted you the address. I'll meet you there."
"Oh?" she whined, "You're not picking me up? Boyfriends really should-"
"No, I have to leave early. I have a shoot at dawn, but you're welcome to catch up with everyone. I can't wait! " Adrien replied, before hanging up on his supposed girlfriend.
'How could he just ruin my plans like this? He was suppose to be a good boy and pick me up for our date! He was suppose to take me to dinner so I could show all of Paris he's mine! I can't even dress up, but I can't go casual either. Time to make Agreste Jr see what he's missing out on.'
"Casual yet flirty." she smiles, putting together her new outfit.
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"Adrien, Bro!" Nino cried as he pulled his best friend into a hug.
"It's good to see you too, Nino!" replied Adrien with a hug.
"So where's Lila?" Nino asked, breaking the hug.
"She's on her way. I got a shoot at dawn so I thought it was better to come separate. I didn't want her reunion with you guys to be cut short on my account." the model smiled.
"Hey, Sunshine!" called Alya, enveloping him into a hug as well.
Soon everyone was pulling him into a hug until only Marinette was left.
"Hey, Marinette." Adrien smiled.
"Hey, Adrien." she smiled in return, "It's good to see you again."
'No stutter? When did that happen?'
Suddenly, he was enveloped by the scent of lilies and rain as she hugged him.
"You too." he smiled, faintly recalling his mother, "What have you been up to?"
"Um, university." She mumbled, "I'm in the fashion program."
"I knew your sketches were amazing!" Adrien grinned, "Are you here alone?"
"Oh! Um, no. I-I came with Nathaniel." Marinette answered.
"Oh. Um, that's nice." murmured the young model, only to receive a nod, "How long?"
"Four months?" she questioned.
"So, it's still new?" he asked.
"Yeah, thought I'd give it a shot." Mari shrugged, receiving a curt nod in return.
"Alright; it's time for the duet!" cried out Alya.
Everyone groaned in response.
"Oh, stop it! We do this every week. So, who's starting?" she asked, looking around the room, "Sunshine, you're up."
"I don't have-" he began.
"Mari, join him." interrupted Alya.
Marinette groaned, but still got up from her seat. Adrien and Marinette took the stage and grabbed a mic.
"Babe!" hissed Nino.
She shushed him. Alya ignored the looks thrown her way from everyone else. Yes, she knew that Marinette was technically seeing Nathaniel, but she also knew her girl wasn't in love with him. Maybe, a tiny part of her hoped, now that they were older, Adrien would finally see how amazing Marinette was.
"So, how do we do this?" Adrien questioned.
"Hit the random button and we sing whatever comes up." Marinette answered.
"Okay." he replied.
'That's simple enough.'
They watched as the song list shuffled rapidly before settling on 'Why Don't You Love Me'.
Adrien noticed the petite designer freeze up and the room became silent.
"Um, is-is this okay?" the model asked, confused by the air in the room.
"Uh, ye-yeah." she replied, taking a deep breath. Marinette turned and smiled at him.
"Ready?" Mari asked.
"Yep." he smiled.
Adrien closed his eyes and gulped. It was his first time singing in front of his friends.
'I can do this.'
See , I can't wake up
I'm living a nightmare,
That keeps playing over again
Locked in a room so hung up on you and you're cool with just being friends,
Left on the side lines,
Stuck at a red light,
Waiting for my time and I can't see
When the duet began, Adrien turned his head towards his partner and smiled as Marinette sang beautifully along with him. She belted out the melody, perfectly.
Why don't you love me,
Touch me,
Tell me I'm your everything
'Wow. Marinette's just as amazing as always.'
The air you breathe,
And why don't you love me,
Open up your heart tonight,
'cause I could be all that you need,
Why don't you love me?
Why don't you love me?
As Marinette began to sing her part, Adrien found he couldn't look away from her.
See I'm just to scared to tell you the truth,
'cause my heart, it can't take anymore.
Adrien took a step back, as she suddenly turned and looked at him as she sang. Suddenly, it was like she was only singing for him. It was hard to fight the blush that was trying to take over his face.
Broken and bruised,
Longing for you and I don't know,
What I'm waiting for.
Left on the side lines,
Stuck at the red light,
Waiting for my time,
Taking a deep breath, Adrien returned the melody with as much passion as she did.
So just tell me,
Why don't you love me.
Adrien couldn't help but smile, as a blush overtook her face when he sang back to her.
Touch me,
This time her eyes were on him.
Tell me I'm your everything
The air you breathe,
And why don't you love me,
Open up your heart tonight
'cause I could be all that you need
Why don't you give me a reason?
Give me a reason
Please tell me the truth
Please tell me the truth
You know, that I keep believing
I keep believing
'til I'm with you
Adrien slowly reached out and grasped Marinette's hand.
Why don't you love me?
Startled, Marinette quickly looked at their hands, before returning her gaze back at him. Only when she looked up, she found he had closed the gap, bringing their hands to his chest.
Kiss me
She couldn't help but look away.
'Why does it feel like I'm begging for a kiss?' she wondered.
I can feel your heart tonight
It's killing me (killing me)
So why don't you love me?
Touch me
Tell me I'm your everything
The air you breathe
And why don't you love me?
Open up your heart tonight
'cause I could be all that you need
Why don't you love me?
Why don't you love me?
Why don't you love me?
Why don't you love me?
Why don't you love me?
As the song ended, Marinette quickly set down the microphone and hurried to her seat. She took a deep breath as she calmed her traitorous heart.
'It wasn't a confession; I have Nathaniel! I can't fall for Adrien again! This is suppose to be my time to get over him!'
Confused, Adrien sets down his mic on the stand. As he went to his seat, he noticed Alya looking at her phone.
'Was I that bad?'
"Congrats, Man! You killed it with that song!" Nino claimed, clapping him on the back.
"You both harmonized beautifully." stated Luka.
Mari blushed in response and took a sip of her drink. Luka had never said that about her and Nathaniel. She decided it was best to ignore him, missing Alix elbowing him in the ribs.
"Hey, I found someone." called Nathaniel as he entered the room.
"Adrien!" Lila cried, throwing her arms arounf him.
"Lila?" he questioned.
"I tried calling you when I got here, but-" she sniffed.
'I completely forgot she was coming. I was having fun, too.'
"She was a little lost and once she mentioned Nino, I figured she was with us." intervened Nathaniel, while Lila buried herself in Adrien's shirt.
"Thanks, Nathaniel. Sorry, I had the first song so none of us heard my phone go off." Adrien winced.
Lila took a look around the room. It really was people from their college days, including Marinette. Lila smiled in Mari's direction, as she hugged Adrien tighter. Marinette rolled her eyes in response to Lila's childishness. Adrien sighed at the girl's actions towards each other.
'Right, they never got along. Marinette was the only other person who figured out Lila's a scheming manipulator.'
"It's so nice to see everyone again!" greeted Lila.
Adrien ignored the excitement in the room, as Nathaniel went over to Marinette and took the seat next to her.
Five more songs were sung before the alarm on his phone went off.
"Sorry, everyone." Adrien stated as he stood up, "I have to head out. I have a shoot at dawn."
"Yeah, better get your beauty sleep, Model Boy." teased Alya.
Everyone quickly pulled their old friend into a hug.
"Do you still play?" asked Luka, as he patted him on the back.
"Yeah." the model answered.
"We should try and jam on one of your off days." Luka insisted.
"Right, cause those exist." Adiren chuckled, "Maybe one of these Wednesdays, whenever we hit your place."
"Sounds great!" replied Luka, "Mind if I get your number?"
"Oh, me too!" cried Alya.
"Same!" shouted Ivan.
Soon everyone was inputting their number into his phone. Lila latched onto his arm as everyone played 'Pass the Potato' with his phone.
"Oh, I forgot the best part!" Adrien interjected, before she could try and talk her way out of it, "Lila is staying! She told me how much she was excited to see everyone again. Right?"
"Of course!" she smiled.
'Again! How does he keep ruining everything? It wouldn't have taken much to walk out to the car with him for some privacy and leave these losers here. At least I have a toy to play with. Time to go for the kill.'
"So, Marinette." Lila prodded, knowing that being with Adrien must be killing the so-called designer, "How long have you and Nathaniel been together?"
Marinette giggled, "Four months."
"What's so funny about your dating life?" she asked, catching Nathaniel attention.
"I can see why you and Adrien are going out." Mari answered, "You're so much alike."
"What do you mean?" Lila questioned.
"Adrien also asked about my dating life." Mari smiled, as Lila simmered in her anger.
'This is not how this was suppose to go!'
"Adrien asked about us?" asked Nathaniel.
"Yeah, well, you were in the restroom and he asked if I was here by myself. Once I told him I was here with you, he asked 'how long' as well." Marinette said, before clapping as Alya took the stage.
'Why would Adrien want to know about if Marinette was here by herself? He's dating Lila; a model! At least she didn't deny it, right?'
"Did you ask about us?" asked Lila, interrupting his thoughts.
"Nope. In fact I had no clue he had a date til you arrived. We sang the duet, at Alya's insistence. He sang since it was his first night and Nathaniel wasn't here." replied Marinette, as she looked at the drink menu.
Lila simmered throughout the night as her scheme crumbled. Marinette didn't seem remotely jealous of her relationship with Adrien Agreste. She was too busy dating the redhead. It made her sick to see them so affectionate with each other.
Marinette on the other hand was eager to get home. Nathaniel was acting weird. She wasn't one for PDA. They had held hands and she's kissed him on the cheek before rushing off to class, but for him to drape his arm around her...it was too much. Mari smiled and lowered his arm off her, before excusing herself to go to the bathroom.
TAGLIST: @meme991001 @stainedglassm @psychicdelusionwerewolf @vixen-uchiha @missmadwoman @abrx2002 @ledalasombra @animegirlweeb @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @tigresslily @legodetectivemalsblog
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Holt, Monty and luda mae, don't get the appreciation they deserve, id happily go on a date with any of them If I was given the chance, we'd go on a stroll or drive, maybe stop by a cheap diner in the next town over if possible then I'd take them home, I'd kiss them goodbye at the door, then they'd invite me in to spend the night, and then we'd make love until the dawn, falling asleep in each other's arms, it'd be almost heavenly
(I'd happily do this with any three of them, separately of course incest is gross)
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petricorah · 3 months
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