#Dean is Eve-coded
@honeyedwhiskey found a whooooole new level of Dean Brainrot wanna talk abt it
the primordial/ultra-powerful being that Dean parallels best isnt Michael OR Lucifer OR Chuck OR Amara
its Eve.
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emmettland · 23 days
it honestly drives me crazy (in a good way) how Dean and Sam are SO fucking husband-and-wife coded, in a very stereotypical and sexist way. like. the show doesn't even shy away from it. "You're lying to Sam like you're cheating on your wife." "Does Sam want a divorce?" that iconic time Dean calls Sam honey and slaps his ass. the times where Dean has compared the two of them to male-female couples.
i don't care if you ship Wincest or not but like. we gotta acknowledge that much at least. they are Man and Woman, Husband and Wife, John and Mary, Adam and Eve.
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sapphicsigh · 7 months
Y'all are so weird (derogatory) for pressuring actors to confirm their sexuality for YOUR comfort. You do realize that REAL PEOPLE CANNOT QUEERBAIT RIGHT?! GET A GRIP!!! Y'ALL ARE ACTIVELY MAKING PPLS LIVES WORSE!!!*
*if you think forcing kit connor to come out of the closet was a good thing, then ur a freak (derogatory), and u need to rethink ur entire life
Queerbait is a term that was created to describe how TV SHOWS & MOVIES market their project as queer to entice queer viewers to watch and there's no follow thru/delivery. Queerbaiting can also occur unintentionally at first and then when the showrunners/writers realize the audience's reactions they can start to intentionally lean into making their characters do gay shit. The writers lean into a queer reading of the relationship to gain queer viewers and (most importantly) their money (think Supernatural and Sherlock). Cas confessed his love for Dean (duh, obviously he loves him) and then was sucked away into super hell. 😀 cool/s. When John and Mary got married, they were dancing together at the reception, and SHERLOCK LEFT BC HE WAS SO SAD. He couldn't stand to be there and feel so alone. He had to go brood elsewhere, he was brooding so hard.
Killing Eve was probably one of the gayest shows I've seen in my entire life but they (Villanelle and Eve) never got together.
Queerbaiting sucks. I understand the hatred for it. I hate it too!!! But it's not an individual issue and is not going to be solved by harassing 18yr olds on Twitter (incredibly sick & twisted (derogatory) btw). Do I find it annoying that Harry Styles is purposely vague about his sexuality? Yes! Absolutely! It's weird asf. At best, he's actually queer, just incredibly private, and at worst, he's straight but wants to maintain an air of mystery around himself to seem cooler/edgier. No matter how annoying/cringe YOU PERSONALLY find a celebrity and how they describe (or don't) their sexuality it DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO THAT (very personal) INFORMATION!!! Queerbaiting is an industry wide issue and is a product of our society's deep rooted homophobia! If you can't understand that, then you should try learning about queer history and the Hays codes.
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 14: All for you
One of these days, Dean is going to break the Good Guy Code and straight-up murder the Angel.
“You can’t kill him,” Sam says wearily as he takes pieces of Dean’s body armor to pack away in its special case.
“Just watch me.”
Sam rolls his eyes, frowning as Dean hands him the chestplate. “Is this a bullet hole?”
“It’s a dent from a bullet.”
“You said it didn’t get you!”
“I said I wasn’t hurt, which is true.” Dean sits on the couch in Sam’s home office to wrestle off his combat boots. He straightens up just to get hit with bitchface #5.
“Vigilantism has no room for semantics,” Sam says, also very bitchily.
Dean grimaces. “Are we done here?”
Sam waves him off, and Dean stalks up to his room. 
The old Winchester mansion shows its age in the creaky stairs, dusty corners, and windows permanently fogged over with grime. 
To the rest of the world, the Winchester heirs gave up their fortune to various charities (not that their millions-bordering-on-a-billion did enough). Sam, the youngest, went to medical school to become a stand up member of society. The oldest, though, he squandered the rest they had left on extravagant vacations and lavish parties. 
Dean flops down on his bed with a groan. Only three years as a vigilante, and he feels thirty years older. Sammy’s going to have to replace both his knees soon. And maybe a hip. 
Maybe Sammy should just take all his bones out at this point and replace them with titanium. Dean would finally be able to keep up with the Angel, at least.
He rolls over, staring up at the mahogany ceiling of his bedroom. 
The Angel blew into Lawrence a year ago, packed full of super strength and badass feathered wings, making cryptic remarks about divine plans for humanity and shit. Within a month, he got a fanclub/religious cult to follow him around and give the guy a complex the size of Niagara Falls. 
Dean simply added him to his villain-of-the-week list – until the Angel blinded fifteen fishermen in the harbor. He said it was the work of “demons”, but all Dean knew was that the crew went out to sea with all their eyeballs intact and came back with 20/infinity vision.
Six months ago, the psycho escalated to setting an entire neighborhood on fire to kill an apparent “witch”.
Dean stopped him in time, but it was a close fucking call.
This year, though, the Angel abruptly changed his tune. Dean used to catch him kidnapping random civilians and the occasional assault. Now, he’s far more likely to find him rescuing cats from trees and Timmy from down the well. It makes Dean’s blood boil. 
What the hell is he up to?
The question has been circling Dean’s brain for far too long.
* * *
Dean ducks out of the gala, checking his phone for police alerts. 
“Mr. Winchester!”
Dean swiftly pockets his phone and turns, plastering a bland smile on his face before he sees the newcomer. “Oh, it’s you,” he says sourly.
Cas hurries up the marble stairs, dodging other departing patrons, sticking out like a sore thumb in his boxy trench coat and off-the-rack suit among all the tuxedos and designer gowns. “Do you have a comment about tonight’s fundraiser?”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Can’t you make one up?”
Cas bristles, all offended like he gets every time Dean tells him to get lost or pass off someone else’s words as Dean’s. “That would violate my journalistic integrity.” 
“Dude, you cover human interest puff pieces,” Dean says scornfully. “Nobody cares.”
“I care,” Cas says, stung.
Dean crosses his arms over his chest. “For fifteen grand a plate, the shrimp was dry.” He raises an eyebrow. “Happy?”
Cas makes a face like Dean personally force fed him a dozen dry-ass shrimp. “That’s hardly a –”
“That’s all you’re getting,” Dean says sternly. 
Cas – Castiel – Carpenter has been a pain in his ass since he caught up with Dean outside Dick Roman’s last New Years Eve party. He hounded Dean for a quote, following him all the way from Roman’s lobby to the street, waiting with Dean for his car to arrive. He kept asking about Roman’s plans to scrap affordable housing developments near the river in favor of luxury condos.
Dean, with a few too many drinks in his stomach, told him Roman could learn a thing or two from the Scooby Gang. Real estate scams never seem to end well in Carver City. 
The Winchesters, of course, already had a plan for Roman. Top lawyers, paid through a shell company owned by a shell company based in the Caymans, were already compiling environmental impact reports, and Dean had plans to visit Roman’s penthouse and perhaps dangle him off it, if he didn’t see things Dean's way.
Cas, the sly son of a bitch, hadn’t even printed a word of their discussion, and Dean only found out Cas covered the goddamn gossip pages the next weekend as he scanned the paper for Cas’s byline at two in the morning after a late night run-in with the Angel.
“Mr. Winchester –”
“I’m a busy man,” Dean says coldly as he shoulders past Cas. “If you need to talk to me, you know my PR number.” 
Cas falls back, scowling fiercely. “I know you have something to say, Dean!” he calls to his back. 
“Get your clickbait somewhere else!”
Dean has places to be and ass to kick, no matter how many times Cas bats those baby blues his way.
* * *
Dean groans, since when did Crowley have the kind of funds to hire these goons? The last he heard, Crowley's mayoral campaign was hemorrhaging money, and Crowley was spending every cent on voter suppression and scare tactics to get his base to the voting booths.
Dean staggers into the storage unit warehouse, clutching a hand to his side where a lucky knife got between the plates of his body armor. He stays alert – a dozen of Crowley’s henchmen tried to take him out and failed, but that doesn’t mean another dozen aren’t waiting in the shadows.
Charlie’s algorithm traced vast amounts of Crowley’s remaining cash to holding five storage units, paying top dollar for quality and security.
Whatever the hell Crowley is keeping here, it’s valuable.
And valuable to Crowley means indispensable to anyone else.
Dean slumps towards the first locker, breathing heavily. His head pounds, and the overhead lights flare as he glances around, trying to get his bearings.
He mentally adds a concussion to his tally of injuries. Sam’s going to have his work cut out for him tonight, if Dean gets home at all.
He reaches into his toolbelt, and his fingers scramble for his set of lockpicks for too long. How the hell he’ll be able to manipulate the delicate tools – well, that’s a bridge to cross when the lock itself stops swaying in front of his eyes.
The blow from behind hits him out of nowhere.
Dean falls forward with a grunt, his ears ringing.
“The vigilante himself,” an unfamiliar voice sneers. “What an honor.”
The next hit cracks the side of Dean’s reinforced cowl, and his ears ring with the force of it. He scrabbles back to his feet, widening his stance on an instinct honed from years of practice. He’s still as wobbly as a newborn kitten, but at least he doesn’t look it.
The man wears a uniform of the warehouse staff, but there’s nothing minimum wage security guard about the way he fights hand-to-hand.
A flurry of blows rain down on Dean, his head, his neck, his chest. The body armor in his suit can only absorb so much of the impact, and Dean’s losing ground, quickly, backed up against a concrete wall.
He has one taser left, though. At his next opening, he dodges a right hook and jams the metal disk against the goon’s neck. 
He spasms with a crackle of electricity, and falls to the floor to reveal –
“Fuck,” Dean swears loudly, swinging his fists up to protect his face, not that they’ll do much against superstrength. 
But it takes his sluggish brain a soupy moment to realize the Angel's hands aren't raised in fists gunning for his face.
The Angel’s palms reach up to cup his cheeks, and Dean winces, squeezing his eyes shut against the harsh light that always pours out of the Angel’s eye sockets, obscuring his entire face.
“You’re injured,” the Angel murmurs in his otherworldly voice that makes Dean’s chest vibrate with an uncomfortable resonance.
“Nothin’ slips by you, does it?” Dean forces out because, even when he has nothing left, he still has his pride.
The Angel pulls back Dean's cowl, and Dean tries to push the Angel off him, but he might as well be trying to wrestle with a concrete wall. The Angel intones, “This might feel strange.”
“No…” Dean protests, and, god, if these are his last words, they sound pathetic.
“Shh, Dean,” the Angel says, and he doesn’t sound at all surprised by the sight of Dean’s face. Two fingers press against his bare forehead, and Dean jerks away instinctively, but can’t move a hair in the Angel’s firm grip.
A cool, almost rain-like sensation trickles out from the point of contact.
Dean opens his eyes.
Is the light pouring out from the Angel dimming?
Dean’s definitely seeing more clearly now, and the pounding in his head has disappeared. With mounting confusion, he watches as the Angel’s high beam eyes flicker like a bad television signal.
His face – Dean only sees a flash or two, but he would swear – 
The Angel stumbles back a step, and Dean straightens, inhaling a painless lungful of air. “What the hell just happened?” he demands.
The Angel shakes his head, and his wings flicker next. They pop back into existence in the space of a blink. Like a lamp on it’s last legs, the beams of light emitting from his eyes give a few weak flares before dying out completely.
“Son of a bitch,” Dean breathes.
Cas sags against the opposite wall, his wings disappearing for good with a silent breath of air. Whatever he'd done to Dean had drained him.
“You –”
Cas stares up at him. “Me,” he agrees quietly.
“What the hell are you playing at?” Dean demands. “You’re – you’re –” He can’t say it.
Cas pushes himself to his feet, his face pallid and eyes weary. “I’m an angel of the lord.”
Dean can’t help his loud snort. “You’re still sticking with that?”
“It’s the truth.”
Dean lays a hand on his utility belt, eyeing Cas warily. He might look as threatening as a belly-up hedgehog, but experience has taught Dean that some opponents are never more dangerous than when they’re cornered.
“If you’re a real angel,” Dean says stiffly, “why are you here? Why now?”
“I was sent here to start the apocalypse,” Cas says.
Dean narrows his eyes. “You’re joking.”
“I don’t joke.”
Dean steps closer, scanning Cas for any sign of an impending fight. “You wanna give me a reason not to end you right here and now?” 
But Cas stays right where he is. “Those were my orders. But when I arrived on Earth, I had my doubts.”
“It was you – the blind fishermen,” Dean says coldly, “that incident on Halloween.”
Cas nods miserably. “Mistakes, all of them.”
“I couldn’t figure out what was up with you,” Dean admits. “You went from nabbing Patty Hearst in December to landing broken planes in the river in January.”
Cas tilts his head. “Because of you.”
Dean can’t have heard that right. But as Dean lets the silence drag on, Cas doesn’t take it back or explain. Dean crosses his arms over his chest. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You showed me humanity is worth saving,” Cas says, his voice almost painfully sincere. “So I disobeyed my orders. I turned my back on Heaven. I followed in your footsteps.” He meets Dean’s stunned gaze squarely. “I did it all for you.”
“I – what?”
“You care so much for this city, for your people,” Cas continues, and Dean, torn between telling him to keep going or shut the hell up, stays silent. Cas goes on, “You regularly put yourself in harm’s way to protect them, usually from themselves. You donate enormous sums of money and manipulate an extremely complicated political machine to make sure they have safe water to drink and places to rest.”
Dean rubs the back of his neck, muttering, “Somebody’s gotta.” He jerks his head up. “Hold on, you knew it was me? The whole time?”
“Why do you think I was so hellbent on talking to you?” Cas asks dryly, the faintest of blushes dusting his cheeks.
“And I always thought it was because of my perky nipples,” Dean says distractedly. All those times Cas hollered questions about the latest government developments; where his next grant was going; who he was backing in the mayoral race. That was the Angel.
“I’m, uh, sure they’re very perky,” Cas says awkwardly.
Dean narrows his eyes. “How’d you find out?”
Cas cocks his head, his blue eyes intense as they study Dean’s face. “Your soul. It’s unlike any other I’ve encountered in the way it shines.”
Dean swallows, embarrassed of all things. “You can see souls?”
Cas nods. “Yours as well as the five people behind these storage locker doors.”
Dean freezes. “What the fuck?” He stares, horrified at the closest one, his hand already pulling out his set of lockpicks. “You’re serious?” At Cas’s confused nod, Dean swears colorfully. “And you kept talkin’ like we’re on a Sunday drive?”
As Dean ducks down to get to work on the first lock, Cas says matter-of-factly, “None of Crowley’s victims are near death. They’ve all been fed and watered recently, and eleven more minutes won’t have a great effect on their physical or mental health.”
“Alright, Patrick Bateman,” Dean says, but the accusation lacks any heat, “Superhero Rule Number One: you always get the damsels out of distress first.”
“I understand.”
Dean glances up at him as the lock clicks open. “After this, you and me, we’re gonna have a long talk.” He huffs a laugh as he pulls his cowl back up. “You want to know what I think about this city? I’ll give you enough quotes to fill a bible.”
“I might hold you to that,” Cas murmurs as Dean heaves the metal door open.
Read the sequel here!
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rottencaniness · 6 months
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// forever trusting who we are, and nothing else matters //
— for bastiel, @derailedangel —
rating: teen & up || word count: 1.5k+ || ao3 link
tags: samjess, christmas, swearing, weirdcest, dean coded jess, kissing, Stanford era
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It’s their first Christmas together, Sam’s all but shaking with nerves for how the night will go, Jess had to drive down to her parents place for Christmas Eve and is just now getting back to their apartment. They moved in together only a month ago, supposedly way quicker than they should’ve according to Brady, but Sam and Jess both knew it’s what they wanted.
And now, sitting in the apartment that’s freshly decorated to the best of Sam’s ability, hearing the lock jingle open, Sam’s really happy to have the space for just him and Jess. He knows Brady would’ve been making things ten times more chaotic and none of the decorations would’ve been up as neatly as they are now. Sam took his time placing things prettily around the apartment, a small Christmas tree by their couch, garlands draped over their mantle and tops of their cabinets in the kitchen, Christmas lights hung in almost every room, a pine scented candle burning, and Jess’ present wrapped neatly and placed next to the couch.
“Sam? I’m home.” He watches with a smile how the blonde kicks her converse off and drops her duffle bag to the floor— it’s actually Sam’s duffle bag, the same one he moved to Stanford with, the same one with anti-hex bags sewed into the pockets and sigils embroidered onto the bottom— which Jess blissfully ignored and just thanked him for letting her use it for her trip.
“You decorated.” The delighted smile Jess has as she walks over to where Sam is makes his whole chest feel warm.
“Thought it’d be nice for our first Christmas.” She hums along, coming to press a soft kiss to Sam’s lips before turning back to the door to grab something out of the duffle bag. It’s hidden behind her back before Sam can get a good look at it.
“I know we said gifts weren’t necessary since we spent so much money on the apartment, but, I wanted to get you something anyways.” A small box gets handed to Sam once Jess sits beside him on the couch, her eyes briefly flicking to the box wrapped by his feet with a small laugh. They both broke the ‘no gifts’ rule, to no surprise.
Sam pauses looking down at the present, it’s wrapped in newspaper. Just like Dean would when they were growing up— given Jess’ wrapping job is a lot more meticulous and there’s sparkly red twine tied in a bow around the box— so it’s different, but the same. His fingers twitch over the twine, part of him doesn’t want to unwrap it and ruin how nice it is, the other part of him is telling him to unwrap it before he starts to think about Dean too much.
“Sorry, the newspaper is kinda janky but I didn’t have any wrapping paper.” A hand reaches to rub at the back of Jess’ neck as she grimaces before Sam’s shaking his head as fast as he can.
“No, no, it’s beautiful. I um- I actually used to get presents wrapped in newspaper growing up.” Something he thought he left behind in that mildew smelling motel room he walked out of before catching a bus to California, the yells of his name that Dean let out before he left ringing in his head the entire drive, the burn of anger he felt towards John for not supporting him, the ache in his chest when he looked back at Dean one last time— fuck. He left that all behind, he has Jess and Brady, they’re his family now.
“Oh thank god, I was worried you were one of those people that had extravagant Christmas’s growing up.” Sam laughs, he’s shared enough about his family with Jess that she can’t have actually thought that. He told her how he moved around a lot as a kid, sleeping in hotel rooms and in the back of cars, how his brother was his parent for the most part, he never tells her what type of work John did that required them to move so much but Jess never pushes. Ever, on anything, she’s perfect.
“Please I was lucky to get an extra can of Spaghettio’s for Christmas.” And that was a stretch some years.
“Well it’s not canned goods but I hope you like it.” He gets the hint and starts to untie the twine, peeling the paper back to reveal a cardboard box that’s filled with— cassettes. Metallica, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Kansas, and Van Halen. It’s all of Dean’s favorite tapes, Sam’s whole chest goes tight as his mouth falls open only to close without saying a word.
“You’re always humming Metallica and I overheard you talking to Noah about what the best rock band was. Don’t worry I went through all your tapes to make sure you didn’t already have them.” The heated discussion with Noah from psych class about rock bands had been one of the only times Sam consciously took time to think about that genre of music, he hadn’t realized Jess had heard him, or that he’s been- apparently- humming Metallica just like Dean.
“Th-thank you, I don’t know what to say. I haven’t listened to this stuff since getting to Stanford.” He’s purposely avoided that station on the radio and the old playlist still sitting in the files of his laptop.
“Well we should listen to some.” Jess grins and plucks the Metallica tape from the box, walking over to the radio they keep on the mantle and turning the volume almost all the way up.
Her head bobs to the music the second it starts, face scrunching the same way Dean’s does when the guitar gets heavier, green eyes nearly closed and hand coming to play air guitar. God she looks like a girl version of Dean. The loose gray t shirt, the mannerisms, her jeans are worn down on the knees like Dean’s always were, blonde hair shining under the Christmas lights, even the lopsided smile she gives reminds Sam of Dean. His heart beats two times too fast with the thought, quickly grabbing the box he wrapped for Jess and holding it out towards her. Just desperately trying not to think about how his girlfriend is an odd half-clone of his brother.
“You really didn’t have to get me anything.” What the gift he got her hits Sam all at once— it’s a necklace. On a black rope, with a gold pendant. Jesus Christ he’s going to hell for this shit.
“Sam it’s gorgeous!” It’s a simple gold heart locket with a picture of them in it, it’s one Brady took, Jess is laughing while Sam looks at her with an absolute lovestruck expression. It’s his favorite picture of them.
“Let me.” His hands ties the black rope of the necklace around Jessica’s neck from the front, face suddenly blushing red when he realizes how close they are and how beautiful Jess looks like this.
“I love this song.” She says softly, Enter Sandman filling their apartment, Sam’s heart skipping a beat for what feels like the millionth time today.
“You usually listen to Fleetwood Mac, I didn’t know you liked rock.” Jess loops her arms around Sam’s shoulders and settles into his lap, pushing them both farther into the couch.
“Lot you still don’t know about me Sammy.” The thick swallow he does might’ve been audible to Jess— Sam can’t help it, not when Jess has that tone of voice, and that grin, and that look in her eye, and that fucking nickname.
“I love you.” It falls from Sam’s mouth before he can think it over for even half a second.
They’ve never said that to each other before, sure they live together but Jess didn’t have the most loving parents and Sam sure as hell didn’t either so they’ve been taking it slower when it comes to things like pda and words of affirmation. He can’t believe he just said that without any build up, he had planned on saying it over a nice dinner, making it memorable, not sitting in their apartment on Christmas with his brothers music playing and half of Sam’s mind distracted thinking about his brother.
“I love you too.” No hesitation in Jess’s voice and she leans to press a small kiss to Sam’s lips to almost solidify the moment.
“And just so you know, I grew up with this type of rock. My dad and me would sing it in his car before he’d drop me off at my mom’s, she was the Fleetwood Mac fan.” Part of Sam briefly wonders if his mom would be a Fleetwood Mac fan too, maybe he would’ve listened to them before meeting Jess if Mary was still around. It’s a dumb thought, a useless one, he brushes it off as quick as possible. Thinking about his family never leads to anything but him feeling guilty over leaving and missing Dean.
“We should order takeout, for a Christmas feast of course.” Jess’s voice takes Sam from his thoughts and he nods, opening his mouth to reply but-
Before Sam can respond the guitar solo of Enter Sandman starts to play and Jess leans back in his lap to strum her fingers to the music and he can’t suppress his bright laugh. He really does love her, he thinks he wants to marry her. Maybe Dean will show up for the wedding, maybe him and Jess will get close, maybe he can have them both.
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deanwinchesterswitch · 6 months
December 2023 Monthly Fic Recs
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Well, December went out quietly for me which I was perfectly fine with. Glad 2023 is done.
Several different fandoms on this list. Great stories - and not all of them are Christmas fics. :)
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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Cookies and Hints ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: Bucky tries to get hints about his gifts as you bake together.
No Title ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Touched ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: The days of Bucky “James” Buchanan Barnes’ recovery in Wakanda.  He’s been de-programmed and given his Vibranium arm.  In his days of recovery and therapy he met someone that has piqued his interest in a way that reminds him of when he wasn’t the Winter Soldier.  He has set his sights on her and finally has a chance to be near.  As near as he can get. 
Midnight ~ @kittenofdoomage. Author's Summary: New Year’s Eve brings a surprise at the end of a crappy year. (female!reader (Y/N) x unnamed male)
Smokin' In The Green Room ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Settle in for a pre-show party as you relax with Jensen and Rob in the Green Room before a concert.
Christmas by Dashboard Light ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Stranded by the side of the road, Dean and Y/N still find a way to enjoy Christmas Eve
Couldn't Resist ~ @wayward-dreamer. Author's Summary: Y/N can’t resist Dean when he’s wearing a suit.
“(Don’t) Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight” ~ @talltalesandbedtimestories. Author's Summary: Dean saved Reader from the supernatural on Christmas Eve years ago. Every Christmas since, she has always found a way to show her unending appreciation.
Imagine…Decorating The Bunker ~ @luci-in-trenchcoats. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
Imagine getting caught in the rain with Dean... ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble)
Just Thought You Should Know ~ @smellingofpoetry. Author's Summary: It was just one of those drunk calls until it wasn’t anymore.
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Recreational Recreation ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Dean fondly remembers the first time they were “together.”  Sort of.  Rather than simply reminiscing, he proposes fully revisiting that moment.  Who is she to argue?
We Don't Really Do Christmas ~ @octoberclidan. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Wicked Desire ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: There’s never any promise in a one-night stand, never any certainty when you catch a stranger’s eye. It’s dangerous, but there was never any question when Dean asked you to join him for a drink…
~Ten Inch Hero~
Code Red ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
~The Walking Dead~
Queen ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: She disobeyed him.  And Negan makes a point to put her in her place.
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Temptation & Consequences ~ Author’s Summary: Jensen has been busy all weekend at the convention, leaving little time for fun with his girl. Luckily, Y/N knows how to get his attention... and more...
Close to Home-Parts 2 and 3 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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indiphyr · 2 months
Every sapphic movie, show or book I like:
(* = favorites)
Bend It Like Beckham (lesbian/trans coded)
Black Swan
*Bodies Bodies Bodies
But I'm A Cheerleader
Dating Amber
*Death Becomes Her (sapphic coded)
Do Revenge
*Everything Everywhere All At Once
Fear Street
Fucking Åmål
*Ginger Snaps (sapphic/queer coded)
Hearts Beat Loud
Heart Shot
*Jennifer's Body
Joy Ride (I think one of the MCs is sapphic?)
My Days Of Mercy
*My First Summer
Nope (Sapphic sister I think?)
Polite Society (either a lesbian or aroace mc)
Princess Cyd
Rye Lane (Sapphic coded MC)
Saint Maud
Saving Face
Set It Off
*Shiva Baby
The Fallout
The Half Of It
The Handmaiden
The Incredibly True Adventure of 2 Girls In Love
*The Miseducation Of Cameron Post
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
*A League Of Their Own
Adventure Time
*A Kind Of Spark (Keedie is not hetero)
*Anne With An E (sapphic coded)
American Horror Story
Black Cake
Derry Girls
Druck (seasons 5&6)
Everything Now
Everything Sucks (problematic actor age gap)
Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Faking It
First Kill
Gap: The Series
Gentleman Jack
*Good Omens
Grease: Rise Of The Pink Ladies
*Heartbreak High
I Am Not Okay With This
Killing Eve
Little Fires Everywhere
Motherland Fort Salem
One Day At A Time
Our Flag Means Death
*Paper Girls
Sex Education
Stranger Things
*Such Brave Girls
Teenage Bounty Hunters
*The Boys + Gen V
The Formal (tiktok/youtube series)
*The Good Place
The Haunting Of Bly Manor
The Last Of Us
The Legend Of Korra
*The Owl House
*The Power
*The Sex Lives Of College Girls
The White Lotus
*The Wilds
Warrior Nun
We Are Lady Parts
*What We Do In The Shadows
While The Men Are Away
Wo der Egg Priority
Xo, Kitty
Ace Of Spades
*A Dowry Of Blood
Black Cake
*Black Girl, Call Home
Burn Down, Rise Up
Cinderella Is Dead
Clap When You Land
Crier's War
Dear Medusa
Girls Of Paper And Fire
Hani And Ishu's Guide To Fake Dating
*Her Body And Other Parties
Honey Girl
House Of Hunger
If You Still Recognise Me
It Goes Like This
In The Dream House
In The Ravenous Dark
I Who Have Never Known Men
You're Not Supposed To Die Tonight
*Keedie + A Kind Of Spark
Last Night At The Telegraph Club
*Legendborn (Sapphic SC)
Loveless (Sapphic SCs)
Music From Another World
Nothing Burns As Bright As Her
Not My Problem
Our Wives Under The Sea
Parachutes (Sapphic SC)
Perfect On Paper
Radio Silence
Rise To The Sun
She Gets The Girl
She Drives Me Crazy
*She Who Became The Sun
Siren Queen
The Chosen And The Beautiful
The Falling In Love Montage
The Girls I've Been
The Henna Wars
The Jasmine Throne
*The Kyoshi Novels
*The Locked Tomb Series
*The Mirror Season
The Nature Of Witches
*The Priory Of The Orange Tree
The River Has Teeth
*The Unbroken
These Witches Don't Burn
Graphic Novels:
*Are You Listening
Hi-Fi Club
Jook Joint
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me
*On A Sunbeam
*Paper Girls
The Avant-Guards
*The Tea Dragon Society
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iightbringer · 7 months
after that “josh hutcherson could be a winchester” post, i now cannot stop thinking abt that silly fourth winchester idea. the amount of parallels i could give u
starting w his name, which i honestly couldn’t rlly pin down until i rlly thought abt it - i was obvi thinking smth biblical to go w the ongoing theme, even considering dumb shit like john jr or michael. however, bc i am a sucker for symmetry/shit that matches, i think ‘evan’ works. as in adam & evan (like eve)? even though he and adam wouldn’t share the same mother, i like the idea of the parallel between them and adam & eve (wasn’t my intention to trans code him like that but fate works in mysterious ways) w one being the favoured and one being the punished/forgotten one. like maybe he made a mistake when he was young, or john thought of him as a mistake entirely and just never talked to him again. i was originally thinking since john knew abt adam, maybe he didn’t know abt evan but we like it heavy on the angst here.
i feel like they’d stumble on him so accidentally. like sam went nd did a 23&me and boom he popped up and they’re just flabbergasted. dean is more horrified that dad got around this much n he never realised it?? sam is obviously like “omg!! redemption time let’s not send this one to the cage. we can totally be good big brothers” but deans more hesitant bc of that. bc last time, adam was just another way to manipulate them and they still managed to fail him.
he’s definitely a late seasons character, not very book smart but definitely street smart. older than adam bc middle child angst. tempted to say he knows abt monsters, maybe john warned him or his mum as a courtesy, but he’s sort of a stationary hunter - like he’s got a steady (read: shit) retail job and he only goes after any baddies that happen to roll into town. but he’s just so “ugh, fine” abt it, despite being rlly good at it?? maybe he has a gaggle of brothers n sisters he has to take care of - opposite of adam being an only child. definite mommy issues bc every winchester child needs a matching set. sam n dean would show up doing the whole “we’re ur family” song n dance and he’s just like?? ok and. u want a cookie or smth?
“don’t u wanna kn-“
“no thank u.”
like GRRR maybe he doesn’t have the most to be mad abt as a winchester but he still has the right to be a little angry at the cards he’s been dealt but he’s not he’s just. so weary. he’s the most patient guy in the world but blunt as a fucking baseball bat. no interest in knowing his dad bc he forgave n forgot that shit ages ago. nd what interest he has in his half brothers is squashed bc god forbid he do smth for himself n not his siblings. bc he’s always been the eldest, never known anything else
idk how oc content works around here but i just wanted to put out my idea bc i hate doing it into my notes app
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newjenns · 10 months
You gave such a thoughtful answer!!
Idk how to explain, but the names you like are very You-coded, like Pandora like the girl who unleashed evil in the world, Salem like the witch trials, Alistair and Evangeline also give me the edgy vibes that emanate from you/pos, they're pretty good names! I liked all of them tbh, they're pretty.
I really like how Rowan and Caspian sound together, both ending in "an" appeals to me, but I'm the kind of name nerd that likes cohesive sib-sets, that is one of the things that makes me very weirdly picky about names, they have to sound good together because I want a shit ton of kids. (<- Can barely look after myself)
My curse with girl names is that my Brazilian ass Loves Anglo-sounding ones that would get my kid bullied, (went to school with a Dylan and the poor boy was made fun of a lot because of the gringo name) like I'd love to name a kid Nora, but that literally means "daughter-in-law" in Portuguese.
I like the subtle book references in the names you picked, the names I like are like that also, from the past like 10 years I've dreamed of naming kids Bianca and Nicholas because of Bianca and Nico Di Angelo (not that subtle but they sound Good together), I also read a Percabeth fic where they had a Marina and the name stuck with me! and reading Pride and Prejudice kinda made me obsessed with the name Lydia because she was my favorite, part of me really likes Thomas and Alexander also, but that might be a bit too SBI coded so I don't think I'd use both even tho I liked the names before liking them.
- baby name anon (I'll start signing my asks with that now because I loved it, you'll probably get drama asks signed that eventually because I've been sending you asks for around 2 years lol)
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH 😭😭😭 this is the greatest compliment you can give me.
i feel like i’m almost in a similar boat as you bc i come from a spanish speaking family and it’s like well i should probably name my kids something my relatives can pronounce and also i don’t want them to make fun of or judge my names if i give my kids super white names ?3?3!&3 but i feel like that boat has already sailed like my cousins and siblings all have very white sounding names anyway
i also like sibling set names !!! this is part of why i like evangeline and pandora so much bc eve and pandora were the first women in their respective mythologies !! if i had two daughters this is probably what i would go with if i can convince my partner LOL i once tried to explain this idea to my mom like oh having a theme interwoven for your kids names like all space related names (like sisters nova and selene) or nature related names (ivy and river for example) and she thought that was kind of crazy so i would probably make it really subtle 😭
i get a little weird about having too similar sounds tho like for the longest time evangeline and evander were my favorites for a girl and a boy (which in my ideal world i have two kids and it’s a girl and a boy) but the evan being the first four letters of both made me pause liek ..? is this too similar and cringe …? so evander fell lower on the list bc of that unforchie dorchie oh also i was going to mention this in the og post but another boy name i kind of like is jason dean i like jason as a stand-alone (jason todd you are so famous) but jason dean kind of gives it that slay factor bc jason is a little short for me on its own and also it is a. reference to heathers and if i used that name i would in fact call my baby jd i wont even lie.
percy jackson has some of my favorite naming conventions ever !! all the kids have meaning woven into their names that relates to their godly parent like selina beauregard like literally beautiful to look at are we kidding. love it. i think you could absolutely get away with nicholas and bianca especially bc bianca is like such a minor character like i think only people who are nerds about pjo would get it and they would find it cool :) so funny you mention pride and prejudice tho bc i rewatched the movie just a few days ago and i was literally just thinking about the bennett sisters and THEIR names and how well they went together like elizabeth katherine lydia even jane and mary seem to fit in so well and kitty as a nickname is so cute too bad she’s so annoying 😭
thomas and alexander are very classic anglo names BUT. but i will say my first thought was. hamilton. ummmm
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watching wall-e with my brothers and its all so destiel coded
wall-e is the left behind solving all of humanity’s problems with no thanks
eva is the cold, deadly, corprate angel learning emotions and how to be human
the hand holding scene. the desparation to love and be loved
the buy n large signs everywhere paralelling the early seasons "hell is real" signs
deans obession with movies and cultural references 🤝 wall-e and his collection/general antropological pastime and his records
THE DANCE SCENE. LAMPSTIEL (also, it's so cute. wall-e with his classic dancing and eve with her mosh pit bounce)
them learning each others names. wall-e calling her eva as a nickname (dean learning “castiel” and saying no. cas)
oh :(
eve’s fascination with fire (destruction) vs. her programming for plant detection (life) 🤝 cas’ crack in his chassis and his emotional rebelling against heaven's “programming”
also the scene where eve dedects life and she suddenly goes on auto-pilot and shuts down against her will- cas’ labotamy/s
wall-e trying to wake eve up- dean shaking cas after he died on april’s couch
wall-e taking care of eve on shut down- widower dean arc
on the ship, everyone and everything being guided on the indicated lines until they step off- cas and deans being beyond the lines of the narritive
the scene where the kids are being taught the alphabet in an almost brainwashing manner (heaven, angels etc etc)
literally all of the axium being heaven
wall-e being a robot but still “odd and different” (HE IS SO CAS CODED)
eve being called “defective” (CAS CODED)
God, I need a gif maker to visualise it better for me
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synthetic-self · 11 months
no one can get it out of my head that Wall-e and Eve = Dean and Cas okay ?? those robots are destiel coded as FUCK
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25 days of Christmas imagine Day 2
Imagine: Sitting in a hotel with Dean on Christmas Eve while Sam is away as you both finally confess your true feelings.
ugh! Hearing that Sam was goign back into town too investagate you and Dean begged too Join him but he didn't want you both- then Dean realized he's Investating was code for he met a girl in the bar earlier and wnated some "Alone time"
unfournately that meant you were stuck with Dean alone. which drove you crazy.
it was no secret you weren't his favorite person and you likewise you always dissagree and bicker. you  were brought into the hunter life after discoverign your boyfrined was a vampire and was planning on turning you. but he ended up killing Everyone you knew. then you started hunted and ran into the brothers six months ago. and since then you traveled with them.
sitting on the bed. you braided your hair up into a french braid. All day you thought a bout what you would of been doing if your family wasn't killed by your crazed boyfriend. How you would be driving up too the farm. the snow would already be deep at home but it woudl still be fresh looking. you owuld be wearing A Ugly Christmas Sweater with your favorite black skirt with your stokcings your hair would be up and perfect. and you would come home too have your family outside already ready too help you bring your luggage and all the gifts you bought. you would of gone Far too far getting everyones gifts And you would Show your Mom your newest attempt of making a Apple Pie.
you made the perfect Filling! but the Curst.. you werne't good at crust. you and your mom always ttelling you too just buy the pre made crust but that was cheating. that was cheap. you couldn't justify using pre made Crust for Christmas it was wrong. so each time you went home you attempt again.. and this time.. you were 99% it was Okay. tasting."
Dean was walking passed you getting a beer as you were zoned out. he wasn't thrilled about being stuck with you alone. you infruitated him. with being right all the time. and the gentle heart that he knew was about too be corruptted with being a hunter. he didn't want this life for you. He wanted yuo too have everything he knew he could Never have. the white picked fence, the devoted Husband who thought you were the goddess you were. and the three brats he always wanted. ean wished for a nroaml life. and once meeting you and seeing the bitterness growing in that heart you wished you would see the light and stop.. Stop going after the demons and monster and started a life.. he knew you secretled wanted. seeing you tonight wearing your long onsie. with your hair up. the pj's were christmas themed as you were watching Santa claus the Tim Allen movie as you spoke, "that.. Evil santa guy isn't evil right?"
"who?" Dean asked sitting down on the other bed as you turned too him "Krumpus?"
he nodded his head, "oh yea."
"oh that is distrubing- that is- it's the holidays.. that's just wrong."  Dean couldn't help but chuckle at that as you spoke, 'what was christmas like for you?"
"your looking at it- me and Sammy would be in shitty hotels and Dad would.. more then likely forget about christmas i would go out and try too make it as festive as possible for Sammy."
you shook your head shifting up too the lean against the headboard of the bed as you spoke, "your dad- God.. I would Hit him if he wasn't you know-" he looked at you stunned as you spoke, 'too do that two little kids. God.. I know he's your dad. but Iw ould Kick him."
Dean chuckled softly, "it wasn't that bad.."
"No- your wrong."
"what about yours?"
"we all go too the farm.. the neices and newphew woudld have a contest who could make the biggest snow man, the fire would always be going. baked goods..Everywhere! Mom would be triyng too get us all out of the kitchenf rom helping her.. I would be incharge of helping out with everything and we would make a plan for dishes. while Dad would be begging one of us too put on rudoph the red nose raindeer on the tv-.. it was perfect.." you shook your head having too stop yourself from crying. Dean got up shifting sitting down as he grabbed your leg softly. "Hey it's alright cry if you want too." you chuckled reaching down grabbing his hand, 'I dont want too cry- i wont stop i just-.. it's hard it's the first chirstmas since." he nodded his head, "I know- me And Sammy wer egoing too surprise you with getitng you a tree and trying too make this place less- depression." you alughed at that as you reached up hugging Dean. he was stunned but hugged you back.
you didn't willingly give him uch physical contact mainly because he was a jerk and he drove you crazy btu the mere thought of him attempting too make you happy was the greatest gift you could recieve this christmas. Dean rubbed your back softly as you spoke, "And i jsut got you your favorite beer for christmas." he chuckled as you laughed into his shuolder as he spoke, 'that's perfect.. Y/N.. you okay?"
"yea-" pulling away he looked at you and he didn't realize what he was doing until he felt his lips pressed against your lips. you froze feeling his lips against yours as he pulled back as he spoke, "Shit - y/n i'm sorry I-" you reached up grabbing his shirt pulling him back too you as you kissed him. you melted against him as he held you tightly.
hearing the door being banged you both parted as Dean spoke loudly in a deep voice , "yea!?"
"It's Sam let me in."
"No.." Dean said as he went back too kissing you as you smiled into the kiss as Sam screamed, "she had a husband he' got a tire jack! Come on MAN! Y/N! help!"
you both sighed as Dean said Okay as he looked at you. "I love you kid."
you were stunned as you spoke, "I think i love you too." he smiled as he opened the door and Sam ran in. as you spoke, "what did you do now Sam?"
"it wasn't my fault!"
you laughed softly as the conversation ended.
being three adults. and two bed. At the beginings the brothers would share a bed and you got the bed too yourself. but then they would be bickering far too mmuch so you decided a routation So everyone got a chance too ahve the bed too themselves. you were suppose too be sleeping in the bed with Sam tongiht. you didn't mind. both of them were very respectful and you had a pillow seperating you both. but when it was time For Bed Dean told Sam too take the bed for himself since he smelt of depseation and loneiness and he iddn't want that rubbing off on you. Sam didn't complain as he fell asleep easily as you curled up into the bed. as Dean laid next too you . looking at his face trying too memorize his curves of his face as you reached up touching his cheek softly. you knew for a while your Frustation with him was because you liked him. and it annoyed the Crap outta you that he was the guy you fell for. Sam was more the sort of guy you would date. but Deann. Dean was different and it drove you crazy.
"hey." you simply replied as he spok, "merry christmas Y/N"
"Merry Christmas Dean"
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emmettland · 8 days
this is just me talking out of my ass with no research here but i saw @lambmotifz mention my comment (:D) about Dean and Sam being Adam/Eve coded and make some really good points about Sam being in the 'temptress' role and the forbidden fruit motif
and it's got me thinking again like. there are so many comparisons.
John as a God figure to the boys; Sam is the one who dares to question him and outright defy his authority -> Eve is the one who dares to defy God's command not to eat from the tree
the forbidden fruit was said to contain knowledge reserved for God only -> we know ever since he was a kid Sam has been eager to learn -> while Dean also has learning of his own, Sam's pursuit of knowledge is framed as a rebellion against John when he goes off to Stanford, aka defying God to learn the knowledge of the world
it was the Devil who tempted Eve into eating the fruit, and even if Azazel was the one manipulating Sam's destiny before he was even born, it was for Lucifer's purposes...so basically, Sam and the Devil entwined, Eve and the Devil entwined, u get what i mean
here's a big one: Eve became the scapegoat for all of humanity's suffering, aka the original sin -> Sam is a scapegoat for pretty much everything. like take your pick lmao
okay but more specifically being a scapegoat for the Apocalypse seems pretty similar to God's punishment for the whole Garden thing ... and ACTUALLY Sam's actions also result in direct punishment from Chuck/God when he shoots him and Chuck throws a little pissy fit resulting in the end of the world. which isn't to say Sam was the sole cause but it happened right after Sam shoots him. give Eve a gun and it's basically the same--
as lamb pointed out, Sam is female coded, he and Dean are a couple (in whatever sense u choose to see it, they are couple coded), Eve was a woman her and Adam were lovers etc etc
and maybe this one's a stretch but i believe Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs? and to me with Sam/Dean this translates not only to their codependency (they are part of one another, literally. i mean yeah they share blood too) but to Dean being the "first" brother (Adam was first to be made) and therefore having more authority/claim over Sam and Sam's agency
PLUS i think i remember something about Eve being created so Adam wouldn't be lonely?? how many times do we see Dean making choices for Sam, i.e. whether he lives or dies, because he needs Sam?? like 'lonely' is an understatement if Sam dies but there's definitely something there about "you were created for me" that is very much Sam/Dean
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spnexploration · 2 years
Season 7 Thoughts
Recently finished season 7 of Supernatural for the first, here are some thoughts:
Have we forgotten about any type of case that doesn't involve dressing up as the FBI? At this point they may as well go and actually join it, or throw out all of their clothes that aren't suits (side note, they do look good in suits).
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If they've been America's Most Wanted so often, thanks to shifters and now Leviathans, why is it so easy for them to walk into every local Sheriff station and pretend to be the FBI? I really wish there was a better resolution to every time this happens than just "they fake died". Like if someone in the real FBI picked up that they were in two places at once so the bad ones were 'using masks' or something to pretend to be the Winchesters.
The Girl Next Door: I get the whole "she killed people, she's a monster" argument for Dean killing Amy, and why he didn't kill her kid (which was good, having a moral code is important). But without Mortician Mum Amy, how is the kid meant to get pituitary juice? Isn't Dean just pushing him to go start killing people?
The Slice Girls: if we're meant to feel like it was an impossible choice for Sam to shoot Emma, or like maybe she really wasn't going to kill Dean, why was she monster-eyes-ing Sam every time she looked at him? And why would she do that anyway, when her strategy was to pretend she wasn't a monster and needed saving? Surely you'd try to rope Uncle Sam in the same way you did Daddy Dean. That said, Emma could've been a really cool character, disappointed they threw that opportunity away by just killing her.
Party on Garth: I like Garth, although I can't help but feel that the show is just picking on people for their body type now...
More female hunter canon fodder - Annie didn't even live past the opening credits. Are we allergic to women on this show?
I know they're going for season arcs here, but sometimes it feels a little too easy that they always kill the big bad by the end of the season. Leviathans appeared and were solved in the space of one season. Whereas Yellow Eyes was a multi-season problem, still with an exciting cliffhanger ending off each season. These short sharp villains (Eve was the same) feel rushed.
Bobby as a ghost was a nice touch, watching him go Vengeful and his strong love for the boys. I loved the bit where Sam convinced him not to take the maid in to the building where the leviathans were because she'd be killed, although it does bring into stark relief how many demon and angel vessels they've happily killed...
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I have to agree with what I'd heard, that it all goes downhill from season 5...
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gayest-spn-character · 3 months
Inspired by @gayest-persona-character
Do you have opinions about who is the gayest character in CW's hit show Supernatural? Well you have certainly come to the right to place.
[Link to Bracket]
Vote for the character that you think is the most gay/queer whether that be because of gender, or sexuality, no matter if you think they’re non-binary, ace, gay, bi, pan, aro, lesbian, etc. You can vote based on vibes, or canon, it doesn’t matter as long as everyone is having fun here.
I will allow propaganda in the form of asks and reblogs! Please be respectful to other people’s headcanons, not everyone has the same ones!
Tagging these guys for their vibes + shared characters:
I understand that these kinds of events can get quite heated, and it's all cool to be passionate, but I will block you if you start threatening or insulting me, or other voters. I will not hesitate to block you.
Ongoing Polls (6/14)
Dean Smith vs Sam Wesson
War vs Allan J. Corbett
Billie vs Eve
Asmodeus vs Metatron
Ramiel vs The Empty
Famine vs Max Banes
Nick vs Bobby Singer
Eileen Leahy vs Abbadon
Upcoming Polls
Garth Fitzgerald IV vs Michael
Bela Talbot vs Gilda
Rufus Turner vs Joshua
Kevin Tran vs Donna Hanscum
Naoki Himura vs Pestilence
Gadreel vs Hannah
Chuck Shurley vs Raphael
Adam Milligan vs Michael (Apocalypse)
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watchyourdigits · 10 months
I think I've finally found a faceclaim for Evelyn that I'm happy with. Putting a break because, as always, I go way too in-depth as to why I've made the decisions I've made.
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This is Vivien Leigh, a British actress who was once described as "beautiful, delectably cool and matter of fact, she is mistress of every situation". Need I say more? *is gonna say more anyway*
She's not perfect, but she's very Evelyn-coded. Differences include: Vivien has blue eyes, where Eve's are basically black. I'm not shaken to my core when I see pictures of Vivien smiling (with teeth), she's distinctly lacking in the 'crazy eyes' that comes with Eve's grin.
Also, Eve's hair, while slightly longer than Vivien's, is similarly puffy to hers, giving "I have curls and brush them out because idk what to do with them" kind of a deal.
Other than those minor details (and a scar running down the left side of Evelyn's neck) - holy hell, I think we've done it, lads.
Frankie (James Dean) came to me in a dream. A conventionally attractive man who is somewhat overconfident in his looks until he fucks around and finds out - aka is mauled by the deathclaw in Concord on his first day in the 'Wealth, stitched back together by Preston, & has worn a gas mask ever since. He was very easy to pin down as being very James Dean-esque early on. It helps that Dean has a lot of pics of him on farms/as a cowboy. Not accepting criticism for that having actual influence on my choice - I needed inspo okay??
On the opposite side of this, we have Evelyn. Also conventionally attractive, but her VIBE is what makes her hard to pin down. Where Frankie has the energy of a fun-loving-every-guy who can turn on the sex appeal when he wants to (aka when he finds it funny), Evelyn has this kind of... insane person energy. For lack of a nicer way of speaking.
That's not to say she isn't fun too, but her brand of fun is a lot different. Additionally, Eve is far more accidentally seductive in everything she does. Like the kind of person with that sort of aura where it feels like the world revolves around them like the sun, where they're the only person in a room. The 'yeah okay she can kill me it's fine so long as she's paying attention to me' & Vivien is very much so serving That to me. Meanwhile, James Dean is far more goofy and, while he doesn't reflect Frankie's current face (he's hardly recognizable after The Incident), he's got the right vibe.
Ultimately, that's what I'm after above all else.
OH - I also have this thing where, for some reason, I limit myself to "period" people when choosing FCs. As in not using modern people (so for Fallout they are always 1940-60s people). I don't know why I do this, but I feel the need to clarify that the FCs are always period-specific because I have Issues™
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