#Deffo Not A Morning Person
the-roo-too · 4 months
Hi!! Can I request fluffy alphabets for Yunjin? Thank you💗
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candy -> huh yunjin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- if you are at least the tiniest bit a musical person, she deffo loves to jam out with you. will force you to try and compose with her probably, even if you only know two chords on the guitar
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- yunjin is a hair girlie to me, she likes to play with it—give you cute hair styles if it’s long or just put pretty charms in it if it’s short!
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- big spoon ☝️🤓 might fight you for it (secretly loves being the little spoon tho)
dates (what’s her ideal date)- i’m thinking binging some movies late at night (like the greatest showman) and singing your hearts out 🏳️‍🌈
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- girlie is an open book around you. musically gifted people are usually very connected with their emotions (and yunjin did go to music school so..)
family (does she want one)- i kinda have mixed feeling about this one. maybe later in life when you’ve both settled down? she doesn’t really give me the kids vibe tho
gifts (what about gift giving)- would absolutely compose an either short ass piece or perform a long ass opera for you and would force you to listen to it 🎀🎀
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yes! absolutely! also smooches your hand. i feel like yunjin carries around three different hand creams. also the type to hand you a fruit scented cream in the middle of june and say “it’s fruity, like you.”
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- with all due respect, she wouldn’t know what to do 😭 call chaewon? tell manager? order take out?
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes. as i said, fruity cream, fruity you.
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- either smooches your face or full on make out session, i don’t make the rules ✊
love (what’s her love language)- passive aggressive affection. you’re grumpy in the morning? too bad, you’re still listening to taylor swift’s whole discography with her
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- meeting you for the first time! say you two met in a coffee shop while yunjin had a break between rehearsals. the moment your eyes made contact she was doomed lol
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- yunjin 100% steals the blankets. wraps herself in a burrito and you will NOT get them unless she cuddles you close and lets you inside the cocoon
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- to be fair opera singing is kinda weird. like imagine you’re coming home late and night and you whisper shout a soft “yunjin! are you awake?��� and she responds with a “HEREEE MY LOVEEEEE” sung loudly 🗣️
pet names (what does she like to call you)- baby girl, with a lip bite. but like “baby gowrlllllll 🫦🫦🫦🫦”
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- every time spent with you is quality time for her (and she will rizz you up while saying that)
rush (does she rush into things)- you’re living together by the second week of you dating
secrets (how open is she with you)- open book ‼️‼️ wanna know her father’s dead cat’s name? or what colour was chaewon face when she puked after drinking spilled milk thinking it was yoghurt?
time (how long did it take her to confess)- going with the idea that she saw you at a coffee shop, she would visit that exact place for a straight up week until she saw you again and then shoot her shot 💀
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- you’re probably upset after a fight, so then she’s upset too. if that’s not the case, if you yell at her because you’re upset, then yunjin will because upset too lol. she’s not the type to apologise first so buckle up!
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- nah. you remember that one post she made for pride some time ago? public opinion’s got nothing on her
warrior (how often do you fight)- i actually thing you might fight quite a lot… 💀 because of the rushing thing. when you two hit like a two year mark or sum, it gets better. but the rushed relationship gets kinda bumpy at first.
x-ray (is she able to read you)- even if you’re not as much of an open book as yunjin is, i think she makes it her goal to know what you’re thinking at all times. like a little personal challenge
yes (how would she propose to you)- most sappy way possible, would take you to a beach and arrange for her members to blindfold you and shit. lead you down to the shore and when you feel the cold water wetting your shoes, that’s when she drops on one knee (yes, in the water) while eunchae takes off the blindfold lol
zen (what makes her feel calm)- cuddles! singing! movies! just casual romantic shit. i said she would say sorry first but she might force you to cuddle her in the middle of the night even if you two just had a massive fight
part of [the fluff series]
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megumimania · 1 year
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featuring: reiner, onyankopon, armin
a/n: this is part two of these hcs, part one is here! thanks for tuning in its kinda rushed my bad 😪, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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-armin would be from islington or finchley maybe even south, but I don’t see him living in like bougie areas such as kensington or chelsea or like richmond
- him and eren went to the same primary and secondary together
-armin was literally his get out of jail free card because of his stellar reputation in academics
-he always gets free stuff from the corner shop or the chicken and chip shop
-doesn’t own a car, he either bikes or takes the tube because he cares about the environment and doesn’t want to add onto the extra pollution in london
-his dress sense is very casual like a t shirt, a pair of loose fitted trousers and some trainers but when he cant be bothered he’ll wear a tech fleece
-he has a very good sense of direction, like he knows the fastest routes for anything, like when eren and connie dragged him to carni (if you went this year im saur jealous 😩 but anyways) and it was time to get home armin found a quicker route that got them back pretty fast
-knows all the best secret spots in london for anything! which makes hanging out with him more fun because you experience a new part of london when you’re together
-he isnt a fan of eren’s scamming ways but when eren asks for help he always answers as long as he’s not a part of it
-london men i feel like are terrible with their feelings but armin is the exception, he would be very open with you about his feelings and such
-reads so much, you’ll catch him at hyde park or greenwich park reading till the sun sets
-he smokes cigarettes but he’s trying to cut it out for you
-his playlist would be very diverse since he’s been brought up in a multicultural area, like it would go from bashment, to rnb, drill to pop
-unlike his unserious counterparts *cough cough* eren and connie, he’s very loyal!
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-my ghanaian king, shoutout to my ghanaians!!
-he speaks twi so well that people forget he was brought up in the uk
-he would be from peckham or lewisham for suree, he’s deffo been dragged around by his mum round rye lane market on a saturday morning carrying that trolley with him
-he goes to a pentecostal church, he’s always leading youth service and helping out at church events.
-the aunties love him for this because he’s the perfect son that they don’t have and they just love him in general
-ony can cook and im being for real, so you guys never eat out unless ony wants to show you to a new niche restaurant somewhere
-he has snap but doesn’t have a bitmoji because he thinks it’s immature 😕 but eventually he caves and makes one because you ask him too
-hes always promoting his boys stuff whether that be music,
-he deffo went to an all boys secondary and then he went to a mixed sixth form after, he gives me those vibes
-he used to go to the library to link girls after school 😭 he had a big playboy phase but hes calmed down
-he used to be one of those people at stratford westfield trying to sell you magazines before you enter
-hes not stingy with his money, hes always spoiling the people he loves
-he has a bunch of caps and grills that he likes to rotate out weekly, he has great style
-he works in corporate london so its rare that you dont see him outside of a suit and tie but he always makes time for you
-ony is always holding your bag for dear life when you go to bait areas like oxford street or westfields or like the tourist spots because people be getting their shit stolen loool
-he loves late night tesco trips anything that he can do at night i.e late night walks, drives etc
-bossman is always giving him discounts on stuff because ony is loyal customer.
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-look at that man and tell me he wouldnt be from essex tell me!! like thats pure dagenham material right there
-if you search up a typical person from essex, he would come up
-he probably owns those skintight chinos with those ugly polos with the church shoes
-he tries to downplay his accent a bit since sometimes its hard to understand him but when hes upset his accent comes through in full force
-always at spoons or at the club till early hours
-reiner gives me bricklayer vibes so thats what im gonna roll with
-when he comes home from work in summer hes like hot and sweaty but it makes his biceps glow so its kinda sexy idk
-has a bunch of tattoos, most of them are birthdays of family members and a picture of his grandma who passed away
-has a british bulldog called belle, the dog is fucking scary but reiner thinks the world of her and thinks she can do no wrong
-listens to mainly dnb, garage, techno
-downs pints at the pub like it’s nothing, he has a high alcohol tolerance
-proper geezer that’s all i have to say tbh!
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g-xix · 1 year
How the Sidemen (& more) Would React to Seeing You Crying
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Ethan:  -Bro would be completely shocked to see you crying -You'd admit smth deep and he'd just do the "surprised Pikachu", slapping his hand over his mouth  -Would probs then start giggling -Deffo make you cry more than when you started -Makes dinner as an apology but isn't surprised when you don't forgive him until the next morning
Callux: -Sees you crying and instantly goes soft -Grabs the tissues and sits up close besides you, wipes away your tears -Pulls you in so that your head rests on his chest  -Deffo tries to stop you if you're hyperventilating by saying "breathe with me" -Listens to what you have to say without interrupting and then just lets you sit in silence against him, just  recovering from crying
Harry: -Little gasp when he first sees you crying -Goes to sit next to you, put an arm around your shoulders and rub consolingly -Big listener -As soon as you've recovered from the worst of the crying he does his absolute best to suggest things you could do or he could help with to make it better -Takes on all household responsibilities, tells you to just rest or go to sleep after crying bc he'll sort everything out
JJ: -For a few seconds he just freezes and watches you from a distance because he doesn't know what to do -Then gives the absolute biggest hug so that you can squeeze him as hard as you need to whilst you cry -Strikes me as the type of person to hug you with all of his body or just want to completely envelope you in a hug... Like, he'd wrap his arms around you AND his legs around yours "koala-style" if you were in bed, or if you were just generally crying, he'd pick you up and hug you round the waist, getting you to wrap your legs around his waist and cry into his shoulder whilst he supports your weight -Gets you to lie down after you've cried and massages all the tension out of your neck and back so that you feel physically lighter as well
Calfreezy: -Voice goes higher pitch when he's trying to comfort you -"Hey, don't cry don't cry, what's wrong?" -Looks at you whilst you explain what's wrong through cries, arm slung around your shoulder calmingly -Orders UberEats and puts on a Disney film afterwards so you two can cuddle under the blanket and you can calm down n just watch a movie
Josh: -Absolutely hugs you whilst you cry -Not panicked or feels awkward at all, completely in touch with your emotions -Let's out hums of understanding as you explain what's wrong -Strokes your hair whilst you speak, fingers gently massage your scalp because he knows you get headaches after crying -Carries you to bed afterwards and does whatever you need, doesn't wanna stress you at all
Deji: -A bit surprised but doesn't put on overly sympathetic front, just says "Oh! Oh, what's wrong, what's up?" -Listens with lips squeezed shut because he's really trying to understand your sadness and what the problem is -Absolutely wraps you in a hug once you've explained, sways from side to side with you in his arms kinda like rocking you -Gives bits of advice, also giving that cute little laugh when he jokingly suggests something awful -Has you laughing by the end as well
Simon: -Joins you as soon as he sees you're crying -Doesn't touch you; doesn't touch you unless you initiate touch- then he'll sling an arm around your waist and pat your back comfortingly -Mushu also comes and sits on your lap + licks your arm to show comfort -Mushu gives all the hugs, Simon listens and doesn't give advice, instead sympathises with you -Puts on one of the Disney or Pixar films you like afterwards and either tries to cook or just orders your fave on UberEats
ChrisMD: -This man seems so in touch emotionally- he'd completely understand whatever the problem is and be most supportive bf -uses his thumb to wipe away your tears before cupping your cheek hugging you round the waist, pressing little kisses to your temple and cheek -Has you rest your head on him and explain whatever's wrong -Nods when you explain it all and listens to everything you have to say- doesn't cut you off or try to give advice, just listens as you get it all of off your chest -Lets you use his body as a cushion kinda just sit against him or on top of him whatever way's most comfortable for you -Strokes your hair or at least runs his hands through your hair whilst you talk -V comforting, literally so good whenever you get sad, he seems so in touch with mental health n stuff he would NOT let any crying slide without a personal therapy session
Tobi: -Not panicky, but hasty in joining your side and enveloping you in the nicest hug, probs gets you to sit on his lap whilst he hugs you 'round the waist, bouncing his leg every so often -Deffo just let's you cry against him whilst he whispers sweet, comforting nothings at you- doesn't try get you to stop, just let's you let it all out -Gets you to explain it after and listens diligently, interrupts every so often to give advice -Runs for tissues or whatever he can think of getting to comfort you -Ofc a movie man, puts on an animated Disney/Pixar and gets the blankets out so that you can fall asleep to something comforting whilst he holds your hand under the blanket
Gib: -Initially says "Oh dear, oh dear" as he sees you crying -Asks what's wrong but he has a smile on his face from the get-go -You explain what's wrong and then look up to see his mouth filled with air, almost shaking from trying not to laugh -You flatly say "What the fuck, Gib" Out of sheer disbelief he always managed to laugh at whatever you cry about -Maybe makes u cry a bit more after that because of your un-empathetic he is -Hugs you after that though because he feels a bit guilty -Makes a slightly insensitive joke about whatever you were upset about which you want to be offended about but can't help but laugh with him about it -Somehow doesn't end up in the doghouse after showing 0 empathy because he made you laugh at yourself afterwards
Vik: -Bro sits opposite you. -Slides tissue box across the table towards you to show he means well -Is too unsure of whether you want to be left alone or want hugs and consolation... So instead he just sits opposite you and asks whether you want anything whilst you cry and don't respond to him -Remains besides you nonetheless -Leans forwards, hands clasped on his knees, head bowed as he listens to your problems  -Very straightforwards, doesn't really know how to comfort you so he just tries to solve whatever's making you cry by giving advice and making a plan for what to do -Tells Ralph to go and sit with you whilst he makes dinner and gets blankets and stuff to make you feel physically comfy
Chip: -Touchy, hand on the waist or across the shoulders or holding your own just to show you he's there -Asks a few dumb questions because he doesn't fully follow why you're actually sad -Ends up accidentally making a joke that makes you laugh, lifting the mood in the end -Chip says he'll make a steak to make up for what's happened -Kinda have to forgive any insensitive jokes he makes during dinner because the steak was just THAT good
WillNE: -Shocked gasp as well, surprised Pikachu face and hand slapped over mouth when he sees his crying girlfriend -Just goes and gives you a massive hug and holds you, asking repeatedly with his high pitch surprised Geordie voice "What's wrong, what's happened, what's got you in such a state?" -Tries to listen but accidentally side tracks to something really random -Random topic actually interests you -End up completely forgetting you were sad in the first place because Will gets you too invested in some other random topic
Requests are open feel free to submit more!!! Loved writing this, if you liked it too then feel free to press the little interaction buttons
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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the-phantom-author · 4 months
im a sucker for friends to lovers but maybe reader and hasan had a slight thing when they first met and decided to be friends bc they werent ready for a whole relationship yet. fast forward two tensioned filled years down the line and one of them just says fuck this and goes for it because they are too stubborn for their own good. even better if its hasan who breaks first!
Like when they meet, there was definitely something there, and that never goes away. The thing about the two of them is that they are both work horses. Hasan has a very ridged schedule for his day to day life, and while he makes sure to include time for his friends, he's not quite ready to carve out a lot of time for you. Not yet at least.
So over the period of two year, the relationship between the two of you is full of tension and blurred boundary lines. Your each other's emergency contact, the first person the other calls when a bit to drunk and want to talk to someone, your automatic plus ones, you try to get dinner together once a week, and so on and so forth.
And it's deffo Hasan who breaks first. He has you watch his house and Kaya while he's out of the country for a week or so. When he comes home it's the middle of the night, you're asleep in his bed with Kaya next to you, probably wearing one of his shirts, and he's face to face with the fact that he wants this.
He wants you asleep wearing one of his old shirts. He wants you taking care of Kaya with him. He wants his house smelling like your scented candles. He wants all your throw blankets laying on top of his furniture.
He tells you all of this and more when you wake up in the morning.
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deejayrockz · 1 year
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PAIRING — cc!wilbur x reader (cc if u want)
SUMMARY — wilburs fav ways to cuddle !!
NOTES — fluff, cutesie adorbs, i had fem reader in mind, but i don't think i ever really specify !
EXTRA — this idea is so cutesie i love it, it's so adorbs 🤭
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ʚ┊stomach cuddles ; this sounds really weird, but hear me out. you're laying in bed, watching a tv show, and he's just laying his head on your stomach, arm draped across your hips. this links in to the stomach kisses headcanon, where he'd probably randomly kiss your abdomen while cuddling ! this is one of my fav ways to cuddle, mainly because you can play with his hair while the movie plays !!
ʚ┊spooning ; i personally don't really think he cares if he's big spoon or little spoon, but for the sake of the headcanon, we'll say he's big spoon. he loves wrapping his arms around you, holding you close to his chest so the back of your head is connected to his heartbeat. his arm is dead by the morning, but it's worth it when he sees the imprint of your hair on his bicep. if he preferred small spoon, he'd love to just lay in bed after a gig and a night of drinks, and feel your arm slowly snaking across his stomach.
ʚ┊chest cuddles (?) ; okay, this is literally just stomach cuddles, but he's moved up slightly. i most deffo think he prefers to lay on your chest, but still loves you laying on his chest!! he just loves hearing your heartbeat, as his heartbeat matches with it and helps calm his anxiety. he also loves you playing with his hair (again), or your hands tracing down his spine, nape of his neck, etc.
ʚ┊leg rest ; okay, this one definitely isn't cuddling, but i'm adding it anyway. he loovesss when you rest your legs on his, wether it be when you're laying down, or sitting on the sofa in the living room. he would be your personal leg rest any day!! his hand softly rubbing up and down your shin absentmindedly as you both watch the tv together !!!;!,!.!;/!
ʚ┊face to face ; i think this one is very rare, but i can imagine it. so, let's say, you got into a small argument, one that led to you both facing the opposite ways in bed, he got clingy and the guilt started to sink in. he turned around, him now facing your back, and he asked you to face him. once you did, he connected your foreheads, despite you both still being slightly angry from the argument. as your foreheads were connected, you shared apologies, looking eachother in the eyes to know you really mean it (which of course, you did). he would lightly kiss your face then drift to sleep, holding you while still face to face.
ʚ┊okay, all in all, he loves being held, treasured, etc. he loves holding you just as much, but there's something about being held that melts his heart !!!
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onigirio · 2 years
Good night! Hope you’re doing great, could I request some headcanons about Percy dating a daughter of Apollo please?? Thanks you <3
a/n: YES YES YES this is everything to me anon! i referred to apollo!reader as sunny once or twice! hope you enjoy <3
warnings: 1 mention of sensory issues
okay first of all
i love this
percy has never been very possessive imo
but he’s a physical touch kinda guy
back hugs, cuddles, linking pinkies
lots of pda
but it’s very unintentional bc you both have adhd
like you could be practicing your shooting and he’ll just come and hug you from behind
he does it mostly when you’re in the infirmary
if there’s been a particularly violent game of capture the flag, he’ll come and sit with you
you appreciate the company, especially when you have to monitor someone long term
if he’s the one in that bed?
he feels so bad when you have to take care of him
like he doesn’t want to inconvenience you
however you don’t mind
+10 kisses for percy!
he’s deffos a late sleeper
and i believe most apollo kids have the same sleep schedule as the sun
so you always fall asleep before him
and he wakes up after you
you always make sure to leave him a little snack or a note reminding him to eat breakfast
he’ll never tell you but he keeps all the notes
a million underwater kisses
trust you cuddle afterwards
you’re quite literally a heater
when you guys have your sleepovers and you have one of those demigod dreams
percy stays up with you until you’re ready to sleep again :( <3
if you’re a performer?
percy is your biggest fan!
like he brought sally to one of your shows because he loves showing you off
definitely the type to take lots of videos and pictures
“this is when they won a competition, and then this is their acceptance speech-“
always makes a point to show you off
keeps a little polaroid of you guys after a particularly stressful performance in his wallet
it’s of you jumping into his arms after you won
you’re both beaming, it’s like you can feel the happiness radiating off of the picture
sally obvi took it
percy has this calming effect about him
like the early morning ocean waves
so he’s always there if you need a hug or a little advice
whenever you go to their place you always make sure to help out around the house
for your birthday she makes you sweets with little sun motifs!
this year it was sun cupcakes
percy wanted them to be blue
sally had to remind him the sun isn’t blue
percy sulked a little
the icing was blue
like a little sun in the sky
it’s getting hard for you guys to one up each other
you always make a point to get each other the best gifts
last year he got you something you’ve been saving up for in your hobby
like a guitar, a set of paints etc
they’re always thoughtful gifts too
there is never a last minute gift with you guys
anniversaries are more chill
little movie dates and more gifts!!!
you’re a very low energy couple
i’m projecting a little bit but whenever you make plans to go out
like for a concert or a place with a lot of people
you end up leaving because sensory issues
the joys of neurodivergence
but you’re always there for each other <3
like the picture perfect couple
but when you do fight or have a disagreement
you don’t like going to bed angry
you’ll always talk it out and make sure both parties are happy
healing with hugs!
but fr you’re never angry at each other for more than a day
like in the morning you could be avoiding each other but by dinner you’re laughing around the campfire and everyone is like??? huh
people are jealous!
speaking of jealousy
percy is not a jealous person but if he sees someone making you uncomfortable
he’ll just come and smack a kiss on your cheek and hold your hand
that usually gets the message across
people know you’re his sunflower
not vice versa though
ppl will flirt with him and he just smiles and nods
then he hits them with “oh i have a gf”
they’ll ask who and then he points to the girl shooting arrows very aggressively on the range
they get the hint
playful couple
you’re the kind of people that have bets running at all times
“why is percy suddenly into archery” “oh him and sunny swapped weapons for a week. first one to complain loses”
you won btw
$20 and one of his hoodies
another oversized blue hoodie for your growing collection
you don’t just take his clothes though because he steals your stuff too
your rings and earrings have been disappearing a lot recently
you were confused until you caught the culprit wearing your signature sun earrings
safe to say percy always makes sure to ask
on one of your anniversary’s you got him a little sunflower necklace!
he got you an ocean themed charm bracelet before
so now you two match !!!
*sobs* you two are so cute
10/10 couple, absolutely relationship goals <3
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filmofhybe · 1 year
synopsis : random songs that just reminds me of each enhypen members
pairing : ot7! Members x fem! Reader
genre : fluff, slight angst at jay sunoo and niki’s
warning : continuing words such as : but like and cuz 💀
work count: about 200-300 per member
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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정원 jungwon - confess to you by LIM KIM
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this song is just so jungwon
Just imagine High school Jungwon having the biggest crush on you
Which is so cute cuz he will deffo be listening to this song
and he would be dreaming of you 24/7 and dreaming to confess to you
and after he confessed and you said yes
He would make you listen to this song
cuz he would literally direct those lyrics to you
ESPECIALLY THE LINE “this love is so true, sent from above.”
You just blushing at how cute he is and how much he loves you
He fr is the only one you’ve been dreaming of
you guys would just sit there and listen to this song and jungwon’s smile would be so big
and his mind would just be all the times you treated him so lovingly
He would input those lyrics in your daily convo’s as well
“babe do you know your love is a sweet dream?”
“You and your confess to you pick up lines is getting out of hand wonnie..”
“But you love it don’t my lovely lover?”
“I will always love them so so much.”
Will you ever complain tho? Never.
희 승 heeseung - bad by wave to earth
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I can imagine a normal human being heeseung, that works in a office in the middle of Seoul
Like his life used to be so boring until he met you
The person that makes his morning so much better and less stressful
And the person that makes him try to finish work earlier so he can go home and just cuddle with you all night long
Okay but imagine this:
He’s stressed out about the day cuz he’s about to do a pile of work again
But coffee in the morning with you and the sun
And the best part is he gets to see the view of you in his shirt
His heart melted at that sight
You just watching him with heart eyes as he munched on your delicious breakfast
You making silly jokes from time to time as he enjoys his breakfast
wants to stay at home instead with you
But obviously he can’t but at least his morning is always better when he’s with you and your obsession with wave to earth
박종성 Park Jeongseong - save your tears by The Weeknd ft AG
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I can just see him at a club as your ex boyfriend
Cuz you feel like he deserves someone better
And when he saw you at the club with your friend
Looking all happy and that
It just made him stare at you and your gorgeous figure
deep inside of him he’s still hurt that you guys aren’t together
But than you caught him staring at you which caused one tear to drop out of your eye
So you left without looking back
Jay felt so hurt that he didn’t even realize he started tearing up
And this man decided to follow you, passing and pushing through crowds just for you
Until he found you sitting alone in a dark hallway
He kneel down and hugged you tightly
“I know you still love me”
“I do but you deserve someone better”
“Baby Save your tears for another day because I’m not going anywhere tonight.”
oh jay what a man you are honestly..
심재윤 Sim Jaeyun - Fearless by Taylor Swift
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he would be the that American type of Boyfriend even tho he’s a Australian
He would make you dance in the rain in your cute little suburban during sunshine
I can imagine you in your little white sundress while he’s in a dress shirt, sleeves rolled up and blue ripped jeans and both of you wearing the same bracelet that blings underneath the sunset
Omg he will giggling with you while you guys stretch your arms out and spin around underneath the rain
He’s the type to drag you head first and kiss you afterwards
Your giggles and laughers could be heard down the road
And he would run his hand through his hair to prevent raindrops to run down to his eyes
Your neighbors are so annoyed but they don’t even want to stop you both
Cuz you both are so fearless for dancing in the rain like this
Honestly they would capture this moment and would remember it forever
Just 2 teenage loves enjoying each other’s presence while blasting to Taylor swift UNDERNEATH a sunset and storm
성훈 Sunghoon - Heaven Sent by Tevomxntana
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the song title can explain why.
but absolutely ppl gotta ruin it by saying hes a dickhead in the whole company.
But to you, your boyfriend, sunghoon is sent from heaven
And at the beginning of your relationship, you promised yourself you won’t get attached to this man cuz what if he’s actually a dickhead
but do you give a fuck? No.
no one deserves him.
Everyone can fuck off cuz they are liars
He would do the most loveliest thing ever, hoping your feelings for him would never decay
Both of you are heaven sent.
Both of you are sent by God into this disgusting society but non of you cared cuz all you need is each other
And In each other’s eyes. Both of you are the most heavenly angels to ever step on earth.
“ Angel your a ten out of ten”
“I’m I now hoonie?”
“Always from the front and back.” He winks
“I’m so done with you.”
“You will never be done with me Angel.”
선우 Sunoo - Blue butterflies by JHIN
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you guys are sleeping on his songs please stream Blue butterflies.
Anyways SUNOOOOO!!!!
You and him in a long distance relationship :(
Sadly. (sorry Sunoo Stan’s)
Because of his busy schedules he can’t always visit you
“I wanna see you all the time…”
“Same sunoo but you need to keep the good work up so you can see me soon okay? I love you!!”
Your words of encouragement is the reason he’s here with you rn
Blue butterflies strawberry skies filled the air as you both just lay on the grass
Until darkness covered the skies and THE STARS COVERING THE WHOLE SKY
And all sunoo can say is
“You shine like the stars.”
he pulls you into his embrace. I wanna cry he’s so soft for you
“Everything is better now when I’m with you.”
And when is his time to go, both of you just wanna cry for hours and hours
And you always question “why did you go?” But yk damn well why
Sunoo wishing you were there with him instead of miles away from him
“Your all i need tonight..”
But trust me eventually your distance will close and you both would be sleeping next to each other. But that’s when time is right..
にしむら りき Nishimura Riki - tumblr girls by G-Easy ft CA
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Niki is just so Tumblr Girls. Like the song was MADE for him
Yeah the lyrics absolutely doesn’t match niki himself but yk is just so niki vibe.
I can imagine motorbike rider Niki and you just going around in Shibuya Japan at Night
While this song blast in your ears
Your arms just around his waist as wind blew your hair
and all niki can think of is how much he loves you
But your relationship is not as peaceful as you think it is
Both of you will constantly walk out the door after spending the night at each other’s
Acting like you don’t know each other.
Causing the closure between you both to create distance
But moving to present time
Both of you sat together looking at the Shibuya night light from afar
“Love you and I were made of glass, we’ll we ever last..?” Niki asked
That question stabbed your heart causing tears to fall out of your eyes
You know both of you were toxic in the relationship
But at the end you hope you were mature enough to handle it.
“We will I promise.”
But sadly you both didn’t because he broke up with you
thinking other girls out there are less toxic and different.
Missing everything you said was what he regret the most
Because they’re all looking the same to him.
Besides you. You were the special one and he blew it.
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids
taglist application form is opened on my navigation post!!
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starmycar · 2 months
Cole headcanons
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They have a bad habit of chewing their nails, it's not a severe habit that they do it all the time but it's noticeable. Like you can look at their nails and it's shorter than a normal person's nails.
Clemy tried to break their bad habit but it lasted for a few weeks before they got back to their bad habit 😑
To the point that when the gang tries to play bored games they ask Cole to take it easy on them 😭
Their love language is gift giving <3
They deffo made the gang matching friendship bracelets 😝
They're really good at making bracelets that Kingsley decided to make their hobby a business 😋 Cole didn't mind tho but their fingers were starting to hurt 😞 that's why they have a bandages on their fingers
Clemy prolly found them hugging a cat in their sleep 🥺 it was so adorable 😭
Cole also found an injured stray kitten and BEGGED Perrine to let them keep it but Perrine said no 😞
But Cole was too soft hearted so they took care of it and sneaked the kitten in 😜 so now they have a pet cat 🥺
They prolly have a poem about clemy stacked in their drawer somewhere
Cole and the gang had this ritual where every time it's raining they have to dance under the rain 🤭
They tried to cut their hair once 😐 IT DID NOT END WELL 😶 Kingsley walked in on them cutting their hair and teased them for it 😊
Kingsley was prolly like "what did you do to your hair 😂" "don't tell anyone please 🙏😭" and Kingsley agreed to help Cole with their hair but they still teased them about it 🙄
Has a soft spot for animals so they became a vegan 🥺 they just can't handle eating animals yknow?
Prolly has a secret spot outside of the village where they could just take a breather and relax because we need one once in a while y'know?
They are quite clumsy so they get hurt sometimes 😣 it's not that they're not aware of their surroundings oh no it's just that the universe is just against them 😐
They sometimes trip on nothing, bump into a random object so ye they have scars now 😎
If they were in our universe they most definitely have noise cancelling headphones
They listen to Cavetown, alex G, the bird and the bee, and Adrianne lenker
Their playlist name is deffo poetic and stuff, and selects the most random cover photo for their playlist
They won't live without music, so if all music mysteriously vanishes they won't live AT MOST 10 minutes (same)
Is musically smart
Also have this weird obsession of biology
So Yap about it A LOT to clemy, albeit shyly because they don't want to overshare 😣
But when Cole learned that clemy didn't mind they were OVER THE MOON
Is not a morning person like you PHYSICALLY have to pull them out of their bed
Is because their bed is REALLY comfortable to the point that one of the group snuck into their bedroom and slept there *ahem* Kingsley WHO SAID THAT
They have a bad case of nightmares, to the point that Perrine had to come over to their bedroom and wake them up because they were shaking and breathing heavily ☹️
It's so sad though because Cole because of the nightmares they stopped sleeping for 5 days 😦
But Perrine noticed and dragged them back to bed so not to worry 🤗 how'd Perry notice? It was probably because Cole was starting to hallucinate 😵‍💫
Their interaction basically went like this "hey Perrine what is that? 😟" "what is what Cole? 🤨" "that tree over there 🫵 it has faces on them 😦" "no it's not Cole 😑 okay you need to go to bed 😮‍💨"
After Cole slept they were scolded by Perrine 😣
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This was so fun to make because I relate to Cole a lot so it wasn't hard to make 😋 and I will prolly post Kingsley's headcanons after this 🤭
Thank you for reading ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
the boys love languages pls❤️
Love Languages ~ Beta Squad (+ others)
So this topic always confuses me because I don’t know if it’s like what makes the person feel loved or how they show love to other people?
So I’m gonna do both for each guy, which may make it shorter (sorry 🫶)
And this isn’t really focused on x reader, just in general but it could totally be applied to x reader as well ❤️
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Starting off with Mr. Obvious! He shows his love for others through physical touch, it is always prevalent in the videos. He’s always hugging people when he’s excited, he does the ‘reaching for people and squeezing them’ thing when he’s laughing and he’s always finding ways to be close to people when they’re standing or sitting down, (hand on their body, leaning on them, head on their shoulder, etc.)
I think he feels most loved when the other person lets him touch them as much as he wants, I think it’s physical touch back as well. Also when the other person initiates contact with him first, he would be so happy and lean into the touch more 😭🫶
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He’s a very Giving Gifts and Quality Time man 🫶 he loves just hanging out with people and if he specifically goes out of his way to make sure that happens, they are deffo rly special to him. He’s also loadeddd, and he loves spending it on his loved ones as he doesn’t have too much use for it.
He would probably feel most loved with Quality Time as well, when the other person goes out of their way to make time for him so they can hang out even if they aren’t doing anything particularly exciting? He’s melting. He loves even just sitting in the same room, watching a movie or listening to something or talking in hushed tones, it assures him that the other person is there through all of it, even the slow and boring days 🫶
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Shows his love through insults and fights 😭 nah I’m joking, if I had to choose from one of the Love Languages I would say Acts of Service. He uses them as an indirect way to say ‘I love you’ because when he opens his mouth to say it all that comes out is violations. He’ll grab water for the people he loves, ask them what they want for lunch so he can order it, share his food with them, do their chores, the ones they don’t wanna do. He’ll complain but then the other person wakes up the next morning with the chore done.
He probably appreciates Words of Affirmation, his inability to say what he feels leads to him craving it from the other person. This may come out in a weird (rat) way, like “oh you know you love me!” After the other person is mad at him. If the other person responds with, “yeah, I do” he immediately smiles at the response before putting his facade back on.
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Physical Touch and Acts of Service ‼️ he touches people when he can and it’s always his top priority to make sure the people around him are well and functioning. He’ll hug people from behind, pat their backs, hold their hands. He’ll help them out wherever he can. “Let me do that for you!” Fixes their clothes, cooks (orders) food, etc.
He appreciates Quality Time, when he’s one on one with the other person. Talking about anything and everything, he loves when people tell him things they may be scared to tell everyone else. Compatible Music Tastes make him so happy, but it’s not a requirement if the other person is spending time with him (or listening to songs with him anyway, even if it’s not their type of music).
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Words of Affirmation ‼️ the first of the guys so far that I think would have no problem expressing what he feels verbally. And he would prefer it too, he needs to know that you know how much he loves you. Daily compliments and constant I love you’s even if the other guys bully him for it, (they love the compliments but Niko doesn’t have to know). He’s also Acts of Service, he would do everything for the other person so they aren’t burdened.
He deffo appreciates Receiving Gifts. Do you remember how happy he got at the cat? He feels so special of the other person brings him something, it hits him then that this person is thinking of him even when they aren’t together 🫶 someone gets him something ugly asf and says “it reminded me of you” and he melts even if it’s a grinch stuffy.
+ BONUS (because they’re so underrated omg)
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He’s so Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation, he would tell the other person everything he loves about them while draped over them in one way or another. 😭🫶 (i need a filly this is literally what I crave)
And he would LOVE physical touch back, a hug or a squeeze and that's when he knows the other person truly loves him too. 
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He’s always violating but he’s very Acts of Service. The other person asks him to do something and he replies with a crisp ‘no’ before immediately doing the thing. Like
“can u pass me xx?” 
“Nah” *passes xx over as the words leave his mouth* 
And he loves Words of Affirmation to know that his Acts of Service Are being appreciated on the other end. A simple thank you would suffice, he passes the water and the other person thanks him and he’s satisfied ☺️
This was so cute to write omg i realised my love languages on the way 😭🫶
(it’s words of affirmation and physical touch so keep sending nice messages I cry to everyone of them ❤️)
anyways requests are being worked on and as always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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Hey! Your art is stunning! I love how your are able to convey personality visually! I also saw in one post that you referenced enneagrams and Myers-Briggs types when considering characters! Was wondering if you have any headcanons for the rest of 141s types?
Hello Anon! \(@^0^@)/
So about the MBTI types of 141, I actually did one around February 2022, but it's generally for the OG!TF141. You can read it here! But I'm gonna repost it here and add the others as well.
Disclaimer : I'm in no way an MBTI expert. I'm just an enthusiast who reads lots of memes.
Task Force 141 MBTI Personality Types
💰 Price - ENTJ - The Commander 💰
No doubt he’s the commander type. In fact, Price is the classic archetype of a commander
Does not give a damn about order or following procedure if it doesn’t help him get to the result
Mean. Knows he’s mean. Doesn’t care.
Says shit like “Can you do it or no?” “What did I just say.” “Suck it up.” “When you take the gloves off you got blood on your hands, KYLE!” 
Lovable asshole. Evil. Lovable tho.
First to wake up and do the “morning routine”
Probably has the “World’s Best Boss/Dad” mug
Inventor of Big Dick Energy
🧼 Soap - ESFP - The Entertainer 🧼
Bold. Can be reckless sometimes tho. He learns by doing. Easily bored.
Would deffo be the Extrovert person who adopts Introverts. (Eg. Ghost)
Values freedom and has empirical views in life.
Sees past the bad in people and easily sees the good in people (not the enemies tho ☠️ cough cough Shepherd cough.
Very optimistic and loud. Loves to get all the attentions
Highly adaptable to situations
Spontaneous af and sometimes can have risky behaviors that leads to bad decisions (He canonically lied about his age to enter the SAS ✨)
💀 Ghost - INTP - The Logician 💀
INTP : short for I Need Therapy Please
Trust Issues™
All rounder who gets the job done when he puts his mind to it.
Probably watches anime secretly (He does)
Would sometimes zone out and doesn’t listen to what you’re saying.
Either completely silent or WILL NOT shut up. No in between.
Has strong opinions.
Could come off as rude or way too honest.
The friend who gives short answers in texts like “yea” “ok” “no”
“….what if we (insert crazy ideas)”. Super creative with his methods of doing. "Welcome to guerrila warfare."
Basically a cat.
🧢 Gaz - ISFJ - The Defender 🧢
Has a strong moral compass; Takes his jobs very seriously. Determined.
Will stand by you no matter what happens. Gaz will deffo support you in anything you do. WILL fight for you.
Sweet and easygoing. Has the best reaction to everything. "Can you translate that from bullshit to English?" "What the fuck is happening?" Never a dull moment with him around.
The Dad Ver. 2 if Price is unavailable.
Gaz : I'm making you cookies.
Price : I don't really want any.
Gaz: This isn't optional
Is very warm in personality, but if you betray him, he'll turn very cold.
Share your thoughts! (ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ)
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mixelation · 8 months
Regarding the last chunin exam post, did Tori ever get her chakra poisoning fixed or by activating her seal it kinda worked itself out? Someone's gonna shit when they realize a genin managed to do all that stuff with chakra poisoning
love all your aus I deffo read this blog every morning like a newspaper
oh man i forgot i didn't post any of the parts where i did world building on what chakra poisoning even IS
basically the idea was "chakra poisoning" refers to a specific state in which a chemical compound fucks up chakra within the body (as opposed to this being induced by a jutsu, or various poisons which can affect the body's production/control of chakra but don't affect chakra itself). the result is that the body basically attempts to reject its own chakra, leading to a bunch of nasty physical side-effects. this means having more chakra actually works against you. having a more develop chakra system (like a ninja vs a civilian) also works against you because your cells are interacting with more chakra.
(there's only one known compound that can do this, and it's hard/expensive to make and doesn't store very long, which is why it's super uncommon)
tori wasn't exposed for long, doesn't have a ton of chakra, and scrambling her system puts in her a more civilian-like state. so she's not at 100% but it's not going to like.... kill her. i did edit the scene where kushina yeets her out of the tunnel to give her more physical side effects.
it's also a "if you manage to wait it out, you'll be fine" type of thing because the body is always making new chakra. kushina probably should not have just gotten up and done a bunch of stuff, but her body heals the damage it's been doing to itself extremely quickly, so like. she's, uh.... fine......?
the scene with the genin writing their report dragged on a bit as i lost scene, so i cut it, but eventually they were all going to stand up and abruptly realize they all actually need to go to the hospital. deidara is like, "okay itachi, now use your asshole personality to get us seen first in the ER--"
and yes tori's medic was going to be like: literally what's wrong with you?
(probably minato makes kushina pop in to see a medic too. i think she views herself as pretty invincible so she wouldn't go on her own, and he's not as freaked out as the alt version in toxicity because he sees her AFTER she's recovered some. but yes this would be a good idea)
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
LOVE THE DRUNK PROMPTSSS could I have number 3 with the reader being character B and Jamie as character A cause that cutie is deffo the type of person to walk the reader home
3. ) Character B unable to walk in a straight line and Character A having to accompany them all the way home.
"I got it, Jamie."
"You don't."
"I do! I'm falking just wine."
"What the fuck are you even sayin'?"
You let out a loud laugh, losing your balance and falling on your bum. Despite the pain that radiated up your back, you continued to laugh. Jamie shook his head while taking a quick look around. He held out a hand to help you up, trying to hold back a laugh in the most obvious of ways. You stuck out your lower lip as you stared up at him.
"I fell," You said with a frown.
Finally, he let the laugh out. "Well, let me help you so you won't fall again, goofy."
After sitting on the ground for a moment to pout, you finally accepted his hand and allowed him to hoist you up.
"You gonna stay with me now?" He asked, as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
"Yeah, yeah," You said, suddenly a little sober from the contact. Through the swirls of the alcohol, your brain began to swirl about the way Jamie's hand felt on your side, his grip hard against your skin.
"Are you taking me home?" You asked after a moment.
"Will you be staying?"
This seemed to catch him off guard, heat rising up his neck and into his cheeks.
"Do you want me to?"
When he turned to look at you, he found you were already staring at him, with glossy, wide eyes.
"Yes," You admitted. It was the least slurred your voice had been in hours. "I do want that."
He nodded, swallowing hard. "I'll sleep on the couch then."
You hummed happily in response, turning to face forward again. "As long as you're there in the morning."
Jamie didn't know how you meant that, but either way, his heart sang the rest of the journey, you staying pressed against him the whole time.
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wehaveimagineshere · 1 year
Request for Admin Frost! Could I request headcanons for Soap, Konig, and Ghost realising his feelings for gender neutral reader?
Hi I’m so sorry this took so long! I had to do some research on their backgrounds to make sure everything I wrote was accurate. I deffo went overboard but I hope you enjoy! I 100% enjoyed writing my first MW request ☺️☺️
TW: Blood, slight gore
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• You and Johnny were childhood best friends and neighbors growing up. You would beat up anyone who made fun of him for any reason and he would do the same for you. When you were teenagers you would still do the same
• At the age of 16 you would join him and his cousin on trips to the base to see what it was like. You both absolutely loved what you saw and made plans to join as soon as you can
• You would tell Johnny to wait to join the SAS until he was 18 so you could join together but he decided to try to enroll anyway. He would lie about his age and would be caught and rejected every single time. You would laugh at him every time he came home and say I told you so
• You turned 18 before he did but decided to wait for him before you joined. Shortly after, you were both able to officially join the selection for the 22 Regiment. Both of you excelled in every single test and worked extremely well and smoothly together as a team
• Captain Price was evaluator for both of you and recognized your natural skills and dedication to get the job done as quickly as possible with little to no casualties on your team. While you trained as a pilot and intelligence expert, Johnny trained as a sniper and demolitions expert
• You had an IQ of 146 which made your planning for missions extremely successful as you were able to plan for every possible situation and a resolution for any potential problem you can across
• Price recruited you both for his Bravo Team to secure cargo for possible WMD’s. It’s where he gets the call name Soap which you laughed at when he told you. He’s proud of it tho and whenever anyone asks what the hell kind of name is Soap you laugh to yourself and try to conceal it when he shoots you a playful glare
• It wasn’t until Johnny nearly fell to his death until Price caught him, did you realize that you loved him much more than just a childhood friend
• You cried that night. Reality hitting you that you could lose him at any moment with this type of profession. Either one of you could lose your life just like that
• You debate telling him over the next week few years. When you try to tell him, someone or something always stops you. And there are times where you aren’t on the same mission together and don’t see each other for several months on end
• You felt yourself fall deeper for him when one night a Military Police officer kept hitting on you and touching you without consent outside of the bar you and Johnny were enjoying yourselves in. When Johnny comes back after using the bathroom and witnesses your altercation with the man, he comes up and punches him in the face. Knocking him out and he locks the officer in his own vehicle. You tell him that you love him that night and kiss him. But the next morning he wakes up with a hangover and says he doesn’t remember anything bc he was too drunk. You feel dejected
• A couple years later you join Price’s TF141 in the fight against Hassan
• Due to your excellence in planning and executing perfect directions, you’re able to find out the possible location of the compound Hassan is taking refuge in
• The team and Shadow Compamy takes Hassan to another town where you’re told not to kill him and are ambushed by the Mexican Army and cartel yet again. To the horror of everyone, especially Johnny, you did not make it to the extraction
• Johnny couldn’t sleep until they find you. He was searching everywhere and interrogating all cartel members in the hopes of learning of where you were taken. He wants to kill anyone who would think of taking you from him. His rock. His best friend. The person who he loved but was too scared to tell
• The team and Shadow Company get intel that you were taken by a cartel boss named El Sin Nombre and they want all the intel you have
• Johnny volunteers to infiltrate the compound as a hostage. When he’s being interrogated it’s Alejandro who discovers your location and the bad shape you’re in. You’re tied to a chair and they broke your leg so that you couldn’t escape if you were able to untie yourself
• He tells you that the group is here to capture El Sin Nombre and to rescue you. That it was Soap who helped discover the location
• You ask where he is and Alejandro tells you the details of the mission and you’re horrified. They could kill him. They killed another man right in front of you, his blood and brain matter sprayed on your face
• Alejandro tells you that he needs to go back downstairs but they’ll be coming back for you soon. When you hear that, you’re both worried and excited to see Johnny again. It’s been a hellish week. You just want to be in his arms
• Johnny is told to go wait upstairs and he meets up with Alejandro. He tells Johnny that he was able to find you and tells him the situation you’re in. Johnny feels enraged. He wants to kill every single person in this compound. But your safety comes first. Alejandro tells him what room you’re in and they split up
• When you see each other again you both bust into tears. You’re so relieved to see that the other is alive and Johnny quickly cuts the rope tying you down and carefully pulls you into a hug. You both finally felt like your heart was back together in once piece
• While the group and Shadow Company capture El Sin Nombre and kill the other cartel members, Johnny carefully carries you to the medevac so that the medics can take care of your wounds
• He never stops holding your hand. Not when they had to rebreak your leg since it started healing wrong, not when he learns the cartel boss is someone Alejandro used to be acquainted with, and not when you passed out due to exhaustion as you flew back to base
• He was there the whole time you were in the hospital. Knee bouncing and hands shaking while he waited for you to wake up
• After 3 days you finally slowly come to, you notice the smell of sterile chemicals and a bright white light. When you open your eyes the room is blurry but to your left you see Johnny leaning over the hospital bed asleep while gripping your hand
• Your slight movement instantly woke Johnny up and he immediately rushes to sit up and starts tearing up. He tells you that he couldn’t sleep knowing you weren’t beside him. And the exhaustion finally got to him the moment you were back in his arms. You ask him how he found you. And he said he tried to think like you when thinking like him wasn’t working, which made you both chuckle and smile
• You both start to say something at the same time but Johnny tells you to go first. You tell him about the night at the bar a few years ago. How you told him that you loved him and how you kissed but he said he didn’t remember. Johnny is shocked. He wishes he did. Then you would’ve gotten together a long time ago. He asks if you still do, bc he loves you so much he doesn’t know what to do with himself
• Of course you still do. And you share a long awaited passionate kiss
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• König met you when you were both new recruits in the military at the age of 17
• During your recruit days you tried to have conversations with him. You were so curious about the giant man beneath the mask. The conversations you did have were always work related and when you asked him personal questions it always turned awkward
• You both signed up to be recon snipers but König was rejected due to his size and inability to stay still. You on the other hand, were ranked in the top 5
• König comes over to congratulate you but you can tell there’s a hint of sadness in his tone. So you tell him that no matter what he ends up doing, he’ll be phenomenal at it. And that you wish he was able to do what he wants
• He thanks you and you don’t see him again until you’re both recruited to join KorTac a few years later
• You’re surprised when you see him. His mask has changed and you could only tell it was him by his voice. You didn’t know it was possible for him to become bulkier but the man was the size of a mountain
• You’ve changed as well. You were able to hone in on your sniping skills and became one of the best snipers in the world with 247 kills under your belt in a short amount of time
• He walked up to you and said he remembered you from being recruits and asked you how you’ve been. You felt your heart skip a beat. You didn’t think he’d outright start a conversation with you
• You told him that you were doing well and asked him how he was, not expecting him to tell you anything just like how he was before
• But he tells you that he’s been doing well as well. That he took down Al-Qatala in Berlin which was involved in human-trafficking and managed to take down all 12 fighters single handedly and freeing the hostages. They were scared of his mask tho so his team had to take over
• You were throughly impressed. You told him how you were able to keep your whole team alive by sniping every enemy you saw with 100% accuracy
• Later on you both are constantly put together on a team to do extremely dangerous and difficult missions. Patching each other up when you get injured and having a lot of deep conversations when huddled up together in the safe house on cold nights
• You ask him why he never really talked to you before when you were recruits and he tells you he had severe social anxiety and it was hard for him. It took years of practice and therapy to start to be comfortable with it. Tho he never easily opened up to anyone like he has with you
• Over a few months you realize that you’re in love with him. You love who he is as a person. It gives you a warm feeling but you’re also scared. You don’t want to tell him your feelings in case he rejects you. You’re content with what you have
• It’s König who confesses first
• You’re on a mission in Russia during Christmas time and you’re trying your best to keep warm in the safe house during the harsh winter storm
• You’re sharing a blanket by the fireplace and keeping close contact so that the body heat keeps your fingers and toes from falling off
• König can’t hold it in anymore. He sits you both up and tells you that he needs to get something off his chest even tho this probably isn’t the best timing
• You tell him it’s okay and you feel your heart racing. Did he find out that you’re in love with him? Is he going to reject you and say he never wants to see you again?
• He quieted down your worries when he took both of your hands in his and looks you in the eyes. He looks extremely nervous
• He says that he’s been in love with you for years. Since you were recruits. That he’s so grateful for these missions to get the chance to get to know you and fall even deeper in love
• You feel the blush spread across your cheeks as he tells you this and your hands begin to slightly tremble. You tell him that you love him too
• He feels giddy and decides he wants to show you his face. And when he takes it off you didn’t think it was possible to fall in love even more but as you gaze into his pale, blue sea eyes and see his perfectly shaped nose, you ask him if it’s okay if you can kiss him
• He says yes and you lean in to gently press your lips to his. It’s the sweetest kiss you’ve ever had in your life and as you pull away and smile at each other, you both know that you want to spend the rest of your time together
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• You are a new addition to TF141 with high speciality in weapons and combat. Laswell told Price that she wanted you to join the team in the mission to capture Major Hassan Zyani
• The team was informed about a new member that would be coming within a week after Hassan escaped from their first capture due to the Mexican Army and cartel
• Ghost didn’t really have much of an impression or opinion about you at first. He honestly didn’t think they needed another member on the team but they can’t go against a direct order
• You kind of reminded him of Johnny in a way, with the way you always have a more positive look on things and try to crack jokes with him
• You and Johnny will even team up to poke a little fun. You’ll try to have Gaz join you, but he’s too terrified of the harsh glares and curses the Lieutenant sends your way to even think about doing something like that
• Despite your smaller stature, you’re one of the only few people who are able to go toe to toe against Ghost in combat without getting your ass beat in 5 seconds
• One time even managing to best him with the result of you straddling his lap with a knife to his throat
• It’s after that when you’ve slowly but surely managed to worm your way into his heart. He starts to pay a little more attention to you and your whereabouts
• He sees you as a close friend. Even goes to far as to tell you his real name and bits and pieces of his traumatic past
• His heart skips a beat when you hug him for the first time. He thinks nothing of it and passes it off as just being surprised with physical contact
• It’s not until you’re shot by Graves during the betrayal in Las Almas does he come to realize how much he cares for you
• Alejandro is knocked out and he sees both you and Johnny are on the ground covered in blood and he felt his heart stop
• When he yells at you and Johnny to escape and sees you both sliding down that hill, shooting at the enemy, he never felt more scared in his life
• Were you okay? Where did you get shot? Johnny was shot too, are you going to be able to protect each other?
• When he hears the radio crackle and your voice coming though, he felt like he wanted to fall to the ground in relief. But he had no time for that. He needed to help get you and Johnny out of there
• When you meet back up at the church he runs straight to you to check out the damage from the bullet wound and to make sure that you’re okay
• It’s when sees his hands covered in your blood and he realizes that he doesn’t just care for you, he loves you. He loves you so much that he doesn’t know what to do anymore. But he does know one thing, he needs to tell you. Today was too close of a call and he doesn’t want to live with any more regrets
• When you’re back on base and getting medical attention for the gunshot wound and, to his horror, some stab wounds you must’ve got during your escape, Simon comes into the room, sits down, and reaches for your hand
• You’re surprised. The only physical contact you’ve ever really had is when you’re training or the occasional hug you’d give him. You look down at the hand clutching yours and feel your heart race
• That’s when he tells you that he loves you. Seeing you get shot and not knowing whether you’re gonna bleed out or not was the worst agony he has felt in a very, very long time
• Btw Soap witnesses all of this but he knew how you both felt for each other a long time before y’all figured it out
• In private quarters he’ll take his mask off. The first time you share a room together alone he gains the courage to do it. You stare at his face for so long he starts to feel a bit self conscious and looks away
• But you put your hand on his warm cheek to get him to look at you and say that his jokes about being extremely handsome are actually true
• You look at his lips and then his eyes in silent permission. He understands what you want and meets your lips in a sweet and sensual kiss. The kiss gets a little heated but your bullet wound isn’t quite healed yet for anything spicy to happen
• Simon will show you all his scars and tell you the stories behind them. Some are pale that have healed with time and others are freshly pink. The ones on his back tickle when you run your fingers over them
• You go on every mission together from now on. With your specialty in weapons and combat along with Simon’s excellent sniper and leadership skills, you’re a powerhouse that cannot be taken down. Being alone in the safe houses ain’t too bad either, if you know what I mean
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lmskitty · 11 months
I was watching Jjk:0 this morning and having some satosugu headcanons.
(These are all just personal ideas I might make a fic out of one day but feel free to agree/disagree)
1. I think they were together romantically and broke up officially at the KFC. After this point Satoru acts as though he is dead because to him the Suguru he loves is dead, his Geto would never kill like that. Part of him doesn't want to believe it but I think when he meets him there and speaks with him he realises how far gone he is and knows he can't follow him on that part.
2. I think Geto is truly happy as he is which probably breaks Satoru even more. I think it's a case of did he change or was it always there and maybe it's both but I picture Satoru tries to focus on teaching, because he knows if he starts tracking him and paying attention to what he is doing he knows he will have to kill him.
3. Suguru's death is something Satoru knew would be at his hands he just didn't know when. I think that's why he's joking around after with the kids.
5. Suguru deffo fucks around, he gets so many opportunities why wouldn't he. He absolutely still wants Satoru more than anything though but will never change his mind about his politics. His dream fantasy is Satoru joining his side helping him "kill all the monkeys" and create his new world.
4. I don't think they see each other for those 10 years. I think as previously mentioned if Satoru saw what he was doing he would have to kill him. I think Suguru absolutely kept an eye on him though.
7. Satoru hasn't been with anyone since Suguru. He can't let anyone get that close again. I think later Nanami and him go friends with benefits way after Suguru's death but it's something purely physical and neither of them talk about their feelings. I also picture there's certain acts Satoru isn't comfortable with. Like I picture they try bondage once and the memories are too much and he has to safe word it out. Nanami is cool though he always understands so they just chill together until Satoru wants to get on top and hide his face in his neck and Nanami runs his hands up and down his back and tells him it's ok.
8. Suguru has absolutely fucked someone else and made them wear a blindfold. Like come ON. He literally told that girl he was going to call her Sato because it was better. I picture them both as Bi/pan but god Suguru is still down bad for Satoru and does try to relive their times together with whatever body has begged to worship him that particular night.
9. Satoru loves Suguru absolutely but would never join him and never forgive him. He thinks about what would have happened had he been there and pictures him by his side teaching the next generation.
10. Both of them hold onto their memories of their youth and their love for each other and the understanding that they can never get that back if they meet up now. There is no future with them both alive after all Suguru has done (and doesn't regret it). That's why they're teens again in that airport.
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 12-15
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
aaaaaaaaaand the energy continues to be low, naturally I would continue to be lacking recovery at the height of essay writing season. This part comes fresh from the fingertips of my post nap self since I did a grocery shop this morning (i forgot to buy tea :’)))) and just passed tf out after lunch. I would make another cuppa to attempt to feel the benefits of a little caffeine boost but, even though my kettle is in my room, bed too snuggly and warm to leave.
Deffo intrigued by part 2, the prelude and prologue are making more sense in relation to the plot now and im liking the characterisation and relationship dynamics that are being built :))
Spoiler Free Zone: 
The absolutely heart wrenching feeling seeing Shallan NOT in this part that I experienced yesterday was not ok. BUT the introduction of the Elhokar, Adolin, Dalinar, Renarin and Sadeas interactions is kinda worth it bc they’re hella entertaining.
Kaladin maintaining the better energy in this part is great too, he’s on some kinda wild grindset like I could personally never but pop off ig king.
Syl and her progression too? Living for it. I can’t wait to find out more about her as the book continues.
Spoiler Zone:
Interesting change in chapter quotes, I was very much enjoying the before death quotes but I dont know I think I vibe with these too. I’m assuming they’re from a letter to someone and whoever is writing it is so sassy I love it: “I hope this missive find you well” to “now that you are essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given” is so iconic.
In the ways of tabs, I simply loved Dalinar’s little moment just riding his horse with the wind hitting his face like mf needs a break from having these visions like the destress must’ve been immense. 
And then his little smile when Elhokar won their little like race thingy, so cute, we love positive masculine relationships omg 
Which naturally just had to be interrupted by memories of his vision and stress out the poor guy. I will say though I love a character that has questionable means of acquiring knowledge that is untrusted by their peers (hello Jonathan Sims of The Magnus Archives) so I’m super on the edge of my seat over this visions business 
On my earlier topic of character interactions tho, Wit is READING the whole family to filth my goodness. Like yeah it was chill whatever when he was just teasing Renarin over girls but the shade on Sadeas? As he fucking should. Sadeas is a bitch and should be treated as such. 
Then the fight, ugh. While I love the lore of like chasmfiends, and gemhearts and how they’re harvested and their uses and all that jazz; and OBVIOUSLY you can’t beat a cheeky little beat down of some insect like creature; Elhokar’s little main character ‘I’m hard as fuck’ call to destiny “I defy you” moment made my blood boil and instantly lose any likeability towards him. It was a major ick. You’d thinking having inherited the title of king that long ago that he would have matured more.
Alas, all I had tabbed in Kaladin’s bit was between him and Syl (what can I say I love her). Her whole self-awareness into gaining intelligence and sentience is so cool and I’m so intrigued to see how it progresses. Its kinda sad that shes stuck inbetween the threat of forgetting into being ignorant of everything that has happened and all she knows and, although that would be easier, not wanting to lose the freedom of what she knows. 
And on that same page, Kaladin says something I think everyone needs to hear: “I don’t know what I am either. A bridgeman? A surgeon? A soldier? A slave? Those are all just labels. Inside, I’m me.” 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 1
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0
Cool - 1
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 2
Slay Quotes - 3
Love this! - 2
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 0
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 7
Fights - 5
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 5
Wtf wow - 2
Wtf Why - 3
Slay Quotes - 8
Love this! - 8
Hate this >:( - 3
Lore - 2
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №20!
Hurry edition I have 8 minutes left until the day ends help
1. What would the fault crew sleep in if given the chance? (Ex. Pjs, trousers, just straight up naked (psycho)) If guven the chance cause I assume there aren't many Pjs in Techno's size. Or any for the wings and the tail
2. Are tail/wing warmers a thing? Like gloves? Do those limbs even get cold?? Would they even be useful?
3. If they encountered that one bloody lake with bodies scp, how would it go and who would they see calling them in? SCP 2316 I think.
4. What's your personal opinion on mint toothpaste?
5. How well do they do under pressure? Social/time pressure.
Absolutely no pressure on this commitment, I deffo don’t have snipers trained on you at all times!!!!1!
1.I think Tommy would sleep in just shorts. Or probably did before the Foundation, though I think he’s a little self conscious about his scars. So probably a ratty tee shirt too. Wilbur always sleeps in shoes. Like no matter what. It’s so he can always run if necessary. Other than that I guess ideal sleep wear is wrapped in Christmas tree lights to avoid the void acting up. Philza sleeps in like a scrooge lookin set up, with a silly night cap and ruffles and everything. Technically he probably doesn’t need sleep but he’s spent an awful lot of effort in figuring out how to mimic it. The Blade has spent like half of his life sleeping naked. And being awake naked. Being a feral pig tends to do that. But as he’s currently in the practice of wearing clothes, put that man in silly pajama pants with little cartoon characters on them. Also throw a Do Not Disturb sign on his tusk, given he can hibernate for days depending on how intense time spent as The Blood God was. Tubbo has Dino pajamas, and if they’re sleeping outside tend to be wearing flowers by the morning, too. At full population Tubbo can be awake 24/7 and have the bees moving the body take shifts. Currently they have a lot more down periods to rest.
2.Probably. Phil obviously doesn’t ever need anything to keep warm, but may for fashion sake. Techno’s tail could probably use one during Winter, though he tends to get very fluffy too. Tubbo definitely uses them for their antennae, which does interrupt sensory abilities somewhat. Wing covers also make it more difficult to fly, but it makes the cold far more bearable and they don’t need to use the body’s wings to fly.
3.Tubbo would recognize the bodies, but also knows that they’re incapable of going in water safely. They’d try to get someone else to help, and fly bees over the area. The cognitohazard gets worse when entering the lake, but I’m not sure if that includes air above or specifically the water has to be touched. Alternatively, bc they can see from so many directions, they might be able to detect its some type of hallucination.
The Blade complains about his friends being stupid enough to drown and immediately dives in to save them. Wins against whatever is there. Alternatively if he sees Tommy is drowning and isn’t getting summoned he might go wait a minute. Something’s. Fishy. And still go in anyway.
Philza goes in absolutely no question. Unless it appears like the bodies are dead. Because if he’s paying attention he’ll realize that he can still feel his connection to his Collected despite them supposedly being dead. The moment he’s sure he won’t go in.
Wilbur I think has enough familiarity with cognitohazards that he’d be cautious. Likely send out voidlings to save ‘them’ and realize it’s not real. Might devour the lake after.
Tommy would recognize the bodies, and probably immediately dive in, only to panic bc Red and try to get out so he doesn’t contaminate. But then. Wait, the people drowning aren’t attacking each other?? He decides to swim out and drag them to safety and pray nothing goes wrong. Bc of the Red the anomaly can’t harm him. Tommy ends up getting all the bodies out ? …..2316 is neutralized..?
Extra: Charlie doesn’t understand drowning. Morgan recognizes the bodies and is too scared to do anything. Dr Blake doesn’t recognize them. Webb does, but knows he shouldn’t go in. Deffo heavy drinking tonight tho
5.The Blade does terribly. He tends to get very awkward about it socially, and he has a fear of deadlines. Tommy is very loud and argumentative, but also has a strong fawn instinct if he thinks he’ll get cast out socially. Wilbur will go along with anything if it prevents it from risking attention. Philza doesn’t care unless it’s his Collected. He doesn’t believe much in deadlines since he has eternity to do it usually, and finds them more illusions mortals use to give an unnecessary sense of urgency. Tubbo will never give into peer pressure. They’re staunch as hell and unwavering in conviction.
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