#Deos posting
deltaexmachina · 1 year
The silliest part of executive dysfunction is when it affects your ability to do things that are generally seen as unproductive. People will seriously look at you and say things like “oh you don’t have anything wrong with you, you just want to sit around and play video games all day”. Like… dude, you’re right. I would love to sit around and play video games all day. But you know what I physically cannot bring myself to do sometimes? Sit down and open up a video game. I am literally sitting here, not doing work, thinking about a game I want to play while my Switch is literal inches from my leg, knowing it’s not going to happen. And sure, part of the issue could just be that I’ve resigned myself to that already, but it’s still frustrating that people don’t understand that this difficulty doing tasks extends to things that aren’t work or school related. I would love to clean the house and do all my chores in a timely manner, but I would also love to sit down and play the Zelda game I haven’t touched in two months! Some days it’s just like you can’t do either until someone physically puts it into your hands and makes you start doing it, and it’s really frustrating when people treat it like it’s just a lack of motivation.
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thisfeebleheart · 8 months
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Leo: kurz davor so richtig auszuticken Adam: erst mal frisch machen
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neurovamp · 19 days
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iwtv x sue zhao quotes
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ive been left genuinely a bit speechless the only thing that i.....can say is "why was 73 yards the same distance as the weight of that urn?
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dejasenti99 · 4 months
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no one is coming for you that you'd wanna meet. (the thorns, the fire, messiah.)
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
hey do you guys wanna see the worst picture of deo i have
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the-faultofdaedalus · 8 months
fuck you. thomas waynes your doctor doom.
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rotomblr-island · 1 month
You're watching Mii News!
Laelia took a wonder leg-lengthening vitamin.
The next day, her legs had grown by an astonishing 20 feet.
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Laelia was overjoyed by the results, which passed her expectations. She had this to say:
"What's really surprising is that my pants also grew 20 feet!"
We asked some islanders for their thoughts on the matter.
KC: I'm sure this news will have made someone cry...
CD: You learn something new every day.
Thanks for watching!
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skullsnbruises · 11 months
We posted this on ao3 last night while we were Not Sober so if it’s wordy or confusing we wrote it, again, Not Sober. This is a rewrite of our very first vore fic (shrinking potions and witches)
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @data-expunged-0 @da3dm
From Mouth to Mistake
[1730 words] [vomit, fear, violence, digestion mention]
Mining all day was an exhausting duty, but as leader of Business Bay, it was one Tommy wasn’t exactly able to skip. Sweaty, tired and slightly delirious from the day-long excavation underground, the teen was happy to once again be on the surface. He made note of his boys, pointing out in his mind their schedules. Bitzel was caring for his cats, and headed inside his house. Luke had mentioned he’d be out spending time with friends right now. And Deo was…
“Deo?!” Tommy’s voice sounded throughout the open hills of the isolated bay in annoyed search of his friend. The man had assured Tommy they’d meet soon, and yet, Deo was nowhere to be seen. And within Business Bay, it was fairly easy to spot anyone across the plains, mind the few buildings.
Retiring to the map, he made use of the paper, spotting out the member of the bay with the locator. It took Tommy a few takes to realize that the indicator being so near wasn’t a mistake. Upon hearing a small distant shriek, Tommy turned all around in the way of the small sounds.
Settling to titling his head downward, a tiny speck of orange caught the blonde’s eyes. Tommy’s mouth went agape, realizing the tiny thing was Deo.
His hands came down fast around the miniature person, scooping him up right into his fingers, and lifting himself back up, Deo covered in his palms.
The tiny Deo squeaked out dizzily, yelping about how fast Tommy was moving.
“Deo! How in the fuck did you get so small?” Tommy found the situation a lot funnier than his friend did.
“Tommy, this is serious!” The man whined, “a witch shrunk me!”
Wiping away a tear from his laughter, the blonde replaced the second hand’s emptiness with a sharpened glinting sword. A low chuckle remained on his lips as Tommy headed in the pointed out direction, and easily slayed the mob.
“That hard, huh?” Tommy mocked his small companion.
“Easier when you’re normal size!” He shot back.
Laughing still, Tommy continued, “Well, I guess we gotta get you back to n-“
Deo, holding his tiny map, cut off the blonde, “I was trying to tell you, Tommy, Icebomb is on his way over. He’s gonna murder me if he sees I’m this vulnerable!”
“Literally,” Tommy hummed, “What should we do? Do I hide you?”
Deo stammered, “Yes- quick, he’s right,” he took to pointing in the sky, the plane fast approaching, “there.”
Tommy gasped, hand moving with a mind of its own up to his open mouth. Barely giving it a second to relay the idea, Tommy panted out, “Hidin’ you here!-“ before Deo’s body became engulfed in the dark wetness that was the inside of Tommy’s mouth.
The turning of the jet’s engine whirred to a halt as it settled on their territory.
Deo became painfully aware of the new sensations he was forced into. All of the sudden, his body was wet, clothes sticking grossly against his skin. A strong muscle jumped up at him, the red thing darting towards Deo’s head, thrusting him down into its wetness, pressing him claustrophobically between its sides. Deo was crushed, sandwiched between the tongue as it rolled lazily over his hat. The brunette exclaimed, reaching to grab it back before the intrusive tongue snatched it away.
The man gasped, and he tugged on the tongue. A shout was stuck in Deo’s throat, being smushed around, battled back and forth into the insides of Tommy’s cheeks. He was helpless against the blonde. Completely shrouded in darkness, Deo was left at the mercy of who he thought was his closest friend, now turned his captor.
Checking the map again, Icebomb’s icon was right on top of their territory, and as he looked up, Tommy spot the plane not too far from them. He quickly pushed Deo to the back of his throat, fighting against the tugging and pulling on his uvula. The blonde tilted his head back, opening his maw to shout, “I’m trying to hide you, dickhead!”
Deo screamed for Bit and Luke to come help him, but of course, he was too small for anyone other than the predator to hear him. The words confused the brunette. How in Prime could Tommy be helping him when he was going to be digested? The realization terrified him. Tommy had been playing this whole time, and the moment Deo was weak, he was being eaten. Swallowed down, down, until he slowly burnt in the stomach acid, and died wrong about his supposed friend.
“Go down, dammit!” Tommy turned from Icebomb’s sight, noticing the teen was leaving the plane and had seen the leader.
A finger reached inside. The sun blinded Deo as his sunglasses fell off his face and went straight down the death trap. He instinctively reached a hand out to catch them, the glasses slipping just past his fingertips and losing to the void. Deo cussed under his breath and realized his grip was slipping. Desperate fingers slid down the glossy surface. Cries left the brunette as his last two fingers left the uvula.
Deo fell, caught only by Tommy’s tightening esophagus. Survival instincts kicked in, and the brunette’s mind was overtaken by the single only sheer need to escape. He used his nails, scraping into the malleable flesh suffocating him all around.
“Ack,-“ Tommy choked on his friend, “fuck!-“ He covered his mouth with his hands, gulping hard to send the struggling Deo down. How many times was he needing to remind the dumbass this was their plan? There was a bigger threat than Tommy would ever be fast approaching from behind.
The muscles squeezed around Deo’s body, squishing him into the squishy flesh. He was drug deep down the throat. Swallow after swallow, eventually he was guided to the sphincter. The small tube-like entrance was shut tight until Deo’s shoes met the small hole. It then embraces the brunette’s form, opening itself wide to accept the figure.
“Tommy?” Icebomb asked with only a hint of suspicion.
One last gulp, and Tommy spun around like his life depended on it, stumbling over his own feet in the process, “Icebomb! Hello! Uh, what’s up?”
“Where’s Deo,” the other teen was quick to the point, “I’ve got a little something I wanna show off…” he brandished a shiny new sword, relishing over its polished look.
Tommy swallowed again, out of fear this time, “N-no idea!” He played it ‘cool’, acting incredibly not obvious, in his head.
“Riiight,” Icebomb gave him a suspicious glare, eyeing his entire body. Tommy’s hands came around his middle.
The sound of speaking was blaring in Deo’s ears, causing a ringing in his head. Tommy’s voice was so brash and loud, that Deo could feel his head spinning. The pulling of the sphincter brought the brunette to meet Tommy’s stomach. He fell in with a splash beneath him. A mixture of acid, saliva, and puddles of partially digested food were what surrounded Deo; such a ‘pleasant’ environment.
“I promise, no idea where he is,” the pool swished him around as Tommy moved.
The voices were so muffled amongst the loud thrumming of his quickened heart, Deo’s racing as well, the gurgling of the stomach walls, and the heavy breathing in Tommy’s nearby giant lungs.
“Where’s he hiding?”
The stomach churned, gurgles and groans joining together in a cacophony of noise. A high pitched bubbling was the last uncomfortable sounding noise before Tommy let out a shy burp. The blonde coughed into his hand, readjusting himself.
“S-sorry, uh, but I don’t know. Deo likes going missing, doesn’t he…?” Tommy laughed awkwardly.
Icebomb groaned, “Fine, I’m coming back later though,” he spat.
Metallic clanging and the sudden jostling of Doe’s body amongst the stomach altered the man of the altercation outside.
He felt hopeless, tears dripping off his chin into the mixture beneath him. Deo pitied how he could barely fend off a witch earlier, being overpowered so easy. The glass shattering echoed in his memory, recalling the shrinking process and how it left him feeling dizzy, lightheaded, and small. Not only was he hardly a few inches tall now, but he felt as small as he was. Pitiful, meak, and a quick meal.
Betrayed by his closest friend, banished to die alone in the acids.
But… he wasn’t burning alive in the pool of stomach acid. There was a numb tingling against his skin and wet clothes, but nothing hurt, nor was he melting.
Deo was… safe?
“Listen, get out of here, bitch, otherwise I’m going to make you,” Tommy growled under his breath, watching Icebomb’s expression falter.
He retreated, surrendering his diamond sword, “Fine!”
Juggled around once more, Tommy gave Icebomb a scar to make sure he’d not be back soon.
The lungs and heart snuggling Deo heaved, beating and breathing harmoniously in a labored way. Tommy was panting, and his heartbeat was booming.
Deo’s heart ached alongside the giant’s, all the anxiety catching up to cause a very exhausted man to lose all his adrenaline.
Tommy was running, Deo could tell from the way the liquid sloshed side to side, like a tide bringing him in and washing him back out again and again.
A door slammed. Tommy’s stomach sunk, dropping Deo nauseously.
“Okay, okay, okay,” Tommy sighed out, “We’re safe, I’m letting you out now.”
A few attempts to gag himself, and Tommy finally had managed to get his body to react, the reflex dragging Deo’s soaked body back up and into Tommy’s, frankly disgusting, palms.
Deo shuddered in the cool air, shaking off the digested food and acid.
“You’re okay!” Tommy beamed, “Fuck, Deo I’m so sorry, that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done-, I should’ve put you in a pocket or something!”
Deo heaved, “It’s okay, Tommy. I wasn’t getting digested or anything…” he thought, “I think the potion let me live.”
Tommy gave a half smile, “I’m just happy you’re okay. That fucked scared me-“
“You?” Deo laughed, “I thought I was going to die!”
“I thought I’d killed you!”
The two shared in laughter over the odd situation. At least they could find the entertainment in it, rather than becoming traumatized from the near-death, and near-murder.
“Let’s never let that happen again,” Tommy chuckled.
Deo smiled, “Never again.”
They’d have to be extra careful around witches in the future.
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coconut530 · 10 months
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Wow they really didn’t hold back huh
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jdeowrites · 2 months
Announcing my next book!
It's true! I finally get to tell you, I've got another book coming!
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See above the formal deal announcement. The way I pitched it to friends, however, was, “Think YA Breaking Bad but Walter White is a teenage mathlete and instead of cooking meth, she becomes the bookkeeper for a gang to help her friend pay off his debts.” And I can’t wait to share it in fall 2025! 
REASONS WE BREAK is a standalone YA rom-drama. However, for those who’ve read TJ POWAR HAS SOMETHING TO PROVE, it’s also a spinoff, and you’ll find several familiar faces in it. Including the two main characters… because yes, it’s Simran and Rajan’s story!
If you’re one of the people who’ve asked me about these two, I hope you’re at least half as delighted about this news as I am. :) But for those who need their memory jogged, Simran is TJ Powar’s straight-A, “good-girl” cousin; Rajan is the resident troublemaker-slacker of their class. I first had the idea that I wanted to write a book about them while writing TJ POWAR’s earliest drafts in 2019. I had stuck them in a scene together for convenience’s sake, and something clicked, chemistry-wise. So naturally I wanted to get into their heads.
Fast forward to 2020, when I was on submission to editors with TJ POWAR. I didn’t know if that book was going to sell, but I’d already decided that either way, I wanted to write a book about Simran and Rajan. By summer of 2021, the plot had taken shape. I wrote several more drafts feverishly through the rest of 2021. And it turned out to be a different sort of story. 
Although it’s a bit darker and ended up sold to another publisher, I still like to think of REASONS WE BREAK as TJ POWAR’s cousin. I mean, it literally is about TJ Powar’s cousin, but also thematically. Asides from the familiar characters, it also deals with plenty of coming-of-age issues, this time including: second gen immigrant guilt, grappling with your parents’ mortality, figuring out romance when you feel “behind” your peers in that realm, and the many ways in which gangs target vulnerable teens. The gang aspect in particular will be recognizable to Canadian readers, as it has a very non-fictional inspiration: the bloody history of Indo-Canadian organized crime, with young South Asians often its greatest victims. It’s a very nuanced topic that I could never hope to fully capture, but I at least attempted to explore one facet: how and why this specific group of immigrant kids, many of whom come from seemingly “normal”, stable families, get targeted and recruited into a life that attempts to destroy them. 
It’s a slight departure from the very lighthearted contemporary that my debut novel was but I hope you’ll come along for the ride. Initially, I actually did try to write a story that was more tonally similar—but I had to let go of that. My instincts told me to let these characters take me wherever they wanted to go. And Simran and Rajan really begged me to let them spread their wings and show me the most complex parts of themselves. After all, everyone you know growing up is struggling with different problems. Sometimes, very different problems. For example, you could be worrying about whether you missed a spot shaving while the kid sitting in the desk next to you is wondering whether they’ll make it alive to next week (totally RANDOM examples here obviously). Although both experiences are completely real and valid, this story is an ode to the latter. The kids who grow up too fast. The ones who endure horrors and shoulder burdens that even many adults could barely comprehend. 
How could I deny Simran and Rajan the opportunity to tell that story? A story that gave *me* just as much growth as it gave them? I COULD NOT. Which is why, even though it made it a bit harder to publish, you’re getting this story exactly as it was intended—and for that, I could not be happier.
Add Reasons We Break to StoryGraph!
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deltaexmachina · 10 months
I’m so normal about Furina Genshin Impact. So normal that I’m definitely not wanting to learn how to animate just to make a little animation for her
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lemongogo · 1 year
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neurovamp · 11 months
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arthur morgan / dog poetry
+bonus john
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briefblueseason · 3 months
What if instead of praying the gay away, one could thank God for making them gay?
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dan-the-adiposer · 10 months
[GAEILGE] "Bí grá agat do d'óige." Mise: "Ceart go leor ach nuair mise fearr meánaosta beidh mé an staic is fearr timpeall ar dhomhain agus…" [BÉARLA] "Cherish your youth." Me: "Okay but when I'm a middle-aged man I am going to be the coolest, hottest guy around so…"
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