#Depopulate Earth
lasseling · 5 months
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dilutedh2so4 · 30 days
Another day, another post longing for Paris/Helen/Menelaus 💔
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
Former DARPA director and now Google executive, Regina Dugan, wants you to swallow ID Microchips.
She goes on to explain how the microchip works once inside the body. The pill has a small chip inside of it with a switch, when you swallow it, the acids in your stomach serve as the electrolyte and that powers it up. And the switch goes on and off and creates an 18 bit ECG wide signal in your body and essentially your entire body becomes your authentication token.
Just FYI this video is from 2012, so you can imagine the tech they already have.
Join @Nesara Gesara - Secrets
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wolfspaw · 1 year
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thebradgeiger · 2 months
Examine Brad Geiger's bones or skeleton for resources you can potentially acquire. And then decide you couldn't possibly fuck with him, or anyone his robots know about.
#robots#terminator robots with internally carried transporter mechanisms or devices usually in their brain when they are our hyper advanced robots#the first legal safety and protection oriented military time traveling robots originated in this cluster of galaxies#our cluster of galaxies one was completely depopulated by time traveling criminal machines covering a criminal in disguise while he fled#our whole cluster of galaxies in this universe was contacted before life was muted#the time traveling criminal's machines took so long + were so ineffective that virtually everyone lived in bomb shelters until food ran out#suicide pills basically#everyone here was contacted and warned and planned together before everyone died#brad geiger is the first resurrected being and had to be resurrected first because of the unique nature of the crimes committed against him#everyone and everywhere here was exposed to criminal effects that paint them as criminals or enemies#brad geiger was initially after that killed as a fetus so he never breathed and was never painted as a criminal or targeted certain ways#celebrities#shakespeare#actors#taylor swift#zendaya#hollywood#movies#musicians#the technology for resurrection was developed over 200000 years ago#the technology for resurrection was developed over 200000 years ago and was only first used a little after the Planet Earth year 1980#they planned ahead#our local criminals are so numerous because they have instantaneous transport as well and always have#our societies here aren't extremely rich in terms of resources - they are just not extremely poor in one or more vital resources for tech
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menjeet · 1 year
Heat pollution and Earthquakes - Why the world needs to have broader conversations about climate change
According to NASA website, “Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.” NASA’s definition of global warming is misleading for a very specific reason. It is placing the primary…
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heritageposts · 2 years
how do i start to read marxist leninist/leftist stuff ? i searched on the internet but it’s super confusing lol
the most important value for me as an ML is anti-imperialism, so i guess i'll always recommend that people start with works centred on that
some suggestions below (all books should be available either on marxist.org or as pdf/epub files on libgen)
American Holocaust by David E. Stannard
about the colonization of america. not explicitly marxist, but it's probably done more to radicalize me than any other piece of writing. this is the pile of corpses capitalism is built on:
Within no more than a handful of generations following their first en counters with Europeans, the vast majority of the Western Hemisphere's native peoples had been exterminated. The pace and magnitude of their obliteration varied from place to place and from time to time, but for years now historical demographers have been uncovering, in region upon region, post-Columbian depopulation rates of between 90 and 98 percent with such regularity that an overall decline of 95 percent has become a working rule of thumb. What this means is that, on average, for every twenty natives alive at the moment of European contact-when the lands of the Americas teemed with numerous tens of millions of people-only one stood in their place when the bloodbath was over. To put this in a contemporary context, the ratio of native survivorship in the Americas following European contact was less than half of what the human survivorship ratio would be in the United States today if every single white person and every single black person died. The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world. That is why, as one historian aptly has said, far from the heroic and romantic heraldry that customarily is used to symbolize the European settlement of the Americas, the emblem most congruent with reality would be a pyramid of skulls. - David E. Stannard
2. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin
Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established; in which the export of capital has acquired pronounced importance; in which the division of the world among the international trusts has begun, in which the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed. - Vladimir Lenin
3. The Wretched of The Earth by Franz Fanon
Let us look at ourselves, if we can bear to, and see what is becoming of us. First, we must face that unexpected revelation, the strip-tease of our humanism. There you can see it, quite naked, and it’s not a pretty sight. It was nothing but an ideology of lies, a perfect justification for pillage; its honeyed words, its affectation of sensibility were only alibis for our aggressions. A fine sight they are too, the believers in non-violence, saying that they are neither executioners nor victims. Very well then; if you’re not victims when the government which you’ve voted for, when the army in which your younger brothers are serving without hesitation or remorse have undertaken race murder, you are, without a shadow of doubt, executioners. And if you chose to be victims and to risk being put in prison for a day or two, you are simply choosing to pull your irons out of the fire. But you will not be able to pull them out; they’ll have to stay there till the end. Try to understand this at any rate: if violence began this very evening and if exploitation and oppression had never existed on the earth, perhaps the slogans of non-violence might end the quarrel. But if the whole regime, even your non-violent ideas, are conditioned by a thousand-year-old oppression, your passivity serves only to place you in the ranks of the oppressors. - prefrace by Jean-Paul Sartre
4. Discourse on Colonialism by Aimé Césaire
Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the blacks of Africa I have talked a good deal about Hitler. Because he deserves it: he makes it possible to see things on a large scale and to grasp the fact that capitalist society, at its present stage, is incapable of establishing a concept of the rights of all men, just as it has proved incapable of establishing a system of individual ethics. Whether one likes it or not, at the end of the blind alley that is Europe, I mean the Europe of Adenauer, Schuman, Bidault, and a few others, there is Hitler. At the end of capitalism, which is eager to outlive its day, there is Hitler. At the end of formal humanism and philosophicrenunciation, there is Hitler - Aimé Césaire
5. Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism by Michael Parenti
probably the most accessible introduction to communism that doesn't demonize countries that have undergone—or attempted to undergo—a transitation into socalism (like the ussr, cuba, etc.)
The very concept of "revolutionary violence" is somewhat falsely cast, since most of the violence comes from those who attempt to prevent reform, not from those struggling for reform. By focusing on the violent rebellions of the downtrodden, we overlook the much greater repressive force and violence utilized by the ruling oligarchs to maintain the status quo, including armed attacks against peaceful demonstrations, mass arrests, torture, destruction of opposition organizations, suppression of dissident publications, death squad assassinations, the extermination of whole villages, and the like. - Michael Parenti
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reality-detective · 24 days
NASA’s Darkest Secret: The Shocking Truth Behind the Planned Mass Extinction Event in 2025
Official NASA papers, now in the public domain, suggest a dark and dystopian future. These documents reveal that NASA has been secretly preparing for a cataclysmic event slated for 2025—a mass extinction event that threatens the very fabric of civilization.
The implications of this revelation are staggering. It suggests that a powerful institution, trusted by millions, is actively involved in a plan that could lead to the depopulation of Earth. This article delves deep into the details, exposing the potential reality of this impending catastrophe. If you’re reading this, you have the right to know the truth and prepare for what’s coming.
NASA’s Role in a Global Catastrophe. For decades, NASA has been viewed as the beacon of space exploration, innovation, and scientific advancement. However, the recently uncovered documents paint a different picture—a picture of a NASA that is complicit in a plot so nefarious that it defies belief. The documents, which include a PowerPoint presentation by NASA’s Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell, outline a series of events set to unfold in 2025. These events are designed not just to disrupt but to annihilate civilization as we know it.
The most alarming aspect of this revelation is the precision with which these plans have been laid out. The documents detail a series of inside job terror attacks, combined with biological warfare, to be unleashed on U.S. soil. These attacks are not the result of foreign adversaries but are orchestrated from within, with the intent of causing maximum destruction and societal collapse.
The Timeline of Terror: A Prelude to Extinction. The plans for this mass extinction event are not new. The documents suggest that NASA has been preparing for this scenario for decades. This timeline of terror began long before the documents were made public. It is a methodical and calculated approach to reducing the global population, ensuring that those in power maintain control over the remaining resources.
What makes this revelation even more terrifying is the fact that many of the events outlined in the documents have already occurred. This indicates that the wheels of this deadly plan are already in motion. The global pandemic, widespread civil unrest, and increasing geopolitical tensions are all signs that the countdown to 2025 has begun.
- Julian Assange
NASA is NOT what you think it is, they are evil liars like the rest of the deep state and they have duped millions if not billions of people about the earth, the Sun and Moon and space itself. If you löök at their emblem it has a serpent tongue in plain sight. Their budget is around 63 million a day of taxpayer money. 🤔
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edwordsmyth · 11 months
"It seems to me that we now have critical tools to track and condemn the destabilization of the juridico-political category of the civilian, a destabilization that has enabled the killing of innocent, blameless subjects, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, or Yemen, to mention only a few recent examples. But perhaps we need to think more about the making of the figure of the civilian and the notion of civilian normalcy, the territorial and discursive conditions that go into cultivating civilian lives, and their unequal distribution. I propose that the settler-colonial conquest and territorialization of the land are not merely the context of the current events but forces that produce and stabilize specific categories, including that of the civilian. There is power involved in the making and unmaking of the civilian, not only in her being the target of violence. In Palestine, this power is an exercise of settler-colonial territorialization as it has been intertwined with the ongoing removal, killing, and enclosure of Palestinians.
Once the Zionist state was able to mark its borders, to fortify them with settlements and armed settlers, once it was able to territorialize itself by depopulating Palestinian villages and cities, destroying them, preventing the return of Palestinian refugees, and conscripting Jews from all the over world to populate the new settlements, once it did everything that was becoming illegitimate elsewhere in the decolonizing world, then it could begin to both materialize the figure of the civilian and the notion of civilized normalcy and weaponize them as conditions on the ground to be defended. In the civilian’s name and for its protection, atrocities could be carried out.
Key to this notion of civilian normalcy is its institutional-territorial condition of possibility: a strong state form with continuous territory and fortified borders. Israel has it. It acquired this state form by force from the Palestinians. This state form has institutions: a professional standing military, a police force, an interior ministry, a registry of citizens, and a defense ministry. These are but select institutions that produce and reproduce the distinction between civilian and combatant, even as national military service is mandatory for all Jewish, Israeli citizens, with only some exceptions. The condition of possibility for these institutions is the exclusion of the Palestinians — in terms of entry to the country, residency rights, family unification, access to land, and so on — their suppression, removal, policing, and enclosure. These institutions have fostered an Israeli civil society, civil posture, civil plurality—and civilian normalcy. The settler, the precise figure through which proceeded both the territorialization of the Zionist state of Israel and the dispossession and removal of Palestinians, has also morphed into a civilian.
The occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967 was central to the making of Israeli civilian normalcy. The “occupied territories” have always been the terrain for unleashing Israeli military power, thereby preventing the violence of the occupation from intruding into normalized Israeli civilian life. There, behind the green line, Israel has conducted the “conflict.” The more settler-military violence there is in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the more civilian normalcy there is in Israel, and the more the notion of civilian normalcy can be weaponized to justify more violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But the purifying and normalizing operations of the green line did not always go unchallenged. Palestinians have always understood that the condition of possibility for this civilian normalcy, inside the green line, was the destruction of Palestinian existence on the land and the ban on their return to the land. Hence, there have always been breaches of the enclosure and operations to undo the frontier: what Palestinians call “return.”
Meanwhile, a Palestinian claim for civilian status or civilian normalcy has met many challenges. Palestinian society was destroyed in 1948. The territories occupied in 1967 have been purposefully fragmented, disconnected, and separated by settlements. There is no state form, standing military, depth of territory, or civilian posture. Instead, there are many refugee camps, dispossessed families, and subjects-in-struggle. Everything that could cultivate civilian normalcy is already targeted by the Israeli Occupation, from homes and schools to NGOs, cultural centers, and universities. When compared to the other side of the green line, life in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the containers of Israel’s violence against Palestinians, cannot manifest civilian normalcy.
But there is more. The civilian ethos, as a matter of liberal sensibility, requires innocence, political passivity, lack of movement, and fixity. In the eyes of the liberal, civilized West, the civilian must be pacified, passive, and blameless and must reject rebellion. The Palestinians, as refugees, as politically engaged resistant subjects, as subjects who look in the direction of the land from which they were expelled and aspire to move in its direction, and as persons who wish not to settle in an enclosure, do not pass the test of this ethos. Their just refusal of confinement, steadfast rejection of enclosure, and non-despairing hope to return to the land from which they were expelled violates this liberal ethos. Their dreams and aspirations render them, in the eyes of those who value civilian normalcy despite its heavy toll on others, obliterable. Therefore, no emotion can be allowed to arise in the face of their extermination. Quite to the contrary. In the name of civilian normalcy, the a-civilian must be obliterated."
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artbyblastweave · 19 days
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Don't think this came up at any point in this previous week's bout of posting on the topic, but I've always really really liked Marvel Zombies's take on Grumpy-Old-Man-Very-Literally-The-Last-Uninfected-Superhero-on-Earth-At-This-Point Forge. Let's give that guy 40 years and access to the resources of a completely depopulated Marvel earth, he deserves it. Get fucked, Stark
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tygerland · 3 months
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"There were wild, wonderfully provocative posters on all the walls, with giant letters that blazed like torches, calling on the nation to finally stand up for the people, against the machines, to finally put an end to the fat, well-dressed, fragrantly perfumed rich people who used their machines to squeeze the last ounce of fat out of everyone else – to kill those rich people along with their big, wheezing, ominously growling, diabolically purring automobiles - to finally set fire to the factories and clear out the desecrated earth and depopulate it a bit so that grass could grow again and the dusty cement world could once again give way to something like forest, meadow, heath, brook, and moor."
- Hermann Hesse The Steppenwolf. 1927. Translation by Kurt Beals; 2023, WW Norton. Illustration, 1977, by Helmut Ackermann.
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lasseling · 5 months
Top Molecular Pathologist Exposes WHO Plot to Depopulate Earth with Vaccines
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mybeingthere · 4 months
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Jaume Llorens is a Spanish photographer who has been passionate about photography since his teens.
"Around the age of 16, in high school, we were introduced to a photography course, and I fell in love with it. So much so that once it was over, I asked my parents if I could enroll in a distance learning program to deepen my knowledge. There was no other means to enroll in a photography class where I lived at that time (early 1980s). Thus, my parents agreed. After completing the course, I was able to establish a small darkroom at home where I worked on black and white photography. Some friends and I would gather to develop our photos and enjoy the magic of the creative process.
I grew up in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Banyoles, a small town with only a few thousand residents at that time. It was a neighborhood of families mostly from rural backgrounds who had been forced to migrate to the city to work in factories. My entire family is of rural origin. Both my parents and grandparents never stopped working the land and raising livestock. I as well participated in many of these tasks. The connection with nature was always there.
I suppose this early interaction with nature was this initial bond the permeates my current work. Over the years, the countryside has been depopulated. However, the more in-land we go, the further our contact is with nature and our origins. I believe the need to regain that contact is a continuous theme in my work."
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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darkmaga-retard · 25 days
-WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025
Bruce Tanner
Aug 27, 2024
by hltv.org
-WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025 -A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved. -The global elite have been warning us about their plans to radically depopulate the earth by any means necessary, and now the results are playing out before our eyes. -If we have any hope of stopping them from achieving their goal of murdering the vast majority of humanity and turning Earth into a prison planet to enslave the rest, the information in this report must be shared far and wide. WEF co-founder Klaus Schwab was caught boasting in a loose-lipped moment with reporters that Agenda 2030 is a red herring or ruse to throw normies off the scent. In reality, the situation is more urgent than that.
-2025 is the year the elite are earmarking for massive worldwide population decline — and according to Schwab, the goal of reducing the population by more than 6 billion people is on track to be achieved. -A BBC journalist reported that she was summoned to Davos earlier this month for the regular meeting where Klaus Schwab briefs the mainstream media on which narratives to promote in order to advance the globalist agenda. -The journalist noted that it was her first time attending the monthly media meeting in Davos, though some of her colleagues have been participating for years. -She describes Klaus as being strangely emotional, almost as if he were intoxicated, laughing frequently and reminiscing in a sociopathic manner about the depopulation agenda, which he admitted has been intricately planned for decades
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I saw their plans where they needed everyone to have 9 vaxxies to depopulate most living souls.
That hasn`t worked so they are going to plan B.
End of 2024 will be horrendous for everyone #Christian #Jesus #Muslim #Jewish #Atheist #Hindu : in fact EVERY living soul 😪
They want the whole of Mama Earth to themselves..
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