#Discipline and Learning
michellesanches · 1 year
Book Summary - "The Conscious Parent" by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
“The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children” by Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a ground-breaking book that redefines the way we approach parenting. Released in 2010, this thought-provoking work challenges traditional parenting paradigms and advocates for a new approach that prioritises self-awareness, mindfulness and conscious interaction between parents and children. Dr.…
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starspice-y · 2 months
OP teaching you Cybertronian perchance?
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I ain't learning SHIT
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saint-ambrosef · 8 months
saying "it is not necessary to have sweets every day" should not be seen as controversial, but i have had people go for my throat for that take. its literally unthinkable apparently not to have a sweet treat on the daily (or multiple times per day).
i'm not saying "sugar bad" or anything, it's good to enjoy a little dessert every now and then. but i think a lot of Americans are so used to having a diet high in sugary foods, and it's so normalized and what so many people grew up with, that me saying "your kids don't need to have dessert every day" is accused of toxic diet culture mindset and depriving children of joy.
and the thing is, our sweets are really sweet. you don't notice it when you grew up with it, it just seems normal. but if you travel elsewhere or go on a low-sugar diet, suddenly our ice cream and cookies and donuts seem un-appetizingly overly sweet.
anyways i'm not saying don't give your kids dessert, but i think a lot of Americans underestimate how addicted they are to sweets. if the mere suggestion to limit the intake to once or twice a week gives you a knee-jerk reaction of fear/horror/disgust, "i could never! i earned this!", there is a problem.
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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day 16/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
notes: ♡ today a few of my teachers were a way, and i'm always slow when i work by myself - so i have a bit of work to catch up on. luckily, tomorrow i don't have many classes so i should be able to do that pretty easily. ♡ work complete: worked on some learning modules to get my learner licence, did some mathematics homework, daily spanish study
habit tracking:
physical activity deep work reading time spanish study
image source: pinterest
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seilon · 1 month
my only complaint about 2005 dw is that we didn’t get more episodes with gung-ho mortal baby jack harkness. absolutely smitten by that fucker
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psymachine · 3 months
i feel like i never fully comprehended until now that the show claims both mac and dennis can play guitar in canon
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obstinatecondolement · 11 months
There is an aphorism in science that all models are wrong, but some are useful. The general idea is that a simplified representation of something much more complex may not perfectly replicate every element of the real thing, or account for every single factor that would affect it under real world conditions, but a good simplification potentially can approximate something more complex enough to get broadly accurate* insights that are useful.
In my opinion, specific sexualities and genders (all of them, fwiw), and the even the concept of being cis or trans, are best thought of as useful models for certain amorphous clusters of experiences and feelings, rather than as things that have concrete, inflexible definitions that map perfectly onto every single person who uses that model of identity as a shorthand. Dictionary definitions of what gay means/what a woman is/etc., are all assuming spherical cows in a vacuum to make the maths easier, and you look like an idiot if you think that cows really are spherical and are not affected by atmospheric pressure in any way (or indeed that they could survive vacuum conditions) and then go around harassing cows on this basis.
A person's internal sense of self is more important than your belief in a model. Fuck off and let me get back to chewing cud.
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beccawise7 · 2 months
Storms are not to be feared... but embraced. We learn little from the easy moments strewn within the fabric of our lives.
Embracing discomfort in the midst of the pressure... that is what yields growth.
~beccawise7 💜🖤
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sciderman · 6 months
Do you think Peter learned how to breakdance when he got his powers just to add flare to his movement?
i think peter parker had been trying and failing to breakdance long before the spider-bite, and is just happy to discover he finally has the upper body strength to actually pull it off now
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senseioftheseidiots · 10 months
So Wu, any fond memories of your father? Must've been a lot of pressure for you and your brother, growing up as the children of the First Spinjitzu Master
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etirabys · 5 months
horrid yowling! so terrible I thought the cat might be dying & ran downstairs with heart tangibly hammering. I sighted her pressed up against the window, freaking out about an outdoor cat on the other side.
After I and CJ covered the view with flattened boxes:
cat: [skulks & pokes at the edges of boxes] me: idiotic! are you going to worm your way back against the glass to look at the thing that upsets you? partner CJ: wouldn't you? me: D:<
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hiya lovely, do you have any wisdom for someone struggling to study? I've been out of school for 3 years due to illness (in my formative learning years) and now I'm gearing up for university with absolutely no study skills, low energy and a whole lot of insecurity around it. I have always been intelligent enough to learn quickly but there's a barrier I'm just not getting through, possibly due to the latent effects of the damage.
I have high expectations for myself and I want to model myself off of your brand! Thank you very kindly in advance <3
Hi love! It sounds like you're in a difficult situation, especially for someone in their teens. My heart goes out to you for overcoming this and going after a university degree. This ambition and dedication takes a considerable amount of mental fortitude and strength, so please remember that. I'm flattered by your kind words <3
Here are some of my study tips to help you maintain your stamina and focus:
When in doubt, make everything into an itemized list (topics, timelines, organizing by subtopic, key facts/people/dates surrounding a significant event, concept, theory, or ideology, cause and effect, problem and solution, etc.)
Use real-life analogies and applications as often as possible to retain information (e.g. to remember acronyms, propositions through the "box" metaphor, etc.)
Reframe long-winded information into an ongoing narrative. Humans are better at retelling stories than retaining/regurgitating a laundry list of facts or statistics
Organize your study sessions to each focus on one main topic, concept, or chapter
Create a timeline for all your assignments. Plan in advance to work on projects in milestones rather than all at once
Utilize time-blocking to pace yourself through the information (e.g. devote 30 minutes to one task or an hour to studying a specific concept; take a fully unplugged break before resuming work or another study session). Use a countdown timer if you think it would be helpful for you – everyone is different
Prioritize rest, even if it sounds counterintuitive at first. You're most productive and focused when your mind is well-rested enough to achieve and maintain peak performance. Efficiency is more important than time spent on a task – the former is what makes all of the difference (and leads to a more well-rounded, fulfilling life, too)
Discover motivating playlists that keep you on task. I love the ones for ADHD from Jason Lewis - Mind Amend on YouTube (I'm listening to one now, lol). Coffee or caffeinated tea can also help your energy to power through a study session, just don't overdo it
Focus on one task, page, or concept at a time. Don't let the entirety of a project or the volume of your overall workload overwhelm you. Just focus & prioritize what's in front of you. Take one step closer to your goals every day. Perfectionism is the most stifling barrier to progress and long-term success. Remember that
You got this! Hope this helps xx
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rozugold · 3 months
Everyday I think about the adderall bit in Jaiden’s adhd video and everyday I yearn for the tiny magical pill
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kikiavci · 4 months
Do y'all think Derrick Krueger was like so glad he died before he could get dunked on the same way Mike Townsend was
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domiqyeon · 8 months
Introductory Post ♡
Hii I've been using Tumblr occasionally but I've decided to give studyblr a go and want to keep up with the self discipline and motivation so I guess my blog is a studyblr (+other things I like but mainly a Studyblr hehe) now!
Right now I'm being a procrastinator with my daily life and I want to have a organised and disciplined life, I hope I achieve that this 2024 🫶
About me
17, desi, cbse sci student
My subjects are physics chemistry and biology (yes the holy trinity), painting and English
Science, Art, mathematics, music, editing, productivity, writing, instrumentals, kindness;
I love to draw, write and learn more about science and productivity
Listening to music 🎶
Analysing lyrics I like
Reading about symbolism
Study more more and more
Do not give into distractions
Be a better child and a student
Get into a Gov. medical college
DESTROY distraction and reduce screentime
Reduce over consumption of media
Do more and a lot of numericals in phy and chem!
Try to exercise as much as I can
Draw what I love
Be present in the moment
Become more mentally and emotionally strong
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greenapplebling · 6 months
I am once again asking people to stop assigning family roles to found family. It beats the point of having a found family in the first place
Also: "this character is a mom friend" ≠ "this character is the mom of the group"
One implies the friend is naturally caring, nurturing and thoughtful. While the other implies there's an assigned person in the group who gets emotionally burdened by people of their same age range to act like their mom
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