#Dissertation definition
aimlayworldwide · 1 year
Know The Difference Between Dissertation Writing & Thesis Writing
In the realm of academia, the terms "dissertation" and "thesis" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among students and researchers. However, there are subtle differences between the two, both in terms of purpose and structure. In this article, we shed light on the disparity between dissertation writing and thesis writing, offering clarity to those embarking on their advanced academic journeys. 
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Purpose and Audience 
The primary difference lies in the purpose and intended audience of the documents. A thesis is typically associated with master's programs, while a dissertation is commonly associated with doctoral programs. A thesis aims to demonstrate the student's mastery of knowledge within a specific field and is typically evaluated by a committee consisting of faculty members. On the other hand, a dissertation is an original research project that contributes new insights or knowledge to the existing body of literature within the respective field of study. Dissertations are often evaluated by a committee of experts in the field and may have a broader readership. 
Scope and Depth of Research 
Another crucial distinction between dissertations and thesis is the scope and depth of research conducted. While a thesis focuses on synthesizing existing knowledge and demonstrating proficiency in a particular subject area, a dissertation requires original research. Dissertations demand a more extensive investigation, involving data collection, analysis, and interpretation, to produce novel findings or perspectives. Dissertations typically contribute to advancing the understanding of a field or addressing gaps in existing knowledge, whereas thesis focus on a comprehensive understanding of a specific topic. 
Length and Structure 
In general, dissertations tend to be longer and more comprehensive than thesis. A thesis usually ranges from 50 to 100 pages, whereas a dissertation can span from 100 to several hundred pages. This disparity in length is reflective of the differing levels of research and analysis conducted. However, the specific requirements regarding length and structure can vary between institutions and academic disciplines, so it is essential to consult the guidelines provided by the respective program or department. 
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Originality and Contribution 
As mentioned earlier, one of the fundamental aspects of a dissertation is its originality. Dissertations are expected to contribute something new to the field, whether it is through the discovery of new knowledge, the development of a new theory or framework, or the application of existing knowledge in a novel context. Thesis, on the other hand, are focused on synthesizing existing information and demonstrating the student's ability to critically analyze and evaluate existing research. 
Time and Complexity 
Given the difference in scope and depth of research, dissertations typically require a more extended period to complete compared to thesis. The process of conducting original research, collecting data, analyzing findings, and writing a comprehensive dissertation demands substantial time and effort. Thesis, while still requiring rigorous analysis and synthesis, can often be completed within a shorter timeframe. 
While the terms "dissertation" and "thesis" are often used interchangeably, understanding the distinctions between them is crucial for students and researchers. Dissertations are characterized by original research, a broader scope, and a contribution to the existing body of knowledge, while thesis focus on synthesizing existing information and demonstrating mastery of a subject. By comprehending these differences in purpose, scope, length, and originality, students can embark on their academic journeys equipped with a clear understanding of the expectations associated with dissertation writing and thesis writing. 
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st0rmyskies · 2 months
What Your Favorite Link Says About You
A.k.a. The Links as tarot cards/your rising sign/your blood type.
You're likely an older Zelda fan. Ibuprofen has become a food group for you. Anyone who thinks OoT isn't the greatest Zelda game has you clutching your pearls and tutting. Kids these days don't know how good they have it.
You are a person to whom young people come for advice, either in your career or in life in general. You're happy to give it, especially because you love to help, but on the inside you're silently screaming, What?? Why me???
You may have trouble sleeping through the night. Even if it's not every night, there are some where you just can't turn your brain off and worries or worst-case scenarios just keep playing and replaying ad nauseaum.
You enjoy time in solitude to appreciate the beauty of nature. I bet you know how to braid a mean daisy crown.
“The flow of time is always cruel...” - Some event in your life took your innocence from you, perhaps much too early. You grew up quickly because of it.
Either you had a crush on the emo kid in high school or you were the emo kid in high school.
You might be jaded by the world, but you still have a solid work ethic and a soft heart despite it all. Even if you hide it all beneath a healthy layer of sass.
You possess a multitude of skills, not all of which are related. Anytime a friend needs a piece of clothing mended or a picture frame hung on the wall or a leak in a faucet addressed, you have the tools and the willingness to help.
Either you have a history of moving frequently when you were young, or you have a restless spirit. You may never quite feel 'at home' in any given place.
"But, verily, it be the nature of dreams to end." - You’ve suffered a meaningful loss in your life and you have a hard time opening up again because of it. 
You root for the underdog, or perhaps you are the underdog. Any of those "against all odds" stories just hit you square in the chest.
Somewhat quiet by nature, you do vital work behind the scenes but you aren't the type to seek out a leadership position. Leave the limelight to somebody else, please.
You might sell yourself short when it comes to your skills and abilities, but you should believe in yourself, man! You can do it!!
You have a capricious streak in you that rears its head now and again. That smile can look sharp and devilish in the right light.
"It's dangerous to go alone!" - You either already have or are destined to find 'that one person' with whom you can open up and truly be yourself. 
I'm willing to put money on the fact that Twilight Princess was your first Zelda game.
You have a strong sense of justice and get really bent out of shape when you encounter unfairness or flaw in the system, whatever that may be. You might be considered an outsider in some way because of this.
You're the friend who scoops spiders up in a cup and sets them outside. Live and let live.
You were the 'wolf kid' in middle school. Come on, those amazing tie dye shirts? Wolf Woman? Julie of the Wolves?? Even if you kept it inside, it was there in some way.
"Your current power would disgrace the proud green of the hero's tunic you wear." - You put a lot of stock in the opinions of others and hold yourself to a higher standard because of it. Sometimes that standard isn't achievable, though, so try to be kind to yourself. 
You, my friend, have a soft heart. You're generally a happy-go-lucky sort of person. You're likely to make excuses for those who've been mean to you in the past and come out as friends on the other side.
You're crafty, or at the very least good with your hands. You're the type to give someone a handmade gift rather than go buy something for them for their birthday, a holiday, etc.
You have a strong affinity for your friends. If anything bad were to happen to them, you'd turn violent at the drop of a hat.
You may have some level of chronic illness that affects you. Although you might do things in a different way or at your own pace, though, you still come out on top.
"You fight like no man or demon I have ever known." - You have the capability for great things. World-changing sorts of things. Don't give up!
You're some flavor of neurodivergent, if I had to guess I'd say ADHD. You have 42 tabs open in your brain at any given time and you have no idea which one the music is coming from.
You're an incredibly creative person, although you might have trouble finishing tasks/works-in-progress. Doesn't mean you didn't learn something along the way!
Rigid guidelines or deadlines stress you out. You'd rather be given a goal and decide for yourself when and how to get there. When you do have a deadline, you're a bit of a procrastinator.
Sometimes you don’t get the 'right' way to do things, but you carve your own path--although sometimes it's unorthodox--and get there in your own time.
"Courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten." - In spite of how your life changes you, for better or for worse, you have a driving inspiration or ethic or vocation that moves you forward at all costs.
Those who don't know you well tend to boil you down to one or two trite traits. In reality, you contain multitudes. Most people couldn't handle all of you, not that they deserve to know even part of you.
You tend to lay it on thick--be that your charm, attitude, or whatever else your social shield might be--because you're hiding some deeper secret or insecurity at your core.
You're the mom friend or the planner in your group, or perhaps you're the oldest child. You’ll pass on an authority role if and when you can, but likely you’re still involved in some supervisory capacity in a given situation. 
You kill spiders with fire. Show NO mercy.
"You dare raise the blade of evil's bane to me? So be it. Hyrule's blood will be on your hands." - You have strong convictions and you aren't afraid to take risks, major risks, to do what you know to be right.
Babe, if you ain't short, you've got short person energy. You scare me a little bit tbh.
You were praised for not being a problem child growing up, or for being very responsible at a young age.
You have a vivid imagination! You may have had an imaginary friend as a child or lived in your own little world altogether. I bet your notebook pages were strewn with little doodles in school.
You're a lover of information. If you could choose between an afternoon at the library or a movie matinee, it would be the former.
"Hanging around with you fools is dangerous for my health." - You're the snark friend, aren't you.  
You are extroverted to a fault. You need the company of others to recharge that social battery. The quintessential golden retriever friend.
You had active involvement in the music and theatre department. I'd be surprised if you weren't in at least one show in high school.
Having adventures is where it's at! You're a big fan of travel, either cross-country road trips or international flights. You could happily live out of a suitcase.
You tend to make friends easily wherever you go. If everyone in this classroom/workplace/bar doesn't know your name already, they will pretty quick.
"I have been waiting for you, boy... Do not betray my expectations.” - Against all odds, you've proven yourself to be worthy of great things. Screw what fate has in store! You're the type to take your own destiny by the 'nads.
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starryjkoo · 9 months
It’s really funny when people are like - but JK hung out with x person 10 times this year! - and it’s like, okay, and then he chose to spend the next 18 months, 547~ days with Jimin? 😭 You might really want to rethink that argument friend. JK had other options, other people he could have gone with, other programs he could have tried for, a later date he could have enlisted on, and yet he chose JM, and vice versa. They didn’t even have to enlist with anyone, they could have gone individually like everyone else in the group. No one was expecting them to enlist together. And this is also probably the furthest thing there is from company content or fanservice considering we’re not even going to be seeing them for the next 18 months and I doubt they’ll even talk about their time in the military. It’s just so silly. “JK and JM were never together this year!” buddy, they’re literally together RIGHT NOW 😭
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erebusbored · 2 days
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Guys I want her so bad it's not funny
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caffeinatedopossum · 10 months
The only problem with me being happy is that it makes me want to talk waaaay more
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anghraine · 3 months
aseabell replied to this post:
triviareads said:
dreamingdespot said:
congrats!!! Dr. Anghraine!!!
steinbecks said:
intellectual-carrot said:
lesbiansforboromir said:
Oh massive congratulations!!
haurasha said:
Congratulations! 🎉
riddlemaster101 said:
theoppositeofprofound said:
taciturn-nerd said:
ahhh I did want to thank you all who responded re: passing the diss defense after my last acknowledgment! Thank you so much, especially those who've been with me through so much of this ordeal <3
scattyuk said:
Woohoo! Congrats! It's been lovely to follow it in author comments since the Masters days. 🎊🎉
Thank you!! You were in Borgias fandom, I think?? It's wild because I had every intention of studying 18th- and 19th-century lit, but used a paper on depictions of the Borgias to get into my PhD program in the first place, and was so interested by the period that I ended up focusing on 16th- and 17th-century literature instead of most of the 19th (the absolute latest I ended up going was about 1820 and most was far, far earlier). Neil Jordan & Co probably merited a place in the acknowledgments, lol.
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finnlongman · 6 months
hey - do i remember right that one of the TdD loses an eye but remains famous/important... or am i half-remembering one those 'everyone is Odin' theories that are about? :S
Sorry for the delay in answering! This rang a massive bell but I don't work on the TDD these days and my brain is an absolute sieve for anything I'm not currently researching, so I had to phone a friend, who pointed out that you're probably thinking of Midir. He loses an eye in Tochmarc Étaine, and is Not Thrilled about it because he fears he'll lose his land because of the blemish, but he's healed by Dian Cécht and everything's fine.
(So the eye doesn't stay gone for all that long, but it definitely was lost.)
I'm not aware of any Odin comparisons with Midir specifically, but frankly, nothing would surprise me at this point.
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elizabethrobertajones · 11 months
Bug type pokemon
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edennill · 1 month
To be quite honest I strongly doubt the Eldar would have any distinction between philosophy and theology.
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whinlatter · 2 years
Heyyy I love your works so much! And I just wanted to know your opinion about how far do you think Ginny and Dean went? I honestly don't think they would have gone past snogging but there are people who believe that they must have had sex. I don't if it's just me being a hardcore hinny shipper but I firmly believe that Harry and Ginny were each other's firsts and they could have done it sometime after the war when Mrs Weasley was not paying them that much attention. What is your opinion about this? I understand if you don't want to answer this question.
I hope you have a great day! And I hope your PHD work is going along well! It's really amazing that you get to dedicate time for us, really appreciate it 😊🙏❤
oh we're doing THIS are we anon... and on a MONDAY night no less... the least sexy night of the week... bold, very bold
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(jk you know I live for this)
No I agree with you - I definitely think Dean and Ginny fooled around (these are unprudish Gryffindor teenagers at a boarding school in a national culture that spawned Skins and The Inbetweeners... they were doing bits), but I don't think they had sex. Ginny was starting to get ick from Dean by at least Christmas, so I think she would have slowed things down physically in that department as her heart was less and less in it. I do also think the slutshaming run-in with Ron might have gotten in her head a bit. I think Ginny would be more worried about privacy and less inclined to be caught in any compromising scenarios after that. So I do think H and G were each other's firsts, but more for practical reasons rather than necessarily sentimental ones.
I also think they definitely smashed the summer after the war, and Harry lived in fear of Molly polishing him off like she did Bellatrix if she were to find out.
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(also cheers anon! if my advisor asks the PhD work is going very well and I am absolutely not speculating about the romantic lives of fictional teenagers on the internet)
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siorca · 4 months
hmm I’m not gonna blow up op’s spot bc they were just having fun, but if you’re calling og idw Soundwave a pacifist, you’re really missing a key part of his character
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expatesque · 5 months
would you ever do a phd?
Hahahhaha neverrrrr. I deeply dislike that kind of super narrow, detailed research - I would do 5 more undergrads but never a PhD.
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the-busy-ghost · 5 months
Christ I forgot about England's local elections and so when I saw political stuff I thought I'd somehow got so bogged down and stressed out by this whole dissertation thing that I'd missed the entire months-long process of calling, campaigning for, and finally holding an entire general election
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bitterlybisexualbard · 8 months
Fandom terms escaping containment and being used by Facebook users who weren't the right age/stage of development to get the "shitting on teen girls isn't cool" memo and think liking marvel movies makes them a geek/nerd is a plague
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mali-umkin · 9 months
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Cramming for the semester feat. my desk
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waugh-bao · 1 year
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