#Doesn’t seem fair
breadedsinner · 1 year
“Imagine a more sympathetic Virmire Survivor,”. Imagine a more communicative Shepard.
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olibensstuff · 1 year
what if I make a spider sona what then
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contristo · 1 year
in college you should be allowed to smoke cigarettes during lectures and exams
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niamnomas · 6 months
So can we get an all women’s season of physical 100 XD I’m pretty sick of the constant “well they’re not physically strong so our team is going to suck” it’s pretty fucking annoying when it happens to literally every single woman contestant :/
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thesapphicsoldier · 1 year
“Fell first, fell harder” this, and “one partner would do anything for the other” that. What I really love is when both people are equally head over heels for each other.
When they both think each other are the coolest people they’ve ever met (bonus points if neither of them are very cool). When they both freak out after they get together and have a hard time believing it’s real. When they both get a little bit jealous when someone flirts with the other. When they both love showing each other off because they’re so proud that they get to be with a person like them. When they’d both go insane if someone dared to touch a hair on the other’s head. When one of them says that the other deserves better and they’re really confused because “wdym?? You’re the one that deserves better!”
I don’t get the craze of making one partner hopelessly in love when they could both be hopelessly in love, and that’s so much more beautiful and endearing to me.
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l3irdl3rain · 6 months
I try to be understanding and open minded abt other people’s decisions with their pet’s health but nothing makes me cringe more than seeing someone put their very elderly pet through chemo / radiation
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
dp x dc prompt #33
Danny Phantom and Damian Wayne are twins. Danny has been assumed dead for a long time, but Damian still misses his twin as he was the only one that he could be open with in the League of Assassins. So to him, it’s to very little surprise or care that he starts seeing his brother’s ghost haunting him after arriving at Wayne Manor.
Danny just wanted to see his brother again now that he has the ability to. He really had no idea that he would be able to see him even when he’s invisible.
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valewritessss · 1 month
Growing up as an only child people would always like talking to me and say I’m nice and generous then when they found out that I’m an only child they’d tell me “oh so you’re spoiled and don’t know how to share?”. And it was always so frustrating because why would I be spoiled? Yes both of my parents attention was only on me but they raised me right? And I’ve met people that are spoiled and not brats, like spoiled brat and spoiled are two different things.
And I love sharing and always have bc I never had anyone to share with so I like letting other people use my stuff. One of my friends that I did so many things for all of middle school (I gave her homework answers, pencils, erasers, bandaids, some of my lunch, gum, etc) told me that I don’t know how to share because I’m an only child. We’re not friends anymore because at one point she started rushing me to do my work so she could copy and she would not let me concentrate and she wouldn’t copy my shit while I was doing it and then she’d get mad at me because she was failing. But anyway, I was a little mad because you KNOW me, but you’re just gonna say that because why, exactly? It was like people were always telling me what I should be like and telling me that I don’t understand any childhood experiences.
And then I get told I must not know how to compromise just because I’m an only child? Like what? I will do anything to please you so what the hell are you talking about.
And people go on rants saying that parents need to start having more than two children because they hate only children. I’ve seen this so many times and it makes me a little sad because my parents tried, okay? Generalizing is not cool. They’ll hate only children just because they had a bad experience with someone that happened to be an only child. And then I’ll make friends with someone and when they find out I’m an only child they’ll tell me they never would’ve guessed because they hate only children. Thanks, I guess?
“You must not have a very good family bond” uhh why? My cousins are the closest thing I ever had as siblings growing up and I genuinely don’t understand when they would say this because it doesn’t mean I can’t bond with people my age.
“You probably get everything you want” i was told this just because I bought a new notebook when my old one ran out of pages. Again, what is the thought process here because it’s not like I can ask for anything and get it just because I’m the only kid my parents have.
I would say I’m lonely and want a sister and people would get straight up mad at me. “No you don’t you’re lucky” and you think there aren’t things I want that you have too? I literally feel so alone 24/7 but I guess I’m not allowed to feel that because at least I get privacy.
They also always assume I’m rich. I am very much not rich and I did have friends that lived in bigger houses and it made me so insecure about mine. Idk what it is about assuming only children are rich. I wish being an only child came with that bc then I’d never complain again. But unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.
Anyways. This was a random rant. I just remembered that I would get so frustrated because I would literally cry from the fact that I didn’t have a best friend or someone like a sibling to talk to, and then I’d be told my feelings weren’t valid. I know this is such a non issue, but just sharing I guess.
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codgod · 11 months
what does carre even think of his teammates. like he’s the only one that barely knows these guys and he’s been subject to the full force of their fucking insanity for two days in a row. what kind of impression have they left on this man
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caterpillarinacave · 8 months
The fact that Orm added chest armor after getting blasted by Manta, but didn’t insist on it beforehand makes me wonder how much that’s because appropriate battle wear is important for the sake of oneself and one’s teammates, and he shouldn’t expect to to reach victory if he’s distracted protecting himself, how much that’s because Arthur doesn’t wear much armor and therefore didn’t even think bring any for Orm, and how much because Atlanna made him wear it.
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givemeallyourpenny · 8 months
Arlecchino x Furina
Furina x Lumine
Lumine x Arlecchino
All of these have been incredibly popular ships at times, yet I haven’t seen any ot3 art… am I gonna have to fix that?
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zukkacore · 3 months
OK but Jace prime seeing Porter's interactions with the clones, seeing Porter not really love them and not realising that it's because they're not him. Thinking this is how Porter must be with him too and he must be too wrapped up in the moment to notice.
OK HONESTLY YEAH thats so real i was all in on fueling Jace’s specialist little boy sorcery prodigy Porter’s darling first acolyte complex but this is also real to me. Im holding in both hands rn. Just being like oh I was way too swept up in everything how could I be so stupid I keep trying to see something that isn’t there (it’s there). Also this is so epilogue coded (@iaus come get your dense boy). He’s never gonna get it.
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raven--stag · 6 months
God Buffy is pissing me off!!! Ooooo Spike is so bad oooo a vampire a demon A THING(!!!) I shouldn't want to fuck him mee-mee-mee
Like, bitch?? He's hot, get over it!
Also the fact that at the beginning of season 6 she was all buddy-buddy with him and then randomly started behaving like an asshole makes no! damn! sense!
As a side note: this rant isn't about me being upset on spike's behalf because he bewitched me body and soul in fact it's not about him at all. It's about me not understanding Buffy and her motives because the writing is kind of strange and silly. It doesn’t really match her character development imo? I feel like at this point she should be a bit more mature🤷‍♀️
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
I’m going to go ahead and say that “loving Boruto” isn’t the reason Sumire & Sarada are unaffected by Eida’s Otsutsuki ability. Himawari is clearly affected (in the new chapter, but already had started establishing a bond with Kawaki in the anime so that’s why she has her doubts) and Mitsuki is too. Sumire has an Otsutsuki chakra connection via Nue (it’s never explained well and it’s only in the anime but it’s said it’s linked to the Otsutsuki). We still don’t know about Sarada yet, but it’s clearly not about “love.”
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chaoticwhoknows · 9 months
currently reading the atlas six and my current favorite pov is tristan solely bc he is like “everyone here is batshit crazy and im saying that as a guy with insane daddy issues, who was raised by a witch gang leader, and who just quit my job and broke up with my billionaire heiress fiancée to come to a mysterious academic cult” and it’s the realest shit. why is he the most normal. why is he the only one who is phased by anything that has happened so far. also he Fucks (literally)
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klickklackwack · 4 days
since the drivers’ parade and the content after it i’ve had this sinking feeling in my gut. it seems like it might honestly be true after all…..
still madly hoping that this is not his last race.
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