#Just with how little Shepard actually gives them
breadedsinner · 1 year
“Imagine a more sympathetic Virmire Survivor,”. Imagine a more communicative Shepard.
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Johnny Cade hc because I’m glad its the weekend
-Is a LOT tougher than the gang gives him credit for. A lot.
-To anyone who doesn’t know him well he looks incredibly intimidating
-Can make a fire out of nothing. It’s a skill he learned from spending a lot of nights in the lot when he doesn’t feel like bothering anyone, but tbh he’s honestly a bit of a pyro
-Is INCREDIBLY protective of Ponyboy, but knows Ponyboy hates feeling babied so he makes sure he never finds out.
-On multiple occasions he’s heard socs or some mouthier greasers talking shit about Ponyboy at school, and together with Steve and Two-bit beat them senseless without any of the Curtis boys ever finding out. There’s a mutual agreement between the three of them that Darry and Soda have enough to worry about without worrying about Pony getting jumped at school, and none of them wanna hurt Pony’s pride, not even Steve.
-Really appreciates that Pony is able to tell when he doesn’t wanna talk and answers for him. Pony never gets it wrong and sometimes talking feels like such an effort so Johnny is really glad to have such a good friend
-Was the last person in the gang to meet Dally, since he was nursing some pretty bad injuries when Dally first came to Tulsa, and was laying low
-Hates Curly Shepard with a burning passion. Partially because he can SEE how terrible of an influence Curly is on Ponyboy, but some of it is just straight up jealousy. In Johnny’s mind Ponyboy is HIS best friend and Curly better be ready to fight if he thinks he can just waltz out of the reformatory and try and take his place in Pony’s life. Their rivalry got so bad at one point that after the third fistfight Tim and Darry made a mutual agreement to try and keep Johnny and Curly away from each other (with limited success).
-He and Ponyboy encourage each other’s smoking habits because if one of them runs out of cigarettes the other usually has at least half a pack left
-One of the old cowboys at Buck’s bar taught him to line dance and he’s really good at it
-Is indifferent to country music but pretends to love it just because of how horrified and pissed off Ponyboy gets at the mere prospect
-Is the best in the gang at poker by a lot. It drives Soda and Dally crazy for different reasons. Soda is mostly incredulous, but Dally is wicked competitive and hates losing
-Was the first to notice Curly liked Ponyboy in a more than friendly way when he realised the way Curly was teasing Ponyboy was the exact same way Two-bit teased his many blondes- fond with an undercurrent of heat. As soon as he realised it he walked across the room and socked Curly in the jaw. Obviously they fought, and it took Ponyboy, Tim Shepard, and two others from the Shepard gang to pull them off each other. Pony ignored both of them for a week straight afterwards which is the only reason they established an uneasy truce.
-He and Pony mutter sarcastic shit to each other when the gang is all hanging out together and make up dumb reasons as to why they’re laughing if anyone notices
-He’s actually pretty good friend’s with Two-bit’s little sister since he crashes at Two’s house almost as much as he crashes with the Curtis’ or with Dally
-Cordially detests Angela Shepard. He thinks it’d be wrong to hit a girl but Angela is protective of Curly and doesn’t take kindly to the fact he and Curly can’t seem to stop fighting each other. He thinks she shouldn’t take Curly’s side- Tim certainly doesn’t. In any case, they trade glares and frosty remarks but never tussle any worse than that, though Angela swears she’ll stab him if he breaks Curly’s nose again.
-He and Ponyboy are banned from being on each others team for any board or card game requiring teams because they’re too good at reading each other’s minds (Soda and Steve are also banned from being on a team together for the same reason). 
-Once helped Steve steal the hubcaps off a socs car in the lot
-Is convinced that Ponyboy is afraid of girls (no matter how much Pony protests) and thinks its the funniest shit ever
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gabbvr-dog · 6 months
Humor me dawg, it’s almost 2am an’ I’m a lil zooted‼️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Reader is male, past relationship with Graves, hinted Alerudy x reader too- use of Y/N
SFW, still a little angsty… just a thought dump… can’t actually write rn.—- too mugh grass
Basically an interest check, not canon accurate what so fuckin’ ever- lots of plot holes and typos- I’m tweakin’
Reader who is an ex-shadow. Turned cartel; Known in Las Almas as ‘Zorro’
-reader meets Vaqueros and 141 at a bar in Las Almas, he is masked at this time, hits it off with the team (even if they were suspicious of him being cartel.) says they’ll cross paths again.
- he was right.
- Soap gets sight of a man getting kidnapped by a few cartel men. Notifies Alejandro; and they go into action.
- Rudy gets knocked to the grown at one point, one of the men point to his head, and before anyone had time to blink, the guy who was kidnapped comes up behind him and snaps his neck like a twig.
- Rudy instantly recognizes the man as ‘Zorro’… the reader.
- turns into Alejandro and Rudy surprised and impressed, and 141 thankful.
- Reader gets closer with the Vaqueros.
- Alejandro ends up getting kidnapped… and they 141 figure out a bit about ‘Zorro’.
- he had been one of the men apart of a very big turning point in Las Almas. And he was dangerous.
- Rudy is also missing; the 141 thinks the worse… contacts Graves.
- Rudy went to reader for comfort… very soft moment, reader tells Rudy. “It’s Y/N now, amigo.”
- Reader pulls out his old gear… shadow company certified. Rudy didn’t pay much attention at first, thinking it was just dark colored gear…
- Rudy and Reader massacre a compound once they locate Alejandro.
-141 and the Shadows close on their heels, being notified by some of ‘Zorro’s friends.
- Reader and Rudy stumble out with Alejandro.
“what the fuck is one of our shadows doing here!?
“That’s not one of ours, Lieutenant.” Is Graves instant reply, recognizing the much older Shadow Company mandated gear.
-Graves recognizes the Reader instantly. His former right hand man, ‘Shadow 101’. His once most trusted solider… 10 fuckin’ years ago.
-“I’ll be damned.” The shadows seem extremely tense, even to the 141.
-they get the very injured Alejandro back to the Los Vaqueros base.
-Graves attempts to talk to ‘Zorro’. And he goes slick the fuck off.
-berating him for stabbing him in the back, relaying the fact he’s also already done that to the 141, ‘once Traitor always a traitor.”
-once he’s done, Graves genuinely looks hurt… emotionally.
-141 is surprised, not used to Graves ever showing anything other then his witty and cocky attitude.
-once reader, Rudy, and the 141 are sitting alone at at metal table, waiting for word on Alejandro…
- Soap pops the question. “What happened between you and Graves..?”
-Reader actually breaks down. Explains him and the commanders history, how he stabbed him in the back and heart, his blind following of Shepard… everything.
-Gaz and Ghost noticed Graves step around the corner… he had obviously caught most of it.
-again, he looks genuinely hurt… extremely uncharacteristic, and further drove the fact that reader and Graves were definitely close.
-Rudy and Soap continue to tell reader he shouldn’t blame himself for a mistake he didn’t even make.
-and praise him for somehow, after all that, still being kind- even trying to build Las Almas back up, once he beat it down with his own hands.
-reader refers to himself as ‘a beacon of hope.’ And says; ‘that’s all I need.’
-detailing, not matter how unhappy he is, how much he gets beaten and battered, that giving the people of Las Almas hope? Thats all he needs to keep going.
-After Alejandro heals, He obviously gets a well deserved leave. Rudy in tow, and Reader watching over them both like a hawk.
-Graves goes against a order from Shepard, and then Shepard turns half his shadows against him.
-Graves is in danger, and very likely might die.
-Reader… reader finds out, and seems pretty indifferent. Until he gets back to his flat… where him, Rudy and Alejandro have been spending their time.
- Rudy and Alejandro walk in on him crying silently… holding his ‘Shadow Company’ emblem.
Though outdated… it was what Shadow Company was… before Shepard put a fuckin’ collar on Graves.
-Reader explains, even if Graves did stab him in the back, even if he wanted to hate him… he didn’t want him to die.
-he still cared.
-Graves was one of the first people to see him as more then a pawn, or shield… took the time to get to know reader
-Alejandro and Rudy pull together ‘Ghost Team’. Graves was still their ally, and they had ‘Zoro’ to back them up.
-Reader finds Graves, he had made in out of the containment room… and he was loosing blood fast.
-reader instantly pulls him into a closed off area and starts to patch him.
-Reader vents to him, why, why, why, don’t think because I’m saving you that I forgive you, more: why, why, why.
-Graves shuts him up; “you are a dog. You were meant to protect and love… I just with I fuckin’ realized that sooner.”
-“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
-“I can’t… I don’t think m’ gonna be able to make it up to you, Y/N.”
-already told him to not call you by your first name… but he was definitely delirious from blood loss.
-“don’t fuckin’ say that shit.” Reader growls.
-Rudy and Alejandro locate reader and Graves, getting them back to the tarmac as fast as they possibly can.
-After Graves gets his ass saved and wakes up.. against doctors orders; he jumps out of his medical bed, and wanders around looking for reader. Finds him.
-Reader stares at him, Graves walks up to him, eyes down cast .. then Phillip, looks up at him.
-“I know… this doesn’t mean anything. But… I don’t want to be the bad guy in your world forever, Y/N.”
-“please tell me what you want me to do.”
-“for starters. Stop following the fuckin’ rat blindly-“
-“did that, an’ half my company tried to kill me.”
-“I couldn’t… I could NOT hurt you again.”
“”Shepard heard we were working with someone from the cartel. Of course I didn’t let him know who you were- wanted me to take you out.”
-“I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.”
-Phillip blinking away the tears threatening to spill.
- “I need to know… if I can do anything. Anything. For you to maybe, just even think about… even being friendly again.”
“I know I’m never going to get back what we once had… I already ruined it, and I know it… just humor me Y/-“
-“Don’t ever leave me again.”
-Phillip blinks up at reader, his heart becomes so much heavier in its already clenched state.
- Graves knows he can’t keep that promise. But it wasn’t ’Graves’ that he knew Y/N deserved.
-it was Phillip. And Phillip would sacrifice everything he had now, just for reader to look at him with anything other then anger or hatred.
- a promise.
-Graves puts his pinky out first, childish. But that is how he knows Y/N seals a deal… how he knows Y/N will realize he’s serious.
“I break this? You best break every bone in my damn body. Do you understand?”
“I’ll break more then just your bones Phill.”
-Graves heart stutters hearing reader say that. He hasnt heard it in literally over a decade… and it still has the same effect.
-Eventually turns into Alerudy x Reader x Graves- haven’t got that far tho
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shaggytwodope4u · 4 months
Curly Shepard headcannons!!
Curly Shepard
- never knows he words to any songs so when he hears a song he knows he'll just loudly mumble gibberish
- isn't dumb like everyone thinks he just Dosent care enough to try at school
- watched the karate kid on repeat as a kid (7 years old) and tried to copy all the moves to look 'tuff' and Angela walked in and made fun of him.
- (modern AU) would definitely vape in the middle of class when a teacher isn't looking (he got caught)
-(modern AU) would give 6 graders melatonin gunny's and tell them it's edibles and tell them it's a "CRAZY TRIP"
- hes Hispanic
- definitely liked alcohol a little to much
- Dosent actually like cigarettes just smokes them to 'look tuff'
- pieced his own ears
- he didn't even realize he was gay untill he was ranting to Angela about how annoying it is to date a girl because it's so much work and it's not even that enjoyable and she hit him with "are you sure your not just gay?"
- would unironically say to Tim "nobody understands me" (angst teenage boy core)
-is team drake (modern)
- (modern au) he sucks at driving and drives like a gta character and tried to teach ponyboy how to drive (they crashed and tim had to pick them up).
- has got into a fight with Johnny cade
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ihni · 3 months
Of pets, chapter 1/2
For @harringrove-flip-reverse-it day 4, prompt "Collar and leash" (NSFW prompt made SFW)
“Have you gotten a dog?”
Jim hadn’t meant to startle the kid, but Steve Harrington jumped about a foot in the air and let out a noise that was best described as a squeak at his innocent question. Whirling around so he was face to face with Jim – or, rather, face to chest; Jim was very well aware of his size – he looked even more startled when he saw who was there. Jim nodded meaningfully at the leather collar Steve was still holding.
“Oh,” Steve said, eyes wide and unblinking. “No? I mean, yes. It’s for Billy–“ His eyes widened a bit more and he added, almost shouting, “–s dog! Billy’s dog!”
“Hargrove?” Jim asked, and watched as Steve’s head bobbed up and down in something akin to a nod. “I didn’t know you were friends.”
“Oh, we are. Friends. The best of friends, nowadays, actually.” Steve pointed to himself with a thumb and grinned somewhat unsteadily. “Yup, all those bygones are … under the bridges.” He made some vague gestures with the hand that was still holding the collar, which brought both of their attention to said collar. Steve let out a little sound that sounded suspiciously like a ‘meep’ and hurried to lower his hand. When he spoke again, his voice was a little strained. “Sooo, what are you doing here?”
Jim sighed. “El wants a hamster.”
“A … hamster.”
“Yeah. Someone’s been telling her stories about the merits of having a pet, and since I’m not letting her start out with a cat or a dog, and she vetoed fish since they’re apparently ‘too boring’, here we are.” He indicated the store around them; shelves upon shelves of pet-related items. “Figures, right? The closest pet store around, and it’s two towns over. Gotta say, I didn’t expect to run into you here.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, his smile just a tad too wide. “What a coincidence.”
“I didn’t know the Hargroves had a dog. I haven’t heard Max mention it, and I’m sure El would have insisted on a pet earlier if she had.”
“It’s … uh, new. And not really, uh, a sure thing, just yet.” At Jim’s look, Steve took a deep breath and continued, “It’s … He found it.”
“Found it?”
“Yeah. It’s a stray, um, he found it out by the … by the junk yard. He’s thinking of maybe … keeping it.” Jim’s mind flashed to images of demodogs and four-legged faceless monsters as Steve obliviously continued, “I offered to help with some, uh, with some things.” The kid held up the collar with a sheepish smile, waving it around a little. Then he took a deep breath and started saying, “Well, I should probably –“
Shaking away the image of monsters, Jim offered, “You know, I used to have a dog when I was younger. A German Shepard, great dog.” Bessie. She’d been Jim’s best friend for a good while. “I could give you guys a few pointers if you want.”
“Oh god.”
“I said, ‘oh good’.”
“Oh. Well, first of all, what kind of dog is it?”
Steve’s whole face was looking strained at this point. “We don’t know.”
Jim had to frown at that. “You don’t know?”
“No, it’s a … mutt. Like a wild dog probably.” He grimaced as if he regretted his words, but twisted it into a smile almost seamlessly. “But hey, you know how Billy is! With challenges, I mean. He, uh. Really wants to, um. Help that dog.”
At the mention of a wild dog, Jim’s eyebrows drew together further, because he’d honestly had enough of ‘wild dogs’ to last him a lifetime. He leaned in closer and lowered his voice as he asked, “It’s not some kind of … monster dog, is it?” It probably wasn’t, but kids these days were stupid – proven by the Henderson kid – so he felt he had to ask.
Taken aback at the – honestly valid - question, Steve shook his head. “No! No no. No monster … dog.”
“Hmm,” Hopper said with a nod. “Still, a wild dog can be dangerous. You shouldn’t approach it alone, it can bite you if it feels cornered.”
“Oh, uh,” Steve said, “don’t worry about it. It’s a … good dog. Just an overgrown puppy, really. All he needs is some … love and affection.” He paused a bit, and then added, “And food.” Then, after a beat and under his breath, “And like … someone to play with, I guess.”
“Hm,” Jim said again. He nodded to the collar in Steve’s hand. “Well, if you do catch it, make sure you keep it collared. You should probably invest in a leash as well,” Steve made a choked noise. “You don’t want it running away from you. And I don’t need another feral thing running around town.”
“Yup. Yup. Understood.” Steve yanked down the closest leash and held it up with the collar. “Well, that’s my shopping done. I should really get going, wanna get home before it gets … dark.” He cleared his throat. “So I’m gonna.” Pointing at the front of the store, he nodded again, slightly resembling a bobblehead. “Go. I’m gonna go.” He’d been backing up while he was talking, and when he reached the end of the aisle he threw up a pair of fingerguns. “Good luck with the hamster!”
He’d barely dashed out of sight when Jim called after him, “Get some treats, too! It’ll help with training your mutt.”
Another choked noise was his only answer.
What a weird kid.
(On AO3) (Chapter 2)
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Can u do the Curtis gang +curly with a f!scene reader plz!!!! :3333
Ofc Darlin!!! I’d freakin loveeeeeeeee to!! We love our scene queen x gang requests!!
The Gang + Curly Shepard x F! Scene Reader
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Ponyboy Curtis
-he thinks you’re soooo cool
-super intimidated though
-he’s memorized your entire schedule before he actually talks to you lmao
-he’s down sooo bad
-he started listening to scene music too just for you
-after doing hours of research to find out your style
-and one time you were in the library and he played the music just a little too loud in hopes of you noticing
-“Is that <insert band name>?! I LOVE them!! I didn’t think anyone else here listened to that stuff…”
-he acts chill about it like he didn’t just start a week ago when he saw you
-once he finally gets the guts to ask you out you say yes
-he goes on music + reading dates with you
-he’d try to match bracelets, bandanas, belts, rings, anything subtle
-probably the most expected couple
Johnny Cade
-LOVES your style
-he sees you one day walk by when he’s sitting in the lot and his eyes pop out of his skull
-he loves everything. He loves your hair, your skirt, your bright fishnets, all your jewelry, your makeup
-it’s so big… and obnoxious in the best possible way
-he loves too
-he doesn’t stop thinking about you after that
-it isn’t until dally and ponyboy get tired of him mentioning you that their like go talk to her man
-so he finally does, and he thinks you’re sooo cool
-scene doesn’t really work well on him, but he tries to match you in subtle ways like pony too
-matching bracelets fsfs
-Fr if you make him a few bracelets he will never stop wearing them
-when you finally start dating he really likes a lot of the music
-and if anyone has to say anything about you
-they can welcome Johnnys fist to their face
Sodapop Curtis
-he was shocked when he saw you walk in to say the least
-he’s never seen anyone like you before
-super intrigued
-he gets surprised when after a few days he realizes he has a huge crush on you
-he usually dates girls like cherry, but with you…. He’s definitely willing to make an exception
-you have the rare ability to make him nervous
-and falter in his usual effortlessly charming manner
-and one day he gets enough of a pep talk from Steve to ask you out
-and he does, giving the biggest, stupidest grin
-when you guys date it’s so cute
-he tried to let you do makeup on him one time
-it didn’t end well
-he can’t sit still 💀😭
Darry Curtis
-the least expected couple
-he’s a very traditional dude
-so seeing you is kinda like 🤯🤯🤯
-when he sees you walking down the street
-his jaw drops so low you have to dig a hole in the ground 💀💀
-he’s just stunned by you’re mere existence
-he asks Sodapop and Ponyboy about you at dinner
-and there both like OoOoOoOOoh someone has a crushhhhhh
-he’s in denial fr
-but he finally goes up to talk to you one day when you’re both shopping
-and asks a bit awkwardly “So… uhm… what’s with your outfit?”
-then realizes how rude he sounds “WAIT not like it’s not amazing- I mean you’re amazing- beautiful too- wait-“
-you giggle at him and smile “Oh, I just really like dressing in the same culture as my music taste”
-that gets the ball rolling and you two actually get along pretty nicely
-you both turn heads for real though
-and Sodapop and Ponyboy see you as a really cool aunt/older sister
-matches belts and jewelry with you
Dallas Winston
-now, he has never seen a broad like you before
-was secretly a bit intimidated
-but he’s not gonna show that………..
-he probably went up to you on a dare though
-made some rude jokes
-and you furrowed your brows
-“You know, it’s really not cool to make those jokes. You don’t like it when people assume things about you for being a grease hm?”
-he’s super surprised at your reaction
-and for once in this ever loving man’s life he reflects on his actions
-he sighs “You’re right, doll. What’s your name anyway, princess?” He says with a smirk
-matches belts and jewelry with you
Two Bit Mathews
-he saw you
-and instantly made jokes
-it’s two bit you guys what you expect
-“Do you come out of bed like that or…”
-“Damn, what unicorn threw up on your clothing?”
-“You’re gonna cut off your circulation with that much jewelry doll.”
-of course it’s all good fun, and you roast him back with equal wit
-which is kinda when he realizes he’s in love
-he asks you out
-you say yes
-he absolutely wear matching belts, jewelry and even shirts with you
-you made a Micky Mouse scene outfit and showed it to him
-and he LOVED IT
Steve Randle
-oh girl
-you rocked his whole world whenever you walked towards him
-he looks you up and down for a full minute
-like omfg she’s sick
-he tries to hold back his excitement when he talks to you
-he thinks you’re style is so cool
-asked multiple times to touch your wig
-he grins so hard when you let him
-he asks you out the soonest
-you guys are very cute together
-you give him something interesting to look at while he works on cars fs
-he loves your wigs so much
-kisses your hair all the time
Curly Shepard
-thinks you’re styles kickass, and you’re a total bad bitch
-I mean he’s a bit punk/grunge himself
-probably the most familiar with alt styles in general out of everyone
-he hits on you almost immediately
-checking you out with a smirk and a whistle
-loving the way your fishnets and skirt makes your legs and thighs look
-you guys are a scary ass couple to encounter
-the punk/grunge and the scene
-he matches belts with you and you both take a little bit from each other
-you mix a bit of his punk/grunge in your scene fits
-and he mixes some scene into his punk/grunge fits
-and he sometimes does matching eyeliner with you
-and it looks super kick ass on him
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
do you think there’s ever been a moment where darry and soda have been surprised/shocked by how sweet curly was with pony or maybe he did something out of character just for pony
no actually i dont think at all❤️
but in all seriousness, yea i do!! and it had something to do w like, curly giving pony something that was his, maybe a jacket, or somethin, even something as simple as just SHARING w no expectation to give something back in return
and it was outta character bc ppl who grew up poor like them take what they get and r typically stingy w what they have, so if they have something that still works and still fits them, they r NOT givin that shit away like its nothin, and that extends to things that help them blow off steam like cigarettes or somethin
and those feelings r just amplified when it comes to the shepards, mfs r like stingy hyenas
so for pony to walk in the house w a pack of curlys cigarettes or just a jacket of curlys, and he isnt expecting pony to do anything back, is astonishing to see
that and the fact that pony can say hes been in curlys room, bcs so little ppl can say theyve even actually been in curlys room, let alone any of the other shepards rooms or house in general
ALSO i think curly let pony write on his cast when he broke his arm and so ppl just saw lil doodles from pony on curlys cast, he wouldnt let anyone else do it
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swaps55 · 8 days
After I read your latest Mezzo chapter (Chef’s kiss!) I started another reread of the whole series. (The fifth? Sixth? I lost track ^^) Anyway, I just came across the “MSV Fleur de Lis” incident that ends in Wong being expelled from the team and consists of one of the few (if not the only) glimpses we get on how Sam is around children.
Not for the first time I thought about your take on whether or not he and Kaidan will be having kids in the future. I can totally relate to Kaidan’s way of thinking - not wanting to “burden” Sam with another responsibility but making it possible for him to live a life just for himself. And nobody else.
I was wondering - do you think they’ll talk about this? Is that a decision they make together? Or is it just Kaidan who decides for the both of them without actually telling Sam? Will that ever be a topic? What would Sam do if he realizes at one point that Kaidan gave something up for him? Assuming Kaidan would like to have kids ..
This is a really excellent question with a complicated answer because their writer makes it complicated. Kids are unfortunately a very sensitive subject for me to write about (this question is absolutely fine or I wouldn't have answered it), so in essence I am making this decision for them and backing into why it's in character, because a life with kids is not something I can write about.
I'm saying this mostly to give a peek into some of the writing process. Especially in fanfic, where events and decisions and character beats can come predefined, sometimes the question you have to ask yourself isn't "how does this character respond to X," it's "this character responded to X with Y, why did that happen?" In this case I am defining the character response to this question because it's a boundary for me, but now it's my job as the writer to make sure that decision feels in character.
Anyway - do Sam and Kaidan talk about this decision? Probably, even if it doesn't wind up on the page. You're right - Sam is good with kids. I wanted that glimpse you get in Cantata to show that. There's a Cantata-era story I really, really want to find the time to write that is based around the thought that sometimes we become the people we needed when we were young. I think part off the reason Sam is good with kids comes from the fact that he grew up with an inattentive, distant parent, so he gives kids his full attention. Also, he had an interrupted childhood. There's a part of him that didn't get to be a kid, so kids bring out the kid in him that never got to be.
But I do think the fact he is so much like his mother would scare him when it comes to the possibility of parenthood. He might bring up kids thinking that it's something Kaidan might want, and Sam's a giver. But he'd probably feel a lot trepidation over the suggestion, and relief when Kaidan kindly, but firmly says no.
Kaidan knows Sam, and knows how easily he'll compromise himself to make someone he cares about happy, so he might keep it close to the vest why he doesn't want kids. Because if Sam sniffs out that it's because Kaidan doesn't want Sam to have to feel that pressure, he'd probably push back thinking he's taking something away from Kaidan.
But I think Kaidan believes it for himself, too. They have given up so much and done so much, that they deserve to be a little selfish. He's shared Sam with an entire galaxy for years. In many ways, Commander Shepard will always belong to other people. So wanting to keep Sam for himself is something I can see him feeling, and wanting to relieve Sam of the need to give up more of himself for kids would make it easier for him to want that out loud.
I think I might have said this before, so forgive me if I'm repeating it, but I do think that Sam has a lot of contact with Tuchanka after the war, and a sort of unspoken trend of krogan mothers bringing their young to Sam as a form of "pilgrimage" gains steam in the aftermath. He makes a lot of trips to Tuchanka, and krogan are known to bring their children to the orchard.
Helping to bring future generations to the krogan would be a type of 'fatherhood' Sam would be very, very proud of.
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omniblades-and-stars · 11 months
The Way
Part i. | Part ii. | Part iii.
Spirits, he is sure he's cracked. The pressure's too much. Maybe it's just his brain preparing to die. Already bad enough that he called his father, to apologize, of all things. But he swears he hears her confirming that she heard a command from one of the mercenary leaders over the comms he’s backdoored into. 
And hope and admiration builds again, even though he didn't think it could anymore.
It's in the way that his heart races and he feels like he might just pass out when he sees that N7 badge on her shoulder through the scope. The soldier wearing the armor leaps over the wall, but she's wearing a full helmet. He wants to hope that somehow she's back from the dead. But he's also afraid to hope. Because it's impossible to come back from the dead.
She's accompanied by a large human man wearing armor that looks like it's made from several different pieces of old armor, and a human woman who’s wearing something that looks more at home in Aria's precious little club than an active battlefield.
He's definitely lost his mind, he thinks. Grief and rage and anxiety have finally given him a massive stroke and he's actually just laying on the ground next to his rifle, waiting for death to take him. That must be what's going on.
Spirits, even if it is just some other Alliance soldier here to save his sorry hide for some crazy reason, he'd drop to the ground and … what's the human phrase? Kiss their toes? That doesn't sound quite right.
It's in the way that all doubt is removed from his mind when she throws her arm out in front of her, incandescent tendrils reaching out from her palm, and she pulls her fist back. The way the merc in front of her gets yanked back towards her, like a puppet on a string, flailing and probably screaming. Right into a deadly blast from her shotgun.
It’s her favorite “combo move” on the battlefield. That’s what she calls them anyways.
His heart is pounding for reasons completely unrelated to his impending doom.
Hope ignites, he feels … happy? Spirits, it's been so long since he felt happy.
It’s in the way he tries to play it cool, he pretends he definitely was not absolutely about to die. He’s calm, he’s collected, smooth, just like the vids, right? But that’s ruined entirely when she shouts, “Garrus!” and nearly knocks him clear over his perch with the way she throws herself around him.
“You shot me! Ass!” She laughs, full in her belly, and punches his shoulder. Her smile is so wide, it’s all teeth and the rosy flush on her cheeks. He wonders what happened to give her those scars. He wonders how she’s back.
But also, he doesn’t care how. He just cares that she is.
He’s so relieved, he could cry. Instead he says, “Concussive rounds only. No harm done. Didn’t want the mercs getting suspicious.” He's the cool vigilante guy, right?
“Right, right. I believe you,” she says in that teasing tone that says that she doesn’t. But she thinks it’s funny. They fall right back into banter easily, just like old times.
Spirits, how he's missed her. 
It’s in the way his last thought before the pain and blood loss pulls his consciousness out from under him is, “Please, not yet. I just got her back.”
It’s in the way she’s waiting for him when he’s finally able to stay conscious for more than an hour at a time, and Dr. Chakwas clears him to join the fight. Shepard leans exaggeratedly from side to side as she examines the damage to his face. The worried look is so brief, he almost misses it. But it’s there. “Well, hell, Garrus, you were always ugly,” she says with a devious smirk.
She always knows how to make him laugh. Even when it really hurts. Spirits, it hurts to laugh. 
But it feels good too. 
“We can be scar twins,” she announces, fanning her fingers out next to her face as though he wouldn’t have noticed the fact that something is glowing just beneath her skin. He knows she’s just trying to make him feel better.
It doesn’t make it any less effective.
He missed her smile. It still makes him all warm in the neck.
It's in the way she absolutely does make fun of him for being Archangel. "I can't believe you went superhero and Archangel is the best you could come up with," she teases. They're standing shoulder to shoulder in the armory while he fixes her shotgun. She got in too close to a klixen and it melted the release spring on the clip ejector, but thankfully not her hands.
"Yeah, I just kind of fell into it," he answers, trying to ignore how she's leaning into him. And how his heart is pounding in his ears because of it.
"Could have been anything in the universe, and you went with Archangel. Can't believe "Garrus Vakarian, Hero of the Citadel and Second Best Shot in the Galaxy" wasn't good enough for you." 
"I don't know, Shep, Second Best sounds like a lie. We both know I'm the best shot. And it's a mouthful," he chuckles as he finishes putting all of the pieces back together.
She elbows him in the arm, "I'll give you a mouthful."
The shotgun falls from his hands onto the workbench, "What?!"
"What?" She responds quickly, confused like she's honestly not sure what she just said.
Now they're both blushing.
He doesn't even remember why he had to be the one to fix her gun. She knows how to do it.
It’s in the way she just tells him what’s on her mind as it comes to her. They’re sitting in the mess, he’s distracted reading over messages on his datapad while she’s blowing on a spoonful of a soup that smells very strongly of … onions, he thinks they’re called.
The spoon is almost to her lips before she pauses and leans back, “I don’t think I could do this without you here, you know?” Then she crams the utensil in her mouth and hums when she finally gets a taste of her soup. As though the thought were the simplest little thing, and not something that has the effect of a stun grenade on him.
“That’s not true, Shepard. You’re only just getting started and you already have very capable people on your team.” He doesn’t have it in him to feel capable or necessary. He mostly just feels like a failure.
“What, you mean the Cerberus lackey who kind of hates my guts even though she rebuilt me, or the other Cerberus lackey?”
“There’s Mordin, and Massani.”
Her spoon scrapes sharp against the edge of her bowl before she lifts it and points it at him, “Fine, I’ll grant you that Massani knows his way around every gun ever made, cause he’s old as shit. And Mordin is scary resourceful, but it’s not the same.”
“I’m not sure I see how,” he says almost pitifully.
“This is our fight, Vakarian. I need you. We’re supposed to do this together," she says heavily. "Or did that rocket scramble your brains and make you forget?” She leans forward and pokes him in the forehead with her spoon for emphasis, droplets of fragrant broth drip down towards his nose.
“No … uh, I just … I mean, no,” he’s scrambling again. Stumbling on his tongue just like old times. “Together.”
He'd be lying if he said it isn't nice to feel needed. Especially by her.
It’s in the way she’s the same, but different. She’s louder, more jocular on the battlefield. “Hey! I was going to get that one,” she shouts over comms as he steals her kill from a distance, dropping a husk with one shot.
She gets him back by charging up biotic energy and turning into a blur that moves at the speed and with the force of a freightliner. She throws herself into a fight like an artillery shell. She is raw energy, like a flash fire. It shouldn’t be so magnificent, but he can’t help but be awed by her.
Jury’s still out on who the better shot is.
She is still merciful, patient and understanding. Even when Ash all but calls her traitor. Shepard just nods and says, "I understand, Ash. It was good to see you." She sounds so sad that it breaks his heart. 
It’s in the way she’s grown more casual, freer, since her resurrection. She says she’s not bound by Alliance regs anymore, and that Cerberus can “eat her ass” if they think they’ll get her to salute or sit in a chair the right way ever again. She’s always straddling them, sideways, feet propped on tables, perched over top, or sometimes upside down. 
He walks into the observation deck to find her feet flung over the back of the sofa. When he comes around the couch, her hair is brushing the deck and her face is so red, it’s almost purple. It can’t be comfortable. “What are you doing?” He asks through a laugh. She looks ridiculous.
“Enjoying the view. You should try it.” She swings herself around until she’s mostly upright and slaps the couch next to her.
“I think I’m exactly all the wrong shapes for sitting upside down on a human couch.” He points down at his legs, “With the spurs and all-”
She grabs his hand and pulls him down to the couch. “Come on, Vakarian. I won’t tell anyone, even if you look really fucking stupid,” she says with that mischief hiding on her lips again. “Do something whimsical … for me.”
Spirits help him, because he’s trying, and it is just as embarrassing and ridiculous as he thought it would be. She helps, which is somehow worse. But they’re laughing the whole time. Especially when his fringe gets caught under the couch and she has to help free him. He has to perform some feat of acrobatics he didn’t think he was capable of just to be able to stick off the couch far enough for that not to happen again. Other than getting blown up by a rocket, this might be the most uncomfortable he’s ever been. 
But it's worth it just to hear her laugh. 
She plops down next to him before her head falls over the edge. One of her legs falls over his. Her face immediately starts going red again. “Aren’t they beautiful like this?” She asks, pointing at the stars in front of them.
“It’s space, Shepard. It looks the same from every angle.” He’s not looking at the stars. Because he’s watching her. She looks beautiful like this, he thinks. She’s completely and totally unguarded, she’s looking out at the stars like it’s the first time she’s ever seen them. He thought for sure she would be afraid, and maybe she is. She’s never hidden from fear.
Maybe it’s the blood rushing to the top of his skull, but he takes a chance, small though it is. He’s not sure if she thinks about him like he does her, but he hopes. She makes it easy to hope. 
He wraps his hand around hers. Her fingers interlace with his.
She doesn’t let go.
It’s in the way she stands firm on her principles. Even when that means standing right in the crosshairs of his sniper rifle. Her mercy is showing again, and it’s driving him crazy. Making him angry. Sidonis is right there. He can end the man’s miserable, traitorous life with just a squeeze of the trigger.
And she’s standing in the way.
She turns and looks at him through the scope. Her eyes bear the same exhaustion, the same solemnity as they did after Saleon. “Garrus, he’s a coward, not a monster.”
She steps aside. And he remembers every time she offered peace to villains far worse than the likes of Sidonis. He remembers how she always offers them a chance to become better, even if it’s from a prison cell.
It's on us to try to do the good thing. 
He remembers how she makes him want to be better.
She’s telling Sidonis that he has his life and he had better make some good out of it before Garrus even tells her he’s not going to shoot. It won't bring his men back anyhow. 
She knew he wasn't going to do it. She believes that he’s better than he is. He wants to be worthy of that belief.
It's in the way she renders him a stuttering, awkward mess. He actually cannot believe some of the things that come babbling out of his mouth.
He's already flush around the neck, certain the heat death of the universe is rapidly approaching based entirely on how warm he is, when she leans in close, warming him up even more. She's got him backed against the battery terminal, her lips are only microns away from his mouth. "I'm going to wreck you, Vakarian," she says, low, confident, teasing.
The joke is that this is supposed to be stress relief (they both know it's not just that), but he's never been more stressed. He makes a choked sound that's supposed to be a laugh. She is terrifying and beautiful and he's never been more turned on and anxious in his life.
Spirits, he's already a wreck and they aren't even doing anything, they're just talking about it.
She giggles, actually giggles, and her lips brush against his mouth plates. Soft, warm, just a little chapped. And it's so tender compared to the intensity of her just seconds ago that it sends him reeling. 
And she does it again, only this time just a little harder, and she lingers. It doesn't make any sense why it feels so good, so natural, but it does. The anxiety leaves as she sighs against him, and he holds onto her for dear life because if he lets go of her, he might drown underneath the intense waves of every good feeling he's ever felt for her.
Garrus knows two things:
How to make a gun absolutely sing. 
And that he is so, so in love and so, so in over his head about it.
No, he knows a third thing:
He wants her to kiss him again.
It's in the way she looks to him, of all people, for reassurance. They're sitting in the shuttle, and everyone is silent, stony faced, and grim. She's clenching and unclenching her fist, and her jaw is set so tight, her teeth might actually shatter. 
The Collectors took everyone on the ship, except Joker. They weren't there to help.
Shepard's people aren't cannon fodder, and this hit isn't just close to home, it's right in it. The Normandy is her home, the crew is the only family she has. 
Tears streak over her cheeks, but she is silent as the grave. Her eyes are bloodshot when she meets his gaze.
He nods once, he understands. "We’ll send those Collector motherfuckers to hell, Shepard. Together."
Jack groans.
It's in the way that she stops his stumbling words and panicked pacing. She caresses his scarred mandible, gentle in a way she isn't usually. "Calm down, Big Guy," she says as she presses a kiss to his mouth. Shepard cinches her fingers around his waist and whispers, "You've already got me. Just go with your gut."
Right, his gut. He's pretty sure that his gut gets him into deep shit most of the time. And Spirits, he's never over-thought sex before but there's a list light-years long of ways this can go wrong, and he's thinking of all of them. What if they aren't biologically compatible in any sense of the word? He knows they should at least be able to actually do it, but what if they can't? 
Or the most mortifying possibility of them all, what if it's just bad?
But then she takes his hand and puts it to the center of her chest. Her heart is beating hard and fast, she's just as nervous as he is. And that's more comforting than she could ever know.
And when she kisses him again it’s all the intensity and passion that she was only just barely holding back. And the first time she gasps, and the first time she moans, he forgets every worry he ever had about it.
He forgets about everything that exists outside of her.
And then she’s holding his face, and there’s that mischievous glint in her eyes. “Garrus, there’ll be time for sweet and slow when we get back.” And he knows that’s true. There’s not enough time. 
As much as they’d like to pretend it doesn’t, reality still exists outside of her cabin. 
She presses her forehead to his and then she growls, “I want you to fucking wreck me.” And then she sinks her teeth into his neck.
It's in the way that drives him wild.
It’s in the way she believes in him, even after everything. She wants him to lead the second squad. “I trust you, and I need you to do this.”
And that means everything to him. Trust is a funny thing, and it has a funny way of making him believe in himself. Her belief, her hope, is infectious, and it always has been.
Spirits, it's a tough fight. But somewhere along the way, he must have earned the respect of the rest of the crew. He can't help but think how this is her influence. He's in the middle of a firefight with things that were once Protheans, a terrifying look into the future if they don't stop the Reapers, and he still manages to feel immense gratitude for the way that Shepard just is.
He shouts an order and that cranky asshole, Massani, confirms that he heard it and follows. He commands to cover the door, and everyone falls into formation seamlessly. Even Jack takes orders.
Is that real, actual pride he feels in himself?
He didn't think that would ever feel possible again.
It's in the way she's victorious. She leaps into the docking hatch of the Normandy and stumbles into the bridge. She collapses against him and tosses her helmet to the ground.
She's laughing, that same manic, breathless laughter that jumps out of her chest whenever she has a close call. She clutches his arms with shaking hands. Her hair is plastered to her face by sweat. Her cheeks are fiery red, blotchy. She's smiling as she shouts, "Joker, get us the fuck out of here!"
She's beautiful.
It's in the way that she turned an impossible suicide mission into a crazy, but successful rescue mission. Everyone is back because she's the one in charge, because this is her family.
He's her family.
It's in the way she tells The Illusive Man to fuck off. "Kiss my ass," she says as she confronts him, standing on the QEC platform. "I'm going to stop the Reapers, and if you get in my way, I'll fucking stop you too." She cuts the line before he can respond.
He rarely sees her so angry. He's glad he's not on the receiving end.
He'd be lying if he says he didn't enjoy seeing her fired up like this though. 
It's in the way his heart breaks when he has to return to Palaven and she turns herself in to the Alliance. He doesn’t understand that decision.
But he respects the hell out of her for it.
The heartbreak is different this time. Quieter, less consuming. He has hope this time that they'll be reunited.
She makes it easy to hope.
It's in the way that when the Reapers arrive that he worries. They haven't spoken in months because she was a prisoner. And now they can't make contact because the Reapers are laying waste to everything.
But somewhere deep down, he knows she's fighting like hell, wherever she's at. Because this is their fight. Together, even if they aren't standing shoulder to shoulder yet.
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫♡︎
pairing(s): Tim Shepard x gn!reader, Sodapop Curtis x gn!reader, Dallas Winston x gn!reader
summary: Coming back from your outing never did your boyfriend expect you to come home with a gift that needed receiving than giving
word count: head canons so no need
request(s): Is this the right spot? I never ask for anything so idk. I haven’t seen much of Tim Shepard so I want to ask for a gn reader that brings back a puppy or kitty for the holidays if not for Tim, maybe dally, or sodapop please —anon
warning(s): fluff, kisses, mentions of violence, pet names, grumpy Tim and Dally per usual, and language
A/n:—GIFs @moirailegiance,@tessgifs,& @angelic-stimz— First holiday/winter request! I haven’t done head cannons in such a long time so let’s get to it
♡︎Tim Shepard
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You were literally Just going to the store so you could grab some more sugar for you Christmas cookies-
So how the hell you ended up with a puppy is beyond you
“Where the hell have you been!? I was about to send a search party after ya!” Coming from a worried Tim who was having heart palpitations he’d honestly thought the Soc’s had got their grimy hands on you and that made him beyond uneasy
“Okay so when I tell you, promise you won’t freak out” Your now bouncing on the balls of your feat and Tim couldn’t tell if it was from nervousness or excitement you couldn’t tell either
“Okay.. tell me what?” All while looking exactly like this. 🤨
“Never mind”
“Just Tell me!”
“I just said never mind!”
You guys went on like that for a while until you just finally snapped
“I got a puppy! It was the last one In it’s bunch and it was alone!” Cue you taking a little puppy no more than 4 weeks out of your inside coat pocket
“Oh lord Y/n, and it’s one of those little rat dogs!”
“It’s gonna get bigger Tim!”
I strongly believe that Tim is like one of those dads who swear up and down that it’s your dog, your responsibility, and he’s not going to do anything for it.
Scolds you for like an hour about how much time goes into puppies while your just nodding like a child who got caught with their hand stuck into the cookie jar
But then does everything and more under the sun for the little fella
Tim fucking knits!
And he knits them little sweaters and booties because ‘their too little and it’s too cold’
He’s definitely one of those dads who like have a beer in one hand your little puppy sleeping on his chest and is like two seconds away from falling asleep in the reclining chair
Very protective
God Bless one of his guys accidentally step on HIS SON!?
I don’t think they would be very recognizable afterwards…
Refuses to let the little pup walk on their own afterwards for a while…
REFUSES to put HIS SON in a cage/dog house/ restriction of any the sorts
You think his child is going to sleep anywhere other than a doggy bed that’s 100x their actual size?
“If their not drowning in it it’s not good enough”🤷🏽‍♀️ —Tim Shepard for president
Once caught Ted —one of his guys— trying to give his son a bone
He. Let. Him. Have. It.
Because the audacity, his child is held to respect as he is. So to think you were going to give him your scraps it’s disrespectful to him. Puppy get his own chicken torn off the bone 🙄
Does not let them cry or whine for more than five seconds.
Immediately picks them up.
Secret does ‘the baby voice’ he thinks no one know about
Christmas morning he’s sitting on the floor beside you with your son between his legs guiding his little hands to open his presents
It’s the cutest thing.
They play for hours too.
Moral of the story Tim is a proud dog dad🫡
♡︎ Dally Winston
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The first thing that comes out of Dally’s mouth as soon as he sees you step into your shared home with a cat cradled in your arms
Takes a lot of convincing for you to keep it
Dally Still doesn’t like it though and keeps his respectful distance
Or tries to and fails
Cue to your cat following him around everywhere
It annoys the hell out of him.
Until one particular day
You both visited Dally at work aka Bucks places and Dal was practically rolling his eyes at the little feline attached to your hip
It was in the afternoon and the bar was empty
“Dal watch them so I can go to restroom please” Dally just nods his head so you can stop bothering him about really keeping his eyes on the thing
Buck has a fish tank.
And Dally only looked away for a minute and there goes your kid swatting at the fish as Buck is running around like chicken with its head cut off
*proud dad look while nodding his head
So your kid is into mischief?
Dally claims them now.
Doesn’t move from behind the counter as he watches them jump onto tables pushing glasses off the surface onto the floor
And then as soon as you get back he jumps back onto the floor and snuggle around your feet
He really likes this kid now.
Probably because it’s quite literally him in the form of a cat but yk thats just a guess🤷🏽‍♀️
They are the biggest trouble together
But they know they’re both adorable so they can’t get into too much trouble
Dally swears up and down he doesn’t know what your talking about when you ask him about the missing tuna cans
I mean his child has to eat something Y/n 🙄
Sometimes their so bad together it gets to a point where you put both of them in a timeout in separate corners. Both. Of. Them.
*cat meowing
“Yea man I know.”
Moral of the story Dallas ends up falling hardest 🤭
♡︎ Sodapop Curtis
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Being honest
Soda was the one who actually brought your puppy home-
“She’s so cute can we keep her Y/n pleaseeeeee!”
“Soda honey, a puppy is a lot of responsibility”
“I’ll feed her, and walk her, and everything! You won’t have to lift a finger I swear!”
You lift lots of fingers.
But they both go great together! They have so much energy they will be outside all day if you let them
All. Damn. Day.
Once you called them both in for dinner just to see them standing on the porch both covered in mud. Head to toe. Snout to paw.
You had to wash them off with the hose.
Soda takes her everywhere.
To the store, on walks, even to work!
They’re the best duo on the block 🙄
She has like four beds all around the house and still sleeps in the middle of the bed between you guys
Everything soda eats they eat too
“Soda no!”
Cue sodas hand pausing in mid air as he tries to give the pup chocolate
Catch and Tug of war is the only game they play
Moral of the story they’re your favorite people!
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023
Welcome back,
The moon is utterly familiar. We see it all the time, in the blue sky during the day, among the stars and planets at night. Every child knows the outlines of the moon’s lava seas: they trace the Man in the Moon or, sometimes, a Rabbit.
This familiarity goes beyond appearances. The moon is actually made of Earth. According to modern theories, the moon was born some 4.5 billion years ago when an oversized asteroid struck our planet. Material from Earth itself spun out into space and coalesced into our giant satellite.
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Yet when Apollo astronauts stepped out onto this familiar piece of home, they discovered that it only seems familiar. From the electrically-charged dust at their feet to the inky-black skies above, the moon they explored was utterly alien.
On the next sunny day, step outdoors and look inside your shadow. It’s not very dark, is it? Grass, sidewalk, toes–whatever’s in there, you can see quite well.
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Your shadow’s inner light comes from the sky. Molecules in Earth’s atmosphere scatter sunlight (blue more than red) in all directions, and some of that light lands in your shadow. Look at your shadowed footprints on fresh sunlit snow: they are blue!
Without the blue sky, your shadow would be eerily dark, like a piece of night following you around. Weird. Yet that’s exactly how it is on the Moon.
To visualize the experience of Apollo astronauts, imagine the sky turning completely and utterly black while the sun continues to glare.
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Your silhouette darkens, telling you “you’re not on Earth anymore.”
Shadows were one of the first things Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong mentioned when he stepped onto the surface of the moon. “It’s quite dark here in the shadow [of the lunar module] and a little hard for me to see that I have good footing,” he radioed to Earth.
The Eagle had touched down on the Sea of Tranquility with its external equipment locker, a stowage compartment called “MESA,” in the shadow of the spacecraft.
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Although the sun was blazing down around them, Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had to work in the dark to deploy their TV camera and various geology tools.
“It is very easy to see in the shadows after you adapt for a while,” noted Armstrong. But, added Aldrin, “continually moving back and forth from sunlight to shadow should be avoided because it’s going to cost you some time in perception ability.”
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Truly, moon shadows aren’t absolutely black. Sunlight reflected from the moon’s gently rounded terrain provides some feeble illumination, as does the Earth itself, which is a secondary source of light in lunar skies. Given plenty of time to adapt, an astronaut could see almost anywhere.
Almost. Consider the experience of Apollo 14 astronauts Al Shepard and Ed Mitchell:
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They had just landed at Fra Mauro and were busily unloading the lunar module. Out came the ALSEP, a group of experiments bolted to a pallet. Items on the pallet were held down by “Boyd bolts,” each bolt recessed in a sleeve used to guide the Universal Handling Tool, a sort of astronaut’s wrench. Shepard would insert the tool and give it a twist to release the bolt–simple, except that the sleeves quickly filled with moondust. The tool wouldn’t go all the way in.
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The sleeve made its own little shadow, so “Al was looking at it, trying to see inside. And he couldn’t get the tool in and couldn’t get it released–and he couldn’t see it,” recalls Mitchell.
“Remember,” adds Mitchell, “on the lunar surface there’s no air to refract light–so unless you’ve got direct sunlight, there’s no way in hell you can see anything. It was just pitch black. That’s an amazing phenomenon on an airleuss planet.”
(Eventually they solved the problem by turning the entire pallet upside down and shaking loose the moondust. Some of the Boyd bolts, loosened better than they thought, rained down as well.)
Originally published on universetoday.com
(Saturday, August 26th, 2023)
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sol-consort · 23 days
I think I need to find a way to stop being gay it's too hard 😞. Because I'm always falling for the most obscure fem characters that have almost no fanfiction written about them/hardly any fandom. 1st, it's Ashley who's really hard to find the gay fandom for (you're a dimond in the rough fr) and there's only a handful of fanfiction for and then today I've just seen that deadpool wolverine movie and I'm thinking 'obviously there's gonna be a lot of fanfiction for this sexy evil bald lesbian like this is a major motion picture' only to be met with reality fist straight to the face when I tried looking up fanfiction and there was none zero. I think I'm freaking too close to the sun.
(Srry for venting, but I fear we share the struggle of what is essentially being in a half dead fandom)
I feel you, it's so jarring how little attention gay women characters get in fandom spaces. Unless the source media itself is explicity sapphic, then finding any fanfics about lesbian characters is akin to panning for gold at the edge of the river.
The "older" a fandom is, the more obvious this phenomenal becomes. Mass Effect, for example...I mean let's just call it what it is. Blatant misogyny. Why doesn't Vetra get the same treatment as Garrus? Why isn't Miranda celebrated for her genius as much as Mordin is? Why does EDI get reduced to hot sexy robot while Legion gets the cool badass design? Why does Ashley get so much shit about her ME1 alien racist remarks when even Kaidan, Jacob, and Joker had some racist lines? Renegade Shepard is the epitome of human supremacy yet here we are.
It's still prevalent in new big fandoms. In BG3, for example, I wrote so much for Minthara, my longest and most intricate fic ever was made for her. Yet my stories that got to most attention and requests for updates are about male characters. One of them is a literal npc with no relevance for the plot.
I was happy finding out that Kaidan actually has presence in fanfics, but when I scrolled through Ashley's AO3 tag expecting something similar, I was so fucking stunned to find nothing. It's why I even wrote that Ashley fic, I was so frustrated at the lack of content for her. It started this blog.
Much like my frustration at the lack of content for Minthara started my other blog.
I wish women characters get the same treatment in fanfics written about them as men. By that, I mean they deserve shameless smut. They deserve casual sex. They deserve silly fics, parodies, and memes made about them. They deserve dating HC and having flaws that they don't feel guilty for.
Allow them the exact same courtesy extended to the token hot male characters of a fandom. Why doom the yuri constantly? Let it breathe for a second. Give it the space to be any genre it wants.
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Outsiders Prompt Fic #11- "This ain't my first rodeo kid"
This one was requested by @whitemanswh0re3 who requested prompt 10 for Tim Shepard. I had a lot of fun with this one, and got to include some Curly and Angela shenanigans so I hope y'all enjoy!
Tim should have known better.
His first mistake was forgetting to hide ma’s liquor bottles before she woke up that morning. His second was paying more attention to Manuel’s report on their business with the Brumly boys than to his pissed off little sister, and his third was leaving the twins alone for more than five minutes without adequate supervision.
This is his fault, but all Angela’s doing. She’s mad at him so now she's getting even, and shit he’s gonna have a miserable night isn’t he? He should have known better. She’s not one to mess with. He supposes it’s his own fault- he raised her to take no shit, but honestly, she's not supposed to turn his teachings against him. She’d wanted his attention before and he’d ignored her, so now she’d gone and made it impossible for him to ignore her a second longer.
“Timmy!” Ma’s eyes are jewel bright, the booze making her happy before the comedown makes her mad. That’s fine. That’s par for the course. “Carinõ, come sit with us.”
He takes in the scene in front of him. Bottles and powders- familiar evidence of Ma’s debauchery- covering every surface, his baby brother on the floor, half hidden behind the couch, his little sister bleary eyed and all but collapsed into Ma’s side. 
“Come sit with us,” he can hear the deadly disbelief in his voice, “Come sit with us? With you and my seven year old baby siblings you let get drunk with you?”
She scoffs at him. Actually scoffs. 
“They’ve only had a sip or two, they’re fine.”
He should have known something like this would happen the minute Angel started sucking up to Ma. Angela hates Ma. Of course she had ulterior motives. How could he be so stupid?
“They! Are! Seven! Years! Old!” He all but howls, “You shouldn’t have given them any! Jesus Christ woman, I know you decided not to be our mother but you could at least use some goddamn common sense! You don’t give children alcohol for fucks sakes.”
“Angel wanted some.” She’s petulant, like a scolded child, and Tim hates that he’s stuck raising her right along with his siblings. 
“Angel wants a lotta things, and at least half of them will kill her,” he levels a glare at his sister, who doesn’t seem to really hear him before turning back to Ma “she’s gotta learn the meanin’ of no and you bet your ass I’m gonna teach it to her just as soon as I make sure they ain’t gonna die of alcohol poisonin’ because of you.”
Ma doesn’t look ashamed. She never does, never once feels guilty when she should no matter what she’s done or how much she’d hurt them. Nothing is ever her fault, not when she didn't buy enough food to feed them when they were little, not when she forgot they existed and left for a week when she went on a bender, not when her boyfriends beat on him and Curly or got too friendly with Angela. To Maria, nothing is ever her fault. Letting the twins go hog wild on her Jose Cuervo won’t be any different. She’ll blame him or fate or her piece of shit ex husband, if all else fails she’ll call it an accident but she’ll never admit that it’s all her fault. Her fault for never getting to know her children as more than dolls to play with when she's bored, her fault for giving up on mothering when he was four and never trying again, even when she had new babies, her fault for being so pathetically broken she doesn’t know- or worse just doesn’t care- what giving free access to her poison of choice could do to children who are already too used to numbing their pain in any way they can find.
He hates her. He hates her so much. 
Curly is sprawled across the floor by the couch, glassy eyed and babbling to himself. The kid already never shuts up and whatever poison Ma had given him seems to have cut off his filter altogether. It don’t matter that no ones listening to him- Curly’s off in his own little world, entertaining himself. He’s a lonely kid, Tim’s seen it, seen how he’s always a bit too strange, a bit too callous, a bit too wild to every truly fit in- he supposes it’s good the kid has learned to entertain himself. Even still, he hates seeing it like this. 
“What did they have?” he grits through a mask of forced calm. He’ll deal with Ma later. For now, the kids have to come first, and per usual he's the only one around willing to recognize that. “How much did you give them?”
“Really Timmy, I don’t know what you’re all up in arms about, my mama got me started early-”
“-Look how well that turned out for you, huh?” He sneers, glad to see her flinch. “Now I ain’t gonna ask you again: how much did they have and what exactly did you give them?”
“They been sippin’ from my bottle with me,” she holds up her good old Jose Cuervo bottle that Tim wants to smash against the fucking wall, “and I think Angel stole a bite or two of brownie when my back was turned.”
“She got into the grass?”
“It ain’t my fault! They’re devils, both of them. They wouldn’t listen to me when I said it wasn’t for kids, she just wanted sweets!”
“Fuck!” He kicks the beat up coffee table sending empties crashing to the floor, “fuck!”
“If they get proper sick from this,” he whirls on Maria, jabbing a finger in her direction and she cringes back. He knows he looks like Pa when he’s mad like this, it’s why usually he fights so hard to keep his temper under control. RIght now though, he doesn’t much care if he reminds her of him. Let her be scared. He hopes she feels even half the terror he’s feeling right now. “If I gotta take them to the ER or Curly chokes on his own puke or Angel finds she’s got a taste for the good stuff at seven fucking years old- I swear to god I will kill you. So you better pray they’re alright.”
She swallows, suddenly quiet and the only noise in the room is Curly’s incessant babbling, but Tim doesn’t drop eye contact and she must know he means it because without another word she rises from the couch, and stumbles down the hall closing the door of her room behind her with a snap. 
Tim sighs. One problem dealt with, two to go, one of whom is having a conversation with the ceiling and the other of which seems fascinated by the feeling of the couch cushion against her cheek. 
Jesus Christ.
The twins have always been small, wiry and wild as any feral animal, and he fears it’s yet another disadvantage working against them tonight, as the alcohol and the weed is bound to do a lot more damage to their systems than it would to anyone actually old enough to be playing with substances. However, their is one advantage to them being small that Tim learned very early on to use to his advantage, and that’s this: he can still manage to pick them both up at once.
He scoops Angie up first, fixing her nightgown which has gotten twisted around her neck, and she rests her head on his shoulder, but apart from that doesn’t give any indication that she knows who he is or what’s going on. She gets like this sometimes anyway, quits talking and gets real blank looking so he can’t really tell if it’s the weed hitting her hard or not. Curly on the other hand, grins as soon as he sees him and doesn’t stop talking for even a second as Tim settles him on his hip and starts carrying them down the hall to their bedroom. They should’ve been asleep ages ago, and they’ll probably crash soon regardless, but it isn’t gonna offer him any sort of peace now is it, not when he’s gonna have to wake up every hour to check that they’re still breathing. 
“...an’ mama’s friend Mark came over for a bit an’ I think he’s mean but mama said we had to be nice or we’d have to go away again and then Angela stole her brownie and didn’t even share with me e’en though I gave her an easter chocklit and then mama got mad at us for fighting so she said I could have more of her special drink so it was fair but her special drink hurt my mouth but I got in trouble for spittin’ it out an’ Mark belted me a goodun’ so I had to swallow all of it-”
“Curly,” Tim cut him off firmly. That’s how he always has to do stuff with the kid. Firm. Otherwise Curly don’t pay attention long enough to listen to anything, “what do you mean that bastard belted you?”
“He hit me,” Curly told him simply, and Tim hated how matter of fact he sounded. No seven year old should sound so blase about being smacked, “a goodun’ in the back, but I didn’t cry ‘cause I know you wouldn’t an’ I’m tough like you so I just glared at him and called him a motherfucker like you woulda-”
“Curly, let me see your back.”
He eased the kid’s t-shirt over Curly’s scrawny shoulders, feeling a new spike of rage at the hand shaped purple bruise blooming across Curly's shoulder. That asshole. Tim was gonna hunt him down and give him a taste of his own medicine. He’d learn not to mess with a Shepard ever again, and maybe he’d learn a lesson about beating little kids too.
“You did good kid,” Tim told him, fixing Curly’s t-shirt, “that bastard ain’t gonna take a swing at you again, y’hear?”
“I’ll beat him up if he tries. You can help,” Curly offers magnanimously, “you’re real good at beatin’ people up. I bet me’n you could beat up anyone if we tried. Even a football player soc.”
“Even a football player soc.” Tim agrees, hating the softness that’s welling in his chest. He’s supposed to be angry at them- they’re big enough to know they aren’t supposed to talk to Ma if he isn’t around and he’s had the talk about not eating or drinking anything Ma gives them more than once- but it’s hard when the booze has made Curly so sweet, and Angel so cuddly, curled into his lap. They’ll be grumpy tomorrow, sick and sore, and hopefully that’ll teach them a lesson, but for now he figures he can afford to be a little extra nice to them. After all, it doesn’t sound like Ma or latest her boyfriend had been earlier.
“Angel’s bein’ real quiet doncha think?” Curly really couldn’t shut up if his life depended on it. Tim just hums, shifting so he’s leaning against the wall, Angela in his lap and Curly leaning into his side. “She says that brownie made her feel all floaty and thet talkings making her sick, but that drink made my head cloudy too and I don’t feel sick so I thought it was maybe an al-er-gic reaction like Saide Thomason had at school except I made her blow on my hand and  could feel the air so I guess she’s still breathing, which is good because I don’t want Angel to stop breathin’.”
He pats her cheek none too gently but Angela doesn’t seem to mind, offering him a dopey smile,far less guarded than her usual one. Yeah, she’s real out of it, but Curly’s assessment seems to ring true, and Tim thinks she’ll be ok.
“Angel’s my best friend, did you know?” Curly informs him, before looking down at his twin sister, “You’re my best friend Angel, even though you are plain old mean sometimes. It’s ok though ‘cause I am too sometimes, and usually you’re just mean ‘cause you're sad, and I figure that’s alright. Ponyboy says you should try not to be mean ever but he also called Dillon an asshole at recesss yesterday so he’s a hyp- hypo-critter or whatever it’s called when you’re a big dirty liar-”
Curly’s mouth was still spilling words at warp speed but his eyes were starting to droop, and Tim figured he’d talk himself to sleep pretty soon. Angel had already nodded off a minute ago, and the even breaths puffing out of her mouth between snores reassured him she was doing alright and wasn’t gonna overdose the way he’d been worried about since Ma let slip she’d got ahold of that brownie. Was he still gonna wait up to make sure? Obviously, but at least there wasn’t panicky tension thrumming under his skin anymore.
Curly dropped off to sleep exactly the way Tim knew he would, cutting himself off mid sentence and slumping against him. Tim sighed, waiting a minute to make sure he was truly out before carefully shifting him so he was curled up beside Angela, head tilted so he wouldn’t choke if he threw up in his sleep. Tim climbed off the bed, making sure not to jostle either of them lest he accidentally wake them up. Angel was blitzed outta her mind, and Curly had drunk himself into a near stupor, but he still wasn’t about to risk it.
He dragged Curly’s mattress across the room so he was right next to them when they inevitably woke up fussy, and quickly fell into a fitful doze.
He jerked awake an hour later, and after checking to make sure both kids were still sound asleep and triple checking they were breathing ok, fell back onto his own mattress.
The next time he wakes it’s to the sound of whimpering. 
Internally cursing and blinking blearily he sits up to see Curly twisted in the blankets, hair flat on one side and eyes welling with unshed tears.
“Tim?” Curly sounds very small, “I don’t feel good.”
“Ok kid,” Tim sighs, swinging Curly into his arms and carrying him down to the bathroom, “it’s alright. This is just what happens when you drink Ma’s special drinks.”
“I don't wanna be sick,” Curly whines, a dangerous wobble in his voice, “I didn’t even like her special drink.”
Tim really, really can’t handle the waterworks right now.
“It’s alright kid, just let yourself throw up and you’ll feel better.”
Curly does, managing to get the whole mess in the bowl and isn’t that a fucking miracle since usually the bathroom looks like a crime scene whenever the twins get sick. Tim rubs his back, pushing his curls out of his face until he’s sure Curly’s done, then wets a corner of the hand towel with water and uses it to wipe his baby brother’s face.
“You’re real good at this,” Curly mumbles, already half asleep as Tim carries him back to bed.
“Yeah,” Tim agrees quietly, pressing a soft kiss to the sleeping kid’s forehead as he lays him next to Angela, “this ain’t my first rodeo kid.”
Curly snuffles a little, loud even in sleep, and  Angela somehow managed to headbut him in the shoulder and toss an arm over his shoulders without waking up.
Tim regards them both a second longer, watches their chests rise and fall- breathing, alive, safe, if only for the moment, and drops back onto his own mattress for the night.
He'll be here when they wake up, but for now he’s gonna get some much needed sleep.
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kalixora · 2 years
It is what it is
Price x (f)reader
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Part 1 ((Maybe??))
Summary: You weren't seen as a high-ranking solider, and you were stuck in a position you didn't want, directly by General Shepard's side. You get a call one day about a new opportunity that will help you.
. Reader is presumed female
Note: I've never played any of the games, so please excuse any inaccuracies. Due to the use of Google Translate, any languages displayed may potentially be incorrect.
There will be explicit sexual content, as well as instances of harassment, cursing, and drug usage.
Callsign: Hound
There was nothing you wanted more than to slam this man's head into his desk, ram a pen right between his eyes, and then slam the door behind you on the way out. Maybe even set the building on fire while you at it. Every day you were in his office, standing next to him, every day his attempts to flirt with you were bolder and bolder, every day you NEVER left his sight, he always knew where you were, what you were doing, and how you were doing it.
The only thing he didn't know about were your memories before meeting him. That was the only thing that brought you order and stability, it gave you clarity that you were still alive and breathing. To be able to feel other emotions other than annoyance, anger and discomfort.
Given how much time has passed since you last saw John and Kyle, you've always wondered what they're up to and whether they're still working together. Did they forget about you? Did they meet anybody who replaced you in some way? How are they doing? Given that General Shepard talks about them from time to time, it's good to know that they're both are still alive. Did they miss you... did John miss you?
You cringed, the sound of his voice alone makes you want to pop off.
"Yes sir?"
General Shepard smiled hearing you answer. "How's your day been darlin' I forgot to ask."
"It's been fine sir," you said trying to hide annoyance.
"That's wonderful, so do you have any plans tonight?"
"No sir."
"That's a bummer, then how about you and I go out to dinner tonight, say around 7PM?"
As General Shepard examined every inch of your physique, focusing primarily on your chest and hips, you sighed and gave him a little glare.
"No sir, but thank you."
"You know darlin', it doesn't hurt to smile," Shepard chuckled gently, looking annoyed himself.
You raised your brow, as you showed your teeth in a forceful smile, "No thank you sir."
Shepard stared at you blankly for a moment, before letting out a sigh. He ran his hands over his face then leaned back in his chair. "It won't kill you to say yes."
"It might..." you mumbled.
"Nothing sir."
Shepard's brows furrowed as he stood up, eyeing you up and down a slight scowl on his face, "Hound I didn't have to help you to earn your rank."
You stared at him; yes, he was the one who assigned you those assignments, but you completed them on your own, without a partner or team. You were tasked with tracking down those who had wronged Shepard. Finding people was what you were skilled at, turning loose ends into faded memories.
"It's against the rules… sir." you stated bluntly in response to his irritated stare.
Shepard made his way around his desk and over to you. Gritting your teeth, you prepare for the worst. He placed his hand on your neck, making you tilt your head to look up at him.
"I don't give a damn about rules, I give a damn about respect." Shepard said through gritted teeth. "You need to show respect to the person who got you to the spot you are today. Without me Hound you would've been a lost cause, just another war veteran with PTSD and anxiety."
Shepard put his other hand on your hip, firmly pulling you in. You bit your tongue in the hope that he wasn't actually taking pleasure in this when you felt something pressing up against you. You closed your eyes, tears threatening to spill out, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you vulnerable, that he was getting under your skin, getting to your head, getting to you.
"Get off me," you said through gritted teeth.
"Hound, I own you, I built you, and I shaped you into the solider you are. So, solider, when I ask you a question, I expect a cheerful yes sir," Shepard scowled at you. He sank his head into your neck giving you a firm nip, going down to lick your neck. You squirmed at the feeling, you held your eyes shut trying to think of anything other then Shepard.
The phone rang, Shepard's phone rang. Shepard pulled away from you with a scoff. You took this as a cue to leave the room, the only time you were free without Shepard was during his phone calls rather the meetings.
You sped walked out of his office and down the hall making a dash to the bathrooms, turning the corner you heavily bumped into someone.
"Jesus!" It was a woman, you turned your head to see a woman with short blonde hair and a red scarf around her neck. You swore you have seen her before. You continued walking toward the restroom, nearly ripping the door off its hinges. You looked in the mirror as you walked to the sink. He didn't leave a bite mark, you sighed in relief shutting your eyes.
You were numb, cold, humiliated, and alone.
You missed your old friends, you missed your life before the military, whether it was good or bad. You loved the military but if you would have known this is where you'd end up. Having a craving delusional war-hungry commander who, for some reason, is attracted to you to the point of obsession and poses a threat to your family at home while you are highly ranked and well-respected by those around you You would never have joined.
After a few minutes you began to head back. As easy it would be if you just walked out the building you knew there would be a negative chain reaction to it. There always was. That's how your family was threatened, because you tried to run.
You knocked against Shepard's door hoping the phone call was still going on.
"Come in."
After exhaling forcefully, you turned the doorknob to find Shepard and the woman you had just run into in the hallway inside. You recognized her now, Kate, Kate Lawsell, Price's close friend.
"Good to see you again, solider."
Your eyes widened, you straightened up, and saluted. "Please excuse my impoliteness in the corridors, ma'am."
You shifted your gaze between Shepard and Kate. What's going on? Shepard looked at you, then back at Kate, then gave her a firm nod and sat in his chair. He was grabbing something from behind his desk, pulling out a file and sliding it to Kate. Kate took it, and you took a good look at the file, which had your picture on it.
Kate turned to you, "You're coming with me solider. So now is a good time to start saying your farewells; I'll meet you outside."
You felt cold again after Kate left the room, leaving you alone with Shepard. His gaze swept over your body once more. "Something came up, and you're being recruited for your services, so we'll have to reschedule that date, hun."
He was letting you go. You couldn't help but bit your lip trying to hold back a smile, you gave Shepard a salute then turned on your heel heading out the door.
"Hound, before you go."
You paused, chills running down your back.
"Remember what I said, I built you, try running from me like the last time, get ready to attend a funeral, have a safe trip my dear."
My dear? He's called you other names, but never MY dear. That was new, strangely new...
When you walked outdoors, Kate was standing next to a black Jeep. At first, she appeared concentrated, but as you got closer, she appeared puzzled. She was looking through the file that had your picture on it.
"Are you alright ma'am?" You asked.
Kate shut the file in her hands and looked up at you, she nodded giving you a small smile. "Yeah, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay ma'am, just ready to get on the field again."
"I see, well then let's get going."
. . .
You lost track of time, you were in the car with Kate, then you were in the 'copter without Kate, and now your in another car with Kate.
"Hey Hound how'd you sleep?"
You yawned slightly, "Not the best... are we there yet?"
Kate chuckled, "A few more minutes, you think you can stay awake until then?"
You chuckled, "Yes ma'am."
A moment of silence fell between you two before Kate spoke up again.
"How was it like being under Shepard all this time?"
You starred out the window, you were hoping you could avoid anything that had to do with Shepard. "It's not something I've gotten used to..."
"Really? It's been years since I've last seen you, I didn't think you and him were close."
You raised your brow at Kate. Close? What did she mean by close?
"Uh- I wouldn't say close, quite the opposite actually ma'am."
"Oh well that's interesting... were here."
Kate couldn't have asked you that out of curiosity, you blinked. She asked because of the file, or was it something Shepard said to her—could she tell by the way you moved in the hallway?—or was it something in the file itself?
The car stopped in front a remote semi large military area. There were not that many soldiers here, you hopped out of the car waiting for Kate. But Kate stayed in the car, you turned to look at her but a rough chuckle caught your attention. You recognized it, you knew that laugh from anywhere.
A smile crept across your lips as you turned around to face John Price himself. Your body relaxed, but your tummy was filled with butterflies that weren't going away anytime soon. He seemed too good to be true standing here, he looked really good. You wanted to hug him. However, your eyes spoke volumes. As Price came closer and put his hand on your shoulder, you blinked slowly, your breath stopping in your throat as you felt your body clench up. What made you so tense? It was only John…
Price seemed to catch on, "You alright?"
"Yeah..." You said trailing off a bit. Price moved his hand away from you then looked at Kate.
Price gestured with his finger to give him a minute as he walked to speak with Kate. You trailed off to the sides, watching the soldiers go about their business. You stared up at the setting sun. You smiled, it had been a while since you'd left Shepard's sight, and even if Price was working for Shepard, which seemed likely, you didn't mind too much. It didn't matter as long as he wasn't anywhere near you.
Right now, Shepard couldn't touch you, he couldn't stare at you, he couldn't degrade you with his words. Right now you were free. You hope so.
"Pretty isn't it?" Price said walking over to you. You looked at him and from the corner of your eye you could see Kate's car heading off back where you guys had came.
"Very pretty, how've you been John? You've been taking care of yourself really well," You said.
Price chuckled, "That I have been, I can see you've been doing the same."
You shrugged, "I try, some days are harder than others."
Price nodded, "I hear ya on that one, one day after another there's always a surprise."
"Yup, so... where's Gaz?" You asked slightly eagerly.
Price hummed giving you a soft smile, one you haven't seen in a long time. It made you feel shy, and the butterflies were not helping. Price gestured towards the building. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the others."
You walked inside the building behind Price, he led you down a few halls and into a mess hall where not many people were in. Everyone was eating and talking among each other not really paying you to much mind until you walked past them.
Price led you to a back table where you could make out a tall guy with a skull mask, a guy with a mow hawk with Scottish accent and there across from them sat Gaz with his back facing you and Price.
The Scottish guy was talking until he stopped Price and gave him a greeting, before noticing you. "Hey captain, who's the lass?"
Gaz turned around, seeing you smiled peering around Price. Gaz shot up almost chocking on his food. You went up to Gaz patting his back as he began to cough.
You giggled, “I just got here don’t die on me now.”
“Hound! It’s good to see you! It’s been so long!” Gaz wrapped an arm around you giving you a quick hug. You felt your body tense up for a moment until he released you, “How are you? Last I heard about you was that were running solo on missions.”
“Unfortunately, but nothing I can’t handle,” you grinned. “Even got the scars to prove it.”
“I bet,” Price chuckled. “Now, as you both heard this is Hound, she’s going to be joining us from here on out, now Hound this here is Ghost and this one is Soap.”
Your raised your brow, “Soap? What type of name is Soap?”
Gaz and Price laughed while Ghost gave a slight chuckle. Soap stared at you in shock but his smile never faltered.
“Pft yeah? What kind of name is Hound huh,” Soap said back.
You hummed, “At least mines makes sense.”
“Wow,” Soap laughed. “Okay fine, we’ll then welcome to the team Hound.”
Price placed his hand on your shoulder gently this time, your eyes darted to his hand. You felt your body tense up again, you did the same with Gaz too… these were people you know, people you trusted. Your mind knew this, so why was your body acting so different?
Price’s tone shifted slightly, “Welcome to task force 141 Hound, I’m glad you came.”
“Me too…”
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How do you think the Curtis sister/sodas twin!reader dating Tim would go. Like since he's not far from being Darry's age and runs a real gang, plus he's considered one of the toughest greasers besides Dallas? What would Dally think of that, her brothers, and what kind of stuff would that include?
I love that you write for the sheperds, they're so underrated</3
Hello hello~! So sorry it took so long to get to this 😅 (I definitely agree they're much too underrated for my taste. Twobit too actually. I dont think Two gets enough love either.)
Lemme just make the list....
Darry: Ha....haha....HA. Okay so the only way he finds out is by Pony being a whiny tattletale. Otherwise there's absolutely no way in hell he'd hear you out just out of the blue at a family dinner. He respects Tim, but he wants what's best for his family, ESPECIALLY the only girl. Tim's just as bad as Dally to him, hell maybe even a bit worse. The night he catches you trying to sneak back home, he's absolutely LIVID. But when he finds out there's that typical "You're not allowed to see him" garbage. But I mean, he works early, so what's he gonna do? Risk working on zero sleep so he knows you don't sneak out? 🤷
You have a looooong talk with Pony and Soda but after you got them onboard they cover for you for a while. A lot of sneaking...but it's one night when he happens to come across you two at Buck's. Yall hadn't realized he was there and a fight broke out, to which Tim protected you, and then after Darry approached yall, tried to protect you from getting yelled at too. After that night he agreed, but he definitely was very strict with Tim about safety and how late you had to be home.
Sodapop: Soda's actually super cool with it. In the series, Soda looked up to Tim and ended up getting scolded by Tim for taking Darry for granted. Soda likes Tim, and yeah, he knows he has a bad record, but he 100% trusts Tim.
He tries to stay out of the fight the night Darry finds out, but otherwise he's usually more than willing to help you sneak out, that is as long as you promise to stay safe.
Ponyboy: Now this little shit is a conniving backstaber. But he did it out of love or whatever so 🙄😒... He uhhh caught you sneaking out. And uhhh "he was worried you'd get kidnapped or get hurt being out that late." He didn't actually know it was Tim you were with, so you can't COMPLETELY blame him, but at the same time I give you full permission to give him shit and make him feel guilty.
He caught you sneaking out at WAY past curfew and couldn't catch you before you were gone. So, like the worry wart Pony is woke Darry and sat with him until you got back. It's not that he cares once he finds out it's Tim, he trusts Tim fully, but he worries constantly anyways.
Steve: Honestly similar to Soda. Steve usually just kinda goes with what Soda thinks and vice versa with the exception of a few rare occasions. He wants you safe, he sees you as family too, but it's not really his love life to meddle with and he knows Tim's not that bad either. However, he is one of the first to say he'd beat up Tim for you if he had to. More than willing to fight in a rumble against the Shepard gang is worst comes to worst happened.
Johnny: Johnny stays out of it. He stays out of most things, especially if it gets Darry or Dally mad, but this he just figures yall can handle on your own. Johnny doesn't like judging people much, especially his own kind, so he's not upset that you like Tim. He's extremely cautious though. Johnny ultimately cares about nothing but you're safety because let's face it the gang is his family. Like actually is his family. He's the beat one to vent to though whenever you and Tim get into a small fight or whatever though.
Twobit: Two is giving you so much shit. Will not stop teasing even well into the relationship. He finds out because let's be honest, Soda can only keep a secret from Darry. Everyone else in the gang? Yeah not so much. Two is poking fun in FRONT OF DARRY too just to get a rise outta you, but he'll never out you or tell Darry on you. He just likes teasing.
Dally: Ha. He hands you a switchblade. Okay okay so Dally and Tim are major frenemies. They get along perfectly sometimes, and other times Dally is using you to get back at him. Like Johnny, Dally has a protective eye on you, so of course he's...not the happiest to receive the news. "HIM? Really? You could do so much better!" He thinks Tim's too similar to him and believes full heartedly he'll break your heart. In fact, at first he believes Tim's dating you to mess with him. It takes a LONG time before he recognizes that you actually care about each other and accepts it. That's not to say you can stop carrying that switchblade though.
Tim: Well....you're dating so obviously he likes you, dummy 🤷 Lmfao kidding kidding. Sooo Tim definitely enjoys the thrill of sneaking around with you late at night and breaking Darry's rules with you, but in the end he knows Darry's a good guy for worrying. He respects Darry's position as your caretaker and as the neighborhood's older brother, but... everyone needs to break their parent's rules as a teen. And by parent yes of course I refer to Darry as a parent.
That is to say though, because Darry and Tim are so similar in age and both respect each other, just like he had yelled at Soda in the series, is not afraid to put his foot down if you go too far with disobeying your brother or if he thinks you're in too much danger. He's your protector when the boys aren't around and even when they are, he still keeps tabs.
Curly: Curly doesn't know much about you, but you are the only girl Tim's ever seemed serious about. And by that he means first girl that Tim's brought home and made food for. He and Angela adore you, because I mean, anyone that can hook Tim is pretty respectable, but Curly's just...Curly. He'll be polite to you but he'll try and shit talk Tim every change he gets. Kinda trying to sabotage Tim lol but he ultimately is very happy for you guys. Actually enjoys when you come over because there's someone to talk to that isn't a hood or a trashy flirt that just wants a hook up.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
Help from Anyone who loves The Lost Boys!
I’m attempting to write Lore for a new fic (actually it’s a part 2 to a fic I already wrote) but I was wondering if anyone had any Headcanons about HellHounds in the Lost Boys universe?
Obviously Max has Thorn and she’s a German Shepard and extremely protective of him (especially when asleep) but I mean any other little things that you just know are true about hellhounds. I want to give the boys and their mate a hellhound in my story and I was having some trouble deciding exactly how to make them.
I’m definitely thinking along the lines of Aspen from What We Do in the Shadows.
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