#“Oooh so OF COURSE I get to be a superhero
olibensstuff · 1 year
what if I make a spider sona what then
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frownyalfred · 3 months
oooh i haven’t stopped thinking about the whole sups accidentally hurting bats thing. but hear me out, i don’t think it would be clark. clark has gone through his entire life deathly afraid of hurting the fragile humans around him, knowing that he was fundamentally different. he probably hugged his mom too hard as a kid and broke her ribs or something, and since then has known he can’t trust himself. and i mean there’s a loneliness and tragedy there, bc he can never fully relax. he can’t hug someone properly, he can’t loose himself during sex, he can’t afford to get angry in public and accidentally crush the chair he’s holding. when he’s rescuing someone, even if he only has split seconds to save them, he can’t grab them too hard and hurt them or everyone will accuse him of being a monster. he’s constantly hyper-vigilant and grows up alone and different.
jon on the other hand doesn’t have any of these hang ups as a kid. like yes he knows his mom is more fragile (physically), but he has his dad, the whole superfam, and a grows up with a whole host of durable superheroes around him who he doesn’t have to watch himself around. and obviously he cares about people and is careful, but he doesn’t have the same fear that echos clark’s every move. and clark tells him to be careful of course, but he doesn’t want to pass his loneliness and trauma down to his son either. and while jon obviously knows that damian is human, he’s such a tough superhero that he subconsciously slots him into the same category as his dad and women woman and kon etc. and if he grips a little too tight, damian won’t let him know bc pain is weakness etc. so jon is just the tiniest bit less careful around his best friend, until one day, with everyone there he, seriously hurts damian. and bruce is yelling at clark, and saying cruel things in his fear and worry bc he can’t express it any other way, jon is crying, and clark is just horrified bc this is all his worst nightmares. someone he cares about is injured, he’s loosing the trust of his friend, his son now has his trauma, and he’s worrying that bruce now fears them and sees them as monsters. much angst.
that was long winded and idk how realistic it is, but i just couldn’t stop thinking about the scenario and how it would play out and i had to share my brain worms lol. and just the juxtaposition of how it would happen/not happen with different characters based on their past is so interesting
I agree, it wouldn’t be Clark. Clark is so hyper-vigilant that the only time it might have happened would be during a quick unexpected save (grabbing Bruce at the last second midair etc). Jon is a much more likely candidate because they’re uncertain about him being half Kryptonian and as you said, Clark doesn’t want to pass along his issues to his son if he doesn’t have to.
I think Kon accidentally hurting Tim could happen too - esp if Lex was involved a lot in his early years and not Clark. Clark’s caution is so useful but only if he passes it along! That’s all Bruce wants.
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baenyth · 5 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews: The New York Special
New York! New York! It's a Fuck of a town! The Bronx is up but the Battery's down! I was spooked by it when I went there in the summer of 2017-ound! New York! New York! It isn't a town!
(It's a city.)
(Also I heard Alya and Nino did a big no-no here so I'll keep my eyes out.)
Oooh! Big new Fancy Opening!
Good introduction, silly stuff with Mr. Pigeon, New suits that I'll talk more about in season 5, etc.
Green typically represents jealousy, Chat. It's good to see you trying to befriend Ladybug instead of flirting with her, though.
Also good ego. It's hard to balance your ego from experience.
And of course Marinette harshly simps for Adrien when it's a detriment to her. Do the salters live in backwards land or something? Chat Noir isn't perfect but he has more respect for Ladybug's boundaries. He doesn't sniff Ladybug's pillow, and I doubt he would even if he knew where she lived.
Sock puppetry lmao
Chloe, shouldn't you be happy about going to New York? You wanted to move there with the Karen that birthed you.
Get disrespected lmao
I love through that sock-filled monologue Marinette implied Lila wasn't their friend. Then again, considering my belief that more of the class is sus of Lila than Marinette,
Yes! Marinette's actually letting go! Or at the very least trying to! Forget what I said earlier. Baby steps, baby steps.
I'm assuming Ladybug's taking the Horse Miraculous with her again like with Startrain. Also the Kitty toy alarm's so cuute!
Dramatic irony lmao "Do you see a supervillain in the house?"
I'm also glad we're getting Luka and Kagami content, even if they aren't going on the trip.
Adrien's dad is coming! And I think he's afraid of flying!
Oh god. This relationship is an agony of cringe. Also quit encouraging it, Alya. Even Rose seems to be for Marinette changing seats and she's an utter romantic.
He is afraid of flying.
Sleep cute. I love it. And the ships too.
Oh no. Alya, Nino, don't do it. Marinette and Adrien are better off as friends. Don't do what I think you're going to do.
He doesn't look that much like a pirate. Aren't supervillains supposed to have more swag than this? Maybe he's just a villain.
Oh yeah. The Miraculous isn't the only magic (in an abstract literary sense) in this verse. There's also superheroes. And all the other Zagtoon shows.
Adrien and Marinette are made for eachother in the same way water and cesium is.
They're really trying to tell me Sabrina is bi and into some guy she just met? I could probably believe the bi part, actually, but only if she uses her love language: acts of service pushed to the extreme.
The mischevious
They're really trying to act as if Sabrina isn't approx. as evil as Chloe and pushing this relationship with what looks like a background character?
Hot Dog superhero whose hot dogs empower others. This is objectively the best superhero I've seen.
Fuck it. I'll take this. There's Julerose in this slow dancing scene. Look on the bright side of life.
Doors! Doors! Doors! Doors!
Oh. So it's the teenaged American heroes suggesting that. Oh. Alya's more innocent than thought. She's still into it, though.
Why is Uncanny Valley's superhero design so white? And just looks like that in general? Sparrow's is cool and practical, though.
There's the piracy! I was looking for that!
Why did Techno Pirate only steal her third eye? She's 100% technology! Oh. He just couldn't.
Ladybug, quit distracting Chat Noir. He fully did not expect this.
Oh. Chat Noir had time, he was just anxious or something. Yeah. I get it now. Ladybug has the right to be pissed.
So it was an accidental killing. And she was only corroded, not dusted.
What is with these assholes? Technolyzer or whatever his name was the one that forced Chat Noir to cataclysm Uncanny Valley, and yet they're blaming Ladybug and Chat Noir?
Reused sewer model
No, Chat, she would've been fine no matter what. The Miraculous Big Bang undoes death. It undoes erasure from existence.
This feels forced. Too forced.
...Is that her civilian model? And at least someone's getting consequences for trying to force Adrienette.
This is a joke. That sopping wet cat breakup is a joke. Marinette's unfaithfulness is a joke. The superheroes under liberation are jokes. Why is Miracalyzer or whatever his name is making someone want to take people's freedoms away? Oh right. We got this much Julerose content in an absolute joke of a special. Cursed irony.
Alright, the orchestral reprise of Chat Noir's transformation was pretty cool, I'll admit. He's back!
Miracolonizer? Is that his name?
So was Adrien's dad just listening to stuff in his room this whole time?
And was this trip that short?
And all the VAs were dehydrated at the time due to production fuckery and a constrained schedule?
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So that's what that fic was talking about. It was a Julerose fic as well. Marinette was dating Luka and Adrien was dating Kagami at the time of this special. No mention of polyamory. They were making her cheat. This is Luka disrespect. This is Kagami disrespect. Alya, what the fuck? Also the other plot stuff was just My Hero Academia again, and I hate My Hero Academia.
Edit: So apparently Adrien was told he's going to New York right as he was leaving. So it wasn't his fault.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Ok i'll bite, tell me more about the superhero AU please? (I need to know how you're doing the clones without them being clones or related to Jango)
I know this has been in my inbox for a few days now Anon, and for that I'm sorry! Just had a lot of stuff come up that I had to finish before I devoted attention to this ask.
But oooh boy, what a can of worms you've opened up! I'll keep it under a cut because it's gonna get long.
Ok so, the premise for the Superhero AU is a simple one: It's a modern world AU where the Jedi are people (and sometimes creatures) with superhuman abilities bestowed upon them by an unknown entity known simply as the Force.
They live and train at a monastery, and are raised on core values that are designed specifically so that their powers are put to use for the betterment and safety of man kind, instead of being misused for personal gain or chaos. Basically the Jedi are Jedi, even in this world. They just also have regular lives outside of the monastery so that they are more connected with the people they're meant to protect.
(Examples: Obi-wan works as a science teacher at the high school Ahsoka and Barriss are studying at, Mace is an acclaimed actor at a theater, Plo Koon is an archeologist that collaborates with the local museum, Anakin is just starting Uni, etc...)
They're the guardians of their quaint little planet, and it's their sole duty to defend it from villainous intentions. Something that doesn't really appeal to recently appoint Mayor Palpatine, who has a world domination agenda he'd very much like to get on with.
He needs to get rid of the Jedi but he doesn't really have powers of his own. Just a lot of money, connections and political favour. He does, however, also have something else: Access to an otherworldly being that possesses a massive amount of power.
In this world Jango Fett is essentially the equivalent of Superman gone bad. He belongs to a now extinct species of humanoids who had extraordinary abilities that allowed for them to adapt to any kind of environment (making them into great terraformers and warriors, which inevitably got them into a lot of conflict with other alien species and caused a terrible war that destroyed their planet), and who was sent out in a pod as a baby to escape the end of days in his homeworld.
He was found and raised by Jaster Mereel, living a pretty calm existence for the first 12 years of his life. But, as he began to slowly develop his powers, it became apparent that being raised outside of his native planet lead to these abilities never really stabilizing, essentially turning Jango into a conglomerate of all kinds of insane powers that many of Jaster's less morally sound acquaintances wanted to exploit for their own gain.
Things quickly went sour after that. Despite his best attempts to protect his son, Jaster was brutally murdered in front of Jango, and the young boy ended up imprisoned and brutally tortured for several years to "break his spirit" so that his captors could then control him. Unfortunately for them, Jango being subjected to the worst possible treatment and then forced to witness all kinds of corrupt and morally bankrupt behaviors had the opposite effect of what they wanted.
Disgusted with how vile humanity could be, an enraged Jango Fett annihilated his captors and vowed to destroy both those who'd wronged him, as well as wipe out the entire planet (and himself by proxy). And he nearly succeeded, had it not been for the Jedi managing to subdue and trapped him in stasis in collaboration with several nations.
For years Jango Fett has been kept in stasis. Mostly because the Jedi do not agree on killing him, and the military hasn't figured out a way to do it (aside from being nearly indestructible his healing factor is far too strong) that wouldn't also risk causing a ecological catastrophe. And now that Palpatine is in power and has the military in his pockets, he has access to Jango. He isn't foolish enough to wake him up of course, but he does still very much want all of Jango's powers under his control.
So begins a military project that is designed specifically to harness and control abilities that could rival even the Jedi's own connection to the Force. Perhaps even be used to destroy them.
The first iteration of the project (which has Lama Su as the head chief) does indeed involve cloning. But rather than the refined Kaminoan level of cloning that exists in the SW universe, what happens in this world is a little different.
Boba and Omega are the only clones that end up being created, but they age at a normal pace and their powers come well after puberty. They are thus deemed as a failure and a waste of time, and relegated for testing and studying as they slowly grow up in a lab.
The second iteration of the project (with Hemlock in command of it) is much more successful. It involves extracting Jango's DNA, distilling it, and basically creating a concoction of sorts contained within a spherical glowing capsule, that can give people powers if they were to consume it.
The initial tests were conducted on animals and were seemingly successful. Common household pets and pests such as dogs, cats, rats, insects, etc, having become highly dangerous and unusually intelligent beasts (these creatures were subsequently stored for later military use).
It was after the initial testing was conducted that Hemlock's assistant (Emerie) decided she didn't feel comfortable bestowing Palpatine with powers he clearly shouldn't be trusted with, and tried to pull the plug on the project... With disastrous effect. Several crates full of the capsules ended up falling into the river adjacent to the military research facility, and they were carried out towards the unsuspecting city.
And this is where things get interesting...
In this world, the clones are not clones (aside from Boba and Omega as stated previously). They aren't even related to Jango Fett. They're regular men, women (and even children) who were just living their own lives before coming across "strange glowing orbs" that exploded on contact after being poked or messed with.
Rex Lawquane only just moved to the big city from his home in the country side, after getting a sports scholarship. He's striving out on his own for the first time after practically living his whole life with his mom (Suu), dad (Cut) and two younger siblings (Shaeeah and Jek).
He's also only just figured out he's trans, and is both coming to terms with reinventing himself, and trying to figure out how to earn enough money to transition (as well as how to break it to his parents, when he's so far away and sending a letter saying 'Hey ma and pa guess what? I'm actually a guy!' doesn't really feel that great to him). Luckily he has his uncle Nicodemus (99) and his little cousins the 16 year old quintuplets Henry (Hevy), Christopher (Cutup), Felix (Fives), Ezequiel (Echo) and Donald (Droidbait) to rely on when he's feeling a little down.
Cody and his father Alphonse (Alpha-17) live in a little cul-de-sac in the outskirts of the city where everyone treats each other like family (to the point where Cody, Bly, Wolffe, Ponds and Fox who all live within the same community call each other 'brothers'), and run a small shop in the city that's barely making rent.
They live fairly simple lives, but overall don't want for more. Even if sometimes Cody and his childhood friends wished their lives were a little more exciting than the stagnant routine they have been stuck with since graduation.
Jesse is a Uni dropout who has taken up several jobs to provide for himself and his two brothers, Kix and Casey (Hardcase), the former having just started medical school and the latter having been struggling in school.
They're not in a great financial situation, and sometimes get into spats over the littlest of things, but they make do with what they have and would move mountains for each other if they could.
Tucker (Tup) and Matthew (Dogma) are 12 year old twins with a very difficult home life. Their older brother (Slick) ran away from home a while back to get away from their abusive father (Krell), and both they and their mother have been in witness protection for a couple of weeks due to Krell's involvement with the mafia and threats of violence against his wife and children.
Things aren't great and the twins don't have many friends, but they do their best to help their mom run her bakery when they're not in school. Both wish they were strong enough to protect her from their monster of a dad.
Hunter, Tech, Wrecker and Crosshair (yep their names haven't changed in this because they named themselves) have just grown out of the foster care system, and are trying to make better lives for themselves after being put through the grinder several times before.
Living in a crappy apartment in a shady part of town run by a rather strict and opportunistic landlady (Cid), the four 'brothers' earn what little they can through acts of petty crime like burglaries and pick pocketing. Deep down all four of them have dreams of better more honest lives, however...
As you can see, very few of them have any connection to each other. Rex is related to 99 and Domino Squad, and is the son of Cut and Suu, but doesn't personally know Cody or the other Commanders like in the regular SW universe. CF99 are fending for themselves and have no connection whatsoever to any of the other characters. Not even Cody. If anything a lot of them have only ever seen each other on the bus, or at the park, in a shop, or at the mall once or twice.
The range of ages between them also varies greatly, with Tup and Dogma being the youngest at 12, Domino Squad and Hardcase being 16, Rex, Jesse and Kix being 19, etc...
Which leads us to the orbs and their effect.
Because, even if the clones aren't clones in this world, their lives aren't just about to take a turn because they suddenly have powers. No. To better assimilate these abilities and not risking a rejection event, their DNA is also altered to the point where their appearance changes to be near identical to Jango Fett's (or as close as possible, with some of them retaining eye color, hair color, birthmarks, ailments, etc).
How each of them finds one of the orbs varies just as much as their life's circumstances. But the results are all the same. The orbs explode (splashing them with the concoction) and over the next couple of days everyone who was afflicted begins to show strange symptoms of some "unknown illness".
It starts with aches and sores which escalate into extreme fevers. Then their appearance begins to change. The afflicted are taken to doctors all around the city, but no one knows what's going on. And then one night everything takes a turn for the worst...
The orbs weren't perfect at replicating all of Jango's powers at once. They could only bestow one or two powers to whomever took the concoction, and even then there was no way to predict what power someone might get. So, all at once, the afflicted suddenly found themselves with powers they could not control at all. Some more catastrophic in nature than others...
Here are several examples of just how bad that night went:
Rex ends up destroying the apartment building he lives in when his new size-shifting abilities cause him to grow gigantic.
Cody bursts into flames in the middle of his and his dad's shop, not only consuming the entire building but also catching fire to several more as he runs down the street in a terrified panic.
Jesse's strength quadruples and he begins to break things without meaning to. Terrified he might hurt his brothers, he smashes through several walls in an attempt to run away from them.
Hardcase literally explodes, taking out an entire block in the process. He ends up unconscious in a crater of his own creation afterwards.
Kix begins to absorb electricity and causes a blackout, further throwing the city into chaos.
Dogma transforms into a kaiju and runs rampant out of sheer terror.
The entire city is plunged into chaos in such a rapid sequence of events, that the Jedi don't have time to react. The military however had been monitoring where the orbs ended up, and had been observing the afflicted after they'd accidentally activated them. They'd merely been bidding their time so they could swoop in and capture everyone who had come into contact with one of the orbs.
Several lives are upturned, with several innocent people left grappling with their new circumstances.
An identity crisis and sudden fear of their newfound capabilities, is something that Palpatine very easily exploits to keep his new army in line. Because all of these unfortunate men and women surely have families and friends that they care for, right? They wouldn't want them to suffer if they stepped out of line, right?
His superhuman troopers might not want to destroy the Jedi, but they don't really have much of a choice. Palpatine isn't giving them one. That said, to take out the Jedi there's still a lot of preparations to be made. Such as making this new group of heroes more appealing and trustworthy to the general masses. And not all of their powers are great for PR (a kaiju and someone who explodes sure don't inspire trust).
But hey, Palpatine worked in theater before becoming a politician. He can work with what he's got. If some of them can't play the part of hero, they can certainly play the villain.
I have had a lot of time to think about this AU and once again it's another 'Palpatine plays 4D chess with everyone and the clones are well aware he's a villain but don't have much of a choice in the matter and regretfully go along with his plans because they're trapped' scenario. But it's a fun one that involves them still trying to make names for themselves and figure out their own identities, with a healthy dose of 'oh god what's happened to me' thrown into the mix.
The blorbos must be put through the horrors to later surpass them and come out of the ordeal stronger and more confident!
Or maybe I'm just insane.
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allthefoolishdreams · 2 months
hello!! sorry i know it's been ages since you reblogged that ask game, but 3, 4, 19 and 25 for spidey minlix please? <3
hii!! okay had to scroll back to find it but thanks for the asks <333
3. Did the idea change at all by the time the fic was complete?
obviously the fic is not yet complete but the general idea and overarching plot at its core is more or less the same. however once I actually started writing I decided to flesh it out more which of course changed some things, because there's definitely scenes that I did not originally plan out
4. If the fic required it, what did you research in order to write it?
i did look up different museums in nyc and what art/artifacts they have, but im pretty sure i have kept it somewhat vague within the story. also watched a show about art heists that happened to get ideas but i do rely on movie heist logic since it's a superhero fic anyways. another thing i've done research was spider-man lore to get inspiration on the plot and what the villains would be up to, and storylines that had spider-man and black cat team ups, again for some plot inspo (also to find quotes for the chapter titles)
19. While editing, did you kill any darlings? What were they?
honestly no, i did not actually kill any darlings i definitely reworked stuff but it lead to me writing scenes i liked a bit better, there are ideas that i have but since i havent written those in yet i dont think they count as being killed if i dont include them. (i do have the final scenes written so those darlings might die depending on how the rest of the middle goes)
25. Share your favorite line
oooh ngl i dont think i can choose a favorite line!!
fic writer asks!
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writings-of-a-demigod · 10 months
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It was a quite night tonight, nothing major which was a relief. Don’t get me wrong, being a vigilante was great but come on you need a break from idiots who thinks they can get away with small crimes.
As you were chilling just waiting for crime to just happen an alarm went off in one of the shops 4 blocks away. Your system located the shop and you were on your way. When you arrived there so did someone else in a superhero custom and it was not Spiderman, it was a girl.
You both charged and took control of the situation without anyone getting hurt in the process. Of course, to police showed up and took those thieves away.
“Mmm are we working on the same team? Oooor…..” she trailed off.
“Well since it looks like we’re both trying to stop them I’m guess yes.” You replied.
“Cool just checking.” She waved her hand “I’m Ms. Marvel and you are?”
“I’m Y/V/N. or at least that’s what they’re calling m…” before you got the chance to finish your sentence, she interrupted you.
“OOOH I KNOW YOU!!” she pointed at you “You were on the news stopping the bank robbery like two months ago. Dude that was AMAZING!!”
You raised your eyebrow at her “So are you like a new superhero?” you asked.
“Sorta yeah still figuring the kinks of all of this. I did some superhero stuffs here and there you know.” She tried to play it cool.
“Yeah I do, so Ms. Marvel ain’t that like Captain Marvel’s name?”
“OH MY GOSH YES! She’s my idol! I would follow that woman anywhere.” She started to daydream.
“Are you worried about the fact that you are taking her name and she would have a problem with that?” you started walking side by side.
You figured if someone idolized Captain Marvel that much they will be fighting for the right side.
“Yeah but I’m sure I will meet her like ever.” She answered honestly.
“Hey you never know. She might come into your house and meet her biggest fan.” You smiled at her.
And she smiled back “Yeah, I would love for that to happen.”
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fantasy football. ( tecton x reader )
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gif belongs to me
It was Kaz's idea to place bets on which superhero could perform the most rescues. You knew firsthand how competitive Tecton was, and when you were placed on different teams, you knew the teenager's betting would turn ugly. Soon, hero turned on hero, and you refused to be a part of the mayhem unfolding. After failing to try and stop Tecton from focusing on placing the bets against the importance of saving Normos, you grew frustrated with your husband's competitive streak that was clouding his judgment.
After failing to reach his reasonable side, you decided to fight fire with fire and stole every rescue you could, raising the stakes. It made you smirk when you saw how frustrated he was becoming when you used your telekinetic powers to toss him aside, to steal his rescues.
You were in Mighty Med when you saw the news coverage of the bridge, setting down the weights when you saw Kaz and Skylar tied to the bridge. You took in as much detail as you could, recognizing the Franklin Bridge before making a swift exit from the hospital.
Using your powers, you exited the portal you created and rested your hands on your hips as it closed behind you. "You both okay?"
"Yeah," Skylar replied.
"Define okay," Kaz responded.
You looked at Sonic Shriek, "We can end this peacefully."
"I have a better idea." He blasted you with his powers and you covered your ears, groaning due to the ringing in your ears. You tried to blast him backward but felt yourself getting weaker and crumbled to the ground.
"What is happening?"
"Her powers stem from her mind. He's blocking them with the pressure!" Kaz explained. "She can't fight back!"
You turned onto your stomach when Sonic Shriek walked toward you, relieved he had ended your torment, feeling as if your head was going to explode. Kaz looked at you worriedly when you were tied up beside them, your movements sluggish, and he looked at Skylar when she began to yell about Tecton, knowing how protective your husband was of you, Kaz joined in.
"Oh, you are so gonna pay, pal!"
You looked at the two teenagers, "While I do appreciate your admiration for my husband, can you turn it down a notch? My head is killing me."
You closed your eyes tightly before looking at the supervillain, "What are your plans? To destroy a bridge, for what purpose?"
"My own amusement and relief knowing there is one less bridge out there."
"He really hates inventors," Kaz told you.
You expected the two had endured the full monologue of his evil plans and decided once was enough. "You won't get away with this. If you destroy the bridge, you will take us with it, and you will never know peace again. You will be chased relentlessly."
"By who? Tecton." He laughed, "Oooh, I am so frightened of that towering blond -"
Tecton landed in a crouched position, his fist on the ground. He rose to his full height as he narrowed his eyes at Sonic Shriek.
"Tecton!" Kaz grinned with relief.
Tecton stepped forward, stomping, shaking the ground, and causing your capture to be blown back a few feet. He looked at you with a question in his eyes.
"He blocked my powers." You explained.
Tecton frowned deeply before turning to Sonic Shriek.
"When I heard you three were in danger, I came as soon as I could."
"Finally! A hero who is not obsessed with stats or rankings." Skylar exclaimed.
"Actually, I need the Normo rescue because that stupid runaway Ferris wheel was empty." Your husband of two years complained. When you raised an eyebrow at his answer, he quickly added, "And to save you, of course."
"You poor baby!" You replied sarcastically. "Now that you're all cried out, do you think you can get us out of here?"
Tecton sent you a look, his lips pursed to hide his amusement. "You are so adorable when you're annoyed."
After knocking the supervillain unconscious, Tecton came to your side, untying you, and then helped Kaz. You swayed on your feet when you stood up and Tecton caught you before you stumbled. Kaz freed Skylar while the blond superhero fretted over you.
"My head is killing me." You whispered, placing your hands on his chest.
Tecton swept you into his arms and looked at you worriedly when you rested your head against his chest.
Tecton looked over his shoulder at Sonic Shriek before looking at you, "Come on," He handed Kaz his cell phone and told him who to call as he tied Sonic Shriek to the bridge, trapped with bent iron bars until backup arrived.
"I'll stay here," Skylar assured him.
"Yeah, me too." Kaz nodded.
Tecton sent the two a nod before crouching slightly, the ground shaking as he shot into the sky.
When you opened your eyes a short while later, Tecton was sitting next to you reading a newspaper that was tossed aside when he noticed you were awake.
"Hi," You smiled softly.
Tecton took your hand, flashing you a smile before kissing your forehead, lingering for a moment. "How are you feeling?"
"A little tired. But the pain's gone. Sonic Shriek?"
"Enjoying his cell downstairs."
"Who won?" You asked.
Tecton grinned, "Sorry,"
You rolled your eyes, "No you're not."
"Maybe a little." He placed a hand on your cheek, "I'll find Horace."
You watched him walk away and smiled fondly. You knew how you would react if your husband was weakened considerably, losing consciousness, and understood how he was feeling.
Passing the minutes, you sat up in the bed as you read the newspaper which detailed the imprisonment of Sonic Shriek, as you waited for Tecton to return. You noticed Kaz and Oliver following Horace and Tecton and sent the two Normos a smile.
"Hey, you're awake!" Kaz grinned.
"Am I right in assuming, I have you to thank for that?" You looked at Oliver who nodded, explaining how they were able to relieve the pressure in your brain with Absolute Zero's help.
Tecton grabbed Kaz by his shirt, throwing him aside and you reacted quickly, raising your hands, stopping the teen from colliding with the wall. You sent your smiling husband a stern glance as you lowered Kaz to the ground.
"That was awesome!"
You shook your head at his excitement, looking at Horace when he explained you could go home, his only recommendation being to rest for a few days.
"Don't worry -" Tecton interrupted before you could argue about how much rest you required, "She will."
You playfully rolled your eyes and sent him flying in the air with a wave of your hand. Tecton raised an eyebrow as he landed gracefully.
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coraniaid · 11 months
Oooh there are so many good prompts, it's hard to choose! I'm gonna go with Fuffy + 13. “You make me feel safe.” :)
Sorry this took so long! To be honest, I'm still not 100% happy with it, but one of the things I was trying to do with these prompts was let myself write quick and short stand-alones without worrying too much about editing them afterwards and it's already been over three weeks. Hopefully it works okay as it is.
This is an almost canon-compliant S7, except that Faith got broken out of prison and came to Sunnydale a few months earlier than she did in canon.
Faith remembers the first night she ever came to Buffy’s house.
She’d only been in Sunnydale for a couple of days.  Hadn’t had a decent meal since getting off the coach.  Or for a couple of weeks before getting on the coach, come to think of it.  And, yeah, maybe Buffy’s invitation had seemed a little stiff, a little bit unenthusiastic - maybe she'd got the sense, even then, that Buffy didn't exactly want her around - but she’d still figured it was worth it. Where was the harm in checking out how the other Slayer lived, with a free meal along the way?
She’d already known Buffy had things easier than she did, but she hadn’t really been ready for just how much she had. For just how rich her life was.  She remembers looking around the living room before they ate, thinking how big it was – how full of furniture and art and books and framed photos of Buffy and her family – how much smaller and emptier it made the shitty little motel she was sleeping in feel.  She remembers sitting opposite Buffy at a huge table, trying to play it cool, while Buffy’s mom kept bringing in bowl after bowl of food from out of the kitchen.  She remembers the way Joyce had asked Faith questions while she ate, had seemed interested in her answers in a way Faith doesn’t think most people ever were. In a way nobody had treated Faith before Diana. And she remembers the way Buffy’s kid sister had looked at her while they all ate: like she was the coolest person she’d ever met, maybe the coolest person alive.  A superhero, or something.  
(From what Faith’s been told, this part didn’t happen.  Dawn wasn’t really there. Faith’s not too clear on exactly where she was.  But that’s how she remembers it.)
The part with Buffy’s mom had been real though.  She’s pretty sure of that.  She remembers as well that, weeks later, Joyce had worried about Faith spending the holidays alone and gotten Buffy to invite her over for Christmas.  Joyce had always looked out for her.  Always cared about her.  Now Joyce is dead, and practically the last memory of her Faith has is of holding a knife to her throat and promising to kill her.  Just one more evil fucked-up thing she’s done that she’s never going to be able to make right.   
Truth is that she’d been kind of awestruck back then, and not just by the house.  Not just by Buffy’s family.  By all of it.  By Buffy’s whole life.  She’d even let.herself think that maybe she had a place here.  Somewhere safe.  Somewhere she belonged, with someone who might …  well, whatever.  She always had been a little slow.  Buffy had made it clear where they really stood soon enough.  That there were parts of her life Faith would be tolerated in, if not exactly welcomed, and other parts that were pretty much permanently off limits. 
Four years later, the place doesn’t seem quite so big.
These days the Summers’ house has to hold a lot more people than just three. Not just Buffy and her sister, but Willow, Xander and Anya too, plus an ever-growing small army of Potential Slayers.  And Faith herself, of course.  Somehow she’d made it here after all.  It isn’t quite what she’d expected.  And not just because it's an awful lot more crowded.  
That’s why, when it happens, Faith’s not totally surprised to find Buffy waiting outside the room she’d managed to snag for herself when she first arrived here in the fall.  The other Slayer looks at her a little nervously, like she’s about to break some bad news.  Still, at least Faith knows it can’t be too terrible.  She’s just got back from a late night patrol, and everyone who should be alive in here still is. For now.
“Willow and I have been talking, and … um,” Buffy hesitates. "Do you mind if I sleep in here tonight?"
What Buffy manages not to say – as if everyone in the house didn’t know – is that Red and Kennedy have been getting real serious lately, and not exactly shy about expressing their affections either.  They weren't exactly keeping their hands to themselves. So unless Buffy had gotten a lot more relaxed about some things in the last three years – which Faith kind of doubts, whatever that Spike guy says – she could hardly keep sharing her old room with Willow the way she’s been doing since Faith arrived.
Faith rather likes Kennedy, all things considered.  She’s got a bit of an attitude on her, sure, and she goes out of her way to get in Buffy’s face a lot more often than she should, but then, Faith would have to be awfully hypocritical to get mad at somebody else for doing any of that.  Besides, you need an attitude if you’re going to make it as a Slayer.  Need some sort of edge.  You need a bit of backbone and self-confidence, just as much as you need the actual superpowers, if you’re planning to live for long.  So Kennedy’s all right, as far as Faith’s concerned.   
That’s why she reminds herself not to be too mad at the Potential for costing her a comfortable bed at training tomorrow morning.  Tells herself she won’t spend too much time thinking up more painful drills tonight.  Or at least that she won’t actually make Kennedy do many of them.
"No problem, B," she says now with a casual shrug. "I guess I'll see if there's a spare cot in the basement."
Oddly, that doesn’t seem to be the answer Buffy was hoping for.  She frowns, like Faith’s just said something wrong.  
(That’s a look that Faith’s had plenty of time to get used to in her years in Sunnydale.)
"No," Buffy tries again.  "I meant, maybe I could sleep with you.”  
The other Slayer’s eyes widen slightly a second after she says that, which Faith figures means it takes her that long to properly hear what she actually said.
“In the same room, I mean!” the other Slayer clarifies quickly.  “That we should share.  But not … you know.”
Yeah, Faith knows.  She might be slow, but Buffy’s been pretty clear about that.  And it’s not like Faith’s ever been exactly subtle about making the offer..
(“What are friends for?” she remembers asking Buffy once, out on patrol, a few nights before everything went bad.  On one of the last good nights, before Faith had managed to ruin things forever.  And Buffy had just looked at her, the way she always did back then, prim and proper and faintly disapproving, and told her that she thought “that stuff” ruined friendships.  
So they both knew where they stood, even back then.  At least she’d never been desperate enough to beg.)
“Unless ... that's not weird, is it?” Buffy asks her. “ You wouldn’t mind?  You can find somewhere else if you want, or I can, only I–"
Watching Buffy nervously babble, a faint blush still visible on her cheeks, Faith could almost kid herself that no time at all had passed since she first arrived in Sunnydale.  That there’s going to be some big test at school that the older Slayer’s all stressed out about.  That she doesn’t work there, that she isn’t suddenly old enough to own a house and have a job and be raising her kid sister all by herself.  That as late as it is, they could still sneak out to the Bronze after this, just the two of them, and that this time, maybe …
“It’s your house,” Faith says with another shrug, not sure if she wants to think about how she feels about sharing a room with Buffy, even now.  “As long as you don’t snore, we’re five by five.”
The familiar way Buffy reacts that – like she’s affronted, but not actually angry – makes Faith think she must’ve managed to hit the right tone this time.
“I don’t snore,” Buffy says firmly.  “Anything Dawn says to suggest otherwise is a total lie.”
"That’s okay, B," Faith makes herself grin, trying to hang on to the familiar feeling while she can. "I've shared a cell with girls who do a lot worse than snore."
“Surprised you ain’t sharing a room with Dawn, actually,” she admits, a little bit later, once they’re both inside.  “Or one of the Potentials.”
Somebody who isn’t her, she means.  Somebody that Buffy might actually like.  Somebody she can trust.
“Well, Dawn’s the one who snores,” Buffy says.  “And she needs some space of her own.  For homework, and for … I just don’t want to take that away from her.”
Faith’s not sure what to say to that. Even before she was Called, she never had the sort of childhood Buffy or her sister had.  Never got to be just a girl, the way that they both did.  To have the sort of easy life kids have in crappy teen dramas.  Not that she’s the only one missing out; she guesses a lot of other girls don’t ever get the chance either. A fair few of the Potentials sleeping under this very roof didn't, for a start. 
But watching the way Buffy fights to give Dawn the chance to have that sort of childhood – to protect her from the world, as long as she can –  makes Faith feel … well, she isn’t sure.  Proud, maybe, but sort of sad at the same time. Because nobody ever fought for that on her behalf. Because there's nobody left to fight for it for Buffy. 
She doesn’t know how to explain any of that though.  Guesses Buffy would think she would be being presumptive if she tried.  So she doesn’t say a word.
“And the other girls … they don’t get it,” Buffy says.  “They look at me like I’m something I’m not.  Like I’m like Ri– some kind of army guy.  A general.  Like I’m trying to be special; to put myself above them.  They don’t understand what it means to be like us.”
Truth is Faith isn’t sure what it means to be like them.  If she knew how to be like Buffy, maybe things a few years ago could’ve worked out differently.  She’d convinced herself, for a bit, back in prison, that that’s all she’d ever wanted.  To have been like Buffy: so much like her that she didn’t have to think about being herself anymore.  To have been so good at pretending to be her better half  that she became her.
Then Red had helped bust her out of prison, she’d found herself back in Sunnydale  – because Buffy needed her, so what kind of choice did she have?  – and she’d had to admit to herself that that wasn’t all she’d wanted.  It never had been.
They’re both in bed – on opposite sides of the room, so far apart they couldn’t touch even if they’d wanted to – before the other Slayer speaks again. Buffy had grabbed the bed closest to the window, so to a Slayer’s eyes she’s easy enough to see with the moonlight shining through the curtains. Faith though … well, she's in the dark, isn’t she? That part feels familiar too.
“Is it weird?” Buffy asks her.  “Being back here?”
Faith’s glad, suddenly, that Buffy can’t see her in the darkness.  Can’t see the sudden guilty look on her face; that she doesn’t have to pretend not to be surprised that her thoughts were so obvious. 
“Beats prison, I guess,” she says.
There’s a short silence from the other side of the room.
“Right.  I meant to ask.  Was it …” Buffy doesn’t finish the question.  That’s good.  It means Faith doesn’t have to lie to her.
Prison had sucked.  Of course it had.  Probably would have been a lot worse if Faith hadn’t had her strength and her healing and all the other side-benefits of being a Slayer.  Or maybe not.  Maybe if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have had that same itch, every night.  The need to fight, to hunt down demons and monsters, the conviction that she belonged out there, fighting vampires.  The false conviction that the world needed her out there, fighting the good fight.   
Because it was false.  The world had been just fine without her.  Because there was only ever supposed to be one of them, and it was never meant to be her. She didn’t have anything good left to offer anyone anyway.  She’d belonged in prison.  Buffy had said as much.  And if Buffy said it, it had to be true, no matter how much it hurt.  That was pretty much the one thing Faith had learned since she got here.  That Buffy was the good Slayer, and that she was … the other one.
“The other week,” Buffy says slowly, “Anya told me that …”
Faith feels herself tensing up a little.  She doesn’t really get Anya.  She’s a little odd, even for Sunnydale.  She doesn’t remember her from back in the day either.  Some of the things she says don’t really make any sense, but she figures that’s none of her business.  Hell, apparently the girl was all set to marry Xander Harris.  Why should anything she say make any kind of sense?  But if she's been bitching about Faith behind her back, if she said something that upset Buffy, then maybe–
“Nevermind,” Buffy says, cutting that thought off.  “It’s not important.”
Faith feels herself relaxing slightly, a bit of tension draining out of her.  Neither of them speaks for a few more minutes.
"I'm glad you're back, anyway," Buffy says sleepily, just as Faith’s about to nod off herself. "You being here again … it's good. You make me feel safe."
Even at her most pathetic moments behind bars, Faith doesn't think she'd ever let herself imagine Buffy saying that to her.
"Uh, B," she says slowly.  “You might wanna rethink that idea.  Last I checked, most people in this house are a lot safer to be around than I am.  I mean, there’s a reason Dawn leaves the room whenever I come in, and it’s not just because I keep helping myself to that cereal she likes.” 
She’d be lying if she said it didn’t hurt a little, the whole cold shoulder treatment.  Especially since, the way Willow explained it, Dawn’s the one person Faith remembers from her visit to Sunnydale who she didn’t really do anything to.  Sure, she remembers saying things to her, waving a knife in her face, but that wasn’t her.  It didn’t really happen.
But she gets it.  Of course she does.  It might not be real, but it may as well be.  They both remember it all the same.  And it’s nothing she wouldn’t have done, given the chance.  She’d done a lot worse, hadn’t she?  To people Dawn cared about.  To her mom.  To Buffy.
“Dawn really liked you,” Buffy says quietly.  “She was really hurt when .. you know.  But she’ll get over it eventually. She'll forgive you.”
Faith frowns at that.  Swallows in the dark.
“Maybe she shouldn’t,” she says.  “Maybe I don’t deserve that.  The things I did … to Joyce, to you … maybe nobody should forgive me.  Maybe there’s some things you just can’t ever make right.”
(She remembers the last meeting with Buffy, years earlier.  Back in LA.  In Angel’s place.  Remembers the look on her face.  The tremble of barely suppressed fury in her voice.  “Apologize to me,” Buffy had warned her then, “And I will beat you to death.”  Maybe it would’ve been easier for them both that way.)
“You’re not planning to do anything like that again though, right?” Buffy says, fighting back a yawn, comfortable now in a way Faith doesn’t remember her sounding for years.  For forever, maybe.  “I mean, the First isn’t about to talk you into teaming up to take over the world or anything, right?”
"No," Faith says immediately, awake in a way she wasn’t a minute ago.  "God no, Buffy.  Of course I'd never--"
"So I'm right," Buffy says smugly, and without even turning to look Faith can imagine the satisfied look on her face perfectly.  “This is the safest place I can be right now.”
Faith breathes out, slowly.
“Yeah, I guess,” she says. 
Some things haven’t changed, Faith figures.  However little she likes the thought of being a leader, Buffy sure does love being in control.  Faith can’t say she minds too much though.  Not really.  Deep down, she’s always kind of liked it.
Later, when the other Slayer's fallen asleep, Faith just lays in bed, thinking. Trying to get used to the quiet sounds Buffy makes, lying on the other side of the room. (She doesn't snore, exactly. They're not bad sounds.)
That first year in Sunnydale ... looking back, she'd been so angry, pretty much all the time.  At least, as soon as she’d figured out that Buffy wasn’t ever going to accept her into her life the way she wanted.  She’d wanted so badly to be seen, the way that she could see Buffy.  For the other Slayer to recognize something of herself in Faith, something Faith wasn’t sure she had. Because they were the Chosen Two, the only people in the world like each other, but maybe that wasn’t quite enough.
Because Buffy’s wrong.  She is special.  Not because she’s the Slayer, not because she's some kind of General, not because she saved the world a whole bunch of times – although that helps, sure – but because of everything else. Because of the things about her that Faith’s never been able to understand, never been able to imitate: the things that make her different from the person Faith is.  The things that make her better than Faith is, better than she could ever be.  Because she’s Buffy; and because Faith’s not.
Sometimes it feels as though, ever since she arrived in Sunnydale, maybe even before that, Faith’s been nothing but a pale reflection of the older Slayer.  A bad imitation; a cheap and nasty knock-off.  Sometimes it feels like the only thing Faith’s ever really wanted is for the other Slayer to look at her the way she looks at Buffy.  Like she’s the fulcrum on which the whole world rests; the only bright light in a dark and clouded sky. 
Thing is, she's never going to be that for Buffy.  She gets that now.  She's not ever going to be Angel, or Spike, or even that farmhand boytoy Buffy had hooked up with in college.  No amount of wishing or anger or dreaming is ever going to change that.  It’s just not the way the world will ever work.  But maybe that's okay.  With everything she’s done, she doesn’t deserve any of that anyway.  If there was any justice in the world – if Willow hadn’t come to LA last fall, told her that Buffy needed her – she’d still be rotting in a prison cell.  When all this is over, maybe that’s exactly where she’ll end up.
Maybe.  For now, at least, she gets to be needed.  She gets to help.  She gets to be part of Buffy’s life after all, even if it’s not in the way she would’ve wanted.  She gets to be with Buffy -- on patrol, training the Potentials, and sometimes, when she's lucky, in quiet moments alone like this -- without anybody fighting her or calling the cops on her or trying to drag her back to prison.  She gets to listen to her now, breathing quietly as she sleeps.  And that's enough.  Of course it is.  That has to be enough.  It's more than she deserves.
This First Evil demon thing wants to go after the Slayer line?  It wants to hurt Buffy?  Well, let it try.  It'll have to come through her first.  Plenty of chicks in prison had figured out the hard way that Faith was tougher than she looked.  And she's got something to fight for now.  She's found somewhere that she belongs.  If Buffy wants her to play watchdog again, then that’s something she can do.
Faith falls asleep watching Buffy, committing the sight of her face bathed in moonlight to memory.   Because she knows that, however things go from here, this was one of the good nights.  This is a moment she isn’t going to want to forget.
And when Faith sleeps, she dreams.  She dreams of coming around to Buffy’s house again, the way she had that first night, and doing things all over.   She dreams of Homecoming, and Christmas dinners, and dancing side by side at the Bronze.  She dreams of being brave enough to say how she feels instead of muttering an awkward “nothing” to an already closing door.  Faith dreams of Buffy Summers and second chances, with a smile on her face that she can’t know mirrors the smile of the Slayer sleeping across from her.
For now, in this moment, maybe that’s enough.
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jesncin · 7 months
5 days long anon again. Yeah, it took a while because I kept reworking and trying to find the right words. words are hard. Plus anxiety. Constantly worrying if it would be right or sound right. Right now I'm riding the high of "it WAS fine!!" so I'm feeling more confident in sending this.
The whole "oooh superhero lied to someone how bad" when it's about their identity? One thing I clipped from the previous ask was talking about how of course a hero should not disclose their civilian ID because that would put any family or friends in danger. A reporter SHOULD understand that! Or at least a kind one. Of course Clark wouldn't be going around telling people if only because he wants to keep his parents safe. Yet you can't look me in the face and tell me that the Kents wouldn't be leery about telling people their son's origins as an alien regardless of when the story is set because technically? Illegal immigrant baby. Illegal immigrant alien baby, whom any spooky group (military/research/???) might want to get their greasy mitts on. I can see that kind of worry leaving marks on him too, even though he is trying to be kind and good.
Maybe it was "too soon" but Kal-el is talking to someone he's grown to know as both Clark Kent and Superman. Who he feels he can take that risk with. And with something... not small, exactly, but not as harmful to his life as he lives it on Earth? It's not quite a test of trust because that would be too calculated for it but it is something more honest and raw and the little voice in the back of the head going "do you understand? do I understand?".
"I've had to justify fanon to canon" is... odd. Have you had to with the Martians or is it specifically your take on Lois? I admit I haven't been able to read all the comics and random sketches yet but everything I've seen has been built on the trend of compassion and care whether it is for it or in spite of it. ...and sexy abs. (Rudy.)
Run out of steam/focus so hope you have a good night again.
Hiya 5 days anon (Here I am responding now after the strike)! And no worries, I appreciate people taking their time thinking of what to say.
Right! Even without any Superhero-level fantasy stuff- irl journalists write under pseudonyms or protect the privacy of the people they're interviewing all the time (Lois did this in Girl Taking Over!!). This notion that reporters are Kantian "Lying Is Always Bad No Matter What" people is frankly a caricature. Fun for silver age shenanigans, but not if you want your story to have any sort of depth. And yeah! Clark is an illegal immigrant baby. It shouldn't take much imagination to see why he and the Kents would want to keep that a secret (alas some stories think otherwise- I can't help but call the emotional intelligence of the characters into question at that point).
Yeah! I don't imagine Superman telling Lois his Kryptonian name as something pre-meditated, it's very spur of the moment trust. The idea is that he's not ready to disclose his civilian identity yet, but he is trusting Liando with something far more personal.
It's mostly been my Superman stuff. I don't post my Martian art on twidder especially since well. I've always gotten one or two racist comments on my Clois comics but the Private Interview comic just unleashed the floodgate for racist comments. If I get that much heat for a cishet interracial couple, you can imagine how gross people would be to my Martian stuff. There's a portion of cape fandom that just doesn't understand fanon or interpretations and are vehemently against any sort of change. So I get silly comments asking me to justify the change ("Why is Lois Black??") or backhanded compliments hailing me as "the exception to racebends". It's annoying, but in the end the comic really wasn't for them. It's for people like y'all who get it! (like Rudy)
Thank you and good day/night!
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 10
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The next day, at an apartment, Mia was writing in her journal. Until, she heard wind chimes.
Mia: Huh?
Mia turns around and shrugs. But, then, Sister Sisto appears in magenta and dark pink lightning as she screams. Meanwhile, Terry is in the kitchen.
Terry: humming
Terry sighs happily, until he notices Evil Terry sneaking up on the fence. Suddenly, Terry hears something behind him but no one is there
Terry: Huh?
Terry shrugs and heads back to washing the dishes. Suddenly, Terry feels his pants getting pulled down
Terry: Oh ho Ho! Korvo you dirty slut!
Korvo starts dominating Terry.
Terry: Oh yes yes! moans Keep fucking me you! Oooh!
Korvo pants as he fucks Terry.
Korvo: Oh yes! Dirty bookcase! Sexy Netflix Bitch! Slutty Swedish Metabaaaall!
Korvo cums in Terry as he turns visible.
Korvo: pants Oh I never felt this great.
Terry: Me too! gasp upon seeing Evil Terry out the window
Korvo: What is it, Terry?
Korvo: What? sees Evil Terry and gasps
Korvo: SHIT!
Terry pulls up his pants and the two husbands run upstairs while Phoebe sees Evil Terry outside and gasp.
Phoebe: Korvo, who is that?!
Then, Phoebe gasp and recognize him from last night.
Phoebe: You again?!
Phoebe turns back into her superhero form as she gets into fighting stance as Evil Terry bust through the window and growls. Korvo sees Phoebe in her superhero form and gasps.
Korvo: Phoebe?!
Phoebe MacCarthy/???: It’s Starburst now partner!
Starburst does her own pose as she goes mama bear.
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Stay away from my family!
Evil Terry laughs:
Evil Terry: Hello Terry! turns into his super suit as he snarls So nice to finally meet you… by the way, your husband was way bulgier when I. stabbed him!
Korvo scoffs.
Korvo: Well…
Evil Terry/???: You just call me Slither. Because in my dimension, I had an unfortunate lab accident that gave me the power to produce black slime that helps me slither like a snake.
Terry: What are you even doing here?
Evil Terry/Slither: Just two words…. MURDER YOU!
Terry gasps and turns into Mighton.
Terry/Mighton: grabs a table with his strength Stay away from my husband and kids!
Korvo blushes and gets turned on.
Korvo: Honey, you have me so turned on right now! Let’s do this!
Korvo turns into Quasarblast. Quasarblast then turns invisible as he kicks Slither to the ground then Starburst lassoes Slither as she kicks him in the face. Slither growls and pins Quasarblast to the wall.
Evil Terry/Slither: Why can’t you just stay dead?!
Terry/Mighton: Korvy!
Korvo/Quasarblast: Damn it! Get off me!
Mighton however then grabs Quasarblast bridal style and punches Slither in the face as he snarls.
Evil Terry/Slither: Don’t you EVER-
Starburst then pins Slither to the floor. Qausarblast blushes at his husband and kisses him multiple times as Mighton blushes and smiles.
Terry/Mighton: Korvy, what are you doing?
Korvo/Quasarblast: My hero. Mighton smiles and Quasarblast kisses him on the neck
Quasarblast moans.
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Stay down bitch!
Slither growls as his eyes glows red and his skin turns black and he grows bigger and muscular. Quasarblast gasps.
Terry/Mighton: What the hell?
Evil Terry, now a monster, roars and laughs.
Monster Evil Terry: What’s the matter, Terry? Aren’t you happy I’m a Mundane just like you!
Mighton gasped.
Terry/Mighton: What are you talking about!
Korvo/Quasarblast: Honey? What’s wrong?!
Phoebe/Starburst: Did you know about this, Terry?
Mighton starts breathing in and out because he didn’t know. Mundane Slither laugh.
Mundane Evil Terry: Of course he didn’t, because it’s been running in his family for years.
Mighton gasps.
Terry/Mighton: I-I’m half monster?
Evil Terry/Slither: Look at you, traumatized by the news! I always knew the other me was such a wimp.
Mighton however doesn’t fall for it as he looks at Starburst and Mighton as he knows that’s not true.
Terry/Mighton: Nan. I already knew how I am. A family man and a wonderful Shlorpian. That’s who I am
Mundane Slither laughs. Then, Mundane Slither grabs Mighton by the throat as he pins him to the wall.
Korvo/Quasarblast: TERRY!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Let go of him you bitch!
Evil Terry/Slither: Why would I wanna do that if I enjoy squeezing the air out of him?
Mighton gags as Slither chocks him. Something in Quasarblast snaps.
Korvo/Quasarblast: STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!
Quasarblast punches Mundane Slither which causes him to let go of Mighton.
Terry/Mighton: breathes in and out and sighs in relief
The two husbands then embrace each other and kiss while moaning lovingly. Mundane Slither groans in disgust.
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: You stupid bitch!
Quasarblast flips Mundane Slither off.
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: snapping THAT’S IT!
Mundane Slither picks Quasarblast up and throws him across the room.
Terry/Mighton: gasp then growls HEY! DROP MY KORVY!
Mundane Slither growls but drops Quasarblast down as Quasarblast groans
Korvo/Quasarblast: Phew. Thanks honey.
Terry/Mighton: Anytime my superhero with a thicc ass.
Quasarblast giggles. But then Mundane Slither picks up Mighton and pins Mighton the floor.
Terry/Mighton: What are you gonna do? Kill me?
Mundane Slither starts choking Mighton, but then Mighton’s eyes starts flashing orange as he finally snaps.
Terry/Mighton: GET OFF ME!
Mighton punches Mundane Slither to the floor as he starts snarling as his eyes glow orange. Mundane Slither chuckles as he began to feel satisfied this.
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: This is more like it!
Korvo/Quasarblast: What do you mean?!
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: taunting Mighton That’s right you sick weakling! Give into your rage! Stop being a wimpy and weak piece of shit! Unleash that beast!
Mighton screams in fury. He then starts kneeling to the floor as his skin suddenly turns black and he starts growing bigger and muscular. Then, his voice deepens as he cries out in pain as tears burst from his eyes.
Korvo/Quasarblast and Phoebe/Starburst: MIGHTON!
Mighton, now a Mundane roars and growls at Mundane Slither
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: That’s more like it! punches Mundane Mighton See ya! escapes through the ceiling as Mighton cries in pain by his transformation
Quasarblast gasps and runs up to his husband
Korvo/Quasarblast: Terry?
Mundane Mighton snarls.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Terry! Oh my God! It’s true you are half Mundane!
Mundane Mighton starts crying. Then be collapse on the floor in tears by the pain of his transformation.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Oh, Terry. You’re still beautiful.
Mundane Mighton cries out in pain again as Quasarblast soothes him.
Mundane Terry/Mighton: Korvy… I’m scared… what happened to me…
Korvo/Quasarblast: I don’t know. But we’ll figure something out. I’ll go stop Evil Terry. If I can that is…
Mundane Mighton whimpers as he breaks down in tears.
Mundane Terry/Mighton: Okay…
The scene then cuts to Kano seeing Qourra and goes up and manipulates her.
Kano: So you what your own pack huh?
Qourra: Yes.
Kano: gives her a fake amulet Take this.
Qourra: What is this?
Kano: Join the Night Wolves. It’ll be worth it! Take them to the construction sight. I’ll tell you what to do.
Qourra thinks about it but then nods. The scene then cuts to the construction sight. Sherbet is watching above from the homeless sadly as she looks at a photo to frame of her deceased parents and begins to sing.
On my own, there's no chaperone
But my heart still is mine for the keeping
Sherbet, take a rest; you can pass this test
You can still dream your dream while you're sleeping
If I can just stay true
To the steps I've taken
It will all come through
If it's fate, let it be
'Cause now I see I can wait
Change takes time, it's a long hard climb
But I'll get to the top if I'm steady l
And where love's concerned, well, I guess I've learned
Just to trust he'll be here when he's ready
If I can just stay true
To the steps I've taken
It will all come through
I'll let fate set the day
It's okay I can wait
Plant the tiniest seed down below
Tend it well, and stand back
And just watch it grow
Watch me grow
If I can just stay true
To the steps I've taken
It will all come through
Name the date, and say when
But 'til then I can wait
Sherbet sighs as the song ends. Then, suddenly, she sees Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke, Kevin, Jamie, Darcy, Randall and Ms. Perez walking by.
Sherbet: opens the window Um hello there.
Ms. Perez: Oh hey little girl. Can we help you?
Sherbet: Uh, I was just wondering you guys do school here and- suddenly hears music playing What’s going on that construction sight?
Miss Frankie: I don’t know?
Darcy: Let’s go check it out.
We then cut to Mundane Slither causing havoc while singing.
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: singing “One Is the Loneliest Number” then hears the music too as he heads on too the rooftop and sees Qourra and the Night Wolves singing
Hear it getting louder, a call for revolution Yeah, we came for what was ours, it's time for restitution We'll protect our own, take back the stone No, human nature cannot hold us down
Stranded at the bottom, but we're more than a whisper No, we'll never be forgotten, our blood's thicker than silver, yeah When worlds collide, it's do or die So tell me, is it wrong to stand your ground?
Hear us howl, all or nothing Fangs are out, we ain't running Hear us howl, it's all or nothing
Oh-oh-oh-oh This is a declaration Oh-oh-oh-oh Of a new generation It's now or never, we're in this together We'll fight through the highs and the lows No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone
The world has gone crazy and no one seems to listen Gotta step in, no more maybes, and stop the demolition Is it hope or fear? Look in the mirror Everything we built is coming down
No more hesitation, it's time we start to realize With all this separation, silence is still taking sides So use your voice, make a choice And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?
Oh-oh-oh-oh This is a declaration Oh-oh-oh-oh Of a new generation It's now or never, we're in this together We'll fight through the highs and the lows No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone
Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us
History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote When you lose direction, can't see the reflection you know We came from the bottom then became the problem Now everything's out of control So hey, are you with me? Let's go!
Oh-oh-oh-oh This is a declaration Oh-oh-oh-oh Of a new generation It's now or never, we're in this together We'll fight through the highs and the lows No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone
The song ends as the humans arrived at the construction sight.
Miss Frankie: Qourra?
Qourra turns and sees the humans.
Ms. Perez: What are you doing with the Night Wolves.
Qourra: Finding my own pack.
Ms. Perez: Why are you.. notices Mundane Slither Who the hell is that?!
Mundane Slither leaps down and snatches the amulet away from Qourra’s neck.
Qourra: Hey! That’s mine!
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: This is mine now!
Mundane Slither then sniffs it and grows annoyed.
Mundane Evil Terry/Slither: Oh please this is a fake amulet.
Dr. Weatherstone came by and gasped.
Dr. Weatherstone: Is that…
Wanda: What? Qourra, did you lie to us? Th-this wrong.
Then, Qourra groans in annoyance and starts venting.
Qourra: Well come on! This Kano guy said I should have a pack! My mom wanted a pack before he was killed! I mean this is ridiculous everyone wants to pack too! And it is point of avoiding this long conversation! You all agree right? Anyone?! Anyone?!
But then, Mia, who is wearing a dark outfit stops her.
Mia: Not so fast!
Qourra gasp in shock. Then, Mundane Slither hid as he grows suspicious. Then, Mia chuckles like an evil person and then Nova comes by, gasp and hides.
Mia: Well, looks like this scene had died.
Mia then touches Qourra’s face as she backs away in shock.
Mia: How about I take it from here?
Ms. Perez: What?!
Principal Cooke: What are you talking about?
Mia laughs evilly
Hey look out world, cause here I come I'm burning brighter then the sun You put up walls but I can break 'em break 'em Fear is not a roadblock in my way Don't care what the haters say They don't scare me I'm not shaking, shaking and If you think am gonna quit Go and cross it off your list
I just wanna scream out loud nothing gonna stop me now I'm never coming off this cloud So move over move over move over You don't wanna mess with me I know who I'm meant to be Never gonna slow me down Nothing's gonna stop me nothing's gonna stop me now Nothing's gonna stop me now nothing's gonna stop me now
I'm moving faster than you think You might miss me if you blink Every day I'm getting stronger stronger But I was born to break the rules So that's just what I'm gonna do
I just wanna scream out loud Nothing's gonna stop me now I'm never coming off this cloud So move over move over move over You don't wanna mess with me I know who I'm meant to be Never gonna slow me down Nothing is gonna stop me, nothing gonna stop me now And if you think I'm gonna quit Just go and cross it off your list
Hey look out world cause here I come I'm burning brighter then the sun
I just wanna scream out loud Nothing's gonna stop me now I'm never coming off this cloud So move over move over move over You don't wanna mess with me I know who I meant to be Never gonna slow me down Nothing's is gonna stop me nothing gonna stop me now Nothing's gonna stop me now Nothing's gonna stop me now Nothing's gonna stop me now Nothing's gonna stop me now
After the song ends, Sister Sisto finally pops out of Mia as Mia falls to the ground and moans. The humans gasp in shock and horror.
Sister Sisto: Hello, Earth! Did you miss me?!
Nova: whispering Sisto?
Sister Sisto notices Nova and smiles.
Sister Sisto: Hello Blissa…
Nova: It’s Nova!
Mia wakes up as she groans.
Mia: Where am I?
Sister Sisto: So nice to see you all here. I heard that fool Kano wanted you guys here! But guess what?! He is such a fucking idiot! He made up that lie when he told Barry he would bring Cheery back to life, but she was really alive. They really brought me back to life!
Mia: Sisto?!
Sister Sisto: For I am no longer Sisto… I am now….
Sister Sisto changes into a new super villain suit as she becomes a mortal.
Sister Sisto/???: BLACK MIRROR! laughs evilly
Nova gasps. Trevor, Louise, Janice and Stacy G came by and then, Louise, Trevor and Janice sees Kano heading to a mansion and follows him. Stacy G hide as a result. Then, Black Mirror snarls at the humans.
Principal Cooke: Oh my God…. You’re fucking crazy!
Black Mirror laughs.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Good! Have fun drowning in DNA slime!
Black Mirror uses her magic and places Ms. Perez, Mia, Jamie, Darcy, Kevin, Randall, Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke, Sherbet and Dr. Weatherstone in tubes as she presses a button and each slime in each capsules starts flowing up. The humans ran for their lives as Qourra escape. Stacy G follows her with Nova. Black Mirror laughs evilly. Mundane Slither gasp as he continues hiding successfully.
Miss Frankie: Oh God! We’re gonna drown in slime! Mighty Solars, help!
Quasarblast shows up and gasps. Luckily, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa heard them while Sonya is reading a book.
Yumyulack: Holy shit! Our friends are in trouble!
Sonya: What?! What you mean they’re in trouble?! How did you guys know?!
Jesse and Yumyulack freeze in shock
Pupa: Super power!
Sonya: Huh?
Jesse: Sssh!
Yumyulack: Uh we can explain.
Sonya then gasp in shock as she realizes something and squeals in excitement.
Sonya: You guys are superheroes!
Sonya hugs her siblings.
Sonya: I knew there was something about you guys! I knew it!
Jesse: Wait. Whuuuuuh?
Sonya: You guys look the same faces as Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-Irl and Mighty Pupa! But wait, where’s your dads?!
Yumyulack: Uh…
Suddenly, they heard Mundane Mighton moaning in pain.
Sonya: What the? Is that Terry?
The kids check in their dads’ room and gasp in shock upon seeing Mundane Mighton as they gasp.
Kids: Whoa!
Yumyulack: Damn Terry, you look buff and thicc!
Jesse: Terry is a Mundane, just like from the old times back on Shlorp!
Pupa: Mundane Daddy!
Sonya: Uh, he looks upset.
Yumyulack: Huh? How do you know that?
Jesse sighs.
Jesse: I saw one when I was a baby.
Yumyulack: You did?
Sonya: Wow. Really?
Jesse nods sadly.
Jesse: Back on Shlorp 13 years ago, I was still a sproutling, fiddling in my crib.
Flashback starts as baby Jesse is playing with her baby hangar as she tries touch a flower.
Baby Jesse: giggles and coos
Baby Jesse then hears groaning as he sees something big lying in Terry’s bed. Baby Jesse coos and heads out of the bed.
Jesse: voiceover I heard something, like it was some kind of monster.
Baby Jesse sits up from her crib and watches as she sees something rising out of the cover as he growl. It was Mundane Terry as he roars. Baby Jesse whimpers in fear. Mundane Terry starts sniffling around as he growls and gets in a defensive position.
Jesse: voiceover I was really scared. But it was like he was in a defense position.
Mundane Terry growls as he approaches a spiky monster. Then, he bust through the window as baby Jesse watches in confusion as she coos. But then she gets scared as she sees him killing the spiky monster as he roars and leaps up from the the building with blood all over his body as he starts growling and approaches baby Jesse. Baby Jesse starts crying.
Baby Jesse: crying as she falls on her back and tears burst from her eyes
Mundane Terry gasps.
Jesse: voiceover Suddenly, he came toward me and talk, but I couldn’t remember what he said.
Mundane Terry: picking baby Jesse up and soothing her Shh… it’s okay daddy’s here…
Jesse gasps as she remembers. Baby Jesse hics as she looks at the eyes and realizes Mundane Terry is Terry. Baby Jesse finally calms down as she giggles and touches Mundane Terry’s face as he purrs.
Baby Jesse: Dada!
Mundane Terry purrs he touch his forehead on baby Jesse’s and he turns back to normal as he smiles at Baby Jesse giggling. The flashback ends as Jesse gasps.
Jesse: It was Terry…!
Sonya: Huh?
Yumyulack: It was?
Jesse: He must’ve be half Mudane, and runs in our family. Nova comes in
Nova: Kids!
Nova then sees a pair of malfunctioning hot pink glasses and put it on as it shocks her. But, it doesn’t hurt her.
Nova: Hmm? notices Mundane Terry Terry? Is that you?
Mundane Terry/Mighton: STAY AWAY!
Jesse: Terry, it’s okay! I know you’re the Mundane you saw when I was a baby!
Mundane Mighton gasps.
Mundane Terry/Mighton: I did?
Jesse smiles tearfully.
Jesse: Of course you were daddy… but how did you transform?
Mundane Mighton breaks down and yells it out
Nova then touches Terry by the shoulder and suddenly it takes him to an abandon background years ago
Nova: Whoa. What is this place?
Sonya: Was this your planet guys?
Mundane Mighton sighs. He then something’s that is familiar to him. Mundane Mighton picks it up and it is revealed to be an old flower as he starts singing.
This is the Shlorp of my childhood
These were the borders of my life
In this crumbling, dusty attic
Where an gardener loved his wife
Easy to remember
Harder to move on
Knowing the Shlorp of my childhood Is gone
Sonya cries.
Nova: What happened here?
Mundane Terry/Mighton: It was something that happened to my mother. Something my late father couldn’t bring himself to tell. No better than to ask…
Mundane Mighton sighs and wipes away a tear Suddenly, Yumyulack sees a mask.
Yumyulack: A doctor’s mask… suddenly recognizes the mask in distraught plague…
Mundane Mighton gasp silently as flashback images appear as he looks around. Then the flashback shows the plague doctor packing up his things after doing a checkup on Jessica, who is dying.
Shlorp Plague Doctor: You must leave! Now!
Mundane Mighton then looks at a crib as the flashback appears again with Jessica looking at Teraformus one last time.
Jesica: Quickly… before it takes him too…
Teraformus tearfully nods and leaves. Jessica kisses an old crystal as she slowly dies. Teraformus then puts baby Terry in basket and places him at an orphanage while baby Terry was crying. The flashback ends as Mundane Terry silently cries with tears streaming down his eyes.
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Oh Terry…
Nova: I’m so sorry about your mom Terry…
Mundane Terry/Mighton: What am I gonna do know? What if I don’t turn back…?
Jesse however gives Mighton an encouragement smile.
Jesse: That is not true! You can turn back! I just know it! I believe in you Terry! You are a brave strong Shlorpian! You rescued Cheery from another dimension! You defended Korvo! You stood up to a total jerkface that is your evil counterpart! If you have strength power, then I know you can turn back!
Mundane Mighton smiles.
Mundane Terry/Mighton: touches Jesse’s face and touches her forehead softly with his Thanks Jesse-bear…
Suddenly, Mundane Mighton turns back into his regular Shlorpian form.
Terry/Mighton: Yes! I am normal! Well, almost normal! Thanks Nova.
Mighton hugs Nova, but then they heard their friends screaming. Mighton gasps.
Nova: Oh no! Our friends! We gotta help them!
Terry/Mighton: Right come on kids! Sonya, you’re sticking with us too!
Sonya: Okay!
A few seconds later, Nova follows her friends on a motorcycle while the Mighty Solars fly off with Starburst carrying Sonya. Back with Qausarblast, he flies into the mansion where Louise, Trevor and Janice meet up.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Guys!
Louise: Korvo? Hurry! Kano is in there!
Qausarblast bust open the door, only to see Mrs. Brandy knocked out the floor.
Korvo/Quasarblast: On it!
Qausarblast bust open the door, only to see Mrs. Brandy knocked out the floor.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Damn what happened here?!
Suddenly, Louise, Janice and Trevor gets tied up as they screamed and exclaims in shock.
Korvo/Quasarblast: What the hell?!
Stacy G runs up to save her mother but gasp when the doors close shut.
Stacy G: No no! No! Mom!
The scene then cuts to Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke, Dr. Weatherstone, Kevin, Jamie, Darcy, Sherbet and Randall are still drowning in the slime as they keep panicking trying to breath for the surface. Quasarblast hears a laugh.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Who’s there?! suddenly sees Kano Kano! What are you doing here?! What is this bullshit?!
Kano turns into Darkness as he snarls. Then Cheery and Naomi comes in and gasp. The scene then cuts to Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke, Dr. Weatherstone, Kevin, Jamie, Darcy, Sherbet and Randall are still drowning in the slime as they keep panicking trying to breath for the surface.
Principal Cooke: Guys… I think this might be it…
Sherbet: starting to lose her breath as Slither sees them gasp
Darcy: At least we go out together…
Kevin: losing breath
Randall: No! Stay with me Kevin! Stay with me!
Jamie and Darcy hold out their hands to each other as it touches the glasses. Miss Frankie starts to lose her breath.
Miss Frankie: I’m sorry Korvo..
Suddenly… A sharp knife hits the glasses as the slime falls out and Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke, Dr. Weatherstone, Kevin, Jamie, Darcy, Sherbet and Randall breath for air. It was revealed was revealed to be thrown by Mundane Slither as the other Mighty Solars with Nova and Sonya arrives.
Kevin: You saved us?! But why?
Mundane Slither looks at his reflection on the knife and ends up having a heel realization as he sighs. Mundane Slither then turns back into his Shlorpian form
Evil Terry/Slither: I finally saw the consequences of evil and revenge is not worth it… looks like your heroic husband taught me that.
Mighton smiles. Slither then looks at Dr. Weatherstone. Dr. Weatherstone blushes.
Evil Terry/Slither: Mighton! prepares to leave I trust you…
As Slither leaves, Fung-irl then sees Stacy G banging on the door of the mansion.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Stacy G! What’s wrong?!
Stacy G: My mom is trap in here! Kano’s got them!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Kano? But that mean a you can’t go in there! Kano will catch you and you’ll be hurt!
Stacy G: But my mom’s in danger! I don’t know what to do!
Jesse/Fung-irl: It’s okay.
Fung-irl gasps in shock but smiles and takes Stacy G’s hand.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Stacy G… I have no regrets you gave me a friendship I always wanted my whole life ever since I came here…
Stacy G starts crying.
Stacy G: But I can’t fucking exist in a world with you… sniffles* I’m sorry I didn’t say it before… I love you Jessica Wearspreada Solar-Opposites…
Fung-irl smiles
Then she look at Stacy G’s eyes as they sparkle magenta.
Jesse/Fung-irl: I really love it when your eyes do that…
Stacy G and Fung-irl then looks into each other’s lovingly and the two girls share their first kiss.
Jesse/Fung-irl: thinking My first kiss! I always wondered what it would feel like!
Mighton smiles in tears of joy, because he knows that his little girl is all grown up and has found love. The scene then cuts to Qausarblast, Cheery and Naomi getting into a fighting stance with Darkness.
Korvo/Quasarblast: I thought I killed you!
Darkness: You didn’t… I was brought back to life by lightning by Barry. I soon realized that if I can manipulate Naomi into helping me, you would be dead for good. Naomi growls in disgust
Cheery: How can you do this?
Naomi: Now I know why you did that! You tricked me! How could you! I knew there was a reason you were suspicious! You tried to trick into hurting a nice girl! Cheery is very kind and loved and you know it!
Darkness laughs.
Darkness: Well guess what, now I am gonna crush you for-
Quasarblast suddenly turns invisible and punches Darkness in the face. Then, Darkness gets hit by an arrow shot by a crossbow, revealed to be aimed by Alice who helps and hides behind a vase. Quasarblast is shocked to see Alice.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Holy shit. That maid is really badass.
Suddenly, element sparks spewed out of Darkness as it hits Trevor, Louise, Janice and Alice, who easily stood up. Quasarblast gasps in shock.
Alice: Oh dear…
Korvo/Quasarblast: Are you okay?
Then, Darkness traps Quasarblast with restraints ropes on his hands and feet.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Damn it!
Back with the Mighty Solars, they were running to the mansion with their friends, until Sonya sees a super suit that made her excited.
Sonya: This is perfect!
Sonya then puts on the suit, next she puts on the clothe hat on her head, then she put on the earrings, and finally she put on the mask as she giggles.
Sonya: Lookin’ good.
Sonya then heads back to her family. The scene cuts to Quasarblast struggling to break free.
Kano/Darkness: Look at you. Struggling like the weakling you are.
The rest of the Mighty Solars and their human friends sneak in but sees Darkness and hides quietly. Mighton gasps when he sees his husband.
Kano/Darkness: It’s like they say… never wound… what you can’t kill!
Darkness uses his magic to torture Quasarblast as Quasarblast yells in pain.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Darkness, please! It’s the dark magic! The power everything, but you’ll lose yourself… let it go…
Darkness: I love being mad… it makes me happy…
Something in Mighton snaps as Quasarblast is tortured.
Terry/Mighton: with a controlled manner GET AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND!
Darkness notices Mighton and laughs.
Darkness: What you gonna do? Try to scare me?!
Mighton growls as his eyes turn orange.
Then, he starts growing bigger and muscular as his skin turns black. Cooke then throws a pipe line at Darkness, who moans. This gave Quasarblast an idea as he remembers a flashback of when he defeated Darkness. Sonic booms are his weakness.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Hey, Darkness!
Quasarblast then breaks free while Mighton finishes becoming a Mundane and roars. Quasarblast then reaches through the metal pipe and bangs with another one.
Kano/Darkness: What are you-
Quasarblast then bangs the metal pipes again. Mundane Mighton roars and gets out more metal pipes and pins them to the ground. With that, Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl, Mighty Pupa, Lightspeed, Starburst and Sonya, or whoever she is now runs around the bang the pipes with each pipe in their own hands. Darkness screech as Kano appears beneath screaming. Starburst gets out a lasso as she pulls Kano out of Darkness. Cheery then accidentally fell on something on her knee as she moans.
Naomi: Cheery, are you okay?!
Suddenly, the family sees Darkness’s slime body as it rises up and turns into a monster, much to Kano’s satisfaction. But then, Mia comes and sees this. Mia grabs a metal pipe then suddenly Darkness’s skin starts screeching in pain as it shows Cheery, suddenly in her own super suit as Naomi blush. Cheery can now blood bend. As the skin screeches in pain, Mia cries out in rage and bang the pipes that ends up weakening the skin.
Kano: Stop! Stop this!
Sonya then gets out an electronic bomb and gives to Vil-Gil-An-T who puts explosive powdered liquid in it and prepares to throw it.
Kano: Mighty Solars! What are you doing?!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Ending this!
Vil-Gil-An-T throws the bomb.
But as soon Kano leaps up to the slime, as it attaches to it, the skin caught the bomb as it prepares to explode.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Everyone take cover!
The gang takes cover as the bomb explodes and causes Kano along with Darkness to explode into ash and dust, no trace of living life form anymore. Mundane Mighton holds onto Quasarblast.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Darling?
Mundane Mighton turns back into his Shlorpian form and smiles weakly. But then he feels like transforming again as he feels something inside of him he has to release underneath his chest as his skin turns black again and he grows bigger and muscular. He then moans in pleasure. Now back into his Mundane form, Mundane Mighton roars as loud as Godzilla while the rest of the gang cover their ears. He then pants and whimpers upon seeing Quasarblast.
Mundane Terry/Mighton: Korvy? Do you still love me?
Quasarblast smiles while Mighton breaks down in tears.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Shh… I’m here mi amore… I still love you no matter what…
Mundane Terry/Mighton: I really love when you speak Spanish.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Thanks Terry-bear…
the two super hero alien husbands share a kiss. Then the kids run over to their dads while laughing while Sonya come up to Quasarblast as he notices her suit.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Sonya?
Sonya/???: Hey Korvo. It’s actually Nighthowler now. I came up with the name because of the technology in the suit based on folk tale legends. I’m still waiting for elasticity in my arms, which is part of it.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Nice!
Korvo/Quasarblast: Come here sweetie. I am so proud of you. hugs Sonya, then silently nods Cheery thank you
Cheery smiles. Then, Nova notices her glasses glowing.
Nova: What the fuck?
Then, it causes her to receive her own super suit as she grows amazed.
Nova/???: Wow. I had no idea it could that.
Miss Frankie: Whoa. Those are so weird glasses. Right Perez? Perez is distracted and lovestruck Perez?
Ms. Perez stares lovingly at Mia while “The Way” from Clay Aiken plays:
Mia: Excuse me?
Ms. Perez: Huh? blushes Oh what did you say?
Mia: I said excuse me.
Ms. Perez: Oh sorry I’m Perez. These are my friends.
Mia: Hi. I’m Mia.
Then, the heroes then decided it’s time for them to leave, as the heroes who can fly pick up their friends flies out of the mansion as the sunsets. The scene cuts to Terry dominating Korvo during sex in the bedroom.
Terry: Oh man! then starts growling as his eyes glow orange and he turns black Yes! I can feel my beast getting horny!
Korvo: Let it out Terry! Oooh! I wanna see that sexy monster fuck me!
Terry groans in horniness as he grows bigger and muscular as he roars and dominates Korvo more as Korvo moan lovingly.
Korvo: moans Yes you sexy brute! Oooh! Fuck me like I’m in sexy Paris! Ooooh! You sexy beast! Oooooh!
Mundane Terry loses control and fucks Korvo as hard as he can.
Korvo: moans lovingly Oooh yeeeees! Terry, I think I’m about to-
Korvo cums as Mundane Terry breathes in and out. Korvo moans lovingly as he strokes Mundane Terry softly to keep him calm. Mundane Terry purrs.
Korvo: You feeling better, my sweet slutty Mundane hubby?
Mundane Terry whines as he worried about losing control. Korvo gasps and holds his husband close.
Korvo: Oh Terry… shh… it’s okay sweetheart… it’s okay.
Mundane Terry then falls asleep crying as Korvo continues to console him in reassurance that he loves him.
Korvo: I love you dear…
Korvo then sighs as he thinks about his Super Shlorpian form.
Korvo: I’m just glad the beast is sealed away… or worse…
Suddenly Evil Terry comes in.
Evil Terry: Uh hey… Korvo is surprised to see him Mind if I stay here for awhile.
Korvo: shrugs Sure. Why not.
Evil Terry smiles as he leaves the room. Korvo then looks down for a moment. Meanwhile, at the solstice, something pulls the spirit back in as it whimpers and is petted by another purple Shlorpian who puts it in a box.
???: There you are little buddy. We’ll get you back with your host real soon.
??? #2: I hope MAX has found him.
???: Me too.
7 notes · View notes
jellieland · 30 days
Ok, so I haven't really done this before, but with the level and quality and effort put into this thing I would very much like to give it a proper read through. So.
Hotguyzine liveblog under the cut, starting with:
The Most Epic and Heartwrenching and Harrowing Battle of the Turn of the Century
I mean, literally from the first page this is all just so incredibly well presented. It looks so good.
And it's Joel and Lizzie with cat ears. I love it already.
"You can be average guy. Mediocre guy." Mean to him. Probably warranted! But also. Mean to him.
Wait, are Joel and Lizzie just known as Guy and Gal? That's great.
"I'M GAL!"
("and i'm. guy.")
I love them.
Oh, Scar is SUCH a reliable narrator. For sure.
"Give me all your cats[h!]" Sooo reliable. Also is that Gem with the animal control van or just someone with red hair?
Right. Right yeah of course he has a camera crew. Why wouldn't he?
I love watching Scar and Lizzie talk about their OCs together.
Wait. Is being an unreliable narrator literally his superpower? Is this is a representation of post-production editorialising, or literally what's happening? Because those have quite different implications.
"Knocked both of the dangerous villains to ground in one hit!" What do you mean BOTH Scar, you just erased Joel from the narrative.
Ok! This is quite alarming!!
"With great hotness comes greater guy?" I'm going to choose to ignore everything else that's happening and say yes, you should definitely go with this one, Scar, for sure.
Meet Cute
Now first of all, I see that pun in the title. I see it, and I appreciate it!
"I should've figured it was you." I really love the visual representation of the phrase "dripping with malice", there. I also love the Cuteguy design!
"That was kinda rude" Ok that. That's way less extreme than I was expecting from the initial reaction.
"Anyway byeeeee!!!" Oh so they're BOTH annoying weirdos. Perfect.
King for a Day
Oh hello Bdubs. This should be fun.
Ren: "You're
Bdubs: "How did you do that with your mouth."
"Yeah. What if." Oh Bdubs is TIRED tired huh.
I love how Ren is just immediately fully on board. Like. Yeah he would be like that wouldn't he. He's so enthusiastic it's great.
I-85 box??? Iskall crumbs???? Ooh, and Cub! And... maybe Doc?
Hey there Grian. Have some flowers (and also some dangerous paperwork but don't worry about that part)!
"I'm not joining your little king's court." Oooh, I see. I see. Hey, at least he kept the flowers, right, Scar?
Getting Pearl to publish a hit piece immediately is maybe a little extreme, but fair enough I guess!
"They're gonna throw TOMATOES at me in the town square, man!" Don't worry, Ren. In another life, they already did.
Mumblr. Incredible.
Shoutout to teeth dog. My new favourite superhero.
Oh no. The discourse. The discourse. It's too real.
Maple Prince. Etho is a cryptid. Amazing.
"so if heroes are showing crafted personas to the public, don’t you think hotguy and cuteguy having matching names and outfits at least verges on queerbaiting?" I don't. Really have anything to say about this. But I feel like I have to include something that dealt me this amount of psychic damage in the liveblog.
"I'm off to visibily protect the public." Yeah, that sounds about right.
Oh, the gala was hosted by Doc! And he even made sure to specify that there were DEFINITELY NO ulterior motives! Well I don't see how anything could possibly have gone wrong then!
"wearing his lab coat to a gala?? sus af." No I think that's just Cub, Grian. Although to be fair, "sus af" is maybe his default state now that I think about it.
Ah, it's Sherlock Grian! I love it.
Oh is this conversation taking place in Grian's mind palace? That's great.
Eyy, Permit Manager Grian coming in with all his considerable power, that being opaque bureaucratic processes and hold music! It seems pretty effective.
This is such a good chase scene. The broken heart symbol on the jacket is interesting!
And there's some sculk leaking into the drain. That seems. Fine. That definitely won't come back later to cause problems, I'm sure.
The Case of the Missing Cub
Oh, I'm sure this isn't going to be related to the sculk at all. There's definitely nothing on the very first page that would suggest otherwise. (I'm very excited about this one, I always love sculk related stories.)
The sculk snail is actually so cute, I love it.
Uh oh, there's Cub! And he looks like he's maybe having a bad time.
Oh dear, and Grian immediately gets sculked. That's slightly concerning.
"This fight fucking sucks." You know what, that's fair, Grian.
Yay, mutually agreed upon arson! And they both looks so happy about it!
Grian. GRIAN. WHY.
The realistic notes app t-shirt with Scar's actual minecraft face, followed by the deadpan "I want this." It's perfect. It's incredible. It's definitely how Cub would react to being shown that image upon waking up in front his burning house after being possessed. It literally made me laugh out loud.
"Oh, that reminds me. Why is my house on fire?" How. How did that remind you of your house being on fire.
"I used it to season my pizza." ...Yeah. Yeah that sounds about right.
I loved this one a lot. All of the stories have been great, but I especially enjoyed this.
Hotguy! Has One New Mail
Oh we get the one sided Bdubs and Cub rivalry from season 7! Excellent!
All the character voices are just so perfect. Bdubs' "Founding Principles" followed by Cub's "Yeah man cool this all sounds great" are just so perfectly in character for both of them.
I want some of Cub's cool space facts, and honestly if I emailed a celebrity/superhero and they sent me a link to cool space facts in return, I would be ecstatic.
Scar sold Doc a none existent bridge. Amazing. Sorry, Beef's proxy, but the list of things you're saying Scar shouldn't have been doing certainly isn't going to convince Cub, of all people, that anything needs to change.
"why have you sent me a list of top supernovas!" WOW, Grian, ungrateful much? Enjoy your supernovas.
"he is rescuing kittens from tragically falling into rivers, an activity that has fully occupied him for the past eighteen months." To be fair I feel like if Scar could do this, he would.
"everything is completely under control" Yeah, Special Officer #49, everything I've seen about this city so far really suggests that you've got it all under control. For sure.
"Hotguy is currently in Canada fighting smallpox by shooting individual bacteria with a special crossbow, for which he has received a commendation from their Prime Minister." I love Cub's excuses for Hotguy, they're all great. Also love how Pearl's main problem with this one is apparently the lack of smallpox in Canada, when obviously the actual main problem is that Scar is banned for Canada.
"casting_directors_bdubs_is_not_feuding_with" Well I'm glad there's at least one. And of course Scar's recording a snack commercial while all this is going on.
NOOO, GRIAN'S PIZZA! This is so sad.
The 30 part thread by Doc is amazing. As are Bdubs' ill-advised replies.
Ooh, a good old classic Doc disproportionate twitter threat! Always love those!
Carol the zombie mention! AND she's a movie star! Let go!!
Jellie... I love her the picture is perfect. She deserves that quarter of a million likes and more.
Ok, this is 100 pages into the zine and has got fairly long, so I'll probably continue this in another post!
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
You know, I got a scenario stuck in my head that I wanna run by you. A t!Whumpee is annoying a G!Whumper just a tad too much, and they finally have enough. "You're getting a time-out!" And the Whumpee is just thinking, that's it? ha, I can take that. Except they forget how small they are, and just how many places they could be put in "time out". Like a Tupperware container. Just imagine... panic as it seals shut above, slowing suffocating in the dark, not knowing if Whumper will get you out...
Oooh, yeah!! I actually kind of did something like this in my g/t superhero series (except it was more implied between the two fics rather than outwardly shown).
I especially love it when the Whumper doesn't realize (or maybe does and is using this to their advantage) how dangerous some of these "time out" places can be.
Like the airtight Tupperware -- they can see Whumpee struggling and pleading to be let out, to which they assume is all part of a tantrum, then slowly their energy starts to wane the more they use up the limited oxygen to cry. It takes a couple minutes, but eventually they slump down and stop moving, the Whumper again mistaking this as 'wearing themself out' and settling down. Of course now that they're done they're little fit, Whumper is willing to let them back out and aw, isn't that so cute? They've fallen asleep (read: passed out from lack of air) with tears still on their cheeks! Well, they can cuddle against Whumper until they wake back up, hopefully in a more well behaved mood.
Then there's also places like blenders and food processors, still plugged in, only one press of a button away from pureeing them in under 10 seconds. There's hamster balls if they wanna go rolling around the floor, unable to get steady on their feet without rolling and tumbling over, feeling dehumanized as a pathetic little pet.
Let's not forget pockets!! Specifically inner pockets on jackets and such, ones that can be closed with a button or zipper, sealing them away in the dark and pressed up against Whumper. It's so hot with their body heat, and they can feel every breath, every heartbeat, from the chest they're smushed into. And if they struggle? Whumper will notice every little movement and lightly pat them down to stay still
Aaaaaaand, my personal favorite: Holding the back of Whumpee's shirt in their teeth when both of their hands are being used but Whumper still needs to keep a hold on them. It was only supposed to be a moment until they could be put down somewhere else for a proper time out, but Whumper was quick to become engrossed in whatever important thing they were doing. All Whumpee can do is dangle and pray they don't accidentally slip out of their shirt to crash below. They're scared to struggle, scared the fabric might rip between Whumper's teeth, instead being forced to endure each exhale ruffling their hair and a slight dampness soaking against their collar
Hopefully after this they'll have learned their lesson not to be a little shit
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mrlondonboy · 11 months
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🔍 Harry Griffin Jr Takes a Lie Detector Test
"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  will  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
" Seem simple enough."
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
"Harold. Or Harry. And we are in the amazing New York City."
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
"Just peachy. Had my morning beagle and coffee. I'm content."
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
"It's been blue forever. But like a darker blue. I don't know the name, but let's just say dark blue."
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
Harry lets out an airy chuckle. "Most people would say Superhero movies, with my track record but I want to make the record straight I do enjoy a good horror thriller."
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
"It is too "basic"- is that the term?" Harry laughs trying to understand these new terms being tossed around. "My phone. I'm always on it. Text, random Google searches during the day."
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
"Whiskey on the rocks." "That's a lie." "Okay, okay. You got me. I'm kinda of a fruity drink kind of guy. Long Island Ice Tea is up there.
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
"Not to keep in the footsteps of dear old Dad, but maybe finally get that Oscar. Not necessarily in the acting career but one of my films I produce getting some attention. Outside of my name."
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately."
"I've heard of it. It's a website. I've seen dozen of these in the past couple of years now. My name is always circulating in these outlets. Ever since I've shown my face to the public. I do have to admit this one knows where to get their information."
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
"Oh, man. A recent one I saw that actually made me laugh, that I had signed on to this trip to space that other celebrities were going. As much as I wish that was true, I didn't make the cut. - I know!" Harry reacted to the gasps behind the cameras. "I'd kill to go to space."
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
"A few projects here and there. Mostly producing. So sorry to disappoint any fans of mine that want another Superman movie any time soon."
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
"Thanks. They are some projects that are close to my heart. Oh dogs 100%. I have a Collie, Quinn." Harry was quick to pull out his phone with his free hand. "This is the little guy."
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"That this was fun. Only got one beep out of it. Gotta say that's a win."
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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starleska · 1 year
I'm a gossip so please I need to hear some Fractal, anything works 👀
oooh is this because you're working on your own Teen Titans OC to ship with dear old Moddy, by any chance? 😉 of course, i'd love to gush more about Fractal!!! i need to make a proper reference sheet for them as i've commissioned a dear friend to draw them and Moddy... but for now, have a little more on their villainous origins 👀
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Fractal (real name Lori Shaw) used to be a superhero-in-training. Lori was an orphan raised in a type of 'heroic orphanage' - a training ground for talented orphans, run by a revolving door of lesser-known heroes attempting to give them a better life and raise hte next generation of heroes. Lori was pushed into superhero training after their skill with gadgetry and weapons modifications was noticed, but found the scene unbearable. the black-and-white morals which came with heroism didn't align with the world they saw: especially their friends, who often came from much less fortunate backgrounds and would need to steal just to get by 💔
this is how Lori got their start in crime: petty thievery to keep their friends fed. Lori justified this as a type of Robin Hood scenario, but when their guardians found out, they went ballistic. they told Lori that if they didn't give up this 'life of crime', they would be kicked out. seeing their 'love' for what it really was, Lori decided to leave, depriving them of the chance 💪 Lori spent the latter half of their teenage years sleeping rough and selling second-hand gadgets filched from dumpsters that they remodified. after selling these gadgets on another villain's turf, said villain (i'm thinking one who is quite technologically-oriented) gave Lori a place to stay, in exchange for a steady stream of suped-up gadgets. as Lori hit their twenties, they became interested in the fashion world and started attending club nights and raves for a variety of Jump City subcultures, trying out new outfits thanks to their gadget-money. at this time, they started posting their co-ords on social media under the pseudonym 'Fractal' 💠 at 23, Lori cut out the middle-man villain and started selling their gadgets directly to the consumers. the name 'Lori' was all but dead to them: they were now exclusively known as Fractal to friends, their clients, and online. it was around this time that they began trying out villainy for themselves; they began to use their flashy dress sense and distracting accessories to rob clubgoers blind. Fractal would be careful about the times, dates, and content of what they posted online, posting photographs of outfits they weren't going to wear that evening, or locations they wouldn't be attending, to give a false trail 📷 this went on for a few more years...until Fractal saw a new villain on the news. according to their older clients this villain was named Mad Mod, and had been prolific in the area long ago with his British-themed crimes and hypnotic technology, but no one had seen him for years. he'd been arrested from his off-shore mansion for capturing the Teen Titans, and authorities were unearthing years' worth of advanced hypnotic technology belonging to Mad Mod from various warehouses on the edge of Jump City. this piqued Fractal's interest, so they visited one of those warehouses under the cover of night, broke in...and stole as many pieces of Mad Mod's hypno-tech as they could carry 🦹‍♀️ in the following months, Fractal distilled Mad Mod's hypno-tech down to its components, and began reworking the technology to fit with their own. at the same time, Fractal began researching up on Mad Mod's past, curious as to how he'd had such a lengthy career: villains of his age would normally be retired. the details of his age-reduction tech and hologrammatic projections fascinated Fractal, as did Mad Mod's clear eye for style: Fractal was delighted to find out his background was in fashion design. taking inspiration from some of Mad Mod's past fashion-related schemes, Fractal began incorporating this new hybrid hypno-tech into wearable accessories: chokers, rings, glasses 👓 and…the rest you already know!! Fractal became a successful small-time villain, only to be captured and interrogated by Mad Mod when he broke out of prison. cue some fun rivalry shenanigans and an eventual master/apprentice-type relationship, with Fractal being wholly smitten by this brilliant, crazy hypnotist 🥴💖
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cyclone-rachel · 1 year
thoughts on Gen V
Episode 1
alright time to watch Gen V!
ooooh flashback, nice
also I’m glad they’re finally introducing Godolkin University and canonizing a way to pronounce it, because I didn’t know how to do that when I was reading the comics.
gosh I love the very obvious photoshop there with Lamplighter
as far as you know (did they know about Noir? they probably just didn’t care)
shut up Stillwell
that’s clearly wrong
eyyyy Clancy Brown!
also mention of my girl Maeve
ooooh I see, first period= traumatic awakening of superpowers
eyy, sleep-flying
I see, Red River
bloodbending is the most on-brand power for this show
also insert that one meme
smart of her to clean the keyboard off
I admire her confidence
so what is it like?
they’re saying all the right words
of course there were students from this school on Riverdale
“Luke Riordan”, was that intentional?
this song slaps
trial of Homelander, you say?
gosh there would be Youtube discourse videos about that
that’s probably going to come back at some point
how does he already have a superhero name?
hell yeah, Marie!
oh, is she going to take him down, and then get into Intro because she impresses the professor?
guess not
so what’s the woods
shots fired
kind of in support of no social media marie
I don’t think he deserves either
truly looks like Homelander’s second coming
that’s not fair, my guy
oooh, deep-cut dc comics reference
accurate representation of youtube comments
oh damn, they broke into seven tower?
are they going to fuck
did her sister die too? I guess not
that’s all you have to say?
and how would you know that
ah, so that’s how that works
oh he’s gonna die isn’t he
oh no what’s happening
this soundtrack slaps
is he bi?
smart! I guess she can control other people’s blood too
so that’s how she gets in
I guess in this series, she’s very powerful because a lot of blood is shed/spread around
excuse me???
she didn’t do that!
well fuck that
he isn’t wrong
someone give this girl a hug
you’re not a monster! definitely
is he going to vouch for her?
holy shit
please chill
what did he say
oh dammit, ashley
so what’s happening now?
she didn’t do much fighting
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flightfoot · 2 years
For the ask game: 1: Alya, Kagami, Mari, Alix, Marc in a group project 2: Alya and Kagami just hangin' 3: Kagami and the dog 4 Alya/Kagami 5 Alya and Marinette headcanons 6 Bubbler with the Cat Miracelous 7 Marc 8 ...who in this city hasn't been akumatized yet?
9 Chat Noir vs Ryuuko 10 Alya, yes this is an excuse to gush 11 Kagami and Mari as partners 12 Alya, what's wrong with her to Gabe's eyes? (Gabe can go get fucked)
Here's the ask game, in case anyone's wondering.
1.📚 assign some characters to be in a group project together, and I’ll tell you how that would go:
Marinette would be team leader, naturally, she grabs that role as soon as she can. Alya would back her up on trying to keep everyone on track. Alix and Kagami would probably want to approach their subject matter in a very direct sort of way, maybe a bit TOO direct, and if there was any possibility of bringing some sort of sports or physical activity into the project, they'd take it. Marc would be a bit withdrawn without Nathaniel there, but Marinette would help him open up, and he'd do a lot of the writing component, I'd imagine, especially anything that used creative writing.
2.🤝 send me two or more characters, and I’ll come up with what activities they’d do together when hanging out
Oooh they'd go to an amusement park together! Alya would help Kagami with her secret fear of roller coasters, and Kagami would come to find that she could enjoy them now, with Alya by her side, of course. And Kagami would COMPLETELY destroy at all of those rigged carnival games, cleaning the people out of all the merch they have!
3.🐞 send me a character and a miraculous, and I’ll rate how good a match it is + come up with a few concepts about that new superhero
Very bad match. The dog requires some good tactical thinking to use effectively, since its power is very situational, and Kagami's main tactic is "pick up weapon and try to stab/bash the opponent with it". I think that she'd forget about the whole "Fetch" power entirely until reminded of it, just because it doesn't fit her style.
4.💎 Ask me about rarepairs
Oooh, I think Alyagami is a great pairing! They're both pretty badass, and ready to charge headlong into solving any mystery or resolving any situation they come across. Stand in their way, and you'll be run over. They're good matches for each other, both being very strong and assertive, and would make for a great Power Couple!
5.💭 I’ll come up with a cute little headcanon for the character or relationship (romantic or not) you send me. Feel free to add some kind of prompt if you’d like.
Marinette tells Alya about becoming Ladybug in order to help her during Origins - both times, actually, after Optigami, in an effort to cheer her friend up. Alya’s tickled pink, and wonders what might’ve happened if she’d taken her bag that day and found the earrings, but is still overall happy with how things worked out, since Marinette’s an amazing Ladybug, and Alya’s happy with Trixx.
6.💥 send me an akuma, and I’ll make up a team and plan to defeat them the most efficiently
So I’m assuming that The Bubbler is channeling the Black Cat Miraculous? Hm. Let’s say that makes the bubbles able to destroy anything they come in contact with, then. 
I’d have Rena Rouge make an illusion of Gabriel being a dick in order to distract him, then have Vesperia sneak up on him from behind and venom him. From there, it’s easy to take his bubble wand from him and snap it.
7.💡 send me a character, and I’ll talk about what I’d like to learn about them, see them doing, or something about them I’d like to see explored more
I’d love to see Marc’s family! Especially whether he has any siblings. I love the idea of him having a little sister especially and just being an awesome older brother.
8.😈 send me a minor background character who hasn’t been akumatized yet, and I’ll come up with an idea for their villain form
Alya’s mom, Marlena, hasn’t been akumatized yet. What if she got akumatized because all her kids have a tendency to get into danger and she’s not able to stop them? Like, Alya and Nora will happily charge into akuma danger zones, and Ella and Etta... well, they’re first graders. They have no conception of danger, and whatever they had was destroyed when they got used to supervillains attacking on a daily basis.
9.⚔️ send me two superheroes, and I’ll come up with how a duel between them would go and who would win
Ryuuko would win. Like I love Chat Noir and think he should generally be depicted as being a stronger combatant than usually happens, but well... Ryuuko is Kagami. I wouldn’t be surprised if she took down an akuma even WITHOUT having superpowers. She’s sure been giving it her best shot. 
Anyway, she’d slash at him repeatedly with her sword, keeping Chat on his toes, not giving him any respite, until eventually she overpowers him completely. If he tries anything sneaky, she’d use her power of turning into the elements to get around it and resume her assault.
10.💔 send me a character, and I’ll tell you some canon tidbit(s) I like about them that no one ever talks about
I don’t know about NO ONE talking about it, but I love drawing attention to Origins, and how Alya, as the first thing she did upon entering the class, stood up to Chloe in order to defend Marinette. She didn’t even know either girl! She just saw that another kid was being bullied and took action, even though it made her an enemy. She didn’t hesitate. I love that about her.
11. ◼️ send me two superheroes, and I’ll describe a “love square” between them, or rather what sort of identity shenanigans they could face. This would be fun about characters who are canonically dating or close friends, but it’s also fun if you get creative.
Hm... I don’t think Kagami and Marinette would change on different sides of the mask nearly as much as Adrien and Marinette do. Adrien acts very differently depending on whether he’s transformed or not, and Marinette acts differently depending on whether she’s around Adrien or not, though being transformed does factor in some, as she’s aware of how much of a role model and authority figure she is while being Ladybug. And Kagami just doesn’t really change how she acts regardless. A lot of people mask, but she ain’t one of them.
Honestly I think the biggest issues would come from Kagami and Marinette running out on each other due to akuma attacks, with both of them thinking the other person doesn’t like them because of it. I don’t think it’d take all that long for any identity shenanigans between them to lead to at least a one-sided Reveal, considering that Kagami gave herself away the first time she transformed, and that there’s just no one else in Miraculous who behaves similarly to her. 
12. 😡 send me one of Adrien’s friends, and I’ll tell you why Gabriel disapproves and thinks his son shouldn’t hang out with such a bad influence.
Gabriel sneers outwardly about her supposedly running a “gossip column” and running into danger in ways that might give his son ideas. Privately, he’s worried that her being so close to him will lead to her uncovering some evidence pointing towards him being Hawkmoth. Around Season 4 era, he’s also worried about Ladybug influencing Adrien through Alya, since he knows that Alya and Ladybug are close.
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