#Don't bow your heads to stupid men
xpc-web-dev · 2 years
typical sexism from you females.. Every girl with pronouns on their bio is so toxic bunch of hypocrites. Stop dividing against men. your paranoia and fear isn't a reflection of the reall world. youre just brainwashed and brainwashing other girls on social media spreading misinformation. typical stigma towards men on tech. none of yall take responsibillity for your own actions. not our fault not many of you are in this tech field. hypocrites.
Girls, in today's class we have a living example of what I said this week.
Never let a sexist, male chauvinist and misogynist man make you feel inferior, because he will definitely be stupid.
We even noticed that in addition to not knowing what sexism is, he has text interpretation problems, he is exactly what I said, because I didn't make a generalization (at no time did I say ALL MEN), if he offended is because he is exactly sexist, sexist and misogynistic.
And girls this makes a lot of sense because he is LITERALLY everything he said I am.
Soon he is talking about himself in 3rd person and I can prove it HUEUHUHUEUE.
1- He called me and called other women who put her/her in the bios of toxic and hypocritical, and it was precisely him who took the time to send me an aggressive message and probably with the intention of making me feel bad. Is this not toxic?
2- Then he says "you don't take responsibility for your own actions", BUT HE IS the one who sends me a 100% anonymous message, after all he doesn't want to ASSUME the RESPONSIBILITY of the consequence of talking shit to me. Too easy to text me aggressively but not allow me to return a reply on your dm, right?
3-Says I'm brainwashing you because I'm turning you against men and that's so sexist, he subjugates women to the point of indirectly saying that whoever reads what I said has no critical sense/cognitive ability to think for themselves only.
+ Besides, brainwashing is nothing less than manipulation, which is exactly what he's trying to do, make me feel bad and he's the owner of truth and justice.
+ And this is also so egocentric, the person has to be very mentally unbalanced to think that his opinion will manipulate a mass.
I'm just a regular person with a blog.
+++Guess someone's parents didn't warn them that the world doesn't revolve around their shitty little opinion UHEUHEUHEHUEHUE
4-Finally, the coolest thing, he is a hypocrite, because well, although I think he doesn't know the meaning of the terms he uses, he is a beautiful hypocrite.
He condemns certain actions and instead of having an aversion to them, he reproduces them.
Here in Brazil we have the meme " Finally the hypocrisy " and I think he would love it
Here the meme:
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Now I want to give some advice:
- I usually ignore this kind of thing, when I notice that the person's problem is self-centeredness/want to attract attention with hate because their life is shit I ignore it because being ignored is a stab in their emotions.
But here, I wanted to answer because First I was like, Why is someone bothered by me??Then I laughed and I understood that he was very hurt just by my saying not to bow our heads to stupid men.
And what do men like that hate? Women smarter than them.
So why not show all the logical flaws in your argument?
IAnd also to show other women that we should NEVER shut up when someone wants to make us feel inferior, stupid or villainous/bad. Even more so if it's from a stranger on the internet or and especially someone from your personal life.
Insecurity and fear may exist, but I wish you can always have courage!
Be well, drink water and women you are amazing, capable and smart.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Scary things they do that turn you on
Buggy, Mihawk, Crocodile, Law
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This was humiliating- You had joined Zoro on his journey as a bounty hunter and ended up coming along as he joined the newest pirate on the scene Monkey D Luffy- You didn't necessarily agree but you were a loyal friend..
That and Zoro had too much damn dirt on you for you to let him go on his own-
One of those diets being.. your particular taste in attractions.. which unfortunately came out when you first interacted with Buggy the Clown in Orange Town.. already you were kidding liking the scary clown thing.
"Stupid Straw Hats- No matter.."
Buggy laughed darkly his eyes locking on the lot of you as he pulled put his blades.
"You are all going to die"
You watched the clown laugh darkly and held one of the knives infront of his face licking them as he geared up for an attack- your face warming and you felt the top of your ears starting to turn red at the sight.
Zoro turned to stared at you in utter disgust as if already knowing what this would do to you-
"You have awful survival instincts..." He said plainly as you blushed and looked away ashamed and embarrassed- Buggy now confused over why your own crew was looking at you so disappointed and you so shamed.
"E-Eh?" He questioned as he glanced back at the crew just as confused as their Captian. You felt like sobbing at this point as you turned away from them all and pouted in the corner depressed.
"I know..."
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Was your friend a idiot? Maybe it was the alcohol but it the famed most powerful swordsman showed up and you challenge him when let's lace it- He had issues beating a clown.. Who thought this was a good idea!?
"Zoro this is stupid-" You hissed, looking over the open chested man and having to quickly steer those thoughts away to try and save your friends life. Yet of course he ignored you and Nami and marched away-
The next morning you all showing up {besides Nami} to support Zoro on his idiocy- Mihawk making his appearance and once again.. Damn- pulling that necklace from his neck with a easy flick and pulling out a tiny blade.
"Whats that I came here for a swordfight-"
"I don't hunt rabbits with a Canon-" He replied as he held his arms out to the group, You felt that loyalty for Zoro starting to slip away when you heard his voice and that almost amused dangerous look to him as he threatened your friends life.
A-Ah.. So you did have some mild daddy issues and maybe something for dark men. The sensation of blood seemed to leave your brain and warm other parts of your body.. You sigh and bow your head.
"For fuck sakes-" You mutter, Rubbing your temple as you try to calm yourself back down and figure out a way from this situation.
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Being the head assistant for the Cross Guild had its pros and cons. A pro was you got pain Very well for your work- You doubted Goverment workers got what you got, paired with the protection from its leaders. A con however was the terrible workload you had constantly and also having to just stand against the wall during moments like this.
"-You fucking Fool-" Crocodile hissed as he held Buggy by his throat angrily. Mihawk sitting down drinking his normal wine which you refilled every 5 minutes to keep the sword master pleased.
"Please Forgive me!" Buggy cried as Crocodile continued his verbal assault on the Clown Captian. Buggy had messed up- Once again and it seemed this time was enough for Crocodile to opt to try and choke Buggy to death rather then the normal beating the bluette relieved.
Crocodile blew a cloud of smoke to the side, his glance landing on you for a second before returning to insulting Buggy.
"(Y/N)- You are dismissed" He grumbled, squeezing Buggys throat again as you caught his glance-
"Y-Yes sir.."
You stood there with wide eyes as Crocodile held the squeaking and squaking mess that was Buggy hard by his throat- hissing threats at him and pointing that hook right at his throat.
This should have been scary- It was actually scary.. but also- You couldn't help but let your mind start to drift to if you were in Buggy's position and immediately felt your body flesh at the thought. Strong hands around your throat, cold wall against your back and Crocodile hissing insults in your ear-
"Huh- Learned something new about (Y/N).." You say softly with a nod at this new self discovery and walked away quickly before you embarrassed yourself.
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"(Y/N)!!" You hear your name being called, rushing to the railing you see your crew approaching and you smiled.
"You guys are back!!" You cheer as you rush off the shit to help your friends board- That's when you spot new people there with your crew.
Tall, Brooding? Covered in blood? Holy shit...
"This is Law- He's going to help us out" Sanji explained as Law nodded softly at you.
"Hello-" He said calmly and you gave a shy smile.
"Nice to meet ya Law, See you're pretty banged up- Let's get you on the ship so chopper can treat you" You say calmly trying to be polite.
"Should see the other guy, but i appreciate it Love" He said with a dark smirk before wincing at his injuries. You felt your cheeks warm at this-
You clapped your hands together to give yourself strength, Taking a breath before doing a direct U-Turn back to the ship.
"(Y/N)?- Where are you going?" Nami called out as the crew watched you march away just as confused by your sudden actions.
"Going to go do some 'Finger Painting' Be back later" You said calmly, you were fortunate the crew was too innocent to understand your words.
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thedensworld · 6 months
Stupid Cupid | K.Mg
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Pairing: Mingyu x Reader
Genre: fluff, love at first sight
Summary: You must be the reason why he's been nervous for tonight's event. There must be something that Cupid has been doing.
Author note: Happy birthday to the charming man, Kim Mingyu! You deserve the world, and I can't wait to see your amazing work and improvements in the future. Thanks to your mother for raising such a gentleman and kind son. Thank you for being born and setting such high standards for men. I can't stop falling in love with you. Every girl needs man like you mingooooooos🥰
Mingyu raised his hand and placed it on his chest, exhaling deeply, which caught the attention of his diligent manager who was navigating them to the venue. Despite Mingyu's seasoned experience with fashion events on an international level, his heart seemed to thump twice as fast for this particular occasion.
"You nervous?!" His manager's surprised tone rang out, to which Mingyu could only chuckle, adjusting his suit and shirt sleeves.
Mingyu shot his manager a look via the rearview mirror that said, "Don't ask me that question. Because I am, and I'm trying hard to pretend I'm not."
Closing his eyes, Mingyu silently thanked his manager when he switched the playlist to a more calming one, silently praying that his heart would follow suit and calm down too.
Once Mingyu entered the event, nothing particularly eventful occurred besides the incessant flashlights popping here and there as he made his way into the venue. Guided by professionals, much like previous events he'd attended, Mingyu found himself experiencing the same routine. Yet, despite the familiarity, his heart continued to pound.
"Mingyu, can we take a photo?" a voice interrupted his tour of the venue, and Mingyu nodded, obliging the request before taking a moment to rest and engage with other guests.
Offering his best smile, Mingyu's attention suddenly shifted as he noticed a figure in a stunning red wine bodycon dress making her way towards him. Though the person thanked Mingyu, he found himself momentarily speechless, captivated by her confidence and the radiant smile she shared while conversing with the director.
"This is Kim Mingyu, you might already know him," the director said, introducing Mingyu to you.
Suddenly, Mingyu felt like he was malfunctioning, barely able to raise his hand to accept the handshake as the world seemed to slow down. His focus was stolen away by your face, your eyes, and the charming sound of your voice as you introduced yourself. He knew you, but he hadn't realized just how attractive you were.
"Y/n and I worked together while she was filming her last movie," the director continued.
Mingyu barely heard the director's words, offering only nods as his senses were consumed by your presence. You looked breathtaking in person, and he didn't mean that you were unphotogenic.
"Yeah... I shot an ad with Seungcheol, Mingyu's member," you added.
Mingyu cursed Seungcheol in his head for gatekeeping you from him all this time.
"I'll let you two talk, I have to go," the director said, excusing himself.
Mingyu and you bowed to the director before facing each other awkwardly. Mingyu couldn't believe this was happening; he felt foolish for acting so awkwardly in front of a girl. He always knew how to handle himself in front of fans, but now he was frozen.
"Seungcheol talked a lot about you," you said, breaking the silence and starting a conversation.
Mingyu nodded, trying to hide the embarrassment coloring his face. "Is it a good thing?"
"Sure, he spoke highly of you. He even said you're his favorite," you replied, offering a reassuring smile.
Mingyu silently rescinded the curse he had mentally placed on Seungcheol. But now he couldn't help but wonder about the nature of your relationship with Seungcheol. Had you two grown close? Were you something more than friends? Mingyu's mind raced with questions.
"Did you two meet regularly?" he asked, attempting to subtly probe for information without breaking the bro code.
You tilted your head before shaking it. "Not really. We met a few times, but we both got busy. He's like a brother,, really."
Mingyu raised his brows, recalling something Seungcheol had mentioned about having a new sister. It must have been you.
Mingyu felt a wave of relief wash over him at your response, glad to hear that there wasn't anything romantic between you and Seungcheol. He couldn't deny the flutter of hope that sparked within him at the realization that there might be a chance for him to get to know you better.
"I watched your movie, Exhuma. Amazing," Mingyu complimented your acting, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
You looked genuinely surprised by the praise. "Thanks. It means a lot to me," you replied, a hint of humility in your tone.
"Actually, one of our members, Vernon, watched it twice just in case he missed anything," Mingyu added, a smile playing on his lips as he shared the anecdote.
You gasped in disbelief, clearly touched by the dedication. "Please convey my gratitude to him," you said earnestly.
Mingyu nodded, making a mental note to pass along your message to Vernon. "Sure," he replied with a warm smile.
"Y/n... Can we take a photo with you?" Two people approached both you and Mingyu. Mingyu gestured for them to take a photo with you, and you smiled and nodded, posing for the camera. Your wavy hair danced in the air as the photo was taken.
Once they left, Mingyu invited you to join him in watching the fireworks, a highlight of the event. He positioned you in front of him, standing closely behind you, almost touching your back. As the night grew colder in the outdoor venue, Mingyu removed his suit jacket and gently draped it over your shoulders. You looked surprised by the gesture, but a warm smile spread across your face as Mingyu gave you an assuring nod.
The tender moment between them was accompanied by the dazzling display of fireworks overhead, casting a magical glow over the scene as Mingyu's gesture of chivalry warmed both your bodies and hearts amidst the chilly night air.
"The fireworks matched the music," Mingyu whispered to you, and you nodded in agreement, turning your head to smile at him.
"This event has a great playlist, by the way," you remarked playfully, eliciting a soft laugh from Mingyu.
"The DJ deserves a raise," Mingyu joked, and you nodded in agreement, sharing a lighthearted moment.
As you two conversed, people nearby couldn't help but take pictures and record videos of the charming interaction between you and Mingyu. The ease and comfort between you both were evident, drawing the attention of the media and onlookers alike.
Mingyu looked genuinely at ease with you by his side, and vice versa, creating a captivating dynamic that sparked interest and admiration from those around them.
The aftermath of that night buzzed with chatter and speculation. Whispers circulated about how Mingyu looked at you adoringly, and how your presence seemed to perfectly complement his energy. Yet, amidst the gossip and rumors, only three individuals truly understood the dynamics at play: Mingyu, you, and probably Seungcheol.
Together, you shared a secret bond, hidden from the prying eyes of the world. Mingyu's affectionate glances and your seamless connection spoke volumes, but the truth remained known only to those within the inner circle.
Perhaps it was the work of Cupid, orchestrating the fateful encounter between you and Mingyu that night, weaving together the threads of destiny in a tapestry of love and intrigue. Whatever the case, the memories of that enchanted evening lingered, etched into the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to witness the magic unfold.
Scoups hyung: Mingyu!
Scoups hyung: You might be my favorite, but I won't let you hit on my Y/n! She's like a sister to me.
Scoups hyung: Okay, I mean, you might have a chance if Y/n says okay. But I won't let you off that easily!
Scoups hyung: I saw that cheap stare you threw at her!
Scoups hyung: We better meet after this, and you buy me soju!
Scoups hyung: I'm not kidding, okay!
Mingyu: Hyung, chill! Okay, let's meet. But not on Saturday, I have a date with Y/n already ;)
Scoups hyung: You little—
Kim Mingyu of SEVENTEEN Confirms Relationship with Actress Ji Y/n
In a surprising turn of events, Kim Mingyu, a beloved member of the popular K-pop group SEVENTEEN, has confirmed his relationship with actress Ji Y/n. The dating news has been officially acknowledged by both Pledis Entertainment, Kim Mingyu's label, and BHEntertainment, Ji Y/n's label, putting an end to speculations surrounding the couple.
In their joint announcement, Pledis Entertainment and BHEntertainment expressed their support for Kim Mingyu and Ji Y/n, emphasizing that the two artists deserve happiness in their personal lives. The agencies also urged fans to continue showing love and support for the couple as they embark on this new chapter together.
Fans of SEVENTEEN and Ji Y/n have flooded social media with messages of encouragement and well-wishes for the newly revealed couple. Many have expressed their delight at seeing their favorite idols find love and happiness, pledging unwavering support for their relationship. Fans are eagerly anticipating any updates or glimpses into their blossoming romance.
The end. Delulu is soluluヾ(^-^)ノ
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sparklingblu · 4 months
Giselle x Male Reader
TW: blood, choking(not the hot kind), death, self harm, a lot of dark stuff
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"Truth or Dare?"
"If you have the choice to fuck anyone in this room, who would it be?"
The moment these sinful word leaves Giselle's lips, you realize you have fallen right into her trap. And without a doubt, Giselle is aware of it. You can see it from the way the corner of her lips twitch like she's trying desperately not to mock at your loss for words, the way her eyes bore into yours as if challenging you to give the answer that have been on your mind for far too long. She tilts her head, urging you to response.
But even if you don't, she would have already known the answer. Anyone would. Giselle, the perfect example of teenage royalty. Giselle, who can make any men bow down before her with a flick of her finger. Giselle, who always act like she owns the world. And that's not so far from the truth. The world doesn't revolve around Giselle. The entire solar system does.
And she has every right to act that way. Money? Popularity? Charisma? There isn't anything Giselle can't check off on that list. Her parents being the main contributor to the university's funds, she's practically untouchable here. A goddess, you may even say. That's not a metaphor, because metaphors are a figure of speech. And Giselle is a long way off from it.
She has the type of aura that can turn heads wherever she lays her feet on. A vixen. A siren who pulls men in to their deepest, darkest fantasies they have never even realize existed till they have seen her. The worst thing? She takes pleasure in it. The thought that these men will fantasize about her, giving in to their carnal desires that she has awakened just by being in their presence. The amount of sperm that will be wasted on thoughts of her and her only before they are even given life. All those reminds her that she's Giselle. The untouchable. The unbothered.
If you start thinking you can beat Giselle in at least some aspect, think again. Because that will be your last thought before she shows you she's on the top of the food chain. What you are good at, she does it better. If not, she will make sure you are no longer good at it. Because she's Giselle.
People might ask, if she is that ruthless, wouldn't she be hated? Wouldn't she be an outcast? It's the total opposite. Her twisted and cryptic demeanor is what lures people into her dungeon, hoping to find a way through, hoping to get to her core, to get even the slightest idea of who she really is beneath these layers of her indifference, only to end up as another victim that has fallen to her arctic charm.
No one would be stupid enough not to recognize her deadly allure. The poisoned apple. The evidences lie all around them. Men, who would trade their soul just to have a chance with her. Women, who would die to be her. And in some cases, to be both. Yet, they follow the footsteps of those before them. Because she's that irresistible. A living embodiment of lust and pride. Tempting and tempting until you give in and take a bite of that forbidden fruit.
And you are not so far off from becoming one of them. With every passing second, it gets harder not to lay your eyes on Giselle. She has your undivided attention like an insect caught in a spiderweb.
You try averting your eyes to the far far wall, anywhere you will be freed of Giselle's pull, only to be greeted by the maniacal smile of the human skull, grinning like crazy, as if saying "You can't escape from her. Not now, not then"
You shouldn't have even come to this Halloween party in the first place. This whole night have been nothing but a mistake. You should have stayed in your room and finished up your assignment like you first intended to. Halloween is nothing but an excuse for people to get wasted and imitated things they aren't without the judgement from society for one single night. It should have dawned on you back then. You don't even have a costume. What do you want to dress as? You have no idea. A mummy? A wizard? A vampire? A fucking vampire. Out of all the cheesy options of pop culture icons, you have to choose the cheesiest one. With a trench coat a friend of yours borrowed, your swept back hair and your fake fangs, you looked like a handed down Edward Cullen.
Nevertheless, your desperation to fit in: to talk to real people rather than strangers online, ultimately lead you to your despair. Saying the party is lively would be an understatement. It has surpassed liveliness, it has a life of its own. People poured into Giselle's dorm, The Coven, from every direction. The eerie tunes of Halloween carols and artificial screams filled the air, which are farther complemented by the paper bats that hang from the ceiling an the fog machines hissing in the corner. On the dance floor, students move in hypnotic synchrony, their costume ranging from classic monsters to familiar icons you see everywhere. Bodies entwining and intertwining beneath the luminous glow of the string lights that scatter the ceiling.
Being the loner you are, the first thing you do when you arrive is look for someone you know. Anyone who can help you in the quest not to be the odd one out. You sigh in relief when you see one of the familiar face near a drink table, which is exceptional just like everything in this party. A champagne tower stands on the far end, which you are surprised someone wasted has not knocked it down yet. All across the length of the table lies buckets holding different type of bottles, a different kind of magic in each one. And if you are not a drinker, worry not because an ice bucket full of every known fizzy drink known to man is just up for grabs in one corner. Everything is designed to fit anyone's need. Only a fool would not give a second glance to this playground for taste buds.
And you are no fool, so you grab a glass of champagne and head to where your friend is, if you can call someone a friend after talking to them once during a lecture. He's cosplaying Pennywise but with his crumpled jumpsuit and the white makeup which is horribly done, he looks more like a circuit clown who just got fired. You don't expect him to recognize you but much to your surprise, he does. Offering a hand to shake, he says his formal greetings.
"This party is probably the best one I have ever been to" he says in awe. "I heard Giselle organize all of this, must be nice to have your parents paying your bill"
Hinting the envy and jealousy in his voice, you don't blame him. Because it's Giselle you are talking about. There's no one else here who can turn a party into a masterpiece. You should be thankful you got to be a part of it regardless if her parents pay for this or not.
So, you just nod in agreement and change the topic. After a while, you realize listening to a heartbroken guy/clown talking about his exes is not exactly the best thing to do at a party like this. This is not a chance you get everyday and you are not going to let it go to waste by tragedies.
"Excuse me for a moment" you cut him off, chug down rest of your champagne and wander farther. If the party was lively before, now it's on full swing. The dancing has escalated to make out sessions among some of the couples, fueled by the heat of the moment. Much to your disgust, a pool of vomit litters a spot on the floor, the work of someone who have had too much to drink. As you tear through the sea of people, either horny or drunk, you start to wonder if the whole university have been confined into one large mass of bodies here tonight. You bump into Frankenstein, nearly get knocked out by a drunk Darth Vader and hear a curse (not that kind of curse) from a Harry Potter , who's probably high.
You have already failed your initial plan to socialize, there's no way you can make conversation with these people who have transcended to the peak of bliss. Dancing is an option, if it isn't for the fact that you are a horrible dancer and your moves will be worse than those drunkards wilding without a care in the world.
Part of you want to leave, this place is starting to suffocate you with the stench of bodies that cover every inch of this hall, the euphoric faces that appear and disappear with each flash of the lights overhead and the worst of all, the make out sessions happening at any spot you lay your eyes on.
It's such an absurd idea to feel disturbed by the sight of lips against lips, tongues entwined with tongues. Afterall, it's just one of the many ways humans express their desires, the need to touch, to be touched. Yet, combined with this vague atmosphere of the party, the act becomes unbearably explicit.
You feel like a fool for seeing it this way but whatever this party is composed of, it's starting to affect you. What seems like a glamorous spree looks like a maze of skin and more skins to you now. The music, once perfectly fitted with the event, sounds like a broken symphony.
What you should do is indulge yourself in this moment. Just become one of the bodies that make up this sea of bodies. But regardless, you have to turn the whole thing into an illusion of madness and badness. Just to make an excuse to leave this damn place. Just because you don't want to admit you are never mean to be at social events.
And you would have lied to yourself and leave, if it isn't for the music that suddenly dies and the lights that dissolve into shadows. Apart from a few gasps that slip out, the entire room goes dead silent, save for the white noise of a humming fan in the background.
Your impulsive thoughts take this as a sign to re enter your mind. Is that it? Has the party ended? Maybe something went wrong with the electronics? Just more excuse to make yourself believe you don't leave this party because you wanted to. It has to be something else.
Thankfully, you are too caught in the abrupt halt that you are more curious to see what will happen next rather than act on your impulses. For a few seconds, the room remain still, swallowed by darkness. It seems to go on forever until light showered on a spot at the top of the spiral staircase, descending from one corner of the hall. Another glow pierce the gloom then another, until the whole staircase has been light up.
With the radiance that contrast the staircase and the rest of the room, it looks like a stairway straight from heaven, materializing only for the divine. But the one who descends from those steps is anything but divine. Depraved is too weak of a word to describe her.
Down from the stairs comes the queen herself, Giselle, with the faintest clue of a smile on her lips and her eyes, scanning the crowd the way a queen would do to her subjects. No one complains because everyone here is in debt to her. If it's not for Giselle, they will never achieve the felicity of this night, that they have happily surrendered to, unknowingly becoming just one of Giselle's pawns. And you are not excluded.
Giselle isn't wearing a costume, she's just in a different layer of skin. Why would she try to be someone else when she's already Giselle? If the darkness has been eliminated by the light, it is soon going to be reabsorbed by Giselle, whose entire frame is coated in a layer of black sheath dress. The long sleeves of her attire leave no room for skin except the opening at her collar bones, displaying her radiant milky skin. A stygian veil loom over her long hair that falls on either side, as if she's an Oracle going to mutter a prophecy at any moment. Nothing about the outfit makes Giselle stand out more. At a glance, another pretty girl of your fantasies. However, her eyes tell a different story. These pools of cerulean blue that pull anyone who dare to stare right into them like a tide, gripping their core, leaving them breathless.
She's too pretty to be human, you think. Maybe she isn't. Maybe she's send from the higher powers to test the homo sapiens of their real nature, to expose their deepest desires. If that's the case, everyone had already failed ,evident by the way their eyes follow her with each step she takes.
Giselle stops right in the middle step, regarding the horde of flesh stunned by her appearance.
"I'm sure you are having a blast" Giselle speaks, though her voice isn't thundering, it cuts through the crowd like ripples.
Everyone cheers, a cluster of voices competing to be heard. When the silence returns, Giselle speaks again.
"Let go of your worries tonight! Drink! Dance! Get wasted! Party like there's no tomorrow!"
Anther roar erupt from the crowd. A handful of people start dancing without music, overwhelmed with bliss. This time the noise don't cease, chatters of conversation amplify until the whole room is bustling with activity again, even with the lights gone.
A shrill like nail scratching on metal shrieked from the sound boxes, causing everyone to cover their ears, shutting their mouth. When the crowd is silent again, Giselle's voice appears once more.
"I'm glad to see you all are enjoying yourself but there's one last event of the night to top this entire party. I promised you have never ever experienced anything like this"
The crowd remains hushed, eager to hear the next words Giselle will say. Excited to be even more euphoric than they already are. Giselle, who seems to notice it, smiles with satisfaction. And that's the first time you have seen her truly smile.
The corner of her lips will twitch from time to time but they never bloom into a pure smile, quickly ceased before it's given life. But when she does, you become even more sure that she's not human. When people smile, they mean it as a way to show or act like they are glad, content or happy. But Giselle's smile contains neither of these emotions. It's like a work of art, superficially it's nothing but a bent in the line of her lips. But when it is studied closely, you realize she's not smiling out of pure bliss, but rather the joy she gets from seeing how the others cower before her. How easy it is for her to bend their wills without even trying.
However, your astonishment is short lived as Giselle's face returns back to her neutral expression again to continue her speech.
"Unfortunately, only a chosen few will be given the chance to experience this event. And to give everyone a fair chance, I decide to leave things to luck. Are you ready?"
The crowd agree in unison, anxious with anticipation. A shriek comes out from a girl concerning with someone spilling drink on her dress. But everyone is too focused on what comes next to care.
Giselle reached into her cleavage and pulls out five black roses, how she manages to fit all of them in there, you have no idea. Nevertheless, she raises her hand so that everyone can see the flowers.
"I will throw these roses into the crowd and the five person who manage to acquire them will join me in the event. However, there are rules. No one is allowed to move, shove or try to steal it from the ones who caught it. If anyone breaks these rules, they will be banned from this party. Get it?"
Everyone nods in agreement, though you notice some people secretly trying to shove the person in front of them to be closer to the front. One even acts like they trip just to claim that few extra inches.
"Ready? Here they go"
Giselle launches the roses into the air, which spirals into the crowd, admiring the sight with unblinking eyes. Your position isn't the best. You are not at the far back but you are not in the front either. You are in the center , where the bodies are the most compressing. You barely have any room to move.
But much to your surprise, a rose lands right on your hair and the horde around you turn to you, the envy and spite unfiltered on their faces. That should have been me, they would be thinking. You snatch the rose from your hair, twirling it from the stem.
You are still dazed by what had happened. Getting chosen for an exclusive event of Giselle? You must have used up your whole year of luck. Cheers erupt from the other four who share your fate. The rest of the crowd groan and murmur in disappointment.
"Seems like we have our winners!" Giselle announces, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "For the rest of you, the party will carry on. Enjoy yourself. The chosen ones, follow me up the stairs"
The light flood the hall again. Music starts blasting from the speakers. The party has returned back to its full swing. People departs heading back to carry on what they were doing. Drink, dance or get wasted, like Giselle had quoted.
You look up to the staircase and see Giselle already climbing back up, the other four following her steps. You are amazed to see that the Pennywise guy you talked to earlier is one of them. The other three are females. One dressed like Harley Quinn, the other a hybrid between Ariel and Aquaman, holding a trident and the last one looks like she just cuts up holes in an old blouse and put it on, hoping to look like someone.
Not wanting to be left out, you follow them. The stairway curves into a single door, which surprises you because you expect it to open up onto the upper floor. On the door, a strange symbol is curved. A thin upside down heart, almost identical to a tear drop, but this one have two bumps. Maybe another creepy Halloween decoration.
Without giving it much thought, you follow Giselle inside, who pushes the door open. You are left breathless by the sight before you. There isn't a room beyond the door. It's a whole chamber. A circular space encircled by shelves of books, vials and items you have never seen before. A small creature that looks like a fusion between a snake and a butterfly floats in a flask of green liquid. The other holds the skull of a cat, or so you think. Nearby, a strange liquid bubbles in a cauldron. The mixed smell of wood and rotten meat doesn't help. The one single window have been closed shut so that the only light source is the lamp on a nearby desk. If Giselle set all this up for tonight, she has gone way over the top.
"Welcome to my chamber!" Giselle says, her voice dripping with glee. Her blue eyes seem to hint the oncoming of something big. "Tonight, we are gonna play a special game. And trust me, you have never ever played it before"
From a drawer, Giselle pulls out a thin bottle, identical to the ones that hold wine. But it isn't an ordinary bottle. On the surface, strange symbols are curved, shapes and words of languages you don't understand. Another Halloween prop?
"We are going to play 'Spin the Bottle'!"
Giselle announces but no one replies. This is the special game? A party game every high schooler knows. Maybe the only difference being it's a Halloween themed bottle.
"Oh, I know what you are thinking" Giselle raises an eyebrow. "It's a game everyone knows, right? What's so special about it? Well, you will see"
She reaches into the drawer again and this time, she pulls out two decks of card. One looks freshly bought and the other worn out, the card corners bent. Giselle extend her arms, displaying the decks to the others.
"This is what makes it so special. I'll show you. Sit"
Giselle points to the floor. Seriously? But no one argue and take their places. You sit down, the Pennywise guy on your right and Harley Quinn on your left. Giselle sits right in front of you, Aquaman(or woman) taking her right and Ms. Tattered Clothes on her left. A circle is formed.
"Ehmm.... can you put that away?" Giselle asks Aquawoman, who's still holding her plastic trident. The girl's face lights up with a blush.
"Oh, sorry" she apologizes, quickly shoving her weapon onto a desk.
"Now, I will show you how to play" Giselle sets the bottle earlier in the middle space, putting each of the decks on either side. Everyone's eyes follow her moves intently, dying to know what makes everything so special. "It's very similar to a normal Spin the Bottle. Someone spins the bottle, and when it points to a certain person, they have to kiss, or choose one, Truth or Dare. But there's no kissing here. It's either Truth or Dare. Unlike the original game, you can't just ask or dare someone whatever you want. You have to pick a card" Giselle points to the new batch of cards. "This is the deck of Truth, if someone chooses to be honest, the spinner have to choose a card from here and ask them the question on the card" She points to the other worn out deck. "This is the deck of Fate, the deck for Dare, you can say. Choose a card from here if someone is feeling adventurous" Giselle looks each of you carefully. "Got it?"
You still doubt this game is anything but special. It's still Spin the Bottle with a couple extra items thrown in. There isn't anything that makes it stand out. Still, Giselle seems to think otherwise.
"Why no kissing?" Mr. Pennywise asks, the grin on his face makes him look even more abominable. You are thankful you are beside him so that you won't see his face constantly.
"Because I say so" Giselle says firmly. Again, showing everyone who's in charge.
"Oh...alright" Pennywise replies, disappointed. And you somehow feel glad to see him that way.
"Ok, let's begin. I will start first" Without a warning, Giselle spins the bottle. It rotates and rotates until it finally points at Mr. Pennywise. He grins again and you feel like throwing up.
"Man....if there was only kissing" he groans in disappointment. Giselle's expression remains unwavered.
"Truth or Dare?" she asks, tilting her head.
"I'm shy so...Truth!" he strains his voice on purpose and it's not funny, not at all.
"Very well" Giselle takes the top card on the deck. She raises it to read and you notice a symbol of a scale on the back, representing justice, or in this case, the truth.
"What's your greatest insecurity?" Giselle asks, looking at the guy straight into his eyes.
"Ehm....that's.." Pennywise scratches his head, seemingly baffled by the question. The whole points of insecurities is that you keep them to yourself. No one would spill it in a party game. Or would they?
"I...don't know" he tries for an awkward smile. "I'm always happy with myself so...."
"Is that so?" Giselle's voice is smug, as if she knows he's lying. "What do you think guys?" she asks the others. No one answers except the girl in the torn blouse. "Maybe....?"
"We will see soon" Giselle puts the card back into the deck, shuffling it. "Is your answer final?"
"Yeah, why not?" Pennywise answers, though he looks uneasy. "You are really hyping up this Halloween vibe, huh?"
"Oh, you flatter me. But you should have put your words to good use elsewhere" Giselle sounds almost delighted and the rest of the people in the room shifts uneasily, including you.
For a moment everything was silent. You could have heard your heartbeat if it's not for the popping sounds the boiling cauldron is making. Then it happens. Pennywise starts making sounds like someone have stuffed his throat with a rock. He clutches his neck, trying to scream. But the only sounds that come out are muffled whines like a deer getting run on by a truck, again and again. His eyes start to bulge as if they are going to jump out at any moment. His face white as a sheet of paper.
Everyone stares in shock, yet no one tries to help, too shocked by the scene before them. No one makes a sound except Giselle, who makes a note. "See? That happens when you are not honest"
"Make it stop! He's going to die" Harley Quinn cries, her eyes wide with terror.
"Oh, I'm not doing anything to him. He's being punished for his own mistake, being dishonest" Giselle muses lightly as if someone isn't dying before her.
Pennywise falls to the ground with a loud thud and his body goes limp. Aquawoman and Ms. Tattered Clothes screams. Your breath hitches. You hate this guy but you don't want him to die. Not like this.
"What have you done?" Harley Quinn screams in horror, covering her mouth with her hands.
"Nothing. He dug his own grave" Giselle says with indifference. Her face shows no sign of remorse.
"This game has gone too far! I'm leaving" Harley Quinn screams and stands up, trying to walk away. However, she falls back as if an invisible barrier has been put up. "Let me go!" she cries, tears already flowing down her face.
"Now now" Giselle looks at the girl. "No need to be afraid. You just have to be truthful if you don't want to end up like him. It's that easy. Once the game is over, you can leave"
"Let me go, please...." Harley Quinn pleads but Giselle's eyes are no longer on her. When her begging goes unanswered, the girl sits up, sniffling. The others silent as they were.
All this time, you are staring at the lifeless face of Pennywise. His mouth hangs open in an unfinished scream. The terrors in his eyes accentuating his pale lifeless face that you have no idea how it gets even whiter over his clown makeup. His fingers crooked, trying to cling on something. Anything that will keep him alive.
He's dead, you think. He's really dead. This is no longer another Halloween prop. It's a real corpse. Is Giselle the one who did it? She didn't even lift a finger but isn't she the one who starts this game? Maybe it's the cards. Maybe they are magic.
The sense of pride and joy you had had earlier is gone. This is one deadly game. All you want to do is get out of here as soon as possible. But Harley Quinn had already proved it's not a choice. You must stay here.
"Shall we continue?" Giselle asked, handing the bottle to Harley Quinn, maybe out of pity, if she even feels pitiful.
The girl takes the bottle with shaking hands and before she spins it, Giselle raises a hand. "Oh, wait. We have an inactive member"
You instantly realizes she's talking about the lifeless body beside you. She points to it and asks. "You, Mr. Vampire. Can you shove that body somewhere?" she asks it the way someone would ask for a pencil, without a trace of loath in her voice. Like she's asking you to get rid of a dead fly.
"Yeah..sure" you complies. After seeing what happens to Pennywise and Harley Quinn, you are not feeling rebellious. Giselle isn't the one to mess with. You hold the body up by the arms and drag it to a nearby shelf, propping it.
Suddenly, a thought enters your mind. You are away from Giselle. There's no invisible barrier when you stood up. This is the chance to get away. To get out of this mess that has just begun once and for all. You cast a glance to the door and instantly, Giselle's voice flows through your ears. "Don't even think about it"
Without further words, you return to your initial space, now between Harley Quinn and Aquawoman, who had took the vacant spot.
"Let's begin" Giselle orders and Harley Quinn spins the bottle without hesitation. It whirls and whirls, finally slowing down before you.......no, it's Aquawoman.
"Truth or...Dare?" Harley Quinn asks, her voice still shaky from crying earlier. For a moment, Aquawoman is silent. Then she makes her choice. "Dare"
"Oh...this one is feeling adventurous" Giselle compliments. Her eyes fixed on the girl so intently it looks like she's going to burn a hole through her.
Harley Queen picks up the card from the old deck. The symbol on the back of this card is a scythe, a symbol for punishment? Not really a good idea. She gulps after seeing what's written on the card. "You....you have to..." she stutters.
"Say it dear" Giselle urges. "Say the words"
"You have to paint your name....with your....your...blood..." Her words thin to a whisper at the end.
Aquawoman looks like all the blood in her body have been sucked out. "What..?" she asks, although there isn't a need. The instructions are clear.
"You heard her, dear. You have to write your name in your own blood. Doesn't it sound fun?" Giselle asks. If she's trying to be funny, now is not the time.
"I can't......please ask me to do anything. Not this...please, I beg you" Aquawoman begs but Giselle simply shrugs her shoulders.
"You have to do what yo are asked. Or else, you see what happened to Mr. no insecurities. You want to follow him?" Giselle's words seem to snap the girl back to her senses, though nothing about this makes sense.
"How do I do it?" she asks. Her voice so small you have to focus on every words.
"Simple" Giselle stands, takes a dagger from a drawer and hands it to her. "Paint it on the floor right in front of you. By the way what's your name?"
The girl swallows. "Penelope" Not a good time to have an eight letter names, you think. You wonder if her blood is enough. There are nearly six liters of blood in a human body but even if less than half of it is lost....You shut your train of thoughts. Not another corpse. It can't happen.
Aquawoman takes the dagger with trembling hands and sits down, staring at it as if it's a foreign object. Slowly, she pulls up the sleeve, raising it to her forearm, setting the edge on her flesh. It sinks in and a trail of blood starts to pour from the opening. Grimacing, she collects it with her forefinger and writes the first letter on the floor, P. But it isn't enough as half of the letter only formed.
The girl sinks the blade deeper, her lips pursed, trying to seal away a scream. More blood pours. The first letter is completed. You watch the gruesome scene as the girl paints her name. E, then N, after that L. Halfway but she's already trembling. Her whole arm is soaked with blood.
Giselle watches it with a hint of amusement in her eyes. Now you know what's beneath that cold face everyone tries to decipher. It's a sick, twisted mind. Ruined beyond repair. And she likes it that way.
"I can't do this anymore..." Aquawoman mutters in a hoarse voice, setting the dagger down. "It hurt so much"
"Just use your other arm" Giselle advices. "You are nearly there"
"But...." the girl reconsiders and takes the dagger with her bloody hand, raising it to cut another opening in her other arms. She slices and more blood flows. More paint.
The girl continues painting, her temples beaded with sweat. If her eyes can speak, they are screaming for help. The name gets completed one word after another. O, P, then she stops.
"Please......it...it hurts....I'm nearly done, please...can I.." she pleads and begs. Her hands trembling, both covered in red.
"One last letter" Giselle muses. "Complete it"
"I can't....please...?" she asks for mercy. But Giselle isn't known for being merciful.
"Are you saying you can't do it?" Giselle insists.
"No...no....but I can't-" She drops her dagger and stumbles forward, propping herself on her palms. She has lost too much blood.
"Very well then" Giselle says, her expression solemn.
"I...I don't want to.." The girl can no longer speaks. Not because she is choking. But because blood starts to pour from her eyes. A waterfall of blood, enough to write her names a hundred times. You back away in disgust, a few drops staining your coat. The other two cover their eyes, unable to comprehend the horror of the scene. Gisell watches the never ending flow of blood with interest. Not even caring the droplets hitting her dress.
"What a pity, she was so promising" Giselle sighs as the body lands on the floor with a loud thud. "Another one eliminated. Mr. Vampire, would you be so kind to..?" She points it a the corpse. Damn this, why does everyone around you have to die? Without complaint, you grab her from the waist, the only part unstained with her blood and put her next to Pennywise.
Two down. Two corpses. Who's next? You should have left when you had the chance. You should have continue being the loner you are. Stay in your room and spend Halloween watching Dracula. At least it won't be real. At least you won't die. Your desperation have lead you to your demise. There's no way out of here.
Regardless, this game that's nothing but sick must go on. Because Giselle says so. All of you are nothing but pawns on her chessboard. Disposable. Weak.
You expect Giselle to take the spot next to you but instead, Harley Quinn takes it. Giselle is still right in front of you. Those pools of blue still piercing into your soul, inch by inch. Now the circle, or rather a rhombus, consists only of four.
No one complains. They have already seen two examples. No one's eager to become another. The bottle is now in the hands of Ms. Tattered clothes, who stares at it like it's an explosive. You have no idea about the order the bottle is being passed. But it just one of the many thing that doesn't make any sense.
The bottle spins, pointing directly across from the spinner, at Harley Quinn.
"Truth or Dare?" This question, these words that have reaped two souls.
"Truth" Harley Queen makes her choice, at least she won't be cutting her vessels open. That's not exactly a reassuring thought. You have no idea about the other questions in that deck.
A card is pulled. The question is read.
"If someone here is to die, who do you wish it is?"
A simple question, yet the answer a double pointed sword. You know her answer because you would have answered the same. It's 'Giselle'. If she's dead, you all can leave. You all can stop playing this deadly game. But if the truth is spoken, who knows what Giselle will do?
"It's..eh..." Harley Queen stutters, debating with herself. Tell the truth, she risks facing Giselle's wrath. Lie, she dies. Neither's a good choice.
"It's ok dear, speak your mind" Giselle encourages. She pulls her veil farther below and the shadows it cast pale the blue of her eyes. Yet, they are as intent as ever.
"You" Harley Quinn makes her decision. She lowers her head like she's scared of what comes next.
"Eh....honest..." Giselle muses, a faint smile forming on her lips, the exotic kind. "Your courage is admirable, dear. The truth is good. But sometimes, it must be twisted to fit the situation. Afterall, the Truth is bitter"
Giselle smiles and again you are baffled by its arcane amidst the chaos. You would have forgotten you are on the verge of dying had she not sheathed it.
"I'm sorry dear. Such honesty should be rewarded but this time the stakes are high" Giselle sighs, blowing air.
"This is unfair! I spoke the truth! I'm going to die either way, why are you doing this?" Harley Quinn bellows in rage. Her face so red you think it's going to explode.
"You are correct. Lie or Truth, both leads to the same end. But I'm doing this because I find it fun. Because I can" Giselle admits and you have no doubt that she is ,in fact, enjoying this. Her smile had said it all.
"You can't do this! If others know..." her words are cut short by the flames that engulf her. You back away in shock. Thankfully, you don't get to move another corpse as the flames consumes everything in one swift blast. Ash, the remnants of what was once human rain to the floor.
"She talked too much. It's a good thing she went quick" Giselle says lazily. This dead seems to be the least interesting to her.
The nature of the game has become obvious. Truth or Dare, you die either way. It's inevitable. Everyone here must meet their end to satisfy Giselle's hunger. But of course, the game must go on.
"Your turn, pretty boy" Giselle says, handing you the bottle. You take it. Even before spinning, you already know who it's gonna land on. And of course, it does. The deadly little container point rights towards Ms. Tattered Clothes. Another vicitm. The second last.
"Truth or Dare?" You say the three deadly words.
The girl is silent, seemingly struggling to say the right words. Except that there isn't one. Her whole face is frozen in fear, staring into space.
"Hurry up, dear" Giselle says. "We don't have all night"
The girl raises her head to look at Giselle, pleading with her eyes.
"I don't want to die. Please....I will do anything..." she cowers before Giselle, begging for her life. Giselle seeems amused at the fragile creature bowing before her. The idea of having someone's life to do as she wishes filling her with delight.
"Now, don't be scared. Nothing lasts forever afterall. The least you can do is make a choice. Truth or Dare?" Giselle repeats your question.
"I...I'm..." The girl sits back up, realizing there's no way to escape. "Truth"
Giselle looks at you and you pull a card from the deck of Truth. You flip the card to the other side, only to be greeted by a strange sight. The other side of the card is blank. No letters or questions, just a white space.
"What's the meaning of this?" you asks, showing the card to Giselle.
"Oh dear, I'm really sorry" Giselle says with false compassion. "Seems like you have landed on the empty card, which means there's no questions for you to answer"
"What do you...mean?" the girl insists. "This must be a mistake, maybe he can pull another card"
"That would be against the rules" Giselle set the card down in front of the girl. "And I like to follow them"
"So what? If I didn't answer, I wouldn't be lying right? That means I won't be punished" The girl insists once more. And in a sense, what she says make sense. How could she lie if there isn't even a question?
"You are not wrong" Giselle replies. "But it also means you wouldn't be telling the truth either. And that would be lying"
"That makes no fucking sense!" The girl screams, letting her anger gets the best of her. "You are just finding an excuse to kill people!"
"I thought you already know" Giselle sighs. "You are a slow one"
The girl turns to you. "Please, help me. You are going to die too, you know that right? Maybe if both of us can-"
And then she is no more. Her whole body dissolves into a whirlwind of colors which gets sucked in to the blank page of the card like a vortex.
"A shame" Giselle puts the card back into the deck. "Seems like it's just us now"
You have never thought much thought to what happens after death. But now, you start wondering if you have done enough good to get into Heaven. You surely haven't done anything catastrophic but you haven't accomplished anything remarkable either. You just have to hope the good outweights the bad. Because soon, you will be nothing more than another soul reaped for Giselle's amusement.
What was left of Giselle's facade as the perfect human being has gone. She's anything but that. A demon that indulges herself in the suffering of others. Plucking a life after another like fruits.
Giselle takes the bottle. "My turn" she muses, her voice eager to conclude the act. You being the one to close it out.
The bottle doesn't need to be spinned. The result is clear as day. Giselle does it anyway. The compass of death spins and spins, inevitably pointing towards you.
"Truth or Dare?" The last question for this night, the last question you will hear.
"Truth" you reply, surprised at yourself for how quick your respone is. Have you accepted your end?
"If you have the choice to fuck anyone in this room, who would it be?"
Giselle asks, not pulling a card from the deck. Doesn't it break the rules? No, Giselle makes the rules.
The question seems so odd compared to the others you have heard tonight. The other ones are designed either to force you to lie or mix you up so thoroughly you can't answer. But this question? The answer is simple but not without risk. Giselle, the only other human being here, the sole female, that's the answer, the truth. But you don't want to go up in flames like Harley Quinn did nor you want to choke to death like Pennywise. There isn't a way out. You accept your fate.
"You" you answer. "I would do it with you"
Giselle's face shows no emotion. Her eyes staring into yours, unblinking. You start repenting the sins you might have done. Sooner or later, you would end in a horrible way.
"I think so" Giselle finally speaks. She pulls down her veil to let her hair fall freely around her shoulder. Without it, she looks even more sinister. A wolf in sheep skin.
"End me already" you requests. "Let's finish this"
Giselle chuckles. The voice that comes out is frozen, like she hasn't laughed in a millennia and she's just trying again right now.
"What a brave man" Giselle praises. "But you won't escape me that easily. What you will face is worse than death"
You curse under your breath. Death is not the ideal option but at least it will release you. Now, that chance has went up in smoke.
"Lie down" Giselle orders.
"Why?" You questions. If you are not going to die, at least you want to know what you will be facing.
"Lie down" she repeats. Knowing there's no point in defying her, you obliges. Giselle walks up to you, setting a foot on your chest, looming over you. She smirks and that's when you get a crazy thought. The others were lucky. At least they escape this in a way. You wouldn't.
"Good boy" she compliments. You feel a sense of joy despite the state you are in. It feels so wrong. "Lose your fangs, I don't want you to bite"
You pull of the fake fangs from your mouth. Though you still looks like a sleep deprived vampire with the rest of your attire.
Giselle pulls back her leg, regarding you with her blue eyes like a predator ready to pounce. If she starts skinning you alive, you wouldn't be surprised. However, what she proceeds to do is the exact opposite.
She kneels beside you, her fingers trailing along your chest. The touch left you craving for more. With each movement, she sends a shiver down your spine. At this moment, the only god you will worship is Giselle. You will devote your soul to her if it means she will keep doing this.
Her fingers trail across your chest, down to your waist and then land right on your crotch. She squeezes your clothed mamba, which is already rock hard from her gratifying touch. A smile forms on her lips once more. This time from the joy of seeing how badly you need her.
"Oh, you are already so hard" Giselle mocks and squeezes your dick over the fabric once more. The agony from her harsh grip merges with pleasure and you can no longer distinguish which is which. All you know is you want her to keep doing this. Keep hurting you because with pain, there's pleasure.
"Are you enjoying this?" Giselle gives one final squeeze and let go, leaving you throbbing. You could have cummed from her hands alone if she repeats the motion one more time. Nonetheless, you want her to keep going. To find comfort in the hands of your reaper. The very thought shames you but it gets clouded by a stronger emotion, lust.
Giselle presses her upper body against your chest and you would have put your hands on her waist if it isn't for the fact that she could kill you in a heartbeat. Her black hair streaked with blonde sprawled out on your torso, a curtain of silk. If it isn't enough to drive you wild, the rosy smell of her perfume mixed with the faintest scent of her sweat does the job. Diamond is no longer the hardest material on earth because your cock is already pushing through your pants, trying to escape its boundaries.
Giselle moves further up, lining her face with yours. Under the glow of the lamp, you get the full view of her boobs, which are pushed upward with how hard she's pressing into you. The trench of her cleavage is a dark pit without a bottom, which you will eagerly jump into. Just to get more of her. To indulge in her.
Her fingers move along your ribs, your neck, ending on your face, cupping it, holding it like something tender. "Vampire doesn't suit you, you know?" she asks. Just a simple remark but it deprives you of your common sense. All you feel now is regret. Regret for cosplaying as this stupid creature. Regret for not being good enough for Giselle. "But outfits can be removed, hmm?" Giselle starts unbuttoning your shirt and in this case, literally unbutton. She pulls off the first button. Then the other. Then the other.
A fire has been lit inside you and with each button you lose, the flames rose higher. Giselle's touch is electric and even if it's deadly, you will happily surrender. Because you crave for it too much to care.
Giselle spread open your shirt, the sides parting to reveal your bare chest. She lays a finger and trace it down to your stomach. Her eyes lit up with thrill when they land on your bulge. "Oh, nearly forgot him" Giselle grabs you waistband and pulls it down. Your cock springs up, finally escaping its confinement, throbbing with anticipation.
Giselle holds it from the base and gives it one single pump. And you realize that is all you have needed in life. Your mind is screaming 'Keep going. Don't stop' but you don't utter a single word. Either you are paralyzed from her touch or you don't need to. Because Giselle already knows.
"Look at you, all pumped up. Do I turn you on that much?" She doesn't need to ask. The evident is before her eyes. Another pump. A groan escapes your lips. She smiles. "But it would be unfair if you get your release so quick after everything you went through, hmm?" You want to scream. Tell her to let you cum. In any way. Even her hands are enough. Just let you out of this beautiful prison.
She stands and your dick aches, yearning for her touch again. Giselle stands right above your face, her feet set on either sides of you. You get a glimpse of her pussy. And you swear it's the most perfect thing you have seen.
"How's the view down there?" Giselle asks. "Do you like my pussy?" Yes, you would have answered. Absolutely. But as usual, your vocal cords lose their ability.
"You wanna taste it?" Giselle lifts up the hem of her dress, just enough to expose her full round ass. Skin snowy white just like the rest of her body. "I don't hear an answer"
"Yes..." You manage to utter one single word through the invisible chokehold.
"Very well.." Giselle lowers her ass, taking her rightful throne right on your face. No sooner you feel the pressure than you start licking her pink cavern like there's no tomorrow. Your nose is squashed between her buttocks, cutting off your supply of oxygen. But you don't care. Because this is all you have ever wanted.
"Mhmm yes....just like that" Giselle words encourage you to continue your service to her, treating her like the goddess she is. There is only one goal in you mind at the moment. Make her cum. So that she will praises you. Just one single word would be enough.
So you channel everything you have into your tongue. Slurping her pussy, eating her out. Each time your tongue runs across her velvety flesh, you extract a moan from her. You twirl your tongue on her clit and Giselle tense up, another impure sound betraying her lips.
"God, yes....don't stop..." You don't plan to. Your face is drenched in the juice already spilling out of her and your own spit. This is just a small price to pay to taste the delicacy between her legs. The taste can only be described as otherworldly. Because you are sure there isn't anything that taste like this on earth.
Giselle starts rocking her hips, making your tongue catches up with her pace. She's fucking herself on your tongue, just another object to appease her. Your flesh and blood, all hers. And she will use it as she sees fit.
You hold onto her thighs for support. You are drowning in her elixir, the juice that's suffocating you yet empowers you to keep going. Giselle had said this is worse than death. But maybe it isn't so bad afterall.
However, being deprived of oxygen for so long have its consequences as you start feeling your consciousness slowly drift away, although your tongues move as vigorously as ever. Giselle is still rocking on your face, feeding you the nectar you crave so bad. You are starting to think this is how you will die when a waterfall of the clear liquid pour out of Giselle's cavern, soaking your face whole.
You gasp, your lungs filled with air again after Giselle stop using you as a meat chair. One last drop of her juice falls onto your lips. Instinctively, you lick it up.
" You did well, pretty boy" Giselle praises, her voice hoarse. "You deserve a reward" Those were the sweetest word you have ever heard. She walks slowly back to where your legs lay sprawled on the floor. Sitting down, a hand of hers wrap around the base of your stiff cock. "Miss me?" she asked, giving it a pump. Your body tense from her lethal touch. Giselle takes this as a sign to keep going.
She starts moving her hand up and down, stroking every inch of you. The fire in you burn brighter than ever. Waves after waves of pleasure course through your veins and you drown in them happily. With the other hand, Giselle fondle your balls, giving each one a gentle squeeze. "Look how full they are. Is it because of me, hmm?" Not wanting her to stop, you answer briskly. "Yes, yes...." "I think so" Giselle move her remaining hand from your balls to your shaft, now pumping it with both her hands. There isn't a single inch she misses and from time to time, she would rub your tip with her thumb, delivering extra fatal blows.
All you can do is take in the feeling. But you don't close your eyes because it would be stupid to miss the sight of a goddess giving you a handjob. All it exists in the world for now are Giselle's hands, your cock and the flames inside you that dance wild.
"Are you feeling good? You like my hands, huh?" Giselle asks, picking up the pace even more. This time you are too lost in bliss to answer. Not daring to miss the feeling of one single pump because it could be the last. Giselle is giving you a handjob not because she wants you to feel good. Just like everything else in her world, your dick exists to entertain you. She's rejoicing in the sense of superiority, the ability to deliver or deny you pleasure.
She's being generous at least. Her hands don't seem to be stopping time soon. However, your end is near. The flame inside you have turned into a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment. The tingling sensation starts to grow into an amalgam of throbs and pulses. Giselle, who undoubtedly feel it, smiles. "Are you going to cum?" Another unnecessary question. "Cum, cum all over my hands"
And that's all you need to hear before you erupts, spewing globs after globs of cum. Some land on Giselle's dress, the others spill down her fingers. She keeps pumping you until your climax finally subside.
"That's a lot. It would be a shame to let it go to waste" Giselle licks your cum off her fingers and the sight alone is enough to get you hard again. She sucks the last drop off her middle finger and her eyes rest on yours. "We are just getting started. I hope you have a lot more"
You nod and that's not a lie because your dick is already up again like a spear. But this spear will impale something else.
"I want that cock stuffing me full, now" Giselle orders. "Come on, you have been on the ground for so long" You stands up and follow Giselle's lead, who bends over on a desk and spreads open her lips to reveal her pink insides. An invitation. "Just fuck me already"
Instantly, you shove your pole into her wet folds. Giselle lets out a gutteral moan, her back arching. "Oh, yes.....stuff me with that huge cock" If her hands had felt phenomenal to you, her wet cunt feels a thousand times more. You thrusts into her wet hole again and again, already lubed up by her juices earlier.
"Oh god, yes....just like that" Giselle moans and you gives her ass a slap, unable to resist the sight of it rippling each time your cervix meets her buttocks. More juice flows and Giselle moans louder. You knead the soft flesh of her ass, the touch of her skin like cotton in your grasp.
"Harder! Fuck me harder!" You are already putting every ounce of your strength but if Giselle orders, who are you not to oblige? You slam your hips harder. Your cock is already soaking from her juice and the friction no longer matters. It moves with the speed you desire.
Right at that moment, your eyes fall on the two corpses you have lined up against the shlef. Pennywise, with his bulging eyes and midway scream seems to be telling you "Is this what we die for? So that she can fuck you?" The other one, Aquawoman, with her blood soaked body seems to ask the same thing.
But the sickest thing is you wanna answer 'Yes, this is what you die for, so that I can fuck her' How corrupted have you become to put your animalistic desire above the life of others? But it no longer matters because the feeling of Giselle's cunt on your cock is the only thing you need.
Your attention reverts back from the lifeless bodies as Giselle's walls clench you hard. She was tight before. Now she's even tighter. You give your all to penetrate her tight folds but after going for so long, your strength is starting to waver. Giselle, however, is as energetic as ever. She pushes her ass back to meet your thrusts halfway, impatient to wait even for a split second.
You can only take so much as the second spiral of tingles start working their way down to your pelvis. "Fuck, Giselle, I'm gonna cum.." you warn. "Give it all to me, babe. Fill up my cunt. Yesssss..." Giselle hisses as her tight hole get pumped with the next torrent of baby batter exiting your shaft. Despite cumming earlier, the second orgasm hits you with the same euphoric wave, you start seeing the stars.
A steady drip of cum pours out of Giselle's pussy as you pull out. You are panting and all your limbs feel like jelly. Giselle has sucked out every bit of strength left in you. Pushing a finger into her pulsing hole, Giselle scoops out some of your cum, tasting it. "Mhmm...creamy.." She mutters as though she's testing out a new dessert. Maybe to her, it is.
"Are you already tired? Awwww....poor boy. But you know you can't stop until I'm satisfied right?" Giselle's words wash over you like a tide. Suddenly, you start believing you can go again. Afterall, your sole purpose is to entertain her.
You nod and you no longer knows if it's you or whatever is possessing you in this moment. All you can think is how you want to serve Giselle. Even if someone try to give you the escape you have been seeking desperately earlier, you would have refused it. Because now, you are Giselle's.
"Good boy" These words. How you crave them. You would do anything just to hear these words. "Sit" Giselle points to a wingback chair nearby, red just like the blood flowing from the corpse. You obeys. Giselle stands right in front of you, her arms folded. "Here's a little treat for you" Giselle pulls off her dress from the hem, making herself bare. Her body is a work of art, sculpted by the creator himself. Your masculine urges lead your eye right to her tits, which is as perfect as the rest of her body. The round globes that you can suck on for the rest of your life. "You like my tits?" Just one of the many redundant questions of the night. "Yes..." You mutter dreamily. "Taste them" Giselle grips the arms of the chair and leans in, her milkbags only an inch from your face. Instantly, you rises to put your lips on her tits, the other hand kneading the supple flesh of the other. You suck on her nipples ad even an infant can't rival your hunger. You need this.
"Do you like them that much?" With your mouth stuffed with her nipple, you can't answer. You don't need to. You move the attention of your lips to her other tit, switching positions with the first one. As you slurp and lick her tits, blood start to flow to your dick again. Not as hard as earlier but enough to do the job.
Suddenly, Giselle moves back and you are greeted by the emptiness. Sensing your disappointment, she chuckles. "Oh, babe. Don't be so upset, we have better things to do" She kneels, the shadow of your fully erected cock darkening her features. "I wonder how you taste" Giselle licks the underside of your shaft. One single movement but nonetheless, you bask in the sensation. "Not bad.." Another lick. This time on your tip. She twirls her tongue, collecting the remnants of cum from the earlier session. "Delicious...." And just like that, she swallows your shaft all the way down to the base. Her nose presses against your plevis but her eyes remain focused on yours.
You throw your head back. The walls of her throat are no less talented than her pussy walls. Gag reflex seems to be a joke to her as she impale herself on your cock over and over, barely making a sound except the occasional gurgle of spits flowing from the corner of her lips. Her plump lips seal around you perfectly, tracing every vein with each bob. Giselle ways to use you doesn't seem to be running out anytime soon and you like it that way. You want her to keep using you until you are no longer human but a vessel for her pleasure.
And her eyes. If her mouth is sucking the physical strength out of you, they are draining your willpower. There is no present or future. There's only Giselle.
Giselle releases your cock from her mouth with a pop, her hands now stroking your cock, drenched in her spit. "I must say...I'm impressed. No one have last that long" Is she talking about 'lasting' as in not dying yet? You couldn't care less. Her fingers glide over your pole smoothly with the lube her spit provides. She twists her fingers, cockscrewing you. The hunger in her eyes never dim and it never will. She will never be satisfied. Not by you, not by anyone else. You are just another toy, thrown away when it gets boring.
Another spiral of twists and turns, her hands work like magic. Not a single second goes to waste because there's nothing else that can cut off your attention. You moan and you hate yourself for it. But if Giselle likes it, your emotions can be thrown away.
"How cute. You are whining" Her movements turn swift, determined to milk you of every last drop. "Are you gonna cum again? Hmm? It's ok, cum on my tits. You have been a good boy. You deserve this" Words have powers and you believe it. As soon as her lips stop moving, your body jerks, spraying spurt after spurt of cum on her tits. Most of it find their way to the canvas of her boobs but a few land on her face. "Yes, babe...let it all out" Giselle hands leave your shaft.
Once again gripping the chair arms, she leans in, this time to your face. "Goodbye" She presses her lips to yours. A sense of calm flows through your core. Her lips that just sucks you off press harder and harder. Her tongue enters your mouth and you return the action, a ballad of muscles with the symphony of breaths. You can't stop. She won't stop.
Suddenly, you realize. You can't breathe. Air wouldn't enter your lungs. Does it matter? Breathing, is it as important as Giselle? No, it isn't. You are well aware you have gone insane. Ever seen a mad man and wonder what's going on in his mind? Don't. He knows himself more than you ever will. So you don't need to be questioned. You have accepted your fate. If it's a curse, you will gladly embrace it because all you can think of is Giselle, Giselle and Giselle until your last breath.
(I have never written something this crazy before. But who isn't for Giselle?)
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vanesycho · 25 days
The chenle one has woken up smth in me so idk...Can you write smth w older Jisung where the reader cannot find her peace w boys her age until she meets jisung which is the "wattpad" kind of older man (ifykwim) caring and basically knows how to give reader the comfort that she needs
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hi hii🤍 I would like to thank the person who wrote the request, I am not very satisfied with what I wrote, but I hope I was able to write something as you wanted<3
wc: 1,8k
You left the bar crying, your girlfriend was trying to catch up to you, you ignored her even when she called your name.
"Y/n stop! Stop!"
She caught up to you and grabbed your arm, turning you towards her, you didn't let her when she tried to hug you.
"You called me here even though you knew that boy had bad intentions."
"I swear I didn't know, would I have called you here if I knew he would touch you without your permission?"
You laughed hysterically through your tears.
"Really? Fuck it, I'm going home."
You couldn't stand listening to her anymore.You quickly left there and started walking home. Continued walking down the deserted street while crying, cursing everything, your friend, that boy, yourself. While you thought he was a different person again, he turned out to be no different from the other boys, they were all the same, each and every one of them.They would use you for their body, and if you didn't let them, they would throw you in the corner.
You were falling onto the pavement, tripping as you could barely see through your tears, until someone grabbed you by the arms. You looked up and saw a tall figure, the streetlight illuminating his face.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, you didn't feel okay but did it matter? You freed yourself from his arms and regained your balance.
"I am good, thanks."
You were about to walk past him when you heard his voice again and stopped in your tracks.
"It might not be a good idea to pass through that street at this time of night."
You turned around, he was watching you with his hands in his pockets, you laughed hysterically.
"Anyway, what worse could happen to me today?"
He bowed his head slightly and walked a few steps towards you. You didn't back away, you were with a stranger on this street but you didn't have the strength to care.
"I was just warning you, you seem to be in a bad situation already, we wouldn't want them to take advantage of that, would we?"
You laughed, not because it was funny, you were tired, and this guy you didn't know cared about you?
"So? Like I said, I can't be in a worse situation, I can't trust your word either, who knows, maybe after you gain my trust, you'll try to take me to bed too."
He frowned, looking at a tear that was streaming down your cheek. You were definitely not in a good state, and he wasn't planning on leaving you like that.
"I don't know how you've gotten men into your life, but I suggest you don't lump everyone together.You're here all alone, you look weak and tired, if I wanted to take you to bed I'd do it now."
You kept quiet, you had nothing to say, you sat on the pavement, your high heels were starting to hurt your feet. You turned to him as he sat down next to you.
"I'm Y/n."
He looked at your outstretched hand and laughed, he reached out his hand which was bigger than yours and shook it, you just realized how cold your hands were at that moment.He had a warm hand unlike yours.
"Park Jisung."
'Jisung' you repeated that name in your head.
"Are you planning on sitting here quietly?"
You grinned and glanced at him.
"You expect me to tell you? I don't have anything else to do though, do I?"
You took a deep breath, watching the couple pass in front of you, smiling as they walked hand in hand.
"I don't know if it's my bad luck or my fate, but all the men in my life have tried to use me. They're all the same, stupid teenagers, all they think about is sex."
He put his hands behind his back and tilted his head up in thought. You watched him, his adam's apple moving as he swallowed. He caught your gaze and spoke.
"Aren't you young? Don't expect anything else from boys your age, we men mature late, unlike you girls.Either don't take anyone in your life for a long time, or forget about men your age and try people a few years older."
You thought about it, you hadn't thought about being with someone older than your age. You watched the man next to you, he was obviously older than you. He stood out with his suit and face. He smiled when he realized she was watching him.
"Like what you see?"
You turned your head away in embarrassment.
"No. You're just standing here in a suit. Where do you come from?"
Now he was the one who took a deep breath.
"I was at a party with my friends but I got bored quickly, it seems like those kinds of places are not for me, I prefer to stay here quietly and alone, until you come."
You rolled your eyes laughing when he said the last sentence with a laugh, he grabbed your wrist as you were about to stand up, you looked at where he was holding you, he wasn't harsh, but when he noticed your look he quickly pulled his hand away.
"Oh sorry. I was just kidding, it's nice to have someone to talk to."
You sat down.You looked at each other, an awkward silence taking over you. The wind caressed your hair,he brushed the few strands that had fallen into your face.You flinched when you felt his fingertips on your cheek, he quickly pulled his hand away.You were letting a guy you just met get close to you like that, maybe that's why you always experience the same things, but this guy named Jisung... He had awakened different things in you.
"You might as well go home now."
"What is it? You don't want me with you?"
He paused, trying to find the right words, you laughed and standing up.
"Just kidding, I know what you mean."
He stood up with you, you looked at him, noticing the difference in his gaze. You looked away as his eyes looked into yours without fear, what was happening to you?
"Well...See you then?"
You stopped as you turned around, he cleared his throat and spoke.
"It might be unsafe there, don't go alone, do you want me to come with you?"
You didn't know what to say, you didn't want to say no, you liked talking to him even a little, After some thought you nodded your head.
A few minutes had passed, you were walking towards your house, talking about your own lives.
"So you don't have anyone in your life? Really?"
You looked at him in disbelief, well he was handsome, you didn't know him but from what you knew he seemed like a kind person. How could someone like him live alone?
"Yes, it was my choice, but you never know who fate will bring to me. Just like it brought you."
You turned your head to the road when he said this with a smile, looking into your eyes. Damn, you shouldn't have been fooled so easily, but every sentence he said sounded so real and beautiful. When you finally arrived in front of your house, you turned to him.
"Thank you for coming with me."
"It's not even worth mentioning. I'd feel bad if I didn't do this, just take care of yourself, okay?"
You pressed your lips together and nodded in affirmation, talking before walking in.
"Good night."
"Good night Y/n"
Hearing your name on his lips made you shiver and soon you were inside your house.
The rest of the week went by normally, you hadn't even left the house. You tried not to think about Jisung when your mind thought about him most of the time.It happened and it was over, there was no point in thinking about it anymore. But your mind was playing tricks on you and you cursed when you thought his face.
You threw yourself out of the house, you obviously needed to clear your head. You went into the cafe near your house, ordered your coffee and sat down. While you were busy with your phone and waiting for your coffee, the tall figure standing in front of you caught your attention
"Was this place empty, little lady?"
The voice you heard sent shivers down your spine. You laughed at the encounter with him at the cafe you came to not think about him, you wet your dry lips and nodded your head.
"Yes, it's empty."
He came across from you and sat down. When your coffee arrived, you took a sip and tried to calm down. Seeing him again made your heart beat faster, and you hated this feeling already.
"I hope you're...okay now?"
He placed his arms on the table and leaned towards you slightly, you swallowed nervously and turned your head away.
"I'm fine, thanks for your concern."
He smiled at your shyness, damn even his smile was pretty.
"Why did you come?"
"What do you mean?"
He frowned at your sudden reaction, well that was the last reaction he expected but he could understand.
"I was worried about you, you seemed really sad that day, and you...well, you've been on my mind for a while. I was wondering if you were okay now. And when I saw you here I wanted to come and make sure."
You listened to him as your eyes widened in surprise, meaning you weren’t the only one thinking about him. The thought of someone caring about you brought up strange feelings inside you.
"I see. I'm fine, I guess I shouldn't let anyone into my life for a long time like you said."
He coughed as he drank his drink, pulling himself together and looking at you as you looked at him curiously.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah I just-"
He took a sip of his drink and took a deep breath before speaking.
"I mean, I didn't think you would make a decision like that."
"Well? You're the one who told me that."
He was the one who avoided your gaze, you frowned, was he embarrassed of you? You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked, he turned to you when he heard your laugh.
"Okay Jisung, maybe I should try the other thing you suggested to me."
You couldn't help but smile as you saw a small expression of happiness on his face. He hid his smile and tried to remain serious.
"I didn't say that, but it's your decision."
You continued to smile as you took a sip from your drink.
"Hmm...Yeah, definitely."
You looked at him when the silence intervened, you bit your lip involuntarily when you realized he was watching you, his eyes fell on your lips and he tried to collect himself by looking away.
"So...now, would you like to come somewhere else with me?"
"So...A date?"
He smiled as he looked away from you.
"Yes, yes, a date. I mean if you want?"
You stood up, he watched you, you turned to him and pointed to the exit.
"Let's go then, there's no point in waiting."
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partycatty · 9 months
i am so desperate to top dark star!johnny he makes me so horny mad, like someone humble that son of a bitch. it so doesn’t fit him to be topped but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
UGHHH UR SO ME FR!!!! LMFAOOAAO i love pathetic men!!!! i love projecting my kinks onto my fics — WHAAAT WHO SAID THAAAT????
for those unfamiliar with dark star!johnny
dark star!johnny cage > payback
you have had it up to HERE with the white man's utter nonsense.
warnings: you humble evil johnny sexually. 😀 no but fr this is nsfw, bratty johnny and he hates it, he says "stop" and "no" but we all know he's lying and he loves it (afab reader)
notes: i was so excited to write this i don't even think it's coherent i'm literally barking gnawing frothing foaming i crawled to my pc to boot up the game to make gifs of him for future use bc i know DAMN well i will come back to this clown
masterlist &lt;3
i will microwave him.
part 1* / part 2* / part 4* / part 5* / part 6*
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•lord have mercy where do i even begin.
•alright, so let's paint a picture here.
•dark star!johnny may have stupid amounts of money, but he's a fucking idiot. he didn't spend a single cent on you for christmas! he'd argue with you for hours, saying both "i am the gift!" and "i buy you enough shit the rest of the year and now you want more?"
•when you argue to the point of running out of new things to bring up, you decide to angrily drop the topic entirely and move on with life. that is, until you hear johnny's muffled voice call from you from upstairs as you begin to prep dinner several days after the holiday.
•"sweet cheeks, a hand would be nice!" he shouts, a suspiciously evident grin in his tone of voice. you roll your eyes as his persistent cocky nature, but your frown turns into a little gasp when you open the bedroom to your shared door.
•this absolute idiot is sitting face down ass up on your silk sheets, tied down nice and tight with a thick red ribbon. a bow rests on his neck and broad chest. The Coat is discarded on a chair beside the bed, but everything else is still on. he smushes his cheek against the sheets as he desperately tries and cranes his head to look at you.
•"heeeey babe," he'll meekly greet you, shimmying his shoulders. "i, uh. i was going to surprise you. but i kinda fell forward and couldn't get back up. it was supposed to be a sexy pose but i tied my arms down before anything else and i can't prop myself up."
•"you're a dumbass," you reply back with a frown, not entirely amused as much as he is. "you think this makes up for your fuckup?"
•"no! and you know what? i'm gonna fucking enjoy this whether you like it or not!" you sigh with exasperation, slapping his clothed ass pretty hard, the sound of contact echoing in your large bedroom. he lets out a whiny shout, trying to tug his hips away from you out of desperation and ending up flopping onto his back.
•"hey! not fucking funny. i hate when you do that," he'll complain with a scowl, but his protests are hard to take seriously when he flips over and reveals an angry boner throbbing against his pants.
•"yeah, that's why you have a raging hard-on," you reply with a dramatic groan, grabbing a handful of his thick shaft through his dress pants. he yelps again, twitching his hips upward as you feel his heartbeat through his cock. "i'm not helping you up, johnny. this is payback. for christmas."
•you climb on top of him, hovering your lips right above his in a sickeningly sweet way. johnny, like the needy whore he is, tries to lift his head up and capture your lips, but you cut the attempt short when you expertly undo his belt in a swift one-handed motion and squeeze his dick through his boxer briefs. his once puckered lips open to let out a deep, strained whine, and you feel a warm wetness in his pants as you milk the pre-cum from his tip with your grasp alone.
•ohhh he is in AGONY. ds!johnny literally HATES when he's not in control, and even though he feels his dick get impossibly harder, he's still writhing at the thought of not being the leader.
•"come on, dollface," he'll try to protest with furrowed brows, but you see the way he bites his bottom lip. "don't play mean. that's not how this was meant to go."
•you don't even reply to his annoyance, you just stick a finger between his neck and the ribbon around it, tugging it and sending a wave of pressure on the sides of his neck. his eyes involuntarily roll back as you temporarily choke him with his own doing.
•"you're gonna take it, aren't you? the torture?" you ask, palming him through his underwear and holding his face close to yours. his expression contorts instantly at your roughness. "how are you gonna fucking like it when i treat you like shit?"
•"you'll regret it," he groans out in an attempted threat, but it ends up sounding more breathy and gravely than intended. "you'll fucking regret crossing me like this."
•he's literally the one that had the genius idea to tie himself up. he's a Grade A idiot for putting himself in the situation to begin with. or maybe he likes it :)
•you hastily tug your own pants off, shaking your leg to throw them aside. once you're free of the fabric, you pull down johnny's pants too, since he hasn't got the ability to do it on his own. sure enough, his underwear is already definitely stained, and yours is getting there. the sight along made a wetness pool in your panties. something about such a cocky, annoying man finally being put in his place was starting to drive you a little wild as you straddle his hips.
•you shove your panties aside and settle them in the crack between you pussy and thighs, and return the gesture to your boyfriend by tugging his waistband down and unleashing his little jonathan (sorry). his pink, angry cock springs free and slaps against your tummy. you giggle.
•"ha, ha. very funny. untie me now," johnny whines again with a frustrated tone, but there's a hint of blush on his cheeks as he looks away from your body on top of his. his anger contorts into needy moans when you wrap your fingers around his dick, stroking at a medium pace and coating himself in his own precum. "ngh, fuck — stop it, i'm not fucking playing around — aah —"
•his back hopelessly arches as you lazily stroke his dick. when you decide he's hot and ready enough for the real thing after he turns into a blabbering mess, you hover above his dick and grab two fistfuls of the ribbons; one on his neck and one on his chest. his pretty lips part as he catches his breath from the sudden movement, eyes darting across your features.
•as he tries to make sense of your bold move, you sink down onto his throbbing cock and fully take him in your walls. he's unable to writhe and squirm as you hold him in place firmly. johnny's eyebrows knit together and he swiftly moves his head to the side, his sunglasses crooked and dropping on his hooked nose. when he finally gets the strength to look down at your pussy engulfing his length, he whines at the beautiful sight and involuntarily bucks up to relieve the strain. you immediately let out a little shout of discipline and pull his upper body toward you.
•"my pace or no pace," you warn through gritted teeth. "don't pull that shit again."
•"or what?" he replies with a cocky grin, his horniness absolutely dripping from his voice. "you don't scare me." as he tries to play right back, you slam yourself down on his cock again without warning, his tip kissing your cervix invitingly. his eyes widen and he yelps out pathetically before turning it into an angry groan. "you're such a fucking bitch. i hate you."
•he starts to spew more utter nonsense about hating you and you being a bitch as you start to actually ride him, for once at your own pace. he's typically fucking up into you but this time he's tied down and taking it like a good boy! you needed this, though, to let out your frustrations with him lately. it's incredibly funny that, yes, he could technically just start bucking his hips into you, but you take note that he's actually listening to your threat and allowing himself to be used. you remind yourself to ask him to top him more often. i doubt he'd say yes.
•your pace becomes a relentless combination of slamming his cock and grinding on it to stimulate your clit, and johnny has now turned into a whimpering mess. his perfect hair was sticking to his forehead and flying out in all directions, his sunglasses were just barely hanging onto the bridge of his nose. all the while, he's still sputtering complains about being used and begging you to stop, but they sound hungrier than disgusted. your deep moans drown out his whines and cries, and you frankly don't really care about how he feels.
•you've officially fucked him stupid. he can't even get a proper word out as he's now trying to literally break the ribbons and give him access to his hands, but he's so horny he can't find the strength he typically has.
•"b... stop — babe — 'm gonna cum if you — aah, oh you fucker —" johnny starts to twitch and whimper, thrashing his head side to side as he gets closer toward release. you don't really give a shit though, as you're now chasing your own orgasm as your grinding becomes increasingly uneven. you grab hold of his neck to stabilize yourself, and the coil in your core snaps, your body sending waves of blissful pleasure through your entire being. you're violently reminded of your boyfriend's impending load when he throws away all command you gave him and starts fucking up into your sensitive pussy, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as he pathetically tries to get himself there, too.
•you're acutely familiar with how his cock throbs when he's about to cum, and you use this information to your advantage as you abruptly pull yourself up and away right as he shoots his load. he lets out a damn near cry for help as he makes a complete mess of himself. it shoots up high, painting his stomach and chest as his hips thrust into nothing.
•"YOU FUCKING —" he groans out, eyes clenched shut as his desperation makes him act out. "I WANTED TO CUM INSIDE. YOU KNOW THAT'S MY FAVORITE. AND YOU RUINED A PERFECTLY NICE SHIRT!"
•all you do is return to straddling his hips, sliding your panties back into place and catching your breath.
•"but you look better like this," you reply lowly, taking a flat palm and putting it on his stomach. "all tied down and fucked out. i could get used to it. besides, this was my gift, wasn't it?"
•as his head tilts back to regain his composure, you snap a quick photo of his cum-stained shirt, flushed expression, and weeping dick.
•"consider this payback," you chuckle, wiggling the photo in front of his eyes. "i might just post this everywhere if you don't get me anything for my birthday next."
•"delete that, you cunt," he hisses back, once again trying to free himself. "untie me now. fun's over."
•"nah, i'm good," you reply, your annoying boyfriend being restrained giving you a dangerous amount of confidence. "i think i'll just leave you here. not before cleaning up your cum with your coat, maybe."
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soughtoutsliderr · 3 months
Tenya Iida x Rebellious!Reader
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CW: No smut, just silliness!! Short fic where u meet him I'll make a pt.2. Very flustered Iida, Denki and Mineta as dating coaches, (what could go wrong) and a terrible pick up line.
Class 1-A was always goofing off. Everyone took them the most serious but they were a bunch of weirdos. To me, at least, and most of my peers in Class 1-B. I was walking down the hallway with my undershirt unbuttoned at the top and no tie. The school uniform didn't mean anything to the teachers here, but sadly it meant something to Class 1-A's stickler president, Tenya Iida. He's always targeting me. Is he always on someones case, too? Sure, but he bothers me extra. I'm pretty sure he hates me, but whatever. I don't even know the guy.
Speak of the devil, I turn a corner and see Iida’s back facing me, talking to two other boys. The blonde one had a big smile on his face, but the tiny one looked upset.
"Hey, there she is now! You should probably-" the smaller guy started until someone slapped their hand over his mouth. I knew that was Kyoka Jirou, I'd talked to her before. She's one of the only cool people in Class 1-A. She whispered something to him and walked away, saying, "Hey, (Y/N)," as she passed me. I waved at her and kept walking towards the three men, though I was worried I would get scolded by Iida for my uniform. I pass them and almost make it around the corner before..
"Excuse me," Iida says in his big, booming, serious voice.
I spin on my heels and cross my arms, "Yeah, whaddaya want?" I watch him tense up and lower his head. His short friend elbows his leg, and the taller one says 'you got this!'
He doesn't say anything and just stares downward for awhile.
"The hells wrong with your friend?" I ask the other two and point at Iida, "If it's about my uniform I'll button it up but I don't have a tie." His friends mumble some words I can't hear, and Iida finally looked up at me. He made intense eye contact with his darting blue eyes, like he had something to prove.
"I was wondering.." his voice is much less powerful now, but still serious enough, "Would you happen to have a Band-Aid?"
"Eh? Why don't you go ask the nurse for something like that-"
His voice is clear and the power is back, "It's only that, I've scraped my knee falling for you!"
"Uh, what's that?" I say in complete shock. He can't be serious. Why in the world would Tenya say something like that to me??
He looks back at the ground, "I-i only wanted you to know that earlier I couldn't decide which is prettier.. the weather, or your eyes."
I scratch the back of my head. The boys behind him look so proud of themselves. Well, the boy is cute, but the lines are certainly something.
"You're being serious?" I question him.
He nods his head slowly and the boys nod their heads and give me thumbs ups.
"Hm.. that's cute. Thank you, Iida,” I smile and tilt my head.
"P-please, call me Tenya! And I appreciate your kind words!" He bows and I narrow my eyes.
"You know, Tenya, if you're gonna hit on me anyway, you don't have to be so formal," my smile widens as the blush on his face gets even brighter.
I walk away from the three of them and before I turn the corner really this time, I have to ask, "I'm off the hook, right? You're not gonna report me for my clothes today? I'd hope not, I'm beginning to like you," I smile and wink, then walk away.
"She's totally hot!!" scream the boys who aren't Tenya. Well, he's probably too nervous to even say anything and even then he's not as loud as those two idiots.
I can almost hear that stupid hand motion in his voice when he exclaims, "I just ‘hit on’ a pretty girl!"
Spoke too soon, I guess.
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atxxokirina · 1 year
There's A First Time For Everything — (18+, MDNI) — Neteyam x Fem reader
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Summary: Neteyam finds you wandering in the forest late at night, and decides to help you with a certain problem you've been having.
Contains: soft-ish dom Teyam, oral (fem receiving), squirting, creampie, dirty talk, virgin reader, experienced Neteyam. Tell me if I missed anything.
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Neteyam has been patrolling through the forest all night. Bow in hand, analyzing his surroundings for anything unusual. Suddenly, he hears faint footsteps along with leaves rustling. His ears perked at the sound, readying his bow without hesitation. "Who's there?" He calls out, noticing a dark silhouette behind him.
You stop moving, immediately turning around and holding your hands up. "Teyam, it's just me," you disclaimed. "Put the bow down, please." And he does does exactly that. Lowering his bow, he approaches you and grabs your arm, pulling you behind a tree. "Y/n, what are you doing out here alone?" He whisper-yells. "It's dangerous to be out here when it's this dark. You need to go back to the village." You scoff. "What am I doing? What are you doing?" You questioned back, getting defensive in your tone.
Neteyam cocks his head, looking puzzled for a moment. "I'm protecting the clan. That's my job. But what's your excuse?" You're at a loss for words. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing really comes out. Neteyam gives you a 'that's what I thought' look. "I'm going to ask you one more time; why are you out here?"
You sigh in annoyance. "I just.." You start. "I'm having a hard time with— something. And, I guess I just needed some time to think." You trailed off, bowing your head as you aimlessly twiddle with your thumbs.
Neteyam can tell that you didn't really want to say what was on your mind, but since he had already asked twice, he figured he might as well ask a third time. "You can tell me what's bothering you, y/n. I won't think of you any differently." He spoke in a reassuring tone. "Ugh, okay", You deeply sigh, standing still for a moment. "So.. I'm a virgin," You start, wincing at your own words. Face plastered with shame. "And I hear all of my friends talking about how good it feels.. and I guess it just, makes me jealous?" You brought your head up, meeting Neteyam's amber colored eyes.
"I feel so left out. I want to feel good too, you know?" He's taken aback by your admission, but he keeps it to himself. "Y/n." He cups your cheek, bending down to meet your height. You gulp, cheeks turning a shade of baby pink. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, okay? You shouldn't be in such a rush to lose it anyway. It's not good for you." He chuckles. "Plus, a lot of guys like when girls are virgins."
You frown, rolling your eyes. "That's not true", you scoffed. "Everytime I've told a guy that I'm a virgin, they leave. Say they don't wanna 'corrupt me' or whatever, it's so stupid." You folded your arms. Neteyam's expression shifts to curiosity. "Is that so?" You nodded with a sideways smile. "Well, that just means those men are cowards. And they didn't deserve you in the first place, hm?" He pats your head as your tail slowly rises.
"Maybe you're right, I'd probably prefer someone more like you anyways." You say under your breath, but of course he catches it.
Damn those perfect ears. Neteyam slightly grinned at your flirtatious comment, "Someone more like me? What's that mean?" He stands to his full height again, his tall and muscular body towering over you. You heartbeat becomes irregular for a second. "Someone strong, independent, who can carry himself, an amazing warrior.." You respond quietly, tone dramatic.
His grin grew wider at your words. "A warrior, huh? So you're telling me that you're attracted to me? Am I hearing that right?" You nod with no hesitation. "Mhm," Neteyam leans into you, moving one of his hands to your chin and softly stroking it. "What if I were to.. help you with your problem?" Neteyam asked seductivly . You were instanly flustered, heart becoming flush, feeling like you're floating. "I-I would like that.."
Neteyam leans in closer, your faces only inches away from each other now. "Then, I guess I should give you what you want", He rests his thumb in your bottom lip, swiftly pulling it down before gently bringing his lips onto yours. You squeak in suprise, but as the kiss deepens, your body relaxes. He smirks against the kiss as he feels your heart thump. A line of saliva disconnects the kiss. Your breath is heavy, and your body is just burning with desire. "More.." You mumble quietly.
"Asking for more already?" Neteyam smiles at you. Stepping closer once again, this time pressing your bodies together. He can almost feel the arousal radiating from your body. "I think I know what you want." He whispers as he snakes his hands down to his loincloth, untying the knot and allowing his pulsating cock to spring out. Your eyes grew wide, gulping in shock. He was girthy, right about the size of your wrist. The veins on his cock were colored a dark purple, you see the precum softly pouring out. And oh my, was he big. Neteyam sees the way you're looking at his cock, and he knows that she has her hooked. "Do you like what you see?" He whispered.
"Mhmm," your body was entranced with arousal and submission. "I do."
Neteyam pecks your lips once again, pulling away slowly as he tugs on the waistband of your loincloth. "Take this off." He demands. You loosened your loincloth with no hesitation, he shoves it down, and you step over it. Neteyam grabs you by your scruff, making you yelp, his face meets your neck. Sharply inhaling before licking a stripe up and circling his togue.
His fangs swiftly sink into your collarbone, causing you to cry out. "Ow-" You feel him smile. "Sorry, you just taste so fucking good," He groans again before moving his head down, tapping your thigh. "Put this leg up baby, I'll hold you." You obey, lifting your leg up as Neteyam held you against the tree.
He brought his hand down to your heat, playing with your wet folds and teasing your clit. "Hmh!" An involuntary moan escapes from your mouth. "You're already so wet," he teases you with a single lick. "But I still have to stretch you out. Get this pretty pussy ready for me." He huffs, continuing to tease you as you tighten around his digits. Even though Neteyam's cock was aching— no, yearning for you, he wanted to cater this night to you. It pained him enough not to be able rip you apart right here and now, but since this was your first time, he had to be patient.
He began sucking on your nub, easing a finger inside of you. Your cunt immediately sucks him in as you pant, feeling his finger curl up and play with your walls. "Fuck!" You whine, grinding against him. "You like that, don't you?" He says in a pitiful tone, now pushing a second finger in. You moan in response, unable to speak as you roll your hips. "Answer me." Neteyam growls against your clit, making the vibration jolt through your body. "Y-Yes! Oh fuck, Neteyam! I l-loveeee it," You mewl out as your muscles tighten, climax approaching soon.
You close your thighs around Neteyam's head, hands searching for something to hold onto. "Neteyam..!" You gasp as he became more adamant with his licking, both of his fingers plunging in and out of you, wet noises excluding from your pussy. "Yeah?" He asks innocenty. As if he if wasn't knuckle deep inside of your pussy right now.
"I'm g-gonna cum! Pleasee, don't stop!" You whined as your cunt convulsed, and before you know it, your squirt is spewing out like a waterfall. Neteyam taps your mound, groaning in satisfaction. "Theree you go baby, that's a good girl." He coos, lapping the rest of your juices up before pulling away and sitting up.
You looked up at him as you're out of breath, watching as he brings himself on top of you, lips hovering over yours. He slowly leans in, your mouths crashing against each other. He wastes no time slipping his tongue inside and sliding it on yours. You moan into the kiss, becoming greedy. "See? You taste so good.." He pulls back with a smirk. You shyly nod.
Neteyam brings his hands down to fist his cock, a breathy groan coming from him. "I think I've stretched you enough. You're ready for me now." He speaks in a deep tone, each word hypnotizing you. You couldn't lie, you were nervous about your first time. But you trusted Neteyam, and you trust that he'd take care of you. "Okay, I'm ready." You confirm, closing your eyes to stop the anticipation. "Open your eyes, y/n." You shoot them open, fighting back tears. "You'll be fine, I'll take good care of you." He bends down to peck your forehead, holding his hand out. "Here, hold my hand. Squeeze tight if it's too much, yes?"
You nod with a gentle grin. "Uh uh, use your words." You sigh. "Yes, Neteyam." He smirks, using his other hand to rub your wet folds. His tip comes in contact with your lips, gently parting them. Your heart is palpating in suspense, but your pussy is just begging for more.
"I'm gonna push it in now.." he warns, you grip his hand now, preparing yourself. With one pull back, he shoves his full length inside of you. "Mmm!" You moan out with a gasp, feeling him against your sweet spot. "You feel even better than I imagined, fuuck.." Neteyam praises in between mewls. He grabs your thighs, fingertips digging deep.
"It feels good, s-so good." You continue to whine as tears marble in your eyes, each thrust becoming painfully better. He grunts, bringing his hips all the way back, then thrusting forward, adjusting to a new pace as he pounds into you. "You wanted to feel my fat cock stretching out this pussy, hm?" Neteyam teased, leaning down for a kiss. The rhythm of his hips doesn't stop, you kiss him back, crying and moaning into his mouth.
His hands find your clit again, using his thumb to press against your nub. Neteyam pulls back for a moment. "I'm gonna make sure this pussy remembers my cock, gonna mark you with my scent," he growled. You wearily whine. "Neteyam.."
The way you said his name was music to his ears. He was close, and so were you. Something like this was so enchanting, the electricity coursing through your body was something else. "..make sure everyone knows you're mine." He deeply moans, humping you now. Desperation growing more and more. You felt it. You felt him approaching his high, and he felt you too. "You're squeezing me so tight."
"Neteyam!" You mewl again. "You're mine, yeah? Say it. Tell me who you belong to now." It's getting harder and harder for you to comprehend anything as your mind is practically going blank. You're so fucked out. "Is my baby going dumb off my fucking dick?" He laughs, leaning his head back, braids swooping over. "Shit, I never knew you'd be such a slut." Neteyam smacks the plush of your ass with both hands, holding on tight as he uses them as leverage to pound you into oblivion.
"Neteyammmm!" You practically scream, "I'm c- I'm close! I'm gonna cum!" Just with that, he roughly thrusts, lifting his hips up to ensure he's hitting it right. "Tell me, y/n. You're not cumming until you say it." You writhe in pleasure. "I caaannn't—" He shows no mercy, still fucking your cunt. Harder, faster, and deeper. "I'll stop if you don't." Neteyam warns.
You finally obey. "I-I'm yours, Teyam! A-All yours, fuck! Please let me cum, pleasepleaseplease!"
And almost like your bodies heard each other, you both came. Neteyam letting out staggered moans as he pumps his load inside of you, his dick twitching around the sponge of your pussy. You felt the immediate warmth as you squeezed him, pulsating as your thick cream coated his cock.
The two of you huff in unison, worn out. Neteyam can clearly see how tired you are as he pulls out, softly groaning. "You did such a good job, baby." He kissed your forehead, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "Thanks, Teyam.." You mumble as you chest rises and falls. He kneels beside you, reaching for his loincloth as well as yours. Tying his on and laying the other garments beside you.
"Stay here, y/n. I'll be back, I'm gonna get something to wash you up, okay?" He speaks in a warm, gentle tone. It's hard to believe this is the same man who was just making you scream his name. You weakly smiled. "Mhmm," Neteyam pats your head twice, giving you one more peck before he stands from his position, leaving to get you clean.
< banner credit >
taglist: @pandorxxx (♡) @sweethoneycn @neytirishottie @sullybrotherslover @tsireyafavgirl @teyamsgrl @encephalitis-on-sundays @sassypain @neon-groves @rosyjn @hidingfrommanda @whore-for-hawks @ele-sme @lowryv @teyamsatan
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dez78 · 6 months
I need you, darling
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Relationship: Spawn Astarion x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Blood (18+)
Additional Tags: Astarion being angry with you, Scared Astarion, Romanced Astarion, Boi is worried sick about you.
Summary: A battle goes to shit and Astarion is the first to notice.
(Not my gif)
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As you were trekking the wilds with your companions, you stopped because something lurked ahead.
"Be careful, soldier." Karlach warned you. Your eyes were careful, tracing every shape in front you.
"Astarion, you smell anything?" Gale joked with a smirk, Astarion scoffed at him, crossing his arms across his chest.
"I'm not some type of blood hound!" He said offensively as he turned his nose up. Gale smirked as he waited patiently.
"The blood is average, so it's probably humans. Likely bandits or traders." Astarion replied after a silence.
You treaded carefully, watching the trees with your peripheral vision. Your companions at your back, watching every direction, weapons drawn.
Just then you heard the buzz of an arrow as it whizzed past your head, clipping your hair.
"Archers!" Gale cried, you and your companions took cover then.
"Bandits." Astarion scoffed.
You used your tactics to take out the archer, using your own crossbow. You pierced his throat with a bolt.
"Nice shot, soldier!" You heard Karlach complimenting you. You smirked cocky as you bolted out, a bandit surprised you and took a slash at you.
Your quick reflexes responded, you snapped your hips, the blade missing your most vital organs or so you thought. You were quick to cut his throat. He bled out, falling to the ground, grasping his throat.
Your companions charged out then, Astarion used his dual daggers to slice through the enemy, Karlach used her axe to crush her enemies, and Gale stood back blasting fire.
You used a dagger for the last bandit, throwing with precision and ending his life by getting him in the eye. You smiled victoriously.
Then you winced suddenly, you looked up just as Astarion turned around. The wind had shifted, and he picked up a sweet scent. Karlach and Gale approached.
You stumbled as you looked back down, despite being covered in bandit blood and the men on the ground, bleeding on the forest floor. Astarion knew your scent.
You looked down, your tunic starting to soak as fresh blood gushed from an open wound. You thought the blade missed, but it was apparent that in fact did not.
"Y/N!" Astarion rushed over to you.
"Oh shit, you're bleeding, soldier." Karlach noticed a few moments after Astarion.
"We need to get to camp." Gale suggested.
"I'm fine." You muttered, Astarion wasn't having it.
"You've done one dumb thing today already." He snarled as he picked you up. He carried you back to the camp. Gale and Karlach hot on his heels.
You faded in and out of consciousness, all you saw was Astarion. His face was washed with panic, dread, and concern.
"~Stay with me, my love.~" His voice sounded so far, yet he was right above you. Before it went black you heard the fear in Astarion's voice as he spoke,
"~Don't leave me. I need you, darling.~"
When you came to, you were at camp.
"She's awake!" Gale cried; the companions rushed over to you. Astarion hadn't left your side.
"What happened?" You asked groggily as you sat up, rubbing your throbbing head.
"You stupid, girl!" Astarion suddenly snapped at you, your heart twinged as you looked up with sorrowful eyes.
"You could have died, you idiot!" He was livid as he fumed. You winced from his raised voice, looking like a kicked puppy.
Astarion relaxed and took a deep breath,
"I'm sorry. I was just worried sick about you, I-" He pursed his lips, you looked at him, still hurt.
"I thought I lost you." He breathed out in a shallow breath. He bowed his head, on the verge of tears.
"Everything we been through, and I thought that was the last of you. As soon as I smelled your blood, I was full of dread, fearing the worst." Astarion explained. He took your hands in his.
"That was a stupid thing to do, but you're not stupid or an idiot. I just couldn't imagine the pain if I had lost you. I-" Astarion explained, he stopped again.
"I care about."
"I love you."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, he had never said those words before without it being some kind of joke. You looked into his eyes and saw the concern and sincerity. He meant it. He loves you.
"Please, for the love of the gods. Please, be more careful next time. I don't think my fragile heart can take that kind of pain again." Astarion pleaded with you, his eyes were genuine, and his voice was shaky. You nodded your head slowly as a smile crossed your lips.
"That's a good girl, darling." Astarion said softly as he leaned in and captured your lips in a tender kiss.
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wri0thesley · 7 months
Diluc and L, pretty please!
L - Lily (purity): “I shouldn’t taint you like this. Not when you’re so pure.”
cw: injury, dub-con, captive reader
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You're trembling. Diluc is blood-stained, his jaw set stubbornly, his clothes a mess of blood and charred carbon and mud and Archon-knows what else. You shouldn't have done this, you think, as his hand grasps your chin in his, as his fingers sink into the soft flesh of your cheek. He takes a slow, shuddering breath.
"You want to clean me up?" He asks you again, and you curse yourself for your own stupidity. He is your captor, not your lover. It can be hard to remember, wrapped in luxury, brought breakfast in bed by maids and dressed in pretty morning gowns of fabric you could never have afforded before Diluc's attentions - those days when Diluc is not here, and you can imagine Dawn Winery is yours.
But you are, at the heart of it, his captive.
When he is at home, he broods through the house; tells you shortly that you're not to leave this room, you're not to go onto the balcony without anyone with you, you're not to eat that, or say this, or forget your manners again. He sleeps beside you, arms like vices around your waist.
But he has not been home for two weeks, and when you had seen him at the door to your shared chambers, his face bruised and his lip swollen and bloody and his entire body bowed with exhaustion . . . you had forgotten all of it in a moment of weakness, and the memory of who you were before Diluc had made this your life had come rushing to the forefront.
You had seen to plenty of men and women injured like this, when you were in the employ of the Church of Favonius, running their clinics. You had patched up children's knees and sewn shut the wounds of the Knights with the same sweet smile and gentle disposition. You had learnt what to say to men like Diluc, who gritted their teeth and insisted it did not hurt and they did not need your assistance even as they fell to their knees on the marble floor of the cathedral and you had to ask some of the sisters to help carry them into the infirmary room.
You could backtrack. Slink back into bed, shake your head, say something about the mess and the scent of the blood--
But you couldn't really, could you? Diluc had - at least, he says - fallen in love with you in those little backroom infirmaries, elbow deep in blood and medicines and bandages. He had looked at your soft smile and heard your gentle voice and, he says, thought you far too sweet and precious a thing to languish there, at the mercy of any rogue who could walk into the Cathedral and ask for sanctuary. He would know you were lying.
You give him a wordless little nod instead, your face still cradled in his gloved hand. A look flits across his own visage; something so sweet and adoring and disbelieving it makes your stomach twist.
"I don't deserve you," he rumbles, and truer words have never been spoken, as he lets you take him gently by the arm and tug him towards the adjoining bathroom. You ignore the muddy boot-prints on the floor; you try and will yourself to imagine the Cathedral around you. Nothing more than Master Diluc Ragnvindr, needing your aid - you think, as your fingers reach for the fastening of his shredded, tattered jacket and push it off the broadness of his shoulders.
He lets out a hot breath that reminds you that this is not just an ordinary day at the Cathedral; looks at you through half-lidded eyes as you busy yourself with running warm water into the basin, searching for cloths and sponges. There is nothing untoward kept in this bathroom - Diluc does not even shave in here, lest you get the wrong idea about something sharp - but there are, thankfully, enough cloths and a tiny bottle of antiseptic, so that you can clean the wounds on his already scarred chest even as he hisses.
He . . . isn't often undressed around you.
That, he tells you, he will wait for - big soulful crimson eyes trained on you. Until you're ready. Until you realise just how hard he is working to take care of you and you return to him the affection he knows you have in your heart. He would never, he promises, hand on his heart, force you to do anything--
He says, as if you are not forced to play house like a pretty little spouse in his luxurious winery already. He says, as if you are not forced to bite down your growls and hisses and sharp words about the life he has stolen you from. He says, as if you are not forced to pretend you are someone else lest you simply go mad.
His breath is coming out in pants as you work your fingers through the matted crimson strands of his hair. His cheeks have flushed beneath your careful, slow attempts to clean him and his wounds. He groans, chest-deep, as you swallow and reach for his trousers, where you can already see that a gash on his thigh has stuck the fabric to his skin.
"This is how I fell in love with you," he grunts, as you manage to undo it, as your cheeks burn with humiliation as you undress him and he sits there, placid and silent. "So . . . lovely. So . . . caring. Even to those who don't deserve it." You kneel before him, so you can check over the wound to make sure there is nothing stuck in it--
And your mouth goes dry and fear and disgust war in the pit of your stomach as you realise he's hard, the stiff outline of his cock pressing against his underwear. Diluc reaches out for you, one hand curling around your shoulder, another soft groan falling from his mouth as he looks down at you.
You freeze where you are. The moment shimmers between you, charged with possibility, and you find yourself reciting a prayer to Barbatos in your head over and over again, muddling over the words in a fever pitch that Diluc will keep his word--
But he's been off ever since he limped into the Winery. Muddled. A blow to the head? Whopperflower nectar? Some creature's venom, some spell from the Abyss? You don't know what it is, only that Diluc is looking down at you and there is a hot, burning kind of hunger that he usually tries to hide written clear in his crimson gaze.
"You're so pretty down there," He says, voice low and dark and husky. "I . . . I shouldn't taint you like this. Not when you're so pure."
"Diluc?" Your voice comes out thready and reedy, your body trembling like a harp-string. "Let me patch you up--"
"No," Diluc says, more to himself than to you. "I've waited so long--"
The hand on your shoulder curves upwards, thumb brushing your collarbone, your jawline. You curse the thin little morning gown you'd let Adelinde dress you in this morning, the square neckline a little risque - giving Diluc unfettered access to the soft, vulnerable skin of your throat and your collar.
He's not interested in those, though. His thumb presses against the seam of your lips, instead. With a strength that an injured man should not possess, he uses his other hand to pull you closer at the same time as he hooks his thumb into your mouth, forcing it to open up.
Panic flaring in your mind. Diluc pulls your mouth open as wide as he can, uncaring that you're drooling - his eyes are somewhere far away now, as he mutters to himself--
"It's not so bad," he's saying, "I'm not . . . it's just your mouth, and I've been so calm, and you're so beautiful-- it won't . . . ruin you--"
"--'iluc--" You can't speak for his thumb in your mouth, for the saliva filling it, for the fear that runs through you as his other hand slowly goes to unbutton his placket as if in a trance.
"Shh," he says to you, and you have never heard a less reassuring hush. "It's alright, sweetheart. I would never hurt you. You offered, remember? I would never . . . force you to do anything--"
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allkordelia · 3 months
Keep Me Near Your Heart XX
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Jaenara stare out the window in daze, her mind muddled and scrambled with various scenarios of her husband whereabouts, it had been two days since he last been back and Jaenara was beginning to go a little stir crazy.
She start pacing around the room, it was late, she came back from spending another dinner alone.
Jaenara's emotions were split, she was angry and worried about her husband, as much as she grown find his existence annoying, she needed him still. She needed him here with her, with their child, he been gone for so long that Jaenara took to crying herself to sleep.
If she founds out that he was with Rivers this entire time, she was leaving him and killing her and that bastard in her stomach. She wasn't going to let him humiliate her or their child, not again not ever.
The sound of the door opening made jaenara turn so quickly it made her dizzy for second, she look towards the door to see Aemond walking in with one hand behind his back.
He closed the door behind him and stood in front of it with a nervous look on his face.
"Where have you been." Jaenara hiss after a minute of tense silence between them, her hands balled into fist by her side, "Do you have any idea the hell I been through without you here."
Aemond look at her with apologic look, he was relieve and a little happy that his beloved was thinking of him while he was away.
"Hello! Idiot. I asked you a question." She  snapped making Aemond snap out of his thoughts to look at her just as jaenara was stalking towards him.
Aemond dropped his arm from behind him clenching the object in his hand tight out of nervousness, as jaenara stop just a couple of feet in front of him and glance over him before notcing how hard he had his fist clench.
"What's in your hand?"
Aemond swallow the lump stuck in his throat before clearing it.
"Well, I know you been feeling...stress, so I thought I'll get you something to lighten up your day." He said softly, Jaenara looks from the necklace to her dense husband.
"If you wanted to "brighten up my mood", Aemond. Maybe, you should have fucked me two days ago rather than leaving  to get me some stupid jewelry, you know I will never wear, you should have come back home and fuck me like you promise." She snarl, Aemond deflates before bowing his head. 
"I thought--"
"I don't have you around to think, you dope, you are here to pleasure me." She jeered, "And to keep an close eye on you, I know how weak...men are when they miss their mommies and past lovers. " She sneer before turning away from to walk towards the bed.
"Your right, my love--"
"I know I am," she sassed, "Now, throw that thing away and do what your good at." Jaenara fall flat on her back on the bed, she move her legs up so her feet is planted on the mattress parted.
Aemond stayed frozen by the door, he knew he couldn't keep his love waiting for too long so he slowly drag his feet over to the bed before stopping in front of Jaenara's parted legs.
"Well? What are you waiting for." She asked agitated.
Aemond frown a bit, before he looks down at the necklace in his hand.
"Can I make a request, my belove?"
Jaenara exhale before dragging her elbows to push her up to look at Aemond.
"Does it still involves you fucking me?" She asked annoyed.
Aemond nodded his head, jaenara gave a eyeroll before giving a nod. Aemond moves his hand in front of him, and opened his fist to take one end to display the necklace fully.
"I would like to put this on you...while we make love." He looks up at her when he said the last sentence, Jaenara raise her bow curious before sitting up as her legs hang off the bed to get a closer look at the necklace.
Jaenara glance at the beautiful blue jewel, it's stone reminding her of Aemond's sapphire eye.
Jaenara looks back up at Aemond before moving off the bed, she turn around moving her hair aside for her husband to the necklace on. It took a second before jaenara felt aemond's fingers ghost along her skin on her neck, she felt the cool metal of the chain rest against her warm skin.
Soon lips press against her neck before he move to peck along her collarbone before moving to the other side of her neck as he put his hand on her stomach rubbing the round belly of his belove, Jaenara closed her eyes and lean against him, he press his lower half against her rocking his hips slowly as he suck on her neck causing her to let a small mewl.
The slow pace was not feeding the fire inside her, she pulls away quickly and turns towards Aemond catching by surprise as she grab his cheek and pulled him down to kiss him. Aemond made a noise during the kiss, Jaenara maneuver aemond around so he was now standing front of the bed without breaking their kiss. She slides her hand down his cheeks to his chest and start unbuttoning his vest before shoving it off his shoulder, she move to do the same for his shirt but forgot about it leaving the tunic to remain open. 
Jaenara pull her lips from Aemond and push his chest making him fall onto the bed, she climb on top of him to straddle his hips before leaning back down to peck kisses along his neck as her hands work to unbutton his pants.
"We need not need to be quick, my love." Aemond says, but jaenara ignore him as she shove her hand down his trousers.
Aemond's hand was quick to shot out to grasp her wrist making her stop from pulling him, Jaenara pulls back to look at Aemond with a scowl.
"What! What is it now, Aemond." She snaps, Aemond look at her with parted lips as he stare at her unsure.
"...I want us to go slow, I wish to make love to you...it feels like forever since we made love and I want to take my time...to make you feel good--" Aemond speaks as his hand moves from her waist to grasp her cheek, but jaenara was quick to slap it away and interrupt him.
"Does it really matter? Your getting your cock wet one way or another," she snarked, "So, lay down, shut up, and enjoy." She roll her eyes before snatching her hand out of aemond's grasp to go back to pulling out his cock.
Aemond didn't say anything, he drop his hands to his side and lay his head back like his wife's demanded.
Jaenara lick her hand before pumping Aemond's cock making the young prince moan and whimper as he clench and unclench the sheets, jaenara bite her lips getting wet from the small noises her husband was making. Once Aemond was fully erect, jaenara lift up her skirt while her other hand kept up her motion before she rub his cock along her folds.
Jaenara and Aemond moan in unison as she lower herself, Jaenara's eyes was closed in bliss, feeling like she haven't felt a cock in her in years. She didn't waste time before she start moving her hips up and down his cock in a slow pace to get use to him again, after a few minutes Jaenara was rocking her hips as she digs her nails into Aemond's chest causing a wince to come from the man below.
Nothing but grunts and moan filled the room, both enjoying the feel of each other after days of not touching. One was more happy than other, which confuse the latter since sex makes everything better. Right?
Jaenara peel her eyes opened and look down at her husband as she still moves on top of him, she take him little by little. Her eyes gaze over his big hands on her hips, before moving her eyes to look at his hard and muscular ivory chest that was glistening. She put her hand on his chest, digging her nails into him again hearing him grunt, not sure from the pleasure or the pain, but she enjoy seeing his muscles tighten when his fucking her.
The dragon princess begin to slow down as she slowly start to get close and tired as she does all the work, she flick her eyes to Aemond's features, her brow twitch as stare at her husband close eyes and scrunch up face. It was a familiar look that she seen before, the way he tilt his head back and how he squeeze his eyes closed really tight, it look like he could be thinking about something...or someone?
Before she could stop herself, Jaenara's hand flew out and smack Aemond across the cheek.
Aemond yelp in shock and look at his wife in disbelief, Jaenara stare back at him equal shock and disbelief. She was so in disbelief that it soon turn to anger as the feeling suddenly took over her bosy and mind, before she even realize it she was hitting him again.
"You...bastard." she hiss under breathe as her hits switch between hitting him in the face and his chest.
Aemond block his belove wife's hits with his arms blocking his face, he didn't want to grab her and hurt her, he knew she tire herself out eventually.
The one eye prince let out a groan when Jaenara's hand hit the side of his head with great force, the hit was harder than any of her others making Aemond squeeze his shut again and hope that she stops.
Jaenara look down at Aemond out of breathe, she blinks as her vision clears up. She sees her husband with his arms up and blocking his face, his chest heaving too from everything that happened. Jaenara looks down at her throbbimg hands before glancing at Aemond, when she put two to two gather, she slide off him and stumbled off the bed putting her back to him.
As Jaenara stumbles away in a daze, Aemond slowly gets up and look over at his wife as she fell onto the couch and hunch forward putting her hands in her hands in distress.
Jaenara couldn't stop shaking, she didn't know what was going on with her. She didnt understand where all this anger was coming from, she never had that feeling before in her life not even when her mother would leave without her to visit her Rhaenys and Corlys. She was never like this, she never lose control. Everything felt confusing and she felt like she was beginning to act like her mother.
The young princess flinch when she heard her name, she pull back and look up to see her husband. The redness around his left cheek made her heart clench in her chest, she look up to face his anger and wrath. But, she was only meet with was Aemond soft lilac eye as he gaze down at her with a concern look.
Jaenara had to turn her eyes away before he could see any tears spill out, she didn't understand how he could look at her after what she did.
"Jaenara, please don't cry." He beg as he take a seat on the cushion next to her.
He move his hand to put on her mid back but she just move away from him, making him frown.
"Why." She whispered as she stare vacantly at the fireplace before them.
"Why, what, my love."  He ask, moving closer to be by her, his hand went to her own on her lap and squeeze.
Jaenara sniffs and moves back so her back could be resting on the couch, before she looks over at Aemond with a meek look.
"Why did you do this to us?" She asked with hint of defeat in her tone, Aemond sat frozen taken back, "Why? We could have been happy with different people, we could have spare each other the heartbreak, and  the tears, and the lonely nights--"
"My love, I know I have made mistakes, too many to even allow me in your graceful presents." Aemond moves to kneel in front of Jaenara, looking up at her with desperate look, "But, I am trying to atone for it, my love. I am trying to undo my foolishness, and show you that you are the only one for me." Aemond says, but he could see the doubt in her sweet eyes.
"How can I think I am the only one, when your first love is now carrying your child." Jaenara says in distress, making aemond cast his eye down, "How can I feel secure in our marriage, when all I can think about is...is the fact that she's carrying your true son."
Aemond look back at her.
"We still are not sure if that child is mine, and if it is than I will not claim it to be." Aemond put his hand on Jaenara's belly, he look at at it for a moment before looking at his belove, "I made a promise to you, did I not? This child is mine and nothing or no one can tell me or make me think otherwise."
Jaenara sigh, even through his words brought assurance in one part of her heart, the others parts were still so doubtful of his words.
"As much as I appreciate your your words, Aemond. They still do not make me feel like we are good for each other."
Aemond frown and his hand slide off her stomach as he leans back to fully take her in, Jaenara could see the heartbreak in his eye at her words but she knew it had to be said.
"That is not true." He whispered.
"Isn't it?" She asked, "Or did you forget what happened not five minutes ago, it is obvious my emotions are not in order right now and I fear I am turning into my mother." Jaenara admitted sadly, "I have made a grave mistake bringing us here, I thought being away would bring me solace but instead i have made our life here miserable, yours mostly." She said lowly.
Aemond shook out of his heartache at Jaenara's pain and brought his hand to Jaenara's hand to hold.
"It is not your fault, it's just the baby growing inside you." He reassures, but Jaenara only shook her head.
"Or maybe, it just us."
Aemond's heart clench in his chest again, he could see that he was losing her. All this time he thought the worst was over, he thought after all the games he played and pain he caused his belove. That the gods finally was giving him a chance to redeem himself, but he sees that is not the case.
"You know that's not true, we were meant to be together." He breathed, "I always known it, it was written in the stars." He lean his head against his entwine hand with hers.
Jaenara put her other hand on his head, she slowly start to caress his hair.
"I wish that was true."
Aemond lift his head causing Jaenara take her hand from his head, he looks up at her with misty eyes.
"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew the dreams I had." He said, making Jaenara look at him confuse, "Dreams that you could see and remember clear as day, dreams that showed you what could of been if you made the right choice in the beginning." He bluster on.
"Aemond--" Jaenara starts with conflicting emotions.
"I dreamed of you every night, I was young when I realize what they were telling me," Aemond confessed, before his demeanor change from fondess to regret, "But, I...I made a choice that lead me to lose my eye, to you hating me...and getting hurt, and all I did was blame you and your brothers for what became of me."
"I was already the black sheep because I didn't have a dragon of my own, after I lost my eye and gain the biggest dragon that lived, I was a monster. If they didn't fear me because of my dragon, they avoid me like the plague because of my hideous scar." He huffed as a look across his face before disappearing, "I never felt more alone than I did that day at Driftmark, and the only person that never made me feel that way again was Alys, she was my first and only, when I was with her I wasn't thinking. I was just...there."
Aemond frown his brows in thought at what he just said, Jaenara stare at her husband in disbelief. She never knew that Aemond knew Rivers for that long, she always assume they meet a year or two before Jaenara came to King's Landing to marry Aemond.
"Is that why you never wrote me? Because you were in love her."
Aemond shook his head at the misunderstanding.
"I did not think you wanted to talk to me after what i did to you that night in the cave," His eye downcast in regret, "...hitting you with that rock destroyed me, but seeing you not moving killed me inside..." he confess with tears, jaenara move her hand so her index finger can brush over the scar on the side of her temple.
She remembered that night vaguely, everything happened so fast and the last thing she remembered was hitting one of her cousin in the face with her elbow.
"...and I was so angry with you, I felt like you betrayed me when you chose your brothers over me and I hated your brothers for being the reason you hated me. I was too angry and too full of hatred to try to rekindle, so I went with aegon to fleabottom and I meet Rivers."
Jaenara looks away from him, she knows what his saying ahouldn't make a difference on how she feeling, but it's hard to ignore what is in front of her.
"Jaenara, please know that I am sorry, I never meant to allow my affair with Rivers to drag on longer than it should have over the years. Once i stop dreaming of you, I assume that was a sign from the gods that I made my choice and I lost you forever." Aemond expressed, as a last ditch effort to get Jaenara to see the truth about them.
He wanted to know that they were always meant to be together, he always believe in the dragon dreams that was told to him when he was a boy. He made sure that in every dream he sees Jaenara, he would make sure to look for a dragon, because than that when he knows that him and her still had a chance.
Aemond felt a warm hand on his cheek bringing him out of his throat to look at his belove wife in front him, Jaenara smile a little, before she pull her hand away to wrap her arms around his shoulder pulling him to her. He was caught of guard that he had to shift on his knees to hug her less awkwardly, he put his hand on her back and rub, she buried her face in his shoulder inhaling his scent before turning her head to the side facing away from his face.
"I think im ready to go home now."
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stay-corner · 1 month
im crying. jisung wearing a choker with a heart shaped tag on it. i need him so bad.
warnings: nsfw, minors do not read! unprotected sex, creampie, hanji wears cat ears and a choker but they don't come into play much, he's desperate and horny and whiny and that's exactly how i like my men, he sucks on your fingers, u choke him, he cries, all that. he passes out a bit but he's fine. overstimulation ig? idk it's also pretty nasty and sweaty
word count: 1.1k words
a/n: hanji anon it has been almost two years since you cried in my inbox about jisung wearing a heart choker and i don't know if you're still around but i'll let you know the recent bow choker jisung incident made me let out an honest to god whimper. so here's a nasty drabble involving jisung, a bow choker with a heart shaped tag on it, and cat ears. jesus take the wheel
[05:31 am - han jisung]
"faster, faster, fuck," he chants in a desperate tone, hands slipping quickly from your hips to your thighs and back up, restless and greedy as he grips your flesh, nails digging in and squeezing painfully. all you can do is moan, whimpers stuck in your throat as you piston your hips on top of his own, legs quivering from both extertion and his needy pawing.
"i'm going... as fast as... i can, ji..." squeezes through your constricted throat between pants, jaw slack and eyes barely keeping open. jisung's so hard and thick for you, you want to throw your head back and fall prey to the enjoyment, but the image of him fucked out underneath you, cheeks flushed, pretty black choker resting on his neck, frilly bow and shiny heart glinting back at you, and the cat ears clumsily clipped in his hair... god, you couldn't have mustered a more erotic image even if you tried your hardest.
jisung bucks his hips up into yours at just the right time, the impact hitting a new angle that makes you keen and pulls an open sob out of him, head lurching off the pillow from the pleasure as his eyes squeeze shut. "oh, you're sopping wet, fuck... fuck..." jisung whines, his high voice reminiscent of the harmonious high notes he hits in the recording booth, now distorted with lust and want and desperation. "please, please, faster, wanna cum so bad," he runs his mouth stupid, brain shut off, and you feel your lungs burning.
"ji, you're so... fucking... insatiable..." you groan back at him, eyebrows furrowing because you're positive that you can't physically go any faster than you're going right now, the sound of smacking skin and wet squelches and unabashed moaning bouncing off the walls of jisung's bedroom. you already forgot how many times either of you came so far, brains gradually turning to mush the longer you pleasured each other, until you were reduced to the mindless animals bucking into each other now, fucking like rabbits.
one of jisung's hands moves down, brushes your clit in its pursuit of rubbing against his pelvis and your thighs, fingers becoming drenched in the mix of both of your slick and cum. he lets out an almost pained sound at the feeling, gaze watching how the substance webs between his spread fingers, and he almost grows cross eyed at the sight, head falling defeated on the pillow.
"that word's too big for me..." he remembers to respond, fingers returning to grab at your body, wherever you'd let him. "it's so sloppy, fuck, i'm... so numb, but it's so good... fuck... make me cum, make me cum," jisung rambles on and on, eyes squeezing and head thrashing from side to side, messing with the ears in his hair, choker straining at his neck. you think it's on a bit tight, but jisung probably likes it. it might leave a small mark, and you clench at the thought.
jisung is still wailing for you, the filter between his mouth and mind nonexistent, and before you think, one of your hands lifts from his toned, sweaty chest, up to his mouth, two of your fingers slipping in effortlessly. jisung responds with muscle memory, jaw falling slack and body relaxing, lids finally lifting as he shows you his beautiful doe eyes, growing glassier by the second. his hands don't flex painfully into your flesh anymore, fingers letting go as he begins rubbing over your torso and legs, mouth alternating between tongueing your fingers and sucking on them.
"that's it.. pretty and brainless for me, ji, hm?" you huff down at him, tone sweeter, sticky and soft for him. it's hypnotic to him - jisung thinks you'll be the death of him, and he's fine with it. "you're fucked stupid, baby," you add, and one of his hands runs over your tummy, catching onto your bellybutton before it descends further, soaked thumb making contact with your aching clit. it's gentle - even in his fucked-out state, jisung knows how to touch you, knows you're sensitive, knows this is enough to make you tighten around him, make your toes curl.
his other hand slips off your thigh, rubbing up his own torso, over his soft tummy, over his raised chest, and finally finds your fingers, coiling them in his grasp and pulling them up, towards his neck. jisung blinks up at you, gaze zoning in and out, and his eyes begin to well up with tears when you finally grab his throat firmly, the feeling of the choker's frilly fabric making the hair on your arm stand up.
"shit, jisung, you're fucking nasty," you mutter, fingers pushing harsher against his tongue as you grip the sides of his throat, and the new leverage allows you to angle your hips better, descending on him harsher, over and over and over again, the sound of smacking skin and wet squelches and muffled gagging echoing against the walls of jisung's head, and he only realizes he's crying when the cold tears roll down his ears, his burning red hot ears.
jisung wants to warn you, tell you he'll cum, but it builds up so fast in his lower tummy, and he sees only bright white behind his eyes as the sensation travels down his legs and up his body, feet clenching and unclenching, hands all but smacking down on you from the sheer force of the feeling, pushing and pulling at once, unsure of where he wants you - he shivers violently, thighs and ass and biceps burning and shaking, his lungs pushing all the air out in spite of the sharp clench in his chest, veins bulging in his throat and forehead and fucking cock, balls clenching as he empties inside you, the pull deliciously painful. your walls milk him too well, and he lets another sob out around your fingers as the tip of his dick throbs, each drag of your pussy sending electric jolts down his shaft, directly into his bloodstream.
jisung only comes around again when you brush his hair off his forehead softly, fingers working the cat ears out of his strands, and tenderly undoing his choker. his ears ring, and he has to relax his muscles manually, body still tensed and jolting every few seconds. you leave a peck on his temple, hand rubbing softly at his throat, down his chest, up to his cheek, and he has half a mind to tilt his head, kiss your palm. his eyes are closed.
"you're so good to me, ji" you whisper against his skin, body lying next to his. you're both sweaty and gross, and jisung is in love with you, so he tells you so.
"... 'm love you."
you chuckle and nuzzle into him. it only takes you two a minute tops to drift off, sweaty, and gross, and in love, and thoroughly satisfied. (for now - he'll agree with you tomorrow, when his brain can finally process more than three syllables at once, that he is insatiable, after all).
sick and twisted. thank u so much for reading, hope you enjoyed! here is my inbox, where you can leave feedback, thoughts, or request an idea! here you can find more of my writing, and here are my guidelines! :> i appreciate every like and reblog and sweet word thrown my way! have a nice (and wet and nasty) day hehe~ - lunar
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
Surprise Me! Mihawk (OPLA)
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y/n is a new assassin who catches the eye of Mihawk. She thinks her past is private but the warlord knows a lot about her and wants to talk. Part 2 to Fight Someone Your Own Size.
Part 1
After your encounter with the warlord Dracule Mihawk, you decided to skip town. He had an infamous reputation and it wasn't wise to get on his radar for good or bad reasons. You had a past, a bloody past that led you to skip from town to town until you landed in the last town and actually felt safe until those stupid guys had to attack you in the alley. You were a trained killer, a fresh one at that, which is how you garnered a leave me alone kind of reputation. The reason you never settled down was the fear of being hunted down for what you did.
You were an orphan, a scrappy one at that, fast and light-fingered, which is how you gained the attention of your former master. He took you in when you were ten, housed and fed you, training you to kill those who wronged others while giving you an education you wouldn't have gotten on the streets. You owed him everything, but you couldn't give him everything he wanted.
If anyone did come looking for you those men from the alley knew your face, it was a rookie move leaving them alive, you had to go back. They wouldn't sell out Mihawk, no one would believe them but they would throw you under a cart to save their own skin.
You return to town at night, grabbing your knives and scouting each of the men's homes. It was simple after that, breaking in and killing each of them with a single sliced throat. Now you could leave town without fear of being exposed.
However, that was really short-lived as you're stopped in your tracks by a familiar voice that sent shivers down your spine, 'huh...'
You gulp and dare to look up from his bare chest to meet his piercing eyes, '...what?'
He watches you intensely, like a rabbit he had caught in a trap and wasn't sure what to do with it next, 'nothing, I just didn't know you had that in you. You also don't seem like the type to come back to the same town twice y/n.'
This makes you laugh, 'the fact you think you know anything about me at all, is genuinely hilarious.'
You go to step around him but he continues to block your path, 'your real name is y/n l/n, your parents died in a house fire when you were five but it wasn't an accident. Your father abused your mother and she snapped when he forced himself onto you so set the fire. You lived on the streets for five years before being taken in at age ten by a man calling himself David. And for the next eight years, he made you into a killer. But now he's dead and you're all alone again,' he lists off your life story blankly.
Your hand goes for a knife, 'you knew David? Are you going to kill me because I killed him?'
'You think you killed him y/n? What do you remember?' Mihawk asks, intrigued by you.
'Before you saved me in that alley I've seen your face before but I can't remember where. Do I know you?' you answer his question with your own question.
Mihawk inhales loudly, clearly annoyed that you weren't answering him, 'I like people to follow my orders. When I ask you a question you'll answer. But I'll let it slip just this once y/n, now tell me about that night.'
You click your tongue and bow your head, 'not much, it's all a bit of a blur. He tried to come onto me and I must have snapped remembering my father because next thing I know he's dead.'
You shudder, remembering vividly the night David put his hands on you and got angry when you refused. If you didn't submit to him he was going to kill you, so you had to fight back.
I do the unthinkable and pull y/n into me watching the wheels turn in their head, 'we met briefly when you were eleven, I was curious what David saw in you. We then met for a second time when you were eighteen. I believe men should show honour and respect women, so when I saw him on top of you I killed him, you passed out and I left.'
y/n looks up at me, and through their emotions, I see further, I see hunger and drive, 'what happens now Mihawk?'
'You're still not ready to be out on your own so you're coming with me and I'll finish your training. You don't have any say in the matter because now you owe me your life,' I state, and y/n nods.
y/n then motions around them, 'any more loose ends to tie up?'
I shake my head, 'All taken care of, now let's go.'
I place my hand on y/n's back and guide them into the shadows. They continued to surprise me, and with my training, everyone was going to fear them.
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sheeple · 10 months
More CoD thoughts!! This time medieval!au with concubine!König Warning(s): fem!reader (idk if that is a warning but good to know) / I canon (this) König as blond FIGHT ME pls don't / a mention of brushing hair (do I have to mention is? idk)
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So imagine you are an empress
And König is this colonel who has fallen from grace. He lost a battle or something which resulted in many men dead
And now he's on his knees in front of you, face downcast and awaiting your judgement
You're sitting up on your throne and watching the man, thinking deeply about what to do with him
Yes, he made a mistake and your people expect him to be punished for it. But you can't deny that he has been a great strategist
"Leave us", you order
Once everybody has left the throne room, you stand up and saunter down the stairs, dragging your skirts behind you
Circling the crouching man, you trace his shoulders
"Remove your helmet, colonel."
His hands falter for a moment before he reaches up and reveals his scared face
Light blue eyes look up at you as blond hair falls into them
Finding him way too handsome to kill, you give him a proposition
Be your war advisor disguised as a concubine
Because he needs to be 'punished' in the eyes of your subjects, but also all your war and army advisors haven't been on a battlefield for decades and are idiots
Your advisor of royal customs has also been pestering you about finding a husband or starting a harem (as you dismissed your father's concubines the moment you took over the throne)
Two birds with one stone
König hates the idea at first, but he knows it's better than being executed
But he realises once he is led to his chambers that maybe this isn't soooo bad
It's the first time in years that he sleeps on a decent bed and has quality food in his belly so he's not complaining
The first time König joins you in your strategy meetings, he scares the crap out of your advisors
I mean... the man is two metres tall, bulky and has scars all over his body
It also doesn't help that he is shirtless, so his battle scars are on full display
Every time one of your advisors says something stupid or something he doesn't agree with, König grunts/scoffs
It makes you turn your head towards him and he bows down to whisper in your ear what he has to say
10/10 times he's right
And your advisors quickly realise that the man knows what he's talking about, that he's not just a concubine that you keep bringing with you
They hate him
One thing that König has been dreading is being called to your chambers. He knows it is the job of a concubine to please his empress, but he was forced into this position
So, when he is called to your chambers one evening, he mentally prepares for the worst
Except, it's not like that
When he's let into your room by the royal guards, he finds you seated at a table set for two people with a beaming smile
You raise to your feet as König bows deeply
"Come, join me for supper."
He's sceptical at first, expecting a catch
But you reassure him with a laugh that you won't force him to do anything he's opposed and that it's just a dinner
You ask questions about his life in the army and where he grew up, about how his youth was
It becomes a daily ritual for the both of you
In the beginning, you have to invite him. But after a while, he makes his way to your chambers on his own. It evolves to you finding him already lounging around when you come back from your duties of the day
One day, he helps you undo your miraculously crafted hairdo and since then it has become something that he just does as you wait for the servants to set the table and bring the food out
You close your eyes content as König rakes a comb through your hair, working out the knots
Eventually, you and König feel the need to spend more time together
It goes from you reading in your private gardens and him swinging a sword around
To him joining you for your day whenever he can and acting like an unofficial bodyguard
He scares off any and everyone who he deems too close to his empress
I personally would be spooked if this two-metre-tall, scantly clad man loomed over the shoulder of the person I try to talk to
It's not long before König starts to develop feelings for you
He knows that it's wrong
But it's the way you're looking at him, treating him like an equal and laughing at his stupid jokes that make his heart flutter every time you do so
He snaps one day when you and him are in your gardens
You have your head resting on his thigh as you read out loud your book, your body fully relaxed in the warmth of the sun and the shade of the trees
König watches how the sun makes your eyes look magical
It makes the butterflies in his belly go on a rampage
Deciding he can't handle you being so close to him anymore, he excuses himself and flees to the safety of his room
It confuses you
But it breaks your heart when he doesn't join you for dinner anymore
You go over your interactions with him in your head, in search of anything that warrants this behaviour
The only time that you see him is when there is a war council, but he keeps quiet and doesn't interject any of your advisors and generals
Your mood sours the longer it goes on, genuinely scaring your servants and the lords
Their usually happy and chatty empress has transformed into a shell and slowly dulls in colour
You don't notice it until your lady-in-waiting suggests you take a break to your summer home for a couple of weeks
So, arrangements are made and your more breathable clothes are packed into trunks and placed on the carriages
You hesitate in front of König's door, not sure if you should ask him if he wants to come with
He has been ignoring you for a while now
So, decide against it and just leave
You sunbath and swim in the ocean all wearing thin, white summer dresses that turn see-through when wet
Your lady-in-waiting sits on the side, her feet in the water as she watches you
"Empress, may I speak freely?"
And after you nod her question makes you choke
"Does the imperial concubine not please you anymore?"
Meanwhile, back at the castle...
König is driving himself mad
He has to be close to you, even if it means to be an actual concubine
So imagine his surprise when he can't find you anywhere and a servant tells him you're at your summer palace
He immediately goes to grab a horse and hurries towards you
You're quite shocked to see a panicked könig arrive and stumble over his feet to get to you
He drops to his knees as you sit in the dining room, his head hanging in shame and chest rising rapidly
"Please...", he begs, "my foolish heart has been stolen by you and I can't live like this anymore. Please, my empress, I would do anything for just a smidge of affection from you. Just say it and it's yours. I'll steal the moon and stars for you. I'll... I'll be naked and ready for you every night to do with me as you please. Be an obedient concubine. Just please..."
You lay a hand on his cheek and the man whimpers as he looks up at you with tears in his eyes
"You foolish man."
You kiss him with all your might, stealing his breath away
"You were always more than just my concubine."
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
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♡. ── gif credit. ; ( aemond targaryen masterlist. )
pairing: prince aemond targaryen x fem!reader
summary: you and aemond hate each other but he would do anything to protect you.
content warnings: kind of enemies to lovers, forced marriage, panic attack.
note: if there are any grammatical errors i apologize, english is not my first language! hope you enjoy.
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“IF YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP i swear i’m going to—”
“what?” he says with a smirk, shortening the distance.
“this is highly inappropriate,” you take a step back, your back colliding with the wall. the prince keeps getting closer and you don’t have anywhere else to run. you could, of course, but your pride won’t let you walk away. “you should remember your place, prince aemond.” there’s venom dripping from your voice when you say his title.
he scoffs, “i know my place, do you know yours, princess?” your body betrays you, his proximity making you feel things you’ve been hiding under the hatred you feel for him.
“if i were you i would be careful with my words.” you hook your fingers on his belt, pulling him to you. “we wouldn’t want you to lose your tongue.”
aemond growls, his hands resting next to your head, chest brushing against yours with every heavy breathing. you’re trapped between him and the wall.
he lowers his head ever so slowly, violet eye staring intensely at you almost as if waiting for you to punch him and run away at any moment. but you just part your lips, inviting him to do it. and he does it. his lips are inches away from meeting yours, one of his hands already finding its way to your waist.
you're so lost in each other's gaze that you fail to notice someone else has joined you. it's not until he clears his throat that you turn to face him. ser harrold is standing a few feet away from you, embarrassment and concern on his face. behind him stands tyland lannister, who's clearly trying to hide his amusement.
you push aemond away from you, straightening your back, fear consuming you. how could you be so stupid? you're not like this, you know you should not be doing this kind of things, much less with your uncle.
you're thankful that, at least, it's just ser harrold and tyland lannister and no other lord or lady, that way the rumor would easily fly.
aemond gives them a death stare as he nods in greeting.
"my prince," ser harrold bow his head, his gaze falling on you. "my princess," he repeats the action and clears his throat again. "i have not seen anything."
"i did." the blonde man speaks and you feel like you might pass out. lannister smiles mockingly and, nodding to you, he turns around to leave the same way he came.
"i will take care of it, my prince." ser harrold bows once again and leaves.
aemond stares at the place where the two men were just a couple of minutes ago, refusing to look at you. you can't read his face, he’s showing no emotion, and you really don't know what is going on inside his head.
"aemond?" you ask, voice shaking with pure fear. "aemond... he can't say anything, if he does–"
"he will not do it." only then he turns to you, all the hatred and lust you saw in his eyes before completely gone.
"what?" you try to process his words but you are not able to think past the fear. "what are you going to do?"
he looks past you, humming before turning away. "whatever it takes."
aemond leaves and tears are soon streaming down your face. the only one to blame is you and you repeat that over and over again in your head as you fall to the ground.
you have no more tears to cry when your brother finds you, your whole body in pain.
"what has happened? are you hurt? you need me to call for someone?" he helps you get up, his worried gaze making sure you are not injured. you look at him and your eyes fill with tears again, the minute your brother finds out what happened, aemond is dead, and you won't be able to handle the disappointment in your family's faces.
you're a disgrace to your family.
"does this have to do with aemond?" he asks hesitantly. and jace has his answer when you avoid his gaze, pulling away from his touch. "did he do something to you?" this time his voice is angry, fist clenching ready to fight to defend you. "if he did something to you i'm going to–"
"you're not going to do anything." daemon appears, his eyes saying all you need to know; he knows. "the queen requests your presence in her chambers."
jace looks puzzled at you but you avoid his and daemon's gaze, walking past them with your head down.
you try to keep all negative thoughts out of your head. if she is calling for you to her chambers, it can be for anything. there are plenty of reasons. however, once you are standing in front of her doors, it all gets real.
when the doors open, there are only three people inside; queen alicent, your mother and aemond.
it all comes down to this moment.
you can't look at your mother, knowing you disgrace the family name is enough to have you wanting to just run away and never come back, to turn back time and walk away from aemond the minute he grabbed your wrist to provoke you.
you can't stand each other, most of the time you are saying awful things to one another, and no matter that it hurts you to think this was always his plan. he wanted you to be ashamed of yourself, he wanted you to bring shame on your family. but is his family too.
"i am sure you know why you’re here," queen says, standing next to your mother, hands folded over her stomach.
all you're able to do is nod, your eyes finding aemond's face. he's looking straight forward with no expression and that makes you feel even more nauseous.
"aemond has asked for your hand in marriage." your mother clarifies, and you can see the confusion in her eyes.
you were expecting anything, for them to start yelling at you and aemond, for them to say how of a disgrace you are, but you certainly were not expecting this.
everything around you starts spinning, you can hear your mother talking but can't focus on her, or anything, really. you gasp for breath as you feel your legs giving up, but your body never touches the ground, two long and strong arms helping you keep your balance.
"call the maesters!" you hear aemond say, walking to an armchair and sitting down with you. "hey, hey," he forces you to look at him, hand on your chin. "breathe with me...”
aemond breathes in slowly, waiting for you to copy him, holding the air for a few seconds before breathing out. you do it for several minutes, until he's sure you can properly breathe on your own.
he chuckles lowly, "i didn't think you hated me this much." he wipes the tears on your face with the back of his knuckles and the tip of his thumb, gazing intently into your eyes.
"what did you do?" your voice comes out a little hoarse, odd to your ears. you really can't believe what is happening. "why did you do this?"
"i will not let anyone disrespect you." he says harshly, lips in a thin line, contrasting with the gentle way his thumb brushes your cheek. "not even me."
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optimist-pine · 7 months
When Skies Are Gray (Ch.1)
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Summary: You cross paths with someone from your past on the worst day of your life (which is saying a lot).
Warnings: Typical TWD content! Injury, death, suggestions of SA, language, etc.
Word Count: 1,661
Era: Between seasons 3 & 4, before Rick stops going on runs
A/n: I convinced myself that Daryl Dixon and coffee shop AU could totally go together...
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One mistake. Very likely your last one at that. However, judging by the look in the man's eye, you may have just enough time to squeeze in another before your life comes to a permanent close. A grand finale of utterly screwing up. Seems fitting.
    Despite everything, you don't actually desire the finality of death yet. The adrenaline surging through your bones reminds you that hope isn't completely gone until your body starts walking around, y'know, without your soul attached.
    Past the end of your revolver, the man's pistol aims back at you, a cruel, sordid smile crawling across his face as his gaze roams around your figure. "Came in here lookin' for somethin' to ease our appetites... Looks like we found ourselves some dessert instead." He sounds quite pleased with himself, and you can only imagine what terrible thoughts are filling his mind.
    You can't withhold the cold shiver that slips down your spine, cursing inwardly. Stupid. There were so many things you should've done differently to prevent this exact scenario from happening, but you'd gotten comfortable. 
    The small shop held the slightest promise of ammunition; that's the only reason you'd even risked investigating it with the encroaching threat of dusk at your heels. But you'd been sloppy in scoping the place out, and careless enough that when a cold hand grabbed you from behind you'd shot without a second thought.
     Now you're reaping the repercussions of your foolishness. The lump of a body lay bleeding on the dirty linoleum floor. And you stand trapped between two men with guns who have worse intentions than using them on you.
     "Dammit, man, she shot Jed!" The second man cries from behind you.
    The first man doesn't even spare a glance. "If he let some bitch shoot 'im, then he d'serves it." He spits
    "Duke, I dunno man." His boots shift nervously. "Let's just get tha' hell outta here." Please, please do your mind pleads.
    The man named Duke begins to saunter towards you slowly, toying with you. "My pal an' I here are gonna have a fun night courtesy of you, doll. Then, after, we'll kill ya." Your arms are beginning to feel the strain from holding out your own gun for so long. You readjust your grip, but what's the point? He's almost to you now. "How's that sound?" Your thoughts are swirling, there's no way you can escape without getting at least seriously injured. But if that's the only option besides giving up willingly... well, you'll take that chance. You have to.
    On the count of three... one... tw
    You drop to the ground in a crouch, expecting the inevitable overwhelming pain of being shot to take over your body - but it never does. You lift your head to find Duke... dead. You whip around to see the other man with an arrow through his eye. Your gun's back out in an instant, aimed at a new target that emerges from behind a rusty shelf.
    The new man holds a crossbow, posture rigid and shoulders sturdy. A good portion of his face is blocked by the bow except for feathers of brunette hair shrouding a blue eye. 
    "Whoa, there." The sound of a hammer being cocked at your back sends a rush of fury through you. Was this some sort of sick joke? Held at gunpoint by two men, then being rescued only to be held at gunpoint again by two different men? If you were honest with yourself, it wasn't all that surprising though. As far as luck went you were permanently scraping the bottom of the barrel.
    The crossbow in front of you lowers suddenly. "Lav'nder?"
    Now that you can see both of them clearly those blue eyes look awfully familiar. "Dixon?"
    A blinding pain floods through your right shoulder so quickly that you collapse, sharp waves of heat blooming and spreading and taking over your whole body. You can see your gun lying in the dust and dirt. Huh, you hadn't realized you'd dropped it. You study the weapon as the daylight dims; the sun must not be wasting any time in its descent this evening. You think someone is talking but their voice is fading, the pain is numbing, the darkness is turning to black. There's never been a colder place than the floor of this cursed little shop.
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    One last stop before heading back home. An old hole-in-the-wall gun store on the off chance they'll find anything to help replenish the resources depleted in the fight against the Governor. 
    What little promise the place does have dissipates the moment a solitary gunshot rings through the air; all senses immediately on the alert. It isn't hard to discern the situation, the lead man's intentions are unmistakable. And so, they do what they've had to do too many times before.
    But when the woman turns around, what he sees takes him a minute to process. You. He knows you. The word sounds stupid, but it escapes him nonetheless. Then again, maybe not completely stupid because you do remember him.
    "Dammit!" Daryl shouts, unleashing his arrow into the skull of the third man. The man they'd mistakenly presumed was already dead. He rushes to your side, inspecting the wound. Clean through the shoulder. Good. He removes his vest and sheds his long-sleeved shirt, tying it around your shoulder, holding pressure. By the time he manages to bring himself to look you in the eye, you're already out of it.
    Rick rifles around the men's belongings, gathering up their weapons and anything else that's useful. "You know her?" He asks, skeptical, with that particular cock of his head.
    Daryl nods. "M'yeah. I did." He replies softly. You looked so different now; ragged, weary... alone. But still, he would recognize you anywhere. "C'mon, we gotta get 'er back to Hershel and Dr. S."
    Rick's checking out your belongings now, snatching your gun off the floor to inspect it. "D'you trust her?" He asks.
    Daryl hefts you up into his arms - it's easier than it should be. "She's a good one." An understatement.
    "Heh, yeah." Rick chuckles, holding your gun out for him to inspect. "Cylinder's empty. Held off four men with a gun that wasn't even loaded." He gives Daryl a nod. "Let's get 'er home."
    Daryl sits with your head in his lap, the rest of your body carefully draped across the backseat of the truck, hair spilling haphazardly across his pant legs. His fingertips hover nervously above your face, the overwhelming urge to physically reassure himself that you're really here growing by the second. He's terrified though. Why? Jus' do it. Rough fingers ever so gently brush dirty locks behind your ear, revealing sun-worn skin gone pale.
    It's like he can't look long enough or hard enough at your face to make it feel true. To make you feel real. Are you? Out of anyone who could've found their way here from his past... Out of all the deadbeats and scumbags he would be unsurprised to find thriving in the lawlessness...
    It was you.
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    The town had one lonely cafe, which was unfortunately sandwiched smack dab between the tattoo parlor and the pub - aka, Merle's playground. Once Merle had left for the military and then landed himself in prison, Daryl had kept to the same old routine more out of habit than desire. 
    He was on his way to the tattoo parlor late that afternoon - he can't remember why he was using the front entrance because he almost always went in through the back - but that day he had to walk past the happy little cafe to get there...
    It's a warm spring day, the air beginning to fill with the scent of flowers instead of just dirt and cold. Which also means that people are sitting out front of the little coffee joint straining to soak up the last rays of sunshine. The shop windows are open to let in the fresh air, making the place seem noisier than usual.
    "Lavender latte!" A barista shouts around the clamor from inside.
    The screech of metal on cement to his left as a girl pushes out her chair. Just as he's about to walk past, he hears the scuff of a foot against the sidewalk and suddenly she's falling toward him. He reaches up to brace himself and stabilize her shoulders as her palms thud against his chest.
    She pulls back, quick as a whip, eyes huge as pink begins to sprout on her cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" She blurts, gaze flickering around. It's weird, but he can't help but notice that she smells good, like really good. Flowers and citrus and earth, real things, not just some overpowering canned perfume like he's used to being around at the bar. She's cute too, feminine but not girly or gaudy, hair wind-whipped, hands and feet with remnants of dirt like she's been outside working. The pages of a paperback flutter in the breeze on the table behind her, the stem of a flower peeking out the bottom of the book.
    "Are you okay?" She asks, eyes focused surely on his now, irises deep and unwavering and... Idiot. He's staring and he hasn't said a thing and you're waiting for a response.
    "M'fine." He says with a grunt, crossing his arms. He almost tells you off for being so clumsy but the barista shouts again:
    "Lavender latte!"
    She brushes her hair behind her ear as if it's a nervous habit. "Oh, okay. That's good... I'd better go get that." She laughs, the corners of her lips just barely pulling up. She starts to walk away but then quickly turns back around. "Thank you!" A full smile this time, and then she disappears behind the door.
    He shakes his head. Entertaining thoughts about a girl like that is ridiculous. At least, that's what he tells the rapid drumming of his heart. Shut up.
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