slythereen · 8 months
i just want everyone to know that i'm committed enough to the rbr-ferrari sticker war ft. the drivers agenda to start tweeting the admins on main about it
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ligbi · 9 months
Using a.i. art for book covers this using a.i. to replace actors that
What they should do is use a.i. to make up sports players and just make all sports fully computer generated. The players the moves the names the commentary the crowds. Saves millions and reduces real world injury to real world people. Ignore that without there being teams to play on and the dream of making it big would reduce interest in young people in sports and ultimately this would reduce sports into a niche interest within a few generations. Because that's fine
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silvcrignis · 1 year
EA Sports || Caterina & Michael
“SO are you ALLOWED to date or are your parents going to bar me from entry to your home if they catch even a WHIFF of me holding your hand? Not that it would matter too much. I come from a LONG line of... “LOCKSMITHS” so it would realistically be a temporary obstacle.”
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“Oh. I’m Cat Gruber, by the way,” she finished cheerfully, holding out her hand, while somehow still balancing herself against the arcade machine she was leaning on.
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onboardsorasora · 5 months
Daniel Ricciardo's Business Ventures- Primer?
I realized there's a lot of us who don't know all of Daniel's little business ventures that he's quietly been working on. So I've put this together- I too wanted to know if there was anything I had forgotten about. (I'm not sure if someone has done this before? I haven't seen it come across my dash.) Also good for fic purposes- I liberally used Blue Coast and DR3 Wines in one of my last stories
*Edited to add Lafayette and Goods Way, thank you Laila!
Blue Coast Brewing Co.
Started in 2017, its a brewery owned by Daniel Ricciardo, Jenson Button, Natalie Pinkham, Karen Minier Couthard, Tiffany Cromwell, Eugene Laverty, Thor Hushovd, Andreas Mikkelson, and Noah Wyle. They call themselves the Original Bluecoasters.
Their brews have won awards.
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Ricciardo Kart
Started in 2015. They provide karts for 6 different categories.
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Which goes hand in hand with the Daniel Ricciardo Series or DRS that kicked off in 2019.
The series runs for 8 weekends around the UK throughout the summer and they crown a champion at the end of the series.
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DR3 Wines x St Hugo
I was surprised to find out that the first DR3xSt Hugo blend was from 2014. He'd said in an interview that he didn't want to just put his name on something- he wanted to be a part of the whole process.
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We all know about Ric3 turned Enchante.
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Goods Way and Lafayette
Goods Way is a bar/speakeasy owned by Ben Lovett from Mumford & Sons and Lafayette is the live music venue attached to the bar. Lafayette is owned by both Daniel and Ben
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Daniel has also spoken about being an executive producer on a potential 'Entourage' style F1 Hulu series. There was also talks about him acting- which I'm sure has since been tabled since he's back on the grid.
Outside of his ventures, he has a fair bit of personal sponsors; OKX, Optus, SeaDoo, GoPro, Beats by Dre, EA Sports and Thorne.
Our little Money Badger is doing well for himself
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I'm sure this list isn't exhaustive because he seems to like to have his little bitten cuticle fingers (adorably affectionate) in a bunch of things. So I'll update as more ventures get released I guess
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cod-dump · 8 months
I had a silly thought about Moose
I feel like he would own fish as a pet
Not anything fancy either
Just some silly goldfish with eyes looking different ways
And he'd name them really generic names like Bob or Sam, but there would be one. One with the most long ass name ever. Something like Gerald Bartholomew Augustine the third.
He 1000% has fish.
Moose is a very good fish owner and hates hearing how people talk after their fish dying after a couple of days or so of having them. He’s had two gold fish for seven years. Stan is a black and gold goldfish and Countess Esmeralda Angelina (the Shadows call her Countess EA for short and there’s someone always asking about EA Sports and how she’s doing) is a reddish orange goldfish.
He got them both at a fair and has had them ever since. Out of all the animals that has come and gone throughout his life, he will say those fish were his most beloved. He’s constantly getting tank decorations from the Shadows to decorate their tank with so Moose makes a habit to redecorate their tank whenever he cleans it. Shadows are constantly coming into his room to check on the fish and just watch them swim happily in their tank.
For his next birthday, Graves and ten Shadows (these Shadows considering themselves Moose’s closest friends) are planning on getting him another fish to join Stan and Countess EA. They’re very excited but also are very nervous about finding a good reputable breeder than will give them a healthy fish that won’t die and break Moose’s heart.
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wandabear · 1 year
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This chapter has some WARNINGS: some horror, suspense, angst and two huge big puppies.
ㅤㅤ Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER 4
Concern could be seen on her face but she said nothing. Just squeezed the steering wheel trying to bear all those feelings and thoughts that bubbled inside.
“Come on… Say what you’re thinking. now” Y/N dared to say, looking out the window as they entered the forest following a rather lonely dirt road. They took the I-87 to drive almost three hours to the Catskills Mountains. After twenty minutes they reached an old cabin lost among the huge and vast trees.
“Oh, no. You don’t wanna know what I‘m thinking, Y/N.” Jules sighed and parked in front of the cabin, getting out of the car quickly.
Y/N didn't answer, she knew very well that she screwed up by telling Wanda almost everything. Just took the huge and heavy sports bag that was in the trunk and followed Jules inside the cabin.
“I rented the cabin for the whole weekend, I didn't want to seem so…obvious, especially for hunters.” She opened the door and coughed due to the dust, the lonely cabin hadn't been used in a while.
“What? Really? Where did you find it?" Y/N frowned, it didn't look like a touristy cabin especially because of the dust on the furniture and some cobwebs in the corners.
“Airbnb.” Jules teased, but seeing Y/N's worried face she just rolled her eyes. “Easy, I'm just kidding. An old ranger pal owed me a favor, told me that I could come here, he assured me of a safe place and well, this place is quite far from everything. This cabin has been out of service for five years, lots of rattlesnakes and cougars around the place. Too many wild animals.”
“We are not close to civilization by many many miles. Just woods. This is good…” Y/N looked around, quite surprised. “Why didn't we stay here earlier? Why did we have to go to Wyoming?
“Here we are more exposed than in Wyoming. Hikers, tourists miles away.” Jules walked around the place, opening the kitchen door to inspect everything, only to find old empty cans. “A full moon? Sure. But many nights in a row? I can't guarantee that you will attack someone or that a hunter will find us while looking for a Wendigo.”
“Do Wendigos exist?” Y/N frowned and turned to see her quite surprised. “I thought it was just us and some old vampire over there.”
“I don't know.” Her friend shrugged. “We are werewolves. Nothing surprises me anymore."
Jules came over to take the sports bag and look for some stuff inside it. Found everything she could to ensure that they would be able to spend the night safely, though nothing was certain.
“The guy who sold me this looked at me like I was buying something very kinky.” Jules took one of the huge chains, they weren't strong enough but she hoped they would hold them long enough. “Although with the right person… I would think about it.”
“Are you sure it's going to work? We never did this, it worries me.” Y/N swallowed, they never turned without being sure they would be okay.
Jules grunted, shaking her head.
“Well, it would work if we were in Wyoming again but because of SOMEONE, we're still here because she can't let go of her fucking ex-girlfriend!” Jules finished muttering, definitely sensing the ferocity of the beast.
“DON’T START WITH THAT AGAIN!” Y/N temper finally blew up.
They faced each other and snarled, showing their fangs. Dusk was falling little by little, while the sun was hiding between the mountains, the wolf roared inside.
Y/N sighed deeply and closed her eyes, searching for the little serenity that remained in her. “I just don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“You wont, okay?” Jules did the same and then rested her forehead against Y/N's.  “We won’t.”
“I don't want us to hurt each other.” The brunette whispered terrified. The thought of hurting Jules sank her heart deeply.
“We won't get hurt, okay? Let’s do this.”
Taking a deep breath, both walked away to arrange the place as quickly as possible.  This was the first time they spent a full moon in a place they didn’t know, but at least they knew they wouldn't hurt anyone nearby… Maybe.
Blocked the door with some old furniture, nailed the it and the windows too. The musty old basement had only a big old boiler that no longer worked, plus some shitty boxes with stuff that didn’t work.
Minute by minute, they felt how the heat embrace and suffocated them. Y/N hurried so that they could chain each other and, finally, inject themselves with that purplish liquid.
“This time it will be two doses of wofsbane, hope not enough to poison us. It will hurt more, but it's worth a try.” Jules swallowed, noting but fear in Y/N's eyes. Of course she was afraid too, especially since the wolves inside them were telling them not to.
The hooting of the owls and the crackling of the trees, Y/N tried to focus on anything but the liquid her friend was injecting. Closed her eyes tightly, the pain was immeasurable. But for both of them that pain meant hope.
Ten minutes later, they were both babbling on the floor, hallucinating due to the enormous amount of wolfsbane ingested. Drops of sweat fell down their faces, Y/N tried to reach out to touch Jules hand but it just fell off, due to how weak they were now.
The girls barely smiled at each other, knowing that maybe they made it, when Y/N's face changed completely. Horror flashed across her face.
“Jules…” she whispered.
Y/N swallowed and narrowed her eyes, trying to focus. The sounds of the nature, the owls, the branches, frogs in their ponds, crickets singing in the woods. Two strangely fast heartbeats, which she recognized as Jules and herself but there was something else.
Something wasn't right.
She tried to concentrate a bit more, licking her lips, Y/N felt an enormous hunger and that made her eyes widen, her face paled. Feeling a fear that never felt.
“There’s a third heartbeat.” Y/N exclaimed trying to grab the chain but couldn't, could barely move. Those words made Jules shake her head desperately.   “Oh my god, there’s a third beat. Oh, no no no no.”
They tried to let go but couldn't, everything was desperate and heartbreaking. They were only minutes away from the beast finally breaking free and someone else was out there.
“We have to go now, we must… get far away as possible.” Y/N said with her breath ragged. She crawled over to Jules trying to free her but a ‘crack’ made her fall to her knees, chaos began and they couldn't do anything.
Feeling how tears fell down her face, Jules just closed her eyes, regretting from now on for everything they could cause. “Please, I don't want to hurt anyone.”
“No, no. Not now.” Y/N whimpered looking at the door and clinging to the wood on the floor.  Moments where physical and mental pain was all they could feel.
Now the wolf took control, making them prisoners and spectators of the nightmare.  A huge gray wolf and a white wolf were breathing heavily, trying to recover.
And a long howl began the darkest night.
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Parking the car not too close from the cabin, Wanda remained watching the place with some suspicion. Of all the places she thought they would go, a lonely cabin in the woods was the last place on her mind.
Everything was possible, right? She had seen worse. There were people who cheated on their partners in the most stupid way possible.
Well, they weren't a couple... were they? I mean, they said it but nothing officially.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ "Ugh." The brunette closed her eyes, resting the forehead against the steering wheel.
“Come on Wanda, this is stupid.” She told herself, what the hell had made her do this? She should be at home, crying and choking on alcohol or pizza and cursing Y/N like a normal person but no. She followed Y/N all the way to the fucking Catskills to find out what the hell she was doing.
The sun has already set, the GPS saying she was in the woods -and strangely the dirt road was not even there- and the worst was yet to come.
A long, distant howl made her shrink back in her seat, looking around.
“Fuck it, I'm out of here.” Wanda started the car and tried to back up to go back down the road but the car stopped suddenly, it was stuck or something. The screen showed that there was a problem with the pressure of one of the tires.
“No way, really?!” The sokovian whined and got out of the car, getting closer to see what happened to the wheel, using her phone as a flashlight.
But what she saw made her blood run cold, just a little more. It was ripped, three huge scratches shredded the entire rim. Those cuts were too brutal.
Wanda decided to go back to her car quickly, sheltering from the cold. Maybe it was a branch? Or did she brush against a rock? She thought of everything but the idea that it was some wild animal around.
“Easy, Wanda, you're just overreacting.” Shaking her head, she called two towing services, but neither agreed to come to the location.
One of them said that not even for all the money in the world would go near that area of the forest after sunset, and the other guy just said: fuck no, because surely someone was going to rob him and he was fed up with those scams.
“Fuck!” Wanda yelled annoyed when the guy ended the call without further ado.
It was dark, owls hooting terrified her. She couldn't ask Y/N or anyone in that cabin for help, because she would have to explain what she's doing there, and she wasn't the one to explain. Y/N was.
The Sokovian ended up calling the only person who could help her in such a situation.
"Yeah?" Natasha's hoarse voice was heard on the other end of the phone.
“Nat, I'm sorry I know you might be busy tonight but I need your help.” Wanda said turning on the car's heater.
“Sure, what is it? I can't hear you well, the connection is kinda lost! Where are you?”
“I'm stranded on a road near the Catskills, the towing guy says it's too late and he won't go anywhere. I will send you my location. Can you come pick me up?”
“What?! Wanda, what the hell are you doing there?!”
She sighed, surely Nat would scold her for that.  “I followed Y/N and her friend to this place, she lied to me. She said that she was working and… well, I can't explain now! Just come for me, please.”
‘Shit! Wanda, it's... it's full- ... Oh god. Please, lock the car and stay inside. You heard me? DON'T GO OUT, STAY THERE. No matter what you hear, do you understand me?’
“Why? you're scaring me.” She looked around a bit fearfully and pressed the car lock.
“Wanda, do as I say. I’m like... two hours away, stay inside. I'm coming for you.”
The call ended.
Wanda just closed her eyes, repeating to herself that she was just going crazy for nothing. It was just a forest, she was in her car which was pretty safe. Just had to wait.
“Yay! You see? I knew that everything would work out.” Wanda smiled, feeling calm until a long, deep howl from the forest made her skin crawl.
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Two long, fearful howls dominated the forest. ㅤㅤ
The birds fluttered away to hide in the trees, the animals near the place fell silent. It was an alert, a warning. A much bigger and more dangerous predator was haunting the place and making it its own.
“They're just coyotes.” Wanda told herself again, watching the forest mist. She wasn't going to deny that that made it so much scarier. “Just coyotes. This place is full of wild animals… Stay in the car and that's it.”
An hour passed and Natasha didn't arrive. It was understandable, she was quite far from the place. Wanda started the car engine again to use the heating and the radio - to clear her mind and not be a victim of paranoia- trying to pass the time by looking some instagram stories or something like that. An interesting idea crossed her mind.
She clicked on the Instagram icon to search for 'Jules Boyd' but there was nothing. The girl didn't appear on any social networks, just like Y/N deleted all of them.
Narrowing her eyes, Wanda decided to google her to see what she could find on her.
“Jules… Boyd.” The brunette murmured as she scrolled down the screen looking at the results. Some just didn't say much more than some other people's profiles, but something caught her attention when she was about to give up.
‘Ranger locate hikers lost in Catskills, rescue North Country residents buried in 6 feet of snow.’
‘Two hikers from the Bronx got lost Saturday on the Hurricane Ledge in Kaaterskill Wild Forest. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation forest ranger Julia Boyd found the hikers…’
“Julia Boyd.” Wanda finished reading that article.  “She’s a ranger.”
But suddendly, a loud hit against her door made Wanda jump, the phone slipping from her hands and falling under the seat.
“Shit! Oh my god!” Wanda screamed, moving away from the door. It was a pretty hard hit, but there was nothing outside. Just the cold, dark night.
Wanda swallowed totally terrified, turning on the car lights but there was nothing out there. Couldn't hear anything but the crickets.
She stood still for about two minutes until the hitting against her door came back. And not just once, but many times, about to rip the door off.  A growl made Wanda squeal, clinging to the rear door of the car.
She couldn't see what was stalking her, only heard the growls of the beast. Completely terrified, Wanda got out of the car and ran as fast as she could toward the cabin.
“Please, Y/N. HELP!”  The sokovian screamed, trying desperately to open the door.
Wanda knocked on that wooden door with all her might, praying that one of them would listen to her. She didn't mind having to explain herself if something out there wanted to devour her.
But no one helped and no one responded.
She pushed and punched until the door swung open. Wanda entered desperately and locked the entrance with every furniture she saw around.
Moved away from the door, sighing quietly knowing that at least she would be safe in there, or so she thought.
But looking around more carefully, Wanda noticed that this place was far from being a cozy and warm cabin. The wood creaked in a chilling way, it was dark and cold, the crickets continued to accompany her with their solitary song. The chimney full of soot and cobwebs.
Looked for her phone to use it as a flashlight again, but she couldn't find it.
“Damn!” Wanda remembered that her phone fell in the car when that thing scared her. Would have to settle for moonlight. “Y/N?”
She walked slowly looking for them but there was nothing. She walked slowly looking for them but there was nothing. Just a simple abandoned cabin, this was becoming increasingly strange, where were they?
Wanda opened one of the drawers, taking out an old hunting knife and a flashlight. She sighed in relief, maybe she could handle it.
It was a minute or two befores she heard some noise coming from the back of the cabin. She stirred doubtfully, what to do? She decided to go investigate, wielding that knife and the flashlight. Wanda approached noticing that the basement door was open.
The good news was down there that the light was on. That was good, right?
ㅤㅤ The light was flickering restlessly and maybe a bit creepy, wasn't going to deny it, but if this place kept her safe from that thing? She would take it, but when she was about to go down, Wanda stopped. The light went out completely, leaving the stairs in darkness.
"Fuck no..."
A few footsteps made her shut up.
"Y/N? are you there? This is not funny at all. I saw you were here, come on. You can stop pretending now." She backed off.
But no one responded. What came out of that door was not a human figure, it was something totally and completely different from a human being. That image made Wanda's blood run cold.
That huge white wolf came out of the basement, watching her with a deadly and hungry look. Jules sniffed at her; a huge predator watching every move.
The wolf began to walk towards her, showing its fangs menacingly. Wanda squealed, backing slowly towards the door. If she wasn't petrified it was because her survival instinct told her to get away from there as fast as possible, even if it won't help much though.
So fast, the sokovian picked up an old lamp and threw it at the beast before running out of the cabin. Didn't know where to run, really.
Wanda reached the car but what she saw was much worse. The car door was completely smashed, there was no chance she could hide there. And everything got worse and worse.
A growl made her turn. Behind the car, slowly, a gray wolf came out of the darkness staring at her.
She was going to die, or so she thought.
Trapped, completely surrounded, the only option was to run. Running down that dark and disastrous path that she had come from, but of course she would be easy prey that way, right?
Wanda just ran as fast as she could trying to hide among the trees, trying to lose them. And far from desperately running after her, that gray wolf just enjoyed watching Wanda run. Like a large predatory animal, enjoying its prey.
Y/N allowed her to have the upper hand.
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The heavy breathing and the pumping of her own heart is all Wanda heard. Her face was dirty as were her clothes, she rolled down a stupid hill and fell on an dirty bunch of dry leaves. ㅤㅤ
How long had she been like this? Desperate running away, lost in the fucking woods. The howling in the night was driving her crazy, and maybe that's what they wanted. She stopped for a moment, closed her eyes trying to think, those were wolves. Much bigger than normal but they were wolves.
Think, Wanda, think.
Wolves have a very acute sense of smell that they use to detect other animals like a mile away or something. A huge part of a wolf’s brain is used to process smell, just as a huge part of our brain is used to process visual information.
Wanda took the knife and cut her hand so she could leave some blood on that tree and run again, leaving her blood and scent in many different places to confuse those beasts.
Twenty minutes later running in the opposite direction the sokovian was glad to find that stupid road again, couldn't leave it because Natasha wouldn't find her, and of course she didn't want to die lost in a damned forest either.
She stopped for a moment to breathe, the branches of the trees moved slowly like whispers of the forest, as if everything in that forest connected with each other.
But a nearby howl made her jump, looking for refuge behind some big fern bushes hiding from one of the wolves. Perhaps she was very stupid to think that she could fool both of them. She gripped the knife tightly when she heard the crack of branches and the wolf's panting.
Jules sniffed that place for a moment, looking for the owner of that scent, and continued on its way following that false trail of blood.
Wanda sighed, the plan worked but now she had to keep up. The hiss of a near rattlesnake made Wanda snap out of her hiding place, terrified, run back toward the cabin.
She was this close to snap. How is that she ended up trapped in that freaking hell? Wolves, darkness, forest, rattlesnakes.
How grateful she was to get back to the car and was even more grateful not to find any wolf close to it. Perhaps both were gone to follow the blood trail. Yeah, it was that for sure.
Wanda looked for her phone on the sides of her seat, and smiled widely upon finding it. She tried to unlock it so she could call the police, Natasha or whoever was necessary, but a growl behind her made her turn around slowly and carefully.
Oh no.
Those huge, watery green eyes showed the anguish and fear she felt, especially when she saw that big grey wolf look at her like that. Those fangs were all Wanda could see.
She really believed that she was free of it. Growling and snarling, Y/N slowly approached her prey.
“Please no.” Terrified, Wanda backed up as far as she could, crashing into the wooden wall of the cabin. She never seen the size of a beast like that, a shiver ran down her spine. The cold feeling of knowing that you would die soon.
“Stay away!” Being brave, she raised the knife and held it steady, ready to defend herself with it if necessary. A Sokovian was not going to die without a fight. “I'm going to shove this through your fucking skull. Back off!”
But far from being afraid, the wolf seemed unfazed by the threat. She even seemed to enjoy it, slowly circling her. Like a predator it surrounded the meal before the surprise attack.
“Fuck you, Y/N, for making me come here.” Wanda yelled, accepting her fate.  
The beast advanced, but then stopped.
Y/N didn't move forward but didn't let her go either, just stayed in front of her sniffing; the wolf recognized that scent and would do so anywhere in the world.
Not the blood one. Wanda's essence.
“Oh god or someone else there… Please, don't let it hurt me.” She prayed, closing her eyes, waiting for the final attack that would put an end to her life.
But nothing happened.
Wanda fearfully opened those green eyes again, seeing that that beast was just staring at her. Its huge yellow eyes were terrifying but also captivating.
The wolf no longer showed its teeth to frighten her. It was just there, watching her.
Leaving that frightening and threatening position, Y/N lowered its ears and relaxed its body, recognizing Wanda, not as a threat or as prey. It was Wanda. She was hers. ㅤㅤ
And for a moment, Wanda felt her body relax slowly, feeling a very strange security at the connection between their gazes. She wasn’t going to move, any sudden movement can make the beast to attack her.
“Y/N, stay away.” Natasha's voice caught their attention. The wolf quickly turned to face her, Natasha was a few feets away pointing the gun at her.
Y/N snarled at Natasha, this time in a more aggressive way.
“Y/N? What do you mean with that?” Wanda exclaimed confused and terrified, gulped seeing that the beast becomes aggressive again.  “Natasha, shoot it!”
Natasha shook her head, sweating. “No, Wanda. I can’t.”
“It’s going to kill us! Just shoot it!”  Of course Wanda wanted to survive, but to do so, she had to give what she loved most in the world without knowing it.
“WANDA, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” Natasha yelled desperately, switching gaze between her friend and the wolf. Failed in the first step, avoid making eye contact with the wolf.
Y/N interpreted this as challenging or threatening behaviour.  Every step the wolf took was one that Nat took back.
“Don't make me do it, Y/N. Those are silver bullets... with wolfsbane... you gave them to me.” The russian swallowed, holding the gun with both hands. She was trained to handle these issues, she was a specialized agent. But not to kill a werewolf and even less a friend. “Stop! I don’t want to do this but I will!”
Y/N wasn't going to back down. The wolf understood that Natasha was threatening Wanda, with all those screams and with that gun, and was going to do whatever it took to protect her.
“Fuck!”  Natasha cursed. Took a step forward, threatening the redhead to back off but Natasha charged the gun, ready to fire if Y/N got close. Obviously the wolf took that as a more agressive challenge, and the wolf attacked. ㅤㅤ
Leaping towards her, Y/N rushed to bite Natasha but ended up on the ground.
She whimpered feeling the other wolf's teeth holding her to the ground, preventing Y/N from biting the girls.
Before the astonished look of Wanda and Natasha, those wolves began to fight each other in an internal and external struggle to maintain control over the other.
“Wanda, let’s go.” Natasha reached out to take Wanda's hand, pushing her out of the woods as the wolves kept fighting. ㅤㅤ
It was a deadly dance between Y/N and Jules, between biting and whimpers and grunts, one of the two would end up on the ground.  Blood soon stained their fur.
Jules whimpered in pain as she felt Y/N's sharp teeth tear into her skin on the side of her back, just like Y/N had her leg bloody from the bites. Of course there was only one winner in that fight, and the blood on the white fur proved it. Y/N howled painfully but victoriously, marking territory. Licking her teeth.
She tried to follow the scent of Wanda but Jules caught her again, making them both to fall again. Even though the pack was small, it was a fight of instincts.
Wanda and Natasha ran to the truck but Nat stopped, glancing back. Those two were still howling and fighting and it didn't look like it was going to end well. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“We must do something, they are going to kill each other.” Natasha swallowed, took the keys and handed them to Wanda. “The sunrise will come soon, two minutes. Get in the truck, if something happens, go.”
“What do you mean go? Those fucking wolves almost killed me! All night running from them!” Wanda screamed in disbelief, was Natasha that crazy? “What does it matter? We have to go.”
“Wanda, you don't understand. Just get in the truck.”
Natasha took the gun and fired into the air to scare the beasts away.
And like a ray of hope, the first ray of light intruded between the branches of the trees. Like a blanket of hope for them, receiving a new day.
05:35 am. The curse ends.
The grey wolf had the white one on the ground, whimpering. The dominant dance was over. With a single movement Y/N could kill her, but didn't. It was just a fight, a wolf would never kill another wolf from its pack.
The grey wolf looked up to see how those two women were watching them from the truck and advanced towards them, or at least tried to, because after just a few steps Y/N stumbled, weakened.
Y/N and Jules felt it, their bodies grow heavy. They weren't tired from the fight but more from the rising sun, weakening them, returning them back to a painful human form soon.
Wanda could see an agitated grey wolf, who got up although its legs trembled but she howled again, and this time the white one friend joined in a long howl. The last goodbye before going back to its eternal prison.
Both wolves limped away, sore and injured, seeming to find it harder and harder to stay on their feet until they fell to the ground. Far from a painful and shocking transformation, their bodies vanished for a few seconds, returning them to their human form.
Y/N kept lying on the ground, trying to catch her breath, until she turned to look for Jules as they did so many times.
Every full moon, they both watched each other making sure everything was fine, despite the pain, they would always be together.
If one or the other woke up earlier, they came over to make sure they were okay. A dreamy look that meant that for a month, they were freed from chaos.
But the pain reached Y/N’s chest when she saw her friend lying on the ground, there was no warm look on Jules this time, she wasn't reaching out to take her hand and squeeze it. There was blood on her pale skin.
Jules was on the ground, bloody, hurt and dirty, with a stabbing pain in the side of her body that made her just stay still.
“What the f-” Wanda whispered, unable to believe what she was seeing.
Her mouth moved but no words left her lips. Natasha just hurried to grab some blankets from her truck.
“Jules!” Y/N got up as she could and came running, falling to the side of Jules to check on her. There was a deep wound on the side of her stomach, fang marks over her body and her neck.  Y/N's eyes filled with tears.  “Oh shit. Jules, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m okay.”  The girl said barely, the pain could be heard in her voice.  
“I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop it.” Y/N whimpered not knowing what to do, what to say.  This was all so...shocking.
“It will heal soon, okay?” Jules breathing was rough due to the pain. “Just get me in the cabin, please.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N nodded, but the worst came when she saw a completely pale, shocked and disappointed Wanda watching her.
“Wanda…” She whispered, feeling her heart ache deeply.
“Y/N… take this.”  Natasha approached them both and handed her the blankets so they could cover themselves. Y/N remembered the state she was in and nodded, feeling very embarrassed. First she covered Jules and then covered herself.
Tried to ignore the other two women who were watching them with a mix of curiosity, pity, and fear.
“What can we do… to help?” Natasha felt enormous sadness seeing them like that.
“Just… get her out of here.” Y/N said, watching Wanda out of the corner of her eye as she took Jules in her arms and walked towards the cabin. She couldn't even look Wanda in the eyes, not after all she'd done to her.
Nodding, Natasha walked over to escort her friend to the truck.  Wanda seemed pretty shocked still.  “Wanda, let’s go home.”
“No, I won't go.” The Sokovian shook her head.
“Wanda, come on!”  Natasha took her arm but Wanda broke free of her, pushing Nat.
“Not until they explain to me what the hell is going on here!” Wanda screamed in shock, annoyed and completely terrified. She spent one of the worst nights of her life and she demanded that someone explain to her what was happening there.
She walked determined towards the cabin, willing to know what the hell was going on.
They owed her that much.
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“Is she okay?” Natasha asked as they entered the cabin again. Wanda didn't say anything, she just settled in a corner, keeping her distance with some fear.
“I’m very okay.” Jules cocked her head to see her, Y/N was finishing covering her stomach with a new bandage. “Just a little sore. Don’t cry for me yet.”
Natasha just rolled her eyes, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
“It's okay, it's just… healing faster than it should.” Y/N sighed, she noticed everyone's gazes on her.  “Something we… We can do.”
Natasha nodded.  “So… accelerated healing. That's nice.” She knew what was happening to Y/N, but she never thought about the consequences. Y/N had told her it was best for Yelena and her to stay out of it.
“Among other quite interesting stuff.” Y/N swallowed, noticing how Wanda was staring at her as if she were something weird. And she was, of course.
“What the hell are you both?” Wanda asked bluntly, trying to finally know the truth.
“Lesbians.” Jules responded sarcastically.  “At least from me, of course. Also I’m a Pisces.”
“Werewolves.” Y/N said, accepting the reality that surrounded her. There was  no point in lying anymore. There was an awkward silence for a moment.
“And that's because you...” Wanda tried to find a logical reason for all this. “Were born like this?”
“No. Someone bit them both.” Natasha sighed, now Wanda was looking really upset.
“What? You knew about all this.” Wanda opened her eyes big, she couldn't believe it. “You literally watched me wait a year for her and you didn't say anything!”
"It wasn't my choice!" Nat fought back.
"I asked Nat not to say anything, so you would be safer." Y/N got up to approach her but Wanda backed away quickly, fearful. “What I told you is true… Someone bit me, then I bit Jules.”
“You turned your friend into that? You did this to her?” Wanda seemed more and more upset and terrified.
“Wait, it's not her fault. She didn't know…” Jules tried to defend Y/N. “She didn't want to, I just went to help her and… it was an accident.”
“And what? You both turn in this thing every month. Like a book club or something? ” Wanda gave a wry little laugh with a shrug. “Every month you go out to howl to the moon and hurt innocent people?”
Y/N frowned. “No, we don't do that.”
“Shut up, I don't want to listen to you! You’re a liar!” Wanda yelled pointing at her.
“Then you will have to listen to me! We don't hurt anyone. Every full moon we lock ourselves in separate cells and we don't get hurt, this is the first time we… were …free.”
“And you both almost killed me.” The Sokovian tried not to cry, crossing her arms.
Natasha didn't say anything, just kept quiet because she knew she had no right to. She had already done enough by hiding everything from Wanda.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N whispered, her eyes expressed all the pain and sadness she felt in those moments.  The guilt began to drown her more and more. “We wouldn't have hurt you. I don’t know, we’re new to this…”
“We cannot control ourselves the first few months.” Jules sighed. “We cannot control the wolf yet but maybe we will.”
“They turned us very… recently. A year.” Y/N said in a low voice, looking down feeling how Wanda was watching her and shaking her head. All the lies began to fall one after the other, like dominoes. “It bit me the night we went out on our date. That was true.”
“You choose to play with it, with people.” Wanda swallowed and shook her head, feeling deep disappointment.  “You do, you've lied to me all this time. You made me up a story that wasn't true!”
Y/N said nothing, tried but couldn't. She was right, Wanda was absolutely right, and there was nothing to say to defend herself.
Jules was right too, it was always best to have been away. She barely spent a week with Wanda and almost killed her. Or maybe not, but she almost bit her.
Y/N looked down, guilty.
“Wait, stop there. You don't know how much she's been through without you.”  Jules broke the silence when she saw her friend like that. Wanda had reason to be upset, angry and scared but not to be cruel.  “You have no idea what this woman has been through all this time away from you, thinking about you, missing you, crying every night. I witnessed all the pain she has gone through without you.”
“Jules.” Y/N tried. “Don’t do this.”
“No, tell her the truth, Y/N!” Jules narrowed her eyes.  “Tell her the pain you go through every full moon, when your body twists and your bones break. Tell her that when the full moon reaches the sky, you’re afraid, crying of thinking about hurting yourself or someone else. That you live with guilt. I'm sorry for what we did to you Wanda, but if it were a choice, it wouldn't be called a fucking curse!”
Wanda clenched her jaw, she didn't have much to say to that. She just looked away.
“We don't even attack each other, we’re from the same pack. But we are learning... we live away from everything, to take care of ourselves and people. We came here because  didn't want to disappoint you all.” Y/N ran a hand over her face, trying to calm down.
“So what happened?”  Natasha frowned. “Because definitely that wound is not for nothing. You were fighting and it was scary.”
“Don't know.” Y/N shrugged. “I just know that a part of me… didn't like something.”
“Like what?”
“I didn't like it at all that you targeted Wanda.” Y/N wrinkled her nose at Natasha.
“I wasn't aiming at her, I was aiming at you.” Natasha narrowed her eyes.   She then turned to see Jules, who was trying to sit up on the sofa, holding the wound on her stomach.  “And did you defend me or what?”
Jules rolled her eyes.  “Pff, we've known each other for a week and we've had sex twice, lover. Calm down your pants.”
“You two had sex?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, seeing that Jules avoided looking at her. Another secret.
“Well, yeah… Should you have warned me of something? Can I be infected because of we…? Like a 'welcome to lycanthropy' letter or something?” Natasha raised an eyebrow in amusement, trying to make the moment less tense and more enjoyable.
“Yeah, the old 'welcome to Werewolf 101' because you ate my pussy Oh, fuck off, Natasha.” Jules said sarcastically and they all laughed, well, all but Wanda.
The Sokovian remained deadly serious, with her arms crossed. She simply couldn't believe how they were all laughing while she had been through hell.
“Natasha, can you take me home?  I think I want to go now.”  Wanda muttered walking towards the door, without even saying goodbye.
“Wanda…” Y/N gasped seeing Wanda leave the cabin, as fast as she could.
Natasha and Jules watched each other as Y/N ran after Wanda, leaving them alone for a moment so they could sort things out.
“Wanda, wait.”
She managed to get ahead, standing in front of the brunette. Wanda shuddered, as if she were experiencing some dejavu, feeling that she was reliving that situation in a very different way. She was afraid to be around her and she wasn't going to deny it.
"Listen to me…"
Wanda looked down, no longer in the mood to be upset. She was just too tired of it. "I've heard you, I just want to go."
“I’m so sorry. I didn't want all of this to end like this...” Y/N took her hand, feeling tears well up in her eyes. She would never have wanted to hurt the love of her life. “I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe me… I wanted you to be safe from this. I wanted you to be safe from myself, being away is what I had to do.”
“And you were right.” Wanda said looking down, breaking Y/N's heart with the most painful but necessary truth. Tears began to fall down her face.
“I know it’s too much… but if you only…” Y/N tried one more time.
Wanda cut her off quickly. “I need to think… I- I need some time."
"Wanda, please, I love you..."
"I love you but… This is too much.” Wanda cleared her throat, wiping away a few tears. "Sometimes love is not enough."
Gulping and feeling how everything around her was sinking, Y/N just nodded. “I'll be waiting for you.”
Natasha came out of the cabin and put a hand on Y/N's shoulder, squeezing gently to show her support. Y/N stayed there, watching the love of her life get further and further away. Her heart broke again.
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Wanda sighed deeply before getting out of the new car, well, the one Pietro gave her while hers was in the workshop.
A week passed since the incident and Wanda completely moved away from everything. From Y/N, from Natasha.
Taking her remaining vacation days from work, she decided to take some time to think about everything. Think about what she would do from now on.
The Sokovian took her jacket off before going through the door of that bookstore. It was a small but cozy place. The huge shelves full of books and a counter at the end of the room, there were also some old vinyls for sale.
Wanda walked around the place while the manager talked to a customer. It was just her, two boys who were looking for some comics and a man in his fifties, who gave Wanda a rather kind smile as he searched through history books.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ She smiled too and went over to see some stuff, current novels and some science fiction books as well. Wanda stopped looking at a little book called 'Cycle of the Werewolf' by Stephen King.
The brunette hesitated to take it but decided to go to the counter when she saw that the customer left.
“Excuse me, umh… hi.” Wanda smiled nervously.
The girl of about twenty-five years old and tired eyes watched her as she typed on the keyboard.
“Hello! Welcome to the Corner Store. How can I help you?”
“Well I... I was looking for a section about some stuff... Umh… ” Wanda cleared her throat, she didn't want to look crazy but didn't know how to say it. Sure she looked like a Karen looking for dirty steamy stuff.  “Supernatural stuff?”
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Supernatural? Section 8, to the right. We have some comics and books, yes.” The girl turned back to her monitor.
“No, no that.”
“Oh, vampires romance? Well, there's a section on Romance genre, Section 3.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“No, I mean... really supernatural stuff.” She swallowed, looking around her.  She felt quite stupid and nervous. Why not just Google about it? She wanted to go straight to the most real information possible.
Narrowing her eyes, the manager finally smiled. “Wicca? Do you want to start some ritual or something, ma’am?”
“No, I just want…” Wanda exhaled in exasperation, closing her eyes.  “I want to know about wolves. W-Werewolves. I want to write about them and I need some information, that’s it.”
“Oh don't worry, I'm just messing with you.” The blonde girl took a piece of paper and quickly wrote down an address.  “If you need that stuff, you should go to this address. Ask for Layla.”
“Thank you.”  Wanda looked at the paper.
Aldebaran. 117 32nd St, Brooklyn.
“You're welcome, miss. Have a good day.”
Nodding, the brunette left that library to get in the car. It wasn't very far so maybe it would be interesting to go there right now.
But behind her came that old man, pulling out his phone as he watched the sokovian leave. He dialed a number and waited a few seconds.
“Hello. Yeah. I think I have a job for you... I could be wrong but…” The old man narrowed his eyes.  “I think it's a veeery big puppy. Write down the license plate number.”
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This was.. This chapter was a huge challenge. Hope you enjoyed.
I'm working on the next chapter of 'WISH YOU WERE HERE'.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @lijo-8 , @duck-5 , @username23345 , @i-need-somebody-else , @lattayhottay16 , @germz19 , @chaeismybae , @mrns21 , @whhyyynottt , @tita001 , @dont-worry-aboutme-darling , @is-mise-rachel , @devilsanus616 @imnotasuperhero @wandanatfan @katiemay-025 @yourmamacom
156 notes · View notes
digitaldiscipline · 6 months
EA's Catholicism Simulator
I have found the uncanny valley that has ruined EA Sports games for me.
They've turned their sports games into a religious sim.
They're influentially scripted. This sounds stupid, and I only have observational data, and am absolutely not a game dev, but here's my evidence.
As you play through the "individual player career" mode, the games follow one of a handful of scripted plots (they're the same regardless of difficulty, what changes is how well your player and your digital teammates and opponents do their thing), and it un-subtly rewards or punishes you for pulling off a specific action that you are ostensibly being taught to do (a trick move, for instance)... and the game will blatantly set you up with opportunities to do it.
Pull the move off adroitly, or a couple of times in a row? You're gonna be rewarded with a better chance of scoring a goal or otherwise have your performance boosted for the next few seconds.
Decline to try it, or fuck up? Play is going the other way, with the other team having a boost to their skill for the same few seconds.
It is absolutely not realistic once you notice it. And once seen, it can't be un-seen. You can predict when the opposing team is going to take an un-avoidable run at your character. You can watch the opposing goaltender become an unbeatable highlight show. You can tell when your avatar is going to fail a challenge issued by the coach if you make the wrong choice during an in-game inflection point.
But there are set events (in the game! during gameplay! which is supposed to be dynamic! because it's a sports game!), where it's clear that the script engine ends up on a branch where, unless you do something absolutely perfect, you absolutely cannot score, and you are almost certainly going to wind up taking a penalty for something that is extremely nominal, if you even performed the penalty-taking action at all.
It feels, honestly, excruciatingly Christian in the reward/punishment mechanic, and has frankly ruined my enjoyment of the game, because I am no longer playing a sports sim, I am playing a database decision tree with a snazzy GUI that will fuck with your input sensitivity to get its way, regardless of the player's skill or choices.
You can literally watch your player get shoved around by the engine when there are no NPCs in the vicinity.
This has gotten increasingly prevalent and obvious in their newer titles, which is more of an indictment about their reuse of shitty code than anything else, because I first began noticing it in their NFL title a couple of years ago, then it was much more obvious in a more recent vintage, and it is beating me over the head in the current iteration of their NHL franchise.
There's a solution, of course, and that's to remove the forced narrative, and let the player's play determine the outcome. But giving all the NPCs that extra splash of autonomy in lieu of this clumsy predestination is apparently too expensive to code, and they've already cut the budget by re-using audio clips from the last decade of VA work.
41 notes · View notes
sagecodex · 1 year
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When I'm putting together a project and I need to fill it with content that doesn't exist yet, I usually turn to the tried and true Lorem Ipsum generator. But sometimes, I want to have a little fun with my projects.
So here's a list of 60+ text generators (in alphabetical order) to zhuzh up your projects. Just don't be like me and forget to replace them with something appropriate when you share them with the world (a mistake I will likely continue to make).
Note: the following blocks of text are all pre-generated. Some of them may be offensive, though I am by no means endorsing any of them! They're just examples of of what these tools generate and I’m too lazy to edit.
Lorem Ipsum
Generates the standard lorem ipsum text.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
90s Ipsum
Generates a string of 90s text and -ism’s.
Charlotte hornets flip flops braveheart as I lay me down to sleep umbro shorts aviators, this is your brain on drugs speed tlc schindler’s list hot pink chronic. Extreme sports dennis rodman toy story choker necklace. Body piercings armageddon personalized mixtapes toyota supra, spiked hair I've fallen and I can't get up bowl cut dallas cowboys catsuit. Airwalk khaki roseanne leopard print instant messaging royal stewart tartan.
Bacon Ipsum
Generates a block of bacon and meat text.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong rump bresaola kielbasa, pancetta shank shoulder turkey kevin meatloaf cow ground round. Jerky corned beef sausage, filet mignon chislic strip steak capicola porchetta shoulder. Biltong turkey brisket landjaeger, cupim pancetta ham hock pastrami short loin.
Baseball Ipsum
Generates baseball-themed text.
Runs leather fielder's choice center fielder slide perfect game glove leather grounder. Batter's box knuckleball club wild pitch butcher boy cellar win 4-6-3. Batting average petey relief pitcher wrigley hack, scorecard right fielder away. Cardinals bush league no decision home curve earned run flyout.
Bavaria Ipsum
GeneratesBavarian-themed text in Dutch.
Bavaria ipsum dolor sit amet Foidweg Biakriagal, guad o’ha Auffisteign? Ned Servas ognudelt Radi Charivari Griasnoggalsubbm kimmt auf gehds beim Schichtl Zidern. Deandlgwand oamoi und glei wirds no fui lustiga, de Sonn Engelgwand Maßkruag.
Beer Lorem Ipsum
Generates beer text that could almost be a real blog post.
The Mango Beer panics, and another cantankerous Coors goes to sleep; however, an Ellis Island IPA brainwashes a foreign wanker. Furthermore, a burly customer laughs out loud, and a Kashmir IPA of a Home brew avoids contact with an obsequious stein. A surly Pilsner often competes with a chain saw.
Generates quotes from the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro (or Biroliro for those intimate). In Portuguese.
Marcos Valério alega que o corrupto presidiário Lula é um dos mandantes do assassinato de Celso Daniel! Surpreso? Não! Pela memória do coronel Brilhante Ustra, o pavor de Dilma Rousseff. Eu estou lutando contra um sistema, contra o establishment. Paulo fala: “venda suas capas e compre espadas".
Bluth Ipsum
Generates quotes from the TV show Arrested Development.
I'll be in the hospital bar. You know there isn't a hospital bar, Mother. Well, this is why people hate hospitals. They want to break his legs. It's a good thing he's already got that little scooter. A flower in my garden, a mystery in my panties.
Bob Ross Lipsum
Generates quotes from Bob Ross.
You can create beautiful things - but you have to see them in your mind first. If you don't think every day is a good day - try missing a few. You'll see. All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind. And I will hypnotize that just a little bit. We spend so much of our life looking - but never seeing. The little tiny Tim easels will let you down.
Bro Ipsum
Generates “bro culture” text.
Bro ipsum dolor sit amet bunny slope free ride laps, liftie park beater frozen chicken heads Whistler skid lid huck ollie taco mitt. Nose bonk hardtail chain ring white room taco euro spin backside presta rigid giblets. Stunt free ride taco glove deck. White room death cookies park, tele giblets grab dope 360 corn table top spread eagle nose beater snake bite.
Busey Ipsum
Generates quotes from Gary Busey.
Go with the feeling of the nature. Take it easy. Know why you're here. And remember to balance your internal energy with the environment.Sometimes horses cough and fart at the same time, so stay out of the range of its butt muscle because a horses butt muscle is thick.
Cajun Ipsum
Generates cajun-inspired text.
Cayenne boiled crawfish bread pudding sauce piquante Boudreaux po-boy. Interstate envie Lafayette tasso lagniappe King Cake fishing iced tea. Po-boy bonjour smoked sausage trail ride beignet merci beaucoup cajun lagniappe hunting iced tea.
Cat Ipsum
Generates text as cat thoughts.
Stare at guinea pigs mmmmmmmmm eeeeeeee ooooooooo wwwwwwww run in circles, so loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it. Cough furball find box a little too small and curl up with fur hanging out. Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff.
Cheese Ipsum
Generates cheese and cheese-adjacent text.
Cow cheese triangles cheesy grin. Stinking bishop port-salut lancashire pecorino stinking bishop cheesy grin red leicester danish fontina. Stilton swiss bocconcini parmesan cottage cheese fondue parmesan hard cheese. Airedale everyone loves halloumi cheese triangles cut the cheese stilton stilton taleggio. Smelly cheese.
Cheesburger Ipsum
Generates actual cheeseburger copy. Limited in what it can give you.
The last time you had a cheeseburger was too long ago. Try not to drool when you think about the slightly charred, medium-rare meat nestled between soft brioche, cradled in crisp iceberg lettuce and flavour amplifying condiments. Why are you still reading this- go get a cheeseburger.
Chiquito Ipsum
I don’t speak Spanish, but it generates Spanish text. Also has a Latin option. Which I also don’t speak. Idk I'm very confused.
Lorem fistrum no puedor de la pradera tiene musho peligro diodenoo a wan. Ese hombree me cago en tus muelas qué dise usteer fistro. Mamaar no puedor al ataquerl ese hombree diodeno caballo blanco caballo negroorl. Ese que llega te va a hasé pupitaa la caidita te voy a borrar el cerito hasta luego Lucas se calle ustée.
Chuck Norris Facts
Generates Chuck Norris Facts. What did you expect XD
Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever, Chuck Norris is the king of fighters, Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch.".
Coffee Ipsum
Generates coffee-inspired text
Cultivar, strong carajillo whipped half and half irish galão. Id variety that, at redeye, trifecta variety crema robust con panna. Coffee ristretto, et milk, robust flavour cinnamon spoon cappuccino. Dripper, half and half cortado white extra milk medium.
Corporate Ipsum
Generates corporate-style jargon. Sounds like every sales meeting I’ve ever been in.
Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
Cupcake Ipsum
Generates pastry and dessert-inspired text.
Marshmallow lollipop apple pie bonbon pastry icing jujubes toffee jelly beans. Liquorice marzipan toffee candy canes bear claw tart lollipop apple pie. Tootsie roll cake gummies gingerbread wafer sesame snaps cupcake fruitcake sweet roll.
Generates quotes from His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama.
I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.
DeLorean Ipsum
Generates quotes from the movie Back to the Future.
Hey, Doc? Doc. Hello, anybody home? Einstein, come here, boy. What's going on? Wha- aw, god. Aw, Jesus. Whoa, rock and roll. Yo C'mon, Mom, make it fast, I'll miss my bus. Hey see you tonight, Pop. Woo, time to change that oil. Hello. Tab?
Dino Ipsum
Generates names of dinosaurs!
Astrophocaudia Chaoyangsaurus Priconodon Amygdalodon Dracoraptor Mahakala Zalmoxes Anthodon Alocodon Lingyuanosaurus Kotasaurus Leinkupal Magnamanus Styracosaurus Atlasaurus Janenschia Drusilasaura Acristavus Leinkupal Bagaceratops Cedrorestes Batyrosaurus Sinornithoides Coelophysis Neuquensaurus Pachyspondylus Eurolimnornis Platyceratops Marisaurus Quilmesaurus.
Doggo Ipsum
Cat Ipsum but for dogs.
Doggo ipsum lotsa pats very taste wow lotsa pats extremely cuuuuuute, pats adorable doggo. heck very good spot heckin. Heckin good boys and girls clouds corgo sub woofer borking doggo, heckin angery woofer boof length boy. He made many woofs pats h*ck heckin good boys and girls pats boofers, you are doing me the shock the neighborhood pupper long bois.
Durham Ipsum
I don’t know where Durham is, but it generates text inspired by the city...county? 
Triangle localista dino trail jazz diamondview nccu the connecter historic preservation smoffice lemurs, bimbe scrap exchange trinity park brightleaf dance upcycled. Chapel hill street locavore wunc plaid, beer old five points 15-501, angier drive hipster.
Farm Animal Lorem Ipsum
Generates farm-inspired text. I hate that oink oink is in this.
Mallet herbs basil nest, in welding equipment pens quail. Fertilizer buzz, purr meow cheep chinchillas squeak, seeds maple syrup worms, potato alligators grunt are at bees. Apples ducks straw, quail a ostriches donkey, hay hook cucumbers. Post pounder calf, hay or duck is, tool shed horse. Grapes at yams mushrooms organic berries gobble. Mouse soybeans sweet corn hogs llamas or oink oink wind.
Generates quotes from the TV show Futurama.
OK, this has gotta stop. I'm going to remind Fry of his humanity the way only a woman can. In your time, yes, but nowadays shut up! Besides, these are adult stemcells, harvested from perfectly healthy adults whom I killed for their stemcells. I saw you with those two "ladies of the evening" at Elzars. Explain that.
Gangsta Lorem Ipsum
Generates “gangsta” inspired text.
Lorem ipsum dolizzle sit amet, consectetuer gizzle bow wow wow. Nullam sapizzle velit, get down get down volutpizzle, suscipit ma nizzle, gravida vel, mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa. Pellentesque crackalackin tortizzle. Yo eros. Fo shizzle at dolizzle dapibizzle turpizzle tempizzle da bomb.
Heisenberg Ipsum
Generates quotes from the TV show Breaking Bad. It lets you select the character (I’m assuming they’re all from the same show I haven’t seen it).
He has enough money to last forever. He knows he needs to keep moving. You'll never find him. He's out of the picture. I saved his life, I owed him that, but now he and I are done. Which is exactly what you wanted, isn't it. You've always struck me as a very pragmatic man so if I may, I would like to review options with you. Of which, it seems to me you have two.
Hillbilly Ipsum
Generates hillbilly-inspired text and -ism’s.
Chickens in the sack died when I was young rye whiskey steel driving crew? Going to town soldier's joy. One arm round my whiskey keg poor boy sugar baby soldier's joy, fiddle, coming down the track, hot corn nine-pound hammer cluck old hen run. Stranger? Pickle my bones in alcohol.
Hipster Ipsum
Generates hipster-inspired text.
I'm baby plaid umami kale chips, pinterest selvage microdosing gochujang Brooklyn small batch vinyl 3 wolf moon. VHS pinterest wayfarers normcore direct trade pickled lumbersexual vegan yuccie palo santo kickstarter crucifix 3 wolf moon. Vexillologist adaptogen try-hard, chicharrones hexagon vape polaroid.
Horror Lorem Ipsum
Generates horror-inspired text.
Gore at chainsaw knife crazed choking helpless. In willow trees, killer dolls are rotten teeth bite, sheep children virus nibh, in zombies brains unknown ghost creepy. Drenched scream scared dark. Creep cold graves, shadow non fear a, psychotic ashes ghost. Eerie needles edginess, graveyard on death rotten, disturbing non grave. 
A random lorem ipsum generator so not all your text is the same. It’s in German though.
Impensa quaeque mediocris elitr iactare Confirmat metu comit Explicatis civibus deterruisset Manus. Cupiditatum exedunt suaviter inveniri voluptas pauca Inter illa confirmavit. Reprehensiones rebus imperdiet etiam temporis Ornateque delectatio platonem nostris occulta Hausta intercapedo magni. Dicitis timeam Vocet faciendum consul Simulent chrysippe. Fortunae nostros arare Inter futurove.
Journo Ipsum
Generates some of the most common catchphrases, buzzwords, and bon mots of the future-of-news crowd. (Wow I hate that description)
future API Zite the notion of the public #twittermakesyoustupid election-night hologram Rupert Murdoch crowdfunding CPC nut graf gamification gotta grok it before you rock it rubber cement, Foursquare nonprofit Dan Fleckner WikiLeaks abundance libel lawyer Tim Carmody media bias.
Katy Perry Ipsum
Generates Katy Perry lyrics.
The boys break their necks try'na to creep a little sneak peek. Think the city towed my car, chandeliers on the floor. I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire. They say, be afraid you're not like the others, futuristic lover. You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong. We'd keep all our promises be us against the world. Yeah, she's footloose and so fancy free. So I sat quietly, agreed politely.
Khaled Ipsum
Generates Khaled quotes...lyrics? Unclear.
Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. The weather is amazing, walk with me through the pathway of more success. Take this journey with me, Lion! Look at the sunset, life is amazing, life is beautiful, life is what you make it. It’s on you how you want to live your life. Everyone has a choice.
Lancashire Ipsum
Generates colloquialisms that originate from the county of Lancashire.
Lancashire ipsum dolor amet gradely axin camp neaw cowd frit. Bellasses yer'sen unawl greaund peawnd. Camp Darrun geet, howd feyther clowt eyter. Vawse way'er clum nought. Gronny no nouse heawr beawnt, Keawyed City purring es'tin inth arrers bin diddy our Peg shoon. 
Liquor Ipsum
A boozy text generator.
Singapore sling old etonian aberlour missouri mule vodka sunrise two fingers shirley temple black pappy van winkle glenburgie. Paddy the last word, gibson vat 69, bruichladdich flirtini lejon hanky-panky drambuie finlandia tequila sunrise edradour!
Melbourne Ipsum
Honestly I have no idea what this is but I’m assuming it’s Australian.
Naked for satan street art, spiegeltent north of the river brunswick and brunswick st MSAC kylie minogue, swanston melb collingwood ferals spring racing carnival empire of the sun, the melbourne cup the hawks victory vs heart four seasons in one day the borek woman, avalon is so not melb the espy bill clinton ate two bowls.
Mid-century Ipsum
Generates mid-century-inspired text.
Hostess trolley bakelite selectric creative carport candy-ass, jazz whiskey beatnik creative. Tiki upswept frutiger googie drive-in futuristic highway jet-age television, herman miller danish modern jet-age. Ratpack ranch home whiskey candy-ass upswept saul bass jet-age hostess trolley?
Morse Code Lorem Ipsum
Generates random Morse Code.
.-.. --- .-. . -- .. .--. … ..- -- -.. --- .-.. --- .-. … .. - .- -- . - --..-- -.-. --- -. … . -.-. - . - ..- . .-. .- -.. .. .--. .. … -.-. .. -. --. . .-.. .. - .-.-.- ..- - --- -.. .. --- .-.-.- -. .- -- … . -.. . … - .-.-.- -. .- -- .- .-. .. … ..- … . - . … - .. .- -.-. ..- .-.. .. … .- -.. .. .--. .. … -.-. .. -. --. .-.-.- …- . … - .. -… ..- .-.. ..- -- .- -. - . .. .--. … ..- -- .--. .-. .. -- .. … .. -. ..-. .- ..- -.-. .. -… ..- … --- .-. -.-. .. .-.. ..- -.-. - ..- … . - ..- .-.. -
Mussem Ipsum
I don’t know who Mussem is but it’s in Portuguese. He looks friendly?
Mussum Ipsum, cacilds vidis litro abertis. A ordem dos tratores não altera o pão duris.Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.Suco de cevadiss, é um leite divinis, qui tem lupuliz, matis, aguis e fermentis.Admodum accumsan disputationi eu sit. Vide electram sadipscing et per.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Ipsum
Generates quotes from astrophysicist Niel deGrasse Tyson. 
As an educator, I try to get people to be fundamentally curious and to question ideas that they might have or that are shared by others. In that state of mind, they have earned a kind of inoculation against the fuzzy thinking of these weird ideas floating around out there.
Nietzsche Ipsum
Generates Nietzsche-inspired text.
Society depths ubermensch christianity sea enlightenment joy virtues decieve society good disgust selfish noble. Ascetic decieve pious play deceptions decieve decieve intentions self self ideal.
Ocean Creature Lorem Ipsum
Generates sea creature-inspired text.
Manta ray with lionfish ect. Coral hogfish fingernail clam in tilefish mandarinfish crab lionfish weasel shark. Yellow pseudochromis weasel shark shadow, darkness in deap ocean an, Motionless Wabash pigtoe Full moon. Colorful soldierfish banded sole jump. Nurse shark at goatfish grey whale.
Obama Ipsum
Generates quotes from former US President Barack Obama.
We are a better country than this. But I will also renew the tough, direct diplomacy that can prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and curb Russian aggression. It is time for us to act on what everyone knows to be true. This tolerance is essential for religion to thrive, but it is being challenged in many different ways.
Office Ipsum
Generates sentences you’ve heard in every meeting ever. Also has a client feedback version!
If you're not hurting you're not winning pivot, dear hiring manager:, for incentivization even dead cats bounce wiggle room, for one-sheet. Put a record on and see who dances high-level, but we've got to manage that low hanging fruit lift and shift. It just needs more cowbell make it a priority, but strategic high-level 30,000 ft view pro-sumer software, so golden goose low-hanging fruit can we parallel path. 
Pirate Ipsum
Generates pirate-inspired jargon.
Squiffy ballast maroon gangplank tackle grog scuppers driver barque tack. Yardarm mizzen barque capstan heave to hardtack Pieces of Eight port hulk parrel. Pinnace lass Jack Tar gabion Yellow Jack run a rig furl red ensign come about Brethren of the Coast.
Pizza Ipsum
I love pizza ?
Pizza ipsum dolor amet garlic sausage white pizza bianca hawaiian pizza meat lovers large onions. Banana peppers black olives stuffed crust, pizza steak bbq sauce chicken wing meatball garlic lasagna green bell peppers anchovies mushrooms extra cheese. Philly steak bianca pizza mayo, garlic sauce bbq rib platter. 
It’s crypto and I hate it.
Bitcoin could be many dormant accidental fork! Monero waited some efficient do your own research during lots of market cap. Since someone specialises in few quick coin in the difficulty, Litecoin limited a hot wallet at few smart contract, so although SHA 256 did lots of provably fair double spend behind many Lambo
Pommy Ipsum
“The official lorem ipsum filler text generator of the British Empire.”
Pommy ipsum knee high to a grasshopper i'll be a monkey's uncle sod's law knows bugger all about nowt one would like spend a penny grab a jumper, cheesed off that's ace shepherd's pie mince pies anorak because there was nothing on the gogglebox, what a load of guff chippy accordingly nosh on a stag do chin up.
Postmodernist Generator
Generates a whole meaningless essay of postmodernist jargon.
If one examines textual deappropriation, one is faced with a choice: either reject textual precapitalist theory or conclude that sexual identity has objective value. Lyotard uses the term ‘textual materialism’ to denote a mythopoetical paradox It could be said that the premise of textual precapitalist theory holds that narrative is a product of communication, given that narrativity is equal to language.
Ramen Ipsum
Ramen is love. Ramen is life.
Ginger sesame oil abura soba chopped onions chicken stock seasoned egg corn Nagoya pork bones soy sauce. Asahikawa flavoured oil scallions Kagoshima Tokushima abura soba Hakata Tokyo Nissin instant cup ramen soy sauce yuzu toasted sesame seeds ramen burger vinegar.
Rush Ipsum
Generates lyrics from the band Rush.
One likes to believe in the freedom of music, but glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity. I wandered home though the silent streets and fell into a fitful sleep. I know it's most unusual to come before you so, but I've found an ancient miracle.
Sagan Ipsum
Generates text inspired by astronomer Carl Sagan.
Paroxysm of global death Drake Equation explorations another world from which we spring a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. Cosmos kindling the energy hidden in matter globular star cluster dream of the mind's eye ship of the imagination courage of our questions?
Samuel L. Ipsum
Generates quotes from actor Samuel L. Jackson. (Warning: inappropriate language)
Now that there is the Tec-9, a crappy spray gun from South Miami. This gun is advertised as the most popular gun in American crime. Do you believe that shit? It actually says that in the little book that comes with it: the most popular gun in American crime. Like they're actually proud of that shit.
Skate Ipsum
Generates skater lingo.
Skate ipsum dolor sit amet, Primo slide dude rock and roll mute-air 540 nose bump. Masonite locals egg plant trucks Saran Wrap camel back. Pool bigspin Paul Rodriguez no comply mini ramp nose slide feeble. 720 fakie out griptape Grind King mute-air regular footed bail. Pogo rail slide crail slide full-cab feeble concave Johnny Rad. 
Space Ipsum
Generates outer space-inspired text.
There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal?
Trump Ipsum
Generates text inspired by former US President Donald Trump.
You have so many different things placeholder text has to be able to do, and I don't believe Lorem Ipsum has the stamina. You have so many different things placeholder text has to be able to do, and I don't believe Lorem Ipsum has the stamina. He’s not a word hero. He’s a word hero because he was captured. I like text that wasn’t captured.
Web 2.0 Ipsum
Generates text from nonsensical Web 2.0 startup names, just for the heck of it. 
Webtwo ipsum sclipo zapier groupon blippy, wesabe. Empressr twitter groupon meebo joukuu doostang octopart, grockit spock doostang koofers. Scribd airbnb zoho insala gooru chartly yuntaa, odeo knewton koofers balihoo zlio. Wikia prezi zlio empressr glogster cloudera tivo kno, wufoo sifteo zimbra jiglu kippt.
Wine Ipsum
Generates actual filler copy about wine.
The aftertaste, or "finish," is the primary factor in judging the quality and character of wine. Tomato and cherry flavors nestle comfortably together with notes of leather and clay in Sangiovese. A lingering finish indicates a luscious vintage! If a husband found his wife drinking wine in the early Roman times, he was at liberty to kill her. Be not offended when your ex drinks wine.
Yolo Ipsum
I hate this and I will be using it for every project going forward.
Don’t trust anyone, cause you only live once. Aliquam imperdiet, ligula vehicula sodales lobortis, dui arcu ultricies libero, vitae tempor eros libero sed neque. Pop a molly, I’m sweatin’, consequat feugiat eros.  How you like your eggs, fried or fertilized? 
Zombie Ipsum
“A macabre feast of frightful filler.”
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium.
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pinguinosentado · 8 months
Since everyone is shouting into the void about Starfield I’ll add a bit of positivity to the mix. I don’t think Bethesda is doomed because they made something that wasn’t Skyrim. They tried something new, poured a lot of passion into it, and gave us Starfield. You don’t have to love it and honestly I can understand being upset if you don’t. In a world of endless Call of Duty and EA Sports iterations, Bethesda was giving us something good and new and that was amazing. You’re allowed to be disappointed and to not like the game. Real talk, for as much as I’m enjoying the game, I’d have loved a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout game.
What I think is super important is to not think the sky is falling. They weren’t trying to run it back with Skyrim: Space Edition. They haven’t tried to do Elder Scrolls and failed, they tried something new. So stop saying Bethesda is doomed because their new electric vehicle offering couldn’t compete in F1 or haul a trailer. It was never supposed to do that. Until Bethesda tries to make another Skyrim and fails, I wouldn’t be worried about that franchise. The sky isn’t falling yet guys.
Also they’re trying something risky and innovative and more game companies should be doing that instead of making Fortnite ripoffs
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slythereen · 11 months
ea sports you have the opportunity to give us something glorious & probably even get away with it as a sponsor… why do you disappoint me
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samkat10423 · 6 months
Back in Hidden Springs
As you guys all know by now, I have the attention span of a gnat - yes, I do! So, I've abandoned Sunset Valley for a bit and started "fixing" Hidden Springs. Mostly because it is Christmas time and I figured where better to celebrate it than the greener-than-green hot mess EA misguidedly thought represented the Alps. Anyway, back in the day when the Sims Daily site was still up and running, several members decided to renovate this world as a group project. And hoarder me, saved all the lots. I've changed a few of them - mostly adding CC. At the time we did this, we were basically sticking with EA-created stuff. But since I'm doing this for myself, I can go crazy!
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I changed out the city hall for a newer model and added some TSM cc to reflect the town history. That statue is of that mounted King from the Sims Medieval - as are those 2 large knight ones. I gave my protesters a podium and a microphone so the powers-that-be can better hear them. And I've added some fountains.
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This build was done by Jenba and is called The Sims Dailly. It's the Business rabbithole replacement. Inside I've set the downstairs up as a newspaper office. And upstairs is the editor's space. I've used @mspoodle1s" rental bikes and her news van. And @grandelama's curbing - which I love!
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I don't think anyone ever did this lot, so I replaced the sports stadium with this one from Aurora Skies. I made that track functional by using icarusallsort's jogging markers. And I placed those soccer nets on the field so sims can do something other than just stand around. To the left of the lot is a really nice gym I found over on Mod the Sims, called Turnverein by cutsocks. I googled "German" over there and it popped up. I figured it was in keeping with the old world vibe this town failed to do.
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Then, up on the hill @ 2 Ponderosa Ct. I bulldozed the ugly house that was there and plunked down the hot air balloon lot from Aurora Skies. I have it, so I figured why not use it.
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This is another lot that was created by Jenba. It was on 65 Subalpine Blvd, but I wanted the gym to be closer to town. So I moved this lot to 77 Subalpine Blvd. Anyway, it's called St. Avornalino Nectary and is an old monastery that's been converted to a nectary. It's pretty much as she designed it - I just swapped out some EA paintings for religious ones from the Sims Resource. And I added that clock over that one door.
I did a couple other lots, but haven't taken any pictures yet. Mostly because I'm lazy. Anyway, I plan on switching out most of the houses because I think EA's are crap. And I'll be giving the locals make-overs. And where all those weird, sickly green sims are, I'll probably make some of them into supernaturals.
Anyway, most of the lots are already done since Sims Daily members did them for me. I just have to add some CC. So, my plan to have this ready for Christmas - the first ever I will actually play! - should pan out. Go, me!
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lestappenforever · 8 months
going through the lestappen tag and seeing all those anons in your inbox with a similar take, something has clearly shifted between charles & max. before they were more, awkward around each other but since last week they are more…blatant and confident in their flirting and interactions. idk what changed, i mean the people leaning towards it being for pr have a point but i don’t see why they’d be doing that being that the championship has been won so it’s like they are fighting for one rn and their teams need to keep things cool to avoid a war. and this effort has been 99% on rbr’s side re-emphasizing that yes they are indeed posting lestappen. also i know maxiel is popular too so they could’ve use that for the engagement not use their main rival team’s no. 1 driver. i mean if it’s for pr also why not use yuki and pierre? i mean pierre was with them for so many years so it would go to show that there was no bad blood. why not max and carlos? they have their moments too and carlos used to be in toro rosso with max. why not max and lando? i mean???what is going on? and no it’s not about ea sports because if it was about just racing, there would be race related activities and teasing. yes, there’s a 70% they have a ea sports collab coming up but this is so much more than that. and no, this ask/unsolicited opinion has been sent with my lestappen rose colored glasses removed. the way charles is looking at max and engaging him is something else entirely. and whatever it is, i’m here for it.
psa: i sent this to you because you are the most level headed lestappen blog out here. ilysm jsyk
I very much agree with your take on this, anon. Something has definitely shifted between Max and Charles recently, and I firmly believe it’s because they both have wanted it to. Their relationship and their interactions have a whole other vibe to it now than it did a few months ago, and given both their personalities and how they are both definitely mostly in charge of their own brands and how they’re coming across, it appears to be 100% genuine. It’s because they genuinely do like and respect each other, and they enjoy each other's company. That much is clear as day on both their faces whenever they’re in each other's vicinity. The change in their relationship, I believe, is entirely organic and genuine.
Now, as for RBR and Ferrari posting Lestappen content on their social media channels lately? Part of my full-time job includes quite a bit of marketing, and over the years I've garnered quite a bit of knowledge about the topic. And one thing that is very important to remember is that any and all content posted to social media channels belonging to big, famous brands such as Red Bull Racing and Scuderia Ferrari is in some way, shape, or form a markering ploy. For those types of brands, there is PR value in just about everything, and the people running those accounts are not idiots. They’ve seen the impact and engagement Lestappen content triggers, and they are absolutely seeing it as an opportunity to profit off of it. But what I do find incredibly interesting about this, though, is that we have no idea why they're doing it. Exactly what their end goal with this type of content is or what it’s building up to, only time will tell. And I, for one, am very excited to see where this will end up going.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, anon. Your brain is a truly wonderful place.
Babe, you are far too kind, and I'm so glad you think my blog is a level headed place! I do try my best to be. There are so many wonderful Lestappen blogs out there, so it’s such an honor that you chose to send this beautiful ask to me. 🥹
I love you, and hope you will have a beautiful Sunday. ❤️
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l-1-z-a · 1 year
Will Wright was passionate about rallying and how it was shown in The Sims 2
While researching the development history of the original The Sims on TCRF, I came across a link to a fan site about Will Wright in the sources:
This is a very interesting site. There's a biography of him. And one of the chapters describes that Will Wright was into rallying and even participated in one of them:
Will Wright also used to be into Rally, before he was into computers. "It's very small in the States. The American version of Rally was in fact a little more hardcore than the European. It wasn't as competitive but they didn't allow pace notes and so when you're going down the road you don't know what's around the corner. I still love following the WRC".
He plotted a route through the southern states that was hundreds of miles longer than the more popular path. It avoided the northern roads likely to attract more contestants and police. He and a partner, the race organizer, zoomed across the country in a Mazda RX-7 outfitted with a souped-up engine, a roll cage, an extra fuel tank, a night-vision scope, two police radar detectors and a prototype of a radar jammer. The team got one speeding ticket near Indianapolis and Mr. Wright talked his way out of two others, once by pretending to be a lost local resident and once he convinced an Indiana state trooper he was a writer for an automobile magazine test-driving a car when he was pulled over for doing 104 mph.He actually won that race with a time of 33 hours, 39 minutes.".
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How it was shown in The Sims 2?
And this hobby of Will Wright was shown in the game. For example, in the form of this collection of objects:
And the tire table was posted by EA for the download as far back as the turn of 2004-2005. But there's also the sports car from the base game.
It was supposed to be an aspiration reward. But it was also, at the same time, a CAREER reward for the career of a "car racer", the costumes for which are available in the base game.
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But it's not that simple. After digging around in the car code, at the level of, I must say, my shabby knowledge, I came to the conclusion that there should be two career rewards for each career. The first is something given out at early career levels, like a punching bag, purely to pump up skills faster. But the SECOND award should have been... cars - and not at all "decorative" or working as a "personal cab", aka house - community lot - other community lot - house with the additional option of going to visit other sims.
Suppose your sim works in the police. At the beginning of his career he can get a scanner, and at later stages he can get his own, real, personal police car. When he selects the "Drive to Work" option in this car, he will not go to the unknown, but, for example, to a community lot where thieves, robbers, pickpockets like the Unsavory Charlatan, drug dealers and pimps will show up. Sim can arrest all these criminals, take them to the police station, and interrogate them "with intensity".
Pretty cool, huh? About the AUTORACING... Take a look at this ancient "kind of mod"...
Swimming competition!!! (Note - part of it, namely the lane dividers in the pools, "went" to Nightlife EP). And the dog competitions are in The Sims Pet Stories! On that basis, then why wouldn't there be car racing in the game as well? Especially since the motion animation is in Nightlife EP.
But everything is not so simple with the racers. Something is missing... Maybe THIS... (helmet)
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Please pay attention to this creator's work in general. If it is something from the game, you get a "good and quality" thing. However, when you start to "unselect", there are problems with textures and with a lot of polygons, which leads to a bad result.
Link to the content:
I also noticed that the helmets matched the colors of the suits. So there had to be a green suit, a yellow suit, and a pink suit.
На русском языке (and how to make races suits available in sport category of clothes):
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yooniesim · 4 months
I mean, simmers wouldn’t even boycott EA when the obvious cash grab kits dropped so...
What I think could be a good idea is to get a creator that is really big on board in boycotting anything that the sims team puts out - the one that first comes to mind is plumbella, but lilsimsie had a livestream where she gathered funds for the PCRF, so she could be a good one too. I think that youtube is our best chance at getting the boycott started in any widespread way.
Another thing I've talking about with friends is finding people who play other EA games to spread the word about curseforge - I've seen many posts here on tumblr but nothing over at twitter.
Thanks for the suggestions, nonny! These are great ideas. Youtubers like plumbella and lilsimsie are closely affiliated with EA, and if someone like them were to do/say something in regards to a boycott, it would likely have a huge impact. I'm not up to date with simstubers as a whole since I mostly stick to tumblr for sims stuff, but sharing the terms of the boycott with them when they're finalized would be a good step. I don't know if they'd do it or not, but since you mentioned lilsimsie's PCRF livestream, there's some hope there I feel.
As for other gaming communities, it's not EA of course but the minecraft community would likely be promising. I've seen a few posts here on tumblr from them re: curseforge, and I believe a lot of the original posts in the very beginning were from minecraft modders. Has anyone else here used curseforge for modding games other than sims/minecraft? I'm curious how large the scene is for other games. As for other EA games, why am I suddenly blanking out on the ones they publish??? Lol. I'm thinking of mass effect, dragon age, battlefield, a lot of sport related games? There might be some promise there.
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dragonswithjetpacks · 7 months
Astarion and Archery
I have always wondered how Astarion learned archery...
It's a fairly popular sport for the wealthy, so there is always that. But in EA, his preferred weapon was a dagger. I noticed during release he prefers the bow. (I just noticed the default weapon in release was bow when in EA it was dagger.)
I understand with wanting to remain in the shadows, keeping daggers at one's side while in the city. But what about the bow? What gave him the desire to pick up the bow? Was it natural instinct that just made him adept? Or something else?
Whatever the answer is... even thought the daggers make sense, the bow fits.
Astarion sits at camp facing the fire with his bow at hand. He bends it toward him, his foot holding the bottom. He lets out a slight sigh of relief when the string hooks to the top. It's a common bow but decorated to his own liking; dark wood wrapped with the finest leather. The grip is sheathed in fabric of his own liking in a color of his favor.
In an ideal time, the bow is designed for him. Long. Narrow. Sleek. Dark. Precise. But in this time, a time of desperation, he is left with a bow he picked from the road. And he only has what the road has to offer to make it his own. That includes his arrows.
Astarion makes his own arrows. And although he does not enjoy carving the shafts to make them, he will spend nights shaping them. The sharpened stone tips, however, he very much indulges in. Not just the tips... but the feathers. As he has collected several from different breeds with a variety of colors.
He also likes making the different kinds of arrows. Dipping them in poisons, having them enchanted. And whatever effect they have, each has a special sort of design. He has the materials and the skills to create the arrows to look and do whatever he wants.
Astarion's quiver is well versed. Well crafted. And well used.
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felassan · 2 years
Check out Mark Darrah's most recent YouTube video from his channel Mark Darrah On Games, "Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Declares Alpha - What Does It Mean?"
Vid description:
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has just declared alpha. What does alpha mean? What does it tell us about when they might ship. Rushing this one a bit to be topical. Chapters: 0:00 Hot Takes 0:23 There IS a List 0:52 Open For Test 1:32 Assets EXIST 2:22 Design Bugs vs. Programming Bugs 3:51 It'll be a While 5:02 WHEN? 7:54 Who Signed It? 8:57 Why You Might Push Through 10:01 If You Have Been Doing Triage... 10:55 The Game Awards 11:33 You May All Now Celebrate ... Briefly [source]
In it, he talks about what alpha means for Dreadwolf, in BioWare and at EA, where the project is now, and what we will likely see coming from it in the future. On its potential release window, he said:
"So that means that we are still a long way away from Dragon Age: Dreadwolf being on shelves. Dragon Age: Inquisition was somewhere between six and nine months between alpha declaration and launch. I would desperately hope that they are not trying to compress that and I suspect that they are not for two primary reasons. One, as an industry we are finally trying to come to grips with crunch culture and do something about it, but two, EA is in a post-Anthem world, much more interested in making sure that projects have enough time to be tested qualitatively and have feedback addressed within their development cycle. I know that Gary in his blog post talked about community testing of some sort. I think that's not just empty words, I think they are going to try to figure out a way to put Dreadwolf in front of members of the community, get their feedback and have enough time to address it. So what does that mean for the next little while? Well, I think it means that for sure Dreadwolf is not coming out this calendar year, or this fiscal year. When we're talking fiscal years, for accounting reasons, the end of the fiscal year ends at the end of March of the year that it's in. So we are currently actually in fiscal 23, which will end in March of 2023, and then we will start into fiscal 24 in April 1st of 2023. This game is not shipping in Q3 of FY23, which is now, or Q4 of FY23, which would be early next year. But I also suspect that it will not ship in Q1 of FY24, which would be April, May and June of next year, for a couple of reasons. One, I think that would be still too much of a rush. I don't think that they have started their marketing campaign to the degree that I would suspect that they would have if that was their plan, though they could be going for a very short campaign. Additionally, at EA Q1 is a largely unknown quarter, so while I do think there are some huge advantages potentially to Q1, I don't think they would be taking that risk with Dragon Age at this point, especially given the fact that they're not gonna wanna rush it. So I think that the reality is is that the two potential places that they will be aiming for for Dreadwolf would be either Q2, which would be July, August, September of next year, or, more likely to my mind would be Q3, which is basically right now, so basically a year from now. The reason why I think that Q3 is the most likely is that it's the one that you probably aim at in most cases if you're trying for Christmas. Q2 lets you go for Christmas as well, but at EA in particular, because it's such a sports-dominated publisher, Q2 is largely drowned out by all the work being done to launch the major sports franchises, which all come out in Q2. So to be not a sports title and come out in Q2 you run the risk of being lost in the noise. So I suspect that they will be targeting Q3 of next year. That still gives them the ability to slide into Q4 if they need to - hopefully they won't, because Q4 is terrible for various reasons - but if they're hitting alpha now and they haven't massaged the definition too much, they should be on track to hit a Q3 FY24, a year from now, launch." [source]
On The Game Awards 2022 he added:
"This declaration underlines and strengthens my belief that we are going to see something at The Game Awards in December. It's possible we might actually see something before then but I suspect that we are going to get something pretty big from Dragon Age in December at The Game Awards, and their alpha declaration coming now in late October really just underscores my belief in that. The project has really upped its communication in the last little while, but it's been doing it in a very core fan-focused way. The Game Awards would be the place where they would essentially re-launch, re-announce and go for that larger mainstream attention." [source]
He elaborates in the comments, saying that he thinks we will see DA:D gameplay at TGA, which will be "more edited than [the Dragon Age: Inquisition gameplay that was shown pre-release at PAX] (but more because of the format of the show than anything)". He also says in the comments that he expects that we'll see a new trailer at TGA and that he would expect that it's likely BioWare will tell us a little about the story at TGA.
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