commiepinkofag · 8 months
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one day apart
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The JL are terrified of jazz
So jazz started working in Arkham and immediately got a reputation
She was patient and kind and gave answers to problems people didn't know they had and was just the best psychologist Arkham had ever seen
She also got a reputation for not being messed with after she used the Fenton-anti-creep-stick on Scarecrow after he tried to attack her
At first, Batman was suspicious but after all the background checks and passed all evaluations so he left her be with a light monitoring
The problems started when the JL needed a physiologist and Batman recommended Miss Fenton
At first, Batman showed up asking for her to leave Arkham and work for the JL, he thought she'd jump at the chance to get away from Arkham...
He was wrong...
After a few months, the patients at Arkham were getting better but the JL need a good phycologist so Batman is still pestering jazz about it
Batman is going full paranoid stalker mode, harassing her at work and constantly sending requests for her to transfer to the JL
The only reason she's not been forced to quit is that everyone (guards, prisoners fellow psychiatrists everyone) in Arkham would rather fight than loose her
But things got to a whole other level when Jazz gets a call from her brother asking why a vigilante is calling him and asking him to convince her to transfer
When she sees him next she goes off, yelling and screaming at him for his behaviour and actions
There's a full 20 minutes of jazz just physio-analysing him, calling him obsessive, paranoid, requires closure, OCD, ODD, inconsiderate, and a whole lot of less friendly things
Everyone is scared because Miss Fenton has never even cursed at anything and now she's going off on THE BATMAN
Their terrified
Someone records it and goes viral everyone in the JL see it and thought it was funny...
Until she requested a meeting with them...
They get in the room and see Miss Fenton, her younger brother and a lawyer
Jazz then proceed to yell at every member of the JL, she called all of them enabling lazy, irresponsible children pretending to be adults
Superman tries to get her to be quiet so he can talk and her brother fucking hits him with a tazer! The scary part is he couldn't use his powers after ("don't worry you'll get your powers back in 24 hours, this is just so you'll listen")
So Jazz spends the next 10 minutes calling all the JL out on allllll their BS
After she's done her lawyer gets up and hands out pieces of paper to everyone
:what are these
: a restraining order
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hectickazz · 7 months
live image of me when i see the chat in every phighting lobby i go to
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ego-tistical-prick · 2 years
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Still go listen on apple podcast!! We aint out of the woods yet bois!!!
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heavens-sin · 10 months
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  ❛ swimming in bitches ❜
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13urningstars · 9 months
//OOC: TBD but im messing around on @13urningsecrets if anyone wanna sends something there/hj
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meganval · 2 years
ECLOSIO recrute 15 jeunes pour une formation en agroécologie au Bénin
ECLOSIO recrute 15 jeunes pour une formation en agroécologie au Bénin
Eclosio recrute 15 jeunes pour suivre un parcours d’acquisition de connaissances en agroécologie. Une opportunité à saisir pour avoir les capacités de compétir sur le marché de l’emploie et dans le développement de vos initiatives entrepreneuriales. Le projet de Promotion de la transition agroécologique dans la filière anacarde mis en œuvre par Eclosio et financé par Enabel dans le cadre du…
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memingursa · 9 months
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Can’t wait to hear from another liberal about how “It’s fascism to speak out about Biden enabeling fascism” or something while thousands of people are dying and being treated like this
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recomvery · 1 year
One thing we have to mature in is realizing that we are not responsible for fixing other people and their (mental health) problems. It is not our job AND it will never be sucessful. You're not a liscensed therapist and any attempt you do at being one despite that will result in chaos. I get that it feels good to be helpful, it feels like a good deed, but it isn't, you're actually enabeling people a lot of the time, keeping them away from seeking out professionals plus you are ruining your own mental health. And a lot of the time we don't even realize that we have some sort of helper syndrome or saviour complex that is actually something we ourselves need help with. Just something to think about.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
"Just ignore bullies" has to be not just the most useless advice in the history of ever, but also the one most proven to be wrong. Ignoring bullies have not and will never make them stop. And the fact that this is fandom's go to advice says how much we have a problem with bully culture and enabeling and promoting of bullying, because there's always zero consequences for the bullies and the victim gets blamed and told to get over it with no support.
It depends on the type of bully, dude.
Some go away when they don't get a reaction. Some go away when an attractive dogpile stops being visible to them. Some go away when you laugh at them. Some need to be banned from a space with actual moderation tools.
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straight-from-gaza · 5 months
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According to Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and Urban Policy Caroline Gennez, Israeli forces killed a Belgian aid worker and his seven-year-old son in an attack in Rafah, southern Gaza. “It is with great sadness that I was informed that last night one of our staff was killed by an Israeli bombardment,” Gennez wrote on X. Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib has summoned Israel’s ambassador after an employee with the Belgian development agency Enabel and his son were killed in an Israeli strike on southern Gaza.
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safirasart · 6 months
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I have now finally drawn all of my current dnd parties as babies. The heros of the night (tHotN) right here.
We got Kurth the hungover teenager here to babysit.
Feng poking ants
Silver enabeling her
Corvus talking about stealing and dancing while Lillian is listening
And bretbelle eating mushrooms of the floor
I love them all so fucking dearly.
Lemme show of the other baby parties again as well!!
Here are the keepers:
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The council:
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And last but technically first
Saurus sunday:
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I literally can not express how thrilled I am to have all my parties with baby versions now..... altho saurus sunday do be old and sketchy enough that I lowkey wanna draw a new version.
I'm resisting the urge tho cuz drawing horses and lizards in one image sounds to painful to bother haha
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miss-littevi · 2 months
My thoughts about Dawntrail
somehow a follow-up to this post I made approx 2 weeks ago (not really, I didn't go into detail there)
It will have spoilers for Dawntrail so I'll put evrything else under the cut (and: typos ahead. I try to write an okay english, but it isn't my mother tongue and I don't want to process everything through a translator tool other than my brain)
The first half
We go to Tural to help Wuk Lamat with the Rite and I was fully aware we would be in an "Assistant Role" therefore. And that was one of my concerns to be honest. This is a game, and I want to be the main character in the JRPG (MMORPG here) I play. Might be just me, but that's how I feel. I am the "enabeling side character" for the rest of my day, let me be the hero just a few hours.
However, the story writers found a good balance between Wuk Lamat and the WoL and it felt somehow "natural". We are in her homeland, the WoL doesn't know how things work there and what Lamaty'i doesn't know too, we figure out together. It was a good journey I'd say (exept the Pelupelu, that part was annoying for me).
In fact, Yorina (in character spoken) would have enjoyed it very much (not the sun, but seeing new cultures, anrchitectures, the Yok Huy and their pictographic writings are anazing to her linguist mind) But it was good this whole Rite-journey was over after about half the expansion. I really looked forward to continue exploring the land for the sake of exploring and not a political agenda
Beginning of the second half
I start here with when you first visit Shaaloani, when you encounter the story with the corrupt sheriff. It felt like a "filler episode" to give things in the background (Lamaty'i and Koana getting into their role as rulers of Tuliyolal) time to develop. It was a fun intermezzo and I liked it (Estinien approaching was a bonus but not necessary for me but now we know that they needed him in this place later so they put him here.)
With the earthquake-explosion-dome-appearing-thing, the second story-part of the expansion started and my "Sci-Fi-and-Cyberpunk-loving heart" couldn't wait to get to the "missing" areas. Running around in Tuliyolal and helping people at first glance felt like a "unnecessary slow-down" but on the long run it helped to "feel" the situation and get a feeling about Lamaty'i's thoughts and feelings.
Heritage Found and Solution Nine are fantastic from an aesthetic point of view and I still like it there. It again was a "quest to find out about this foreign land and its residents ". And other than in the first half, I felt like being on the same level with Lamaty'i and travelling there as a fellow companion and not as some kind of "watchdog" to look after her and ensure she doesn't run off a cliff (what it was in the first half for me)
Sphene was an interesting character imo because the writers, the translators(localization and the german voice actress (don't know about the other languages, german game-client here) made her a character I didn't trust from the first but after a few dialoges I honestly thought "maybe Zoraal Ja invaded her Kingdom (we don't know about how it was 30 years ago) and she is held hostage by him needs help because he would murder her people if she tried to get rid of him." I was wrong, I know that now and there war one point where I was sure, she wasn't held hostage or anything by him. Lamaty'i ask if she has anything to do with the attack on Tuliollal and she says (literal translation from the german line) "I would do anything to protect my people" She could have said "No", if she wasn't involved, but she didn't. She didn't lie to us (that's a good thing at least, I guess...?)
Living Memory
I'll be honest: this area caught me off guard and threw me out of the flow within seconds. My first thought "okay, here we go, this is the point where I start to hate this expansion." Coming from S9 and Heritage Found (and the sci-fi-like dungeon in between) this "20s amusement park" made me close the game after the first three dialogues. Next day, late afternoon I continued. By now, I like the "reverse Ultima Thule" idea of this zone. Shutting all those memories down made an impression on me (and working in information tecnology sector IRL made me think about if it is really necessary to store everything for eternity into some cloud storage systems when a game shows you how much energy it costs and that ressouces available will not be enough to keep these systems alive someday - it does something to me. Not that it would be new information but it made me think again)
All those quests there, the gondola ride with Raha, Krile's origin and parents, Erenville and his mother. Those were beautiful little stories but it felt "dragged out". The stories could have been handled way shorter and the last zone is the one I like the least - because of aesthetic and MSQ; the concept of a "Holodeck for the Dead" is good, it's just the execution I don't like.
The last trial
The fight was fun. And the idea of Sphene overwriting herself to be an eternal Queen who can protect all her people, is not a new concept but it is fitting here.
BUT: why this transition into the second phase of the fight. Why did they decide Lamaty'i had to do the "Gaia in Eden" move and break into the battle arena to save the day?! I don't hate Lalamty'i, I really don't. She is a great character with a wonderful character development, but in this moment, I wanted to kick her out of the arena and scream in that directon to let the WoL have their "hero moment"
WoL is a nobody there, I know that (even though I really don't buy that they didn't have noticed the final days, that they didn't know about the hero who saved the world, but that's a overall problem in this game) But let me be the hero in "my" game. I am sure Lamaty'i would not have fallen into despair if WoL defeaded Sphene.
But that's my only real issue with Dawntrail MSQ
The additional Content
The additional content (lvl 100 Dungeons, Raids, Rolequests, Crafter/Gatherer-quests) looks fun so far. The "cactuar-dungeon" has some annoying mechanics but they are only annoying as long as I don't understand them. It will get better. The normal raid is fun from a gameplay pov, interessting from a story pov (I am not a savage raider so nothing to that from me)
I still wand my guest room /apartement in S9 but I don't think I will ever get one ^^''
And that is everything I want to say at this point. Dawntrail was way better than I expected but my expectations were really low anyway. I had fun and am looking forward to the patch content :-)
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tieflingkisser · 5 months
Aid workers in Gaza targeted by Israeli military despite sharing location
An investigation by the New York Times reveals that aid groups were still targeted by Israeli strikes even after sharing their location with the army.
Aid groups working in Gaza were hit by Israeli strikes even after coordinating with the Israeli army, an investigation by the New York Times (NYT) revealed on Thursday. The NYT obtained and examined visual evidence and internal communications on six aid group operations that were hit by airstrikes even after their locations were shared with the Israeli military. The six aid groups are Doctors Without Borders (MSF), Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Enabel, ANERA, and World Central Kitchen (WCK). They are all in direct communication with the military and are based in Western nations that are known to be Israel's strongest allies. The investigation notes that despite the Israeli military using a system known as deconfliction, where aid groups share locations with the army to avoid being caught between friendly fire in war-torn areas, incidents still occurred. NYT highlights the many times aid workers have been attacked despite the system being used. Although World Central Kitchen workers coordinated their location with the army and travelled in a clearly marked vehicle, their envoy was still struck, killing seven aid workers, which Israel had dubbed a mistake. American aid group ANERA shared emails with the NYT, revealing that the group had repeatedly sent the Israeli military coordinates and photos of their staff shelters. This included a two-story residential building where aid worker Mousa Shawna and his six-year-old son resided when it was struck by an Israeli airstrike weeks before the WCK incident. The military confirmed that the location was being processed in their system. Visuals from the aftermath of airstrikes targeting MSF, MAP and IRC compounds show buildings clearly marked and logos visible on the bedding and luggage in the wreckage. The military claimed they were targeting "terror activity" at the MSF building, which the group has denied. "Coordinates had been provided to the proper actors for both of these structures that were hit. It is standard for us to provide coordinates to actors involved in conflicts," a spokesperson for MSF told The New Arab. The publication obtained text messages between MAP and IRC, revealing that a month before the 18 January attack on their residential compound, the Israeli military was informed of the locations and used "high-level diplomatic channels" to deconflict the compound. The building was also in a neighbourhood that Israel had designated as a humanitarian zone that was safe for civilians.
[keep reading]
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
Pls talk about your InsaneDuo mermaid au
okay, so i have to give a little context for me and my friends mermaid au. it's just us taking the qsmp members and dunking them in the ocean. some of them became mermaids and some stayed as boring humans, what can you do?
the favela five are all mermaids in our au + richas is a human child they 'adopt' essentially!! This au is not......realistic at all because some mermaids are inspired by real sea animals (Cellbit is an octopus for example) and some are just like......... Ariel/fantasy mermaids (Forever is just a fish. his tail looks like a koi fish for the aesthetic but he's not. he's just a mermaid with a pretty tail and covered in scars) (his tail is dark gray with red/white splotches on it to look like his mc skin). all mermaids also have the cute ear fins you see in art sometimes? (if u know jrwi think of gillion-esque ear fins i don't know how to explain it)
Me and my friend also made an entire "courting ritual" and how mermaids do romance and stuff but that can be a separate post. what YOU need to know is that for mermaids to be "married" essentially they will have to rip one of the scales on their tail off and give it to the person they want to marry!!! married mermaids will take the scale from their partner and put it on their tail where they took their scale off to symbolize how they are together !!
basically, all i really wanted to tell you is that insaneduo in the mermaid au are married NDSAVKJASK they're in a pod (family) with the rest of the Favela five but their relationship is super close just like in the qsmp. they basically go everywhere with each other and even if they don't they're never far from one another. They just care about each other so much!!!
after one incident with forever being taken by mermaid hunters (he escaped dw) he had a bunch of large cuts and injuries on his tail because they wanted his scales. Since he lost a bunch of scales he just took one off him and gave it to cellbit because he loves him and wants him to know that he means a lot to him. cellbit was in shock for all of 5 seconds needing to process that his best friend is fucking bleeding and dying and also being the equivalent of proposed too. Cellbit then proceeded to rip one of his own scales off (octopuses don't have scales but please don't think too hard about it, its cute please suspend your disbelief) and gave it to forever. i think forever would probably start yelling at cellbit like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT HURTS!!! DONT GIVE ME YOUR SCALE IDIOT!!” and cellbit is laughing at him (also in pain but that’s less important)
them trading scales is less of romantic marriage and more like "i love you and care about you a lot. i want to show my devotion to you and that i am willing to sacrifice things for you to be happy". cellbit wears forever's scale as a ring and forever keeps cellbit's on a bracelet instead of the traditional way.
also, did you know octopuses eat their own tentacles when stressed? right after the thing where forever got hurt and was having to rest to heal cellbit refused to leave him if he could help it. he nearly chewed off one of his own tentacles from worry because forever was so hurt and forever def scolded him for it after waking up.
TDLR: insaneduo in the mermaid au are best friends and the equivalent of married and care about each other so so much it makes me want to jump off a building
last thing id like to mention: cellbit is very curious about humans and wants to learn more about them! At the same time he is very weary of them because of what happened with forever and when forever meets phil he's very >:[[ about it. he doesn't think forever should be trying to talk with a fisherman so much because he could get hurt again!! it doesn't matter if this "Phil" is so nice and kind to him!! he might just want to hurt forever or keep him in a tank or take his scales!!
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onyondump · 4 months
- So we all agree that Arthur probably likes being praised. What i imagine is whenever they're in a public event like a party and the man gets cranky, his partner would drag him into a private place like the corner of the room, cups his face and whisper sweet nothings to him to calm him down.
- So Linda is what happens when Arthur gets with a women that tries to make him a 'good man' , i wonder what happens when he gets with a women that wants to make him worse. An enabeler if you will (or maybe thats just Tommy/jk).
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