#Education Studies
jobsbuster · 3 months
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
gentle reminder you can rise up from everything. you can recreate yourself. nothing is permanent. you are not stuck. you have choices. you can think new thoughts. you can learn something new. you can create new habits. all that matters is that you decide today and never look back.
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study-diaries · 1 month
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I will succeed. Not immediately. But definitely.
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wandering-whisperer · 23 days
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Be stronger than your excuses.
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pissfartboy · 6 months
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exactlyclearpost · 7 months
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤. 𝐔𝐩 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭…𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐈!✨🎞️
𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝💕
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a-study-in-bullshit · 6 months
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is it not a shame my native tongue is not mine?
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litosopher · 24 days
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yes fantasizing about your crush is fun, yes scrolling through your phone is fun. But do you know what actual fun is ? It is getting the grades you want, it is getting the university you can't stop dreaming about, it is getting the course you put hours working on. And the only way to get them is by studying hard. No you don't have to be extreme and lost sleep, all you need is dedication and discipline. So get the fuck up and start working for it.
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discountscholar · 1 month
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today has not been a very productive day but it’s okay. we need to be gentle with ourselves more often <3
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official-locke-writing · 10 months
Okay, look, I've been in college for two years and my Biology professor has pretty significantly rooted this educational science game called Labster into her course.
I was not expecting to be playing Portal all day for school.
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Yeah, this is a full, 360 sci-fi free roam lab environment that you can pretty much do whatever you want in. You know those cruddy flash game experiments you used to do in middle school? Those are a thing of the past.
And check this: the entire lab is being run by this super cool AI droid named Dr. One
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She floats around and directs you around the lab depending on the lesson you're taking and sounds eerily similar to GLaDOS. It turns out that Dr. One also has a lore page and that she was created originally for "unethical purposes."
Also, this environment is extremely detailed and even runs shaders and ambient occlusion in your web browser.
That's pretty nuts, considering the only time we ever see these things are built into genuine video games, not a web browser lab. It runs incredibly smoothly on my GTX 1050.
This is insanely impressive and I actually enjoyed my homework today. 10/10, would play this in my free time.
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perpetual-fng · 4 months
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he don't get it either
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thebirthofvenusfly · 2 months
hi i was raised in a home daycare for over 20 years and studied child development and psychology in school for 3 and would like to gush about why i love how bonnie was written and how they're one of the few kids in games i've played that Actually Feel Like a Kid:
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firstly: bonnie's diction
bonnie cursing like a sailor is honestly pretty accurate for a kid aged like 9-14 and i distinctly remember having a huge cursing phase of my own at that age too so LMAO
they ask a lot of questions adjacent to a kids' understanding/confusion of things, social norms, situations, feelings, etc. (the conversation about the actors kissing in that play they saw and how they MUST have had an invisible paper between their lips because nobody would REALLY kiss on stage in front of everybody!)
they can be incredibly blunt but often not with the intention to hurt feelings rather than genuinely acquire information (sometimes with some sass b/c of previous conditioning.) ex. "Our teacher always tells us we have to speak up more... You're an adult so why don't you speak up more?" (Precedent/Conditioning; "Adult in position of power and authority has ingrained it is important to use my voice." -> "Why don't you, an adult who should know better, use yours more then?")
they have a tendency to confidently and casually use words and phrases they don't fully understand or know ("Air-no-no-nomic" -> this especially being something picked up by a fellow kid and just trusted that) (struggling to say, "pomegranate" (very cute watching odile help them with it :,) ) (struggling to say onigiri -> purposely messing this up to get a playful reaction out of dile, a party member they're especially close to, was also very sweet)
it's hard to discuss feelings. they're more likely to use a vessel as a means of connecting to someone else before being able to assign words to everything (offering a peach to siffrin in the classroom because they recognize he's upset without fully understanding why, then waiting for him to address the situation)
secondly: how bonnie handles feelings towards the others and about their Scenario
tendency to hold onto hard, serious, difficult-to-breach subjects and then explode and scream when addressed (ex. Rotten Adults quest)
slightly more partial to physical touch than verbal affirmation (hugs, hugs, hugs! including the little half-hugs they do where they just run into siffrin's side...)
jabbing siffrin in the stomach as a show of example for touching them LMAO???
recounting stories and information that interests them without regard for how socially appropriate it is or why others may react poorly (ex. talking to the party about how nille ran away with them and why she did)
unspoken guilt and trauma causing disconnection from people they love (siffrin's eye situation)
just a few examples and thoughts i liked
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
the day i get rid of my crazy fear of failure and my procrastination, it will be over for you all.
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study-diaries · 28 days
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You don't have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something.
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girlblogera · 3 months
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I just want to be beautiful and disgustingly overeducated ✨
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cinnamon-irl · 4 months
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studying for hours on an organized desk while sipping coffee,
slow paced productivity,
beauty&brains...𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈
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