#Energy-saving tips for a sustainable home
jasonpdoherty37 · 1 year
From Vintage Fashion to Eco-Friendly Living: Discover the Untapped Treasures on Amazon!
Are you on the lookout for unique products that can enhance your lifestyle? Look no further! In this blog post, we reveal 10 incredible finds from Amazon that will captivate your interest and add value to your daily routine. From sustainable home products to trendy fashion and exciting hobbies, we’ve curated a list of hidden gems just for you. Let’s dive in and discover these amazing treasures…
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Good News - May 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi or $Kaybarr1735! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi or CashApp (and give me some way to contact you if it doesn’t automatically), at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. Scientists Invent Healthier More Sustainable Chocolate
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“The new chocolate recipe from researchers at ETH Zurich uses more materials from the cocoa pod that are usually discarded, including more of the pulp as well as the inner lining of the husk, known as the endocarp. […] The resulting chocolate also [was “deliciously sweet” and] had 20% more fibre and 30 percent less saturated fat than average European dark chocolate[, and] it could enable cocoa farmers [to] earn more from their crops.”
2. Vermont Is Coming for Big Oil, Making It Pay for Decades of Climate Pollution
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“Legislators in Montpelier are on the brink of enacting the "Climate Superfund Act," modeled after the federal Superfund law, that seeks to make oil, gas and coal companies pay for damages linked to historical greenhouse gas emissions. […] Companies would be held liable for the costs associated with […] floods and heat waves, along with losses to biodiversity, safety, economic development and anything else the treasurer deems reasonable[, that were caused by their emissions].”
3. Important bird habitat now protected in the Rocky Mountain Trench
“Grassland-reliant species in the Rocky Mountain Trench now have more protected habitat thanks to a new [270-hectare] conservation area near Cranbrook. […] About one-third of the Skookumchuck Prairie Conservation Area is forested[…,] Most of the site is a dry grassland[…, and] Three hectares of wetlands add to the landscape diversity and offer crucial benefits to wildlife and water systems in the area. This conservation gem also provides habitat for endangered American badger and excellent winter range for elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer.”
4. Lemur Week marked by 70th breeding success
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“A wildlife park has celebrated its 70th lemur breeding success ahead of a week raising money to help save the endangered primates. […] The park's open-air Madagascar exhibit is home to 31 free-roaming lemurs and was officially opened in 2008. […] Females are only sexually receptive for just one or two days a year, leaving a small window of opportunity for males to father offspring. […] The two playful siblings, one female and one male, were born to father Bernard and mother Hira.”
5. Innovative material for sustainable building
“Researchers introduce a polymer-based material with unique properties. This material allows sunlight to enter, maintains a more comfortable indoor climate without additional energy, and cleans itself like a lotus leaf. The new development could replace glass components in walls and roofs in the future.”
6. Isle of Wight eagles don't pose threat to lambs as feared
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“While there had previously been fears that the eagles would feed on livestock, such as lambs, the project has found no evidence of this. [… “W]hite-tailed eagles effectively steal meals from other predatory birds[, which is] a really important ecological role that had been lost within the landscape and is being restored.” [… The birds’] population was boosted by a chick last year – the first time the species has bred in England in 240 years.”
7. Breakthrough discovery uses engineered surfaces to shed heat
“Cheng's team has found a way to lower the starting point of the [Leidenfrost] effect by producing a surface covered with micropillars. […] The discovery has great potential in heat transfer applications such as the cooling of industrial machines and surface fouling cleaning for heat exchangers. It also could help prevent damage and even disaster to nuclear machinery.”
8. New malaria vaccine delivered for the first time
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“A total of 43,000 doses arrived by air today from UNICEF, and another 120,000 are scheduled to show up in the coming days. […] They're the first vaccines designed to work against a human parasite. […] Across four African countries, these trials showed a 75% reduction in malaria cases in the year following vaccination of young children. […] The Serum Institute of India, who will be manufacturing the new vaccine, says a hundred million doses will likely be available to countries by the middle of next year.”
9. Urban gardening may improve human health: Microbial exposure boosts immune system
“"One month of urban indoor gardening boosted the diversity of bacteria on the skin of the subjects and was associated with higher levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the blood. The group studied used a growing medium with high microbial diversity emulating the forest soil," [… whereas] the control group used a microbially poor peat-based medium. [… N]o changes in the blood or the skin microbiota were seen. […] “This is the first time we can demonstrate that meaningful and natural human activity can increase the diversity of the microbiota of healthy adults and, at the same time, contribute to the regulation of the immune system."”
10. Cities Are Switching to Electric Vehicles Faster Than Individuals
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“[M]ost large cities have adopted some kind of climate goal, and some of them are buying EVs for their municipal fleets at a faster rate than the general public. And that progress could speed up as more EVs enter the market and as cities get educated about grant funding and tax incentives that were passed over the last four years.”
May 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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Change your habits with the seasons - revised
This is an old post, modified a bit to add new thoughts, because I like its message.  Think about the circumstances around you when you consider the sustainability choices you make. Changing circumstances may affect which is the more sustainable choice.  If you are lucky enough to live where there are four distinct seasons (can you tell I like changes in weather?) or even two distinct seasons, the way you do everyday tasks can change with the season.  I’m sure you can think of lots of ideas, but here are some thoughts:
Open window shades on the sunny side of the house to let the sunshine in to help heat the house during the winter.  In summer, close windows and window shades on the sunny side to reduce the heat gain through the windows.
During spring and fall, your clothes may not dry as quickly if you hang them to air dry. You may need to damp dry them in the dryer before you hang them to finish air drying in the house so they don’t get sour.  During the winter when the air in the house is warmer and dryer, you can hang your clothes in the house to dry and save the energy used by the dryer.  In summer, if your neighborhood allows it, you can hang clothes outside to dry (and enjoy the fresh air smell when you bring them in).
Check the temperature on your thermostat.  In winter, keep the house cooler and wear cozy sweaters.  In summer, keep the house warmer and dress lightly. 
A ceiling fan can help keep the house more comfortable in both winter and summer.  However, you will need to reverse the rotation of the fan depending on the season.  In summer, the moving air helps you feel cooler and if you have air conditioning you may be able to set your thermostat to a higher temperature.  Because warm air naturally rises, in winter a gentle updraft created by a ceiling fan allows for the redistribution of warm air that tends to accumulate near the ceiling.  Here’s an article that explains how to set your ceiling fan.  https://www.saveonenergy.ca/For-Your-Home/Advice-and-Tips/Seasonal-ceiling-fan-direction
If you have boiling water in the pan after cooking potatoes or vegetables, in winter you can let the pan of water cool before pouring it out, so the heat from the water adds a bit of heat to the house.  In summer, you may want to pour the hot water down the drain right away so the heat from the water doesn’t add heat to the house.  You can also let the water cool outdoors and then use it to water plants.
Winter is the time for baking and oven meals, because the heat from the oven also helps warm the house.  Even in winter, use a toaster oven for small items or plan to cook multiple items in the oven.  In summer, plan your meals to minimize cooking so you don’t add heat to the house, or cook outside.
We usually turn on more lights in the winter.  Remember to turn them back off when you don’t need them. 
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madworld1905 · 3 months
Small Steps, Big Impact: Your Guide to Living Sustainably
Climate change can feel like an overwhelming issue, but the good news is, everyone can make a difference! Even small changes in our daily lives can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. Here are some actionable tips to get you started on your sustainability journey:
At Home:
Power Down: Electronics continue to consume energy even on standby. Get in the habit of turning off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. Power strips with on/off switches make this even easier!
Embrace Energy Efficiency: Swap traditional incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs. Consider switching to energy-star rated appliances when yours reach the end of their lifespan.
Wash Smarter: Launder clothes with cold water whenever possible and air-dry them instead of using the dryer.
Thermostat Tweaks: Adjust your thermostat a few degrees in summer (up) and winter (down) to save energy on heating and cooling.
On the Go:
Think Green Transportation: Walk, bike, or use public transport for errands whenever possible. If you must drive, carpool or choose fuel-efficient vehicles.
Reduce, Reuse, Rethink: Carry reusable shopping bags and water bottles to avoid single-use plastics. When buying new items, prioritize quality over quantity and consider pre-owned options.
Mindful Consumption: Avoid impulse purchases and focus on buying items you truly need and will use for a long time.
Food Choices Matter:
Reduce Meat Consumption: Meat production has a significant environmental impact. Consider incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet.
Buy Local & Seasonal: Locally sourced produce reduces transportation emissions and often tastes better! Seasonal fruits and vegetables are fresher and more sustainable.
Plan Your Meals: Planning meals helps minimize food waste, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Be an Advocate:
Spread Awareness: Talk to friends and family about your sustainability efforts and encourage them to join You
Support Sustainable Businesses: Do your research and choose to support companies committed to sustainable practices.Stay Informed: Educate yourself about climate change and environmental issues.
Remember, every small step counts! By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can make a positive impact on the planet while inspiring others to do the same. Let's work together to build a more sustainable future for generations to come!
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design-ideas · 1 year
Sustainability in Home Decor: Tips and Tricks from an Interior Designer
As an interior designer, I am constantly thinking about how to create beautiful, functional spaces for my clients while also being mindful of the impact our choices have on the environment. Sustainability in home decor is more important than ever, and there are many ways to incorporate eco-friendly practices into your home design. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started:
Choose sustainable materials When selecting materials for your home, look for options that are made from recycled or sustainable materials. This can include furniture made from recycled plastic, flooring made from bamboo or cork, and countertops made from recycled glass.
Opt for eco-conscious brands Support brands that are committed to sustainability and eco-friendliness. Look for companies that use recycled materials, donate to environmental causes, or have a commitment to sustainability in their manufacturing processes.
Incorporate plants Plants not only add a touch of greenery to your home, but they can also purify the air and improve your mood. Choose plants that are native to your region and easy to care for to minimize your environmental impact.
Use energy-efficient appliances Energy-efficient appliances can save you money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Look for appliances with Energy Star certification or other energy-efficient ratings.
Practice zero waste Reduce your waste by choosing reusable items, such as fabric grocery bags, glass storage containers, and stainless steel water bottles. You can also look for home decor items made from recycled materials or that can be repurposed when you're ready to update your space.
By incorporating these sustainable practices into your home decor, you can create a beautiful, functional space while also minimizing your impact on the environment. Happy decorating!
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nourishandthrive · 5 days
Eco-Friendly Swaps for a Greener Home
Creating a greener home doesn’t require a complete overhaul. Small, eco-friendly swaps can make a significant impact on reducing your environmental footprint. Here are some simple yet effective swaps to help you live more sustainably at home.
1. Reusable Shopping Bags
Swap: Replace single-use plastic bags with reusable cloth or canvas bags.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste and the environmental impact of producing disposable bags.
2. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Swap: Use natural, non-toxic cleaning products instead of conventional chemical cleaners.
Benefit: Safer for your health and the environment, reduces chemical runoff.
3. Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs
Swap: Replace incandescent bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs.
Benefit: Uses less energy, lasts longer, and reduces your electricity bill.
4. Reusable Water Bottles
Swap: Ditch single-use plastic water bottles for reusable stainless steel or glass bottles.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste and saves money in the long run.
5. Cloth Towels and Napkins
Swap: Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper versions.
Benefit: Cuts down on paper waste and is more cost-effective over time.
6. Compostable or Bamboo Toothbrushes
Swap: Replace plastic toothbrushes with compostable or bamboo ones.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste and is biodegradable.
7. Reusable Food Storage
Swap: Use glass containers, beeswax wraps, or silicone bags instead of plastic wrap and disposable bags.
Benefit: Reduces single-use plastic waste and keeps food fresher longer.
8. Eco-Friendly Laundry Practices
Swap: Use a drying rack or clothesline instead of a dryer, and switch to eco-friendly laundry detergents.
Benefit: Saves energy, reduces carbon footprint, and is gentler on clothes and the environment.
9. Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets
Swap: Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators.
Benefit: Conserves water and reduces utility bills without sacrificing performance.
10. Reusable Coffee Cups
Swap: Use a reusable coffee cup instead of disposable cups.
Benefit: Reduces waste from disposable cups and often earns discounts at coffee shops.
11. Second-Hand or Sustainable Furniture
Swap: Buy second-hand or sustainably made furniture instead of new, mass-produced pieces.
Benefit: Reduces demand for new resources and supports a circular economy.
12. Smart Thermostats
Swap: Install a smart thermostat to better control your home’s heating and cooling.
Benefit: Increases energy efficiency, reduces utility bills, and can be programmed for optimal usage.
13. Houseplants for Air Quality
Swap: Add houseplants to improve air quality instead of using electric air purifiers.
Benefit: Natural way to purify the air and add aesthetic value to your home.
14. Biodegradable Trash Bags
Swap: Use biodegradable or compostable trash bags instead of regular plastic ones.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste in landfills and is more environmentally friendly.
15. Eco-Friendly Personal Care Products
Swap: Choose personal care products with natural ingredients and minimal packaging.
Benefit: Reduces chemical exposure and plastic waste.
Key Takeaways
1. Start Small: You don’t need to make all the changes at once. Start with a few swaps and gradually incorporate more.
2. Invest Wisely: Some eco-friendly products may have a higher upfront cost but save money in the long run.
3. Educate and Inspire: Share your eco-friendly practices with others to encourage a broader impact.
Final Thoughts
Transitioning to a greener home is a journey that starts with small, manageable changes. These eco-friendly swaps not only benefit the environment but also promote a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.
Share your favorite eco-friendly swaps and tips in the comments below! Let’s work together to create a greener future.
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cleanearthfunfacts · 1 year
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Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating an Eco-Friendly Home 💡🌱🌍 Entertaining Guide on Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Living, and Renewable Energy Solutions | Clean Earth Fun Facts
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your go-to source for fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and tips for creating an eco-friendly home. By incorporating energy-efficient appliances, sustainable building materials, and water conservation strategies, you can reduce your environmental footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. Let's dive in!
Chapter 1: Energy-Efficient Appliances
Understanding Energy Efficiency Ratings
Look for appliances with ENERGY STAR certification
Consider energy-efficient models for refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and more
Lighting Solutions
Switch to LED or CFL bulbs
Utilize natural light through skylights and windows
Install motion sensor or timer switches to save energy
Smart Home Technology
Invest in smart thermostats and programmable HVAC systems
Control lighting and appliances remotely to avoid unnecessary energy consumption
Use power strips to eliminate standby power
Chapter 2: Sustainable Building Materials
Choose Renewable Materials
Opt for sustainably harvested wood and bamboo
Explore alternatives like reclaimed wood or recycled materials
Consider cork or linoleum flooring instead of vinyl or carpet
Energy-Efficient Insulation
Install insulation with high R-value to reduce heat loss
Consider eco-friendly options like cellulose or wool insulation
Seal air leaks to improve overall energy efficiency
Green Roofing Options
Explore cool roofs that reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption
Consider metal roofing, recycled shingles, or living roofs (vegetation)
Chapter 3: Water Conservation Strategies
Efficient Plumbing Fixtures
Install low-flow toilets and showerheads
Use faucet aerators to reduce water flow
Repair leaks promptly
Rainwater Harvesting
Set up rain barrels or cisterns to collect rainwater for gardening or flushing toilets
Direct downspouts to water plants and trees
Landscape Design for Water Efficiency
Choose native, drought-resistant plants
Group plants with similar water needs
Mulch garden beds to retain moisture
Congratulations on taking the first step towards creating an eco-friendly home! By implementing the strategies and tips discussed in this guide, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future. Remember, small changes can make a big difference. Join us at Clean Earth Fun Facts in spreading awareness and inspiring others to embrace sustainable living. Together, we can make our planet cleaner, greener, and healthier!
Don't forget to follow us on social media:
YouTube: youtube.com/@CleanEarthFunFacts
Instagram: Instagram.com/CleanEarthFunFacts/
Facebook: Facebook.com/@CleanEarthFunFacts
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate source for entertaining and educational content about the environment, sustainable living, and renewable energy solutions. Join us as we explore fascinating facts, tips, and celebrations related to a clean and green planet.
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🌍 Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, where we bring you the most fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! 🌱 Our goal is to spread awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to take action towards a sustainable future. 🌍 Join us on this journey to learn, laugh and make a difference! 🌍
I am an environmental enthusiast. I have a passion for creating a cleaner and greener environment, and I believe that we can make a significant impact with your help. As an advocate for a more sustainable future, I have created the "Go Green Clean Environment Initiative" to support our community's transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
With your support, we can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. Our goal is to make our community a model of sustainability for others to follow.
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Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate destination for all things green, sustainable, and eco-friendly! Join us as we explore environmental awareness, conservation, renewable energy, and more. Our channel promotes green living, sustainable practices, and the importance of biodiversity. Dive into a world of eco-consciousness and discover green initiatives, reduce your carbon footprint, and become an eco-warrior. Learn about sustainable fashion, wildlife conservation, and the latest green technologies. Let's make a positive environmental impact through education and advocacy. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for our planet. Subscribe now and join the Clean Earth Fun Facts community!
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ecoconsciouscorner · 1 year
Simple Ways To Embrace Sustainable Living in Your Daily Life
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Are you tired of feeling like your day-to-day routine is contributing to the destruction of our world? Do you wish to make a difference but don't understand where to begin? Well, look no further because we have actually got you covered!
With our article "Simple Ways To Embrace Sustainable Living in Your Daily Life", we aim to provide you with practical and simple actions to include sustainable living practices into your everyday regimen. From reducing plastic waste to conserving energy, small modifications can make a big distinction in creating a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
In this article, we'll talk about tips and techniques that are both great for the environment and beneficial for your health and wallet. Whether you're a university student, a working specialist, or a stay-at-home mom or dad, our detailed guide will assist you take those crucial very first actions towards a sustainable lifestyle.
Table Of Contents
1. Understanding Sustainable Living 2. Decreasing Carbon Footprint 3. Public Transport and Sustainable Commute 4. Single-Use Plastic Alternatives 5. Food Choices and Sustainable Consuming 6. Mindful Consumption and Ethical Fashion 7. Waste Management and Recycling 8. Conclusion
Understanding Sustainable Living
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Sustainable living is a conscious option to live in a more environment-friendly way that lowers greenhouse gas emissions and decreases our negative environmental impact on the planet. It means choosing to be more conscious of the natural deposits we utilize and discovering methods to both decrease and recycle products in our daily lives. Here are some practical and simple ways you can start accepting green living in your everyday life:
1. Start with the essentials
Begin by making little modifications to your day-to-day routine that can have a big impact in the long run. This consists of shutting off devices and lights when not in use, taking shorter showers, and utilizing environmentally friendly cleansing items. These simple steps can help in reducing your carbon footprint and save energy and resources.
2. Buy reusable products
Single-use products like plastic bags, straws, and water bottles have a substantial unfavorable effect on the environment. By investing in reusable items, such as cloth bags, metal straws, and reusable water bottles, you can substantially minimize the amount of waste you produce and help secure the world.
3. Select sustainable transport choices
Automobiles are a significant factor to greenhouse gas emissions. By picking sustainable transportation choices like public transport, biking, or strolling, you can reduce your carbon footprint and add to a healthier planet.
4. Bear in mind your food choices
The food industry has a substantial impact on the environment. By picking natural and locally produced foods, decreasing meat usage, and preventing food waste, you can lower your environmental effect and promote sustainable living.
5. Choose sustainable style
The fashion business is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and waste. By selecting ethical and sustainable style choices, you can help lower the negative impact of the industry on the environment.
6. Practice conscious consumption
Prior to making a purchase, ask yourself if you truly need it and if it aligns with your values of sustainable living. Consider choosing items made from sustainable materials and choose for product packaging that can be recycled.
7. Manage your waste
Proper waste management and recycling is key to minimizing our negative influence on the planet. Arrange your waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials, and ensure to get rid of them properly. Consider composting natural waste to produce nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
Decreasing Carbon Footprint
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Minimizing your carbon footprint is among the most efficient ways to accept sustainable living. Here are some basic actions you can take:
1. Reduce energy intake: Decreasing your energy usage is a great way to decrease your carbon footprint. Consider turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and disconnecting electronics when they are not being used. This can make a huge difference in reducing energy use, which in turn lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Use natural light: Take benefit of natural light by opening drapes and blinds throughout the day. Not just does it supply terrific lighting, but it also helps you reduce your energy usage.
3. Stroll or bike: Try walking, cycling or utilizing public transportation instead of driving when possible. This can assist decrease the amount of greenhouse gases that are released from cars and other automobiles.
4. Shop sustainably: Consider buying products that are made from sustainable materials, are eco-friendly, or are produced in an environment-friendly way. This helps in reducing the demand for items that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
5. Reduce waste: Try to lower the amount of waste you produce by composting, recycling, and using re-usable bags and containers instead of disposable ones. This helps reduce the quantity of waste that ends up in landfills, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
6. Conserve water: Conserving water is likewise a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. You can do this by repairing leakages, taking shorter showers, using low-flow faucets and toilets, and collecting rainwater for plants.
7. Consume a plant-based diet: Eating a plant-based diet plan can also help in reducing your carbon footprint. This is since animal items need more resources to produce than plant-based items, and their production can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Public Transport and Sustainable Commute
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When it pertains to reducing your carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, one of the very best ways to do so is by making use of mass transit. Not just does this help to reduce traffic blockage, but also assists to minimize the number of cars on the road. Here are some practical and easy actions to integrate sustainable transit practices into your day-to-day commute:
Use Mass Transit
-Benefit from buses, trains, and trains whenever possible.
-By making use of public transport, you're helping to decrease the variety of automobiles on the roadway, which can result in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
-Consider carpooling with coworkers, pals, or household members to lower the number of cars on the roadway.
-This is an excellent way to minimize traffic, while also decreasing your carbon footprint.
Cycling and Strolling
-If you're not too far from your location, consider biking or walking.
-These sustainable commute alternatives not just lower your carbon footprint, but they can also benefit your health!
"Cycling and strolling not just decreases your carbon footprint however likewise assists fight climate change, as it reduces energy usage and decreases the number of vehicles on the roadway." -Andy Murdock, Transportation and Environment Program Director.
Use Sustainable Commute Tools
-Use online tools, like Google Transit or Citymapper, to help plan your sustainable commute.
-This can help you find the finest transit routes, bike paths, and walking instructions in your city.
Single-Use Plastic Alternatives
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Single-use plastics are a considerable contributor to plastic waste in the environment. By making a few basic changes in your life, you can minimize your usage of single-use plastics and help make a positive impact on the environment.
1. Bring multiple-use shopping bags to the grocery store: Rather of using plastic bags that wind up in garbage dumps or oceans, bring your own recyclable bags. Not only is this an easy way to minimize your plastic use, however numerous stores and markets offer incentives for bringing your own bags.
2. Use a reusable water bottle: Plastic water bottles are a significant contributor to land fill waste. By using a multiple-use water bottle, not only will you decrease your plastic waste, however you'll also conserve cash in the long run.
3. Swap plastic straws for multiple-use ones: Americans use and throw away countless plastic straws every day, contributing to the plastic pollution crisis. Swap out plastic straws for stainless-steel, glass, or bamboo straws that are recyclable and washable.
4. Select recyclable food containers: Instead of utilizing cling wrap or non reusable containers to save your food, think about utilizing recyclable glass or silicone containers. Not only are they much better for the environment, but they also make for simpler and more efficient food storage.
Food Choices and Sustainable Consuming
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One of the most effective ways to accept sustainable living practices is to make mindful choices about the food you consume. By choosing eco-friendly food choices, lowering food waste, and supporting local farmers and growers, you can considerably affect the environment and promote sustainable living.
Here are some easy and practical suggestions to assist you incorporate sustainable food options in your everyday regimen:
1. Choose Plant-Based Alternatives: Meat production has a significant impact on the environment, as it requires large amounts of water, land and energy. By reducing your meat consumption and choosing plant-based alternatives, you can reduce your carbon footprint and also have a healthier lifestyle.
2. Lower Food Waste: Did you understand that almost one-third of all food produced around the world is squandered every year? Minimizing food waste is not just great for the environment, but also for your wallet. Strategy your meals, make a grocery list, and purchase only what you need. Utilize all parts of fruits and vegetables, and store them effectively to avoid putridity. Donate excess food to regional shelters and charities.
3. Support Local Farmers: Buying regional produce not only supports the neighborhood but also promotes sustainable farming. By picking to purchase from local farmers and growers, you decrease the carbon footprint related to long-distance transport, and you get fresh and healthy food. Go to farmer's markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, and regional food co-ops to discover sustainable and locally-grown foods.
4. Select Sustainable Seafood: The oceans are an essential part of the environment and provide a source of nutrition for millions of individuals. However, overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices have placed many fish species in danger. Pick sustainably gathered seafood alternatives, look for eco-labels such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and prevent seafood that is on the red list of threatened types.
5. Grow Your Own Food: Growing your own food promotes self-sufficiency and decreases your carbon footprint. Even if you don't have a large yard, you can grow herbs, veggies, and fruits in small pots and even in your cooking area. This is a terrific method to get fresh and natural produce, and likewise to get in touch with nature.
Mindful Consumption and Ethical Fashion
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From food to fashion, we consume a vast array of products daily. One of the significant threats to the environment is fast fashion. Fast fashion is a term used to describe an industry that produces clothes quickly and exploits labor and environmental laws.
So, how can we minimize our ecological effect through mindful usage and ethical fashion?
1. Buy pre-owned clothing
Rather of buying brand-new clothes, explore thrift stores, yard sale, and online markets like eBay, Poshmark, or ThredUp. Purchasing pre-owned clothes is a sustainable practice that decreases waste and supports the circular economy.
2. Buy quality clothing
Purchasing quality clothing might cost more in the brief term, however it pays off in the long run. Quality clothes last longer and decrease the need for regular replacements. Try to find clothes made from natural, naturally degradable, or recycled products.
3. Lease clothing for special events
Instead of purchasing new gowns or fits for special celebrations, lease them. Renting clothes is a sustainable practice that saves money, lowers waste, and helps to keep the clothing out of land fills.
4. Consider the ethics of the brand
Take a conscious choice and think about the ethics of the brand name before buying. Research the brand name's labor practices, ecological policies, and commitment to sustainability. Select brand names that focus on ethical sourcing, fair labor, and utilize sustainable materials.
5. Support local brands
Supporting regional brand names is a terrific method to minimize the environmental impact of fashion. Regional brands often produce clothing on a smaller scale, use less energy for transport, and support the local economy.
Waste Management and Recycling
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If you're looking to embrace sustainable living practices in your life, among the crucial locations to focus on is waste management and recycling. By decreasing the amount of waste you produce and recycling as much as possible, you can considerably reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment. Here are 10 easy steps to help you begin:
1. Establish a recycling station in your house. Designate a specific area in your cooking area or energy room to sort and store your recyclable items.
2. Purchase a yard waste bin. If your local government provides yard waste pickup, buy a designated bin so that you can compost garden waste and food scraps. This keeps raw material out of garbage dumps and can even result in nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
3. Many mainstream personal care products contain not only harsh chemicals but also packaging materials that can't be recycled. Switching to eco-friendly alternatives is not only better for your health but also for the planet.
4. Repair and fix clothing instead of throwing it away. These easy steps can significantly extend the life of your clothing and minimize fabric waste.
5. Shop with reusable bags and containers. Bring a multiple-use shopping bag with you to avoid wasting single-use bags at the supermarket. Think about utilizing refillable containers for items like bulk grains, nuts, and oils to lower unneeded packaging waste.
6. Compost your food scraps. If you do not have access to backyard waste pickup, consider starting a compost heap in your yard or utilizing a composting bin to break down food scraps.
7. Contribute undesirable items rather of throwing them away. Lots of household items can be donated to charity rather than ending up in a landfill. Clothing, furnishings, and kitchenware are just a few examples of products that can be offered a brand-new lease of life.
8. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones. Batteries contain products that can be hazardous to the environment if not disposed of appropriately. Changing to rechargeable batteries is a simple way to decrease waste.
9. Minimize junk mail. Register for services to eliminate your name from direct-mail advertising to lower the quantity of paper waste produced by scrap mail.
10. Carry out a clean-up day in your regional community. Get together with your neighbors to tidy up your parks and beaches. This not only assists the environment but also encourages community participation.
Integrating sustainable living practices into your daily routine doesn't have to be frustrating or tough. By implementing little modifications, such as reducing waste, picking environmentally friendly items, and utilizing alternative transport methods, you can make a huge influence on the environment and live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Why not start today? Select a couple of the pointers we've shared and dedicate to integrating them into your daily life. Together, we can produce a more sustainable and flourishing world for future generations. Do not forget to share this article with your pals and family to assist get the word out and inspire others to join the sustainability movement.
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Living Green Sustainable Home
In a world increasingly concerned about environmental impact, the concept of a sustainable home is gaining traction. This article explores the fundamental principles of creating a sustainable living space and the positive implications it holds for our planet.
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Understanding Sustainable Architecture
The Essence of Sustainable Design
Sustainable architecture involves designing and constructing homes that minimize their impact on the environment. From energy-efficient technologies to eco-friendly materials, every aspect is carefully considered.
Energy-Efficient Features
Highlighting the significance of incorporating energy-efficient elements like solar panels, smart lighting, and insulation to reduce the carbon footprint.
Eco-Friendly Materials
Exploring the use of sustainable materials such as recycled wood, bamboo, and low-VOC paints, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.
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Benefits of a Sustainable Home
Lowering Utility Bills
Discussing how sustainable features not only benefit the planet but also result in long-term cost savings through reduced energy consumption.
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Exploring how sustainable materials contribute to better indoor air quality, promoting a healthier living space for occupants.
DIY Sustainability: Simple Changes, Big Impact
Small Steps, Big Changes
Encouraging readers to make simple yet impactful changes like using energy-efficient appliances and adopting a waste reduction mindset.
Sustainable Landscaping
Highlighting the importance of eco-friendly landscaping practices and the use of native plants to enhance the overall sustainability of a home.
Challenges and Solutions in Sustainable Living
Overcoming Initial Costs
Addressing the common concern of higher initial costs associated with sustainable homes and presenting long-term savings as a counterargument.
Adapting Existing Homes
Providing tips on how homeowners can make their existing homes more sustainable through retrofitting and implementing green technologies.
Conclusion: Embracing a Greener Lifestyle
In conclusion, transitioning to a sustainable home is not just a trend but a necessity for a brighter future. Every small change contributes to a larger positive impact on our environment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Are sustainable homes only for the wealthy?
A: No, there are various budget-friendly sustainable options available, and the long-term savings make it a viable choice for everyone.
Q: How can I make my existing home more sustainable?
A: Consider energy-efficient upgrades, use sustainable materials in renovations, and adopt eco-friendly practices.
Q: Do sustainable homes sacrifice comfort for eco-friendliness?
A: Not at all. Advances in sustainable design ensure that homes are both environmentally friendly and comfortable.
Q: Is solar energy the only renewable option for homes?
A: While solar energy is popular, other options like wind and hydro power can also contribute to a sustainable energy mix.
Q: How does sustainable living benefit the planet in the long run?
A: Sustainable living reduces resource depletion, minimizes pollution, and helps combat climate change, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.
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noaasanctuaries · 2 years
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We're sharing 50 ways to love your ocean and coasts! Whether you're at home, at work, or out and about- everyone can support ocean and coast conservation, with acts that are big and small.
At home and at work:
1. Conserve energy
2. Reduce water use at home.
3. Reduce the use of paper products to help save trees.
4. Reduce your commuting carbon footprint.
5. Be careful when disposing of hazardous polluting materials.
6. Maximize and reduce waste
7. Plan for emergencies.
8. Reduce your plastics when you have the opportunity to do so.
Out and about:
9. Shop local
10. Consider buying sustainable seafood.
11.Support the use of natural infrastructure in your community.
12. Use a reusable water bottle instead of buying a single use one whenever possible.
13. When shopping, bring your own reusable bags.
Stay tuned next week for more tips to give back to the planet. 🌎
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energy-5 · 8 months
Navigating the Landscape: Best Apps for Electric Vehicle Owners
In the age of smartphones and constant connectivity, electric vehicle (EV) owners have a distinct advantage. There are numerous apps designed to make the EV experience smoother, more efficient, and integrated into the digital lives of users. From finding charging stations to managing vehicle charging schedules, mobile apps are essential tools for today's EV drivers.
The foremost concern for many EV owners is locating charging stations, especially during long trips. Apps like PlugShare and ChargePoint have become indispensable. PlugShare boasts a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive database of charging stations, allowing users to filter by connector type, network, and charging speed.
ChargePoint, which also operates its own network of chargers, gives users real-time information on charger availability and lets them initiate and pay for charging sessions right from their phones.
Battery management is another vital aspect of EV ownership. Apps such as MyGreenCar and EV Range Calculator help drivers to monitor their vehicle’s battery status and predict the range based on current charge, driving habits, and even weather conditions. These apps take the guesswork out of planning trips, ensuring that drivers can reach their destinations without running out of juice.
For Tesla owners, the Tesla app provides a sleek, integrated experience with features such as remote climate control, location tracking, and the ability to check charging progress. It even allows for keyless driving.
For non-Tesla EVs, many manufacturers offer their own apps with similar features, like the NissanConnect for Leaf owners or the OnStar app for the Chevrolet Bolt. Smart charging is an area where apps like JuiceNet and ChargeHub come into play. These platforms offer the ability to schedule charging sessions during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower. This not only saves money but also helps to reduce the strain on the electrical grid, contributing to a more sustainable energy consumption pattern. Community interaction and shared experiences are also a key part of the EV lifestyle.
Apps like A Better Routeplanner (ABRP) not only help in planning efficient routes but also allow users to share tips and tricks with the community. For the eco-conscious driver, apps such as Carbon Counter can track the environmental impact of driving an EV as opposed to a gasoline vehicle, offering tangible metrics on CO2 emissions saved.
To address the financial aspect of EV ownership, apps such as EVgo and EVPerks partner with charging networks to offer discounts and loyalty rewards. This can significantly lower the cost of ownership by providing deals on charging, as well as other EV-related products and services.
Lastly, the integration of EVs with smart home ecosystems is growing in sophistication. Apps like Home Connect and SmartCharge allow EVs to communicate with smart home devices, enabling owners to manage their vehicle’s charging alongside their home energy usage.
This level of integration is pushing the boundaries of what it means to be an EV owner in a digitally connected world. Whether it’s about practicality, savings, community, or environmental stewardship, there’s an app to enhance every aspect of the electric vehicle experience.
As the EV market evolves, we can only expect this digital ecosystem to grow richer and more integrated, smoothing the journey for EV owners even further.
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dandelionsresilience · 3 months
Good News - March 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I’ll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn’t use each week - almost double the content! (I’m new to taking tips on here; if it doesn’t show me your username or if you have DM’s turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Scimitar-horned Oryx: A Story of Global Conservation Success
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“Eight years following the first reintroductions of the species in a protected range in Chad, the species has been downlisted to ‘Endangered’ [an improvement from “extinct in the wild”] in the most recent IUCN Red List update.”
2. Thailand moves closer to legalising same-sex marriage
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“Under the law, it describes a marriage union as one between two individuals, rather than a man and a woman. It will give LGBTQ+ couples the ability to adopt, have equal access to marital tax savings, rights to property and the ability to decide medical treatment when their partner is incapacitated.”
3. Juvenile platypus found in NSW: a sign of breeding success
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“A baby platypus was discovered in the Royal National Park less than a year after 10 were reintroduced to the area, marking the end of a half-century local extinction. […] “Finding the juvenile platypus is a clear sign the reintroduced population is not just surviving but thriving, adapting well to their environment, and contributing to the genetic diversity and resilience of this iconic species.””
4. New Laws Protect Bird-Friendly Yards From Neighborhood Rules
“A blossoming legislative trend prevents homeowners associations, which set landscaping rules for a growing number of Americans, from forbidding native plants.”
5. Bookstores Around The World Are Flourishing Again
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“[I]t’s not just the major chains like Barnes & Noble that are flourishing, as the US book sales market continues to both grow and diversify, the majority of the retail book market is controlled by small indie stores.”
6. 'Like a luxury condominium': Providence zoo unveils new red panda habitat
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“"Kendji and Zan's new home boasts a spacious two-story, climate-controlled indoor space designed to mimic their natural Himalayan habitat," the zoo said in a news release. "This ensures their well-being regardless of fluctuating Rhode Island temperatures and humidity."”
7. The first CULTIVATE Mobile Research Lab on food sharing in Barcelona
“[Volunteers] engaged in growing, cooking and eating food together, and redistributing surplus food, as well as other actors involved in food sharing and sustainable food systems in Barcelona and its surroundings.”
8. New Methane Rule Will Reduce Natural Gas Waste, Generate Money for Taxpayers, Help Address Climate Change
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“The Bureau of Land Management’s final rule on reducing methane waste from oil and gas production on public lands will conserve critical energy resources, with the added benefit of decreasing toxic pollution [….] The rule will benefit wildlife, public lands, water resources, and nearby communities. By requiring royalties for wasted methane, the rule will also generate more than $50 million each year for American taxpayers.”
9. 'Exceptional' Two-Headed Snake Undergoes Surgery in Missouri
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“Tiger-Lily's [the snake’s] abnormal ovaries were then removed during surgery at the Saint Louis Zoo Endangered Species Research Center and Veterinary Hospital on March 11. The procedure went smoothly, with her ovaries being successfully removed, and the snake is recovering well.”
10. Aruba Embraces the Rights of Nature and a Human Right to a Clean Environment
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“A draft constitutional amendment would make the Carribean nation the second country in the world to recognize that nature has the right to exist.”
March 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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totalplumbingpro · 9 months
How to choose the right plumbing fixtures for your bathroom shower
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Your bathroom is a special place in your home. It's where you start and finish your day, and sometimes, it's where you find peace. But did you know that the key to making your bathroom comfy and stylish lies in picking the right things for it? We're talking about bathroom fixtures, like taps and showers.
In this guide, we'll help you choose the right bathroom fixtures that not only match your style but also fit your bathroom just right. Whether you want a modern look or a cozy one, the choices you make here will make your bathroom a great place for your daily routines. Let's start and see how these small things can make a big difference in your bathroom.
Main Bathroom Fixtures
Let's start by exploring the main bathroom fixtures you'll need:
Faucets: Faucets are the workhorses of your bathroom. They come in various styles and finishes, but the most important factor is functionality. Look for water-efficient options to save both water and money. Check out the latest trends in faucet designs, but don't forget to prioritize performance.
Showers: A good shower can make or break your morning routine. Low-flow showerheads are eco-friendly and can help you save water without sacrificing water pressure. Consider the type of showerhead, whether rain shower, handheld, or traditional, that suits your preferences.
Toilets: Toilets have come a long way in terms of design and water efficiency. Dual-flush toilets give you the option to use less water for liquid waste and more for solid waste, reducing overall water consumption. Think about the style and height of the toilet that best fits your bathroom.
Sinks: Sinks come in various materials and designs. Consider the space available and your design preferences when choosing between pedestal sinks, under-mount sinks, or vessel sinks. Also, prioritize eco-friendly materials like porcelain or ceramic.
Lighting: Lighting plays a significant role in creating the right ambiance in your bathroom. Energy-efficient LED fixtures are not only trendy but also eco-friendly. Think about task lighting for grooming and ambient lighting for relaxation.
Small Fixtures and Accessories
Small fixtures and accessories may seem like minor details, but they can make a big difference in your bathroom's functionality and style. Towel racks, soap dispensers, and bath mats should all complement your chosen fixtures. Look for sustainable materials and designs that align with your overall bathroom aesthetic.
Choosing Fixtures for Different Bathroom Types
Every bathroom in your home may have unique requirements. Let's explore the considerations for different bathroom types:
Master Bathroom: For your master bathroom, prioritize comfort and luxury. Consider dual-sink vanities, spacious showers, and a bathtub if space allows.
Guest Bathroom: Guest bathrooms should be functional and easy to maintain. Opt for durable fixtures and a neutral design that appeals to a wide range of tastes.
Powder Room: Powder rooms are often small, so choose space-saving fixtures and accessories. A stylish faucet and a unique mirror can make a statement.
8 Tips for choosing the right plumbing fixtures for your bathroom shower
1. Determine Your Budget
Before you start shopping for plumbing fixtures, establish a clear budget. Fixtures can range from budget-friendly to high-end luxury, so knowing your spending limit will narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
2. Consider Water Efficiency
Water efficiency is not only environmentally responsible but also cost-effective in the long run. Look for fixtures with the Waterhens label, which indicates they meet specific water conservation standards. Low-flow showerheads and faucets can significantly reduce water consumption without compromising water pressure.
3. Choose a Showerhead Style
Showerheads come in various styles, each offering a unique showering experience:
Rainfall Showerhead: Provides a gentle, cascading flow of water for a soothing experience.
Handheld Showerhead: Offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to direct the water where you need it.
Standard Wall-Mounted Showerhead: A classic choice that provides a consistent water stream.
Consider your preferences and needs when selecting the style that suits you best. Some showers even combine multiple types for a versatile experience.
4. Think About Shower Faucets and Controls
The type of faucet and control system you choose can impact the ease of use and functionality of your shower. Options include:
Single-handle Faucet: Offers simplicity and easy temperature control.
Thermostatic Valve: Maintains a consistent water temperature, preventing sudden temperature fluctuations.
Pressure-Balancing Valve: Ensures stable water pressure, even when other fixtures are in use in your home.
Select a faucet and control system that aligns with your desired shower experience and safety preferences.
5. Match Your Bathroom Style
Your bathroom's overall style and aesthetics should guide your fixture choices. Whether your bathroom has a traditional, modern, or eclectic design, there are fixtures available to complement your décor. Consider finishes like chrome, brushed nickel, or oil-rubbed bronze to match your bathroom's color scheme.
6. Test Functionality
When shopping for shower fixtures, don't hesitate to physically interact with the displays. Test the handles, knobs, and showerheads to ensure they feel comfortable and function smoothly. This hands-on approach can help you identify fixtures that meet your ergonomic preferences.
7. Seek Professional Advice
If you're uncertain about which plumbing fixtures are best for your bathroom shower, consult with a professional plumber. They can provide expert guidance based on your specific needs, local water regulations, and plumbing requirements. In Seattle, for example, plumbers in Seattle can offer valuable insights into fixtures that work well in the city's unique plumbing landscape.
8. Read Reviews and Recommendations
Before making your final decision, read online reviews and seek recommendations from friends, family, or online forums. Hearing about others' experiences with specific fixtures can help you make an informed choice
Choosing the right bathroom fixtures is a significant step in creating a bathroom that suits your needs and style. Take your time, explore different options, and don't hesitate to seek advice from professionals, especially if you're in Seattle. A well-planned bathroom remodel can enhance your daily life and add value to your home. So, start planning, stay within your budget, and create the bathroom of your dreams.
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ramservices1 · 11 months
How to Improve the Cooling Efficiency of Your AC
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Do you ever feel like your air conditioning unit just isn’t doing enough to cool your home? Do you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat to try and achieve a comfortable temperature? If so, you may be wondering how to improve the cooling efficiency of your AC.
In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for maximizing the efficiency of your air conditioning unit, so you can stay cool and comfortable all summer long. From simple maintenance tasks to more advanced upgrades, we’ve got you covered.
The Importance of AC Efficiency
Before we dive into our tips for improving AC efficiency, let’s first discuss why it’s important. In short, an efficient air conditioning unit can save you money on your energy bills, while also reducing your carbon footprint. By consuming less energy, your AC unit is able to operate more sustainably, which is good for both your wallet and the environment.
Additionally, an efficient AC unit can help maintain a consistent temperature in your home, which can improve your overall comfort and quality of life. When your AC unit is working harder than it needs to, it can lead to uneven cooling and hot spots throughout your home.
Simple Maintenance Tasks for Improved AC Efficiency
The first step in improving the efficiency of your air conditioning unit is to perform some simple maintenance tasks. These tasks can help ensure that your AC unit is running smoothly and effectively, so it doesn’t have to work as hard to cool your home.
1. Clean or Replace Your Air Filter
The air filter in your AC unit is responsible for filtering out dust, dirt, and other particles from the air before it’s circulated throughout your home. Over time, these particles can build up on the filter, restricting airflow and causing your AC unit to work harder than it needs to.
To improve the efficiency of your AC unit, make sure to clean or replace your air filter regularly. How often you should do this will depend on the type of filter you have and how often you use your AC unit. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to check your filter once a month and replace it as needed.
2. Clean Your AC Coils
The coils in your AC unit are responsible for transferring heat from the air inside your home to the outside environment. Over time, these coils can become dirty and covered in debris, which can reduce their ability to transfer heat effectively.
To clean your AC coils, you can use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove any debris or dirt buildup. Alternatively, you can use a specialized coil cleaner, which is available at most hardware stores.
3. Check Your Thermostat Settings
Make sure to check your thermostat settings to ensure that they’re set correctly for your needs. If you’re leaving your home for an extended period of time, for example, you may want to set the temperature a bit higher to conserve energy. Similarly, you may want to adjust your settings at night to ensure a comfortable sleeping temperature.
4. Clear Obstructions from Your Vents
Finally, make sure to clear any obstructions from your vents to ensure proper airflow. This can include things like furniture, curtains, or other items that may be blocking the flow of air. By keeping your vents clear and unobstructed, you can help improve the overall efficiency of your AC unit.
Read More: https://ramservicesandsales.com/2023/05/12/how-to-improve-the-cooling-efficiency-of-your-ac/
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We are quite excited to host chef, restauranteur, 
author, and activist, Meeru Dhalwala, who will share her compelling story of creativity through the lens of June’s global theme ‘reverie’.
Meeru moved from Washington, D.C. to Vancouver in February 1995 and has since been cooking and running the kitchens and menus at Vij’s and Rangoli restaurants. Vij’s has been hailed by the New York Times as “easily among the finest Indian restaurants in the world.” (Rangoli closed after 17 years in May 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Meeru also wrote all three award-winning Vij’s cookbooks.
In 2021, Meeru created a small community business built from her learned ethics in the food industry: My Bambiri (baby) Foods. My Bambiri sources from BC organic farmers and sells on income-based pricing: three price options based on a family’s specific finances. She has also partnered with Food Stash Foundation to sell My Bambiri at their markets for low-income families who face many economic and social barriers. In October 2022, Meeru relaunched her annual international food fair called “Joy of Feeding” that is held at the UBC Farm Centre for Sustainable Food Systems.
Meeru holds a MSc in development studies from Bath University, UK, and brings her passion for humanity into her business and cooking practices. She is one of Vancouver’s most prominent promoters of women in business, climate change and sustainability, and healthy-elegant cooking. She proudly sits on the Board of Directors for the Green Party of Vancouver. For her professional and community work, Meeru has received honorary doctorates from both University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.
Every month we like to ask our speakers a handful of probing questions to give us a deeper glimpse into their life and relationship with creativity:
How do you define creativity and apply it in your life and career? I imagine and then come up with ideas. Lots of ideas, of which most aren’t realistic, but contribute to the final ideas that I/we can execute. I love the process of ideas popping or slowly coming to form in my head. I love the crazy ideas that are impractical and the ideas that could make stories if I were a novelist. I say the word “IDEA!” in the Vij’s kitchen and staff stops whatever we’re doing, get excited and hear the “IDEA!” Half of them result in all of us just laughing b/c while even saying it, I realize it’s not practical or just sounds silly coming out. My kitchen staff doesn’t rely on me to run the daily kitchen—cooking, ordering, loading, prep, etc.—but they rely on me for my “IDEA!” And if I love my idea, I don’t let it go.
Where do you find your best creative inspiration or energy? From running in my neighborhood—not any neighborhood or trail. Running is combination of my familiar surroundings and my body igniting me—my brain is dancing while my body is doing all the physical work. Whatever is on my mind—whether my family, trying to save some aspect of the environment, imagining being dead, imagining my comfort place on this earth, a work issue, coming up with recipes, etc.—it’s done with abandon while I’m running. Within 10 minutes, I lose myself in imagining, pondering…and daydreaming about my past in relation to today.
What’s one piece of creative advice or a tip you wish you’d known as a young person? Find a solo activity during which you feel abandon and…yes, lose yourself in reverie! I run. All those times when I was crying or stressed about my home life or school life, if I had gone out running and released that stress energy, the weight would have lightened and so many windows would have opened. Doesn’t have to be a physical activity—it can be knitting or drawing.
Who (living or dead) would you most enjoy hearing speak at CreativeMornings? George Eliot or Graca Machel. Intellectually attuned and gracefully passionate, brave women. Middlemarch is still relevant as a compelling storyline and observation on humanity’s social concoctions. Women and children’s rights activist Graca Machel was the First Lady of Mozambique at an important and crucial time. Her husband (the President) was assassinated via a plane crash. Later, she became the First Lady of South Africa, as wife of Nelson Mandela.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Fly to Vancouver from Washington D.C. to meet a guy I was talking on the phone with for a month (back in 1994) and, after spending 5 days with him, deciding to marry him asap. I left my hometown, friends and career in human rights and economic development to move to Vancouver. It resulted in a new and completed unexpected career, two beautiful children and 17 years of marriage. I don’t know how, but I grabbed the confidence in love before it escaped in the form of common sense.
If you could open a door and go anywhere, where would that be? My partner is a dry suit (meaning he dives in cold waters) scuba diver and travels to all waters of the world to dive, take photos. His “comfort place” in this world is the silence and being solo under water—complete opposite from mine. He lies there with his camera, watches and waits for creatures to swim, fully in zen mode. This level of silence and alone-ness intimidates and fascinates me. I would LOVE to turn myself into an invisible and weightless being, and be on his shoulder while he does this. I would not want to disturb his zen. For me, this would be like magically living in a dream.
What are you proudest of in your life? Giving motherhood my all, by which I don’t mean just love. The most important moment of my life so far is when I first looked down at my newborn and felt/saw the look in her wide eyes, settling on her mom’s face. I call this “Newborn Eyes”. Newborn Eyes are the energy of my personal life. I’m proud of fully and honestly engaging with my two daughters as humans and not as my extensions. I’m proud of calling them out on their shit and not worrying if they like me or not, or if they’ll rebel. I’m proud that I never stopped being me for the sake of being a mother.
If you could do anything now, what would you do? Have each human above the age of, say 6, in this world watch the animated documentary film “Flee” for its subject matter and b/c its engrossing storytelling. I want all of us watching at the exact same time so we are aware of sharing this experience together, as one. So, a bit of magic or super sci-fi high tech required here. Some of the bravest and most loving people in this world are “refugees” and “migrants”. These are labels for some, but for me they are my mom and dad.
What books made a difference in your life and why? The Employees by Olga Ravn. This book is potentially our real future with real humans co-existing with AI types of humans. It’s beautifully written. It’s a very short book and I read it twice in a row.
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