#ceiling fan rotation
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souporsaladnatural · 11 months
Oh god he thought he was beautiful. He literally looked at him for 12 years through war and heartache and betrayal and every single fucking time he did it thinking he was beautiful. He looked at dean, devastated and afraid, moments away from what wouldve been both their deaths, and thought about how beautiful he was just euthanize me now
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archersartcorner · 1 year
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I think about the fact that Norman would. Probably be unrecognizable without his mustache. Whomst The Fuck Is This Man. So I doodled it, forgot I doodled it, doodled it again, and then remembered I made the first doodle. AuDHD BAYBEY!!!!!!!!
IDs in ALT text!
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bearsizedant · 3 months
ty for the ask >:) (from this post)
i answered 3 over here so a wheel chose number 15!
Do you have any unpopular opinions about DAV so far?
my unpopular opinion is just that I kinda hope. they don't kill Varric or your Inquisitor. I know there's like absolutely zero way they both live to the end I'm just very attached to my dysfunctional middle aged men.
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schrodingerscougar · 7 months
Part two for this one. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger in the first part. The illustration is from the amazing @ave661 .
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Four months. That’s how much time it took Simon to get out of that hazy fugue state. He didn’t really remember what he had gone through during that time, his brain switched to autopilot after the breakup. He often wondered why it affected him this much when he didn’t even love you. You were just someone he spent time with, someone he tried to play house with for a short while to feel normal.
Still, now as he lay on his bed, watching the ceiling fan rotate to stir up the hot air in the room, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He even found himself opening a social media app to search for your name from a fake account he had set up a long time ago, and he was shocked to see the most recent photo of you. It was impossible to miss the unmistakable shape of a baby bump under your shirt, and based on its size, you got pregnant long months ago.
When he was finally allowed to go home for a short while, Simon went to see you. He knew he had hurt you, he knew you were probably still mad at him, but he had to know if it was his child. It only happened one time. One night when he tried to fix things by giving you what you wanted, hoping sex could make him see you in another light. Maybe he would finally want you the way you always wanted him to want you. But it didn’t work, and it was after that night he made the final decision to end things with you.
“What do you want?” you asked him when you opened the door.
Simon nodded as he bit the inside of his cheek. This cold welcome was fair enough, he deserved this kind of treatment. Normally, he would have left you alone. But normally, you would have told him you were pregnant.
So he silently pointed at your belly and waited for you to realize what he wanted. He knew you weren't dumb, the pieces would fall into place in a second. And sure enough, you let out a sigh then opened the door wider to let him in.
“Why didn't you tell me?” he asked you as he stood in the kitchen next to you with his arms crossed.
You were busy making him a cup of tea, but you took the time to silently shrug. When he let out a heavy sigh, you looked over at him and said, “I didn't think you'd care, Si. Simple as that.”
You were right. He didn't care. Even now that he was looking at you, his eyes occasionally moving to the bump that hid his own blood, his mind was somewhere else. He was a soldier, he knew how to take responsibility for his actions. You getting pregnant was his fault too. He couldn't just ignore the problem.
“I’ll pay child support,” he assured you.
“No need.”
Simon reached out to put a hand on the base of your neck, but you quickly pushed his hand away before he could touch your skin. “You don’t have to do this alone.”
You inhaled through your nose and held your breath in for a few seconds before finally exhaling. “So what? You’re gonna be around and help us? Take her to a doctor’s appointment or for a stroll around the block?” When you saw him looking down at his shoes, you couldn’t help but snort. “Thought so,” you said.
“I’ll better get going. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
Months flew by, but Simon barely noticed. He was on a mission again far from home, risking his life as usual. You never called and he didn’t force it. He accepted that he would have to live with the guilt of making this happen. Since you didn’t want to accept child support, he opened a bank account where he stored that money, hoping that one day he could give it to you or his daughter when she became old enough.
One day he checked your social media accounts like he had done a few times before, just to see how you were. This is when he saw the post in which you announced the arrival of your baby girl. He didn’t make a big deal out of it at first. She was born and she would probably ask about her father one day. If he was still alive then, he would gladly give her a toned down explanation. If not… Well, he left everything to her in his will.
Eventually he began to save the photos of his daughter and he often found himself looking at them. She was adorable, some of her features resembling his own. Her big brown eyes were definitely his; the color and the shape were both so familiar to him.
No one from the team knew about this part of his life. He had never told anyone, because why would he? They were close, they were his brothers, but you and your daughter were carefully guarded secrets in his life. Simon knew the real reason why he never talked about you; he was afraid of the judgmental looks and words.
Two months later, when he entered his apartment again after another round of deployment, Simon didn't really know what to do with himself. He ended up looking at his daughter's photos more and more often and eventually he made up his mind to give her a visit. It had absolutely nothing to do with you. He was doing this for the little girl.
You weren't welcoming but, once again, he couldn't blame you. “I just want to see my daughter,” he said softly, hoping the two of you could avoid fighting.
For long moments you were cautiously watching him, as if you were trying to decide if he could be trusted or not. But then your eyes fell on the big teddy bear he was holding with one hand and you let out a sigh of defeat.
On the way to the nursery, you didn't talk at all. The silence didn't bother him, but still he would have appreciated some words about the little girl he was about to meet. Was he allowed to pick her up? Did she like to be held? How was she? Did she have stomach ache often? Were she teething?
“Be quick,” you warned him when you stopped by her crib.
Simon let out a sigh. “Come on, don't be like that.”
You just rolled your eyes at him before taking a step back to lean your shoulder against the doorframe, arms folded over your chest, eyes watching his every move like a hawk. He found it a little too much, he hated that you didn't trust him. Sure, he hadn't given you many reasons to trust him, but for the sake of your daughter you should have tried.
With a sigh, he rested an elbow on the side of the crib and reached out to touch the baby as gently as he could with his other hand. His own flesh and blood. It was amazing, really. Without asking for permission, he picked her up and couldn't help but smile when the baby smiled at him.
Now that he was holding her close to his body, placing soft kisses on her head every so often, Simon couldn't deny that he already loved his daughter. There was an invisible string between them, something that brought her closer to him that anyone has ever been.
The baby giggled suddenly and it brought an even wider smile to Simon’s face. He could only hope you would let him see her as often as he could visit, but something told him it wouldn't be easy to convince you.
“She likes you,” you suddenly noted.
He put down the little girl then turned to you. “The feeling's mutual.” A faint smile appeared on your lips. “Can I see her some other time?” You nodded. “Thank you. If I can help with anything, just give me a call or send a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can,” he offered.
You been to walk out of the room and he quietly followed you, waiting for you to say something. He didn't really know what he was expecting to hear, but he had a feeling you were holding back something. And sure enough, after a few minutes of silence you began to talk, scolding him for not even bothering to send at least a text to ask about her before suddenly showing up.
“I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd read them.”
“I'm mad at you, that's true,” you agreed.
Simon leaned against the doorframe as he watched you pace in the living room like a caged animal. He remembered those nights he had spent thinking about on deployment, the moment he saw that photo of you, and he realized that maybe he was missing you.
But how could he miss someone he didn't even love? Or had he developed feelings for you, feelings he tried to hide even from himself? It was way too confusing for him, and he didn't like to be confused. It was a weakness on the field and in his civilian life.
“I should go. If you need anything–”
You came to a halt, turned to him and nodded. “I know where to find you. But can I ask you something?” Simon motioned you to go on. “Why now? Why did you become interested in her all of a sudden?”
He let out a thoughtful hum as he put his hand on the back of his neck. “I saw the photos, how much she looks like me, and… I don't know.” You took a few steps closer to him, but you still kept a comfortable distance. “I've been saving money for her. I want to give you access to that bank account.”
“I don't need your money,” you were quick to say.
“It's for her. Please, accept it.”
You became mad at him, accusing him of assuming you couldn't take care of your daughter you'd been raising on your own from day one. He knew there was no point in defending himself, you were too lost in the hate you felt for him. So he just waited there in silence, letting you finish your speech.
Then, the moment you seemingly finished, he closed the gap between the two of you. He didn't know what he was doing, he just followed his instinct when he leaned down and kissed you. This was probably the first time he truly enjoyed kissing you, and it helped a lot that you were quick to return it.
Maybe this was why he wanted to come here today. To fix things. To try to get a family he'd been craving ever since he lost his own.
(part three)
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luvjunie · 1 year
— sleepover
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pairing: e-1610!miles x fem!reader
contains: fluffff! jeff and rio being realistic parents, miles being stubborn per usual
summary: miles’ parents finally agreed to letting the two of you have a sleepover, on one condition. however, miles was never the best at following directions. wc: 1,630
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New york. The city that never sleeps.
The faint murmuring of bustling cars and the habitual honking of horns seeped through the tight seal of the shut apartment window; ironic in the way it somehow lulled you. An imperfect melody you welcomed—also the same one deemed a nuisance by those foreign to the chaos that naturally assimilated to comfort the longer you remained in Brooklyn. It usually helped you slip into a slumber with ease—but now— was succeeding in its attempt of doing the exact opposite.
And when you heard Miles expel a weighted, disgruntled sigh; you were led to believe the two of you had more in common with each other apart from the fact that you both lived here.
After weeks and weeks of begging, and endless explanations as to why exactly he needed his girlfriend to sleep over when they wouldn’t even get to utilize the time spent together because they were supposed to be asleep, Miles had finally convinced his mom and dad to let the two of you have a sleepover.
Fun, right?
Yeah, well you thought it’d be. Until his mom insisted the two of you bring your pillows and blankets and fantasies of your life as a matured couple to the living room and sleep out there. Six feet away from each other. You guys were practically social distancing like it was 2019 all over again.
The curt reasoning she offered included something about her not wanting the two of you in his room alone at night; not that she thought her son would actually be dumb enough to do anything along those lines with her in the house. You loved Mama Rio, but even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. This was her house, and that meant you had to follow her rules. The fact that you were even able to come over as much as you did was a blessing in itself, so you took everything else in stride.
Miles let you take the couch of course, and he was currently sprawled out on his back on the floor, a pillow tucked beneath his head as he studied the minuscule cracks in the ceiling as if they truly interested him. Scrolling through his instagram timeline had gotten old fairly quickly, and at 1:00AM in the morning, neither of you were really motivated enough for conversation.
You were more than grateful to spend a night with your boyfriend, but this wasn’t necessarily how you expected it to go. Whenever you guys would hang out during normal hours of the day, you’d always end up in his embrace, curled and cuddled into each other comfortably. Whatever movie or tv-show you’d put on in the background begging for the same attention you’d give each other. After growing used to such a routine, that was really the only way you could fall asleep at his house.
But alas, holding your pillow close to you instead of him would have to suffice, you decided, as you let your eyes close once again.
“Baby?” Miles called out into the darkness, lip chewed in anticipation.
He’d said only a word but you knew better than to engage. A conversation would end up with the two of you in trouble in the morning, so you pretended to be asleep.
“I know you’re awake. I counted exactly three seconds between your last two breaths and when you’re asleep it slows down to five.”
You stifled a laugh, ultimately blowing your cover. “Okay, now that’s just creepy.”
“People who are asleep don’t laugh!” he quipped.
A smile snuck onto your lips and you hadn’t the heart to reprimand it, lids peeling back open to stare up at the same ceiling he was.
“Yes, Miles?”
“Can you not fall asleep either, or have I become an insomniac all of a sudden?” The question came with a sigh, long arms spread to their full wingspan as he tried to count how many full rotations the ceiling fan made in a minute. That was how bored he was.
You sighed disappointedly, toying with the frayed tassels on your blanket. A moue on your face. “No, I can’t fall asleep either.”
“I think I know why.” he sung the last word in suggestion, hands absentmindedly drumming against his abdomen.
“Miles,” you warned, letting your head fall to the side so you could stare at the top of his head and address him directly. “Your mom gave very specific instructions, and personally, I would like to return home to mine with my head still on my shoulders.” grumbling your response, you shoved down the urge to invite him up there with you like your mind was telling you to.
He propped himself up on an elbow at that, eyes immediately making contact with yours. Your first mistake was not looking away, because those pretty pools of hazel were already starting to convince you and he hadn’t even opened his mouth yet.
“But how is that fair?” he complained, sounding exasperated. “We take naps together all the time when you’re here, I just wanna cuddle with you.” he sulked, as if you were the one who’d come up with the rule. Never in a million years would you submit the both of you to this kind of torture. You loved falling asleep in his arms.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Well, yeah. But that’s during the day, when she can check on us anytime she wants to. I don’t think your mom wants us that close to each other at night for,” The last part of your sentence faded to a jumbled murmur as your gaze traveled back to the ceiling. “…obvious reasons.”
He impishly raised a brow as if he didn’t know what you were referring to, chin resting in the palm of his hand. With only the faded lights of the city to illuminate the living room, the cheeky smile on his face went unnoticed, though you could hear it in the tone of his voice, loud and clear.
“And what reasons are those?” Miles asked, feigning innocence. His long lashes blinking at you.
Hand smacking to your forehead, you recited a silent prayer, a plea for strength. It was beginning to look like you weren’t going to get yourself out of this. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
His hand gestured to the air, plainly. “Well obviously. But still, we’re not dumb. That’s why I always take you to the roof when we—“
“Miles Gonzalo Morales do not finish that sentence!”
He snorted at the squeak of your voice and you used your pillow to hide your heated face.
“This is not going to help us fall asleep.” your irritated statement was muffled from the fabric of the pillowcase.
He hummed. “Exactly, meaning there’s only one thing left to try.” Slow to catch on, you didn’t realize what he meant until you felt the couch dip from the weight of his knee.
A hand trickled up the exposed skin of your thigh and it stopped when it met your sleep-shorts clad hip, the pillow snatched from your face and tossed onto the floor where he previously resided just a second ago.
“What are you—?”
He hovered over you, one hand pressed into the cushion beside your waist to hold himself up. Your question fell short when he swiftly parted your legs with his other hand and comfortably slotted his body between your thighs. A relieved sigh escaped him, his cheek nuzzling into the soft of your chest when he laid on top of you. His favorite way to cuddle.
“Shhh, trying to sleep.” murmuring a dismissive answer to your query, he let his eyes flutter to a close and snaked his arms around your waist, forearms cradling the curve of your back.
Contrary to the fight you were putting up just a minute ago— your arm curled over the expanse of his shoulders, fingers idly twirling at the baby curls that dusted the nape of his neck, something you always did to help him fall asleep faster. He let out a low, satisfied sound and relaxed into you completely, his hold on you tightening. While a part of you wanted to protest, an even bigger part wanted to remain under him like this. His weight was comforting; made you feel secure in the way a weighted blanket did.
“Your mom is not going to be happy with us.” you reminded him, stretching your other arm down enough to grab your blanket and pull it up over the two of you.
“It’s worth it. I’ll happily take the blame,” he drawled sleepily, snuggling in closer to the kiss that grazed his forehead. “I love you…” The laggard pace to his words let you know he was already dozing off, and you smiled, fatigue finally catching up with you too.
“I love you, Miles.”
— extra scene
Jeff stood in silence, arms folded over his broad chest and lips puckered awkwardly. Rio occupied the space next to him, hands perched on her wide hips, fingers tapping against them and her jaw clenched in disapproval. Her expression was everything but amused at the scene in front of them. He stole a tactful glance at his wife every two seconds, silently trying to gauge how irritated she was without having to ask her.
Sometime during the night you and Miles had switched places, and now his lanky legs were draped over the arm of the small couch and you were on top of him, clung to his body like a wet T-shirt, face barely visible seeing as it was nestled into the crook of his neck. With his mouth hanging slack as he loftily snored, Rio felt her eye almost twitch while she stared down at her stubborn son, who seemed to have magically teleported from his assigned spot on the floor and into yours instead.
“Well, I coulda told’ya that would happen.” Jeff said quietly with a laid-back shrug, to which Rio responded with a back-handed swat to his chest.
Through her aggravation she still kept her voice low as to not wake the two of you, eyes narrowed at her husband. “I am going to strangle this boy, Jeff. Dios ayudame. ¡Tu hijo nunca escucha! (God help me, your son never listens!)” she griped, gesturing towards Miles’ arm that was loosely circled around your waist. She tramped down the hall, hands tossed up in defeat while she grumbled something incoherent under her breath.
Lips downturned into an offended frown, Jeff coddled his chest with his palm and followed after her, voice kicked up an octave like a nagging child. “Why is he only my son when he does something you don’t like? We made him together!”
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to other platforms!
likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated 💗
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appocalipse · 6 months
see for yourself ⋆ sirius black
summary: after a party, you tell sirius how you ended things with the guy you've been seeing because he was a bit jealous of your friendship with him. sirius shows you that maybe he was right to be.
"You're in a good mood."
Sirius looks at you from his place on the floor and grins, wild and boyish. It makes your stomach do flips that you'd rather not think about too much, lest it leads to things you really shouldn't be thinking about.
"Must be your charming company," he says before looking back up at the ceiling, fingers laced behind his head.
He's laying spreadeagle on the hardwood floor, staring up at the slowly rotating fan and taking occasional swigs from an open bottle of Firewhisky beside him. Everyone but Remus, with whom Sirius shares the flat, had already gone home hours ago, leaving only you and Sirius behind in the living room.
You roll your eyes even though he can't see you doing it, setting your empty cup on the coffee table. You lean back against the sofa and fold one leg up under the other so you can turn to face him fully. "Remind me again why you're not sitting on furniture like a normal person?"
"It's more fun down here." He turns his head enough for you to catch his wolfish grin. "Care to join me?"
"Oh no," you laugh, shaking your head. "I should be getting home anyway. It's late."
Sirius frowns and pushes himself up into a sitting position. The look in his gray eyes is equal parts amusement and disappointment. "On a Friday night? Come on, love, we're barely tipsy. Besides, you still haven't told me what happened between you and that wanker you were seeing."
"There's nothing to tell," you shrug.
He scoffs as he crawls across the floor towards you. You bite the inside of your cheek when Sirius hoists himself onto the sofa beside you and pulls one leg up to his chest. There's a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth that doesn't seem quite as innocent as you'd like it to be.
"He looked pretty pissed off when he left," he says, twirling a long strand of your hair around his index finger. "What'd you say to him?"
"I didn't say anything. And we were together for barely three weeks. I was just...he wasn't the right guy, okay? Now shush."
You make a halfhearted attempt to turn away from him, but Sirius laughs softly and rests his head on your shoulder. "You don't say."
"What? I'm glad you didn't waste any more time on that tosser. He would never have made you happy."
"How would you know?"
Sirius lifts his head and leans back far enough to look at you. His expression is one of smug self-confidence as he says, "Because I know everything."
"Everything, huh?"
You quirk an eyebrow. "Well then, what am I thinking right now?"
His eyes flick down to your lips for a brief moment before they find yours again, but it's enough for heat to rise in your cheeks. You could swear he starts to move closer before he blinks and turns away with a dry laugh, but by then you're not so sure anymore. "That you're bored of talking about this dolt."
The ache of disappointment in your chest must be almost palpable, because Sirius furrows his brow and asks, "Is everything alright?"
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not."
Sirius gives you a knowing look and shifts on the sofa to face you more fully. His knee knocks against yours. "Don't tell me you're hung up over that berk."
"Not in the slightest."
"I'm not," you insist. "Really."
"Did he break your heart or something? I'll break his arm."
You laugh, though you doubt Sirius is actually joking. "Nothing happened. He was just jealous. That's all."
He frowns, then narrows his eyes at you. "Jealous of who?"
"Oh, you know, the usual suspects," you say lightly, waving a hand as if to dismiss the topic completely. But when Sirius remains silent, you let out a slow breath and (as you usually do when it comes to him) give in. "You, mostly. He said some stuff, and I didn't take too kindly to it."
A wry smile spreads across Sirius' face. He looks delighted. "What'd he say about me?"
With a dramatic roll of your eyes, you rest your head back against the cushion behind you and say, "He thinks you, uh...you know, fancy me or something. That we spend too much time together. But I told him that he's crazy, obviously."
The following silence bothers you.
You turn your head enough to see Sirius' face. He's staring back at you, an unreadable expression on his face. Then, after several moments of more tense silence, he whispers, "What if I do fancy you?"
"Sure you do," you mutter, rolling your eyes again.
Sirius places his palm on top of the hand resting between the two of you and brushes his thumb over your knuckles. "I could show you."
It takes a moment for you to register the offer.
"Did you drink more than I realized?"
"Just enough for the liquid courage to work."
Your tongue feels like sandpaper. "Sirius."
"Stop being ridiculous."
"Who says I'm being ridiculous?" he asks, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a light kiss to your skin. "Maybe I'm madly in love with you. Have you considered that?"
You swallow, trying to ignore the way your stomach is doing somersaults. "This isn't funny, Padfoot."
"It's not supposed to be funny."
He cuts you off by cupping your cheek and leaning in close enough for you to feel his warm breath on your lips. It smells of Firewhisky and mint. "Kiss me and see for yourself."
"You must be drunk."
"Only tipsy," he reminds you. "Or maybe a little drunk on you."
"You know, you're not half as funny as—mmph!"
He's kissing you. Sirius is kissing you, and dear sweet Merlin, you could swear that the world's tilting beneath you as his hands pull you closer. He hums contentedly when he feels you reciprocating, cradling your face between his palms as if to make sure that you won't go anywhere.
Not that you intend to.
It's the kind of kiss that steals your breath away. The kind of kiss you can lose yourself in without even realizing it, especially when one of his hands slides into your hair, and you moan involuntarily into his mouth.
Sirius laughs breathlessly against your lips as he eases you down onto your back. His fingers dance along your jawline before he curls them under your chin, tilting your head back and kissing his way down your throat.
"I think this went better than expected," he murmurs, pausing long enough to gently bite down on the sensitive spot where your neck meets your shoulder. You gasp.
Sirius sits up suddenly. His hair hangs in front of his face like a dark curtain and his eyes glitter with amusement when he pushes it back. Your pulse jumps when you see the slight redness of his lips and the hint of mischief on his face. "Don't tell me you're getting shy now."
"Shut up."
He leans down and kisses you again, groaning low in his throat as your hands slide up the broad expanse of his back. "I'm starting to think you fancy me, too," he whispers, words ghosting over your mouth.
"Yeah," you admit sheepishly, sliding your hands up and over his shoulders. "I may have been lying earlier. It's not that crazy."
"May have?"
"Fine, I did lie."
"I knew it."
He looks far too smug. Just this once, you don't really mind.
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gyllenhaalstories · 6 months
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summary: jake grunts. jake grunts a lot. jake grunts very loudly. do i need to say more?
warnings: smut (semi public sex, quickie, fingering, penetration, orgasm control, creampie). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2920
gifs credits: me @/gyllenhaalstories / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: i can't get the sound of jake's grunts out of my head (not that i want to anyway) 🥵 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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"9, 10, 11, 12..."
You sighed. They had been counting to twenty so many times over, they probably hit the million mark by now.
"13, 14, 15, 16..."
You busied yourself around the gazebo, alternating between taking photos of the cloudy sky and videos of the gentle breeze that made the branches of the pretty flower bushes surrounding the area dance.
The camera, following your movement, focused on Jake rather than the white flowers.
"17, 18, 19... 20!"
"Fuck!" Another grunt.
Jake's trainers and fitness team showered him in praise for sustaining yet another repetition of literal gut punches.
But all you could hear was the noises he just made.
Your man glanced over at you and waved, soft giggles completed the picture. He was gesturing something. For someone who spoke so much with his hands, he was not that good at it.
You figured he meant he was almost done. Or so you hoped.
The punches started all over again, but the sound of the gloves hitting Jake's skin and the redness that bloomed over his abs indicated they were going all in for this last set.
You approached the gazebo, attention focusing on the noises that Jake was making and how he scrunched his nose with each punch.
With each grunt too. Was it a subterfuge to distract himself from the pain, to trick his mind and body to take hit after hit?
Your jaw dropped, although only Jake noticed, while you watched them. It was mesmerizing. No, actually, it was hypnotizing.
The ceiling fans could not rotate fast enough to dry the layer of sweat that was all over Jake's body. He contracted his abs with all his might, hands behind his head and torso exposed to receive more torture. The masochistic exercise was sending his brain into overdrive.
You murmured a faint "You're gonna hurt yourself" that got blatantly ignored by everyone in the room. You clutched on your phone harder, as if you were receiving a part of all that pain too. The fingernails of your free hand dug crescent shapes into your palm.
"One more." His opponent was back at it with the assault on Jake's abs. Everybody in the room chanted the last series of numbers until the training was finally over. In between each digit, there was a loud grunt. In between each hit, the veins of Jake's pelvis bulged while pumping all the blood that made his skin a dark share of red.
Everybody but you retreated to one of the many entrances of the gazebo, getting ready to leave. Meanwhile, you leaned on the column for much needed balance.
"That was fantastic!" Jake laughed. His laughter was the only one that sounded genuine. The other guys chuckled, worried, at his appearance. They pointed out how he was "red as shit". To which Jake answered that "We want the movie to be good, you know."
You were concerned, still, but more so turned on by the scene.
The endorphins were hitting Jake hard. You could tell he was worked up in more ways than one. The euphoric giggles and cocky smile, the way he hopped and jogged around the gazebo to keep his body in this momentum. He was not hearing a word that his team was telling him, something about setting up his ice bath, as they exited the area in a cacophony of squeaky shoe noises. The only thing Jake acknowledged was your presence.
You let him walk to you close enough to pull you by the hand so he could kiss your lips.
"I knew it. I knew you wanted to watch." He smirked. "I gave one hell of a good show, didn't I?" He took your phone out of your hand and set it on the bench from where he grabbed a towel to wipe his forehead with. "Don't tell me that's not true, it's written all over your pretty face."
You rolled your eyes, not even trying to stand up for yourself. "So, you're done now?"
Jake shrugged with a not-so innocent grin on his blushing face. "Kinda."
"What do you mean, kinda?" You sighed, annoyed. "If I hear you guys count up to twenty again today, I swear..."
"Ooh, I'm scared." He giggled again. He calmed down and squinted, looking at you through his long lashes. "No counting up."
Your satisfaction with his answer was short lived.
"But we'll count it down."
You watched him while he draped the towel down on the black mats. "Remember when I bet that you wanted to join me today? I was right." He took a step closer to you. "I'm feeling all the good luck running through my veins right now, so I wanna make another bet."
You looked at him with a confused arched brow. Your eyes studied his body. From the messy wet hair, down to the curve of his pecs, and even further down to his swollen abs; your eyes were met with the bulge in his shorts.
"I bet you that I can make you cum," he brought your attention back to his face. "With twenty thrusts."
"Here?" He nodded. His team was not far away, you could hear them dump bags of ice in the converted trash container that was used for temperature shocks. You rolled your eyes. Laughing while taking in so much pain was insane, but not having a care in the world about getting caught was even more insane. "Nah."
"Come on! I know you want to." He repeated the next words in a lower, quieter voice. "I know you want me to fuck you." He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. "Twenty thrusts, that's all I'm asking." Jake loved to work his magic, he knew all too well that this same magic worked every time. Well, almost. "You gonna give it to me? Gonna let me fuck your pretty pussy? Gonna let me show you who you belong to?" The hand that was on your cheek started to travel down your body, following the shape of your stomach until it slid under the hem of your clothes.
You gasped when you felt his warm hand cup your pussy underneath your panties.
He grunted when his fingers dipped ever so slightly in your wetness. "Yeah, you do. You want it so fucking bad." He pushed his middle finger between your folds and teased your clit. "You were getting so worked up from watching me that you had to go play in the flowers like a busy little bee. You couldn't keep your eyes off me for long, huh?"
You cut his monologue short with a passionate kiss. Your tongue invaded his mouth but quickly lost the battle for dominance.
The way you moaned against Jake's lips gave him the unspoken permission pull down your pants after you both kicked off your shoes. He broke the kiss to help you lay down on the towel and remove his shorts too. "I take it as you accept my bet?"
You both laughed while you gently slapped his chest. "Just fuck me already."
"Attagirl." You did not need to say it twice. Jake spread your legs open and positioned himself between them, kneeling and taking deep breaths while he took in the sight of you offering your body to him.
"We gotta be quiet." You reminded him about the risks of getting caught. What a waste of words.
Jake used your wet pussy to jerk off and lube his cock. He looked at you and how you squirmed under him. You were so wet for him, he glided over your folds and clit easily. "Oh yeah, looks like you care so much about being quiet." He didn't give you time to protest, he guided his cock and pressed it against your entrance. "I don't give a fuck if they hear. And judging by how wet you are..." He pushed, slowly, until his tip was inside of your clenching walls. "You want them to hear us too."
You moved on him, helping Jake get all the way inside you. He was surprised, but through a nod you both agreed that the first thrust did not count.
Jake puts his hands on your stomach, keeping you immobile and at his mercy. "Count down for me, baby."
And you did just that, or so you tried. Jake's first five thrusts were slow and deep, he let you get adjusted to his size while he praised you over and over again about how good you felt wrapped around him. He was rock hard, all the stamina built up from his training made it near impossible to hold himself back and stick to his stupid bet.
"Please, harder!"
Jake grunted in response. He obliged, happily. Selfishly, too. He scrunched his nose and bared his teeth with each thrust.
When you called out the number fifteen with a loud and long moan, he switched things up.
He lifted your legs so you could use his body to lean them on. In this position, you were slightly lifted upwards. He pulled almost all the way out and pushed all the way back in your pussy. The angle made your entire body flinch. He waited for you to say the next number out loud, but his patience ran out fast. "We're not even halfway done and you've gone dumb already? That's my good girl."
With the next ten thrusts, Jake successfully fucked the shyness out of you. You counted down from 15 to 5 loud enough to please him and most certainly loud enough to be heard. He was reaching so deep inside of you, that a few of those numbers failed to come out of your mouth. Instead, your incoherent "Ah, ah, ah" drove Jake even crazier and that made him want to keep hitting that sweet spot.
Now, there were five thrusts left. You could tell that Jake was dangerously close to the edge by the way he grunted louder and without any restraint. He was lost in the moment, without a care for the world that surrounded him. All that mattered to him was making you feel good.
"Fuck!" You cried out when his thumb brushed over your untouched clit. "That wasn't part of the," you panted, he rubbed your clit faster. "Of the rules."
"Do I look like I care?" He breathed out. "Look at me."
You batted your cock drunk eyes at him and took in the view. He looked so good, all sweaty and needy from this different, and much more entertaining, form of exercise.
"That's it, forget about it. You don't need to think." He pulled out, leaving just his leaky tip inside your hole. He watched your chest rise and fall with anticipation for the next thrust that followed quickly after.
"5... 4..." You counted along.
"3," Jake counted down with you. His thumb rubbed your clit at the perfect pace and intensity. Your pussy clenched so tight around him that he knew the last couple of thrusts would make it almost impossible not to cum too quickly. You were both so close. "Just like that, baby. You're taking me so fucking good."
"2." Your face twisted into a blissful expression. Nothing else mattered other than your imminent release. You rested your hands on Jake's arms, kind of trying to keep him close but also kind of trying to push him away so you could process the way your body felt in this very moment.
Jake stilled inside of you. The way your walls clenched and relaxed around his cock felt heavenly. He pulled out completely and sat back. He grunted when he caught the view of your pussy, juices leaking down on the towel from your stretched out hole. You looked so tempting, so delicious. If only he had more time, he would devour you like there was no tomorrow. If only. "Ready, baby?"
You nodded, hands reaching in his direction to try and bring him back where you needed him the most, which was balls deep inside of you.
"Yeah, you are." He leaned forward to kiss you, a distraction from the touch of his fingers on your sensitive clit. He needed you closer, impossibly closer, so that he could feel you explode all around him.
You arched your back. He swallowed your moans. Your legs tried to wrap around his waist, you were trying anything to get him to make you see stars.
"I regret this stupid bet." He scoffed. He looked down at his slick covered cock, it was red and veiny like the rest of his abdomen. It throbbed between your bodies. He could not wait any longer. He used his free hand to line himself with your entrance for the last time. He took a deep breath and exhaled when he pushed his cock inside of you.
Inch by inch, you felt all of his length until he bottomed out. With his thumb rubbing your clit, it all felt so intense. You let out your loudest moans yet when you started to cum on his command.
Jake tried to talk you through it, telling you that you were his "perfect cockslut" and that "your pussy was made to take my cum". He slurred his words more than anything.
His voice echoed in your empty mind, so did the sound of his grunts when your clenching walls brought him to his orgasm.
He fought to keep his eyes open so he could watch your reaction to being filled with his load. Jake moaned your name when your pussy relaxed around him. It finally let him move, not that he wanted to.
Your legs fell down on the floor and you laid there, giggling to yourself. Jake lost no time to join you, laughing along while he kissed your lips.
You put one hand on his cheek and the other one on the back of his head, not caring for his sweaty hair. You pulled him closer for another kiss. You wanted this moment to last forever, and, well, you desperately wanted a second round.
"Oh shit." Jake cursed when he was called out for his ice bath again. "Just in time." He pointed out the odd timing, right when you guys finished. The was no way this was a coincidence.
Your eyes widened at the realization. There was no way this was a coincidence. They heard you. They heard it all.
"Coming!" Jake yelled out then exploded in a fit of giggles while he stood up and put his gym shorts back on.
"You're unbelievable." You, finally, laughed along with him while trying to hold your body up on your wobbly knees.
Jake looked down at you and scrunched his nose again. "You look so fucking good down there."
"I know." You agreed.
Jake winked at you, then he told you how you were the unbelievable one. He adjusted himself in his boxers, apprehending the temperature shock that awaited him, but you pushed his hands out of the way.
You licked over his puffy, red abs in a long stripe. You tasted his salty sweat on your tongue while you kept going for as far as you could.
You earned a loud grunt and helping hands to pull you back up on your feet. "You're not shy now, huh?" He smiled from ear to ear while he watched you dress up too. Jake promised himself that he was not going to let this be the only time you licked his sweat like that. You could not get away with doing something so hot.
You caught him staring so you stole a quick kiss from his lips as to not take an even longer and more suspicious amount of time before sending Jake back to his fitness team.
"Don't worry, baby." He tried to reassure you, which worked for a split second. "Everybody already heard you while you were cumming. I'm sure they won't mind if we take a little more time." Jake held your jaw in his hand and planted a long kiss on your lips, making sure you did not wiggle away from him just yet. He called the shots, or so he liked to think, and only pulled away when his named was called out again.
You shooed him away, laughing along.
"Go back to the house and wait for me there, yeah?" He started to jog away from you and exited the gazebo. "I'll need something to warm me up afterwards." He turned around to wink at you and he disappeared from your sight. You could still hear his mischievous giggling while you collected your senses, until the noise was replaced with the group of men loudly discussing the amount of ice to put in the makeshift bath.
You picked up the towel from the floor, hiding the evidence that the drops of his cum left behind, and you grabbed your phone from where Jake left it. You squinted when you noticed how it was propped up against a boxing glove, aimed in the direction where Jake fucked you. You gasped audibly when you discovered that your phone was recording the scene the entire time. You held your phone tightly in your hand and walked out of the gazebo, heart racing and heat radiating from your core.
Jake was right: he would need something warm to help him recover from the ice bath. And with this little video of yours... You knew exactly how to keep his favourite set of holes ready.
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ak-vintage · 3 months
Sweet As
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Pairing: Francisco Morales/f! babysitter reader
Summary: Frankie comes home after a long day at work and learns how you have been keeping cool in the midst of a heat wave.
Prompt: Frankie Morales x Grapes
Tags & Warnings: 18+ MDNI, 6 years post-Triple Frontier, single dad Frankie, flight instructor Frankie, babysitter reader, dual POV, age gap (not specified, but reader is a grad student), minimal descriptors of reader character, no use of y/n, domestic, sweet, mutual pining, food as foreplay, frottage, pussy pronouns, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f! receiving), trying to keep quiet, trying not to get caught, undefined but hopeful ending
Word Count: 7.5K
Written for the @happypedrohours Charcuterie Board Challenge.
Dividers by @saradika-graphics <3
Read on AO3
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You had always been a summer girl, but even you had your limits.
It was week three of the most severe heatwave the south had seen in a decade, and even with the Morales’s air conditioner running at full capacity, you still couldn’t help but park yourself directly under the ceiling fan with a sweating glass of iced tea. Mila, thankfully, hadn’t fought you during bedtime tonight, the six-year-old nearly dead on her feet after a full day of summer activities – a bike ride around the block before the heat of the day had set in, a dance party after lunch, hours in her swimsuit weaving in and out of the sprinkler in the back yard. You had done your best to keep up with her sunscreen, but she still sported a little flush on her round, tan cheeks as she crawled into bed, making little snuffling snores before you had even finished telling her goodnight.
There was a part of you that envied it, the way she could just collapse into sleep, not a care in the world, while you were stuck at the kitchen table late into the night, your laptop and textbooks strewn across its surface. The perils of holding down a full-time babysitting gig while also taking summer classes, you supposed.
It was worth it, though. Mila was a sweet girl, a total social butterfly, full of giggles and sweetness, easily the most fun kid you had ever cared for. And Frankie, her father…
Mr. Morales, you reminded yourself with a quick shake of your head.
Mr. Morales was a dream to work for. Respectful, pleasant, communicative, fair. A great parent to his daughter – a single dad, the only one in your regular client rotation. He paid you well for your time, and he was generous with his recreation budget, always making sure to leave cash in the top kitchen drawer for ice cream treats, trips to the pool, matinee movies. You really couldn’t have asked for a better job for the summer.
It didn’t hurt that he was absurdly handsome, in a rugged, lived-in sort of way. Not that it mattered, of course; he was your boss, more than a decade your senior, and you were, above all else, a professional. Hitting on the kids’ dads? The biggest babysitting faux pas. You liked to think you had more class than that.
However, class or not, you were still just a woman, and Francisco Morales? He was all man.
A blue-collar, ex-military guy in his mid-forties, he was tall and impossibly broad in the shoulders with long, muscular arms, a soft tummy that peaked out over the waistband of his jeans, and a head full of dark brown curls that were constantly just a little squished by a dark, well-worn ballcap bearing the Standard Oil logo. He started out a bit reserved in the beginning, not at all unfriendly but certainly someone who took some time to open up to new people, but in the months since you had started working for him, the two of you had developed a comfortable rapport.
So, if you dragged yourself out of bed an hour early just so you could get to his house in time enough to share a cup of coffee with him before he left for work, well…that was just relationship building with a client, wasn’t it? If you found yourself lingering in the driveway every time he walked you out to your car at the end of the day, extending the conversation more and more, delaying your departure as long as you could manage, that was just…friendship, right? Comradery.
And if, on nights like tonight, you received a series of clunky, unpunctuated texts asking you to stay late on short notice and you agreed without question, that was just going above and beyond. That was you being a good employee.
It definitely wasn’t you genuinely wanting to help out the struggling single father, not because you were being paid to do so, but because he deserved it. And you definitely didn’t take a deep, personal satisfaction in knowing that he trusted you, knowing that he relied on you.
It was all above board. All friendly. All completely and totally normal.
These were the things you told yourself, anyway. It helped you to keep your traitorous heart in check.
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It was nearing 10:00 PM by the time Frankie finally pulled into his driveway, his eyelids heavy, his limbs leaden and slicked with sweat. One of the ‘copters at the flight school where he worked had required some major repairs after a clumsy takeoff by one of the students earlier that afternoon had resulted in damage to the rotor blades, and he had volunteered to stay behind after hours and help with the effort so the thing wouldn’t have to spend the entire next day grounded. He was an instructor these days, but his assistance had still been welcomed. In the years he had spent attempting to earn back his pilot’s license after his…indiscretions, he had spent a fair amount of time working as an aviation mechanic to make ends meet.
Even then, at the lowest point of his life, he hadn’t been able to keep himself away from a hangar.
It had been back-breaking work, and Frankie hated having to ask you to stay late when he knew you had your own life, your own friends, your own dreams outside of babysitting his kid, but the repairs were complete now, which meant that none of the instructors would need to cancel any of their lessons for the following day. And when the flight school’s students were, more often than not, rich old men and their trust fund sons who didn’t take well to being told “no,” the extra effort would not go unnoticed.
Now, however, as he shifted his pickup truck into park next to your beat-up old Ford Focus, all he could think about was getting into the air conditioning, taking off his boots, and sitting down at the kitchen table under the ceiling fan with you.
It was the only advantage, really, of these late nights. Infrequent though they were, Frankie couldn’t deny that there was something special about coming home to find his daughter tucked up in bed, happy and tired and well-fed, and you at the table with your schoolwork strewn out in front of you. There was something peaceful and almost painfully domestic about it, something that had his chest swelling with a feeling that he couldn’t quite identify but that he knew for certain was not something one was meant to feel for one’s babysitter.
It was the same feeling he got when you started accepting his offers of coffee in the mornings before he left for work, or when you noticed that he had started purchasing the sugary-sweet creamer you preferred when he had only ever drunk his coffee black. It was the same feeling he got when he came home on one of the first nights of this fucking wretched heatwave to find you chasing his daughter around the back yard with an armful of water balloons, the both of you soaked to the skin and giggling as you pelted each other relentlessly.
It was the same feeling he got when he walked you out to your car and he watched you grip the driver’s door handle so tight your knuckles turned pale, watched you glance down at his lips one too many times to be proper. Soft mouth parted, long lashes casting shadows across your sun-kissed cheeks, perfect breasts rising and falling with your quickened breath –
Frankie brought the heels of his hands up to his eyes, pressing hard, scrubbing across his face to banish the thought. He had no business thinking of you like that, noticing you like that, and he needed to get it together before he walked through the front door and found you precisely where he had imagined you. This might have been his home, but it was your place of work, and he refused to be one of those skeevy dads who made the babysitter uncomfortable.
Gathering himself, Frankie hopped down out of the truck and jogged up the front porch steps. Slipping his keyring from his front pocket, he opened the door as quietly as he could manage and kicked his well-worn boots off onto the mat inside the entryway.
Before he could announce his arrival, however, your voice called out to him, hushed and warm.
“Welcome home, Mr. Morales,” you said sweetly, glancing up at him from your favorite chair at his table. He could see you there through the kitchen doorway, hair piled haphazardly on top of your head, eyes tired but soft, happy. You had gotten even more sun today, your cheeks, nose, and forehead tinged with pink, and you wore an oversized T-shirt and a pair of almost sinfully short shorts, the kind with the elastic waist that looked soft to the touch. Frankie tried and failed not to trace the length of your legs with his eyes, not to imagine the plush softness of your thighs, the suppleness of your calves.
Dragging his gaze back up to your face, praying that you hadn’t caught the trajectory of his traitor eyes, he was somewhat surprised to find you studying him, as well. Rather intently, as a matter of fact. He squinted down at himself, puzzled, and noticed for the first time what you must be staring at: he was a mess.
He was smudged with grease from head to toe, dark streaks of the oily substance arcing across his jeans, his uniform polo, his bare forearms, the backs of his hands. His skin, where it was visible, shone with sweat in the dim entryway light, and his shirt clung to his upper body like a second skin from the heat (moisture-wicking fabric, his ass). The weather would have been enough to have him in a state, but the late night combined with the manual labor had clearly taken its toll.
He watched the long column of your throat bob as you swallowed thickly.
“Rough day?” you asked after a beat of tense silence, keeping your voice low so as not to wake Mila.
Frankie felt his lips lift at the corner, offering you a fatigued half-smile. “A bit, yeah. But better now.”
You pressed your mouth into a thin line as though smothering a grin. “Glad to hear it.” Gesturing at the chair opposite you, you added, “Why don’t you come have a seat, and I’ll heat up some leftovers for you? You have to be starving.”
Fuck, now that you mentioned it, he was starving. He and the small crew of mechanics had taken a brief snack break while they worked, partaking of whatever hodgepodge of junk they had been able to liberate from the vending machine in the office, but that bag of chips and stale granola bar had left his system hours ago now. Still, even as his stomach growled with hunger, he couldn’t help but protest, “You don’t need to do that, cariño. It’s not your job to cook for me on top of everything else you do around here.”
You waved his words away with a flippant flick of your wrist, already on your feet and heading for the refrigerator. “I’ve told you, it’s not a problem. I cook anyway for me and Mila. Why wouldn’t I make a little extra for you while I’m at it?” You glanced over your shoulder at him. “Now sit down. I’ve got this.”
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As the container of leftover pasta rotated in the pale yellow light of the microwave, you took a moment to gather yourself, to reign in the surge of want that had pulsed through you at the sight of your employer hovering in the entryway.
Miles of golden tan skin shining with sweat, pooling in the little hollow at the base of his neck. His uniform polo unbuttoned as far down as it would go, showing a sliver of gray ribbed undershirt. Grease smudged across one high cheekbone, streaked across his hands. You needed those hands on you, needed him to transfer those dark marks onto your skin, your clothes, to leave a trail across your body so you could remember everywhere he had touched you, so you could see it when you looked in the mirror.
“How was Mila today? She behave herself all right?”
You startled at the sound of his voice, quickly schooling your face into what you hoped was a pleasantly neutral expression before turning back around to face him. “Oh, yeah, she was great. We had a good day today.”
Frankie – Mr. Morales – smiled fondly at that. “Good, that’s good. No more, uh, meltdowns in the afternoon?”
“No, things have been pretty smooth since we started digging through that article I found. ‘30 Activities to Keep Kids Cool in the Summer’ or whatever. It’s been a huge help.” You chuckled wryly. “Once I figured out a way to let her be outside in the afternoons without running the risk of heatstroke, she’s been great.”
“Right, right.” He settled himself in the chair across from yours, running the side of his fingers across his patchy stubble in thought. “That’s what gave you the idea for the water balloons that one day, right?”
The microwave beeped twice, the golden light inside flickering off, and you grabbed the steaming leftover container as you spoke. “Yeah, exactly. And the sprinkler, and turning paint into ice cubes and using it like chalk.” Snagging a fork from the silverware drawer, you handed both to the exhausted man and slid back into your seat.
He tossed you a grateful smile and dug into the meal with gusto, loosing a quiet groan at the first bite. “Shit, that’s good,” he sighed, dark eyes fluttering closed in a way that had your heartrate spiking. “Thank you for this, cariño. You’re a lifesaver.”
Warmth blossomed in your chest, and you fought the urge to reach out and squeeze his shoulder comfortingly. “Of course, it’s my pleasure.”
Shoving a few more bites into his mouth, he asked, “Didn’t you freeze her Barbies one day, too?”
“Yeah, I did!” It had been one of Mila’s favorites so far of the heatwave-proof activities you had planned for her, and the memory of it had you chuckling. “I took a couple of her dolls and a bunch of their accessories, put them in a few of those sand buckets you guys have in the garage, filled those with water, and then froze them overnight. It took her hours to dig them all out, but hey. It kept her busy, and she didn’t overheat in the process, so I’ll take it.”
Mr. Morales grinned at that, plucking a napkin from the holder in the center of the table, scrubbing it across his sauce-stained moustache. “Incredible. You know, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the extra effort you’ve been going to with her lately. I know it’s a lot, just looking after her eight hours a day, every day. But with this heat, I know she’s going stir-crazy.” He glanced down at his meal, something almost bashful creeping into his expression. “Pretty sure she gets that from me. Never been real good at sitting still, being stuck indoors.”
“It’s really nothing, Mr. Morales,” you insisted, brushing away the praise with a swipe of your hand.
“No. S’not nothing.” His low voice had gone serious now, and when he glanced back up at you, his eyes were wide, dark, and earnest. “The way you take care of her? The way you always seem to just…know what she needs? That’s everything.” You swore you saw his cheeks darken, swore you saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. “And I told you. S’okay if you call me Frankie. That Mr. Morales stuff makes me feel old.”
You drew your lower lip between your teeth, gaze flicking down to your hands as the intensity of the eye contact became too much to handle. “If you’re sure,” you agreed after a moment. “I don’t want to…presume.”
“Not presuming,” he disagreed, shaking his head. “We’re…friends, right, cariño? Friends can call each other by their first names.”
Something in your stomach ached at his words, but he sounded so genuine, so hopeful that you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him. “Suppose that’s true… Frankie.”
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Fucking Christ.
Maybe that hadn’t been the right call, Frankie thought. Maybe he shouldn’t have suggested you call him that, not when your voice sounded so sweet wrapped around his name, not when the hour was so late, the house so silent, like you were the only two people awake in the world. That kind of intimacy, it was going to give him…ideas.
Eager to distract himself from the moment, he plowed onward. “Well, what was the activity today?” he asked, stabbing another selection of pasta and vegetables with his fork.
You appeared to consider the question for a moment before replying, “Actually, it’s more of ‘show’ thing than a ‘tell’ thing, so if you don’t mind holding that thought for a minute, I’ll show you after you’re finished eating.”
Frankie arched an eyebrow at you, intrigued. “Okay, sure. I can wait. Why don’t you tell me what you’re working on then instead? Something for school, I assume?” He gestured at the impressive spread of textbooks, printed articles, and your open laptop taking up most of the surface of the kitchen table.
Immediately, you launched into a detailed explanation of your current project, a research proposal for your graduate program that would serve as the capstone of this session of summer classes. He would freely admit that he only understood bits and pieces of it, his formal education having ended with his high school graduation, but he always enjoyed asking you about your schoolwork. The way you lit up when you talked about the subjects you were passionate about, your animated gestures, your wide, sparkling eyes, all of it was deeply endearing to him. He loved how passionate you were, the way you chased after your goals with fire and focus. It was one of his favorite things about you, and he felt as though that list might be growing longer by the day.
Your monologue about your research proposal gave him the perfect opportunity to finish his meal, so that by the time you had come to the end of your explanation, Frankie was dropping his fork into the now-empty container and leaning back in his chair, pleasantly full and satisfied.
“Oh,” you gasped, seeming to come back to yourself as you took in his relaxed posture, the little smile on his face. “Wow, I really just went on and on there, huh? Sorry about that, I guess I get a little overexcited about my research.”
“Don’t apologize. I like how fired up about it you get, it’s cute.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, a little too honest, a little too real, and Frankie braced himself for the shift in your demeanor that was sure to follow. The awkwardness, the clear discomfort at the too-personal words from your employer. But it never came. Instead, your cheeks darkened under his gaze, a flush spreading down your neck and disappearing into the neckline of your oversized T-shirt.
“You…you think I’m cute?” you stammered, voice a bit breathless in a way that had him shifting in his seat, and he felt a fresh flush of sweat bead up on his forehead, just under the brim of his ballcap, at the sound.
He needed to blow you off, he knew. He needed to make an excuse for the comment, turn it into something mindless, something shallow and impersonal, if he wanted to point this conversation back in the right direction.
“‘Course, cariño,” he said instead. “Who wouldn’t? Might be an old man these days, but I’m not dead yet.”
What was wrong with him?
You blinked back at him for a moment, eyes wide and glossy, lips parted in surprise at the confession, but then you were smiling, something almost…flirtatious in the curve of your lip as you said, “You’re not an old man, Frankie. You’re…experienced.”
Oh, fuck him.
This was a dangerous path the two of you were walking, and in that moment, Frankie wasn’t sure what frightened him more: the eventual destination or the fact that you seemed more than willing to travel it with him.
If he was ever going to make it back to safety, he needed to switch gears. Now.
“How about that activity?” he said quickly. “You gonna show me what you and Mila got up to all day?”
Drawing back from where you had started to lean toward him across the table, you shook your head a bit, as though the question had brought you back to yourself. He watched as the softness and the want in your eyes dissipated, and though he mourned it, he knew it was for the best. The two of you had come too close to crossing that line tonight. You both needed to regain your footing a bit.
“Sure. Actually, it should make for a good dessert.” Getting to your feet once more, you crossed to the refrigerator and opened the freezer door, pulling three medium-sized plastic containers from its depths. The clear plastic fogged up the moment it hit the outside air, obscuring their contents, but Frankie didn’t have to wait for long to see what was inside. A moment later, you spread the three containers out on the kitchen table in front of him and began removing their lids.
Inside the containers was a selection of perfectly chopped, completely frozen fruit. The two of you had clearly used some creatively-shaped cutters to prepare the fruit, as some of the chunks were shaped like little hearts, others looked like tiny stars, and still others looked as though a cutter in the shape of a bunny head had been used. One container held little hunks of bright red watermelon in a full assortment of unique shapes, another boasted chunks of pineapple, also uniquely prepared, and in the last container, a medley of green and red grapes had been halved down the center for easy eating.
“What tastes better on a hot day than fresh fruit?” you asked cheerily. “We cut it up together out on the patio first thing this morning so it would have time to freeze. Mila wanted me to tell you that she did the watermelon because it’s pink and that’s her favorite.”
Frankie glanced up at you, meeting your eyes over the frosty containers. “That sounds about right,” he chuckled.
“I ended up having to hose down the concrete by the time we were done, but it made a great snack when it got miserable out. She was going back and forth between the sprinkler and her bowl on the patio all afternoon.”
He grinned at the image you painted, thinking of his little girl in her pink bathing suit, wild brown ringlets wet and clinging to her scalp, grass sticking to her feet as she danced through the spray of the sprinkler, darting back to grab a hunk of watermelon or a frozen grape, the juice dripping from her little fingers.
“Help yourself,” you encouraged, sitting back down across from him. “I’ll have some with you.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “Shouldn’t I…grab us some forks?”
You shrugged, that fucking grin making its way back onto your face. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
And with that, you fluttered your fingertips over the container of frozen grapes, plucked one from the pile, and slipped it into your mouth with a satisfied sigh. You might have started chatting then, might have begun asking him if he had any fun plans for the upcoming weekend and offered a summary of yours in return, but Frankie hardly heard a word of it. He was too preoccupied with your…snacking.
The plushness of your lips, the little peek of your slick, pink tongue each time you opened them, the way you seemed to allow the fruit to linger in your mouth as it defrosted. Heart-shaped watermelon had pale pink juice spilling out of the corner of your mouth, making it halfway down your chin before you delicately swiped it away with the tip of your middle finger. A pineapple star had you smiling softly as you enjoyed the burst of tartness over your tastebuds.
And those grapes.
Those goddamn fucking grapes, with their slick, frosty skin and their subtle, gentle sweetness – those you softly, almost absently traced over the seam of your lips before slipping them inside. Like you were savoring the sensation unconsciously, like the cool wetness of them quenched something in you that you weren’t even aware required attention. They made your mouth glisten in the low light, the shine of it so tempting he was certain that he hadn’t looked away from it in several minutes now.
In the back of his mind, he knew he needed to get ahold of himself. There was no way you hadn’t noticed; he had to be making you uncomfortable by now. But he just…couldn’t. God, you looked good enough to eat, with your messy hair and your sun-pinked cheeks and your bright eyes and your soft, bare legs.
A droplet of sweat traveled down the side of his face, streaking down his temple, his jaw, his neck.
Your mouth looked cool, and it looked sweet.
Frankie startled at the sound of his name on your tongue, and his gaze snapped back up to your eyes instantly, a wicked flush blazing up the back of his neck and over his skull in mortification. Shit, you had noticed him staring, this was such a major fuck-up –
“Hm? What’s that, cariño?” His voice came out weak and raspy, like his throat had gone dry, and he cleared it loudly.
“I was saying, you don’t want any of the fruit?” You looked him over with wide, innocent eyes, and for the first time, Frankie realized that he hadn’t taken a single bite.
“Uh. A-Actually, I think I might be too full at the moment,” he stammered, bringing a hand up to pat himself across the belly in excuse.
The little confused quirk of your head told him immediately that you didn’t believe him. Scooting your chair across the hardwood floor, you came to sit directly next to him and gently scolded, “Frankie, you’ve been out working in this heat all night. You need to rehydrate. Here, you have room for a few pieces. Open up, okay?”
One of those slick, dewy grape halves appeared between your thumb and forefinger then, and the next thing he knew, you were holding it out to him. Not to take with his own hand, but to eat. It was a mere hairsbreadth away from his mouth.
Unable to formulate a suitable protest, his brain suddenly feeling rather detached from his body, all Frankie could do was drop his jaw and allow you to slip the fruit inside.
The pads of your fingers touched the soft, sensitive skin of his lower lip, and that was when he was certain that not only had his brain seemingly walked away on its own, it had turned fully off. That was the only explanation he could come up with for why the moment he registered the delicate touch, he immediately seized your wrist in one of his fists, dragging your fingers fully into his mouth.
A loud, feminine gasp met his ears as he swiped his tongue between your fingertips, stealing the frozen fruit from your grasp, pressing it firmly against the roof of his mouth to squash it, and quickly swallowing it down. His tongue returned to your skin, lapping at the frost and the condensation and the delicate, sweet juices coating your fingertips, and he watched as your eyes glazed over at the sensation. Your wrist went limp in his grasp, your fingers pliant, never once attempting to withdraw, and the ball of heat that had been brewing in his gut all night suddenly reached a fever pitch as he realized that you liked this.
Cock twitching in his jeans, he drew your fingers from his mouth. Both his eyes and yours followed the fine trail of saliva that stretched from his lip to the tip of your index finger, and he heard your swallow heavily at the sight.
“Frankie,” you whispered weakly.
And then his restraint abandoned him just as his mind had, and before he could think better of it, his hands were cupping your face and dragging you bodily to meet him in a hard, messy kiss.
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Francisco Morales kissed like he did everything else – with intention, with competence, and with a raw, simmering fire that lingered just below the surface just waiting to be unveiled. To be stoked. To be nurtured.
The presence of that fire had your squirming in your seat, had your neck bending back on your shoulders in submission to the intensity of his assault. His thumbs, long and thick, pressed into your jaw from either side, wrenching you open, and his tongue slipped inside, immediately seeking your own with a desperation that drew a soft, muffled moan from your throat. Your own hands flew to the sweat-damp collar of his polo, and you dug your fingers into the fabric, holding him, keeping him just as fiercely as he kept you. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears, pulsed between your thighs, growing sensitive and tender there when wetness bloomed.
With a low, rasping groan, Frankie broke the kiss and began tracing his prominent nose across your cheek, along the edge of your jaw, down your bare neck.
“You taste so fucking sweet, querida. Cold and…delicious and…perfect.”
Punctuating his words with hot, open-mouthed kisses across your skin, his voice rough and raw and sounding like the confession had been dragged from his chest against his will, it was enough to have sweat breaking out on the back of your neck, behind your knees, at the base of your spine.
“Frankie,” you breathed, threading your grip into his hair, curling his dark brown locks around your fingers, scraping along his scalp. “Please – ”
His hands dropped from your jaw then, sweeping around the width of your hips and hauling you into his lap. Instinctually, your thighs spread to bracket his waist, the weight of you coming to rest on his spread-legged lap, and you couldn’t help but moan at the thick, hard press of him against the softness of your cunt.
“This okay, baby?” he murmured against your skin, nuzzling against the neckline of your shirt, broad palms dragging down over your ass to hold you down, press you to him.
You whimpered and felt your body going soft, warm, and pliant beneath his touch. “Mm hm!” Hips hitching, grinding against him of their own accord, you pulled his face back up to meet yours, smothering your own gasps and whines in his mouth.
It didn’t last long, however. After a few quick licks against your tongue, Frankie pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours and knocking his Standard Oil cap to the floor.
“Uh uh, need to hear the words, cariño. Won’t do anything you don’t want me doing.” Wrapping his fingers around your messy bun, he angled your face down so that your heavy-lidded eyes met his. “I’ll ask you again. You want me touching you? You want me to make you feel good?”
Your eyes drifted shut, your mind gone warm and hazy. God, the things this man did to you. Did he know how long you had wanted this? How hard you had fought against it? He couldn’t know. If he did, he would never ask such a question.
“Yes, please, Frankie,” you gasped, nodding against his hold, brushing the tip of your nose against his.
“Yes, please, what, bebita?” You could hear a smirk in his voice now, and the sound had you flushing down to the tips of your toes, a fresh rush of wetness soaking your panties as you squirmed against him.
Tucking your face against his sweaty neck, you whispered, “Please…please make me feel good.”
Frankie was on his feet in an instant, boosting you into his arms in a move that had your stomach dropping down through your abdomen both in shock and in arousal. He backed you into the table, your hips bumping into the wooden edge, and the snap of pain had a brief flash of clarity flying through your lust-filled brain fog.
“Frankie, my books – ”
The older man swore under his breath – “fuck, right” – before changing course, bringing you instead over to the arm of the peninsula that extended out into the room from the edge of the kitchen. Kicking one of the two barstools out of the way, he dropped you unceremoniously onto the countertop before dragging you down for another kiss.
He ate at your mouth like a man starved, sucking on your lips, dragging his teeth across your skin, licking against the roof of your mouth. It was wet, sloppy, and so hot, his desperation contagious, encouraging you to match him caress for caress. No one had ever kissed you like this, like the kissing was the main event rather than a means to an end. Frankie kissed like that was the entire point, and it had you melting against the counter. You were dripping through your shorts now, you were sure of it.
“Can taste all that fruit on your tongue. Sweetest thing I ever tasted,” he growled, keeping his voice low. “But I can think of at least one other thing that might be even sweeter.”
Jesus fucking Christ. Your boss was going to eat you out on his kitchen counter.
“Lean back, bebita.” The words were spoken against your cheeks, brushed into your skin by the suddenly tender touch of his lips, the rasp of his whiskers, the press of his chin. “Let me take care of you.”
You did as he asked, releasing your hold on his broad shoulders and sinking back onto your elbows. The granite was cool to the touch, sending goosebumps along your arms and down your spine, but the sensation was a welcome one after the oppressive heat of the day, the heat of his body on yours.
His palms snaked beneath the hem of your T-shirt, bunching it up onto your belly to reveal the waistband of your shorts. Hooking his thumbs into the elastic without preamble, he murmured, “Lift your hips a bit for me, baby.” Again, you obeyed without question, and with a few short tugs, Frankie pulled both your shorts and your slick-stained panties down your legs to drop to the hardwood floor.
You felt a fierce blush flare in your cheeks, spreading down your neck and chest with a speed that had you gasping for air. The ceiling fan over the kitchen table – you could feel its breeze from here, the cool rush of air instantly pulling a shiver from you as it hit your wet, swollen pussy. You kept yourself bare in the summer, finding it easier and less stressful whenever you wanted to wear a swimsuit, and laid out like this on display, thighs spread around Frankie’s broad body, the cold fan hitting your most vulnerable skin, you couldn’t help but feel a bit…overexposed. The reality of your situation hit you like a freight train, and you found yourself fighting the urge to snap your legs closed against the eyes of your boss.
It was as though Frankie could read your mind. Not a moment after the thought occurred to you, you felt his big hands clamp onto your thighs and pull them apart even wider.
“Don’t you dare try to hide from me. She’s so fucking beautiful,” he tutted, and you risked a glance at his face only to find him staring intently down at your cunt. “You been walking around my house with a naked pussy like this all summer, baby? Dirty girl.” His dark brown eyes had gone almost black with lust, his irises only a faint ring around his wide pupils, and in a gesture that seemed entirely unconscious, he darted the tip of his tongue out to wet his bottom lip. He looked utterly fascinated. Entranced. Hungry. The sight had your walls clenching around nothing, and you watched him watch that happen with an eagerness that had you moaning aloud.
When he spoke again, he was a man in thrall. “‘M gonna eat this pretty pussy now, querida. Gotta be quiet for me, okay? Don’t wanna wake Mila.”
You nodded, bringing one of your hands up to cover your mouth preemptively. This man was going to have you screaming, you just knew it. Flicking his gaze up to yours for just a moment, he grinned wickedly at the sight.
“That’s a good girl, baby,” he whispered, and then his face was in your cunt, and you felt your every coherent thought fly out the window.
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If Frankie had thought that your mouth tasted sweet, your tongue like candy, then your pussy was fruit on the vine, straight from the vineyard, drenched in sunshine. It was hot, deep, and rich, earthy and tangy and drugging, like a late summer afternoon, like a hazy day in August. This had always been one of his favorite things to do with women, one of his favorite ways to please them, and never – not once – had it ever been like this. From the moment his tongue touched your delicate, dripping folds, he knew – there would be no going back from this. Not for him. He couldn’t experience something like this and not crave it every day for the rest of his life.
He started with soft, light strokes with tip of his tongue, tracing just the very edges of your lips from down near your entrance all the way to the top of your mound. Then again, slowly pressing deeper but never with any more than the faintest pressure. Even so, you responded instantly, a panting, high-pitched whine sounding behind the press of your palm over your mouth. Your hips bucked against his mouth, trying to increase the pressure, to draw him further into you, but he had one of his arms bracketing the span of your hips before you could make much progress.
Driving you firmly into the countertop, he held your knees open with the breadth of his shoulders and boldly dragged the flat of his tongue through your folds. “Keep quiet, now, bebita. I’m gonna take care of you.”
With that, Frankie felt himself begin to disappear, to melt into you from his position between your legs. Your soft thighs bracketing his shoulders, your heels digging into his back, your pussy, so soft, so hot, so sweet as you dissolved beneath his tongue. You were drooling for him, your clenching, grasping hole fluttering against his tongue every time he passed over it, your clit swollen and throbbing under the suction of his lips. You had collapsed back against the countertop now, one hand still pressed firmly over your mouth, the other burying itself in his hair, anchoring him to your body with a strength he found both surprising and wildly attractive. And with every lick, every suck, every vibration of a moan that spilled from his mouth into your flesh, he could feel you drawing higher, tighter, deeper.
He knew what you needed. He knew what would get you there.
Tucking his free hand beneath his chin, Frankie slipped one, then two thick fingers into the tight, velvety clutch of your cunt.
You shot up off the counter, your torso curling around his head, your hand in his hair fisting the strands roughly in your overwhelm. Sharp bolts of pain erupted across his scalp, but it was a welcome sensation, somehow grounding in its intensity. He smirked against your folds, sealing his lips around your puffy clit and rolling the little nub around with his tongue. At the same time, he pressed gently, insistently against the front wall of your cunt, applying steady friction and pressure with both fingertips.
A faint whimper slipped from you at that, muffled by your palm but not silent, and Frankie felt himself preen. God, he loved this. It wouldn’t be long now.
“You gonna come for me? Gonna let me feel her gush around my fingers? On my tongue? Hm?”
The hand on your mouth fell away, joining the one in his hair as you began to tremble beneath him. “Frankie,” you whined. “‘M gonna – you’re gonna make me – ”
“I know, baby, I know.” He kept his fingers right where they were, shallow thrusts, firm pressure right where you needed it most. “Just let it happen. I’ve got you.” Ducking his head back down to your clit, he resumed the combination of gentle suction and firm, long strokes that had driven you wild.
And just like clockwork, your thighs began to shake against his shoulders. Your abdomen clenched beneath his forearm. Your slick, soft walls clamped down around his fingers. A weak, breathless sound – “ah” – burst from your throat, and then you were coming. A rush of your wetness dripped down his fingers, coating his hand, pooling in the cup of his palm as you pulsed and fluttered around him, and Frankie could feel your poor, abused little clit twitching against his tongue. He worked you through it, slowing down a bit but not stopping, prolonging the torment just a bit longer. Only when your two hands buried in his hair started to shove against him, pushing him away, did he relent, and even then, it took him an extra few seconds to be willing to slip his fingers from your body.
Looking up into your face, Frankie felt a wash of joy and contentment pass over him. You were positively glowing – your skin flushed and ever-so-slightly sweaty, your hair wild and mussed, your T-shirt bunched up above your belly button, so much of your perfect softness on display. And you were grinning like a fool, your eyes showing your fatigue but your smile brighter than he had ever seen. You looked at him with a gentleness, an affection that had his heart clenching in his chest, and he was certain that his expression was much the same.
It had been years since he had felt this way about anyone, and even then, he wasn’t certain it could compare.
When you sat up and slipped from the counter, it was a slow and lazy affair, assisted by his firm grip and his steady arms to help keep you upright. The moment your feet hit the floor, you reached for his belt with a question in your eyes, to which Frankie responded, “Not tonight, querida. Tonight was about you.” You seemed somewhat disappointed by that response, but you didn’t push it. Instead, you simply pulled his head down for a kiss, which he gladly obliged. You sighed into his mouth at the taste of yourself on his tongue, and it took every ounce of strength he had in him not to take back what he had just said, to drag your hands back down to his belt buckle and allow you to proceed as you wished.
But no.
It was late. You needed to get home and get to sleep, and he needed to wash off the heat of the day before passing out in his own bed. There would be a little girl busting down his door at 7:00 AM tomorrow whether he was ready for her or not, and you would be back in this very kitchen by 8:00 eager to share a cup of coffee with too-sweet creamer before he left for work.
So, like the gentleman that he wasn’t certain that he was, Frankie helped you slip back into your little shorts, pack your overflowing bookbag, and carry your things out to your car.
You turned to him one last time before you slipped into the driver’s seat, a soft if uncertain smile playing at the corners of your lips. “Mr. Morales – Frankie, I…” You drew your lower lip between your teeth. “Thank you. For tonight.”
His heart melted at your words, the quiet, hesitating way you said them. It was a vulnerability he wasn’t accustomed to from you, you who always seemed to have it all together, you who matched his advances beat for beat, never wavering. “Don’t need to thank me, baby. I wanted to. You take such good care of me, of Mila. You deserved it.” Releasing a deep, trembling breath, he added, “And…I’d like to do it again sometime. If you’ll let me.”
“That depends,” you replied.
“Yeah? On what?”
Your soft, sweet smile morphed into something sharper then, something with more intent. “On if you’ll let me return the favor. It’s like you said…I want to.”
Frankie couldn’t have reigned in the grin that split his face then if he tried. Dropping a kiss to your forehead, he said, “‘Course, cariño. I’m not done with your sweetness just yet.”
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snoopyana · 7 months
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love stroke.
“you and i get weighed down by the things we can’t do.”
two best friends who want to step outside of their comfort zones. two best friends who trust each other with their lives. two best friends who will do anything for each other. two best friends who experiment with each other. two best friends who kiss when no one is around.
park jisung. fluff. smut.
sprawled out on jisung’s bed, your jean shorts and tank top clung to your body like a second skin. the heat was close to unbearable, giving you a taste of what being on the sun would feel like. the humming of the rotating fan buzzed in your ears as you laid there. the sound of jisung shuffling around on the floor making your eyes flutter open. but he was no longer seated on the floor — now leaning against the bed, his face a few inches from yours. “i’m bored.” he whispered while poking at your cheek. earning a small huff before you began to move your body.
pulling his head away, he gave you room to sit up. propping yourself up on your elbows, your attention was back to the man that was now below you. sweat glistening on your skin — you were quick to swipe at the thin layer that lined your face. “and what do you plan on doing in this weather ji?” the sun blared through his curtains, helping to further solidify your point. nodding his head in defeat, jisung joined you on the bed. nudging your arm to give himself more space.
once you were both fully situated, taking up basically every inch of his small bed, it dawned on you that he was blocking the fan. the once cool breeze on your body being blocked by his larger frame. “ji, you’re gonna give me a heat stroke!” raising up again, you planted your hands onto his side, making an attempt to get the man to lay down flat as he was currently laying on his side. but instead of rolling forward, he pushed his body back. causing him to crash down on-top of you.
laughter filled the small room as you shuffled around underneath him. he stayed on-top of you for a moment, staring at his ceiling fan before rolling himself off. “sorry, didn’t know you were there.” jisung covered his mouth as he spoke, laughing into his palm at your delirious state. shooting him a deadly, yet playful glare, you begun to use your fingers to rake through the messed up strands of hair. reaching out, he helped you smooth out a few fly away hairs. dragging his fingers through your hair before they made their way to your cheeks.
cupping your face in his palms, you two stared at each other. sitting on your legs, your hands gripping onto his forearms as he sat crisscrossed in front of you. the breeze from the cracked open window and still rotating fan blowing his hair every which way. in that moment, neither of you seemed to mind the heat. no matter what happened, it always seemed like you ended up a little too close to each other. slowly, jisung lowered his face towards yours. eyes searching for any sort of hesitation that ultimately was never present. the boy lowered himself until your noses grazed each other. your eyes flickered between his, waiting for the next move. waiting for a kiss.
but instead, he gripped onto your cheeks with a little force, squishing them together until your lips were forcefully puckered. leading to the goofiest smile to creep onto his lips as he watched your expression morph from one of admiration to confusion. gripping onto his arms with the same force, jisung let his heads drag through your hair and plant themselves onto your nape.
“i hate you.”
“love you too.”
tilting his head, jisung planted small kisses on the corners of your mouth before reaching the entirety of your lips. pulling you closer by the neck, you melted away in his hands, your own hands snaking up to grip onto the loose t-shirt that he dawned — pulling him closer by the cloth. his tongue poking at your lips, asking for entry and you gladly obliged. your mind becoming groggy from the lack of airflow. but you didn’t mind. not one bit.
but he was minding. pulling away from your lips with a pop, jisung took in a shaky gasp of air. eyes blown out, lips puffy. that’s probably how you looked too. “can we..” stopping himself, the male hesitated. you two had only ever made-out. the both of you definitely weren’t virgins, just never going any further in fear of getting attached. “can we do more this time?” his fingers rubbed cross the skin of your neck. waiting for an answer, but you didn’t say a word. looking up at him with a dazed look. just by your expression, he was quick to start taking what he said back, slightly panicking as he spoke. “but if you don’t want to, we don’t have to! i can just drop you off at your place and we can forget it even-“
“yeah. we can go further this time ji. but not too far.” empathizing too, you meant no penetration. maybe next time, but right now? it was still too hot to be body to body — and you weren’t exactly in the mood to be hot and sticky. letting out a sigh of relief, he rested his forehead against yours. placing a kiss in between your eyebrows, jisung whispered to you, “does that mean i can use my fingers?” giving him a quick nod, you were pushed down on your back. sinking into his measly two, yet fluffy, pillows.
he was quick to unbutton your shorts, tugging them past your thighs and off your legs completely. placing the clothing onto his nightstand, he did the same with your panties — this time keeping them safe in his back pocket. hovering over your now partially naked body, the boys nerves really started to spike, as if he was a virgin again — touching a girl for the first time. hesitation in his touch as his hands grazed against your thighs.
his breathing surpassing yours, even though he wasn’t the one being touched. his eyes darting up to yours, yours that was already waiting for him. “i’m going to be completely honest with you,“ halting his actions, his hand hovered just above your cunt, “i’m so fucking nervous right now.” bringing your hand up to your mouth in an attempt to not laugh in his face, you didn’t say a single thing. but you kept eye contact while sliding your other hand down your body to meet his. both pairs of eyes flickering down to watch as your hand wrapped around his wrist. guiding the limb towards your very needy hole.
“now do i have to guide you through it all like it’s your first time or do you know how to use your fingers?” cooing at him, he took it as a challenge. wiggling his hand from your grip and sliding his ring finger through your folds. the action sending a shiver up your spine. lowering his head down once more to let his lips meet your neck. his middle and ring invading your insides while you were focused on his lips sucking and kissing at the skin of your neck. the sensations mixing together, causing a belted whine to slip from your lips.
wasting not a second, jisungs’ rather lanky fingers were frantic. curling and sinking into you at a reckless rate. you couldn’t possibly last long with the amount of stimulation. and his thumb hadn’t even found it’s way to your clit. but it definitely didn’t need to, your body arching into his from his fingers alone. as he marked up your collarbone with red and purple blotches, you were making his arms with angry red crescent shaped indents. “ji! ‘m gonna cum slow down..” oh but he was lost in the moment, his digits never once faltered.
when you started to clench around them more than before, he finally came to. disconnecting himself from your now sensitive skin. he mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear, “you look so pretty right now, prettier than ever.” and oh boy, that’s all you needed to be sent over the edge. your climax hitting you like a brick, seeing stars. the brightest stare being jisungs face as he smiled down at you. he brought you down from your basically earth-shattering orgasm, flopping over next to you.
“jisung… i’m really hot right now.”
“oh yeah? i call that a love stroke.”
“oh my god…”
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note- two fics in a day? guys i’m feeding you well. please. i really wanted to write for nct and jisung was my guy. i fairly enjoyed writing this and i hope you more than fairly enjoyed reading this and got past my HORRIBLE jokes. that’s the only thing i will apologize for. hugs and kisses, yana!! (also are we digging the snoopy dividers??)
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gleamingtempest · 27 days
Attempt on Ace - Graphics
CW: Hanging, Violence, Suicide, Eating Disorder
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Ace goes to the gym to work out.
Hu knocks Ace out with the turpentine.
The weights are knocked over in the struggle.
One weight rolls over to the other side of the room as a result.
Hu tapes her wire onto a fan blade.
Hu ties the wire around Ace's neck.
Ace is bound to the ceiling fan. He rotates in turn, creating excess strain on his neck, slicing it open in the process.
Hu leaves the crime scene.
Nico walks in on the crime scene.
Nico grabs the broom.
Nico wedges the broom between the fan blades in order to stop Ace's momentum.
The sudden strain in combination with Ace's weight causes the fan to snap and fall down onto the floor.
The wire is snapped during this process, leaving half on Ace's neck.
Nico throws the broom onto the ground.
Nico moved over towards Ace's body.
Nico takes the wire off of Ace's neck.
Teruko and Eden walk into the crime scene as Nico is removing the wire, giving the appearance that Nico was trying to kill Ace.
Nico panics and runs away.
Hu's Wire - Hu is the only one with access to wire.
Hu's Height - Nico required a broom to get Ace down. Hu is tall enough to not need this.
Sequence of Events - Ace was hung. If Nico was the one to hang him, why would they get Ace down?
Ace's Weight - Ace would not have been heavy enough to bring down the fan on his own. Something else had to interfere with his momentum.
-> Nico will try to explain the murder during the trial and will incorrectly assert where they attacked Ace from. This will result in the gym mirror being used as evidence, since if Nico were to attack from a certain angle, they would have been seen by Ace before they attacked.
-> Hu did not intend to pass the class trial. Taking out Ace was her method of ending her own life as well as taking out someone she saw as an absolute source of disorder in the group. A "noble" death.
I hope this was engaging, insightful or helpful to someone. Please be well and take care.
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avalordream · 6 months
Prompt: Imagine an MC who gets a tattoo that goes all around their ankle so that they always have an "anklet" for Cove.
Pairing: Cove Holden x GN!Reader
Tags: fluff, Cove getting his anklet fix, mostly fluff tho
Word count: 4.7k
A/N: With this newfound will in me, ALLOW ME TO INDULGE YOU IN SOME LOVELY COVE JAMES HOLDEN- Also! This fic was intended for fem readers but it can be taken as gender neutral!
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Now seeing as the age to get a tattoo is roughly 18 years old, let's assume this is Step 3 Cove we're talking about
At this age, Cove and you haven't quite gotten into a relationship yet.
In fact, you're stuck at the crush stage
Even so, you and Step 2 Cove had the talk of what you both were into during the Roadtrip moment. (Y'know- the beige eyes and anklet conversation)
That particular conversation was surprisingly difficult for you to initiate, considering your rather quiet nature
That didn't mean you were shy! No no!
It was just...
It wasn't the "normal" type of conversation you usually had
Maybe it was because of the fact that it was so different that made it so difficult to talk about.
In any case, that led to you thinking over the anklet attraction Cove had, trying to understand it as you lounged around on your bed in the middle of a hot summer day
It was the sort of day where the California sun shone exceptionally hard, the heat making it so nothing really stood out to you. You could almost remember this exact type of day from when you were younger... When Shiloh was still around...and when Cove had just recently moved in.
You were currently lazing about on your bed, soaking up the sun's rays shining through your window as the AC worked to cool your room and a nearby fan rotated slowly, its blades providing an ample amount of background noise. It was truly the staple sound of summer. Your eyes blearily blinked as you stared up at your ceiling fan working overtime to beat the summer heat. Normally your moms weren’t so keen on cranking up the AC but today was an exception, considering the high was a 90. Even the water was warm which meant that even walking along the shoreline - forget it, the sand was practically steaming - wasn’t appealing. 
That left you in your current condition, leaving your mind to wander and daydream about everything and anything in the quiet. It was already noon but there was no rush to go out. While it wasn’t the norm for you to be alone, usually hanging out with Cove or even Terri or Miranda., today was an exception though because of the heat. And in any case, you relished the feeling of just…coasting through the day with nothing to do… free as the birds in the sky… 
A few soft knocks on your door blinked you out of your sleepy stupor as Ma stepped in after you had hummed an affirmative. Her eyes softened as she seemed to take in the sight of you: Curled up yet sprawled out in a cocoon of light blankets and pillows, the sun shining brightly through the window and you relishing it all in the center, having the time of your life. “You doing ok, hon?”, she hummed in turn, trying not to break the peaceful trance you were under as you simply nodded, tucking your hair back as you smiled at her. You loved your ma more than anything, even now as she came close to sit by your head, gently stroking your hair as she eased your head into her lap while you leaned into her hand. Guess today she was feeling pretty lax too… Figures…
You felt your eyelids drooping as she continued, her ministrations cooing you to sleep before her voice, a quiet whisper, kept your attention from waning. “No plans for today?”, she hummed as you yawned, stretching before getting comfy again, nuzzling your nose against her thigh.
“No…not yet at least…”, your voice came out slowly, humming as the fan faced the pair of you, sending a refreshing blast of cold air into your hair. “Just…thinking…You ok, ma?” There had to be a reason why she entered right?... Or…maybe there wasn’t one. That was ok too.
Ma chuckled in some amusement as she shook her head, taking her hand away as you whined, audibly wishing for more. “I’m doing just fine, kiddo… Nothing to worry about. Just wanted to check up on you before I get started on lunch. Do you want anything specific?” You told her your current crave fix before she left the room again, offering another head pat before you were left to your devices again, decidingly more lucid than before as you sat up to stretch and work out the kinks in your back.
You checked your phone just to let your friends know that you were alive and hadn't up and left them- As if Cove would let you anyway, you thought with a chuckle. A funny thought but you weren’t that evil. 
Tossing your device back to the swath of blankets, your mind wandered to the past few years- gravitating back to Cove. It didn’t surprise you as much why now than when your feelings had begun to simmer but the fear of possibly destroying what you already had always stopped you. A worry that proved to damper down on your interactions, restricting them ever so slightly rather than how freeing they used to be. You had become close confidants to one another since the moment he moved in at the ripe age of eight. Given your rich history, it was reasonable to worry that taking such a big step could tarnish what you had and…quite frankly, you weren’t ready to risk it all just yet.
You sighed, feeling the familiar trill of heat flitting over your cheeks as you rubbed them furiously to wipe them away just as fast. Until you figured out what to do with yourself- and- everything- Then the plan was simple: ACT NORMAL. Whatever your new normal was anyhow. You had a feeling Liz knew just by looking at you when Cove was over, judging from the smirk she would send your way- not to mention the teasing remarks! But…you hoped that until you were ready to tell Cove (if you ever did), that…he wouldn’t know. 
It surprised you a little that he hadn’t knocked on your window yet or made his arrival via the door but apparently, judging from the text he had sent you three hours ago, he was helping his dad with the scuba shop. You appreciated the heads up so you knew where to go in case you needed to reach him. 
Your thoughts followed you as you made your way downstairs to get started on lunch- or brunch as mom liked to call it. A smile crept on your face despite the mild joke, appreciating the play on words as your lazy state decided to pull for some cereal, chewing slowly and thoughtfully as you remained quiet. You were more so or a thinker rather than a talker. You preferred to listen rather than start a conversation. It made things easier. With the friend group, you were the same; going with the flow unless it was something you wholeheartedly refused to do. It had never gone to that point before since the group respected your opinions and were quick to pick up on your preferences…one more so than others…
Right as you were washing the dishes, your thoughts wandered again- this time to that anklet discussion all those years ago. You’d be surprised you still remembered it but the entire road trip itself was a memorable experience and would be…rather hard to forget anyhow. (More so for Mr. Holden getting his lunch snatched away by a stray bird but you digressed.) The discussion itself… you still felt a little bad for pushing it onto Cove to answer your questions, even if he had tried to console you when you made it known to him a week later, saying that he didn’t mind since you were only curious. Even so, you never really thought he actually liked anklets all that much… or beige eyes. You already had quite a few anklets you got from Hot Topic that were pretty neat but you never really found the time to use or wear them. It became a sort of…rare occasion kind of thing. Though- you already had the beige eyes- which made you hopeful that he liked you in some capacity?? 
You shot that down quick with a grumbled shake of your head, consoling Ma when she asked if you were ok. 
Your mind was quick to pick back where you left off, sighing as you focused on scrubbing a particularly difficult splotch of cooking from a pan. Anklets…you might not understand entirely why Cove liked them but you gathered that it had to do with the aesthetic of them that appealed to him so much. Maybe. Even so, you enjoyed making some yourself and had gifted some to Cove already, much to his delight. He tried to wear them as much as possible, but after nearly losing one to the ocean, you didn’t see them as often- unless it was too cold to go in the water. At this point, Cove lived and breathed the salty ocean breeze… One time, you had joked that if Cove wasn’t a human in this life, he was definitely a mermaid in his last which was nicely reciprocated with a very flustered Cove with his familiar wobbly smile.
But unlike him, you lost so many of your precious anklets, that also being why you nearly abstained from wearing them entirely. The weight would grow familiar but then you would forget about it until much later. By then, the anklet was long gone and you had gone to too many places to retrace your steps to find them. You remembered one particular time where you had lost an anklet that Cove had gotten you as a birthday gift and you had worn it everywhere. Until the inevitable happened and you had lost it, inconsolable as even Liz had been roped into helping you find it. Mr. Holden did end up finding it in his shop but that was the final nail in the coffin for the entire anklet business. From then on, you kept most of your anklets under lock and key unless it was a special occasion like going to the Cypress’ dinners or such. 
What you needed was a way to wear one without losing it…you wouldn’t mind as much if it were one of your own- but if it was one that someone gave you… At that point, you figured you should buy a display for them. There wasn’t a point for them gathering dust in the wild…
“Hey baby sis- You done over there?” 
Liz stood behind you with a caring smile, a smile on her face but her eyes held a little concern as you followed their gaze to the now pristine pan in your hands- as well as the time. “You must’ve been really focused, huh?”, she chuckled with a conspiratorial tone as you quietly rinsed the pan and put it aside, segwaying into a classic Liz interrogation as she pick-pocketed your brain… to which she had a solution. 
“Well…”, she started as you wiped your hands on the drying towel. “How about a tattoo that looks like an anklet?” Feeling your questioning stare, Liz held out her hands. “Here me out: Firstly, I’m not saying to go and get a tattoo on a whim. Think over it- Obviously. Removing it costs at least twice or three times as much so give it some thought. But…in a way… You’d still be wearing an anklet and you’d never lose it, right?” The more she talked about it, the more it made sense to you. Obviously, you had to promise her (and your moms ‘cause they were listening) not to get that tattoo right away if you wanted to- and if you did, to at least let them know. No matter what you chose, they made it clear that they’d support your decision either way and loved you very much. As per usual, this brought a smile to your face and it never failed to make your day.
You didn’t end up getting that tattoo until around a week later, having taken Liz with you as moral support. She joked that you took her because Cove declined but that wasn’t the case. Instead, you wanted to try to surprise him! It was a very out-of-the-blue sort of thing for you to try but it was new and you were curious about the entire process. While it wouldn’t be the same as wearing an anklet, at least you’d never lose it! Besides! You still had all the anklet shrine to refer back to if you ever needed it. 
The tattoo shop wasn’t near the neighborhood shops or district, meaning Liz had to drive you into the city. It was…surprisingly pretty cute, judging from the pictures online! Which was…not the aesthetic you expected. It was also a little close to Mr. Holden’s shop if you and Liz wanted to walk over to say hello. Speaking of, Cove was supposedly hanging out with Terri and Miranda so as far as you were aware, there was very little chance for your paths to cross so everything checked out! 
As for the anklet in question… you decided to go for a (intricate/cutesy/simple) design with (floral/beachy) aspects. If you decided on floral aspects, you pulled up pictures of the white poppies behind your house for the tattoo artist as a reference as well as asking for some fireflies to be floating around them. The hill behind your house was where you met him after all…and the memories behind catching fireflies with you, him, Liz and Shiloh were important to you… 
If you decided on beachy aspects, you pulled up a picture of your favorite orange seashell, the same one that Cove was drawn to in your collection on your first playdate, and the dolphin keychain that he got you when you went to the shops together. The tattoo artist had nodded and gave you the rundown of what was going to happen. You pointed down to the ankle you wanted the tattoo on as your sister stayed by your side, taking her role as your moral support incredibly seriously. 
Once you decided on what the design would look like, they got right to work. The first few pin pricks of pain were easy to bear but as time went on, your grip on your sister’s hand tightened as she tried to make you feel better by pointing out how great it’d look after- and Cove’s face when he saw it. Despite her laughter at your blushing face at the thought, that little comment did help you pull through and before you knew it, it was over. 
You finally let go of Liz’s hand who didn’t complain one bit the entire time so…you were grateful to her for putting up with you. The area where the tattoo was sensitive, the tattoo artist told you. They also said that tattoos typically took two to four weeks to heal on the surface, but it could take three to six months to fully heal. It usually involved a week of redness and oozing, followed by two to three weeks of itchiness and peeling. They had already told you this before getting you set up to get a tattoo but they wanted to remind you again, just to be sure you’d take extra care of your skin during that process. You were quick to reassure them, making a mental note to be extra kind to yourself in these upcoming months. 
After the talk was over, they saw you back to the front, finalized the payment and sent you on your merry way as you couldn’t help but awe over their work. The (white poppies/seashells) were beautiful and they had stuck to your original design well, considering what you asked for. Your skin was holding up fairly well and you loved the colors on it so much, Liz had to stop you from accidentally bumping into everything.
“If you like it so much, take a picture of it! It’ll last longer! And you could send it to your lover boy!~”, Liz laughed teasingly although you knew she was trying to keep you safe. “He’s not my lover boy…”, you sighed, shaking your head as you tried to walk away from her to look for a bench, ignoring her laughter as she followed. “Not yet!~”, she warbled, obviously taking amusement in your half-hearted misery. As soon as you sat down, you quickly aimed your phone at the tattoo and sent it straight to Cove. Sure, you meant to keep it from him just a little longer but- crush aside- he was your closest friend and you told everything to each other. It was a habit you fully indulged in- except for the crush part. Obviously.
MC: Hey
MC: Look what I got :D
<MC sent a picture 1 second ago>
Cove: Thats a tattoo
Cove: Wait
MC: Ahuh
MC: Yup
Cove: Since when??
MC: Like 
MC: Five minutes ago
MC: Got it at a tattoo parlor in the shopping district with Liz
MC: And Liz says hi
Cove: Where
MC: Down past art gallery
Cove: Stay there
MC: Wait why
Cove has gone offline
Huh. That was weird. 
Liz had noticed the confused look on your face, accepting your phone once you handed it over to see what her thoughts were on it. Your older sister stifled a bark of laughter before passing it back over with a grin. “Don’t worry about it!~ Tell you what: How about I scour around for a snack before we head back?”, she cooed teasingly, patting your shoulder as you huffed quietly, crossing your arms as she stood up. You offered to go with her but she shook her head, saying she’d be fine and that she didn’t need a chaperone.
You did ask if she could get some (strawberry ice-cream/pretzels), making a mental note to share in case Cove did end up stopping by. Thankfully, Liz didn’t comment on the gleam in your eyes and playfully rolled her eyes before walking down the street. No matter how many years passed by, you made sure to watch your sister as long as you could before she turned a corner. It never failed to make you anxious being utterly alone in a space, given that you were always with someone throughout your entire childhood. There was safety in numbers, you guessed.
You didn’t have to wait long before the buzz in your pocket alerted you to a text, distracting from your plight as you pulled it out. It was Cove.
Cove: Im at the shop
Cove: Where are you?
That was your cue. 
You got up from the bench and stepped back on the main street to look back where the tattoo shop was. And right there was a familiar mop of seafoam green hair looking up and down the street. Couldn’t imagine why. 
“Cove!”, you called out, watching his eyes widen and look for the source as you (waved/shouted again/stepped into sight) to get his attention. Seeing how his face visibly brightened just by seeing you alone never failed to make you smile. He was quick to join your side, offering a hug which you easily accepted, snuggling yourself in his warmth as his arms curled around you softly, resting his cheek on your (head/shoulder). 
Just as fast as he had come, came your realization as you pulled your head back to look at him. “Wait- How did you get here so fast?,” you started as Cove tilted his head slightly with a small smile, catching up to the speed of your words. “I sent that text not even five seconds ago!” 
Your neighbor was quick to blush lightly, rubbing the back of his hair as he seemed to look anywhere but at you. “The hangout with Terri and Miranda was cut short so I asked if they could drop me off at dad’s shop.”, he chuckled, finding his eyes drawn back to you as you listened with a nod. “I would’ve drove myself but I wasn’t driving everyone around this time.” His hand found its way back to your back, keeping you close although you certainly didn’t mind. “That’s when I got your text and decided to walk here to meet up. Where’s Liz though?... You told me she said hi.”
You figured it probably didn’t settle right with him, seeing you all alone and by your lonesome with your sister nowhere to be found. You pat his arm, offering a smile to try and alleviate his worries as his worried frown persisted. “It’s ok! Liz offered to grab some snacks while I waited for you. And I didn’t stray far anyway. The plan was to stick by the bench until (I found you/she came back)!” He seemed to accept the explanation, sighing even then but grateful that nothing bad happened to you. 
“Ok cool. How about we head back to that bench? We can talk and- Oh!” His mouth opened in shock as he realized what he came here for. Cove looked down at you, a determined look on his face as he tried to properly word his thoughts into something coherent. “Were you being serious about the tattoo? That…wasn’t a joke, right?”, he asked hopefully, barely to stay still, judging from how he let go of you to fiddle with the bracelets on his wrist. You knew it’d probably shock or catch him off guard so you decided to play coy, putting a finger to your lips and skipping on back to the bench as you left Cove in some confusion. It took him a minute to react before quickly following you like a lost puppy, a sentiment you kept to yourself, trying not to giggle at the thought of it- although it didn’t go unnoticed by your precious neighbor.
As soon as the pair of you sat down, Cove was quick to ask about the tattoo. It was why you were here anyway and he seemed a bit more interested in the fact that it looked like it was around your ankle. The (skirt/pants) you wore covered it up so he couldn’t even get a sneak peak at it- if it was real at all. Sure, you liked to joke around and tease him from time to time but Cove didn’t think you’d go so far to joke about…a tattoo. It just didn’t rub off of him right. And if you did… Well. He didn’t want to go down that route. It was why he was here anyways! You were close by and had a tattoo he needed to verify! 
Thankfully for him, you weren't the type to deny him much (of anything.) You spoiled your neighbor rotten too much already- what was one more going to do to him? You pulled up your (skirt/pant leg) slightly to show off the tattoo as Cove’s eyes widened, the (fireflies flitting around the white linen poppies/ dolphin keychain diving around the orange seashell and coral reefs) catching his eye as he inhaled sharply. “Can I…?”, he barely whispered, his voice reduced to almost nothing as his fingers were a breath away from tracing the (eccentric/adorable/simplistic) designs. You were (quick/slow/hesitant) to nod as he took the initiative to take extra care not to irritate your sensitive skin, easily in awe and appreciative of the colors splashing across your skin-kissed canvas. He was already going down the memory lane, judging from the tears that bubbled up in his eyes. “Surprise?”, you offered, giving a sheepish smile as your ocean-loving lover boy (Liz would cry tears of laughter if she heard your thoughts) looked up with one of his iconic sappy smiles.
“It must be my birthday…”, he whispered, sniffling as your hand moved to wipe his tears away. Cove leaned into your touch with ease, his wobbly smile evident even when he tried to cover it up. He would always be touched by sentimentality; the reaction to something small meant volumes- it was truly the memories behind those items that held the most meaning to him. Your existence was paramount to his growth and he would always be ever so grateful to you for being his favorite neighbor.
“But…did you get for yourself or me?”, Cove continued, his smile replaced by a worried frown. Judging from the look his eyes, it was pretty discernable to guess where they stemmed from. It was the same concern Liz had indirectly brought up when you were washing the dishes a week ago: Getting a tattoo was a pretty huge decision and it wasn’t something to decide on a whim. While you knew that your family and Cove would support whatever decision you chose, you guessed you had to reassure him that, yes, you chose it for you but you also chose it for him…mostly for you though!! 
“Cove James Holden,” you started, which easily startled him as your grip gently squished his cheeks, drawing out a pout from him. He knew that you knew that you were being serious but having way too much fun messing with him. And also- you never really called him by his full name? Actually…when did you find out his full name??  “I promise you that I got this anklet tattoo just for me and that I was 100% sober while doing so. Nobody made me do it except me, myself and I.”, you vowed in a rather (silly/serious/exasperated) voice, making sure to exaggerate quite a bit just to see him try and fail to fight off a snort of laughter. 
“Alright, alright! I’ll lay off!”, he chuckled as you finally let go of his face, satisfied even as he struggled to hide his blush. “You know you’re adorable right?”, you spoke up (with a smirk, teasing him shamelessly/shyly, bashfully trying to hide your own blush/with a soft smile, being as honest as you always were). It always ended up the same way- Cove started blushing up a storm and tried his hardest to vehemently deny any and all allegations while you would laugh and easily bring up every moment where he was. This would prompt him to flip the tables onto you and you would be on the receiving end of compliments galore, to your (amusement/embarrassment/surprise). In the end, you both had come to the agreement that you both were equally deserving of praise despite not outwardly agreeing to those allegations, much to both of your dismays. 
Unbeknownst to you, the tattoo had affected Cove more than he let on. Yes, it nearly reduced him to tears, seeing how you managed to tie key points in your conjoined childhood into a tattoo that was on your skin for…forever-!  But… there was a part of him that was…relishing in the fact that you not only got in the form of an anklet but that it was just as much as it was for you as it was for him. It meant the world to him that those pieces of your childhood were just as important to you as they were for him. Although Cove didn’t like imagining a world without you in it, he was grateful he had you in his life. You were there when he needed you and… Well, before he knew it, the waterworks bubbled over again, trailing down his face as your fingers held his face again to wipe them away.
“What’s wrong, Cove?...”, you (whispered, gentle and soothing/hummed, direct and straight to the point) as you always were.
“Nothing nothing…”, he whispered, content to simply be with you for as long as he could. “I’m just…really glad you’re in my life.” His aquamarine eyes focused on you, offering a wide smile as you returned with ease, (hugging him through your own tears/ruffling his hair with a grin/holding his hand with a comforting squeeze). One day he’d tell you just how much you meant to him but… not right now. He found comfort in familiarity but he couldn’t hold it off forever.
The more things change, the more they stay the same…
©2024 avalordream Please do not COPY, REPOST (without permission), TRANSLATE, MODIFY or CLAIM as your own work. Doing so otherwise will result in a REPORT and an INSTANT BAN. No exceptions. Give credit where credit is due.
⊹ ‧₊˚ Taglist: @now-and-4ever ˚₊‧ ⊹
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afterimages-again · 8 months
in which tim sees things.
what with the amount of things the Drakes bring home from their digs, it shouldn’t have surprised anyone that the manor itself - and the boy - would eventually become cursed.
(This is going to be pretty long.)
FACES IN THE PLATES When Tim was nine he broke a plate because he’d dropped it when it started talking to him. Janet was spooked by his sudden scream, but when she ran into the kitchen the plate, if not broken in half, looked perfectly normal. Tim swore there was a human face in the plate. The next time the Drakes left in another trip, Tim opened the kitchen cabinet to see every single plate bearing a human face, talking to him.
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2. ROTATING CHANDELIERS Tim looks over his father’s shoulder sometimes and sees the chandelier spinning, lazily, like a ceiling fan. It makes clinking noises sometimes; no one else mentions it. They can’t seem to hear or see it rotate.
3. ANIMALS RUNNING IN THE HALLS (based on this fantastic art by @/dappermouth) When the night is dark enough and Tim is alone he can hear various large animals roam around the house. On one memorable occasion there was a gigantic stag walking past the sitting room he was in. It didn’t notice him, unlike another more unfortunate time he looked out of his bedroom and made eye contact with a leopard, which promptly sprinted towards his open doorway. Thank god he slammed the door shut fast enough.
3. SNAKE-HEAD PORTRAITS The photographs and painting on the walls began looking odd the first time Tim picked up a camera. When he glanced at his grandmother’s portrait the woman in the picture had an ugly snake’s head, jaws wide open and very decidedly not his grandmother. He panicked and called his mother but the call wouldn’t connect. When the Drakes returned home the next day the portrait had returned to normal.
4. CHILDREN IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM they become more common an appearance when Tim turns fifteen, walking into the laundry room to pick up his uniform when out of the washing machine spills a blonde giggling little girl. In retrospect she sort of looks like Steph. After he helps her up and turns to close the door of the machine, he looks back and she’s gone, just like every other giggling child he finds in Drake Manor’s laundry room.
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5. THE VULTURE a bearded vulture appeared on Tim’s desk when he woke up one day. And then it never really left. Sometimes Tim would talk to it when he got bored and the vulture would talk back. At some point the bearded vulture managed to convince Tim to try eating a chicken bone, like it did (if Tim forgot to feed the bird it would disappear for the night and come back hours later cracking bones into swallowable bits) - the splintered bone parts were too sharp, and when he swallowed they scratched the inside of his throat. He never ate bones after that, but he still talked to the vulture.
7. THE SECRETARY BIRD Oddly enough, one night after a secretary bird appeared for the first time in Drake Manor’s hallways, it kept coming back, unlike the other animals that roamed the house when only Tim was home. It followed him around the house but said nothing. Sometimes the vulture would talk to it but it wouldn’t respond. When Janet came into Tim’s room she didn’t seem to notice the silent secretary bird standing beside her son’s bed, but she did notice the feather she’d stepped on; after Tim swore he didn’t know where the feather had come from she just… left. Suspicious, but unable to prove anything. No one ever mentioned the vulture or the secretary bird yet but they definitely noticed the feathers.
8. DEATH this hulking, robed creature that only appeared in his reflections. Oftentimes seconds after seeing the creature he’d hear a scream, more often than not see someone die, whether from falling from a building, getting shot, overdosing, or getting run over, etc.
Sometimes Death speaks to him directly. Sometimes it looks at someone’s (Stephanie’s. Bruce’s) corpse and says, they are not dead. Tim takes it with a grain of salt.
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9. RADIO TALKS TO YOU AND ONLY YOU the radio that Tim bought in order to listen to GCPD broadcasts began talking directly to him most of the time, after a while. Memorable lines included “Hi, Tim, has anyone come to check on you yet?” And “Hi, Tim, the flip Robin did last week was oddly familiar. You should listen to whatever your brain is telling you.” While he couldn’t interact with the radio like he could with the vulture, sometimes he turned it on just to listen to something talk to him - he doesn’t know who the radio voice talking to him is. It’s never changed throughout the years.
9. STONE STATUES When he visited Jason’s grave a week after the boy’s death, the mourning stone angel in front of the grave turned its head towards him and started crying blood.
10. THE BREATHING HALLWAY If he wastes enough energy to listen closely, he can hear a kind of overwhelming, rattling breathing going on in the air of particular hallways in both Drake and Wayne Manor. If he squints he can see the way the walls pull taut against each other and loosen as well, like it’s actively inhaling and exhaling.
11. BLOOD IN YOUR CUP He’s working on a case with a cup of whatever abomination he’s taken to drinking lately when he looks down, absently, and sees the dark, thick liquid sloshing around in his cup.
12. MARBLES ON THE FLOOR sometimes in the early morning (we’re talking 4am) he’d get up and find the floor of his bedroom and the adjoining hallway littered with marbles. They always clattered too loudly when he used his foot to nudge them out of the way. One time Damian saw him kicking the marbles away and asked, scornfully, why he was kicking air. Tim just stared at him and shrugged.
13. DOLLS THAT MOVE Near a crime scene that stumps nearly all the detectives on site, Tim, if he’s lucky, can see a group of porcelain dolls reenacting the crime scene in a corner - no one else seems to be able to. Sometimes it’s a doll with a painted smiling face convulsing on the ground as another doll mimes sawing it into half. Other times there’s some convoluted role playing going on and Tim has to switch between watching the dolls carefully and responding to the people around him, because Dick has expressed concern for his “spacing out” more than once. The dolls are, if he can decipher their acting accurately, always correct, and on occasion are crucial in solving the crime - even if Tim’s deduction is then waved off as baseless or a lucky guess.
(He’s sort of like god’s little lab rat.)
basically Tim’s still Robin (and eventually Red Robin) but with all these… not-hallucinations going on, and while he interacts with them he freaks out everyone else around him. Plus it gives him mad advantages and disadvantages in investigations. Please feel absolutely free to ask me about this au. The dreams I’ve been having are becoming too vivid, so now I’m throwing Tim into them. <3
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morinuu · 9 months
A she falls but he falls harder
Reader finally gets over it and stops coming, moving on and focusing on herself, and he notices and starts realizing how he took her for granted
And then its him that's loosing his mind and shit like that. Dude. Dude. I'm loosing my MIND you write so well
first of all ty for the compliment >< so glad u liked it im blushing and giggling!! secondly im not sure abt the reader completely abandoning tamaki's side (i love being delulu), but i do have smth else in mind that's kinda similiar n i hope its satisfactory :3 i changed only a minor part from the og :P i wanna make this a small series..... maybe like 3-4 parts.. anw this is pt 1
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☀︎|tamaki x female reader. almost 4k words. continuation of this. ure sick, yamada hinata & aoko r just some ppl i made up for the plot, tamaki's pretty stupid n emotionally unintelligent, lots of feelings and background information, y'all r childhood friends, there's like one 4th wall break but i thought it was kinda funny so i kept it
you weren't a fan of february.
allergy season was your absolute worst, the wheezing and coughing sucking the life out of you as you struggled to change out of your clothes to get the day started. you didn't sleep much, interrupted constantly by your sore throat aching and squeezing.
sure, it's just hay fever to everyone else, but for a young woman who carried around an inhaler, it's hell. well, almost hell.
what was truly hellish wasn't the fatigue or the sneezing, but your mum dragging you back in the house and forbidding you from going to school until you're well enough to study again. how were you supposed to keep up with chemistry class if you skip?
not that your parents cared for your grades; they knew you could just enter whatever field you wanted with the connections your family held, but it felt nice to be awarded for working hard.
after your personal maid let out a small "pardon me, miss" and carried you back to bed, you realised that the feeling your soft quilt hugging your cold limbs would never be beaten by the jacket you desperately clung on to warm yourself in p.e - which just so happened to be your first period that day and you were dreading it.
"i'll be making you some tea, miss. would you like to breakfast now?" your maid's quiet voice addressed you, hoping you'd just sleep the illness off as you usually did so she could rest too.
to be fair, you weren't a very easy master to please, so could you blame her?
"i'll breakfast la-" a cough and some wheezing "-i'll breakfast later, bring some english breakfast with a slice of lemon." you said nothing else, instead focusing on calming your throat that seemed to intensify in soreness. "a pastille too."
"understood my lady, i'll be right back." she bowed and excused herself from your room, ignoring your groans of annoyance as you buried your face into the pillow.
"damn it." you muttered and extended your hand to grab your phone from your bedside table. unlocking it with the passcode (because you weren't in the mood to lift your head and let your phone scan your face) you squinted as the light mode of a social media app hit your eyes harshly, forcing you to use muscle memory to lower the brightness to its minimum.
you scrolled through, liking your friends' private posts and decided to message one of them.
yn.spam: gm dude, i cant come to school today cus im sick. can u do me a favour n tell aoko to give me her notes? she never looks at her messages.
with your phone back on the table to wait for a response, you lied back comfortably and closed your eyes, because as much as you wanted to watch something on netflix or play a video game, you didn't want to make things worse for yourself.
you grew impatient for the cup of tea your maid was brewing, rotating between wheezing, checking your phone and staring at the ceiling. it seemed like the seconds weren't passing by at all.
soon enough, your maid comes back with some fancy tray carrying a kettle, your favourite mug (the one your daddy drank from when you were a little girl before your parents divorced), a tiny plate with some lemon slices and a small box of pastilles as throat medicine.
you didn't thank the woman when she helped you sit up, nor when she stayed by your side to make sure you didn't choke between coughs and burnt yourself with the hot liquid. just as you took your first sip, your phone lit up to show your friend's response.
thatguyhinata: Ayooo gppd morning. Sry to hear tht. Sure if I see her I'll telm her.
the irises in your eyes rolled upwards at the boy's typos that irked you every time, completely ignoring how he didn't wish for your recovery.
yn.spam: thanks yamada
you never used any of your circle's first names, which your mum always found weird.
'you sure these are your friends, darling?' she would ask often, and your response would always be the same:
'yeah mum. leave me be.'
only tamaki had ever felt close enough to be called by his first name.
after swallowing your medicine, you dismissed the older woman standing over you and pulled your quilt over your quivering form again.
"gods, please let this be over soon."
...turns out, you gotta be much more specific with what you ask of gods, because they might not have the same understanding of the word 'soon'.
here you are, three days later, with your allergy having been combined with a virus that'd been going around, intensifying your asthma symptoms and raising a high fever, making your mother and doctor ban you from walking into ouran.
halfway throughout the day, you realise what had been completely slipping your mind while your lungs were occupied inhaling abnormally.
"i have an appointment today!" you exclaimed with wide eyes, raising from the bed like lazarus from his grave.
"...?" the new maid next to you didn't say anything, she was clearly concerned. after some seconds of you overthinking something, she spoke up. "you have no other doctor's appointment today, my lady. he just left 10 minutes ago."
you shook your head quickly, ignoring the dizziness brought by your fever "bring me my phone," the girl was puzzled "now!"
bowing a quick apology, she rushed to your desk and handed you your phone with both hands, not daring to look up. you disliked new maids; they were inexperienced and annoying, but scolding her would have to wait.
"damn it, damn it, damn it!" you murmured under your breath and tapped furiously on your phone, trying to find where the hell you'd written kyouya's business e-mail address.
you had it saved as every other client of the host club had, but you had never actually used it, not once.
you never missed an appointment, and always booked the next one tete-a-tete with the black-haired manager. if you became a no-show without prior notice, wouldn't that look bad? would it annoy kyouya and he wouldn't accept you in the club again?
well no, but you had the habit of overthinki-
'would it annoy tamaki?'
you groaned and murmured to yourself - had you deleted it? maybe it was in your notes app and you erased it? was it on your old phone from a month ago?
"find an e-mail for me." you ordered the maid who looked up at you perplexed, but carried out the order nonetheless.
the girl was embarrassed when she found out her master was asking for a host's email, wanting the earth to swallow her when she dialed the ouran academy's number. 'the stuff i do for money..' she thought and prayed her family never found out.
it wasn't a long process to retrieve the address, but what was, was the rant hitting the maid's ears when your overthinking about what to write left your mouth at incredible speeds.
"should i say i'm sick? but he already knows that- he's in my class! maybe tell him to give my time to another girl? no wait, he would do that anyway... or after i apologise, i'll say that, like, something came up- but that's not believable enough... ugh!" you buried your face in your pillow and, unbeknownst to you, your new maid's eye was twitching in annoyance.
she understood now why your personal maid took the week off just when you got sick - not that she understood how and why your mum allowed it though.
(it's because you can be insufferable and she gets it.)
"my lady, may i help?" the girl let out, clearing her throat when you lifted your head from the pillow. "i can write the e-mail myself, please focus on resting."
after some convincing, you gave in.
and so 10 minutes later, back at ouran, kyouya's phone let out a ting! with your full name on the notification. he'd already guessed you wouldn't show up to your appointment considering you hadn't come to school in three days, and already had someone to fill your place but left it for the last moment in case you did show up.
why? well you were ln yn, and it was painfully obvious you were smitten with his best friend, though he could say it was a bit different from the rest of the clientele.
probably due to the fact that you'd known tamaki for much longer than kyouya had. and yet tamaki didn't seem to have the same fascination with you.
he remembers when he first met you, when he'd heard that you were spoiled rotten and weren't even planning to enroll in ouran until tamaki did. you simply transferred to be with the boy.
literally everyone knew of ln yn's almost freakish obsession with suoh tamaki, except for the victim himself.
so imagine his surprise at the strictly professional e-mail he'd received from you, where not a single mention of your host was included. weird.
after glancing at the french boy in the seat next to him eating his bowl of some-sort-of-commoner-convenience-store lunch, kyouya quickly typed a response and informed the next girl in line that a spot was open 'for tamaki's hosting services at 15:35'.
"one of your appointments cancelled due to a personal issue. we'll have someone else fill it." kyouya told tamaki, just as stated in the e-mail, even though it was pretty clear you were sick, and he couldn't figure out why you'd lie.
"hm? oh, okay!" the brunet smiled and went back to devouring his meal, not thinking much of kyouya's words.
kyouya pondered if he should tell him the client was his loyal friend yn, who would never skip out on seeing tamaki, but he stopped himself, curious as to how it would all play out.
eh, if the twins could have fun, so could he.
"oh! haruhii! daddy's here!"
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the hours passed so slow you were almost convinced time was frozen when you weren't glancing at the clock on your laptop.
the drama you'd been watching started to lose its interest after presenting the third plot twist in a row, annoying you with all the plot holes it left gaping.
sipping on your green tea (you'd been drinking tamaki's recommendation, pomegranate, only to throw all of it in the trash when you heard he gave the same advice to haruhi), you paused the show and sighed in absolute, tyrannical boredom.
by now you'd normally have finished your classes and walked to music room #3, your favourite among them all.
you'd be welcomed by a host and walked to a sofa to wait for your appointment, ignoring any other girl in the waiting area trying to pick a conversation with the middle child of the ln family.
and soon enough you'd be approached by your one and only taking your hand in his and kissing it to greet you, with his blue eyes staring up at you innocently like a man in love; a look he gave to any woman nowadays, it was second nature to him.
you got lost in them so often, he sometimes dared to ask you if you didn't enjoy his company and that's why you spaced out so much.
you? disliking tamaki? how could he think that after all these years you spent playing together, with you transferring to his school for his sake, swallowing your pride and becoming the client of a host for him?
truly an absurd notion.
currently, however, you weren't in the host club. you were just a girl with a bunch of germs crawling everywhere around her room, unable to go out and see the man of her dreams kiss her cheek and tell her to 'get well soon'.
speaking of, your mum grew increasingly concerned when she noticed the lack of communication between you and tamaki. you were always attached to his hip like some sort of koala, and the fact that you hadn't reached out to him to inform him of your illness personally so he could visit you made her worry.
but it was only natural that you'd suspect you were being an annoyance to tamaki once you began to notice his eyes shift from you to the newest host a couple of months prior. he'd been a petit brunet boy. a first year who was friendly and of lowly origin. you didn't think much of it.
at least not until the day hikaru asked if you could fetch something he forgot in the back room, completely ignorant to the fact that haruhi had come to the club early that day to ask for another uniform because she'd been accidentally thrown water at by two classmates of hers being stupid.
so when you opened the curtain and saw a small-sized girl with only her panties on desperately trying to hide herself from you, it didn't take more than a couple of seconds to put two and two together.
tamaki wasn't fascinated by the commoner errand 'boy' turnt host.
he wanted her.
you closed the curtain, giving the girl her privacy back and muttering an curt apology, "sorry." before deciding that hikaru would have to get his things himself.
neither haruhi nor you spoke about it again, and she never snitched to the host club about your discovery of her sex.
you liked to pretend it never happened, and that it never changed anything. but just like with tamaki, pretending doesn't go anywhere. the hints were there. his furiously blushed face when he stared at her, his protection of her when the twins teased her, his demands for kyouya to do things for haruhi because she'd like it, not even because she'd asked - well, the stage of denial didn't last long.
shortly after came anger. pure, unexplainable rage and envy. the fourth of the deadly sins was soon rushing through your veins like a drug you couldn't get clean from. 'why her?' you would ask in your rampages.
you couldn't figure it out, and you couldn't ask anyone either, because as infuriated as you were, hurting haruhi by revealing her identity wasn't on your to-do list.
not because you were a good person, god no.
rather, if tamaki knew you hurt his precious daughter - you barfed - like that, who knows if you'd see him again?
and so came the bargaining stage, with your rage never leaving your blood stream, of course. being petty was always one of your main personality traits, one that tamaki would often point out.
what did fujioka haruhi have that ln yn didn't?
'nothing.' you muttered to yourself.
could you be absolutely sure?
you didn't see her much outside of the club, and there were a couple of times you'd heard the hosts hung out together.
maybe they had a moment? or two, three?
perhaps it was high time you stopped bothering him. perhaps then he'd realise you were the one.
that's why your texts to him had much lessened, coming to a complete stop after roughly two months of your self-doubt and insecurities getting the best of you. so did your occasional visits to his house for studying. you'd even stopped wearing the perfume he got you as a birthday present last year, even though you couldn't find another scent that fit your tastes the same way.
despite your attempts at catching his attention, the bubbling fury in your chest rose once again when you realised that maybe tamaki didn't care about you at all.
he texted you as much as you texted him, he hung out with you only when you asked, and when he came closer to you and noticed the change in your scent, he went: "different perfume, princess?"
and while normally you'd be ecstatic at him noticing, your happiness was immediately destroyed when "the other one was a little old fashioned, good thing you moved to something more fresh."
why couldn't he say what he would have said had he been in an otome game, something among the lines of: 'did you wish to match mine?' or something cheesy like that? ...was your scent not to his tastes?
'did he forget his skills from hosting or what?' you whined.
consequently, now that you were sitting around doing nothing to reach out to tamaki or any of your 'friends', your mum couldn't help but take her phone in her hands to call her friend hitachiin yuzuha.
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back in the pink room that is the host club, today's rendezvouses seemed to be going by awfully quickly for tamaki.
in the couple of minutes of break he had between the end of this rendezvous and next the one to come, he quickly found his phone from his back pocket and went over his schedule sent by kyouya.
your name had been crossed out and replaced with another one he recognised, another regular guest of his. he raised his eyebrow at that.
he lifted his head and looked for the shadow king.
"hey, kyouya?"
"hm?" kyouya didn't bother to look up from his laptop, furiously typing god-knows-what.
"why's yn's time gone?" he asked innocently in a curious voice that had you heard, you'd be swooning over.
"i told you, she cancelled due to personal business," his answer was straight-forward "although it's probably because she's ill."
ah, that makes sense, you were the one that cancelled.
wait, huh?
"what do you mean she's ill?" his eyebrows furrow a bit and he cocks his head to the side like a cute dog who doesn't understand anything its owner says.
"what do you mean, 'what do i mean'? she's been absent since monday because she's not feeling well, and she won't come today either. pretty simple." kyouya finally looked up at tamaki with a strange expression on his face. "has she not told you?"
tamaki shook his head a bit, "uhm.. no, not really." and tapped his phone again to check his messages on multiple social media apps to make sure he wasn't missing anything. his emails were empty too, only some spam from a newsletter page that he never bothered to cancel his subscription from.
"how do you know?" he questioned kyouya, but before he could answer, "no wait, don't answer that, you creep. of course you know." he sighed.
after some seconds of quiet thinking, "why didn't you tell me?" tamaki continued his questioning.
"everyone already knows, my lord." an awfully familiar voice butt in making the french boy turn his head around, resting his hand on his waist.
the voice belonged to kaoru, who had his arm wrapped around his twin's shoulders. seems like they also just finished with an appointment.
"what does that mean? who's 'everyone' and why am i not included?" tamaki crossed his arms, feeling kind of left out.
"that guy hayato or whatever who hangs out with yn and her friends was telling someone and we overheard." hikaru shrugged in unison with his doppelganger.
honey's soft voice entered the chat. "you mean hinata-kun? yn-chan's friend? yeah, he told me when i asked where yn-chan is because i thought she forgot to bring the candy she promised." he quickly grabbed a piece of cake from the fridge near where kyouya had been sitting and left the room swiftly.
huh, how convenient for him to enter for the plot.
"and why's it that you two evil bastards didn't bother to tell me?" tamaki exclaimed in disbelief, pointing a finger at the both of them. how could they? his precious childhood friend was sick at home and he didn't know?!
"sorry milord-" kaoru announced with his shoulders still raised, "-but you're always talking to yn-" hikaru joined, "-how were we supposed to know you're not asking her about her well-being?" they delivered the finishing blow together.
what were these lame jerks insinuating? 'not asking about her well-being'? what did they know? just as he went to respond with his usual barking, he stopped himself to instead text you on his own for the first time in a while. not that he noticed.
the twins looked at their king with a confused and weirded-out expression on both their faces, before glancing at each other and shrugging again, already disinterested. kyouya had long gone back to his work and so the twins walked to an empty sofa in an almost isolated area of the club, lying on top of one another to give a nice view to whichever client was into it.
about six minutes of pure silence passed between the two before kaoru's phone buzzed; a text from his mum.
the twins read the text simultaneously, with hikaru raising an eyebrow at its contents. they looked back at the slender boy texting you on his phone at the other end of the club, confused about his behaviour.
"seriously...?" hikaru quietly asked kaoru, referring to the text, only to be met with the other's puzzled expression.
as for the half-and-half boy, his fingers were anxiously tapping kyouya's table and awaiting your response to his message.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: Hey darling! Is everything alright? I heard you didn't come to school because you're sick. I thought you just didn't feel like coming. Why didn't you tell me?
he didn't know you let out a deep sigh at his text, even if it was three days late. it gave you hope - false hope. that he'd started to pay attention to you again. maybe being distant worked-
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: want me to come over?
the question felt natural to him, you always visited his home but seldom did he ever visit yours. since you were sick, it made sense that you wouldn't come over this time.
yn>.&lt; : arent u busy rn tho lol
your name on his phone had obviously been put there by you, his choice of emoji had been party hat for some reason.
"be serious, what does that even mean, tamaki?" you'd asked him one day during a break from your studying in his room.
"you don't like it..?" he pouted like usual and you rolled your eyes.
"here. that's better." you handed him his phone back with a new 'yn >.<' as your contact name.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: I can just come after club activities.
wait, he was actually coming? after two months of your only contact being through your rendezvous? it worked?! it actually worked?!
you thought of how to answer him.
at your lack of fast response, tamaki thought of ways to help you feel better through your illness.
'aha! eureka!' tamaki's head echoed.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: I'll bring some commoner snacks we can enjoy too! Commoners have incredible food to help alleviate illness!
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: What are you even sick with, anyway?
of course.
commoner food, of course.
haruhi's food.
yn>.&lt; : lol no its fine i dont want u to get sick. ill just c u at sxhool yn>.&lt; : school* yn>.< : doc said its just a cold but yk w my asthma n shit
tamaki was thoroughly disappointed with your response, what did you mean 'you didn't want him to get sick'? you'd never cared if you caught his cold.
his heart raced with worry, and he decided he would stop by anyway. knowing his next appointment was approaching, he speed walked over to the newest host.
"haaaaruuhiiiiii!" he waved his hand to her and her two clients, smiling widely with all of them smiling back at him.
"yeah? what is it, senpai?" haruhi looked up at him from her armchair.
"sorry to intrude-" he runs his hair through his locks - an action that you told him the ladies would swoon over, "-but i was wondering, do you have any recommendations for commoner food that sick people can eat?"
"...are you serious?"
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fireflyinks · 2 months
hi🥰 can u write something about hamzah taking readers weed virginity and she greens out/passes out and hamzah takes care of her?
dream blunt rotation
stoner!hamzah x reader
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a/n : WAIT THIS IS SO CUTE OMG OKAY, excuse this if it’s like not accurate to what weed is like, IM TRYING MY BEST. also this is NOT PROOF READ because i am LAZY so please don’t flame me
contains : use of weed, very brief vomitting (WARNING FOR EMETOPHOBIA), fluff, cuteness, lowkey casual dominance, munchies 😛😛😛
I watched as Hamzah brought his blunt back and fourth from his lips and back. Laying in his arms, I tried not to scrunch my nose at the smell. I had never tried weed, and though Hamzah and I had been dating for a while now, I was not anything close to a fan of the smell. I could tell Hamzah was accustomed to it.
He must’ve noticed that I was staring at him, since he raised his eyebrows curiously at me, and I quickly focused my gaze at the ceiling fan.
“What are (water) you looking at, baby?” He questioned with a grin on his face.
I shook my head, he knew what I was looking at. I was sure Hamzah could tell I was curious about trying weed, but I was far too scared to ask or toy with it without any help.
“Do you wanna try?” He added, moving the blunt towards me.
I paused for a moment, trying to decide if I was really about to do this. I hadn’t done anything like this before. Hell, I’d barely ever gotten drunk. My whole I’d been told that drugs and alcohol was bad, and yet my boyfriend was dangling a blunt in front of my face.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I can tell your curious though.”
Hamzah was somewhat different when he was high. It made him calmer, less on edge, and not so socially awkward. It was nice seeing him in such a relaxed state, and I couldn’t help but wonder how it would make me act.
I finally grabbed the blunt from him gently. Staring at it for a few moments, I fumbled with it between my fingers. I could say all day that I was going to get high, the problem was acting doing it.
“Can you help me?” I asked shyly, my cheeks heating. Hamzah nodded, taking the blunt back and carefully moving them towards my lips.
“It might hurt at first, that’s just because you’re not used to it. Just suck it in, hold it for a couple seconds, and then breathe it out.”
I nodded, and I watched as he moved it closer to me. It was such an intimate feeling, laying on him as he placed something so tainted, something I’d been warned about my entire life, between my lips.
I did as he had instructed me, sucking it in, holding it, and breathing out, but I managed to sneak a coughing fit in towards the end. Hamzah rubbed my back as a sat up, and after a few moments, I leaned back again.
“How do you feel?” He asked, taking a hit of the blunt.
I thought for a moment. It was a lot different than I had expected, but I was willing to try the foreign feeling again.
“I wanna try again.” I stated, and he moved the joint towards me once again.
This time I just barely coughed, and I smiled triumphantly afterwards.
“There you go.” Hamzah encouraged, waiting a few moments until I nodded and he put the blunt between my lips once more.
I didn’t cough at all this time. Looking up at Hamzah, I watched as he smiled down at me.
“See, it’s not too bad, right?”
I nodded, “It doesn’t hurt as bad now.”
“If you start feeling sick, tell me, okay?”
I hummed in agreement. Hamzah took another hit, and then let me take another as well. The feeling was foreign, almost like I was floating, almost like I weighed nothing, but it was a good feeling. I giggled at every stupid joke Hamzah would make, which wasn’t too different than how I was sober.
I was glad that out of all people I could’ve experienced this with, it was Hamzah. He’d run his fingers through my hair as I rambled on about anything and everything that came to mind. Hamzah was extra silly too, joking that this was his “dream blunt rotation”.
These good feelings only lasted a couple minutes, until my sixth hit, in which I began to feel extremely nauseous.
I tried to sit up, but the floaty feeling was still there. “Hamzah?” I said, trying not to panic.
“Hm?” He said. I could tell he was out of it.
“I feel really sick,”
Hamzah immediately stood up, guiding me to the bathroom. I was glad he held my arm as we walked, because the floaty feeling didn’t go away as I moved, matter of fact, it got worse.
Once we’d reached the small bathroom, I kneeled in front of the toilet, and immediately started vomitting. Hamzah held my hair back,
My cheeked flushed as I realized he was seeing me in such a vulnerable state. Hamzah and I had been dating for a while now, but I’d never been sick in front of him. He didn’t seem to mind though, and if he did I couldn’t have noticed since I was a bit preoccupied.
Once I was done, he helped me up slowly and lead me back to the bed.
“D’you feel better?” He asked, placing me on his lap and stroking my hair.
“Yeah, I’m sorry-“
Hamzah shook his head, kissing my lips gently. “You have nothing to be sorry for, I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn’t have let you do that much on your first time.”
I shrugged, “It’s okay, I promise.”
Hamzah was always very comforting towards me, but this was a new side of him I hadn’t seen yet. Almost protective, and I couldn’t say I didn’t like it.
“Are you hungry?”
I thought for a moment. Now that I was thinking about it, I was extremely hungry. I had always heard of the cravings that came with smoking weed, but I hadn’t expected it to be this intense.
Nodding, I watched as Hamzah picked up his phone.
“I’ll order something, what do you want?”
Hamzah laughed, continuing to play with my hair with one hand while typing on his phone with another.
“What about pizza?”
I nodded vigorously, “Pizza sounds so good.”
Hamzah smiled at me, stroking my cheek.
The room fell silent for a moment, as he typed away ordering the pizza and spent a moment admiring him.
Hamzah set his phone down, “It’s ordered.”
I smiled, “Thank you, Hamzah.”
He shrugged, “It’s just pizza, baby-“
“No, I mean for taking care of me, and letting me try this.”
“Oh,” he looked down, avoiding my eyes. Hamzah enjoyed praise, but always became flustered when it was given to him, “it’s no problem, the least I could do.”
I smiled, kissing him softly. His thumb continued to stroke my cheek, while his other explored my thigh. He touched me with so much fragility, as if I was made of glass and could shatter at any amount of pressure.
My eyes began to grow heavy after I pulled away. I knew I probably shouldn’t fall asleep now, since it was only 6:27 pm and if I wanted any chance of falling asleep tonight, I needed to stay up.
“Are you sleepy?” Hamzah asked, looking at me with so much affection, my heart felt as if it might burst.
“Yeah,” I fought a yawn.
Hamzah guided me to lay on his chest, “I’ll wake you up when the food gets here.”
I slowly nodded, closing my eyes. Hamzah’s careful fingers ran through my hair, soothing me to sleep.
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Bird & Fox 🔞
This is my first time writing erotic content🔞. I'm still learning, I hope you all will like it😘.
If you have any ideas, you are welcome to tell me at any time😆. Don’t be shy ya🥺
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Chapter 15
Passion Or Juicy?
Jason Pov
In the morning, my naked body lay on the comfortable and soft bed, enjoying the bright sunshine shining through the window onto my skin. The room was surrounded by a light and fresh floral scent, which was neither strong nor vulgar, made me feel so comfortable. I put my hands on the pillow leaned my head back, staring at the rotating fan hanging on the ceiling in a daze.
I turned around buried my face in the pillow with a floral scent, which made me feel very warm and ease. But it was strange, I never smelled such a nice floral scent at home. I got up from the bed in confusion and saw a few clothes scattered on the floor. I bent down to pick them up took a closer look. It was a black high-necked dress for women.
Did I have one-night stand last night? Why don't I remember it? Who is that woman? I walked out the room with the skirt in my hand, curious who was in my house. I heard the sound of hair dryer coming from the bathroom. I stood outside the door leaned over to listen, but the sound of the hair dryer in the bathroom had stopped. I was just thinking about opening the door and going in to see who it was when a clear and gentle singing voice came from inside.
“You're just too good to be true ~ Can't take my eyes off of you ~”
“You'd be like Heaven to touch ~I wanna hold you so much ~”
Wow��� this girl can really sing, the melody is beautiful and melodious. Without thinking much, I turned the doorknob and pushed it inside. The girl was facing the mirror with her back to me. I felt the girl looked familiar at first sight. From the back, she looked like Y/N. She had beautiful long brown hair and wore a white masculine shirt. She tied her hair up and turned to me smiled. It was my fucking beloved Y/N! "
I was so surprised that forgot how to blink. A bunch of questions that I couldn't solve emerged in my mind. Pause for a moment, let me calm down and sort out the doubts in my head. Why did she appear in my house? Why did she wear my shirt? Why does my bed smell like flowers? Why does she sing so softly and beautifully? What the hell is going on now?
She was walking towards me now, it was fucking serious bad. She wearing a white shirt that was completely unbuttoned, revealing her plump breasts and black lace underwear. The sexy black underwear was seen through the white shirt. Not only that, she also showed her sexy collarbone and her long slender legs.
I remembered something... I looked at my lower body, and I was fucking naked! I was standing in front of her fully naked! And I fucking stared at her for so long! Subconsciously, I used the skirt in my hand to cover my lower body, looking very embarrassed and a loss. She covered her mouth with hand to avoid my sight and laughed there, what the hell happened today!
After she finished laughing, she breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards me. I couldn't resist the temptation take a peek at her half-naked body, but immediately looked away. What happened? Is she always like this? Why don't I remember it? Are we so familiar with each other that we are half-naked? Am I sick or is she still sick?
When my mind was still in a mess, she put her arms around my neck. I didn't understand why for a moment, she pulled me into her plump breasts, and my face was buried between her breasts. At that moment, I really thought something big was going to happen. I felt the heat on her body and heard her cute laughter. She hugged me excitedly while laughing, "Good morning, sexy, did you sleep well?"
I panicked and grabbed her arm moved back. "Huh?! What the hell is going on now! Why are you walking in my house dressed like this?!"
I saw her smile turn into a confused expression, and I realized I said the wrong thing. She folded her hands under her chest. "Eh? I usually dress like this... I was going to ask you what's wrong, you looked at me like a ghost."
I was confused... I pointed at her lower body and slowly moved to her face. "You usually dress like this? Are you sure?"
She pushed my hand away, put her hands on her waist, said in a somewhat impatient tone, "I wear it for my boyfriend, is it weird?"
I didn't hear it wrong, she said she wore it for her boyfriend... She has a boyfriend... I held her shoulders and became nervous. "Wait a minute! Who the hell is your boyfriend!?"
She slowly raised her hand and pointed her index finger at me. "My boyfriend is you, Jason Todd."
I am her boyfriend... but I never confessed to her face to face... how did we jump to this kind of relationship "Are you sure? You are not lying to me? This is fake, right?"
She pulled me to the living room pushed me to sit on the sofa. She boldly sat on my thighs. I could feel her lower body rubbing against my dick! She held my face with both hands "Why would I lie to you? Or are you tired of me? Want to get rid of me? Want to break up with me?"
I grabbed her arm and explained hurriedly "It's not like that! I..."
Suddenly she kissed my lips gently, as if it was a dragonfly touching the water. Her sweet lips left my lips, and a faint smile appeared on her face "Can you tell me what's wrong? Don't scare me."
She was upset, she was scared. My helplessness hurt her and this unreal love. I calmed down and continued, "I'm sorry... I scared you. I feel so unreal that you and I actually dating."
She was confused by my strange words, "Why is it unreal?"
I told her my true feelings with sadness, "You are gentle, cute and kind, completely different from me. But we are really together."
There was a hint of sadness on her face, she hid in my shoulder and whispered, "I've told you many times. I like Jason Todd. I don't care if we are the same or different, I only love you."
Fuck...what am I doing...it's just a fake love, or an illusion of happiness, so what? I like her it's true, I love her it's true. This is the love I want, the story of us walking hand in hand because we love each other. I raised my hand and hugged her tightly to comfort her, "I'm sorry, princess. I had a nightmare and said some strange things to scare you. It's okay now."
She left my shoulder, her tearful eyes staring at me. I used my fingers gently wipe away her anxiety and tears, and she finally restored my favorite smile, "Stupid Jason, you really scared me."
I laughed softly and exhaled, "I was not only scared, but also surprised."
She tilted her head with confusion on her face, "Surprise?"
I rubbed her thighs with my rough hands. Since it was unreal, why didn't I enjoy this moment? I said in a sexy and flirting tone, "I woke up and saw my little princess sitting on my thighs in such a sexy and coquettish way. I was excited just thinking about it."
She moved my hands away. I wanted to ask her if she didn't like me touching her suddenly. Unexpectedly, she put my hands on her plump breasts. I really didn't expect it! Her small waist twisted gently, and her butt rubbed again and again, then she looked at me shyly, "Do you like it?"
Fuck. My fucking God. This situation made me so horny. It's hard to extinguish the fire. I never thought I would see such a seductive side of her. I didn't even imagine it. This is simply the happiest moment in my life, a love I have never experienced. I never knew I would have such passion and enthusiasm today.
I looked at Y/N sitting on my lap. The white shirt vaguely revealed the extremely seductive temperament of the dark black underwear. Through the white shirt and underwear, my hand touched her breasts, and super soft. I hugged her waist and let her stick to me. I licked and bit my lips with a smirk and told her, "I fucking love you so much. I want to strip you naked and eat you in one bite."
Her hands slowly moved up from my chest to my neck, and she moved closer to my face. I could feel her breathing, we were only a short distance away. If I were closer, I could give her thirsty lips a hot kiss. She kissed my cheek as sweet as a piece of candy and whispered in my ear, "Hey sexy, last night wasn't enough?"
Last night? We had sex? Was our progress fast or slow? How did she feel when having sex with me? Did she feel satisfied? I put my doubts aside. I couldn't suppress the joy in my heart when I heard what she just said. I got up and threw her on the sofa. My mood was complicated but happy. Complex in this unreal moment, happy in falling in love with her.
Now she is in front of me, her beautiful hair scattered and messy, her white shirt disheveled, her breasts wrapped in sexy black underwear, her slender waist, her sexy and round buttocks covered only by a lace. She exudes a strong charm and sexiness from head to toe. Fucking hell, how did fate let me meet this beautiful fucking woman in the world?
I stretched out my claws to her body, and slowly moved a finger from her collarbone to her chest. Her body trembled because of my touch, such a lovely response made me want to do something bad. I stole a glance at her face, curious what expression she would have, and I saw her covering her face with her hands, but I could vaguely see that she was blushing.
This reaction is fucking erotic and cute. I swallowed saliva and took a deep breath. Maybe I can find her sensitive spot now, then what will her reaction be. I gently drew circles on her plump breasts with my fingers. I couldn't see her naked body because of the layer of underwear. The less I could see, the more excited I became. I tried to touch her nipples covered by the underwear with my fingers.
"Kya!" Suddenly I heard a cute voice, I saw her covering her mouth with her hands. That cute voice was hers? Damn, it was her voice? Did I hear it right? I drew circles around her nipples through the layer of underwear and then rubbed her nipples, and her body gradually became excited. Jason Todd... No the fucking way... It's so happy to enter the stage of making love with the girl I love the most.
Maybe I really can't hold it back anymore, her body is full of beauties that I want to eat. My fingers slid from her nipples to her abdomen, her body trembled and twitched again. I couldn't hold back my own evil claws, and stretched my evil hands between her thighs to gently rub and massage. Wait the hell? This wet feeling... could it be...
Her hand was taken away from her mouth in a panic, and grabbed my hand between her thighs. Her face was already red, as if she didn't want me to see between her thighs. I was curious and wanted to use my fingers to explore, but she was at a loss and shyly held my hand tightly, "Don't look!"
I was shocked and didn't move. "Sorry! Is it too fast?"
She looked at me with her eyes, her face full of shyness. "No... I'm just embarrassed."
I was confused. Why was she embarrassed? Or was it we hadn't reached the stage of making love yet... I didn't want to hurt her body and wanted to respect her wishes. I gently touched her cheek with my other hand. "Tell me why."
She avoided my gaze and looked away. Then she thought for a while and mustered up her courage to tell me, "It's like this every time. We haven't started yet... then I get so wet..."
It's like this every time? How many times have we done it? How can she be so wet? ! I realized where the wetness just now came from. It was foreplay before making love. It just a simple touch, and she had already started to react. Damn it, a foreplay can make her wet, and she said such cute words, I fucking stayed rational. "Little princess, only two of us here, don't be embarrassed. It's normal for you to have this reaction."
"It's all because of you! It's all your fault! You made me like this..." She blurted out in embarrassment.
I couldn't hold back my joy and laughed "Hahaha! Damn! You really are..."
"You're still laughing! Asshole Jason!" She complained in anger.
I exhaled , thankful she liked me touching her, fearing my skills in bed didn't satisfy her "Little princess, I want to make you feel comfortable. As long as you feel comfortable, I'll enjoy it, and that's fucking enough."
Her eyes showed joy, and her hands gently stroked my face "I want you, just you."
After hearing those words, I no longer hesitated. We already confirmed our relationship. I leaned over and kissed her lips. She closed her beautiful eyes, put her arms around my neck pulled me closer. This kiss was not a gentle one, but a hungry one. The two of us were entangled together as if a beast and a little rabbit were combining. I was the beast who longed for the pleasure brought by the little rabbit.
I licked her lips with my tongue, she smiled slightly understand my intention. She opened her mouth slightly let my tongue enter her mouth, and kept entangled with her tongue in her mouth. What an exciting and comfortable pleasure, the moment of contact, the whole person was deeply immersed in it and couldn't extricate myself. After a passionate kiss, I kissed her cheek and slowly licked her neck and sucked it, leaving my mark.
"Hah...Jason..." I heard her moaning, which made me even more excited.
I slowly moved down to her plump breasts, I reached out and grabbed her breasts with one hand. I left my mark and kissed her breasts, then buried my face between them to smell her scent. It was such a wonderful feeling that I had never felt before, and I was so happy until forgot myself. Her fingers touched my face and I moved away from her, curious about what she wanted. She sat up and took off the shirt, leaving only the underwear.
She unbuttoned her bra let the straps slipped off her shoulders. She took off the bra and threw it aside. Her eyes looked at me and then looked away. I put my hands on her cheeks and kissed her lips, hoping that she would feel more at ease with me. I kissed her nose lightly, "Fuck, it's so great."
She laughed and said, "Pervert."
I pushed her down on the sofa and licked my lips. Her naked body, her seductive body, simply ignited my lust, "Little princess, I advise you not to fan the flames, it will make me more excited."
She covered her breasts with her hands and showed her eyes looking forward to me, "Because it's you, I am also excited."
Her words have ignited the passion deep in my heart. I took a deep breath and told her, "Look forward to it, princess. You don't have a chance to stop."
"I have never regretted it." She answered me with a smile.
Damn... Such a confident look, I really don't care about anything anymore, I don't want to stop. What the heck unreal feeling, so what, cherishing the moment is the most important thing. Now it’s my life with her, everything I’ve always wanted to have. She sleeps next to me, I sleep next to her, and my life is as simple and happy as I want.
I took off her panties threw them aside, and moved my hands between her thighs to rub them gently. She was so eager for me to get wet enough that could put them in directly without any lubricant. But I didn't want this wonderful moment end so soon, I ran my fingers back and forth over her clit between her legs. She tried to relax while I played with her clit.
I kept rubbing her clit where she wanted me and kissing her neck passionately. Her clit was fucking wet and relaxed enough so I tried to stick a finger in her clit in and out. What happened to her body! It was so wet and hot inside, I pulled my finger out and licked it to taste her taste, it was so fucking lovable.
She tried to focus on enjoying herself as much as possible without stressing, she gave up control of her body. She stayed so relaxed and soft for me, she finally got my treat - two thick fingers were pushed inside, so slowly and carefully that she had to resist the urge to lift her hips into them. Before expecting too much, I started fucking her with two fingers. She let my fingers fuck her sweet clit and I'd make her cum straight out of her.
"Hah...wait a minute - I'm going to -" she told me in an excited voice.
I shook my head with a satisfied smirk on my face, "Fuck...how much do you want me to fuck you? Such a wet clit is so delicious to see."
"Please! No! I can't do it anymore! -" She closed her eyes tightly kept making that sexy gasping sound that I loved to hear.
I kissed her temple tenderly and pulled out my fingers to see how wet they were. I smiled with satisfaction, it felt so damn satisfying. I touched her head and said, "Little princess, it's not time to rest yet."
My other hand quickly played with her cute little clit again, I let her close her eyes as her body processed the new stimulation, wiping her mind clean and bringing her closer to orgasm. I wouldn't stop rubbing her, feeding her wet fucking clit that suddenly blew heat down her spine. I saw her clenched fists, body twitching, damn it.
She let out seductive gasp "Damn, that feels so good. That's - oh no -" and then she cum. I pulled out two fingers saw they were already satisfied with the love juice inside her. Her body was so damn suitable for mine. We both longed to be entangled and embrace each other.
I licked her love juice and looked at her who was still panting. Sweat was secreted from her neck and breasts, and her breathing gradually calmed down. She sat up, her legs trembling slightly. She looked at me and lowered her head. I shortened the distance between her and approached her cute face. Her eyes flashed with charming brilliance. I knew what she was expecting. I closed my eyes and kissed her lips gently.
I smiled, "Are you satisfied? Little princess."
She blushed and leaned her head on my arms, "Of course. I am a little tired."
Sorry, little princess. I really don't feel fucking tired. What just happened just foreplay, I haven't released my desire yet. I must fuck her while she still has energy. I picked her up and walked into the room. I threw her on the bed, and she fell on the bed with a very excited expression. I combed my bangs back, "Don't stop. Little princess, I fucking want you."
She glanced at me slightly "Jason..."
I didn't wait for any response from her, because I saw her expression clearly longing for me. I climbed to the big comfy bed and my naked body was on top of hers. My hands moved to her breasts and started rubbing her nipples.
I could see the look in her eyes, my hands gently squeezing her thighs. "Talk to me. What do you want?"
"I want you." She said again. I fucking love her.
"I want you too." I smiled.
Words are no longer needed. I pulled her over and looked down at her tempting breasts. "Wow." I looked at her , she was shy and speechless for a moment. Her eyes met mine as my mouth drifted to her breasts. With one hand, I grabbed her soft breast and brought it to my mouth. My tongue reached out and flicked her nipple. A small whimper left her lips when I wrapped my lips around her nipple, tightening around it. I ran my fingers through her messy hair and my mouth hungrily moved back and forth between the breasts.
"You're so amazing," I said.
She blush...and let out a gasp of pleasure as I kissed her labia. I grabbed her legs with my hands and spread them apart, placing one on my shoulder and the other on the bed. I closed my eyes and kissed her pussy up and down as if I were kissing a lover. Take a deep breath and inhale her raw natural scent.
Finally, she opened her eyes and made eye contact with me. My tongue pressed against her fucking tasty clit, sliding up quickly, parting her folds around my tongue. I taste fucking divine. Once my juices hit her taste buds, she kept moaning.
I stretched out my hands to rub her nipples, holding her against me. A moan escaped her lips as I quickly flicked my tongue over her clit. My free hand slid to her pussy. A finger circled the entrance to her vagina. Slowly, slide it in. I curled my fingers upwards and slowly began to move it in and out.
She closed her eyes and threw her head back, letting her body fully appreciate the pleasure it was now receiving. Her legs twitched as my tongue and arms moved faster. One of my hands moved to her nipple and you pinched it, getting her attention.
"Wait! I'm gonna cum!" Her voice was higher pitched.
"Do you want to squirt for me?"
"Yes! Fuck!" Her back arched as her body shook.
I was hit in the face with her squirt. I opened my mouth and drank it in, the taste was so fucking addictive. I removed my fingers from her and quickly rubbed her clit. I pushed my face into her pussy and licked it back and forth. I growled excitedly "Fuck you, you're amazing."
I knelt in front of her and pulled her hips against me. I rubbed my raw cock against her clit, getting myself covered in her juices. How long had I waited for this moment? I put one of her legs on my shoulders and rested the other.
She suddenly flirted with me "Sexy, how you want my pussy."
"Let me fuck your lovely pussy. Please, I need to feel you." I kissed her neck softly. My hips rocked, eager to thrust into her.
"Shit! Ah — Fuck me, Jason. I want it so bad, I want you to fill me up so bad."
I rushed straight to her without any hesitation. She looked at my face. Her face scrunched up as she felt me ​​deep inside her. Put those few inches of my cock inside her and take as many as she wants."Little princess, that's it. You have me."
My voice is low and sensual. I slowly pulled back and penetrated her again, harder this time. Her loud moans filled the room as I slowly inch by inch pushed my cock into her. The way I can fuck her faster, she reached out and grabbed the sheets pulled them, her legs began to shake, and my cock hit her g-spot over and over...
"Oh my god! Jason! Fuck me!" I kept slamming into her.
She kept her eyes on me as my hips rolled toward her at a fast pace. The feeling of her wet pussy clenching around me and pushed me over the edge. "Fuck! You the fucking best! Little princess! I'm gonna cum..." I leaned down and bite her neck. As she moaned loudly, my cock began to throb and I could feel the cum I had pumped into her. I moaned her name softly. As I lay on top of her, she caressed my body with her hands, letting me catch my breath.
I pulled my cock out of her body and saw some semen flowing out of her cute clitoris. It was my fucking semen. I took a breath lay beside her and blurted out "Fuck... I'm so fucking satisfied..."
She turned around and leaned on my arms "I'm so tired..."
I gently stroked her sexy body "The Hell, I'm the one moving, why are you tired?"
She shyly hid in my arms "I'm tired of being fucked by you."
I closed my eyes and hugged her tightly in my arms "Hahaha, I can make you tired every day, just leave it to me with peace of mind."
"Get up and take a shower, you have work later." She patted my back.
I was a little confused "Work? What work?"
She looked at me in surprise "Hey, the famous tyrant Red Hood of Gotham City wants to skip work!"
I heard what she said, I subconsciously tensed up and let go of her, and I accidentally fell off the bed. I stared at the ceiling in a daze. She knew I was Red Hood. What the hell was going on? When did she know? I was confused and hurriedly climbed onto the bed again. She suddenly pounced on me and she held my head tightly between her breasts.
I felt it difficult to breathe and tried to push her away, but suddenly I fell into darkness. Until a dog barking woke me up completely, and my face was pressed by a corgi. I got up directly, and he jumped away immediately. I looked at the corgi it was Kirin. I fucking remembered. I took Kirin back to manor to take care of him for a while because Y/N was sick and hadn't recovered yet.
What the fuck was that dream just now? Was it a dream that I had sex with her? Was it a dream that I officially dated her? Was I having a fucking wet dream? Am I so horny? Fuck my dream! I lifted the quilt and looked inside. My fucking dick was already erect, and it was fucking hard...
I looked at my dick and babbled, "Fuck, Y/N so fucking erotic. I really want to fuck her... How the hell am I going to face her in the future..."
Chapter 15 End.
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AO3 Bird & Fox By owlwithanapple
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