#Environmentally Friendly Actions
doomies1 · 7 months
Make a difference in just 60 seconds! 🌍 In today's YouTube Short, discover an easy yet powerful eco-tip that you can incorporate into your daily life to help our planet. Accompanied by engaging visuals, this short video demonstrates a simple action with a significant positive impact on the environment. Whether you're a seasoned eco-warrior or just starting your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle, this tip is practical, doable, and effective for everyone. 🍃 Like, subscribe, and share to spread the eco-awareness. Comment below how you're making a difference! Stay tuned for more quick, eco-friendly tips. #EcoFriendlyTips, #SustainableLiving, #EnvironmentallyFriendly, #GreenTips, #Shorts, #NatureLovers, #EcoLiving, #SaveThePlanet, #DailyEcoTips, #Sustainability, #GoGreen, #EcoConscious, #SimpleEcoActions, #GreenLiving, #EarthFriendly
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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humanrightsconnected · 10 months
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Happy International Youth Day! Be sure to check out the following 4 youth-led organizations and discover how you can support their work in climate action! 
➡️ African Climate Alliance (ACA)
➡️ Climate Justice Toronto
➡️ International Climate Change Development Initiative (ICCDI)
➡️ Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change
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docuyoungk · 2 years
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Freedom of Action, Washington DC, 2019.
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Freedom of Action, Washington DC, 2019. Environmental friendly car factory making environmental friendly electric vehicles.
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Freedom of Action, Washington DC, 2019.
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meltedmercury · 2 years
I don’t choose where my meat comes from at school, and I can’t afford to buy organic groceries. I already use public transportation and buy clothes secondhand. What the fuck else am I supposed to do to be more environmentally friendly, die and fertilize a garden?
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 month
Join the Green Movement: Plant Trees with One Tree Planted
Shaina Tranquilino
May 13, 2024
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In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discourse, taking action to preserve our planet has never been more crucial. Amidst the myriad of environmental initiatives, one simple yet impactful way to make a difference is by planting trees. Trees not only beautify our surroundings but also play a vital role in mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and sustaining ecosystems.
Enter One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization committed to global reforestation. With a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment, they facilitate tree planting projects across the globe. Their approach is straightforward yet effective: for every dollar donated, one tree is planted.
But why trees? The benefits of trees extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus mitigating the effects of climate change. Additionally, trees help to combat soil erosion, filter air and water pollutants, provide habitat for countless species, and contribute to local economies through products like timber and fruits.
One Tree Planted collaborates with local communities, NGOs, and forestry organizations to ensure that trees are planted where they are needed most. From reforesting wildfire-ravaged areas to restoring degraded landscapes, their projects span the globe, addressing diverse environmental challenges.
Participating in tree planting initiatives with One Tree Planted offers several compelling benefits:
1. **Environmental Impact**: By contributing to reforestation efforts, individuals can directly counteract deforestation, habitat loss, and the effects of climate change. Planting trees is a tangible way to restore ecosystems and promote biodiversity.
2. **Community Engagement**: One Tree Planted's projects often involve local communities, fostering a sense of stewardship and empowerment. By involving locals in tree planting activities, the organization ensures that projects are sustainable and culturally sensitive.
3. **Education and Awareness**: Planting trees is not just about digging holes and placing saplings; it's an opportunity to educate people about the importance of trees and ecosystems. One Tree Planted emphasizes the educational aspect of their projects, raising awareness about environmental issues and inspiring individuals to take action.
4. **Corporate Social Responsibility**: Many companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Partnering with One Tree Planted allows businesses to offset their carbon footprint, engage employees in meaningful volunteer activities, and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
5. **Personal Fulfillment**: Planting trees offers a sense of fulfillment and purpose, knowing that you are contributing to a greener, more sustainable world. Whether you participate in tree planting events, donate to reforestation projects, or simply spread the word, every action counts.
In a world facing escalating environmental challenges, the simple act of planting trees has the power to effect positive change. Through organizations like One Tree Planted, individuals, businesses, and communities can come together to make a meaningful impact on the planet. So why not join the green movement today? Together, let's plant trees and cultivate a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.
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carolinaenindiana · 1 month
L'empreinte carbone
What is a Carbon Footprint? In simple terms, your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, rather than any natural emissions. We produce carbon dioxide through a lot of different actions, such as using electricity, transport, clothes, food, and even throwing out trash! All of this carbon is having a negative effect on the atmosphere, contributing to Global Warming.
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We can think of our carbon footprint like any other kind of footprint - it is the trail of carbon dioxide we leave behind us during our daily lives. All of your actions and possessions add up to create your individual carbon footprint. If we actively try to lower our carbon footprint, we can have a positive impact on carbon emissions by cutting the amount of CO2 we produce.
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Carbon Footprints can be thought of in a number of different ways. We often talk about carbon footprints of one individual, but you can also think about the carbon footprint of a business, state, or country as a whole.
What makes up your Carbon Footprint? Any action, item, or process that involves any fuel to be burned will produce some carbon that is added to the atmosphere. This could be anything from taking a long-haul flight to eating a cheeseburger and some fries.
Most things require some amount of carbon to be produced, but the amount of carbon created varies between each item and action. Here are a few of the most common contributors:
Transport: There are many different types of transport, and some produce more carbon than others. Fossil fuels burned for transportation creates the largest contribution of greenhouse gases to the U.S.'s carbon footprint.
One of the worst offenders for carbon emissions are airplanes, with each passenger contributing around 250 g of CO2 per kilometer. In fact, one return flight from New York to London produces 986kg of CO2 per passenger, more than the average person would use in a year from 56 countries around the globe, including Burundi and Paraguay!
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Flights are closely followed by cars and other private transport modes, this is because the carbon emissions are shared between a very small group of people. On average, 404 g of CO2is produced per mile traveled in a light-duty vehicle, and with around 253 million light vehicles operating in the US, that's a lot of carbon dioxide!
However, some modes of transport do offer a less carbon-heavy way of traveling. Taking buses, trains, and trams typically have less of an impact as they are shared by lots of passengers. Car shares are also a good option as they move multiple people to the same place and divide up the emissions between them.
But the best mode of transport by far is to walk or cycle. These modes of transport contribute almost no carbon at all to the atmosphere, plus they can keep us fit and healthy too!
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Electricity and Heat: The second largest contributor to the U.S. carbon footprint is the production of electricity and heat from fossil fuels. This process fuels much of the things we use in our daily lives. From ovens to refrigerators, mobile phones to laptops, and lamps to speakers, all kinds of household items use electricity whenever we use them.
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As well as the various gadgets and goods we use, we also use fossil fuels to heat and cool our homes. Whether you use electricity, gas, oil, coal, or even wood, the process of heating your home will normally produce a large amount of carbon emissions.
However, this is slowly changing as renewable and clean sources of energy are becoming more common. These energy sources produce no carbon dioxide once they are set up, and can sometimes be cheaper to use too!
Food: Food production and transportation contributes to around one quarter of the world's carbon emissions. While transportation of our food does contribute carbon emissions, it is often the farming processes and land required to produce our food that has the largest impact.
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Some of the foods with the largest carbon emissions are items such as meat and dairy, as the animals used to produce them use up a lot of food, care, water, and land. Other foods that have bad carbon records include things like coffee and chocolate, often because land is being cleared to produce them, which causes more carbon to enter the atmosphere.
Why are carbon emissions bad for the environment? Carbon dioxide is just one of a number of greenhouse gases that can be found in our atmosphere, alongside things like methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and ozone. CO2 occurs naturally in the environment, but it is also produced in huge quantities as a result of human activities.
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The greenhouse gases that collect in the atmosphere trap heat that has radiated from the Earth. Normally, greenhouse gases would keep the Earth at a steady temperature, but this is changing. As more and more carbon dioxide collects in the atmosphere, more and more heat is trapped too. This contributes to rising temperatures on Earth and the damaging effects of climate change.
Climate change is a huge concern for the planet, and many see it as the greatest threat to humanity in the 21st century. This process causes long-term changes to our planet's environment, such as rising average temperatures and changes in precipitation levels. As the Earth warms, other changes will take place, such as:
Rising sea levels and flooding.
Disappearing glaciers in mountain areas.
Ice melting in areas such as Antarctica and the Arctic.
Changes in plant growth patterns and animal hibernation.
How can you reduce your Carbon Footprint?
Next time you're heading out to somewhere nearby, why not walk or cycle instead of taking the car? Or if you're traveling a little further from home, try the bus or train to cut down the carbon.
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Recycle as much of your trash as possible instead of sending it to landfill and try to make compost from your food waste instead of sending it to landfill.
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Use your heating and air conditioning as little as possible by wearing clothes that are suited to the current temperature instead of relying on energy to change the temperature.
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Plant up your yard with herbs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers - these can help you grow your own food and help remove carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis!
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Bring your own bag to the grocery store so that you don't have to get new ones and try to avoid items that use lots of packaging, especially ones with lots of plastic.
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Aim to cut down your meat consumption to a few meals a week, while this can be a tricky one, it can make a real difference to how much carbon dioxide your food is responsible for.
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Make sure to turn electronics fully off when you're not using them as they can still use precious energy when they're on standby, causing more fossil fuels to be burned. Try to use as little energy as possible and don't leave any lights or switches on for too long.
Twinkl Teaching Wiki. "Carbon Footprint - Twinkl Teaching Wiki." Accessed May 6, 2024. https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/carbon-footprint#:~:text=In%20simple%20terms%2C%20your%20carbon,and%20even%20throwing%20out%20trash!.
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Appreciating SaskPower's Sponsorship
Appreciating SaskPower’s Green Vision: Empowering Conservation Through Education In the heart of Saskatoon, amidst the urban bustle, lies a thriving ecosystem waiting to be discovered. Thanks to the generous support of SaskPower, the City Nature Challenge Saskatoon 2024 (CNC YXE 2024) has blossomed, inviting residents to connect with nature and foster a culture of conservation. As we look…
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spookysalem13 · 2 months
Please help put an end to plastics, by signing the Global Plastics Treaty Petition below 🌎
There needs to be some serious changes on a large scale to be able to save our planet.
Sign Here
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worldcitiesday · 8 months
Augsburg, Germany.
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With a population of about 330,000, Augsburg is located on the banks of the River Lech in western Bavaria. Managing 7,000 hectares of forest, Augsburg is Germany’s second largest urban forest owner. Through the “blue city” concept, Augsburg is striving to contribute to climate action through resource-saving innovations, digital technologies and joint action. Augsburg aims to become Bavaria’s most climate-friendly city. 20% of the urban area in Augsburg is covered by tree canopy. The city also manages many hectares of heath land and nature reserves. The City Forest serves as a drinking water protection area for the urban population. Augsburg’s Forest Pavilion (“Waldpavillon”) museum, supports forestry-related environmental education for both children and adult visitors.
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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greentechspot · 11 months
What is Climate Justice?: Ensuring Equity and Fairness in the Face of Climate Change
Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching implications for our planet and its inhabitants. However, its impacts are not distributed equally. Vulnerable communities, often those who have contributed the least to greenhouse gas emissions, bear the brunt of climate change’s consequences. In response to this inequality, the concept of climate justice has…
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cfaweiss · 1 year
Don't assume, read a map and help the planet!
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biodiversityday · 1 year
Actions by Businesses for biodiversity.
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Learn about the 22 Actions for Biodiversity by Businesses.
Take steps to preserve and create spaces for wildlife
Endorse environmental causes
Adopt a sustainable energy management system
Choose eco-friendly packaging options
Source raw materials from local & eco-friendly suppliers
Stop the spread of invasive alien species
Reduce and eliminate waste generation
Assess the carbon footprint of each of your products
Encourage employees to choose greener alternatives
Choose sustainable options for storage and warehousing
Manage your water footprint
Foster urban biodiversity
Learn about sustainability and biodiversity
Choose business partners that share your sustainability goals
Encourage other businesses and business partners to act responsibly
Educate customers about greener alternatives
Create a healthier work environment
Support & follow the decisions of CBD's business engagement programme
If you host events, host sustainable ones
Raise awareness on biodiversity conservation
Research and innovate
Celebrate Biodiversity Day!
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hope-for-the-planet · 2 months
"People assume that in the 50 years since the first Earth Day we've made no progress. That we're in a worse position now than we were in the 1970s, that there's no point in environmental action," [...] Quite the opposite is true. Climate-friendly advances that would have seemed impossible even 10 years ago are now commonplace. And three times in the past 50 years humanity has faced--and fixed--massive, man-made global environmental issues.
The fight isn't won yet, but don't forget that we have made enormous progress.
We would be in a much, much worse position if it wasn't for all the incredible work of environmental activists who came before us, most of whose names and contributions we will never know. They are the reason that we have a fighting chance now, and we owe it to them to pick up their banner and keep running.
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DP DC(Batman) crossover
Vlad after a ton of therapy tries to be a better uncle for Danny, his best Idea is letting him run VladCo for a while. Danny is some how really good at it and Sam and Tucker help him work on making its products reliable and environmentally sustainable. When Dannys around 17 VladCo ends up being one of the most environmentally friendly corporations and has some of the best working conditions in the US.
Because Danny’s now the CEO he has to go to fundraisers and gala events, there he meets another teenage CEO, Tim Drake-Wayne.
As the only people anywhere near each other’s age they spend a ton of time talking and whenever they end up at the same event they spend a ton of time talking to each other and discussing business practices. They end up becoming gala friends with both of them having no idea the other’s also a vigilante.
Until one of the fundraisers is attacked by a villain and both of them have to fight as civilians but spend the entire time recognizing that the other person is fighting in a way that has way too many similarities to vigilante actions.
Both of them end up figuring out the other definitely fights crime and which vigilante they are after everything’s over (the child to bat number matches & Phantom is just palette swap Danny), and are now awkwardly hinting they know each others identify at all the next events.
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