#Europe + healing
wgm-beautiful-world · 5 months
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Santuário do Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, Lamego, PORTUGAL
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 10 months
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Raphaël (Raffaello Sanzio) (Italian, 1483-1520) The Healing of the Lame Man for the Sistine Chapel, ca.1515-16 This scene depicts the first miracle performed by Peter – an event which symbolises his spiritual healing power and conversion of the Jews to Christianity. Peter, in the centre of the painting wearing a blue cloak and yellow tunic, holds the hand of a disabled man and asks him to rise and walk. The man is instantly cured and is able to stand and follow him into the Temple (Acts 3:1-8). The miracle takes place in front of the Beautiful Gate (Porta Speciosa) of the Temple in Jerusalem (a temple with Solomonic columns) – the most sacred place in Judasim.
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lesbianlinguist · 3 months
Making my girlfriend watch sense8 bc it's my favourite show ever and in real time seeing it help her confront a lot of shame around her sexuality is kinda healing ngl
And we're also just enjoying this insane ride of a show together
Love sharing things I love with people I love <3
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demon-princess13 · 8 months
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i have 0 spoons. none. they’re gone to the wind
today sucked and I got a lot of bad news but thankful to the lovely human who took my mind off of it all day.
little do you know you made a bad day a great one
anyways, time for this girlie to get some much needed rest and recuperation
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souvenir116 · 11 days
starting to think God really hates me because there hasnt been 1 race i could properly watch after monaco without getting my schedule ruined by something important
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Ok, the concert was awesome. They played some of their old songs and my inner teenie had the time of her life. I did this for her. I went there all by myself. Anxious as hell but I still did it. I'm finally showing up for myself. I'm finally being the adult my inner child and inner teenager always needed. I'd do anything for them. I'm healing.
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non-un-topo · 11 months
Daily November crying sessions start today
#why. who. how. how tf does my professor think it's okay to assign 4 major assignments in the same amount of weeks + 4-6 readings every week#all of which are ~20 pages.#i've got all that to do and another big assignment for a different class. plus the weekly readings and reflections for that one.#and i have work.#i've stupidly decided to volunteer for a thing on saturday in the hopes of bulking up my resume + rubbing elbows with the administration.#and i have a medical thing on friday and i'll be looped out and likely will have to sleep half the day. probably won't get ANY work done.#what else..... some fairly easy stuff for my other class thank GOD. but a lot of reading and preparing for a few big essays.#november is the month i hate the fucking most. i always lose my mind in november. and no wonder!!!!!!#meanwhile people are bugging me to hang out. i will be in a student-coma until approx. the first week of december. see you then. peace.#oh and my BIL + SIL sitting me down and showing me all their europe honeymoon photos for 2 HOURS last night is also not helping my mood.#fuck you lol#like i'm happy for you and nice photos but also? Fuck You.#if i can offer some dark humour though.....#my fic axis exists because of a legitimate smidge of insanity i experienced last year. it shifted the way i looked at the world and at grie#sooooo i wonder what kind of fic my mind will crank out this time?#i don't think i'm at risk of losing it this year though. doesn't seem that way. but we'll see!#i can write/draw good things without sacrificing my mental health first i can write/draw good things without sacrificing my mental health f#rst i can write/draw good things without sacrificing my mental health first i can write/draw good things without sacrificing my mental heal
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dansnaturepictures · 1 month
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21/08/2024-Mute Swan cygnet and Feral Pigeon at North Walls Recreation Ground, red clover and view on a walk at Lakeside Country Park and evening sky today, view at Shipton Bellinger on Saturday, hollyhock at Hayling Island on Sunday and self-heal at Shipton Bellinger on Saturday.
The Great Crested Grebe chicks, Moorhen chicks, Carrion Crow, dark mullein and scarlet pimpernel were other highlights today.
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canisvesperus · 3 months
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justdreamsandmusic · 4 months
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Cirnunnos, Grannos, Eponna
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Vasily Kuzmich Shebuyev (Russian, 1777-1855) The apostles Peter and John heal a lame man, 1838 State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
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indelicateink · 11 months
Do you think they'll bring lestat to paris early like ep 3 or 4 or will we only see lestat in louis n armand flashbacks? i feel like we're gonna get lestat with everyone in paris sooner than later i'm just really hope so bc i really would love to see a louis/armand/lestat interaction hehe
i started out writing nah i got no idea i haven’t even been imagin— no. that is a lie lol.
I want louis “the nights were made for thinking of him” de pointe du lac floridly hallucinating that french man as louis crosses the ocean, staggers around war devastated eastern europe, in france, in paris. our louis is looking Not Well in the promo we’ve had so far. it makes me speculate lol.
so honestly, for me? if we’re getting dreams and hallucinations and flashbacks? i’m sated, so…so far i’m wishing for a horrifying irl reveal later in the game. probably at the trial. so we can be as blindsided about irl lestat as louis is. for maximum devastation.
tbh the only louis-armand-lestat interaction that’s been vaguely in my head as likely to happen is the trial, and that is wildly painful so i uh haven’t been thinking about it too closely lol.
idk though, i’m just hanging on trying to recalibrate with every drop of promo we get
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monizm · 7 months
saw a poll asking people's religions and with tens of thousands of results only like 1% were muslim nd that really explains so much of what is wrong w this website 🤧 u guys need Allah.
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val-daily · 2 years
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Thursday, 23 March 2023
Well Done:
I led an ACA meeting with only three attendees and that was emotional anyway. I haven’t blamed myself for scarcity.
It felt like walking at the lunch break so I made it round the neighbourhood.
To better:
Another day I catch myself putting my brain on the carrousel and ride it nonstop. Withstanding boredom became torturous. What thoughts am I afraid of finding on my mind? I shall write those down and peel off the layers.
I’m a bit out of place, somewhere between my mind and reality. My concentration suffers, I only want to entertain myself. I shall meditate and make peace between mind and body.
Chicken with rice and soy souse.
A podcast about surviving the German bureaucracy to acquire a flat.
A podcast about drawbacks (features) of Russian art and why it’s okay to not love it.
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teacherintransition · 2 years
I Hiraeth …Do You Hiraeth?
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Inspiration from a tender heart and a like mind.
Self discovery is perpetual and splendid …but you have to start.
I’m not blind. There is an realization that much of the looking inward I choose to do was almost impossible to do when working forty to sixty hours a week, maintaining a household and family running the career hamster wheel. I’m also keenly aware that to embark on that inward examination of life as you hit middle age is not for the faint of heart. What’s the saying, “when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back?” Yikes, I haven’t always liked what I saw. Is this a self indulgent exercise devoting time that would be better spent fishing or playing golf? Maybe. The impetus for not waiting to retire was the realization that there were still things I had to say; things I wanted to feel; experiences I needed to have beyond just resting in the hammock with a cold libation. (I do that too) If these “golden years “ were going to count …to matter and not just wait out time; I had to discover who I was, or as Cervantes wrote, “who I choose to be.”
I’m not blind. There is an realization that much of the looking inward I choose to do was almost impossible to do when working forty to sixty hours a week, maintaining a household and family running the career hamster wheel. I’m also keenly aware that to embark on that inward examination of life as you hit middle age is not for the faint of heart. What’s the saying, “when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back?” Yikes, I haven’t always liked what I saw. Is this a self indulgent exercise devoting time that would be better spent fishing or playing golf? Maybe. The impetus for not waiting to retire was the realization that there were still things I had to say; things I wanted to feel; experiences I needed to have beyond just resting in the hammock with a cold libation. (I do that too) If these “golden years “ were going to count …to matter and not just wait out time; I had to discover who I was, or as Cervantes wrote, “who I choose to be.”
With proud conviction, I can confidently say that I’m not who I was when I was thirty, nor am I not who I thought I was supposed to be now. I’m not turning out country song titles here …this is serious business! It’s been a good life with a few mistakes and heart breaks, but by damn, these final years are going to be as happy as possible. What will make that happen? Who am I? It’s day to day sports fans… it’s like a riddle wrapped in a conundrum contained in an enigma. I’ve been clear since the beginning of this transition what I wanted …no, needed to do: travel, create art, write, feel and share …something. Clues are not for sale; you gotta look in and decide what makes your soul burn.
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Not being evasive am I? My heart yearns for idealizations and dreams and longings for what was or never was to be. I was fortunate to share time talking to a special person today whose soul is just as old and has the same dreams filled with adventures. It doesn’t take too much time when we talk for the conversations to drift towards travel, things of beauty, the deep significance of these things to our souls. Today, the friend asked, “why, why do I long for these things?” Boom! El rayo del cielo nocturno! I had the answer! I’d read of it! The answer for their longing, my longing, what I wanted to say, what I wanted to paint, what I wanted to find with my insatiable desire to travel. It’s an ancient word drawn from the old Welsh and Celtic languages. Hiraeth.
n. (Welsh) A spiritual longing for a home which maybe never was. Nostalgia for ancient places to which we cannot return. It is the echo of the lost places of our soul’s past and our grief for them. It is in the wind, and the rocks, and the waves. It’s nowhere and everywhere.
Now, doesn’t that just clear everything up? I can hear many of my more pragmatic acquaintances saying, “wait? It’s nowhere …it never was? Just have a beer and watch the game.” I’ll take the beer, but I can’t let this go. There is no clear English translation so that’s no help. I want to hike, play some golf, spoil grandkids sure; but my art, my writing, my travels, my voice wants to share hiraeth. It’s not a moralistic, brow beating insistence of how things ought to be by damn; it’s more of what dreams could be in such a personal way. Fant, Jeff, my friend today, myself we’re all people accursed/ blessed to long for what can never be. We can see it, feel it, taste it; our souls are ancient enough to remember it, but it never was. People like us see it in paintings, hear it in music, get a glimpse of it while reading, experience it when traveling; yet realize it’s as fleeting as a wisp of fog when the wind begins to blow.
I looked inward and that’s what I saw, I had to pursue to express, a dream. Why pursue a wraith? It is more of a hope. A chance to experience the dream and longing of a spirit that could never sustain itself in this world. From the classic film Excalibur:
I have often thought that in the [next part] of our lives, when I owe no more to the future and can just be a man, that we may meet, and you will come to me and claim me as yours …It is a dream I have.*
Who? What is the dream? I’m not sure, but I know it when I feel it. It’s what’s been missing. Most of us never feel like we really belong to this reality. I remember writing a song about my friend Fant called, “Deep in The Middle of Nowhere.” I wrote a line that went, “ he don’t know that his innocent don’t belong, in a world that cruelty ain’t spared.”** I think I wrote prophecy. He, I , many others belong somewhere, but it ain’t here. That’s what I’m supposed to do; find this place even if it’s only in my soul and share the story.
Can something like this be found? I dunno … dreams live forever. Perhaps I’m just pointing the way for someone else. This is the quest for this teacher in transition. Like Don Quixote, my years are to be spent tilting at windmills to inspire others. Through my writing, my travel, my art I will cry, “Now, once more, I must ride with my knights to defend what [never] was and the [hope] of what could be!”*** …it is a dream I have.
*Pallenburg, Rospo; Excalibur; Orion Pictures; 10, April 1981
**Rich, Brent; Deep in The Middle of Nowhere; June, 200
***Pallenburg, Rospo; Excalibur
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