#Evan Buckley is Chris’ other dad
winchester27 · 6 months
I live for the day Chris will call Buck his other dad because I promise you it’ll be the last y’all see of me because I will have a heart attack
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screaming-universe · 5 months
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Chris and his fathers at pride, this time with bi!Buck
since the original had Buck with pan face-paint but I still had this version lying around
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meepmoopdraws2 · 4 months
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“Man I do love that kid.”
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Buck and Eddie talking about Christopher being a womanizer:
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swiftiesbuddie · 3 months
The delusion of (some) Buckt*mmys->
Downplay Buck’s role in Chris’s life
Want Eddie to be k*lled off so Buck and T*mmy can raise Chris together
Make it make sense.
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laserpaper118 · 4 months
In 7x10, Buck and Chris have a short conversation as Chris was gathering his things to leave for Texas.
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Eddie's parents know that Buck is talking to Chris in private, in Chris's room, as Eddie waits outside, in his own home
Eddie's parents directly witness that Eddie trusts Buck entirely to give Chris a little perspective, more just to get through to Chris than to change his mind. Because Chris won't even look at Eddie
Eddie's parents, who have never been introduced to Ana or Marisol--or even Kim for that matter, if not for this whole mess--see firsthand how Eddie trusts Buck to reach out to Chris when Eddie can't
Chris apparently does let Buck in and calmly gives Buck a chance to say what he has to say. No commotion was heard from outside the room. Whatever Buck was saying in there, Chris welcomes Buck in his space
Eddie's parents are also watching closely as Eddie raises his gaze, worried but hopeful, as Buck exits Chris' room. Eddie truly believes that where he's failed to get Chris to open up to him, Buck is succeeding. At least in letting Buck check in on him one more time before his flight
Eddie's parents then see how Eddie and Buck carried an entire silent conversation in three seconds. Eddie understood, took a deep breath, fortified himself, and went on to try to make Chris understand that he is loved, and welcome to say he wants to come back, any time at all
I wonder what Helena and Ramon make of Buck's position in Eddie's life?
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twopercentboy · 6 months
Eddie talking about how he doesn't know where Chris got this player mindset from like he isn't talking to the person who gave Chris this player mindset 🙄 get a grip Eddie ur literally talking to ur coparent
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eddiebuckley-diaz · 6 months
Christopher feeling so safe with Buck to talk about how much he struggles with abandonment from his mom leaving is beautiful. You have this child who knows that he can turn to this other parental figure because Buck knew (however briefly) Shannon and Buck knows what happened when Shannon left the first time. Instead of Christopher feeling like he has to keep those thoughts in to protect hurting his dad, Chris can actually turn to another parental figure to help him.
It just says a lot on how Buck has become a co-parent in a really healthy way for Christopher.
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menace-behaviour · 1 year
Christopher: *Fast-forwards all the way through the movie*
Buck: Why are you skipping all the way through the movie? You can’t just skip to the happy ending, Chris!
Christopher: I don’t have time for their problems.
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chaos-bisexual · 3 months
evan buckley is a nonfiction bookworm but also i’m CONVINCED he’s a massive middle grade reader so he can buddy read books with christopher and talk about them with him in this essay i will-
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
Buck-and-Eddie roommates s8 where Buck has to cancel a date with Tommy to go step in for Eddie at a Parent-Teacher conference because Eddie can't make it.
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Chris' Surfing Lessons
In “Ocean’s 9-1–1” Shannon talks to Eddie about surfing lessons. She’s hesitant about Eddie’s providing Chris with surfing lessons because of their expense.
Due to that, it's unlikely that Eddie or Shannon introduced the idea of surfing lessons to Chris.
More likely, Chris told Eddie that he wanted surfing lessons, and Eddie would do anything to make it possible for his son.
But where did Chris get the idea?
Buck spends a lot of time with Chris, and no doubt tells Chris many stories about his past -- including how he learned to surf at Virginia Beach after leaving home.
Chris, wanting to emulate Buck, wants to learn to surf.
Which is why Chris draws a surfboard between him and Buck on the card for Buck’s welcome back party after the bombing.
Then the skills Chris learned during his surfing lessons -- because even if Chris learned to swim in Texas, there was no waves and ocean current, which greatly changes a swimmer's expertise and abilities -- helped Chris stay alive when he was with Buck in the tsunami.
Through some six degrees of separation, Buck gave Chris the ability to survive the tsunami, along with saving him throughout that day.
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warpedpuppeteer · 4 months
Wake up bestie new Buckley-Diaz family stills just dropped!!!
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
Omg wtf I'm so sorry about your dog!!! No pressure but if you would like the distraction I'm very curious about this one!! (Actually sorry I can't find the emoji but it's the teenage girl dad Eddie one I think???)
Thank you 🩷🩷 She was a little bit psycho, but a good dog nonetheless, and our house is quieter already without her crazy energy.
Anyway, distractions are most welcome, and as previously stated, all of the clips for this have been from the next chapter in this fic, so I should probably finish and post it, but here's another snippet!
Chris is leaning against his side now, snug under Buck’s arm, a few tears glittering on his lashline when he looks up. “What does this mean for Alex??”
“Alex?” Buck questions, before it clicks into place. “Shit.” He scrambles for his phone to check the time, and of course, it’s way too late to catch the original flight, given that it leaves in half an hour and they’re over 50 minutes from LAX. “Shit, shit, shit.” 
He doesn’t have Elena’s number, and Eddie’s phone was destroyed in the crash. Even if he did, that seems like awful news to give over the phone. 
“You owe the swear jar a lot of money.” Chris remarks dryly, and they both chuckle a little, the familiar joke breaking the tension a little bit. 
“Put it on my tab, I’m good for it.” He promises, before he starts thinking aloud. “Okay, I’m going to call Carla or Bobby, I think Maddie is off today, and then book the next flight to see Alex and Elena and let them know what’s going on, and -”
“No! I want to come with you!” Chris interrupts vehemently. 
Buck starts to argue, trying to dissuade him, but then he notices the trademark furrow of his brow - which means there’s a Diaz about to be stubborn about something - and the way he’s still leaning into Buck’s side, which is something he hasn’t done in a while. 
Mentally, he curses the cost of an extra plane ticket, but acquiesces. He doesn’t really want to let Chris out of his sight either, so he can't be too upset. 
“Guess we better get moving then, if we want to make the next flight.” He sighs
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butraura · 1 year
For the first time in, like, forever... I have finished a chapter fic! * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapters: 3/3 Words: 30,000 Pairing: Buck/Eddie Summary:
“I won’t survive, Buck,” he says, from where his feet are firmly planted.
Eddie does look at him, now, the face of a broken man sewn into his features. “I won’t survive. If my son dies, I will be dead before I have a chance to bury him. I won’t fucking make it.”
Chris and Carla are in a car accident; when Eddie gets the call at work, he and Buck race to the hospital to be with him and they get some terrifying news.
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aspecbuddie · 2 years
do we know that it's eddie in the room with buck and chris?
because what if we get hidden injury eddie, and he has to be taken to be checked out so chris gets left in the care of someone else in the waiting room
but he finds a way to go see buck
because he's terrified and while he likes the rest of the firefam, none of them are buck or eddie
because when he cant talk to his dad, he always goes and talks to buck (even when it means ordering an Uber across town)
and someone finds him in bucks room (like they did with chim in 2x12) and he's telling buck to wake up because if he doesn't then who is he supposed to talk to when his dad isn't an option
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