skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
How do you discover the vettonso ship?And when did you decide is your favorite ship?
Hmmmm, okay so Vettonso was originally one of those ships where I kinda had to be like "love it and then leave it" bcs its just so small if that makes sense? Fernando and Seb are my favorites so of course I would love to put them together, but it just wasn't established enough for me when I had first found out about it, whenever that was. But then: boy king au. Basically I posted the statue Seb is based on and was like haha wouldn't it be fun to draw him as a boy king??? So I researched the statue more, and it was of Joseph I, whose brother, Charles VI, is who boy king Seb is based on. Charles VI was in a war of succession for the Spanish Throne. So when I originally drew boy king Seb, I'm like "yeah historically I think the only ship that would work would be Vettonso, bcs of that war. Austria(Red Bull Seb) vs Bourbon-Spain(Fernando and Renault)." So it spiraled from there, because I realized, oh hey wait I can draw fanart for it now! And write lore!
So you can blame the Habsburgs on why I'm so into Vettonso I guess 😭😭 It was just basically that that pushed me into it, bcs it made me realize, oh hey wait I can establish and make whatever I want! Fernando and Seb are my favorites to draw as well, so that worked nicely. I got very into their dichotomy and "storylines" because of that. And I'm now just forever obsessed with trying to put their dynamic in different situations, bcs I think they're equally fascinating. Just with how their careers line up, how they're so similar yet different, how their relationship progressed, etc. Vettonso is fascinating to me because they really are equals in a way I feel like most others ships aren't. It's hard to explain but yeah, idk, I just really enjoy them and exploring their dynamic. I think because they're opposition, but eventually fond, it's very easy to put them in situations, and try to parse out how they would connect, if that makes sense?
Basically: they're my favorite little dolls I like to play around with and put into all kinds of different situations and eras
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okay hear me out, hold me like a grudge by fallout boy is also SIL jaylex
"Part-time soulmate, full-time problem"
You're so goddamn right. That line right there describes Jay and Alex to a tee, that's literally them.
wait ooo tim and Jay would be that other fob song that's like "Ex-friends, Better off as lovers" (or at least that's how Jay'd see it, cos Jay would also think he and Alex were "Part-time soulmate, full-time problem") Bang the doldrums, thats what "ex-friends, better off as lovers" is from
god Jay and Alex as "part time soulmate, full-time problem" tho, that's so fkdsajf cos like, they're so nearly soulmates. They're so nearly soulmates. They could have been soulmates but there was too much else going on, too many awful things going on around them, whether that's the Operator or Alex's upbringing with the internalised homophobia stuff.
God i need to write that oneshot about jaylex's first time together. I need to fully show just how almost soulmates they were.
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tgcg · 7 months
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part 1 of something specific
TG: oh my god you get it
TG: you understand me
TG: so many damn times ive tried to turn john over on this business and he doesnt listen
TG: like you dont need to be gay to see how naruto and sasuke are the romance of the fuckin century man its not rocket science dare i say it is elementary level 
TG: i dunno i dont think hes like
TG: homophobic or something
TG: i think if anyone is the number one ally to anything its probably john yknow hed have your back bro if you were all up and being bisexual on earth and people werent scrambling hand over foot away from you because youre an alien 
TG: but just because you were that 
TG: thing
TG: bisexual
TG: he wouldnt care man
TG: he wouldnt give a shit or fuck about it probably
TG: aw man are you about to pull out the quadrant shiz on my boys
TG: are you gonna tell me naruto and sasuke got a hate on for each other or something cus thats 
TG: alright lay it on me shercock homos ill be your watson watching you with the big twinkling eyes of a newborn fawn
TG: sleuth this shit like you were there when kishimoto invented it
TG: his alien understudy rises from the caverns of anime hell clutching the scroll of one universally understood truth and with his otaku disciples there to listen he takes a deep breath and delivers his groundquaking sermon to the masses
TG: jesus take the mic
TG: done and done
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chocsra · 5 months
yknow tht chuuyas friend got killed during the dragon head conflicts, right?(source dead apple) yea, wht if reader was one of them. letter fics reader confessing her love to chuuya and him finding it after she died.
"Tainted With Sin, Weakness Comes From Love."
16! Chuuya x implied fem! reader
summary: chuuya finds your letters to him after your death in the dragon head conflict
content: angst, heavy mentions of death, swearing
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There, the boy remained victorious.
Others would furrow their brows, feel their heart clench into an impending drop. The utter and impeccable fear of such a small body, a young boy who yearned for nothing but a reason - a purpose, holding such power. He was as if he was sculpted by a passionate artist, a woman who presented herself as a 'mother' - soft orange locks, the ever glow of his skin that never left his face, and a harmonic assortment of features, those features that made him special. A child who was stringed together like a melodic harp by a mother is every child, and that was Nakahara Chuuya. He too, was a child.
At least, he felt like one.
"Chuuya," A tall, ginger woman speaks solemnly, clasping her hands together elegantly, as always. "here - [Y/N]'s stuff." Kouyou passes a large cardboard box to the boy; items like notebooks, pens, photos, and sticky notes. It had only been 14 days after the Dragon Head Conflict, and yet, the world's lost all sense of art: skies have been less blue, birds more or so melodically sing mantras of sorrow, rather than blissful chirps. Maybe it was because of his comrades who died, maybe it's because you were one of them, or maybe, it's his brain using his frustration with the world against him. In this box, consider it pandora's box of humanity - perhaps the sight alone brightened the sky, awakened the birds. You existed, and so, he longs to feel your existence once more. Be it through letters.
Chuuya runs his fingers along a folder of letters you've written. He'll close his eyes and pretend it's your skin - he'll close his eyes and make out each indent of each thought, each question you held for the universe on that paper.
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Dear Chuuya,
Happy Birthday! You finally turned 16, loser. You're all over the Port Mafia, you know? Double Black is so goddamn popular I've been approached by people I don't know asking if we're friends. So ahem, here are my birthday wishes for my boy best friend - the only one I share my gossip to that isn't a girl.
You get taller.
You find out what the hell happened before you were 8.
A girl would finally like you or something - rare, I know.
You finally get a dog. PLEASE shut up about it :)
Thank you for being my friend, even though you lose your shit when we play UNO with Albatross. Get good, kid.
- [Y/N].
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The redhead can practically feel himself scoffing, even though it was more like a chuckle, before sealing the letter once again; a small smile tugging on his lips even though he finds himself wiping a bit of tears from his cheeks.
"Why did it have to be you?.." Chuuya chuckles, swallowing thickly to cover the strain of tears spilling out. Crystal tears were never a threat to the boy - once again, such things like a heart doesn't suit him - yet, he finds it ironic. Maybe you had it all along.
The boy, molded by the hands of divinity, stringed together by an otherworldly being, was nothing divine. Nakahara Chuuya reigned from torture, yearned for retribution, and became an artist - one acquired dazzlingly with revenge. He took the vessel of himself he loathed and despised it with his entire being. Arahabaki was no divine being, nor a mother who lovingly caressed and loved with dainty hands. He was a monster, Chuuya was too. But from the rippling shackles he's restrained himself to, there was an angel, sacred and divine, who chided him for his hatred, his sorrows, his regrets. You too, knew how it was like to lose, to betray and be betrayed, and yet, you would never bring those to him again, but it seems once again, you've failed.
You were an angel, his angel, a light in the sky that he never failed to follow. And yet, you too fell from heaven's gate. Chuuya, who has been by your side for years, never dare touch you - Nakahara Chuuya may taint you with his sin, ruin the wings that guide him through the light. But shit, as an artist of revenge - he'll repaint it with regret.
To grow from a child, child of hatred to man of soul, touch will remold him to his feet. Rebuke his despondency. Chuuya regrets, for his only reminder of your skin was your life slipping through his fingers like ash.
To be Chuuya's angel was to lace his hair in between your words.
To be Chuuya's angel meant you were going to be immortalized.
To be Chuuya's angel meant that was only going to happen once he's lost you.
Yet he still flips the page.
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Dear Chuuya,
I like you.
I thought love was foolish. A four letter word, and one syllable of absolute bullshit. Love is only a fixation in TV shows and movies. Love is a weakness, and contrary to popular belief - love cannot save you.
But you saved me. Countless of times.
The first being when I botched an assignment miserably. I was about to sacrifice myself before you kicked all the enemies' asses! You even took the blame for me.
The second was when I ate too much during a celebration and you had to bring me home safely.
The third was when you didn't say anything after I farted in a closed elevator.
Maybe you're stronger than love, then. You're Chuuya Nakahara, the strongest ability user in the world. But, even if I fell for you - it's not because of your strength, or protection. I genuinely like you, Nakahara Chuuya, not the strongest ability user, but the boy who sought a past, the boy who longs for a wine collection, the boy who cries watching dog movies, the boy who thinks chokers are a fashion statement.
Don't think because you define yourself as Arahabaki I will too. You're so much more than that.
But eh, who cares anyway, its not like you know how to read or write.
- [Y/N].
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The boy who sought a past, felt himself shatter, because now he actually he had one. A best friend of his memories. An angel only in his dreams. A desire he could only do so much but reminisce. But contradictory to your previous statement, Nakahara Chuuya could read, even write now.
All because you taught him.
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readbyred · 3 months
Hi :)
Heard you were accepting dps requests so what about a charlie fic
I feel like charlie is the type of person to flirt with everyone and ask anyone he finds attractive out except when it comes to the person he actually has feelings for so what about charlie x reader where reader has been waiting since before they graduated for him to ask her out and as soon as she decides to move on charlie gets all sad and jealous and confesses and yknow how it goes
Would love to see this in a fic ♡
Not a fic blog (maybe someday), but I can give you a headcanon (so, shorter and no dialogue) though… I did get a bit inspired, so its longer than my usual writing
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I think as a teen he was the sort of person to try and prove he’s popular with people. It would feel bad to lump you in with that. Like, he actually liked you, so it's different. Not that he has no respect for people he flirts with, but he knows it isn't anything serious. He was just a teen guy trying to impress his friends and get the experience he was prevented from getting (with his strict school and all). Especially with his position in the friend group and all.
Still, he hoped to have something serious with you one day. One day when he gets the courage, when he feels like it will work out and he won't jeopardize the whole friend group because of his crush.
But that day didn't come when he was at Welton. Then he had other things to worry about, considering his departure from the school. It was a hard time for everybody. But no matter the odds the poets kept in touch, as much as they could. And that included you.
Only, as years passed you started losing hope. I mean, if he wanted to he would, right? It felt so helplessly pathetic to be waiting for Charlie when it seemed that he had never and will never return your feelings.
When you were younger, it felt like the end of the world. Like you were destined to be alone. Oh, how many nights you’ve spent with Knox, wallowing in self-pity after Chris left him. Just sitting there with your buddy, talking about how you should go to a monastery. Not out of a spiritual need, but because there would be no one ever to love you. Guess you were a bit dramatic back then. It took Pitts many tries to smack some sense into you but you matured eventually.
When college approached, you were ready to meet new people. Although you weren't in the same school together anymore, you made a promise with the poets to keep seeing each other regularly.
Meanwhile, you met Mark. A true romantic soul with quite a witty humour. And Jack who would always treat you so sweetly and had the same interests as you. And Adam who walked you to the dorms every day. And Matt who had so much passion for life. You opened yourself up to people. Started meeting up with others.
Suddenly, you’d bring up your dates every meeting. Not to rub it in, just to recall funny moments. Like when a rainstorm caught you and Jack in the middle of a walk and you raced to the dorms. Or how you and Adam got lost in the park at night because neither of you lived in that city before. Knox would encourage you to spill every detail.
Surprisingly, the more you talked about your love life, the less you heard Charlie talk about his. By winter break you haven't heard him talk about any girl in weeks. At first you didn't notice. Then you figured that maybe he just fell for someone who wasn't as easy to charm so he didn't have anything to brag about yet.
The thought of him being so head over hills for this unnamed person made something inside you feel empty. You knew the feeling well from high school and you detested yourself for still having those sorts of thoughts and feelings. But you decided to let it all fizzle out.
You had better things to think about too. There was a ball coming around. Some fancy tradition at your university. Before you knew it, you had quite a few invitations. The sweetest one was from Jack.
He told you to close your eyes and open your palm. Then, he handed you a handcrafted note asking if you'd like to go with him. Later that day you found another one in your pocket (so that's why he told you to close your eyes) telling you he’s grateful to have you in his life. It was perfect. And officially approved by Knox Overstreet!
When you recounted the story, the guys were pretty happy for you. Before anyone could get a word in, Charlie suddenly asked if you were planning to go with Jack. Sincerely, you affirmed. Why not? He was the sweetest guy and you certainly were done moping around. I mean, you knew that Charlie wasn't going to change his mind so you could as well see if you end up liking someone else.
To your surprise, Charlie wasn't as ecstatic as the rest of the poets. He was rather skeptical and even a bit snarky. Commenting on the guy and just being so… weird about it. It angered you to no end because softly rejecting you is one thing. But trying to get in the way of you moving on? That didn't sit right with you. But your drama queen days were over, so you didn't walk off or anything. Just huffed and looked for a way to change the topic.
At the same time Charlie was thinking. Before college it was easy to reassure himself that he had all the time he wanted to make you his. And all the time he wanted to decide if he would do that at all. Everything was easier back when you didn't talk about any guys. Ever. Now he felt like he had to do something. Damn the risk of ruining the friend group. Damn the fear of rejection. And damn Knox for encouraging this mess.
The last thing you expected was for Charlie to get up suddenly. The poets all looked at him confused. When he stood up, his eyes met yours and he asked you to talk with him outside. Honest to Gods, you had no idea what that was about. But he was being dramatic (more so than usual) and something about the determination in his eyes told you to follow your friend outside. It was snowing and only buildings around you somewhat shielded you from the cold wind.
Charlie didn't waste time choosing words. For the first time when talking to a girl, he was completely raw. Just as it hit him, he blurted out his confession. No overplayed charm. No smirks and winks and cheap tricks. Just him. Charlie Dalton telling you that he likes you. That he had liked you for some time. That you should just, please, think about it.
As the last word fell from his mouth, a heavy silence fell between you. Silence colder than the wind and the snow. But Charlie stood there, undeterred, waiting to see the answer in your eyes. Even at his most frantic, he was confident. He understood that he did what he did, what it meant, and that he grasped this last chance by a miracle. There was no turning back now.
Your response first came muffled, as if the falling snowflakes were absorbing your voice. But finally, you confessed. Not without telling him, how long he made you wait. And how stupid he was acting, if he really just ignored his feelings for this long.
Your talk was tender, full of relief. But, as it happens with Charlie, as soon as the talk of real feelings was out of the way, he dragged you back inside, to announce your happy ending.
You couldn't believe he wanted to brag to your friends at a moment like this. But you just stood there, watching him with a smile. Some things never changed. Charlie certainly didn't. And you wouldn't have it any other way
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tinyundercover · 9 days
14 and 16 for Pepper and Felix 👀
14. An au you’d like to explore someday
what aus DONT I want to explore?? omg there are so many I have in mind
DEFINITELY any of the size swaps, especially the universe where Pepper grows to human size and Felix shrinks to borrower size. I LOVEEEE a size swap where they already know and trust each other and then they have to basically start all over again and just ugghhssghaaaaaaa
and I also want to explore Basil, Breanna, Owen, and Alice changing sizes too!! whether it’s shrinking/growing or being born humans/borrowers!!! I actually have a few asks in my inbox rn about those aus and I’ve been saving them just in case I ever write a snippet about it yknow
16. Something that your character’s different sized friends do that annoys them
lmao this is so silly
Pepper occasionally will leave a mess in Felix’s cupboard (teabags strewn around, containers left open, etc) now that Felix knows about the borrowers. Felix is usually alright with it, but when he’s super exhausted getting ready for class at 6am, it is very annoying to find his cupboard in disarray
Felix will answer phone calls from his friends even while Pepper is sleeping near him, and although Felix tries to be quiet his voice is obviously very loud to Pepper. Pepper (being a light sleeper) wakes up to Felix’s voice every single time and it drives him crazy
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catchyhuh · 8 months
How about Jigen and Goemon?
LET’S GO JIGOE these motherfuckers are popular for a reason! also i promised i’d start putting these under a cut again to save space and not clog up the tags so here we go
the thing i love about these two is like, romantic or not, nobody quite understands them the way they understand each other, and that includes lupin too. there’s a quiet, almost unspoken connection that they have about what annoys the other, what the other prefers, simple things that add up to what honestly might be the closest thing resembling a relationship between normal people in the franchise. not that the individuals themselves are normal lmao BUT THE WAY THEY TREAT EACH OTHER. LIKE COMPARATIVELY
lemme elaborate a lil here: when lupin or fujiko or even zenigata do something that annoys jigen or goemon, it’s because they wanted to do that thing anyway, they were GONNA do that thing anyway, and it just happened to annoy these guys. when jigen or goemon annoy the other, it’s because they first recognize this is something moderately annoying, think it’s funny, and THEN act. like the specific grin goemon gets on his face making an unfunny joke or jigen pausing and thinking out his exact steps before he gets into goemon’s personal space. there’s intent before action here. isn’t that so special!
it’s just so. nice. sorry i know i say that too much but really how else do i phrase it! they seem so comfortable with each other. you really get the sense that no matter what the circumstances or what universe they’re in, they would turn to each other. which, yeah, could be argued for a chunk of these guys, but this specific like. warmth. the reassurance in having the other. again, platonic or not, they’re just so close and it’s so sincere! like, it’s beyond a trust of the other’s abilities, or even just “i trust you” it’s like. dying for you isn’t even a question. living for you is a necessity. do i sound nuts? whatever autism be damned my boy can work a complex and yet nothing is more easy and natural to them relationship!!
i think it’s just a default response rather than a conscious action for them to sit beside each other like. everywhere. they’re like magnets. if i had a nickel for every time these two were just hip to hip on the couch or whatever the hell jigen’s doing when he sticks his leg out over goemon’s lap i’d have like. i’d have enough money to get my dream lupin merch basically (which is really simple. its just the monchhichi zenigata) but if they’ve got someone inbetween them it’s DEFINITELY because someone either butted in or jigen said “hold on itll be really annoying if we make this guy sit between us on an 8hr flight and just talk over him. let’s do it”
no yknow what let’s fully commit to this skewed domesticity. can you imagine the notes they leave for each other in the hideout. like sticky notes scattered around “we got home at 4 am if you wake me up before 1:30 i’m making you eat publix sushi -j” (and he draws like a fucked up hat next to it) and like “i am out training. i will be passing by a ‘dunkin donuts’ on the way back. send me a Text if you want something. i will not respond, but i will see it -goemon” lupin collects these like trading cards when he finds them
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cal-writes · 7 months
hi, i'm here with a couple of bits for the ask game! ❤️ in general AND specifically 221 Beika Street series. 💥 for both one piece and detco. and ✨️👓🦋🦈📚💛 please! may you have a blessed day, Cal!
damn you did not mess around! lets hope mobile doesnt destroy me trying to answer
i will put this under read more bc it got long!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
i have many! generally i like my dialogue the best usually so this one is from my most recent one piece wip
Kureha scoffs and waves him off. “Oh, please. You’re practically glowing like a young bride. You definitely got laid.”
for detco i loved this exchange in A Matter of Deduction
“For the record, you’re a terrible liar.” Shinichi threw over. Hattori hung his head briefly with a sharp laugh. He shut off the water in the sink and dried his hands on a dishtowel he threw at Shinichi with too little force, causing it to land on the floor between them.
“And you’re a terrible detective.”
for 221 beika street specifically i loved writing amuro and shinichi being bitchy at each other
“I like him better than I do you.” He told Amuro plainly. It wasn’t much of an achievement, considering, but Shinichi still felt like it needed to be said. Since they were being so honest with each other after all. 
“I’m well aware,” Amuro said, chuckling. “I hate you less than I do him.” He was still idly turning pages in the book and Shinichi slammed it shut in his hands.
“If you bring your gun here again I will make you regret it.”
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
for one piece i think it would be the reveal of why sanji wanted to have to power to turn invisible. listen i have a tough time liking sanji in canon and i thought when it was first brought up that yknow that could be an interesting thing to explore esp with his backstory later with his shitty family like do something with that! and then they were like nah he wants to harass women in the bath. like i pretend i do not see it
for detco its hard bc i think there is so much thats only debatably canon. for me detco isnt really one continuous story so i like to pick and choose with canon anyway. maybe just more queer representation. or any i suppose (the movies arent really canon but the lupin crossover movie has like two or three lines in it that i despise and wish to delete from out universe entirely)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
there is a lovely person called hikarinomajin (i forgot what their tumblr user name is and cannot find it for the live of me rn) who made a thread on twitter as they read 221 beika street and linked it in the comments and that was a joy to read. they leave lovely comments but that first one and the thread is special to me, ive never had someone make a thread live blogging them reading my writing.
also @blithe-bee is the best hype woman for my wips, lots of comments from her in my google docs drafts that are a huge motivation, i have posted one of my recent favorites on this blog about stabbing zoro being my brand
also a very different but hilarious one is this one on Glue Trap from BnuuyTales, makes me cackle every time
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👓 What helps you focus when you write?
playlists! i make playlists for everything. when im starting to get serious about a story i will sit down and make a playlist. here is part of the 221 beika street one
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🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
they all have their unique quirks. i think i feel the most at home in heijis and laws head bc i can project my own way of thinking on it. a bit scattered and a bit overdrive and run on sentences. its the easiest to write as them i think. a few other characters are fun to write though just because i can use a different style. ive really been enjoying writing robin from one piece and my one shot from sonokos pov bc they think very differently and have different focus and expressions
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
i really struggled with kaito at first. ive mostly seen the movies for detco in the beginning and hadnt read the kaito manga yet so i felt like pulling teeth trying to get his voice down.
for one piece i tried my hand at usopp recently too and i definitely am not as comfortable in his pov yet as other characters but i could see myself really enjoying him down the line
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
@the-pen-pot is someone ive been following since livejournal and shes (i hope thats the right pronouns) a great writer! merlin unfortunately isnt my fandom but if you are into merlin im sure her stuff is still great if not better then when i read her fullmetal alchemist fics back in the day
specific fics is a little though for op and detco bc as soon as i start writing fic i will read less of it in any given fandom xD
but here are some favs
i think a classic for detco is a study in scarlette great work by kittebasu
kaishin power hour, great plot and fantastic pace, also really interesting character exploration
for one piece i absolutely loved Cut My Feelings Clean Off by Augment
zoro as the heart pirates first mate, fantastic dynamics here. absolutely love how their wrote law
if you are into grandmaster of demonic cultivation and horror Post Mortem by Cataclysmic_Calamity was a breathtaking piece of work but do be mindful of the content warnings. the climax is so fantastic i read it multiple times
and for some red vs blue fans P versus NP by @glassedplanets
wash and maine in a canon divergent story. one of my absolute favorites, i followed the progress for years and the author recently started writing one piece too! (that ive been meaning to read as well) so definitely check their stuff out. they also make beautiful art
i wish i was better with names bc i know some of these people have tumblrs too that i follow but i cannot remember the names. i just see vague icon blobs when i scroll my timeline
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
i know its hard especially in this current age of social media but just write for yourself. like i sometimes call writing exorcising things from my brain and i think thats where the passion comes from. dont write for numbers and likes (although those are of course nice too) but they arent a sign of quality or capability.
ages ago on a different website i once did this test where i took the same fic, changed the names into one from a bigger fandom and posted them both. and to see the difference in numbers just based on which fandom or paaring it was from really helped me move on from that mindset of “if there are no comments or likes its bad” sometimes it just means less people have seen it
wow thank you for asking all of them!! this is fun
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atlasdoe · 2 months
you should soooo tell my your remary thoughts
They love holding hands and always do whenever they walk together. literally these two never stop touching each other even if it's just their pinky's they HAVE to be holding each other some way otherwise they'll explode
Remus doesn't like parties and Mary does so whenever Gryffindor have a party Remus will sit in the corner by the window with the smokers while Mary goes out to socialise with her friends and dance. Before she leaves him tho she'll put on a shit tone of lipstick and kiss his cheek so it stays on just to make sure that nobody thinks he's single and tries anything before she goes back. Remus pretends to hate it but really loves how wanted it makes him feel
Remus' favourite thing about Mary is her confidence. he admires her so much and how she can always hold her head high despite the prejudice she faces for being muggleborn. he can only wish that he will be even a tiny bit confident as she is despite him being a werewolf
Speaking on werewolves. In a cannon universe where they're together i imagine the prank happening on the same day or the day after Mary getting attacked by Mulciber. In this universe i'm saying that Remus did care about the prank for the plot. So Mary is shut out in her room because of Mulciber and doesn't want to speak to anyone but Lily is trying to get her talk to her about what happened and while she's doing so makes a comment about Remus also refusing to come out of his room. Mary immediately thinks that the Slytherins had also hurt Remus and goes to the boys dorm to see him (she is the most protective gf in the world) but when Remus opens the door and tries to get out of telling her what happened she mentions that the Slytherins hurt her too in a way to tell him that she understands and Remus sees RED
Hear me out. Remus Lupin is not intimidating in the slightest. So when he goes to Mulciber he's laughed at for even thinking that he could take him. But i hc that Remus knows every defensive spell on the book (because he wants to be able to protect those he loves like his dad protected him)
Remus does eventually tell Mary everything and that's how Mary finds out that Remus is a werewolf
SPEAKING OF PARENTS. Lyall and Hope ADORE Mary. Mary is literally every in laws dream. She's polite and helping and all smiles around them and they can clearly see how much she cares for Remus and how happy she makes him
AND MARYS PARENTS LOVE REMUS TOO. They were skeptical at first because of the scars and the scrawniness of him but once he started talking they fell in love. (and they're obsessed with his welsh accent. they love how he speaks)
AND MARYS YOUNGER SIBLINGS ARE OBSESSED WITH REMUS. Mary in my hcs has an older sister and two younger brothers and because her brothers are so small they think Remus is the coolest person ever. They very bluntly asked him where he got his scars from when they first met and Mary told them that Remus fought a dragon
Yknow the "she's like a shot of espresso" audio of Andrew Garfield talking about Emma Stone?? Yeah that's actually Remus Lupin talking about Mary MacDonald
Remus loves burying his face in Marys neck. It's his favourite place to be and he loves kissing her there
Mary loves kissing Remus' scar on his face and hands. She's always sitting on his lap and running her hands through his hair
Remus LOSES HIS MIND when Mary wears short skirts
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minquiec · 8 months
Some lore stuffs + how her story ends
This is kinda all over the place bc I don't have a coherent idea but I just need to write it all down before I forget
How Jia was bit was on a hot ass day and she basically fell asleep on a spider and gained powers unknowingly
Doesn't find out for maybe a week
Has a weird dream one night where she basically meets a deity in her dream and the exchange was literally like
"You, Jialin Chen, now bear the powers to protect this la-"
"Uhm yea no thanks, pass 😬"
And then a comedic exchange occurs between mortal and god haha! Until the deity was like ENOUGH this is your DESTINY you will bear it whether you like it or NOT 👹 so Jia's kinda like alright fine damn 🙄 but obviously we all know how she really feels abt the whole situation (she hates it bc of issues) but anyways
The reason why it took a whole week is cause uhmmm plot hole lelel or smth the deity can't actually interfere directly with the world
EITHER WAY this is basically spoilers for endgame but it's not like I'll ever make a coherent plot bc I'm too lazy and dum but basically
The deity of Jia's universe is border on obsessive with creating a story line and destiny and heroes and stuff like that and ofc it has to be perfect (bc ofc it has to be, totally not cliche or anything)
Anyways this obsession makes them interfere TOO much with Jia's universe because if the deity was never this obsessed
Jia probably would've gotten over her issues (bc she's meets someone to help her copeeee 😋😋 cougjocughcgpuccough)
But bc the deity is an unreasonable shithead, they're literally the root of every problem:
They're responsible for Jia's split soul because of how abrupt her duties were suddenly forced on her
Bc of the split soul problem, it nearly upsets the world balance that could've been very bad for the universe! (the day she had lost the plot and had a existential crisis breakdown I think I posted it here but basically on that day she was flickering between both before Lin took control)
-> the logic is rlly,,, idk nonsensical for this bc what I thought as world making is that you can't have two souls in control at once and it goes again natural laws so it nearly ficked up her world cause it AINT SUPOSE TO HAPPEN ITS NEVA SUPOSE TO HAPPENNN but moving on
So then Lin switches in place of Jia and the world balance is briefly restored YAYY 🎉 everything is fine‼️
Cause now Lin went and 'broke up' (idk it wasn't rlly a break up bc she never said 'lets break up' but she kinda did go 'we aren't meant for each other 🖕' and dipped) with hb so NOW HES GOING THRU IT and the rest of her friends back at spider society are like ???? What the??? Fuck???
Lin does manage to spend a few days or more at the hq cause technically she is still Jia but just
But everyone's kinda weirded out cause she's Serious™ now and even Miguel's kinda like wattafack 🧍 plus the fact she has long white hair that spawned out of nowhere so they kinda piece some form of logic together that she's a different Jia
Anyways some time passes and one day an especially big anomaly is warned abt in Jia's (still Lin) universe which is bizarre cause they're not usually this big but it's all because of that STOOPID FUKASS deity GOING AROUND FUKIN THINGS UP and somehow created this ridiculously bad threat as a 'enemy' for the 'hero of their story' to defeat
The biggest problem with the anomaly is that while it doesn't really like, belong in Jia's universe, it doesn't belong in any OTHER universe either BECAUSE THAT DEITY BOUGHT IT UP OUTTA NOWHERE BC THEYRE PSYCHO I need to stop hating on characters that I literally made anyways
So HQ can't exactly deal with it like they usually do but they can try to offer assistance at least
Obviously for obvious (cliche) reasons CERTAIN PEOPLE are gonna be there cause yknow they still care abt Jia even tho she's changed (to Lin momentarily)
Battle occurs blah blah I'm not good with action scenes and things are looking a littttlee bleak for Lin and Co and all the sudden Lin receives a bad injury that nearly knocks her unconscious but thru her ringing ears and muted background noise she hears SOMEBODDYYY CALLING HER NAAMMEEE (god I really wonder who)
Because her state of unclarity from the Blunt Force Head Trauma makes things a little weird, the fine line between Jia and Lin also becomes a little muddled and the Jia that's been hiding behind Lin can hear his voice and it quite literally brings her out of that dark room in her mind to control again so TLDR Jia is back again instead of Lin
Reunion happens for maybe 3 minutes tops before shit hits the fan again and suddenly the deity has teared through time space fabric out of anger to speak directly to them mortal little earthlings on the ground because they're a little bitch
All because they thought Lin was the true protagonist they've been searching for all along and now 'that insolent fool' (hobie) has ruined everything (he does no wrong)'
But suddenly because the deity is in direct contact with the mortal world, they're like wait 🤨 you're not from this universe and sees other things also not from this universe and goes on a tangent about how they don't need to rebuild a 'story' anymore and can just find another 'story' to pilot (TLDR AGAIN: local deity discovers universe theft and wants to ditch this universe cause Jia's spiderman story wasn't perfect and now wants to find another universe to force to become their 'perfect story')
Obviously spider people are like 😨😨😨 UHMMM NO TF UR NOTTT so they start retreating (as they should tbh) and Jia's like helping to round up people to gtfo of her universe before some batshit deity absorbs them or smth
Atp bits of her universe is already crumbling and disintegrating because the deity is already trashing it because it's worthless and imperfect now (ngl me when art 😭😭)
So now it's the last of the people to go back thru the portals and its Jia and Hb :)) (y'all should know what's coming next)
Truthfully, Jia wants to so so badly go thru the portal to stay with the rest of them but she knows that there was the possibility of her connection with the deity of her world and her as a creation from the said deity
So she says goodbyes
Pushes him thru
And throws in her watch before it closes properly so the FUCK ASS DEITY CANT GET ANY KIND OF CONNECTION TO THE MULTIVERSE
And thus it concludes her coming of age plot because she found the proper courage to do what was right in all senses and came to terms with her spider girl identity
Even though she had so much she wanted to do with the rest of them was what she had thought while the thread of her universe on the multiverse crumbled into nothingness
ANYWAYS THE REAL CONCLUSION IS THE DEITY IS THE REAL ANOMALY THEIR OBSESSION DROVE THEM INTO AN ANOMALY AND INTERFERING WITH THE LIVING WORLD but thats kinda what happens when you've been living for centuries, you kinda go a little nuts
Anyways thanks for this long and incredibly messy read, don't kill me ✌️ peaces
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alex-rambles · 1 year
I'd love if you please did hcs for a Bill Cipher x a reader who summons Bill Cipher entirely because she's lonely and is interested in demons and the like. Bill goes along along with it only because he wants to possess the reader. But he really loves being with a human who doesn't have some secret agenda their trying to advance and avtually values Bill's company. Plus her unique mix of rebelliousness, headstrongness, energy and interest in the universe and paranormal makes her more interesting than most humans. So Bill finds himself actually liking a human which boggles Bill's mind. 1 day he explains his whole plan to fake friendship to possess her only to abandon it only for the reader to reveal they were okay with having Bill possess her this whole time. So now the reader lets Bill take over her body whenever they want, which only furthers their bond.
This can be read as platonic
-He doesn't get you
-Every human ever summons him for the sake of getting their petty wants without any real work
-And you just summoned him out of curiosity and interest
-He spends quite a while raking through your mind for a hidden motive
-And when he tries to manipulate you into letting him possess you, you seem to be falling for it way to easily
-But then something happens that confuses and slightly annoys him
-He starts to LIKE you
-You're interesting, you don't have a secret agenda, and what really seals the deal is that you are RELATABLE
-You seem like you'd get him
-And after he explains to you his original intentions, you stare at him like
-"bro you could've just asked yknow "
-He actually laughs
-Because that makes no sense to him
-You're fucking weird compared to the rest of your species
-And lucky for you, that makes you just his type
-He absolutely makes use of your consenting to him possessing you
-But he doesn't harm your body like he USUALLY would (unless ofc you express that you take no issue with that then he absolutely will break your knees)
-This is quite good for your relationship/friendship, as it allows Bill to learn the concept of other people's boundaries, and you understand each other better
-*insert a very excellent happy ending here*
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lunaremy · 6 months
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favorite thing about them
He's such a unique specimen, yknow? A really unique guy. He reminds me of a little roach and i love it.
least favorite thing about them
planet lalaland boss cutscene (self explanatiry fuck you konamy)
favorite line
"Fallen for me, have you? (sigh) I'm such a heartbreaker." something about the way the voice actor delivered it is really cool. He's such a roach boy
literal bros as in brothers, the dynamic between Black and White is so funny to me and a lot of the flavor dialogue really cements them as like the siblings ever. they'll fight each other over the pettiest things but you bet your ass if one of them is in serious need those two would start hauling ass to protect each other mark my words.
As Black is most bitchless man in the universe, I actually can't find a partner for this guy.
self explanatory
random headcanon
Already said every headcanon under the sun for this guy. He definitely keeps a diary. But on another note, I feel like Pink's read it before (although she's too altruistic overall to have had malicious intent, and really just wants to help Black with his problems)
unpopular opinion
i like this guy actually. i get why people don't but this guy is like a specimen to me. also not unpopular apparently but this guy would be the type of guy to have like comphet for bisexual men idk what it's called . yknow that one image where its like "I....AM NOT .....GAY!!! (MY TELEKENSIS FLINGS EVERYTHING ACROSS THE ROOM)" thats him.thats what he sounds like.i want to analyze his brain he has so many issues hes so fucked up.....hes like a worm.......
song i associate with them
I don't have any, bar songs I associate with the entire franchise, HOWEVER (glances at that ultra rare cd i somehow got my grubby little hands on via a long and complicated quest and then never touched again simply because black's va was singing in it and curiosity got the better of me)
favorite picture of them
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diarygirls · 1 year
do u have any suggestions on how to . meet people? ive never been approached by anyone/never even gone on a date but im 22 and so lonely and scared of dating apps:(( any suggestions on how i can Put Myself Out There
<3 sending love & a sympathetic ear because i was in a similar situation myself in my early 20s and it felt so lonely even though from talking to others i know it’s actually not so unusual. sometimes i feel like the prevalence of dating apps has made dating this activity that’s entirely separate from the rest of your life / your social circle and it’s actually reduced the amount of casual dating we do in early adulthood. hmm anyway some suggestions:
for making friends in general: in my experience the easiest way to make friends is to pick an interest or activity + regularly show up where people do it. work or university are two obvious examples but there’s also rec sports leagues, online meetup groups for hobbies, trivia or open mic nights at local bars, bouldering/climbing gym or another specialized sports studio, martial arts studio, group art class, knitting circles, book clubs, volunteering … all good ways to expand your social circle + also valuable in themselves! it can feel intimidating to do things solo but people are pretty receptive to chatting especially if they’re also by themselves or maybe just 2 or 3 people. additionally bumble has a BFF mode that’s specifically for platonic connections & i have a very wonderful friend who i met from there so it might be worth a try.
and all of these ^^ situations (except bumble BFF) are good ways to meet people to date too! the only thing is for some reason in my experience, you rarely meet people to date when that’s your only goal from the interaction. like, i’ve been in social situations (outside of like bars/clubs where it’s the norm) where you can just tell that someone is only looking at new people as potential romantic interests or hookups and it just puts more pressure on every interaction. so like get out and do things and meet people, allow yourself to be open to them, if they’re cute + available feel free to flirt but don’t discount the interaction if it doesn’t turn romantic yknow?
oh also tell your friends you want to start dating! you might not want to date your close friends but they probably know someone who knows someone who you’d like to date. i’ve even been on a blind date that a friend set up for me and while it didn’t go anywhere it was still nice + less nerve-wracking than app dates because we at least had a common interest and a single shared connection. tbh in my experience NO ONE will support your dating adventures as much as your friends who have been happily partnered and in love for years, because they want everyone else to be in love, and they need the gossip.
finally ik you said you’re scared of dating apps but they’re not all bad! i think dating apps can be a good option for adults not in a university setting esp if you just want to meet a lot of people with low stakes. i think a lot of people (myself included) considering meeting someone on an app as less “real” than a cute meeting irl but the reality is a lot of single people you meet irl will also be on apps. i had a thing w this guy from an app and we ran into each a year later at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was this nice realization like oh we would’ve met anyway. and i know a lot of people who are in relationships that started on apps! do what you’re comfy with of course but they’re always an option.
and of course goes without saying that there is so much love and romance to be had in life without a partner, that you can find so much joy and care and growth through friends family passions etc, that timelines are not real and that all experiences will come in time but you’ve probably heard that a lot, i know i did and do. but saying it again in case u need to hear it 🤍
hope some of these ideas resonate w u - ik it’s been a couple months since you asked so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck! <3
finally i know you said scared of dating apps but they’re actually not all bad and i think for adults who aren’t in university it’s a great way to just kind of dip your foot in the dating pool. plus i think a lot of us (me included) tend to romanticize irl meetings when the reality is a lot of people you’d meet in a cute way irl will also be on dating apps, i had a thing w someone from an app and a year later we ran into each other at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was a nice reminder like ok well we would’ve met anyway, just on a later timeline. i know lots of people who are in relationships that started on them too. dating apps are also real life!!!
maybe some these ideas will resonate with you, ik it’s been a couple months since you sent it so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck out there 💗
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ryutarotakedown · 3 months
Haori for the ask!
How I feel about this character: um. see above. she is my favorite dgs girl ever and i love her so much and she deserves the entire world and also to rest once in a while. she is incredibly brave to the point of recklessness and she is incredibly responsible to the point of self loathing and she feels emotions so much all the time and i think she might actually be the least deliberately-repressed character in dgs which doesn��t say that much but still! every day i think about her in awe
— seriously, sixteen years old and you’ve helped make an entirely new poison and diagnosed its symptoms on sight and acted accordingly and also went into a beach hut to yell at a confirmed murderer. didn’t even do it because she hated her, did it because she wanted her goddamn poison back. who is doing it like haori murasame
All the people I ship romantically with this character: susato!!!!! and gina but i haven’t thought about ginahao as much as i should tbh. i think haori would take a shine to her immediately but actually fall for her the moment she sees gina scream at someone for susato’s or haori’s sake
My non-romantic OTP for this character: all? of them? yuujin and wilson are both super fascinating dynamics to explore with haori! but the one that actually takes up my entire frontal cortex is her and jezaille.
— they are both women in the same field but jezaille is lauded because she’s british whereas haori surely is not — i mean, that’s not actually said in canon but auchi disparagingly refers to her as a “tomboy” and susato mentions how incredible it is that she has a job in an all male university, i refuse to believe she didn’t have a fucking Time of it. and that in itself inspires jealousy, right, and then haori finds out she killed her mentor and she still has to work with her for Months??? i’d go insane! it’s a miracle haori didn’t actually murder her! like. here is my only chance to bond with someone who understands the exact position i am in, and then it turns out she hates me for almost the same petty reasons as the men in the laboratory. and also killed a guy. haori is so fucking alone it drives me up a wall
— also i wrote a ficlet in dante’s ronin au once where jezaille calls her susato’s attack dog
— also also, we do not have any information on whether she knew asougi or not but i like to think she did. just like as that guy who’s always around susato with the sword and the cringefail aura. maybe they had conversations while waiting for susato to come out of her tutoring sessions! maybe they knew each other!! do you think susato told her that he was dead after getting back to japan, or do you think she only found out after mamemomi accused mikotoba of covering it up at the end of 2-1?
My unpopular opinion about this character: tragically i dont think theres enough haori content for me to actually have unpopular opinions on her. but she performs so incredibly well under stress. i think shes one of the rare people for whom stress actually helps to narrow down her focus.
— also one thing i always laser in on when writing her is her unfailing emotional honesty which is deeply funny considering 2-1 happens because she decided to find out about the poison on her own rather than telling anyone; the self loathing slash impostor syndrome slash fear of failure and rejection overrules that bit of her i guess :pensive: she is fully in panic mode for so much of 2-1
— oh yeah Yeah The Self Loathing thats also something ive never seen in any haori fics yet! she has a whole bit about wanting susato to throw her to the ground in the recess halfway through the trial and it’s kind of a joke but also Not yknow. “i completely betrayed your trust” like. god. theres a perfectionist streak there i think or at least signs of a not super great self esteem!
— hey haori would you say that the two things you hate the most (about yourself) are poisoning and betrayal. haha. okay thats not actual character analysis but i couldnt resist the reference
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish she came back in any form at all i wish susato mentioned her after 2-1 at all although i will say that 1) her being part of the defense in the end credits is like catnip to me and 2) it is my firm belief that susato deliberately avoids talking about her because she’s too afraid of her own feelings to even consider opening up to ryuu about her
— when will the haori murasame fancase of that trial at the end appear, by the way. i want them to get hosonaga a decently light sentence for theft and then he is immediately accused of murder right afterwards
— she also should have gotten to learn about wilson being awful. and also should have been the one to give susato jezaille’s case notes in 1-1 (i saw that hc in a susato roleswap au fic and i have completely integrated it into my belief system. as far as i am concerned she was that person. but a confirmation in 2-1 woulda been nice)
My OTP: [poking head out behind ao3 page and enough susahao fanart to drown a man] take a guess
My OT3: add gina in there baby!!! i dont have as solid ideas on the rest of the girlcule yet but gina is Necessary.
— i actually think haori would dislike both maria and nikolina upon first meeting, maria because of The Racism (she’d scream at her about believing in skull sizes) and nikolina because she does come off as pretty privileged and smug and aloof when you first meet her
— [insert five page rant about how we never see nikolina outside of her being afraid for her life and therefore have almost no idea what she was like in the troupe or among the crew but also she was probably afraid for her life while in the troupe as well so in a way we do have a pretty good idea of her behavior and also i think she uses aloofness as a shield]
— but Point Is they both remind her of jezaille too much for her to like them at first. but later! who knows?
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hypotheticals for a continuation to gligar emmet/silent loyalty
so obviously the first thing that happens is emmet goes and Gets Help. probably in the form of lady sneasler, who is confused and delayed a bit because her Noble Senses say something weird. about emmet. namely he looks like a regular gligar but for some reason his soul is human??
so yeah. What Happened, anyway, is that in this universe, things that are entirely of the distortion world can’t naturally exist in our world, because they lack two vital things: a physical body and a soul. giratina’s solution was to borrow some from elsewhere. a single person would just be dead, or regular possessed, but giratina accidentally grabbed two humans, decided to take one part from each of them, and tossed the scrap bits out of the distortion world, where emmet’s stray soul landed in an unfortunate gligar that was flying too close to the rift
(yes this means emmet’s real body, and all of ingo’s memories, are somewhere in the distortion world being test-driven by giratina. don’t worry about it)
one side effect of the soullessness is that ingo still remembers Nothing, which emmet doesn’t get to find out until he wakes up and explains his situation to the pearl clan
...yeah, after that he sorta gives up on trying to communicate anything, because even if he could figure out a way to write or otherwise explain "i am emmet” “i am human”, it wouldn’t even mean anything to ingo
meanwhile ingo has No idea why this weirdly clever gligar is determined to hover around him, but having a pokemon partner is far preferable to being alone in hisui, so he’s not exactly complaining 
(even if he feels a little guilty about having basically nothing to give in return)
emmet, having all his memories but no way to communicate, is aware of just how much is Very Wrong here, and really wants to fix it and go home but. has no idea how to achieve that. so mostly he’s just super keyed up with nervous energy that has nowhere to go
he’s also got this sort of thing over time of, like, he’s a pokemon now, he’s capable of taking and dishing out attacks, he has to get stronger so that both of them can survive. and his “training” is occasionally detrimental to his health
(i’m leaning towards him being a HA gligar/gliscor? bc that then puts added incentive on him to jump into any poison attacks, and also if he evolves and depending on how you hc the mechanics of poison heal to work, you could get all the nasty side effects of poison but also have him be seeking it out in battle despite that because it keeps him up longer)
and then, yknow, there’s the whole thing he’s trying not to think about which is the feeling of suddenly being trapped in a pokemon body and also being completely cut off from human contact. he talks to lady sneasler a lot, and the rest of ingo’s team once they get added, which helps with the loneliness-in-a-crowd feeling, but still having to be a spectator in every other conversation and not really getting treated like a person is not fun
meanwhile ingo is. well, yknow, canon. he’s lost, confused, something is Wrong and the constant looming knowledge of that kind of distracts him from being like, functional. his brain is static. he’s doing surprisingly well for having No Soul, after the initial disorientation in the temple, but he does seem less. emotive, present, than he should.
which is why it’s a good thing he has this gligar which is, again, weirdly determined to help him and also extremely perceptive to what he’s feeling, sometimes even before he himself notices. if only he had literally any way to pay it back for being so kind
especially because it seems near-constantly distressed and/or frustrated by this unknown thing it still hasn’t figured out a good way to communicate
a lot of it goes, plotwise, the same way as canon—ingo becoming sneasler’s warden, picking up the rest of his team, etc. they settle into sort of a routine, even if it’s sort of perpetually unsatisfying. i’mmm putting some of the random concepts under a readmore so this doesn’t get any more stupid long
noble debate about what to do with the Gligar-That’s-A-Person and the Person-That-Isn’t-A-Person. also trying to determine if either of them are threats, since they also seem to have been heavily influenced by the rift. is it safer to just take them out now?
the clans Also don’t trust this gligar that doesn’t act like one
i think zoroark rely on memories/souls to hunt people so they don’t know what the fuck to do with either of them. do they attack? which one??
the aforementioned “emmet goes a little too far with training” and ingo has to beg him to stop
also, him trying to decide whether to evolve (even stronger, but also bigger/scarier?)
conversely, emmet has to be the one to remind/pester ingo to do normal things like eat and sleep consistently
4x ice weakness that’s gonna hurt
also as mentioned above- what if poison heal doesn’t necessarily negate the effects of a poison, it just also turns it into energy at the same time, you’re still very poisoned. but hey now in battle it’s useful to be poisoned
i don’t remember if it’s canon or conjecture but i still like the idea that alphas with their glowing red eyes have been strengthened-and-frenzied by giratina/the distortions. so like, that happening to emmet. possibly while he’s investigating the rift/distortions to see if they hold the key to fixing things
also, lady sneasler gets frenzied and attacks them both
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Wally x gn reader
So this isn't gonna be in the same universe as the 3X4 fics, this is an au ( an every other knd x reader things). Also slight angst but happy ending cause yknow I can't do angst lmaooo
BTW (y/g) means your gender.
"Jesus christ y/n, you look like you came out the sewer"
"I could say the same for you"
"Oh yeah? Well you look like crud!"
"Oh? You look like-"
"Would the two of you break it up? Its been all day you've both been insulting each other? Its annoying and distracting from our mission work" Nigel uno finally put an end to the argument with his hands on both you and Wally's chest, pushing you both away from each other.
"Not saying we have to be friends, but you both are teammates for crying out loud! Work. Together." Wally looked down with his arms crossed and you looked up at Nigel embarrassed.
"Y-Yes Numbuh 1"
"Ugh, yes numbuh 1"
The two of you walked away, looking back at each other and making faces at each other.
Later on you and Wally were just sitting down, eating peacefully for once, talking about your mission in between bites. Maybe you were just too focused on eating, but everyone else saw the light blush coating Wally's cheeks.
Suddenly a voice and hand appeared right behind Wally and on his shoulder. "Whatcha thinkin about?" Abigail asked, causing a loud shriek to come out of Wally. It was truly a hilarious sight.
"Wha-Whaddya mean what am I thinking about?!" Wally screeched, his face clearly much more pink than before. "Nothing~ Numbuh 5 just thought you looked...distracted" She teased, starting to walk away. "But if ya just thinkin, ya just thinkin. Though Numbuh 5 has an idea on whatcha thinkin"
"Oh yeah?! What is it then?" Wally challenged, slamming his foot down. "Numbuh 5 ain't saying much, but I think your thinking about the pretty (y/g) sitting right next to you" Wally's face went red from embarrassment. But to be fair, who wouldn't?
You looked back and forth from Wally and Abigail, who at this point was making a sandwich.
"Why would I? NUMBUH 4? Like THEM of all people?" Wally yelled. "Dunno, maybe its because its obvious" Abigail said, leaning on the table.
"No. I hate them for gods sake! They aren't 'pretty', they aren't smart like all of you think they do, they are ANNOYING, they clearly contributed nothing but a chair filler to the KND." Wally yelled, completely forgetting you were there. You looked at him, throat and eyes starting to burn.
"Is...Is that how your truly feel about me?" You asked, starting to cry. "Wh-What?! No no its not-" Wally tried justifying, but you just got up and walked towards the door. "Its fine, I understand. I figured you didn't like me, but dang...I'm sorry I made you feel this way" You said, starting to walk out.
Wally looked so defeated with a very surprised Abigail. She knew he could get defensive, but not to this extent. "B-But..." Wally tried to get out.
"Go. Go to them and apologize! They look so heartbroken" Abigail said, pushing Wally to the door.
"B-But they-"
Wally sighed and started walking to find you.
You sat in the chair next to Nigel by his work space, being hugged by him whilst you sobbed. "Can't believe he'd say that..." Nigel said, being internally outraged but keeping it quiet for your sake. "I knew he didn't like me, but it hurt my feelings alot" You cried.
Nigel sat there and comforted you, a hand putting your hair as you sobbed.
Just then, Wally found you and Nigel, Nigel comforting you after what happened over lunch. Wally's guilt really started to set in. "Y-Y/n?" He called out. Nigel and you looked over at an upset Wally. "Wally. Do you have anything to say to them?" Nigel sternly asked.
"U-Uhm...C-Can I speak to them alone?" Wally asked. Nigel thought about it, then carefully unwrapped your arms around his waist. "Fine, but if I hear you saying those things again, you are gonna be in serious trouble"
Nigel walked out, leaving you and Wally alone. Wally sat in the seat next to you. "Hey...uhm...I'm...I'm sorry" He said, avoiding eye contact. "For what?" You asked, still crying. "I..I'm sorry for yelling at you and saying those mean things...I don't mean them"
"Who told you to say that? Abigail? Nigel? Kuki?" You spat out, wiping your tears. "Well, Abigail said I need to apologize but I really am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I didn't mean those things"
"O-Oh yea?" You looked up at him, tears and a red face. "How did you mean to hurt me then?" Wally looked at you with clear guilt. "I didn't mean to. I don't hate you, seriously" He said.
"The thing is, I never hated you. Sure sometimes you get annoying and distracting, but your not ugly and I know you are extremely smart" You looked up back at him. "I never hated you, its the opposite actually...I really think your pretty and your so nice to me, even after all I do"
Wally sighed. "You are so funny and you do alot on our missions, you contribute so much more than a presence. What I'm trying to say is that I like you, like a lot."
You looked at him with shock. "I know you won't return my feelings, and I'm not asking you to. But I just wanted to apologize and-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you laid on his shoulder. He flinched for a second, but instantly wrapped his arms around you. "I'm sorry" He whispered despite it just being you and Wally.
"Its my fault too" You admitted. "What? But I'm the one who said those things and I shouldn't have" You looked up at him. "But I said mean things too. To your face. Even though you had the last word, I still said things I shouldn't have either. I'm sorry too" You apologized, sitting up straight to hug him.
He went wide eyed, hesitantly wrapping his arms around you. "I'm sorry, we both said things we shouldn't have and that we don't mean. I'll take responsibility if you can"
Wally pulled away and looked at your face. Your tears had been run dry, your nose was only a little red, and your puffy lips and eyes were nearly gone. "So, do you mean what you said?" You asked. "Of course I do! I'm so sorry about-"
"No no no, about what you said after. Do you actually like me?" You asked. Wally looked to the side, but his red cheeks say otherwise. "Yeah..." You rolled your eyes with a smile and kiss that cherry red face.
"I guess that's why you denied everything. You could of just told me" You said. Wally growled a little. "You're starting to sound like Abigail" He spat out, a laugh making its way out your lips.
Wally smiled a little to himself when he heard you laugh at his stupid remark. "Sooo...."
"Wanna head to the park?"
"Sounds like a date"
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