six-white-venus · 4 months
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on death, on grief
bungou stray dogs- s2// anne carson// bungou stray dogs- s2//tell me something about yourself by @six-white-venus//war of foxes, richard silken//bungou stray dogs//wandavision//madeline miller//house md, s6e9//john green// house md s4ep16
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redplanetlobster · 9 months
What are some good Space Au fanfics for Hermitcraft? 'Humans are space orcs' plotline/interactions preferred but very much not a requirement. I just need to see these people being fun and funky in space.
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jesterofcringe · 1 month
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Kiss with a Fist Villain!Venture x Reader
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req i received on my main blog, moved it over here :3 tw mentions of blood and an injury but not too much detail no nsfw btw. i straight up forgot ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★ Romance with a villainous Venture is... somewhat complicated. Your relationship as a whole had a bit of a rocky start considering every other day you were trying to kill each other.
★ You were assigned what should have been a simple mission: Arrest Sloan Cameron. Sounded easy enough- they were an ex-hero, a big nerd with a bigger heart,,, how harmful could they be?
★ You quickly came to learn that talon picked them for a reason, and pretty soon trying to keep up with them was the worst part of your day.
★ At least for you it was- Sloan on the other hand LOVED messing with you. Although it was initially because they thought it was funny to watch how mad you would get, they slowly but surely begin to develop a crush. Unfortunately for the both of you, being the feral idiot they are they decide it's much funnier to toy with you instead of confronting their own feelings.
★ You don't notice it immediately, but you do notice the way they always target you when you're on a mission. You find it incredibly strange- because of their abilities they're able to go after multiple of your teammates at once, but they never do. It's always you that's backed into a corner, shoved up against a wall, or pinned against the floor with their boot on your chest, heel digging into your ribcage to keep you from moving.
"Agh... Sh-Shit..." You rasp, struggling and grabbing at their foot, "I'm supposed to be capturing you, not the other way around..."
Their foot presses down harder, making you wheeze as you claw at their heel. They laugh at the way you whine in protest, and you want nothing more than to knock that smug look right off their face.
★ Needless to say, you weren't exactly fond of Sloan. You spent so much time chasing them your sleep schedule started to deteriorate. Even when you thought you could relax you couldn't escape them as your brain decided to replay the moments you had with them and all the battles you lost in a desperate attempt to analyze what went wrong and how to fix it. Hyperfixating on your nemesis was one thing, but it got to the point that you started to have nightmares. Though the nightmares weren't a daily thing, they were frequent enough to make you consider ditching sleep as a whole.
★ You wanted to punch their lights out sooo bad.
★ As your rivalry progressed, you slowly [emphasis on SLOWLY] got used to their antics. You weren't beginning to like them by any means, but it became less about kicking their teeth in and more about just doing your job. That didn't make them any less annoying, unfortunately, a fact that became apparent when a particular fight had you slammed against a bar counter all the while Sloan continued to make dumb jokes.
"Can I offer to buy you a drink while we're here?"
"If you wanted to treat me why didn't you just ask me on a date like a normal person?"
★ When you quipped back, you meant it completely as a joke. In your logic, you hoped that maybe flustering them even slightly would give you enough time to get them off your back and gain some high ground. Unbeknownst to you, they seriously took your suggestion to consideration.
★ You wouldn't learn this until you found yourself chasing them across rooftops a few days later.
★ Being high up was seriously out of character for Sloan considering they preferred to be close to [and usually underneath] the ground. Despite this, they had a decent lead on you and were surprisingly light on their feet. You didn't let this deter you, and instead stayed right on their track, giving a determined chase.
"Where are you leading me Cameron?"
"Right here!" They came to a sudden stop, and the abruptness of it all damn near made you fell- they had to catch you and before you could struggle out of their hold they spun you around and pointed over your shoulder, gesturing towards the sky.
Oh gods. The sky.
From where you stood, you had a perfect view of the stars as they twinkled and winked. It was like someone had flicked white paint against a deep purple canvas. You were absolutely gobsmacked.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
Their grip loosened, allowing for you to turn around to face them. For once, you saw them in a completely different way; their wolfish smile replaced with a goofy lopsided grin, and instead of the malicious gleam you usually saw in their eyes, you were met with the sparkle of the stars shining back at you.
"Did you make me chase you here on purpose? So you could show me this?"
"Uh-huh! What good is star gazing if there's no one to star gaze with?"
★ You didn't have a nightmare about Sloan that night. You dreamt about the stars, and the person they used to be when they were a hero. You wished you got to meet that person, and almost wondered if there was a way to bring them back.
★ The next morning you woke up startled. You hated thinking about Sloan like that- there was no good in it considering the fact that you still had a job to do whether they were a villain or not.
★ That didn't stop you from accidentally telling them about it, blurting it out before you could stop yourself.
"You had a dream about me?" They said with a cutting slyness in their voice. You could feel your face heat up, and you really hoped you weren't blushing as much as you thought you were, "Awh, I knew you cared about me!"
"I do not." You hissed, trying to save face, "You broke my nose, I kicked your teeth. That's all that happened."
Their smile falters for a second. Though the action was quick, you still caught it even though it seemed they were doing their best to make sure you didn't.
You wonder what ran though their mind at the thought of you thinking about them at night. You decide, for your own sanity, not to let it bother you.
★ Things change, but only slightly. You still fight but you no longer actively try to kill each other. You don't really like them yet, but you're willing to say they're alright. They're weary not to hit you too hard even though you hated when they went easy on you. As a joke, you left a small mark on their drill. Not like a dent or anything, but you stuck a spiderman sticker to the side to see if they'd notice. Eventually they did, but they pretend they didn't as an excuse to keep it there.
★ One night, they turn up at your door. You're ready to get upset when you notice their condition- they look pale, and they're hunched over with one arm over their abdomen. They look awful, and yet they're still weakly smiling at you as if they aren't obviously hurt.
You nearly jump out of your skin, just barely keeping your composure as you stare at them, "What the hell happened to you?"
"Any chance I can borrow your medkit?" They ignore your question as they sway from side to side, "Do you..." they interrupt themselves with a hiccup, blood spilling form their lips, "...H-have one?"
They lean just a bit too far forward, losing their balance. You catch them and usher them inside.
Soon you find yourself with your nemesis half conscious on your couch as you treat their wounds. They murmur small apologies and thank yous as you work, trying not to flinch as you bandage them up. You did your best to remain stoic, though you couldn't hide the way your hands shook as you cleaned them up. You hoped they didn't notice.
"Talon doesn't have a medic?"
"...Didn't think I'd make it in time."
With the state they were in, you were sure they would've suffered significant blood loss if they tried to pull through and carry themselves back to Talon's headquarters. You're surprisingly relieved they decided to knock on your door.
"What did you get yourself into Sloan?"
Again, they ignore your question.
"I'm really sorry," They manage, "I just didn't know where else to go."
"Don't worry about it. I-"
You hesitate. The words were at the tip of your tongue.
Care about you. I care about you, Sloan.
You just couldn't quite say it, the words dying in your throat. Instead you sigh.
"-Have some spare clothes you can borrow. You should really get out of that bloodstained turtleneck."
They nod, smiling wide enough for you to see the gap in their teeth.
"You're the best."
★ From then on, Sloan hardly felt like a nemesis anymore. You don't even feel like it would be right calling them an enemy or opponent. You would never admit that out loud though.
★ Like a lost puppy, Sloan continues to appear on your doorstep, yearning to see you. You let them in of course, and typically they would fall asleep on your couch and vanish by morning. One night, you decide to conduct an experiment. Just to see what would happen, you stole their pillow and tossed it into your bedroom, gesturing for them to follow.
"C'mon man, that can't be comfortable."
"You want to share a bed?"
"...if that's ok with you-"
★ They can barely contain their excitement, though they do try to hide it by creating a big wall of pillows between the two of you. The next time they sleepover, the pillow wall is gone. By the third, you wake up snuggling although you pretend you didn't.
★ It was incredible, how you could fall asleep so close together and yet feel so far apart. You hardly knew anything about them. What did they do for Talon? Why did they leave Overwatch? Would you ever grow the courage to ask? Would you be able to see them the same after hearing their answer?
★ It was like sleeping with a ghost- their embrace was so warm at night but by the time morning rolls around they're gone. All you have to prove they were there is leftover pizza and a rock they left on your kitchen table.
★ You wish it was enough for the both of you, and you could pretend it was, but deep down you knew it wasn't. Whatever you had, it wasn't enough to convince Sloan to leave their life of crime in the past, and it certainly wasn't enough for you to leave Overwatch to join them.
★ Instead you pretend what you had wasn't real. You pretend you hadn't found comfort in Sloan no less than 24 hours earlier as you pull on your uniform and prepare for your next reunion to be on the battlefield.
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ribbononline · 1 year
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long time no meme post
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reinbowzz · 10 days
It's an MHA fic I don't remember what it's on could be Wattpad, FF, or ao3.
Class 1-A was still in school and like quirks existed and stuff but electricity quirks where like SUPER rare and those that DID have them AND had strong ones where even MORE rare. So the government made it so that if disasters of any kind happened anyone that had strong electricity quirks had to help, hero training or no. So one day something happens and Denki is called in the middle of class to go help and he has to go to a hospital and charge it for like hours because the power went out bc of somthing, there was more to it but I can't remember what😭😭😭😭😭.
That's all I can remember but I NEED to find this fic😭 HELP PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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divinghell · 2 months
Sorry sorry I'm looking for WATTPAD author named The Paper Queen, they wrote yandere X male reader stories...the ones I've read was a monster named V with weird mreader, other is about mreader reviving the dead dark lord and lastly angel yandere X mreader....I tried to read again the WATTPAD but for some reason the stories along with the author are gone from the platform , I really REALLY want to know what happened and where can I read them again? Can anyone search it?😭😭😭😭😭
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genericpuff · 2 months
Hey quick question.
How do you know if you should make a webcomic? I have this story idea that’s been floating around in the back of my head that I think could work well for a comic series. But the problem is I’m mainly used to writing screenplays and more traditional writing.
What I’m saying is, how can I tell if making a webcomic is worth it or if I should stick in my comfort zone?
I mean, there's no definitive right answer when it comes to "knowing" if you should make a webcomic. It really just comes down to you. Do you really like the medium? Do you feel your story has to be told within that medium to achieve its goals?
Same thing goes for whether or not it's "worth it", it really comes down to how you define that. For some people, simply posting their comics online to a few readers each week is worth it. For others, if it doesn't get into print or publishing or whatever have you, it might not be quite so justifiable to keep up with. Neither is better or worse than the other, both reasons are valid because it ultimately comes down to what we as individuals are trying to accomplish and what we define as "worth it" on a personal level.
I actually live on both sides of the spectrum right now because with Rekindled, posting it on Tumblr and getting all the great feedback and company through the audience it's gained makes it worth it. But that worth was defined by my expectations going in - I wasn't making Rekindled for money (legally I can't), I wasn't making it to get an Originals deal or anything of the sort, I was just making it because I found myself deadset on going through with it after months of it living in my head rent free, and so what I've gotten out of it as a result is very much worth it, all I was really looking for was maybe some other readers who would enjoy reading a transformative 'foe fiction' from a former LO fan and I've found those readers in spades simply due to the demand.
Time Gate, on the other hand, was something that I wanted for years to be a 'successful' project, defined more by actual tangible growth and gain. Because I came up with it as a kid, for a long time it was my "magnum opus" project, the thing that I wanted to see get turned into books and an anime and a video game and all those sorts of things as 'proof' of how good it was. Of course, I know now years later that those expectations were WAY too high and it resulted in me feeling incredibly depressed over it for ages. It made it hard to work on and even though I did have some readers, I didn't see it as "worth it" because my expectations were a lot higher than that of Rekindled's going in. But that was simply a matter of experience at that point, because I had been making original comics for so long, when I went into Rekindled I knew a lot more what I was capable of, what I wasn't capable of, and what boundaries I was willing to put down for myself. Even still, I do still want to return to Time Gate some day and when I do, I want to still treat it like a series I want to get off the ground as an actual published piece of work - it's just that this time around, I actually know how to make those steps and be proactive in my approach (and I know where to keep my expectations) which is certainly a perspective and skillset I didn't have when I was 15 LMAO
I will say, realistically speaking, it is a lot harder to pursue webcomics as a writer, because the reality of this medium is that most people who go into it are artists who learn how to write to make a webcomic, not the other way around. Unless you're willing to learn how to draw - which is a whole other skillset that requires years of work and patience - you're likely going to have to seek someone to collaborate with and - I cannot stress this enough - it's not going to be someone you simply find on reddit who's willing to work for free. Again, many of us as artists went into webcomics with a project already in mind, so most artists are already working on their own passion projects, trying to convince someone else to work on yours is just not realistic or fair. I'm fortunate enough to have @banshriek along for the production of Rekindled and even then I still pay for their contributions out of pocket, they're as invested in an LO rewrite project as I am (and thus they're given a lot of room to make suggestions in both the set designs and the writing), and I still had to carry the first 20ish episodes on my own before they joined along, i.e. I would still be making Rekindled if they weren't onboard, but having them is a massive help that's taken the comic to a whole other level in its artistic production.
But that doesn't mean it's hopeless! There's a lot of interest right now in webnovels and writing comic scripts is still a completely viable way to get into the comics industry if you're really interested in doing so (fun fact: before I was making comics, I wrote fanfiction! This is probably not shocking to hear all things considered LMAO) There's a reason Webtoons owns Wattpad now, webnovels are a no-brainer when it comes to adaptations to visual mediums, and webcomics have become part of that environment by extension. So at the very least, if you want to get your story out there, there are loads of ways to do it that don't require you to make a comic - but if you really want to make one, there are ways to get into that industry through writing in other ways such as pitching scripts to comic publishers and/or going indie with webnovels. Ultimately, if many of us webcomic creators stopped drawing our works, we'd still be coming up with stories to write, because that's what's really at the heart of these sorts of projects. So even if you can't get into comics right away due to lack of visual artistry, that doesn't mean it's off the table forever ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Sorry, that was a lot of rambling but I hope it helps ! Remember to keep your goals and expectations manageable, and most of all, write lots! You'll be doing it anyways regardless of whether or not you get into comics, so whatever value you see in getting into comics is up to you to determine! You don't have to know right away, it might be something you'll find along the way or have to adjust as you get more experience, but don't stop yourself from getting creative and messing around until you find out what works! You won't know if it was worth leaving your comfort zone until you try it <3
Good luck! (•̀ᴗ•́)و
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
Heyy are you on Wattpad? Because if you aren't then someone reposted a story from you on there. I think it was the biker ghost story I wasn't sure if that's you because the account goes by another name than halycone of the sea
I am on Wattpad (by that I mean I have an account because people have stolen my fics before and I have to report them there. I never use it/post anything on it).
But I'd love if you could tell me who uploaded it! Totally send me another ask or a dm because it was 100% not me and I never gave permission for anybody to do that!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
I can't get Redacted'd voice claim being Fuji Kaze out of my head and just imagining him singing Shinunoga E wa into his Angel's hair/neck while cuddling them is making me ascend
I'd personally go full cat mode and snuggle into him if he started singing😭
He can expect a hell of a lot kisses and cuddles from me once he just as much as hums
✦゜ANSWERED: pov you think he's singing in Japanese, but in reality, he's just reciting the bible
You can practically feel his lips move against the shell of your ear as your dark-haired lover faintly hums something in Japanese.
It wasn't often that you got to hear him speak in his native language, but even now, you can tell it was beautiful. The soft and breathy infliction made it feel as though you're on cloud nine, and you didn't want to come down any time soon. One of his hands move away from your hair in favour of tracing faint patterns into your shoulder blades instead, while the other remains just above your hip in a gentle hold.
It's calming like this, you muse, as you allow your boyfriend to lull you into a calming respite.
You can't see his face from this position, but you can tell by the way his voice softens that he's at peace like this; loving the feeling of you tucked safely against his chest and the evening glow from the open window warms your skin. You could feel his leg twitch to their own rhythm as it dangles off the couch — and you couldn't help but follow along with your hand against his bicep.
A moment passes before you find yourself impulsively pushing up from his chest to look at his face. He stops singing now, but his blue eyes still hold the same softness you were hearing mere moments before. Metal snakebites shimmer as his lips curl into a gentle smile, and you indulge in the sudden urge to press a kiss against them.
Your boyfriend all but hums against your skin as soon as your lips make contact, before he's kissing you back with the same amount of tenderness and longing. When you pull away, his smile only widens.
"If I ever have to part from you, I'd rather die."
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armando-triplepapito · 9 months
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@bonjas these are some of my fav fics! Too bad tumblr only allows 10 links cause I got at least 10 more to share🤭
Sorry for the late reply! Hopefully you like some of these fics😃
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yueebby · 9 months
with every passing day, my irls get closer and closer to finding out that i write gojo satoru fanfics on this blog :)
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knight-of-flowerss · 2 months
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@thethreeeyed-raven @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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indecisive-23-7 · 11 months
Someone, Anyone, Please help me find a Miraculous Ladybug fic. It's mostly Marichat with a reveal at the end.
Marinette is an ice skater and she used to win awards when she was young but something happened that made her quit. Anyways fast forward to what I can remember, Chat is hyping Mari up to try again and she agrees, he helps her to practice by playing the piano for her and the ending/reveal happens during Marinette's competition, her music wouldn't play so Adrien steps up and plays the piano for her, which makes her realize it's Chat.
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midnight7860 · 4 months
Guess who made a wattpad account if you guessed me you would be right. Follow me Midnight892577 and check out my fanfics aight💪💪
Ok so basically I’ve got a Wattpad account yes don’t come at me ok🫵😀. Anyways since I have an account on here I thought why not promote myself so yeah.
Ok so I have released new books I have been working on them for a while. In case your interested in reading I will put down what the books are based off of:
𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♔-> its based off of a popular manhwa Who Made Me A Princess, it’s my pride and joy got it🫵🫵 and it’s also the first story I ever wrote it is a male reader type so yeah. Please don’t forget to vote if you do I’ll forever be grateful💪💪
: ̗̀➛𝕊𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕥𝕪 -> this is based on a popular series called Voltron: Legendary Defenders. It’s a xmalereader
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣-𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 -> this is based on another popular series known as Avatar The Last Air Bender. It’s a xmalereader
 ♔𝔼𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕣♔ -> this is based on a popular anime called Blue Lock. It’s a xmalereader
ੈ✩‧₊˚𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕖-> this is based in another anime called Diabolik Lovers.  It’s a xmalereader it’s ✨spicy✨ (hi it’s me again I’ve gone off the rails fr need some help can’t believe I wrote that but we move aight💪💪💪🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️…)
 °˖✧ ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕕 -> this is based on an anime called Attack on Titan. It’s a xmalereader
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞-> this is based off of BNHA and is the only xfem reader I’ve written💪💪
So in case your interested in any of these shows/series/ animes I would definitely recommend checking these out and showing some love to them too. Please do vote and comment if possible as it would be much appreciated. Thank you so much for reading this message!✨
Please make sure to share to others who may also be interested!✨
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
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Okay fuck this bro my mum limited my time on doing ART????😨
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downthedraincomic · 3 months
I have mentioned this once before but I'm going to be uploading the Written Version of the down the drain backstory-
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Because it's FINISHED!! In a way... (I still need to edit and proof read half of it guhh)
Yeeeaah I was going to make it a long comic like how I'm doing part 1 but that's just... Not gonna work because it's taking way too long already. I dont want to take 1000years to tell my story, y'know? There will still be comics ofc, but I really just want to make them of my favorite/key moments within the story.
Soooo if you like splatoon fics that are long, slice-of-life, mostly comedic/drama, spanning over multiple years, character study (?) It Gets Worse™ type stories featuring lots of sketches and art, maybe you'll like it. The whole thing is also uhh... just under 70k words. Which is a lot eeeug BUT it was damn fun to write and if you are interested in reading I hope you enjoy it... Whenever I release it which will be soon (i swear)
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