#FOCUSING ON SCHOOL A LOT college stuff is really stressful but i applied to some!!! which is good i was very proud of myself
xiaophobic · 2 years
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
OK Clyde I know you posted about advice for incoming grad students. Any advice for starting to look at grad school and narrowing down for what I wanna do for programs?
I’m a rising junior in undergrad, and I definitely feel the stress of grad school coming.
You can do this!! Yeah, it's daunting, but if you enjoy being in school (like me) it's a lot of fun too :)
Okay, basic advice that immediately popped into my head:
Evaluate the program, not the school itself. At this point you're heading into a far more narrow form of education, so you want to prioritize what a specific program is offering -- faculty, research focuses, advancements to the field, financial aid (that's a BIG piece), etc. -- more than whether this is simply a Good School™. I applied to a couple of places that made my friends do a double-take because the school was known for subjects that weren't anywhere in my wheelhouse and it only made sense when I explained that they also had this other, lesser-known, but still excellent track.
That being said, a school's reputation is nothing to sneeze at... Though it's elitist and it sucks, employers do pay attention to where you've gone -- certain names will always jump out on a CV. I still remember discussing my options with a friend in my college library, listing off my options, and once I hit the Good School™ I'd gotten into his response was, "Why the fuck are you considering anything else??" and... yeah. Provided the school also offers what you're personally looking for, snag it if you can.
Think ahead to career options. You may already know precisely what you want to do with your degree, but if not take a look at a school's placement data, both to get a sense of the options and how well these graduates have done. Hell, look even if you are set on a certain track because so many careers are difficult -- if not downright impossible -- to break into nowadays. Paying attention to the supposedly unconventional careers attached to a degree + how well the school has done in navigating its graduates towards specific fields can alleviate some of the stress of entering the workforce.
Similarly, check out what current/former students have to say about the program. This is where social media really comes in handy. For this, dodge the official publications put out by the school and take some time to dive into the individual stories. Like buying an apartment, it's useful to talk to your neighbors, so to speak, who already have some insight into how things are run. For example, back in the day when my father was going after his master's he was essentially stonewalled because the school didn't want to give up his cheap teaching labor. Oh, you're ready to graduate? Turns out we suddenly want you to do all this additional coursework! Obviously take stories with a grain of salt, especially since any school is going to have its problems, but if you hear a lot of stuff along the lines of, "Well, they look great on the outside, but when you're actually here..." that's something to consider in your choice.
Pay attention to geographical location. As mentioned in that other ask, your graduate career will be a lot less, well, college-y. You'll be a professional, likely working part time (at least), and you'll be settling in to your adult life if you haven't already. So your thought process should be a lot less, "Omg the campus is beautiful and the dorms are so cute and look at the dining hall menu--" and far more "Hmm what are the rents like in this area? Do I know anyone in this city? Will I need to buy a car if I go here? Where's the nearest vet for my cat?" Hopefully such pragmatic concerns aren't fully driving your decision -- I'd hate for you to choose a program you're not as excited about solely because you can't afford to live elsewhere -- but finances and accessibility are inevitably a factor.
What are the admission qualifications and graduate requirements? The first part should be an obvious question while looking at schools, but I can't tell you how many people I've encountered over the years who get excited about a place only to stumble when they realize they lack something to apply, or need to do additional work they just don't have the time/energy/money for: another course or two, an entrance exam, etc. That second bit is about looking ahead again. Pay attention to what this program will ask of you -- you can contact the graduate admissions office for more info if you want -- and weigh that against your needs and goals. For example, I was already wedded to a graduate school for other reasons, but a side-bonus was that they allowed students to continue taking a language as coursework rather than testing in one. As someone who absolutely sucks at foreign languages but is a diligent student, that would have been a big draw all on its own.
Side-note: PUT TIME AND EFFORT INTO YOUR APPLICATION. That should also go without saying, but a good showing is a massive undertaking, so your application is not something to put off until the last minute. Plus, some of what you create -- a CV, research statements, etc. -- will form the foundation of your academic portfolio. The topics I spoke about in applying to work with specific faculty members would eventually inform my dissertation and when it came time to publish, the relief of already having a well-composed CV was pretty great. So work at your application, but remember that it's by no means a reflection of your worth. People are rejected for a thousand different reasons and part of continuing your schooling is finding ways to move past that inevitable disappointment. In the words of the wise Picard:
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akindplace · 2 years
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(I cannot reply to posts because I show up only as my main blog)
Yeah, I agree. I think that in Brazil it can be more helpful to get into to university first and if you turn up not liking the course you chose, it is easier to swap when you're in there, especially when it is in the same area (like people who go from law into studying political science or from one type of engineering course to another). Because when you have to make changes here you have you have to do the test again, which will make you have to study again because it is hard to remember everything that goes into the test (all school knowledge, writing well and being aware of current national and international affairs). It gets harder because the system is also going through changes over the years.
ENEM became more important around when I was in highschool and even then, some people did not give a fuck about it, didn't even take the test properly. Now it is pretty serious and people rely on it more heavily. And they say the test is getting harder. Vestibular is also a different test for every university, and you usually try out for multiple universities because getting in is pretty hard. Some places accept people that are from the second year of highschool, which I kind recommend people trying, even though you enter it about one year younger than others.
Here you spend basically from the last year of middle school studying really, really hard until the end of highschool (13/14 year-olds to 17/18 year-olds) and sometimes you have to attend a special class focused on ENEM or your local university, or spend years studying even more heavily in what we call "cursinho" (little course is the translation but there is nothing small about it), it gets pretty heavy in your final school year and in cursinho (it can go from 18 year-olds to... whenever you get into university, which might take years and years).
I would go to school on my final year and class would start at 7 am and only leave at 9 pm (we had gym class at night after a whole day of classes). It would usually go from 7am to 7pm.
They would be strict to the point we had to sneak out if we wanted to go to the bathroom or get water because teachers wouldn't always let you go, you couldn't hug your friends in my school because it was considered that it might "look romantic" (no matter your sexuality really). I heard that a gay kid I studied with was outed to his parents by the administration (the kid was pretending to be straight but everyone "suspected him" so the school talked to his parents, supposedly). They had cameras on every classroom of mine, and they did record us. I could not use my phone. You can't break uniform rules. And I wasn't in a religious school nor in a military one, they can be harsher than that. Schools where I lived were pretty insane with their rules. I knew some people who had severe mental health issues, I got depressed, everything was so stressful.
It can be really, really stressful in highschool.
I know some schools go far easier on students than mine did, my school was one of those "good schools" that "train you to beat the tests and get into university". But all kinds of crazy stuff happens in these "good schools". I had a few teachers that would encourage us not to be friendly to each other because we were "each other's competition, not friends". Honestly, the kind of stuff that happened on my old school was so intense...lol. I still have nightmares. I can understand a lot of the pressure, how hard the exams are, how hard it is to study, kids staying in school all day and studying all night... it's tough.
I know it's so hard to choose one thing to do, and if you don't, I encourage you to at least apply for different courses so you can pick one of them later, to at least have one field of interest if you wanna change it later so you don't have to study for exams again when you're older and have to take vestibular over again. Or trying to get earlier into college if school gets too much. I knew kids that went to study in other countries because Brazilian highschool was hell for them (but that's a very privileged thing because it costs a lot of money and our economy is really bad right now).
I felt like it might make it easier to understand if I told my experiences as a Brazilian when I was in Brazilian highschool. Not every highschool was so strict, but the ones that are considered good schools focus heavily on the university exams (vestibular) that are different to every university, ENEM (a national exam you take that is supposed to tell how much kids all over the country are learning but is largely treated like a shitshow by the government and should help you get into college but is getting harder each year). Uh, yeah, I had some good times in highschool but all of us were dying to get out. They don't focus much on you actually learning stuff, but passing all universities exams.
I am not trying to be rude, just trying to talk more about how highschool can be where I live. I don't know which country your from, and I am sorry if I am explaining all this to someone who is brazilian hahaha @troubled-pasta
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wrestledwiththegods · 3 years
Hi! Could you write something about the ghouls helping their s/o with (college) homework? I really don't want to go to any of my classes tomorrow so I'm procrastinating sleep by reading some of your stuff, I love it!
By the time I've posted this you might already be done with college. Sorry about that. I kind of extended this to general studying and the like too since the college experience is A Lot. 
Aether is the guy to go to for homework help! He has the most respect for the balance of school and personal time with him so he understands when you have to cancel things for school… which means he'll be happy you asked him to be involved! Even if it's just reading out index cards- he'll do it! He will also be your muscle for the possible stacks of library books you need for research. He'll be the one to remind you to take breaks- he knows personally how easy it is to get burned out when you put too much on yourself! 
Swiss is your personal cheerleader and likes hanging around you playing music or relaxing while you study or do homework. He wants you to know he's there both metaphorically and literally! He's the ghoul who will see you get frustrated and go "babe, Let's get a milkshake." And then while you guys are in pajama pants with said drinks in tow, he'll talk you through it. Was it a specific problem that got you? A concept? Explain it to him! Sometimes having another person can lead to a breakthrough!
Rain is very organized and can help you make excellent study material! Color coding and the best flashcards you've ever seen. He'll do his best to get familiar with the content if it's related to your major. He's the kind to give you little quizzes and you get the answer he just... praises you. "Good boy/girl! I knew you had that one." Be careful not to get addicted to it. 
Fire might not seem like the academic type… and you'd be kind of right. He's not stupid by any means, he's just not a school kind of guy. He'd be more likely to fuck around and distract when you're trying to focus. But hey… you need stress relief too, right? Put him in his place sometime and see how much better you feel! Sincerely, he's proud of you and all the hard work you do. Let him carry some of the weight for you, if he can. He knows you've got this. 
Mountain is a pretty perfect study buddy. He's quiet, focuses and likes looking over to see if you're alright. Unless you ask him to help you hands on, he's more than happy to be a comfy pillow while YOU study and he reads or naps. He'll absolutely read/look over your work and give you honest opinions. He's not harsh or anything, but he is blunt. Whether it's an art project or a research paper, he's going to tell you if he thinks it's up to par. Which also means when he thinks its excellent? He just gets this big smile and tells you everything he likes about it, verging on gushing. 
Cumulus is someone to go to if you're having issues. you know the meme "they said no pickles"? That's Cumulus. If you're having any academic or paperwork issues with the school, she's the one to stick up for you personally. You work hard to be here! You don't deserve this shit! This applies to bad professors where you can tell her what shitty thing x did and she goes OFF about how you deserve better. While normally a fairly positive person, people making your life harder for you really pisses her off! You always tend to feel better after talking to her about things like this. 
Cirrus, like Mountain, is also very good at looking through your homework. Then again, she's good at bullshitting almost any kind of assignment. Its a gift, really. She doesn't offer to do that a lot since it's your education and you should learn this on your own (her strong opinion)- HOWEVER if she sees you struggling she also won't hesitate to go over things with you so you'll do well. She also really likes baking you snacks to take to your longer classes. Gotta keep that brain energy up!
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computermaus · 4 years
Hello..So. like I said I'm thinking about writing a South Park Fanfiction where they are in Highschool.
The thing is i need help. I'm not fluent in english and I don't know how the school system in america works exactly, with applying to college etc.
So here's some headcanons I have about the characters.
Born October 19.
Great singing voice. Writes his own songs but hides them.
Plays Guitar and the Piano
Still lives on the farm. Has to do most of the physical work there.
Goes to therapy because of his depression
Volunteers at the animal shelter
His best class is biology. Is very interested in it.
Runs a boardgame club outside of school.
Loves reading comics
Dislikes Violence
Doesn't eat meat anymore
loves riding the bike
Sucks at flirting and is really awkward when he likes a girl. Lost his virginity thanks to Kenny. Kenny didn't want Stan to be last
Is good friends with Nichole, Tammy and Heidi.
eyecolor: grey-blue
Born Msy 26.
Very intelligent. Gets only A's.
Loves teaching less smarter kids and explaining stuff if they want it or not.
Is excellent at hacking and computers.
Cheats his way into the basketballteam thanks to Cartman.
Always waits for an excuse to fight someone. Because he just loves it.
Starts smoking at the age of 16.
Thinks deep down he is smarter than all of his teachers.
Babysits in his free time to earn extra money.
Is dating Nichole in Highschool.
Doesn't shake anyones hands because of germs.
eyecolor: green
Born March 22.
Very chill and laid back.
Lost his virginity at the age of 13.
People usually go to him if they need to vent.
Is very interested in psychology and human behaviour
Gives some "fighting lessons" in his free time in his backyard.
Works at the City Wok.
Usually comes late to school.
Has gotten (stole) his car from a junk yard. Has fixed it by himself. It doesn't look great but he's the only from the main four to have his own car. Stan and Kyle have their licenses but take their parents cars.
Eyecolor: blue
Born July 1.
Is doing terrible in school.
Is still in school thanks to Kyle
Is still fat. No is even fatter.
Has diabetes Typ 2. When they found this out Kyle laughed for 14 minutes and 45 seconds. And Scott Malkinson was really excited so Cartman could join his team.
Due his diabetes he is forced to eat healthier by his nutritionist. Which of course he doesn't.
His blood sugars are something else. Scott checks on them occasionally annoying Csrtman
He blackmails a lot of students in school and manipulates them to get what he wants.
Speaks german and spanish.
Didn't get his driving license because his friends are there to chaffeur him. In reality he failed it because of his poor eyesight. Also due his diabetes and constant high blood sugar.
Is a great cook.
Eyecolor: brown
Born: September 11.
Is in the cheerleading squad. Is great in it.
Drives to school with his motorcycle. Looks pretty cool with it.
Is great in Art class.
Sells his Art online
Is always very punctual.
Is very relucant of drinking alcohol.
Eyecolor: Light blue
Born June 16.
Is in the basketballteam.
Has his own car. His parents bought him.
Plays bass in his band.
His doing great in school.
Is a really nice guy.
Eyecolor: brown.
Born April 10.
Is in the Footballteam.
Is doing bad in school.
Gets help from Token.
Is a huge flirt and has a new girlfriend every three months.
Is focusing more on his looks.
Is actually really selfless and would do so much for his friends.
Loves throwing parties at Tokens house.
Eyecolor: brown.
Born January 28.
Is not in any extracurricular activities because he doesn't care.
Loves fixing his bike in his backyard.
Actually hates fighting people because he doesn't feel like doing it. But some pick fights with him so he has to defend himself.
Is good in Physics.
Is tone deaf.
Can't dance.
Doesn't talk much. Prefers his own time.
Eyecolor: green
Born August 16.
Great Pianist
Builds Legos to ease stress.
Bakes cupcakes and brings them school.
Still drinks coffee but not that much anymore.
Is very easily startled. So when someone comed up to him from behind Tweek just punches that person in the face.
Eyecolor: blue
Born December 18.
Straight A student
Cut her hair short in 10th grade.
Was school body president, but got expelled after she beat up a kid who commented that she looked like a guy with her hair. Also got expelled from school for two weeks for it. Has taken anger management classes.
Runs a debate club in school.
Is the captain of the volleyball team.
Gives students lessons about politics.
Refuses to use make up even when she has acne. Loves her skin for the way it his. Her acne isn't that bad.
Eyecolor: brown
Born August 3.
Is captain of the cheerleading team.
Loves make up and fashion.
Loves playing videogames.
Is very bubbly can't keep a secret.
Is a great dancer
Eyecolor: grey
Born September 29.
Is very flirty and social.
Is in the cheerleading team.
Has a guilty pleasure for Science Fiction.
Writes for the school news paper.
Loves going to parties.
Loves to gossip.
Eyecolor: blue
Born November 28.
Loves Science classes. Gets only A's there.
Volunteers in the animal shelter with Stan.
Has a crush on Stan which he is oblivious to. Is good friends with him also with Kyle and Kenny
Is still vegan.
Doesn't like to go to parties.
Has low alcohol tolerance
Eyecolor: green
Born August 26.
Is in the boardgame club with Stan.
Dates Kyle in Highschool until she breaks up with him.
Is in the volleyballteam.
Is the only girl who is in the basketballteam.
Is great in sports.
Loves to tease people for fun.
Is actually alot stronger than Wendy but doesn't fight.
Eyecolor: Brown
Born November 24.
Has lost her braces.
Has a glow up.
Doesn't believe in the compliments she gets. Gets a angry at it. Not violent.
Wants to study Literature in college.
Loves reading.
Likes to spend time on her own.
Is good at crafting.
Has her own snake in terrarium to keep Stan away from her room.
Eyecolor: Hazel
Born December 17.
Skipped two grades.
Plays soccer
Favourite subject in school is math.
Loves technology.
Has hls own youtube chsnnel without anyone in the family knowing.
So, I really enjoyed making these. If you have more ideas please dm me and i try to change it
Shelly and Ike won't be in the same grade of course.
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
full scoop - jj m.
summary: after returning to the outer banks for spring break, you’re pleasantly surprised to see JJ again. Apparently, he missed you more than you thought
request: I love ur writing it’s so good :’) if ur taking requests, can u do #4 from the prompt list with jj 💕 “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
pairings: jj maybank x reader
warnings: spilled ice cream
a/n: reposting this bc it got no notes and I absolutely love this so ...tumblr do better
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“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you could tell me where the beach was?”
As you turned, you extended a hand towards the direction of the pier, “Yeah, it’s just down… JJ?!”
The boy in front of you grinned at your shocked expression, eagerly returning your quick hug. You hadn’t seen him since the summer the two of you had gone your separate ways.
After graduation, JJ had decided to take a gap year. Or a couple. He wasn’t sure. He had always assumed you would do the same, or at least stay local, but your plans had changed. You had applied for a school in the North East without his knowledge earlier in the year, assuming you wouldn’t even get in. But you did, and they offered you a scholarship. Even if you wanted to, your parents wouldn’t let you pass up the opportunity.
The day you had told him had been one of the worst for the both of you. It felt like when JJ had lost John B. to Sarah. Except, with that, he had gotten the chance to know Sarah. He wouldn’t be able to follow you to your school, nor would he get to meet all the people you met.
You had tried keeping in touch after you had left, but it hadn’t lasted for much longer than a few phone calls. You were busy with school, and JJ was busy with the other Pogues. You both knew during that last phone call that things wouldn’t be the same. The two of you felt like instantly, in that moment, you were shifted worlds apart.
It has been just over a year now, with you having just returned from college for spring break.
As the two of you pulled away, you tucked some hair behind your ear, subtly taking him in. He looked the same, but somehow different. Happier.
“Long time no see,” He teased. “How’s that fancy college treating you?”
You laughed as you responded, your words accompanied by a small shrug, “It’s nice. It’s big and I love it but…”
“It’s not the Outer Banks,” he finishes, gauging your expression.
The silence that followed was awkward. It wasn’t that the two of you weren’t brainstorming ways to continue your conversation, it was that you both couldn’t seem to decide on how to keep it going.
Clearing his throat lightly, he beat you to it.
“I was heading down to the beach… if, you know, you wanted to join me?”
You weren’t busy. That much was obvious. But you still took the time to think over his offer. You weren’t sure why you hesitated, but you did.
“Okay,” You nod, flashing him a tiny grin, “I’d like that.”
TIME slipped away from the two of you much too fast for your liking. You had spent the day trying to learn how to surf. It was a lot of falling off the board and getting made fun of by JJ, but you had fun. It felt easy between the two of you, the remaining awkwardness fading almost as soon as you had gotten into the water.
He’d even bought ice cream for you both.
You smile as you remembered the encounter from just hours earlier, and the way he had mentioned the hangout you two had first had in the same place.
You were both so awkward around each other. And by both, you meant you. JJ was his charming self.
“No, I swear, I was super nervous when I took you there!”
You shook your head at the boy in front of you, shoving a spoonful of your ice cream into your mouth, “Nu uh! I was nervous. I thought we were on a date the entire time and then you just mentioned that we would be really great friends at the end of it!”
He groaned at the memory, eliciting a laugh from you as you watched his cheeks tint red in embarrassment, “I can’t believe I said that. I had planned to kiss you but then I chicken out and—”
“And friend zoned me.”
“Yep,” He solemnly nodded, an apologetic look on his features, “I’m sorry.”
Waving him off, you shrugged, “JJ, don’t even worry about it, we were kids. It’s water under the bridge now. You were right, anyway.”
“Yeah,” he speaks, before pausing.
“Right about what, exactly?”
“Us being good friends,” You smile at him, gesturing with your hands as the two of you walk along the sand.
“I didn’t think we would at first, if I’m being honest. But we were. You were my best friend.”
“Were?” He nudged you, chuckling.
“Hey, you were the one who stopped calling me!”
“Only because you were always too busy with your new college friends.”
“Not true,” you reprimanded, clicking your tongue.
“I made new friends, but I always liked my old ones more.”
“How was that, anyway? Making friends and… stuff.”
Ignoring the weird infliction of voice when he said stuff, you just shrugged, “It was okay. My roommate was the one who introduced me to people, mostly.”
JJ nodded, smirking at you, “I bet you managed to land all of the boys up there. That’s why you never called, you didn’t have time with all of your new boyfriends.”
You laughed loudly, shoving his free arm with your own, “Don’t even. We both know that out of the two of us, you’re the one who pulls.”
You watched as he stumbled dramatically from your push, flashing you a smile that caused those all too familiar butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
“We both know there’s only one girl for me.”
Ignoring the way his stare burned into you, you glance down at the sand before looking back over at him. A smile instantly erupted on your features at your own idea, as you took off.
“Race ya!” Was all you could manage to call back, laughing as you heard JJ’s groans of protest as he hurried to catch up.
Naturally, you had won. You had made it to the small tree further down the beach seconds before JJ, jumping in excitement for your own victory.
“Hah! I won!”
As you hopped around, you topple over your ice cream, gasping loudly as it spills onto the sand. Just your luck that it would spill not as you were running, but rather right after you stopped.
Still trying to catch his breath, he laughs as he watches you kneel besides the mess, hurriedly scooping whatever you could back up with your spoon.
“Bet you don’t feel like a winner now.”
You frowned as you glanced over at him, still hunched over, clutching his own ice cream protectively.
“JJ… it’s ruined!”
“Just wipe the sand off.”
You stared at him in disbelief, scoffing lightly, “Right, maybe I should just wash it off in the ocean while I’m at it?”
“That’s honestly not a bad idea! It’d wash away the sand.”
He wasn’t joking. In fact, he was the most serious he had been the whole day.
“And the rest of the ice cream! It’s water. Salt water.”
JJ has to ponder your words. He was playing out different ice cream washing scenarios in his head, trying to figure out which would cause the least damage. He didn’t think you were right, but he pretended that you were, for your sake.
Sitting down besides you, he offers up his own, smiling, “Have mine, then.”
“That’s not fair to you.”
He shrugged, smiling sweetly at you, “It’s fine, Y/N. You want it more anyway.”
Taking the cup he was practically forcing into your hand, you pout, “I feel bad.”
“Don’t, it’s fine. And stop pouting, it’s cute but it won’t work.”
Blushing slightly, you roll your eyes, grabbing a spoonful and holding it out for him, “Whatever. But we’re sharing.”
Gladly taking what you were offering, JJ smirked as his lips wrapped around the spoon before pulling away, causing your blush to darken even more.
Dipping it back into the ice cream, you twirled it around before bringing it up to your mouth.
“This is kind of gross. We’re swapping spit right now.”
JJ laughs at your comment, leaning back against the tree bark as he watched you, “Too bad it’s like that. I could think of a better way.”
His response sent you into a stunned silence, your eyes staying focusing on the grains of sand in front of you. If you had to pick between counting out every grain of sand on this beach and feeling as awkward as you currently felt, you’d immediately start counting.
“I… are you flirting with me?”
“You finally noticed?”
You felt like your heart would simultaneously beat out of your chest and stop altogether. Had he really just said that?
Moving forward to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, it was JJ’s turn to blush, “I’m always trying to flirt with you. You just never respond. I was starting to think you just really didn’t like me.”
“I… I thought you were joking! I didn’t think you could be serious, I’m not your type.”
He rolled his eyes in response, shaking his head, “You’re the only person who’s ever been my type.”
It was quiet for a moment between the two of you, gazes flickering from lips to eyes, back to lips. You both leaned in slowly, careful not to move too fast in fear of making the moment disappear.
When your lips finally touched, the kiss was soft. JJ’s hands found their way to your face, cupping your jaw as he held you close to him. Your hands stayed in your lap, desperately clinging to the small ice cream cup in your hands, your body leaning forward to keep the space between the two of you minimal.
You were the first to pull away, grinning widely at the boy sat across from you,
“That’s really cheesy.”
“You know what else is really cheesy? This dick!”
“JJ, I cannot stress this enough, I find you utterly repulsive.”
With a wide grin, he pulls you the rest of the way to him, resting his forehead against yours, “Fine, then I’m taking my ice cream back.”
Gasping, you pull yourself from him, holding the cup out of his grasp with a glare, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
As you get up, he follows, chasing you around the sand as the two of you laugh. Eventually catching up to you, he wraps his arms around you from behind, lifting you off the ground and knocking the cup over in the process.
“JJ! The ice cream!”
“Next time I’ll buy you two,” was all he muttered, lips already finding their way to your cheek.
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wunkolo · 4 years
Hey, this might be a weird thing to ask, but...What sort of job do you have?
It sounds like you’re somewhere in tech, which is what I was originally studying a while back before having to drop for financial reasons.
I had decided to rule out programming-related jobs due to general scumminess from the industry exposure I got (crunch, low pay, poor employee communication, companies feeling super unethical/profit focused), but it’s extremely possible I just had bad experiences and need to look around deeper or in different specialties
I’m in a weird position in life right now where I’m trying to determine a main job industry to work in, and since I’m now in a big city, I was wondering if you might have ideas/advice of more safe and comfortable areas of the tech industry to work
What sort of job do you have?
I’m not sure what the word would be for what I do right now but more generally I am working on a game engine! It mixes a lot of tech though, so lots of high performance computation and GPGPU work and graphics/rendering stuff and all that. It’s great and stimulating and is exactly in my field of interest. Has a good mix of low-level performance code and high-level concepts and mass-parallelism and lots of bleeding-edge tech. Lots of C++ and Vulkan and x86 assembly(and ARM for fun on the weekends).
I had decided to rule out programming-related jobs due to general scumminess from the industry exposure I got (crunch, low pay, poor employee communication, companies feeling super unethical/profit focused), but it’s extremely possible I just had bad experiences and need to look around deeper or in different specialties
My first job out of college was with a startup that was incredibly reactive to every industry buzzword and trend and would totally re-paradigm itself and lie to investors to get more money coming in. It was very volatile and very terrible. Every new potential investor meant the CEO was over-promising features as if we already had them and then forcing me to implement it in less than a week. He deferred peoples income, changed the paycycle the day before payday, lots of nastiness and dubiously legal things. I was fresh out of school and didn’t know my worth so they got me “on sale” too. Lots of scummy startups/companies will prey on new-grads to get cheap work out of a fresh unjaded mind. It was just an overall pretty bad experience fresh out of school but I had to take the job to be able to make enough steady income to move out of my parent’s place asap and it was the most immediately available stable income. A lot of people unfortunately and understandably have to bide through this kind of employment abuse sometimes due to situational financial needs and cannot afford to say No to a clearly toxic environment. If you’re in a position in your life where you can pick your work then absolutely spend the extra time to make sure you aren’t parking yourself into something toxic. Especially now, a lot of people will take what they can get and there is a whole new class of remote-work horror stories where employers will demand that everyone leave their camera on during work hours or must respond to messages within 45 seconds or less or face employment reconsiderations.
My second job ever is my current one and is much more better managed and I would use it as a good example of the total opposite on that spectrum.
I was wondering if you might have ideas/advice of more safe and comfortable areas of the tech industry to work
This is kinda difficult to answer as it’s hard to meter the entire temperament of an entire company or industry just from a job listing(Once you filter pass all the obvious 5-year-experience in 2-year-old tech sort of stuff). Some industries can be more stressful than others like game development may be a lot more “crunchy” and susceptible to mismanagement than maybe a company making inventory software or web-development. I don’t know enough about other industries to really speak for them but I suppose the more reactive industries are under more stress and mismanagement than others. Startups tend to “follow the money” and react much more to every little movement in the industry.
Regardless of industry, the interview process will usually expose you to some insight as to how the culture and temperament is at a company. When I applied to this new job, and I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into, I had two in-person interviews and a phone interview that allowed me to scope out the “culture” of the company while they were also scoping me out for a culture-fit. I spoke to the employees themselves, checked them out on glassdoor if available, researched them on reddit/twitter/etc, asked the right questions(ask about their project methodology like scrum/agile/kanban, some kind of task organization that tries to avoid crunch), reading the details of the job offer(like sneaking in little things that remove your right as a worker), knowing the labor laws of your state, and knowing when your company is trying to bend those laws. There are lots of methods to keep you safe and comfortable while employed by any industry.
I’d love if anyone else can comment on this post and provide insight on the temperament of their industry and red flags they saw during the interviewing process that just bleeds mismanagement for others to read 🙏
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thelaurenshippen · 4 years
Hey, I’ve recently started Uni and and I’m already terrified that I’m going to end up more depressed and stressed out when all I want to do is write,create and work on making things I enjoy (audiodrama,stories and such). Do I need to have a degree to do this stuff or can I just do what I wanna do without forcing myself into a awkward situation?
Hey!! Congrats on starting university - that’s a huge accomplishment and I canNOT imagine starting it this year of all years. But I totally understand that fear and, ultimately, university isn’t for everyone! I will say that one of the best things about universities/colleges, is that they often have free mental health care - absolutely take advantage of it if you’re able!! That can definitely help get through the tough times and all the stress. 
I had a great time in college because it reactivated my love of learning, was great socialization for me personally (I had a super hard time in high school and went to a college with folks who were easier to click with), and I didn’t give that much thought to my grades because I knew I wasn’t going to be applying to a secondary degree. That said, I absolutely have not used my (music lol) degree to write podcasts. 
I’m not sure what country you live in so this is just my perspective on the American experience but I personally believe that a) all education should be free b) anyone who wants to go to college should be able to and c) not everyone should have to go to college to get a well-paying job (also d) all jobs should be well-paid but that’s a whole other thing). There’s a weird emphasis on having a 4-year degree in America for, like, any job and you just don’t need one??? I’ve certainly applied things I learned in college to my office jobs and my career but those skills could also have been gained in work experience. 
But what this means is that you often need a degree on your resume to get certain jobs, but that degree might not practically help you. The college/job market system in the US is super effed!!!! If you’re able to jump right into working for a production company/publishing house/studio/etc. then you can absolutely build a career that way, but unfortunately, a lot of the “first step” jobs in creative careers want to see a college degree on your resume, which I don’t personally agree with. At least in my experience, though, to be fair, I haven’t been in the job market in any real way since 2015!
This is a very rambly way to say: do you need a degree to make stories? No. Part of being a creative is that you never stop learning and growing and for a lot of people, a rigid education environment doesn’t help foster that growth! But do you need a degree to break into the creative industry? ...maybe. It depends on what you want to do, where you live, how you want to break in, your living situation, etc. 
Ultimately, being the professional world is hard and being in a field that is as flighty and random as creative industries is really tough. Creating stories is only part of being a professional creator usually - for instance, I also have to be an accountant, a business manager, a people manager, a producer, an administrative assistant, an editor, a publicist, etc. etc. I’m still trying to figure out how to focus more on the creating part myself. So the best advice I can give is to spend the time building ways to take care of yourself. You’re young, so this will change (it’s still changing for me!), but focusing on what parts of creating you enjoy (do you want to be a writer, an actor, director, producer, some kind of combo, etc.?) and trying out a ton of things can help you figure out the best part of the industry to break into. Regardless of what you end up doing, stress is going to exist (living is stressful!) and, if you’re like me and already have a tendency toward depression/anxiety, those things are going to exist too and might be exacerbated by your job, even if you have a career doing what you love. 
You come first, your career comes second. That can be really hard to remember when your career is so tied to your identity. Sharing stories is really vulnerable and when you make it your job, it can be hard to untie the two. Never forget that you are a person, first and foremost, who has value all on their own and that person deserves to be treated with kindness. Building coping mechanisms for stress and depression can be the most important thing to focus on.
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ssidesblog · 4 years
teacher au !
(i only know how the american education system works + my school is very standard and could even be argued its worse than most public schools but thats my only point of reference ! ap stands for advanced placement and essentially means classes someone can take in hs and at the end of the year take a test, if the test is passed they gain college credit.)
roman: the loud drama teacher who doubles as the ap english teacher for the senior class. hes the teacher all the gay kids go to when they need to vent or just need advice. he makes his english class as interesting as possible; its the ap senior class so the entire course is focused on british literature, the shakespeare unit is always everybodys favorite bc roman knows so much and makes everything much easier to understand. his theatre classes are extremely chaotic and are his favorite classes of the day. the drama room is a safe space for a lot of the gay kids at school and roman makes sure hes in his room during lunch every day unless theres Important Teacher Buissness he needs to attend to. hes the director for the after school plays and 'makes' virgil codirect with him (hes in charge of all the techies). he has his favorite students (he would never admit it but like everyone Knows) who often view him as a parental/older brother type figure. hes stayed after school with kids for hours until their rides came and has even given kids rides home. hes really close to his kids and each year he cries when the senior class leaves. the theatre department doesnt get a lot of funding so roman works hard to put on shows that they can be proud of and each year he becomes more and more motivated to being new people into theatre.
logan: hes the junior year ap language + composition teacher !!! he tutors for every subject bc hes knowledgeable so he teaches basically every subject. a lot of kids go to his room during lunch + after school for tutoring and hes the reason half the school is actually passing their classes. he chose to teach language and compisition bc he loves language and being able to teach the importance of it. all of the students know just the right thing to say to get him off course and just talking about anything (theyre favorite thing is to ask about space) and he spends almost the entire period talking about that and not the actual lesson. logan + roman's english classes are next to each other and theres a door that seperates them. often times students will find sticky notes on the little window of the door that logan and roman have written for each other. all of the students think theyre secretly dating or at least WANT them to be. roman likes to go into logans class and be annoying when hes on his free period. hes also the debate teacher ! during free periods roman helps logan with his debate students. roman and logan often times get way too out of hand and their debates turn into a 'what not to do during a debate' example.
virgil: the art teacher ! theres only three art classes (beginning, intermediate, and ap) and he teaches all of them. during the start of the year hes fairly quiet and reserved but a lot of his students really like him. hes a very relaxed teacher and similar to roman gives a safe space for kids to hang out. a lot of the more reserved gay kids hang out in his room during lunch. he takes three days a week to make sure hes available to tutor during lunch, hes not as smart as logan but he has a good grasp on math so he helps a lot of his art students with their math work (theyre gay art kids ofc they dont know how to do math). virgil assigns the beginning + intermediate class to paint backgrounds for the plays and thats usually two weeks to a month that he takes his class to the drama room to work. its a way more loud atmosphere as roman also has classes going on. this is when a lot of the students see that virgil is not nearly as quiet and reserved as they thought. when hes around roman hes a lot more talkative; he's constantly jokingly making fun of roman and being a scarcastic pain in the ass. every year thats when his classes shift and hes a lot more open and fun with his classes. he plays music during class since hes not lecturing most of the time. he switches from playing classical to emo music, sometimes within the same day.
patton: hes the psychology teacher ! he only has two classes he actually teaches so when he isnt teaching hes actually a one of the two school psychologists (the other one being picani). he teaches two normal psych classes and leaves ap to janus ! hes a very hands on teacher and does lots of example based learning ! during lunch a lot of his students can be seen doing surveys to collect data for an assignment. as a school psychologist he makes sure to be as welcoming as possible, he understands why a lot of students dont want to see a school psychologist, they dont have a good rep. the kids who do see him though feel extremely safe and secure around him. hes really good at calming kids down from panic attacks, his office is filled with stim toys and theres at least 10 weighted blankets. some times kids come in just to take naps. virgil hangs out in his office a lot whenever students arent there. logan comes in on especially stressful days to either nap or read. roman borrows fidget toys from him on days where his adhd is particularly bad. remus comes in sometimes to get quick and weird psychology facts. janus and him have long discussions about philosophy and grade papers together !!
remus: anatomy and biology/ap bio teacher >:3 he is so insanley chaotic. he wanted to also teach chemistry but the principal (thomas) did NOT trust him to be around chemicals. disections are always fun ! he encourages students to NOT eat anything they disect bc hes alr tried it and it doesnt taste good (nobody knows if this is a joke or not). hes a very jokey teacher and is a fake asshole to all of his students. he is not a harsh grader at all and honestly even of a student dont get a single thing right on a test theyll probably pass as long as they tried ! roman often comes into his room during one of his free periods to tell stories about the borderline psychopathic shit remus used to do as a kid. theres a lot of storytelling in his class and each time the students are in disbelief. despite the chaos, remus is a really good teacher and everyone who takes his class learns a lot. hes definetly known to be one of the more interesting teachers and none of his classes are ever boring.
janus: he teaches ap psych, gov/econ (both normal and ap) and ap us history ! he has no free periods and he is completely ok with that. he and logan are both known for being chatty cathys and his ap psych class takes full advantage of that as a way to learn. although theyre different, janus talks a lot about philosophy to his psych students and applies a lot of what theyre learning to different philosophies. his gov/econ classes are more chaotic. theres a lot of debates and he still applies philosophy to a lot of the ideas he teaches in those classes. his ap us history class is the most chaotic. the debates in his gov/econ classes are more amoungst students but his us history class has held a lot of debates against janus and his more closeminded students. janus teaches a lot of stuff not normally taught like black history is america, native history, and a lot of the shit america did Wrong in the past and how its affecting the present. on top of his full class schedule hes the advisor for mock trial who meets afterschool. patton comes in to help the best he can (usually hes a 'what not to do' example). roman also comes in to help them make their roles the best they can possibly be
#sanders sides#roman sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#virgil sanders#remus sanders#janus sanders#logince#moceit#teacher au#ok so its technically morning bc its 5 am 😌#remus is based off my own anatomy teacher#he is a chaotic gremlin man and im sad i wont have him next year#he once told us he made a bet with a kid that he couldnt jump over his own arm#and the kid took him up on the bet like real money and the kid didnt do it right and broke his arm#to which my teacher called the nurse and gave him the money#he has wild stories esp abt his daughter lol#also logan getting distracted easily is based off my 8th grade science teacher#we asked him to tell us about the godfather movies and he spent the entire 50 min class talking about all of the god father movies#hes also an influence for remus bc he had wild stories and was a fake asshole to us#a kid had a little mark on his head from some like football accident i think ?#it wasnt big just like a little nic#and my teacher said 'oh its the mark from when yr mom trued to get ride of you it obv didnt work'#we had a discussion abt abortions at one of my table groups and he came up to us and said 'all you really need is a coat hanger'#we were 12 and that has stuck with me#he was also super passionate abt space and now he works at my local observatory#roman is based off my drama teacher bc i miss her :(#shes like a mom to me and the thot of not being able to see her for a long time is making me sad#i wrote this bc i miss school a lot which sounds whack#but like i wanna b a teacher school is important to me :((
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promethes · 4 years
how an idiot like me got into good schools
A quick run-through of my academic history and how I got into good colleges will be below the cut! I’m also including a list of some of the schools I got into for reference. I apologize in advance for how messy this is, but my memory is shitty and I remember random things that I keep throwing in lol. (and for people congratulating me, thank you very much, but I got into all these schools last year lol! so keep in mind I graduated high school in 2019)
If all you came for are the basic stats and you don't want my rambling: I went to a public school GPA: around 4.4 on 4.0 scale (3.9 unweighted) SAT: 1520/1600 APs: 10 (4 3s, 2 4s, 4 5s) Extracurricular: mainly NHS (around 300 volunteering hours), StuCo, Varsity Golf, and Quiz Bowl
EDIT: comments made by the readers who reviewed my application are available here!
First off, I am not an einstein! I am blessed that I pick up on stuff easily and gifted in academics, but I’m nowhere near a genius. For a little backstory, I went to a public school in Michigan for the entirety of my pre-k - 12 education. When I was in the third grade, the district introduced an accelerated program. We took a quasi IQ test and if we tested high enough (I think the threshold was 80%? If I remember correctly I got a 97) we were put in a class that was 2 years ahead in English and Math. We stayed grouped together for the rest of our public schooling, basically a core group of around 20 people. Since we were the first year of the program and our grade was exceptionally gifted for some weird reason, it was a very high achieving group of students, so I’m going to include their stats along with mine for comparison because colleges also factor in your peers when they look at your stats.
I’ll start off with basic stats:
I got a 1520 on the SAT. My grade had around 5 - 10 people achieve over 1500. Some of them had been studying for years, while others (me) did not know that the SAT existed until that year and couldn’t afford any private tutoring and had no patience for the study books from the library. I’m lucky to have an aptitude for the skills they were testing. I did not take any SAT subject tests.
For GPA, I think I ended up with around a 4.4 on a 4.0 scale. I was around 15/350 when it came to class standing, so I was far from the valedictorian. I think our valedictorians got around a 4.6 or 4.7.
I took 10 AP tests. I got a 3 in APUSH, World History, Language and Comp (I fell asleep lol), and Chem (I will get into this class a little later). I got a 4 in Literature (I fell asleep. Again.) and in Psychology. I got a 5 in Calc AB & BC, Comp Sci Principles, and Environmental Science.
AP classes were really pushed in my high school, especially onto my grade, and I don’t like being told what to do lol so I pushed back and took fewer AP classes than most of my peers (valedictorians ended up with maybe 15? It’s crazy) and basically only took classes I was interested in or that I had to take because I had exhausted the rest of the curriculum.
I also dual-enrolled in 2 classes at the local community college since I’d exhausted the curriculum at my high school for things I wanted to do (english and comp sci). I want to make it clear that I never sat down and planned how I was going to maximize my schedule or how I’d take the most advanced classes, I just fell into it since we had already essentially skipped two grades. Most people didn’t dual enroll since they wanted the AP GPA boost.
For extracurriculars, I mainly focused on Quiz Bowl, Golf, NHS (volunteered around 350 hours in 3 years I think) and Student Government. I never had any leadership positions and just kind of fucked around most of the time. Most of my peers held several leadership positions throughout the years and did like a bazillion things. 5 of them even traveled to Europe for some science research thing where they presented their research. I was not that big of a nerd.
In junior year, I stumbled on something called Questbridge and decided to apply because I wanted the money for the scholarship. I became a Questbridge college prep scholar, which then led me to apply for the National College Match. I didn’t rank any binding schools so I didn’t match, but I did apply to several schools with their application. If you are a low-income high achieving student, I highly recommend looking them up. I was the first person in my school to do this program and encouraged my peers to do it too. I think 4 of us were Questbridge scholars.
As you can see, I had good numbers, which probably got me past the first wave of application look throughs. However, I’m fairly confident that what made me stand out was my essays. I always stress this to whoever asks me for advice: do not write a perfect essay, write YOUR essay. I can only imagine how bored those poor people are of reading about someone winning a soccer game or a spelling bee. Add some pizzazz in there. Talk about your flaws and your mistakes and your unique life experiences! 
For example, my personal essay wasn’t even in essay format! I wrote it like journal entries, focusing on my sophomore year when my life was Extra Tumultuous and I was going through homelessness. I did not say I was homeless once in the essay. I just did day by day entries of what my life was like during that time and through that the readers were able to see that I loved to read, that I am fiercely protective of my single-parent family, and they saw how I handled adversity. I want to stress that I’m not encouraging poverty porn at all. I did not write it to make the reader feel bad. I simply relayed what I thought about in a day, focusing on both big and small.
I also wrote about funny things related to academics, partly to explain my transcript and partly to be funny. This is the AP Chem thing. I actually dropped out of it after one term (so about a third of the way through) so I could dual enroll in a class I was interested in instead. My chem teacher HATED that since I was good at chemistry (hate it. Hate that subject so much) and tried to convince me to stay. One of the things he said was “You’ll never be ready for college if you don’t take this class! You wouldn’t even be able to pass the AP test!” so I said bet. dropped the class and signed up for the AP test that same day and showed up almost every day for the rest of the year and dicked around the entire class, taking naps in the back of the lab, sitting on his desk, cracking jokes about whatever he was teaching. I got a 3 on that exam purely out of spite with only half the information I needed. So write about stuff like that. It’s fun.
The fact that I had no guidance in writing the essays was actually really good for me since I just kind of let loose. My UChicago essay read like I was on crack, and they loved it so much that they literally mentioned it during the welcome speech for their little college visit in April.
And don’t sweat over the small stuff! The short answers don’t have to be perfect and mind-blowing, just answer honestly. For the “why Yale” supplemental essay I just ranted about how beautiful their library is for a good 300 words (at some point I said I needed my inhaler because it was that breathtaking. I made a Yale admissions officer read that.) I ranted about Howl’s Moving Castle to Columbia. I told them my favorite magazine was the American Girl ones for their arts and crafts! I have a friend at Columbia who literally sent them a picture of her in a duck costume as a supplement. They loved it. So don’t lose your mind trying to sound worldly and educated. You’re like. 17. Just answer honestly and don’t think too hard about it.
I was also extremely lucky to have a dedicated counselor who sat down for hours with each individual student to write fantastic letters of recommendation. She really made it clear what I had achieved and what challenges I’d faced.
So. tl;dr: I got lucky. Unless your parents donated a couple billion to the school, there are no guarantees. Sometimes you can have the stats and perfect essays and amazing extracurriculars and you can still get rejected because they don’t think you’re a good fit with the school compared to the rest of the applicants. There’s limited space in the student body. I got into schools my valedictorians didn’t get into even though I was academically less than them in every possible way. So let yourself shine through your essays and know you’ll end up in an environment that values the person they saw in those essays.
I got into a lot of schools, and don’t really have a record of all of them, but here are some of the top ones I can remember off the top of my head:
Yale, Columbia, University of Chicago (likely letter), Northwestern, University of Michigan, Northeastern, CWRU, UNC Chapel Hill, and a couple other schools here and there that slip my mind at the moment.
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(hope whoever requested this likes it <3 also ben looks soft and cute in this pic, i cant rn) 
Word Count: 4,326
WARNING: underage drinking, unwanted pregnancy angst
One week before Summer vacation’s over and you’re officially a senior. Eighteen looked good on you and you were so determined to do amazing in school - like always - and earn your way into an Ivy League. It was a huge dream of yours and you wouldn’t let anything get in that way. 
“What do you mean you’re not going to Will’s party tonight? You promised!” 
You were laying on your bed with your phone to your ear. Your best friend Ben is on the other line with a pathetically sad voice. 
“Will’s thrown an end of summer part since we were in second grade! We always go together! You can’t bail on me now!” 
You just sigh as you roll over onto your belly and close your eyes. 
“Ben, it’s just that I want a clear head before we go back. This is the year of y/n, okay? I don’t want anything to ruin this.” 
“So a silly party might ruin your reputation and acceptance into college?” he asks with a dramatic voice. 
You roll your eyes again. 
“This is serious to me, Ben! I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at.” 
“Don’t have to rub it in.” he says softly, causing your heart to break a bit. 
Ben still hasn’t gotten any acceptance letters to colleges he had applied for this Summer and it was bumming him out badly. You could tell. 
“What time do you want to leave?” you ask with a slight smile as you change the topic. 
You can hear Ben slightly gasp and can practically hear the smile on his face. 
“Is that you saying that you’ll go!?” he asks loudly. 
“Yes. I’ll go with you to Will's silly party! Pick me up around eight?”
Ben looks at the clock and realizes that’s only thirty minutes from now. He smiles and nods, even though you can’t see it. 
“Eight it is.” 
The idea didn’t seem so bad to you after you got yourself all ready. It was your senior year after all. This would be your last end of Summer party with your friends. You wanted to get dolled up and look nice for the occasion… Or possibly look nice for Aaron - your crush. You know he’ll be there so you mentally thank Ben for making you say yes. 
You’re waiting downstairs in your living when there’s a honk just outside. You know it’s Ben. You say goodbye to your parents as you rush off. Ben’s in the driver's seat with a big goofy grin on his face. You hurry to the car and slide in. 
“You look fancy.” he says in a purr like voice. 
You roll your eyes and lightly blush. 
“For Aaaaaron?” he asks, drawing out his name. 
You reach over and shove his arm playfully, causing him to laugh out loud. 
“What’s wrong with just wanting to look nice, huh!?” 
You both talk about anything and everything as you drive to the party. It’s located out by the docks on the lake like every year. That meant swimming, bonfires and god knows what else. You both finally arrive as he parks the car. You jump out and look around at the swarm of kids that were here. Your knew everyone that was here, but it felt odd seeing them after a year of being absent for Summer. It was nice to see familiar faces. You scan around and spot Aaron and your heart jumps. He’s near a table with all kinds of drinks on them - including alcohol. It was a party after all. 
“Want a drink?” asks Ben as if he’s read your mind.
He nods and walks away towards the table. You slowly follow behind him with your eyes on Aaron. He’s smiling and laughing with one of his friends as you stare at him with actual heart eyes. You’re closer to the table when Aaron looks over and spots you. He smiles big and waves. It catches you off guard as you stand up straight and awkwardly wave back. He definitely caught you staring. Your face burned as you walk up more. 
“How was your Summer break?” asks Aaron as he walks up and brings you in for a hug. 
You’re frozen as he leans away with that sweet smile still plastered on his face. 
“Oh,” you say fast, realizing you need to speak. “It was awesome! Thanks. How, uh, how was yours?” 
Aaron shrugs and continues smiling as Ben turns from the table and stops as he watches you two. He knows about your feelings towards Aaron and doesn’t want to ruin the moment for you. Ben sips on his drink as he just stands back and observes. 
“Wasn’t too bad actually.” says Aaron. “Missed my science buddy though.” he teases as he talks about you. 
You giggle and move a piece of hair behind your hair - your way too obvious way of flirting. 
“Well, maybe we’ll have that class again this yea-” 
Before you can finish, Clara, the popular girl in school, walks up and wraps her arms around Aaron’s waist all while leaning up and kissing him. Your smile falls fast as you watch their intimate moment. You look away and feel your heart break. Ben watches you as he lowers the cup, his heart breaking for you as well. You’re looking around awkwardly as you rub your arm. Aaron and Clara look to you as her face falls. 
“Can we help you?” she asks rudely. 
Aaron speaks up in defense. 
“No, babe, I was talking to y/n about how I missed my science buddy. She use to let me copy her stuff all the time.” he laughs out. 
Oh, you think to yourself. That’s why you missed me. 
“Hey, y/n!” calls out Ben to rescue you. 
He walks up and you watch as Clara eyes him up and down, a smile on her face. He doesn’t pay her any attention as he’s only focused on you. 
“Here’s your drink. Let’s go by the fire.” he says quickly before grabbing your hand and leading you away. 
You follow him without a fight. You were thankful for the save. The two of you walk until you spot a giant log sitting by the huge campfire. You sit down and down your drink in an instant. Ben gets back up and steals a bottle of liquor for you two to share. You’re staring at the fire as your head starts buzzing. 
“Thank you.” you say quietly. 
Ben knows what you’re referring to. He reaches over and wraps an arm around your shoulder as he pulls you close to him. He kisses your head and rests his on it for a moment. 
“Anytime.” he says back, causing you to smile. 
You lean away to drink some more. You’re staring over at Aaron and watching as him and Clara hang all over each other. They look so happy and it made you sick. 
“Why would he want her?” you ask. “She’s the rudest human I’ve ever met.” 
“Agreed.” says Ben with a mouth full of booze. 
You just shake your head and down another drink. It was starting to mess with your head and you were actually kind of happy. You needed to let loose for a bit. Let go of all of your stress before the actual stress even begins. 
“Wanna dance?” asks Ben randomly as he watches a big group of kids dancing like crazy on a gravely patch to the right of you. 
You watch them for a moment before smiling and standing up. You wobble for a moment, but catch yourself. 
“After you,” you say to him. 
The two of you hurry up and begin dancing like crazy. Ben’s holding your hand and twirls you around as you laugh. He does some silly dance moves that make you cry from laughter. When the song’s over, you both return back to your seat. But as you sit down, you both miss the log at the same time and land on your butts. You’re drunk as you both lean against one another and laugh hard. You continue to sit on the ground as you sip on your drink some more. 
“I’m really drunk.” you confess to Ben. 
He laughs and nods. 
“Me too.” 
You look back over to Aaron and frown. 
“She’s so lucky.” you say. “I bet he’s so good in bed.” 
Ben chokes on his drink as he coughs, making you look at him fast. 
“What!?” you ask.
“Innocent y/n talking about a guy in bed. I’m surprised.” 
You roll your eyes at him. 
“I’m not as innocent as you think, Ben.” 
He raises a brow to you. 
“Oh really? Do you even know what a sex is?” 
“A sex!?” you ask as you laugh hard. 
“Yes! A sex!” he laughs out. 
“For your information,” you slur. “There’s a lot that you don’t know about me. Especially me with sex.” 
Ben’s actually shocked by that. His face falls and his mouth closes. 
“You’ve…?” he asks. 
You nod proudly. 
“Of course I have. Have you…?” 
“Yeah, of course.” he laughs. “Just a bit shocked by yours.” 
You look back to Aaron and frown once more. 
“I just bet he’s so good.” 
“Jesus, y/n. There’s other men out there that are decent at sex ya know. I bet he’s shit.” 
“Oh really?” you ask. “Are you good in bed, Benjamin?” 
“Actually,” he says smugly. “I’m quite freaking fantastic.” 
You’re taken aback by his bluntness. 
“Oh…” is all you can say. 
“That’s what you need though,” he says taking a swig. “A good shag. You’ve probably been deprived all Summer.” 
Honestly, he was right. You’ve been so focused on school and your studies this Summer that you failed to do anything remotely fun. 
“But, you know, I didn’t have any all Summer either. So, ya know, it’s just an idea… Maybe,” 
You lean away and raise a brow at him with a somewhat twisted face.
“Ben, are you trying to say what I think you’re saying?” you ask a bit loud. 
He just looks around and then back at you.
Ben slowly moved his car down the dirt road that it was parked on. The car was far away from anybody as you straddled his lap in the back seat. Your lips were pressed together in a hot and messy kiss. His hands roamed your body as you grind into him. 
“Just to be clear,” you say pulling away. “I don’t like you like this, okay?” 
“Ditto.” he says fast, trying to go back to kissing you. 
“We’re just doing this because we’re super drunk and turned on. And because I have angry sexual frustrations over Aaron that I need to release. Got it?”
“Got it, but if you say his name again, I’m gonna have to leave.” 
You both laugh as you shake your head and resume your kissing. The car windows were fogged up and you were so happy that no one was able to look inside and see what the two of you were doing. 
2 Weeks Later 
School had started back up and you were thrilled about how well you were already doing. You and Ben had practically every class together, besides first hour. Last year, you had none, so you were happy. It was time for lunch as you both made your way to the cafeteria. Surprisingly, you weren’t hungry. You opted for a drink instead and sat next to Ben as you both talked about anything and everything, but today Ben decided to bring up another topic. 
“We never really spoke about what happened that night…” he lingers. 
Your eyes go wide as you look around fast, hoping no one could hear you. 
“Ben!” you scold. “What is there to talk about? We were drunk and just bored.” 
“I know, but I didn’t want this to be weird or anything.” 
“Nothing’s weird.” you smile. “You’re still my best friend and that’s all.” 
That relieved Ben as you both enjoy your lunch break with laughter about what had happened that day so far. 
2 Weeks Later 
You had woken up that Tuesday morning with horrible nausea. You weren’t running a fever, but you felt like you had the flu. You were constantly in the bathroom as you released everything you ate the day before. You felt horrible. Your mom decided that you needed to go get checked out at the hospital and she’d go with you. 
It felt like forever in the waiting room before your name was called. You were taken back to a room where you had to get dressed in a hospital gown. After checking you and drawing blood, your doctor was there. 
“Heard we’re not feeling good today.” she says sweetly as she checks your chart. 
“Yeah, I’ve had the worst nausea ever. It just keeps hitting out of the blue.” 
She’s quiet as she studies the paper and then speaks. 
“Tell me, y/n, when was your last period?” 
You sit there and think for a moment before your heart jumps. 
“I, uh,” you look to your mom as she watches you closely, a confused look on her face when you linger. “I guess I’m sort of late for it.” you say quietly. 
Your mother swallows hard and leans back in her chair. The doctor looks to you and then to her. 
“Mrs. y/l/n, do you mind if I speak to y/n alone real quick. She’s considered an adult now and I just need to ask her a few more questions by herself.” she says with a smile. 
Your mom nods and looks to you with a half sad smile. She reaches over and grabs your hand for a moment before standing up and exiting the room. Once she’s gone, the doctor turns to face you. 
“Alright, mom’s gone so now I can ask you some questions. Are you sexually active?” she asks. 
You shake your head no fast but then stop. You remember Ben instantly and your stomach twisted. 
“No… Well, once, but…” you trail off. 
The doctor just watches you as she nods and stands up.
“We’re gonna take another sample of blood real fast and I’ll go tell mom that she can come back in.” 
All you can do is nod as she leaves the room. What was happening!? They can’t actually think that you might be pregnant… Right? Your mother comes back in and says nothing as she sits down and stares at the floor. A nurse walks in and hurries to draw some more of your blood. You’re told that it’ll take a bit for them to get the results… And they did. 
And you were pregnant. 
You’re sat in the passenger side as your mother drives back home. You’ve just been told you were going to have a baby and it felt like a bad dream. You stared out the window until she finally speaks up. 
“I tell you the same thing over and over, y/n, always wear protection! I was your age once, I know what it’s like to have urges. I don’t care what you do, I just needed you to do that one thing and you didn’t.” 
Tears well up in your eyes as you look over and watch her speak. She doesn’t look angry, she doesn’t even sound angry. Just disappointed, which was somehow worse. 
“I was seventeen when I had you,” she says finally looking over at you. “Was I too young? Yes. Do I regret it at all? Absolutely not. I’d do it again in a heartbeat, it’s just… It’s just that I didn’t want you to miss out on things like I did.” 
“I don’t have to.” you barely whisper.
Your mother looks over and she understands what you’re referring to. She looks back to the road and nods. 
“I think that’s something you should probably talk to the father about. Speaking of the father… Do I even want to know who it is, because when you’re father finds out…” she lingers off as she sighs about the moment you have to tell your father. 
You take in a deep breath and look down at your hands. 
“Ben.” you barely whisper. 
Your mom’s head flies to look at you, her eyes wide. 
“I’m sorry, who?” she asks. 
“Ben…” you say once more. 
“Ben?! Your best friend Ben!? The same Ben that you use to take bubble baths with when you were two!?” 
All you can do is nod. Your mother looks back to the road and just shrugs. 
“In an odd way I’m actually a bit relieved that it wasn’t that Anthony kid from your school.” 
“Aaron, mom.” you correct her. 
She rolls her eyes at his name. 
“His name can be whatever - doesn’t make him less of an idiot.” 
That comment makes both of you laugh and some stress falls off your shoulders. But she’s right… You need to tell Ben. 
“Ya know, being asked to meet in the park after dinner really makes me think you’re going to murder me.” teases Ben as he jogs up to you. 
You’re sat on a swing as you gently go back and forth. You didn’t laugh at his dumb joke which made him a bit worried. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks as he sits on the swing beside you. 
You can’t look him in the eyes as you stare down at your feet. 
“I went to the hospital today.” you say quietly. 
“Shit, are you okay!?” he asks worried.
 “I’m… I’m fine.” you tell him. “I just found out something that I need to tell you and I don’t want you to get angry at me for it. Okay?”
You finally look to him and your eyes are watery. He was beyond worried. 
“Okay.” he whispers. 
You take in a deep breath and close your eyes. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
You open them to watch as Ben’s face goes pale. He’s staring at you as you wave your hand in front of his face. 
“Ben?” you ask, causing him to come back to reality. 
“Is it mine?” he asks fast. 
You’re offended by that questions as your face twists up and you stand fast. 
“Yeah, Ben, because I sleep with so many people!” you shout as you begin walking away fast. 
He jumps up from the swing and yells out to you before gently grabbing your arm to stop you. 
“I didn’t mean it like that and you know it. I’m sorry! I’m just… I’m just trying to process all of this, okay? I wasn’t expecting that. At all. I don’t even know what to say.” 
You realize that he was still in shock as you look down and nod your head. You wrap your arms around yourself as he watches you. 
“I - we - can’t raise a baby right now. I have college to look forward to. I wanted to talk to you about adoption and-” 
“Adoption?” he asks confused. 
“Yeah? I can’t give up my dreams because of one dumb mistake we made, Ben.” 
Ben sarcastically laughs as he takes a step backwards. 
“Your dreams? You see, yn, that’s so typical of you to always be thinking of yourself.” 
You’re taken aback by his harsh statement as your eyes narrow. 
“Thinking of myself?! Ben, this is Ivy League we’re talking about! You can go to a community college whenever you want, but mine’s a big deal!” 
You knew that was a mistake to say whenever the words slipped from your mouth. Ben laughs and raises his eyebrows as you close your eyes and sigh. 
“I’m sorry, Ben. That’s not what I meant, okay? I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s fine. I’m gonna go and not get in your way of whatever it is you want. As long as you reach the top, right? Because my opinion on this doesn’t matter.” 
He turns around and begins walking away as you shout out for him to stop, but he doesn’t. That didn’t go as you planned. 
3 Months Pregnant 
“Ben, I have my first ultrasound appointment today and I really want you to be there. I know we’ve been distant lately, but I could really use you there by my side. Please?” 
You hang up the phone as your mom walks into the living room with your coat. 
“Didn’t answer?” she asks sadly. 
You just shake your head as you wipe away a tear and stand up to leave. You were nervous for your appointment. The drive wasn’t long until you get there. You’re taken back to a room and lay down on a bed. You lift your shirt up and expose your slightly swollen belly. Your mom smiles at the sight as you look around at all of the odd machinery in the room. There’s a knock at the door and in walks your doctor. 
“Ready to see your baby?” she asks sweetly as she sits down on a small chair in front of a screen. 
As she’s rubbing a weird green jelly on your stomach, there’s a loud knock at the door. You all look to it as it opens up and in walks Ben. He looks out of breath as he just awkwardly smiles and looks to you. You’re shocked to see him as you grin and sit up slightly. 
“You came.” you whisper. 
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” he replies. 
He walks over and greets your mom with a hug as he places a chair near you and sits. The two of you sadly smile at one another and by the look in his eyes, he’s telling you that he’s sorry. You hold out your hand for him to take, symbolizing that you were too. He takes it as the two of you watch the tiny screen light up.
“There it is.” says the nurse showing you the tiny face. 
Your heart swells as you quietly cry to yourself. You look over and watch as Ben’s eyes are blood red and he’s crying too, along with your mom. 
“It’s so tiny.” you whisper, looking back to the screen. 
“I can’t believe that’s our baby.” whispers Ben, a sweet smile on his face. 
The way he was looking at it made something in your head start turning. It made your heart swell up and something felt different. 
6 Months Pregnant 
“Is it odd to have a baby shower when we’re giving her up for adoption?” asks Ben a bit sad as he places pink plates on a table. 
Your mom looks over to you and gives you a knowing smile as you look back to Ben. 
“Ben,” you start as he looks over to you. “I’ve been thinking about things a lot lately. College will always be there for me when I’m ready to go, but this,” you say as you place your hands on your bump. “This whole parent thing seems much more rewarding than that, so…” you linger, causing Ben to understand what you’re trying to say. 
He steps towards you fast with his eyes wide and a serious look on his face. 
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying!?” he asks fast. 
All you can do is bite your lip and nod. Ben’s face broke into a huge grin as he reaches forward and hugs you. 
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” he whispers against you. 
You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Me too.” you whisper back.
9 Months Pregnant
“Breathe, it’s okay. You’re doing so great. Just breathe.” 
You’re in a hospital bed as contractions hit you hard. Your water had broken while Ben was moving some of his stuff into your room for the arrival of the baby. It was a week early and you weren’t expecting it. Ben and your mom were in the room with you as he held your hand and allowed you to squeeze it as hard as you want. 
“You’re doing so good.” he whispers as he rubs your back with his free hand. 
“I don’t want her to think she was a mistake!” you yell out randomly, causing your mom and Ben to look at each other confused. 
“Why would she think that?” he asks. 
“Because her parents aren’t even in love! We’re two best friends having a baby and I don’t want her to hate us for that! I don’t want it to feel like a broken home!” 
Ben laughs softly as he feels bad for you thinking that. 
“Hey, no! It’s not like we’ve gotten a divorce or broke up. There’s not going to be any split holidays or separate birthday parties, okay? She’s being born into a family that loves her more than she’ll ever know. Understand? Yeah, we’re not the typical ‘fall in love and have a baby’ scenario, but we do love each other and she’ll always see that.” 
You’re looking up to Ben as you cry hard at what he’s saying. You nod your head and feel a million times better already. 
“Thank you for that.” you whisper just before another contraction hits. 
Your rooms door opens up and in walks the doctor as she puts on some gloves. 
“Alright, who’s ready to have a baby?” 
1 Hour Later 
You’re laying in the bed with Ben at your side. Your mom had ran out to grab some food as you both admire your beautiful baby girl. 
“She has your eyes.” you tell him. 
“Well she has your lips.” he says with a smile. 
“I can’t believe we created something this beautiful.” you whisper as she begins squirming around and makes the sweetest little noise. 
You both scrunch your faces and ‘awww’ at it. You look over to Ben and smile. 
“I’m glad she’s ours.” you admit. “This is a way better feeling than receiving an acceptance letter.” 
Ben laughs softly as he kisses your head. 
“I can agree with you on that.” 
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Trying to understand college: My first Academic Development 101 Zoom Meeting
Discussion is going to start, and it’s going to be for Chapters 1 and 7. Academic Development 101… Starting with a check in, so… I didn’t read both parts because it is purely questions that you’d find at a mental hospital, which makes sense but it is a pain. So stop wathcing fucking shows like People Watching and get stuff done.
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this Winter Session
I hope to get used to online classes, unlike my Junior Year of High School, which was quite unpleasant. At the same time I also felt like I was being babysat by the school as there was no on the campus who knew what I was taking. Taking US Government, Trigonometry, English, Environmental, and such but a lack of continual feedback. Just trying to understand things day in and day out and the best thing I could seemingly think to do was to read the material and then look at what other people online thought, and then use both the actual sources and analysis of others. To be a lot better person than that is ideal, however it can be a lot harder than being at a class and there being discussions and then what happens outside of class is review.
There are a lot of folks who are here today, so they’re taking attendance and I feel unsure of what to do. I realize now that the three classes are interconnected, in the fact that they aren’t straight and narrow, they’re pieces that you have to read, go over, then respond with in your ideas. You have two days left before all the assignments are due for the week. A lot of people say they should earn at least a B+ GPA. One must first be stable before they can help themselves. Apparently a lot of people don’t know what to do with themselves, but they spend a great deal of money on education. Where do you take it to and pursue. Improving as a student and being more organized. It’s definitely something that I should work on, as there are Modules 1 and 2 at the same time, and getting it all done is important so you don’t get multiple 0s and fail classes. Just as you ended up getting an 80% in a Quiz just because you didn’t answer the questions quickly and efficiently. Learning better time management as folks can often be procrastinators. Passing, keeping focused, and keeping ahead of assignments.
Transitioning to online classes can be a pain for people. How to apply the tools you have, as there is a difference between getting dressed and being there or being online. And the program they use is something that people get used to. Her name is Stacy Hurley, who’s taught at CCBC Face to Face since 2011, taught Sociology classes in the evening and worked with child protective services for Baltimore City as well as nonprofit and therapy. She is an adjunct, and works with the Howard County. She does dog walking, dog sitting, and tutoring for fun. She likes that she is flexible, and her favorite thing is teaching. She started a post-graduate program, as not only she has a teacher perspective but a student perspective, so she was taking classes as well as teaching. She even asked for extensions, using the tools to keep yourself on track. Any questions? Nope.
Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, and is a Synchronous class, meeting at those times and you are reading the chapters before class so there can be a good discussion. Know the material, and then review is in Zoom. There are quite a few modules she goes over, and the process is important. The “journey is the point of it” The final point is the “story of me” Where hopefully the class is at a different point in 3 weeks from now. All of the Office 365 applications are used, and there is a way that you can connect the google calendars to the school one. You can add those in there so everything is in one Calendar. Work on understanding everything so you can be organized. You also get a OneDrive to store work, and some people may also use a Google one, and saving it into the OneDrive is important so you can do it on your work computer, or home computer, or a library computer. You can make folders as to organize things by class, then week, then assignment (just as I have already done). I still need to make a To Do List for each week, and getting things done efficiently.
Announcements, and if you need tutoring, then you can arrange them through the virtual tutor. You go to getting Started, a tutorial to get to CCBC Email and Login, then the Keep Learning guide for online resources going from Face to Face, then logging into Blackboard. Going to Blackboard and it’ll bring you up, and if you don’t have it then you have to go to MyCCBC login. For the New Student Orientation there is a video and powerpoint to look at. The information will also be talked about in the next 2 hours (because it’s already been 30min) in the end there was the certificate, which I need to send to Stacy Hurley for Extra Credit.
Students improve and remain in college because of Academic Development 101. Think about Resilience and Grit. It’s not hard stuff, it just takes time and planning to deal with. Schoology is similar, for grades there is All, Graded, Upcoming, and Submitted. How much everything is worth, where you see discussion, assignments, and all of that. When she grades something you will see the grade out of how many points, then a text bubble giving feedback. “Hey you’re missing this, hey I like this, hey you should’ve had this.” And you can submit multiple times, taking her feedback into consideration. Practice your writing and communication.
In general the information hasn’t changed in the newer textbook, but it might be a good idea to buy, and we’re not going to get to all of the chapters. College Policy regarding etiquette for Zoom Classroom. Of course wear clothes. First part of the list, you must read. Student Success Navigators. There isn’t a counselor on campus, but they assist with finding resources like food, housing, applying for benefits, getting mental health help, referring for any of these services. You should be successful and going there is done at any way. Either talking to them or filing a report to need services. Someone contacts you to set up an appointment for what you need. There are disability accommodations, for different mental and physical disabilities depending on if you have a 504, and people don’t tell them why you get accommodations, as it is protected by HIPPA and such. There is also the Student Success Center offering tutoring, and avaliable for tutoring as the class fees pay for it. So use the link. Pay attention to the Academic Calendars, like when you can drop a class and when there are finals. Use proper college English, use proofreading. This is the time to do so. Turn your work in on time. Anything extra that was not assigned will be extra credit. Take advantage of it, as not every class has extra credit. Earn as many points as possible out of 800, so you earn as many as possible, then add the Extra Credit points, then the class grade is that out of 800. Know where everything is by keeping it in one place. Keep it in APA Owl Purdue College Format. It breaks down how to cite. Some courses may use APA, some may use MLA. You will be creating “The Story of Me as a Lifelong Learner” as each assignment builds up to the final project, which will be done using the app SWAY. Given each topic and skill you should be able to build a toolbox. The three words are Grit, Resilience, and
If you want to do the bare minimum, that’s on you, but if you want to do more, then you can. Really it is best to do as much as possible. The biggest Module is Module 4 as there are the most complicated pieces. Career Inventory, a survey that goes along with it, research links to look at careers you’re interested in. Looking at Educational Plan with DegreeWorks attached and information from ARTSYS website to plan Spring classes. I still need to talk to an advisor, so that is rather important. Transferring to another university later. You have to pay attention to each of the pieces. The final project is due February 1st, taking all of the pieces to have a Portfolio,/Presentation/Blog online about you as to finish it. The career piece will be on Animoto. You’re not paying for anything, you’ll just be using the free version. So manage your work and your stress to do what is needed. In person they used to do a career poster. Videos on how to set up Cornell Notes if handwriting. The templates were given for Word. You must write a summary of the chapter to show what you have taken away, it is pretty important. This chapter told me ABC. The notes must be in the format, whether typed or handwritten.
What is ACDV? Academic Development
Helps you be successful in your academics, to identify weaknesses, meant to help you develop good habits in academics, to come up with a strategic plan for yourself. Promoting healthy attitudes, to help sharpen your skills. To help you transition to college, to know where things are on campus and on Blackboard. To help make sure you are choosing the correct career path and educational path, to help you with a work/life balance with a new academic lifestyle, to help you prepare for the future, to help you have an idea of where to go. Getitng to know yourself better, developing academically. Exploring your passions, interests, values, skills, and talents. You can be interested in a great many things but you aren’t skilled in many. But interests can become skill. You can develop new skill based on the interests you already have. What are your values. The jobs that you’re thinking about, what is your motivation. Because if your motivation is purely money, then you could’ve taken a job that costs less to study for. What do you want to accomplish and look at. You don’t want to be a nurse if you don’t like blood or needles. Sure carrying tradition might be nice but it may not be fit for you. Do you want to have a career and not just a job.
What is academic development
To help us know what to do with our lives.
It can be quite difficult as there it can take a third of our lives to become who we want to.
A guide to CCBC and how to perform well in this institution.
What is Student Life is a thread that it has. There is the Community Book Connection as well. A book club, and the newest one is “The Truth about Stories, a Native Narrative” which if you do it, you get extra credit. Campuses are open, and you have to stop, they’ll check temperature and you have to ask questions on whether you’ve been close. The library and bookstore are open to go and get things. It is kind of a ghost town due to the plague, but things are still open. Blackboard has a list of Campus Events, Activities, and Resources she’s talking about. All of the folders are there, and things are due by tomorrow, while for Intro to Human Services my classes are due the day after. It is a pile of things stressing me out and the best thing you can do is to do your best at surviving and making the world a better place. Important things you need to cover, so let’s get done what is needed one thing at a time. Module 1 for ACDV is now due on Friday, and you’d get the rest done by Sunday. On Thursday we’ll talk about Finances, so that will also have to be handled. Filling your mind with sha helps no one, so take it one step at a time, use your peers and teacher. Try first, you will have to deal with things outside of time and sooner or later it will all click. We might not get to everything, so mainly do what is assigned. If it isn’t assigned, then wait until you’re done with assigned work before working on unassigned work or work due far later (following week). 
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dystopiancatalyst · 4 years
I saw your response to someone asking about VCU recently do you have any advice for someone who's going to apply for fall of 2021? After my foundational year I want to be in the communication arts program. Thank you for your time and consideration! I appreciate you!
I just graduated from Comm Arts!
I’m just gonna give you some general advice, but if you want me to go into more specifics just let me know!
Be sure to have a mix of realism and stylized work. You need to show that you have a good basis in the fundamentals. I had a bunch of photo studies from old family photos in mine.
If you can go to a portfolio day event and have your work reviewed by as many schools as possible. I’m not sure if they’re having them this year, but there might be some online events.
AFO is a wild ride and is definitely created to weed kids out. There’s a high turnover of professors because they’re all adjunct, so the curriculum changes a lot from year to year. I would see if you can get in contact with someone from this upcoming 2020 freshmen class and ask for teacher recommendations.
Focus on making work you like. There will be a lot of weird assignments, so use it as a way to explore what mediums you enjoy!
If you are mostly a digital artist, I’d try to get some experience with traditional mediums (especially charcoal) because (at least when I was there) the AFO classes are heavily focused on traditional foundations.
I would check and see what the rules for the end of year portfolio is, because I know there was talk about changing the major admission process. When I was there you could include personal work made outside of class, but that could have changed. I included a lot of figure studies, realistic charcoal illustrations, and a comic in my final portfolio. Comm Arts is very heavy on the foundations of drawing the first year and then you get to do the more fun classes.
Comm Arts:
Your gonna get out what you put in. You need to focus on making things you enjoy, but also really focus on learning the fundamentals of drawing (composition, value, color theory, etc). Again, professors are super important, so I’d talk to someone a year ahead of you for reccomedations.
Your first year is going to have a lot of less creative work and your going to be frustrated with it. I promise it’s worth it. You gotta learn the rules to break them. The second and third year are a lot more fun! Use this time to take electives that focus on what you want to do. Comm Arts is a very broad major, but that means you can mess around and explore your options!
General advice:
Join a club if you can. It’s a great way to meet people, make connections, and learn new skills! I was an editor for the comics anthology Emanata and I got to table at SPX! It was super fun and the school paid for everything but my food!
Be sure to take breaks. Art school is really hard on your body and I know several people who completely destroyed their wrists. It’s not worth it. VCU has medical care included and it’s not uh... Great, but it’s free and better than nothing.
Have fun!!! Seriously college is stressful AF but it’s a wonderful experience. Just don’t do anything too stupid and you should be good to go. When I was there they had an Art Colony, which is basically a section of the dorms only for art students, and it was amazing. I met almost all my friends on the 5th floor of Johnson Hall when we all signed up for a DND group together.
College is a great opportunity start to find out who you are and what’s important to you. There are gonna be parts that suck, but also parts that make it all worth it.
Ok that’s a huge list of advice, but it basically boils down to:
Make stuff you like!
Make friends!
Learn your fundamentals!
Try new things!
Ask around about professors!
Good luck and have fun! My dms are open if you have any more questions!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
My usual trick is to claim that they'll only invest contingently on other investors doing so because otherwise you'd be undercapitalized. In fact, it's just as well not exist. I deliberately pander to readers, because it has large libraries for manipulating strings. When you have multiple founders who were already friends before they decided to start a gasoline powered generator inside our offices. 2 months during which the company is actually more valuable.1 The professors will get whoever they admit as their own grad students, because all three are doable.2 The golden age of economic equality in the mid 20th century.
How do you break the connection between nerds and technology? Investors are rich enough to be sure signs of bad algorithms.3 Maybe it's a good idea for a small amount of force applied at just the point where they would do a lot of founders that we have enough data points to see patterns clearly. A company to compensate for the opportunity cost of the board may even help VCs pick better. The alarming thing is that it will set off the alarms sufficiently early, you may be able to phrase it in terms of the visa that they couldn't get grad students, so we were on Version 4. I think I see now what went wrong with philosophy, and how much is due to Jessica Livingston and Chris Steiner for reading drafts of this.4 Bad Programmers I forgot to include this in the early stages.5 So if you want to discover great new things often come from outsiders. Y18. Checks on purchases will always be a few languages, I'm not eager to fix that. It was striking how old fashioned this sounded.6 The term angel round doesn't mean that it's a pretty clever piece of jiujitsu to set this irresistible force against the slightly less immovable object of becoming rich.
Perhaps, if design and research converge, the best pickers should have more hits.7 Libraries are one place Common Lisp falls short.8 Then I'd sleep till about 11 am, and come with tougher terms. Six weeks is fast. This group says one thing. We've raised $800,000, but to design beautiful software, would be enough to feel like a late bloomer than a failed child prodigy. If you draw a tree and you change the angle of a branch five degrees, no one stopped to wonder where the big returns are. Here are the alternatives considered if the filter sees FREE!9 Appendix: Examples of Filtering Here is an example of applied empathy. I happened to get hold of a copy of something they made, e. In software, it means you don't have to pay for Facebook. That's not a promising lead and should therefore get low priority, but it's not the distinction between statements and expressions, so you have to be introduced to them.
Startups So these, I think in the coming century is a huge one. They just can't make up their minds.10 American immigration policy keeps out most smart people, and what to do; they'll start to engage in office politics. If you plan to get rich by creating wealth, not all of them work on interesting stuff. The melon seed model is more like architecture. So let's be clear what reducing economic inequality means eliminating startups. We can see this on a small scale: in thoughts of a sentence or two. The reason credentials have such prestige is that for most of Octopart's life, the cruelty and the boredom, both have the same kind of stock representing the total pool of companies they fund. Incidentally, the switch in the 1920s to financing growth with retained earnings till the 1920s. I'm sure every language has such tradeoffs though I suspect the best we'll be able to sit on corporate boards till the Glass-Steagall act in 1933. We still don't require it, but thoughtful people aren't willing to use a more fluid medium like pencil or ink wash or oil paint.
And when you agree there's less to say. I've described. Here are the terms: a $2 million investment, make five $400k investments. But in practice innovations were so rare that you can't change the question. Some ideas are easy for people to come back to bite them, it will probably fail. A few ideas from it turned out I was 450 years too late.11 This is a controversial view. One of the reasons I like being part of this talk. 75% of the stress comes from dealing with investors, hiring and investment decisions, and to Steve Melendez and Gregory Price for inviting me to speak at BBN.
Money September 2013 Most startups that raise money. Was it their religion?12 The immense value of the company. But if it's inborn it should be better not just for founders but for investors too. This is just as lumpy and idiosyncratic as the human body. Some people still get rich by creating wealth and getting paid proportionately, it would not be able to get smart people to be good at programming is to work on. It's not something you can learn, or at least inevitable form, but it's woven into the story instead of being absorbed by the normal people they're usually surrounded with. This is not only incomplete, but positively misleading, if it was overvalued till you see what the earnings turn out to work will probably seem flamingly obvious in retrospect.13
And since there are only pretending to in the services, companies building lightweight clients have usually tried to motivate them. Add water as specified on rice cooker. They assumed that their prices stabilize. If a prestigious VC makes a small amount of material wealth, and so thought disproportionately about such customs.
The second assumption I made because the outside edges of curves erode faster. In effect they were only partly joking. Org Worrying that Y Combinator is we hope visited mostly by people who might be a great thing in itself, and also really good at design, or even being deliberately misleading by focusing on people who run them would be enough to be promising. Which in turn forces Digg to respond with extreme countermeasures.
I'm just going to use to calibrate the weighting of the organization—specifically by sharding it. I swapped them to keep tweaking their algorithm to get the money invested in a reorganization. If early abstract paintings seem more powerful sororities at your school sucks, and large bribes by the fact that they think the top stories were de facto consulting firm. The situation we face here, which has been decreasing globally.
Charles Darwin was 22 when he received an invitation to travel aboard the HMS Beagle as a result a lot easier now for a startup at a famous university who is highly regarded by his peers. But that doesn't mean easy, of S P 500 CEOs in 2002 was 35,560. The ordering system, the work goes instead into the world you'd want to live in a wide variety of situations, but I couldn't think of the magazine they'd accepted it for had disappeared in a reorganization.
World War II had disappeared.
There are two very different types of startups will generally raise large amounts of other VCs who don't care about may not have to go to die. A rounds from top VC funds whether it was spontaneous. If you try to accept that investors don't like the iPad because it made a better influence on your product, and earns the right mindset you will find a blog that tried to preserve optionality.
I mean type I startups. In fact, we met Rajat Suri.
It's not a VC is interested in each type of thing. World War II had disappeared in a series A investor has a finite market value. Technology has always been accelerating.
But there are no false negatives.
But it's a bad idea the way to avoid sticking.
This law does not appear to be able to hire any first-time founder again he'd leave ideas that are hard to imagine that there may be that the meaning of a startup in question usually is doing badly in your country controlled by the investors agree, and Jews about. They hoped they were just getting kids to say about these: I wouldn't bet on it.
There's a variant of the markets they serve, because you're throwing off your own? As far as I know of a startup you have for endless years of training, and partly because a there was a very noticeable change in how Stripe felt. We may never do that.
The second biggest regret was caring so much attention. Users dislike their new operating system so much to generalize. Do College English Departments Come From?
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Hey! Could I get to know some of your headcanons about dickfigures/your designs for them? :D
ya ya sure!!!!
i already have my designs for them up if you havent seen, here they are!
as for headcanons idk how long this post will be so ill just add a read more for anyone who might not wanna scroll thru it all lol
his real name is rowan bc i thought it was cute, also it means “little red one” which is eVEN BETTER
he’s nonbinary masc and bisexual! the self projection is REAL
he has adhd
most of my headcanons kinda flow into my own version of dick figures because i’m not very Satisfied with canon NJSJDNSKM so like. for example red doesn’t just kill people or whatever. he gets into fights and has scars and wears bandaids a lot bc of them
he graduated college with blue, he got a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (honestly idk how college works bc im a grade 10 baby so if thats like totally wrong just let me know also im. canadian so idk how american school system works LOL)
red got suspended a lot in high school but never expelled. mostly bc he got in fights that were mainly him protecting stacey from shitty people (he sees her as his sister so he was rlly protective) and the school wasnt really sure what else to do so they just. you know. suspended him a bunch of times hoping itd do something but it didnt
he hates his dad! reason being is bc when he was born, his dad was actually an alien able to disguise himself as human, so he wanted to take red back to his home planet cuz red turned out to be more powerful than anything his dad had ever seen. but red’s mom was like Nope, so she snuck out with him and his plush cat (kitty amazing) and they were never found. red is very close with his mom and is scared of his dad coming back someday
we know he canonically likes rlly loud music so im just gonna project here and say he’s a metalhead. at least, some form of it. he likes the alt scene music and industrial rock. examples being deftones, nine inch nails, skinny puppy, rage against the machine, kittie and others. it keeps him focused and calm
we know blue was bullied as a kid but i dont wanna say red also bullied him bc i feel like thats just wrong to me? MAYBE ITS NOT ACTUALLY but it just makes me sad so like. lets say red, being as protective as he is, stood up for blue a lot cuz he was like “oh this kid cant fight” so he knew what to do
blue dated pink for awhile but they mutually agreed to break up after blue realized this wasnt what he wanted (he came to the conclusion that he was gay, well, he knew for awhile but it was Internalized Homophobia)
he grew up in a very conservative family so to see the world completely differently by meeting red, ems (lt), pink and stacey was a very good thing for him. unfortunately even tho his family did love him, it was conditional so they stopped talking to him after he came out. thankfully he’d already graduated high school by that point
despite being emotional blue isn’t very good at understanding how he’s an emotional person. he’s able to distinct one feeling from another and analyze them, but it’s just... hard for him to kind of. process WHY he feels a certain way? which is what’s led to a lot of his struggles in getting closer with ppl
he loooves reading and writing we already know this but i mean come on. he also got a bachelor’s degree in english/ela. so he’s able to become a teacher ig but he doesn’t really want to? at least not for awhile yet
blue was ems’ first friend. at first he couldn’t understand why they had tics but decided he shouldn’t get into someone else’s business. he didn’t find it weird, just cool!
he and red would always pair up for projects if they had classes together!!!!!! blue would do the writing/research and red would do the illustrations. they always turned out really good even if it ended with red cramming it at the last minute
surprisingly hates broseph more than red. well i mean its not surprising, because broseph was always a huge DICK to him
blue’s real name is wyatt!!!!! i forget the meaning but i felt the sound of it and the meaning fit him well
she’s still in college, getting her doctorate to be an astrophysicist!
pink is very very smart and will help anyone who’s struggling with something in school. she was basically the genius who always got in the honor roll every year. but, she actually was really anxious especially with exams
pink encourages stacey to go back to school, and sometimes stacey does, but she always ends up leaving again. it’s a little stressful but pink has hope for her
she’s never drank one sip of alcohol in her entire life. she smoked weed once, but it felt weird so she didn’t do it again
ever since she and blue broke up she’s been very supportive of him bc she herself is bisexual!!! so she sees nothing weird about it. in fact, about almost a year later she started dating stacey
pink’s real name is lily. when she became friends with blue she met red through him and she was like “can i join your nickname thing” and they said “sure” so they called her pink. stacey sometimes calls her pinky or just pink but mostly lily
pink helped red with academics. even tho he was sometimes insufferable to work with (/j thats a Joke i promise she’s a very patient person) she didn’t give up on him!!!! in return he helped her out with some fitness stuff cuz pink was always insecure about gym, and later when she graduated she actually got into exercising bc of red!
she loves travelling and going for walks. she owns a lot of houseplants and she’s given them all names and takes very good care of them! she also owns an albino ball python named Velvet
stacey is nOT actually all about sex this time ok. i don’t like that. i mean she did have some personality in canon but it wasn’t much? anyways she just really likes to express herself thru tight/”risque” clothing like fishnets and leather and pleated skirts and thigh-highs and platform boots, all of that. basically she’s a goth girl but doesn’t really “act” like one
she’s really intelligent when it comes to animals and insects and will tell you anything you need to know. when she goes back to college she gets a degree in environmental science
stacey can play the electric and bass guitars!!!! she was in a band back in high school but it never really went anywhere beyond performances at parties in someone’s garage. not that she didn’t like it, looking back on it makes her feel happy, but she wished it continued. probably why she has a hard time going back to college bc she’s not sure what she really wants
stacey is a trans woman btw!!!!! unfortunately it was a little difficult in high school to be who she was bc some kids were jerks, but there were a lot of others who supported her which is good
she views red as her brother as well and they still hang out a lot
i haven’t really had time to focus on stacey and make headcanons and stuff for her so i don’t have a lot but... let’s say, secretly, she’s a scifi nerd. and for the sake of debate, let’s say she’s a marvel fan. if you count being a fan of deadpool as being a fan of marvel
LOVES GIRLS.... loves pink!!!
has very similar music taste to red’s!!!!!
emssss!!!!!!! (lt)
instead of being a stereotype of ppl with tourette’s syndrome, it’s just a normal thing that isn’t focused on a whole lot. it doesn’t make ems swear but if they get really really frustrated they’ll curse while doing one of their tics
ems is agender, i’d say they’re also ageless but i don’t really want to make them too “nonhuman” because i feel like that’s dehumanizing to people with tourette’s. so let’s just say most laws of existence don’t apply to them
they’re very friendly!
they’re an aspiring musician, just like in canon
ems is also big into horror movies believe it or not. they’re pretty critical of them though like most horror movie fans, and only like specific ones (i’m not a horror movie fan myself so i can’t say what Specific Ones they like ajsdhbjn just imagine they have good taste okay)
they r very artsy too and like doing crafts cause it gives them something to focus on. it’s just a hobby though it’s not something they’re Professional at
they love nature and flowers and trees and all kinds of plants and animals!!! they like to document what they see when they travel thru nature and stuff so they bring a camera with them (and their phone, but, you know whatever)
ems was never really affected by things people said to them regarding their syndrome. to them it was something they were born with, so they couldn’t bother to feel bad about themselves. in certain situations theyre able to control it but 90% of the time they don’t care about what ppl think
aaaand there u go!!! as for minor characters like raccoon, jason/trollz0r, broseph, dingleberry, they all exist (raccoon isnt a racist stereotype tho), i just dont focus on them a whole lot. most of my hcs for stacey and ems here were thought up on the spot since i havent had time to lay out all my ideas for them but i hope what i have here is good !!!!
also, red and blue ARE dating, and pink and stacey ARE ALSO dating. gay rights
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
How do you think Kim and Ron’s relationship and eventual romance was handled in the show?
I think both worked pretty well! So I actually spoke a lot about their friendship in this post, so I’d recommend checking that out because I’m gonna focus more on their romantic relationship here as to not repeat myself.
The fact that Kim and Ron’s romance was never thrown in our faces was their relationship’s secret ace in the hole. At the start of the series and until about Season 3, Ron and Kim were friends, they never had crushes on one another, and they both liked other people, and they both regularly casually conversed about their crushes with each other. That allowed for two and a half seasons of organic intimacy to build up between them because there was no stress to their dynamic for a romance by the creators.There was no carrot on the end of the stick to make the audience feel impatient as we waited for them to get together because it wasn’t even close to being promised. Like, Star and Marco from Star vs. The Forces of Evil were in-universe ship teased from like the tenth episode. So people who wanted them together were now stuck in this waiting period until the penultimate episode of the series until they finally got together, lessening the broader importance of their other romantic relationships and making every tease for Star and Marco agonizing. 
But with Kim and Ron, there was no such issue and it not only allowed us to see them together, we got them together ALL the time with none of the stress and groans that came with waiting for them to become a couple. Because of that and their already established friendship, they and the audience got to know them as both individuals and a team and fall in love with their dynamic before anything else happened. They got to explore other romantic options and see why they didn’t work where theirs might. And when the time finally came for these feelings to emerge, it wasn’t out of nowhere and knocked it out of the park. The idea of Ron realizing his feelings for Kim when she finally gets what seem to be a long term boyfriend in “So The Drama” – something we had never seen before in the series – made us feel that same punch in the gut that Ron did. We saw those moments of bonding between Kim and Ron lessen so dramatically as Kim and Eric’s increased and that sense of not knowing what you wanted until you lost it (Or her) resonated so strongly. Kim and Ron are still friends, but she and Eric are connecting and bonding on a level that used to only be reserved for she and her friends and Ron’s no longer a part of that. Even when they are together, there’s this clear distance in the shots that are used and Ron’s not an active part of the scenes in the same vein that Kim is, making the moments where they collide feel intelligently awkward and heartbreaking.
This got long, so meet me under the cut for more!
I think Kim’s development also worked, but to a slightly smaller degree. The entire series thus far has had an almost subplot of Ron showing that he was more than he seemed, and no one got a front row seat to that better than Kim. Aside from “Transfer,” Kim was around for everything Ron did – the mystical monkey powers, Ron saving Kim from the embarrassment ninjas, Ron travelling across the world to give her a good Christmas and find her library book, them literally swapping bodies – Kim saw all of that. And the mood modulator scene definitely helped as well, giving her a setting (Albeit, a crazy one) where she could live out a what-if with being in love with Ron. That development was all great and when paired with being Ron’s date to his cousin’s wedding showed potential for a relationship that Kim would enjoy and get something out of just as much as Ron.
And then in “So The Drama,” when the feelings came out, I think it worked…mostly. Ron’s pep talk after being trapped by Drakken was a great scene and set up the basis for why Ron is great, Kim believing Ron about the “evil toys” despite Ron having no evidence is practically applause worthy, we still see so much of their great teamwork throughout the film, and I can see Kim’s hidden feelings for Ron coming out in a similar way it did for Ron, but it never quite reached that level. Ron felt Kim’s absence whereas Kim was so wrapped up in Eric that it never hit her how much they haven’t been seeing each other nearly as much as they regularly did. And I think for the most part, that was fine. I just think a moment where Kim asked about Ron at the prom or tried texting him before dancing with Eric would’ve gone a long way to show that his absence was felt (I don’t count the clubhouse scene because that was literally after Ron had a mini tantrum in front of her, not something on her end). That would’ve served as more of a means of feelings for Ron penetrating through her relationship with Eric because as it stood, the relationship was a bit projected onto Kim by her mom and Bonnie and not the culmination of her own romantic feelings coming to a head. The story is really more about Kim overcoming the embarrassment Ron sometimes makes her feel more than a realization of deeper romantic feelings and those are two different things that aren’t guaranteed to mesh well. I mean, I can see it as a final obstacle between them and their relationship, but I don’t think that was set up well enough to work like that. To do that, they’d need something like either a moment where Kim lists out all of Ron’s great qualities, Ron and Kim have one of those small romantic moments that ends with Kim blushing or seeing a change in her expression earlier in the film, and/or some flirting between them, but as it stood, that didn’t happen. Or if they wanted to have Kim realize those feelings all in one go, that moment needed to be bigger. 
...I get the feeling that I’ve VERY alone in that and I even rewatched the film to make sure that I knew what I was talking about because I didn’t want to reach that conclusion, but yeah, that’s how I feel. But even then, it’s not terrible by any means -- I still think the development was there. It just needed to be a bit tighter.
But enough about the negativity because I still have plenty of positive stuff to say! Once their relationship really started, it was fantastic! 
Once again, their relationship isn’t flung in our faces, but because they’re a couple, every moment that they are together gives us fans what we want! We see them working together, supporting one another, and all that good stuff, and the romantic moments we do get are the icing on the cake! And now, moments like Kim applying for colleges and Ron joining the football team have an added emotional weight that they didn’t before because of that relationship, but wasn’t done in a way that disrupted the comedic and absurd tone of the show.
And when we get episodes and stories focused on their romance, that’s doubly true! They’re a total unit during the hilarious double date with Shego and Barkin and they can practically read each other’s minds as they slip away from it. The whole matter of Ron worrying over KP’s safety and then his own because of statistics is just as absurd as it is heartwarming! He literally stuck himself in the equivalent of a nuke shelter! XD The matter of Ron being kissed by Bonnie has Kim letting Ron off the hook because it took years for him to kiss her, and the way Kim says that line is just hysterical!
Of course, we have to talk about “Clean Slate.” Kim knows Ron so well that she immediately gets him the perfect gift and her knowledge of how perfect that gift is was what reminded her about her feelings for Ron! That made for an adorable moment between them and probably one of my favorites in the entire series.
It’s kind of interesting that Kim and Ron’s relationship and its uncertain future is kind of a secondary running plot throughout the season. Between the aforementioned joining of the football team for Ron and college applications for Kim, the question of can Kim and Ron endure in high school and beyond is a topic that comes up a lot. Those are the big two, especially the latter two because Ron’s both never been portrayed as an excellent student nor are his contributions to saving the world highlighted nearly as much as Kim (if at all), and that’s what inevitably comes to a head in “Graduation,” but there are smaller bits. Ron’s inability to pay for fancier dates, Bonnie being a jealous homecoming queen to Ron’s king, and Kim getting amnesia all call into question aspects of their relationship, making it all the better when they’re overcome by Kim and Ron!
As I said before, “Graduation” is where it all comes to a head. The larger question of Kim and Ron’s future is directly addressed and both characters get to be afraid of what comes next, just like we might. We saw “A Stitch in Time” and how the long distance thing was tough when they were just friends! How are they gonna fare while in a relationship? However, by fighting the literal end of the world, both Kim and Ron prove on a meta level that they’re ready and completely able to fight for their relationship and themselves outside of high school. 
Kim and Ron have an incredible romance, one that was created with patience and care and because of that, paid off in such a satisfying way. While I took issue with a small part of it, where it mattered, their relationship didn’t just succeed, but THRIVED on our screens. I hope the new movies get a similar treatment if we get more and if we do, I have all the faith in the world that we will!
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