#Fabian’s hair’s different !!!
bug-taffy · 6 months
My boys of bad kids designs!!!
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full lineup + more stuff under the cut
Here they are all together!!
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now that I’ve done all of ‘em it’d be awesome if y’all submitted asks of any scenarios you’d like me to draw them in!! (moments from the campaign, headcanons, anything you’d like to see!!) also I am I YouTube viewer so nothing past what’s been released so far please lol
no guarantee I’ll get around to all of them btw!!!
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flashhwing · 1 year
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I got tagged by @v-arbellanaris to make some OCs in this picrew, and @daggerbean make some OCs in this one, so I decided to combine them in one post
from top to bottom: Fabian Tabris, Oliver Hawke, and Mahonan Lavellan. none of these are too accurate to how i see them except the fabian on the right lol
I'm not gonna tag anyone coz I have no idea who to tag lol. if u see this and wanna do it consider urself tagged
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Okay, now that all of the Bad Kids have their new art out... I can finally freak out/gush over/analyze it, because I didn't have the energy to do posts for every single one.
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Fig!!! My girl!!! The mismatched shoelaces! The bass guitar from Gorthalax! The phoenix feather earring for Ayda! The fishnet! The classic leather jacket/gray band shirt/red pleated skirt combo! The fingerless gloves! THE CHAIN WALLET!
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KRISTEN IS BUTCH. Let me repeat that---KRISTEN! IS! BUTCH! And she's wearing the yellow jumpsuit that we saw in her figurine but she still has the purple in her backpack and her staff and her TIE-DIE SPORTS BRA! And she's got a new hairstyle! And a rainbow bracelet AND a lesbian bracelet! THE TEDDY BEAR! THE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!
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RIZ HAS AN UNDERCUT AND GLASSES AND HE KEPT HIS TATTOOS!!!! We've got the briefcase! We've got the angelic weapons! We've got the sword of shadows! We've got GADGETS! WE EVEN HAVE ARO/ACE RINGS! He looks so cool and nifty and crafty and BADASS! My boy has grown!
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Gorgug. Oh my god, I can FEEL the "going into a worry" energy radiating from this. But he's got the axe! He's got artificer goggles and tools and a rucksack! He's FINALLY got the emo ripped jeans that he always deserved! He looks so sweet and huggable and perfect! AND HE HAS THE BIG HEADPHONES STILL!
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ADAINE. My god. I love this girl so much and her art is perfect. She has patches on her jacket! We can see the cool design on her shirt! She's got high-fantasy boots and belts and she's got her new arcane sword! BOGGY IS THERE! And she looks so lovely and cool and her hair, oh my god, her hair is perfect! I'm so proud of her!
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And lastly, the man, the myth, the LEGEND. Fabian looks perfect. Everything from the sword to the sheet to the expression to the tap shoes is spot-on. And his outfit? He's got harem pants! He's got a stylish shirt! He's got wraps around his hands! He's doing a dance move! Man-bun Fabian is now officially canon!
(Also, I'm never gonna shut up about how the Bad Kids are now all spellcasters, and almost all of them are different than how they were in freshman year because that's how growing up works! Fig's ditched College of Whispers as she learns to be truer to herself and has claimed the coolness of College of Lore, and she's got some warlock action to be closer to her dad! Kristen's a Twilight Domain cleric instead of the Life Domain, and I remember being so excited when that became official because that domain is so freaking cool! Riz is an Arcane Trickster, just! Like! Penny! Gorgug's an artificer as well as a barbarian, which is one of my favorite classes, and it looks like he's leaning even further into it! And we can't forget Fabian double-classing as a College of Swords bard! It's so beautiful! It's amazing! Maybe we'll get Adaine doing a martial multiclass to round out the "we're doing different things!" ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!)
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sorbeau · 2 months
what are your like essentials/you have to put in accessories or traits for drawing the bad kids?
i have so many designs for these guys but there are certain cornerstones that MUST be upheld.
for Adaine, i love giving her huge round glasses, more often than not with some cute glasses chains or dangly accessories with them. im my heart she's also very tall and lanky, perfect awkward teen girl build. i like to keep her facian features very oval shaped, a sharp chin with a rounded jawline and a straight and thin nose.
for Kristen, I like to make her hair curly and cover her in freckles. she was the chosen of helio!!! she's kissed by the sun!!!! she's always looking sunburnt and tan in my heart. I also love making her rather stocky, just a stout girl with a big smile. i like to give her very rounded and robust facial features, chubby cheeks, a big button nose, and very expressive eyes.
for Fabian, his design is the one that changes the most imo. i could put him in one million different hairstyles and one million different outfits. i think his cornerstone design aspect that cements him as Fabian is his eternal smirk and general prettyboy aura. also the eyepatch is a pretty big tell. i like to give him sharp rectangular features, a strong jawline, defined cheekbones, and a straight nose, occasionally dropping in some cheeky dimples.
for Gorgug, i really like to give him a longer haircut, as well as part his bangs to sort of cover one eye. he's very rectangular to me and has a very long but toned build. i like to keep his face very rectanguler but rounded and soft, a square jaw and defined cheekbones, but soft brows and eyes with a large downturned nose.
for Fig, her design is also one that changes a lot, but that in and of itself is a huge part of her character!!! she's spontaneous and rebellious, and I always make sure her design reflects that. her hairstyle hats lots of subtle changes, but i like to stick to alternative microbangs a lot and making her horns curve inwards slightly. a little demon tail is optional for her, but always fun. i like to give her very heart shaped features, with a pointed chin and round defines cheeks, as well as a pointed button nose and expressive but sharp eyes.
for Riz, i really like to lean into the feral/animalistic side of goblins that we see in fh. sharp teeth, big sharp catlike eyes, and large expressive ears. im also a huge fab of giving him digitigrade legs and paws and a fuzzy tail. in my heart he's sharp and scratchy and covered in fuzz. i like to keep his face sharp but round and cute, he's got round cheeks but a sharp jawline, a small downturned nose, and wild expressive eyebrows.
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 1
chapter 1:
1. holy shit i guess we’re starting off with regulus already knowing that sirius chooses james over him.
2. i love that there’s the comment of sirius cackling like a madman on camera at being the victor. great callback to his wanted poster in canon
3. damn not effie having been a victor as well
4. oh shit oh damn. james has plans to make sure reg gets out. and james expects to not make it. this already hurts
5. “Most people don't know when they'll get to hug their parents for the last time. James does.” AHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK THAT HURTS
6. god, sirius having to choose which one he wants to help survive hurts. especially cause he knows it comes down to wanting to survive, not skill.
7. "The games started the moment your name was called, and they don't end until you're dead” AHHHHHH everything hurts already
8. goddd the tension between james, reg, and sirius is just SO MUCH. this is so good
9. god the fact that this time it’s sirius having to say goodbye to regulus and james instead of reg and james having to say goodbye to sirius. just fucking stab me ig
chapter 2:
1. OMG i just got it. the capital is called the hallows in this!! like the deathly hallows! clever author
2. and this reg vs james hatred is gonna turn into a relationship??? i can’t wait to see it
4. OOOOOH I JUST GOT TO THE “i won’t hesitate” LINE!! I SAW ALL YALL TALKING ABOUT THIS. i can’t fucking wait
5. i recognize the name fabian from a different fic 🤔 if someone can tell me, that would be great
6. wait i’m a dumbass. it’s fabian and gideon. the prewett twins 😭😭😭
7. ☹️ he’s taking james glasses and making him wear contacts
8. not james threatening to kill fabian if he cuts his hair 😭😭
9. oh i see how the romance is gonna come in. james laid eyes on reg in his suit and fell head over heels
10. red and green suits like slytherin and gryffindor
11. the immediate reaction reg has to james not having glasses. chefs kiss
12. oh the immediate disgust i felt when realizing that riddle (voldemort) is head of the hallows
13. oh god the death eater masks. i can’t deal with this shit
15. “When Sirius pours his wine, he pours a lot.” LMAO
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rellsingsovern · 19 hours
all that glitters (is bronze)
Fabian came to school on the first day of junior year looking worse than he ever had, and Max is pretty sure that’s the exact moment the crush started.
A series of chapters from the POV of one Max Durden during his junior year at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, getting lit with his party, (accidentally) uncovering the fact that something is up between the barbarian and the sorcery teacher, and dealing with the fact that he’s got a massive crush on Fabian Aramais Seacaster, Maximum Legend and Captain of the Bloodrush team. (read on ao3 at rellsingsovern!)
Chapter One: September
Fabian came to school on the first day of junior year looking worse than he ever had, and Max is pretty sure that’s the exact moment the crush started.
Like, Fabian had been attractive forever. You’d have to be blind or maybe dead not to notice that. It was an indisputable fact, an inextricable law of the universe; magic takes spell slots, gravity pulls you to earth, Max was a drow, and Fabian Aramais Seacaster had always, always been stunningly good-looking. Simple and true as that. Max could acknowledge Fabian’s objective hotness even though he’d never really been into him like that.
It’s just that… he looked so different from the last time Max saw him, dragging Gorgug and Riz around his house party in the beginning of summer, before the endless night that had gone on until just two days ago, and it made Max’s heart flip around weirdly in his chest like it never had before when he looked at Fabian.
Max had only ever really spoken to Fabian after Fig and Gorgug had left for their tour in the spring of sophomore year. Like, he had seen him around in the halls throughout freshman year, enough that it was a shock when Fabian came back to school a week after prom with one missing eye, but neither he nor any of the Bad Kids were warlocks, so he had never shared a class with anyone except Kristin when the cleric, warlock, and paladin classes would have joint lectures. And even then half the time he would skip to smoke in the parking lot with Fig and Ficus.
Fabian turned up to smoke occasionally, loud and boisterous personality apparent in every step and every too-long drag he took from a cigarette, and he’d end up chatting to Max about unimportant shit without Fig there to direct his attention to. It wasn’t uncommon to see him at the local Thrallmart sometimes, a little less loud but just as boisterous, complaining about being dragged to the store by his party but laughing along with them as they went up and down the aisles together. They would always give Max and his party a wave when they crossed paths but Max was usually too busy shoplifting along with half of his own party while the other half scolded them. He had always extended informal invitations to the Bad Kids to come to his parties (they were some of the most infamous kids in school, after killing a dragon) but it wasn’t until earlier this summer that Fabian had taken him up on his offer.
It had been months since Max had seen Fabian at his party, and his silver hair was longer than Max’s was now, pulled up into a (cute) messy ponytail, and his clothing was distinctly less solesian and more elven than he used to dress. Max could count the amount of times he’d seen Fabian without his bloodrush letterman on one hand and most of them were after his adventuring party came back from saving the world from the Nightmare King, but he was wearing an obviously elven-made jacket around his waist, swirling patterns like ripples of water across the fabric. He had apparently traded the wide-bladed, curved, pirate-y weapon he used to carry for a sleek, straight sword that shimmered like a diamond in the newly returned sunlight.
Fabian carried himself differently too, more deliberate and graceful than last year, stepping lightly and quickly across the quad, and Max was almost too busy trying not to obviously stare at his sculpted arms to notice any other details. Almost.
There was a full fucking tire mark across Fabian’s face, going up across his cheek and down past his chest, disappearing under his tank top, various other marks and burns scattered across his face and shoulders. He looked like a sandstorm with a vendetta had grown legs and kicked the ever-loving shit out of him, red dust clinging to his dark skin and along his legs and torso, the muscles of which Max could see even under the fabric. Bandages were wrapped around his forearms and knuckles, the image of a classic fighter, and Max couldn’t tell if they were supposed to be red or if it was dried blood soaked into the fabric making it so. It’s probably blood, Max thought vaguely, too busy looking at the loose strand of silver hair falling in front of the swordfighter’s eyepatch, the edge of the scar visible even from this distance, his high cheekbones and slender yet powerful shoulders…
“-hearing me? Max!”
His view of Fabian’s dust covered face lighting up as he saw something across the quad was abruptly blocked by a human hand waving in front of his face. “Have you even been listening to me? Gods above, it was hard enough to get you here on time, we cannot start this year with you missing the assembly again and not knowing anything that’s going on.”
“In my defense, I only missed last year’s because Arruzhir’s wild magic went off and teleported us half a mile into the Far Haven Woods.” Max responded, a little slower than he should have, attempting to shake the image of Fabian’s radiant smile, wider than he had ever seen, out of his head, as Topaz, the owner of the hand, stepped out in front of him, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at him.
His party cleric’s stormy gray eyes scrutinized Max, militaristic in the way that everything she did was, symbol of her tempest god stamped onto the hammer she carried. She twirled it idly in her hand, jaw set as she searched for something in his expression.
Over her shoulder, Fabian Aramais Seacaster threw his head back and laughed, sitting at a table with the rest of the Bad Kids (was that a trash bag he was holding?), and Max immediately felt his heart skip several beats and hoped his face didn’t flush maroon.
Gripping her hammer in her fingers, Topaz thankfully didn’t change the topic. “You know you could’ve stood to find your way back sooner.”
“Nah, we couldn’t’ve.”
“Singer is a druid.”
“And?” Max muttered, only half paying attention to the conversation at hand, eyes drawn like magnets to Fabian, who had started talking to Gorgug, gesturing to a jagged sculpture of metal in his arms.
“And? The fuck do you-”
He looks like shit, Max thought wildly. He looks like he got run over. There’s blood all over him. Are those acid burns or road rash?
“-and it was so embarrassing, being the only one in the party to even be there, and I know none of us are fucking A-team adventurer’s, but can we at least get through the first semester without skipping too many important school events?”
He wasn’t nearly this cute last year. What, he grew his hair out and lost the letterman and got run over and that’s what it takes? Why am I feeling like this?
I should go talk to him. Ask about the summer, ask what he’s doing later-
“Max! Valkur’s sake, what are you even looking at-“
“Wait, hold on-“ Max started, but it was too late. Topaz had turned around and followed his gaze right to the table of Bad Kids.
“… Are you serious? A Bad Kid?”
“Hah,” he breathed out, aiming for casually nonchalant and landing somewhere around extremely forced. “Wh- what do you even mean?”
“One of them’s obviously caught your attention.” She said, ignoring the way Max sputtered in protest. Grabbing his arm none too gently but looking at him a little softer, Topaz marched him towards the doors of the academy, which were just past the table. “C’mon, we’re meeting Rouge inside. She brought those dwarvish candies that you like. You can gossip about your crush with her.”
“I never said anything about a crush.” Max muttered, but allowed himself to be led across the grass and stone, heart speeding up with every step taken towards the table where Fabian sat.
“Arruzhir and Singer are asking what the plan is for tonight, can we go to yours after school? Or have you decided to try out for Thunderclash again this year after all?”
Max had played Thunderclash for the last two years at Aguefort, starting out with the desire to distance himself from his non-athletic mechanically inclined older brother, and had stuck with it just because he ended up being good at kicking a ball into a goal, not because of any particular interest besides. Over the dark summer he had toyed with the idea of trying it out again but found the idea of having more time to spend with his party much more enticing.
Topaz, his best friend, had encouraged him to at least find an extracurricular to replace it, but Max hadn’t landed on anything that drew his attention one way or another.
Fabian locked eyes with Max as he passed, giving a little wave and a grin. The tire mark looked even worse up close, the burns even harsher, the messy silver ponytail even cuter, the glinting gold of his eyepatch even more magnetizing.
Not gold, Max thought, stomach flip-flopping again. Bronze. It’s darker than gold, but not duller. Suits him better.
“Actually,” he said. “I think I might go for Bloodrush this year.”
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
There it is....
An excerpt from my longer fic, Long Story Short (rated M, Wolfstar, Dorlene, and Jegulus)
James’s face was unreadable. “Pads…what did you do?” He asked, pulling away from Sirius a bit.
Sirius opened and shut his mouth, trying to form words to explain everything that had happened. He decided to just rip off the band-aid. “I walked in on Moony kissing Fabian Prewett last night,” he started.
James, however, reacted quite more like he’d wanted Marlene to. “WHAT?” He yelled loudly, his mouth falling open.
Sirius would’ve smiled, if the situation wasn’t so out-of-control. Trust James to react exactly like he needed him to. He sighed and responded, “Yup.”
“Our Moony?” James confirmed, still looking shocked.
“Remus Lupin?”
“Do you know any others?”
“No, I just–well, okay, then.”
Sirius heaved a breath, trying to calm himself and organize his brain, which felt like some sort of large system of river rapids, swirling and frothing and bubbling uncontrollably. “Yeah, so I told Marlene. Just now.”
But James was again having big emotions. “You told McKinnon before me? Padfoot, what the hell!” He looked murderous.
“I–I figured it was Moony’s place to tell you and Marlene obviously gets it,” Sirius explained, though he wasn’t exactly sure why he was compelled to tell Marlene first.
James calmed a bit. “Okay, fine, I guess that’s forgivable, but why is she pissed, then?”
Sirius hesitated. How to explain? “I…I told her, but I was…I was upset, when I told her. Because, it’s Moony, yeah? K–kissing someone.” His hands clenched again at the thought of Remus kissing someone.
James nodded, but didn’t look like he understood at all. He stayed quiet, however. Sirius really loved him for that.
“So…she said something…something ridiculous, Prongs. Something…like, fucking mad.” Sirius took a breath.
James looked at him, eyebrows raised, waiting.
Sirius said nothing, hardly able to voice the absurdity of Marlene’s idea. She was so far off-base, so irrational, so…
“What’d she say, Sirius?” James asked, looking both curious and nervous.
“She said…she said I was upset because I liked Remus.”
After Sirius said this, he expected James to laugh. He expected James to smile and maybe poke a bit of fun at Marlene and talk about how she had no idea what he was talking about. He expected James to react somewhat rationally.
So, when James just wrinkled his forehead a bit, as if Sirius had been a Professor sharing some new, but thought-provoking, information to him during a lecture, Sirius wanted to punch him, as well.
“I do not like Remus!” Sirius exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, thoroughly annoyed. Had everyone gone crazy today?
“Padfoot, you…you sleep in his bed,” James whispered softly.
Remus’s bed was warm. And safe and comfortable. A nice place to sleep. And when Remus accidentally spooned him while they were sleeping, it stopped him from having nightmares. So what?
“I sleep in your bed, too, doesn’t mean I want to–” Sirius started, angrily.
“You insist on staying with him in the Hospital,” James continued, voice a bit stronger now.
“I–I care about his safety! Forgive me for being a good friend!” Sirius argued, heat rising to his face.
“You…pouted for hours that one time he wouldn’t play with your hair. You steal his shirts to sleep in. You–”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Sirius yelled, face bright red, now. It wasn’t his fault, after all, that Remus was the best at playing with his hair, or that his shirts had a calming effect on him. It was just…close friendship.
“D’you get upset when you think about me kissing someone?” James retorted. “Or Pete?”
“Urgh, no,” Sirius responded quickly, before thinking about it. “As long as it isn’t in my bed, that would be–”
“And Remus? What if he was kissing someone? Even a girl? How would you feel?”
Sirius’s insides heated up unpleasantly. No, Remus kissing someone was not a great thought. “That’s…that’s different because…because I’m more protective of him…because of his…his problem! Yes, that’s it!” Relief washed through Sirius. It made sense, after all. “I want to make sure he’s treated right, is all.”
James gave Sirius a maddeningly patronizing look. “Mhm,” he nodded sarcastically.
Sirius clenched his fists. “I’m not—you’re not—this is—this is stupid, Prongs. I don’t–”
“What if he was kissing you, Padfoot? What then?” James asked, eyebrows raised.
“That’s ridiculous! Why would he–?” Sirius objected, throwing his hands in the air again.
James interrupted, “It doesn’t matter! Just think about it! How would you feel?”
It was the first time Sirius had allowed himself to indulge in the thought. He pushed his mother’s screaming out of his head and pondered for a moment. What if he and Remus kissed? Remus’s strong hands in his hair, Remus’s lips moving against his own, his body pressed against him…possibly pinning him to a wall, pushing him against it roughly, both of them groaning as their hands moved lower–
That did not make him angry.
“Fuck,” Sirius whispered softly, hand covering his mouth. Suddenly, all he wanted to do was kiss Remus. He wanted to know what it would feel like, to have Remus’s lips on his, to trace his fingertips along the planes of his chest, to be so close to him that he could breathe him in. “Oh, fuck,” he repeated.
“There it is,” James whispered softly, eyes sparking with amusement.
Oh fuck, Sirius liked Remus.
Sirius liked Remus.
Sirius liked Remus.
“Oh, kill me,” Sirius murmured desperately. He couldn’t do this.
Read the whole thing here!
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veddabredda · 4 months
Hero Forge copies of The Bad Kids in FHJY! Links below!
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I've painstakingly recreated The Bad Kids in HeroForge!
In the screenshot above, all the kids appear to be carrying weird little details like mushrooms or skulls which their minis don't normally have. I'm also pretty sure there are different poses for the Fig minis in various states of rocking out. That said, this was the best pic of all six of them together! (The colors are aproximations, especially patterns like Fabian's jacket and Fig's skirt.)
NOTES: Riz is a pretty decent replica. Fabian is missing his battle sheet. Fig's guitar is missing its horns, and the amp is also missing. Kristen has short hair here. I'm certain this is the style Kristen had and the longer hair was added afterwards (maybe Ally wanted her to have short hair and then changed their mind after the minis were printed? maybe Kristen cuts her hair short midway through the season?) because that is the only available hair option with those exact bangs and none of the longer hair options look right. Kristen's staff has also been altered to create the question mark, which I indicated with a green for the bit that would be cut off / altered. Gorgug is missing his headphones, and the bandolier. Adaine is pretty spot on apart from the wool details on her jacket, her pins, and of course Boggy. Although some versions of her mini are Boggy free.
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th3b4dk1dzz · 6 months
Interesting things about the Fantasy High Junior Trailer
The blue highlights in Adaine's hair. Love that for her.
I am in love with Fabian's black and silver jacket (also, he longer introduces himself as the son of Bill Seacaster but by his own merits. I'm so proud of him)
The art in the character title screens is all in different styles, and none of it is @caitmayart 's signature art style, A lot more experimental sketch style art or was done by different artists.
It looks like Kristen is wearing a binder in their character art (trans Kristen arc real?)
In most of the shots of Gorgug is holding some kind of device, but in the group mini shot, it's replaced with some kind of bird skull.
In the same shot, Riz is holding a red translucent object (a crystal, maybe), which isn't in his mini in the other scenes.
Ragh mini in the background next to Gorgug (either haunted house battle or ship battle)
Also, how did Hipster Riz happen? I need to know.
The groupshot after the title card must've been from Rumble Road (Fig driving a car covered in skulls, pre-eye loss Fabian ect.) And even looks to be in Victor Rosas II's artstyle.
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Snippet one! This is a story where Canon Adaine somehow falls into a dimension where everyone's parents are... Alignment swapped? (Adaine, Kristen, and Fabian's families are very nice while Gorgug, Fig, and Riz's are less so)
(I have no idea where I was going with this scene so it just ends sorry!)
"I was thinking we should probably have some way to distiguish the two of us while you're here."
Adaine looked up from the book she'd been pouring over- an honestly badly written one about multiverse theory- to blink at her doppleganger sitting across from her.
The other Adaine was giving her a tentitive smile, the book on her own lap open but ignored for the moment. She was wearing comfortable, bright clothes but they were of much finer quality than anything Adaine had.
Adaine, huffed and turned back to her book. "What? You want one of us to dye our hair or something? I already have my jacket and a completely different outfit. We don't need more than that." She wasn't going to stick around long enough that she was going to have to change clothes. Hopefully
."Oh, no, not visually," the other one clarified, "I meant more our names. I can't keep thinking of you as 'other Adaine' that won't be fair."
Adaine grunted in acknowledgment but didn't contribute any kind of suggestion. She was fine thinking of this other her as... the other.
"I think I should be Adaine," the doppleganger continued, "and you can Odaine."
That did get Adaine to look back up, squinting suspciously at the hopefully smiling girl. "Odaine? Why?"
The other girl tapped her fingers in a nervous pattern Adaine was intimately familiar with as her smile grew nervous. "Well, because I'm Adaine Abernant and you're Adaine O'Shaunessy. It makes sense doesn't it?"
"No," Adaine instantly shot the idea down, focusing back on the book, "I'll just stick with my name, thanks."
"Oh," the girl sounded dissapointed. Adaine tried not to care about it. "Okay, I can just go by Addy then? While you're here? It's a nickname Aelwyn used to call me when we were little."
Every word Addy said felt like daggers to Adaine but she tried not to show it as she nodded. "That works."
There was a few minutes of blissful silence that Adaine used to read as much as she could. Multi-verse theory was rocky at best and had never actually been proven before. The book was only slightly better than useless.
"I'm sorry," Addy spoke up again, causing Adaine's eyes to flick up to her once more. They were in this girl's room. A room that had an identical layout to Adaine's old one but besides that was so far different it was almost comical. Instead of blank walls and sparce possesions the place was filled with things like fairy lights and posters and a terrariam and so many other things Adaine had in her current bedroom. Seeing her new life overlayed over her old one like this was making her nauseous. "Have I done something to upset you? I mean, obviously you have to right to be upset since you got thrown out of your universe for who knows what reason but you just seem to be... mad. At me. In particular."
Hells, were Adaine's eyes also that big and bright? It looked like Addy was staring straight through to her soul.
Or were Adaine's eyes duller? Tainted by something this version of herself had never had to experience.
"No," Adaine tried to say as sincearly as she could. Because the other girl really hadn't done anything wrong. "You're fine. I'm just stressed. And would really like to get home as quickly as possible."
"We've been at this for hours. Would you like to take a break?" Addy offered, "I can have father fetch us some tea if you'd like."
Adaine could not stop the shudder that ran through her body. "No. Thank you. I'm good."
Addy sighed and closed her own book before standing up and leaving the room entirely. Adaine tried not to let that worry her and tried to ignore the hauntingly familiar voices floating up from downstairs as she read more. Jumping to another dimension didn't actually seem that difficult, all things concidered. It was just about finding one that wouldn't instantly kill you. Or finding the very specific one you needed to get back to. That seemed next to impossible.
So engrossed did she get in the studying that Adaine almost jumped when Addy returned to the room some time later, two steaming cups in hand. "Five minute break," Addy said authoritivly, "it'll make the research go by easier in general."
"I'm fine," Adaine insisted as the other girl layed the cups on her desk. Not even using a coaster.
Addy gave her a very meaningful look, though it was more directed at Adaine's side. She glanced down and realized her finger nails of her left hand was digging into her knee to the point both her hand and leg were beginning to ache. Embarrassed, Adaine quickly shook her arm out and forced herself to relax.
Addy smirked knowlingly as she placed sugar cubes into the tea cups. "I have an anxiety disorder too, you know. I know how easy it is to get lost in research. Especially when it's something this important."
Adaine swallowed thickly and forced herself to close the book, staring at her own hands to avoid looking at the room around her or the other girl. "Why?"
"Hmm? Why what?" Addy asked, handing Adaine a cup that she almost mechanically drank from. It was overly sweet. Just like Adaine liked it.
"Why do you have an anxiety disorder?"
Addy blinked as she sank back into a cross legged position across from Adaine. "Genetics? I suppose? Father said he struggled with something similar in his youth but that was before they even had a name for it."
That was almost funny, Adaine thought as she stared dully into her swirling tea. Had her Angwyn gotten anxious? Was that why he hated the weakness so much in her? Or was that a difference between their two realities? Not a similarity.
"You're parents were cruel to you, weren't they?"
Adaine's head snapped up to stare at Addy who was looking at her with something that wasn't quite pity but was very clearly worry. "How do you know that?"
Addy's ears burned pink and it was now her turn to avoid eye contact. "I'm not stupid!" She said it like a reflex. "I know I... I know I'm naive and sheltered more than most but I'm not stupid. You... you have the same look. That look Gorgug gets when he has to think about it. And you're mad at me. The way Fig gets mad when she's jelouse and doesn't want to be." She squeezed her own cup in her hands and tentitivly looked up at Adaine. "Your parents were cruel to you. And because they're reflections of my parents being here is upsetting you. That's... right? Isn't it?"
Adaine took a deep breath, just like Jawbone taught her, held it for five, and was relieved that the exhale didn't stutter. "Who told you you were stupid?"
Addy opened her mouth like she was about to answer before closing it again with a thoughtful frown. "You're changing the subject."
Adaine rolled her eyes. "Yes, alright. My parents were horrible vile excuses for people. This house burnt down and I didn't even care if anyone was inside." She waved her hand vaugly through the air before letting it drop onto her lap. "I don't see how that's relevant though."
"If you're uncomfortable here we can leave," Addy offered. She didn't seem offended so that was something at least. Adaine had been worried her clear hatred for their surroundings would be rude to her temporary host. "There's always... uh... well, this is kind of the 'hang out' spot if I'm being honest. Kristen's place is a little crowded with her brothers, Riz's phyisically kind of small, and Fabian still won't tell me why he doesn't want anyone over at his place even though his parents have invited us multiple times."
"What about..." Adaine almost dared not ask, was trying not to think about the differences from this world and her own, but the question nagged at her and she didn't think it would just leave her alone. "Mordred?"
Addy let out a startled laugh before cutting herself off, her eyes wide. "Mordred Manor? Is... is that where you live?"
Adaine frowned but tried not to let the reaction get to her. It would make sense if her home was run down in this reality, it had been for a long time in hers after all. "Yeah my dad bought it and fixed it up. Uh, my new dad. I'm adopted."
"I know, I'm not stupid," Addy repeated, though there was an almost teasing smile on her face, "your last name is the same as Tracker's. Unless things are crazy different where you're from I kinda assumed her dad adopted you too."
"Does she call Jawbone her dad here?" Adaine ideally wondered.
Addy almost choked on her tea. "J-Jawbone? What do you... are you saying Jawbone adopted you? The werewolf?"
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 4 months
pt. 2 the anubis house kids being demigods would include:
click here for part one
Nina being terrified of her Hades powers
she has a fear of skulls and doesnt like ghosts, for a long time she’s been burying her powers on the inside so she doesn’t really understand them
they’re so underutilized that whenever something does happen, it comes out in bursts, it’s scary and sudden and most of season 1 is her self-acceptance as a child of Hades
season 2 is mainly her trying to figure out a daily life now that she’s trying to embrace/control her powers
Fabian as a child of Athena is nothing new around school. though he’s not the head of his cabin, that’s Mara, he’s fine with it, she’s more of a drill sergeant than him anyway.
Fabian being very knowledgeable about not just their gods, but also different mythology in general. he likes to branch out in learning.
he also can’t help a mystery, he loves solving things, riddles or puzzles, once he’s in there’s no getting him out
while they all read/speak Ancient Greek, he does it better than all of them combined
he also has an astronomy passion
he secretly wants to know about the monsters that dwell in america, all he’s ever seen from the god world are a few woodland nymphs and the occasional satyrs.
he’s met his mother once in his life. unlike their american counterparts, they can’t always head off to new york city once a year to visit mount olympus.
their principal and caretakers have told them they’re welcome to it one day, they would be guided by a satyr for the journey. but they always warn them that there are monsters flooding the US and how dangerous it could be.
no one’s taken them up on the offer.
Amber, daughter of Aphrodite, can be very influential
while not possessing the power of charmspeak, people tend to get very relaxed and lightheaded around her. her easygoing and charming personality seem to make her easy to talk to and have a good time with.
everyone comes to her for dating advice, the same with makeup tips or a shoulder to cry on
Amber is very empathetic to people’s emotions, especially when it comes to love or heartache, she understands how the person feels on a deeper level
Patricia Williamson, daughter of Ares, and head of her cabin during the summer (though against her will)
she’s a born fighter and doesn’t stop when she want to know something or someone’s been wronged
does not get along well with people
her most recent choice of weapon: liquids.
specifically dumping various liquids atop peoples heads for any misdeeds or annoyances they caused her
but she can also make a decent weapon out of anything, from a cell phone to a hair clip to one of Amber’s high heeled shoes
she loves finding old weapons from the years that have been stashed under the house in the tunnels
Alfie Lewis and Jerome Clarke, sons of Hermes and the resident pranksters on campus
they’re also the most annoying on campus
Alfie is also an aspiring magician and the fastest runner in the academy, sprinting like he has wings on his feet (eh?)
he also possess a great memory, only fails to use it in classes. mainly it’s for remembering how to mix certain chemicals together for the smelliest stink bomb one could imagine.
his geography knowledge is not particularly known, but Hermes was also the god of travelers, and Alfie seems to be able to know about their little globe more than anyone they’ve met. even more than the Athena kids. he never gets lost, always knows where to go and which road to take.
it surprises no one that his pickpocketing skills improved upon meeting his brother
Jerome Clarke has been at this school since he was five years old, having been sent away from home and always regretting leaving behind his little sister Poppy (also a child of Hermes)
Jerome and his sister were the result of a relationship between their father, John Clarke and the god Hermes.
Their stepmother, Joan, was nice but a bit flighty. once John’s crimes caught up to him, suddenly his children felt they were all alone. Joan sent Jerome to boarding school, one they talked about once he’d be older but she decided to get it ahead of time. it wasn’t meant as something negative, at least in her eyes, but she saw the bad influence Jerome would become to Poppy and decided she’d try to raise the girl away from the idea of gods.
it was a useless attempt really. once Poppy would reach the age of thirteen, she’d be in trouble.
England doesn’t have much in unprotected half-bloods. so they don’t have many monsters either. except for a few spread out, and with an unprotected daughter of Hermes, she wouldn’t make it 24 hours.
Jerome himself is the fastest pickpocket there is.
he’s got the mind for growing commerce and how to manipulate it
he’s the most cunning person in the house
the best liar, though ironically because of this, no one believes him when he says the truth
this leads to Alfie, also ironically, becoming the best liar in the house
he likes snakes and is proud of who his dad is
regularly scams people with multiple quick money schemes
they succeed half of the time
more to come soon and more about the staff as well
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non-cannon · 23 days
On one hand Joy was very much in the wrong for sexualy assaulting Fabian during the masked ball, and I don't condone victim blaming, on the other hand, how did Fabian think she was Nina?
Like they may have been wearing the same dress and mask, but they were not wearing the same hair or skin color!?!
Also they have different hights and eye colors but I don't remember if either girl was wearing heals and it was dark and they were wearing masks, but that still doesn't excuse the skin and hair color confusion.
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thepringlesofblood · 3 months
in honor of fantasy high minis going up for auction, I'm remaking them in HF
I'm only doing them as they go up for auction though I have a paper to write.
this week (3/4) we got Adaine, Kristen, and Fabian on the Hangman.
3/11 oops i did it again but forgot i already made a post lol
pics & explanations under the cut.
things i can't match perfectly
color. I did my best, but i mean they did the painting bit IRL so some stuff I can't recreate with decals. also eyes are detailed in HF, I just picked what I remember their canon eye colors as being.
faces. HF completely changed how they do faces recently. I did my best but the mini faces are real tiny and hard to see and I'm unlikely to be able to recreate them.
poses. while there's very little advanced posing for these guys, there is some. I picked the base pose I think they started from.
this was actually much harder than I thought, because I had to remember what HF stuff was available way back then and what wasn't.
Adaine Abernant! (auction mini)
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they made her before HF separated pants/skirts into an upper layer and lower layer, so I have no idea if there were leggings or anything originally. I am almost 100% certain those low poly flats are accurate though.
HF doesn't have socks, so I did my best with decals, but the skirt covers up where the sock color fades into skin color.
surprisingly, Adaine's mini has like. dark red lipstick. its a good look I just didn't notice it earlier.
couldn't get the Hudol decal on her jacket or the stripes on her tie. you can get patterns on the shirt but not on the tie :/
she's not smiling as much bc the 3d printed face isn't smiling that much its just the way the lipstick's painted that does the smiling for her.
Kristen Applebees! (auction mini)
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they don't have corn on HF. I think this rotated fern looks OK though. same w her book, I scootched some decals around to try and match the design at least a little.
while they do have patterns for clothes now, they don't have a tie-dye one. this is a heavily modified leopard print. not as many different colors, but the ones that are on there do match the ones on the mini's shirt.
this is one of the few where I think I did in fact get her face right. I copied my old Kristen design from before the face customizer came out, so this is the old "round face" preset.
the freckles are subtler obviously but i s2g they're there and they are reddish-orange
Fabian Aramais Seacaster & The Hangman (auction mini)
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his hair. ooh boy. they did the tiny mohawk and then painted on shaved sides but HF can't do shaved sides like that so I used a truly ghoulish amount of decals to approximate. [update: they have since added shaved head decals and I have updated the boy accordingly]
also he does technically have eyebrows 3d printed on i think, but they aren't painted separately. its just skin color. and that just looked bad and wrong on HF so i took his brows off altogether.
they made the skull themselves, but otherwise it's mostly the same bike. I used the "bloody skull" color for the headlight as a lil tribute.
this type of rapier used to be much chunkier, whatcha gonna do. I like this one better anyway.
they can do decals on the back now but none on just the sleeves, or on the front where the A is. rip.
fun fact: this is not a letterman jacket. This is what's called the "outlaw's shirt and vest" props to the team for resourcefulness, good jackets in HF are relatively recent.
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“I got everything I wanted. My everything was you.”
Remus lupin
huge bust on keeping it under 500 for this one. Rem just does things to me, I can't help myself.
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Mr. Remus Lupin
Mrs. Y/n Lupin
Mr. and Mrs. Remus Lupin
You doodled on your parchment, quill moving effortlessly over the page as your brain repeated the phrases in as many different ways possible.
A few older girls, ones closer to Remus' age, must have caught a glimpse at your parchment as they passed by because one with stark raven hair stopped and laughed in your face.
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"Oh you poor naive little girl. Charity, look, this tiny tot thinks she's going to marry Remus."
Her friend, a curly headed blonde, laughed back before she spoke. "I wouldn't worry Margie. He's probably just made a bet with Sirius or something."
The one with dark hair, Margie, laughed again, a deep belly laugh, from her toes if you had to guess. "You are so right, Cher! Probably how long they can go before she realizes this was all just some joke on her. Well I'd love to sit and chat about Remus, really I mean who wouldn't, am I right? But we gotta scoot, we told Dirk and Fabian we'd meet them in the courtyard. Bye-bye." They both waved as if they weren't bullying you mere seconds ago and toddled off through the portrait hole. With a muttered 'Incendio' your parchment, littered with sprawling handwriting of 'Mr and Mrs Remus Lupin' burst into flames, leaving behind a scorched mark on the table.
Anyone that didn't know Remus would assume that because of his quiet nature he was shy, but quite the opposite was true of Remus. He was just as much a charmer as Sirius and James and he was easily as funny and laid back as Peter. Truth be told, Remus Lupin was the 'Casanova of Gryffindor'. At least according to his friends. He had any girl he wanted before you came alone and once you did come along he had you too. However when people looked at you they saw what they seemed to think Remus was. You were actually shy, not one to be outgoing outside of your strict friend group which consisted of Remus and his mates. It made you a bit of an outsider at first but you quickly became one with the group and they welcomed you with open arms. It was something you had been insecure about and if you were honest with yourself you still were at times but not so much anymore. But now that insecurity started to slip back in. What if those girls were right? What if this was just a game, a joke on you? Sirius and Remus had made a bet that if he could get you comfortable enough to come out of your shell and become friends with them they'd do something awful. Your brain wasn't even coming up with anything but you were sure it was bound to be atrocious and in front of the whole school, or at least most of them. Before you could stop yourself you were grabbing your belongings and making your way for the Gryffindor tower.
"Excuse me? Has anyone seen Sirius, James, Peter or Remus?" You're thankful your voice is above a whisper but not many students seem to pay attention. That is until Remus practically comes hurdling down the stairs.
"Oh hi, love. What's going on?" He stops in front of you. "Are you okay? You look like you're gonna cry." James, Sirius and Peter descend the stairs in a hurry but it quickly turns neat when they see Remus stopped by you.
"Rem, I need to talk to you. And James and Siri and Pete. Can you guys meet me in the room of requirement? Or we can talk in your room? I don't really mind where, it's just really important and I need to get it off my chest and-" You don't even realize he's leading you up the stairs as you ramble until you come to their door, graciously opened by James who steps back to allow you in first. Each of the boys takes a seat on their respective bed, waiting for you to sit with Remus and tell them what this is about but it never comes. Instead you pace around the room as you speak.
"So I was sitting in the library and I was writing, or more so doodling I guess bit I was- it's kinda embarrassing, you guys have to promise not to laugh…" You pause, looking at each of them.
"Swear, love." Remus makes an x motion over his heart.
"Promise." James and Peter agree.
"I'll try my best." Sirius says seriously.
You sigh and continue. "I was writing Mr and Mrs Remus Lupin-" Remus' eyes turn into hearts and instead of laughing Sirius thinks he might throw up at how cute that is. "And some girls your age saw and they started bullying me, saying I was just a poor naive tot and I wasn't going to marry Rem and that it was all a joke on me, a bet between him and Siri or something. And I just want to say that if it's true I don't appreciate it, being the but end of a joke." Finally you allow yourself a moment to breathe and all of the boys look at you with utter confusion.
"Baby, what?"
"Rem- Remus, don't do this. If this is a joke just, please, can we congratulate you for keeping it up for two and a half years so I can go? You can be with one of them. I mean obviously I'm nothing special. You can have one of them, someone who's rich, outgoing, everything you ever wanted." The tears in your eyes threaten to spill over but you don't allow them to.
"I got everything I wanted. My everything was you." He stands and takes your hands. "It's not a joke, at all, ever. I don't want rich and outgoing. I want shy and reserved except when you're around our friends. I want doodles 'Mr and Mrs Remus Lupin' on your parchment when you probably should have been doing your muggle studies homework. I got what I wanted." His lips are soft on yours when he kisses you and the tears finally come because you know he truly means it.
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sorbeau · 4 months
hi its me again i feel legally obligated to ask about your thoughts on the new riz design (but also extends to al of the other new art for the bad kids too!!!)
HI SHOKO sorry this took so long to asnwer, it feels a little late to the party now but I have lots of thoughts and this has been in my drafts for a hot minute so I'll break my thoughts down in order <3
GOD DO I LOVE FIG'S DESIGN. It hasn't changed too drastically in many ways, it's largely the same beats with the plaid skirt, leather jacket, biker gloves, and docs, but there's a lot more detail pertaining to her character now. Ayda's feather earring is abviously a huge win, everyone loves to see it, but I love the small details like the added wallet chain on her skirt, the added ear piercings, and her painted nails. If I had to choose something I didn't like, it'd be the color of her shoelaces, which isn't a huge deal bc you know spyre might have different cultural beats, but it's very reminiscent of punk doc lace codes, which were a way to sort of factionize yourself among punks. Fig wears one purple and one red, and traditionally purple means gay pride(which is great and i would've picked it for her too) but red usually means you allign yourself with neo-nazi's and similar groups which. is definitely Not Fig. It's not a HUGE deal but, maybe some more research could've been put into it.
Gorgug's new design is so. Perfect. Amazing. Spectacular. No notes. It's exactly the changes I wanted to see. The goggles, the dirt-covered face, the ripped jeans, the bags and tools, the gloves, the most disgusting worn pair of convers you've ever seen. It's absolutely amazing and the artist has managed to bring all the beats we loved about his original design(his extremely fashionable purple pants) and mixes them perfectly with all of the new facets of Gorgug's personality that have changed and grown theough their adventures. A little detail I love is how the color of his headphones has changed to match with the rest of his outfit better, creating a more cohesive design with the introduction of more red/maroon tones. This was always a little bit of an issue with the old design for me. The colors sort of didn't go together.
She's going through a break up. She's at the most chaotic she's ever been and she's trying to fix it. It is so genius to make her jacked. The bright yellow tracksuit is beautiful and exactly something Kristen would buy and wear every day. Plus the tiedye purple sports bra tying in her old church camp shirt aesthetic is brilliant. I'm mourning the loss of her sandals, but the matching shoes to her tracksuit can't be complained about. Not a whole lot to say, I'm excited about how this design will change and reflect her growth this season! Praise Saint Kristen Applebees!!
THE ELVEN ORACLE IS COOL NOW!!! I love her jacket, all the patches and the toned down fur lining is absolutely perfect. I also love the cool strapped bags on her hips and legs, it's just a really cool adventurer addition cementing her as a bad ass practical caster. Her entire face seems more assured and relaxed, which is absolutely amazing for her and reflects how her resting state is no longer as addled with panic and anxiety as it used to be. Her hair also seems a lot more her! Not sure how to describe it, but it seems like she's focusing less on keeping herself perfect, and more on just keeping herself, herself! Not very big design swings or changes, but she doesn't need to change, she just needs to be true to herself. (Also. a huge fan of her cool magic circle shirt.) My only gripe. Give her blue hair. And pronouns. And glasses pretty please.
That boy is the future of dance!!!!!!!!!! I love the color palette shift for his design, it's a really great way to show how he's grown out of Bill's shadow and embraced his own passions with the grey tones with red and gold accents. Also a huge fan of the fancy robed pants, tons of great movement lines and something a dancer would totally wear. On the same note however, I feel like it doesn't really go with the rest of his outfit. I love how the changes made are geared towards movement and dance(his shoes changing from sneakers to dance shoes is great) but I feel like the changes are all sort of mismatched? The dance shoes look a lot like tap shoes, but the pants look more big and flowy, better for a more leaping and running style of dance, and his jacket has almost nothing to do with dance. It's delightfully artsy and detailed, which is so chic and Fabian, but the shapes of it don't really match up, and especially without a clear view of the front it makes him look like he's wearing half of a matador outfit. I would've loved to see a more dramatic silhouette without the use of the battle sheet(which is absolutely perfect, no notes) with either lots of flowy parts for movement, or a sharp jacket with skinnier pants for that exaggerated silhouette. Again, I think this is really all due to a lack of research, but the spirit of Fabian is still in the room with us. The colors are great, the bandages on his hands are perfect, and the fanciful element is very on point, just needs some better shape language and cohesiveness.
There he goes, he's gone from gritty detective to gadget-heavy superspy. I LOVE the character choices that Murph made for Riz, he's become even more of a loser and seems a lot less hard and fast, and more generally passionate. In freshman and sophomore year, he was entirely goal oriented, completely focused on completing his mission and solving the mystery, this time around he's still got a mission, but because he can't do it all himself, he's sort of given the opportunity to branch out and explore himself. This is all to say, i love the insufferable loser hipster kid that he's become. He is truly the trinket goblin of all time, I love all his wild little gadgets and jewelry, and all the extra arcano-tech screens on his glasses are brilliant. I'm also a huge fan of his torso gun-holdster, which is a beautiful homage to his detective nature. The undercut is also obviously perfection. The loser teen-boy urge to cut away your beautiful hair for a nerdy undercut is so painfully lore accurate that it's one of my favorite details. It's probably because he's a dork. but I would love to know why he has rolled up pants and no socks. What is that. Why would he do that. ALSO STOP BEING A COWARD D20. GIVE HIM DIGITIGRADE LEGS AND A TAIL. CAT GOBLIN TRUTHERS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!
anyways that's probably the end of my rant for now. I love the bad kids and overall their designs are great. constantly wishing all of my headcannons were real but understanding that the cannon will never relent.
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engie-ivy · 2 years
(High school AU! Well, I suppose Hogwarts is also high school, but the more cliché high school AU😋 And the first fic where I've written Sirius as not being super popular😲)
Remus and Sirius are all the way at the bottom of their school's social hierarchy, but Remus can't help but admire the popular group, with their easygoing manner and confidence. So of course, when one of the popular guys starts showing an interest in Sirius, Remus feels a little jealous. Just not in the way he expected.
Newfound Popularity
“Glad you could make it!” Fabian Prewett smiles brightly at Remus, holding the door open to the ice cream shop that’s right next to their school.
“Yeah,” Remus says, his cheeks slightly reddened. “Glad you asked me.”
They walk inside and stop in front of the counter. Fabian Prewett turns to Remus. “What would you like?”
“Eh, I’ll have a chocolate milkshake with caramel syrup?”
“A chocolate caramel milkshake for him, and a plain frozen yogurt for me please,” Fabian Prewett tells the employee with another one of those charming smiles, who blushes and nods.
They sit across from each other at a small table, Remus awkwardly fiddling with the lid on his milkshake. Maybe he should’ve ordered something cooler, something less sweet? Sirius is always teasing him about his love for sugary drinks...
“So, I don’t think we’ve ever really talked much, huh?” Fabian Prewett asks.
“No.” Remus scrapes his throat. “No, not really.”
Fabian Prewett is really handsome, looking at him with those sparkling green eyes, and those cute freckles. Not to mention that, as captain of the swimming team, he’s in excellent physical shape. Tall and lean, and those shoulders... Which immediately explains why Remus and Fabian Prewett have never really talked before. They are in completely different leagues. Remus at the bottom of the social ladder, Fabian Prewett all the way at the top. Remus was shocked when Fabian Prewett asked him out for ice cream, to say the least.
“So...” Fabian Prewett drawls. “I actually wanted to ask you about Black.”
Remus’ eyes narrow in suspicion. “Sirius? What about Sirius?”
At the start of high school, the social hierarchy is established, and people are looking for easy victims to pick on to make their own position more secure. Remus was, unfortunately, the perfect victim. He was a pale, sickly boy, and because he was so often sick as a child, he had grown up isolated, making him socially awkward to top it off. Another easy victim was the boy who came from that weird, posh family, who lived in that creepy old manor just outside of town. The Blacks were known for acting like they still lived in the middle ages, thinking they’re better than everyone else and looking down their noses at other people. They dressed their son up in stuffy old clothes and cut his hair in a weird, outdated style. On top of that, Sirius had prominent cheekbones and exaggerated features that did not match his boyish face and gave him an awkward appearance.
Fabian Prewett might be all handsome and charming, but if he thinks he can talk crap about Remus’ best friend in front of him, he’s got another thing coming! Even if Sirius and Remus aren’t on the best of terms right now, they will always have each other’s back. While Remus was all excited after Fabian Prewett’s invitation, Sirius had reacted irritated, and had cut Remus off whenever he spoke of it. Almost as if he were jealous, or in any case, like he just couldn’t bring himself to be happy for Remus and that stung.
Remus and Sirius were forced together solely due to the fact that no one else wanted to be around them. At first, Remus had been reluctant to spend time with the odd boy, thinking that maybe having no friends would be the preferable option. Sirius had a permanently haughty look on his face and was very blunt in his interactions. But then again, could Remus really afford to be picky?
He had given Sirius a chance, and that was the best decision he ever made. Upon getting to know him better, Remus found Sirius to have his heart in the right place, and to be intelligent and funny. Sirius, in turn, seemed appreciative of Remus’ kindness and dry wit. They hit it off, and what had begun as a forced companionship, became a deep friendship. Sure, people still made nasty remarks and there was the occasional ‘shoving against the lockers’, but honestly, high school wasn’t all that bad with a best friend you can always rely on.
At one point, Sirius went with Remus to Remus’ house after school to work on a project together. From that moment on, it became customary for Sirius to go to Remus’ after school, and he was there every day. Remus started noticing that Sirius was reluctant to go home. Whenever Remus mentioned his home life or his family, something haunted would appear in Sirius’ eyes and that usual mischievous glint would disappear. One day, Remus’ mother came home much later than usual due to a flat tire, and Sirius and Remus were still watching a movie in the living room, having completely lost track of time. Worriedly, his mother asked Sirius whether his parents won’t be missing him for dinner and whether he’d told them he’ll be late. “Oh no,” Sirius said with a shrug. “Both my parents and I prefer me being around as little as possible. The maid will sometimes leave some food on the fridge, but most often, she forgets...” Remus’ mother had been horrified. It was never discussed, but from that moment on, she cooked extra large portions and set the table with one extra plate.
It was Remus and Sirius against the rest of the world. Well, the rest of the school at least, but when you’re in high school, that is the rest of the world. That was another thing Remus had learned and come to appreciate about Sirius: his fierce and unwavering loyalty. Sure, they would tease each other and poke fun at one another, but when it came down to it, Sirius was always on his side. He ignored what people said about him, and barely batted an eye when people would shove him against a locker. Yet, he was often in detention for getting in fights, as he refused to let anyone get away with targeting Remus. He was very protective of Remus. The same fierce protectiveness Remus felt when Sirius had been with his parents and quickly pulled down his sleeve to hide the bruises on his arm, claiming it was ‘nothing’.
Where they were different, was that Sirius didn’t care what people thought of him, and he scoffed at that pretentious, popular lot. Remus, on the other hand, had inherited this very unfortunate trait from his mother, namely a desire to be liked. He looked up to the popular kids. It were almost never the popular people who were mean, and sometimes even cruel. The ones who were really popular were comfortable and secure enough that they didn’t need to put others down to make themselves feel better. People like Fabian Prewett and his brother Gideon, Caradoc Dearborn, president of the student council, Lily Evans, captain of the debate team and according to many the cutest girl in school, maybe only equalled by her best friend Marlene McKinnon from the gymnastics team, and of course James Potter, captain of the football team, weren’t necessarily mean to people like Remus and Sirius, but they just lived in their own perfect worlds and simply didn’t know Remus and Sirius existed. Actively bullying was more the way of those lower on the social ladder themselves, such as Severus Snape, who was desperately trying to get Lily Evans’ attention, or Peter Pettigrew, who was continuously following James Potter around and craved his approval, or Mary McDonald, who lived to gossip and spread rumours, or Avery, Mulciber, and their little friends, who just enjoyed throwing punches and being mean for the sake of being mean.
Remus admired the popular people in some way. Not because of their looks or status or money, but because of their charm and charisma that draws people in, how they make everything look easy with their easy-going confidence that Remus knows he will never possess, and is therefore intrigued by. His admiration has lead to quite a few, admittedly embarrassing, crushes, of which Fabian Prewett was just the latest one. Which is why it was so shocking Fabian Prewett invited him to get some ice cream together.
“What’s his deal?” Fabian asks, leaning forward on his elbows.
“His deal?” Remus repeats still eying Fabian Prewett suspiciously.
“Yeah, like, is he single? Does he like boys, girls, both, neither? Does he even date at all?”
Remus blinks. “Why do you want to know that?”
Fabian Prewett raises an eyebrow. “Come on, Lupin. Surely you must’ve noticed.”
“Noticed what?” Remus asks, taking a sip from his milkshake.
“Lupin,” Fabian Prewett says pointedly. “Black has gotten hot.”
Remus chokes on his milkshake and starts coughing violently. “W-what?”
“It’s true,” Fabian Prewett says. “He’s so fit! He might be the hottest guy in school at the moment.”
Remus stares at him incredulously.
“Really,” Fabian Prewett says, shaking his head. “You can’t have missed that!”
Well, Remus isn’t blind. Of course he has noticed Sirius doesn’t look the same anymore as when they started junior year.
There’s the growth spurt, for starters. Sirius has teased him too often about getting his growth spurt before Remus for Remus not to have noticed. And after Sirius discovered that working out is a way to get away from his family even more, and a great stress relief at that, he got physically rather fit, so instead of short and scrawny, he’s now lean and muscular. Yes, you can definitely say that Sirius has really grown into his features, and those sharp angles that looked so awkward on a little boy, have turned out to look quite striking on a young man.
Sirius started to seek more stress relief and started working out even more when the situation at home became more dire after his sixteenth birthday, when he came over to Remus’ house late at night, saying that his parents had forgotten, and pretending not to care. Though he did swear that night that he was done. Done talking like they wanted him to talk, done wearing his hair like they wanted him to wear it, done dressing like they wanted him to dress, done trying to be what they wanted him to be. And he stayed true to his words. He has grown out his hair, that is now reaching his shoulders and is long enough to wear in one of those messy buns. Instead of old fashioned formal clothes, he now wears ripped jeans, with scuffed sneakers or even combat boots, band shirts, and of course, the leather jacket.
So yes, Remus has noticed Sirius changed his style, and he’s proud of him for it. And now that he thinks about it, people in school have been looking at Sirius differently. Before, Sirius was mostly invisible, and if people did look at him, it was mockingly or with disdain. Now, Remus realises, people are always looking, and there’s something entirely different in those looks. And yes, Remus may have found himself looking as well, staring at Sirius’ hair at times, amazed at how effortlessly elegant it falls over his face and how soft it looks, and all right, perhaps also wondering if it would feel just as soft. Or when Sirius and he are making homework together, Sirius will sometimes glance up at him, with those striking grey eyes behind that raven black hair, and Remus will feel this tightening in his chest... And yes, he has also admired Sirius’ new, edgy style, and in particular how broad his shoulders look in that leather jacket, or when he walks up the stairs wearing those tight jeans, maybe, Remus has once or twice...
Remus’ face turns red. Fabian Prewett leans back in his chair with a smirk. “See?”
“I know so little about him,” Fabian Prewett sighs. “He’s so brooding and mysterious.”
Suddenly, another idea strikes Remus. The idea of Fabian Prewett eying Sirius as he walks up the stairs! He feels a wave of anger rush through him. Fabian Prewett has no right to be ogling Sirius, Sirius isn’t his to ogle! He’s not yours to ogle either, a voice in the back of his mind says. But Fabian Prewett has never liked Sirius before, he has always liked Sirius! But not romantically, right? ...Right?
Mysterious? Remus scoffs. Sure, someone can seem damn bloody mysterious if you’ve never made any bloody effort to talk to him!
“Do you have any idea whether he might be interested in going on a date?” Fabian Prewett asks.
“I... I don’t really...” Remus trails off.
“Right.” Fabian Prewett nods understandingly. “I reckon it’s not a topic you have really been discussing.”
He doesn’t say it, but Remus hears it anyway: since no one ever wanted to date either of you before.
Fabian Prewett scribbles something down on a note, and slides it over to Remus. “Here, my phone number. Give it to him and tell him to text me, okay?” He gets up from his chair and flashes Remus a smile. “Thanks, Lupin. You know, you’re actually a pretty decent guy.”
As Fabian Prewett leaves the ice cream shop, having eaten at most three bites from his frozen yoghurt, Remus stares at the offending piece of paper. If someone would’ve told him beforehand that this would end with Fabian Prewett giving Remus his number, he would’ve been delighted, but now, he wants to burn the paper and flush its ashes through the toilet.
But that wouldn’t be fair to Sirius. He thinks back on these last days, and how, whenever he would mention Fabian Prewett, Sirius’ mood would turn sour. Perhaps he wasn’t afraid his friendship with Remus would change, or envious that it seemed to be Remus, and not him, who got the attention of one of the popular guys, which Remus had already found hard to imagine. Maybe he just genuinely liked Fabian Prewett himself. It would be wrong of Remus to keep this from him.
Remus tries to imagine it. Fabian Prewett and Sirius on a date, holding hands, gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, their shoulders brushing... He feels sick.
Which is normal, of course. He fancied Fabian Prewett himself, he had hoped that maybe Fabian Prewett would be interested in him, only to find out he just wanted to ask him if his best friend would be up for a date, and well, that straight up sucks. What’s not normal, is that the mental image of Sirius in Fabian’s arms makes him want to punch Fabian in the face, and pull Sirius away into his own arms, where he belongs.
Oh no.
“You’re late,” Remus’ mother says while stirring in a pan of sauce.
“I was out with a friend,” Remus replies absentmindedly.
His mother frowns. “Sirius wasn’t with you.”
“An other friend.”
“You don’t have any other friends,” his mother says plainly.
Remus wants to deny it, but the problem is, she’s not wrong. So instead, he just crosses his arms over his chest and says “Sirius and I ate not attached by the hip.”
“Yes, you are,” his mother says plainly.
Remus opens his mouth to protest, but closes it, because, again, she’s right. They are, and Remus has never truly realised what that means to him.
“And I don’t like it one bit,” his mother continues. “Going out with other boys behind Sirius’ back.”
“It isn’t like that.”
“Just be careful, Remus.” His mother waves her spatula at him. “You know what they say, you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”
Remus rolls his eyes. “Any more wise words, or can I go to my room now?”
His mother ignores the sarcasm in his voice, and thinks for a moment. “Just this: sometimes what you’re looking for is right in front of you.”
Remus walks up to his room. It was never a question for Remus that Sirius would be there. Even without Remus being there, even with the tension between them lately, it was never a question that Sirius would come here.
When he opens the door, Sirius is lying on his bed, pretending to be reading a book, but Remus knows him too well to be fooled. He can see the tension in his shoulders, the way his hand tightens around the cover, and how his eyes are too fixated on one point. Also, what Remus supposes he subconsciously already knew, is now clear as day: Sirius is incredibly handsome.
Remus scrapes his throat, and Sirius makes a big show of looking up from his book and pretending to be surprised to see Remus standing there. “Oh, hello there, Remus. I didn’t see you there. Where have you been?”
Remus shakes his head. Sirius knows very well, but Remus decides to humour him. “I was meeting Fabian Prewett today, remember?”
“Oh, was that today?” Sirius might have the face for it, but really, the boy should never pursue an acting career.
“It was,” Remus says. “But you don’t have to worry. Fabian isn’t interested in me.”
Sirius immediately sits up on the bed and tosses the book aside. “He’s an idiot. It’s his loss. You deserve better. The guy smells like chlorine anyway.”
Remus smiles softly. Sirius always has his back. He never needs to doubt that. He sighs. He owes it to Sirius to be honest with him and support him. “Here,” he says, dropping the piece of paper in Sirius’ lap, that, no, he definitely did not want to throw in a trash can on his way home.
Sirius just looks at him. “What’s this?”
“Fabian Prewett’s phone number,” Remus says sourly.
“What on earth do I need Prewett’s phone number for?”
“You should text him,” Remus replies.
“To... tell him he’s an idiot?”
“What? No! No, he’s... Well, he’s into you.”
Sirius stares at Remus like he has grown two heads. “Fabian Prewett hates me.”
“Nah, he doesn’t,” Remus says. “And if he did, it doesn’t matter anymore, because you’re hot now.”
“I am what now?”
“It’s true,” Remus shrugs, trying to act casual about the whole thing. “Apparently, you’re the hottest guy in school now.”
“That’s crazy!” Sirius says incredulously.
“And all the things that made you ‘antisocial’ and ‘weird’ before, apparently make you ‘brooding’ and ‘mysterious’ now that you’re hot.”
Sirius shakes his head. “People are so weird.”
“Anyway,” Remus says. “You should text Fabian.”
“I still don’t see why,” Sirius points out.
“He wants to go on a date with you.”
Sirius raises an eyebrow. “That sounds like his problem.”
“Look, Sirius,” Remus says, taking a deep breath. “I know what you’re doing. I was hoping that Fabian Prewett might’ve been interested in me, and you don’t want to hurt my feelings. I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary. I saw the way you acted when it seemed like Fabian Prewett had asked me out. You were jealous, weren’t you? Well, if you like Fabian Prewett, then I’m going to be supportive.”
Sirius stares at him, then presses his hand to his forehead. “God, Remus, you’re such an idiot.”
Well, that surely wasn’t the grateful response Remus had expected after his grand gesture.
Sirius gets to his feet. “Yes, Remus. I was jealous. But I wasn’t jealous at you because I thought Prewett liked you. I was jealous at Prewett because you like him!”
“You... What?” Remus stammers.
“For the love of- Do I really need to spell it out for you? I. Fancy. You. You. Not Fabian. You.”
“You... you do?”
“Yes, Remus. I do. I have done for a very long time.”
“Why did you never say anything?” Remus exclaims.
“What would’ve been the point?” Sirius retorts. “You were always fancying the next popular hot guy. Artsy Dearborn, jock Potter-”
“We agreed never to talk about that!”
“And now preppy Prewett. Guys all much better than me...” Sirius trails off.
“Oh, Sirius,” Remus says, instinctively cupping Sirius’ cheek. “They can’t hold a candle to you.” He takes a deep breath, readying himself for his Grand Romantic Love Confession. “It has always been you.”
Sirius snorts.
Remus glares at him and swats his arm. “I’m trying to be romantic here! You’re ruining the moment!”
“Sorry, sorry!” Sirius chuckles, holding up his hands. “But you can’t say that like you weren’t hoping to stick your tongue down Fabian Prewett’s throat just ten minutes ago!”
Remus crosses his arms over his chest. “Okay, so maybe not always.”
Sirius smiles, but again, Remus knows him well enough to see the insecurity behind that smile.
Remus runs a hand through his hair. “But I need you to know that there’s some truth to it! I’ve had feelings for you for longer, I just didn’t realise those feelings were more than friendship. And it’s not just because you’re so hot now! I mean, sure, I like looking at you. Who wouldn’t like looking at you? You’re so ridiculously beautiful!”
Sirius blushes, and frustratingly so, that makes him even more beautiful.
“I only realised when I imagined you and Fabian together, and it just made me so angry. No, that’s not right, now I’m making it sound like I just want you because someone else wants you. I still would’ve wanted you ugly and unwanted!” Remus lets out a frustrated sigh. “I’m really screwing this up, aren’t I? I’m just trying to say that I like you for you, your annoying jokes, your stupid sense of humour that no one ever gets, how bloody stubborn you are, the way you never think before you act –”
Remus doesn’t mind when Sirius cuts off his rambling. He minds even less with Sirius’ method of choice being to press his lips against Remus’.
When he pulls back, Sirius is grinning broadly. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
Remus rolls his eyes. “Don’t let it get to your head.”
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