#Feedback please
thereadinggremlin · 8 months
Guarded Hearts
Alright friends, this is my first fic and it is an Azriel x Reader, this is my first one and maybe there will be a second part but that’s up to you guys.
POV: you find out Azriel’s you mate but you start getting the could shoulder from him after he returns from a mission.
A/N: Like I said part one of probably 2, y’all let me know.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you just needed to get away. You found out that Azriel was your mate about 2 months ago, it didn’t shock you at all because you’ve loved this man your whole life. What you couldn’t stand was how much he had been ignoring you and giving you the cold shoulder.
You were in an official meeting with the inner circle when the bond snapped for you. Rhys had been talking about the uprising in some of the camps and how they would need to go and sort it out, they as in Cassian and Azriel. When Rhys had said one of the uprising camps was the one you grew up in both you and Azriel tensed although you didn’t note his reaction at first because in the tense emotions of thinking of back home, that’s when the bond snapped for you.
You thought maybe Azriel felt it too but you couldn’t be sure. You thought the bond would be this warm feeling in your chest but it just felt cold and distant. You would have to check with Rhys to see if that’s how he felt after he found out Fayre was his mate.
After the meeting Cassian and Azriel left immediately for their respective camps, Azriel going to the one you grew up in where your father and mother still lived. Luckily your mom was friends with Rhys mother from a young age so you were able to keep your wings and not get clipped but that didn’t save you from the full extent of your fathers wrath. That was a reason you were so scared for Azriel to go, he knew the whole history of how your father had treated you, the beatings and public humiliation being the smaller transgressions. Azriel had walked out of Rhys’ office so quickly after they were dismissed that you weren’t able to get a word in, you said your goodbyes and be safe to Cassian and when you went to find Azriel you found Mor instead.
“He already left lovey.” Mor said with a sad smile. You knew that her using that pet name for you wasn’t a good sign and that she could probably tell what was going through your mind. You ran away before she could get a word in otherwise because the tears would fall.
Everyone left you alone for the month Azriel was gone sensing that there was something going on and that if you wanted to talk about you would find them. Fayre tried talking to you but you shut her out immediately.
When Azriel and Cassian got back you were in the dinning room enjoying some breakfast, as they passed by you Azriel didn’t even look at you and Cassian gave you a weak smile. You tried to feel down the bond but there was absolutely nothing, just cold and dark, it made your heart break.
Over the next few weeks you were thinking that giving Azriel space would be the answer and that he’d be coming to join you in either training or in the library for a night cap like he used to do so often before the bond snapped for you. There was nothing, you never ran into him even though you could hear his foot steps throughout the house as if the house wanted you to know where he was. There were also times when you’d see some of his shadows lurking about, some would come right up to you as if you were their master and swirl under your hair and around your neck. Maybe they were here on his behalf and maybe they’d report back to him, you didn’t know and tried not to care.
Once a month hit from his return of your home camp you needed to get out, get away, it was all too much. You found yourself outside of Rhys’s office at the river house once your mind was made up.
“Are you sure you want to go away for that long?” He had asked you.
“I want the same thing that was given to Fayre, time up in the cabin alone and sheilded so that no one knows I’m there. I need a break” Your eyes had a pleading look in them with a tinge of heartbreak too.
“When do you want to leave” Rhys said sighing in disbelief. The house of Wind has been your home for many years, and he didn’t think that any of the jobs he’s given you were so strenuous that you needed to be away from your family.
“I’m ready to go now, I packed my bags before I came to see you. And I want Mor to take me, if you take me there will be too many questions.”
Surprised at you readiness to leave he agreed and got in touch with Mor, she appeared almost instantaneously making you think she was just outside listening in. “Ready to go lovey?” She had asked, you nodded your head too afraid of speaking just in case your voice broke. “Then off we go.”
You arrived at the cabin up in the wilderness within a moment and when you walked in and saw all the artwork, you wanted to cry. Having your family all around you while being so far away brought you some comfort but not much. You looked to where the eyes were and found Azriel’s right away.
“Do you need anything, want me to stay for a bit?” Mor asked breaking you out of your trance.
“No I think I’m good, just need to be away from everything, everyone.” You said trying to add a laugh in at the end but the sound was strained and laced with pain.
“Who’s ass do I have to beat, because I don’t care who it is, I’ll beat them up for you. Just give me a name.” Mor tried to get you to laugh but a look in your eyes showed that it was a love problem and although she didn’t know about the bond you have to Azriel, she does know that you’ve had a crush on him for centuries. “Maybe, he’ll realize what was missing since it’s not in front of him anymore.” She said with a weak smile.
You returned the smile and with sad eyes responded “Yeah, maybe.” And without saying goodbye she left knowing that if you spoke anymore that might be your downfall and it would all come out.
Two weeks you had been up at the cabin in pure silence and peace. You brought some books with you in order to pass the time, not like you’d get bored but you were lonely. Rhys and more stayed true to their word so far and haven’t tried to visit or try and get through your mental shield, you also went as far to build a wall up to the bond, feeling nothing was better than feeling the coldness that it brought with it.
It was when you were picking out your next book that you saw it from the corner of your eye, a shadow, and the second it realized you had noticed it, it vanished. Your heart rate picked up because now you didn’t know what was going to happen but your rapid thoughts caused you to drop your shields and you felt worried beyond any understanding and then Rhys speaking into your mind “I’m so sorry”
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hannibalzero · 6 months
Vaderwan au wip. Attempt number 2
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(a reminder)
Maybe I'm just overthinking it? Please let me know?
Anakin put his knife away, looking at the crude little heart with an A + O in the middle of the old oak tree in the emperors courtyard. He looked to the other little boy beside him and gave a smile taking his hand.
“Do you have to go, Anakin?” Obi-Wan lower lip was wobbling as he looked down holding Anakin’s hand tightly, desperately trying not to cry now. “I know its a great honor to be chosen as a page, under my uncle Qui-Gon-Jinn. But I’m going to miss you.” Obi-Wan looked into Anakin’s blue eyes.
“I do, I can’t be a servant forever. Mom needs me, plus when I come back as a knight? We can be together.” Anakin excitedly explained to the other nine year old boy. “Don’t cry Obi, it won’t be that long.” He encouraged.
Obi-Wan wasn’t a crying type of child, he only cried when something was desperately upsetting. “Bu-but, You’ll have to become a Darth knight! So much so that the emperor’s hunting hounds. The most elite of his knights.” Obi-Wan was balling using his long sleeves to wipe his eyes, the way all children did.
Anakin hugged Obi-Wan tightly helping the prince sooth himself.
“Then that’s what I’ll do, I’ll become a sith. Gane my title as a Darth and come back to you.” Anakin pressed their foreheads together. “I promise.” He vowed to the little prince with the copper hair.
Chewing his lip for a moment, Obi-Wan locked eyes with Anakin. “You’re supposed to seal promises with a kiss.” Obi-Wan informed with that know it all prince tone of voice. “I promise that I will wait for you Anakin.” Obi-Wan gave Anakin a simple child like kiss as he ripped a button off his soft green play dress.
A copper button with a running rabbit was place into Anakin’s hand.
“I promise” Anakin held button close to his chest….
That little copper button had been with Anakin, now Darth Vader for seventeen years.
Vader had the button on a thin chain around his neck, the running rabbit that was impressed onto the copper was hardly there. Worn down from years of him wearing the button. It was hard to believe how small the button was, or how big it used to feel in his hand.
He couldn’t bring himself to get rid of the copper, or smith it into something else. Because every time he looked at the little round copper, he would think of the smell of jasmine. Being in the shade of that old oak tree, and the sweet little kiss that he had shared with Prince Obi-Wan Kenobi.
In a way? Vader considered that kiss to be the end of his boyhood.
After that little kiss, life as a knights page started. Magics, saber training, battles, negations, dragon taming, the loss of his right arm, War and glory.
The emperors attention and approval.
Anakin had earned his title as a Darth, one of the three hunting hounds of Emperor Sidious.
His favorite.
Anakin Skywalker was now Darth Vader, rider of excautor the largest of dragons in the empires control.
Vader’s control.
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yourfatherlucifer · 1 year
The Forbidden Fruit
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Fairy!Kang Yeosang x Human!afab!reader
>> In a magical realm, a girl, a curious and kind-hearted human, stumbles upon a wounded fairy named Kang Yeosang. As she nurses him back to health, a deep connection forms between the two. Despite the forbidden nature of their relationship, the two continue to meet on a secret romance. Meeting in hidden corners of the forest. However, their love is tested when a jealous fairy discovers their secret and threatens to expose them. Together they must find a way to protect their love and overcome the challenges that stand in the way. Including the jealous fairy.<<
(I got this idea from a friend, they insisted I write a fairy Yeosang. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it and leaves feedback I am working extra hard on this, I’m trying so hard to bring my writing skills back from when I was a teen. That’s why some of my writing seems different from one another, anyway, onto the story!)
Today was such a beautiful day, in the village of Twinsquare, such a lovely place bandit free too! At the end of village laid a bright green forest. It was quite large really. Such a peaceful forest too, that’s where I often would have my walks. Today for example. I took long strides down the stone path to the bright emerald green forest. This forest was said to be magical, but I have yet to see anything magical of the sort. Where my village lies, in the kingdoms area, magic is forbidden, warlocks, witches, nothing of the sort is allowed, there was an incident centuries ago. 
But nevermind that, I had entered the forest of tall trees, that reached more than 100 feet, such big trees. The birds were chirping, the squirrels were running up and down the trees, chasing each other. Deer pranced around, not paying any mind to me. The forest was so pretty in my eyes. I’d often come here for my quiet time, especially away from my family, my parents were so strict, always demanding I find a partner, or them finding one for me. It always being a noble of their choosing, an old, snotty, disgusting noble. Yuck. 
As I walked through the trees I could hear groaning. What? I hurried over to the sound, lifting up the ends of my dress to run so I wouldn’t dress. I saw a man curled into the fetus position on the ground, he seemed to be wrapped in a net and he looked like he had..wings? That couldn’t be..especially not around here. 
“Hello?” I slowly approached the figure.
The man snapped his head up to the look at me, he scooted away in fear, “Get away, human!” He shouted at me in a deep voice. 
I sighed in sympathy. Ah, so another human did this to him. “It’s okay, I’m not going to harm you.” I knelt down, not caring if my dress got dirty, never did care anyway. 
I could see the fear in his eyes, he had beautiful eyes, and a beautiful face. He even had light green wings that sparkled, but it looked like they were trapped in the net, and the right one was torn in the middle, preventing him from flying. 
“How can I trust a mere human? Your kind did this to me! Your kind hunts my kind! Your kind uses us a trophies!” He yelled at me with such anger, it made my heart pang in hurt. 
I looked to the ground, “I’m sorry.. I didn’t even know fairies even existed. You’re the first I’ve seen. Magic and everything of the sort is banned in my kingdom.” He looked in my eyes, searching for any kind of truth. 
Seeing that I wasn’t lying, “Fine. I believe you. My name is Yeosang. I’m a fairy of the fairy kingdom.” 
I smiled at him, “I’m (Name), I’m from the Paradigm kingdom.” I glanced over at the net once again, “Can I please help you, you look like you’re in so much pain.” 
Yeosang lowered his head back to ground, “Well considering I’ve been here for hours and I cannot move. Go ahead. Please do not tear my wings more, it could kill me.” 
I nodded, “Wait here, it will take me less than five minutes.” I pat his arm and stood up. 
He groaned in what seemed like annoyance. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 
“Don’t be a baby, I said it won’t take long, Yeosang.” 
I held the end of my dress once more and ran back to my house, ignoring the stares of fellow villagers. Running into my home, I ignored the yells of my mother, telling me to slow down. 
I need to get the medkit from the sewing room. I dug through my mothers things. Where is it! I pulled things from shelves as other things fell to the floor. Why couldn’t I find it! Tears began to well up in my eyes, I didn’t want this Yeosang to die. I was starting to like him. 
My mother stormed into her sewing room after hearing all the commotion, “Just what is going on in here, (Name)!” She sounded infuriated after seeing the mess. 
I swung around with tears rolling down my cheeks, “Where’s the medical kit mother!” I shouted back. 
Her face softened, “Oh dear, why didn’t you just say something..it’s in your fathers study, but you must clean up this mess when you are done with it, whatever you have to do with it.” She walked away to continue whatever she was doing. 
Oh thank goodness! I ran to my fathers study and searched his desk drawers, behold, I found it. Running out of the house and back into the forest, the sun had already set. I hope I am not already too late. 
I saw Yeosang passed out on forest ground, no...
I slide over to him, further dirtying my dress, “Yeosang,” I shake him gently, “Please wake up.” I had tears in my eyes, why do care so much about a fairy I barely know. Why am I so emotional about him? There’s just something about him that I feel comfortable about. I need him to stay alive. 
He wasn’t waking up. I was scared but I took this opportunity to fix him up so he would feel the pain. 
I took a knife out of the medical kit and sliced up the net. I freed his wings from the trap that confined him. I gently held the ripped wing in my hand, inspecting it. I could see the veins in the wing were broken and looked in despair. Curse the person who did this. If I ever find them, I will kill them myself.
I took out the stitching kit and carefully stitched up the broken wing with precision, not wanting to ruin it further. As I wrapped up the wing I stared at Yeosang’s face, he looked so peaceful, I just wish he didn’t have to get hurt. Then again, we wouldn’t have met.. 
I closed the medical kit and laid next to him until he woke up.
The sun shone brightly through the trees, I could hear groaning next to me. 
“(Name)? Why are you still here?” Yeosang was able to sit up but still winced in pain. He’d probably hurt for a while. 
I opened my eyes to stare into his beautiful brown ones. 
I sat up to join him, “Because, I didn’t want to leave you alone in case that fairy hunter came back..”
Yeosang smiled at me, “Thank you, really.” He pulls me in for a hug. I relaxed into the hug. 
“You don’t need to thank me.” 
He looked up at the sun squinting, “shouldn’t you be heading home though? It’s the next day.” 
I gasped in realization, forgetting I slept next to last night, “Oh no, my parent’s will execute me.” I quickly stood up, helping him up too. 
“Can you get back to you fairy kingdom just fine?” I asked, concerned. 
He nodded, “Yes I can, go on, before someone comes looking for you and your parents ‘execute’ you.” He laughs lowly. 
I laugh with him before releases his hands and running off.
“Just where have you been, (Name)! And why is your dress so filthy!” My mother screamed at me, “You still have yet to clean the mess you created in my sewing room! Get in there and get started.” She stormed away. 
I had rolled my eyes. Why do I have to deal with everyday. Maybe I should just run away from here. I’m tired of this life anyway. I’m tired of being forced to go on dates with disgusting and such vile men who cannot keep their filthy hands off of me. I could tell my parents that but they do not care. They never do. I can’t run away though. I have no where to run to, I have no money, I will not get an ounce of gold, until I marry. 
I walk past my mothers sewing room and up to mine, shutting the door. I place a chair against the handle so no one can bother me. I wanna be with Yeosang. Maybe I should leave again. I smiled at the idea. 
I looked at the drop to the ground from my window, there was a hay wagon, I could definitely make the jump from here. 
First I need to get out of this dumb dress. 
I open my dresser and pull out some tan pants and long sleeve pauper shirt. 
After slipping them on, I rush to the window. Glancing to the ground once more. I smile noticing the coast is clear. I swing my legs over the ledge and jump. 
With a yelp, I land into the hay, “Ugh this stuff sucks.” I stood up from the wagon and hopped out, swiping away the stray hay.
To get to the forest, I had to duck and hide to pass neighbors who would definitely snitch that I am sneaking out. I don’t need that, I need Yeosang. 
I ran past my elders, past anyone, I didn’t care anymore. I hoped he was still in the forest. I don’t know where else to find him. I kept tripping over stone bricks but I don’t care. 
I finally made it into the forest, I was running out of breath, my calves were burning, they were screaming for me to stop, but I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. I will not. I continued further into the forest, he wasn’t in spot where I left him. Tears were already streaming down my face. Will I ever find him again? Was this my fate? I’d never meet anyone? I wanted to be with him. He radiated perfection to me. I needed him. 
Wiping the fast tears from my fast as I ran, I saw a figure in the distance. 
I ran faster, if that was even possible, “Yeosang!” I ran as close as to the figure as I possibly could. Just as they turned around, I collapsed to the ground, my legs finally gave up on me. It was Yeosang. 
“(Name)!” Yeosang looked worried as he ran over me, “Are you okay, what’s wrong?” I noticed his wings were gone. 
“I..yeah, yeah I’m okay, but my legs are killing me,” I chuckle, “but where’d your wings go?” 
He glanced behind him, “Oh, I can make them go in and out, its for protection against humans.” I nodded but pulled hum down, closer to me, so I could hug him. I needed this. 
He was shocked at first but embraced me back, wrapping me tight with his arms. 
I shuddered a breath, I was nervous, “I know this is too soon, Yeosang, but I..I really like you, you’re the only person, well fairy, to ever not see me as a sexual object. And for that, I have fallen for you, way too easily. I’m sorry. I know fairies and humans cannot coexist, but you’re the only meaning to my life now.” I stared into his eyes, “It’s okay if you do not feel the same way, I don’t expect you to, since I’m a human and your kind hates humans and all. Plus we just met not that long ago.” 
Yeosang shook his head and placed his calloused hand on my bright red cheek, “Don’t speak anymore, (Name), I understand, I do, I think I have fallen for you too. No one has ever taken care for me like that. My kind wouldn’t have come to save me, they would’ve just left me to die,” He looked down before looking up at me once again, “I’m just a lowly servant for the fairy prince. They don’t care for me. But you. You do.” 
He was closer now, “I need you, just as bad as you need me.” 
I was just about to cry but I couldn’t. I guided my lips to his, finally connecting our love for each other. This was it, this was it. He was finally mine. I know a human and a fairy shouldn’t be together, but I needed him. 
After about a minute, we had to separate, I really don’t know how I managed that long.  
We continued to hold each other. I moved his hair behind his and then noticed his had pointed ears, “Oh that’s a surprise.” 
A blush covers his ears, “Oh yeah, sorry, forgot to make them normal human ears.” Yeosang’s ears retracted to a more circular form.
I gasped, “No, no, your ears are beautiful! Your normal form is beautiful, my love. Everything about you perfect.” I pecked his cheek and watched as his cheeks flared up. 
Yeosang looked down, sad, “That’s not true, I’m nothing but average in my kingdom. I’m looked down, even by my own king. I mean Prince Seonghwa is really nice to me..but that doesn’t stop the others...” I could see a tear slip down his beautiful tan skin. 
I shook my head, not ashamed of him, but in disbelief, “Yeosang. That is just not true. You are perfection in my eyes, you are the prettiest person, fairy, whatever, I have ever seen. You are all I want to see. I promise you that.”
“(Name)! I am so tired of you coming home late! Just what kind of business do you have out of there! Our neighbors are saying you’ve been going into the forest every day and night for the past couple of weeks! Just what is in there that is so interesting!” My mother yelled at me. 
I glared at her, “I am an adult! Why do you think you can still control me! I am so tired of this! I am not even allowed access to my own gold till I’m married! What kind of nonsense is that!”
I was fuming, I had enough of the manipulation, the fake sympathy, the controlling, everything. 
My mother glared back, “Excuse me, young lady! How dare you speak to me like that!”
“Again, I am an adult, I shall speak however I want, to whomever I want, mother.”
I stormed up to my room, gathered my things into a bag, and ran downstairs, past my screaming mother. 
“(Name)! Get back here you trouble child!”
That was my last straw. 
Maybe I could run to the kingdom and find refuge there, King Hongjoong was a very caring king but I don’t want go there, I want to be with Yeosang, I’m not sure how I will though, as I am not a fairy.. Will we just live as hideaways? 
I stood at our meeting spot, the bag slung around my shoulders. I’m not sure when he’d be here. He’s probably attending his prince right now, and probably won’t be here for a while, so I could probably get some sleep in. 
I set the bag to side but wrapped the string around my arm so no bandit or anyone could steal it in my sleep. I sunk down the tree and closed my eyes, waiting for my lover to return to me. 
I was shaken from my sleep. I was mumbling something incoherent, even I didn’t know what I was saying - I slowly opened my eyes to see Yeosang. I smiled brightly at the sight of him.
Yeosang chuckled at my tiredness, “Hello, dear, I see you fell asleep waiting for me. Don’t worry my duties are over, we can spend time together now.”
As the lovers walked along the paths of the forest, a young but curious fairy were watching the two. He could sense the human. It was a very beautiful human too. But it was with another fairy. A lowly fairy, whose life is worthless to the kingdom of Halazia. 
He scoffed to himself, yes its forbidden to be in a relationship with a human, so why was this mere low fairy holding hands and being all lovey with such a magnificent and gorgeous being. 
He chuckled to himself as he came up with a plan, he’d would tell King Park, maybe even Yeosang’s boss, the prince. They would surely kill Kang Yeosang for treason and going against the forbidden rules. 
The jealous fairy had left the loving couple to themselves as he dashed off to the fairy kingdom. 
Yeosang slumped his shoulders in fear. How could he let this happen? Would he ever be able to see his lover again? 
The prince stared at his father in annoyance, “Really, father? You’re being too harsh!” 
The king snapped to his son, “Excuse me, Seonghwa?” 
Never in his entirety of his son being alive, he has never went against him. This was a change, and he wasn’t happy about it, especially since it was about this lowly servant. 
Yeosang continued to look down and block out the argument of the king and prince. 
“Yeosang, look at me,” The prince now stood in front of him, tilting his head up with a finger under his chin, “I understand you’re in love, I know how it feels, you know what I have told you in my chambers. Go. Go be with her. Just do not come back to this kingdom, someone here will hurt you. I cannot allow that to happen.” Seonghwa had then placed a medium sized bag of gold in Yeosang’s hand. Then he nudged him towards the throne doors. 
Yeosang about cried, thankful for his good friend. 
He ran out of the throne and out of the castle, out of the streets of the kingdom, then out the large gates of the kingdom. To find his only true love. 
Yeosang was in the guise of a human as he ran into his lovers village, searching everywhere for her, as he could not find her anywhere in the forest. 
With his sensitive hearing - he stopped in his tracks to find her voice.
“You will never leave this house until you marry, you will never recieve an ounce of gold, until you marry, you will clean this house daily, you will never see whoever you’ve been sneaking out to see, until you marry who I have set you up to marry.” My mothers voice towered over me as I scrubbed the floor with a raggedy rag in anger. I wanted to hit her, how could she prevent me from seeing my beautiful lover.
Having enough, I stood up and slammed the rag onto the floor, “No! I love him and you will not stop me! I am not yours to control anymore! So be quiet, shut up for once in your life, mother!” I screamed at her in pure anger. I was tired of being confined here. 
Yeosang finally heard her voice, so he ran toward it, ignoring the odd glances from human strangers. 
He sees the large house, with an easy door to break open. Using his powers, he summons up a force to break the door open. His wings and pointed ears had come back out. He didn’t care anymore.
(Name)’s mother looked over to the door in shock, “FAIRY!”
(Name) was excited, she ran over to her lover and nearly tackled him in a hug, “Yeosang! My dear love, oh how I missed you.” 
Her mother was still in shock before it subsided, “A fairy, seriously, (Name) That’s what you’ve been seeing! I forbid this at once!” 
She rolled her eyes at her before sticking her tongue out, “Yeah well, get used to it. I’m leaving for good, I’m never coming back to you.” 
The two lovers trekked out the door, finalizing their path to be together forever. No more obstacles, no more challenges, especially no more kings or mothers to get in their way. Just two species coexisting and being in love till the end of their time, living a perfect and happy, cozy life. 
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violetmuses · 2 months
Question? 🤔
What do you like about my stories? Feedback would be greatly appreciated! 🖊
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revel-arts · 6 months
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Here's my new OC: Ezra
Should I go with the blue coat and black hoodie, or black coat and blue hoodie?
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Here are the unrendered versions and some other design ideas I had
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hollowaluminumvessel · 9 months
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i have found a new purpose. fat men with hairy chests. I will take the sacred oath and will continue to grow, and maybe draw body hair a bit better next time
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sorasorachan · 10 months
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My Bungou phase 😙🤘
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digitalbath1988 · 11 months
Yandere Cate x Homelander
Background: This is a “what if” so I’m taking liberties with canon. No relationship with Golden Boy or Andre or friendship with the rest of the Gen V kids.
Also we can sub in Homelander for Soldier Boy for that scene in Episode 6, right? ;) a lil change in dialogue and we’ve got that in the bag.
TW: cunnilingus, manipulation, unhealthy relationship dynamics, yandere themes, age gap
“Red and green was the color of her dress, manipulation
Pale blue was the color of her eyes, manipulation
Yellow, yellow was her hair
Orange sunburst red hot glare, manipulation, manipulation
And you can feel her madness
She will call you out
Watch out for her dark side
And you’ll soon figure out
So run on
She’s training you
And she’s got you dancing”
Manipulation, The Black Angels
The young woman shifted nervously in her seat. Her leather gloves crinkled, a normally inaudible noise heavy in Homelander’s ears.
“I’m so glad you agreed to this interview. The student body at Godolkin University is really eager to hear your side of the story.” Cate smiled at him, despite her heart beating harder than normal.
“No problem at all. Anything for my fans. Although that part of the interview will need to come from Legal.” He let a smile lazily play across his face as he met her pale blue eyes with his own. His legs uncrossed in her direction, suit serving to make the cavernous room seem smaller. To make everyone else seem smaller. He glanced at her gloved hands before continuing. “Dean Shetty mentioned they changed interviewers last minute, but she assured me you’d run your final draft through Vought Legal.”
“Yeah, of course. That’s part of the deal. And I’m sorry that Andrew isn’t interviewing you, I think he has a stomach bug or something.” Interestingly enough, her heart rate kicked up as she said that last bit, and her pupils dilated. He let the smile on his face fade a bit. Undeterred, she went on with her questions.
“What advice would you give our students at Godolkin looking to fill some of the vacancies on the Seven?”
She watched his lips as he spoke. “Right to the point, huh? Well, obviously they’d need to have incredible talent and presence, but bravery, modesty, strength and leadership abilities. And a desire to serve their great country.”
She nodded.
“What about the rumors that Vought will be scouting for new talent from the graduating class?”
“I’m happy to confirm that we will be scouting from Godolkin. Of course, it’ll be highly competitive. We’re looking for the best and brightest to join the Seven.”
Subtly enough to be perfectly subconscious, Cate crossed her legs facing him, leaning forward earnestly, as if hanging on his every word. She had a quiet intensity about her that might have unnerved anyone else.
“Understood. Only the best for the Seven. But, that being said, we’ve got some very talented students.” Her smile was bright, despite the sadness of her eyes.
“Anyone you’d like to recommend?” Like, yourself?
“I would prefer to remain perfectly professional and not bias you towards anyone. Sir.”
Homelander smiled and his eye twitched slightly. He’d hoped she would have taken the opportunity for herself. And he’d worked with other Supes long enough to know who was quietly powerful.
He suspected this was a human grenade in a pretty package. Why choose PR or Marketing, or whatever she’d majored in? Was Crime Fighting somehow ‘beneath her?’ He inched closer, mirroring her posture.
“Off the record, I think you should try out.” His eyes flicked over her gloved hand, then quickly over her body. “Dean Shetty told me about you. How strong you are, and loyal. Loyalty is rare in this world, Cate.” An image came into his mind unbidden, Black Noir’s final moments, and he made a face.
Cate looked at him. “I’m so sorry. I know people have let you down. I’m sure that you’ll pick out the right ones now that you have full control over the process.”
They wrapped up the interview fairly quickly after that- after all, it wasn’t like she could ask him any questions about the infamous water bottle incident.
“Will you try out?”
“I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for.” She got to her feet, packing up her bag.
All he could think about was the sadness in her eyes for days afterwards. But there were plenty of candidates, probably ones physically stronger or more vocal.
Still, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He even thought about asking her over, making some excuse to get her there.
A text popped up on his phone eventually, something so mundane. She’d left a cardigan and she didn’t have Ashley’s number, could she have it.
“Don’t worry about that. Why don’t you swing by and we can talk outside of an interview?”
The silence bothered him for an overly long fifteen minutes. Finally a text back:
“I’d love to.”
She showed up later that evening, dressed more casually than at the interview in a cropped shirt and bias cut skirt. The gloves were a constant.
Cate pushed the sweater into her backpack with a little “thank you,” and a smile.
The small talk only lasted for a few minutes. “I meant what I said the other day. You should try out. Dean Shetty told me what you’re capable of.”
She gave him a look. “Well, did Shetty tell you what I’ve had to do for her?” Her body language seemed to open up, even as her heart rate pounded harder.
He leaned back, curious now about the push and pull. What lay underneath it.
“Shetty is having me wipe people’s memories to protect herself. Because she’s working on something. Whatever it is, I know she’s hiding something from Vought. You know about The Woods, right? You need to send someone there.”
“How do you know?”
This was real Cate. “I’ve wiped too many people for this to be something Vought ok’d. I’m getting worried.”
“Why didn’t you tell me at the interview?”
“You didn’t trust me yet. Now that you’ve reviewed my draft..”
“I haven’t had time.”
She bit her lip. “I can tell something has changed. And I swear I haven’t been in your head, it’s just- things seem different.”
The thought of her inside his head was deeply disturbing, that she’d be powerful enough to do that to him. But also there was something else there, something he couldn’t quite get his finger on. Truth was, if he’d been in front of Mirrorlander, he might have had that introspection to see that he was still longing for someone to truly love him, to see everything he was and did and still care for him, to not recoil in horror from him.
But he probably wasn’t willing to admit it, so he ended up attributing it to attraction. It was a far more comfortable motivator.
She shifted closer to him, waiting for his response. Her legs crossed and uncrossed, hands again nervous in her lap.
The longer he held his silence, the more nervous little movements she made. It made him want to hold out and see what she’d do.
“I’m sorry- you can trust me. I promise I wouldn’t go in your head without asking first.”
“I can tell you’re not lying to me.” He slipped his hand over her knee, holding it in place just as he held her gaze.
“You can?”
“I trust you because you’ve been so honest. Well, except for Andrew getting sick.. but I was much happier having you interview me. You just made Andrew think he was sick, didn’t you?”
She squirmed. Fuck, he loved having that effect on her. “Yeah, I might have pushed him a little. I knew Dean Shetty trusted me enough to do the interview on such short notice.”
“So I’m dying to know why you maneuvered yourself right here. Because you left your sweater on purpose too.”
She gulped again.
“I just wanted to tell you about what Shetty was planning. About The Woods.”
“Now you’re lying to me.” His hand crept up her thigh slightly, almost imperceptibly. “I don’t need to be psychic to see the way your eyes change, the way your heart rate is going nuts. It’s almost like you knowing I can read you is making it even worse.”
“Ok- the truth.” She breathed in, hard. “Truth is, I have been a fan of yours for a long, long time. I just didn’t want to creep you out.”
“Oh, a fan. You should have said something, sweetheart.” He couldn’t help but smile.
And Cate cringed. “I’m so sorry, I made things weird, I should go.” She tried to grab her bag but it was hard to get it away when he was holding it now. Practically dangling it in front of her.
“Hey, don’t worry, it can be our little secret. I’m flattered. Do you have posters of me in your dorm?”
“No comment,” she giggled, trying to get her bag back with an awkward smile.
“So you do. I could give you an autograph if you want one.”
Cate sat back down, getting the idea that she wasn’t going anywhere until he was done with her. “Honestly? I wanted to prove to you, over time, that you could trust me. That I’d do anything for you. I don’t think I want to be part of the Seven.”
“That’s a lot to give someone without wanting anything in return.”
“Who said that I was selfless, I’d totally be getting something in return.” She smiled coyly. “Also, you don’t think it’s crazy that I’m telling you all this?”
“I think you’re a smart fucking cookie, Cate. I think you know honesty is the best policy with me. And it’s kind of nice, don’t you think? To have to be honest with each other?”
She nodded. “I like it too. Ok, I’ll tell you. I want someone to care about me. I want to do things for you so that you care about me.”
Now it was his turn to swallow. “I know what that feels like. That’s what you do for Dean Shetty but it’s not.. it doesn’t feel right.” An image of Madelyn flashed, he pushed her memory away before it could hurt him.
“It doesn’t scratch the itch, no.” She pushed his hand closer to her core. “I just knew you’d be the only one who I could trust- the only one who could keep me safe from her- I had to go to you and tell you about what’s going on in The Woods. I can’t be free on my own.” Her large eyes looked to his beseechingly.
“I know you’re not lying, but that’s not true. They’ve all lied to us- told us that we need to be reigned in, shackled. Imagine if they all saw what we’re capable of.”
His hand climbed higher, over elastic and cotton, glove now abandoned in favor of bare flesh against the soft fabric of her panties. She pulsated through her engorged cunt, he could hear the blood pooling in as he rubbed and rubbed.
Cate sunk deeper into the chair and into her own mind. One day she’d let him in there too, but for now she’d revealed more than she was comfortable with, and he needed to reward her. “If you’re more comfortable with transactional things for now, why don’t you do me a favor.”
“Anything you want.” He pressed her clit, feeling her get closer and closer to release.
“These little members of the press who are not in Vought’s pocket- I’m going to make sure you get to meet all of them over the next month. Give them a nice firm handshake without your glove on. Then tell them what to write about me.”
“I’m gonna have them wrapped around your finger.” She looked so beautiful like this, pleading at him with her eyes. He truly felt like a god.
“That’s a good fucking girl.” He got between her legs on the floor, not bothering to worry about symbolism, just following desire and some feral need to bind this powerful creature to him forever. “You’d really do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” His tongue feels heavier than normal, despite a desperation to control.
“Yeah, I would, anything.” Her overworked mind went blank as Homelander tongued her over soaked panties. Her scent and taste and devotion drove him wild, he wanted to consume her. “Anything for you, fuck.”
He groaned in appreciation, lapping at her beneath the elasticy pink cotton, finally biting them off of her once he’d had enough of the barrier between him and her taste, tongue all over her warm slit.
She gasped and he could have sworn she’d tried to get up, but he clasped her carefully to the seat. Cate wouldn’t be going anywhere until she came at least once. If anything, the wriggling was attractive, he wondered how long it had been since anyone had taken care of her needs. They had both spent so long taking care of everyone else, lesser beings that demanded their constant attention and care.
She gasped again and clenched, trying to hold something back from him, maybe feeling embarrassed about being so vulnerable so quickly. “Keep your fucking legs spread. Darling.”
She did despite it being clear that that was indeed the source of her issue. How anyone could ever be ashamed of that was beyond him- she was perfect. He flicked the little bud of nerves until she was back at the precipice.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” He added a few fingers and it took a little bit longer, but she did eventually, thanks to a continuous sucking on her clit and his clever fingers inside her.
Everything she’d been holding back came with her, eyes rolling back slightly and shutting, quenching his thirst, hands grabbing the seat as if she was afraid of falling.
“Good girl,” he murmured into her quivering flesh.
She got up with a heavy breath, hands still too shaky to hold herself.
“Are you going to send someone to check out The Woods?”
He tilted his head. “What makes you think I’m done with you yet?”
(Pt. 2 is on the way this weekend, I just wanted to post Homie’s perspective first. Pt 2 will be Cate’s perspective.).
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blumehhh · 4 months
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something I’m weaving for a uni project :)
We should weave two fabrics with a natural and two with an artificial vibe. For this one i wanted it to look like a beach with the sea. It’s not done yet but was I successful?🥲
I’m so far behind with my work😭
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merlinbingo · 10 months
Dear lovely bingoers!
We're getting on for the end of the round, so here we are with just a few announcements:
Deadline extension: we've had a couple of requests to extend the deadline, so we're giving you an extra week and a bit to get your bingo fills in – the round now ends on Sunday 10th December!
Amnesty period: if you missed out on one or more of the bonus badges, this is your opportunity to get them. Create a work that fits the bonus badge requirements before the end of the year, fill out this form, and we'll make sure to send you the bonus badge!
Rare pair fest: if you've got a posting date after 10th December but still want to use your rare pair work as a bingo fill, you can! Just fill out the main fill submission form and you're golden.
Round four: yep, we're still going! Sign ups will open at the start of January, cards will start coming out not too long after that, and posting will begin on 1st February. If you've got squares you haven't been able to fill this round but aren't ready to give up on, there'll be a place on the sign up form to list them and we'll make sure they end up on your round four card.
Finally, if you've participated in this round or either of the previous ones, we'd love it if you could fill out this feedback form! We're always looking for ways to make bingo more fun, so if there's anything you think can make it better, please let us know!
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sparethedreamer · 1 year
It's incredible that chess.com, the self- proclaimed #1 chess community, doesn't offer adequate accessibility features.
They're lacking subtitles on videos, despite it being suggested over 10 years ago and with people volunteering to add them. There have been requests to add better accessibility for those with visual impairments as well as those who struggle with coordination.
There's probably a ton more that I'm missing. I don't mean to exclude them, I just don't have the energy to deep dive into it right now (due to my chronic illness).
Anyone more knowledgeable about this stuff? Anyone else notice this? Is there anything that can be done? Any other thoughts/insights?
Chess.com, if you're reading this, please consider looking into adding better accessibility features to your website, app, and all other related products/content.
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somar113 · 6 months
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An extra credit assignment photo, from school almost 6 years ago.
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st4rvv · 6 months
reminder this is still a concept
just me and my thoughts thinking how to write love so well because I'm a beginner at writing......
as I said they got this sort of love-hate relationship riiiiight? look man I'm just here thinking how can that works out ESPECIALLY for two psychopathic villains in love (fellas, how do I even write them developing feelings in the first place?)
I do have some backstory, but I feel SO ashamed to share it here- (ironic because I always tell myself to be cringe because it won't change the world lol)
so anyways ^_^!!! I found my old note about their dynamics lol:
Brains and Brawn
Birds of a Feather
Fire-Forged 'Friends'
Friendly Rivalry
Secret Relationship/Undercover Couple (temporarily a secret tbh)
The Only One I Trust
of course they have their flaws :) for Evolt, like, according to the canon, I *think* he's a bigger-picture conceptualist which MAYBE explains why Sento used to say "humans aren't that simple" to him right??? right??? (seriously PLEASE tell me his flaw I'm not really observant)
meanwhile Eigou, she, uh, can I call it a sickness where anger can't get her Hazard level high? instead of the more powerful attacks she's able to tolerate, it helps it going up. however, when she can't keep up with it, it possibly results Eigou in a berserk mode/mindlessly aggressive state or she just flee away
what's similar about them? their shared goals? well, it seems like both are ruthless and manipulative, I personally think Evolt can be/is an adaptable schemer, Eigou is also a schemer but she mostly works at the backups (my point: both are adaptable). yes, both are brain and brawn. enthusiastic.. can be laid-back and chill as hell... yeah that can do I guess.. (I am trying to NOT pull up the typology move bro I need to learn how to write personalities correctly :sob:)
as far as I can think of, their shared goal is just, the- the box. that Pandora's Box, screw the world and let people see their (failed) victory!!1!1!1!! (I hope these two trips and fell into a sewer bro I swear I hate them so much /affectionate)
Differences between Evolt and Eigou:
Evolt: mostly chill evil :] / Eigou: mostly chill as well, but when she's getting impatient; STAY BACK PLEASE??
Eigou: “LOL wait, let me see u suffer first before I finish u off bcz I like the view here, so 'sad' you're useless now” / Evolt: “L + cope + skill issue + shut up + ciao!!*kills when that subject isn’t useful anymore
Evolt: shows off his cool new powers / Eigou: suddenly, she regained her powers (and use it anyway)
Eigou: your typical ‘the maverick’ villain / Evolt: typical comedic man with a role of ‘catastrophic mastermind’
I should've know how to do the romance between these two bro, maybe I'll see what you guys think and take it as a feedback and idea for them :/ sorry for such a request
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xluciferseyeshadowx · 6 months
y’all, istg I was just eating Honey Nut Cheerios when an idea for a book slapped me in the face holy shit-
So first, I remember a twitter quote. The quote was something about how life sucks now because eve ate that GODAMN apple in the garden of Eden and humans were meant to chill and eat fruit all day with our tits out and stuff. AND THEN I THOUGHT-HOLY SHIT. WHAT IF I WROTE A BOOK WHERE EVE NEVER ATE THE APPLE AND HUMANS STILL LIVED IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN- NAKED, EATING FRUIT, WITH NO TECHNOLOGY? AND WHAT IF IT WAS ACTUALLY CORRUPT? As somebody who has been going to church for years, I can say with confidence that the Bible is fucked. Women are seen as men’s property. People who are not Christian are shunned. There is lots of religious trauma vibes. So what if the morals like that from the Bible were still accurate and in this book? So I came up with some characters. Mary- she would be one of the main characters. She listens to her parents, and genuinely wants to please them. Her life is planned out for her and shit, because she does not know that life could be any other way from outside the garden. Until- because of the sexist nature of The garden of Eden- she is assaulted and starts believing that she wants something else.
Leah- the second MC. She would be very averse to the idea of being married, and often try to disobey her parents and fuck up her appearance to avoid being found attractive. She has always disliked life in the garden, and Mary being assaulted is the final straw. Beezle: He would be my portrayal of the Devil. Or satan, or whatever you want to call the snake that was in the adam & eve story. He would live near Eden, and he would turn from a snake into a human & spend most of his time tempting people into leaving the garden- rarely succeeding. He finds Mary after her assault and is like “I can totally manipulate this”, but after befriending her and Leah, they end up trying to get out of the garden, along with some others together.
Okay, so those are the main character I came up with. Here is some world building: The garden would be basically how they wrote it in the Bible, if it progressed past eve eating the apple. However, to avoid incest, multiple different families were made by god. They did not all stem from Adam and Eve. Because the garden is how it is in the Bible, it pretty easy to get the concept- mostly vegetarian diet, no clothing, living in harmony with animals and shit. Seems perfect right? WRONG. Because of the inherent religious pushing and being forced into family, there are strict rules that make little to no sense constricting the residents of the garden, especially women. For example: There is heavy influence of the Christian religion on everything, to a pathological degree. Sexual pleasure for women is looked down upon, and will even be punished. Obeying the Ten Commandments is the only real principles, leading to many loopholes and other crimes. Adam and Eve would be the leaders of the garden, controlling most of what goes on within it. They knew Beezle, and have spun the story to say that he was trying to ruin paradise for them by offering the apple. Heaven was actually trying to break free of god’s will. The main story plot would be Mary, Leah and Beezle trying to find a way to leave Eden, but ending up with them trying to help the others out.
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thanatos1dahilias · 8 months
     My hands ache and so does my entire body, yet somehow at the same time it all feels numb. That’s what the cold winter does to you I guess. I don’t even know what I’m doing here, one second I was, actually what was I doing? I try so hard to think back to wherever I was but I can’t. The only thing I know is that I really need to get somewhere warm or else I might have hypothermia, though with how long I’ve been standing out next to the road with nothing but a tank top and shorts on, I might already have it.       I keep walking, though slowly, it’s walking. Well maybe? I don’t really know if you can count awkwardly waddling through the snow while shivering walking, but I’ll consider it that for now.     I'm so horribly cold and I can’t see anything but white and the seemingly endless road. Every now and then, I’ve come across a sign that had no more than a speed limit on it. Those are too far behind me to see if I did turn around, and I really don’t want to, not now. I keep pushing through the snow until I physically cannot move.   I fear that my feet will never move again, that they’re now all black and dead like in that one book my friend (who is my friend?) had made me read. I’m so tired, so cold, and there's no point.     I’m going to die next to a road that seems to not have been touched in years, my body buried away in the snow. I don’t even know who I am within this very moment, but I’m so done, and so is my body. It stops functioning, stops keeping me warm, stops trying to fix me as I fall into the snow which had been up to my ankles.   I shut my eyes and let the cold take me, whoever I am anyways. ------ When I wake up, I don’t know where I am. I don’t really care where I am though, because I’m laying on something warm. I’m surrounded by warmth. ------
This time when I wake up, it’s still warm, but it’s like I can feel the chill from the snow in my bones. Wait- where exactly am I? That's so warm, because last time I checked I died in the middle of nowhere because of stupid snow! “You did technically die.” someone who obviously isn’t me says. I open my eyes in fear only to see a girl with bright red eyes staring down at me, they’re hypnotizing in a way, but also terrifying. Like death. Maybe I am still dead. “No- no you’re not.” She says, seemingly annoyed. She backs away slightly and sits on a little chair that's near the bed before sighing, “Look you were dead and now for some reason you aren’t. I can’t explain it to you but I can try to answer any other questions you might have I guess.” I want to start with how she can read my mind but my voice isn’t working. I can only stutter out the word ‘mind’, and even then I’d be surprised if she or anyone else could tell what I was saying. “How can I read your mind? I don’t know.” she sighs again, leaning back into the chair. “I get you want that answer, and so do I. I woke up this morning and all I was hearing was whatever you seemed to be thinking.” she said.   Awesome she can read every thought I have. Wait, So you can hear all this? She nods her head with three fingers held to her temple. Where am I? And who are you? “I’m Fimma, and you’re in my cabin.” she huffs, “Do you not have any memory at all?” and she frowns slightly when I shake my head softly from the bed I’m still laying on.     “That makes this easier…” Fimma trails off looking up from her hand and back at me. “I know you just that you don’t really have any memory but- can you maybe try to remember something for me? Please.” I was walking through the snow. Cold. “Can you be clearer please.” she crosses her arms and stands up again, leaning over me as if to somehow force me to think better, though I highly doubt it was possible. I’m still cold. Too cold. No more cold. I curl into the blankets like an upset baby who doesn’t want to get ready for school and face away from her. My body feels so numb. So cold. I’m so cold again. I hear a panicked yell from behind me before a door opens and a rustling sound is the only thing to listen to in the room. “He needs to stay warm. Fio grab more blankets- please.” Fimma sounds worried. “I don’t think it’s helping.” Another voice says. I shut my eyes and painstakingly force my entire body under the mountain of blankets that are on me. (Since when were they there?) The cold takes me again. “No!” is the last thing I hear before I know my body numbs. --- I open my eyes again and I shouldn’t. I should be dead. Let me stay dead Please. --- “Stop dying you stupid man!” Fimma (was that her name?) yells. I feel arms on my shoulders shaking me. I still can’t speak. Dying? Even in my own head my voice isn’t normal, it’s barely there. I somehow managed to whisper in my own brain, which is one of the stupidest things I think I’ve ever done. But what have I done? What stupid things have I done? “Yes- you keep dying! I don’t how or why, but you keep dying!” she cries. Why would she cry? I just met her. Hurt? I can’t make sentences form in my own head. It all feels too foggy up there. “Not me, you are.” he hears her let out an annoyed puff of air, “Just stop dying, Liam.” she says. “Please.” she the one who whispers this time, and it’s out loud. Liam? I’m still fixated on that name. She called me Liam. “Don’t worry about it for now.” her voice is high pitched and hurt. Maybe she is hurt. My eyes won’t open. If she can hear my thoughts why can’t she hear any of this. Why am I alive again? The warmth from the blankets around me lure me back into death? Sleep? I’m not sure anymore. This time, I don’t think I actually want to wake up. ---
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cinna---bunny · 5 months
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I drew my boyfriends guardian ❤️
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