#Fiona learn boundaries
mermaidair · 8 months
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I can’t stand being asked by lower classpeople in Americatrashy questions
I do not need a charity from lower class, people who believe they are upper-class slave owners
And if you are a Filipino American and you think you have some really nice smelling shit. Honey, you cannot cross that line and I will slit your fucking throat.
You’re not special
To the rest of you though, take care of yourselves and I love you
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AJ you and Josh don’t keep that joke huns lol too personal awe
Fiona you either babe
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
how the six family roles in an addictive household are shown in shameless, season 1
so i said i’d make this post a while ago and guess what? i lied. oops. anyways i finally did it so here you guys go!
also, i’m only doing season 1 here because season 1 is the season where the roles are the most clear. after that, some siblings share roles or change roles. in many, many ways, season 1 is much simpler, as we all know.
i most of my information from this article, and i copy and pasted some of it.
 the addict, is frank. you could also say that it’s monica, however she left the family/household years prior to the start of the show. as the consequences of addiction begin to form, the addicted family member will often portray negative behaviors to others in the family including lying, manipulating, and pointing fingers of blame; frank does all of this in season 1 constantly. he lies about where aunt ginger is, manipulates his family by assuring them that he is sober, and he puts the blame on other members of his family, such as ian or monica. half of the family views him as a nuisance, and the other half views him as beloved.
the enabler, is debbie. enabler’s don’t set boundaries and excuse a lot of the addict’s behavior. for debbie, it’s not that she doesn’t understand frank’s addiction or how shitty frank is, she does (1x08), but she chooses to pretend like things are alright. she loves her dad a lot, and she wants to pretend like everything is okay. she wants to pretend like things won’t go back to the way they are, even though she knows they will. we see her caring for her dad, waking up in the middle of the night to check on him and bring him a pillow, asking him if he’s okay, she cares. nobody else really cares that much. we see her become more of an enabler in season 2/3 especially, but again, only season 1 here.
the scapegoat, is lip. many people would like to argue that it’s carl (or debbie or ian) and maybe later on, but not here. the scapegoat of the family often gets blamed for the family’s issues, usually the scapegoat is the second oldest (!!) or middle child. in many cases, this person feels their purpose is to provide their family members with an outlet for blame. so, they can take on a parent’s and other sibling’s blame in order to protect them from feeling these emotions themselves. commonly, the scapegoat of the family will eventually be unable to manage their anger and act out in avoidance behaviors, often leaving town and not returning. so, yeah, this can be season 3/4 ian, or season 6 debbie or carl, but overall, this is lip in season 1. however, lip doesn’t often take the blame. fiona does. he and fiona share the hero and scapegoat role, and eventually share the addict role, but overall the scapegoat is lip. he acts out, purposefully gets into trouble, and is blamed. does he accept the blame? no, but he gets it. and he goes off to do his own shit often, when shit hits the fan he either fixes the problem or just leaves. lip can’t manage his anger. ever. it’s something he never learns how to do from season’s 1 through 11. he uses avoidance behaviors (such as drinking himself sick) and anger to cope with his family’s hardships.
the hero, is fiona. fiona is basically the definition of the hero, which is: the hero of the family is the one who is most controlling and often a perfectionist. by keeping up with personal goals, they feel they can provide their family with the illusion that everything will be okay. normally, the hero of the family is the first child, as they are the most likely to have a type a personality and feel as though they are a leader to their siblings. because of the position they put themselves in as a leader, they may experience extreme amounts of stress. and, become unable to manage their anxiety. that all screams fiona gallagher. she works multiple jobs, attempts to control everyone and everything in her life, and provides for her five siblings. she’s the firstborn child, and the youngest child literally refers to her as his mother on multiple occasions. she dropped out of high school for her siblings, and basically risked everything for them. they are her life.
the mascot, is carl. season 1 carl is sort of hard to characterize because he’s almost never a very serious character, hell, throughout the entire show he cries like three times. but that unseriousness kind of makes him fit into the role of the mascot. the mascot of a family is the person who may utilize humor to try to resolve tension during family arguments or drama. this may be due to the fact that they require approval from those who surround them due to their fragility. most commonly, the mascot of the family is the youngest sibling. basically, they use humor as a defence mechanism in order to not have to experience the negative emotions which may be brought about by addiction in the family. carl wasn’t the youngest sibling, but he was for about seven years, so it kind of counts. at least at this point it does. carl isn’t as aware as debbie is when it comes to the issues in the family, (1x08), and in the first (or second technically) scene, debbie tells carl he’s almost nine and needs to begin pulling his weight. he doesn’t take on the same understanding or responsibility as the rest of the siblings do, but there is a possibility that he understands and masks it by acting clueless. or, he simply is clueless. who knows. either way, if anyone’s going to be the mascot, it has to be carl.
the lost child, is ian. the lost child is a sibling who may not be as involved in family relationships as the others. this is due to the fact that they may not have shared as much family attention as the other siblings. typically, they’re the youngest or middle child. and, characteristically showcase behaviors like isolation and the inability to maintain lasting relationships as a result of addiction in the family. so, ian obviously does end up maintaining a lasting relationship, blah blah blah, but he literally doesn’t until like the last season so THAT DOESN’T MATTER. anyways. for like the entirety of ian’s adolescent years on the show (seasons 1-4), he is forgotten. he’s the stereotypical middle child, the least favorite, and forgotten. fiona never has to worry about him, monica is nowhere to be seen (but i made a post here that talks about their relationship that you should totally read), and frank hits him and simply doesn’t really give two fucks about him. ian isolates himself from the rest of his family, and rarely is actually at the house. he’s often with kash (a man in his fourties), or mickey or just doing his own thing. he becomes even more of the lost child later on (and eventually morphs into the scapegoat) but that’s irrelevant. ian’s hiding a big secret, ian is rarely home, the most attention ian probably ever gets out of frank is just getting hit or insulted. ian’s forgotten.
liam isn’t on here because he was so little in season 1. but much later on, he takes on the role of the lost child. if you want to know more about this/how the gallagher’s were based on actual people rather than just roles, read this article. i highly recommend it.
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
Wonder how Redeemed! Scourge would act around Team Sonic during and after his therapy and redemption arc, would be interesting to see how he would react seeing the genuine friendship between the whole team especially if the reader is involved. He only had his team and Fiona, most probably stayed out of fear(?) idk I haven't read the whole lore but prob close to that
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Okay first of all, you probably had to give your friends a large heads up and a warning to be kinder and not act so weird toward Scourge. Considering his huge reputation with his previous actions, quite frankly it could be worse, seeing as how he enslaved a numerous amount of mobians and mobilized the plant in his own dimension. Then came his scars, then came this. 
His memories are scrambled, so he can't recall every single thing evidently. But when it came down to you, Sonic, Knuckles and Tails; he could feel the warmth of friends and family found alike. Working together and providing good memories together regardless of the circumstances or the situation. He didn’t entirely expect them to greet him warmly as they would.
But in all rights, they still reserved some resentment toward the green hedgehog. Scourge completely expected that, and he was fully ready and prepared to gain back their trust with time. 
Unusually, he felt a new sensation stirring in his chest each time he saw you interacting with any members of the team. Scourge evidently didn’t realize how much he had done his old friends wrong. Nonetheless, he simply watched from a comfortable distance – while maintaining his persona, less his old self, but with better restraint now this time. 
Fiona was one of his closest members, his old lover. But he sees now he was extremely piss-poor behavior when he saw you interact with one additional honorary member; Amy Rose. He did apologize to her properly for his prior behavior toward the pink hedgehog, to which she still held grievous amounts of skepticism toward Scourge, but was most willing to make amends with him. Scourge thought she was an absolute saint: at any point in time of his life, he never expected to have such a mindset. He felt a little better that he improved more on that aspect before meeting any of your friends. 
Scourge could appreciate how quickly Sonic could make amends with you, or any other of his friends for that matter. Before he was easily annoyed by Sonic, as he was often compared to the Blue Blur – but now he could understand why those comparisons were uttered before. He just needed a bit of straightforwardness and blunt honesty to set him straight on a bit of a better path.
He thought he was really annoying to converse with though, Sonic will not let him live down his infamous reputation for prior events. He didn’t like him in that entirety, but he came to learn and understand that he has a tendency to tease; Sonic surprisingly won’t cross any boundaries with Scourge, and even began to worry over him in the few past months he’s gotten to know him. The real him. 
The real Scourge.
Getting acquainted with Miles was something he found rewarding, he thought the little fox was cool as hell the better he had gotten to know him. Scourge didn’t mind being in his presence, as he had also found him to be very reliable. Tails was a nickname he was continuously called by many who have come to know him, as he had often introduced him this way. Scourge felt the honesty and modesty radiating off of the little fox, he could really respect the guy.
As for Knuckles, he wasn’t completely sure. He was cold and hardened, indifferent to Scourge. Though he did his best to remain with understanding and patience toward the echidna, understanding that the guardian may resent him moreover in comparison to the others.
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pallastrology · 8 months
jupiter vs. saturn: cancer
they are more intuitive. jupiter is very comfortable in cancer, and this allows for their softer, intuitive side to flourish. jupiter is generally more of an intellectual planet, but in cancer they are more receptive to the natural forces around them. they have an almost motherly aura, and when it comes to caring for others, the native seems to know exactly how to help. they can blend the practical with their kind nature, which makes for a comforting and nourishing interaction for both giver and recipient.
they are more emotionally open. the native being more receptive brings about a disarming honesty, both to themselves and their loved ones, about their emotional state. they are unashamedly true to how they feel, and listen to their intuition. this is actually quite inspiring to witness, because as the great fiona apple said, 'when you know yourself, you know life'. they are able to reflect, and apply their self-knowledge to how they want to progress through life.
they are more hot-headed. the other side to jupiter in cancer's selfless warmheartedness is that they are more open to anger too. they can be prone to emotional outbursts, especially when stressed out or when not upholding their own boundaries. they feel intensely, and so anger is a very physical experience for the native, with them sometimes feeling out of control of themselves. grounding back into their bodies and learning to ride the waves of emotion can be helpful here.
they are more defensive. saturn in jupiter also feels their emotions intensely, but they tend to struggle with a real fear of being vulnerable. they hide their emotions away, distract themselves from them, and uphold overly strict boundaries to protect themselves from the pain of being hurt or mistreated. while keeping others away helps prevent certain types of pain, it only guarantees others, and the deep loneliness that saturn often feels will only be healed with genuine connections.
they are more self-sacrificing. when they do let people in, jupiter in saturn is a kind and caring placement. they can actually be too kind; although they are naturally self-protective, by the time they let someone in they've opened themselves up fully, which can sometimes put them at risk of being used by others. this just perpetuates the cycle of shutting people out to prevent being hurt, becoming so lonely they try letting someone in, getting hurt, rinse and repeat. it takes time for the native to break this cycle, and for them to build a healthier one in its place.
they are more devoted. that being said, when they find their people, there are few placements that devote themselves the way saturn in cancer does. family can mean a lot of things, but to the natives family are their people to protect and provide for, to treat with the tender loving care they crave for themselves, and to feel safe with. saturn in cancer's love is true, selfless and warm. to be loved by these natives is a rare and wonderful thing.
they both crave safety and security. the crab glyph of cancer clues us in to this; cancer, in all its placements, is aligned towards finding and maintaining safety, comfort and security. they crave the feeling of being embraced in the safety of the womb, and they go through life trying to replicate this feeling. they can display incredible strength when they are within reach of it, and are extremely protective of the things and people that make them feel safe and cared for.
they are both introverted. although jupiter is generally seen as a social and larger-than-life planet, in careful cancer it starts to become more introspective and is somewhat quieter, being brought closer to saturn. neither of them really at home around other people, they keep their circles small and protect their peace. they will go to great lengths for their loved ones, and don't dislike people, but they are happiest alone or with a select few people.
they are both deeply caring. there is nothing like a cancer's love and care, and jupiter and saturn both display a particular flavour of it. they perhaps aren't as emotionally intimate as a cancer moon or rising, but they have this kind, wise way with words and emotional intelligence. they love unconditionally, they want to inspire and help their loved ones to grow, almost like the kindest and best teachers do.
they both have strong memories. cancer is a sign that never forgets and for whom forgiveness can be a difficult topic. jupiter and saturn are no exception to this, though jupiter is more likely to attempt to forgive while bottling up their feelings, and saturn tends to close themselves off after being hurt. healthy boundaries come a little more naturally to jupiter and saturn, but they still have to consciously practice them.
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
Lucky Girl - Relationship Analysis
Evie & Dean
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Dean first appears in chapter 2.2, and one of the first things we know about him is that Evie hates his guts. For some reason she really has it out for him, hating his clothes, his hair, his art style, his arrogance, the way he holds himself. We don’t get to see Evie’s first weeks of college, so the initial reason for her hatred isn’t ever really established, but we can assume that his critiques of her work during classes has been hurtful to her. 
I think this is a moment where Evie becomes a bit of a contradictory character. On one hand, she feels insecure and lacking in confidence about most things in her life, and yet when it comes to her art she’s defensive. Though she may never admit it, Evie is used to being the ‘art girl’. She’s used to being more skilled than others around her, so entering college and being surrounded by people who are equally, if not more skilled than her puts her on the defensive. She’s uncomfortable with criticism. 
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Dean is an intentionally confusing character for the first half of part two. I really didn’t want anyone to really know what to make of him. Isn’t he just giving normal criticism? Surely there’s no need for Evie to be so rude to him, he’s really only trying to help. Yet there’s something about Dean that’s not quite right. We see through Evie’s eyes here, so we're supposed to be as unsure as she is about him. She can’t see what everyone else already can. 
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Dean shows some interest in Evie early on, perhaps out of pure curiosity. He claims that he doesn’t understand why she hates him so much, and gives her a talk about accepting feedback, telling her that she’ll never improve as an artist unless she’s willing to take on the opinions of others. He’s not wrong. 
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We get our first glimpses into Dean’s life in chapter 2.5 when Marnie and Fiona gossip about him in the bathroom. We learn he’s from a working class area. He’s been to college before. He needs to work evenings and nights in a pizza restaurant to afford his college fees. Hearing their sneering of him for these facts puts Evie on the defensive. She’s working class too, and so for the first time she feels camaraderie with Dean, a need to defend him from those who don’t understand his struggles in the same way that she does. 
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Later that night she encounters Dean on the landing while waiting for Marnie. He’s on drugs, though she’s not sure of it yet. He traces shapes on her palm and she doesn’t stop him, though is dimly aware that she’d be judged by her friends for allowing him to do this. Dean is curious about Evie now, and when his inhibitions are lowered he feels more at ease to touch her. The fact that she doesn’t resist is interesting. 
Evie thinks about that encounter the whole way home and eventually opens up about it to Marnie, who immediately assumes that something weird and non-consensual was afoot. Evie tries to explain that it wasn’t, she didn’t feel violated by him. Marnie asks Evie if she fancies Dean, and she says she doesn’t, although she’s no longer sure if that’s true. 
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The following day, Marnie, in a pissy mood, texts Dean to tell him off about crossing Evie’s supposed boundaries. Dean responds to this by confronting Evie and then blocking her number. She’s incensed, appalled, how could he just block her like that? Doesn’t she mean more than that to him? 
The blocking is particularly traumatic for Evie who is still reeling from her rejections by Kelly and Jude in part 1. The Christmas scenes have made her feel even more vulnerable, as Kelly has made a point of making her feel worthless. She cannot cope with the idea that Dean could so easily delete her from his life, so she goes to his workplace on New Year’s Eve and waits for him in the cold so that she can confront him. 
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This is one of Evie’s bolder moves, but she simply can’t stand for Dean to do this to her without explanation. She needs to know why. This is one of the most crucial moments in their relationship, as it’s a transfer of power. Unbeknownst to Evie she has shown him something very interesting about herself, through this action coupled with her frustration over his feedback in college - she has a need for his approval. Dean wins. 
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Dean insists on walking Evie home after their confrontation, and even though she says no, he does it anyway. They talk a little about themselves, and as they reach the door Evei has a moment of realisation - she thinks that he’s hot. He clocks this moment too and is curious about it. How can he use this to his advantage? Every moment with Dean feels a little strange to Evie, there’s something about him that’s different to other people, and by the end of part two we know what it is - he’s simply trying to read her, trying to manipulate her for his own gains, and he has been since the very beginning.
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The two get closer in the following months, and slowly Evie begins to feel like his ‘favourite’ of the college group. One night in a pub, Dean admits that he’s most attracted to Evie out of all of them, and she’s embarrassed but flattered. He’s noticed that she’s special, and that’s food for her dwindling self-esteem. 
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Later on he opens up about his family life, which makes Evie realise that they don’t have as much in common as she really thought. She could never relate to the things he’s going through, and in fact, his problems make her feel childish and naive in comparison. He changes the subject to tell her that he thinks she’s hot, and takes total control over the conversation until he can steer it to a point where he’ll be able to kiss her. The kissing doesn’t exactly feel right or natural to Evie, but it’s fine. True love is an illusion anyway, not every kiss is going to feel right and perfect. 
Dean is pushy with her when he walks her to her door, asking to come in, but she pushes him away jokingly. She’s uncomfortable but doesn’t want to admit it in case he thinks she’s immature. He doesn’t know she’s still a virgin. 
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Things go immediately sour at Evie’s birthday party when Dean shows up high after work. He’s a chef, and due to the stresses of his job he’s developed a mean cocaine habit - so has everyone who works in Primo. They weren’t buzzing around like efficient worker bees for no reason. Because Jude is with her, Evie can see clearly for a moment, as view Dean through his eyes. God, he really is a bit embarrassing isn’t he? He tries to sell Jude cocaine in the toilets, but clearly has no idea where he is or which way is up. Jude tells Evie that Dean was trying to do a line off the wall mirror, and later reveals that he turned the baggie inside out and licked the inside clean in a pathetic attempt to get a tiny bit more cocaine into his system. Shane and Claire are disgusted too, and Evie promises herself that she won’t spend anymore time with him. She’s done. 
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After several reconciliation attempts, Dean realises that he must do something more drastic to get Evie back, because he refuses to lose after putting so much work into her already. He buys her an especially thoughtful birthday gift and shows up on her doorstep to give her a heartfelt apology that he doesn’t really mean, but it works. He says he doesn’t want to be her boyfriend, but that he fancies her, so he’d like if they could just spend some time together. What does Evie have to lose anyway? It’s not like other men are interested in her, and as much as she still loves Jude, she’s convinced that he feels nothing for her anymore. She might as well get some experience. 
Here begins the most difficult part of the story, as Evie begins to lie to those closest to her and withdraw from them so that she doesn’t have to admit that she’s dating a person that they all disapprove of. Through her isolation, Evie is more vulnerable to Dean now, who has begun to let the mask drop as his personal family situation has worsened. Evie gets the brunt of his bad moods now. 
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Dean is frustrated in the library scene in 2.16 because he doesn't have the mental bandwidth to study, nor the education, nor the time. He takes this out on Evie who feels compelled to try and make him feel better through encouragement, which doesn’t work. He gets angry with her for daring to try and give him advice, because he doesn't respect her at all. She’s stupider than he is, stupid enough to date him, therefore her opinions are invalid. He’s also frustrated over Evie’s reluctance to sleep with him. He’s been waiting forever and she won’t let him do anything with her. She still hasn’t told him that she’s a virgin. 
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He softens for a moment when he believes that she might relent to him in the library, but the moment she puts up a boundary he gets upset and picks a fight with her. They’ve likely had this argument several times now, but Evie is just not ready to have sex yet. He makes her promise to do it with him the following week when her house is free, and she agrees, mainly, as she reveals later, to just make him shut up about it. 
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Obviously it goes badly - Evie is nervous and Dean is disappointed, but I’ve always felt like he had enough chances to understand that she’s not as ready or experienced as she says she is. As soon as she turns on the TV he really should have figured it out - I mean, he probably did but didn’t care. She won’t even look at him for fear of what might be set into motion, but Dean does his best to make her feel comfortable in the ways that he knows how. Another sign she’s not ready is when she turns off the light in the bedroom, and he has to ask her to turn it back on so that he can see her. Evie is naive, she doesn’t know how it goes, and perhaps is used to sex scenes on TV taking place in the dark. She also is horrified by the idea of being naked in front of him, but she does it anyway. Might as well get it over with. 
Of course, she’s not in it, and Dean can tell. He gets frustrated with her and leaves quickly after, giving her an excuse. Evie of course, detects immediately that something is wrong and blames herself for it. She reaches out to Claire for comfort but then quickly remembers that Claire isn’t supposed to know about this. She calls Jude, but doesn’t mention what’s just happened. 
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  2.18 - 2.20 really are Evie’s darkest moments in the whole story. We see things reach a point of despair with Dean, whose thinly veiled respect for her has vanished by this point, as we see in the scene where he horribly berates her in the artist studio. Claire is upset to learn about her lies and leaves her to deal with everything on her own. By the time the summer comes, we know that Evie is drinking to excess, going out to nightclubs as often as possible and sleeping in until noon. The fact that Dean is just using her for the convenience of her apartment and her body is completely clear - and he’s ground her down to a point where she just lets him do whatever he wants to. He doesn’t even have to be nice to her first. 
Throughout these fraught moments with Dean, you can see that Evie is still trying to grasp at any semblances of interest he might have in her. She tries to ignore the horrible vibes and joke with him, start conversations, even gauge his interest in her weekend plans by bringing up Jen and Jude, but he doesn’t care. 
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Readers often found the part in chapter 2.19 where he criticizes her untidy room to be pretty shocking, I think. He says that one day she’ll marry a man who’ll buy her a house, and he’ll think she’s ungrateful if she doesn’t keep it clean. I think this is a particularly horrible thing to say, because it implies he feels sorry for whoever that man is, and that he, Dean, will already have nothing to do with her by that point. She’s just a notch on his belt. He lets her know this fact in many different ways, but Evie doesn't really care anymore - it’s not like anyone else likes her like that. 
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Of course, chapter 2.19 is also where Evie takes her anger out on Jude, who says he’s just trying to help (I’ll revisit this scene later!). I think that in some ways she blames him for what has happened to her, because if he had just loved her back then she never would have ended up with someone like Dean. She’s upset because Jen laughed at her for dating Dean, as though her life’s decisions are a joke, and when Jude laughs along it’s the final nail in the coffin. She tells him they cannot be friends, and isolates herself from the last people who really care about her. 
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I revisited this period in Evie’s life a lot later on in 3.25 in that conversation in the cabin with Jude. The purpose of that was to create a sense of uncovering something repressed. Evie wasn’t truly ready to think about the things that were happening to her in part 2, and the only way she could deal with them was to dissociate. Things really were worse than she told herself they were, which is why Jude is so shocked at this moment. 
She mentions the constant partying, the drunken sex that she doesn’t remember, the insults thrown at her from Dean all of the time, and the ways that she ultimately came to believe what he was saying to her as he tore her already fragile self-esteem to shreds. I think it makes extra sense why she was so dead inside during the finale of part 2 with this additional context. 
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The pool party chapter goes as it goes… we see the final stage of all of these toxic relationship dynamics. Evie is thrilled that Dean is being nice to her and kissing her in front of people, even though she knows that it’s only because he’s on MDMA. He blows up when she refuses to have sex with him in the gym and says she’s boring and stupid when she suggests having a conversation for once. He sneers at her and fails to defend her against Marnie’s passive aggression, and then eventually challenges her to do drugs with him, hoping that she won’t and that she’ll walk away feeling pathetic. 
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But it’s not like she has anything to lose anymore, which is why she does it, or maybe she just has some hopeful idea that he might like her more once she’s tried it. Obviously, the relationship ends the way that it does when Evie learns that he’s been sleeping with her ‘friends’ alongside her, and that they’ve known about it the entire time. He’s also been complaining about her and sharing intimate details with others, including the fact that she was awkward in bed and never gave him head. Innocent, sheltered Evie (thanks Marian) is genuinely shocked. She never knew that people could really act in these ways, that someone could care so little about her that they would betray her like that. 
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In the end, Dean doesn’t care anyway. He sees nothing wrong with his behavior, and in fact always saw her as fair-game because she was too naive to know any differently. His philosophy is that if a person is going to leave themselves open for manipulation, then they deserve everything that happens to them. He doesn’t see himself as the villain, he sees her as the fool. It’s her fault for developing feelings for him or expecting him to be genuine when he never claimed to be. I think this moment really illustrates the complete destruction of Evie’s worldview and innocence - she’ll never be the same trusting girl she used to be, because he’s ruined her. 
I think the worst thing about this moment is that he isn't even bothered enough to match her anger, and is calm for the duration of the conversation, like maybe he’s had it before, he’s done this to other girls. He sneers at her for her emotions and thinks of her as weak. When she asks him why he bothered to do this to her, he shrugs and admits that he likes that she was young. He just wanted to get his hands on her and see what it’d be like. After all of her dreams of finding the perfect man, all of the messages instilled in her in childhood, this is what she got. A guy who was attracted to her youth and inexperience, as it brought him excitement to be the one to ruin her. 
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I do think they both lose here though, and they were both delusional in their own ways. Evie, for the reasons outlined already, but Dean because of his expectations of what dating Evie would actually be like. He becomes angry and frustrated to learn that she’s shy, awkward and self conscious in bed, and yet the sole reason he chose her is for that innocence. He wanted two opposing things all at once. A young, sexy woman who would allow herself to be guided and ‘taught’ by him, and yet he expected her to somehow know what to do. He’s furious, I guess, because porn doesn’t show this part. 
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In the end though, it really does hurt her more than it hurts him. Evie will go through the rest of her life with these scars, allowing them to affect her future relationships and her confidence and love for herself, whereas Dean forgets all about it. What’s implied is that he was so frequently on drugs in part two that he really didn’t register a lot of what was happening. We see this is 3.24 when they run into one another for the last time in a bar, and his memories of the time are garbled. Perhaps he’s just pretending not to remember to save face, but I genuinely feel like he forgets. It’s the final slap in the face, because he’s left a permanent mark on her and he doesn’t even remember doing it. 
I guess the point is that that’s life, and the bad guys don’t always lose in the end. Evie must accept it and move on, changed forever.
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hi! so, i was writing about monica gallagher and realized how little of carl and monica content we got and i wanted to hear your perspective on the two of them? i recently realized that carl never saw monica again after her suicide attempt in 2x11, and there was the whole 2x10 car account situation. i feel like he wasn’t as affected by her death as the other siblings (not including liam) because he wasn’t raised by her. like, the other siblings (again not including liam) all begrudgingly viewed her as their mother, but carl really always viewed fiona as that (like in 1x10 when he looks to fiona for approval of doing what monica asked him to do). like, monica fucked the first four kids up a lot, and i’m not saying she didn’t fuck up carl, because she did (kassidi)- but it seems different? the two characters who weren’t raised by/close with monica ended up okay. fiona was parentified, lip lost respect for women, ian’s bipolar + has commitment issues, and debbie has severe abandonment issues and mommy issues (they all do but yk). and again, i get she did a number on carl, like with kassidi, but he ended up okay and not as permanently fucked up as the rest of them? also, i get debbie was raised by fiona just as much as carl but it’s a bit different with her considering her abandonment anxiety and season 7. we literally learn that carl was born in the truck outside and monica split shortly after, and fiona said she “washed carl’s shitty diapers”- and although she did raise them all, i feel like carl was the start of the era of fiona literally being their mom. sorry i wrote way too much and got kinda carried away lol i didn’t mean to but what do you think about this??
hiii; im so sorry this took me a while to get to; i got sick and then got behind on work stuff; so annoying!!
i feel like the relationship between carl and monica is really interesting; i agree that carl sees fiona more as a mom than monica; theres definitely a distance between him and carl; where hes more of an outside observer to her and the wreckage she causes rather than being a participant who is directly affected by it in the way his siblings are
however, i do think theres a part of Carl that still wishes there was something more with him and Monica; i think he doesn't really understand why; but I see him looking at how affected his siblings are by her and feeling like an outsider; I think his insecurities might project themselves onto his lack of relationship with Monica as well, especially considering she left as soon as he was born; like was he not enough for Monica in the way he seems to not be for others?
And that mindset is of course something that defines his relationships and why he lacks boundaries and puts up with people like Kassidy. Now, not that Kassidy's arc was executed well, but if it had been, it could've very well said something to him seeking out the turbulent and overwhelming type of relationship he saw his siblings have with Monica. I see him wanting that because he wants to belong.
Also that just got me thinking; having Ian not be Frank's kid works because of his parallels to Monica, although I wish they had done more with that; but, considering Carl's identity issues and his complicated relationship with Frank...now I'm thinking about how interesting it might have been to have Carl be or at least have him think, that he's not Frank's kid.
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ksfoxwald · 8 months
Fire and Hemlock Readalong - Part 2 Chapter 5
In which Polly becomes a clown.
If you remember the stolen pictures, we've been seeing them manifest one by one - there was the horse, and the people playing violins in the form of the Dumas Quartet, and now the clown picture as Polly ends up playing the lead in Pierrot, an Italian pantomime about a sad clown who is crossed in love.
It's actually Nina who gets cast as Pierrot, but when she literally breaks her leg Polly has to take over.
This is once again a crossdressing role, and very queer. Nina in particular tends to show up in queer situations, first as King Herod, then as Pierrot. She's becoming obsessed with the Doors, which parallels her to Seb, a boy. And in the play itself:
It was quite easy to pretend to be crossed in love, because Columbine was a very pretty Third Year girl called Kristie Jefferson. Polly and Nina much admired Kristie. On the other hand, neither of them liked the red-haired girl called Fiona Perks, who was Pierette.
So I'm definitely here for bisexual Nina. DWJ calls Nina "silly," but there's a lot more to her than that. She crosses boundaries as much as Polly does, just in different ways.
Polly attempts to circumvent the Leroys' prohibitions by having Nina send Tom tickets to the play with the note "I am in this. Call me Pierrot. The O.C. is an egg-shaped locket with T.C.'s hair in it."
More on that in a moment.
The way DWJ describes the second performance is very magical:
She had a sudden sense that she was part of a transparent charmed pattern in which everything had to go in the one right way because that was the only way it could go... The pattern had been there always, even though they were all making it at just that moment.
Tom is there, so it could be Tom's magic, or perhaps Polly's, or the two of them together. Polly's is the magic of knowing things, Tom's is the magic of creating things, and this is very much at the intersection of both. Or perhaps it's not but rather a metaphor for the rest of the magic, but that seems too simplistic. Everything in this book is layered.
Polly manages to meet Tom after the show for just a moment - we later learn that Fiona, who desperately wants to be friends with Polly, secretly followed her and watched the encounter. Tom is there with Mary Fields, which prevents them from talking too much about hero business. In a way, Mary represents Tom turning away from the hero business and the imaginary world as well. He is doing it partly to protect Polly, as he is starting to realize his relationship with her is not entirely appropriate, but it's a halfhearted effort. Honestly I feel bad for Mary Fields; she's positioned by the narrative to be the Other Woman, but she's clearly a decent person. She doesn't like Polly, probably because she can tell Tom's relationship with her is strange, but she makes an effort to be nice to her.
The horribly ironic part about the rift between Tom and Polly is that Polly has figured out exactly what the Obah Cypt is, but neither of them realize it because they're both so distracted by their ordinary problems.
On her way home, Polly encounters Morton Leroy, who attempts to warn her away again. He brings up the opal necklace:
"Do you truly think that pendant you wear is going to keep you safe? It won't. I got its measure a while back."
This is another thing that is merely hinted at, and you have to work out what it is around the edges. @no-where-new-hero pointed out the significance of the pendant as a sort of double-edged sword, and also its relation to her disconnect from Nowhere. Jewelry, after all, is a grown-up thing symbolizing womanhood over girlhood and tomboyishness (though not entirely; rings and lockets are acceptable in hero worlds as long as they are enchanted and possibly evil).
The implication of Morton's words is also that it does or did function as protection, perhaps keeping her safe during her last visit and allowing Tom to form the quartet. But by now the Leroys have managed to turn it to their advantage, the way they do with other aspects of reality, as shown by their next move.
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luckyfiona · 1 year
“ you can’t or you won’t? ”
                  ❝ ——  Oh. Hm. ❞
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                                          ( Uh-oh. )
Lawless Lucky talked a big game around the bonfire last night. She wasn't too oblivious to pick up on the fact that her being scandalized and upset by the boys' violent sides was beginning to grate on them. So, when all of the boys were talking about the gruesome things they'd like to do to the people who made their lives hard in The Other Place, she forced herself to laugh along, and even took the opening to spin a tale about how she was planning to poison her old employer's food. And, oh, those rotten pirates? Well, she would do the same to them if she had a chance.
So busy seizing on the moment, she didn't consider that she would actually have to put her money where her mouth was.
It would shatter the illusion of Neverland as her luxurious, peaceful, happily-ever-after paradise if she had to see any real carnage with her own two eyes, much less deal any of it herself. But here was dear Peter, ever the altruist, granter of all her wishes, suggesting she come along to their next raid of the Jolly Roger. Lucky's pretty sure he knows this is out of her comfort zone, if he's paid any attention to her — and he does, of course he does. Why else would he go through the trouble of bringing all of these troubled souls to the island if he didn't empathize and care about all of them, right? She can't imagine any motive but love and sympathy. — It's funny, considering how anxiously, meticulously sensitive she tries to be to his boundaries. There was something maybe endearingly boyish about his disregard for hers.
She reasons that she should be grateful for his investment in keeping things fresh and interesting. This is what a sensible, healthy relationship looked like, right? Balancing energies was a major tenet of Celtic magic— it was the key to harmony and prosperity. A passive, supportive person worked best with a person who was a little more... challenging. It would be too stagnant or too chaotic any other way. She gives a fond half-smile to her love, her true love, convinced he's only looking out for her best interests. She would find a way to explain to him that this doesn't really interest her... another time.
               ❝ Well, I suppose I would... ❞ 
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Lucky? Morally opposed to it? No sir, you've got the wrong lassie. You must be thinking of that prude from Chicago, Fiona Comisky, who used to dote and cry and sermonize Nate Larsen any time he got injured in a fight with some low-class brute he should've run away from. She had no qualms with clodhopping bullies who started barbaric fights. Didn't find it tasteless in the slightest.
She was opposed to tagging along for much more modest, supportive, team-playering reasons, to be certain. The same reasons why she declined Nate's offer to teach her how to use a bow and arrow: why would the Princess of Neverland get her dainty, dignified, not-at-all-labor-calloused hands dirty learning how to hunt when her boys got such a thrill out of slaying those innocent animals?
                ❝ But why bring a girl along to steal all of the attention?                        I'm not as strong or as sneaky as you. I may ruin the... Element of surprise. Or... distract everyone when they have to keep me out of harm's way. And there’s really— there's so much I could do back here. I thought I should make some sort of victory banquet for the boys to come back to. ......Besides... ❞
Lucky's fingers sidled over to his, tips brushing over his knuckles, as if timidly asking permission to show tenderness before making any sudden moves. Peter was a bit strange about physical touch. She could never tell if he was enjoying it, or if she maybe wasn't doing it right. When he didn't immediately swat her away, she gingerly placed her palms in his, intuitively careful not to scare him away like a baby deer too shy for human touch, or startle him like a scorpion ready to plunge a stinger into her at any moment. She has experience with his type. She has nothing if not patience and willpower to break through to them. She has hope that one day she'll be able to fully embrace him. If she's really as lucky as everybody says, maybe she'd be able to fully-fully "embrace" him.
                ❝ I love when you tell me all about your thrilling adventures. You get such this 𝓅𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓉𝓌𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓁𝑒 in your eye... It's the same one you had when you first found me— the one that I saw and thought, 'Oh, there it is: my 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫. At last, I can see it!' ❞ 
She boldly ventures to show a little more affection while she pleads, but not enough to push him too far, just enough to remind him that he can touch her back any time he's ready. (If he's rallying her to come out of her comfort zone, maybe this is a good time to encourage him to be a little more adventurous, too.) Her fingers, ever-so-lightly cupped over his hands, gently lace themselves into the spaces between his. She's not naïve enough to believe she's going to get out of raids forever. She just wants to experience feeling truly loved and close to him, just one time, before she has to see him at his absolute nastiest.
           ❝ Oh, Peter, won't you please let me see my 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 again when you fill me in later? ❞ 
( Won't you please let her be so lucky as to skip out on this? )
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 7/27
How is July practically over already???
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Yuri Espoir GN Vol 1 -  Mai Naoi
After finding out she is to be forced into an marriage of convenience as soon as she graduates high school, Kokoro sees her life ending before her eyes at her father's wishes. And so in her final year of high school, she decides to indulge in her love of other women, and create an incredible sketchbook of lesbian romance to leave behind as her legacy. As she observes the young women of her town, she learns more about their desires, their struggles, and the unpredictable whims of love.
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The Secret Garden On 81st Street GN -  Ivy Noelle Weir & Amber Padilla
The Secret Garden with a twist. Mary Lennox is a loner living in Silicon Valley. With her parents always working, video game and tech become her main source of entertainment and "friends." When her parents pass away in a tragic accident, she moves to New York City to live with her uncle who she barely knows, and to her surprise, keeps a gadget-free home. Looking for comfort in this strange, new reality, Mary discovers an abandoned rooftop garden and an even bigger secret - her cousin who suffers from anxiety. With the help of her new friends, Colin and Dickon, Mary works to restore the garden to its former glory while also learning to grieve, build real friendships, and grow.
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Space Story GN -  Fiona Ostby
It started on earth, where two women meet at the space academy and fall in love. Told in three interwoven stories with beautiful art, Space Story is an interstellar tale of a family separated when the planet becomes uninhabitable by humans. Safe travel to the space station at first seemed a matter of time, then restricted, then... improbable. Yet despite the sadness, anxiety, and frustration in the void of space, hope kindles silently deep inside, whispering of a future and new beginnings on the horizon. By debut author Fiona Ostby, Space Story weaves a poignant, moving story of discovering love and finding strength and courage-even in the darkest moments.
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Tokyo Revengers Omnibus GN Vol 1 -  Ken Wakui
Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face the Tokyo Manji Gang that once made his life hell, which is also responsible for Hinata's death in the present. To save Hinata and change the future, Takemichi must rise to the top of Kanto's most sinister delinquent gang! But things aren't so simple when he befriends the gang's leader, Mikey. What turned Mikey from a petulant child to the leader of the most infamous gang in Tokyo?
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Welcome Back, Alice GN Vol 1 -  Shuzo Oshimi
Welcome Back, Alice is the latest work by Shuzo Oshimi, the highly acclaimed author of Blood on the Tracks, Happiness, and The Flowers of Evil. In this story of adolescent awakening, perversion, and love, Oshimi takes a bold approach and sets out to explore the boundaries of gender, sexuality, and identity. Yohei, Kei and Yui are childhood friends and things get complicated when Yohei witnesses Kei and Yui in an intimate moment. But when unexpectedly Kei moves away and returns a few years later to reunite in high school, he shows up looking and dressed like a girl. Suddenly, Yohei is thrown into a maelstrom as he struggles between his infatuation with Yui and his lust for Kei.
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The Liminal Zone GN - Junji Ito
"What destiny awaits them after the screaming? After abruptly departing from a train in a small town, a couple encounters a "weeping woman"-a professional mourner-sobbing inconsolably at a funeral. Mako changes afterward-she can't stop crying! In another tale, having decided to die together, a couple enters Aokigahara, the infamous suicide forest. What is the shocking torrent they discover there?
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The Macabre Motel #1 -  Frank Martin, Alper Gecgel & Ryan Lee
Writer/creator Frank Martin welcomes you to The Macabre Motel, a Twilight Zone-inspired weird horror story that will leave you feeling deeply unsettled long after the final page! Anxious about meeting his girlfriend's family, Steve decides to rest his eyes at the only motel around. But once inside, the bizarre cast of characters leaves him shaken, terrified and questioning his very sanity! Are you ready to enter... The Macabre Motel?
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Maw TP -  Jude Ellison S. Doyle, A.L. Kaplan & Ariela Kristantina
Marion Angela Weber hopes to gain some perspective and empowerment at a feminist retreat with her sister Wendy on the remote island of Angitia - some perspective that isn't at the bottom of a bottle for once. But after an assault on her first night on the island, everything goes horribly wrong. The violent encounter awakens something monstrous in Marion, triggering warped mutations in her body, and bringing forth a hunger she can't bring herself to name...
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Mechanix #1 -  Ben Slabak & Edorado Natalini
In the not too distant future, a young girl by the name of Keiko and her grandfather operate Junpei's Temporal Roadside Response, servicing and repairing broken-down time machines all the while searching for Keiko's parents who are lost somewhere in time.
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Kenzie’s Kingdom GN -  Shea Fontana & Agnes Garbowska
Kenzie hates that her family moved to a castle to start a Medieval-themed resort, but all that changes when a time-traveling squire needs Kenzie's help to get back home to the past! From the best-selling creative team behind DC Superhero Girls, this is a perfect read for fans of Phoebe and her Unicorn, The Baby-Sitter's Club, or Witches of Brooklyn.
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Book Of Shadows #1 -  Cullen Bunn, Vicente Cifuentes & Rafael Albuquerque
Shadowman. Punk Mambo. Eternal Warrior. Doctor Mirage. The supernatural protectors of the Valiant Universe unite for the very first time to stand against a terrifying ancient threat. No one is safe as Exarch Fane has his cold hands on the Book of Shadows.
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantomites? 
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seasaltandcopper · 1 year
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships? (For Fiona!)
took me a while to answer, but this is the last one! ty for the asks ;w;
Fiona is an extrovert, and pretty much anyone she talks to for more than half an hour is at risk for becoming a “friend”. She’s the kind of person who can get along with almost anyone, and as long as you can put up with her brand of enthusiasm and being Kind of A Lot, you’re probably just stuck with her being at least a semi-permanent fixture in your life now. Sorry.
If anything, Fi often runs the risk of giving too much of herself away to just about anyone. It’s not that she trusts implicitly so much as she just accepts the risks, and I think more than she would admit of her self-worth is wrapped up in…helping? Managing? She’s not exactly a busybody, but she does have a habit of getting into everyone’s business, of subtly (or not so) steering things, and trying to fix everyone’s problems for them, or even playing matchmaker with potential relationships.
She can run the risk of thinking she knows best, and just taking initiative for you if she feels like you’re not up to the task yourself. This has led to some rocky periods in her long term relationships; ultimately things work out, and boundaries are set and respected, but it wasn’t an intuitive or easy thing for Fi to learn. As far as how she acts, Fi slows down around people she really loves and trusts. She’s always a bit ‘much’, but she will also take those much needed moments to breathe with her closest friends.
If you’re there long enough, you might even see some of those insecurities and vulnerabilities start to peek through, too. Most notably, worries about being too much for people to love.
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florasearlethirdyear · 3 months
Micromuseology: An Analysis of Small Independent Museums by Fiona Candlin. LO1.
Week 6
The Importance of Small Museums and the Value of Specialist Knowledge and Collections:
Although some micromuseums are located in city and town centres, they are more usually on their outskirts of towns and perhaps most commonly in the countryside. They are rarely accessible by public transport and they have limited opening hours. pg.4 Micromuseums also resist detailed historical analyses. Unlike major museums, their exhibitions are not routinely discussed in the media and it is rare for them to have archives or even to document their collections in any way. pg.13 When the museum is about the local area or is linked to a particular community (or both) it can provide visitors with a point of entry to the concerns of that place or group. pg.182 In these spaces there are no clear boundaries between subjective and objective information and there is little distinction between personal and professional exchange, or between staff and visitors. The net result is that learning and pleasure emerge in the interactions between staff, visitors, and objects, often with surprising or moving or amusing or fascinating results. And, perhaps above all, I am given glimpses into particular worlds that I would never otherwise encounter. pg.183
Case Studies:
Writing on the National Museum of American History website, the education specialist Jenny Wei comments that ‘most history museums face the challenge of bringing objects to life’. 7 Her strategy involved one of the institution’s landmark exhibits, the John Bull locomotive, temporarily being put back into service. Museum staff, dressed in period costume, fired up the train and filmed it being driven along a track, subsequently using the video for an education programme aimed at school children. pg. 50-51 When the National Museum of Scotland ‘identified five subjects they wanted to bring to life’ they also organized hands-on events and designed interactive digital materials that provided background information for each exhibit. 8 The British Museum took a slightly different tack in their ‘Talking Objects’ programme which has been re-run in other UK museums. Focusing on a Neolithic bone carving known as ‘swimming reindeer’, young people from Westminster Kingsway College worked with curator Jill Cook ‘to take a closer look at this magical object. As part of this project the young people created a performance to bring the object to life’. pg.51
Candlin, Fiona. (2015). Micromuseology : An Analysis of Small Independent Museums. [online] Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/aib/detail.action?docID=4006730.
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happymeishappylife · 6 months
Comics/Graphic Novels I Read in 2023
1. Doctor Who: Weapons of Past Destruction by Calvin Scott, Blair Shedd, Rachel Sottt, and Anang Setyawan
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The Doctor, Rose, and Jack get caught up in a galaxy where two aliens are using timelord technology to prevent others from using time travel in order to prevent another time war. However, good their intentions are, the Doctor proves to them its wrong while also saving Rose multiple times.
2. Doctor Who: A Matter of Life and Death by George Mann, Emma Vieceli, and Hi Fi
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The Doctor meets a young woman named Josie who has very strong animae powers that bring her drawings to life. Once he saves that situation, he finds a note from himself with coordinates and him and Josie go on some life changing and crazy adventures. I love Josie, she’s cool. And the fact that it’s Twelve and Clara who hook her up with the Eighth Doctor is quite lovely a nice surprise.
3. Neil Gaiman’s Tecknophage Vol 2. by Bryan Talbot, Paul Jenkins, and James Vance
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Returning to the world of Tecknophage, we see the pitfalls and the ruin of the man who runs the universe, kind of. I appreciate and also hated that so much of this book resonated with what’s going on in my country right now regarding politics. How Tecknophage very clearly is the example of one side. But watching as others find ways to subvert, rise up, and save themselves was encouraging until the end where Henry Phage returns to his world that is still running off of human suffering and slave labor. I am looking forward to reading more of the other characters in this series if I can find them.
4. I Want to Be a Wall Volume 2 by Honami Shirono
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I really love this series. Now that we’ve gotten to know Yuriko and Gakurouta it was interesting to see them explain how they met through the arranged marriage application but become friends first before deciding to eventually get married. I also loved the way they explored both of them learning more about each other and also wanting to be good partners while both accepting that sometime in the future if the other ever felt differently they would leave. It’s such a wholesome exploration of QPRs and also I love that we got to meet Momo-kun, Yuriko’s bisexual friend who introduced her to the term asexuality. I think he and Gakurouta’s talk was really great and beautiful to explain asexuality.
5. Is Love the Answer? By Uta Isaki
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In this graphic novel we meet Chika who feels like an alien because she doesn’t experience romantic or sexual attraction. And honestly I was worried the first couple pages because she was almost traumatized by the ‘typical’ relationship standards that her boyfriends wanted and she didn’t, but it ended up being a great exploration of learning about your sexuality, your interpretations of your sexuality, boundaries, and feeling good in your own skin. I loved the instant friendship she had with Enomoto and Ito but I really loved her interactions with Ume even if his story was a little sad.
6. Saga Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
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It’s been a while since I’ve been in the saga universe but I always wanted to go back to it and I’m glad I did. It’s such a unique and fascinating world and learning about Marko and Alana and how they met and fell in love over a book that was secretly coded to stop the war between their peoples is fascinating. Especially since the whole story is narrated by their daughter Hazel who is just a baby in the scenes we see. I’m also still very intrigued by the slave girl that is rescued and Prince Robot the IV.
7. Saga Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
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In this volume we learn why Alana, Marko, and crew are in the writer’s house after the last cliffhanger we had and that they have been there for a while. Alana and Marko were hoping for answers on what to do next now that they followed the story, but the writer only helps push them along with help from Marko’s mother. Though what will happen next is unknown since they are about to fight their way out. Seeing the story of The Will and Slave Girl was interesting and a good twist to give more humanity to the Will, though the need for romance between him and Gwen seems to be a push. We’ll see where it goes now that The Will has been taken out of the picture for now.
8. March Book 1 by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell
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I learned about this amazing graphic novel because Andrew Aydin was in the Comic Censorship Panel I went to at Heroes Con in 2022. He spoke about March which is now required reading for many schools, but I had never heard of it and since it came out after I was in school maybe that’s why. Still, it’s the graphic narrative and biography of John Lewis’ life and its fantastic as well as hard. This book, which is the first of three, tackled John’s early years growing up on his family’s farm and his rise through his college years where he learned and practiced nonviolent protest as a student to start becoming the Civil Rights leader we know him best for. I’m sure the more we go, the harder some stories will go, but I’m eager to read them and I also love that it is also shown as John looking back before he attends Obama’s inauguration.
9. Sandman Volume 3: Dream Country by Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones, Malcom Jones III, Charles Vess, and Colleen Doran
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So this is where Calliope and A Dream of A Thousand Cats came from! I’m a little sad that I didn’t read these before the episodes dropped, but while Dream of a Thousand Cats was done shot for shot, I’m actually really glad for the way they updated Calliope because I would have been filled with dread to watch it. I mean the basic story elements are the same but Richard Madoc in the comic is way more of a deplorable than the way he's portrayed in the show, because he automatically just starts raping Calliope with no care. Not that he doesn’t begin to in the show, but I think the character change to make him more likeable at first because he doesn’t want to force her, he just wants help to write his novel, but he ignores her wishes to be free with her promise to help and that desperation to not give away the power I think is a better retelling of how greed can actually influence people is so much stronger. I can’t wait to watch it again. A Midsummers Night Dream was fun to see the twist on how Shakespeare performed for the actual fairies that inspired the play and I would love to see Façade adapted because I can totally picture Kirby Baptiste as Death in it and she would knock it out of the park. Can’t wait for more.
10. March Book 2 by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell
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Another powerful book in the retelling of John Lewis’ life and his leading actions in the civil rights movement. There were times in this book that were powerful and times absolutely unimaginable because of the horror and the violence committed against black Americans. Especially because while the Kennedys tried to help they didn’t know how to navigate past the racism that this country was founded on and still exists today. And that was probably the most chilling part. That we are still dealing with this all these years later. But as quoted in the final pages of this book, this is important to tell for the next generation of leaders and we must continue the fight until it is won.
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africanwindow · 8 months
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Well, you’re not gonna believe me, but if you don’t learn how to give sugar caramel is going to give all of the sugar to Fiona, I said caramel and you don’t know how to say that because you are a white fucker
Honey you don’t get the fuckerbutton because you’re not 220
Alex sweetheart, get your own sport learn some boundaries before you get your head cut off
I said, luckily people know to not trust your incest ass and therefore you will never be with one of those cute brown guys. Now I’m just getting curious.
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satanicmoss · 8 months
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All over America and Canada, even Florida, blonde shut up old bitch hookers were being bitten.
It is true. Some of them are autistic garbage
But they thought that they could play with the big boys and the girls because they are white supremacy garbage
Because they are going to replace the true beautiful women isn’t that right Alex hooker or whatever
You are going to replace Fiona fucking Apple because you are young and retarded
Please run your cock sucker some more yes, of course you’re a sex symbol. That’s why doctors are planning on murdering you. That’s why I don’t plan on helping you. I don’t like autistic garbage.
I don’t like incestuous trash either
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It’s probably better to disconnect from all of those energies because I have a strong feeling that there are a lot of neglected dogs out there and you are going to continue to be neglected and if you are connected to people like Mark, you’re probably going to lose your life
You’re not going to take mine just because you like lemons and boys you will never fuck
Men to be honest with you, and that’s not yours, Alex because you are clearly a retarded child
I am bothered by Alex because if she is that retarded, maybe it’s because she was never taught any kind of boundaries she seems very much like a joker
She’s probably never seen any part of the world if she feels the need to steal my lemons
She will probably never ever find love
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They started shutting Alex trash down because of the sensitive nature of some peoples lives, and the importance of certain artwork
Certain people obviously matter a lot more than other trash, and Alex Stephanie, a lot of other white trash. Women had not been educated about any manners whatsoever.
Right and Rachel honey the reason why they are having to murder you and others is because of this kind of trash sweetheart, because you know just as well as I do that white trash women
Well, I don’t need to explain this over and over and over. You are not a real woman and you never will be.
So do not complain when you are murdered if you want to run your cocksucker about autism, go ahead and do that, but don’t bother me in my back fucking yard over your pathetic stupidity
You will never be a beautiful woman, and you always will be considered incestuous garbage to me and mine
I think that’s the best kind of charity I could give somebody like you guys because I don’t want to put up with the sensitive problems of your stupidity
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I think if Alex wants to be raped, we need to make sure that she gets the biggest Nager dick to destroy her ovaries
And I think also Alex has a lot of problems because when she says that on her public blog, she is going to be buried 50 feet under because Quincy and the other African people don’t want anything to do with your ugly ass
Maybe it’s plastic surgery or maybe it’s just provincialism from one dumb Canadian hooker who cannot appreciate
I don’t appreciate hookers who don’t appreciate
And you are going to learn this
Alex, you can be killed
Rachel, you’re not special either hooker
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𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝
☆ my name is starr and i'm 17, 5', and i'm a senior this year!!! some fun facts abt me:
i am a cheerleader, diagnosed autistic and anxiety, i love poetry and reading, i embroider a lot, i struggle with an eating disorder and trauma, number 1 bojack horseman fan, i LOVE learning abt pretty much ANYTHING, but forensics and psychology are my favorite, i am a HUGE kimya dawson fan 🩷🩷🩷
☆ things i like!!!
𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚜/𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚜: bojack horseman, dance moms, ncis, the midnight gospel, adventure time, Anne with an e, bluey, over the garden wall, Gilmore Girls, shameless.
𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌/𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜: alex g., rainbow kitten surprise, Melanie Martinez, meg myers, mitski, Fiona Apple, the smiths, tyler childers, cage the elephant, kimya dawson.
𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛(𝚜): PINK, green, dulled colors
𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛: fall, sweaters, the zoo, science, 🍃, languages, museum, plushies, barnes + noble, busy cities, new car smell, THUNDER STORMS🙏🏻, scary stories/movies, i love cryptids and spooky things like that, i just like being scared.
☆ boundaries ٩( ᐛ )و
i don't send nudes 🩷
i'll only give out socials if i trust u enough, plz don't ask!!!
i like messaging people and talking abt shared interests feel free to do so!!!
SIDE NOTE: get ready for some nsfw posts when i turn 18 this august 29th >:)
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Tracy, it’s nice that you called my medicine in but I need you to be an advocate for me. That’s what I’ve been asking the whole time and now I’m tired of you guys and I’m going to leave this state I’m probably going to leave the country and I’m going to come back whenever I want to to annoy people like Ashley pedigo because she’s not gonna ever have what belongs to me and she will learn some goddamn boundaries
It only takes a handful of people to ruin things for a lot. Those people from Black Stone Cherry they say right right they have no fucking idea what they’re talking about they just steal from people.
Ashley just wanted Chinese food and for Fiona Apple to suck her dick
Yeah Ashley, I want to be harassed by somebody like you instead of somebody like Lana Del Rey somebody with a real job
I told you I don’t need Will Frazier harassing me and if you want to work at the Avon be my guest
Because now I am going to have to take this above Catherine’s head, and everybody knows that eventually some shit falls because some lawyer is not happy with you
And to be honest with you looking back in time, there may be good reasons because you’re the dick sucker receptionist, Ashley you’re not the lawyer’s wife
They are just so hungry for gossip around here. That’s all they do and mostly people don’t go very far even people like me struggle here because I don’t wanna be around all the toxicity some people pretend like they mean well mostly, it’s all just jokes.
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