#First Loyalty
kmac4him1st · 1 month
Prayer For Our Nations
These are serious times and we need to be praying for our nation where we live and our people where we live. God bless you.
Evil Can’t Influence God. Evil Can’t Change God. Evil Can’t Rule God, Evil Can’t Corrupt God. Evil Can’t Blackmail God, Because He Is Sinless, He Owns The Universe And Everything In It, And He Has Never Failed In Anyway. This Is Our Awe-GOD!  1 Minute Encouragement Video From Rumble Channel: KimberlyMac 🙏Pray For God To Be The Rulership Of Our Hearts It is 💯🎯 percent safe to say we can’t trust…
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nonasbirthday · 1 year
G1deon was really left to fight a whole resurrection beast on his own because everyone else decided to have their Real Housewives of the Mithraeum moment right then
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nextstopparis · 6 months
u ever think about how merlin probably thinks that the love was there but it didnt change anything while arthur thinks that the love was there and it changed everything. like do you ever think about how different their outlooks were at the end of it
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suntails · 8 months
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(mild gore)
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The ATSV fandom is dead! Everything is so slo-
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The Hobie tag gets MULTIPLE posts a day. There's a least one Miguel fic published everyday, if not multiple. My favorite artist just posted hi-res Hobie art fully colored like a week ago. Ask 'you got one night with Miguel and a bottle of liquor. WYD' and watch you'll get like 45 responses saying the most smuttiest detailed choke-slam-into-a-train type BDSM in your inbox I PROMISE YOU
The Hobie and Miguel girlies DO NOT SLEEP.
'Dead' - Go hyperfixate on an anime that ended in 2002 who's only new material is Japan-exclusive one-off releases that have never been translated to English then get back to me.
'Dead' - You wanna hear dead? Go play around in the Big Hero 6 tags 💀💀
'Dead' - You remember Wednesday?? The biggest Netflix show of 2022?? Remember? Bet you don't!! Dead fandom.
'Dead' - Go watch all the seasons of Gossip Girl. Watch Vampire Diaries then go in the tags. THAT'S DEAD. That's MUMMIFIED. CREMATED at this point. Death Note and Buffy too.
Bruh you wanna know what my OTHER movie fixation is?
Bullet Train (2022). One off film adapted from a one off book. No sequel. No NOTHING. Go in the bullet train tag bro. We're STRUGGLING. There's like four of us in a huddle screaming about the movie Bullet Train.
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We're not waiting for a next movie. Nothing's coming. Half the characters fucking die in the movie so there not coming back. We're just riding this sinking ship until our last goddamn breath 😭😭 ffs
If a character gets like 5 posts a day in their tag, that fandom is not dead girl count your blessings it ain't REALLY dead
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Imagine not getting new art of Hobie for over a month. Imagine looking for Miguel smut you haven't read only to see the last one was written three months ago.
'Dead', girl this fandom ain't even on life-support and I'm GLAD
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There is a cyclic tragedy inherent to Mori's character wherein he's actually a deeply lonely man, but it's mostly because his resolve to do morally reprehensible things and think of people as pieces on the game board is something he prioritizes over his relations with those very same people, and this inevitably pushes them away (for very understandable reasons). And it kind of sucks honestly because the most frustrating thing about Mori is that he 100% has the potential to be a fantastic teacher and mentor, and more than that, I think he loves it! Just look at Beast! But for as long as he decides he needs to be the one to make "the hard calls" to "preserve peace", then Mori will inevitably continue in this cycle of alienating all the people he has a fondness for.
I do feel as though Mori's loneliness is something he views as a necessary sacrifice that he is making for the greater good (and if he is so willing to sacrifice, then Dazai's unwillingness to do the same comes out of left field because - "what do you mean? you're supposed to be just like me!").
Mori voice: "I'm so alone"
Also Mori: *continues to prioritize pure logic over the emotions of his people and himself*
The people: *get rightly angry and/or become extremely traumatized and leave him*
Mori voice: "I did what needed to be done"
Mori: "..."
Mori: "..."
Mori: "I'm so alone"
Sir. You are doing this to yourself.
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oneofthosenightbees · 2 months
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Some new cotl ocs based off a recent save of mine
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nightmarist · 10 months
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*cries in monsterfucker*
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morverenmaybewrites · 4 months
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Jason Todd, who could be drowning in memories but one sound out of you would be enough to help him reach the surface. Jason Todd, who could forget almost everything, but not the promise he made you.
Jason Todd, who most definitely Does Not Have a Crush.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
the thing about Dick and Tim in relation to Bruce that I am constantly spinning around and around in my head is like
if they’re talking about Bruce, Dick will be the first one to be like ‘bruce is an asshole he’s being terrible fuck him you don’t need him’ while Tim will be like ‘no you gotta give him a chance he’s just struggling and it’s our job to be there for him’
but if something actually Happens, then Tim will be the one like ‘we have to sincerely consider the possibility that bruce may be a murderer while i hold him at arm’s length’ while Dick is already trying to die for Bruce without a second’s hesitation and won’t lose loyalty in a million years
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kotekenobii · 2 years
It's fascinating to me that Obi-Wan is never, ever surprised when Cody returns his lightsaber to him. He simply trusts that Cody will always recover it and be there to give it back to him. This, of course, implies that Obi-Wan loses his lightsaber enough for Cody to make a habit of giving it back to him, and that Obi-Wan trusts Cody will find his lightsaber in the mess of battle - we don't see him worry about losing his lightsaber because he knows and trusts that Cody will find it and give it back. For pretty much half the time we see Cody in ROTS, he's got Obi-Wan's lightsaber on his hip. And then he almost forgets to give it back to Obi-Wan. Just how used to carrying a lightsaber is he? He certainly handles it enough that he's got a lightsaber clip on his belt, and he's clearly very comfortable with it. There's so much in the background whenever they're in a scene together that implies far more depth to their relationship - it's something that's been built up and cultivated over time and I love that it's not a spur-of-the-moment thing, it's something real and solid and wonderful. Something that's built on mutual trust and respect. I want to see the first time Cody gave it back to him and to see the surprise on Obi-Wan's face, and Obi-Wan coming to a realisation after the third or fourth time Cody hands it to him that this is a pattern and just one more thing he can rely on his commander about. That he trusts him with both his metaphorical and literal life. That Cody is even more extraordinary than he thought.
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hermemescabin · 5 months
I see a lot of posts along the lines of “how are they gonna justify this version of Percy not joining Luke by the end of season???” And I think it’s worth remembering that Luke doesn’t actually try to recruit Percy at the end of the lightning thief, he shows up like hey I’m the lightning thief and I’m going to kill you with scorpions.
So I feel like that might be enough to stop Percy joining him.
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beaulesbian · 7 months
maybe it's how luffy's love for zoro is more subtle in the animanga (even if it's everpresent), and people usually more point out zoro's devotion to luffy than how luffy cares for him., that the live action show really went and made luffy say to zoro: I need you. It's so simple, I need you. to instantly get across just how important zoro is to luffy
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evie-doesnt-write · 2 months
Found these on a video about Zoro’s love life
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evilkitten3 · 4 months
one pet peeve of mine in founders-era fanfics is when madara's whole,,,, everything is solved by izuna just being there
like maybe this is just me, but i don't think izuna surviving or even coming around to the idea of a truce with the senju would've been enough to keep madara from the path he ended up on.
izuna wasn't the reason he left - he was definitely part of madara's issues, but he wasn't the why. even if izuna had stuck around, and even if that had been enough to keep the uchiha clan from losing their faith in madara, i think he would've still come to realize konoha wasn't what he'd hoped it would be.
best case scenario, i think izuna's survival might've caused madara to stick around a bit longer, but i don't think it would've lasted. honestly, even then, that might've just made the inevitable break-up between madara and hashirama even more agonizing (particularly for izuna)
it's a fun idea to play around with for sure, but frankly i don't think canon!madara could've ever been 'saved' from that path. certainly not if the hidden village system ended up getting set up in the same way.
#naruto#naruto shippuden#meta#uchiha madara#uchiha izuna#senju hashirama#from the moment madara was born into that world he was doomed to walk that path i think#most fics that have izuna live and madara still leave that i've seen keep izuna's death as the catalyst. but moved down a bit#which i understand#but imo it'd be more interesting to explore how izuna would feel about his brother's choice#bc as much as people like to view izuna as like a super big bro supporter. he really REALLY isn't#his loyalty is to the uchiha clan#we're explicitly shown that if forced to pick between the clan's interests and madara's dream izuna will pick the clan#both as a kid when he and tajima fought tobirama and butsuma#and as an adult when he used his last words (or the last words hashirama ever heard from him) to further that divide#the clan chose konoha over madara. and i think izuna - as against the idea as he was to begin with - would've also#not bc he doesn't love his brother. bc his loyalty is and always will be to the uchiha clan#hell madara was the same until he was physically forced to stop#first by hashirama trying to use his own life as a bid for peace between their families#and later by the uchiha clan's rejection of madara himself#madara is like. if the doomed hero trope was the antagonist#having said all of that zetsu was never going to let izuna live bc he needed madara to get the eternal mangekyou sharingan#and izuna was the only one of his siblings who lived long enough to see him get the regular sharingan. so it had to be him#but like i said even if that weren't the case it wouldn't have mattered#madara believed that the end - the world of dreams - would justify the means. if izuna hadn't given up his eyes freely...#well. it's not like people didn't end up thinking madara had taken them anyway#i don't think even naruto could've saved madara really#the only thing anyone could've saved him from was dying alone#which is what would've happened if everyone except him was in the infinite tsukuyomi when kaguya came back#and honestly even tho all three of his deaths had other people there (hashirama then obito then hashirama again)
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llondonfog · 2 months
OK so Baul and Lilias friendship lives in my mind rent free, so I think that a few days after silver gets sick for the first time and mama and papa zigvolt manage to teach lilia the proper way to care for a sick infant after he comes over to their house tembling with poorly restrained panic, Baul goes over with v little persuasion from his daughter to check up on them.
What he sees is a happy and healthy Silver just quietly smiling up at him from Lilias arms while Lilia is passed out in his rocking chair fevered and red from catching baby's first cold.
Baul immediately assigns himself caretaker duties, doesn't even bother trying to move Silver from Lilias arms and instead just picks them both up to deposit them both in Lilias bed for a proper nap before checking the fridge for tomato soup ingredients.
When he first heard from his daughter that Lilia— Lilia Vanrouge, the once General of the Right, feared commander of the fae armies and scourge of humankind— had adopted a human child and had been caring for it for several months now, Baul had roared with laughter so hard that he split a scale wide open on his cheek.
It was certainly a poor excuse for a joke, the very kind of rumor that the castle fae still bitter over Lilia's persistent existence four hundred years later might spread. The very idea that Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge, would debase himself to care for a human child not of his blood, to stoop so low as to toil over its screeching and wailing demands when he had bathed in the screams of its own kind with a mad vengeance after the tragedy of Lady Meleanor . . . not even four hundred years of honeyed peace was enough to sweeten that wound.
Time, it seemed, had forgotten what was so cruelly emblazoned in the very depths of Baul's mind, in Lilia's own memories, and the nightmares of all those surviving fae who stalked the forests during those blood-soaked nights. Those born in kinder years had never known the horror of human avarice, and even his own daughter had taken up residence with one of their kind despite her father's immense displeasure, simpering, soft-hearted fool that her husband was.
At least, to Baul's proud credit, their lineage rippled strong and true through his grandchildren— and with his daughter due any day under the weight of a third, he's only too certain for another healthy, bouncing, scaled Zigvolt.
So when she had simply stared back at him with crossed arms and an arched brow while he had laughed and laughed and laughed, a sinking kind of horror began to creep into his heart— surely . . . she wasn't serious?
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Months— hardly the blink of an eye for faekind, but everything to humans. Months, Lilia had kept a child for several months, and not once had tried to rid himself of it? Not once tried to deposit it upon the stoop of a human village and wipe his hands clean of the responsibility of child-rearing? He had been taking advice from Baul's daughter and her wisp of a husband on how to pacify and coddle it? He had barged into their home, fretful beyond measure with a colicky babe clutched in his arms, and all but demanded them to cure the child?
("Or what?" Baul found himself asking, utterly bewildered and needing to find some kernel of normalcy in the fact that surely Lilia had menaced his daughter's husband some into obeying his whims.
"Or nothing, Father," she said, the taunting ghost of a knowing smile playing about her lips. "In all the years that I've known him, I've never seen him quite so distraught. He stayed by the crib all night, frozen— we had to tell him it was alright to breathe and to hold Silver's hand if he wanted, it was as if he was afraid to hurt him.")
Silver? Lilia, afraid? Holding the hand of some human child?
It simply couldn't be true.
It couldn't be, this had to be some elaborate, poorly executed prank.
He clung to that belief even as his daughter shoved a bundle of medicine, food, and knitted blankets into his arms with the stern instruction to deliver them to Lilia's home (Home! He had never heard the forest cottage to be described in such terms! The place was a hovel, a storage shed for Lilia to dump his treasures before venturing off to the next location, how could it be considered a home?).
He clung to it even as he emerged from the woods to the path that led up to the cottage's door, casting unnerved glances to the strange and new abundance of woodland creatures skulking about the thatched roof and scampering along the thick tree trunk supporting the cottage like a lean-to, soft little animals that would have darted away in fright from Lilia's presence before Baul's own.
He clung to it until he could no more, when he threw open the cottage door with an odd tightness in his chest to see his oldest friend collapsed on a worn and lumpy armchair with a honest-to-goodness human baby snuggled safely within his arms and sucking happily on a stray piece of ruby-stained hair. Beyond them, a soothing glow flickered in the fireplace where a kettle of milk quietly steamed, and the scattered presence of cloth toys littered the living room floor along with (Baul shuddered) well-thumbed pamphlets, their covers illustrated with the cheerful faces of frolicking human children.
What had this child done to Lilia Vanrouge?
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