#First of all I'm incredibly proud of how this turned out!! I was really scared of this picture because I just didn't have any ideas
federthenotsogreat · 2 years
Fawful Month day 17: 🍭Sweet Dreams
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"Good night. Fawful is wishing you dreams of sweetness!"
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lainiespicewrites · 3 months
Professor Superman
A/N okay this one's a one-shot I've been working on. I'm kinda nervous because I've never written for Clark. Let me know what you think!!
Summary: Reader is a student of Clarks who gets an internship at the Daily Planet. Clark is proud but his feelings take a turn when he realizes Lois is taking her to Gotham for research. He wants to protect her at all costs.
Warnings: Cursing, attempted kidnapping, smut, oral (female receiving) praise kink, Sex P n V, Unprotected sex, Creampie.
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I stared blankly for a moment, at the door in front of me. My heart was racing as I tried to will my hand to move. I only had to ask a simple question. Yet, I can not bring myself to know on the door. If I didn’t do this. I would likely fail the assignment and the internship. But the man was so smart and intense. I was too intimidated by him. What if I could not speak and only caused myself to look like a fool? I’d surely lose the internship then. 
I took a deep breath looking down at the paper in my hand. I had to do this. This is important. I looked back at the closed office door in front of me. Tentatively, I reached up and tapped my knuckles lightly against the wood. 
“Come in,” A gentle male voice answered my knock. With a shaky breath, I forced a smile on my face and grabbed the handle opening the door. His eyes shifted from his computer as I took a step into his office. A warm smile spread across his face once he recognized me. 
“Sorry to bother you, Mr. Kent, I’ve finished my paper and I just wanted to ask if you could look over my revisions?” My voice came out quieter than I’d planned. I often had that problem when speaking to him.
“It’s no bother at all, I’ve been expecting you to drop by. Take a seat, I’d be happy to look it over.” He offered, gesturing to the chair in front of him. Professor Kent teaches a Journalism class at the university. He also works full-time for the Daily Planet paper. He’s incredibly intelligent. Each year he considers a few of his students for an internship with the newspaper. But only one of us could earn that position. I really want it. And currently, I’m one of his top candidates. 
I took a seat across from him trying to calm my nerves as I extended the paper out to him. He met my eyes. “You know, Journalism is more than just writing, and telling a captivating story. It’s about doing things that scare you, doing things that make you uncomfortable to chase down what you want to find.” He looked down at my shaky fingers as he slid the paper from my grip. 
“I understand that you’re nervous. But you have no reason to be. You continue to surprise me with just how far you’ll go with each assignment you turn in. If I were to make the final decision…” He paused looking up to make sure the door was closed, so no one would hear. “The internship would be yours,” he smiled. I blushed. 
“Thank you, Professor Kent. That means a lot.” I relaxed a bit as he leaned forward in his chair and started to read through my article. This article is my final piece. And it’s what will be submitted to the Daily Planet as my entry for the internship. I bit my lip awkwardly, trying desperately not to stare at his face as he read. His fingers tapped on the table as he looked up from the desk. 
“Y/n, This is incredible.” He smiled. My cheeks flushed staring down at my hands in my lap. 
“You don’t have to say that,” I stuttered. 
“I don’t,” He agreed, “But it’s true. I’ve only been teaching on campus for about 5 years but I’ve never had a student as dedicated as you. I’m impressed. I think Ms. Lane will be too.” I nodded, giving him a shy smile. “Are you ready to turn this in?” He asked. I nodded letting out a deep breath.
“Yeah, yes. I think so.” I said. He let out a chuckle. 
“Don’t be nervous. It’s great. I’ll take this in, first thing tomorrow.”  He gave me a gentle smile. 
“Thank you, So much. Professor Kent. I appreciate all you help!” I said as I stood to leave his office. 
“Of course,” he paused. His eyes scanned me for a moment. But I was buzzing with too much nervous energy to notice the way they lingered. “And please call me Clark, I have a feeling we’ll be working together before long.” He winked. My heart pounded in my chest and I felt my cheeks heat up.
“Thank you…Clark.” I smiled. He gave me an approving nod before I turned and left his office. 
The next week was agony.  We had two more classes with Professor….Clark, each time I stayed behind to ask if he’d heard anything. And each time he would give me a sympathetic smile and tell me to “hang in there,” just a little while longer. I should hear soon. He assured me that I was a good writer and that I shouldn’t get discouraged. But I couldn’t help it. Now it was almost 5 pm on Friday, surely if they didn’t call soon I wouldn’t know anything until Monday. 
I paced my apartment phone in hand begging it to ring. But when I checked the time at 5:30 and still, nothing. I gave up. I let out a deep sigh, setting my phone down walking to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine. I set the glass on the counter and popped the cork. I filled the glass and almost dropped the bottle. My phone was ringing. I quickly set the bottle down and ran to the living room picking up the phone. I didn’t even check the number before I answered. 
“Hello?” I answered almost out of breath.
“Hello, is this Y/n?” a female voice asked. I nodded but then remembered I was on the phone and quickly found my voice. 
“Yes, Ma’am, it is,” I answered her. She didn’t miss a beat. 
“Great, This is Lois Lane, with the Daily Planet. I understand this is a bit late on a Friday evening but do you have time to meet with me at the office tonight?” my mind raced trying to find the right words.
“Sure, I can be there in 15 minutes. If that’s alright?” I asked her. We agreed on the time and after I thanked her, the call ended.
I very quickly realized I was not in the proper attire for this meeting. I was in running shorts and a hoodie. I tore through my closet trying to find a pair of dress pants that would work. I found a simple white cotton top to pair them with and some flats and ran out the door. I fixed my messy bun in the apartment building's front doors before starting to walk. The Daily Planet’s main office was only a few blocks away.  I got it to the building just in time and made my way inside. 
At the front desk, I introduced myself and was directed up to the 4th floor for my meeting with Lois. I stepped on the elevator and pushed the button for my floor.  I was starting to shake from the nerves. When the doors opened I was met with a familiar face. Standing at a desk a few feet away Clark was standing talking to a woman with auburn hair and kind eyes. They both looked up when the elevator sounded. 
“Y/n,” He smiled. “I’m glad you could make it.” I smiled at him and the woman stood and turned to greet me. 
“Miss Y/n, I’m Lois Lane. It’s nice to meet you.” she offered a kind smile. I shook her hand and she gestured for me to sit with her at her desk. “As you’re aware you and others from Mr. Kent's journalism course at the university have been under review for an internship with the Daily Planet. I would have just called but Clark insisted for you to come into the office.” She chuckled softly. 
I looked up at Clark nervously, he squeezed my shoulder reassuring me. “Y/n,” Lois continued. “The Daily Planet would like to officially offer you the internship starting next week.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. 
“Thank you, Ms. Lane, I accept that offer. When do I start?” I asked, eagerly. She chuckled softly. 
“I’ll send you an email with all of the details on Monday. You should be able to start with us on Tuesday.” I nodded.  
“Thank you again,” I said. She nodded, giving me a smile. 
“Of course. We’re excited to work with you,” she stood and started to gather her things. “I apologize, I’m not trying to rush you out of here. I’ve got a date this evening I don’t want to be late for. Clark, can you walk her out?” Clark nodded waving to Lois as she already started to head toward the elevator. 
“Of course, I can, sorry for keeping you Lo, have fun tonight.”He winked. Lois rolled her eyes at him.
“Forever the gentleman,” she laughed, “ I’ll see you next week,” she said as the elevator doors closed behind her. 
“I told you we’d be working together soon!” Clark chuckled. I turned to face him but I couldn’t find the words. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his middle hugging him. He was a bit surprised at first but he returned the hug. 
“Thank you,” I said softly. Remembering myself I pulled away quickly, my face flushed and embarrassed. “I-I’m so sorry, that was incredibly unprofessional. I-” Clark cut off my rambling. 
“It’s alright. You earned this. And you’re going to do amazing things here, I’m sure.” He squeezed my shoulder encouragingly. “Let me walk you out.” I nodded and waited while he got his jacket off of his desk chair. We rode down in the elevator together and walked out through the main lobby. “Where’d you park?” He asked, offering to walk me to my car. 
“Oh, um, I walked actually, I live close by,” I told him. Clark looked out the front doors and watched as rain was coming down outside. He frowned. 
“Could I give you a ride? Call me old school but I certainly can’t let you walk home in this rain.” 
I hesitated for a second. He looked back out at the rain and back to me, his eyes full of sincerity. 
“Uh, I mean, it’s really not far,” I argued. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to. Just that my head was starting to get kindness and flirtation confused. I already embarrassed myself once with him today.
“It’s pouring rain, Y/n, it's no trouble I promise.” He countered. I gazed back outside. He was right, it had started to pour. I would be soaked just stepping out into it. Let alone walking all the way home. I looked back to Clark and nodded. 
“Okay,” I spoke softly. I watched as Clark pushed the door open and then opened up his umbrella. Of course, he was prepared. I look even more foolish now. 
“Come on,” He smiled. “There’s enough space for both of us under here.” He chuckled. He walked us out to his car and opened my door for me holding the umbrella while I got in so I wouldn’t get wet. 
It was quiet for a moment while he started the car. I had to remind myself again that just because a man is being nice doesn’t mean he’s interested. I looked over at him, his head turned back as he pulled out of the parking spot. I don’t know when I’d developed this little crush on him but it had to stop now. God, he was handsome though. His jaw was sharp, but his eyes were a soft but intense blue. His curls were dark and I found I desperately wanted to know what it felt like to drag my fingers through them. I shook my head. No, he’s my professor. He’s at least 15 years older than me. I shouldn’t be thinking about him like that. He surely didn’t see me that way. And we work together now. I have to be professional.
I pushed down my thoughts and focused, directing Clark to my apartment building. He paused abruptly when I pointed out the parking lot. He crooked an eyebrow his face completely surprised. 
“No, this is it? Really?” He asked.
“Uh… yeah” I answered hesitantly. Clark let out an awkward chuckle. 
“I’m sorry, It’s just funny. I live in the building too. I’m on the 5th floor.” He said. My brows raised completely shocked. 
“I’m on 3.” I stuttered. 
“I can’t believe we’ve never run into each other.” He laughed dumbfounded. We got out of the car. Clark met me with the umbrella. We took the elevator up together. 
“Have a great evening,” He started “I’ll see you next week,” He smiled. I blushed softly. 
“You too Clark,” I said as the elevator opened to my floor. 
“Oh and if you ever need a ride to work, Just let me know,” he winked. I giggled softly and waved as the doors closed. 
I’m royally fucked. 
I started with the Daily Planet the following Tuesday. I expected that they would have me refill copy machines or make coffee or file documents in the archives. I was shocked when I was given an assignment. It wasn’t in the field. It wasn’t going to be printed. But they told me if I wanted to eventually work for the planet then seeing how I handled personal assignments was key. It was due to Lois at the end of the week. Only 4 days to do research and write the article. I sat at my desk and poured over everything I could get my hands on. It felt a little lonely. My desk was farther away from the main writers and it was a bit smaller. But it would do. Clark and sometimes a few of the others would offer me to join them for lunch during the week but I usually skipped it. This was important. If I wanted to earn respect and make myself a place around here this had to be good. 
On Friday I was once again working at my desk, typing like mad trying to finish and edit my article. 
“You don’t have to work yourself so hard. You’ve already earned your spot you know?” Clark's voice said from somewhere next to me. 
“How many of your students have been hired on at the Planet after the internship Mr Kent?” I asked. He started to protest the question. Then he let out a deep sigh leaning against my desk. 
“Two,” He answered honestly. 
“I may have the internship, but I haven’t earned my place here.I have your respect but I have to earn it with the others,” I replied. He nodded, his eyes connecting with mine.
“Can you at least break for lunch?” He pleaded. 
“I’m going to eat at my desk. I’m almost finished. And this has to be done and on Lois’ desk by 2 pm. She leaves early today.” His eyes were sad but I knew he understood.  
I finished the article. I waited nervously at my desk waiting for Lois to call me over. 
“This is good,” she said when she finally did. “You have work to do,  I want to see how your research improves when you're out on the field. But for just starting, this is great.” She added. I nodded waiting for more. I knew she wasn’t finished. 
“Next week you’ll be coming with me, I’m doing expose research in Gotham, I want you to come to observe and take notes,” she stated. I nodded again. 
“I’ll be there, Thank…”
“Lois, Gotham’s dangerous you can’t take her with you.” Clark interrupted. Lois peered up at him over my shoulder. 
“Clark,” She sighed. “All due respect. You’ve taught her all you can in the classroom. But I’m her teacher now. And the best way to learn research is out in the field hands-on.” She retorted. 
“I’ll be with Lois, I’ll be okay,” I assured him. He wasn’t having it. 
“She won’t learn anything if she gets hurt. The crime rate in Gotham has skyrocketed it isn’t worth the risk. Does Perry know about this?” He asked. Lois scoffed. 
“As a matter of fact, he does. He’s already approved it.” she told him I don’t know what came over me. If I was angry that he was trying to stop me from going when this was my chance to earn my way in. Or if I was angry he thought I was weak. 
“And, I can take care of myself! I don’t need you hovering like I’m so fragile! You may have taught me but I got myself this far, Mr. Kent. We’ll be just fine.” I snapped. Clark stared dumbfounded. His mouth hung open, he was at a loss for words. Actually, everyone was staring. 
“Shows over,” Lois spoke loudly “You can all get back to work,”  she announced. I looked back at her apologetically. 
“Lois, I..” Clark started. She quickly cut him off. 
“Clark, I have to leave, I don’t have time for this. It’s settled she’s going,” She looked back at me, her eyes softer and sympathetic. “I’m out for the day, and you’ve finished your work, If you’d like to go now your welcome, I’ll see you Monday,”  she smiled. I nodded at her giving her a nervous smile. She turned then and walked out. 
“Y/N, please think about this. I don’t want you to get…”  He started. 
“I’m going to go, as well, Mr. Kent… I’ll see you next week.” I stood and walked to my desk grabbing my things. I walked past him to the elevator without another word.
Monday morning I was in the office early. Lois and I met at the office so she could debrief me before we left. She was interviewing with billionaire Bruce Wayne. He had connections all over Gotham, she wanted intel on any possible underground organized crime. I’ll admit it certainly was intense for my first time in the field. But it would be great practice. 
The city of Gotham was not nearly as wicked as Clark made it out to be. Mr. Wayne was amicable. He didn’t want to be there but he respected us so much as we respected him. The next few days we went back. We checked out some of the sources that Bruce had given. We got closer and closer to what she was looking for. Someone was definitely covering up organized crime in Gotham.  
Late Thursday night we were headed back to the car. It was almost 9:30 way past office hours at this point. But as Lois informed me. Good stories don’t live within the time clock. We were about to drive back and head home for the evening. We were only a few blocks away. I heard Lois scream from behind me. I turned back to look and felt myself being pulled backward. Someone had ahold of my arms dragging me off the sidewalk. 
“Let me go!” I demanded. Struggling in the stranger's grip. “Lois!” I called. 
“Shut up, what the hell are you bitches doing here?” a male voice asked. I heard Lois cry for help. I continued to struggle. 
“I’m not telling you anything. Let go of me. Someone HELP.” I screamed. Unable to break loose from the man’s hold. 
“Listen bitch! I told you to…Ungh”  The man grunted he fell back suddenly my arms slipping from his grip. I looked up my eyes going wide. Superman. He’d heard our screams. 
I watched as he took care of Lois’ attacker breaking her free. He spoke softly to her. His face looked almost…stern. She looked at him her eyes deeply apologetic. I couldn't hear what was being said. He patted her shoulder giving her a soft smile after she assured him she was okay. That I did here. 
“And you, are you okay?” He was on his feet now. He landed right in front of me. My eyes met his. They looked so familiar. I nodded. 
“You… saved me. I.. I don’t know how to thank you.” I stuttered. He smiled 
“It’s what I do. I’m just thankful I made it before you were hurt. Now please get home safe.” He added. I nodded still in shock. I felt Lois squeeze my shoulder and we walked back to the car. Superman hovered close watching to make sure we made it. Once we were inside he flew off. 
“Do you… know him?” I asked Lois suddenly. She paused looking at me. 
“We’ve met before. This job can be, dangerous at times. Can you handle that?” She asked. I thought for a moment. Could I? I couldn’t get myself out of this situation. But I didn’t back down either. Finally, I nodded. 
“Yes, I can,” I answered. 
“Good, now let's get home. We both could use some rest.” 
In the office the next day I was typing notes for Lois. I was back and forth at her desk all day. At one point I paused looking over at Clark. He looked exhausted. And stressed. He looked slightly disheveled. He was aggressively tapping at the keys on his keyboard. 
I approached him slowly. 
“Hey, are you alright, you look tired I can get you some coffee if you’d like,” I offered. He shook his head not looking away from his computer. 
“I’m fine Y/n, thank you.” he dismissed me. 
“Oh.. okay, if you need anything let me know,” I added before walking away. Normally I skipped lunch but I had time that day. I walked over to ask Clark to come with me. Again he dismissed me. I felt bad for the way I had treated him last week. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay between us. I stayed late that night typing up notes for Lois. When I shut down my computer, I noticed Clark was the only one still in the office. 
“Clark,” I spoke softly “It’s 5:30  do you need help?” I asked. He shut down his computer then.
“No, I’m just heading out now. Thank you for the offer.” He mumbled. I nodded. I turned and walked to the elevator. I rode down by myself to the first floor letting Clark cool off. If he didn’t want to talk I would give him his space. I walked out through the lobby pausing just inside the doors. Shit. It was raining again. I decided to walk this morning. It wasn’t supposed to rain. I heard the elevator ding and I groaned to myself seeing Clark exit. I gnawed at my lip anxiously, Praying the rain would suddenly let up.
“Hey,” I hear Clark's voice behind me. “Need a ride?” he asked nodding toward the door. 
“Uh… yeah, I walked this morning. Didn’t bring my umbrella. It wasn’t supposed to rain today.”  I answered awkwardly.  Clark opened the door opening his umbrella and just like the first time he took me home, we walked close sharing the protection from the rain. 
The ride home was quiet it was only a few blocks away. But when Clark pulled into the parking lot I could no longer take the silence. 
“Clark. What’s wrong?” I asked. He shook his head. “Don’t, don’t brush me off, what’s bothering you?” He got out of the car, slammed his door shut, and headed inside. I got out quickly running after him the rain immediately soaking me.  “Hey, I was talking to you!” I shouted. 
“Y/n STOP!” He turned around quickly the volume of his voice causing me to shrink back a little. “You wanna know what's bothering me? You. You, putting yourself in harm's way. You, trying so hard to prove yourself that you're being reckless. You almost got hurt because you had to make a point. You, because I can’t stop fucking thinking about you! And I’ve lost sleep all week worrying about your safety.” He stepped closer we were standing in the middle of the parking lot. “Because I couldn't bear the thought of someone even touching you.” my heart was racing his face was inches from mine. I could feel his breath on my face. “I don’t wanna see any bruises on this pretty face.” My breath hitched. 
“Clark,” I whispered. He grabbed my face crashing his lips to mine. I melted against him. The rain still fell hard around us. 
“Your so damn stubborn,” He mumbled between kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. 
“I’m sorry,” I said, breathless as I chased his lips for another kiss. He let out a breathy laugh. 
“Don’t be. You’re doing amazing. I knew you would be. Just be more careful.” I nodded. He took my hand pulling me inside. He pressed the elevator button frantically. I giggled. 
“Clark that’s not gonna make it get here any faster.” He chuckled. 
“Damn elevators.” Once inside he pushed the button for his floor and backed me up against the wall. His lips were back on mine, kissing me roughly. “Wanted this for so long.” He groaned. Kissing down my neck. The elevator doors opened. He took my hand again leading me to his apartment. 
He quickly unlocked the door and I followed him inside. I bit my lip waiting for him to make a move. I felt so shy all of a sudden. I wanted this but I was nervous. Clark lifted my chin so my eyes met his. 
“Stop me. If this isn’t what you want stop me, sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you.” I shook my head. 
“I want you Clark,” I whispered. His lips were on mine again. Sweeter this time. More slow. He felt his hand move down my neck and over my chest softly squeezing my breast. I moaned leaning into the touch. “Clark please,” I whined. He stepped back peeling off his wet shirt. I did the same. We left a trail of wet clothes all the way to the bedroom. Clark laid me down on the bed crawling between my thighs. Kissing them softly. 
“So beautiful.” He groaned before swiping his tongue between my folds. I gasped. He circled my clit with his tongue and then back down dipping it inside me. His groan was feral. 
“Fuck.” I moaned. He worked his tongue in and out of me while I worked my hips against his face. I tangled my fingers in his curls holding him close. His nose rubbed against my clit has he fucked me with his tongue. “m’  gonna.”  I moaned as I came on his tongue. He lapped it all up before pulling away. 
“So good sweetheart.” He kissed up my body, kissing my lips and letting me taste myself. Finally he settled between legs pushing inside of me slowly. He let out a low moan. 
“ So big,” I whimpered. He brushed my hair out of my face kissing me softly. 
“Doing so good for me sweetheart. Almost all the way in. You can take it all baby.” He moaned. With one last push he was fully seated inside me. “You feel amazing baby. Taking me so well.” He cooed letting me adjust. 
“Clark please.” I whined. Begging him to move. He pulled out slowly, until just the tip was inside me and then plunged back in. I let out a loud moan. 
“Feel good sweetheart?” He asked. I nodded. 
“So good, Clark, Fuck, I moaned as he started to thrust into me at a steady pace. He grabbed my hand pinning it to the mattress. He picked up his pace. I felt the knot build in my stomach. 
“You’re getting close aren’t you baby?” he asked. I nodded. Letting out a strangled moan. 
“Please.” I begged. 
“So polite.” he groaned. He pressed his thumb to my clit as he fucked me rubbing in circles. I felt my toes curl and I came hard squeezing him as he fucked me through my orgasm. “Thats it sweetheart. Fuck. Gonna make me. Ungh.” He groaned cumming inside me. We were both breathless laying there for a moment. Clark pulled out slowly. And pulled me into him.
“You okay?” He smiled kissing my cheek. I nodded. 
“Mhmm” I mumbled dreamily. Clark got up and came back with a cloth to clean us both up. Then got back into bed holding me close. 
“Clark?” I asked softly. 
“Hmm?” he hummed. 
“Were you ever gonna tell me… or were you just gonna let me figure it out?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“Because no one else knows what happened in Gotham Superman,”  I smirked turning in his arms. 
“How did you…?” He asked. 
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while. I’d know your eyes anywhere.” I said blushing. 
“Hmm,” he chuckled. “You have a crush on me?” He asked. 
“Shut up,” I rolled my eyes.
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vettelsvee · 5 months
THE "JOURNALIST" | Max Verstappen
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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max verstappen x journalist student!reader
summary: y/n is "scared" to interview max, and max is sick of journalists, especially newbies. however the sex appeal between them is more than obvious.
word count: 992
warnings: none of it really! just sexual tension between y/n and max. use of y/n
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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You were in the broadcast booth ready to report the results of the latest Formula 1 qualifying session. With your notebook and microphone in hand, you were poised to inform the audience about the exciting session results.
"Welcome back to our live broadcast from Silverstone!" you exclaimed cheerfully as you looked into the camera. "I think we should start discussing the results of the qualifying session for tomorrow's Sunday race as soon as possible."
With great enthusiasm and ensuring you had your notes in hand to avoid any mistakes, you began to list the names of the drivers and their positions on the starting grid:
"In first position, with an impressive fast lap, we have Lewis Hamilton, who has once again demonstrated his incredible skills on the track. In second place we have Max Verstappen, who is hot on the heels of the British in the championship standings. And in third position, but no less important, we have Charles Leclerc, whose improvement this season has been phenomenal, something he is quite proud of, as his partner exclusively shared with us."
You continued to read out the names of the drivers and their respective positions. However, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to Max Verstappen, the Dutch driver who she found quite attractive and, at the same time, respected due to his evident disdain towards the media.
"And in the last position, we have our dear Checo Pérez, who is having a fantastic season with Red Bull Racing but, due to an engine failure, was eliminated in Q3. It will undoubtedly be very exciting to see how these men fight for the podium in tomorrow's race!"
You continued to describe the results and the performance the drivers had shown in the qualifying session, highlighting their achievements and the challenges they would face the following day.
When it came time to talk about Max Verstappen, your voice tone changed slightly:
"As for Verstappen, the prodigal son of this new era in the world of motorsport, he has once again demonstrated his incredible talent," you said with as much seriousness as she could muster, "although it was not enough to surpass Hamilton this time."
You tried to stay focused on your speech despite the glances Verstappen was casting from the paddock while responding to other journalists. Without a doubt, Verstappen commanded a lot of respect from you: the fact that he disregarded the work of his future colleagues in the profession caused your considerable disdain, and at times, he could be quite disrespectful. You didn't want to imagine how he would treat you, being just a newbie.
Although it must be noted that you found yourself quite attracted to him.
After finally finishing the live broadcast and interviewing several drivers, with whom she had felt quite comfortable despite her nerves, it was your turn to face Max Verstappen.
"Hello, Max," you greeted the Dutchman. "First of all, I want to congratulate you on your second position in the qualifying."
"It's not the one my team and I were looking for."
You tried to ignore his response, moving on to a different but related question:
"Even though your result isn't what you desired, how do you feel about being in that position?" despite your fear, you dared to continue with the question, "Do you think you'll be able to beat Lewis?"
"I'm here to win," Max replied flippantly, "not to settle for second place."
"I understand, Max," you said, changing the subject, "with the aim of overtaking Hamilton, could you tell us what strategies both you and Red Bull Racing have in mind?"
You didn't need to see the poker face Max had directed at you to know you had overstepped by asking about strategies.
"I don't think that's any of your business."
Without even looking at you or saying goodbye, he turned around seemingly intending to leave the scene.
But Max Verstappen wasn't one to let anyone get the better of him, not even a mere student who didn't know how she was going to earn her degree because, without a doubt, she didn't know how to do her job properly.
"And what about you," he addressed you directly, shocking you in that moment. "What strategy would you propose to me to win the race?"
You had endured situations of underestimation in other newsrooms where you had interned, with quite nasty comments that had made you feel pretty bad. However, the sarcasm from the blue-eyed driver only drew her more to him.
"Maybe he's an asshole," you thought to yourself, "but he's a pretty hot asshole."
"Well…" you began. "Maybe instead of doing good broadcasts or getting top marks, I'll fuck one of you and, besides, gain fame."
Verstappen let out a sardonic laugh as he approached you. There was no doubt that he had not only surprised, but also pleased by what you had said.
"Really?" Max answered, a little excited, "Who would you take right now?"
"You seem like a complete asshole," you told him, "but I have to admit that I find it extremely difficult to ignore you."
"Why's that? Do you like what you see?"
The tension between both of you was more than evident.
You knew you couldn't continue this conversation, at least not in front of journalists, team bosses, and other people.
"If you want to set aside our personal relationship," the driver whispered to you as he lightly brushed your arm, "and get to know me better, prepare a good strategy for tonight."
"Verstappen," you replied, looking him directly in the eyes. "If you win tomorrow's race, don't hesitate to invite me to the private party you're going to throw, and I'll give you a night to make you feel special."
"Alright, Miss I-don't-know-your-name. A victory for one night."
If Max felt motivated to come in first tomorrow to beat Hamilton, now he felt even more so knowing he could have a girl begging for him.
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maplesyrupsainz · 6 months
Congrats on 1k angel! So proud of you and your incredible mind! May I please request a Charles Leclerc blurb with number 5 off the prompt list? My bashful, shy self would melt, especially with it being written by your hand.
pairing: charles leclerc x fem reader y/n (she/her)
genre: blurb
warnings: none
prompt: five [driver] trying to get you to go on a date with him
a/n: thank u so much omg this is the sweetest ask ever i hope this lives up to ur expectations 🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶🫶 it's kind of SO LONG hahahaha but it was fun to write tbh i couldn't stop 😛
my masterlist | 1k celebration
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you knew nothing about formula one whatsoever. well, you knew it was fast cars driving around in circles. somehow your best friend had finally dragged you to a race after begging for what felt like forever.
so here you were, stood in the middle of the paddock alone, lost and extremely confused. your friend was dating a driver and had said they would both meet you at his garage, however you did not know where you were at all.
“lost?” you heard a male voice from behind you, startling you slightly. “oh, sorry. i didn't mean to scare you.”
“you're fine,” you brushed it off, “i actually am super lost.”
“yea, you're not keeping it much of a secret.” he chuckled softly, causing a slight blush of pink to rise onto your cheeks. “where are you trying to get to?”
“my best friend, i'm supposed to be meeting her at..” you paused softly as you unlocked your phone to check the garage name you had been texted earlier that morning. “alpine.”
“ah!” the man's eyes lit up with some sort of recognition. “you are kika’s friend. i will take you to her.”
“oh, it's really okay if you just send me in the right sort of direction. you don't need to go out of your way for me,” you smile at him softly, willing him to leave you alone with your eyes – you are much too shy to be spending too much time with a man, a very attractive one at that.
“oh don't worry, i couldn't leave a girl as pretty as you out here alone. follow me,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you before turning on his heel, with you following behind meekly.
“so,” the dreaded word left his lips; now you were going to have to converse with this gorgeous man. “how long have you known kika?”
“my whole life, we went to prom together and everything.” you smile to yourself at the memory, and he lets out a laugh that sounds like music to your ears. the mindless small talk seems to come somewhat easy to you with him, a first for sure. you almost feel disappointed when you see what is clearly the alpine garage ahead of you.
“ah, here we are.” he smiles at you, before suddenly offering his hand to you. “by the way, i'm charles.”
“y/n,” you say and nod softly at him, taking his outstretched hand to shake hesitantly.
“y/n,” he repeats, studying your face much too intently, causing the pink blush from earlier to return to your cheeks. “and what are you doing this evening, y/n?”
you shrug and mumble out a reply along the lines of claiming to be hanging out kika and her boyfriend, pierre. in reality, you have no plans at all but the way this stranger says your name sends your head spinning and butterflies filling your stomach.
“let me take you out.” he states abruptly, catching you off guard completely. you have never had a man as gorgeous as charles hit on you so blatantly before.
a small laugh escapes your lips as you begin to shake your head before speaking, “i'm not sure about that..” you see charles’ brow furrow slightly at your reply; a man so beautiful must be shocked by a rejection.
“y/n! charles! you guys met!” you almost sigh in relief as you hear the voice of your best friend behind you, and the feeling of her grabbing you into an embrace that you gladly return.
“kika, i'm so glad to see you,” you say, muffled into her hair as you hug. she lets go of you, holding you at arms length and studying you intently, making you laugh.
“you just get more and more beautiful every time i see you!” she exclaims in glee before turning to charles, “hi charles, i'm glad you got to meet my beautiful friend.”
“the pleasure is all mine,” he flashed a grin at you, causing the butterflies that lay dormant in your stomach to take flight again.
“anyway, i just wanted to say, y/n,” kika looked at you mischievously, “me and pierre have something on tonight. i wanted to check that you're okay keeping yourself entertained this evening?” you narrowed your eyes at her. you knew exactly what she was doing.
“actually,” you look up at the new voice in the conversation, to see pierre with his arm slung lazily over charles’ shoulders. “how about you and charles hang out, y/n? i think you'd get on.”
“what an amazing idea!” kika lets out a squeal, clapping her hands together.
“no, i–”
“i'll see you tonight then, y/n. 7?” charles winked at you, before turning on his heel and heading back to his own garage, you assumed. you groaned.
“oh y/n/n, you'll thank us later, i'm sure.” pierre, laughing at your obvious discomfort.
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harryxmarvel · 6 months
Shatter my soul
Summary : Harry has been suffering from an addiction and y/n decides to take time for herself or based on this ask
Pairing: rockstarboyfried!Harry x reader!y/n
Warnings: Angst
A/n: this piece turned so much better than I hoped for.
My masterlist
When they decided to take time for themselves harry and y/n were in a rough spot with not only their 11 years long relationship but their entire life.
After being falsely accused and getting fired from her dream job, gave up any and all hope y/n had as she came home to her love only to find him passed out in the middle of the living room.
His cocaine addiction was getting out of hand so much that he almost died of overdose saved by y/n who decided to come home early for some reason.He swore to never touch that stuff again but there he was high off his mind as he mumbles incoherently lying on the floor a week later.
The next day after getting him sober y/n decided it was best for them to take a break to figure out themselves and their life as she can't stand by him hurting himself like that. Harry had his issues, stress eating him alive at every wake hour ,he decides it was better if he wasn't in his own mind. The cocaine he could easily get his hands on was just a massive perk for him.
It had been a month and half. Y/n got a job at a restaurant and works as a bartender at night. She moved back to her old appartment after their break up and had been doing well on her own. She missed harry a lot even though their good days were well past months she still loved him, still wanted to help him and show him that she was there for him no matter what. She just wished he was doing better too. After their first week of breakup harry had called her high as he mumbled how much he missed her and promised to be better she just hopes he kept his promise.
It was a month later when y/n was at her favourite arcade bar with her friends. The place was a little loud with drunk men drinking beers and shouting at the screens.
They were seated in a booth after a good round of beers and  fun. She was mindlessly talking with her friend klara when the bartender calls her name.
Y/n walks to the bar and the bartender points to the payphone at the corner of the room.
They still got payphones
Y/n thinks to herself as she brings the phone to her ears. The first thing she hears is a sob which sends her into alert. "Hello?" She questions and the person on the other line replies "Baby, it's me.." he sobs out making y/n quiet as he continues "I'm getting sober. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I'd do anything for you baby. Just want you back, want to love on you like you deserve" he says breathing hard as y/n finds her words.
"I'm so happy to hear that H. That's what I wanted for you." Y/n says a smile breaking on her face as she tries to calm him down but he doesn't he keeps crying which makes y/n a little scared because it would've been really hard for him to be doing this alone.
Y/n should've struck by him, isn't that what their relationship should have meant. She feels incredibly guilty for walking away when things got worse but she did it wishing for the best and maybe it kinda did work out in the end and now all she wanted was to be with him and show him how much she appreciates him doing this for her.
"I'm gonna be there okay? I'm so proud of you baby" y/n says ready to hang up the phone but harry breaths out before she could "No, no i....you can't....I want you to but" y/n cuts him off in worry "what's going on H?"
"I wrote you a letter"he says and the other end is quiet as he continues.
"I wrote it so I could get everything out. I think?" He sounded so unsure his voice raspier than usual. " It should be in your apartment" he adds and y/n says she would read it and come by his place before hanging up the phone.
She bids goodbye to her friends after explaining them about the situation and then waving her off with a concerned look on their face as y/n walks back to her apartment. She goes through all her mail and finds the one harry had sent. Her name and address on the envelope.
She opens it and it had two sheets folded inside it. She didn't know what to expect as she reads through it.
My love,
             Today has been particularly hard without you by my side. My manager has been pressing me for the next album but how could I think about anything but you. It had been 8 weeks since I last heard your voice and I never knew how much it filled my life untill I couldn't hear it anymore and I think maybe that's what made me want to give up the drugs even if it feels like I'm drowning. I'd do it for you.
I still remember the tears in your eyes when you told me about you ex and how mad it made me. I wanted to bury him alive for hurting you like that. I never wanted to infect any kind of pain in you. I swore I never would when I saw the lack of trust in your eyes.
It killed me to see the smile on your face slowly fading away because of me. I wanted to hold you close and tell you I'd be back. We'll get all of the good times we had together back because that was what you deserved. But I couldn't save myself not for me but for you because you are everything i have left. The only person who stood by me through it all and maybe that's what made me realise I was nothing without when you left.
I was always honest with you even when I was out of my mind i tried to explain what I was feeling. I know you blamed yourself that you couldn't help me but this was my own battle and you were the warrior in the front ready to kill anyone even though you didn't have to. You were always there for me and I'm really sorry if I wasn't baby. Because
 You deserve better than that.
You deserve someone who would be there for you.
You deserve someone who would stay true to their promises.
You deserve someone who would stay good for you.
You deserve better than me.
You deserve every happiness in this world.
She is at the end of the page her soul shattered with each word when a knock on the door pulls her out. She has a few tears falling down her cheeks. She wips them off before opening the door to find her close friend klara.
"Hey , what ar-" y/n is cut off as klara bursts "I need to tell you something"
"Oh okay, come on in" y/n opens the door wider to let her in but klara shakes her head as she continues "No, I just need to tell you this....i" she's breathless and y/n patiently waits for her to continue.
"I slept with harry" she says after a few deafening seconds which stretches to minutes after the words are out.
"It was stupid and I was drunk and it just happened. We were both out of our minds and we didn't know what was happening. I'm really sorry y/n. I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm sorry"
Y/n is still as she listens to her ramble. All of y/n's friends hated harry something about him not treating her right while he was the total opposite.  She never knew why that was but to hear her bestfriend had slept with her boyfriend of years cut deep into her poor heart and the stabs just kept coming.
"It happened a few months ago and I couldn't stop myself from going back. I didn't mean for it to happen y/n you have to believe me" klara begs her eyes welled up with tears.
Y/n couldn't stop herself from thinking how much of a fool she was for thinking all those nail marks on his shoulder, love bites on his jaw and chest were from her when she knew it wasn't. The woman's perfumes he used to smell like made her realise it wasn't just Klara. And one thought kept haunting her mind as she stands on her doorway.
Had she really been that delusional ?
A/n: I think I just broke my own heart 😭. Who wants a part 2?
Read part 2 here
Check out my masterlist  if you are interested
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henrioo · 10 months
Hi, I hope you’re having a nice day! Can I please ask a scenario for Somker? Basically he’s in love with the rear admiral reader; at the end of a fight against pirates the reader is scared because he can’t find Smoker and when he finally found him the reader confess his love involuntary.
Have a good day/night and take all the time you need!
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "You and Smoker are completely in love with each other, the problem is that neither of you can confess it. It took some heartbreak, stupid pirates, ridiculous powers, and a lot of drama to make you two open your eyes to love. But hey, what matters is that it worked!”
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : GENDER NEUTRAL READER, GENDER PRONOUNS, NO GENDER SPECIFIED, Smoker is a bit toxic and childish but he apologizes, extremely dramatic, poorly written fights because I'm bad at it, weak ending because my brain was already melted, reader conquered the entire naval base, no specific time, it could be before or after the time skip. Too much drama and not enough fluff.
꒰ WC ꒱ : 7k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : So I should have turned this in literally months ago, but my ass couldn't do it. So as an apology I made a huge story, I really took my time on it because it was crazy to correct and translate such a big story. It wasn't very good and I apologize for that, sorry for taking so long and enjoy!
Smoker was an extremely professional Marine. He woke up at the same time every day, went to work on time, did all his daily chores and paperwork, remembered to check in on all his subordinates, and meticulously reviewed all of his upcoming missions on the high seas. Of course, sometimes he was also not extremely professional... when he told his superiors to go fuck themselves and did exactly everything contrary to the orders he received, but well, he can say he was extremely professional in 90% of his time working.
That is, until you were placed under his supervision and order, oh yes... that made Smoker look in the mirror and question everything about his professionalism that he loved to be proud of. You... wow, how could he even begin to describe you without sounding like a man completely in love? Something he was definitely not...
You were determined, that justified you rising through the ranks so quickly, you were also very confident of your skill and capabilities. You never took shit from anyone, it could be the fleet admiral himself, if you thought he was wrong you would raise your voice and defend your point. You were also very kind to your subordinates and marines in general, which was surprising since you managed to be extremely serious and authoritarian, as well as very demanding when carrying out your missions.
You also knew the right time for everything, the time to be professional, the time to be a relaxed boss and even the time to be a shoulder to lean on if someone needed it. You put a lot of effort into your work and that's why many Marines were excited to work with you, knowing your incredible ability and determination to always complete missions in the best way possible.
This is just about your personality... if he were to talk about your appearance? Ah... where would he start? Every time your hair shone in the sun he thought it was unfair for someone to be so adored by the gods to be born so beautiful, every time your eyes shone with excitement at a new mission or at the end of a successful one he knew that his heart hit harder. Every time he saw your bright smile and heard your warm and genuine laugh, it made his legs go weak and he was forced to take a deep breath to concentrate. Every time he saw a bit of your skin outside your uniform, marked by the scars from your journey that you displayed with pride when necessary, he wanted to touch you and know if his skin was as soft as it looked.
You were something that made Smoker feel things he never felt before. At first he was reluctant to have a subordinate with a high position, usually newbies who rose so high were petty about their position and thought they would surpass their superiors easily, which was basically dealing with a child. But you were different, you were obedient and professional, you were mainly determined to learn everything you could from Smoker, always making it clear that you admired his reputation and experience as a Marine and Vice Admiral.
It didn't take long for you to win over Smoker, whether it was just when you listened to him carefully when planning the missions and always had something important and valuable to add, or it was just when you organized the paperwork when it was time to hand it over to him, making his job easier... or maybe whether it was when you showed a little more special interest in him, bringing him coffee in the morning or even at night when you knew he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. It could also be the times you invited him to lunch, even when at first he politely declined you never lost your smile and always said "next time then!".
Unfortunately for the vice admiral, he wasn't the only one won over by his charm. All the Marines working under Smoker were more than in love and determined to show it in some way, he had already lost count of how many bouquets, letters and chocolates he had confiscated from his subordinates that were all addressed to you. Just maintaining professionalism was his excuse, what a shame it would be for a Marine to date his boss, it was Smoker's duty to make sure no harmful rules or situations were created. Of course he wasn't stopping the gifts from reaching you out of pure jealousy and fear that you would fall in love with a man other than him.
Every day he repeated that he was going to make a move on you, breaking his own morals about dating some subordinate, but every day when you greeted him smiling and made his stomach turn, he immediately changed his mind, filling himself with shyness and fear of rejection, so he would treat you with some harshness and pretend that he didn't feel anything too much for you. Maybe he wasn't doing such a good job since Tashigi had noticed his passion... and well, if Tashigi's slowness hadn't prevented her from noticing Smoker's fall, it meant that he wasn't hiding it as well as he thought.
The truth was Smoker didn't feel confident with you, you were so... amazing. He was very... rude, often called scary by his subordinates because of his extremely demanding work, it was impossible for you to accept a relationship with him. Besides, he didn't even know how to do boyfriend things! He had gone on a few casual dates but a long term relationship was different... What if he wasn't a good boyfriend and you left?! It was one thing to have his rejection but still be able to have his presence or friendship, it was another thing to break your heart and make you so angry with him that you never looked him in the face again.
That's why he let his insecurities win and stop him from making a move on you. He tried to convince himself that maintaining a professional relationship would be the best choice for both of them... but he wasn't sure how long he could put up with this lame excuse. This of course didn't stop him from changing little by little with you, this was something that everyone noticed and even Smoker didn't escape hearing some rumors from his subordinates about how he was kinder to the Rear Admiral (Y/N).
Gradually his responses were less rude, he also began to seek out your opinions more during missions, showing how much he trusted your abilities. He gradually accepted having lunch with you or even patrolling together when you were in a city. He also relaxed a lot more in your presence and didn't mind when you invaded his office, even if you just wanted to check on him and talk a little instead must have a professional reason for the visit.
And this ended up making Smoker develop an addiction, if he spent more than two hours without knowing anything about you he would instinctively look for news. He would casually ask others about you, he would also look for you on the ship or base they were at, pretending he was just going on patrol to make sure everything was okay and not that he was eager to hear your beautiful voice and feel a little of your heat. He didn't even realize that little by little he couldn't stay away from you for long...
On one of those days where he was looking for you, he found a scene that made his heart stop for a few seconds. There you were in all your glory, your uniform always clean and organized, some papers in your hand and accompanied by a low-ranking Marine. The problem in the scene was the huge bouquet of roses in the marine's hand and a red box of sweets with a huge red bow. Smoker quickly hid with his powers and listened carefully to the conversation, would now be the time he would be sure he would never have a chance with you?
"I'm sorry, I can't accept your confession... much less reciprocate your feelings" You said in a gentle way, even in a situation that could be uncomfortable you were always worried about not hurting other people unnecessarily.
"But why not?!" The Marine didn't seem willing to give up and Smoker wondered if he should intervene just in case the situation became even more uncomfortable for you.
"I'm sorry, I'm already in love with someone else" That was enough to make the marine step back and apologize for the inconvenience... but it also made Smoker retreat from his mission to look for you and return to his office, he had a bitter taste in your mouth and your stomach felt sick.
Smoker changed after that. You didn't need to be very smart to notice this, Tashigi was worried by the way he was acting, working late at night and staying more and more in his office instead of checking if everything was going well. His own subordinates noticed, they tried hard to do everything perfectly trying to somehow improve their commander's mood... hell even Hina noticed it during a call! She had even provoked him by asking if he had been dumped and that was why he was in a bad mood.
But out of all the people who worked with Smoker, you were the one who was most affected by the change. You continued to act normally with him, inviting him to lunch, bringing him coffee, trying to have some conversations during the day... but different from the shy and slightly nervous reception he used to give you because he wasn't sure how to react to your warm and friendly way, all you got was a cold shoulder and ruder responses than when you arrived to work with him. It was almost as if he was angry or simply hated you, he simply treated you as if you couldn't stand his presence. Little by little you started having a sad look every time he appeared, you became nervous and silent as if you were afraid to speak around him, it didn't take long for you to slowly move away, confused and hurt by his recent actions.
Of course, he only found out about this again when he secretly overheard another conversation of yours. You and Tashigi weren't supposed to be in the cafeteria so late at night, but there you were, talking and drinking some hot drinks to combat the cold of the night.
"I just... don't understand him" You sighed tiredly, your shoulders were slumped and you had a sad tone, very different from your excited and happy tone that you loved to use with everyone.
"Captain Smoker can be quite... huh... distant" Tashigi sighed too, she didn't know exactly how to comfort you... it didn't even make sense to her! Smoker had softened considerably since your arrival, everyone had noticed that he was starting to like you more than he should, so why was he suddenly acting like he despised you?
"Maybe I did something wrong..." You said again, demonstrating your fragility much more now, Smoker had never thought that you cared so much about his approval. You were so sure of yourself and didn't even mind getting into trouble with your superiors just to stand up for what you believed in, so why did his opinion and approval matter so much?
He didn't want to stay to hear the rest of the conversation, he already felt terrible enough and he wasn't sure if he could control himself if he heard you talking again about how he had hurt you. Stupid, stupid, stupid! It was all his head could say, you had treated him with so much kindness and because of jealousy and envy that he didn't even have the right to feel, he made you feel inferior and even hurt by his treatment. What was he thinking?!
It wasn't like he could force you to fall in love with him too, you deserve to be happy regardless of who you like, so why did he act like he owned you?! Being hurt and jealous was acceptable, after all, a romantic rejection can be difficult, but taking out his frustration and feelings on you as if it were your fault was unforgivable! For one thing it was extremely unprofessional and secondly it was being so immature and petty that he felt ashamed of himself when he finally realized his actions!
Of course he would apologize to you, he barely slept thinking about how he would show that he was truly sorry for having treated you so unfairly. The next morning as he walked to the base all he could think of was the best way to make it up to you, maybe flowers? Maybe some gifts? A date? Shouldn't it be something more sincere... a letter?! His head was full and he already felt a headache from thinking so much.
That's when he heard a scream, it didn't take him long to find the source, a civilian was running limping away from something in a hurry. He was quick to help him stabilize trying to figure out what was going on.
"What happened?! Are you okay?" He asked as calmly as he could muster, which wasn't much, it was too early for an attack but criminals didn't have that kind of basic sense.
"Pirates... they... stealing..." The way he spoke was slurred and a little nonsensical, it was as if he was tired or out of breath, before Smoker could question any further the civilian blacked out. His first reaction was to check his pulse, it was beating and he thought the guy had fainted from fear or shock, until the civilian in his arms started... snoring?
It took him a few seconds but he soon noticed something strange: the civilian was sleeping?! Who could sleep right after being attacked by pirates?! No... this didn't seem normal, there was something strange about it and it seemed more dangerous than normal. He quickly grabbed his den den mushi and called for reinforcements, warning his subordinates to take extra care as they could be dealing with some type of poison or anesthetic, but he also made clear the possibility of a Devil Fruit user and asked everyone to stay safe and pay double attention when checking the perimeter.
Following the next scenes with caution left Smoker confused and with his guard up as he realized that what he was going to face was something… strange. There was a trail that led through the city full of sleeping civilians, some civilians tried to wake up their friends and family without success, it was as if everyone was in a deep trance unable to come out of dreamland. Luckily that was all that seemed to have happened to them, besides of course the open bags and lack of accessories such as jewelry — which only proved that all the sleeping people had been robbed — all the civilians were uninjured and even had happy faces as if that was the best sleep of their entire lives... which seems very likely to be true.
Smoker continued walking until he reached an emptier area of the city, it was where most of the buildings were still under construction, which meant that there weren't many people walking around outside of construction work hours. There was a small group of pirates rummaging through bags and evaluating belongings, none of them really seemed like a threat but what worried the Vice Admiral was how they had made so many people fall asleep when they seemed to be so…stupid.
There was no need to get too close for his presence to be known, he quickly prepared his jitte ready to quickly arrest all these criminals and figure out a way to wake up the civilians and then return to his ordinary work day. The weaker pirates quickly trembled in fear as they fought among themselves whether to flee or try to fight knowing well the vice admiral's fame and power. Until one of them, who could have been the first mate, took the lead with a confident smile while speaking loudly to motivate all his companions and subordinates.
“Don’t be scared, you cowards! Have you forgotten who we have here? Who is our captain? As long as we have Captain Sleepyhead no one will be able to defeat us!” Upon finishing his short speech, all the other pirates quickly cheered loudly as their fear was replaced by newfound confidence and clear false faith.
“Sleepyhead? So this is the jerk who made those civilians fall asleep? I can't say I'm disappointed since I really didn't expect much…” he said with an irritated huff, pirates always think they are great until they are defeated and realize that they still have a lot to learn.
“Hah… we’re pretty confident, aren’t we, Vice Admiral Smoker?” A man with a long purple coat came out from among the other pirates, he wore a hat full of feathers, brown gloves, pants with a questionable pattern and had so much jewelry that he looked like a child wearing all of his mother's accessories at the same time.
"Considering that you know me and have this ridiculous outfit you must be that Captain Sleepyhead..." Smoker mentally searched about this pirate but couldn't really remember, which could mean he didn't have many accomplishments or had just started this life criminal, but it was still not enough reason to let down our guard and underestimate him, after all there was still a secret ability in this pirate that could give him a great advantage in the fight.
“It offends me a little that you don't know me... but when the newspapers announce that I defeated the famous Vice Admiral Smoker I'm sure the entire Grand Line will recognize me!” He said self-centeredly as he laughed, being cheered by all the idiotic pirates following him.
“In your dreams... the most you'll get today is a beating and a one-way ticket to prison” Smoker never stopped being irritated by this blind confidence of the pirates, especially when they didn't know exactly how strong they were. Boasting about being able to defeat an enemy without really being sure that your strength is capable of defeating him is purely stupid... luckily it was this stupidity that made it easier for Smoker to find an opening and defeat them without too many problems.
This seemed to be enough to anger or embarrass the said captain, as his face contorted in anger as he quickly got into an attack position, the other pirates were armed and prepared but did not seem to have any intention of interfering in their captain's fight. Partly it was an advantage not having to deal with so many at once, but it didn't mean Smoker could take his eyes off them, as it wouldn't be the first time he was attacked by a pirate who pretended not to invade the fight just to give a sneak attack trying to get an advantage, so all attention at that moment would be essential.
The captain wasn't that fast, so Smoker had enough time to grab his weapon and block the first attack, the man was using a dagger that was probably hidden in his coat considering how quickly he was able to draw it. As it was not a long-range weapon and was also very accurate, he seemed to be looking for some unprotected opening or vital point to be able to injure the vice admiral, but unfortunately, thanks to Smoker's devil fruit, he was not able to even scratch his marine outfit. Of course, this fact only seemed to irritate the captain more and more.
“Hah… a Logia isn’t it? I'm not very good at memorizing facts about my enemies, I guess it was my fault for trying to attack you without knowing that beforehand…” the captain said laughing and shrugging his shoulders as he took a considerable distance from Smoker.
“Admitting that you’re stupid in the middle of a fight isn’t exactly a pretty move…” the vice admiral wasn’t exactly the type to provoke pirates… but his mood wasn’t the best because of the mess he made with (y/n), so he urgently needed someone to take out all his frustration on. Who better than a stupid pirate who he would throw in jail and forget existed a few weeks later?
“You always think too much of yourself, don’t you?” The pirate now had a look of pure anger, it seemed he was a man who was easily provoked, considering that just a few acidic comments from Smoker were enough to make him like that. “Unfortunately for you, you're not the only one with cool tricks, you asked me how I managed to knock out all those civilians, right? Maybe I should show you then!”
The captain removed his two brown gloves and his coat, Smoker would have paid a little more attention to the man's appearance if he hadn't come running towards him again. He seemed a little faster than the first time, which made the marine aware that he might not be using all his strength in the first attack, but this time the fight was much stranger than he could have expected.
Of course, Smoker has fought against pirates who used swords, daggers, arrows, guns or even just punches... But none of them had attacked him as if they were playing tag and the pirate was the tagger. It was a little bizarre and the Marine wasn't sure how he was going to write the scene he was experiencing, but he knew he wouldn't forget it so easily.
The captain had both palms open and was trying to touch Smoker, he didn't punch or try to scratch, he just tried to touch him exactly like a childish game. At first he thought it might be some trick, but now it was just getting embarrassing, the pirate said he had a devil fruit, so shouldn't he be doing something a little more incredible and unrealistic like… well, Smoker didn't know, but something bizarre like shooting bullets through the palm of your hand, anything that seemed like a real threat.
“I think I'm tired of playing with you” the marine said after a few minutes of this game where he just blocked and attacked a few times, being met by the man's attempts to touch him and his dodging of all the blows. With enviable strength and precision, Smoker quickly used his weapon to hit the side of the man's stomach, planning to stun him and throw him to the ground to facilitate his immobilization. The blow landed accurately, but something that the marine ended up overlooking because he thought the pirate posed no immediate danger was that he let the man touch him, which seemed exactly what he wanted.
The pirate captain was forcefully thrown aside as he fell to the ground and was dragged through the stone streets, his crew shouted worriedly for him and some men went to check on him while the others continued shouting insults at Smoker. Although he had received a very strong and well-aimed blow, all the pirate did was sit down wiping his face clean of the dirt while having an evil and smug smile on his face, his face said something like “I got you”.
“Hah… for a vice admiral you managed to leave a good opening for me… enough of an opening to put you exactly where I needed you! Feel my attack now and succumb to my power!” He said laughing as his men helped him to his feet.
Smoker was about to question what the man was suggesting, which in the Marine's head seemed like more talk from a drunk or even a drug user, but before he could open his mouth he felt it. First it was a stitch in her chest that took her breath away, then a pain in her head that quickly made her feel heavy, her limbs trembled and became heavy... tired. Smoker's entire body was extremely tired, it was as if he had been awake for days without a break, his eyes burned and it hurt to stay open, he had to lean on his weapon so he wouldn't fall to the ground due to sudden weakness.
“Huh, what does it look like now? It seems that now you will finally be able to understand the awesomeness of my power! Succumb to the power of my powerful sleep-sleep no mi! The sleep fruit that allows me to be able to put anyone I touch to sleep!” The captain delivered his entire speech extravagantly and confidently while his crew applauded and cheered for him. All Smoker could focus on at that moment besides the enormous drowsiness was how stupidly annoying that pirate's voice was.
“Wow, if you hadn't explained it detail by detail I would never have discovered…” Smoker closed his eyes tightly and forced them open immediately, he swallowed a yawn and used the support of his weapon so he could stand up again. He was still extremely drowsy but he couldn't afford to let this pirate escape without being sure that his subordinates would be able to capture him, plus it was his mistake for being hit without considering the consequences, so now he wouldn't let a little sleep stop him from finishing his work.
“Ew!” The captain's eyes widened when he saw Smoker getting up and practically ready to continue the battle, he also noticed that the vice admiral seemed much more irritated at being hit and this made the pirate shake from top to bottom. “How are you still awake?!” He screamed in shock in confusion “You… You should have fallen asleep immediately with my touch combined with my power!” Thanks to the marine's confused and tired head, Smoker wasn't sure if the man was scared, angry, frustrated or shocked... Not that it would make much of a difference.
"I guess you're not that powerful..." Smoker smiled and this time he wasn't going to stand still to be attacked again, using his devil fruit he quickly turned into smoke as he ran towards the pirate and attacked him again, launching him towards on top of his crew, all falling like bowling pins.
The vice admiral prepared to advance for another attack, but a wave of drowsiness hit him again and his knees weakened, his breathing became labored as he struggled to stay awake. Luckily he managed to hear in the distance the countless footsteps of what must have been one of the squadrons of marines that he called in as reinforcements, it didn't take long for them to begin to advance on the other weaker pirates and some came to their commander's aid.
“Smoker-sama! Are you okay?!" One of the Marines came over and helped him to his feet, although he still had a firm grip on his weapon, not trusting that the poor Marine would support his full weight.
Smoker opened his mouth to explain the situation as best as his tired and heavy head would allow, but upon hearing the screams and sounds of bodies falling to the ground his gaze quickly turned in search of the confusion. That's when he saw some marines lying on the ground, the same marines who had run after the captain using a devil fruit. Considering what the Vice Admiral had already seen, he could assume that the men on the ground were now in a deep asleep state. At least they weren't hurt but that still didn't make the situation better, since even just sleeping there were fewer men to fight the pirates.
"Shit! Don't approach the captain! He has a devil fruit that can put others to sleep!” Smoker screamed loudly and let go of the Marine who was helping him, there was no way around it, he needed to be himself to defeat this captain and guarantee the safety of his men. Low-ranking Marines wouldn't be able to handle a devil fruit, sometimes even high-ranking ones couldn't handle it! So it was his job to sort it out with the captain and leave the other pirates to his men.
“Commander Smoker!” The Marine shouted in concern seeing how unstable the white-haired man's form was, it was obvious that the Admiral himself would be the next man to fall to the ground overcome with sleep “Please don't get involved in the fight anymore! Rear Admiral (Y/N) is already on their way! They squad were taking care of the civilians, but they must have been coming here due to the confusion!” The man tried to convince him, but all of Smoker's subordinates knew how stubborn he could be, at least now the commander was a little more relaxed as he was sure that someone stronger was coming as backup in case something went wrong.
Ignoring the marine's words, he took one last hard breath trying to get his head to shake off the sleep and then charged at the pirate captain again. He only needs to knock him out or immobilize him long enough for his subordinates to use handcuffs or sea stone nets, making it impossible for the pirate to use his powers and making him basically harmless against larger numbers.
The captain was once again startled by Smoker's attack, but he now seemed a little more confident than before and didn't take long to block the attack with his own weapon. The marine managed to land a few good blows but nothing seemed to knock the pirate down who kept trying to touch him even though he was already hurt from so many blows, the two separated quickly and the commander heard more people approaching again, he just needed to hold out a little longer and there would be enough reinforcements to finish this mess.
Determined to try to finish this as quickly as possible, knowing that his body was already giving up cooperating with him, Smoker advanced ready for one last attack... He just didn't expect the captain to grab his weapon, smiling confidently and leaving the marine confused.
“That hurt like hell…” the man laughed weakly and Smoker could see the blood dripping from him holding the direct attack with his bare hands, what was going through his head? "But it doesn't matter, it will be worth it when you find out that I don't need to touch a person to put them to sleep... I can easily induce someone with my power if I can just touch an object that my prey is also touching.” ” he smiled mischievously and the marine's gaze dropped to his weapon, a small purple aura was surrounding it and attached to his arm. “I said you would succumb to my power Vice Admiral, I will put you to sleep for more years than Sleeping Beauty herself slept!” The pirate said with a malicious and victorious laugh, finally taking pride in having won against a vice admiral.
Smoker didn't have much time to react, he soon felt his knees hitting the floor as his entire body became heavier than an anvil, his entire body was numb and tired. Little by little his heart beat slower, his breathing became calm and his eyes slowly closed, he didn't even feel pain when he fell face down on the stone floor of the street where they were fighting. The last thing he thought he heard was someone calling his name in a worried manner, but he couldn't see or identify who the voice belonged to.
When Smoker's senses finally returned, everything still seemed very strange. His head was hurting and his body was heavy and sore as if he hadn't moved in days, he also felt a little confused and nauseous and it was as if he had gone to bed sick and woke up even worse. He had to try a few times before his eyes finally opened, when he did the light was a little uncomfortable but the room wasn't extremely bright.
His throat was dry and it took him a few seconds to finally wake up completely to better analyze where he was. The room had white and blue walls, the window was large and gave a view of a huge garden or park, the curtain was light blue and prevented the sun from completely taking over the place. The door was closed and there was just some furniture, a chest of drawers in front of the bed, two armchairs next to it and nothing else, apart from the obvious medical equipment next to him, nothing else was needed to confirm that he was in the hospital.
He had some wires connected, an IV, and what looked like things to measure his heart rate, but he didn't seem to have any bandages under his hospital clothes so he could assume he wasn't in a serious condition. He leaned back against the pillows and sighed as he thought about what he was going to do now that he woke up, his head was sore and he didn't fully remember what had happened.
He decided to lift his arm to try to get out of bed, but a huge weight prevented him from doing so, when he looked to the side he noticed something that had been there the whole time and he hadn't noticed: you. None other than Rear Admiral (Y/n), was sleeping in an armchair next to his bed and hugged Smoker's arm as if you were afraid he would leave while you couldn't notice and stop him.
Smoker's face became extremely hot and he was sure it was redder than a pepper... Why were you there? And still so close... Smoker had never touched you beyond a few pats on the shoulder and professional and stupid things, but there you were, not only hugging his arm but practically sleeping on top of him.
You seemed very peaceful, but when he looked closer he could see that you actually looked tired. Your face was a little thinner and paler, in addition to the dark bags under his eyes, which only showed that you had slept terribly in the last few days, but why all this? What had happened to cause you so much concern? Was it possible that it was… Him?
Smoker always heard that when you were in love with someone, all it took was one look for your heart to beat fast enough to jump out of your chest... But now he was confused, his heart was so calm and warm that it was almost as if he was dying. You were so beautiful, you were always beautiful and incredible when you were working or giving orders, but there was something there in that very domestic scene that seemed to make you a thousand times more beautiful...
He didn't even notice when he moved his free hand to put it in your hair and it was as soft as he always imagined it would be, slowly he began to caress the strands, making a nervous and shy stroke. What was that? One of Smoker's most embarrassing dreams? Being close to you, so intimately and doing such domestic and simple things like just stroking each other's hair or just sleeping side by side... It made his heart rejoice and his cheeks feel warm, yes... It was really obvious that he was completely in love with you.
Little by little your face started to contort, first you had a simple smile and maybe you were even purring because you were so comfortable, soon after you started to have a confused and nervous face maybe finally understanding what was happening, then when finally understood that there was someone touching you, you immediately woke up. You jumped up that made Smoker move away and you looked like a soldier who felt so desperate because fell asleep in the middle of the war, or as if you had lost something extremely important.
You looked around scared as if you were afraid of a ghost and when your gaze finally landed on Smoker, completely awake and looking at you in surprise, your eyes filled with tears and you threw yourself at him, climbing onto the bed and hugging him so tight that you felt he hadn't had any broken ribs before now he had definitely gotten some...
“SMOKER!” You screamed as you grabbed him as if you missed him so much that it was painful to bear, the shocking thing for him was that you were so emotional to the point of crying, you had never shown weakness and emotions like that so easily before.
“(Y-Y/N)!?” He stuttered your name nervously, he didn't expect you to hug him as soon as you saw him awake. He swallowed deeply without knowing what to do, their hands slowly rested on his waist, touching you but still far from hugging you, too afraid that it was just a dream and the moment he touched you you would disappear.
“You woke up… You finally woke up” you sniffled and now you seemed to be stopping crying to finally calm down, your concern was genuine and this made Smoker even more confused and curious. You slowly moved away, sitting in front of him, the two of you were still very close but Smoker thought it best to take his hands off your waist, although you still had one hand on his stomach.
"Why are you crying?" He sighed and instinctively moved his hand to your cheek, trying to wipe away your tears.
“I was worried… You never woke up and the doctors didn’t know what to do… I thought we might lose you” You sighed but didn’t move away from his gentle touch.
"What do you mean? My head feels like shit…” he mumbled irritably and little by little his memories came back “Ah! The pirate, that devil fruit user isn’t it?”
“Yes, the power of the sleep-sleep fruit… The other marines who were hit by it slept for a maximum of two days… But you were in a type of coma for a week” you explained looking at him with concern and joy “It's a relief that you woke up, I couldn't kill that pirate because you taught that we should prioritize being arrested alive... But when I saw you lying down and no one could wake you up, I... I swore I would make that bastard regret touching you !” You screamed angrily and punched the bed, in this case a light punch to his stomach that made him jump in fright and you cried desperately for an apology while Smoker held back his laughter.
“You did well, you managed to control your emotions during a fight and carry out the arrest without any problems…” He sighed in relief that you didn't have difficulty with that idiotic pirate “A week in? That’s crazy… It must have been my biggest vacation this year” he sighed, laughing at the joke and you laughed along.
“You worried a lot of people, the doctors had to expel a lot of marines from here who wanted to thank you... And a lot of civilians too” you smiled thinking how adored Smoker was by everyone, whether civilians or his own subordinates.
“Good… That’s good… Huh, what… Did you come visit me today?” He asked somewhat shyly and looked away with his cheeks getting hot.
“Ah… Not exactly…” he felt his heart breaking at your statement “A visit means I would leave and come back… And well… I'm kind of sleeping in this armchair like since you were moved into this room.” Smoker's head spun so fast he could hear a snap, he looked at you in shock at that unexpected confession, the most he thought was that you would admit that you cared about his well-being and that's why you visited him every now, but you... Had you been there all this time? Even sleeping in an uncomfortable armchair so as not to leave him alone?
“You… But… But why would you do that?” He stuttered in shock and curiosity, he imagined he had some importance to you, he was your superior and trainer besides you being even remotely close, but he didn't imagine you cared about him to that point.
“I…” You sighed and looked away “I was scared… Scared that you would never wake up or die” you bit your lip. “I was afraid that you would die mad at me and I would never know what I did wrong… Scared that I would never be able to fix things between us… And scared that I would never be able to tell you how I feel about you” you finished looking at him with a smile sad.
“You didn't do anything wrong, I was an idiot and took my frustration out on you when… Huh, wait? What did you say?" He stopped talking when he finally absorbed the last part of your sentence. “What do you mean by ‘how you feel about me’?” He looked at you confused and Smoker's heart was beating so fast that maybe he was going to go into a coma again or simply have a heart attack.
“Smoker-san… For someone so intelligent in battle you leave something to be desired in other areas” you laughed and placed your hand over his making circles with your finger in an affectionate way “I think everyone realizes that I'm in love with you... Except you.”
“And I think everyone also realized that I'm in love with you... Except you” he said immediately after you.
Soon the two of you were staring at each other with wide eyes and an extremely red face, you two were in love this whole time and never realized it before?!
“What do you mean you were in love with me?! You seemed furious with me days ago!” You said confused but still full of hope.
“I was furious because I heard you saying you were in love with someone else!” He countered.
"Yes! In love with you!" You said defending yourself.
"I did not know that!" He said nervous and embarrassed about the situation.
“I would have known if you had asked me out or just been less accepting when I asked you!” You huffed and crossed your arms, but soon smiled lovingly. “Well… that’s good, now you won’t be able to dismiss me when I invite you to lunch!”
He blushed again and looked down, feeling a smile dominate his face. Soon he sighed and held your hand, finally looking at you.
“A real date.” He said seriously.
“Huh?” You looked at him confused.
“I’m going to take you on a real date. For... Huh... For treating you rudely and taking so long to confess... It's the least I can do after you stay here taking care of me" he finally said what was weighing on his heart, now he had not only apologized for the confusion , but he had also confessed his feelings and asked you out on a date. Finally Smoker had managed to say everything he wanted to you.
“I can’t wait” And when you smiled at him…Ah, he was sure that everything had been immensely worth it.
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
Can u write yeonjun with an horror actress s/o? Like he goes to all her premieres and watches every single movie and just like super supportive! But hes also like low key scared of her cuz of the messed up shit she does in the movies lol but he knows she not actually like that.
anon i want to kiss u rn
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"do you promise not to scream bloody murder this time?" you ask you boyfriend as your sleek vehicle pulls up to your latest movie premiere. his slicked back hair and form-fitted suit stand in direct contrast to his pouty lips and adorably scrunched up nose. it takes everything in you not to laugh.
"i thought we agreed to not bring that up?" he complains as the car rolls to a stop, the chauffer unlocking the doors. suddenly, he shoves his door open, sprinting around the car before you can even open your own.
"ever the gentleman," you tease after he opens your door for you. he offers his hand, and you step out of the car with as much grace as you can muster, linking your arm with his.
"only for you," he teases back before you're making your way down the red carpet, smiling and posing for the photographers that line the walkway. you smile a little wider when you feel yeonjun's arm slip from your hold to slither around your waist, internally knowing that he probably isn't going to survive this movie — this is definitely one of the scariest projects you have been apart of.
the moment the movie comes on, he's gripping onto your arm, muscles tense and eyes as wide as saucers. the first scene — expected to you, very much unexpected to him — is a jumpscare, your character's blacked out eyes staring straight into the camera. he nearly screams at the sight, your character's neck twisting at an odd angle before the lights cut out.
"i think my soul just left my body," you hear him mumble as the next scene begins. in response, you laugh quietly, allowing him to scoot closer to you. he flinches and jumps and hides his face in your shoulder throughout the rest of the movie — though you remain unfazed, simply giggling at his theatrics and rubbing a comforting thumb against the back of his hand. getting home is worse with how jumpy he becomes, but you somehow make it back in the end.
as the two of you undo yourselves, he asks, "you're not gonna, like...turn into a demon while we sleep, are you?"
"jjun," you sigh, exasperated as you remove your makeup in front of the bathroom mirror, your formal attire exchanged for one of his shirts and a pair of shorts.
"kidding! kidding," he says as he raises his hands in mock defense, the reflection the mirror allowing you too catch sight of his joking expression. "unless..."
you hear him chuckle from behind you before his arms wrap around your torso. he plants a soft kiss to your neck, resting his chin against your shoulder.
"i'm really proud of you, y'know," he murmurs, the teasing atmosphere vanishing before your bery eyes as he slowly sways you back and forth. you bring another cotton round to your face to clean off any remnants of makeup you may have missed while he admires your bare face through the mirror. "your acting is incredible. you always get so immersed into your character, and i know how hard you work for these roles. i feel so lucky to be able to share these moments with you."
a blend of emotions hits you all at once. yeonjun has always been vocally supportive of your career, but his words never fail to affect you. your idol boyfriend is one of the most hardworking people you know, so to hear such encouraging words from him...it causes tears to well up in your eyes. you turn in his hold to face him. once he meets your teary gaze, he moves to cup your jaw with both hands. slowly, he presses his lips against your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, and at last, your lips, pulling away after a mere few seconds.
"what's wrong, my love?" he asks, his voice low and soft, an intrinsic tenderness that he saves only for you apparent in his tone. your lower lip wobbles before you can control it, unable to tear yourself from his umber eyes.
"nothing," you say, the corners of your lips upturned. a mutual, unspoken i love you floats through the air. "i'm just really happy right now."
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Ok so you guys are like the only ones I trust with this request right now but xd hear me out. Prime Mover Reader dealing with all the celebratory mess from drunk asf Copia after tonight's Grammi win. Like I'm dying to see how you imagine that, WHAT is going on, how is the rest of the Abey celebrating etc etc. Also how does drunk Copia even behave? The public needs to KNOW
Lmao good to know you trust us - Jez
Drunk Copia and the Grammi celebration
I just know Nihil is turning in his grave, knowing he lost one of the leverages he had. He can't taunt Copia for not winning a Grammy/Grammi anymore. Grandaddy of All Rituals™ is not happy about that. In fact, he's so salty, he doesn't celebrate at all.
Sister Imperator gets tipsy for the first time in years because her baby won a Grammi and even if nobody knows she's his momma, she is a fucking proud momma. Let her have it.
The Siblings of Sin are celebrating in the best way they all know - partying. Alcohol, drugs, orgies... All kinds of stuff. It's... A really big mess. You should probably avoid big rooms for a while, at least until it gets cleaned up.
The Ghouls are left to their own devices. Most of them go to Hell for a few hours so they can have a more extreme version of the party. It may or may not include cannibalism.
As for our precious boy Copia and his Prime Mover...
Well, Copia is completely smashed. In his defense, he never partied as much as the previous Papas (especially Secondo), so he never really needed to build up that much alcohol tolerance.
He's a very affectionate drunk, incredibly wholesome, but almost overwhelmingly sensitive. You need to be there and hold his hand or he'll cry. And not just like little sniffles, this man will have a full meltdown if the love of his life is not right next to him.
He's all over you, hugging, kissing your cheeks, nuzzling his face against your shoulder. He doesn't grope or do anything sexual, though. Affectionate, not horny drunk.
If you do have to leave him for some reason and come back a few minutes later, he's so wasted he doesn't even recognize you and falls in love again?
You better learn Italian because he forgets English completely.
Actually, don't bother learning Italian. He most likely says random gibberish that won't make sense.
He has a long ass conversation with himself about different kinds of meatballs.
He's arguing with himself about what his favorite food is???And it gets??? So heated???
Like, if he could, he would absolutely get into a fistfight with himself all while still clinging to you. It truly is an incredible sight.
If you're not there when he got drunk, however, he would be on his phone and trying to contact you.
The type of guy to tell you you're the best girlfriend he ever had and then go "Wow, that's amazing, I'm so lucky!" when you remind him you're married.
Kinda married? As close to getting married as you can get, I guess.
If he's drunk when you arrive, he'll literally say he's falling in love. And ask if you're single. He will cry if you tell him you're not.
"Copia, sweetie, I'm not single, I'm your Prime Mover. I'm with you. We're together."
He will cry when he hears that and there's a 50/50 chance for the reason.
It can be either tears of joy because someone so beautiful is with him?? HIM?? Of all people??
Or it can be tears of utter despair because his mind is too fucking focused on the "I'm not single" bit to understand anything else.
You should probably keep him away from mirrors while he's drunk. He gets unreasonably jumpy around them?
Like, bro almost got a heart attack when you were taking him to the bedroom and he looked to the side only to see himself?
Nobody knows why he got so scared of himself??
Please tuck him in, he needs it.
He's like a cranky toddler who refuses to sleep.
It's a hilarious cycle of you trying to get him to sleep, him leaving the bed and trying to get back to the party only to end up panicking in front of a mirror again.
The first couple of times a few more sober Siblings of Sin try to take him back to his room or go get you.
They need to get you, there's no chance he's following anyone else.
It will take a few hours to finally get him to sleep because he's gonna be a mess. He gets so emotional it's weird.
You have to cuddle him until he's in deep sleep if you want to leave the bed without the risk of him waking up and either running away again or crying for you.
You find out later that the only reason he was running away was because you'd leave the room and the party was the last place his drunk mind remembered you being.
Drunk Copia is endearing. A bit tiring to deal with, but endearing.
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writerscafehub · 5 months
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I give myself a solid 3 stars. I think I can churn out some good stories and smut, but I know I make grammatical errors and sometimes my stories have an awkward flow, but I'm always working to get better. 
What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I’ve been told a few times that I have a good story telling ability; so I think that’s where I shine/stand out/ Being able to take a prompt, a song, or just a few quotes and turn it into a full story.
Are there any writers that inspire you?
Unfortunately, a lot of the writers who inspired me have left tumblr and are lost to time. Some of the ones that are still here are angryschnauzer, tsuntsunfangirl, and caffiened-queen. Some new favourites are Navy, hansensgirl, harryspet, tumblin-theworldaway, and of course all my friends in the server <3
What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
It’s so hard to pick just one so i’ll give two! I’m incredibly proud of my Spooptober 2023 collection. It was a tribute and inspired by Hozier’s newest album, and it was the first time I completed a monthly collection! Easter Bunny is definitely a favourite as well; not only a Lee fic (I love our Sheriff so much) but it was a chance to write some real escapist fluff. 
Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Loki, Bucky, and Cap are definitely my easiest characters. They’re my ol’ reliables and I love all three of them.
Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
The obvious answer is: BUCKY lol. But a lot of my fifcs tgend  to be escapism style stories. Bucky coming in to “rescue” the reader in one form or another, even if it’s a dark “rescue”
Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I have 3 long term multi chapter fics planned that I can’t wait to share with everyone (eventually). Two of them are Kylo Ren fics, with one having Kylo Ren as a Director of an art museum, hiring an intern whom Kylo assumes is a guy, but is actually a v cute girl and the other being a Mafia!Kylo with an arranged marriage. The last is a Loki fic with Loki as the CEO of a company who needs a bride to appear good for business purposes. 
First fandom you ever wrote for?
Technically the MCU. The first ever fic I wrote was a Tom Hiddleston fic.
Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I admit I don’t really believe in “guilty” pleasures; pleasures should be enjoyed! But man am I a sucker for my dub/non-con, kidnapping, and yandere stories!
A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
I try to not to say “never” because i’m always open to inspiration, but i don’t see myself ever writing anything with pregnancy/babies
Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I wrote this INSANE fic called “When Magic Meets Insanity” which is a threesome between Loki, Reader, and Jerome Valeska from Gotham. It’s crack to hell and is still available to read on my AO3. 
Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Stucky. Always. They are my OTP and I love how fun it is to explore their relationship. Especially throwing Sam into the mix. 
Do you listen to anything while you write?
It mostly depends on what/who i’m writing, but yes! For example, I’ll listen to oldies stuff when I'm writing for Lee, and I have this GREAT Asgardian library ambience for writing Loki. 
One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Not really, I sometimes imagine what happens after, but once a fic is done, I tend to just put it on a shelf and leave it. It’s why I hardly write sequels
Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I long to write some really good multi-chaptered works, but I struggle with writing long term conflict and i’m worried they’ll be awkward and won’t read well. 
What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
The best comment I’ve ever gotten was on my fic Sunlight (Sun God!Steve) from tumblin-theworldaway. She wrote a big huge comment on the fic and it was like the first thing I saw on a monday morning and I needed a good comment. 
Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
I won’t say “comfort zone” but I wrote my first ever Monster Fucker fic not too long ago, “By Land or By Sea” about Sea Monster!Loki and it was defintely new and interesting to write! 
Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, always. I’m always a sucker for happy endings (even dark happy endings lol)
Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Sort of. I have a beauty and the beast style novel planned. The beast is a rich lobbyist for oil industries. And the beauty is an indigenous woman who meets the beast at a cabin in the woods. It’s still heavily in development and i’m not sure when it’ll come to fruition. 
If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
“Teddy Bears” for sure. With slightly dark Bucky and Steve kidnapping me (is it kidnapping if i’m willing?? lol) and telling me I don’t have to work and they’ll take care of me? I’d be there in a heartbeat. 
Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I always write stoned lol. I get a ton of creativity and inspiration from weed and it helps make the ideas flow. It just can take a while to interpret all my stoned ramblings sometimes. 
Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
This is from my most recently published fic, the last fic in my Spooptober Collection, “To Someone from a Warmer Climate. The fic is about a witch!reader who is visited by a humble sheriff, Lee Bodecker. But he is more than meets the eye.
“Mmmmm…damn…That’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. And I just love the taste of the forgetfulness potion you added.”  Your heart dropped into your stomach.                 “What did you say?” He didn’t answer, only leaning back in his chair. He blinked and where crystal blue eyes had seemed to make him handsome and rakish; now were two inky black pits. He blinked again and his eyes were human again, but now his irises were crimson red. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You’d dealt with a few lower-level demons in your travels, but never someone who you could walk through your house’s defenses so easily. Usually, any malevolent force was neutralized before it even touched your house. But he…he was something darker. “I’d heard about a pretty witch living out here in the woods.” Lee continued. “Thought it was just another one of them dippy mortals wearing peace signs. But then that little old lady came in, bringing some brownies she said you’d made. And when I tasted them, I knew for sure. There was a real little witch somewhere in town. “Though it took me a while to find ya, darling. All them wards and runes…you’ve kept yourself pretty well hidden. But when that same sweet little old lady called in, worried about her friend in the woods, I knew I’d found you and here you are. Hidden away from the world, cooking up spells your nose buried in a mountain of books. All that defensive magic and you opened the front door for me and invited me in. Silly girl.” His eyes raked over your body, studying you.
Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Fanfiction writing has been some of the most fun writing I've ever had. I’ve loved writing for my whole life but sometimes it’s a struggle to write and create an entire cast/world. Fanfiction gives a helping hand to an entire gallery of characters with infinite possibilities. Not to mention the fact that based on “What if” logic, there is a multiverse out there where these fics really happen lol. I look forward to even more writing in the future, both fanfic and original. 
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futbol16 · 2 years
Rio Manuela ・ England Lionesses/Barcelona Femení
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This is a platonic story with the England lionesses and the Barcelona Femení girls. The character has a given name, but the story is written in second person. I was also bored enough to make an edit so hope you like that as well.
Id love any feedback you guys could give me! English is also not my first language so excuse me if anything is incorrect. Enjoy!
Word count: 3,7k words
It’s been a month since you and your team have won the 2022 EURO’s and to say team spirit was still high would be an understatement. It was one of the many reasons why your team felt like a big family, especially with being one of the younger ones. 
You were an incredibly successful player at the ripe age of 24 and by many fans' requests, you had been working on a biography. Although you had been keeping it on the down low, it was no secret.
That is exactly why the team was buzzing today as it was the release day of the movie. You on the other hand weren’t only excited but anxious as well. You didn’t have the best upbringing and you were scared of how the world would react to this side of your story. Moreover you were nervous about the team’s reaction, only a handful of people knew and even they only knew what you let them know.
“IT’S MOVIE NIGHT TONIIIIIGHT!” - Ella screamed as she ran around the pitch as training started. A few of the girls laughed at her excited antics, they too couldn’t wait. 
You laughed even bigger as you felt her jump on your back, screeching in your ear when you nearly dropped her.
“All right girls, gather around. We’ll do skill exercises today and a bit of strength training, I need all of you to be ready for the match that’s in two days.”-Sarina called you guys over.
Warming up in pairs you stood in line with the rest as you started training.
You looked up from your feet as you spotted Hempo getting ready to cross the ball. Picking up your speed you jumped into the air hitting a perfect header to the back of the net. Despite it only being a scrimmage in training you ran to the blonde smiling at her and celebrating.
“This is why they call you Barcelona’s bird.”- she grinned, making you chuckle.
“I think it’s also the name, you know, Rio and the movie with those blue birds?”- Rachel spoke up from behind the two of you, most of the team heading for their water bottles as training came to an end.
“Oh, yeah i guess that makes a bit more sense”-You laughed as a look of embarrassment washed over Lauren’s face, nudging her in the shoulder.
“Maybe, but I’m only Barcelona’s bird when I play for them, here, with the national team, I'm England’s lioness just like you guys.”- you smiled at the two then shrieked as they both squeezed the water from their bottles at you. Running away, the other two laughed loudly as they chased you around.
Lucy grinned as she watched the three of you. Turning to the other two as they waited for you. 
“Her biography is out today, right?” - Keira asked with a hopeful expression.
“Yeah, god the kid’s so young and she’s got a movie done for her, makes me feel old.”- Lucy chuckled, though with a proud smile on her face.
“Mhmm, the younger ones are really excited to watch it tonight.”- Leah continued.
“Pretty sure the whole world is. I mean she’s one of the best players in the world, it’ll be interesting to see her journey throughout her younger years.”- Leah’s smile faded a bit at that, she was one of the few people that knew, knew the little you shared.
Sitting in the relaxation room of the national team’s facility, all 23 of you got yourselves comfortable. Carrying three bowls of popcorn you thanked Leah and Alessia as they each took one and handed them to a group of girls allowing you to sit down between Lucy and Ella.
“WHO’S READY TO GET STARTED??”- Ella once again shouted forcing you to cover your ears with a smile as the others cheered.
 “Okay I was thinking about first watching the trailer and then we can start the movie.” - the others voiced their agreements as one of the girls started the trailer. Sitting back comfortably you crossed your arms over your chest as you waited patiently, this would also be your first time seeing the finished product, seeing the story of your football career.
The opening scene flashed across the screen showing you sitting in your cubby in a locker room, your England jersey proudly hanging behind you, the number 10 and Manuela printed onto it.
"All my life I had to fight, no one believed in me, so I had to believe in myself.”
Your back was to the camera as you walked through the tunnel leading you to the stadium’s football pitch. “To all of you, I have one thing to say. I’m not like you, because I’m not you. I am Rio Manuela.”
As the trailer finished, the girls seemed even more interested in your biography than before. Glancing around you took in some of their expressions before your gaze landed on Leah who smiled at you reassuringly and nodded her head. Smiling back at her softly you turned back around as the movie started.
1998, 𝖣𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 10, 𝖱𝗂𝗈 𝖽𝖾 𝖩𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗋𝗈
Soft cries indicated your arrival into the world, the nurse handing you to your father as he looked down at you with tear filled eyes.
“She’s so beautiful.”- he looked up at your mother, a tear running down his face.
“Have you got a name ready for her?”- one of the nurses asked with a polite smile turning towards your parents.
“Marcia Rio Manuela” - your mother answered, watching as your father placed a gentle kiss onto your forehead, your soft cries subsiding.
2002, 𝖱𝗂𝗈 𝖽𝖾 𝖩𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗋𝗈
Age 4
“Come on Marcia”- your father extended his arms as he scooped you up, turning back towards the reporter as she asked him something in Portuguese. Quickly getting bored, you got distracted with the short curls on his head, reaching up playing with them as he smiled at you.
Giggling at him you snuggled into his neck as the reporter decided to wrap up with her questions.
You smiled as a few other happy clips were seen playing on the screen. Willing yourself to not tear up, you felt Lucy wrap an arm around your shoulders from your right, allowing you to lean into her.
2007, 𝖲𝖾𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 21, 𝖱𝗂𝗈 𝖽𝖾 𝖩𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗋𝗈
Age 9
Your little feet hurried towards the ball as you played with a few of your team mates. Hearing your coach call you over, you picked the ball up trying to put it under your arm as you walked towards him.
“Listen Marcia, mom is here to pick you up, she said you needed to go somewhere. Go get your stuff, she’s waiting for you.” the smile fell from your lips as you took in what he was saying.
“But coach practice is not over yet, I wanna play.” - you all but whined, not happy with having been interrupted while you were so close to scoring a goal.
“I know amada (sweetheart), but your mom is waiting for you.” - he smiled at you sadly, confusing you but you blamed it on him also being sad about you having to leave.
Nodding your head you took off towards your mother who didn't spear you a glance as she opened the car door for herself, waiting on you as you got in too.
You didn’t dare ask questions after getting a harsh ‘quiet’ after your first two. 
The car pulled into the driveway of the familiar family house, getting out and into the house, you watched as your mom pulled out suitcases throwing different articles of clothing into them.
“I wasn’t told until after we landed in England that my father had died during one of his missions at the Navy. I remember I was in such despair as the words slipped out of my mother’s mouth. But I know I was also upset that she took me away from home, from all that I knew.”
You spoke into the camera, sitting on a chair with a gray background behind you. Your face showed one of sorrow as you ran your fingers through your hair.
“I decided to go by my middle name after that, Rio, in honor of my dad. He and I both were born in Rio de Janeiro and he always told me his happiest memories were from growing up there, he loved Brazil, it was his home” a small smile made its way onto your face
2010, 𝖫𝗈𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗇, 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖠𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖥𝗈𝗈𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖢𝗅𝗎𝖻 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗁 𝖠𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗒
Age 12
“Go Rio, drive forwards, come on!”- your academy coach shouted at you as he saw your hesitation. Nodding to yourself you sped up coming face to face with one of your opponents, making eye contact with her you sent her a devious look before megging her and running around her to collect the ball. 
Moving past her you skillfully dribbled past four other opponents, looking up you saw you were one on one with the goal keeper. Pulling your leg back you aimed and then watched as the ball soared through the air and hit the back of the net. Your teammates screamed as they piled on top of you, the whistle being blown signaling the end of the match. 
The camera zoomed in on your face as you grinned, your coach sending you a proud thumbs up.
2012, 𝖫𝗈𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗇, 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖠𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖥𝗈𝗈𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖢𝗅𝗎𝖻 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗁 𝖠𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗒
Age 14
“Good job girls, practice is done for the day. Go home and rest alright?”- your coach smiled at the young girls as they ran off towards the locker room. Hanging back a bit you took your time getting to the changing room.
Entering you were met with one of the taller girls on the team, a red head. Her name was Grace and she really had it out for you. “You could’ve passed more today.”
A few of the others looked up from their own chatter, now paying attention to what was about to go down in front of them.
“You weren’t open, you can’t expect me to pass to a player that’s clearly being marked.”- you answered her with an unimpressed look, this wasn’t the first time she came for you.
“Oh shut it Manu, we both know it’s only because of your huge ego.”- she seethed her palms pressing onto your shoulders as she tried to shove you back, but you didn't budge.
Raising an eyebrow at her, a small smirk made itself present on your face.
“That’s all you can do? Come on, I thought you wanted that ball.”- you commented with a smug look. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the short blonde girl stand up about to intervene before this would go the wrong way, but you gently shook your head. She sat back down with a worried look on her face. 
Focusing back on the redhead in front of you, you barely dodged her hit as her fist grazed your cheek. A collective intake of breath was heard throughout the locker room as she tried again, this time you ducked before hitting your elbow to the back of her knee. You watched as her knee buckled and she fell on her bum. Deciding that you’ve had enough, you made your way out of the locker room.
It was half an hour after practice, all of the girls had been picked up already. You sat against the wall as you seemed to zone out staring at the ball in your hands. The sound of boots hitting the ground woke you out of your trance, looking up at your coach as he exhaled.
“Has she not come yet?”- you shook your head at his question, though you thought the answer was obvious enough. - “I’ll be back in 15 minutes, if you’re still here I’m taking you home myself.”
With that you stood up making your way back onto the pitch which by now was lit up by the big lights. Fooling around with the ball at your feet, you already knew you would have to walk home alone.
Entering the apartment you shrugged your coat off as you chucked your training bag onto your bed. Making your way into the living room you spotted her figure hunched over what you assumed to be paperwork.
“Where were you? My practice ended an hour ago.”- you asked her, rightfully upset as she barely acknowledged you.- “You were supposed to pick me up.”
“You’re here now, aren’t you?” - you scoffed at that.- “Eat whatever you find and then go to your room, I’ve got work to do.”
“Diane failed to act like a mother, I could count on one hand the amount of times she’s cared enough to show up for her daughter.”- your academy coach spoke as he looked back on those times. He sat in front of a maroon background as he scratched his chin.- “I’m glad Rio had the academy, she had us and we supported her through everything.”
You felt a few of the girls glance towards your way, Lucy squeezed your shoulder as she sensed your discomfort.
2014, 𝖩𝗎𝗇𝖾 6, 𝖤𝗇𝗀𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖶𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇’𝗌 𝖭𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖥𝗈𝗈𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖳𝖾𝖺𝗆
Age 16
“We both made our debut for the national team in 2014. She was one hell of a player, I think that’s why many didn’t like her at first. Even when we were younger and in the academy, if she wasn’t looking for trouble, trouble found her. People always looked down on her. And then she’d step out onto the field and prove them wrong.”- Leah Williamson spoke as she chuckled at the childhood memories you shared.
A few videos were shown of your debut, your first goals and first assists for the national team.
The girls’ eyes widened as one of the clips showed you jumping over a defender trying to slide tackle you, the ball held firmly between your ankles before you landed at the other side of her and ran towards the goal. 
2016, 𝖴𝗇𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖪𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖽𝗈𝗆
Age 18
Hey Rio, why are you still here”- a young Leah Williamson appeared on the screen. You were still in your training gear as you smiled at her sheepishly.
“Well..you know.”- you pulled your lips into a tight smile.
“She didn’t come to the game?”
“She doesn’t come to any of them, never has, said she’s got more important things to do”-you looked at the blonde with a confused expression she dragged you towards the stands where her mother and brother stood.
“Rio sweety, come here.”- her mother wrapped you up in a hug as you reached over and ruffled Jacob’s hair who only groaned at your actions. - “Come on, you’re having dinner over at ours.”
You and Leah grinned as you swung an arm around each other, walking out the stadium.
Behind you Leah smiled fondly at the memories grabbing ahold of your hand as you reached it out to her and squeezed it.
2017, 𝖲𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗇, 𝖥𝗎𝗍𝖻𝗈𝗅 𝖢𝗅𝗎𝖻 𝖡𝖺𝗋𝖼𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝖺 𝖥𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗇í
Age 19
“I met Rio this year actually. She amazed us all right in her first training session. We quickly became friends, because we both were the rookies of the team.”- Maria Leon, Mapi laughed into the camera. - “She’s got this amazing personality too. I remember this one time -it was actually when she got her nickname- I remember she scored a banger of a goal with an assist from me and I was so happy I just ran through her legs and lifted her onto my neck”- she laughed out loud, her voice fading as the clip played on the screen, both of your younger selves laughing loudly at each other as someone - you assumed Leila Ouhabi- filmed the two of you, laughing along before speaking up.- “And there goes Barca’s bird”
2020, 𝖲𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗇, 𝖥𝗎𝗍𝖻𝗈𝗅 𝖢𝗅𝗎𝖻 𝖡𝖺𝗋𝖼𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝖺 𝖥𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗇í
Age 22
“What was your favorite goal of the season so far?”- the interviewer asked you in a post match interview, your hair still damp with sweat and a bit out of breath.
“That absolute rocket I just scored!”- you exclaimed happily, adrenaline still coursing through your veins from the win as you pointed your thumb behind you to the pitch. The rest of your team was seen dancing around and celebrating.
“How does it feel to score a winning goal in the Copa de la Reina?”- she asked you as you bounced on the balls of your feet.
“Absolutely fucking amazing!”- you screamed into the camera as you got up close. The camera man and the interviewer laughed out loud as you got swept off your feet and onto the shoulders of your captain.
Mapi ran up behind you as you were seen waving at the camera while Alexia walked you back to your team to celebrate with you. - “That bicycle kick was one for the history books!”
“Bar-celo-na’s li-ttle bird, Rio,Rio! Our goal scoring hero,hero!”- your chants were screamed by the fans in the stadium.
Watching your bicycle kick being played on the screen a sense of pride filled your chest again as you heard not only the fans in the stadium screaming for you but your national team mates sitting around you as well, a few of them leaning over to pat you on the head or shoulders.
 It definitely was still one of your favorite goals.
2021, 𝖡𝖺𝗋𝖼𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝖺, 𝖲𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗇
Age 23
Another interview was shown on the screen. It was one with a few of your Barcelona teammates, some of your trophies laid out on the ground.
“OH, MIS BEBÉS!”- you shouted as you hugged the two Ballon D’ors close to you. Alexia and Jenni laughed loudly at you as you grinned back at them.
“Those are definitely her favorite trophies.”- Alexia turned towards the camera.
“Are you kidding me? They’d be my favorite trophies too.”- Jenni jokes.
“Don’t worry Jenni, you’ll get your own.”
2022, 𝖴𝖤𝖥𝖠 𝖤𝗎𝗋𝗈𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗇 𝖶𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇’𝗌 𝖥𝗈𝗈𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉
Age 24
England vs Germany
“Germany has always been a great threat to any country they’ve played against. Today the England Lionesses face them at home grounds, at Wembley Stadium.” - the commentators were heard as your team lined up for the anthems.
“Yeah I think this team has really shown just how good they are. They’ve got great quality and obviously a good mix of experienced and inexperienced players. Every single one of them has great potential, and you know, working together and cooperating, the sky has no limits, this team has no limits and hopefully we get to show that to the world at the final match.”- Sarina Weigman spoke at the press conference.
Dropping to your knees you allowed the tears to fall freely as the final whistle was blown. Looking up at the sky you placed a kiss on your pointer finger before pointing upwards.
Soon you felt a body colliding with you, Leah’s familiar blonde hair clouding your sight as the two of you hugged.
“We fucking did it!”- she all but sobbed, holding you tighter by the back of your head. You laughed in glee, pulling back you wiped her tears.
“We fucking did! My captain, my Leah, we did it!” - you told her proudly as her tears kept flowing down her face. Pulling her up you gave her another squeeze before she sent you towards Lucy.
Falling into the arms of who you considered to be your big sister she spun you around before inviting you to slide into the confetti pooling on the pitch.
2022, 𝖲𝖾𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 21, 𝖴𝗇𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖪𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖽𝗈𝗆
“Who do you think you can thank your success to?”- you were asked. Leaning back in your chair you briefly glanced at the dark blue background behind you.
“I’d rather answer another question first.”- you lightly laughed as the person behind the camera nodded.
“What do you think your greatest trait as a player is?”
“Hmm, I’d have to say my drive to succeed for not only myself but for the club, the country and most importantly my teammates.”- you answered with a thoughtful look on your face.
“Oh it’s definitely her passion for the sport. I have met many great players, myself being one of them, she’s one of the players with the greatest passion towards football. I really do admire that about her.”- Lucy answered halfheartedly in a separate interview, sitting in front of the blue background.
“The strength she has, not only as a player but as a person as well. Her mother sort of..abandoning her…in some sense, obviously hurt her a lot, it would hurt anyone, but not everyone would be able to fight in spite of that. To continuously show up and prove others wrong.” - Alexia answered the same question with a sad smile on her face but a proud look by the end.
“Her love for the sport and for the people around her. She has such a loud and fun energy to her, on and off the pitch. She’s hard to forget.”- Leah smiled with a chuckle.
“Well I mean if nothing else works then she’s got a real good death stare. Like you can see the opposition back down from her…but most of the time I guess her skills are good enough”- Ella laughed as Allessia sent a jab at her ribs, laughing as well before answering. - “Yeah, she’s got it all.”
“Back to the first question, why do you think you succeed and continue to succeed in football?”
“My family.”- you answered, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Your family?”- she asked with a somewhat confused face.
“Yeah, it’s thanks to them that I’m still here. I’ve learnt everything from them and they continue to make me not only a better player but a better person as well.”- you smiled big with a light blush coating your cheeks.
“By family, do you mean your parents?”
“No, I mean I know my dad’s watching me from up there and I know he’s proud of me, that’s more than enough for me. But my family is my club team and national team. All 46 of them have my back and I have every single one of theirs.”- you answered truthfully. - “And I absolutely adore every one of them.”
The girls cheered as your biography ended, some with tearful looks on their faces, others with big smiles but all of them with a proud glint in their eyes. 
Your mother might have not cared enough, that redhead at the academy might have caused you more trouble than you would’ve liked and yeah, your abilities were definitely doubted by many at the start of your career, but you knew you were right where you belonged.
 In the arms of your teammates, your best friends and sisters. And when you’d be back for preseason at Barcelona, you’d be with the other half of your family. 
Football gave you a home.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 months
Hey, Michelle! I'm a night owl, which is why I'm still up at 1 a.m. 🦉
I have a question for you, and it may be a tough one considering how many awesome stories you've written, but...
Which story are you most proud of? If it's easier, one series, one one-shot. 😆💕
I'm a night owl too! Which is why it's so unfortunate I have to start my workday at 7am 😂
Stories I'm most proud of, hm? Well that is definitely not the easiest question, especially considering the volume of them! So I'm going to cheat juuuuust a little bit and keep the list to under 10 (you may want coffee, wine and/or snacks cause this turned into a novel):
The Daughter!Reader Fic With More Timestamps Than Parts (😂)
Probably the one series I'm most proud of because of the impact it's had on my readers is A Place to Call Home (or APTCH as it's been affectionately dubbed around here). And it's a funny little story to me to have that special designation because it really shouldn't be so popular. It's a Jensen x foster daughter!reader story which is so niche in the first place. I don't really read daughter!reader stories myself so I really have no idea why I wanted to write this one. I held onto it for almost a year after it was written because I thought I'd get such a negative reaction to it for being weird, disrespectful, you name it. Yet, it's turned into this never-ending saga that I get told over and over is one thing: comforting. It's such a simple story, a girl who needs a family but has been so hurt she's given up on the idea of one and a man who will do whatever it takes to show her she's worthy of love. And it's that story over time from a scared 17 year old high school kid to a young woman falling in love, figuring out her own career, navigating her own family, her own adulthood and how overtime that relationship with Jensen grows and changes as it does for all of us with parents as we grow up. Having people who were actually in foster care/were adopted/are foster/adoptive parents themselves reach out and say it captures a lot of those real life feelings and desires is still probably the best compliment I've ever gotten. For every situation there is, good or bad, I've been told it's a pick me up by so many and for that I will always be proud of this one.
The Canon-esque, "Hey this is like a post-show movie"
Staying in canon is fun. Staying in canon at a point beyond the show? That's even more fun for me. Beautiful Loser was really my first crack at, "hey what could a post series finale pickup look like?" Bring in some kids, bring in good ole fashioned hunter paranoia, bring in a creepy little kid...this one felt like writing an episode of SPN and I'm SOOO happy with how it turned out! The lore, the ups and downs, damn it still gets me.
The Arranged Marriage Political Thriller
I mean, Unconventional originally was supposed to be a fun little ABO quirky arranged marriage story and then...then it became "this idea of being lesser is the shit women have to deal with even in the real world". I didn't intend to write that story but it ended up going there and I'm incredibly proud of the message it puts out there that change is hard, change requires sacrifice sometimes, but not everyone is bad and if you fight for it, sometimes you can make a real difference.
The Fast Paced Detective Story
39 Hours was the first story I ever wrote based on the aesthetic and one of the first cop!Dean stories I did. I wrote it like a good thriller mystery. The clock is ticking down faster and faster. The protector is a grump with maybe a soft side? The victim isn't weak and some threat is looming in the air. This was such a departure for me to write a long condensed story like this too but it broke open that avenue for me and I still consider this one of my favorite stories I've done.
The Body Issues One
It's such a trope of women having body issues but what about if the guy had them too? Because we know they do they do, they just talk about it so much. And we all always call Jensen that male model SOB so a model Dean was faaar too tempting. Now give the reader some physical scars from an accident Dean's own dad caused, a father who's disowned Dean for his career choice...we've got two people who very much seem themselves as broken yet can't see it in one another. This was a heavy topic on a lot of fronts to work in Broken Like Me but I'm really happy with the messaging that comes through.
The Jensen Shower Pics Inspired One
Thank god for Jensen Ackles cause this one wouldn't have existed without those shirtless late night pics. ABO has always been an interesting world I like to push the boundaries of but this was my first real attempt at going big, adding my own rules and boundaries. Coming up with the new science, adding the mystery elements, adding that growing sexual tension...yeah Feral is my favorite ABO story I've ever done hands down.
The Best RPF I'll Ever Write
RPF isn't for everyone but if you only ever read one by me, it's got to be If I Fell For You by a landslide. A Jensen x nanny!reader fic can be, let's just say, really easy to screw up. They can go down routes I don't like to go. But this story deals with so many themes that are worthwhile. Grief. Loss. Learning to love again. Parental love and when it's lacking. Forgiveness and pain. It hurts so good is the best way to put this one. And the safety net analogy I came up with in Part 4 is something I'm particularly proud of.
Making You Forgive The Asshole
I know you in particular will understand this Zep but writing a redemption story for Soldier Boy is fucking hard. It's really easy to watch the show and go he's awful but he's so cute, he can do whatever he wants. Throw in an actual reader and suddenly him being walking sin ain't gonna cut it. Writing character growth realistically can be hard. It can be ever harder when we got like a grand total of 15 mins of screen time with that character. I was nervous as hell to write Thunder In Our Hearts quite honestly. So when I got the reaction that I didn't screw it up felt so, so good. Now I can't wait to do it again with The Villain's Protector! 😉
I'm quite proud of myself for narrowing this down to 8 fics lol. There are many more I could list but these are the big hitters! And thank you for the trip down memory lane! 🥰
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pe0ple3ater · 7 months
Hello! As per request, here is my full analysis on Cellbit and his turn to cannibalism!
Before you read, here are some things to keep in mind!
This is only my interpretation, you're allowed to disagree. If you do, I'd really be happy if you, respectfully, added to the post! I want to hear your thoughts and analysis. Or you can DM me! Let me say it again, you will respectfully disagree with me. If you're rude, I'll ignore and or block ^^
I am just some guy, I don't have all of the answers. I'm only a casual watcher of Cellbit and only know his lore from what I've read! I may be wrong! However, I have taken a lot of time reading up on him and watching as many videos and clips as I can hehe
This dives into some heavy shit., such as Cellbit's negative feelings about himself, delusions, and unhealthy relationships. You need to be aware while reading this!
It's written a bit like a fic, because I can't help but be dramatic
An exploration of Cellbit, violence, cannibalism, and love.
The first we know of Cellbit is the Hunger Games event, made canon by his conversations with Bad.
Cellbit was young, a child soldier thrown into these harsh games for the pleasure of faceless watchers because it was either die in the streets or die trying to get some quick cash and possibly win.
The whole situation is fully out of his control; this is the beginning of his spiral.
Keep in mind that he's a child. These conditions are not what he should be dealing with. His mind is forced into a survival mode where he has to do whatever he can to stay alive.
He has to kill people to survive, and then when things get bad, he has to eat people to survive. It's what he has to do. He has Bad, the first person he’s ever looked up to and has wanted to make proud, showing him how to butcher a body and what parts taste the best.
Cellbit has to do this, or he'll die.
It's out of his control.
To deal with the disgust, the fear, the self-loathing, and the trauma. His brain forces him to convince himself to like it. It's easier to enjoy the things that scare you than to be constantly disgusted and afraid by them. He convinces himself he likes it all, the blood, the killing, the cannibalism. It still makes him sick; deep down, a part of him knows he's wrong. He hates these acts and feels disgusted; he manages to drown it out with the screams of the people he has to kill.
When they win, and he looks over to see Bad smiling tiredly at him, ragged and flushed with victory and pride, it solidifies that enjoyment in his head. He won, he did everything he had to, and he feels good right now, and that means that everything he had to do to get here is good as well.
He's a child, remember that.
Next, he's in prison.
Another situation where he has no control other than what he can force himself to have.
The phone becomes a comfort, a lifeline he uses to force the people around him into respecting and fearing him.
People being scared of him feels good, incredible.
No one has ever really been afraid of Cellbit before. If they're scared of him, they can't hurt him. He learns to manipulate people, and he garners the respect and control he’s been grappling for. He becomes some twisted form of friends with Felps, someone who respects and fears and helps him. It's good, he's settled.
He keeps trying to escape because that's just another thing he can control.
Then he meets Pac, and maybe he falls in love, but at this point, he is an amalgamation of trauma and violence. He has never been in love or been loved, not by anything but the hilt of his knife. Pac is like him; he can see it in how he throws himself at situations that scare him. Cell can see the flash of interest in his eyes when they look at each other. Cell wants to have him. He makes Pac afraid of him; he controls him because if Cell can control him, maybe he can keep him. It’s what he’s learned to be true of himself.
They plan to escape, and they try to leave him alone. Cell's control on the situation slips, and he lashes out against the people trying to take it away. He feels nothing when he kills JV other than rage and his blood on his hands.
He needs to restate his control over Pac. He needs Pac to be his forever, in some way. So he eats his leg.
He likes eating people, and he likes Pac. These wires are crossed in his head. All Cell has ever known is violence; every time he's cared about someone, it's always ended in pain. He doesn't know any other way to be. He hurts Pac, and he eats his leg so that Pac will bear that mark forever. He will never exist without the mark of what Cell did to him. He will never escape from Cell’s love, and Cell will always hold that over him. It makes Cell so happy; he thinks he loves Pac, and now Pac will always know how Cell feels about him.
He kills Felps. It hurts. He doesn't want to, but he can't leave any ties to be found; if Felps hates him, it's easier.
They escape, and he gets left behind. He does what he needs to do to survive; finally, his life is his.
He gets "better," goes to therapy, and tries to fix himself. He learns that he is fundamentally wrong and that his brain doesn't work as it should. He understands that he is a monster, and Cell can't look at himself in the mirror for a long time. He stays away from people, mostly.
He goes to Quesadilla Island, and for a while, things are okay.
Pac is there; every time Cellbit looks at Pac, the broken part in him purrs and claws at his throat, and the new parts of himself he's trying to establish shrink away in disgust. He apologizes and makes promises he doesn't know he can keep. Mike glares at him, he’s always been the angry part of Tazercraft. Pac looks at him wearily, leans away when he gets too close. Yet he accepts him without much fight. Cellbit tries not to think about other times he accepted him without a fight.
Cellbit has a fragile control over his life.
He spends many days barely holding himself back from hurting Roier. He loves him, and no matter how many times Cellbit tells himself it's not true, he will always be made of violence. He forcibly files down the parts of himself that he knows hurt people. He tries so hard. He dreams of Roier under him, chest open and heart bared to him. Waking up from those dreams he’s filled with pride and love. He curls around his husband and sobs into his chest, and Roier tries to reassure him that it's okay; he knows Cellbit would never hurt him. Cellbit keeps himself on the brink of exhaustion; if he's too tired to think, he's too tired to hurt people.
He still tries not to look in the mirror.
He kills the Fed workers when the eggs go missing. He hates them. He eats at the raw flesh like he did so long ago because he needed to do this. He can't control where their children are, but he can control these worker's deaths, make a statement that he knows the Feds will see. Cell and Cellbit are not two separate people. They never have been, they are the same, and Cellbit has never felt more himself than when he ripped into those fucking bears. He goes home, cleans up the blood, vomits, and lays awake, wondering what the fuck is wrong with him.
Cellbit hates himself, Roier kisses his cheek and climbs into bed. Cellbit hates himself. He selfishly clings to Roier and lets himself be loved in a way that doesn't hurt. Cellbit hates himself. He squeezes his eyes closed and thinks about ripping into his husband the way he had those innocent workers.
Cellbit hates himself, and Roier mumbles that he loves him.
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
Personal: Transness and Physio
Wednesday I was at physio as is generally the case on Wednesdays this physio cycle. (Current goals: Arm unsupported above my shoulder prolonged to the front at all to the side, Undoing damage from the wrong sling the first two weeks of healing, and strength building). My main pre-op physio had a free moment and stopped over to check on my between patients.
Him: How are you doing?
Me, cheekily: ready for this to be over.
Physios *laugh*
He turned to ask my physio for more detailed info. Which involved pronouns. Look, my pronouns are on file. My prefered name is unfailingly used by staff in this facility and all the healthcare settings I routinely used for… most of a decade or something like that. I used to have to pioneer a lot of health care providers, including Poverty clinic (second trans patient getting trans related health care there, back when there was one ignorant and low key transphobic provider, but it was far better than the extremely transphobic endocrinologist who wasn't taking new patients anyway so everyone had to trek down to seattle for everything), and just about every specialist I saw for years and years, often with people for whom English was a second language who were flat out confused my my medical charts.
For the record, once word spread (and trans provider word spread FAST on the trans grapevine) and Poverty clinic got deluged by desperate poor people who flat out couldn't afford 150-300 per health apointment and a whole day of travel, a second super cool doctor self educated and started taking patients. Within a year or two the whole staff had training. A couple years later they did a big survey, flat out changed the name of the clinic so as not to scare trans people, added prefered name/pronouns/gender to all forms and are a makor provider for two counties, providing an ever expanding range of care. Poverty clinic's main population had been HIV, kids who's parents couldn't afford health insurance, and unhoused. They are so much more now, and my whole reason is the better for it, because a whole lot of other practices got better and new services opened up all over the western part of my state to deal with demand that having two cities with trans heallthcare drew to the reagon. (A whole lot of other places have safe clinmics now and if you are in a blue county, you are likely okay to be fairly open. People can live in cheaper towns and cities and still have care a reasonable drive or bus away. It absolutely wasn't the case fifteen years ago. For some things the choices were seattle, san franscisco, and that one city in colorado. For hormones and trans friendly psychiatry it was only slightly better.) I am incredably proud of all the medical practices I pioneered and made safe for other people.
Thing is though, it's still not perfect. I'm pretty relaxed about pronouns, but where people are super careful about names, some people are waaaay better at pronouns than others. I bowl down the middle on purpose, in non-medical customer service settings, people take their best guess and I don't make a fuss unless someone else does or is obnoxious or I get duling customer service people who are in conflict and each sure they are right (Which is hilarious, but I consider it polite to step in at that point). I will back up a child if their parent corrects them to the wrong thing. I will happily give pronouns when a polite person asks.
In medical settings outside of places trying really hard to get it right like Poverty clinic or weirdly the Christian Hospital, people mess up pronouns about a third of the time. I think the masks make it more confusing for them and I am always in a mask in a medical setting unless I need to take it off for a medical thing.
The room in the physio clinic where I go, it is pretty much middle aged straight guy therapists (There's a woman sometimes and a younger guy I see doing legs now and then, but mostly it is middle aged straight guys who look like gym teachers. Guys like my late Uncle when I was growing up who was also a physio). Trans stuff doesn't come up. I spend the entire session working one on one with these guys, so while names get used now and then the pronouns are all 1st and 2nd person, you follow? There is enough conversation that I'm pretty sure none of the three guys who've worked on my arm are MAGAS. I peg them as likely democrats, but where on that spectrum? No fucking clue. They are all good guys and good physios. I do not know their stance on right to pee, you follow?
So the most classically straight ex-college athlete guy turns to the very gentle, very pacific northwesty type married with children postsurgical guy (I have no idea how to describe this type of northwest guy to someone who's never been here, but if you have it's really obvious. Loves being out in nature and likely has nature based hobbies. Cares about feminism and the environment in a genuine way. Relaxed about their masculinity and masculinity in general, so are usually some degree of queer friendly. Other stuff. It's hard to explain, but trust me. If you live here, you will meet a lot of this kind of guy. The two people I had my longest relationships with were this kind of PNW guy. I dated a bunch more. ), who is currently super slowly and gently stretching my arm, and asks him more technical stuff about my progress because he was worried I hadn't put on quite enough muscle before surgery.
This involved pronouns. Get this: THEY WERE THE CORRECT PRONOUNS. Both guys used correct pronouns. They also included me in the conversation. Bravo, Physio Dudes! Seriously, I had no idea how that was going to go when the pre-op guy opened his moth and it was A+.
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sleeplesssmoll · 10 months
Thank you for replying so fast! It’s really interesting that Vertin really did make such a gamble. Speaking of which, what is with the two moons? Is that the Storm Syndrome of the era? How is it related to the pop art thing we see happen?
Full disclosure before this: I adore Vernetto and I’m very much writing from the perspective of Vernetto Real, haha. So: I feel like Vertin and Sonetto’s relationship changes quite a bit throughout the story. In chapter 3, Vertin is the one who pursues Sonetto, but the dynamic is reversed (ha) later on. I often feel like Vertin has trouble identifying her own emotions regarding other people, and it makes me wonder if maybe she had a crush on Sonetto without realizing it when they were kids, giving her all sorts of things in an attempt to bond with her. It didn’t really work because Sonetto was so scared of anything from the outside, despite her natural curiosity. Then the breakaway happened, there was no chance for things to progress, and Vertin “moved on”.
I feel like it breaks Vertin’s heart to see Sonetto shut down her natural curiosity and interest in the outside world due to the Foundation’s indoctrination, but at the same time, Vertin doesn’t want to force her to change her views. Instead I think she is incredibly supportive and proud of Sonetto whenever she makes strides in the direction of independence. And of course she’s always happy to enable Sonetto when she wants to try things (I really cannot imagine a world where Vertin turned down Sonetto’s cheek kissing practice or bridge invitation!).
Also, do we know if the prologue is the first time Vertin and Sonetto have met each other since the breakaway, or if they’ve seen each other in between? Things like Sonetto’s birthday letter would maybe imply that it’s not the first time, right?
I want to know the last bit as much as you 😂 I'm assuming they stayed in touch but there isn't much to go off of. I really want to know what happened between the break away event and the intro.
Sonetto, how did you get from "damn it Vertin" to this puppy? Also, despite Sonetto scolding Vertin, she will still accept the gifts and never outright ignores her. If Vertin calls, she'll answer and I think that says something about her too.
Vertin once mentioned to Madam Z she knew she could depend on her because on that night long ago, she saw that madam z was not part of Constantine's game by the look in her eyes. She also doesn't force people to make choices they really don't want. For example, she gives Regulus options in the Suitcase after everything as proof of this. Like if Regulus wanted, she could have joined the Foundation which would make sense considering the whole experiment thing but they really are alike so that didn't happen. She stayed.
Going off of this, I think Vertin has high emotional intelligence but doesn't necessarily know the correct action to take. Especially since they were kids back then. Maybe she saw that curious spark Sonetto displays now and wanted to fuel it, hoping to bond over shared interests? Her perception is highlighted throughout the story. Perhaps she knew Sonetto doesn't actually hate her despite her frustrations? Gremlin energy. You love and you hate them.
As for the Storm Syndrome, yes I think the moons were a side effect of the Storm but I couldn't tell you exactly what it represented 🤔
From a shipping perspective, I l'm happy with any content with Vertin in it lol. As for the analysis of shipping dynamics, I like comparing opposite dynamics since it helps me refine the point I'm trying to make. On this case, it'd be Schneider.
While seeing Schneider's effect on Vertin is straightforward, Sonetto's true influence stood out to me when I backtracked.
From the moment they met, Schneider is described with a sort of romantic or pretty language. From her face to her scent, she's directly described in a delicate but deadly light. It really feels like she made a shift in Vertin's world in the short time they knew each other.
The context she thinks about Sonetto isn't highlighted with the same romanticism she applies to Schneieder, but she constantly appears in Vertin's thoughts. In Sonetto's case it's the small things that Vertin's always noticed but never forgets. Sonetto lives in her head rent free from her dreams (artificial somnambulism) to memories from their days as children.
From all the way back in the intro, Vertin makes references to their school days when she meets Sonetto. Like the way Sonetto looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath before combat or the determined expression is the same kind she makes before an exam. While Schneider made a huge impact in a moment, Sonetto's presence quietly persisted in her mind for a long time.
In simpler terms:
Schneider was the one who shook her world.
Sonetto is her Roman Empire.
I might have more dynamics to work with in the future and this is subject to change as the character develop but I hope this is useful for your story! Good luck! 👍
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
Here we are ladies, gents, and the non-binaries. The long-awaited Chapter 27 which you've blessed us in FULL today. 8 parts??? what have I done to deserve this? And I've got so many thoughts I Literally had to stare at my screen to collect myself because where do I even start????? Well, first off, I can start with the fact that that was amazing and you're incredible, and thank you for this. I've got so many things to say but I'm literally short-circuiting so AAAH. okay. I'm doing it by roughly by parts so I don't miss a thing. And since you've given us 8 parts, expect this to be the longest essay yet (I'm not even kidding please I apologize this got away from me)
First off, the slow build-up was killing meeee. But then again, I do love seeing them having normal conversations (I mean, a dick in the garbage disposal isn't exactly normal but I digress because that part made me laugh) and seeing Bucky be so protective of her because he has a point. Jesse is out for blood and leaving Pocket alone would be a terrible idea (I mean, well, we obviously see this later). I love their banter too! The teasing and the joking and Bucky's smug lil "nothing I haven't seen before" like okay, pipe down. I love Pocket's stubbornness, arguing with Bucky that she can handle herself (which she can obvs) but I couldn't help but giggle when she *pouts* "I have a gun" *pouts* when Bucky told her that even Nat couldn't handle Jane in hand to hand ESPECIALLY when the unhinged snake is set out for the kill and a super soldier at that.
Now, the footage of Jacky in the Hydra base. That was….a lot. It honestly was so disturbing and scary. It's absolutely insane the way Hydra manufactured her obsession with Bucky. But it's also genius in the sickest way. Because THAT is how you make sure you get a mission done. A teenage crush turned obsession? I mean, have you seen one direction fans back in the day? They were unhinged and could hack anything and that's without training (I was a fan too and I saw it all happen online LMAO). Now we have someone who is a teenage girl with an obsession, who's fucked in the head with all that Hydra manipulation, has super soldier powers, a highly trained assassin and has been made to believe that she can get everything she wants? Who’s stopping that? She makes serial killers look sane. She's been set out to him before anyone even knew she existed. Honestly, that whole thing just had me sitting staring at the wall for a few seconds before I could continue because it's insaneeee. It's so scary, just thinking about someone like her existing in the real world. But that part where she was about to jerk off to Bucky's picture has me laughing and feeling distraught at the same time. But that hint of Bucky being uncomfortable about it followed by Pocket's comment about already sleeping with her, at first I thought he just felt guilty about it but after reading all the parts? A foreshadowing that he's never been comfortable in the first place? I see what you're doing. But god, massacring a whole Hydra base and just the image of her Carrie-style but with a proud grin. Chills. Get her away from me please I'm scared.
(on a side note, Pocket thirsting over Jesus Barnes in Wakanda please BIG MOOD. That really reallyyyyy short clip of him in Infinity War throwing that sack with one hand has me falling in line like, yes sarge, me next please. ANYWAY back to the story)
I'm glad they cleared up that whispering in the conference room when the whole below the paygrade comment. Because people keeping forgetting that were just in Pocket's POV and with that comes some unreliable narrating sometimes because we obviously won't get the full scope of what happened because we're only seeing her thoughts and her perception on the situation. Which is why I always think it's important to think on a broader scale outside what's shown on the text. But god, THAT much money? I'm still heartbroken for Chloe though because she didn't deserve that. But sigh, we just discussed not letting Pocket leave the safe house for her safety and then suddenly we're leaving her alone? Barnes? Really? Have you read any fanfics in your life? Anyway.
That whole commentary about the whole trafficking situation was so spot on. I have nothing else to add to that because you pretty much said it all. It's both sad and so enraging. BUT AH NO. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO LEAVE POCKET SERIOUSLY. But she genuinely did think Dimitri was the least evil of them all so sigh. I already knew where this was going and I already had a hunch who this "Hydra" boss is waiting at the club. But lol the gasp I let out when I read her name. *insert that 'why am I gasping, I already knew that meme' here* Even just that hint of Jordan being so quick and strong since she's a super soldier, it really sets the tone how Pocket really can't get out of this through physical strength. And now the face off begins.
But damn. I honestly didn't think she'd get even crazier yet here we are. I even felt my skin crawl just knowing the amount of time Jerms spied on Bucky, Pocket, and them both together. She's literally been watching their every move even in the confines of their bedroom. And that gives her so much upper hand because all the fights, insecurities, weaknesses, all their trauma and past, what makes them tick as a couple, what breaks them down, she knows it ALL and she's obviously going to use that to her advantage. Well, she did and she did it well. Imagine playing a cheese game with someone who already knows all your moves. How can you win against that? Every time she says she "loves" him I have the urge to throw up. Like girl you don't. You’re obsessed with him. There's a huge difference. And God that she show here obsession and delusion and that really is the best play Pocket could make. Shattering that deranged fairytale she has in her head of Bucky ever wanting her.
That part, where Juno admitting to feeding Bucky all the things she'd been feeding him, especially the degradation parts. When you're so desperate to try and save a relationship, you really do become willing to try anything and take any advice even if it's not the best ones. And like I said many parts ago, she's smart so the way she manipulated Bucky (who's already so insecure and broken and such an easy mind to manipulate) was so calculated that it was always going to be a success.
Which brings me to the infamous video which was without consent, might I add. The way Jayla made it seem in her text when she recounted it Bucky was so far from what actually happened. She really was selling it as if they'd fuck like no tomorrow and Bucky turned into this feral sex god or something. But that's her delusions playing it up, making it seem like it was the best sex ever when in reality, that couldn't have been farther from the truth. That wasn't fucking, hell I don't even know what you call that. I mean, I could be pushing it here so please do correct me if I'm wrong, but that was SA in a way. An unenthusiastic yes is still a no and you could clearly see that Bucky wasn't into it, tried to stop it even. And with men, there's a different dynamic when it comes to SA because of patriarchal standards and toxic masculinity and this misconception that they always want sex etc. And it truly was pathetic on Josef's part claiming that they fucked because, dude, what was that? But it also left a bad taste in my mouth for Bucky. Because what I saw in my head was just him laying there while she took what she wanted, I guess. And yeah, he didn't push her off and there was a part of him that was so hurt and angry thinking that Pocket betrayed him that he wanted to get revenge but even then, he didn't seem that excited on the fact. I mean, the snake had to bring up the articles and Steve over and over and over again because that's the only way she could keep Bucky angry and hurt enough to not protest and just, let things happen. And she was feeding him lies and hitting exactly where it would sting with that purple push up bra because how could she have known that right? In Bucky's head, that was confirmation that she was telling the truth because he didn't know that Jenny had access to footages. She played her game well and she stabbed him exactly on where the stitches are so that was a lost cause on Bucky's part.
And God, I have all my reports saved in one doc and I really did hit it already did I. About me saying how Bucky probably let Russia happen as a way to punish himself too. And that Jayla truly did play into Bucky's insecurities with those articles because what fight does he have against America's Golden Boy? When he already believes Pocket deserves someone better and that someone took form into the person he's insecure about the most? How can you not spiral? I know I'm repeating myself but we truly can't just ignore what Bucky went through with Hydra in all of this. He's got such a fragile mind and self esteem that it's already easy to break him down if you truly think about it. Now, imagine having someone who knows EVERYTHING that made you crumble and has all the ammo and information to be able to say just the right words for you to trust them? And, well, speaking from experience, you really can't know you're being manipulated until you're out of it. I didn't realize how bad my experience was until I retold it to a friend. So I don't Bucky had an ounce of awareness as to what Joanna was doing to his mental state. It was the sickest most calculated thing what she did that I think even the most secure person could feel that security crumble even for a little. Now you have someone who's already fragile and insecure in the first place? He honestly stood no chance.
Obviously, it doesn't take away the fact that Pocket was still hurt and she has every single right to be. But I think she was more hurt that Bucky wasn't secure in their relationship and her love for him rather than the act itself. Because the way it happened really was kind funny and God I cringed at the way Jocelyn took so so long to even get him going and not even get him going at all because Bucky had to think of Pocket to get hard. And he truly only got himself going by imagining it was Pocket. I mean, he had his eyes closed!!! Beyond me how Juan was able to keep going since Bucky was practically screaming someone else's name so fucking obvious and loud and I have no doubt she heard it since she's a super soldier but she's a different level of delusional so I'm not even surprised. Taking what she could get probably.
I can't WAIT to see feral protective Bucky on the next part. And as much as I want to see all the action, I kinda want him to see him be so calm with his confrontation with Jude. Because you know what would truly break that snake? Bucky telling her over and over and over how he could never love someone like her in all the languages and all the phrases he could. Is it evil of me to want him to break her down on a mental level rather than physical? Because to me, that would be a much more worth it revenge with all the emotional and mental abuse she's done on Pocket and Bucky. Because yeah, Pocket saying those things already hit a nerve. Now imagine it coming from Bucky's mouth? The man she claims she "loves"? Either way, I have no doubt you're going to feed us well so I'm going to be happy not matter what happens. I CAN'T WAIT.
— Jnon 🤍
\y Beautiful Jnon,he 'dick-in-the-garbage disposal' line will live rent-free in Bucky's head for the rest of his life, lol. I like to imagine that it's a visual that got Pocket through a lot of tough times. I loved writing their banter (tbh, I love writing banter in general, lol). I just adore seeing them in a little bit of domestic fluff. And .Bucky has definitely seen it all before, lol. Literally nothing Pocket's got going on hasn't been exposed to his... intense scrutiny, lol. When it came to leaving Pocket alone, the safehouse was probably the safest place for Bucky to do it. I mean, Carthage knew about the Wiggle Room, but she didn't know where the safehouse was.
I'm pleased (which is weird to say) that the Hydra footage was disturbing-- it was 100% meant to be. Like, back in the '90s (the glorious '90s, which I miss with every fiber of my being), I was a HUGE Hanson fan. Like, so rabid I look back on it with embarrassment, lol. And I was thinking-- there's no one with greater obsessive focus than a teenage girl with a celebrity crush, you know? And it just kind of made sense to me that Hydra would harness that to ensure the greatest success to assure they get their asset back. And Jade's not a teenager, but she grew up in isolation, without peers her own age, so I see her as emotionally stunted. In a weird way, she has that in common with Pocket. They were both prevented from growing up in the natural order of things so they could serve the agenda of men. They're like two different sides of the same coin. And Bucky was so uncomfortable at the idea of seeing Jade get off to photos of him, because she did, essentially sexually assault him-- he was never comfortable having sex with her, and the idea that she was using his photo for sexual gratification long before he ever knew she existed makes him feel even more violated.
Let us discus Jesus Barnes. Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have had impure thoughts of a man, repeatedly, lol. But for real, if you're not familiar, please check out Rock Me, Sexy Jesus from Hamlet 2, which is literally THE ONLY thing I can think about when I see this:
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Like, turn my water in whine, please. (I'm not even sure how that works as some kind of filthy entendre, but I'mma leave it 'cause I like how it sounds, lol)
I almost didn't include the bit about Bucky telling Pocket what he actually said to Jade during the mission briefing, but I realized I didn't want her thinking he divulged her secrets. He did some shit, but he didn't do that.
Bucky has not read any fanfics in his life, unfortunately, but this just gave me a hilarious idea for a oneshot where Pocket tries to get him riled up by reading a smutty Bucky Barnes fanfic to him, so thank you for that, lol.
Sad part is, Pocket trusted Dimitri. And I think he trusted her, too, which was why he was so betrayed when he found out she wasn't who she said she was. I did need Bucky to leave Pocket alone, but in his defense, the safehouse was the safest place he could have left her. I mean, Jade knew about the Wiggle Room, knew that she would be working there, but she didn't know where the safehouse location was. So, it seemed liked the safest place at the time, and it would have been if Dimitri hadn't shown up for her. Everyone wanted Pocket to kick Jade's ass, and I wanted it, too, but Jade's always been too strong and fast. All Pocket could use to beat her is her wits.
Having her spy on Bucky and Pocket was actually a late addition to the narrative, and I'm so glad I included it, because it really cements how messed up she is. And it gave her so much ammo to use against them. They really did not stand a chance with her having all that access. (Also, I know you meant "chess game," but you wrote "cheese game" and I am in so in love with that, I'm going to pretend you did it on purpose, lol). I also wanted to show that Jade wasn't just crazy, but she was smart, too, and resourceful, which is what makes her so much more dangerous.
And you're not wrong-- the Russia incident bordered on sexual assault. I don't think he would ever see it like that, being a man from the '40s, but it was. An unenthusiastic yes is just as bad as a no. She pushed and manipulated him so badly, he really had no chance. And once she brought up that purple push up bra? It was over. Without knowing she'd been spying, how could he not believe her?
I'm dying to hear your thoughts about Chapter 28! I can't wait! Love you!
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vtforpedro · 9 months
long life update - TWs in tags
It feels like it's been ages. I'm so exhausted and in a lot of physical pain. Going on two months of it being the worst it's been right after a couple of months of the best it's been. Chronic pain + grief + trying to get help from doctors who should have their licenses revoked + dealing with a shit relationship with my mom + a good, decades-long friendship ending + the ongoing disability process with the SSA + LAW FIRMS.
I'm so fucking tired. I don't remember if I updated that the appeals council decided not to review my case because the 'judge followed the law' except that he didn't. So, as it turns out, my original attorney (and he did not tell me this) before he left, wrote that if they denied me, it should go to federal district court.
I'm now working with a NY law firm to take my case to federal court because my current law firm believes it has merit, and I guess they do, too. That's how fucked the decision was, and I'm glad my initial reaction of bewilderment and anger was spot on lol
The good news is, it should only take another year! ._.
My neurologist is the worst doctor I have ever come across and I'm quite literally stuck with him with nowhere else to go. I wish him upon no one. I'm so tired of calling the SSA, getting documents to them, signing things for law firms, contacting law firms, getting no responses, and contacting them all over and over again. I am in incredible physical pain, like this actively makes my neuro stuff worse. Everything makes it worse. I have autonomic testing in a few days, and idk if I'll get through it b/c I have to stop the meds that keep me out of the ER two days prior, and it scares me.
My relationship with my mom is fractured and I don't feel like family therapy is actually helping. I had to end a friendship with someone I love and care very much about but who was growing too comfortable mistreating me and I was giving them too many passes 😞 I've known them for the better part of two decades.
It's been over seven months since my cat Isis died. I don't know how. It feels like she was here just yesterday. Yet, all the nights I've sat and talked to her and wept are all too real. I miss her more than I can say. She was my soul cat. I keep thinking about tomorrow and how she'd be so nosy getting into EVERYthing when gifts are opened at Christmas. Having to stop her, move her, laugh because she was just so n o s y and it was hilarious. And she's not gonna be here for that ever again.
I'm having a really fucking hard time tonight. It's just hitting me how god-awful this year has been and how I have a bad week to look forward to before even getting to the new year lmao I have to stop taking so many of my medications 48hrs before 1.5-2hrs of testing to see if we can find out Yet Another Thing Wrong With Me but knowing my luck it'll be 'no findings' and the mystery of why my core body temp plummets to 93.9 in the blink of an eye won't be solved until I have suffered juuuuust enough.
It never ends. Never. I want to give up. I'm so tired of doing this. I don't want to anymore. It never. fucking. ends.
I absolutely cannot say it's all been bad, though. I've met incredible, warm, welcoming, giving, kind people this year. Y'all have helped me more than you know and I'm so so so lucky to be able to call you my friends. This year has sucked for so many of us, but I want to say I'm proud of you, and I love you all very much.
My fic is gonna be printed in a hardcover zine early next year. I participated in a Big Bang for the first time and that'll also go out early next year. I'm hosting a tiny event in my tiny fandom server that I'm super excited about. I have a raffle prize to write (bagginshield !!!! SO EXCITED to revisit the og otp) and a Valentine's gift to write for another fandom.
I posted 401,000 words this year and wrote many more unfinished wips, plus a long one (90k) that I am very invested in finishing.
I painted and drew so much this year. I improved a lot, too! I got a couple of portraits printed from inprnt to see how they looked, and it was MY art, and they were GORGEOUS. I thought I would hate seeing my art professionally printed, but no! I almost cried. They looked so lovely.
My cat Lilly had health issues almost immediately following Isis's passing, but she is doing so well right now. She's blossomed into another cat, and while she's not my constant companion, she is with me so much more than she used to be. When she walks onto my desk I am to stop everything and hold her like baby in my arms until she decides that's enough (or I really need to move) lmaaao she's such a goober. My heart cat. <3
I'm not doing well right now--my MH is bad. Especially tonight. But it felt good to write the good things.
I'm sorry for my lack of replies and kinda disappearing. I'm running on fumes. I hope next year will bring physical relief so emotional relief can happen.
For those of you facing difficulties of any kind, I am holding your hand in spirit.
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